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MILLINERY.—p everal experienced hands 1. Wai ted. Must be able to execute owu *Tdera. Al=o several Apprentices.—Apply, O. D. .Jfoes, Bod Marcbe, Carnarvon. E 023. IDRAI-I -WtAnted a trustwoi thy N'ouiig "f Man to Hlu ve trade, also several Junior Apprentices. Apply — o. D. Jones, Bon _A*CHE, R'ARNXRVPR). E 02 ? TO feHoPIOElKRS & TEA DEALERH j —AGENTS WaN R&I», for Loose or i'a ke -U8* Special teruis to s;oo.l wen,—Write to G. ■;10i) Son, 8, Chi.-well-pTreet,. London. Re. WBITJi.'b rtEWlWG MACHINE, entirely p. Uv \i, bu.trtble ttJr tanoia and otiitrs, iu b .t a great reduction L-om cost pnce.—Apply to ".xprext t NRIF; CARNARVON DlRMINOHAM GOuDS. — Jewellery, Wat- ]i chef, CVcks, Harmoniums, Bc-eJes, Tricvc- {«• AGENTS WANTED. Wh'L*«I-> Il-ustrattd Malogu., P.st-frte. A Joress, Henry May, Birroiug- B 173-6 1 TO BE LET.—Furnished House, cr Apart- MEDT.<J, in a hea'fhv MID quiet loc*litv of the ^°WN of ('ARNFIRVOK fifteen minutes WPLK from th'* JG^ILWAY —Aosres-, No 1G81, Genedl and OfEc<T?, Carnarvon. B 595 «PO WEEKLY ar.d UPWARDS MAY be EASILY T^RRR AH HO.nESLXY REALIZED ^y persona of ^IHEL i-EX, without biedranee to present oceupa- P&rticula-s. &c., enclose a dressed euvelope EVANS, WATTS, & COMPANY (P 293). ^^FCHAPTS. Birmingham.—This is genuine. E446 TWELVE c.<u; £ FF .ieVisiTE, 2s sa, si T in n drgcd to 10 inches, PENT C- rto with Btamps. Perfect ecpie ? engmal returned free. London Photograol ie Co., 304, Regent-street, Lon- W.—V. S D. PHIT.I.IPS. Manager. JJ»BVOR8 AND PHYSICAL DKBILITV — A gentieman, having tried in VAIN every remedy, has discovered a simple rneane I 8elf-ctiii. He will be happy to forwaro th Particulars to any UUFFPYER on receipt OF a stamped directed envelope.—Address, Mr J. T. Sewell *OOB VILLN Hammersmith London. WLLOS rjENTLKMEv & LADIES Wanted to take Ord era from their Krien Js for our Cnoice Teas WHOLESALE Fr ees. Salary, £ 1 per week and ^^MISSION. Will not interfere with their preset t "PUPATION. Samples, Price Libts, atK.' Terms, post on rcepit of 12 penny STSMP^. — W. liebe tson Co., Tea Merchants, Sash Court, Wilson-str et, tfydon. B 1647—5^7 THE EXPRESS AND <H<NEDL IN AMERICA —The proprietors ot the North Jp ilea Express and the Genedl Gymrexg have appointed r H. P. Huhbard, proprietor of the International "Wspaper Apency, New Haven, State of Connecticut, their sole agent in America to receive advertise- ^gnts for insertion in their papers. B T IVKKPO- >L COMM MEDIAL 1NVKST- MENT OMPAK Y, LIMITED.-LOANS of r^»n J £ 1C to it000 promr>tiy granted, end tho interest !5arged nnuHtif.liy moderate. Personal or other Share Certificate's, DOCK B'-nos, Life ohoioB, &c.—A^-ply to B. Roberts, City-mad, Chester; to James Smith, Secretary, 11, Seymour-street, -^RP^OL, B 1151—403 MR. CAPON, DENTAL SUKGEON, (The Oldest Established in Carnarvon). May be consulted daily at his Residence, Marino, North-road, Carnnrvon. E 622 F (CARNARVON PERMANENT BENEFIT ci BUILDING SOCIETY. £ 2,000 tiow re-nly TO be advanced on Freehold or ^AEEBOID Property in Carnarvon or the neighbour hood. Principal and interest at 5 PER cent to be re I)aid by moutilv instal-jaewts.—Apply to THTI Secretary Bar JObl R",ps. 24, W^ILINET-ON-TPRRJIC^, Onrcarvon. BEACH MUUNT SIJHLIOL, LIWIJOLKL-M OONnCCTKP kY Hisses wilijam'- AND TEMPLE Proppectnfes ?rte on appli ation to above address jJoticp n tin pi (I).V ), .lannary 23. 