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J1 rtl'S Mt Richard William, "1 N. toe/.» has been; •electe1 a Fe low of to R » a! i-Tst'-ri'* 'ciptv in I rp.cf)t.! t..) 0' his C >1.1 ♦"ri '"U'lOTt!- to Kil? .CiUii'tfli i 1 SrUannica. th Arekaalogia Camhrensis. u the Montgomeryshire Collections I A inarria.e is .••rr-iftge'l Vt Mr ^ood, Greu Uu »v, f I and flfwero vt'e vB eekn ck-'Mre son °r l'-i'e •»e-eral Wood, -it!, tie, T I • tmcae rmly ^U-:c>-tor of T./ird «>.d Lad* Tone niche, of Ilel- •mingbam. A mating will be held on the ov:' of Apr1!, at- which Lord A herd^re End T)e«n Viiiz"a-, «ill be present t" inaugurate a taon- rai to the late Bishop of Llano -ff At a t Oxford on Th -ada-. presH-vi over bv the Vice- Chancellor, the Master of Ralliol, fit whin there was a lar :e attendance. iticUini«>c mam- ladied. this degree ot Poctor of Pivmitv* by rJipt airt was cnif. i're'l upon the Venpr,.h1. Richard '.ewis, M.A.,nro" ester C > lege, blshop-eloct of LU .-T f £ uy^n the !lev <3eor^e Hen'y Wi'kiasou, M. A One'. ollege, "bishop o ornate of Truro.; At 4 c Hpt*"1'* of thf I)fc5Ar»6!ry f Tvn^a^thw*, beiii t Penraon, on Frid* the 23rd ult the Rev Elijah Owen, M A., w-ts uuaorm >u-dy elected org<niz'i>g secretary of the Dea> i-ry.for the Church I'xfc-sio" Society. On Fr -tv, h turrn labourer named Thomas wa* 1tearh ki k-d to d -ath bv an ntira horse at the Ferry f arm Ho "el LhiuduGno Jimcti tl. Thp t. ird battalion (the. M:l:n*.) of the Royal Welsh Fusilie-s' Reeira«;.t instead ()f being b-l-'ete-l at public and p, iv.,te bou es, as has been t e case in former » ears. when np f' r their annual training, will th 3 yeai* go under canvas on Wr xhaui Race- course. The marriage of ATr Charles Oritcn tt, of 12 Buch-'ss st OPt, Place, r on-Ion, w'th F E. WtalW, ycnn7er d 'U^hter of the Me Mr G. YTtm inpd ^baWy, MP., of ^las^ Aladoe. Denbigh hire, was .solemnized at All Soul^ L ng- liam-olaee. London, on Thursday. The ceremony was performed by the B-s-op of Gloucester and Bristol, assisted bv the Hfv Canon Ba k^r, eousm ■of the bri ie. "ho wns given away bv her uncle, M Housrhton, f Armsworth Hants The bridesmaids -were Vli-q Miss \tttee, and --res fone atsd Thvr. 'C'^oTi.^ld. The weddiug dejcHfiBT took place at the Largham Hotel, and the (>r de and tjridesrromi let, afterwards fox the Contmont. DISASTHOUS FIRS AT A FLINTSHIRE Fakm. — About ..ïgbt o'c'ork on (Sunday ni?ht, as Mr Edward Jonos, farmer, Cornel v-cpl. Ce^vn, Wliitford, w..s •ttending to a cow, a lighted candle that a boy wis holdin,g cifflo in csnt-ict wit,h t:1e oil he wad usin ?, setting fire to the row arid bu'ii'nff it to death, and severely scorching four other cowstaat; were in the •ahfppin. The whole building was Rorn in a blaze two tons of barley stra^, together with, several bags of bade and a thrashing -^achino, were consumed. Tn order to avt-, the adjoiriirff farm budding, thA neighbours,who assembled upon hearing the alarm, <;a<: a.-utte)-between the premiuea, and thus suc. ceeded in their object. RAILWAY RNTaupaisn IN NORTH WALBS. The greatest satisfaction is beiag manifested in the Wrexham district, as it is stated that the railway -and dock s heme for North Wales will be com- menced without delav. It is ula.) ¡¡aid that the work will commence at the Wrexham end, where a handfcmt.; station to be e.fer.t^d in the centre of the tnwn. The scheme will employ a large amount of labour, and will nafcuni'ly in.p.ove the state of trade. DEATH OP A WELSH CE.vTsyAtiiAV.— j he remaps of "OdBftty Morgai)." the well-known Welsh cel^bri^v, h^ve baen irit^r^d at ?3.-th, Rnabon. Old Petty expired ort Mondav, after a bri.;t illiies13, *t the advanced as« oj 107 ysars. To within a fortnight of he'" death she wks r^markabl hearty «Ttd well, and could ev-a make long journeys. She hils always lived on the hil's which border the Vale' t Llangollen.a> d wes well known to tourists Her quaint and livelv demj noar. together with berlar^e store of knowledge, both of people and of things, made her a grait sourcs of in erest and lUDusempnt Anp. wa" immenselr fond of her p pe, to which she cluae: t«n-»uioii8ly to the last. She would smoke a cigar with the nnmeroi's tourists by whom phe was visited, and would entertain thevi for hours. She bad a large family, some of whom are still livm?. Cahttmjv ,.N«Hit5Er!NSTAnrLARV.— \moti.?st. other riiantfP" in the conKtitutiou of the 'a]:arv '"hhire police torce. conseq'-etit upon the recent investiga- tion by the po ice coranrtVe. are the prom tion of Police Constables J. Humphreys (Llanfairfechan) and J Pr'tchard (^onw^-v) to be f-er^e ucts _n suc- cession to t' ost- who gave evidence on the inquiry and h»v^ been reduced in rank.