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CHEAP JEWT. all kinds. Waltaam "Watche?, or Geneva, Clocks, Musical XnstrumiTits, Silver Jewellery, Fancy Good?". Choapa-t Hons*?. Illusi rated Cat?.lo rue 3 stamps. MILLINGTO^N", 12.HoT'T\dsdir,c!London ( 3«lt&Trati^oui^v. IKVB8TMEICXS niK ie in SAFE^ECTJBlMESr & SPBCtr- IjATIVE BUSINESS '.v. all S'c :ks a.nd Share> on th^ Ijondon Exchange carefully transacted by Mr. Thomas Beer, Jfciworn Stock Broker, 1<««, Hishonsgate Street V/ithin, E.G. Investment Circular with special nifarmati'.n free, ABERDEEN G^RANITE_moxuments, from carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beau- ftful. Plain ami priors frojr J. W. Letftre, Sculptor, Aberdeen. TlfE NATURAL jJ WATER OF l 13 Bold by all respectable f« Chemists, C-rocer3, and Mineral Water Dealers. -ROY ÃC-¡-SupenorityorVIULEt'š Toilet Soaps v hHhmjIa aa Soap {-"by Medical Cflsbiities Recommen-led) rm lUlluuCc Soap fs confirmed by (xperience of Half a fELOUTIHE SOAP] VICILET, Thesf. sor.jw have the pro-! Paris, Rue Saint-Bsnis, 225. *»erty of rendering the jkini Wliob-sal A "ent s nrm, white, andjK»ft. R. TfOV"EXDE!.r_& HONS, G- ENTLEMEN'S KEYLESS CALENDAR, WATCHES. WONDEES OFTHE AGE. Price only 50, Warranted perfect Timekeeper. jewcitediu every hole, c:>mpcu- Mtion balance. Shows the hours & seconds, day of the week Si anont h. Massive sterling silver English Hall-marked cases. Money meturn,d if not approved of within aweuk. Trade supplied. SUlt •registered on recf.'i: t of P.O,O. for £2108. to Mortimer & Co.. 13, Charlotte Street. Bedford Square, London. w.e, DETRTflQ' THE GHEAT rliliDLIia pAS ^AYEE. NEEDLE STEADY, silent IJQHI, DTTDMPD PEEBLES & Co., BURNER, mAss?H- 5R0USEES FREE BY PARCIL3 POST. t CI END 1 STAMP for PATTERNS from 7 6 p^rpair, & yon will receive A 60 INCH TAP 3 MEASURE, ifc a:i'assortment, of ulitho most fashion- able Angolas & All-Woo) Tweed* as now being worn ill anits Sr. trousers, together with a list of u;Mo?ict*ed testi- monials, fashion plates 4 directions for self-measure- ment (acknowledged to be aa easy as A.B.C.). "W e K'a- rantee a tit. You will find on comparison that our goods are at leant 20 per cent. cheaper than any other houw in the trade. Addre" TARISING BROS., Manufac- turers & C\miraotors,42,Goswell-rd.,T.oii<lon._Estd. 1840. VERY jGBEAT BARGAINS. W "WOOLLEN DRESS GOODS. AIIP in COTTON DRESS GOODS. & 1 UK AH At Manufacturer's Prices. Any length cut, r ylltnl >T>roRt« Fabric Manufacturing Co.. tianchestcr. -TTMH RELLAS. MATERIALS, ft STICKS. Trade list & testi- moniftle post free. Sendbusiness card. Nuttin?,_137, Di7beth,E.rm, ^EEVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. N A gentleman, having tried m vain every advertised remedy, lb,&, discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be harpy •to forward the particulars to any snfierfsr on receipt of a stamped l directed envelope. Address, J. T. SKVi hLL, Esq., Brook Villa. Hammersmith. London. •• HP H. E CUP THAT CHEERS." JL PRESCOTT'S 2'- TEA..A. Blend t'l.f China anel Indi(f'fL. JTOTTY! MALTY' Deliciom 61bs. and upward?, -Carriage Free.—13, Dalston Lane, London, E. ^~A~ HOSPITAL PHYSICIAN'S rapid cure for all Blood JIl. Diseases, and all li«»<Ucaee (2 8). Tic, Lu.ntago, Si iatica. "HYDROPHOBIA and Epilepsy ;2 9!- Teething, -Weaning and fits in Children (1 14). Whooping Cough (2'9). 1'or tiw amount a ■r.0.0. to tha PANKURQN CO BOI.TON. O-E -g yieuti JTHE OCEAN STEAM Y ACS TI NO THE COMPANY (Limited), Intend despatching their Screto Steam Yocht "CETLON." 2. tw tons Ilegister, on PLEASURE CRUISES as follows :— In May for a 3 weeks Cruise to the Azores and Madeira. fin June for a 6 weeks Cruise to the iorthorn Latitudes. In August for a 2 weeks Cruiso round the United Kingdom. ;:1D September for a 1 or 5 weeks Cruise to the Atlantic Islands, Î For full particulfjs applj to the OCEAN STEAM YACHTING COMPANY (Limited'. Passenger Place: 7. Pall Mail. London, S.W. THOMSON'S PATENTED COILED SPRING SECTION CORSETS. The growing desire for Health preserving Clothing, with a graceful, symmetrical figure, must make the Coiled Spring Elastic Section Corset a necessity vrlth all ivcll-dressed English Jjadies, and as universally approved of here as it is in America, where, having had the test of 2 years' actual czpcricnce, it is now vniversally uckiioicledged as A Perfect Corset secured at last. By an ingenious arrangement of fine coiled wire springs, forming a Jiat elastic section J (which, unlilte india-rubber elastic, will not heat the person, or perish in wear), this Corset fields readily to every respiration and move- Sment, and, while giving ail necessary z<ippt>ri, is equally comfortable in a.iy position assumed by the wearer. Any Lady