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SKLV CURE—NEW DIcnVb;Ri. VfERVOUS WEAKNESS.—Surprising Cure.— ll A gentleman, recently cured. after many years' suffering from Nervo;s De'ifitv, Melancholy, Sleep- lessness. Forgetfulness, Tremv ':iitr, Numbness.' Func- tional Weakness, Unpleasant r(-ryi- Dim Sight, Frtintness. Palpitation, &c., will in ¡:,r:: Sufferers free how lie was cured. F. L icol, Esq 221. Queer, s Road, Palston. London, E.C. COLD IN THE HEAD. CATARRH. INFLUENZA, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, NEURALGA. ALL who suffer from above complaints should send at once for one of onr CATARTRHINK SMELLING BOTTLE. It will c-ive relief in a few minutes. After vou are cured it can be used a, a Ordinary Smelling Bottle. Free by post for 14 stamps. Agents Wanted. FORD AND ROSS, 58. BLESSINGTON ROAD, LIVERPOOL BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS. THE GREAT REMEDY for GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA and LUMBAGO. The excruciating pain itj quickly relieved and cuved in a few days by this celebrated Medicine. These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attackingand vital part. Sold by all Chemists at i Is 1 d. & 2s. 9d, per box. A PHYSICIAN'S GIFT. NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED. READ THIS. A new Medical Work, on the causes o Debility and Premature De- cline in youth, with instructions where- by the following Maladies may be speedily cured: Nervous Prostration. Palpitation of the Heart, Dizziness, Noises in the Head and Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite, indigestion, Incapacity for Study or Business, Lassitude, Mental and Physical De- pression, Impaired Sight and M :mory, Nervous Fancies, Impoverished Biood, Nervous Debility, Trembling oi Hands, J>ains in the Back, Unfieshing eiieep, ^Specks before the Eyes, &e. BBNT TO ALL PARTS FREE FOR TWO STAMPS. Address, SECRETARY,7. TAVISTOOK ST., BKDFOILD SQ., LONDON, W. HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. Treatment by Magnetism effectually surperseJes the use of tonics. It invigorates and nourishes so that tit- laess tor wurk is obtained .while in work. Odo-inv.gnet- ism naturally co-operates with all the forces of the phy- sieal economy, imparting new life and restoring health and vigttur. Mr ALLEN, jun., 40, Arthur Street, i>eit.ist will send, post free, on application, Free Consultation Fonu with other particulars, and a private list of I txtJ refeioes (including clergymen of all denominations and othti names eminent in Art, Literature, aiid Science) certifying to the success of the Magneto-Electric treat- ment of Mr Copaon G irratt (the Medical Hleetrieian, London) for the attainment and preservation of heaiih and iliti prevention and cure of various forms of disease. Ail vice aw1 consultation given, personally or by letter, free of charge Mr Garratt carefully studies each case beparateiy, it:i wixcu in any instance he considers his treat (ieul would not be efficacious he will say so. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for Headaches. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for Indigestion. KEKNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for Biliousness. KBRNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for the Liver. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for Debility. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS for Costiveness. KBRNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS Are easy to Swallow, being Very Small. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES Are the most Efficacious Remedy for Worms KBRNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES Are Perfectly Harmless for Children KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS AND WORM LOZENGES are free from Mercury. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS AND WORM LOZENGES are Sold by all Chemists in 7gd, Is ljd, and 2s 9d, boxes. Or direct of the Sole Proprietors, KERNICK & SON, Wholesale Druggists. 5, St. John's Square, Cardiff. RHEUMATISM PULLED UP BY THE ROOTS! THE BLOOD IS THE TRUE VEHICLE OF RHEUMATISM. I i, r#vf 3 -r V V?