—At the last- "on- way Pet-tf Se-^sUns, Mr K^eeshaw, the pr-siding magistrate, s-Jtid that the ceceh w re glad to le irn of the promotion of Polica Con: I able '^r tehard. who, during the ten years he had been stationed in that pctt/ se3--ional division, had shown himself to be an >bK effi ent. trustworthy officer, whose zeal ha 1 always been tempered w th commendaMe discretion. In' pnctor Hughes, who taa heen for some years in chargn of the Rancor Division, has been transferred to the Pwllheli Division with the rank of superintendent. His nuccesao- will he Folic-- Serjeant John Jo es (Bethesda), who is ap- pointed i spector. SETTLEMENT OF tub SBWAOE •nsrcTE at WKES- ,JAM The long pendiner Wispnte between the Wrexham Town Council and Lieut-Colonel Jones, "V O. tenant of the Borough Sew ge Farm, and • ^ich led to a eo3tlv arbitration, has now been definite1 y settled, the terms offered by the corpor- ation to "olouel Joues having been accepted by that gentleman. THE NORTH WALES SHERIFFS. —A supplenaent to the London I; vtte, issued on Satu'day nicrht, con- tained the offi ia'" appcintm nts of sheriffs f t the -year lxx3 except;ng Lancashire, Cornwall and Middlesex. The to lo -in,- appointments are for North nles:Anizle,-Py, -,Nfr Th)rnqg Fanning Evans, of kml web Camarvor,shire. Mr John Owen TT Coch; Denbighshire, Mr George Allans M Cavley d Llannerch, St Asaph F int-hire, Mr Robert Frost, of Mount Ki zcrton; MfT^n'th- ahire. Mr David Wi liams Ki?kby, of M es-y-neu- Sid. T vsarnau. HARLFOH SULPHUR MINIMO COMPANY, T IMITED. -On the l-ith ult. ttis company was read^red with a capital of X50 000, in t- t shares, to acquire and work s.tlphur miuea ia the county of Herion- eth. ■Rpffiatered without »p *cial articles. SuictnE AT PWLLHELI —A man named Robert Jones (" Robin Gytl-,ralil Du"). residing with his Mister at Pwllheli, committed suicide by hanging, daring his a-'ster's temporary absence on Satur- %XTRAORDWAHT T^HPRECIATION- IN" Yaltjb OP A NORTH WALES COLLIBRY. -On Wedn^siav even- insr. at Chester, an endeavour was made t, disp se of the Flirt Colliery, with breach railway and sidints to H lyhead Rvlv^ay. The colliery now in fnll operation, is capable of vielf'in? from the Braskey thick coal and five f,-ct scams 800 tons of cood steam and house (0..19 per week. The nr'nes, under a surface ^rea of 820 acres, are helri under lease having up-v.-ivis of eighteen years ?<t~-1 to ran. There are tbr' e shafts geared for winding; and fitted with winding eneines, and 100 horse- power pumpint? eneine. For t>>.s very valuable nropertv the first bid was only £ a00. Mr E^phick, auctioneer, mentioned th^t 1-Pt, vear the oroperty waa withdrawn when £ 2^00 were on red N -t- withstanding thi, bir!s ril rse slowly to £ 900. when the oollierv was withdrawn. TaB UNIVERSITY COILEGE for NORTH WALES It is of expected that any decision wi!l be arrived at Twith respect to the site of the Lniver- aity College for North W»1ps until a;ter Whitsun- tide Tn thp. meantime meetirg will be held in different parts of North Walem with the object of aecertainir.g the fe^lr-ps of the poople on the sun jed, ann of obtaiuiner information supplementary to that secured by the recent Government com- in NORTH WALBS —The foil ^wing letter, from Mr J. B. Jones, of Ba nataple, has appe .red in TM Eclto. The theorv advanced bv Mr Jones la that Merionethshire. North Montgrmerr a p«rt of Shropshire and Cheshire and the "er^ysbir-. Peak di trirt are fwr,ur>tbl'" for go d dnp sits Mr Jones writes Sir,—Th-^re is su h a fascination about the b i ht >i;.g in g Id that when one ho-r* itisanjefall'in buT?»" »t ono's own. door the interest in it, is re^oubVd. Th" tele-rnrr,s fr-m North Wales that gold has been found in some or the vslleva at Llai ellty-I is not surprising afte, all if we onlv consider the geological formation of -4fce ooontry I have for some time been consider- ing the geological uatu-es of the hill <iist icts ot I N<>tl- WHo. tv-. vthing p dt.ts t>.< the pro- bability of gold bji g found there. It iroua what I can gather that the smdl pieces of gold aug "T i1.1 I, vn l-ojs at L'aneiltid are fr g- tr.->;>ts washed av«a- »-!Oin the hill-side. If there are nu .-get- of w«>l i. th-: valleys or on the c-U'-o ot oi'J river-bods., theu there is go: i q la-tz in the mount-tius. In itie r.ver-beds ci 0jUfor.iia ;ol.) is fomid at a deptti oi huadradi of feet, and this det)oof gold b..d be"i g'-iag o.i for t ns of 11 ais tuds of yea's. The e'etue^ts have been .r t,, e o a active at wo.k iu d -str >/ing t"e ;jiount=*i'«. slopes, HJ<l the r .i -s and floods h --t v been c-irrying down ron he Sietr 4 Nevada lau -e the fi-agoieuts or go d cashed out of hdis th,t e as hard and unass*;labia as granite wails. v'nat, has been goi-.g on iu California has, I shon'! not be ad surprised, been goiagon in N )rth '<Val*s it M tin; ot t ti et i.i- u targ/s in North 'A'ales WI" e t.appe-J—thit is to say, adits driven int-j the h 11-v.de—we might <• ear of a re d gold fh 1 b-i" t.icie. Aiiuv.al '.vo»k>ugs in the old river bfds may v.item a taw -^eeks lead to r.suits, but the great problem is to tind out fc< cs of th'se -i uvirtl depo i d. A-. sure as gold is foun i in the valleys, as stti-o wi-i J t be fjend in greater qa-^n tineh in the adjoining hill3. From the iuo of th" inilo iu North W••»«, I should say the ^old r jetJ. if t: ey are w»rth wutknig, inll iroaj the coast light across Me'io:ieth, North Montgomery, ap-ut ot -hropshire a.ut Ui.esMre into Derbysh e. It ■tou.!d appear strauge, atter going so f -r afieid to find goiu, wetiisuova -ea it at oar own threshold.