moling a trial of this Corset will be charmed with the new sensation of comjort and relief from the rigid, unyielding hone and steel of the ordinary make, and, while securing the grace and carriage of a good figure will be conscious that she is not sacrificing Health to Fashion. Made in Five Qualities, and in a variety of -Colours. For particulars, see Illustrated List, Can be obtained from all high-class Drapers in Town or Country by giving usual waist ^measurement, and quality desired. TRADE t'r i P.. MARK. I i I t I FRETWORK. :0:- lib'at rated Catalogue of MACHINES, TOOLS, WOOD, And 350 Miniature Designs, FREE for FOUR STAMPS. HARG-EE. BROSl, Settle, Yorks. j|/ApM|CU 20~~Galls. of Hard Drying- Oak Vfvrn'^h for sak\ p.c Q *3 per Gallon, tin-j in- :<jhid £ (J. rall 'it <-f'ttt on recei/ of P.O.O. fov e,6.- ^WILIjDKi(r Hrr VULCAN FOnNDHY, COVE.NTRY. Rnd line fiORSE CLOTHS (pillSsefe n I Ifift. Oin., 5,6: with girth. 1/6 extra.—WM. WAINE, !i to ::{9, 3Jew:ngton-butts; Deimsitories, 9, 10, and 11, Station-road, fl.E. ifcHS. JDSNOT'S V QARTRIDGE QASES NEVER MISS FIRE And are THE BEST and CHEAPEST. yartictilara of *n Senolzio. 9._New Brr.ad St., L>ndon. » TO LAKflR CONfjUMiUCS." AMERICAN APPLE SEASON. NEW TOWN PIPPIN'S, from SO per Barrel: smaller paok. *ge", 4 to 5 per stone 141b3. BALDWINS, from 25 *>er Barrel; 2 6 and 3/- pr-r stcae. ENGLISH BLENHPTI3, 2 0 cer atone. Delivered freo by ?ood.i tr sln to any railway station in United Kingdom, on receipt of Cheoue or PostafOrder. pavable to" COPF.LAffD flt PULLEN. MASCHBSm JVT b'ItYOVS DEBiLITY — A Christian Goutle- JL1 man will be i.appy to forward paruiculars of a safe, sneedy, & jpermaacnt CURE on receipt of stamped eddreased en>eioi>e. — Apply. Mr.RolphfP.101 .Cambridge House,Lakenhoath.SniJoik. "The CLEAN Black Lead.Vide Preu. ,J-AMESJ' COLD MEDAL j Su«v!«sire award* for I Iff || 1* of Quality and Cleanli- I V 11^* S £ ;„BLACK LEAD SEWARE of Worthless Imitations i POST FREE FOE SIX STA3LI>&~ The MARVELLOUS WOIiS oil II CONSUMPTION, BY GEG11GE THOMAS COKCREVfl, Cooiri'lJvi Lodge, PsckUam, London, 3.E. Mr. Congreve is publishing ONE RECENT C'}_8E ofCIJHE F-'VjjKx V,"iI £ Kxii viie4' Chr1.S"lH,n"\Vor:d" and othccr WyekHes. NEARLY 100,000 SOLD! 2 2 r FOGS I And DAMP AIR produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. THE FINEST REMEDY FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., IS CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, In bottles, Is. ljd., 2a. Od., and 43. Gd. SOLD rY ALL MEDICINE HOUSES, WALKEii's CRYSTAL CASE^VatcTio:s ti are superseding all oi/hfirs. Prixe Medals. I^>ndon. 3802. Paris, 1387. S'frtr from £ 3 3s. Got-1 from £ 6 Ss. 77, Ccrnhill, E.C. 5S0, Rp(f ?nt_Strcei, W.. London. D-j^criptive Pamphlet free. "CORNS! CORXy !EXTRA6&15lNARir DlS'uOTERy. ('i"!TTPOPftT)TWR! lhe lateat mventior, wiU pcei- | JJXJ.X.UXUi'ii.lXj, lively cure. trial-win convince ^you. It difters from anything yet invented Price ISid. tree by return 15 stamps. Tryi?. Pot!age. Oifinijt, Beverley HEALTH SECURED Iv IVfOBI SO N'S VEG E TABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. Ta bo had of all Chemists thrcitrh-mt G-reat Britain. JUST Iwo By J. A. BAKNES, M.:>. C.S. A Treat.?e, ( ^titled— TTOW TO ENSURE HEALTH:" JL-L a Most Valuable Book far Young Man, on the Laws Uovzrnixc Lire, and the Cac^ui. Stwptoms. and T*« at ment of all diseases depending on Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Nciftes in the Head and Ears. Impaired 5i?ht and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitnda, &c. Sent post free on receipt of Two Stampfl..Address- J A. BAKNES, M.D. (U.S.), • <S. Lonsdale Square, Thornbu! Road, Tendon, TT. —————————— AS A CUBE FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, RHEUMATIC GOUT, PArNSiii the JOINTS. LIMBS. BACK, crEtD- NEYS.CROWB'S FAMOUS GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILI,S have no e'iual, and at once remove aU GOUTY k ItilEUMATIC PAINS from the system. Sold by most cheicists in Boxo* hi lilt a 2 9, or sent post free 14 or 3li stamps, by THOMAS CEOWE, Practical Chemist, SI, "Wardenr Street. London, W. _3LC ILI^DITCH 8 SILKS. STOCKTAKING. 1884. UR-E-AT REDUCTION. SILKS, Satins, and Velvets, plain and broe KEMNANTS. — Many thousand lengtha, KEMNANTS. — Many thousand length*, nnder nine Tarda, at very low prices. PATTERNS "FOllW-ARDED to resident* in town or country. and J. B. HILDITCH, Go 11 and 12. Cheanaide. London. TAPANWE~atTd CHINESEGOODS Importer! A. BBNPA ft CO., 129 and 130, Hound^ditch, lond^n, E. A. BBNPA ft CO., 129 and 130, Hound^ditch, lond^n, E. I -.I I 0.