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j North Wales Pianoforte, Harmonium, Organ, Music and Musical Instrument Wareholise, EKIDGE STREET, CARNARVON, pMpRiETjE:-w. JARRETT ROBERTS, COLONIAL MODEL. PIANOFORTE, by Monington and Weston, The Colonial Model," with complete iroa frame, full trichord, check action, celeste pedal, elegant Italian walnut case, panel front incised with goidi ebonised mould ID gs, SCONCES and moulded tmeses guaranteed to stand any climate, and -warranted for ten years. Lie! price 3G Guineas present net price, 28 Guineas, payable in four quarterly instalments of 7 Guinefis each, or for net caab, 25 Guineas. See testimonials from Sir Julius Benedict and others as advertised. A Fine Assortment always or, hand of PIANOS RETURNED FROM HIRE, equal to new, to be sold considerably under coat pi ice. Cabinet and Square Pianos, by Broadwood and others, from J? Cottage Piano, Rosewood or Walnut case C jttage Pianos, by eminent makers, from 148 5D per Month for Thirty-six Months; total outlay, £ 26:—PIANOFORTE, full compse, 14 trichord, bracket, trusses, burr walnut ease, brilliant tone. 7 per Month for Thirty-six Months, total outlay, £ 27.-PIANOFORTE, fu'l compass, tiichord, At/ finest burr walnut case, carved trusses, panelled front, gold engraved. Largest possible ('•BCCUUC for net cash. q"J S per Month for Thirty-six Months, total outlay, £ 37 163.—PIANOFORTE,full compass, trichord, /QJL patent check action, panel front, gold engraved. = j|r Ijjf* !j -=-=- I 25 GUINEAS CASH. j Branches ;-DENBIGH, FBSTINIOG. XXANGSFNIj and 139, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, LODGING-HOUSE KEEPERS, AND OTHERS, — PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUMS, &c, LENT ON HIRE, and on the THREE YEARS SYSTEM. u- MANUFACTURER OF HARMONIUMS AND CHAMBER ORGANS. Manufactory-—POOL SIDE SQUARE, CARNARVON. PIAXOS and HARMONIUMS may be obt:l'ned on Monthly Payments at a very small advance ;r. .1 the cash price-the instrument being delivered on payment of the first monthly instalment. MONTHLY PAYMENTS SVSTEM- Pianofortes from 8 s PER MONTH. Harmoniums Ss » • Instruments forwarded on these advantageous terns to all patts of the ruitcJ Kingdom. PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, ORGANS, &c., TUNED AND REPAIRED. First Class Pianoforte Tuners and Repairers always on the Premises, whose services may be cbta^oj at any moment. No railway fsie allowed, as customers will find it ranch more convct and fairer to allow 20 per cent, or 4.s in the pound, bona fide discount off any maker's price Let. —i—— I —1 II .11 ■■ ■■■!« THE TATTENHALL SCHOOLS, NEAB CHESTER. The Preparatory School is for Boys from six in twelve years old. Thepupils are well-grounded to Elementary subjects, and carefully trained ?ito correct habits. Pupils in the Upper Behool-Ðl1 above 12 years old-are prepared lor the Cam- 2 dge Local and other Examinations, or for Pro- .0 fessional and Commercial pursuits. The locality is healthy and pleasant the school-room AND dormitories spacious and well ventilated; splendid sricket field, bath-room, &c. Terms moderate. E 891 J. STEPHENS, Principal. THE OSWESTRY HIGH SCHOOL HEAD MASTEU MR OWEN OWEN, M.A., Lata Scholar of Jesus College, Oxiord, and Graduate in High Classica.1 Honours. ASSISTED BY SEVERAL QUALIFIED MASTERS. THE NEXT TERM will commence on TUES- DAY, the 6th of May. BOARDERS return on Monday, the 5tb. Foi Prospectus, Reports, and Views of the PROMISES', apply to the Head Master. There will be 3even or eight Vacancies for Board- ers. Early applications will oblige. MENAI BRIDGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. BOARDERS AND DAY SCHOLARS. Pupils prepared for all preliminary Exanri- ations, for Oxford and Cambridge Local, and Kensington Examinations. Careful coaching; mostly successful. A Quarter may be commenced any time. Lessons ia Music—Piano