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PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY '1 S. W. pARTRIDGE & ^-a 8*9 Paternoster f{)0W' TONDON. POPULAR BIOGRAPHIER. Crown 8vo., 160 pages. Handsomely bound in clo^h extra, Is 6d each. JEW VOLUMES. GENERAL (jrv-xiDON, the Christian Soldier and Hero. By G. ftarnett Smith, author of Sir John Franklin," etc. WILLIAM TYNDALE, the Translator of the English Bible. By G. Barnett Smith. 33 other volumes uniform in style and price. THE WORLD'S WONDER SERIES. A new Series of popular Books, treating of the present day. WONDERS OF SCIENCE AND ART. Crown 8vo,, 160 pages, illustrated. Handsomely cloth cover, Is 6d each. NEW VOLUMES. II IN EES AND THEIR WORKS UNDER- GROUND. By F. M. Holmes, author of 44 Engineers and their triumphs." TRIUMPHS OF THE PRINTING PRESS. By Walter Jerrald, author of Electricians and their Marvels." 7 other volumes uniform in style and price. Full list on application. I" "CHEMISTS AND THEIR WON- DERS," BY F, M. HOLMES. NATURALISTS AND THEIR INVESTIGATIONS," BY I GEORGE DAY. F.R.M.S. ASTRONOMERS AND THEIR OBSERVATIONS," BY LUCY TAYLOR. CELEBRATED MFCHANICS, AND THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS. t BY F. At HOLMES. ENGINEERS AND THEIR TRIUMPHS. BY F. M. HOLMES. ELECTR] CJANS~AND THEIR MAHCR. BY WALTER JERROLD. NATIONALISTS AND THEIR INVESTIGATIONS. BY GEORGE DAY, F.E.M.S. MISSIONARY HEROINES IN EASTERN LANDS J BY MRS E. R. PITMAN. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GEORGE NEWJfflS, JIMITED, gOUTHAMPTON gTREEr, STRAND, T ONDON. THE R-UBIES OF RAJMAR OR MRCHARLECOTES' DAUGHTERS. A ROMANCE. BY MRS EGERTON EASTWICK (PLEYDELL NORTH). Crown 8vo. OLOTH, 38 6d: ROST FREE, 3o 9d. ONLY A WOMAN'S HEART. The Story of a Woman's Love: A Woman's Sorrow. BY J. E. MUDDOCK. Second Thousand'. MEMOIRS OF A MOTHER-IN- LAW. BY GEORGE R. SIMS. Sixth Thousand. CLOTH 2s 6d; POST FREE, 2s 9d. "This is a pleasant sample of Dagonet'a' semi- humoreus writings. He has a peculiar talent of finding amusement in experiences relating to dwell- ings, servants, shopkaepers, tradespeople, and other folk connected with the domestic household, and the 'Mother -in-Law' in his new book deals in ff very masterful way with aU the foregoing subjects, and many more besides. The lady has a mind and way of her own, her mood is the imperative, and what she t eays and dees as guardian, not only of her own but of If her son-in-law's house, is spiritedly told by Mr Suns, t especially in the earlier chapters. — ireeman s I Journal." t': THE ROMANCE OF HISTORY. :BY HERBEBTi GREENHOUGH SMITH. 292 pp, crown 8vo. CLOTH, 3s 6d; POST FREE, 38 9d. t A series of graphic sketches of the leading incidents I In the lives of Masaniello, Prince Rupert, Marino S Faliero, Bayard, Lithgow, Jacqueline de Laguette, I Vidocq, Lochiel, Casanova. The volume is pnnted o». L antique paper, and bound in old style with uncut i edges. _—— [ TEE STORY OF PRIMITIVE MAN. f WITH 88 ILLUSTRATIONS, p BT I EDWARD CLODD, C Author of I* ««T lE^f STORY OF f CREATION." &c. PRICE Is., POST FREE, Is £ d. THE STORY OF THE PLANTS. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. I BY GRANT ALLEN. PRICE Is; POST FREE, Is 2d. ~TRE BEECHCOU RT MYSTERY. BY CARLTON STRANGE. R CE 3s. 6D.; POST I FREE, 3s 9D. WII) 3ne will begin the book without finishing it." —"Manchester Courier.j' ,„ ..T. 1 F U A. Dorel and well-constructed plot. —"Livercool rt "o, ft 11. SOTJSHAMPTON ISTEEET, STRAND LONDON, W.C. PUBLISHERS' COLUMN (Continued.) BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO AND WINDUS 215 "piCCADILLY* T ONDON, W. "RHODA ROBERTS," A Welsh Mining Story, HARRY ^LINDSAY, Author of CARTWRIGHT'S WILL," BROKEN HFARTT, &c; T>RICK- Ar" BOOKS PUBLISHED BY WARD, LOCK, B OWDEN, AND CO., W ARWICH JJOUSE, SALISBURY gQUARE, .1 LONDON" E.C. BEETON'S NEW "ALL ABOUT GARDENING," A Popular Dictionary of Garden Work Containing— Full and Comprehensive Practical Details' and Exhaustive Instructions In thai various branchc ■ of Horticultural Science. JENTIRELY NEW EDITION. Re~ written, Revised, Re-arranged, and Extended To meet; The Requirements of the Present Time, In the Flower Garden, Kitchen Garden, and Orchard. With 550 Illustrations. PRICE: 2s. 6P. ? THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE DEVIL, BY GUY BOOTHBY, Author of In Strange Company A bid for y I Fortune;" "Dr Nikola," &c. Illustrated by Stanley L. Wood. t Price 58. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1894. PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE^PARISH COUNCILS ACT, k§L With rules for Nominations and Elections by A. H. GRAHAM and SPENCER BROADr j HURST (Barristers-at-Law). 75th Thousand.-380 Pages. i Priee One Shilling. e BOOKS PUBISHED BY J It W ARROWSMITH, B RISTOL. "THE DANCE AT THE FOUR CORNERS," BY G. B. BURGIN, Author of "HIS LORDSHIP," ETC., ETC. PRICE: ONE SHILLING. "PETER STEELE, THE CRICKETER," BY HORACE G. HUTCHINSON, Author of CREATURES OF CIRCUMSTANCES, "HINTS ON GOLF,' Etc., Etc. PRICE: 38 6P1 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY JJUDALL, CARTE AND QO., gg RERNERS STREET, QXFORD STREET, W, ió "THE MILITARY BAND," How to form, train and arrange for REED AND BRASS BANDS, BY LIEUT. SAMUEL CHARLES GRIF- FITHS, HON. R.A.M-, D rector of Music, Royal Military School of Music, Knells Hall. Homslow. PRICE: FIVE HILLING8 BOOKS PUBLISHED" BY STEPHENS AND SONS, LIMITED, 119/120, CE[ANCERY L ANE, T ONDON. I A DIGEST OF THE LAW BBLATZKC V DISTRICT COUNCILS, SO FAR AS BEQABES THB Constitution, Powers, and Duties of such Councils (including Municipal Cor- porations) in the matter of Public Health & Local Government, BY GEO. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S, Barrister-at-law. NINTH EDITIJON." PRICE, 108. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY w ILLIAM J^LACKWOOD & gONS,, I pDLSTBURGH AND f ONDON. .I'A J THE BIBLE AND THE EAST, BY 0. R. CONDER, LT. COL., R.E., LL.D., D.C.L., M.R.AS., Author of Tent Work in Palestine," etc. With Illustration and a Map. Crown 8vo., 5s. SWAN gONNENSCHEIN, & ^JO., L TD., p ATERNOSTER gQUARE, T ONDON. "PROS AND CONS." A newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day (Political, Social, Religious, &c.). EDITED BY JOHN BERTRAM ASKEW. Price: One Shilling net. "A HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF WALES," BY THE REV HENRY WILLIAM CLARKE, B.A. [ Price: Two Shillings* J'HE j RELIGIOUS r|>EACT ^OCIETY, v 56, PATERNOSTEE ROW, LONDON, E.C. u ROBERT WHITAKER MoALL," Founder of the McATl Mission in Paris. A Fragment by himsrif, and Souvenir by his Wife. With Portrait. Facsimile, and Ulustra- tiona. 68 CLOTH BOARDS. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY To Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging-house keepers, and others, in sums of £ 10 up to jEoOO, ON BORROWERS' OWN NOTE OF HAND, without sureties, at much lower rates than usually charged. Repayments arranged to meet Borrow- ers' requirements. Extensive business done for 25 years past. NO BILLS OF SALB ?AKEN. For prospectus and terms apply personally or write to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, Crescent Road, Rhyl. Head Office:- 20, Kennedy Street, Manchester. Established 1870. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. r HE CHARING CROSS BANK Established I 1870), 28, Bedford street, Charing Cross, London, W.C. Assets £ 512.475 18 2 Liabilities. 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve 303.000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Notes Loans of X30 to £2,(1(10 granted at a few hours notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal: also on deeds, policies, and reversions, stocks, shares, and merchandise of every description. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. Two and a half per cent, interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances of Current Accounts when not drawn below jE20 Deposits of j610 and upwards received on terms as under: 4 per cent. per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 5 n » 5 6 „ 11 12 Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly, free of Income Tax. Depositors have no liability whatever, and are amply secured. Write or call for prospectus. A WILLIAMS. Manager CYMUIJ FYDD, CYMRU RYDD, BY A CELT. \C O N TEN T S:- CHAPTER. I. TLe Present Outlook—Three Oppressions. CHAPTER II. Language anc3 Nationality. CHAPTER ID. Education and Culture. CHAPTER IV. Labour Interests. CHAPTER V. Development. CHAPTER VI. Social Relations. CHAPTER VII. Politics. CHAPTER VIII. Organisation. CHAPTER IX. Cymru Fydd and Religion. CHAPTER X. The Celt and his Mission. PRICE SIXPENCE. Post Free 7jd, from the Welsh National Press Company, Limited Carnarvon. PRICE. 68 ad. EVEK!f MAIN'S OWN LAWYER: A HANDY B(TOK OF THE PRINCIPLES OF LAW AND EQUITY By a BARRISTER. Comprising :—The Rights and Wrongs of Indi- viduals, Landlord and Tenant, Vendors and Pur- chasers, Leases and Mortgages, Principal and Agent, Partnership and Companies, Masters, Servants, and Workmen, Contracts and Agree- ments, Borrowers, Lenders, and Sureties, Sale and Purchase of Goods, Cheques, Bills and Notes, Bills of Sale, Bankruptcy, Railway and Shipping Law, Life, Fire, and Marine Insurance, Accident and Fidelity Insurance, Libel and Slander, Criminal Law, Parliamentary Elections, County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils, Municipal Cor- porations, Public Health and Nuisances, Copy- right, Patents, Trade Marks, Husband and Wife, Divorce, Infancy, Custody of Children, Trustees and Executors, Clergy, Churchwardens, &c., Game Laws and Sporting, Innkeepers, horses and Dogs, Taxes and Dealh Duties. Forms of Wills, Agreements, Notices, &c. 32nd Edition, carefully revised and enlarged, including the Legislation of 1894, to which is now added a CONCISE DICTIONARY OF LEGAL TERMS. CROsBy LOCKWOOD & SON, LONDON TOOTHACH E CURED INSrTANTLY BY in Prevents Decay, avea PJTN1T K S Extraction, IJ U 1 I j I» kJ Sleepless Nights Prevented. NeuralgicHeadeache and Nerve -jv-r < > -r-r-r \r~r-\ Pains removed by 3unter's l\ H E k V I P Nervine Of all Chemists, Is ljd. -L lJ Owing to the extensive decay in two double teeth I suffered for days excruciating pain. I was recom- mended to trv Bunter's > evice. I did so. To my joy, the pain quickly and entirely ceased. I have since repeatedly derived thegreatest possiblerelief in severe neuralgic headache frl m four to five drops of Bunter's Nervine,taken upon a lump of white mgar"- Rev Anbury C. Price, B.A. (late Fellow of New College. Oxford). YN AWH. YN BAROD. YMSON U 1- l' SEF CASGLIAD 0 DDARNAU BARDDONOL QAN T PARCH J. J. ROBERTS. (IQIO Caernarfon J, PORTHMADOG OYNWYSUD. Ardderchog lu y merthyri, Y Diwygiad. Yr Anturiaethwr. Mabinogion. Y Disgybl Fardd ar 3ader Id is.r t Y Tymmhorau. Roger Williams. Fwy a a droSOlu ni. A Duw a ddywedodd bydded. gm A mi mewn myfyr fel mewn hun. ™ Y bwriad trancedig. < Y rhai a hunasant. t UeIhr; ei gael gan y Llyfrwerthwyr, neu yn unionpyrchol o'r Swyddfa hon. Pris Swltt. reii roxt Is He. ¡. PENNYP,OYAL UiUSSHSUUS FOR FEMALES. IQVICXLT OOSUOC AZX IBBXOnUjaKDUb UKOT1 AU. I OBffrBTTcnoNS, and rdWve the dittrtafmg tymptom* «l I prevalent with the sex. Boxes, 1/11 ft 2/9 (the latter contain*! (three times tbe quantity), of all Chemist8, or will be «entl aywheM. on Moeipt of 15 or at 8tØlP8t by the IIùa- t D*M' i s, I TRILOGY OF BOOKS ABOUT IJ8 HISTORY, LEGENDS, FOLK- Bi MAETr> TREVELYAN. L Dedicated by gracxtmt permission to Her Royal Highness The Duchess qf York. GLIMPSES OF WELSH LIFE AND CHARAC- TER. Crown 8vo. 408 pages, vellum cloth, illuminated, price 6a.; gilt edges, &. 