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TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL & STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., of all Chemists. Sent anywhere for 15 or 84 Stamps, by the Maker, E. T. TOWLE, Chemist, Nottingham. WmMS. -RFG £ 5\ PURELY VEGETABLE, Perfectly Harmless Will reduce from two to five pounds per week: acts on the food in tne stomach, prevent- gpfllk ^dt^C0nchrsi<in into ^at* 3 New Oxford-street, London, W.C. 9 AP TROUBLE M NOT BUY 7'0 IX VILE 14flTATIOAf$ Sixpence spent in them saves 10s. Made of LONG STAPLE SELECTED ELASTIC WOOLS SPEARMAN'S ROYAL DEVONSHIRE SERGE In all Fashionable Colours and in New Fancy Designs. Hakes a warm garment without being heavy.; Un- equalled for Jjrtdie*' Cresses and for Yachtinc; and Sea-side wear. Sea water will not hurt it. Washes like flannel and brushes like cloth. Special make for Children's and Young Ladies' Dresses in Navy Blne, 1.. 31d. the yard; for Ladies' wear at 18, 6d. and la. lid. the yard for Gentlemen's wear ",t, is. 11 d. and ikl. the yard; for £ oys' wear at 2s. lld. and 3. lid. »he ytud. Patterns free. An." Issipth cut. Car- riage paid 01\ Q Dftrcrls of and Upwards to all stations in England arid Wales; Also to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Carte, W2d "Waterford. SPEARMAN and SPEASMAN, Plymouth. Ka other address or agency whatsoever. SYMINGTON'S WORLD WIDE A O A DC REPUTATION ASlADO DANDELION, FRENCH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTON & CO., ) Established Sowdert Steam Mills, J oyer MARKET HARB0R0TJGH. J yeara. L GOOD for tho cure of WIND ON THE STOMACH, GOOD for the cure of INDIGESTION. GOOD for the cure of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the cure of HEARTBURN. GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT. GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from a disordered state of the STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVER. Sold by 41 Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Is lid, 2s M. and 4a Id each: or free for 14, S3, or 54 Stamp*, from PAGE D. WOODCOCK, HlGa STRE3T, LINCOLN. NEW BREAKFAST cf, AFTER DINNER BEVERAGE. CON ROY'S MALT COFFEE Pun Coffee combined with Malt by Patent Process. "Ai& breakfast beverage it I "A nourishing and health Is nsanrpaased."— /producing article of diet."— Dr. SAXDUSOV, M.B.C.8. | E. DAVIBB, F.C.8., &c. ASSISTS DIGESTION. ASSISTS DIGESTION. JtMttN from all Grocers, Druggists, Ac. Prepared only at the MALT OOFFEE WORKS. 34. FLEET ST.,LIVERPOOL. YORKSHIRE RELISH The most delicious Sauce in the "World. Enriches Hot Joints, Stews, Chops, Fish, &c. With Soup it is charming-. Blends admirably with all Gravies. Makes Cold Meat a Luxury. Makes the plainest Viands palatable. The daintiest dishes more delicious. 1 great addition to Cheese. Every dish is improved by its addition. Epicures pronounce it the Best Sauce. Beware of Colourable Imitations. Sold Everywhere in 6d., Is. & 2s. Bottles. GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS. FOR inn EXCELLENT AND FOR lULjf PALATABLE HOUSEHOLD RECIPES Write to GOODALL, BACKHOUSE$Co., LEEDS, Enclosing a penny stamp for postage, when you will be pre- sented with a valuable book of 100 pages, bound in cloth, anrl fully illustrated, called GOOD THINGS," MADE, SAID AND DONE FOR EVERY HOME AND HOUSEHOLD.' Please mention this paper. >F0R-THE BLOOD IS THELIFE' WORLD-FAMED B: 1 THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER' AND RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con. stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lis. each-sufficient to effect a per- manent cure in the crreat majority of long-stanrlinsr caecF, BY OALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DBTTG COMPANY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark-" Blood Mixture.") HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES, -LJL and follow tho advice of the eminent Doctors ProutL Stevens, Morgan, Turley, Dowsing, Gibbon, Spa-kp, 4. who have borne unqualified testimony to the value of T\ AM PLOUGH'S PTEETIC SALINE. •XJ It gives instant relief in headachc, tor. or bilious eick- ness, constipation, heartburn, scarlet tind other fovwv, smallpox, measles, eruptive and skin complaints. Use no substitute. H. LIMPLOTTQH, 113 Holborn. L'ri'lon. 