— io.istruly, J t). JOXLS.—Barastapie, Feb. 24, I80ti CtJIŒ[S RAILWAY COMI-AXY.—On Monday, at a largely-tittciidci meeting vi the diieLtOIS and sbareiiollers ot this company at the Lond^o oili f-y, in Ooptha l Buildings, Moorgatn-st.eet, Mr Mid' Fraser iu the chair, :t was reso.ve i tha' the bdl now pending iu Parliament crv.uid be supoorted by tais Jmp ny, more p irti ui'jrl ■ as its i.iterests did not many way oppose or clash iih those of the Ourris Railway Company. THE LATK Ma SLLTS Axwn. OWES. —Thee has recently been placed in the parish church at Or.ceietu a haud-ooie stained glass window m mwoiory ot the late Mr E lis Anwyl Owen, ol c'arciau, Oriceieth, and deputy-lieutei. >et of Merionethshire, bi his widow, Mrs Aawvi 0 veu. "he subject is iu illustration ot" three Christian giaces. Faith, Hope, and Love" togetn--r with the it isjnie emblem s Mr O.veu was eutit >-d to as woish pfui master and a mask mason. It L-. much app;ec;ate.l by the r s'deats ia the district, by whom the deceased was held in high esteem. Carnarvon ANI.) ANOLESEY LAW SOCIETY.—A 1ar.;0 and iutluential meeting of the solicitors of t v, two counties was he.d at the Bntisa Uotel, Bangor, ou the 14t;.¡ ult., with a view of reviving tins law society. Mr John Lroyd Gviffit' of Holyhead, was unauicaousl/ elected presi iert for the eusumg year. Mr C. A. Jones, Carnarvon, latimated iiis des re tu be relieved of the scocetar/- ship, but at tLe iequest of the me ting he consented to act auotuer year. A vute of thanks was accorded him lor h: s past services The fdio.. i..g gent emeu were elected on the com- mittee:—The preheat and secretary, Messrs J. H. tioberts and J. A. Hu^'a^s, Carnarvon; John Roboits and It. ii. Pntchard, Banzor; riiehard lioberts, Pwllheli, Griffi h Dew, Llangefni; and Wdiiaiii Jones, Cou..ay. It was resolvel that the c-fuimittetj snouli meet at an early d-ite, and that they should review the rules of the society AivJ report to a g.neral meeting to be neld in tipnl at lLugor. Tao honorary sectctar* reported th L he had a balance of jEI.6 7s Id in his bauds to the ere lit of the sjeiety. THE PuorosED SOUTH WALES COLLEGE —The Town Clerk of CardiS received on Mo dny the foliowing su.)ecrip:ious towards the Cardiff Col- lege Fuui: — Mr B. Gibbs, £ 100; Mr Marco.a Gunu, £ 50; Messrs Young and .Chiisties, £ 50 Mr Alderman !'avi'j, £ 25; Messrs Teliefsen, Wills, and Co.. £20. Tua LIVERI-OOL WELSH SUNDAY SCHOOL UNIO.V.—The ajina I meeting of the Liverpool and ilukennead Welsh Sunday school Union ^^s held on Saturday evening, in the Welsh Presbyte ian Church, Orosshali-street, Liverpool. There was a large attendance of teachers and ethers interested in Sabcath School teaching The meeting commenced at 7.30. Mr Councillor John Daries, president of the Union, occupied the chair and there were present the Revs. T. C. Edwards, M.A. (principal of the Abcr.stwith College), Owen Taotnas, D,D., John S^uik-s, Hugh Joats (minister of the Clifton-road Con- gregational church, Birkenhead); Tho mas Nicholson, Denbigh; David Williams, &e. The e were also present the following ladies an-i gentle men prominently connected with theUa oa: — Messrs lAivid Hughes, J.P., Thomas D^vies (B )'tie'), S-ieiuel Davies, Joseph Harris n Jones I/avicl Jones, Miss Davies (Liverpool -cliool B,) ilrs Edward Lloyd. &3. U I N- t' 'I.-ITY OF "AMBRIDRE LOCAL EXAMINATION. —The class lijts g viug the result of tne examina- tion held in December have just been published. The following a-e the names of the candidates >'ho paasenat the Denbigh centre — BOYS.— eniors William] Lloyd Davies, third class honours, Den- bigh Grammar School. Juniors: Reginald Mnunt- field, hrst class bouoars with distinction in Lttin and French, Denbigh Grammar School; Waiter MoD. Malt, third class honours, Denbigh Graaim »r School; F. C. Newsam, third class honours, Vale- street School; R T. Robinson, third class honours, St Asaph Grammar School; Pedr H. Hum- phreys, Denbigh Grammar School; John W. Wil i na-on, Denbigh Grammar School.—GIRLS — Seniors: E.G. Hamilton, second class honours, with distinctioa iu geology and music, Howell's Scaool, Denbigh; A. L. Leech, second class honouis, with d stinction in English, gcoleÁY, aud music, Howell's Schoel; A. S. Booth, third class honours, Sigh ClftlS School (Miss Barlow's), Den- bigh F. T. Hooke, third class honours, with dis- tinction in music and geology, Ro cell's Sehool, Denbigh; L. J. Davies, distinction in geology, Howell's School, Denbigh; M E. Williams, d sanction in geology, Howell's School, Dembi.h M. E. Pugh, second class houeurs with distinction in religious knowledge, Howeil's School, Denbigh; A H. Edwards, third class honours, the Grammar School, Denbigh; A. C. Hugh Jones, the Rectory, LhlJ. rwst, private tuition. Twenty four candidates sat at the Denbigh centre, fourteen boys and ten girls. It will be seen from the above list that ot this number, seven boys and nine girls passed, and that of the sixteen successful candidates, eleven ob- tained a class in honours. The total number of candidat s iu England and Wales was 7496, vz 4120 boys, aed 3811 girls, of these 3045 boys and 1953 g.fis were successful. The ABKRYSTWITH COLLEGE.