18^. Cell's Patent Life Fills and Ointment |T is caloulated that if every reader of this ■ Paper kept a B^x and Pot of the above IterAdy at band ttiey would swe en an average £ 4 each in Doctors Hills everv year. Of all Chemists, Is lid and 2s 9d, or Post Free for 15 and 36 Stamps from W. BH H, & CI) Rending. B'Tk!'l. B E10 920 £50 £100 je500 OPTIONS on btock Exchange Securities One linitorm rice. Ackuowledged the best ana safest plan ever devised for making large Profits from small in^estm nts with great rapidity. *j*planatoyb>ok {MO td uiition) SBNT FREE. Address fieorge Evans and Co., Sworn Brokers, Gresham House, Old Broad-street, London. 11556 ONE BOX OF ULA liKh'S B41 PILLS 18 warranted to cure all di,.charg, s from tfce Urinary °RGANB, in either sex (acquited or cop stitu tioDi%)), Gravcd Pains in the Ba k Giiaranteed rree ft om Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Paienfc kedicia" Vendors throughout ttle world or sent to any dre88 for sixty UT-»N P-> by the MakPT", THE LINOOLN MIDLAND COUNTIES DBUQ ( OMPAKY, Lincoln: ™holeealo Agents, BABCLAT & SONS. London and all the Who pflale H MILKING MACHINE. IN. THIS celebrated self-acting Cow kiilking Machine supers 'des tll>\ ial orious and tedious procesB ot handmdking, and can be ap- piieri by anyone; milking each Cow in th ea or five minutes.— No Cowkeeper should be without this valuable and useful D ary Implement. Price 6e, 6d each o, I-, d livered. The New Milking Machine Co., 3, Fargate, Sheffield.-N. BUCHANAN, Managing Director. Tubes for Sore or Corded Teats, Is 6d each. B 594 MANITOBA AND THE CANADIAN NOKTH WEST, through which runs THE CANA PIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Farming and Grazing Lands for Sale on Easy Terms to Actual Settlers. If you desire to receive, ile of charge, the Rail- Way Company's New Regulations for the Sale of Lands III the Canadian North West and also the latest Maps. Pan pblets, &c., containing the latest information about the louutn, address— ALEXANDER BEGG, Canadian Pacific iiailwav Offices, 101, Cannon- I't>eet. London. B 562-156 Price 2d., by post 2id PRIVATE PERSON can procure or dispose o all ki ds ol property by SALE or EXCHANGE, without publicity, with marvellous ease und perf. ct secu»icy from dishonest persons, throu h the medium of "THE BAZAAR, THE EXCHANGE acd MART and JOURNAL of the HOUSEHOLD.' Th* Gkhø say Like all grand conceptions, the process is ren arkatle for its simplic ty. Ot al Newsagents and Bail*ay Bookstalls. Specimen Copy, two stamps. Office, 170, Strand, London. >. CUMBERLAND 0 U R i > II A M S, CUMBERLAND CURE !> B X<X>N» PRIME A M £ R I C A N CJIFLSF. REDUCTION IN PRICI:8 THIS WHEK AT THE POOL-STREET MARKET, CARNARVON. RE-OPi- NIN-or OF THE VICTORIA HOUSE, BANGOR-STREET, CARNAHVON. OD. JONES, of the Bon Marche, desires to annoui ce that be has opei-ed the above premises labt Saturday, Mar h iOth, with a New and EAknsive stock of DRAPERY GOODS. He invites the attention of all householders to pay a visit to the VICTORIA HOUSE, DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR-STREET, CARNARVON. POTATOES FOR SALE. CHANGE your Seed, and plant early to se- C cure a heavy crop' free fririi 0be.se. A Sample Bag of 112ibs of either of rh", following varieties wiil be sent carriage pÜd (b it: prati?;, to any Station or Address within rnil delivery in England or Wales, on receipt oiPO I)., (IT Cheque for 10a and address. 