- I ") i WONDERFUL! NO MORE LOST WATCH KEYS! A GOLD WATCH, keyless,™" 42s The most Wonderful Talne ever offered tothf Pubiic.ft often sold for double the money ,bn it in otvins to the large demand that the Ad rertiser i? enabled to offer a single Article a' Wholesale Price. Send P.O.O. for abovi fo!!h)Ü,Ut, and one will be font free by Johi Watson, 57. We^tmirisver-rd., Binningham. A VALUABLE BOOK on the causes and th( new cure of general and Nervous Debility, Prematnri Decline, &c., containing also a number of Prescript ons, wil be sc-^t post free and gratis, on application, by the author- Dr. (i- Bninler '"N'.Y. fr>. jjiornhill Crescent. London. N. g~i KNTLhMAN'S KEYLESS CALENDAR WATCH. Price £ 2 10>. Jewelled in every hole, compensa tionbalance. Perfect thneKcepcr. Shows thehonrs & seconds, daj of the week & month. Massive bilver English Hall marked cases Money returned if not approved of. Sent r^'4'stered on receipt of P.O.O for £ 0 to J. Mason, Southern Hill. Keadinsr. IMPORTAN-r NOTICE. A SAVING OF riTLIiY 2S :?ER CENT. Owing to the grr^at facilities offered by the Parcels Post to every town and ilkv-j in the Kirii-ilorn, we diiC':t attention to our Manufacture?, which wiU save 25 per Cent, to the Consumer; tor instance, SlaFi^cl0th Shirt:} 2/9 worth 3/6 A Superior Flannel Shirt, Cn-1 •> n JLItt Bhrinkable «/« »> */» A Linen Collar, a Masher, or 1 oj >li J any other sii/ipo J OH. >> *2V*. Any one Article sent post free on receipt of size of Xeck and Remittance. — Chequtt and Pot tat Order. rayubU to „$. CO. C. R. IIOP.E, and craned Prics List OF tLL GOODS SOLD pouwabded on tPrMCATIOX. CITY OF LflKISOX MANUFACTURING COMPANY, is, Upper Thames Street, and 1, Qaeenhithe, London, E.C. I c, R. HORB. Manager. j QPITALFIELDS SILKS. FOR FURNiTURE AND DRESSES. Embroidery and Textile Fabriuuoa by It. ITEL1VROXNT. ft, :>0 & Oxford f-.trcet, Lor don. T" HE CAMDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. PATENT, Auffust, 1&-<S. THE PERFECTION OF "FOUNTAIN" OR RESERVOIR PENS. Simple in Construction. Cannot get out of Order. The increasing demand for a really "workable" Pocket or Desk Pen containing its own 8iip;.lv of ink, has induced the produc- tion of the "CAMDEN FOtTNTAIN PJS2T," which is brought before the public as the perfection of reservoir pens, for with 16 ANY PEN CAN BE USED, before the public as the perfection of reservoir pens, for with it ANY PEN CAN BE USED, anu thus there is accomplished the great desideratum, A PERFECT FOUNTAIN PEN. The size of tiie "Camden Fountain Pen," viz., 5in. Ion?, adapts- it conveniently for either the pocket or the desk, and its I tapering form is a special feature. Pfttrij Fitted with non-corrodible Ppn 2/9 Fitted with Iridium Point Pen, fine, medium, or broad 3 3 Eaen Pen i.s .sent out in a neat box, with Ink-filler complete, SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. Wholesale only from CH<S. OOODALL & SON, Camden Works, London. N."V7„ "OTILLIAM M. HUTCHISONS SOONER f V OR LATER.—This iaaslo rely a melodvas 5Ir. Hufchison's DREAM FACES" or EHREN it is pu',i;«hed in F, G, A, and B flat. AUo as avalse. by Josef Meissler. 2s. each net. MA HSHAi.L aim Co.. 7t Princess Sti e<;t, Oxford Street, W. w M. HUTCHISON'S SOONER tt t OR LATER. M.v heart hath its home in the pa:t, lore, Tt lives m the past with thee The days when your love was my haven. The light of my lire to me ,e I fold you oncc more to my heart, love, To hush all its passionate pain. F >r my love still brines you near. You ii'.y ■ f >r ever here. Tm time sha!! join 0u.r faitlifnl hearts again. Sooner or lati.-r, soener or later, We shah love once more As we no'er have loved. Sooner or later lovo t iiall live again, Live for eVerL.1nre Oh love, my lovo, comr to Tyiy heart, Mine. only IDme, while life 1'1 ¡(17cn. The last to hiess when death shilll part. The tirst to vrrect my SOUllll heaven. If not on Mrth—m Paradise, Sooner or iator come it will. When, looking in each other's eves, V/e know that wo n,ro faitliful still. Sooner or latw, &c. „ II. u. D A am Jaxokb. IN ECONOMY TWEGARDEN IS INSURED BY USING Sntton's Sutton's PARCELS Ss 10/- peg]- 10/- ^S. (Sutton's Seeds) Sutton' ITE C. 0 LLttl Sutton' s OF VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS Containing 30 Favourite Varieties of Vegetable SeeiB, and 12 Choice Bortss of Flower Seeds, SF-NT FREE BY PARCELS POST TO ANY AD- PIiL.>c IN THE UNITRO KINGDOM ON RECEIPT OF A REMITTANCE FOR 9/6. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. 