and Harmon:.um— by a competent teacher. For particulars apply to Rev E. Cyutflg Davies, Grammar School, Menai Bride. ST. (JIHOMAS* QOLLEGE, RHYL. Founded BY iM late YF.N. ARCHDEACON MORGAN, and conducted on the lines laid down by kirn. FKSIDENCE —PLASTHTLON^TERF ACE RBINCN'AL:— THE REV. E. WEBSTER. FIUST RESIDENT MAsna: J. NICHOLSON, ESQ., M.A. LL.B (First Clem Honours), Trinity College, Dublin. SECOND RESIDENT MASTER: W. H. GILMORE, ESQ., Trinity College, Dt* tin. With six non-Resident Masters and Professors LOCAL TESTIMONIALS FOR THE PBSSENT PBIXCIPAI,— From the REV THOMAS BTCHABDSON, M.A., Vicar cf Rhyl: "The deep interest which we fool in the prosperity of the School,as conducted ly yec.—With every kind wish for the SUCCESS of the School." p, STEPIIEN ROORK, ESQ., Senior Churchwarden oj S'. Thomas' Parish: I would earnestly wish to remind parents oi their obligation to the kindly forethought cf th;* GREAT MAN (the late Archdeacon Morgan), who fouuded AND origi- nated your College, for the pm pose of affording the great middle-class an opportunity of educating their IIODfI in sound religions and stscalar kaowlc-dye, at a moderate charge, at their own doors. Ar i I rejoice tkat,the responsibilitieshavo f jllen into SN^T judicioua naads, and heartily wish you all success. I feel certain that the wider your EFFORTS aie known, the greater will ba your field of labour," For Prcp^ctase? and fail.,hei information apg'ka- tien may be made to the Prmcip-1. T TEE PKINCE OF WALES & TEA BE DOES NCT BUY CHEAT TEA. Whyf Because he knows that the true economy is to pojrch&se the beet. We send out a good sound 2S TEA IS J)D per lb, or 6 lbs for 10s, carriage unpaid. Upon that Tea you would pay 33 duty and Is pottage. Being large impcrtars, we will send you, on re- ceipt of a Postal Order for £ 1, six pounds of b°st Tea as sold at IS per lb, dt l:\vred by PARCELS I'1St free, by which ycu save jast 25 per cent in revenue and conveyance. Or we will send yon four pounds of Fine Black i"e&, usually sold at 3s, for 10S, delivered by Parcels JOST free. THE rEINCE OF WALES TEA COMPANY,\ TOWER BUILDINGS, MOORGATE-STITLET, AST) LONDON WALL, CITY, LONDON. V,.Q. TOWYN TILERY AND rIPE WORXd FORYD,NEAR ABERGELE. LAND DRAINING PIPES from U lochos to 6 inches always iu BTOCK, which are made of the best SCLA^TT D CLAY, free from Lime- ttonea; larger s;zo made on the shortest notice. The woika have a SIDING adjoining the Chester and Holyhead Railway are near For yd Pier, Rbrl, udwre Sailing Vessels can TO Loaned. The above ■works are nesrer to Anglesey and Carnarvonshire by many MILFEF than any other WCXK.3 in the District. For Prices and Particulars apply to the Oivncr J. WILLIAMS, TOWYN TILERY ABERGELE TO BE GIVEN AWAY. £ 1,000 WORTH OF JEWELLERY I C. HAECOXJRT & Co Cash Buyers, Having secured a job lot of LADY'S NAME BROOCHES will inaugurate the 1854 Season by giv- ing away Light Thousand of these exqaiaita articles. WHY WE DISTTilBUTB THESE GOODS? This is soon stated. It is our intention this year to make a hit of the newspapers from which we receive most r^pa«8, and to all persons buying one or more of tha following lots we will present one LADY'S NAME BROOCH, conditional upon their stating where this advertisement was seen. We do not guaran- tee any part:cular name, but will endeavour to oblige where, the name wished for ;'8 stated. LOT 1. A quantity of VIENNESE MEER- SCHAUM PIPES, each fitted with a moatbpiece of Bohemian amber, in handsome spring case. The length of Pipes is from Five* to Six inches. A smoker who has ona values it at 7,1 M., and states h:8 belief "tsat it will colour splendidly." Oar price for ene is 2i 6d., post free, 2s 9d.; including handsome Cigar Case. LOT 2.