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v jfiWEIiIiZZLT, all "Waltham Watches* or Geneva, Clocks, Musical Instruments, SL'vec Jewellery, FflJicy Ooods. Cheapest House. Illustrated Catalojru«3stamps. J^'IXjLiyCxTQIN', 12, Houndsdicch,London. ash \Trade oniv. :*f MV"•B'f MENTB made in SAFE SECURITIES, Sl SPECU- UL L&.TIVE BUSINESS in all Stocks and Shares on tha UL L&.TIVE BUSINESS in all Stocks and Shares en the fTjondon Exchnr.^? carefully transacted by Mr. ThoE.aa Be»-r, iSwom Stock Broker, 108, Bishopsjrate Street Within. K.C. [InvesDnMnt Circular with special information post free. j A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS, I-JLA. from £ O, carnage paid. Inscriptions accurate antl beau- tiful. Plans (fid prices from J. W. Lsjfge. Sculptor, Aberdcsn. I THE NATURAL ■<&*>*? by all respectable 8m Chemists, Grocers, and Mineral Watsr Dealers. -=- -=:- r—"ROYAL p ThrMace Soap rYELOUTINE SOAP POiese Soaps havrt the pro- perty of rpr.i'miifr the skin wrta. white, and soft. [ Superiority of Toilet Soaps (by Medical Celebrities Eecoirmeiidod) L, confirmed by experience of Hair a Century. VIOLET, Paris, Rue Saint-Denis, 225. Wholesale A/t,nts R. HOVENDEN* ft SONS, Linden. CALENIYAFC •VirWATCHES. WCNDEESOFTHEAGS. Prjceonly faO, ^Warranted perfec' Timekeepers, jewelled in every hole, compen- amtiou ;,alancc E nows the hours ft seconds, day of the veek, amor-th. Massive s'.erlinj? silver English Hall-marked cases. Money tmturned if not approved of within a week. Trade supplied. Sent ireipatcred on re- oipt of P.O.O. for Z2 IOE. to Mortimer tu. Charlotte St- est, Bedford Square, London, W.C. PEEBLES' SEEDLE F BURNER. THE GREAT GAs SAVER. STEADY, SILENT TIGECT. PEEBLES & Co., TAY WORKS, EDINBURGH. AND YOTTR GAS''FITTKK. TROUSERS FREE BY P ARCELS- POST. Allah i'i I I 42 END 1 STAMP for PATTERNS from K j 7'6 pernair, A 60 nTCTHC TAPE :EA3X72,I3, t an a^so:iir;nt of ailite t ra».ua. f ole Angolas & All-Wool Tweeda as now being worn in i aits H trousers, together with a l?st of umolici^ea testi- monials, fashion plates & directions for self-measure- ment (acknowledged to be as easy as A.B.C. t. w e gn 5- rantee a fit. You will iLid on comparison that our good 3 ure at least 20 per cent. J*/ a.IL^^ r in the trade. Address—TABXING■ BKOS. Ma_nn turers £ Cotac o I ld^O. pTY I w ► CHEAP IGREAT BARGAINS. WOOLLEN DRESS GOODS. COTTON DB.BSS COOTS. At Manufacturer's Prices. Any length cut. Dress Fabric Manufacturing Co. Jfianchester. RELL AS, MATERIALS, ft bl lCKb. Trade list & testi- V? moni't spo^freo. Sendhu.tnesaoanL putting, J37, nkbefb.ia-m. HV EliVOUS iiad PHYSICAL DEBILITY. l..[, A gentleman, having tried ir. vain every advertised remedy, flhas discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will "be happy i'tof ;rward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped 'rjwv directed envelope. Address, J. T. SKWjBXjJL, Esq" Brook '"VL! LA, Hammersmith, Lomlon. i»fl|tHE CUP THAT CHEERS." f A PBESCOTT'S 8/- TEA. A Blend nf China and Indian. jytTTY1 MALTY"! Delicious! 61ba. and upwards, ,<~V rriaire ^ree.—13, Dalston Lane. London, E. t" llOSi'I IAL P1IY S i CI AN' S rapid cure for all BIooct jfk. Diseases, and all headache* :2/6). Tie, Lumbatfo, Sciatica. m fDROPHOBIA. Epilepsy Teetbicsr, Weaning and 3ta f « Children !1 li). Whooping Cough (2,9). For the amount n 'T.O.O. to the PANKURON CO., BOLTON. STE JL COMPANY (limited), l^atead ilSspatnliin^ their Scr*tr Steam Ywht CETIiOK, t*ltO ttfiio Register, on PLEASURE CRUISES as follows • Ta May for a ;> "weeks Cruise to the Azorrs an" Madeira. Ta Juiie for a 6 weeks Cruise to the Northern J latitudes. In August for a 2 weeks CrtuRe round the United Kingdom, la September for a 4 or 5 weeks CraisG to the Atlantic Islands* For fiill particulars 101 ply to the OCEAN STEAM YACHTING COMPANY (LIMITED), Passenger Office: 7. Pall Mall, London, S.W. THOM SO N'S PATENTED COILED SPRING SECTION CORSETS. The growing dc;;ire for Health preserving Tilothing, with a 'jraceful, mmmetriaAl figure, inuat make the Coiled Spring Elastic Section Corset a necessity with all well-dressed English Juadies, and as universally approved of here as it is in America, where, having had the test of 2 years' actual experience, it is now universally acknowledged as A Perfect Corset secured at last. By an ingenious arrangement of fine coiled Attire springs, for ning a flat elastic