6d. "There are stories of ancient supersti- tions and customs, of poets and musicians, of pioneers of dissent, of eccentric persons, of folk-loreand ghosts, some of which are new to us, and, new or old, are told in a spirited style. Spirited also are the pictures of religious festivals, of the old Welsh Tory Gentleman, the Welsh farmer, the hiring fair, the Eisteddfod, and other national products and institutions."—Sa»a5t £ uy Review. Glimpses of Welsh Life and Character' has been a theme of admiring conversation since the first day of its appearance. Western Mail, Cardiff. No longer can it be said that' gallant little Wales' is without its historian. Altogether a delightful book. "-Brighton Herald. II. Dedicated by permission to the Right Honblt. Lord Windsor, Lord Lieutenant of Glamorganshire. FROM SNOWDON TO THE SEA: Stirring Stories of North and South Wales. Crown 8vo. 432 pages, clotb, emblazoned, price 68. gilt edges, 6s. 6d. This is one of the best collections of Welsh tales we have yet seen. It is a book which every lover of romance should purchase. Newcastle Chronicle. Rich in the traditions, folk-lore, and romances which have been woven into stories by this able authoress." -SheffiMd Independent. The stories are told with much patriotic en- thusiasm, and are gay with a local colour, which adds greatly to their realism. "-Bradford Observer. "These tales have the additional merit of being a real contribution to an understanding of Wales and its people. "-Newcastle Leader. III. Dedicated to the Immortal Memory or Llewelyn ap Oruffydd, last Native Prince of Wales. THE LAND OF ARTHUR: Its He-oes I and Heroines. Crown 8vo. 440 pages, cloth, illuminated, price 6s.; gilt edges,. 6a. 6a. "We warmly commend the book. Get it at once. It is as interesting as a fine novel, and in. finitely more instructive. Here is a text-book for day schools on Welsh patriots and warriors. Let the Cymru Fydd' Society help its circulation beyond the Principality. The work will teach the fta-rpn that the Celts are the original inheritors of this country-the grand old Britons."—Dundee Courier. There is much that othen besides historical students will find of interest in this popular ac- count of the early annals of the Principality. ^fiever deficient in spirit and colour."—Glasgow Herald. This volume completes the Trilogy of books about Wales, and all readers of 'Glimpses of Welsh life and Character,' and From Snowdon to the Sea,' will promptly avail themselves of the opportunity to renew acquaintance with an author iraoae intense enthusiasm and wide range of his- torical and traditionary lore are matched by a singularly fascinating and picturesque style."— Manchester Courier. Any one who has read and loved Georee Borrow s works will find in Miss Trevelyan's books the record of a later Wales up to date. She has a keen and enthusiastic eye for looal character and tradition."—To-Day. Marie Trevelyan has again shown her anxiety to celebrate, in a fitting style, the notable per. sonages and incidents of the earlier history of Wales." Brighton Herald. "Full of old-world romance and chivalry. — Christian WMd. "Miss Trevelyan writes gracemily, and this is a book that on its merits will co'Tii.iend itself not only to West Britons,' but. to Britons in the widest sense—whether of Celtic. Saxon, or Norse descent.Aberdeen Daily Free. Press. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, H. R. H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES, H R. H. THE DUCHESS OF YORK, H. R. H. THE DUCHESS OF TECK, Have been graciously pleased to accept copies of gm above three books. London: JOHN HOGG. 13. Paternoster Row. B.C. ELOCUTION & ORATORY: DESIGNED FOR CLASSES AND PRI- VATE STUDENTS. BY THE REV T. C. EDWARDS, D.D., Professor of Elocution. 2s 6d, post free is 9d. CONTENTS: How to Say. Questions and Answers. Breathing Exercises. Articulation. Vocal Fxercises. Vocal Forms. Gesture. Reading Poetry Reading the Bible. Hymn Heading. Dramatic Selections. Oratorical Selections. MiscellaneousSelections. -y j As supplied to funfaltf/ and elite of Euro;)" THE BELL AMERICAN ORGANS AND PIANOFORTES ARE LEADING HIGH-CLASS INSTRUMENTS. I CATALOGUES SENT FREE ON A'PPLICATION INSPECTION LWITED 13 4 lot' 1 fHE BELL ORGAN AND PIANO 00. LIMITED 49 HOLBORN VIIDUC,R, LON DON. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT m THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY CSE. THE PILLS purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the internal organs, and are invaluib in all complaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMKNT is the mo3t reliable Remedy for Chest and Throat Afecti.p, Rheu- matism, Stiff Joints, Old Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, and all Skin Diseases. Manufactured! only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N.B. Advifce gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE DAIRY FARMER. ESTABLISHED 2844. {MONDAY, PRICE lnj THB AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE has for many years, by consent of all, stood at the heid of the AOTionltural Press. It is unequaled as a high-class Farmer's paper, while tiie price -Twopence weekly, or rS I.w tod for a whole vear—places it within the reach of all Farmers. Ui*r(Ld verv extensively in all parts of the United Kingdom, aa well as throughout! the Colonies and oriSi SuntriL and the following extracts from letters show how highly it is valued b-.ifca Subscribers The best example of a good agricultural paper we h^e ever seen -Momtng Post. I attribute whatever success I have had to reading the A. fx. H. T} The most useful paper I have ever read. JLTUn'i t « r I will take it as long as I live. It is the best paper published. —3. 8, B. »I am trulv sorrv I did not take the Gazette years ago as am quite certain^* -vould Have raved me undsT No farmer should be without it. tf. h IC. Contains a i?reat deal of useful informatio.i. I. I am highly pleased with the paper."—W. K. 441 like the Gazette best of all farm papere. —H. 1* II I find it very interesting and instructive." -G. K. S. FORM OF SUBSCRIPTION. V lo VINTON & Co., Limited. 9, New Brdge Street, Ludgite Circus London ..Ci Please send me the 44 AGRICULTURAL GAZETLTE for months, coinxneuoing or which > s. d. _— TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. > .7 *Q. iQd 6 Months, 5B bd 3 Months> 2s 9d. Four weeks for Trial, Po*t free f<jr ia'I i -V-I>r. Chwuw. >- »« to mt ■ J « Co.. U. TATENTS^L>^IGNS & TRADE MIRKS ,„™„V CONDUCTED BY PATENT SOLICITOR AND LATE EXA WINER JS AGENCY COI<UU^1HEE MAJESTY'S PATENT OFFICE, A DVIOE GRA.TIS on all subjects connects i with the above on receipt of stamped addressed OBTAINED—British, Colonial and Fore*gnm the shoortest time consiitent with safety. ^iWTNGS OF MACHINERY, &c.,made fr no the loughest sketches. SUITABLE TRADE-MARKS SUGGESTED, carefully drawn and engraved for Registrati a at dome and Abro^g IN lq^j)ON andall parts of the world for the Purchase and Sale or placir on Royalty 0 ^TS^T^onJ^thwideveloped ideas are advised to communicate at oncp, when reliable opinion asjto oovel^Ube ^ly given,anf much trouble, expense and ^appointment saved. At>DRESS- M A N A G0^FICK OF THEJ JO JRNAL INVENTION.' FLEET STREET f.ov^ois, =- PWYSIG I BAWB. Y Lie Goreu am bob math o Argraphu yw SWYDDFA'R GENEDL, CAERNARFON I DRUNKENNESS CURED ) WITHOUT the knowledge of the Patient* It r f is the most certain and inexpensive Oure. It is perfectly harmless, and tasteless if given in a cup of tea, coffee, or any food. It never fails. It has cured and restored happiness in thousands of families. It cures cases of however long Istandirg in men or women. Remedy sent for 1 s 3d, poet free. Mf DEACON, Medical Botanist, t 71, St. Germain's Road, Forest Hill, Londor, E.O. — y fitat um a o reL.4 461 0 stfDD IACHAOL DAI CARN, YR Ell CRIFF*ITIJ OWIEIV WERTM TA I R 3 6,1 -iryFif ERIA lu rcil AR &ENZA LLANBERIS. is lid CxltEAT CO 01? 1() -UCX]A CU.Bll A 1'EX BO'.rTLSCURESQ, CAe" E