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DENBIGH. Ektertainmrnt.—Last night a very interesting was given at the Drill Hall by the Denbigh Amateur Minstrels Troup. The at. tendance was gooj, and every one among the audience seemed very highly pleased with the proceedings. Market.—The market last Wednesday was rather email, owing, we suppose, to the Ruthin fair being hold on the same day. The corn market still remains in a very depressed state, and prices have a downward tendency. The sup. ply of butter and eggs was much az usual. Po- tatoes were a gre it drug in the market, end it was almost impossible to obtain remunerative pdces. THE National Eipteopvod.—A meeting was lield in this town on Monday over which the mayor presided, to consid; r the desirability of organising a choir from the existing choirs in Denbigh, Ruthin, St Asaph. and surrounding districts to compete at the Liverpool Eisteddfod for the 80 guineas prize, and for the prizo for male voices. Mr Felix 0. Watkins, et St. Asaph, was appointed conductor, and the necessary steps to start the choir were taken. The meeting was well attended by the gentry of the neighbourhood. Highway Boamv—A special adjourned meeting of the Mold Highway Dissrict Board was held on Wednesday last at the County Hall when the fol. lowing members were present:—Ool. Oooko (chair- man), Messrs J. Lloyd (vice-cnairman), J. Hughes, J. Astbury. G. Taylor, P. Jones. J. Batsman, T. Parry, John Griffiths, Revs Watkin WiHians, and Davifl Jenkins, Messrs John Thomas. Jarae* Yates, — Hodson, J. Parry, — Glackwell, John Roberts, John Lloyd (Maesgarmon^, Abel Jones, John Jones (Gaerfallwch), A T. Keene (clerkh und E. Roberts (surveyor).—The meeting wag held solely for the purpose of discussing the question of the liability of the board to repair the Warred-road, which subject has been been before the board on several oceasions, but which has now to be definitely dealt with owing to the proceedings instituted against the board by Mr J. Scott Bmkes. Mr Kelly (Mr Bankes* solicitor) proposed on behalf of Mr Bankes that if the board would spend this year on the road a sum not exceeding £15, and for the next three years a sum not exceeding £ 5 each year, Mr Bankes would contribute one-third of the amount so spent, the surveyors of the board to see to the repairs being properly carried out — Mr Aetbury proposed, and the Rev Watkin Wil- liams seconded, that the offer t'e accepted.—Mr Gee Taylor was against this. and proposed as an amenduent that the offer be r,ot accepted, but thatta question of liability ba contested.—Mr Peter Jones (T/ddyn TTcha') seconded the amend- ment, which, after a discussion, was put to the vote, ani on a show of hands the original motion ■was carried by sev n votes against four, several member! not voting at all. Disestablishment OF the Ghtjbch in Wales. The fritnds and supporters of the Disestablish- ment mcvement met at Denb gh on Tuesday to consider several matters in connection with the question. In the afternoon a conference was held the Independent Chapel, presided over by Rev J. William 1, Rhyl. About a hundred delegates were present, and resolutions to the following effect were agireed to: Th%t the North Wales Oouncil shall co-operate with the Liberation Society m all matters pertaining to the move- ment in North Wales. That Mr Thomas Gee be appointee, president of the council, with nino vice-presidents, and tiat C. R. Jones, Ecq., J.P.. Llanfyllin, be appointed secretary. That the council should me?t next at Festiniog on some day in October next. That the delegates present at the confereace on Tuesday form the couucil for North Wules, as well as delegates chosen by loek] committees, which may be formed hereafter. That tba society will distribute parcels of tract to anT person who will undertake •to distribute them, and who will apply at tb« o51c^—2. Sergeant Inn. Fleet-street, or to the agents, Rev Peter Williams, Abyrgeie Rev J. E. Jones, Llanrug; and 0. R. Jones. Esq., Usnfyllin. The principal speakers at the con- ference were Fr J. Thomas, Liverpool; Dr J. Hughes, Live'pool; Mr Thomas Gee, Mr J. Wisher, Rev Thomas Thomas, Rev Peter Williams, Rev E. Jones, Mr 0. R. Jones, &c —To the evening a public meeting was held at the Calvinisti' Methodist Chapel, when the chair was taken by Mr Thomas Gee. On the platform were M' Charles Fisher, London, secretary Jto the SOCietT Dr J. Hughes and Dr J. Thomas, Liverpool: Rev Hueh Jones. Rev E. Jones, Car- Barton Rev J. Williams, Rhvl: Mr C. R. Jones, LIp nfyllin; and Rev P. Williams. Abercrele. Tie chairman having addressed the meeting, "J lr Fisher, of London, rose and said he was at n certain disadvantage because he was ignorant of their language, but