section (which, unlike india-rubber elastic, will not Tieat the person, or perish in twar), this Corset yields readily to every respiration and move- vnent, and, while aiving all necessary support, is equally comfortable in any position assumed ty U ic wearer. Any Lady nicking a trial of this Corset loill be charmed with the new sensation oj comfort and ret, ef frovi, the rigid, unyielding ibone and steel of the ordinary make, and while securing the gract and carriage of a flood figure will be conscious that she is not sacrificing Health to Fashion. <*» Made in F.ve Qualities, and in a variety of Colours. Tor particulars, see Illustrated List. )- Can be c btained from all high-class Drapers in Town or Country by giving usual waist measurem ent, and quality desired. oIí'-<, -ill Ic |L fRADE 4' "'J -1 7 I,- MARK* STAMMERING CURED. See Book written by I'O one wi •_> has curoa irrswlf. Price, post fre< 13 otiunxui. IVom B. BEASLEY, HJ LL GREEN, near BIU~*r INUHAM, rOO^E;] LIME JUICE TCOllDLVL. The favorite Beverage for lunch, dinner, or supper party. Is pixpar-r«: /rom the Lime iruit, ande-nt' 17 free of alcohol. J > OSE si LIM il JUICE COliDIAL. JLI; iDelicious in .vater? O'ffervesciog in all the Mineral Waters. 'The I«*vourlw irii-iy Beverage, J No table shcuid be without it. ,T> OSE's\ I-1^' j.u IC E CORDIAL^ ULw Posaesscb meuioi.ial 'properties, purifying the blood. Au eioellent Stomachic,stioi:. jlatuig^sirici asHi^ting digcgtion. fl^OSE' LIME JUICE (CORDIAL. ULv I Secoiri mended by the I highest m "dical a'it'io.itJC3 | aa eminently wholesome. See "l/aacet," &3. fO OS^'ri; LIME JUICE CORDIAL. JLw sold by Grocers, W;ne ^^rohints, Confectioners, Ch.emlbtii%&c.» at homa and abroad. and e.or aa.d. iT>6JE'> LIME JUICE CORDIAL^ CLv Purchasers Biiould order Rosa's! v.oro.U only, all otiiers beinR iraitatioEs. I Wholesale Stores, 11, Oartain I Eoad FIEub-oi-y, London, and IiPith, Scotland- I KE YLESS VV ATCIF EST LAD IE S' GOLD 14 Cvirat, warranted. Jewelled in ererr bole, perfect timekeepers, honestly wortU 4 ^uiucis. Price ouly £ 2 Ss and money wtnrned if not approved of within 7 days Hondscina presents, .rwul receant of P.O.O." for £ 2 5s. to Iv. TiI^.O.4: Co.. 13. VigaitT-ai 7. 9a ffee young Men of Enplar.l who suffer from A'"xous DubiHln Jhx t Published. THE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. j « DAfliKucd aa a Warning and a Caution to others: STipplyinir at tha same time the ■means of S'LT-nur. li.by one Who has cared the u*wl ft^ount of MeciiGal i^poa- frec: by sendi^ a^a-i Aoqii £ low. near London. POST FREE FOR SIX STAMPS. J- The MARVELLOUS WORK on I CONSUMPTION, BY GEORGE THOMAS CONGREVE, Coombe Lodgre, Peckhaai. Loudon, S.E. Mr. Cor.^reve is publisMng ONE EECSffT CASE of Ctrajg EVERY WEEK in the" CariatianWorld" &ad other Woeklies. NEARLY 100,000 SOLD! >& »?< + + F- FO G-S I And DAMP AIR produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. 0 THE FINEST REMEDY FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., IS CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, In bottles. Is. lid., 2s. Sd., and 4s. 6d. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE EOUSES. -WALKELI'S CRYST.AX^A^E~WATCHES T T are superseding all others. Prize Medals, London, 1S(H. Paris, 39G7. Silver from C3 3s. Gold from £ 8 6s. 77, CornhUl, B.C. atO, Reyent Street, London. Descriptive Pamjihlet free. 7.2' :-EXTSA~OltDI.N AKY DISCOVEKY. /^HIROPGDTNE tlle latest invention, will poei- I J Xj> tively cure. A trial will eon vie ce ^"fyou. it diners from anything yet invented. x"rie3 13.jd. free by yetjxrn Z5 stamps. Try it. Pottage, Chemist, Beverley HEALTH SSCUBED by M OEZSOJT'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. T@ be had of ail Chemist* xhrouch^ut Great. Britain. JUST PUBLISKJ^D, lor Two »ta:ups, By J. A. BARNES, if.P. [U.S.), A Treatise, entitled— HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH:" J—3L a Most Valuable Book for Young Men, on the LAWS GOVERNING LIFE. and the CAUSES. SYMPTOMS, and TREAT*BST of ail disa*ses depending on Nerroxw Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Koisea in the Kead and Bars, Impaired 3i<ht and M?inory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Ac. Sent poss free 011 J :eeipt of Two Stamps. Address— JA. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), • 48, Lonsdal-3 Square, Xhornhill Road,_ London, N. y0K RHEUMATISM, GOUT, RHEUMATIC GOrT, PATNSin the JOINTS. I.IMBS. BACK, or KID- NEYS,CROW'E' S FAMOUS lOUT ft ItHJEiUMATIC PILLS hare no equal, and at once remove all GOUTS' & RHEUMATIC PAINS from the systsm. Sold by most chemists in Boxes nt 1/li & 2 9, or sent post free 14 or 35 stamps, by THOitAS OROWE. Practical Chemis!31, W anj¡mr Street, London. W. J" APANESE and CHINESE COODSImporters BBSDA Sl CO., 129 and IM, Hound&ditch, London, E. I -1 WONDERFUL! NO MORE LOST WATCH REYS I, A Gold WArcn, Keyless,yos42s The most Wonderful value ever offered tothi PubLic,& often soid for double the money ,bu it is owing to the large deuumd tbat the Ad rertiser i? enabled to offer a single Article a1 Wholesale Price. Send P.O.O. for abovt amount, and one will be sent free by Join Watson, 57, Wekstminster-rd.. Binrinsr'nara. A VALUABLE BOOK on the causes and tm il new cure of general and Nervous Debility, Prematnrt Decline, Sc., coniaininj; also a number of Prescriptions, wil be searpost free and >rratis, on application, by the author- Dr. G. Rumler (N.Y. :J2, Thomhill Ctescent. London, y. TO LARGE CUKSUM'BXS. AMERICAN APPLE SEASON, NEW TOWN PiPPINS, from 30 per Ba\-rel; smaller pack- ages, 4/_ to 5 per stone 141b3.}; 3JAXDWXI« S, from 25/- per Barrel: 2 6 and Si- per stone. ENGLISH BliENiLFTjSSS, 2 6 Der rtone. Delivered free hy goods train to any »ailway station in United Kingdom, on receipt of Cheoue oi Postal Order, -payable to COPELAND & POLLEN. MANCHESTER. EP.VOUS DEBILITY.-A Christian (',cntle- NERVOUS DEBILITY.—A Christian Ccntlo- man will be happy to forward jiartioulars of a safe, &I; permanent CURE on receipt of stamped addressed envelope.— Apply, Mr.BolphiP.101).Cambridge House, Lakenneath.Su fto' z. SPITALFIELDS SILKS. FOR FURNITURE AND DRESSES. Embroidery and Textile TVorifpies hy. 15. IIELBRONNER. S0«) i: :^i2, Oxford Street, London. rp.ciE "CAMDEN EOUNTAIN PEN? JL PATENT, August, 1S83. THE PEKFECTIOy OF "POITyTAIN" OR RESERVOIR PENS. Simple in Construction. Cannot get out of Order. The increasing demand for a really workable Pocket or Desk Pen containing its own su?>p; ?of ink. has induced the nrod'tc- t'< :i of the "CAMDEH FOUSTAIK PES," Which is ftrouirht beiore the public aa the perfection of reservoir pens, iof witn it AKY Pfey CAN BE USifiD, and thus there is accomplished the prreat desideratttm, A PERFECT FOUNTAIN PEN. The size of the" Camden Fountain Pen," via., 5m. ling, ad apts it conveniently for either the pocket or wie desk, gad its tap'irins f<arm JS a special feature. PP.K K Fitted with non-corrodible Pen 2 0 Fittod with Iridium Point Pen, fine, medium, or broad 3 0 Kuch Pen is s»iit out in a neat biiilwitb In!••-filler complete. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. Wholesale only from OH'S. aOODALL & SON. Oamdet. Works, London. N.WV "NERVOUS DEMTITYT" A Cure a okv TR M NT Guaranteed. TYR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE & BRAIN TREAT. MENT, a Guaranteed Cure for all Diseases of the Nervoug System, suclrMks Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Neu- ralgia, Headacne, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Prematura Old Age, caused by Excesses, Over-Exertion of the Brr. n, or Over-Indulgence (resulting in Insanity, and leading to Misery, Over-Indulgence (resulting in Insanity, and leading to Misery, 1)0'Y, and Death'. The Remedy is from the Prescription of an Eminent Physician, & has been test0d & used with great success for years; therefore Proprietors have no hesitation whatever in issuing « Written Guarantee of Cure, or Money refunded to every Purchaser of Six Boxes. Each Box contains One Month's Treatment, 4 (3 a Box, or 6 Boxes with Guarantee) for 25/ To be had of aU Chemists and Dru!fgists.-BARCLAY& SONS. Loadon Agents, 95. Farringdon Street,_Loiidon. do4s BELLAMY'S DISCOVERY, FCJB rnit OnnE or LAME AND BLEMISHED HORSES. SPRAINS, BRUISES, INFLAMED SWELLINGS, BONE SPAVIN, Curt, Splint, and Bony Fcr^atio-as, WINDFALLS, "THOSOUGHPIN, BOG SPAVIJS, %c., CURED and REMOVED. without firing or injury to the Horse. Remedy for Sprains, &c., 6s.; Bone Spavin. &c., rq 6a.; Wmdgalla, B>)g Spavin, Sc., 10s, 6d.; Carriage paid. P.O.O. OR CHEQUE TO ACCOMPANY ORDER. Pull particulars andtestimo-y-ilr PMfc i'xim «Wi application. T BELLAMY & C0765, Broiar-St., Maacliester ECONOMY-GARDEN IS INSURED BY USING Sutton'sPARCELS 10/- POST 10/ (Sntton's Seelsj OF VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS Containing 30 Favourite Varieties of Vegetable Seed*, and 12 Choke Sorts of Flower Seeds. SENT FREE BY PARCELS POST TO ANY AD DRESS IN THE UNITKTVKINGDOM ON RECEIPT OF A REMITTANCE FOR 9/6. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. t, QUEEN'S SEEDSMEN, RgfiDSHG. I The CLEAN .Black Lead. "-Vide Press. | JAMES' COLD MEDAL i w Successiw awards for Br- Iff a i%#jj |raa esllenee of duality and Clean/i- g | tt 2S,BLACK LEAD I%EW.&aM ofWorthless Imitations I RENOWNED REMEDIES. I THE -PILLS Purify tlie Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIT:>3EYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilita ? > "^utions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. J en and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Ead Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is farnouf fo" Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no nvid and for contracted ani stiff joints it acts like a charm. 4 Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, And are sold at IS. lid., 2S. gd., 4s. 6(L, lis., 22S., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and may be had of all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. ) N.B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address," daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. I A Ceitain Cure or the JJexvous and Debilitated. I GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing suffer- \J era how they may be cured, and recover health and vitality without the aid of Quacka, with recipes for puiifying the blood and removing skin affections, also chapters for Happy Marriages When und Whom to Many, The Temperaments Stammering, Vital Force, How Wasted and How I Preserved, Galvanio Appliances, and the Wonders of the Microscope in DetectingVariousComplainta. Post free for two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute cf Anatomy, Bir- mingham. E 473 Piklieel 1 cures Neuralgia Tic and Tootllflclip NERVOUS AND iUUlIUlCIlO SWK HEADACHE. Tikheel is not pretended to be a cure for every aehe and pain, but a cer- tain and safe remedy for ra- cidlv relieving, and speedily cirrinar TIC in thp Hea3. TIC in the Fa^e. TIC in the Gums, NERVOUS and SICK HEADACHE, TOOTH. ACHE (even when proceeding from a decayed tooth, rendering extraction unnecessary). It also removes at once the Toothache to which Females an at times so peculiarly subject. PRICE 2s. 6d., of all Chemists. Do not be persuaded t< u Try some thing else PARCELS PCST FREE for 2s. yd. ir Stamps or P.O.O., from the Manufacturers, I CLARKE, BLEASDALE, BELL & CO., YORK. W fx AT PU A T V A nffVTQ1 M AYRTON & SAUNDERS, 149, Duke.street Iivei pool. B>VOOK HUGH^ LLoTD .TONES, Mcdical Hall, LLASDTTDNO W. S. PENNEY, M.P.8. The Diepenfiary, M^styn-street (and Four Crosses, Fes tiniog J. BUKTQN. OBEMISr. MACDOHALD, IUIR & CO., St. Stephen's Chnmbcrs, Telegraph St., London. E.C. SWORN 8TOCK and SHARE BROKERS. We offer 50 £ 5 fully Lid up shares Wheal Benny Mine at Egi. Grandest prospocts of any mine in England. Writ" for pamphlet; giving full particulars, also opinions on all Foreign Stocks, Rnnsh P„iUw»vs. etc., & otc. A VAMT TVAOT WJXX:N <54 G0. _j J\_ BUTTERI17E App°ld^ht.^i n^ burj, PIANOFORTES~ FOR SAL ET ^800 Sturned fromjaire, at great reductions, from 5 to 300 guineas,for cash or by instalments. All carriage paid. E. BARNES & Co., Loudon, < and ':i. Western Road. Brighton. T\ A ft TT °' MEDICAi WONDERS, should be read by all MI 11 I A men. Importau t to debilitated norrous sufferer** and 1)1/lift those about to marry. Free in Envelope for 4 atamp. Fub- Medical HAU, Fitzallan-?-|uar^.Sheffield. Estab. 1830 FOUND DEXD: FOUND DEXD: ISO RAT3 by One Dressing o>' SAHFOEB'S RAT POISON. Of all the Poison I ever u-*ed for killing I'.acs, S<irtfortVj is th« be*t; never fails." Vide testimonials from J. LONG, Esq., Hen- iow. & R. MARSH. Esq.. Little Offley. Price 1/- per box 13 post free. SANFOED'SMICE POISON for Dressing Corn Stacks, Building Houses, &c. Cannot be excelled. Price V- & upwards; sent to any ad.dress im receipt of stamps by the Proprietors ana Manufacturers, SANFORD & SON, SAXDY, BKDH^RDSHIRB. CHARES TO BUY for a great rise. K7 Wheal Benny £ 5 fully paid, price .CIO each. Same dip of lode as property close by wtiioti paid iSO.OOO dividend;; on every £ 100 invested in the first years. Fifteen shillmiesper share given for the option of callinjf them at £ 30, during 1SS4.