'Sutton's Ma.:num. School- master, and My"U's E¡,¡rly Ashle f. E i(,-Yi lot is it. .prime drv bzight conditi "nai il handp ked to teed bize. Cheaper by the ton or truhk load. J. T. SMITH, Potato Xrchant, B 1714-612 WIRBECB, Cer-brdfeehire IOINL MAIL SJ, /l:;r .c- /X-, ;(:t'-1 ,-I 1;j1. ,,)7 LIVERPOOL TO H3"E1"W- YOJRiC & BOSTON EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. This Company has been established fo. Forty "Years, and is noted for its Safety and Corvifort for all classes of Passengers. Apply to the CUNARD STEAM SHIP COMPANY, Limited, Liverpool, ORTO their AGENT,-WM. J. WILL IA US, Market-street, Carnarvon. INTERMEDIATE PASSAGE, R8 Rg; STEBBAGE, X4 4B m K R X C L [ N Ii UNITED STATES MAIL 8TEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA itTRRT WRDNESDAY AND ALTERNATE SATO Hi> First-clase, full-powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers equal to I\ European Line. Passengers and Goods landed at PhiladelphU on fcne Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. THB LRIKORTBBT AND BB8T ROUTB TO THB WBOT, Apply to RICH A, SPENOE&OO., 17 <51 19, Water-street, Liverpool LOCAL A'>BNTS.—W. J. WIL'L^MS, wocrotary ::hi' North Wales QuarryrDonlfi Union, 7, arkot itreot, Carnarvon; John Foolkes, £ 4, High-street Carnarvon R. G. Roberts, Rock Oottaae, Crei^IA VTOWR. Talvsam- » J HEALTH, TONE, AND VIGOUR L-EY C I, THIS preparation is pronounced by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession to be unequalled for its power in re- plenishing the vitality of the body, by its supply- ing all the essential constituents of the bloou aad nerve substance, and for developing all the powers and functions of the system te the highest degree. It re- moves pimples, blotches, purifies the blood, gives new life, sound and refreshing sleep -IT restoref; the con. stitution to health and vigour in a short time. Sold by most, chemists at 2a 9d, 48 6d, lis and 22s per bottle; or sent to any address carriage paid, on receipt of price by HILTON & Co., 184, High- street, Nottiag Hill, London CAUTION.—Ask for "Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Restorative." Do not let the chemist persuade you It take any other. The argt ment of larger bottles au ess price is put forward. It is QUALITY ttll afflicte require-— nofttanlity. Agens—Barclay andSons 96, Farm-street, Loudon,t and all the Wh le?a'» tfi rtnses. IVFACNIYEN A CAMERON'S PEXIS — are the best.Public Opinion, They como as a boon and a blessing to MOLO The Pickwick, the Owl and the Wavwley Ptft." Standard sayg, They are a treasure." 6d. and Is. per Box. Sold throughout the WoaUL Also THE HINDOO PENS, Nos. 1, let. Sppcimeu boxes, containing all the kinds, by peat Is. 14 Patentees of Pent and Penkold^rt, Maeniven aMfliMM _23_to 33. Blair Street, Edinburgh- (Bstd. 1770J PLIUI>E«TLAL A^ S U R AIN CE COMPANY, LIMITED, HOLBORN BARS, LONDON. THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT. For the Year ending 318t December, 1882. THE DIRECTORS have much pleasure in The rate of Expenditure cf the Branch is less -L pre seating their Report and Accounts for the than Ten and a half per cent. on the Premium year 1882. Income. The reduction in the rate of expenditure in both INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. Briinche- has been continued d ring the year. rr,, The i' vested Funds of the Company, including "he Pfem'.ums actually received during the year tbe pa d-up Capital, now exceed Three Millions, 111 i^is Branch aie £ ?,'2G 022 3s lid, as c mpared vz., Ordinary Branch. £ 928 176: Industrial with the sum of C 1,8,9,494 18S 54 received during Branch, £ 2 11^,223. 1881, be ng an increase of Premium Receipts 01 ORDINARY BRANCH. ft e Claims of the year amount to £ 773,813, and Thc ew Business of this Branch for the year the t tal amount of Claims paid in this Branch is consists of 7.067 Policies, assuring the sum of £ 1.559,925. XS65 148, and pr< ducting a New Annual Premium The Investmei ts of the year have been made in Income of jE32 777. New Three per Cents., Loans upon Rates, and The Cliima of t e year amount to JE73 621, re- Freehold Ground Rents. presenting 455 Deaths and 24 Endownment Assur- The Total expenses of this