he hoped their indulgence would be extended to him while he tried to ad. dress thecn. He had beeu requested to speak on the property of the Church. He did not thick there would have been much objection to this question of Disestablishment if their had not been property connected with it. They were told they had no right to touch the Church property more than they had to touch the property of some private person, but if this question of yi^ht came before the House of Commons, they would not Fpend ten minutes over it. The question of the Irish Church wasloug before the country, and the question of that Church property was considered a very difficult one. but when the committee brought it before Parliament, it was very easilv disposed of. It was well understood by all that they had a legal right to it, and he was quite certain that thoy bad an equal moral right. He might be permitted to say that if they had only legal right, and no mcral right he would be the last man to touch it. Six millions were annually roent upon the Church, and they might say that the fabrics represented another six millions, or, at least, four millions, making in all ten millions of money. From £ 250.000 to" L30,1,000 was given in Wales alone to the Church. With regard to the property, they had as much right to deal with it as they had to deal with their own personal property. Every member of the nation was a member of the Church. His friend, the chairman, was as much a member of it as the Archbishop of Canterbury (laughter). They 'wero not dealing with an institutinn in the nation but an institution ol the nation itself, and they had a perfect,lignt to deal with what was their own. The religious bodies of this nation was now divided into dif- ferent sects, and was it right that one of those eects should take all to itpe'f ? Their Church friends said it was not their fault, but they agreed that an arrangement vrhich was once fair was no longer fair. They were told that much of this property was ltft to the Church by pious men, bnt in most cases the less said about this piety the better. The speaker trade some further remarks, and resume! his seat amid cheers.—Mr Fisher was flowed bv the Rpy. *2. Jan65, Carnarvon; Dr J. Thomas, Liverpool: Dr J. Hughes Liverpool: Mr O. R. Jones, Llanfyllin; Rev. J. Williams, Rhyl; Rev Thomas Thomas. Denbigh, &c. The meeting was well attended, andfa great deal of "enthusiasm was manifested duiing the whole of the proceed- ings, BOFTOTTAH MAGISTRATES' COURT, Fridav. -Before the mayor, Mr R. C. B. Clough, and Mr E. T. Jones The. Drink.-Robert Evans, Plan Henry. Lian- efydd, was charged by P.O. W. Evans, Henllan, with being drunk while in charge of a waggon and three horses in Henllan on the 11th inat., and was fined 15s and costs.—Edward Foulkes, The Castle, Denbigh, butcher, was charged by Sergeant Jones with being drunk and disorderly in BROC/jn- hill-lane on March 7th. and was fiuel 2s 1-nd costs.—John Roberta. Henllan-street, W8' charged fey P.O. Owen with being d'ut)k 011 ounday, the Dth instant, and fined 5s and costs. Adulterating Cofee.R.ogvr Edwards, Yale- irt-ireet, grocer, was charge bv Superintendent Vaughan with adulterating coffee, and was fined £ 1 and costs. Unjust Weights.—^Fh# same defendant was further charged by the same officer t'.th having in his possession unjust weights, and fined £ 1 and costs.—H. Roberts, H^rllan-street. was also sum- moned by the same officer for a similar effsnce, and fined 5s and costs. Non-payment of Hates.—Griffith Roberts, Llewevi tT<4iaf; H. Lloyd, Druid Inn, Denbigh Mary U. Williams. Caledfryn House: Mrs Barker, U. Davis", Vale.street; Sarah Morris, Llangwyfa,, i I and William PaTry, Llanfairtaihaiarn, most of whom did not appear, were summoned for non- payment, but the cases was adjourned, there being j no magistrates oa the beach except those who were members of the council. COUNTY COU&T, Tuesday.—Before Mr Horatio Lioyd, judge. Owin I), Llanfairtalhaiacn School Board.-This was an action in which the plaintiff Owen Henry Owen. schoolmaster, sought to recover of the Llan- fairtalhaiarn, School Board the sum of t.50 damages for breach of agreement. Mr Roberts. Bangor, appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Pritchard, Rhfl, appeared for the defendants. The plaintiff was called, and said he sent an application to the Llan- fairtalhaiarn School Board for the office of school. mister, in consequence of au advertisement which appeared in The Schoolmaster. He got two letters in cousequenca, the latter of which contained a copy of the agreement. He went frotn Colwyn, where he was then living, to meet by arrangment, certain members of the bonrd. Those whom he met were the chairman, Mr R. Hughes, Mr J. Hughes, the Rev Mr Humphreys, and the clerk. They said the salary would come one way and anothet to about £ 100. He signed the agreement at LUnfairtalhaiarn on September 10th, and was to commence in a month from that date. Oil the 6<-h he went there to be ready for the lOoh, but Jie found the schoolmaster would not leave. The clerk walked with him, as he was going back, as far as Abergele, an o him he would receive a telegram when to come. He never received a telegram, and subsequently sent a letter to the board to demand E50 as som- pensation.