—Application to GORDON, SMITH AND CO., };,2, Palmerston Buildings. L-on(loii,-E,C. fORKE'S "AP Mark;. A PALATABLE ill JLUJ-VJ-V)' APERI&TT. ( hildreii like it. Oriee wted a!irnp- nteO. Keiiabia in ita opera, tion. Sample, carriage paid.f .ir 2/6. Postal Order,o* E. COItKE, Chemist, Ticehurst, or price 19 and 3 of all Chemists ana Medicine Vendors. _Wholetc.l<— Barclaj^and Sons, Lond".n. • pj" IkITO /I11 every Town and Village. Liberal Com- AUIIMI I U 'mission. No risks. Send stamp for terms to ij/1 MTrri i 'I'HE RUBBER STAMP CO., WA « I L.U ( i.i. Holinim ViaduLc. London. E.C. BRASS,REED,STRING, &DRUM & FIFE BANDS. PIANOS, OROANS & HARMONIUMS at Whole. BRASS,REED,STRING, &DRUM & FIFE B BANDS. PIANOS, OROANS & HARMONIUMS at Whole. salePrjices at J.SEOORE&CO..BuxtonKd.,Huddersfield. Prices with drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any-kind of Blind. Bandsmen's Caps, Patronised by Army, Navy, & Rifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange, ESTA B LI Sir EU 1831. BIRXBECX A JSr K.— 30, Southampton Buildings. Chancery Lane, London. Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers, and interest allowed on the minimum monthly I balances when not drawn below £25. No Commission chargtd for keeping Accounts. The Bank also receives money on Deposit at Three per cent. Interest, repayable on demand", and undertake.; the purchase *nd stale of Stocks and Shares. A Pamphlet, with full particularn. an application. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manages. HAVE IT IN YOUR houses. LASTCLOyGH-S PYRETIC SALUTE. It is tlie saf« mtiaoce iii Scarlet Fever. Small-pox, and other diseases. Aix in- yaluable domestic medicine, removing Headache, Biliousnes*. Constipation, Skin Affections, Blood Poisons & Feverishness. ^e« nume,rous Medica. Testimonials, such as no other ^a /eA'ST.i o0T->erif,?reT, n no other. Prepai-d solely by H.. LAMPliOUGH, 11«. Holborn, London. HAV3 XT IN TOXJBHOVSES & WITK YOXT IN XOXTR TKAVELS. (ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA. (JOUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA. I DR. J. COLLIS BEOME'B CHLOKODYNE, I A few doses Quite eEEectvial. — Caution. —The (iitniiiT,:rart medical reports I of Cblorodyue vital import- public should nine, which it, VTO vernment the words I I 1. ii 9, liI 1'1 1. il I on the efficacy render it of iTice that tha obtain the gen- protected by a stamp, bearing I)r. J. nrilli3 Browne's Cbloroayue." See decision of Vice-UhaurseUor Sir W. t age Wood, the rimes. July ICth, lSoi. i??erous testimonials i'rom eminent Physicians accompany eacn bottle. '-d in Bottles, 1/1^, £ /9, & 4/6, by all Chemists. |YFAMILY i^LSCTltO-ICAGrNlJ TIC I MEDICAL APPARATUS for the cure of RHEUMATISM, CONSUMPTION, GENERAL DEBILITY, BRON- ^HITIS, FITS, AFFECTIONS Of the LIVER, AGUE. CANCER, APOPLEXY,NEUKALGIA,SPINAL COMPLAINTS,SP2AINS,Jtc. APOPLEXY,NEUKALGIA,SPINAL COMPLAINTS,SP2AINS,Jtc. otrongly recommended by scientific practitioners as a certain rTfPali\ s r6niedy for most diseases, as well as being a scuroe ?' J;"dlfc3s amusement to everyone. Two-current Coil, Insulating J^lcctro-x'iafced Handles, Silk Connecting Cords, Power Regn- iax>r, u. Battery, complete, packed and forwarded free, 18s. fid, Trade suoplied. WILRDoy & Co., ELECTRICIANS, SUNDER LAND. KEYLESS WHOLESALE PEICES. LADIES' 9 WATCHES. rv ,9,carat. 38/6; 14 carat, 50 Silver, 35/- and 45/ r rxAVrTur-rfU?,'> beautifully ch.wtl, and fuJly jewelled. YVV ViJ-MEN'S Gold, 55/- and 60/ Stout Silver Lever, 40/ ■^f'ESS & perfect timekeepers. Large stock of Chains. v< m ii v'c'rV-fr Send P.O.O. Money returned if not approved. A CO 16, Fleming Road, Kennington, London. ■TVf FTQTn A I Cnrivailed Stock. ~Ali^newest j,~JL VJ Vj J f\ I l Accompaniments. Catalogues of tunt s prices grAtis, ft free by |<S I I^ Sl Post. WALES & McCULLOCH. 22, 7 -j B J# I^udgate-liill, (feijfi, Cheapside, London. rffRE WORSTED C OAT IN GS and Serges A of the Hnddergfield\7oollen Cloth Comp»iny,Ltd.,ara thP- bost vaiiie mc.nafact-ared. Anvjen;/t'.1 cut. Patterns on applic^t-Aon. Anchor Brewery, D'ARCY'S DUBUf STOUT Dublin. I (Largest Brewery irtjb-elacid but one.) Q AFE INVESTMENT for small capitalists, V- 74 per cent. steady dividends in a non-speculative concern. Furfuli varticularB. address B u 16. The Exchange, Huddersiield. I. £ 2IHt—*1^PbW | fc-rtig g H a S | g § S"§g ,.o t; sE I0H{ C3 Rj. v> £ 5 L-i. i £ rj C -f ^r? P P*U.G O W3 » S. ^^13 <T> *1 5 £ &30 P ry\ U ^ni iSw-eM^siSlS, NSs i P* 8 gg 5 « ..