-Fröm Paris we have a case of BROCADED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, in all patterns and shades tha most exquisite goooa imaginable, suitable for Aithe the neck or pocket. It is impossible they conic be daced under Is 6<1. or 2?., each, but we have bought them so well, thit we canaSord ta sell them for each, or post free, Is 2d. LOT 3.—A Urge number of DJHEELING DIA. MOND RINGS AND PINS. Aho a few very fire GP^NT'S ALBERTS AND LADY'S LONG WAT H CHAINS, manufactured iVom pare oroide gold; IsGd. each all round to clear quickly. Siz3 of finger by cut- ting hole in card. Our Cash Price for any one article is, therefore, as under: — LOT 1.—PIPE in Case and Cisrar Case 2i 6cl LOT2.—SILK HANDKERCHIEF.. Js 01 LOT 3.-RING. PJN OK CHAIN Is 6d Carriage .Fr^.e. Remittance by Postal Order, Ac, to C- IIAROOUUT & COMPANY, crossed & Co., or if Fenny Stamps are sent, Two Extra must e-c- company paeh Order. EXTRA SPECIAL GIFT!I! Any person sending for all Three htil, and enclosing a Total Sum 03., together with the Name of the pjper where tbis A dvertisoaiout was seen, will be presented with A SPLENDID LOCKBT. Any one article is worth the money. C. HARCOURT & CO., Savoy Houie, STRAND LONDON. Send stamped directed envelope for nta!&nar MESSES P. VAUGHTON AND SONS, JEWEL LEES, &c.t 193, GREAT IIA M PT O N R O W BIRMINGHAM, MAKE. ALL SOTLT3 Or, GOLD, SIL VER, AND BRONZE MEDALS, FOR FOOTBALL CLUBS, EISTEDDFODAU, &c., JJADGES -for Cycling Clubs and School- ¡ A Diagram Sheet and Piico List post free on ¡ application. ERECTAL DESIGNS (»BATi3 BANGUE CORN STORES. E:.TA.T;miiEH 1818. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! SAMUEL EVANS, CORN, FLOUR, SEED, nAY, STRAW, AND OILCAKE MERCHANT, 3 AND 4, ARVONIA BUILDINGS, BANGOR. The Special attention of AGRICULTURALISTS, 'GARDENERS, COTTAGERS, And others is respectfully invited to this year's SHOW OF SEEDS at the BANGOR CORN STORES. CARGOES of SCOTCH and IBISH B03 LAND, I MAGNUM BONUM, CHAMPION, I ROCK AND KEMP POTATOES, Choice Selection cf Early Potatoes, i THE REXOWED CROPPER "BEAUTY OF HEBRON." PHTZE SCOTCH "WHITE POTATOE OATS. II GRAND QUALITY SCOTCH BLACK TARTARY OATS. IRISH BLACK TARTARY OATS. PRIME DENBIGHSHIRE BARLEY And an aSEOItment of veU. selected Welsh Oat?, Bcrnia tHid Barley for Sowing. AGRIOULTTJRiL SEEDS IN ABUNDANCE.! I RYE GRASS aud CLOVER, very cheap. TIMOTHY HAY SEED, highly recommended. I BldBARBSON'S Bern Swervhowhate, { Corn, and Potatoe Manures. I | THAGKE3 AND PEARSON'S LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES AT MARKET PRICES. I THE FIRST TO BUY WILL FARE THE BFST. NOTE TEE ADDRESS-CLOSE TO TEE RAILWAY STATION. I GRAMMAR AMD (JOLLbULiTE bCdUOL, CAKMAuViLN.j ESTAHI.I¥HKD 1S36. Prin-ipal :-J. S. EIEK, M.A,, PhD: if ember of the General Council of the Ur.iveri'.ty <f Glasgow, ard of tie M^al C lUge rf Frettpicrs, ZcrJoti. Author of Essays on "EDUCATION," SCHOOL HCKCVR^" HVJIAK CIVIL)ZATIOS," &C. PARENTS AND GUARDIANS HC requested to note the following facts connected with this -B- Esthbliebiceiit :—That fcr the Jatt twtnfy-two years, while undfr Dr Kiik's tcanngement, as great a percentage cf pupils ficm this tcbccl have passed the varkns Pjeliminftry Test Esamicationt as frotn any other Scholottic Institution cf the E»Kie &veinge atterdance in Wales. Thiit the education given is genuine, as witnessed by the varied and important positiocs now held by forrrer pupils. That c.cr! pupil is led to t-tirk for hiinFelf, ard ip coitfiiilv by the Principal. lor testimonials and references, opply to rr Kiik, Orchard House, near Can.mvnn. Terms per auarler lor juniors, Two Guineas, inclusive; Eeniors, Three Guineas, inclusive, no extras; Boarders, Ten Guineas. Quarteis begin January, April, August, aEd Octcber. s SP7 THE GEAMMAE SCHOOL, UXnnJDGE-SQUABE, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED FORTY YEARS. COKDUCTED BT JOHN G. DAVIES (Under gr adaate of the University of London, late Scholar of the University College of Wales, and Prize Essayist of the New Shakspearc Society). PUPILS are