0, .DJtj now | QUEEN'S SEEDSMEN, READING. I THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. I TRADE IR I I r,i 0 I- z: E MARK. CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a a imp I' Remedy for Indigestion, which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which ue are subject, being a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial, that i.t is nith justice called tk1 "Natural Strengthcner of tlte Human Stomach," "NORTON'S PJLLB" atf us a powerful tonic and gentle aperient; are mild in their operation, so A- muier avj circumstances, and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to trie, benefits to hi derived from their use, as they have been a never-failing lamtfy Friendfor v wards of f 50 years. Sold in Bottles at Is. Vsd.t 2s. Si., and lis. each, by all MuV-ein* Vendors throughout the World. CAUTION. Ask for "NORTON'S PILLS." and do not he persuaded to purchaso an imitation. DRyjVCOLUS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNEj 0 THE ORIGmAL. AND ONLY GENUINE. uHLOHODYNE is admitted b' the Profession to be the moct vronderfnl «aar8lc!tbl«renu5il7«Tflf OHLORODYNE ia the beat remedy imown for Coughs, Ccnmaption, Bronchitis, Asthma. OHLORODYNE effectually chscJo and arrests thosstoo often fatal diaeoaes—Diphtheria, Faror.Croc?, CHLORODYNE acta like a charm in Diarrhoea, Md is the only epaciflo to Cholera aafl D^acntsry, I CHLORODYNE effootoally cuta short all attacke of Epilepsy. Hysteria, Ptlpit&Uon and SpMDii. OHLORODYNE <« the {raliiAttTe ia Keor&lgb, Bhawnsitisin, Gout, Caccer, Mtnl-gitig, ie. I rrom Va. B.,T. BozrLTo-v & Co., Ho!,ricast' ) Wa h&ra rnaae SKUy er^-siilra nseet Cblwodyaa m got vt%c*'oq lately, and Icoli upon it as an dir^Sj Ce^Ativo and Anti-spasmodic. It socms to allay pain and irritation in woatovcr organ, and from whatever cause. 'iJbiadattB a fesling o* co^itort and q.ietuds noi obtainable by any other reaa-iy, aod it awaB to possacas thl<» gri»& fltf.rautagc over all other Sedativ ee. usa# it leaves no unploasant aft jr^flbcta. ••ffiarl Buaaoll oommumcated to tiio College of Physicians that ho received a dTsratali ltoro Her M-»1esty'« Conoul at i £ ani!lo..to tha effect that Cholera has boon rising faarfully, eodtbAt tha 02»^T t*mody of any oervica was CH3uOKODYh»ii'—Seo Lannt, 1st L'scamber iifia, 9 CAUTION.—BHWAEB of PIRACY and IMITATIONS. "CAVtw* —Vlca-ChancVlor 3ir W. Pach Woc.) stated that Dr. J. Coma Brow" was, andoabtadly, tU I ■fi^eatoi of CHLOBODYNS; that the story ot the Defendant FsMiUir, waa dcliboKiteiy cntroe, ^rhich, h« ajgretted to say, had boen etrorn to.~Seo Ti*u,,L*th July ISfAW resold i-. Bottles at h* lid, 2»9d, and 4s 6d each, locals genuine Without tho words Br.O. COlLTb BUOWHSa <C2L030DX$iB" oa tha Uovernxccat Stamp. Oysrwheimiag Medical Testimony aocompsaien each bottia. So»tU)i7?*.ozm»v^r. T. DAVENFOBTt II Great EuMtil Street. Elocnubury. IioadasT If yon are a man of btisInoE3 or labourer, weakened by tlie strain of your duties, avoid stimulants. ftndtaie HOP BITTERS. I If you are a cm of letters, toiling over your midnight work, to restore brain ana nerve waste take HOP BITTERS. If you are Buffering from over-eating or drinking, any indiscretion or dissipation, take HOP BITTERS. « » y9a.are ma™e,<^ or single, cJd or young, rich or poor, suffering from poor health or IauKui^liifll? ftn a bed of sickae3s, taise HOP BITTERS a -t-;J^Tl^Ver -C-H art' wfereveir. y°u are, whenever you feel that your system needs cleansing, tonini? or stimulating, without intoxicating, one bottle of HOP BITTERS HOP BITTERS iwndo more good than f5 juall other medicines or doctor's visits. ?r0U dV^ePsia' kidney or urinary complaint, disease of the stomach, Uicels, Hoddt liver. Or nerves r Yotiwinbecureaifyoutake HOP BITTERS Aoviy°U rheumatism, or gout, or are simply ailing, axe weak and low-spirited, try it] Ask your chcmist or druggist for HOP BITTERS IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. IT HAS SAVED BIJ^DKIIDS, FOR SALE BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. RENOWNED REMEDIES. ^THE PILLST PillS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, K^^SYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and re?tore to health Debilitn 'i»utions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females ot all ages. j en and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for pad Leg. Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Uicets. It. is famm:[ fv Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS CF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQüAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it act,, like a charm. Manufactured only at THOMAS IIom.oway's Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533,-OXFORD STREET), LONDON, And are sold at is. li,Z, 2s. Set' 4-L Gd., 1 is., 22s., and 3Y, each Box or Pot, and m; y bo had of all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N.B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. U AW m Ammk TOiT & MAY'S j" 1\I A C TI "F» § wtaWmea fi^a^'aa isJ&4-a bM?X j NERVOUS DEBILITY. L DR. E. C. WEST S NERVE & BRAJ^TtoEAT- MEiVT, a Guar.mteed Cure for all Diseasi's of th^ Kervona System, such as Hysteria, Ilizzincss, Convulsiion, Fits, Neu- ralgia, Headache, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Premature Ola Age, camed by Excesses, Orer-Kxertion of the Brain, or Over-Iniiuie-ence (re-iinltinfr in Insanity, and leading to Misery. Decay, and Death1. The Remedy is from the Prescription of an Eminent Physician, ifehas been tested & usei \\l:,1¡ irrcat .