* 4 t K MANX SHRUB taken asan AFTER-MEAL TONIC*. WASHES and FRESHENS the WFOLE BODTCNSID K,TH ROUGH THK RLOOD, just as the ,CLEAR BRIGHT MANX 'SE,A washes and freshens the body outside. MANX SHRUB being a delicate preparation, made with the most perfect chemical exactitude, from the shrubs of a healthy land, is Nature's own Drench, which m< st certainly washes out of the system all the tortures of the Rheumatic Tribe-such as Face Aches, most Headaches Tic, Neu- ralgia, Lumbago, Sciaticia. Testimonial*. &c., from the sole manufacturers :-The MANX SHRUB CO .inver- sion, laneq shire; depot, Rams-iv, Isle of Man sold in bottles at 2s 9d and 4s 6d by all Chemists. W If any difficulty is found in obtaining this Valuable Remedy from Chemists, it will be forwarded direct from Ulverston by the Company, free by post for 33 or 54 stamps. THE BEST & MOST EFFECTUAL MEDICINE for Preserving Good Health and "Prime Conditions in HORSES and NEAT CATTLE is CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION BALLS FOR HORS ES, at a less cost than usual, because by the action of the Balls the digestive organs are enabled to convert every particle of food to the support of the animal. As a proof, the Champion Srallion, "ENTER- PRIZE OF CANNOCK," took Three Prizes at, the English Cart Horse Society, held at.the Agricultural Hall, Islington, Feby. 1884, value £ 198 10s Od. Two other horses also took prizes, and the Fine Condition of three was (Mr HENRY R. HART writes), obtain- ed by the use of Cupiss's Constitution Balls. TYFRY, MENAI BRIDGE, ANGLESEY, May 23rd, 1884 DBAB Sir,—I beg to thank you very much for your ■valuable advice respecting my Cart Mare, &c., and -we. shall at once adopt your treatment. You are at perfect liberty to make any use you think well of my letter. Having used your CONSTITU- TION BALLS for nearly thirty years to Horses and Neat Caktle, it is only simple truth and justice to-say, a aafer or more efficacious Medicine for Horses and tattle cannot be purchased. It cannot be too exten- sively known for I am positive every persons that jrives it a fair tried will never d scontinue using your Balls as occasion may require. Yours truly, WM. EVANS, FOR NEAT CATTLE they are a most valuable Medicine in case of Hove or Blown, Hide Bound. Loss of Appetite, Distemper, or Influenza. Bullocks fatten much faster at a less cost by'occasion- ally giving a Ball. The BALLS are Prepared by the Proprietor, FRANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C.V.S., DISS, NORFOLK, Author of the PRIZE ESSAY on the Diseases of the Liver of the Horse.. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in fackets with directions at 3s 6d, and Is 9d, each ir 7 large Packets for ONE GuIXEÁ or 7 small for HALF-A-GUINEA. PcrsoW tuixq the Balls may consult the proprietor free THE ANTHEMIC HOP PILLOW A wonderful Remedy for SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. A CKNOWLEDGED by the highest Medical authority to be unique in its action, certain in its effect, and one of the greatest boons known to modern times. Noxious sleeping draughts with their effects, in fact, sedatives of ov:-ry kind, can new be dispensed with, THE HOP PILLOW supplying their p1aGóJ by giving sound and NATURAL SLEEP, stimulating the brain, invigorating and strengthening the nervous system, and bringing back that vjtal power which was thought to be irretrievably lost. Sent free on receipt of P.O.O. or stamps for 7s 6d or 10s 6d, Please address DEPARTMENT G.W.O. C. W. WESTON, THE LONDON & COUNTY MEDICAL DRUG Co., 4, Bury Court, St. Mary's Axe, London. -I .I I k I A This Ointment is confidently re- commended as an old, tried and successfztl remedy for Scurvy,Scro- fula, Glandular Swellings, Ring- worm, Old Wounds, Ulcerated Legs, Scald Heads, Blotches on the Facc and Body St Anthony's Fire, Burn-, Chilblains, Bruises. Piles, Fistuia, Rheumatism, Bunions, etc. It will soon heal up the most obstinate Eruption of the Skin of every kind. No family should be without it. Please note the Trade Mark Label ou each j'ot. Soi l by ad Chemists, in Pots only, mice 7$d, is l^d, and 2s 9d. For Scrofula, Scurvy, ulcerated Legs, Erysipelas, Blotches on the Face, Eruptions on the Body, Piles, Fistulas, Glandular Swellings, etc., etc. They may be taken by per- sous of either sex, are Tonic and Invigorating, and acting on the secretions, 'hey are a truly valuable Blood Purilier. and may be used in conjunction N%ith tne NO NAME OINTMENT in any of the above Diseases. Dose- Two or Ihrte every Night at Bedtime. Sold in Boxes by all Chemists, prices 7i>3s lid, and 2s 9d. S; le Proprietor — J. WHITEHOUSE, 94, DERITENO, BIRMINGHAM. CURE FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. NO MORE SUFFERING THE Discovery of this Ointment has proved an invaluable boon to thousands of suffeiers; when rubbed over r near the seat of suffering, its rare Balfiimic properties a e conveyed to ;very part. Thu" it heals inward wounds and ulcers of the Stomach, Bowels or Womb, strengthens the spinal marrow in cases of nervous weakness and depression, and all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest. No invalid nee i despair of Cure, whilst this Ointment can be obtained. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND NEURALGIA. These truly formidable and dreaded diseases, with nocturnal spasms, nervous twitcbings, muscular cramps, and sciatica, will yield, when treated by this Ointment. It is most important that the Ointment be thoroughly and effectually conveyed through the pores of the skin to the affected parts, upon which it will bring its soothing influence to bear, and thus produce ease, comfort, and security. The Pills should also be taken in appropriate doses to lessen the inflamation, and to purify the blood. BAD LEGS. BAD BREASTS. OLD BOUNDS AND ULCERATIONS OF ALL KINDS, The applications of the Ointment heals in a remarkable manner, every kind of Ulceration, softens the stiff or contracted tissues, causes "proud" flesh to disappear, and foul and loathsome discharges to become converted into healthy healing surfaces; and these ejects are not temporary, but are radical and permanent. SCROFULA AND OLl» SKIN DISEASES, This Ointmeut is a certain remedy for all diseases of the skin, whether simple or complicated Scurvy, ringworm, blotches, pimples, am ether cutaneous disorders, are at once eradicated by this invaluable Unguent. Sold at Professor Holloway's E-tablisement, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford -t ), London also by nearly every resectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, if. Boxes and Pots, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6c, lis, 22s, and ;i38 each. Fuil printed directions are affixed to each pot and box, and can he had in any language N.B. -Advice Gratis, ut the above address, daily between the hours of 11 nud 4, or by letter. gMITH'S WEED KILLER. A TRUE GARDEN EIZS' FRIEND, HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS. FOR DESTROYING WEEDS, MOSS, DANDELIONS, &c., &c., on garden walks, carriage drives, stable yards, churchyard paths, &c. Prices and full particulars on application to the Sole Manufacturer, MARK SMITH, Manufacturing Chemist, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE. f STALLIONS AND FOALING ¡ MAHES. SPECIAL SHORT TERM INSURANCES Are effected at Low Rates for the Season by the HORSE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. CHIEF OFFICE:—17. QUEEN VIC- TORIA ST., LONDON, E.C. A. WATERS, Secretary. The Oldest Ofiice in the United, Kingdom, for insurance of Hones & Catt'e. CORPULENCY.-Recipe aud notes how to harmlessly, effectually, and rapidly cur6 obesity without semi-sti.rvation dietary, etc. European Mail, Oct. 24th, says, "Its effect is not merely to reduce the amount of fat, but by affecting the source of obesity to induce a radical cure of the disease." Book 100 pages (8 stamps), F. C. RUSSELL, p Woburn House, 27, Store st., Bedford-sq., London, W.C. "VTERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS of VITAL J..1 POWER and ENERGY.-A Gentleman, having been » gret sufferer, will be pleased to forward Physician's P escription that cu, ecl him, on receipt of i stamped envelope. AdrJrc s W. ROSE, Esq" 16, Lurgui, avenue, Fulham, London, S.W. WEEKLY and UPWARDS may be jjAi EASILY and HONESTLY REALISED by persons of EITHER SKX, without hindrance to present ce-cupttion.-For particulars, &c., enclose addressed envelope to EVANS, WATTS, & COM- PANY (P 293), ;Msrchants; -Birmingham.- This it genuine. THE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY, OF VYSE STREET, BIRMINGHAM. LET every reader of this send for our beautiful new Illustrated Catalogue, containing 1000 un- solicited testimonials and over 1000 fine Copper-Plate Engravings of Watches, Jewellery, and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post free on application, to any part of the world. R. AMBROSE, Esq., Cloyne Terrace, Queens- town, Feb. 11th, 1885:— It gives me much plea- sure to testify as to the excellent time keeping qualities of the Watch I received from you. I have tested it with a gun fired here every day by electricity at one o'clock Greenwich time, and have never found it vary even one minute. I have great 'confidence in recommend- ing your Company." GENTLEMEN S FINE VER' flat crystal glass, 25s. LADIES' FINE SILVER flat crystal glass, highly finished movement, 25s. YOUTHS' FINE SILVER flat crystal glass, 25s. LADIES' GOLD LEVERS, in exquisitely chased cases, 70s. s. d. Gents' ditto engine- turned cases. 