—A meeting of the council of Aberystwith College was held on Wed- nesday morning, at the Westminster Palace Hotel, London. The chair was teken by Lord Aberda-e, the following members of the council being present, viz :-Mr D. Davies, M.P., Mr Henry Richard, M.P., Judge B. T. Williams, Q.C., Captain Vtirney, R.N., the Rev Mark Patilson, aud Professor Rhys, M.A., Oxford Messrs Stephen Evans, J P., John Sughes; O.C T. J. Thomas, C.C., Lewis Angell, and the Iisv Richard Rooerts. of London Mr Hugh Pugh, of Carnarvon; Messrs Pell, John James, and W. Carnarvon; Messrs Pell, John James, and W. Williams, M.A., of Aberystwith; Metsrs J. F. Roberts and W. Rowland, of Manchester; the Rev T. 0. Edwards, M.A., :principal of Aber- ystwith College; the honorary secretaries, Dr Evans and Mr Lewis Morris, and Mr J. B Rogers, secretary. Letters expressing regret at inability t" attend were received fro ..a Mr Humphreys Owen, Dr Edwards. Bila; Ari-hueau >u Griffiths Neath, and others. The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed, arrauge ments were made for the appointment of ex miners for the dose of the present session.— An applicfton from the authorities of the Brecon Independent College asking for the ad. mission of the'r students to Aberystwith for the arts course preparatory to their entering for the theological course at Brecon was taken into consideration. The proposal was favourably eutertainea. anl g committee was appointed to confer with Dr Morris, principal of Brecon College, with a view of mbl-, jg the necessary arrangements A long (liavussioQ taeu took place upon the present state of affaii s as to the establishment of colleges [n W-le- I-t-tertion was called to tve ftops which h-d been taken both in North and South Wales to meet the Government grants. tin the motion of Mr Lewis Morris, M.A., seconded by Mr B T Williams. Q.C the following resolution was adopted, vie., That a committee of this council be app .'ut -'i tv» colter witu the site committee oi the North Wales College to consider the geeeral question of higher education iu Northern ai,d UoutrU Wales with a view to avoid any conflict of interests, and to discuss the subject with them I generally." The committee appointed under this resol "ion c m-f'st'-d o tie principal, the honoiarj I secretaries, t e treasurers (ilr David Davies. M P., and Mr Stephen Evins. J. ), Mr Henry Kichard, M.P., and Mr B. T Williams Q.C with liberty for any member ot th is council v. ho wishes to for any member ot th is council v. ho wishes to attend to do so. In the discussion upon the resol- ution the opinion was expressed th it Aber.stwitb had strong clainas for the reteutioa of the » ollr^e, and Suuie t-pe;krtrs oousiiered LU,.t its claims had hitherto rec-ived but seaut. xkaowleit-rmeut. Ref reuce was als ) made to the very satisfactory ent ire of the list report of the eximiners, and it was stated th t the college is now in a much better condition th -.n it has ever been before. OOLWYN lh y MUSICAL FESTIVAL. — A musical festival, or ;-s it was termed, Eisteddfod Gerdi- orol Goroaog," was held at Colwvn Bay on Thursday. The proceedings, which were held at Bngedi Chapel, were conducted by Mr H. J. Wil- liams (Pienvdd) Mr D. Jenkins, Mus Bae., ad- j'viic-ited; and the artistes included Miss Maggie fvor Jones, R, AM, and Eos Morla's the aeon pauists being Mr D D. Parry aud Mr D. Evans. )lr W R Williams, solicitor, Rayl, presided over the morning meeting. Followiug the iuaugural address b.' the president, Mr Je^ku.'S rendered the Eisteddfod S >ng,wnich was wall received Out of eightjentries on y three tenors essa ed to compete in singing the recitative and solo "Before tiilii went the pestilence," arid tie stood aud measured t"e erirth," from Habakkuk s Prayer," acaunataby thG iate Mr J Ambrose Lloyd. Mr ri P. Jo es (Eheaydi Garmon), Feotijaiog. was declared the wiuuer, The pr n. ipal feature of tae programme was e. choral competition for a prize oi £ 20, and a coronet value jElO. between two choirs Rh, I and F-stiniog -each numbering over sixty voices. The competitive pieces were 'Be not afr-iid" (Elijah), and Mark the perfect man" (Jenkins) Th" adjadicit^r characterized the choral singing as being far superior to that which he heard Ft the Wrexham Musical Festival 011 the previous Mou- day, and awarded the prize to the Fe3tiniog Choir The morniug meeting concluded with the rendi- tion ot the old Welsh ballad, "The Land ot my Fathers," Eos Morlais taking the 8 lo pIJrt. -The Baron do Bertouch was the president of the second meeting, after whose ad- dress the programme was gone through. The chief prize was one of four guiaeas and a medal for a musical composition enticled "The Angels1 Chorus," and was awarded to Miss A. J Williams, Cattle-street. Beaumaris. A prize for sii ging the recitative and solo, Behold, ( tell yon a mystery," and "The trumpet shall sound," was awarded to Mr D. Jones, and three chorases were rendered by the successful choir. Iu the evening a grand concert was held under the pre sidency of Mr Fdward Morris. The first put was devoted to the performance of the late Mr J. Am- brose Lloyd's cantata, Habakkuk's Prayer," the artistes being Miss Maggie Ivor Jones, Eos Mor- lais. and Mr Jenkins, the chorus consisting of the Col wyn Bay Choral Union. GRO, BETTWS G.G. "THE REV WILLIAM WILLIAMS, PANT-Y-CELYN." -011 the evening ot the 23rd ult. a lecture was delivered at Gro Methodist Cnapel, on the abovei "nm "tal bard, by A- H. B Jones (Garmonydd). The chair was occupied by Mr Williams, Board School, Dinmael. PWLLHELI. THE LATE Ma ROBERT WILLIAMS.