•SSi ^sji ► sf1,Ml?i f • • 3 ft iRJllilaWlllJili! isllliiltiifisg s oa«g^ | Hilling „ miZH §s* ll £ 'iSRifgiiSitg^sspiHi [liiiisgii Issggnl,>ia $5l*Ari MMftffiti{' iWifift3is!i«na 3 § §| £ g irW £ h&3 s^tf?-1? 8*2 ►« gg f -I ?bh-:»° S-^2?,o c«!2| s « e: ^i|'pS'3ts2o|-g.2.8 N t<HM t* H 0 O S §s*»^t?l o § 5- 8 3 S gj §*2*§s?d lc^fgoji|g=if! ^P:feoriii|ini'°s^ !i";H 6 HI « 1 ep ^as§^ |§o gg •IIIUKI BH#* SEil. s!i1ailNl| £ KSs5S 3 § |J^fP|!l I II g*w 0S g 2Ha| glBSl Ho 4#1 l&lsSitefff'S a. "?H |l? • lUffl n WH^ Zi^'s^tp ft 0.-PI2S- Q vsf& >:s £ £ l3&!?8 £ *2 ? « 2 W m £ £ ^2 £ a a* S £ I £ 0» s Q •^wUW ?*»?w j i?Ws«rB]r»S l C^2 g @ bd !.o.il §51 ssP-sog Is H of rich strong fiy e <iuahty Tea Bent free for 12/ worth 218 retail, .,Clb,i, of Grand TEA [DJ Olbs. of Broken Leaf Tea sent free for 8' worth double the money in the Cup. SENT FREE for 1S/- ESroSffli s^f/l'PtlQ iPKo^^fS^I^IPK^Pg ffraffKfa Jh fc* frjffl 11 S? <h. to .? a M M ^29 t> S' SWOq H twl.2 t-—S ~*VW L i«w Wg-cf B^MBBwlF r^gfcS f«lsill2 Slffl «?»wS5fe5=H^«* ^«wstck! 1:1 BWii ItlaVSS ilsasM pV§gsy ilgfoogpHssSsSsSw^ 3lgH*Hw PS bSW^A 2 ?pi»8s. baipllS|I5H«!=»!l>5Sw^ ;iW|a!S+.go Ri! Iln^ f^g ffiSefislsg!fssl^3 iikJi^III^II gBI !5JO |flj@|g 5?5 fe;|gflfWiils a ]g III g ? f lis? isl'lff p mi^jSKS^ C' Co S "• 3 2'3 2 BJO t>nj > OV « O^r I h^'S AS1'1 -^■►O 0 5? <:•« (B?"H eSBPft1 & S C"™ L I^*§o« a?-<a38e^ Hfs"a« bsoi-tdSie^ssi^M i«prsi >s> iiiii & £ 's|8m? S* S" iVwi « b*" S^ £ 3wb »>#5g.ag °HsS-?a 1 iftlif 5 ?-n m n S8.W? Bssiiigiiiaiaiiiai'i S« ifei m |Gi «lf|riS« IlilBli g us n v 1 mm ilifsfe mm*§mm 11 ii#q»g -1 TEE STANDARD MEDICINE OF THE AGE ESTABLISHED, 1839. I THE CAMBEIAN MEDICINE, JONES' (TREMADOO), I APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The general test of HALF A CENTURY has now established tbe reputation of these PILLS, composed of rare and extensive Vegetable prepar- ations, combined with a valuable SNOWDONiAN HERB, forming a MILD, LAXATIVE, TONIC BEMRDY. superior to all-other preparations as a PREVENTIVE AND CURE FOR ALLDISKASES RESULTING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STOMACH AND LIVER AND IM- PORITY OF BLOOD, &c. Sold by Mil the Wholesale Houses, and at the Depot, Tremadoc, North Wales. Retailed by all Medicine Vendors in every Town in the United King om and the Continent, in Boxes, at Is ldt, 2a 6d, and 4s 6d each. JONES' (TRE^ADOC). pectoral balsam, For Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Difficulty of Breathing, Hooping Coughs, Tightness in the Chest, Hoarfenec-a, &c. Sold in Bottles, id, Is lid, and 28 9d each. IMPOBTANT TO SINOESS, <Sfcc., JONES' (TREMADOC), AROMATIC VOICE GLOBULES, For Restoring & Clearing the Voice, removing Hoarseness, &c. Instantaneous and Certain in their effect- Sold in Boxes, Is lid, and 2s 9d each. These Medicines bad the experience of Fifty years. The Prescription of one of the first Physicians of Wales. iggp" Any of the abeve may be sent from Tre. macioc, by Post, with 2d extra, to places where they are not obtainable. NONE OF THESE ARE QUACK MEDICINES. MOST WONDERFUL DISCOVERYI! NO MORE SMALL POX MARKS! LEON & CO'S OBLITER.A.TOII (PATENTED) REMOVES ALL SMALL POX MARKS. MLEON, the inventor of the Obliterator, • has obtained several medals and diplomas of honour, and has been appointed purveyor to SCVGcøl Royar and Imperial Cciizta. Leon end Co's Obliterator is approved by the Medical Faculty. No MORE SMALL Pcx MABKS No MORB SMALL POX MARKS No MORE SMALL POX MARKS The very worst cases of Small Pox Marks are successfully treated by Leon and 00. t B Obliterator. Simply iub Leon and Go's Obliterator into the skin with a clean sponge three or four times a day, for a few minutes each time, and the Small Pox Maiks will gradually disappear. NO MORE 8MALL Pox MARKS No MORn SMALL POX MARKS f NO MOBB SMALL Pox MARKS ) Tb3 application of Leon and Co.'s Obliterator is quite simple and harmless; Leon and Co.'s Ob- literate* causes no inconvenience whatever. Dr Pierre et Dr Seboll certify that Leon and Co.'s Obliterator contains nothing whatever of an injurious character. No MOBE SMALL Pox MARKS No MOBB SMALI, Pùx. MARKS! No MVRE SMALL POX MARM Leon té CO.,3 Obliterator is sold by all Chemists, Hairdresser* and Perjumcrs. In Dottles, Is 6d, 3s, and 5s Gd. CAUTION:—None genuine unless "Leon and Co." is engraved upon the bottle. Chief Depot of the Obliterator MAISON LEOitf AND COMPANY, Perfumers to H. M. the Queen. 