-access for years; therefore tho Proprietors have no hesitation whatever in issuing a Written Guarantee-'? Cn re, or Money refunded to ererv Purchaser of SlxBoxca. Kach Box contains "On j Month's Treatment, 4, 6 a Box, or 6 Bozos (w.tU Oaaraiitee; for 25 To he had of aS Chemists and Drun;ists-—f.A 'ICLAY & sass, Lrr..clc.n Agents, 95. Farringdon Street. London. B'i<ANN's SKIS' LOTION.-lVescribedby uIi tMc James Startia. the celebrated skin doctor. Stirvolioaa curs iJr ihriples, blotches, redj'e, kc, Bott'.w 2s. 9d. By post d=.-2, Cosmo Place, Loudon, W.C.. and from Chemists. T,AAf/ Jt MKDICAX. WONDEES, should beread"bvall Kl 111 K y;nar"f men. Ii-i portant to debillrAtP'l nervous sufferers and Uu u iVl.lo3e ab°ut to marry, Fre-t in Envc'ope stamps. Pub- ■ —1 -'i-'i'V M-'dlc '-l ila^l. Fitzallan-square.ihpffleidu KsMb. 13010 PARCELS POST. PARCELS~POST: Dre;s Caps, Mob Caps. Curtains. Collar.jttss, Ac. Splendid vahie W ill b9 sent to any part of Endand free on receipt of CROSS.%v?TiByGH^MriU' w, COTTON, WEEKDAY- cp,Osq. so'r -r .a,. y r 1 IHN V"AMT teast wiEgm &co.. XX BI7 riKRIXE Ar-poi.' T nsbury. —— hONfM). SWixcvs'^j i w^yiaan f Th jTs?>< i I f r«i" »>' l^BTac k v7; 1 y |V'" I Q 3 J Sana SpuA^t.! T/EYLESS WATCHES. LADIES'GOLD 14 carat, warrant e<l. Jewelled in ever* hole, per fee*: timekeepers, honestly worth guineas. P-ivt only i'2 5s„ and money ret limed ''not approved of within 7 davs-. Handsome presents Sent repistere<l on receipt of P.O.O.' for £ 8 5s. to l». v-.aro Street. W. im 64%4 BELLAMY'S r DISCOVERY, Fon tht* Ccaa o» LAME AND BLEMISHED HORSES. SPEAINS, BKTJISES, INFLAMED SWELLINGS, BONE SPAVIN, Curb, Splint, and Bony Formations, WINDFALLS, THOEOUGHPIN, BOG SPAVIN, ki.t CURED and EEm6vED. without firing or injury to the Horse. W»tr.. dr fc a^rain-s, 4c„ 6g., Bone Spav^. &e.. S». «d,t Wir4dg»lli5, i>o^ Spavin, &c.f 10s. 6d. • ont:i^o p«ud, P.O.O..OB CHEQUE TO ACCOMPANY OKDEE. FulJ particulfirr tveuimouiaL0 Po>jt Free on appljcatian, BELLAMY & GO., SB, Brown^StV, Smcbester GRAVIES, STEWS, HflSHES.SOUPS.&a I The "GRANULAR BROWNING" (Registered Trade Name.) 8EOULD BB USED IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. It imparts a rich eoionr and enporicr flavcrar to the Hmvies of Roaet Moats, Chops, Steaks, Outlets, Chickon and Game Gravies, Hashes, Stows, Soups, BrothB, Beof Tea, Ac. Sold in Bottles, Is. and 2s. ed., by Chemists, Grocors, «oid Italian Warehousemen. Sole Manufacturers. TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, LINCOLN. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES- LAMPLOTTGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It is ths safe in bcjirl0t Fcvcr^ fymftli-pox, ari'i o^.hcr A.1! in* valuable domestic Hcadaclie. Biliousness, Constipation, 8km Affections, Blood Poisons & t"eve-ighT.°f/ .See numerous Hedical Testimonial*, Ru;;h ns no o'thar Saline can show, therefore Uas no other «,->! -lv bv II. LAMPT.OUl'ur, U.'i. Hoi born. T.oAdon HAV73 IT II? YOUR HOOBES>JWITri_YOU IN YOUR TRAVEI.3 (JOUGHS, COLDS, ASTHNA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, A fnw doses Quito effertRal. — Can tion Tb" i 'i-ao-dinarv metical r»]«jrts of Chiorodyiie Titai import- public should uine, which j, Government the words I I I .1 ;I_ I- I I 1. -C, i I I 1. the ctTlcacy rt n.er it of j that the ■•in the Ken- M'l.toeted by a tamp, bearing Dr. J. ('oilis AirOWllO S \^hi01*'Hl^ tic tOli V iCli-1 'llr< 1101*111 'T* '\W Pa*e Wood, the rim*>. J" iGtfi, im vlLi" «. each bo-U^ teBtir;;3U11*18 lr0la eminent Physician? accompany Sold: Bottles, Hi. 2/B, 44 alj diewfs^. .^JSW FAMILY ELECTjaO-MAUNETiC MEDICAL APPARATUS for th-cure of RHBUMATISM, CONSUMPTION,OE^\t;KAL DEBILITY, B aoii- A^A^v/v^tnwATrTA^PTv.T116 Lrv^St AGUE. CANCEH, A?0Pi,Lp,^iUBALGIA,SpIKALC0MPLAiNTS,SPBAIH3,&c. Strongly recommended by scientific uvautltionora as a certain ft painless remedy for most disease*, %nree I'Coihl^nlS t ij>lcccTO-pmtc<i Silk Connsctinjf Cor'Is fowor Tif»cni- lator, & Battery, complete, packed mnd fonvarded free, 18s. 6d. — i-wlo WKKDON Oe Co.. ELECTRICIANS, SUNDERLAND. KEYLESS WHOLESALE PBICE8. I WATCHES. 9f T MB Vr>,M.Vaa1 00-• St'-ut Kilvcr Lever. 40/ **J,f qI^pa fjmekeepcrr. Large stock of (.iain«. MUSICAL -r% A prio, & troe by r5f I A hiS rsi-. & 22 rr»HL W ORSTED COATINGSir.