—The mortal rema,us of the above named geutlemaa were inter- red at Demo churchyard on Thursday. \1r Wit. liams had been connected with the Oddfellows' club for about forty years, and his rem das were followed t > the grave b* a large number 09 that order. For the last eight years he had acted as an auctioneer in the town, and several members of the profession from Carnarvon, Nevio, Pwllheli, and ot'air plaoea, showed taeir respect to-yards his memory by attending the funeral, which was large and very respe jtable. The mayor and members ot the town council also attended in their ofil ial robes. Tue Rev John Thomas (B ) and the Rev Jones, vicar, officiated. CONWAY. HonSE ARTILLERY DESBKTERS.—On Thursday afternooa last, two deserters from the first bat- talion of the Royal Horse Artdlery, now stationed at Portobeilo Barracks, Dublia, were appreheod d bv P.O. Prteiard. On being interrogated by the officer, they stated that they had beea ro bed ,I their passes, discharges, aud mouey. whilst rcssiug in th., steamer from Dublin to H.ol. helili. and they gave their names as James Wo d and William Mole The offi ;er not being satisfied wi h the statement h *d them locked up iu tile p-jlic. station, whde Inspector Williams wired off to tne military authorities in Dubdn, and a reply wis received to tbe effect that two men bat absented themselves without; leave, named Charles Hill and Witter Knight, and that thei.- description \VOLÜ.: follow by post. The office' informed the men oi the communication, when they immeiiitely con- fessed that they were the above-named persons and had deserted the battalion. Oa Friday they were remanded until Monday, pending an escort for their removal to the proper quarters. COLWYN BAY. A READING-ROOM AND LIBRARY for Colwyn "lay was opened on Saturday laat. A general invita- tion to the public had been previously given, call ing a meeting for the purpose of drawi-ig up rules, ejecting a committee and other officer*. A few gentlemen have kindly undertaken to supply daiiv and weekly papers, both in English and Welsh. With an ever-increasing population, ouch a place of resort was greatly needed. Any young ma,. may now go and enjoy himself by having A quiet room in wh ch to read the news of the day, M the charge of membership is not too hi^h. Contribu- tious of papers, book, and periodicals will be great- fully acknowledged by the committee, or ou their behalf by Dr Shaw, chairman, or John M. Holli, day, secretary. WREXHAM. PETTY SESSIONS. —On Monday, a butcher named Humphrey Jones was fined £ 1 an:1 costs fora game trespass, be having sh,t at some grouse on the moors at Vron deg on the 16th ult.—Snoch Grif- fiths, a collier employed at the Bryumally Colliery, pleaded guilty to firing a shot in the mine without being authorized to do so. He was ordered to pay ISa.—John Player, Griffin Inn, Rossett, wa> charged with a breach of the Welsh Sundav Closing Act, and fined L2 and costs. -Agnes Wild, a married woman, was charged with stealing a purse co tainiug 14s from the person of an ageci labourer named Robert Gough, living at R is. ett. The prisoner was sentenced to s.x weeks' impria n- ment. BANGOR. MR P. H. Wthe well-known artist, ac- companied by Mr Clarke, Jun., pnotogiapber, leit Banner on Friday morning for the United States, where they propose sojourning tor two or turee years We heartily wish them bon voyage SCDDEN DBATH -On Saturday moraing Mrs Moberley, wife of one of the vergers of the Banker Cathedral, was found dead is her bca. ;s Moberley was subject to heart disease. PROMOTION. We understand tuat Inspector Hughes, who has for a number of years been in charge of the police of this district, has been transferred to the Pwllheli Divis; u v. jn, t. e rank of superintendtnt He wiii be succeeded by Sergeant John Jones, Betheada, who is appointed inspector. THE DBBATTNO SOCIRTy.-This soe'ety held :t o'dinary weekly meeting at the pHrk-hill chapel, on Friday evening, when the question of Per- mitting Mr Bradiaugh to take his seat in Parlia- ment" was warmly discussed. Mr Evan Jones, editor of the Llai. y TVlad, in a clever speech, strongly advocated his claim to take h's seat, which Mr Will ana Foulkes as strenuously op- posed. Able addresses were a1c-o delivered by Messrs T. Edwards, W. Davies W. J-nrs, and otbers for and against his admissiou. UStimat ;<y the proposal to admit him W'J'" defa<*t<*d by a majority of about a third of the bonse We understand that an address up;,u äLl interesting and original subject haa been promised by the Rev H. G. Griffiths, pastor of the English Con- gregational chapel, at this (Friday) evening's meeting. THE LATB HON. MB8 SACxviu.a-W'isx.