'i .11 1, 7 A 1. t .1 11 "VOWEL" Al WASHING MACHINE (Bradford's Patent. known everywhere as the most useful &; durable,-Satisfaction guamnteed- isf_ so are Bradford's Wringers & Mangles— that is why cheap imitations are made to sell to dealers who are not Bradford's Agents. A one genuine ivithmitl radeMark Write for present prices. Rail- way Carriage is always paid. Thomas Bradford & Co 149 -i-ta High Holborn, London &Vi< £ V ,"ps toria Avenue, Manchester. CUAGULINE-Cementfor Broken Articled.. is, 2«.; postage 2a. tld everywhere. Stoe- pr.t.t. The- dandelion Extract contained in Dr King's Piils,,f y its wcli-kncwn action on the Liver (the mosy important a and m the "hole frame), enures the Vodilt geor -tionsto flow in a regular manner, and conjointly with tbe Tonic iugreitr nts, trr"nrl.v 1JI\"vo!te, sr T" aintaning the great poitals of the system in the best condition to secure health. Any chemist sells em ill boxes. is ltd aui) is yd eacti. E I TOWLE'S PEI^YBOYAL & STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d.. of all Chemists. Sent anywhere for 15 or 34 Stamps, by the Maker, E. T. TOWLE, Chemist, Nottingham. GRAVIES, STEWS, HASHES, SOUPS, &c. The" GRANULAR EEOWUIHS" (Registered Trade Xame.) SHOULD BE USED IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. It imparts a rich colour and superior flavour to the Gravies of Roast Meats, Chops, Steaks, Cutlets, Chicken and Game Gravies, Hashes, Stews, Soups, Broths, Beef Tea, &c. Sold in Bottles, Is. and 2s. M., by Chemists, Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen. Solo Manufacturers, TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, LINCOLN. flAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST? V-/AFRICAN STEAMERS.-The UNION S. S. Co.'s MALL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thursday, ft Steamers in the Intermediate Service every alternate Friday *11 leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Company'sOfli ees, Oriental Place. Southampton, or 11, Leadenhall St.,London, or to J. Jackson. Lloyd's Auent. Carnarvon. I FOR FAMILIES. 1 PST DRESSMAKERS | and MILLINERS to any part of the Free of expense to purchasers. They take with them dresses and millinery, besides Patterns of material,, At 15. per yard and upwards, All marked in plain and at same price as if purchased at the rchc use, in Heasonable estimates also given for at a great saying to or small families. Funerals conducted in London or Country. The London General Mourning Warehouse, H N'T STREET, W. ■ :"JII" ESTABLISHED 185 L JJIRKBECK jj A X K.- 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers, and interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £ 25. No Commission charged for keeping Accounts. The Bank also receives money on Deposit at Three per cent. Interest, repayable on demand, and undertakes the purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares. A Pamphlet, with full particulars, on application. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. (ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. Corns BROWS CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—The extraordinary medical reports on the efticacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected bv a Government stamp, bearing the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice- Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, 1864. Many testimonials from eminent Physicians with each bottle. From W. C. WTI.KTXSON, Esq., F.R.C.S., Spalding. I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough the benetit is very marked. From Dr. M'Millman, of New Galloway, Scotland. J"5 3. sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-spasmodic, f consider Dr. J. Ooiiis Browne's Chlorodyne the most Valuable medicine known. Sold in Bottles. i 'lA, 2 9, A: 4/S, by all Chemists. J | ~| CONSUMPTION MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S NEW WopE. IVTARVELLOLTS WORK totielies the sympathies of human hearts everywhere." "npHIS MARVELLOUS WORK touches Here is hope for the despairing." So writes the Editor of the CHRISTIAN AGE." MR. CONGREVE'S work on Consump- tion, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, &c., &c., contains ONE HUNDRED and THIRXY- TITTZEW, SELECTED CASES. POST FREE for -3d.. or Is. 3d.. from ELLIOT STOCK, 62. PATERNOSTER ROW, or from the AUTHOR, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.E. m jT! A AT LONDON PRICES. AGENTS 1 UJil. WANTED EVEKYWEERE. 