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i—.1'Wt-W COMMON SENSE. TO people who are in the habit of thinking for themselves it is quite evident that in order to keep the constitution in health, thefir*t and moot important thing to be attended to is that the appetite is good and the body strong. If tho system is weal it is then naturally open to disease, and experience has alreidy proved that whatever part of the system is weakest that very part is most susceptible to Colds and their attendant inconveniences. In order to fortify the system and brace it up, we must resort to Tonics, and we can confidently find conscientiously recommend a preparation which is steadily and quietly gaining a firm footing in almost every household in the kingdom. We find it necessary to mention that this preparation differs from many now offered to the public. Many of the preparations now offered are worse than worthless, inasmuch as they are calculated to deceive; but we are happy to state that this mixture fcWbecn proved beyond all doubt to be a genuine invention. We advise a careful perusal of the following. Its name signifies its contents:- T mm mim OUlNINE BUMS, OR VEGETABLE TONIC. This preparation contains Quinine and the ".ssence or active principles of Sarsaparilla, Saffron Lavender, Dandelion, Gentiau, and Burdock, mixed in happy preparations. If, has one great advantage, viz., the entire approval and confidence of the leading members of the medical pro- £ ;s;ion.' Quinine Bitters assist digestion, promote and facilitate circulation, strengthen the nerves p.nd mn'iclcs, and purify the blood. Patients who have suffered long and suffered severely, con- t:.nualiy bear testimony to tilcir remedial effects. Specially adapted for all diseases arising from a nervous state of the system, such as palpitations, tremblings, flushing of blood to the face, nervous indigestion, low spirits, undue anxiety, neuralgic and nerve pains generally; also indi- rection in its different forms, such as pains in the stomach, cramp, frequent sighing, sense of ful- ness and oppression, relieved by taking food, or a feeling oflangour and oppression, drowsiness, and flvinw pains in the region of the heart. In short, this preparation (the Quinine Bitters) is a general toni<f and blood tmrifier, strengthening that part of the system which is weakest, and therefore most liable to Corns and their consequences Sold in 23 Gd and 4s 6d Bottles by all the principal Chein.s "Theale, near Reading, 11th May, 1877. D",r S'.r,—I have examined your Quinine Bitters and find them to be quite free from all minerals, and am also pleased to add that they have been very efficacious in numerous instances that have come under my immediate notice for general debility and atonic indigestion, &c. I have frequently recommended them with marked success. (Signed) SAMUEL J. J. KIRBY, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), aud L.S.A. (Lond.)." Dear Sir,—I have much pleasure in tearing testimony to the high opinion I entertain of your Qainiac Fitters. I have used it extensively whilst travelling through the tropics, and always with tue most happy results. I consider it a very reliable remedy in debility, especially^ of the digestive and can cordially recommend it as aa ir,valuable medicine to all, especially those who have to travel.. ANEURIN JENKINS, M.R.C.S.L., M.B.C.P.B. S.S. Tuners, Bio de Janeiro, South America, Feb. 10th, 1877." Testimonials have heen received from people who^wora never "expected to rec.over. "Grand Hotel, Brighton, July 2Cth, 1876. Dear Sir,-I feel it is my duty to the public and to yourself to inform you that I have derived iaimcase benefit from your Qainine Bitters,or egetable Tonic. I have been for some months a victim to head-aches, pain in my back, and I believe a general derangement of the liver. I am }] .