afforded a thoroughly sound and liberal education at a moderate cost. By a graduated course of instruction, frequently tested by examinations, they are carefully and suc- cessfully prepared for professional^ or commercial life. English, in its several branches of Grammar, Cooapo- Bitien, History and Literature, is made a special subj«ct of siady. The senior classes are presented at the Examination of the Royal College of Preceptors every Midsummer and Christmas. The Qnarter-dayB for this Hg'f»year ftre.Tacuary 23rd and April 30tb. INCREASED VALUE OF WATER POWERT" MACADAMS VARIA BL f TURBINE THIS Wheel (which is now largely in use in England, Scotland, and Ireland) is the only one yet invented which gives proportionate power from both large and small q iaiititiea of water. It can be n ivlo for u-ing a largo Winter supply, and yet work with equal effioiancy through all vari'it'.ons of quantity down to a fi'th, or even les3, if required. H i-t easily coupled to a steam engine, and in this way alwajs ass'sts it by whatever amount of power the water is capable of giving, and therefore saves 80 much fuel. Th's Turbine is aptlioahia to all Vo.ierhts of fall. It wo-ka immersad in the tail water, EO that no part of the water i* Inst, and the motion of the whee! ia not affectad by fl Jods or back-water. The sie Tnrbines are at work ia nearly every county in England. Apply to > MRE.VDAM 11ROTIIERS & CO., BELFAST- COMMON SENSE'. TcO people who are in the habit of thinking foe themselves it is quite evident that in order to -α- keep the constitution in health, the first and most important thinj* to be Attended to is that the appetite is good and the body strong. If the system is wc^ it is then naturally open to disease, and experience has already prove I that whatever part of the system is weakest that very part is most, susceptible to Colds and their attendant inconveniences. In order to fortify the system and brace it up, we must resort to Tonics, and we can confidently and conscientiously recommend a preparation which is steadily and quietly gaining a firm footing in almost e very household in the kingdom. We find it necessary to mention that this preparation differ from many now oifered to the public. Many of the preparations now offered are worse than worthless, inasmuch as they are calculated to deceive; but we are happy to state that this mixture has been p roved beyond all doubt to bo a genuine invention. We advise a careful perusal of the following. lis name signifies its contents :— GWiLil Mffi'S till BITTERS, OR VEGETABLE TONIC. This preparation contains Quinine and the essence or active principles of Sars'<pnrill3, Saffron, Lavender, Dandelion, Gentian, and Burdock, mixed in happy preparations. It has one great advantage, viz., the entire approval and confidence of the leading members of the medical pvo- fession. Quinine Bitters assist digestion, promote and facilitate circulation, strengthen the nerves and muscles, and purify the blood. Patients who have suSered long and suffered severely, con- tinually bear testimony to their remedial effect?. Special 1)' adapted for all diseases arising from a nervous state of the system, such aa palpitations, tremblings, flushing of blood to the fsce, nervous indigestion, low spirits, undne^anxiety, neuralgia and nerve pains generally; also indi- J gestion in its different forms, such as pains in the stomach, cramp, frequent sighing, sense of ful- { ness and oppression, relieved by taking food, or a feeling of langollr and oppression, drowsiness, and flying pains in the region of the heart. In short, this preparation (the Quinine Bitters) is a general tonic and blood purifier, strengthening that part of the system which is weakest, and therefore most liable to Colds and their consequences. Sold in 2s Cd and 4s 6d Bottles by all the principal Chemists. Theale, near Reading, 11th May, 1S77. Dsar Sir,—I have examined your Quinine Bitters and find them to be quite free from all minerals, and am also pleased to add thit they have been very efficacious in numerous instances j that have come under my immediate notice for general debility and atonic indigestion, &c. I have frequently recommended them with marked success. 