—At a in eting 01 the committee ot tne Mcaai Society of I Science and literature, held on Tharsda evening --t the Queen's Head Cat'c, it was reso ved on the motion of vlr W. C. Dav es, second d by VIr John Thomas. B A., "Thttt this meeting of the com- -,iittee ot the Menai Society of Natnr-l Sc eoce and Literature, si-jcerel; deplores t(;e death of the tiou Mrs Sackville-West, whose unoeasin interest i i the proceedings of the society contributed in I uo small measuie to their sucorfls; and that the secretaries are hereby dire ted to convey to C"l the Hon. W. E. Sackville-West and his sorrowing family an expressi-u of this society's unfeigned] sympathy with them in their profound bereave- meat." FATAL ACCIDENT --An accident of a most ter rible description took place on Friday morning, in the tunnel which Messrs Nelson and Co. are constructing on the new Bethesda Railwav. Wnilst a .oungman, a native of Cardiganshire, was employed ia tempsri ig a quantity of dyna- mite in a pin before the fire, a sp,rk from the fi e Itrapped lilt) the vessel aud ignited the charge. In the explosion which followed, Jones had both his legs shattered below the k e besides having the upper portion of his body disfigured in a hor- tible manner. Medical aid was immediatelv summoned, and Drs Lloyd and Hughes, nf Bethesda,jandDr Lloyd, of Bangor, were promptly in sttendance, but the poor sutferer expired in a few hours in terrible a^ony. PETTY SESSIONS.-—On Tuesday, hecre Colonel Williams and Mr Pierce. Jam-s Fin i, an Irish- man, was charge S with trave Lug from Chester to Baugor without a ticket. Inspectoi Port NUll. that the defeudaut was found very druuk in the tr.in ..n Saturday afternooa, and stated he Wr.s g >ing to SI go. Haviug no ticket, and being unable to give an account of himself, he was lacked up. 11 s possessions were Hid and a piut of whiafcey. In- q dr es showed that the prisoner lett Lio yhead by ti4e early train on Saturday, intending to go to f'rjdsham. 0. arriving at Chaster he strayed into tue town, got drunk, and making his way back to the station got into the wrong train, and did not discover his mistake until more than halt-way back t J Holyhead. The charge of defraud n; the company was Lot pressed, Inspector Port 8ay,ug that iu all probability it would never have been made had the prisoner, who had been in cust.idy since his arrival, given a proper account of himself. For being drut,k a fine of 2s 6d and costs was 1m. p sed, in default seven days. — deury Parry, Tan- y-graig, Llanfairfechan, was flued 25s, including costs, for being df-nk and assaulting Police Sergeant Humphreys.—John Hughes and Heary aiorris, Glasintryn, were fiued 30s and costs, and John Jones los and costs, for assaulting John Mitchell, a keeper on the Penrhyn estate,- Meshach Rjberts, joiner, was summoned for threatening his brother, J. H. Roberts, boot- maker, High-street. Mr J. Roberts, who prose- cuted, said that the defendant had just returned from abroad, and, being addicted to driijk, had given great trouble to his relatlv, s. On Saturday he went to the shop and threatened to beat his brother to a jelly. The defendant had notaiug to say, and was bound over in his personal recogui- zauce of £ 10.—Evan Griffith and John Griffith, Uae befyn, Llaudegai, were respectively fined 10s and 5s and costs for working a lame horse. In spector Temperley, Royal Society for the Preveu tion of Cruelty to Animals, proved the case. BANGOR AND BEAUMARIS (JNION.—Wednesday's attendance ot guardians included Colouei Saok- ville-West (chairman), Messrs T. Lewis (vice chairman), tI. Baikeley Pr)ce, r. Jones (Meuai Bridge), J. E. Roberts, R Hugiies, T. Wnliams, H Hughes, D. Williams, W. Jones, J. Morgan, E. R. Abraham, H. Thomas, and it tioberts. A letter was read from the Llandysilio Commis s.oners, stating th it under their local act they had authority to make roads, and requesting the guardians to mention such tact to tau Local Government Board in support ot the application to withdraw £ i.50 from the tuuds and use it iu the construction of a road for which the Marquis of Au^lesey has given laud. The governor (1\t:r Owen) reported that there were 103 in the house, an increase of four on the corr esponding week last year; vagrants for the fortnight, 58. DENBIGH. TOWN COUNCIL.—This cou cil held its month- ly meeting on Monday, the 5th inst., at 3 p.m., iu the Council Chamber. Present: The mayor (Councillor J. Harrison Jones) in the chair Aldermeu Thomas Gee, E. T Jones, and F. J. Williams Councillors William Morris, W. T. Foulkes, James Caithness, Robert Parry, It. Humphreys Roberts, R. Arthur Davies, John Lloyd, and W. T. Foulkes. Letters ot apology were read from Coundllois J. E. Wynne Ea- wards and Thomas Williams. Bills.