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I A COLD will, with difrerent individnals, show it- pelf in a varietv of forms, the Tnopt common being Cory: or Cold in the .mati, wen- known by tho lassi- tude, wearinees fullness about the head, dry stuffed np nostrils, frequent sneezing, with a "bit of a cough," and tightness across the chest,&c. At once let the patient take Griffith Owen's Essence of Coltsfoot, mixed with a wine-glassfull of warm water,at bed-time-Mlow the directions given with each bottle, and much evil will be avoided. 11 874 More than one-third of the deaths in theMetro- polist and the large towns in England arise from Consumption alone. It justifies, therefore, the observation made by Dr Robert Hunter, that the question of prevention and curt is tne in which fully SIX MILLIONS of the present potol)lq of England have the interest of life itself," owing, no doubt, to neglected Coughs and Colds. Griffith Owen's Essence of Coltsfoot can always be depended upon in the early stages. See that you get Griffith Owen's. b 874 The medical profession are now ordering Cad- bury'Cocoa Essence in thousands of cases, bo- cause is contains more nutritious and flesh form- ing element thrm any other beverage, and is preferable to the thick starchy cocoa ordinarily sold. When vou ask for Oadbury's Cocoa Es- sence be sure that you get it as shopkeepers often push imitation for the sake of extra profits. Maken to the Queen. Parish Depôt, 90, FIJu- bourg St. Honore. CURED no A FXW nAYS, COBNS, BUNIONS, AND EN- LARGED TOE JotNrg -Dallal's Orn and Bunion Piasters are the only real remedy. They differ from all Plasters, Shields, or Coaopnsitions ever invented. By instmtiy softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the corn soon following. Bunions apd eniargei toe joints require more time for perfect cure, but the removal is obtain and relief iustantaae- ons. Any boots may be "Vorn with comfort three hours after applying Dellar's Plasters; on no account re per- suaded to l-uy any other. Boxes, Is m each, are sold by most Chemist's. Post free 14 SUTOPS. B<"i- lord Laboratory Bayloy-atreet, London. W.C, Anvicf TO JIoTrrpRs!—Are yon broken in your rest by a sick eniM Buffering with the pain of cut- ting teeth ? Go it, once to a chemist and get bottle of Mas. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SV1(Ü1': It will re! ieva the poor suilerar immediately. It is perfectly harmless and plea.a^at to taste, it pro- duccs natural, qivet by relieving the child from P^in, and OK: little cherub awakes as bright a3 a. but"f It soothes Lhe child, it softens tho gumb, <u.ays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowelij, and is the best known remedy for dysentery and d;urr-'l??a, whether arising from toothing or otliel* C3tisoi, ilrrf. winalow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Mediciuo dealers everywhere at b. lid. per bottle. VALUABLE DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIR.—Tf your bair is turilijl,roy or i-hitc!, oi-f'ii',Iingoff, use "The Mexican Hair Iveiiower," for it mill positively restore in every ease Crfij or White hair to it3 original colour, without leaving the disagreeable smeil of mostRestorers." It makej the hair charmingly beautiful, us well as promoting the growth of tho mostRestorers." It makej the hair charmingly beautiful, us well as promoting the growth of tho hair on bald spots, where the glands are not de- cayed.^ Ask your Chemist forTHE MEXICAN HAIB RE>:EWFK," sold by Chemists and Perfumers HAIB RE>:EWFK," sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3: Gd. per Bottle. Wholesale depot removed to 33, Farrijgdon Road, London. FLOBILINK!—Foa THE TEETH AND BREATH.—A few drops of the liquid Floriline" sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from aU parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teoth a peculiar p"arly white- ness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It. removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobaccosinoke. "Tho Fragrant FJoriliue tt being composod in part of iloney and sweet herbs, ia delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilet dis- covery of the age. Price 2s. 6d., of all Chemists and Perfumers. Wholesale depot removed to 33, Farringdou Road, London.


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