0 (Signed) SAMUEL J. J. KIRBY, M.R.O.S.t (Eng.), and L.S.A. (Lond.)." Dear Sir,—I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the high opinion I entertain of yonr Quinine Bitters. I have used it extensively whilst travelling through the tropics, and always with the most happy results. I consider it a very reliable remedy in debility, especially of the digestive organs, and can cordially recommend it as an invaluable medicine toa-H, especially those who have to travel. ANEURIN JENKINS, M.R.C.S.L., M.R.C.P.E. S.S. Teuiers, Bio de Janeiro, South America, Feb. 10th, 1S77." Testimonials have been received from people who'were never expected to recover. Grand Hotel, Brighton, July 2Cth, 187G. Dear Sir,—I feel it is my duty to the public and to yourself to inform you that I have derived immense benefit from your Quinine Bitters,or Vegetable Tonic. I havejbeen for some months a [ victim to head-aciu'S, pain in my back, and I believe a general derangement-of the liver. I am happy to say I now feel well, but I take a dose of your Bitters occasionally, when my appetite fails. Yours faithfjillv, To Mr Gwilym Evans. ROBERT FOSTER." December 14th, 1877. Dear Sir,-I 'have been suffering severely for a long time with indigestion and nervous debility and their natural results. After trying numerous remedies (to no purpose) I tried your Quinine Bitters, and the result is I am now a healthy man. Publish this for the benefit of others. Address—THOMAS REES, Forester's Arms Hotel, Hanelly, late of Fishguard. Decorator and Valuer. The Rev Dr Morgan (Lleurwg) speaks of them as the best medicine he has ever tried. The Rev L. Thomas, D.D., Neath, bears testimony to their merits, and thousands of other?. Testimonials on application. The 4s 6d bottle contains as tmuch as two 2s 91 bottles, thereby the purchaser may save a shilling. Any chemist can order these free of expense, from the Wholesale Agents in London, Liver- pool, Manchester, BLiuingham, Chester, and Edinburgh.) I For further particulars, enclose stamped envelo/e to the Proprietor, MR GTYILYM EVANS, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, LLANELLY/ S. W NEW YORK AGEST:—JOHN HENRY CURB AN & Co "THE WANT SUPPLIED OR, HOW TO PU CHAISE AN ACRE OF FREE- HOLD LAND & OBTAIN INTEREST FOR YOUR MOSEY AT THE SAME TIME BY THE NEW DEPOSIT SYSTEM CF THB ESTATES INVESTMENT & VILLA FARM Co LIMITED. Alderman Sir THOS. S. OWDEN, Chairman. Apply for Free Explanatory Pamphlet to the ecrettry, 110, Cannon-street, London. J^-E W BAN KRUPTOY ACT. Every person should read the Pamphlet "DEBTOR AND CREDITOR." Shewing insolvent debtors how to obtain release from debt without bankruptcy, publicity, or sus- pension of businese and the solvent trader how to carry on business without the possibility of comjug within range of the Bankruptcy Act. Post free for 3^d, from WILLIAM EDWARDS, 24, James-st., Live-rpool.. ARMY SERVICE. YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY wili, on application &t any Post Office in the United Kingdo-m, be supplied, ffithonl charger with a Pamphlet containing detailed mfo-tnation aa to the Conditions of Service and advantages of tho army, as to Pay, Deferred Pay, and Pensions. Great prospects of Promotion are offered to eligible Young Men Applications can be made, either personally or by etter, to the officer commanding the Regime ntal D^trict at Wrexham, or to the nearest VolacUry Sergrant Instructor or other Recruiter. Recruits, if eligible, can be enlisted for any arm of the Regular Service they may select. AN IMPORTANT FACT P 