—Cross- examined: He had been ten year* head-master, and had read h*lf o. the kduca- ticn Act. He had been at Colwyn School for -U years before he applied for the Llanfairtalhaiam School. He left Colwyn because the guardians fell upon him for the maintenance of his motuer. He was present when the agreement was signea by the chairman, Mr Armstrong and Mr Lloyd. Robert Hughes was not present, being unwell at the time He met the member at the Bull, Aber- gele He had not offered his services to the bca-d since January lOth.-Re-examined The guard- ians made the order years before he left Coiwvn, but be considered he could not pay on the salary he was then having. —Mf Pritchard for the defence, held that the agreement between the board and plaintiff was ilIegal.-Hobert Hughes, late clerk to the board, was called for the detenèe and said, He ^advertised for a master, and the plaintiff was appointed. He was to commence the following month.—The chairman of the new board and Mr BlythinLloyd, one of the members, were also called, after which his honour said ho would reserve judgment, adding that if be give judg- ment at all it would be one for the plaintiff.—A. large number of judgment summonses were after- wards disposed of. THE LA.TE BOILER EXPLOSION.—THE" INQUEST. On Friday last, an inquest was held at Dr Piorce's on the body of Michael Dean, who was killed on the previous Wednesday by the expiosion of a boiler. The inquest was conducted before Dr Caithness, the deputy coroner, and Mr J. B. Hughes acted as foreman of the jury. Dr Pierce said the reason the inquest was held at his house, instead of that of the deceased, was that he had always made it a rnle to hold inquests as near as possible to the scene of disaster. He had decided to let the deputy coroner hold the inquest because the accident had happened on his own (the speaker's) premises, and he courted the fullest iu- vestigation. He had done everthing in his power to secure the attendance of a good official, but was gives to understand the Government oQiciftls never attended such inquests except those of mine I accidents occasioned by boiler explosions. This was the second inquest necessitated by boiler ex- plosions at which he had been present. The other was some years ago when a new boiler, the pro- perty of the late Mr Whitehall Dodd, exploded and killed the driver, a man of great practic 1 exper- ience. It was a fact which might appear impro- bablo tojsome persons perhaps; that a new boiler was more apt to explode than an old oue. In con- Ffquence of several deaths having occurred from the spindles getting hold of person's clothes, he had caused his engine to be removed so as to re- quire no spindle. A man from Mr Williams s toundry at Rhuddlan had been superintending thope alterations, and ever sinoe the boiler had been working well. The boiler came from a first- rate maker, and he did not think any blame was to be attached to any one. There had been no better man living than pJor Dean, who was always careful and anxious to do what was his duty. With regard to the appointment of the deputy to hold the inquest, he had to explain to the jury that a corouer can only act within his own jurisdiction, but can appoint a deputy. He remembeieda case which caused some talk years ago of a coroner conducting a case in which he himself I was interested. That coroner was not aware at the time that he might have appointed a deputy to take his place, otherwise be would have done so.-William Williams was then called, who said he worked in the stables at Salisbury-place (Dr Pierce's house), and on Tuesday evening the deceased eskei him to fill the boiler with water. Witness did as he was asked, and turned one of the taps to see that the boiler was full. On the following morning, about 7 o'clock, he kindled a fire under the boiler. He did not try the boiler at the time to see whether there was any water inside or not. About y 30 the deceased cacce to the boiler, and witueps went to the stables. While in the stables he heard an explosion, and came out in consequence.—By Superintendent Vaughan It was not possible for any ona to empty the water during the ni^ht.