61bs. Carriage paid. GOOD STRONG CONGOU, thick and lasting Is. 8d. per lb. VERY STRONG INDIAN MIXTURE 2s. Od. per lb. FINE FLAVORED PEKOE SOUCHONG 2s. 6d. per lb. NTJNN & SONS, 44, Lamb's Conduit St.,W.C.!Established 1801). -WALKER'S CP.YSTAL 'CASE WATCHFS are superseding all others. Prize Medals, London, 1862, Paris, ISO". Si.'cer from £ 3 3s. Gold from £ 6 6s. 77, Cornhill, E.G. 230, RegentStreet, W., London. Descriptive Pamphlet free. J&«T ""jprOPKINSON,95,NEWBOND ST., o KJ «JLJL Manufacturers of Grar.d and Cnttage Pianos, CAUTION the Public against purchasing Pianofortes bearing the name of HOPKIXSOX winnh are not of their manufacture. Only instruments stamped with their Trade Mark, Z. k. J. HOPKINSON, LONDON, are genuine. Photographs and I.ists free on application. Photographs and I.i;ts free on application. May be had at all the principal Music Warehouses. SEASONABLE PRESENTS. THE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY. OF YY.5E ST AET, BIRMINGHAM. Supply /^CASH Prices al! Goods w[ J| Direct at TO the Wholesale PuMtc. 2- A 7 f; Vv\ //?r- 7 /f 25s. 25s. Let every readei of this send for our beautifully new illustrated cata- logue, containing list of testimonials and over Sou line copper-plat" engra- vings of Watches, Jewellery. and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post- free on application, to any part of the world. GEXTLEMEX' S FINE SILVER, flat crystal glass, 25s. LADIES' FINE SILVER, liat crystal glass, 25s. YOUTHS' FINE SILVER, fiat crystal glass, 25s. LADIES' GOLD LEVERS ex- quisitely chased cases, 70s. These WATCHES arc frequently gold for treble tho money. I Cheques or P.O. payable to Mr. A. PEROT" I 0 a\ BILLIARD BALLS, CLOTHS, CUES, I I 11\S. n7111 all other I>iUiard Ilequisites at IIENNIG-BKOS.' Ivory Works, Street, LoYidfjii, \VX\ Old Balls adjusted or exchanged, ;md Taldcs lie-cushioned ana Ile-cover^d. Price J.ists, Cloth & Cushion Rubber Samphi Post Free. XI AVE IT IN YOUR IiOLVES. LAIMPLOUGE'S PYRETIC SALINE. It forms a most invigorating beverage by the simple addition of water, and if taken according to directions is the best preventive and curative of Small-pox, Scarlet Fever, and other diseases. It docs not contain Magnesia or any earthy matter calculated to produce Gallstones or Gouty deposits. Prepared solely by 1. LAMl'LOUGH, 113, Holborn. London. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES & TAKE IT IN YOUR TRAVELS. "RILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Price Lists. G. EDWARDS, (Corner of HarwarSt.), ICINGSLAND ROAD, LONDON. J I N hXl'tNSIVB 11 A i fa. it RSTCKEU. LoCKYiSK'ti BIL- PIIUP, HAIR RESTORER will darken grey hair, in a few days bringing back the colour. The effect is superior to t.hfit, produced by a direct dye and does not injure the skin. Lockyer's is equal to the most expensive. It is the best for restoring grey hair to its former colour Produces a perfectly natural shade. Valuable for de- stroying Fcurf and encouraging growth of new hair. Sulphur being highly prized for its stimulant, cleansing, healthful action on the hair glands. Lockyer's Restorer is strongly recommended. Large Bottles, is 6d. Sold by all Chemists, Hairdressers and Perfumers 'every- where. (IKFAT BOnLY STRENGTH.—PEPPER'S QUININE AND IhON TONIC strengthens the nerves and muscular system, improv- s digestion, animates the spirits, reen i' s tLe health, rouses and develops the nervous energies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels lanpour and depre=sion. fortifies the digestive organs. Is a spec ific remedy for neuralgia, indigestion, fevers! caeet, affections, It c, d in wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, etc. The whole frame is greatly invigor- ated i y Peppei's Tonic, the mental fueukii* bright- ened, the constitution greatly strengthened, and a return to robust heat h certain. Bottles. 