202, HIGH-STREET,STRATFORD, LONDON,E. EXPOBT.—Perfumet of all kinds, Essences, Ex tracts, Toilet Soap, Toilet Vinegar, Hair Restorer, Golden, Brown, and Black Hair Dyes, Eaux de Cologne, Bay Rum, and other perfumes for Ladies' Baths. In Bottles, Is 6d, 3s, and 53 6d. Agents and Travellers wanted for Town,Country and Abroad, LEON & CO.'S DEPILATORY (PATENTED.) Leon and Co.'s DEPILATORY is the only safe and efficacious compound, removing, in a few minutes, any superfluous hair from any part of th" body, without any pain or even unpleasant sensation. Mix a small portion of the Depilatory with a little cold water; rub the paste thus produced into the hairy skia and allow it to dry for one (, r two minutes. Then sponge it off with cold water and the hair will be completely removed, never to grow again. MAIFON LEON AND COMPANY, perfumers to H. Jf. tho Queen, 202, HIGH STBBET, STBATFOBD, E. Every Genuine Packet is signed "Leon and Co.' Sold by allCheroista,Ha;rdrcssers and Perfumers Price 6d.. Is., Is 6d., 3c., 5s 6d. Agents and Travellers wanted for Town Country, anc^Ab/oad. GRATIS.—Sent by Post tr all parts of the YYorid.oi, receipt of two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURIS FOE DEBILITIES and derangements of the generative and Nervosa system, Nervor.s Debility and Exhaustion, iue result of over taxed energies, is Riven in the book of POSITIVE REMEDIES." This book gives a positive remedy for all diseases. The names of r.il Medicines are g;it'cn in English. Cases and te^titno- mals, with means used iR each case. It is e r.tii de to th° self-treatment of all diseases, and should be con- sulted by all who require medical trentusent. NOTICE. —The Positive Medicines given in the book ci: POS- ITIVE REMEDIES" aro tho medicines noed by Dr Smith for over thirty ye&ra. By the aid of this book > Invalids may form a correct knowledge of toeir malady, and find a positive remedy for the cure. The names urn published in English, to enable invalids to select the remedy and cnie themselves withent consulting a Medical man, making a written statement of case, or paying consnStation fees. Send two Stamps for the took of "POSITIVE REMEDIES," which contains 244 pages, and gives a cure for all di-saes. Post free on receipt of two stamps, direct trom U. Smith 4 Co., Positive Remedy Labor* ory» 26, Southampton- Row, London, W.C. BggMBBitel 1 JROTODTNE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE j CUBE for Debilities and Derangements oi the Generative and Nervous system, Prostrat:on, Pimples, Loss of Energy, Physical Depression, Pre- mature Decline, Wasting Diseases, Exhaustion of Nerve power, Local Weakness, and all Diseases re- suiting from loaH of Vital Force. After nsing these Pills, the body and nerves are restored to health and vigour. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient for the cure), price 2s. 9d. May be had dircct from tho prc- priel )rs on t ieipt of thirty-four Stamps. Sent by Poat to any address.—-H. Smith & Co., Positive Re- medy La.bmtory,26, Southampton-row. London W.C. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA BY IBS UO MINI ON LINE OF FIRST CLASS STEAMEBS, SAILING FROM LIVERPOOL TO HALIFAX AND POIlLr- LAND EVEFtY THURSDAY, DURING WiNTBB. AND IN SUMMEK TO QriJBBC. THIS FAVOURITE LINE of Passenger Steamers is ufider contract with the Can- adian Govern tuent for the conveyance of atsistetit passengers to Canada at tke following low rates r— Agricnltnrnl Labourers acd their Families, and Female Domestic Servants J03 General Labourers and Mechanics Children between 1 and 12 years j £ 2 Infants lOs Sa con Fere from R10 10s. Intermediate from £7 7s. Steerage £ 5 5s. Thi" Liii" is well known for it? superior Intermediate Accommodation, each room containing orly two or four berths.. Through Bookings to all parts of Canada and th* United States, at "very cheap rates. Steward, Stewardesses for all classes of passengers, end an experienced Burgeon are attached to eaek steamer. Pamphlets and Maps free on afpHcatim-. NR^!r fnr^er information apply to W. J. Williams, 7R Market-street, Carnarvon K. R Stythe, Accountant. W. J. Parry, Acrountaut, Bangor ? L- Y'r?' '• Vale-street, Denbigh Luko Roberts, Castle-street, Conway; Aiasworth an2 Auctioneers. St. George's Hal!. Rh.tl; Henry \» luon, rioae-place,Llanfair-feerian W. T. Jones.9» Mew street, Pwllheli; J. g, Ingham, Clwt-y-bont, audi Lianberis John Cadwaladr, Blaenau FfeStinioui Edward iiavu a, Re?eBt-street, Liangolien; J. R. Wil- liams, Accountant. North-terrace, Criccieth; R. G. Humphreys. otaUo^er, Portmadoc Joh. Lloyd, Bea Hi-e, Barmoutn « E. Gr ffiths, Ciaig-y-dou Bar- mouth; John W l'iams, Bala OWeD Ree*» Station-t, DoLel ey Mother GriBltka, BridjtO- street, i.'uaboii; R. i'earf CTi Roberts, Glycdwi^ terrace, Cofwen E. Thomcs, Great Oak-street, Llan- idiots; Rees Richards, jJ.<Jt Store, Newtown; D. Richards, 1, North-parade, Aberystwyth; R. K on rick* A, MarÍne.te.racE>, Aberystwyth, or to FLINN MAIN, AND MONTGOMERY, MANAGING DIRECTORS, t. Jilt's street, Liverpool. ALLAM LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO UNITED STATES AND CANADA. FROBI LJrVXRPDOI-. NOVA SOOTI\N'.For HALIFAX & BALTIMOREipr. 8 Pi iL YNESIAN.. For Halifax PORTLAND. Apr. If)- PEHUVIA.N For. Qck^sc. Apr. IT HANOVERIAN.For HALIFAX & BALTIMORKAPT. ax S AR M ATI AN. For OTT KBEC Apr. 2^ At STRIAN For QUEBEC Apr iA PARISIAN.For QL BBEC May* 1. OOEAN RATES: Saloon, 12 to 21 Guineas; Intermediate, JET 7m, Steerage, t4 lq. Through Tickets at Special Rates to Chicago and? to nil Points in the Western States aad Cauada. W Note.—The best, quickest, and cheapest route for Manitoba siid the Great Nozth West is by the Mail Steamers of this Line. Assisted Passages tJ Fulifai are granted top General Labourers, Mechanics, ¡{c., for £4; and to Agriculturibts, Agriculturai Labourers, and Female Domestic Servants for 13; and Through to Inlasdl points in Canada at Special Rat 38. 4W Passengers landing at P.,ilifax or PortlamA and going inland are accompanied on the Bailvajr by the Company's special conductors. Panphlets on Caca 'ia, MnLit< ba, and the West- ern StEit 8 free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS k CO., JAMSS-STKET, LIVERPOOW ACENTS :— Wm. J. Williams. 7. Market street, Carnarvon. Matthew Goldie. 217. High street, Bangor. Eo PbiHp Will^rnp, 11, Victoria-place, Bethesda. Wm. John parry, 3 and 4, Wil iams' Courtj Beth— t!Sjs» Joan Evans, Herald Office. Carnarvon. » B E 1 O A N Lift UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSB8, LTVERrOOL TOPHILAPELPHIA. jffsar vracicBSiDAT AND A^ TT^NATIS 8ATXTBD4T-, Fiist-class, full-poweied Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers equal to mmrf European l ine. Passengers and Goods landed at PhOadfllp&fe on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. TM SHORTEST AITO BBSV RorTs TO THB T3Bfc Apply ioUICHAIiDSON, SPENOEftCO., IT & 19, Water-street, iverpooL r [LOCAL Aorars.—W. J. Williams, Secretair ft the Norifa Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, Market- atroct, Carnarvon; John Foulkes, 24, High-streets Omuarvon; R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigtaa Ma-iM. Tslyaam b 227-77 A Iml S}T HVEHPOOI. TO jCsrravr TOBK & isosToasr EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. This Company has been estskbiishf-d The Forty "Years, and. is noted fjp its Safety wmt Comfort for all °* Passengers ADDIV to the CUNATiD STEAM SHIP COMPArlVl Lirr.ited, Liverpool, Or to they ? GKNV. -W"1 J VILLI AM? 7 Market-street, Carnaroia, Thomas Ingham, Clwfc- y-bout, via Ciimarvouv INTNKMKDIATX PASSAGE, Y,8 Ss STKBBAQB, »VLOW itA TES. IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE X ESTABLISHED 1836. X S T IJBB S • MERCANTILE OFFICES 42, GBESHAM-ST., LONDON, E.C. ,c Trade Auxiliary Company (Limited). S07iSwBIBKRS. BY OBTAINING TIMR:LY INPORJCATIOW. MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AQKNCT. RECOVIB DEBTS DUB WITH PBOMITITUDB. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE (25s per annum) Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. Branches at 53, Conduit-street, London. Dubfnr, Glasgow, Birtuingham, Bradfurd, Bristol, Brightonr Belfast,. ork, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Liverpool, Leeds, \[ancbestir, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, S<mlk- umpton. Sheffield. ,w on TBBMB—^ £ 1 Is, ^2 2s, 38, X5 5B, according to it* qniramenti. Prospectu* forwarded on arplication to the Secretary Stubba' Mercantile Ofilota, ia, Gre^am-atrcet, Loa. don.E.C. js 876 «