—Several bills were presented and pissed. A discussion arose on cne bill presented by the surveyor for "extras." It was shown that m his agreement the surveyor had a specified saiary with no extra". uounúlllor iiobeit Parry said that it was unreasonable to expect any i-an to attend t:large undertakings, sucn as the Smithli sid, for a salary cf £ 4-5 per annum. But in the f:ice ot the vvntttn agreement in the cleik's b>.khe did not know what to think. He should like to know who proposed that.—Mr William Alorr.s: ''Does that matter ?" Ultimately the bill was passed. Improvements in Broomhill lane —1 letter was read ao a Alderman T. J. Williaus, calling the utte tion of tte council to tne tnct that he had spent a large sum of money (JG37 19s) in improving uic lane, aud stating that he wished to be rei- couped for his trouble and x^i-ise.—Mr Morris faid thdt he thought it was remarked in the last coui.cil that Mr Williams had J te this with a view of improving his own property He was told by several members that it WHo s;* Mr W'l.iams said that it was proposed that a vote of thanks be given to him at the last co ncd, but ho said he e uid not live on thauks, a-* i taat he wanted something more substantial. —I r p ised by Mr W i'. Foulkvs, and seconder by Mr William Morris, that Mr Williams be not paid. Th.a was carried Minutes of Committee Meetings.—A comraittfe id the *11 lj ooundlhadasst-mo ed to discuss uiatte-b relating to the drainage outfoi onrutl.fieid, toot paths, and public baths. Ou the d a'na;;e question, the committee had decided to cou-uit an eminent engineer, and get one to examine the works and report thereon. Mr Bellib was u .^u-d as a pr per persou.—MrjW Morris said )h y had had Mr Beliis hnire two or three times, at,d tiiat tley shrul have a stranger to come to report on the drains now. —Mr R. H. Roberts it aid they Lad the ple.au re ol pajing Mr Bellia twt) or thre; .a four gui .eASou uifferent occasions, but that he Uid uk, t object to have him again, only that unless they did setter than usual it was no use goiny to J.j' expe se ot having an engiaeer down. They always persist ently ignored all the reco umea at'ons of the engineer. It was their < wn fau t, and n ?t the en ginter. Mr E. T. Jones piop set. and Mr R. Parry seconded, that the service of Mr Be His be engaged. This was carrie t.—Iu tue question "t drains, a letter had bee:- received i ..m "bver Bu-ton, Esq A discussion arose on tfie advisability of having it read. Objection was t keo tnat it w. s not for the benefit of the o npv il ,hht it should be made public. Ultimately the letter was re f rred to be read at a committee or the wible house The Smith field -On this matter t'.e committee had decided that with the vie;, oi getting more pr ir-ti-al information about o- her s;n thfi -ids, ano the best mode of carrying our, the e.-ecti >u of a smithfield, the c mmittee named three gentle- men and the surveyor to visit certain t.>wnsfor the purpose of gtttirg this informitivn vz Coun cillorsE T. Jones, R. 0. B. Clou,-h a ,d Mr W. T. Fo dkes. Some discission ensued on the ad vieabilitf of sending two, instead of time, gentle men, hut by the ca-ding vot<^ of the mayor, it was dp^irfei that the three gentle™"n naojed aod the "un, y r be seat. Their expenses to be paid by the c u i 1. FootP t!¡$ and Partt.pds -Tile com;, ittee reported that, J h J footpaths b-ing in tPch a h d stute, the whole as named in the last council be le-paved, and new oijes constructed — Mr VV. T. Fouikes moved an amendment, which was se onded b, Mr R H. bobeits, that only those in Brioge-street iua factory place should be oone, and the others repaired An equal number v ted on both sides )1 the question, and the rea or gave his casting r"ll) 1. lavour of the adoption of the report. Public Batht.—It wasdec;doc it, t the council jouid uot at present entertain the prep- sa; of con- ducting public baths. Medical Officer R port.—Dr G. W. Roberts, the nedical officer of the borough, read his report, fhioh showed the health of the borough to be in a satisfactory state. The deaths occurred t during the mouth wire fro a ept o ie. This one was a cause of diphtheria. He had examined the place where thi c-»33 had occur re «, and could find no cause for it o ) th • 'I pre.umea He believed the fever ha I been tak oy the p-itiect hi as ilf iit u.othir to.vn O" birr'i. during ti, month there had b ;ea 13 -e-ghi, mal -s aud 9ve ?em des. T'is gives an RlltiU ,1 death rate I per thousand of 13-39, and an annual birth-rate ot 23 0 Th Borough Account, inf. Report —This di 1 not "ho any material change Tom. tee last month, and no it on-* in it are worthy d particular uotieo. Surveyor s R>p » t.—The surveyor presented pi .ns of alterations intended to be m.de in de/eford Hiuse. A committee was appointed tj v!sit the sp )t and report. Inspector of Nuisance t* Report.