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PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, ORGANS, &c. I ALTERATION AND EXTENSION OF PREMISES. NEW SHOW ROOMS NOW OPEN. IHE FINEST, MOST VARIED AND LARGEST STOCK Of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN NORTH WALES. » y W..TAR RETT ROBERTS MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WABEEUCSE. BRIDGE-S TllEET, CARNARY ON, MANUFACTURER OF HARMONIUMS AND CHAMBER ORGANS. CHURCH ORGANS, CHAMBER ORGANS and HARilONITJMS Built to any Specification. ^PIANOFORTES HARMONIUMS, and ORGANS thoroughly Repaired and Renovated eqval to New, by experienced and practical Workmen. PIANOFORTES from 20 to 150 guineas. AMERICAN ORGANS from 10 to 150 guineas. RAR. MONIUMS from 4 to 80 guineas. Instruments en the 1, 2, and 3 years' system. Full value allowed for Instruments taxen in exchange. All the New Music Half Price, Post Free. Schools supplied et for in All the N Xicndcu trade or Professional Prices. Tutors, Exceicises and Teaching Pieces always in Stock. Tunera sent to all parts of the counties of Carnarvon, Merioneth, and Denbigh. Descriptive Price lasts Post Free on application. New Manufactory:—Pool Side Square, CARNARVON." Branches :-DE.NBIGH, FESTINIOG, LLANGEFNI, and BANGOR. t jftr 2J,_20 PER CENT.. OR 4s IN THE FOUND OFF ANY MAKER'S l^RICE LIST. HOUSE FURNISHING. jL-tiN SHI N,(3- .& 0 LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK IN THE PROVINCE, H I AT THE FURNITURE W AREHOUSF, EASTGATE STREET, Carnarvon. tFL.GH WILLIAMS begs most respectfully to inform his numerous customers that a very -k~L large and choice Stock of CARPETS is now bring EXHIBITED. A'so a splendid assortment of Skin Hearthrugs and Matt3, Wool Repp, Tapestry, and all k'nds oi ITutiiiture Covers and Trimmings of every description. TH c whie. owing <o the great depression in trafe, lies been bought at a large Disccuut, which enables II. WLIiams to give special advantages to his customer?. An inspection v:\ll convince all of the Cheapness of thi above Stoch. Aii Hrd" of Upholstering neatly executed, and Estimates givan for Carpets, Linoleum, and Farni. til' c oi everj description. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID TO A.NY RAILWAY STATION. HUGH WTh LIAMS. CABINET MAKER,UPHOLSTERER, AND GENERAL HOUSE EOR'NISHER, EAST GATE STREET, CARNARVON. GREAT REDUCTION 1NT PRICES. r< TOSIAH jgUGHES & SON, FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERS, CUTLERS AND DEALERS IN ELEOTRO-PLATE AND FANCY GOODS, BANGOR- OWING to the Great Stagnation of Trade in toe Manufieturing Districts, J. H. and SON have ma-3* arraiigem< nts for the SPRING and SUMMER SEASON that will enable them to Sell all kinds of FURNISHING- AXD Of HER GOODS at nnprecedenteily low prices Bedsteads. Palliasses, Mattresses, Fenders, Fire Irots, Coal Vases, Toilet Ware, Baths, Children's Carriages, Garden Sea1:?, a great vaiiety o? choice Electro-plated Good*, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, Spoons, Fcrks. &c.. a most PBRFZCT SVKSTITUXE FOR IYORY in ths Handles of the Knives, also a°Chefp Pure White Mttil for Speons and Forks to c-c-rrc-tpoiad at half the ptice of Ivory apd Electro- plate. Etrly orders solicited for LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS. HOT-HOUSE FITTINGS WIRE NRTTISG. WATERING ENGINES, aud AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Agents for the Pr:n ipal maker?. MANGLING and WASHING MACJIilJSES in Great Variety; SEWING MACHINES by the Best]Makers, 25 PER CEXT. DISCOVNT. M'RING CLEANING and DECORATING, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stains, &c in handy Tins and Bottle?, and ready for immediate use. BRASS CORN CE AISTAL, also BRAS3 RODS of all sfzea, with Brackets, End?, Rings, &c. and a'so SPECIALLY FORMED on tl.e Premises for all Shapes of Bay Windows. THE MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT of tbeir business has bsea <?reatly developed, during the past twelve months, and has fdrly deterred the large share of patronage bestowed upen it. The Tinman, Braziers, Coppersmiths, Blacismths, Fitting and "the Plumbing Departments have all been ie-arranged in extensive^premises, suitable for all kinds of work. Repairs neatly executed. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR HEATING Gresnhouses, Churches, Chapels, Schools,r&c EefcTCEoes can be had of some of the Best Families in the country fcr extensive Hot-water and Sanit- ary Work lately completed by them most satisfactorily. PLEAf E NOTE TEE ADDREIS- JOSIAH HUGHES AND SON, NEAR jY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, BANG(VR- CEFNPOETH AND GREEN DR \GON FARMS. NEAR LLANGEFNI. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS, GRAZIERS, AND OTHERS. TLITR JOHN PRITCHAttD will Let by Public JJjL Auction on Tuesday, May 13tb, 183 4, in five lots, about 117 Acres of rich Grazing Land, well sheltered and with ample supply of water. Lett;ng to commence at Cefnpoeth at 2 p.m. Eodb Tir?$. Bmgor. MEN AI BRIDGE SMITH FIELD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS, GRAZIERS, BUTCIER3, AND OTHERS. ME JOHN PRITCSARD begs to announce that hi3 n^xt/^aricdical £ ale of Fat and ^torc Cattle and Sheep will be held on Tuesday, May 23th, 1384. Also at Boiorg m f tricn, on Monday,May 26th, 18SL Further entries are re3pe;t.ully so..c.ted. BocUxyfryJ, Bangor. Q 2712 J6 TO THE BURNISHING PUBLIC. jSALE OF FURNITURE, &c. AT CARNARVON. WEDNESDAY", 1 4 T H MAY. Comprising Drawing room Suites, in crimson and green ve vet, mahogany Sideboards, Dining Tables, Single and Easy Chairs, Pianofoite, ma- hogany a»d metallic Bedeteads, Feather Beds I Bedding, Bedroom Furnitu e in great variety a large stock of Pictures, Carpets, Gla B and China Ware,Kitchen and Scullery Utensils,&c., &c., by MESSRS OWEN AND SON, at the Market ltt Hall, Carna/von, on Wedaesday, the 14th cay of May, 1884. Several consignments of SUPERIOR FURNITURE, &c 1 removed from vaiious Residencaa in the neighbour. hood. Sale at 12 rooa. On view Tuesday. Further particulars at the Offices, 2?, Bridge. fcreet. | I Summer I Fashions. 0. D. JONES & CO., BON MARCHE, AND I LONDON HOUSE, I t CARNARVON, ARE NOW MAKING A SPECIAL EXHIBITION OF SUMMER FASHIONS. » HAVING RECENTLY RETURNED | FROM THE VARIOUS MARKETS i » We have the pleasure to Announce that we I shall be.prepared on SATURDAY NEXT and following days, to make a SPECIAL SHOW of the LATEST FASHIONS. in Costumes, Straw Hats and Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ladies' and Children's Outfits (made up) Lace Goods, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimpaings, and Fancy Goods generally. The Silk and Dress Departments are very largely Stocked with Home and Foreign largely Stocked with Home and Foreign Productions in the Newest Designs and Colourings. The Gent's Outfit Department is replete with the BEST and NEWEST PATTERNS ofi Scotch, West, Irish and Welsh Tweeds, suitable for summer wear. O. D. JONES & Co., are determined to sell the remainder of the VALUABLE STOCK that were removed from the Yictoila House at an enormous sacrifice. The Newest Styles in Print Costumes from 2s lid, aDd Splendid Assortment of Material Costumes from 6s lid. The Newest Shades in Dress Materials at 3Jd, 4Ad, and G^d per yard. Tiie Latest Parisian Styles in Bonnets and Hats at Low Figures. A Large Stock of Rich Gros Grain Silks from 2s 6d per yard. All the New Patterns in Prints and Cambrics from Ild per yard. 4 A Large Stock of Calicoes and Shectings at the lowest list prices. A Choice Stock of Lace Curtains f-om Is 61d per pair. A Large Stock of Black and Coloured Velveteens in Plain and Brocaded from Is 6H per yard. The Latest Novelties in Mantles and Jackets from 5s lid to 80s. A Large Stock of New Corsets from 9,11. A Special Value at Is 11] d, worth 3s 61. Try our Noted 12s 6d Trousers. Inspect