*t>nv to sav I now feel well, but I taka a dose of your • Bitters occasionally, when my appetite f ,i\ Yours faithfully, V' To Mr Gwilym Evans. ROBERT FOSTER." December 14th, 1877, Dear Sir,—I have been suffering severely for a long time with indigestion and nervous c? -biiity and their natural results. After trying numerous remedies (to no purpose) I tried your Quinine Bitters, and the result is I am now a healthy man. Publish this for the benefit of c. hh on Address—THOMA.S BEES, Forester's Arms Hotel, Llanelly, late of Fishguard. Decorator and Valuer. The Rev Dr Morgan fLleurwg) speak3 of them as the best medicine he has ever tried. The Rev L. Thomas, D.D., Neath, bears testimony to their merits, and thousands of others. Testimonials on application. „„„„„„ „ The 4s Gd bottle contains as much as two 2s 9d bottlea, thereDy the purchaser may save a P"Any'chemist can order these freo of expense, from'the Wholesale Agen+s in London, Liver- pool, Manchester, Birmingham, Chester, and Edinburgh. For further particulars, enclose stamped envelope to the Proprietor, MR GWILYM EVANS, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, LLAN=LL Y, S W- KEW YORK AGEXT:—JOHN HENRY CURBAN & Co. SEKDS! SkEDS SEEDS! 1! SAMUEL EVANS, (JOBS, FLOUR, SEED, IIVY, STRAW, AND OILCAKE MEROIIANT, 3 AND 4, AKVOXIA BUILDINGS, BANGOR. A CIE.NC IES E:eb*r<?t>onBros & Co., Manure Manufacturers, I Spratta' Patent Dog, Game and Poultry Belfast. Food. Gloucester Specific for Foot Rot in Sheep. E.aD8' Excelsior Dog Biscuits. The Imperial Live Stock Insurance Curcpany. Manchester Prize Cattle Food Company. The North Wales Depot for l'iscn and Co., Ipswuh's Manures. Linseed and Cctton Seed Cakes of the but Eug' ish aud American Branda always in Etock and will be delivered bharp at prices whiih will bear comparaion with the best English Markets. SAMUEL EVANS wishes"to draw the attention of Agriculturalists, Gardeners, Cottagers, and others, to his SHOW OF SEEDS, which will be exhibited at THE BANGOR CORS STORES about MAKCII 1st, consisting of the following ;— SEEDS. Perennial & ItalianRyeGiasa Red and White Clover. Aisike and Trefoil. Best Lawn Grass. Timothy Hay See: Assortment of Vegetable, Flower, and Agricultural Seeds. GRAIN. Vetches and Rye So d. Well selected Whet, ar d Barley. Fresh Impoi.ed 8_oteh Potatoe Oats. Holland Yellow Oats. Black Tartarian Oats. Fresh ImpoT-ed 8-otch Potatoe Oats. Holland Yellow Oats. Black Tartarian Oats. First growth Welsh Black Tartarian Oats. Bodorgan White Oits. Eaglish Tick Beics. POTATOES. I Early Ashleaf Kidney. Early Prolific Mona's Pride. Excelsior Round Sort. Schoolmaster. Two CAKOOES of Bog Seed Champions Rocks,Magnum Bonums, &c., will arrive by above date from Ireland. MIQEARDSON'S Ben 0 r,in tcu) ( C n en? SuvertJioBvlate Manures ahcays inSlork. TUE FERRY SMITHFIELD, TAL-Y-OAFN NORTH WALES. IMPORTANT TO STOCKBREEDERS, FARM. ERS, AND BUTCHERS. rONTELY SALE3 OF FAT AND STORE STOCK. MESSRS BOGERS AND BRU- CKSHAW beg to inform Stockbreeders, Farmers, and the Public generally in the surronndirg district, that they intend conducting a Monthly Sale of Horses, Cobs, Ponies, Horned Cattle, Sheep, Pigb Farm Produce, and Agricultural Implements, at t'-ie above addicss, on the F ;r"t Wednesday in every mouth, commencing Wednesday, the 6th day of March next, Messrs R. & B. beg to call the attention of all Living Fat and Store Catt'e for Sale to the great facility these Sales will t-ffoai lor the disposing of the 6ame. All Stock consigned for Sale will receive the personal attention of the Auction Mrs. Entries of ollCattJe inteuded for • ales is respec t- fully solicited, acd ehotfd be foiwarded by pest to thø Ãucticneers (Ll&rt'udno Offices) rt least 7 days prior to date of Sa-lef;o to CLsuie their proper c -.«sific&ticn and advertising in poetirig bills and catalogues. Fom teen days notice will bo given in th:a paper of vay intermediate Sales. Commissioned in the fl including ml expenses, vith immediate cash settlement at the conclusion cf the Sale,. Catalogues to be obtained at the principal Hotels in the district 4 days previous ro .Sale, and at the Auctioneers' Office! Rhyl, Abcryetwjte, and 1\,). 