—By I th Foreman Thiswas the first time he had filled a boiler.—Daniel Roberts said he was a gardener at Salisbury House. attended to the stables in ihe mornings. Witness went io the engine to I see if it would go. He turned the driving haudle, found it went, but very slowly. He examined the I boiler to see if it contained any water, and found steam come out. Then he went back to the stables, after which the deceased told him not to work the engine, as there was not sufficient steam up. The deceased also tested the boiler himself to see whether there was sufficient water in it. He wad always very particular about that. Witness tueu went. iuu-J the gprdqai ft? having previously told hiai hó would call when I everything was ready. In about ten minutes he heard the explosion and returned. He did not see the deceased until lie was picked up The water was flowing all over the yard—By a Juror: He did not know what time he started the engine. Isaac Jones was called and said he was present when the boiler was examined, and found to con- tain a sufficient quantity of water.—William Griffith said he heard the explosion, as he was going up Vale-street cn Wednesday morning. He, in company with Mr Wynne Edwards, turned in and saw what had happened. Ttie water W)8 flowing all over the ya.rd against the coach'house to the other side. Dr Pierce Cft.Me into the yard while ho was there, and after looking around said, Thauk God, there is no one hurt." He also said he would not cared had the whole building b-en detailidb^d as long as there WAS no person injuredt 5oqp. after- wards Isaac Jones, pointing b a fciiwk, asked, Wb*t is the blood that is on thti brick ?" They then began to clear the debris 4.Way, and found the body of the deceasfcd undet IV.o boiler. It was got up and tfiken homa.—■ Phillip Davies said he was a blacksmith, and used the deceased very of tfu. Whenever there was ftHything the matter with tbe boiler, be always irirod to call the wituesa t) come and see it. Thh boiler had worked very well since the man front Rhuddlan had b-en with it, and witness had "feot been called to see it for some t me. He believed the boiler to be in thorough workiug order. The jury then visited the e-enes of the accident, after which Mr T. A. Wynne Ldwards Tyaa called, and said he was a practical engineer carrying on business at Denbigh. He was at the railway station on the morning in question, when I ho heard the explosion, and subsequently saw the effects of it. When he got up to the place he be- lieved no one was hurt, and consequently went away. When he afterwards heard that a caau was hurt he returned and examined the boi'er, which he might pronounce to be in perfect order, and to contain sufficient water. In all ca-es where ex • plosions take place from want of water, the plat 3 over the fire immediately comes hot. When cold water is pat in a great contraction in the plate takoa plaoe, as well as a very extensive generation of steam gas, in consequence of which, the plate would inevitab y collapse. In this in- atancs the plate was all right. He believed the explosion to nave t >ken place through an undue pressure of steam which might have been gene. rated during the deceased's short absence from the boiler. If that was Dot the cause, then it must have been that the safety va,ve did not act pro- perly. From the position in which the deceased was, he seemed to have been at the pomt of com- mencing work, aud the last vibration would have been sufficient to account for the explosion. Apparently it had takea place the moment Dean started the engine. Witness did not think there was any blame to be attributed to the deceased. -By a Juror: A tubular boiler generates etiam quicker than another boiler. If the safety valve had b'en in perfect order, the deceased might have been abseat as long as he liked without any danger.—Mr Molsteveroft: Had :t a steam gauge ? —Witueas I do net k^.ow.—Mr Wolstencroft: I From the evidence of Daniel Williams it appeared there w"s not sufficient steam when he tried it, so it must have beeu generated pretty quickly.—Mr Everitt: If it was one of those boilers which generate steam quickly, all the more important that it should have a steam gauge.—Witness: The balance < f the safety valve acted as a steam gauge as well.—Phillip Davies, re-called, said the boiler had been at Dr Pierce's place for five or six years.—A juror asked Dr Pierce whether he had bought the boiler new, and the doctor said he did not know.—Witness, continuing, said the engine wss worked once a week, as a rule, but sometimes it might be for a month without working. The balance of the safety valve acted as steam gauge. Dean never told him be was afraid of the boiler.