—A discussion arose ou the power the council had to deal with ,mi dn oes, such as pigstyes. Councillor R H Roberts sail they could do nothing, as the? had no bye 1 iws. —: 1ouncillor Robert Parry said that wlv n I ws. louzicillor R)bert Parry said that wb. n the question was discussed some time before, Dr Caithness had remarked that there was re illy no danger to he -lth, however near the p^gst e- mi^bt be tJ the houses. — Dr Caithness: No; I sii! the pigs, aud not the p'gstyes. Lettert —A letter was read from Sir W.ttkin Wiliiams Wvon, dated from St. James's square, Loudon, expressing the thanks of himseb a.id Laly W nu for the sympathy of the council, aud expre-sing a hope that he would soon be able to attend to h s parliamentary duties—A mora iia' was read from the inhabitants of Ysguoo- Wen, calli .g rhe attention of the council tj t ie fae th-tt 41 persons there were dependent altogether on",rain w iter, and praying the council to supp]-- t'1.;rn wth water fr >m the company s roaiu dr«iio, which could be carried further that war The surveyor w:s requested to report on the subjeet as to t*ie provable cost, &e.—A letter was also received from Mr Evaia Thomas, tendering his re- s'geation as member of the council, and at the same time thinking the council for the court.esc and kindness with which they had treated him duriug the 10 years he had beea with them Alderman E T Jones proposed, and A'de mui Thomas Gee seconded, that his resgmtioa Lie accepted, and that the town clerk be req .fitted to write to him, expressing the regret of tue ccuacil that he was compelled to resign. Ratcs.-A district rate of Id and 3d in land w s made, and a b )Youl,h rate ot 2d. Highway tJontracts —Mr R. H Roberts said the question of letting the roads by contract o- nad been put down to his name twict\ but not properly so, because when he made the mot,ton it was fo-the surveyor to do somethi< aud to I report, which he did, ani Mr Gr-ffi'hs had attended to those reports and had put the roads in good order now. His own impression was that they could not do better than let hero ,\g». They had saved JE200 a year by letting the n, an he proposed that they should let them a,itill only to make a particular p jiut that the sto« put upon the highway should be uew ones, a.id ilw t,hat they should be do-yn before Christmas. If they paid for a thing t~oy sho.ildhave it.—Mr James Caithness "seconded it.—Aldcrm-m Tuoma- Gee said he was sorry to propose nu amendment He was quite of a different opini >n, and thought they ougiit to take the reals into their own hands Their roads should be in the very best repair, a, • speaking geuerallyj they had not been in that condition He could not see himself, if there W'1' an v pr ifit to make by letting the roads b/ cm tract, why the council should uot do th. voik themselves He atfcen Ifd to the n w -o ids which had come under the management of the couardl, end the expense put upon them and in conse- quence of these new roacls, co npa isou would be unfavourable. It would appear they had saved JE200 jTaking everything tog-ther, he di notth" k they had saved auything. Outiio he thought if.the council had taken care t) have their money spent upon this, which th,y had to pal for the last three years, the ioa'.s would be in a much better state. As he hd heard several complaints from pvw pIe ia the t lying districts that the roads were njt p operjy metalled, and that there was a enrta'-j road which had not been attended to for the last three years, though he di 5. net care, if the roads were let by contract, whether Mr Griffivs or some- body else had them, ho proposed that taking all things into cons;derat;on that "hey should not be let by contract.- Mr R. Parry said he could corrob 'rate all that bad been said in relation to the condition of the roads, and also abo tth" watering of the streets in sum aer. He also believed that the council could do better having the; roais in their own hands Tueiefore lie begged t > second Mr Gee's amendment -AT W T. Foulkes supported r Robert:o'ci p"p"s'!l He was surprised at Mr Gee saying that th" r .nds welt) llHglected. What made him surp is<-d was th P: if t'e surveyor did lit, do his duty in regard to Mr Griffiths, it wns not possible they could get the co; tractor to do what they wanted from him They knew very well the cause why the present contractor was unable to water the Uotto ii of the town. The water r.pply >}olfltJ not snfficie t, but since a new st .nd pipe was put there, no comp'aints had been made from thai q ;a-ter. With regard to th-e state of the roads he could not answer for many, but he coald answer for some He had no h^sitariin in saying that the roads which he had been in the nabit ot travelling over were in a much m He neglected condition under the council thin thev are now. The burveyor said he had hewd many complaints against the roads, but the roads were in as good a condition now as when the cor tractor took them. After some desultory conversation the q lest on was put to the vote, when a maj >rity of one was in favour of not letting them. Council Property in Red lane.—Oa the agenda a moti<>u had been put down to ask the Charity Commissioners for leave to sell a cottage and grden in Red-lane, but it was decided to let them tor a term of three years. Apelieatiou for Licenses to Se I Fat Stock.—To the presc..t state of the county it was decided not to prow licenses to any to sell fat stock during the month of March, owing to the prevalence of foot and mouth disease.

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