Branch, as compared ances iw red. with those of the prt^vioas year, show a reduction The Annual Premium Income at the end 'of .the in the rate of Expenditure of nearly two and akhalf year is £ 164,919, being an increase of £ 22,216 over per cent. on the Premium Income. the year 1881. The Conpany is now represented in every part The Investments of the year have been mide of the United Kingdom, and the charges for ex- principaliy in Consols. Mortgages upon Freehold tension expenses no longer sppear in t e accounts Property in London, and Reversions. LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANIES ACT, 1870.—FOURTH SCHEDULE. BALANCE SHEET OF THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED (ORDINARY BRANCH) ON Tu- 31ST DECEMBER, 1882. LIABILITIES. £ s. d. 927,658 6 8 Sickness and A-surauce Fund 518 0 8 X928,176 7 4 Claims under T/ife Policies admitted 7,524 8 10 L- £ 935,700 16 2 ASSETS. £ 8. d. Mortgages on property with the United Kingdom.35,405 7 4 Loans on Municipal and other Rates.. 27,773 9 1 Leans on the Company's Policies 33,475 8 3 Investments:— In British Government Securities (X125,000 Consols) 120,259 11 4 Indian and Colonial ditto 70 943 11 9 Foreign ditto 12,78111 6 Railway and other Debentures and Deb," I ture Stocks 60,895 9 8 Ditto Shares (Preference afed Ordin- ary) ?0,5y7 2 7 House Property 89,500 0 0 Reversions 68,357 1 0 Agents Balanses 7,55512 1 Outstanding Premiums. 2,153 7 9 Pitto Interest and Rents. 8,420 6 8 Deposits at three months notice 44,000 0 0 Cash Oa current account.. £ 14,462 77 2 In hand. 100 0 0 14,562 17 2 X935,700 16 2 I BALANCE SHEET OF THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (INDUSTRIALBRANCH) ON TIlE 31ST DECEMBER, 1882. LIABILITIES. JB s. d. Shareholders Capital 80.028 0 0 Life Asturancd Fund 1,9.{9, 95 3 8 Conti/ig eucy Fand 100,000 0 0 £ 2,119,.23 3 8 Claims under LifPlicies admitted 22,27411 3 I £ 2,141.497 14 11 I ASSETS. £ a. a. Mortgages on Property within the.United Kingdom 53,383 15 0 Loans on Municipal and other Rates 528,681 13 2 City of London Corporation Bonds 49,875 0 0 Investments In British Government Securities ( £ 300,000 New 3 per Cents) 293,524 15 0 Railway and other Debentures and other Debentnre Stocks 67,€91 3 9 Ditto Shares (Preference and Ordin- ary) 8,513 3 8 Freehold Ground Rents '>89 241 2 9 House Propertv 2:3,000 0 0 Scotch FeH Duties 8,043 2 1 Freehold Estates. 85,279 12 10 Reversions 44,^37 5 11 Furniture and Fittings 23,000 0 0 Loans upon personal Security 7,403 0 7 Agents Balances. 7,982 14 10 Outstanding Premiums 88,463 9 9 Outstanding Ltere?t and Rents 21,678 19 9 Cash in hands of Superintendents 25,415 8 5 Cash On current account.. £ 25,133 7 5 In hand 250 0 0 25,383 7 5 X2,141,497 14 11 THOMAS C. DEWEY, 1 ,f EDGAR HORNE, Chairman. WILLIAM HUGHES, \Mana9er»- HENRY" HARBEN, » n. W. J. LANCASTER, Secretary. THOMAS REID, THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, DXBKIDGE-SQUAKE CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED FORTY YEARS. CONDUCTED BY JOHN G. DAVIES (Under-gnduate of the University of London, late Scholar of the University College of Wales, and Prize Essayist of the New Shakspeare Society). PUPILS are afforded a thoroughly sound and liberal education at a moderate cost. By -L graduated course of instruction, frequently tested bv examinations, they are earefully and su cc* Ffully prepared for professional or commercial life. English, iu its several branches of Grammar, 0 vn iticn, H ietory,ald Litem'im->, is made a special subject of stndy. The senior classes are presen ted at Pupils' Examinations of the Royal College of Preceptors every Midsummer aDd Christmas. _u The