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MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL. The monthly meeting of the town conncil was Lold on Friday last, the chair being occupied, b the ab.ence of the mayor, by Alderrsau E. Edwards. There were also present: Aldermen W. D. Jones and R. P. Davies, Counculors D. Jones, J. P. Williams, J. Morris, J- Simon, I. 1 Bobeits, Evia Roberts, J. Jones, Mr W. Lloyd (town clerk), and Charles Goodman Jones, boreugh wutveyor. rAYMENT OF RILLS. The clerk said that the amount of cash. in haud wan 989 9". Bills amounted to £255 18a 2J. Cheques were signed to the amount of £211. but were ordered; not to be presented until there was eufiicent money iu hand to meet them. The clerk slid he expected £ 75 103 would come in that week or the following one from rent3, and the c jLectoi said that probably the whole amount would be in hand in the course Oi the month. COMMUNICATION. A letter was read Irom Mr Simpson, me veterinary surgeon who ^manded from tn* council £ 3 for extra work done by him fo. tv borough with regard to the foot and mouth diseas,, ft-nfl expressing fprise that his account had no, jet been paid, and requesting the clerk .o bring; tne matter before the council at their meeting u.i. day —Alderman Jones said tht ;n his opinion ai long as the work was extra work, thatMr Simpson should be paid without any further delay. Councillor T. P. Liibe.ts expressed the sama opinion.-Ccincil1 or Ez-a Roberto thought the qaastioa was not so much as to whether they should pay bim or not, but the amount duo to him for the work done.—A councillor suggested that tha matter be deferred, but Alderman J°n-| c>bj acted, saying that it had been too much delayed already.—After further remark it was resolved already.—After further remark, it was resolved that Mr Simpson should be paid £ i 2s. HS-ARRAN3KMKNT OV THE ASSIZS3 CIECVX"3. ¡ The town clerk sai 1 that this matter was. pro- gressing. He had attended a meeting whic i had I. bean held at Cirst^r hj the Law Society and which had been passed a resolution to the uffe ;t that the Lord Chancellor be requested net to I approve of any alteration ia tbe pr-aont am nge- Baents without first giving an opportun y t. j tbe BOC esy and the local autner t es co be heard in the matter. THB APPLICATION FOR A ItFI)r-CTI,-)- IN ;THE 'IENT OF Ti NSWIW) MNA^CTF. The clerk said that the committee app intd to csusider tie above natter had in;t, but h?'r Teport had not been received.—Alderman E. Edwards said Councillor W. Edwards hid promised to send a report to that meeting, and he iu'ly -expected he would have done so.—Councillor F.zra Roberts said it would be more^ sa;-afact >ry ro Roberts said it would be more sa;-afact >ry ro receive a report frnm the cornmit'ee rather than from a siagle member of it.-Alderman Eiwards said the application was the result cfthe redudion which hal been made ia the rent oi 1/ n Hin- lEardd. He should ike to know upon what grounds the reduction was made. Ezra Roberts proposed that the matter be le.t in the hands of the committea alraai? appointed, and taat tae committee be requested to report thereon. Also that the report of the comroitt-e appointed t) consider the application for a reduction in the rjst ■of Ty*n Minffordd be produced. This vas seconded by AidermaaR. P. Davies and agreed ,.o. YKTANCIAL CONDITIO:* OF THE BOROUGH. I Councillor Ez-a Rob?'ts said it had always been a matter of difficulty to him t) understand why they were so ba- k»»ard with their ordinary tay. ments, but the fiaansii1. statement made it ch ar j enough. Tnat statement showed at once the deficiency arose f;:om the fact that they exc eied the estimate made at the beginniog of the fl atil-cial jear. By looking at the statement before him, he iouud thit the r c I p v (, -Ar exccodeJ t'E' estimate by £ 250. Taere was £ 2-31 for paving tne foot paths; E20 towards North Wales C);1ege; ..£19 for advettising boards, &:0. He tnew gome of these expenses were perfectly legitimate, but the question was whether it was not possible to avoid uuch a state of things as the expenditure exceeding the estimate ta such an extent in the uiture. He Btxggesfced that the fiaance committee be r< qae^ted to take the matter into consideration and bring ia their iepoit.-Aldermaa V1. D. Jones SlÍti thai with regard to the 1231 «p?nt on Llanfair ntreet, lilanrhudd• street, a "d Park-road, it was under- stood that the work should not be done at ^'ice, bat according as thvj would fir.d the money. That Trale was aicerwarda deputed It-om.