^l Ser.^s of the HnddcrsfloldWoollen Cloth Companv.Lt l.,m: fhebest value Biamuactnre<i.An £ len(rtlj_cut. ^J'attevjison ap;dio:. ion Anc",or Brewery, D'ARCY'S DUBLIN STOUT Dublin. I iLarsrest Brevery in Ireland but one.) A I _r CAFE INV LSTMENT for small capitalists, ™ I'Cr cent, steadv dividends in a uon-spcculatirn concern, t orfuil particulars, aut.re.s9 Box i?. The Kxchanye, HoddexsusltL A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. GRATIS, a medical WultK, phowmg fJufIcrers how they may be cured, and is cover health and vitality without the aid d Quacks, wit .1 recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on liappy Marriages When and Whom to Marry; The Temperaments 8t;\rr»mering; Vital Force; How WastedaitdIlow Preserved; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wondera of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. rest free for two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute ci Anatomy, Eir- simghazn. E 47:i I I .9) 4 5 TH E-' ES.T. W- -I- 41 hem [ITAVE IT IN YOUB HOUSES, LCL asd follow the «dTi-;« ot the eminsat Doctor* Proo^ Ctevene, Morgan, Tuxley, Bcsvsiny, Gibbon, Bpsrkl..t: Who hvra borne unqaalif ed testimony to the valuq M T.AM PLOUGH'S PYHKTIO SATjUrifc .It gives inatact relief in headache, sea or bilionaeiofcl sees, oonsr-ipation, lieartburn, eooriet and oihsr feveni •maUpox, tnoMles, eruptive and akin ao MCttitaM. S. X.AitnovBX, li3 nolb^na. Lend a*. KEATING'S COTJGH LOZENGES. 1 An ever increasing sale of over 60 years. K' EATING'S COTJGH LOZENGES. The Best and Safest Remedy for COUGHS. ASTHMA, PHLKOM. and TICKIilNO in the Throat. KEATING'S COUG-H LOZENGES. Convenient to keep handy in tho pocket. K Convenient to keep handy in tho pocket. EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Are universally recommended by the Faculty, Testimonial (Original nan be teen.). DgAn Kib,—Having tried your COilgh Lozenjps in India, I have tnnfh pleasure in testifying to their beneficial effects \n Castas of fucipient Consumption, Asthma, and Bronchial atfo tions. So jiood a medicine ought to be known to be appreciated, I have prescribed it largely with the best results. W B. G„ Apothecary, H.M. Indian Medical Serdea, field in Tina.!la. ltd. and 2a. Od. oaih. by all Orugaista. .PAGE, WOOD'' » A II 5 iMH B Ab (90bD for the cure of WIND ON THE STOMACH. GOOD for the cur. of INDIGESTION. GOOD for the cure of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the cure of HEARTBURN. GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT. GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from s disordered state of tht • STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVEB. Bold by all Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Js lid. 2a tea. and 41 Id each or free for U, 33, or 64 Btampa, froa FAGB D. WOODCOCK, CALVEBT STREET, NOBWICH. I MMS! I'ckj.ly vzgsxabls. Peiftrtiv Hanaloss, VrilJ reduce tro;n two to five -v > ponnrte ('or week: acts oil thi jtSSfo. fotvhiiine sto.iia^h^ pre.v-nt- Botanic I.Tetl.ne Col., 3 New Oxfcr Utreet, *<e- London, W.C «FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIF L. WORLD-FAMED ]Eli To the Foung Hen vf England wk, nijtr frv-m NtiTOu* Debility, Jvxt THE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Designed M a Warrin? and a 47, ';1 1:0 others; applying at the same time the mcaus of SKLF-CURH. by one whoLas cured hi-s,lf,aft..r untlergolig the usual ant of Medical Imposi- tion and Quacktry. Single copies may be had [post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the author, low. near ESTABLISHE D 40 Is the only S. Is the most certain remerly for F AC-i.iAtdJ [.j, Is tho most certain reuiedy for TIC and N c, u RAI.GIA. May be taken by young and old of both sexes, and the most delicate at any period of life. Is the finest Nervine cvor diHCnvered for TIC, N C. be T00THACHJ5, and NBUIlALGlCJ* 1'AIKF.' Will bo found Invaluable bv those losing theirt'hby deciy. Its proper- ties and action are such that a decayed tooth is not only cured of rmin, but pear nan decvt is urorpiiD. Sold in bottles 1,211 and 2 9 oa^H by di f'Uetn; is. Wgoixsit.i A abuts, BAUUfiAf t. SONS, I.oul)ox. R IMMEL'S AROMATIC "OZONIZER. A frnirrant air-imrifyii; Powder of Pines and Eucalyptus. The onlva ri h a!;le •> iMnfeetant., l».,by no^t 15 rtanip«. EIMMEL'S TCILST VINfiG-AJR, deli- cious t'.uic, and refreslii.uv', 1. 