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--.------ --'-THE AMERICAN…


THE AMERICAN SLATE TRADE. The Lloyd Slate Company, whose quarry is located on the Saegersville property, near Slate- dale, has under its recently new superintendent, Mr Robert R. Jones, come to the front as » payable and valuable concern, producing about forty squares per day with prospects of a great demand. The slate from this quarry is hard and durable, and the article is pronounced superior to any in this region, and the company is greatly pleased with its production. We understand that the company has received a heavy order for roofing slate from the West. Few people have any idea of the magnitude of the slate industry in this country. Until a few years since the product of the different slate quarries in the United States was quite limited. Nrow the total amount produced of roofing slate alone is about 500.000 squares per year. A square is 100 square feet, or sutticient to cover » space ten feet by ten feet, when laid on the roof. It covers the same area as 1,000 shingles, and sells from So"50 to S4-50 per square. As a roofing material, slate is becoming more generally used, as it lasts a lifetime, is fire-proof, needs no painting, and renders rain water pure and untainted. Besides the large amount of roofing slate produced, a great deal is used for other building purposes, such as window sills, steps, floors and mantles. Billiard table beds are now made exclusively of slate, and it is also used largely for flagging. Where is most of the slate quarried ? is often asked. Well, most of the quarries are in eastero Feuusvlvania—iu Northampton and Lehigh coun- ties. More than one-half the total product of the United States comes from this region. Main and Vermont produce small quantities. There ar" also small beds of slate in Michigan and Virginia., The quarries at Slatington, Pa., in Lehigh county ire considered superior to any, as the slate is tough, durable, and of an unfading dark blue black colour. Over 3000 men are employed in eastern Pennsyl- vania, and the number is fast increasing as netf quarries are opened and developed. The workmen are Pennsylvanians, Welsh and English. They earn good wages, have comfortable homes and are a happy, sober and industrious class. The slate is first blasted out, then hoisted by In 11 1 steam power in large irregular shaped blocks to the bank. These blocks are then broken or "sloped "into smaller blocks, then split into sheets of the required thickness. For that pur- pose a chisel or knife, about eighteen inches long. resembling a putty-knife, is used. The slate splits readily whenever the knife is put in, if inserted when the block is wet or green," as it is called. The workmen speak of the original moisture in the slate as aap." After the blocks are dry they harden and a can not be split. After the blocks are split the sheets are dressed or trimmed with a machine worked by foot power, to the re- quired size, which is from 6x12 inches to 14x11 inches. They are then shipped to all parts of th" Union and to the Old World. A great deal of slate goes to Australia. When beds are found the slate is in inexhaustable quantities, and im- proves in quality as the depth of the quarry increases. IMPORTANT TO QUARIIYMEM.—We are about to have a new experiment in the elitte business. A party of gentlemen from New York City are at present en- gaged in erecting a building on the property of the Blue Vein Slate Co., for the purpose of manufacturing cement out of slate rubbish. The building, which is now pretty well under way, is 25 feet by 50 feet, and will be built in a substantial manner. The carpeuters are making all the headway they can, and soon as the building is completed the necessary machinery will be put in and the process commenced at onee. If this undertaking proves a success, we will soon have seve- ral more of the same kind in operation. We have no doubt however that this experiment will be a success, for it is not likely these gentlemen would incur so much expense unless they knew what they were about.—Slatington News.