—The deputy coroner having summed up, the jury returned a verdict of "Acci- dental death," adding that no one was to be blamed for the accident—A vote of condolence with the deceased's father, who was present, was passed, after which the inquest closed. MOLD. Intehbstisu TO Pabishionbrs.—Some time ago Mr Thomas Yorke, bookseller and stationer, of this town, with his usual enterprise, engased, at some expense, a Chester- photographic artist for th 3 purpose 0! taking views of the parish and St. John's Oilurches, and the result was most satis- factory. Splendid views wore obtained, for which a "rush" was made by the townspeople. The set would be incomplete without a magnificent centra piece in the shape nf an excellent photo (cabinet sizj) of the vicar (the Rev Rowland Ellis) taken py Debet ham, Edinburgh, during his mis- sion in that city, which may also be had from Mr Yorke. Church OF England Temperance Society.— We are informed that a public meeting will be held on the 1st proximo, under the auspices of the above society, when Mr Clarke Aspinall, the Liverpool city coroner, will address the meeting, and speeches will be delivered by other gentlemen, in English and Welsh. THE Soudan WAR.—I.i the course of his spe- cial Lenten sermon on Sunday evening last, the Rev Rowland Ellis, in speaking of the Christian virtue endurance," spoke in high terms of the bravery and endurance of our English troops in Egjpt Whilst upon the subject of "En- durance." the rev gentleman also referred to Weston's great temperance walk. ggrns ROYAL FLINT MILITIA, or, as it is now called, the 6th Battalion K ng's Royal Rifle Corps, will asnemble at Rhyl fl!1r their annual training on Monday, June 23rd. The recruits meet at Mold on the 28th proximo. We append a paragraph which appeared in the Lancot of Saturday last: — "Sureeon Major Williams, M.D., 6th Battalion, the King's Itoyal Rifle Corps, resigns his commis- sion also is permitted to retain his rank and to wear ihe prescribed uniform on his retirement." LOCAL Guaudians.—The following were present at the fortnightly meeting on Wednesday last:- Messrs J. Corbett (chairman), P. A. Lloyd, E. P. Edwards, E. Jones (Wacn) E. Jones (Erotic), E. Peters (Leeswood), and W. Griffiths (Nerquis); J. Hughes (relieving-oiffoer).—The business tran- sacted was of a purely routine character. Footb iXL. — Mold V. Holvwbll. — A match between these teams will be played on the Mold ground r'T.I;aturday aftirnoon next, when no doubt there will be a close contest which, we hope, will be fought in a friendly manner and without re- course to the jHterminab'e disputes which often characters loca'. matches. The spectators too will add to that pleasure of the game it they will refrain from interfering wifiit. The Mold Volunteer Com1;.—We understqpi that a number of young men of respectable position in the town have signified their intention of joining the Mold Volun-eer Corps, which has been very much in want of new blood" for some years pa t, and it was their intention of being sworn in on Thursday evening. The corps is certain to benefit bo the addition of the new recruits, who are to be commended for showing their deoire to serve their c-uutry in this practical wav. Wo trust, however, that the day is far distant when they will be summoned to do active service, as they cannot be spared from other circles of use?u!nes*yet awhile. Tiie Revival SERVICES conducted by the Rev Richard Owen at the Calvicistic Methojiet Chapel, of which a full report appeared in our columns last week, concluded on Thursday evening last, when. as was anticipated, that chapel was filled to over- flowing, hundreds of persons being unable to obtain admission. The.service was a most impres- sive one throughout, aud fifty persons remained at the af for-meeting a3 applicants for church [mem- bership, making a total ior the week of 186. and in addition many applicants' were received at different places in the district where Mr Owen preached in the da.y time. These persons have since been re- ceived as members of be churches connected with the various denominations. It is generally ad- mitted that the meetings have been productive of much good, and it is stated that, in character and results, they have not been equalled in Mold during the present generation. Many of our readers will be glad to kuow that Mr Owen, whi is new hold- ing meetings in Ruthin with much success, will (D.V.) re-visit Mold in a few weeks' time. Liteuartt and Musical Meeting,—Oa Monday evening last a meet:ng of tho above kind was held at Mie^f-y-dre Caiviaietic Chapel, in aid of the reduction C! on that of worship. Interest was evidently taken in the eve:t. W the locality, as the building was filled with an appre- ciative