80 0 Gents' Silver Keyless English Hall-mark- ed Levers 60 0 Gents' Silver Keyless Hunting Cases,67 0 Gents' Fine Gold Key- less Lever, stroag, heavy cases 100 0 Gents' Fine Gold Keyless in hunting cases. 140 0 Ladies very heavy Keyless, in IS-ct gold cases. 100 0 Cheques or Post-Office Orders must be made pay- able to the Company's Manager, Mr A. PERCY, on receipt of which any Watch will be registered post free t') any part of the United Kingdom, and 2s 6d I per watch to any part of the postal world. 0t; Y ONLY ENGLISH WATUHKS BENSON'S NEW PATENT (No 4658), LTTDGATE WATCH HAS OBTAINED THE HIGH ST AWARD OF A I. GOLD MEDAL AT THE INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, 1885, SILVER jrTh, GOLD I' TIDi LUDGATE WAUCH IS A ILVm MNQLSSH LEVER OF MY BEST LONDON MAKE, WITH SPECIAL STRENGH" rtWBK- QUARTBR PLATlf MOVEMENT JEWELLED THROUGHOUT IN RUBIES," TRUE CHRONOMETER BALLANCE, AD.TUSTED FOR EXTREMES, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF, PATENT RING BAND AND EXTENDED BARREL MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT; Which combines the Strength of the hunter fVith the convenience of the Open Face Watch] W INDS, SETS HANDS OPEN AT BAOK. The Immense superiority in Value Accuracy, and Durability of the "Ludgate' Watch, to Swiss and American, (made in Imitation of and sold as English,) and to the Old Full-Plate English Lever (still sold by other makers,) from the great defects of which the "Ludgate" is exempt proved by the award of a GOLD MEDAL THE ONLY' ONE ADJUDGED TO ilNGLISH WATCHES. THE "LUDGATE WATCH" IS OF BETTER QUALITY AND VALUE, THAN ANY £10 WATCH HITHERTO MADE. THE "LUDGATE" IS MY BEST LONDON MAKE, TRONG. HANDSOME & RELIABLE, ii-L STAND THE HARDNESS WEAR AND ROUGHEST USAGE, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH, R HOME, INDIAN & COLONIAL WEAR, BY RAILWAY MEN, MINERS AND COLONISTS, (No. 1, LABaz SIZE) A ORRMEN & ARTISANS, (Mo. 2, As SKETCH) TLFIN] EN, OFFICERS & MEN IN H.M. SERVICES, YOUTHS' & BOYS', (No. 3 SMALL) WILL BE SENT FREE AND SAFE AT MY 141SK TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FOR xo 5s. OR IN 1S-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES, TWELVE GUINEAS. No. 3, SIZE) A Remittance by P.O.O.. Draft or Cash, moat accompany Orr SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BENSON is the only maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for JE5 6B, in Silver, or £12 12s. in Gold, and that our Patent "Ludgate" W&toh cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the kingdem. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be Proceeded against An lHvstrated and Priced BOOK explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Full Plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent post lree on application to J. W. BENSON WA TOHMAKER TO H.M. THE ftfrxww THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATB HILL, E.O., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W.. LONDON. Consequent upon the award of the GOLD MEDAL, the demand, always great, has so increased as to necessitate more extensive Machinery, which now enables us to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for the "LUDGATE" WATCH WITHOUT DELAY Illustrated Pamphlets of Watchesfrou, dE2 to £ 500, Gold and Silver Jewellery. Clor-!if. (House, Chime, and Turret), Electro- Plii t c. Musical Boxes, Free on application. CUrB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, M> • RETARIES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETJB. AGENTS and others will find their Incoititi considerably increased by establishing Club, for the new Patent Ludgate Watch, which it worth from iC5 to £10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to be super- sede all others. Particulars on applicaion. ON SOCIAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES OF MAN. Addressed specially to young men, wit h aHvice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitttcd to the full power of Manhood. Free for the bsnefit of ali who dobire safe and speedy cure, without the aid of QuaeKs. Send one stamp to prepay postage. Address, Secretary, Institute of Ana tomy, Birmingham. 44 ARK LANE EXPRESS."—The leading I 1-l.L Agricultural Journal. -Established 1832.— Certified average circulation 8514 copies per week. The Mark Lane Express has Illustrations of practical and scientific Agricultural subjects weekly; and choice Plates of Leading Animals (Cattle, Horses, etc.) periodically. The best writers of the day contribute to its columns. The best medium for Advertisements of Agricultural Companies, Sales by Auction, &c.