11 an! upward judiciously invested in Options on X'l" Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days. Full detaiis in Explanatory Book gratis and post free. Address, GKORGE El & Co., Stock Brokers, G res ham Hoase.OId Broad-etreet, Loa don. F.C. Brs* and safest plan evwdemised. P A B M E E SJ f R I END QUARTER-EVIL, BLAOK-LEG, &c. JOSEPH PARTINGTON'S PATENT. Certain cure r<nlwhct is known among jcutg catrle as Murrain, Iron, Speed, QUARTER-EVIL, Black- quarter, BLACK-LEG, &e. This discovery has been found by the above to never fail. Bottles will be sent to afiy part, with full instructions for use, bv applying to JOSEPH PARTINGTON, New Hall Farm, Ivcrsal, near Manchester. Bottles, 7s 6deach, or three for £1- JOHN MORRIS, XjS'SON, ENGR AVER, and BUILDER RI LWAY STATION. RUIHIX. Alonummt*, Tombs, Ledgers, JTcad siofi frc to order, In Granite, I :me, Yorkshire, and other Steeps) Vaults, and all :F-nds of Cemetery Work. ENCKAVEI ox MARBLB MONTMENTS & TAHLETP, IN any given* STYLE. Deader, in rll kinds cf Building Materials. Estimates for all Kinds of Mason Work,Flagging,' Buildings, Alterations, and Repairs, vrith or with- out Materials. { R. ROBERTS^ j WHOLESALE & RETAIL j WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT j BREWER AND MVLT5TER I CORPORATION ARMS BREWERY, j 4, CASTLE STREET, RUTHIN. I R ROBERTS, beg* t. uraw the attention i of the gentry and the public generally to j his celebrated nOME I BREWED ¡ ALES. I TrRE EXTRACT CF MALT anti HOPS which may be had in Cusks of 36, 18, and 9 Gal- lens at the following prices 35 Galls 18 Galls 9 Galls XXXX 50s 25a 12s 61 XXX 42.3 ils 10s Gd. j XX 36s lvSs 9a. Dahlia Stout and Burton Biiier Beer in Cash and j Bottles. j GREAT BARGAINS. FIRST Class Meat Chopper, only T I* month in use, 13 inch, Block of Follows and B»te« make, value -68 109 Od, for X-5 l-s Od. Also of same make, Sausage Filler, value 22s,for 15s Second Hand Guns and Revolvers, suitable fcr Emi rants. Agent for Milners Safes,—ope?'al^o?-:rs for casb oeitft' terms thaw any previously offered. Ai?o ordinary Safes'«irom £ 2 10s. ,tEVAN J)NE3. 4. Castle-sqnare, Carnarvon. WOODHO USB^AVIE 3, Bill potter and General Advertising Agent, WILLIAM-STREET, BISAEL, BANGOR. ) Bills Posted ai Distributed in every town In ) North Wah, on the shortest notice. MEMBER OF THE UNITED KINGDOM BILL j POSTERS' ASSOCIATION. A '.1 TIlE BRITISH SHIPPING IN- VESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED). Incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1362 to 1f8{\ whereby the liability of the Shareholders is ab- solutely limited to the amount of their shares. Ccj/J-ul £ 10) 000 in 29,000 Shares of £ 5 each. First issue, iJoO.OOO, la 10,!)00 Shares of X,5 eft- Payable, J&\ on application; dc. £ 2 on allotmett, and tho Balance :n Calls not (-xc'ceJ.itfll ^l share, and atiutervals o* not less than two Acni.hr. Binkers North Western Bank, Liverpool. St-lici.'ors: Mee«rs Hill, Dickinson, Ligbthoutd, and Dickinson, Liverpoil. Auditors: Messrs Harmood, Banner and Sor, Liverpool. Managers Messrs Ilay, Adam and Co., Lfverpccl. Registered Offices 26, Chapel-street, Liver- pool. PROSPECTUS. THB carrying trade of this country still con- JL tinues to increase, and there is every prospect thatfor many years to come there will be cmp'.oyir L". for all available rebels on terms eqnaiiy advaniagecu'J to those at present current. Shipping property baci !o,:¡r befn a most remuner- ative investment. St'mship^ espcrlsliy baja 1:<,1 earning very Kr?e dividends. pO'i-'if iteir sharcbold*< fv.lly 20, and in same cases a a much as cOper cer'j. This bas bjtn done w.th frti-jL'-s at abont tr-j? present rates, so that tyen hotter rcenlt3 may w.:a corfi^encc be anticipated when commerce resumes ita activity. The fol'owin? are extracts from The Stcarrahip d lst January and 15th Jaoe, 18S3 — "Tho next point that .