audience, over which Dr Williams (Wood- lands) presided, in the unavoidable absence of Mr Edward Wheldon, who was announced to occupy the chair. The programme was of a vatiec1 character, containing songs, gleesi choruses, read- ings, rec tations, dialogues, P.AA eo forth, as well as a number of items for competition. The prize- takers for the best ess>V9 oa "Deacons: what they ought to be, a»>;a what they ought not to be," were—1st, Misa (Board Schools) 2nd, Mr fparll -• uca (High-street), and Mr W. Rowe ,sias) equal. The prize for the best im- aaares3 was divided between Messrs Evans and Griffiths. The successful competitors J for the beat rendering of a portion of Scripture given at the time were Masters James Williams given at the time were Masters James Williams and George Hooson. Two parties competed in singing the beautiful tune Moab," by lenan i Gwyllt, Mr E. Jones's party being adjudged best, and they were accordingly awarded the prize of 5s. Several of the prize-winners returaed the money for the benefit of the chapel. Misses Faulkee, Williftrag) and Walters rendered several ejngs creditably, and the other items on the pro- gramme were a1"0 well received. The meetiag terminated with the usual votes of thanks. A Jokb—considerable amusement-we ftro 1 giiug to say excitement—prevailed in the on SSiaf la.sfc ?Tn/ *° *°™B'^ncoment whuh \,as freely circulated that flVdstone 2, «.* iter, Parliament* In Bomc gentlemen so eortnu the rumour -was true that they wjrc actively engaged in making preliminary for a contest in these boroughs, the wV-ich was stated to be n foregone con- clusion. Maay persons openfed their newspapers eagerly on Tuesday morning expecting to see the rumour referred to confirmed, but their feelings cm De imagined when they fthcovered that it had not a shadow af fJundtit';ion.; whilst others, who vclo not think it. wise to bjlieve everything they hear, especially from some sources, and who did | not believe this particular rumour to be true, J were amused. The |rumour seems to have been circulated on account of a remark made by a I railway guard in reply to the inquiries of an I ardent politician, who evinces considerable anxiety I about the affairs of this country. The guard koew wimt c. good joke was. i LOCAL BOARD.—The monthly meeting of this I board was held on Tuesday evening last, at the Countv Hall, in consequence of the alterations at the Town Hall, when the following members were present: — Messrs Edward Wheldon (chair- man), J. Corbett, H. Llovd Jones, Oliver Jones, 'Fdward Williams..T. O. Swift, A. J. Brereton, Henry Roberts. W. T. Thomas, J. EatoD, Griffith Jones, E. P. Edwards, W. Evans end T. Williams (Woodlands), G. E. Trevor Roper (derk), and Isaac Jones (surveyor and collector). All the members of the board were present except Mr J. H. Adams (Ree Hive), who has be"n unwell for some time past, but who ii. we are glad to now progressing very favour- ablv. —Thf» following rPDnrt was read by the medical offirer, Dr W. Williams — Urban Sanitary District, Mold and TTelvvell Union—To the Chairman and Members of the Leal Board, Mold.—Gentleman,—It is mv duty to pre- sent you my annual report as to the hea'th and sanitary condition of the Urban District, Mold. It comprises an area of 651 acres, and a population CAr-Rns of 81*4320. Total number of houses. 1040; do. unoccupied, 171; do. visited and inspected, 35 do. nuisances reported. 154; do. abated, 118; legal proceeding, nil. 1'hp reg:stered births number during the year 1883 to December 31st were 95, giving a birth rate of 22 per 1000 per annum of the 'population, as compared with the preceding year 27-5.1'). The following table epitomises the accounts at which the deaths occurred in the district:— Uuder one year of age 13 "1 24 nnder Over one year and under five 11 five. Over five and under fifteen 5 Over 15 25 2 Over 25 It 60 12 Over 60 32 Total 75 The deaths registered the following causes:— Croup, 1; whooping congh, 1; phthisis, 8; bron- chit's. 1 pneumonia, 14: heart disease, 8 fever, 2 other diseases. 