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RUTHIN. We are gJai to notice that our countrymen and townsmen resident in London are taking steps for mutual aid ard encouragement. For this purpose an association bearing the title of THE LONDON-BUTHIN ASSOCIATION has been formed, and the first annual dinner is to be held on the 17th inst., at the Holborn Restaurant, Sir Watkin Williams in she chair. There are also expected to be present: J. H. Pnleeton, Esq., M.P.; C. Gregson Ell's, Esq R. Jenkins, Etq. 0. W. Jones, Esq. (secretary of the, Cymmrodorion Society), and others. The objects of the society are chiefly, as we learn from a cir- cular sent us by the energetic secretary of the society, Mr G. Jones, to further the interests of Ruthin from time to tims as occasions may arise, and, by co-operaticn, to further the welfare of our townsmen in London. We are glad to know that the health of Sir Watkin is steadily improving, and that he anticipates an early return to town. We shall have a report of the proceedings in our issue following the date of the dinner. We hefitily wish the LOXDOX-RUTHIN ASdoCIATroN complete success, and shall be most happy to da anything in our power to further its objects. SCHOOL BOAR D.-The monthly meeting of the board was held on Friday, when there were pre- sent: Mr E. Roberts (chairman), Mr E. Evans, Mr J. Jones, Rev J. Williams, Mr Samuel Owen, Rev J. F. Reece, Mr T. P. Roberts, and Mr Ezra Roberts, clerk. The Ordinary Rcutine.-After the reading of the minutes, the log-books and school registers were examined. Some discussion took place as to the propriety of the rjaster making remarks in the log-books about the teachers. Some were of opinion that he should not be allowed to do ao, but others thought cifferently. TJltimati-ly it waa agreed that he should be requested not to make any personal remarks. Report of the Attendance Officer.-The repoit of this officer was examined, ana showed an increase in the attendance of 56 over the preceding month. Absentees.—The list of absentees was read, and ;t was decided rather than take legal proceedings agak st the parents in the first instance, that they should send the usual notice, =jnd in case of non- compliance take proceedings. .A s.-Ti, i..g question came on for di cussion, and the clerk stated tha matter had been in abey- ance for some time. About two years ago the London School Board proceeded in one of the county courts for the recovery of school fees, but the judge said he had no power to force payment through that court as the Act contemplated pre" payrrentof school fees, and that their only course was, ia cases of non-payment, to send the children home and then proceed against the parents for non-attendance. The board carried the matter to the Queen's Bench, and the decision of the county court judge was there confirmed by a majority of two judges to one. After that it was taken to the Court of Appeal, and that court confirmed the decision cf the Queen's Bench. It now lies with the London School Board to carry the matter to the House of Lords but the law, es now explained.. is that all school fees mu&t be prepaid. The fol- lowing resolution was passed bl the board :—That the head teacher be directed to demand weekly prepayment of school fees;" and Mr Lloyd, the head teacher of the National School, who was in attendance, undertook to do the same thing, and also to submit his books monthly in proof that he had done so.—The motion was proposed by the Rev J, F. Reece, and seconded by Mr Samuel Owen. Grants to Pupil Teachtrs.—This 'question was also discussed, and it was resolved that the grants. instead of being equally divided as heretofore, should be distributed to the teachers according to merit. Payment of Bills.-It was decided that precepts for the following sums should; be issued:—The town council, £100; Llanfwrog, -040; L'aarhudd. JE20. PETTY SESSIONS, "MONDA v.-Bd, ti the RevThe Waiden, Mr Denton, Mr J. F. Jesse, and Captain Cole. Keeping a DJg iciihmt a Lieer.se.—Homes Jones, Turf-yard, was charged by Inspector Jones with keeping a dog without a license on April 13th. The defendant said that the dog did net belong to him. The officer said that be met the defendant atd another man, and the dog following them. The witness asked defendant whether the dog belonged to him. he said it did, and being asked whether he had a liceme replied he had not. Afterwards he said he had soU the dog to a gipsy for a p ut of beer and a shilling.—The clerk informed the bench that it made no difference whether the dog belonged to him or not- tha question was whether the dog was in his keeping. -The defendent was fined 5s and costs. Drunk and Disorderly.-Thomas Jones, the same defendant, was also charged by P.O. Thomas Thomas with being drunk and disorderly at the Turf-yard on April 13th. The P.O. said be found the defendant and another mea quarrelling and fighting. Both were drunk. The defendant admitted the offence, and was ficed Is and costs. The defendant had no money to pay and he was sent to priton, for the first offence 14 days, and for the second 7 days, with hard. labour. S.milar Offe,nce.-Robert Roberts, Tall-yard, was charged by the same officer with being drunk and disorderly in the same place and at the same time as above. He admitted being drunk but not disorderly. There were several previous con- victions against him, and be was fined 10s and costs, or in default one month. School Board Prosecution. —Robert Smith John Hughes, Brown Hall; Isaac Williams, and Henry Griffith, were summoned by Richard LloTCt- Williams, school attendance officer, for not sending their children regularly to school, and were each fined Is and costs. Vagabondism.—George Rond and John Holt were brought up in custody and charged by F.C. I (Continued on page 8.)