Quarter-days for this Half-year are January23rd and April 30th. P APElt HANGINGS WA RE HO USE, 102, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. M. DAVIES, HAVING just received an unusually large Stock of Paper Hangings of the present Season's -LJL newest Designs, in almoi-t endless variety, invites all eaily inspection of the same. Ail are marked tit such low figures as will ensure a speedy Sale. Af. D. does not bay Bankrupt Stack, nor Job Lots, of previous Season's Patterns, but selects all her Stock from New Goods specially designed for the pre ient Season. M. DAVIES invites also attention to a layge assortment of WOOLS, in Fleecy.Fingering, Berlin Andalusian, bhetland, Rutland, Ice Wool, &c., together with a Stock of Stove Ornaments in shavings Satin Tissues Shields, Screens, &c., &c. Note the Address: 102, HIGH-STREET BANC-,OR.. I JP) | L- "BBS fHE BES » r l-'OR i N Cv i, ES i ii. TRADE R71 MARK. CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recomtiietirlrd ax a simple Remedy for Indigestion, which £8 the cause of nearly all tie (h^ensfs If) which, ice are subject, Jteing a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial, that if j, trith justice called the "Natural Strengthener of "lie Human Stomach." N()RTOi\'iS PILLS" act as (l powetid tonic and gentle aperient; are mild in, their operation, S'fe under any circumstance-v, and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use, as i hey hare been a newr-j ailing Family Friend for upwards of 50 years. Sold in Bottles at 1A1. lj« £ 2S. 9d., and lis. each, by all Mediciti* Venda s throughout the World. CAUTION. AAK for ".NORTON'S PILLS" and do not be persuaded to purchase an imitation. I THE FURNITURE MART, BANGOR. MR JOHN PRITCHARD begs to announce that he will Sell by Public Auction at his £ 3 art, on Tuesday,March 20,1883, at One p.m. prfc'sely^ a consignment of several Hundred dozjn of Pap 'r Hangings suitable for Dining Rooms, Drawing-rcoms, I and Bedrooms, and also an assortment of Household j Furniture seized under a Bill of Sile. I Borihyfryd, Bangor, B 1761-631 THE FURNITURE MART, BANGOR. MR JOHN PRITCHARD will Sell by Pub- lic Auction, at the Mart, Bangor, on Tues- day, Mirch, 20th, 1883, co nmencihg at One o'clock p.m prompt, a lar^e quantity of Paper H ng- ings, Household Fumitu e, and oth r etfects. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. E 638 CITY OF BANGOR. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD BUSINESS PREMISES. MR JOHN PRlTCtfARD will Sell by Pub- lic Auction, at the V*ynol Arms, Bangor, on Thursday, Ap il 5ch, 1883, at 2 30 p m., for 3 p.m. precisely, all that Valuable Freehold Coin- er Dwelling House, Shop and Prcmi-es, situate in High street and James-street, Bangor, lor up wards of 30 years in the occupation oi M- Meshech Roberts, Chemist, "t a lental of jE60 per annam. The property has a frontage of 21 feet, 9 inches, to High-street, and 62 feet to James street, and i a spacious Shop with underneath Cellar, 2 Kitchens, .2 Entertjing-rooms, 5, Good Bed- j r; ims, 2 Dressing-rooms, 3, Attics, and a large range of Warehouses and Our-Offices. The above offers a good opportunity to parties tieeirots of obtaining good business premises iu I the Town.. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Bodhyfryd, Bangor, or Messrs Hughes and Pritchard Solicitors, Bangor. B 629-1714 "PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. TOWN OF CARNARVON. IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING AND OTHERS. MR JOHN PRITCHARD has been instruc- ted by the Representatives of the late Oweu Jones, Esq.,deceased, to Se 1 by Public Auction,ou premises, the Castle-tquare, Carnal von, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 3rd and 4th, 1883, the whole of the Valuabe Ant que and Modern House- hold Furniture, Carriages, and other effec1. a. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. II 628-1750 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. NANT HEILYN, NEAR BEAUMARIS. MR. JOHN PRITCHARD is favoured with instructions from the Bev. J. WilHam- Meyritk to let by Public Auction, about the middle of March (unless t;le snne be let by private treaty for which early offers are requested) on the premises, Nant Heilyn, Llangoed, Beau, maris, about 56 Acres of the richest grazing and arable laad in the county from the day of sale up to Nov. 12th after which will be sold the whole of the valuable Live and Dead Stock. Bod-hyfryd, Bangor. B 619—1"32 NORTH WALES. ON THE BANKS OF THE MENAI STRAITS. SALE OF A DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED FREEHOLD MARINE RESIDENCE. MR JOHN PRITCHATvD has been instructed by tbe Executors of the late Thomas Warner, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIJ AUCTION, at the British hotel, Bangor, en Friday, the sixth day of April. 1883, at 2 p.m. for 2.30 p.m. prompt, subject to conditions of f-ale to be there aud then read, All that Charming Freehold Marine Residence known as BRYN-Y-MENAI, tandinsr in its own grounds on a gentle elevation on he Anglesey side, overlook ing and close to the Menai Straits (the Rhine of North Wales). The Mansion, which is substantially built, in good repairs, and all the internal arrangements replete with every comfort, i* eqii-distant from Beaumaris a:.d Menai Bridge, and situate in ». well-sheltered position with Southern aspect. It commands free and uninterrupted views of some of the most magnificent and picturesque scenery is Wales, including the Snowdonian Range of Moun- tains from the Rivals to the Onus's Head. Tie ac. ominodation comprises lofty Dining, Drawing, aLd Bilbard-rooms, each 24 ft. by 18 fr., Smoke-room Library, Ante-room, 9 Bed and Dressing-rooms, Servants' Bedrooms, 3 Store Closets, 2 Excellent Kitchens, Pantries, Scnll ries, Coach-house and Stabl- ing, Vinery, Green-house and Kitchen Garden. The grounds are well arranged and tastefully laid out. Menai Bridge and Beaumaris have daily communication with Liverpool by Steamer an omnibas passes the residence twice daily from Bangor and Beaumaris in connection with the London and North Welter & Railway, and being within three minute. walk ot the Garth Ferry, makes it within easy distance of the city of Bangor. Yachtsmen will find here splendid anchorage, and as it is a rare occurrence that a Marine Residence in this charming neighbourhood is offered to pubbc com- petition, the present is as exceptional opportunity of securing one of the most delightfully situate mansions on the Menai Straits. Plans and particulars are in course of preparatioB and may be obtained (with cards to view) of the Auc- tioneer, Bodhyfryd, Bangor; Messrs nughea and Prichard, Solicitors, Bangor; and.of Messrs Warner and Barder, Solicitors, 33, King's-street, Manchester. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. B 1716-614 TO THE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF BETH- ESDA IN THE COUNTY (IF CARNARVON BEiNG THE URBAN SANITARY AUTHOR- ITY FOR THE SAID DISTRICT. To the inhabitants of the said District and to all other., whom it may concern. WHEREAS the Improvement Commission- ers in and for the dis rict cf Bethes a, in the t e C un y of Carnarvon, being the Ulban Sanitary Authority for the said district have applied to the Local Go erl ment Board under Section 303 of the Public Hea th Act, 1875. to alter or amend by Prev .sional Order "Tbe Be h sda Improve ent Ac', 18^4, by p'ovid ng that the words one-half and "Gener l Diet ict Rate s all be read for the words "two-thirds 'and General Improvement Rate" respectively wherever rhey occur in Sections 27 and 60 of th said Local Act. And whereas it is proposi d that the said Local Government Board should issue a Provisional Order ia compliauce w th the said application, and should make tuch alterations iu the said L cal Act, and in any other act or acts in force within the spid district as may be necessary for th purpose of giving fifect to the objects of the said appli ati jn. Notice is Hereby Given that Alfred Dongles Adrian, Esq.. Barrister at Law, one of the Inspectors ot the said Board, will attend at the People'B Oafe, Bethvsda, o Friday, th 16th day O; March, 1883, at i,aif. past two o'clock in the afternoon, to hold a local inquiry into the subjeét matter of the said application. And Notice is hereby further iven that any person int ested may attend at such inquiry and be heard with reference to the subject matter oi the aid application. As witness my h nd this twenty seventh day of February, 18M3, at the offi e of the IxKal Govern. ment Board, Whiteh 11, London. » 618. HUGH OWEN, Secretary. 1 Tu BE SOLD. A DOG C ART, equal to new, and Waggon- 11 el JTJL nette, v, ith Sh.itt, f)oh. at d Bar suitable for posting, Mill curry 10 .nth duv r. Tfte owner hr. v ng "o u.-e fer t'-jeui, —.? pply to the Porth vr- Aur Carriage) Works," arnarv'.n. E 6s7 THE A SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED. raid lip Capital .{'30,COO invested In Six Vessels. TVTANTED, A MANAGER for the abovo- named otDpanv. Apply, 8ttin; terns and experience,~n or before the2u i April. Sealed '<pplio«tioi-s to be addressed to "lie thairtoao, G. R. iieec, Esq., Carijaiyon, and eL -rsed Aivcn Co." THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF C^NARVON- S' I HO! DE v AT BANGOR,. 1 first and Fin>:l'dividend of Is. 6d. in the 1. pom. d has heeii dedaied in the matter i f a speciat Resolution for L qtt-Ati,,n by amnK^Hient o' the affairs of Will-strn iiffith Owen,of M rket. f-tri-et, C,r., -n. iu the county of Carnarvon, Euam lied Sl .te Mmu;acturer, aud wi i tie paid b j e, t tliY Office il,, Bridge street, in 'he town a: d county of Carnarvon, < n a. d 'dler Thursday the Eighth diy of February, 1833, between the hou-s of Teu and Four. lhtel this 7th day of For arv, 1833. E 637 WIIJLLAM If''•*?! OWKNT. Trustee. THE BANKtSUi'TOl7 ACT, 1869. IN THE COPNFY COURT OF CARNARVON- SHIRE, HO LI EN AT BANGOR. IN the Matter of a Special Resolution for tfcr iquiiiation b'.rra^g merit of the Affairs of 1 hom's Oweu Hughes, of No 3, Bangor street, Carnarvon, in the eoulty of Carnarvon, Butcher. Notice ia Hereby Given, that a General Meet- ing of the i reditjrs, of the above na-ned person will be held at tiie County Court < lfkes. No 5, High street, C rnarvjn, on Wednesd y the 28tb. dav of March 1883, at the hnir of 11 o'clock ir the forcurvn, f.r the purpose of fix"n;; he COSf «f the liquidation audirin t e accounts d the trustee, and deciding upon bis remuneration, do clarmg a tirst and ii al Dividend, and gra,.t-ug the releaSH of the tustee, Dated this 9th day of M ich, 1883. RICHARD THOMAS, 3, hurch street,Trustee. A, tn 4¿ ràI &;it: V If ù, f' '<5 = -j JåJo1æiJJidaX"1î 1/lJ I jrfJ7 f t læå'$t !lf1i?J WORTHY THE NOTICE OF ALL. £ 20 PER CENT. INTEREST NEW STEAMSHIP. 1. The Shares Por our steams-bip Anne Thomas were iaken op FLo rapidly that we have contracted for another3 to be ready for sen in December, 1883. The cost of the steamship being £ 27,6(10. 