—Counci ur J. Simon thought they should not sanction any ex- penditure until they found the money. Inere were raoit bitter complaints in the town ugwr.st the rates 11 bis opinion it was time to think how they could best cu-Itail their expeudi- tute.—Alderman R P. D ivies said he could not óee they could do anjthing further than Lc careful that tteir expendkure did uot exceed their estimate They had cfit the cloth atd would conseq ieiitly have to wear the coat. They should certainly be imost careful not to increase tdeli, expenditure. Alderman W.D. Jones s;.ià there.werece^tein iteoas they could not possibly foiesce at the beginning f the year.—Couuciilor T. P. Robert3 said t tull had no room to co nulaia cu account of the <.x pense incurred in piv ng the foot pit:i3. Itwc.a tax expanditare that was really want ,1 aad would xut occur again. STATION-R')A'TI) AND PABX-ROAD. The towa clerk said he had been in cotrespon* dence ts 1th Mr Hibbert, of Liverpool, with regara to the above matter, and he expected that he -would hoave been present at the council that -IOT, iBjr. He understood Mr Hlbbert had to send the Jaoads of the agreement to the d?rectors to TLoador. I.T!Ai=B OF THE BANK ROOM. The town clerk produccl th" above ions. under -which the front room in the b«sement of tn-- T"õ7r'. 11*11 was relet to the Vve'.t'H* of the Noich & bout a Waiea Bar,k for fourteen 7e^ at ^he rent of £ 4) — ff »•<; m^o voi that thebann should psy for the lea-se. The seal of the corporation was attacbed to it. THill L8TTIXO OF TIn ATVBRTISI>. G BOARDS. The town clerk said he hal received no teudets for the above, but Mr Jolt a Rowlands hau Wa speaking to hiai on the matter, ana offering -•> instead of £ 4 <U~l n fcnbwer to^ toe. que -tion ■whether notices bal been sent out, >■ » e the boards were to be let and inviting .ander., t«wn cleik said there had not, but i- wa« u. Imown among those i'kely to tender that tne txwrds were to be let.—On the motion of Oo» £ (tailor Ezra Roberts, seconded by A'deimaa K. r. Davies, it was resolved that proper notices sliou.. be sent out inviting tenders by ihe uex1; mtctiiig. THE PAVEMENT. Alderman R P. Davies ca led attention to thn pavement in iront of Mr Levi Jones's house aad the Red Uon, and said it wa" in a very bad fetafce. He suggested that it should be repaired, and tile borough surveyor said this should be done at stce. AJTLTCATIOW f?R T/A.VK T) PIT X. P .M-OW A"WNTNOS. An application from M c Luut., draper, vasrecûited aildr-e: sanction of the council to put awnings up "CTer bis shop windowa.-Alderman D. Jon s sail tiiat hs. for one, would n't willingly give La con- vent to compty with the application. He coa. tiderod such blinds to be quite a nuisaute. A roaucillor said a sim'l« application hadbeen made befoie and refused, and why should thev tntet- t'he present one.—Councillor Ezra Roberts j àe fiist application was refused, but | second application was made at which time 1 ;ha question for consideration W0 8, how the blinds ffe're to be supported from above or by posts plant- 31 in the streets. He proposed that leave be given iii this instance, on the condition that the blinds bo supported from above, andalso placad so that the lower end should be at sufficient height from the I ground.-Counoillor T. P. Roberts seconded the motion, saying that they ought to encourage trade, 1 Alderman W. D. Jones Most certiirly, but we onght Dot to encourage obstruction.—Coacctilo!: T. P. Roberts: I quite agree with you there.— Councillor J. S:mon said, if they granted this ap- plication, probably other applications of a similar character would be made.—Councillor Ezra Ro. berts said he could not see what objection mighj be r tisod against granting other appHcatiocs of the aime nature if the blinds could be put up without beias.' an obstruction to traffic.-Alderman R. L. Davies said he had been told these blinds were danzerous to horses, &c. He would be sorry to do anything that would be ia any way against trade, but at the same time they had the interest of the public to look after.—The borough surveyor said if the lower p«t of the blind were put ten feet from the ground there could be no obstruction. —CoHncillor Jones: Six feet. Ten feet is out of all reason.—Councillor Ezra Roberts modified hia motion to the effect that, if the blind be supported from above, and also placed to the satisfaction of the borough surveyor, the application be granted. -This was seconded by Councillor T. P. Roberts, and agreed to.

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