32 dose", 4" 6d. Sold by Chemi-ts everywrere. The name of i' PEPPE.Rison the label. Insist on having "Pepper's Tonic" CeRED IN A F}w PATS. CORNS, BYVICNS, AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS.—DEIXAR'S CORN Am) RCNroN jfLAS i ERS are the only real remedy. TWY ditfer irom all Plasters, Shields or Compositions ever invented. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the ptiD goes at once, the corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged t'" ? joints require more time fo' perfect ctire, but the "ion is certain and relief instantaneous Any boots may be worn with comfort three hours after applying Delia's Plasters; on ..o account be persuaded to buy any other. Boxes, Is 1 d each, are sold by mont Chemists Post free 14 Stamps. Bedford Laboratory Bayley-street, London. W.C. LIVERMEDICINE, FA'R,&TACLM AND PODO PHYLIIN.— This fluid combination, extracted from medicinal roots, is becoming very popular, and is now used instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, bilious- ness. and ail symptoms ci congestion of the liver, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, head- ache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tona-ue disagree- able taste in ihe morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach and feeling of general depression. It t ets the sluggish liver in motion, Xery slight y act.; on the bowels, giving a sense of health and co>nfoit within24 hours. It is the safest me iicine. Taraxacum ar. d podephyllin is a fluid ma.1e only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Poboratory, London, w/.ote uamn if on eve. y label. I Sanctioned by Her Majesty's Trade Mark—PIiosj>hodyne. Government. HEALTH, iMpOTli||^ AND STRENGTH, |1 t^<PH0SPH0DY^EN: ENERGY. A Pure Solntion of Phosphorus, pleasant in flavour and appearance, being a perfectly Bright Liquor, com- bined with Vegetable Alkaloids, possessing marvellous Curative Properties, the Wonder of Modern Chemistry, cieefrom all Dangerously Active Drugs. Innocent in its Action, and pronounced by the Highest Medical Authority to be unequalled for its power in replenishing and elaborating the Vitality of the Body; by its sup- plying all the essential 'vitalizing constituents of the Blood, Brain, and Nerve Substance and for developing all the Powers and Functions of the system to the highest degree thereby checking all wasting of the Vital Fluid, aDd the more Exhausting Wear and Tear resulting from Over-Taxed Energies of Body or Mind, maintain- ing that Buoyant Energy of the Brain, Nervous and ^Muscular Systems," I which renders the Mind Cheerful, Happy, Brilliant, and Energetic. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODINE Surpasses all the known theraputic agents of the present age, as a Prompt and Never-Failing Phosphoric Remedy for all Derangements of the Nervous and Blood Systems. Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Incapacity for Study or Business. Noises in the Head and Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Nervous Debility in all its Stnores, Softening of the. Brain. Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Paralysis, Pains in the Back, Affections of the Kidneys, Urinary Deposits, &c- Chest Affections, Skin Diseases, Wasting or Withering of the Muscles, Impure and Impoveri-bed Blood, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and all worbid conditions of the system dependent upouiithe deficiency of the Vital Forces arising from whatever cause. THE ACTION OF DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNL is Two-fold aro Specific; on the one hand increasing the principle which Constitutes Neivous Energy and on the other, the Most Powerful Blood and Flesh-generating Agent known; therefore a Marvellous Medicine for Renovating Impaired and Broken-down or Exhausted Constitutions, making