2 0, and 0. Sold cv.'i'f where. Biimael. Perfumer, 00, Strand, London. |^OX,l> SSLF WIN»I2TG LADIES' WATCHES, no kev required, of exunisite workmanship. Jewe'led n; »: < ry hole. Perfect Tiniekcepers. Kle?andy chased. This Watch is perfection. Price oul.v 38.6, A liberal percentage by taking a dozen. Country shopkeepers Ehouid seo a sample. Lxceedinprly handsome ease^, Hali-marked. Cheques and P.O.O. to h« made payable to FKN'TON /■. C^ Watch Importers, 03, TO WEB CHAMBERS, LOXnON. C.f. T>t T I,^ wj ? r A :i most cases. E&«iiy np- -Lj EjO • Tr^o^y -■ 'V .A.Sjii^cr, Colc'iestet*. SHAKES IN stka^IE:1- v: -Ja-nds of from 20 o/» to 25 0. per annum. For varticnhirs of a most promising Kteamshipundertalfinff, Liinited h a-jmty.. £ 50 Shares, Addre.se THOMAS BliKJl^Steauisliip SurvevoT, Bctk l^gcCT- CAiiuiFr. XT N I C N LINE. CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST AFRICAN STLAMKItS. -The UXION S.S. Co.'s MAIL PACK UTS sail from Southampton every alternate Thursday, &' fruiii Piviuouth the folIowing day. Appj ot the Company's Oili. ces, Orieritru Place, Southampton, or 11, Leadenliall St.. London, Or to J. Jaekpori. Lloyd's A crent. 0;'trnftvvon. 5 A DV1CE TO DYSPEPTICS."—Symptoms C A L of Dyspepsia and Indies ion, with special ad- r-co «ia to Diet.—This little tw.-aph.et a,peals forcibly to th'«3 who h&ve allowed tho palate to decide everything for them, and have paid tho inevitable ponalty of their fc»»iy.M -Glob' Bent for o- e =tanap. J- 31- IUCHABllS, Pub* '•sW,92, Great T: .«.?<• «*.reet, Lo;:d^ Kscksi-aek's Kos f. t tr.—Tba ior ilie Toilet. i' YOU AHV: IKTBHESluH in the search foi 1. a Cure for Iti- -.t. niand Neuralgic Pains, yon are hercLy directed to oi .ain of any chc'cgt POWELL'S REfr- muc Ei,-ii voc,. H i eKr.raordit.ayy efficacy has tee*' >Mooted I C endon, Ln.dy j.J*r.-ve,tl.oCountesa of Haduor, Gtnero V&jd, and many other eminent persons. [L ia for external > plication only. Sola ii. bottles, at i/li •' 2 :), in all C .lists., KtcycKi-Atv-'s .a So'Ar.—Ths best To? tbe Toilet. ;4 ]70K Y-3THMA, HAY FEVER, AND JL. CA"' EtTvlI.—UtiiRot'V Or.t[ t»as employed under thoh> i.-st medical sdsieti'-n ir. i,n ca50 of tte sfield. '.the wedic!izi(. frcin which hie lord- xi;ip for.iid i itt. comfort and rcl;e, wa;, Himrod's Powder. fuuies ■ e initaled i)y the j u H ",<t, Elj}> nt, onc,3 afford relief."—T r Tin 4t. Sample J-Wg. 3, M. RICHARDS, 81 u,d Di, Ttussell Street, Lcndon. i.-jjti ■ vjsa's Hosb SoAr.—The 1;et i. for the Toilet. OitlGHT'S DISEASE A\j LIYEB COM"* • J » I'LA I XT.—TL;o 'Hcli'an has a national r. .ji-.T.niion established through i; s i-f.ji.i'-rful cllioacy in all id*r.r>t? that have their origin i,: 0 torpid liver ordiiteaeeu kid: W, find is endorsed by thousands, or earnest, iutelh* tfbi t, wi: nesses, who will toll you that th« HowtAS Pad u a cure for these diseases, iier.l the i.amphlot entitled I frco to t nv n;Ulrl.s- Ho'inan Pad Co 02, Groat Russell Street, London." Price of Holai»n i'aii, ids. kklisu's Ross SoiP.-Tb.>c«t for tho Toilet. «4 ip ET A BOTTLE TO-DAY OF PEHRY KJ DAVIS' PAIN KILJEB. -I: instantly_ relieyoi atzid curtj eevtro scalds, burns, ;p;'a "n^, -niises, tuothache. headache, pairib in the side, jojllt" (llHt !i!bs, all neuralgic ..i.d rheun:atic pains. Taken inteinai y enjes at once coughs, endden colds, cramp fitoaiacn, ooi.r:, u.arrncea, a;id chclera infinitum. Paii* K'I s-^k 13 i.ie great housft. hold medicine, and has stood the ust'•! 50 years. Aujp chcmist can smpply it at 1/1 i aiid ,-JiccKKi ak 1:'ri Ross SOAP.—ihe be^t fcr the Toilet. T>EEF TEA FOR INV/, LIDS. — DELACHK's .1..) Extkact ot jigiv is the rst for beef tea, soapa, ?ra,'ies, stock, flavouring and !ffenowv» u«e, and has been i'.lopted by the Hod Cross Assoc -^1, and Medical Boa^-d of i.ue Enghrth army. 1 ts absolute pttrii-y certified by Prot. A' ifield, of the Phar. Soc. Its ft'-renm!. equal to doubS qu.ntity of other Kxtracta of Beer, t'i. o priae tDodali an arden a Sample jar by Parccis Post on receipt of 1/4, Depot: to, Great Russell Street, London," KeoiiiASK'a Kos* —'Cue i-esi tcr thg roilet., Sent by Post Lo n, ot Hie VVorkUia receipt of two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CUBE FOP. DEBILITIES XX. aud derangements of the generatiya and Is ervona1 system, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, hfpAenerfriee, is given in the book of POSITIVE IIEMEDIES." This took gives a positive remedy for all diseases. The names of all Medsoines are given in English. Casea and testimo- nlils, with means used ill each case. It is a guide to tli- self-tre.,itment of all diseasea, and should he con- snltcd by all who require mcdiccl treatment. NOTICE, —Tha Positive Medicines given in the book of POsl ITIVE REMEDIES" are the medicines us*d bv Dr Smith for over thirty years. By the aid of this book Anvaluls may form a correct I nowiedge of tbeir malady and find a positive remedy for the cure. The name* aro published in English, to enable invalids to select the remedy and care themselves without consulting a Medical man, making a written statement of case, or paying consultation fees. Send two Stamps for the book of "POSITIVE REMEDIES, "which contains pages, and gives a cure for ail dis2f.?es. Post free on receipt of two stamps, direct from H. Smith & Co., Positive Labors ory, 26, Soatliaixiptot1* RoN, loadon, W.C. "I >EOTODYNE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE JL CUkE for t'ebilitieci and Dc^ans'emente of the Generative and Nervous system. Prostration. 