2. This steamshia will be of th bet con^fcrnciioa.by the celebrated ship builders Messrs PaLaer and Oa.. Jirrow-on-Tyne. It is of Ai.-at i^oor;,ai.ee to tilt; share ho ldera who are the builders of a ship, bjeaoso ths true. ) uuc, of a ship, like that of a bouse, Qependa upon its coz)btucliou. The name of this steamship wih be Eat, Tiioffaas. 3 We can promises with the greatest confidence thav. EL' iki 8 pay about X20 per cet, perhaps more. Whilst sailing vessels to a gr,'at are out of dite, and pay Ittle or scared any in ere-1, steam- ships pay better than eV'Ir. Evev. when trade was very riull, tlw ø' eam-hips of Car,H! Were payju!{, as a rule, about R20 per cent. per annum. We paid our hare. holders the last-baif year, ending December, 1882, at the rate of £ 2 i log per cent. 4. The bowks are open at the office at all times for the inspection of shareholders, and the Policy of Insu- rance may always be seeD, to prove that tuere can be no loss through a shipweck. 5. The shares will .be .£100 each, and to be paid as follows:— £ s. d. 10 0on application for share. 49 0 0 December 1st, 1883. 12 10 0 in another six months. 12 10 6 ditto do. 12 10 0 ditto do. 12 10 0 ditto do Thus the share will be paid up in two years. Bni the interest will he paid <n the whele from the com- meacemect, viz., December, 1883. Tuns making ft convenient for all who have little mcney to inveet. 6. It is understojd that we do not charge any com- mission for the building of the vessel ,whieh is the n=na} custom. The vessel will cost the shareholders toe same amount as ws are obliged to pay the builders iri* £ 27,600 This will be au itnmease alvaatage to the shareliollers to commence. Toe payment to 116 a"ter this wiii bj £ 3 It s per cent, upon all the profits of tb« brokerage, going to the shareholders We espec- ially wish to draw the attention of the shareholders to those onditiona, and compare them with ^condition'? of other firms. 7 The interest will be divided after every voyage, go that the shareholders will know from month to month wbut the profite of th vessel are. 8 The vessel will be on the princinle of the T Liability Compamy, and we shall be the principj aiiaroholden in it. 1 FURTHER ADVANTAGES. 1. Every information will ba found in the nrowiw, or by writing to us, such as the names of the baikW«' co->t of the vessel, the construction of the ve'sel An' &c whicU usually is not found in o^spactnsea' W» are deMroas tor aU to know the whole partionlaii. 1 Anotfier great advantage i>. tliat, the iravm^n* fn~ manageaieut is so low, whilst we charge no commi»»mn on tbe building of the vessel. All who are Cvfi^ with^thete things know that this ia an immense ad- 3, No one need fear losing their money, beoannA tH* ship will be insured to its full value, in Ca3e of shin wreck, all accid nts, and abo any neglect ou the part of the captain. Sometimes these are Begl cfed but fo the sake of strong security to the ,sha. tbI policy will always bo showa m the offi ;c 4 taiM .c«^e«ant with shipping affairs.and know all the principal ports, and manv «? tho i traders in EnVan/and on the CaaS £ t £ sh .res io our vessels, and send daily for ,hares in IkT A a te Thomas. 5. All are weloome to make inouiri'es u i. character in Cardiff, or at the National pm • «f E ,S1 aJ, C.xl,f[, "trwfZ, 6 Anyone desiring for one or more shares, shonW write t« ns as below. Write soon for sUrea. EVAN THOM St RADCLIFFE & CO., BUTZ CHAMBBJR#, CARDIFB. A LETTER OF RECOMMEND4.TION. I know Ciipt Ev*n Thomad aud Mr RadcJiJfa WPIL and I have eve y confidence a taeir ability and Tu*y are not p opto to promise what tbey { rm Many ot my fn.nds are sharekoldws With tESn air ady. (Siga d), eucut J. CrKDBTIXAH JoKBS, 2, Riclunoni. orescent. Cardiff