41 total, 75 giving a death- rate of 17-36 per 1000 per annum of the population as compared with the preceding year t9 4 per 1000. I must congratulate your board upon the re- markable freedom the urban district has enjoyed dnripg the past year from all zymotic diseases which prevailed so generally in surrounding parts of the country. We have no deaths from measles or scarlet frn-^r and one death only from whooping cough. There were two deaths registered from fever, which was of a doubtful nature. The town has been from time to time regularly and syste- matically inspected, and when any outbreak of an infections nature has occurred house-to-house in- spection has been made by the inspector and myself, and when required reported to your board. Exten. sive sanitary improvements in different parts of the town have been effected. In my last report I brought under the notice of your committee the state of Chnrch-lane and particularly the approach to the back of tie Liver- pool Arms. The dilapidated out. building, neg- lected privies, which form so great an eye-sore to passers-by, and were so much complained of by church-going people, have all been removed, new blocks of buildings and new water-closets built. the court-yard paved, with a proper channel and drain leading to the main sewer (N.E. side of High-street). This sewer in its course is ventilated by means of several down-spouts, which I believe to be effectual for the escape of sewer gas and foul air. The sewers are recularly flushed every month. In the rear of the King's Head and ad- joining premises there have also been great sanitary improvements—yaTds recon- structed, drained, and put into proper crfhr, pipstyea removed, and privies re-placed by wr.ter closets, all very satisf ictory. I now beg to draw the attention of your board to tbe dwellings of the poor,which will shortly, no doubt, come under your charge in an official capacity. Ferns yard— the pavement of which is uneven and the drainage defective, eeveral of the coitages are unoccupied and the remaining few that are tenanted are damp, dilapida- fed, and not fit for human habitations. From this yard and leading to the bsck premises of Mr Oliver Jones's shop, and adjoin- ing the house, there is an accumulation of manure and ash (no ash pit), a nuisance snd deleterious to health, and the state of an old hovel there is dangerous to the public. The agent of this pro- perty has had repeated notice, but no action has been taken.^Prince's YardZand Foundry Yard I am sorry to remark no visible improvements; cottages dilapidated, closets in a dirty neglected state. The report of the inspector of the common lodging-houses is very favourable. They are clean. properly ventilated, and not over-crowded. The slaughter-houses are regulary visited and in- spected are clean and in good order, with a plentiful supply of water and good drains. One portion of a beast was condemned as unfit for food. In the early part of September, in conse- quence of a circular issued by the Local Govern- ment Board and a memorandum prepared by Dr Buchannan, upon 'the threatened visitation of chole-a, an inspection was made of a greater part of the town by the sanitary committee and myself. We found that in some districts the water supply was from private sources and dip wells, there being no less than 31 houses in New-street consuming well iwater. In Hughes's-row, Glatrafon, and Garden-place 28 honses dependent upon pump supply, making a total of 101 dependent upon a very questionable water supply for the following reason the pump upon Mr Hughes's property is within 23 feet of a cess and sewage matter, and 33 feet from two sets of privies, that in Garden-place is within 12 feet of an ashpit and 24 feet of a privy, therefore taking all this into consideration; together with the flat locality immediately sur- rounding, with subsoil gravel, it should be viewed with suspicion even though the water be found to be good at the date of examination. In eloping my report, I must acknowledge the efficient assistance of the inspector, Isaac Jones.—I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant, Wm\ Willtams, Medical Officer of Health. Mold, March 10th, 13.4. The New Rate,—Thg ch'-f [to.m of' business for transaction was thfe consideration o* t>>e estimates I a^ew Pate.—Mr Lloyd, one of the membbrc of the finance committee, stated that the finance committee had been very carefully into the whole question of finances, and* they had come to the conclusion that a Is 4i fate was required. A Is rate would produce jEi70, much less than was re- quired, apd a la 6d rate would produce more than t was required. A Is 4d rate would produce £ 620 t 139 4d.—It ivqs decided to adopt the recommen. dation of th3 finance committee, and levy a Is 4d rate, which is higher than has been the case for some years, but which is, it was stated, smaller than in any other town in North Wale?. The Amlysation of Water.-The clerk real tfae analysis of the va-ious samples of water, sev*n in number, used domestic purposes within the jurisdiction of the board, sent by Messrs Evans, Son, and of Liverpool. Some of the samples were stated to be good, and one or two were thou^nt to be unfit; for beverage—On the motion of ilr Brereton, it was decided to ask the analyst t.o finish some further particulars with regard to the water.



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