-tribes u, i3 the almost uni- formly high rate of interest recencd from invesimema n pnvate-owred Steamers." "Some pay as much as 25 and evsn 30 per cent. per annum, but we are told that a fair average ail round in respect of 8.11 Steamers now in proper working orcfr xould be represented by 18 tc 20 per cent. per annm2. These payments are aa a rale made without any pro- vision for depreciation or a reserve fund to meet axjy large expense, such as the purchase cf a new bcJer, or pxpersos of a similar kitid, so that some aednctii 1 must be maee for these purposes, tLc actnil valuti O( the ship less depreciation, being co d by .nst>ranee." "But allowing for these cleductioiiF, we think r.i we are well within the E-a.k ia taying that p:ivs;te- owncd Steamtrs present 2 soend investment, vrc" dncing on an art-rage a fdir net dividend of 12 to l'j can's, on the capital expended, &c." M Jft of our Steamships i" this conn try nre averaging from 16 to "0 per cent. in profits; in gum" i- stances we can point to Companies that are fairly nd honestly paying a good 30per cent. r^ividerd snnusiiv, and while this sort of thing exists the future of hG:h "teaPl tonnage as a safe T.Testaient and cf iron ebip- bliid ng as a steady j;dn#try is "^ssnred." 'J he Company is iortr.eel with tLe intention of cany- in^ oa thebusitess o- .SuipowLing in :.11 its hrancces, and its property will be fmphyed whera the most beocficial resaits may be anticipated. Care will also te tukca to ackct for investment cf the Company's funds sneh ciai.s tf Shipping propertj as experience shows to be nost remanerative. Opportunities frr ja.;nt!y occur when iavestmenir* may, oa very be:ien ia! teru.s, be rauda ca ri(r. or etheiv.ifce, on the BCe¡¡r;'y ot shipping property. Powers have, therefora, been taken for this purpose^ and also for freighting any of he C njpan.r'a should ciroumstanoes reuc, r such a ect.tse likely to he of advantage. It is cons tern pkted to insure the rra~ perty cf the Cornpury With a nnderwritera against all the usual rlpb-a. Jio yromotioc money wi:l h paid, and only ih-» actual expenses iucurred in organizing the Conipsriy will bo cbarped. Tbe appointment of the Managers acd the thereof, r^ay he suen at the Solicitors, or at f be u¡', a of the Ocrrnanv, and printed copies of the same v..l be handed to Shareholders by the Managers. For fnil information, ptospojin*, e; pJi:ation for!- &c., cf Steamers r ow hmiding, apply to t c Manr.g:-J]{ Agents; or tho Local Agents cf the Company, V/. J. Vv"ilii.nns, Carnarvon G. T. Johnson, Wliitchtir h; W. H. Thomas, H. J. \Vi'?on, Llr»nfr.:r- fechan; J. D. Ainsvsro»ih, Rhyl; 15. Richards,New- town (Mont.); W. T. Jones, Pwllhsh It. J. He phreys, Portraadoc 'Jr. iEJwards, iJarmonth: D. Jehu, Llanfair i E. Thomas, Gre^t Oak-stseet; £'8 Ricb°.xd<, Newtown, Mont; R. Ken-i' k, 4, JJarir?- t(-rrace, Aberystwyth L.ke liobcrts, 1, Caslhs-Btrctt, Conway. AGFNTS WAITED TN OTHER TOWKQ. W. K O. PITITCIIARD, Builders, Contra -tors and General Mcrctiun's, LL AN FAIR PG-, ANGLESEY. IMPORTANT TO ALL: J OSEPlF SAUM, (Successor to the 18.(; M:r Lchmann,) HIGH STREET, MOLD Begs respectfully to arionace that his GREAT SALE CT WATCHES, CIOCKS, JEWELLERY SILVER PLATE & OPTICAL GOODS, 1. WILL CONTINUE FOR A FEW WEEKS Ø" At this Fst-ablishment people will get the benefit of the SALE, as ail Goods are marked at the usual prico in pia.n fcgure- from which tea Reduction will be made. J. S. bas now e;n band a larpe Selection ci? csO'VELTIES FORlliRTHDAY PRESENTS, to which he invites a special Inspection. All Goods Warranted, and Fxchcngid if not ep. proved cf. N.B.—Special attention is paid to the Repawn* Department, iu which Clocks, Watches, and V kinds of Jewellery r.re promptly attended Clocks andWatches rt paired will be j'i:ept in CT('- f.es of Cl arke, for 12 months, 3 j wound or damaged by i.ccident. Mei gt- the Country on the shojtest notice. t