&c. -Office, Clement's Inn Passage,^London, W.C. THE FARMER AND CHAMBER OF AGR1 -L CULTURE JOURNAL. EVERY MONDAY. ONE PENNY. This Journal, in its 42nd year, is now published at ONE PENNY weekly; and is the largest,cheapest, and best Agricultural Paper. It contains all the Agri- cultural News of the Week, the Latest Markets, and numerous original and interesting articles on Farming subjects by the leading Agricultural Writers of the day. SHOULD BE IN THE HANDS OF EVERY FARMER, May be ordered through any Newsagent, at the Railway Bookstalls, or will be supplied direct from the OFFICE, 291, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. Subscription, post free, 6s 6d per annum. IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE, X ESTABLISHED 1836. X S T U B B S' MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM-ST., LONDON, E. C. Trade Auxiliary Company (Limited). SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. EVERY TRADER SHOULD READ STUBBS WEEKLY GAZETTE 5s. per annum) Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. BRANCHES at 53,Conduit Street, London Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast, Dundee, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Sheffield. SUB-OFFICES.—Cambridge, Cardiff, Carlisle, Cork, Derby, Exeter, Hull, Ipswich, Leicester, Maid stone, Middlesboro', Newport, Mon, Northampton, Nottingham, Plymouth, Reading, Southampton, Stockton-on-Tees, Stoke-on-Trent, Swansea, Wolver- hampton, Worcester, York TERMS— £ 1 Is, f2 2s, £ 3 3s, X5 5s, according to requirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECRETARY, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Streei. London. E, C lc 3g DIRECTORIES. X WILSON'S X MERCANTILE DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD, Containing the names and addresses of Manufac turers, Merchants, &c., in every civilised (ounty in the world, is published in three sepaiate volumes, each one complete in itself :— Vol I. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND containing all the Manufacturing, Wholesale and Principal Retail Trades in every Commercial Town throughout the United Kingdom, PUBLISHED ANNUALLY. Vol. II. CONTINENT OF EUROPE, To be entirely revised and reprinted during 1886. Vol. lIT. ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA & OCEANIA, to be revised and reprinted during 1887. PRICE OF EACH VOLUME TO SUBSCRIBERS 30s. No.N -SUBSCRIBERS. 35s. To be published during 186; AUSTRIA, Etc 5s. BELGIUM & HOLLAND 5s. FRANCE 10s. GERMANY 10s. ITALY. 5s. RUSSIA 5s. SPAIN & POR- TUGAL 5s. SWITZERLAND. 5s. Also Agents for "the Trades' Directories of London, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and all the English Counties. Prospectus free on application to the Publishers. WILLIAM WILSON & SONS, 8, TALBOT COUlT, EASTCHEAP, LONDON, E.C. PUSHING AGENTS WANTED. DRIED poRTER Q. RAINS Price 95 per ton, delivered at Quay in Dublin. THE CHEAPEST FEEDING STUFF. ESPECIALLY SUITED FOR USE WITH PULPED TURNIPS. Circulars, names of Local Agents, and references to Gentlemen in the locality using this Food, will be sent Post Free on application. THE DUBLIN GRAINS COMPANY, LIMITED, RAINSFORD-STREET, DUBLIN. "These Grains constitute a variety of food to which cattle are generally partial. They are nutritious in a high degree; when properly dried they will keep unchanged for any length of. time, and are in particular distinguished by the relative low cost at which they may be purchased. Apjohn. Dried Grains keep in good condition for almost any length of time, and will be found a good and wholesome food for every description of stock, and particularly useful for horses and cattle." Yeolcke. Sacks holding one cwt. charged 8d each extra, if not returned immediately. KF*SPECIAL TO LADIES. An eminent Mediral Pratitioner f.or- s:Southa Irs Sanitary Towel in one of the most valuable invent- ions for woman's comfort I have seen in the quarter iv a century I have been in practice." SOUTHALL'S SANITARY TOWELS (PATENTED) ANTISEPTIC AND ABSORBENT. FOR ACCOUCHEMENT AND GENERAL USE. THI. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL writes: -Sou th. all's Sanitary Towel is a much improved substitute for the old Napkin, which, with its many obvious defects, may now be entirely discarded, and the New Sanitar Towel adopted in its stead." After use the 'Towels' are simply burned. In addition to their absorbent powers they are of a downy softness, elastic in a high degree, and are very ticrht, in striking contrast to the ordinary diaper, which is cumbrous, heavy, and hot chafing the skin during its use. The 'Towels' age thus much more comfort- able, and it is believed that some dangers to health which are now incurred from imprisoned germs of a septic nature will be avoided by their use. la. and 2s. per packet of One Dozen. Sample Packet of 1 Dozen Towels, with descriptive I Circular, containing testimonials from Medical Men, Professional Nurses, &c., by Parcels Post, for Is. 3d. or 2s. 3d.: Six Packets 6s. 6d. and 12s. 6d.; from the Patentees and Sole Manufacturers, SOUTFLALL BROTHERS & BARCLAY, BIRMING- HAM. Supplnd by Ladietf and Children's Outfitters. BBWABB ov IMITATIONS. J AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE DAIRY FARMER. ESTABLISHED 1844.] —————————— pro DA Y, PRICE 2d. THE AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE has for many years, by consent of all, stood at the head of the English Agricultural Press. It is unequaled as a high-class Farmer's paper, and is now sold Twopence or post free, 10s lOd for a whole year, It is read very extensively in all parts of the United Kingdom, as well as throughout, the colonies and foreign countries, and the following letters show how highly it is valued by its Subscribers 1. A wonderful twopenny wortli.F. W. 2. The best value I have ever seen,G. T. 3. The best example of a good agricultural paper we have ever seen."—Morning Pj„t, 4. I attribute whatever success I have had to reading the A. G.H. T. 5. The most useful paper I have ever read."—T. B., Jun. 6. Iwill take it as long as I live. It is the best paper published."—J. S. B. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. As medium for Advertisements specially appealing to the wants and requirements of all Landed Proprie- lors, and the community specially engaged in rural pursuits, THE AGRICULTURAL GAZI.; wiil be found of the utmost value while the moderate scale of charges for Advertisements in its columns, coupled with the extent and high character of its circulation, places it within the reach of all classes. Advertisers are particularly requested to note that the bona fide weekly circulation ot the AGri CULTURA GAZETTE is published on the front page. Advertising rates moderate. Liberal reduction for long series. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:- Post free-3 Months, 2s 9d; 6 Months, 5s 5d; 12 Months, 10s lOd ■ For rum Four weeks for Trial, 6d. 9 VINTON & CO., LD. LONDON:—9, NEW BRIDGE-STREET, LUDGATE CIRCUS, E.C EDINBURGH :—63, PRINCES-STREET. CIRCULATION OF I NEWSPAPERS IN WALES. AN IMPORTANT FACT. As it is of the greatest importance to those who hare (i nizoitncements to issue to .know through what medium or mediums the greatest amount of publicity can be obtained, the publishers of the NORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EXPRESS, Y GENEDL GYMREIG, and Y WERIN, wish to call the attention of the ad- vertising community to the fact that the number circulated of their papers would show, if tested by comparison, AN EXCESS OF OVER 10.000 COPIES PER WEEK OVER AND ABOVE THE CIRCULATION OF ALL THE PUBLICATIONS OF ANY OTHER WELSH PUBLISHING FIRM COMBINED. The strict accuracy of the above statement is vouched for by the pub- lishers, who invite any Welsh publish- ing firtm that may choose to do so to bring the figures to the test of com- varison, conditionally only upon the result being publicly announced. I THE WARRINGTON GUARDIAN. DAILY AND WEEKLY. 33rd YEAR. NANTWICH GUARDIAN. WED-NESDAY AND SATURDAY. 2Zrd YEAR. CREWE GUARDIAN. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDA Y. 23rd YEAR. RUNCORN GUARDIAN. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 21th YEAR. WIDNES GUARDIAN. WEDNESDA Y AND SATURDA Y. 24th. YEAR. CHESTER GUARDIAN. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 28th YEAR. NORTHWICH AND KNUTSFORD GUARDIAN. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 25th YEAR. WINSFORD AND MIDDLEWICH GUARDIAN. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 25th YEAR. ALTRINCHAM AND BOWDON GUARDIAN. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY- 23rd YEAR. In all the above-named newspapers, Advertisements are inserted at the following price :— s. d. If 20 words or under once in all the ab ve 1 0 cash. If M 6 times in the daily and 2 in the weekly 2 6,, If 20 words or under 12 times in the daily and 4 in the weekly 4 0 Every additional 10 words halt the above prices. These terms are for cash,and apply only to "Wanteds," On SalelS," and To be Lets." TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS. THREE TIMES A WEEK IN DAILIES ONCE IN BI- WEEKLIES. 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