1D3ples, Loss of Energy, Physical Depression, Pre- mature Decline, "Wasting Diseases, Exhaustion of -^ryo power. Local V.'eakne??, f.iid ail Diseases re- su'ting from loss of Vital Forcc. After using these rnis, the body and nerves are restored to health and vi<onr cold id Boxes (containing fnfficient for the vure), price -s. 9d. May be bad direct from the pro- prietors cn receipt of thirty-four Stamps. Sent by ?°st to any address.-H^ Smith & Co., Positive Ee- medy Laboratory ,^G, Southampton-row, London W0- 84G MOST WONDERFUL DISCOVERY!! NO MOEE SMALL POX MABKS 1 LEON & CO'S OBLITERATOR (PATENTED) REMOVES ALL SMALL POX MARKS. MLEON, the inventor of the Obliterator, has obtained several medals and diplomap of honour, aad has been appointed purveyor to several Boyal and Imperial Courts. Leon and 00'3 Obliterator is approved by tho Medical Faculty. No wens Small Pex Masks No MORE SMALL Pox MAEKS No MORE SMALL Pox jyLn.Ks! The very worst cases of Small P x Marks are successfully treated by Leon and Oo.'s Obliterator. Simply rub Leon and Go's Obliterator into the skin with a clean sponge three or four times a day, for a few minutes each time, and the Small Pex Marks will gradually disappear. No MOHB SMALL PCX MARKS No MOBS SMALL P. Y MABKS No MCEE SMALL 1)ex Map.ks! The application cf Leon and Co.'s Obliterator is quite simple and harmless Leon and Co.'a Ob- literator causes no i convenience whatever. Dr P.erre et Dr Seboil certify that Leon and OO.'ji Obliterator contains notbiug whatever of an ii juiious character. No MOi-E SMALL POX Mahks No MORB SHALL PL X MARKS No MORE SMALL Pes MAUKS I LIOn d, Co ,.f Obliterator is ;<cld hy all Ch"mi*t*t Jfah'Jrrs»frs and Purfimcvd. In Botilts, Ji1 Cd, o<, and 5-s Cd. CAUTION None genuine unless "Leon and Co." is engraved upon the bottle. Chief r<?p-<t of the Obliterator HAISON LEON AND COMPAITY, Perfumers to H. M. the Qaeen. 202, HIQH.&TREET.STRATrORU, LONE ON, E. EXPORT.—Perfumes of all kinds, Essences, Ex- tracts, ToiIe\ Soap, Toilet. V.negar, Hair Restorer, Gcld< n, Brown, and Black Hair Dyes, Eaux de Cologne, Bsy Rum; and other perfumes for Ladies' Baths. In Bottles, Is 61, 3a, and 5s 6d. Agents aiid Tiavelier-i wanted fcr Town,Country aLd Abroad, laSCST & CO.'S DEPILATORY. (PATENTED.) Leon and Co. s DEPILATORY is the only safe and efficacious compound, removing, in a few minuteo, any supiirfluous hair from auy part of the bcdy, withcut any pain or even unpleasant eensation. Mix a frmall portion of the Depilatory with a little cold water; iub the p!!i'.te thus prodnced into the hairy skiu and allow it to dry for one or two minutes. Then sponge it off with cold water and the heir will be completely removed, never to grow again. MAISON LEON AXD COMPANY, Ferfunws to IT. M. tho Queen, 202, HIGH' STBEE-f, Stbatpobd, E. Every Genuine Packct is signed "Leon and Co." Sold by allChemial.?,Hairdriers and Perfumers Price 6d.. Is., Is Cd., 3 5s (jJ. gefcta and Travellers wanted for Town, Ccnntr. nnd Abroad, ,) EjMIGKATiON AGENCY AUrilCPJZED AND APPOINTED BY THB GOVELiNMENT COMMISSIONERS J. lJ. V n RCB EMIGBiTION ANIENT, 13, RIGIIFIELD-STREET, 7ITEBBARN-ST., LIViSEPGOL. PASSAGES secured and every Information J. given reepec-tiog Prices, and Datca of Steamers Sailing to Utiebec, Halifax, Baltimore, N; wYork, Boston, Philadelphia, Nst Orleans Australia, New Zealand, and all parts of the World! Eligible Emigrants can obtain passages to Canada at reduced rates. Alllettera uddressed to above will receive duo attention. AGENT FOR ALL LIXES Or STEAMERS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Passengers booked by tins Agency will be met on arrival in Liverpool, cared for during their stay, and seen safely away on embarkation, comfortably oerthed ia the belt part of the Steamers. Personal attention paid to Passengere—economy and camfort studied—by J. D. rUmCE, who haa crossed the Atlantic several times, and travelled much in America, and who also has many yeaia* experience in the Emigration business. This Agcncy is highly recommended. tz',t' NOTE THE iiBOVE APPRUSS THlLLIPt) & BOA'S DANDELION COFFEE FOR LIVER AND INDIGESTION. CONTAIN THREE TIMES THE STRENGTH OF ORDINARY COFFEE. UROCERS AND CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE 6w