1, James-street, Llarduduo. Febtuary 8th, 1884. "PJTOTICS IS EEREBY GIVEN that a. meet- JAl ing of the Trustees, Member* of the Congregation, and all other persona interested or o'aiming to be interested in the DURA CL-APEL, situate at BryEgwyn, Llanrup, will be i "I at 5B?yngwjn Chapel, Llanrug, ou Monday, the 31d 5il?rca next,at C 30 p.m. o'clock precieely, for the rvipese of cens;d^ring an applicatien proposed to tr »r>ade to the Bosrd of Charity Commission,?rs for £ c.ol £ nd and Wales for acthorty to SELIJ the 8.:1 DL:IL\. CHAPEL and apply the prcceeSs i*waid3 the cost of the New Chapel at Dryn- -gwiJ;. Fcbruarj 23rd, 18?!, SALE OF VERY HANDSOME ROAN COB, NEATLY DISIOSED Dog Cait of superior make, Silver mounted Har- ness, Saddlery, &c., with a collection of VALUABLE FURNITURE, (recently purchased, and mads expressly for present owner), Piano, in Walnut, Pier Glasses, Pictures, Bed- room Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, and various other effects, AT No 1, St. DAVID'3 ROAD, CAR- NARVON. MESSRS OWEN AND SON hava been in- atructed by JOHN TBEVOU WILLIAMS. Eea., (in consequence of his going abroaaj, to Sell by Auction on the premises as above, on TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1881. THE WHOLE OF TH:3 ABOVE IN AND OUT OF DOOR EFFECTS, and mo-e minutely desc-ibed in the placards. Sale at 12 noon. On view day prior and morning of Sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, 23, Bridge-street, Carnarvon. J^pEW BANKRUPTCY ACT Every person should read the Pamphlet "DEBTOR AND CREDITOR." Shewing insolvent debtors hew to obtain release from debt without buiikiuptcy, publicity, or sus- pension of business and the solvent trader how to curry on buainete without the pefcaibil ty of coming within range of the Bankruptcy Act. rost free for cl, from WILLIAM EDWARDS, .4.t.mes bt, Liverpool MENAI BRIDGE SMITHFIELD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS, GRAZIERS, AND OTHERS. MR JOHN PRITCHARD begs to announce that his next Periodical S >le at Menai Br dge wi'l be held I"n Monday, Apul 7th, 1884, ior the Faster Markets. Entliei; aie zespectfu:lly elicited. Bodhyfrjd, Bangor. b 5530 GOLDEN GOAT, I CARNARVON. I GREA T SHOW GOLDEN GOAT WllOffS NEXT WEEK FOR THE SPRING I CARPETS. Good Tapestries from Is 2$. Stair Tapestry from Is Old. 2 Good Yard Kidderminsters at Is 6id. Brussels Carpet cheaper than. ever, Hearthrugs to match. DOOR MATS. Good Linoleums at 2.1 6d per yard. New Cretonnes. Good Double Width Damask, all Wool Is 4Jd. 2 NEW TAPESTRY HANGING S. An immense Stock of Lace Hang- ings from Is 6jd per pair. 0 ;1 Lace Valances from Is up. PIERCE & WILLIAMS will be show ing from 300 to 400 pieces of New. 0 Prints from lilcl per yard upwards. Butterworth and Brookes' best Prints at 4Jd, usual price, 6d. COME AND SEE THIS STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. PIERCE Mil MLIffi, PROPRIETORS. G so. A. KATES, S3, BANGOR STREET, -CARNARVON- HIGH CLASS TAILOR. The Choicest Selection of SPRING SUITINGS in SCOTCH & ISISil CHEVIOTS, also, a nice assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, &c. S'iik and Felt Hats in the Newest Shapes. Football and Cricket Clubs supplied with Jerseys, Caps, Belts, &c. on the most reasonable terms. TOWNl)FcrRNARVON; SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IMPORTANT TO BREWERS, CAPITALIST?, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. HOTEL KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. MESSES JOHN THOMAS AND SON have been instructed to Sell by Public Auction, at the Queen'a Hotel, Carnarvon, on Friday, March 14th, 183*, at 3 p m., prompt, all those Valuable Freehold Fully-Licensed Premises known as the Bu'keley Arms, situate in Sbirehall-street, Carnarvon. The above premises have a large frontage. There being no brewery in Carnarvon or neighbourhood, this offer is a eplendid oppor- tunity for brewers. The water has b?en analysed, and a report given by a most competent analyst pronounces it to be of the purest quality for brewing purposes. The premises are convenient for shipping b? Rail or Sea, and have good Stabling and Oat- buildings adjoining her Majesty's Prison and close to the Assize Court. The propeity will be sold subject to conditions produced at the Sale-room. For paiticulara apply to Mr C. A. Jones, Solicitor, High-street, or to the Auclioueers, at their offices. Castle Ditch, Carnarvon. WITHDRAWAL OF SALE. MR JOH^ PRITCHARD begs to announce that tho Sale of Fat and Store Stock adver- tised to be held at Lleiniog Cnstle,near Beaumaris, on Tuesday, March Htb., 1881, is for the present postponed. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. r.2e>01. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. CASTLE-STREET, CONWAY. T- 1\/I"R JOHN PRITCHARD has been in struct- -l-T-M- ed to Sell by Public Auction, on the Premises as above, about the middle of April, 1&81, the whole of the Valuable Household Furniture aud Effects, the property of the late William Hughes, as above, about the middle of April, HS!, the whole of the Valuable Household Furniture and Effects, the property of the late William Hughes, EEq., Solicitor, deceased. I Further particulars in future Advertisements. Bodhyfryd. Bangor. n 2582 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. HINIEDEN", GARTH, BANGOR. R JOHN PRITCHARD has been instructed by M:99 King to Sell by Public Auction, on the Premises as above, on Tuesday, March 18th, 1884, the whole of the Valuable Modern House- holr] Furniture and Effects. Further particulars in future Advertisements. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. s2531 P RE LI MINA R Y ANN OIfNCE MEN1\ MOSTYN QUAY STEA.M CCRN MILLS, MOST V N, NORTH WALES. TO CAPITALIST, MrLLERS, CORN AND FLOUR DEALERS. MR JOHN" PBITCHARD is directed to Sell by Public Auction (in consequence of the death of Arr John Evans, the late owner) at the Queen's Rote;, Chester, on Saturday, April 5th, 18S4, at 2 30 p.m., for 3 p.m. prompt, the un- expired term ci 33 years, from the 29th September, 1883, of and in the Valuable Mills known as 7HB MC8TTX QUAY fcTBASi CORN MILLS, "most advantageously situate on the Coast, with Water aud Railway facilities at the very doors, together with the whole of the costly machinery, of modern description. The Mill is within a rhort distance of a densely populated district,and has an extensive connection formed over a period of hulf a century in Denbigh- shire, Flintshire and portions of Merionethshire and Carnarvonshire. Detailed particulars will shortly appear, in the meantime, any further information may be obtained of Mess's GOLD EDWARDi & WES- TON, Solicitcrj, Denbigh or the. Auctioneer. Bodhyfrvd, Bangor. u 2595 PRELIMINARY ANNOUN OEMENT. PENRHYN ARMS HOTEL,: BAN IOR, Great unreserved Sale of the Entire Contents of the above Hotel, with the valuable Cellar of Choice Wines, Ilorfes, Hoarse Carriages, Sid- dlery, Farming Stock, Pedigree Cattle, Agricul. tural Implemements. MR JOHN PRITCHARD has received in- structions to Sell by Public Auction, about the end of March, 1881, the magnificent assem- blage of Household Furniture ani Effects, further particulars of which will shortly appear. Bodhyfryd, Bamgor. PRELIMINARY ANKO CNCEMENT.; TOWN OF CARNARVON. TV/jTR JOHN" PRITCHARD will submit to IjJL unreserved Competition, on the Premises, Roaamont, Carnarvon, about the middle of March, 1884. The whole of the Handsome and Superior House- hold Furniture, Water Colour Drawings, Oil Paint- ings, Bed and Table Linen, Glass and China, and the Out-door Effects. Detailed particulars will appear in future Ad- vertisements and Catalogues. Br>ihyfryd, Bingor. 2591 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. BANGOR, NORTH WALES. SALE OF HORDES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, IMPLEMENTS, &c. ESTABLUHSD 1851. MESSRS W. DEW & SON beg to announce JJH. that their next SALE of Horses, Carriages, &c., will be held at the Mart, aojoiuing the British Hotel, Bangor, on Friday, the Slat day of March, 1834. To secti.-P Stalls all entries should be sent in not later than Friday, the 14th day of March, 1S34. WellSeld Hous^, iizngot. GRE Vr B ARGAlw S FIRST Class r&eat Chopper, only i^e month in use, 13 inch, Bbck ot Follows and Batee make, value JES 10s 0J, for J25 l-S Od. Alr.o of pauia make, Sausage Filler, valao 22s,for 15a Second Hand Qoaaand Revolvers, suitable for E;ai rants. rants. Agect for M iners Sa.fe7.i-p3c'al offers for cash oetta' t'.inns thaw any provifuily offered. A.130 ordinary S*r't,5 i'roin £ 2 10s. V J )NE3, 4, Castl4-?qnare, Carnarvon.




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