our 2-53 and 40s Suits. All the Latest Fashions in Gent's Silk and Felt Hats. THE HEAD FITTED, THE EYE PLEASED, AND THE POCKET CONSULTED AT O. D. JONES & CO'S. Ourmotiols "Smallprofits and quickreturns," M we prefer the nimble ninepence rather than the slow shilling. D4 D. JONES & CO. f~\PENATIVES' DRAWING held in the J Llanrwst Town Hall, Tuesday, May 6th, 1884. WINNING NUMBEBt — 320; 602; 1617; 1531; 1081; 393; 1942; 380 734 2074; 2416: 1943. THE RUTHIN DJKAPERY ESTABLISH- MENT. THE RUTHIN DJKAPERY ESTABLISH- MENT. I^BANK LUNT has a vacancy for a smart Youth as an Apprentice. POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. MESSRS WM. DBWATTCJ SON beg to an- nounce that their SALE of Horses, Car- riages, &c., advertised to take place at the Mart, adjoining the B itish Hotel, Bangor, on Friday, the 9th day of May, 1881, is POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER ORDERS. Wellfield House, Bangor, May 1st, 1884. G 2740 COMMERCIAL BOARDING, AND LODGING HOUSE, rrEMPFRANOE HOTEL 22, POOL-STREET, CARNARVON, (Late Mr William Griffith). Well-aired Beds atid Jlocd Accommodation for Tom ists and Visitors. The House is situated withiu a few minutes' w*lk cf the Railway Station, and near the magnificent ruins of Carnarvon Castle. D. WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR. CARNARVON IN NEIL HORSE SHOW (OPEN TO NORTH WALES), WHIT-MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1884. PRESIDENT: MAJOR PLATT, Gorddinog, Bangor. VICE-PRESIDENT H. J. ELUS-NANNEY, Esq., Givynfryn. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO £ 2JO WILL BE AWARDED FOR Stallions, Agricultural and Draugh Horses,Brood Mares,Carriage Horses, Hunters, Hacks, Cobs, Ponies, &c. JUMPING COMPETITIONS INSIDE THE PAVILION IN THE AFTERNOON. ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 19, 1884. -III ROBERT WILLIAMS, Hon. Secretary, Brunswick Buildings. EVAN WILLIAMS, Gen. Secretary, Brunswick Chambers. Committee Booms — ROYAL HOTEL, CARNARVON. LIST OF PRIZES SENT ON RECEIPT OF POSTAGE STAMP. «'1' SPECIAL TRAINS a, CHEAP FARES will run to CARNARVON from all Stations OIl the Chester and Holyhead sectiors. SDMMER F A S IT IONS. WATERLOO HOUSE, CASTLE SQUARE, CARNARVON. D ROBERTS begs to announce that he is now prepared to shew the CHOICEST NOVELTIES for the Season in MANTLES, MIL- LINEttT, COS IUMES &c. New Drees Material J in the most Fashionable Colours and Designs. A good selection of STRA W SLATS and BONNETS in all the leading shapes. MILLINERY MANTLES A DRESSES made to order on the Premises, all goods markel in plain figures at the lowest remunerative prices. AN APPRENTICE WANTED. GLASGOW HOUSE, EASTGATE STREET, CARNARVON. — THIS WEEK, and throughout the Season, an immense variety in all Departments of FANCY DRAPEKY and DRESS MATER- IALS (in all the newest shades) will be shown at the above Establishment, every article being warranted fresh and genuine, while the prices will be found such as will leave no doubt about the cheapness. Special attention is invited to our FIRST CLASS DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING DEPARTMENTS, under the immediate management of Mrs LLOYD OWEN, whose thorough experience in the West End of London enables her to undertake orders of the most delicate and costly nature. Re- liance may be confidently placed in her taste and skill to execute in the most effective manner any orders entrusted to her care. A trial is respectfully solicited, fully believing that the efficient manner in which it would be executed would give such complete satisfaction as to ensure permanent custom. W. LLOYD OWEN, Proprietor NOTICE. This paper may be obtaicei in London from MR J. W. RAYNER, NEWSAGENT 2 DEVEKEUX-COURT, ESSEX-STREET, STRAND; in Ln erpool, from MR R. O. ROBERTS, 46, dd- HALL-STREET; and 51 N T. LLOYD, 52, EvER- TON-ROAD and in Manchester from M Po S. E- jl MiNSnULL, NEWSAGENT, 12, DEVONSHIRE- STREET ALL SAINTS I