the recipient as Actives Sprightly, and vigorous as if nature had never been retarded or debilitated. When the Fire of Life seems to be dying out in the system, and the mind sympathising with the body, the sufferer is reduced to a Mental and Physical Wreck, this mighty Phosphoric Restorative, by a few do^es, seems as it were to lift the sufferer out of the slough of despond, and recruit and reinvigorate both the Frame and the Intellect T TWENTY YEARS' PUBLIC TEST Prove tnes6 acts unimpeachable, being fullylborno :out by thousands of Testimonials from every Nation an 1 Country in the World, freely offered by distinguished Families, private Persons, Military, Naval, Scientific, and Professional Men who are well known, and who have experienced from its use all the benefits here indicated. Sold in Bottles at 4s 6d and llsjby all Ex o Wholesale, and Retai. Medicine Ven ors throughout the World. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Every bottle bears the British Government Stamp, "with the words DR LALOP'S PHOSPHODYNE, London, England, engraved thereon by Order of Her Majesty's Honourable ConimiS sioners, if not, it is a forgery, and you have been imposed on by a worthless and injurious imitation. MANUFACTURED ONLY AT THE PHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY, BY DR R. D. LALOR, Bay House, 32, Gaisford-streef, London, N.W., England. THE SOELEIT PROPROR AND ORIGINATOR OF PHOSPHODYNE. B 284 DR. d. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLQRQDYNEu THE ORIGINAL AWD ONLY GENUINE. CHLORODYNE 13 admitted by the Proressron to bathc most wondcrfnI and valuabloremedyaverdiscorerca. CflIJORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. GEE LOB.OD YNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Asua. CfILO RO DYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. HPT OP* is tho only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancor, Toothache, Meningitis, &c. A in iJ From Ds> Boulion £ Co.f Horncastle. ■Wfl h*ve mada pretty extensive use of Chlorodyno in our practice lately, and look upon itp an cxccllc:^ direst Pn-'v^vo and Antispasmodic. It seems to allay pain and irritation in whatever organ, and from whatovcr casr.c. IMvrnc" s fee?" of comfort and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy, and it aeeas to possess this great advantage over aifother Sedatives, that iHeaves no unpleasant after-effects.. "Russell communicated to tlio Collogo of Physicians tliat lio rcceivcd a> &i3wn.uC i Maiestv'a Consul at Manilla, to tho effect that Cholora has been raging foariuixv, AjsriiY remedy of service was CHXiOKODYNHj. —Seo Lancet, lsi December iba?. CAUTION.—BEWARE of PIRACY and IMITATIONS. CAUTIOT -Vice-Chancellor Sir W. PACE WOOD stated that Dr. J. COLWS Browra was, nnuoubtcdly, OJO Inventor of CHLOROD YNE!; that tho story of tho Defendant, FBBBUilc, was deliberately untrue, whisu, ha °Bo u'l eaat, aTi in d 4s Gd each. Nono^s genuino without tho words Dr. J. COLLIS BU0\\i iJU'G CELOPODY^ii" en tho Govemmcnti Stump. Overwhelming Hedicsl Testimony accompsnio^ co^c. T. DAVENPORT. 33 Great Russell Street. Bloonsbury, London. \), Are the Purest, Cheapcstr and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded from Bops, Buchu, Mandrake, Fodophyllin, and Dandelion—the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world, and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other Bitters, being the greatest Blood Furlfierf Liver Regulator, and Life and Hea!tb Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To aU whose employments ecu* ? irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and Mild Stimulant, theso Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without Intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters, Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may Mve your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. ø- dBSOO &* will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. They arc & pleasant refreshing flavouring for rick-room drinks, impure water. and o'Lrr bcvc-raorcs. Do not GUJTji." yours 2if or let your friends eiifTer, but use and urg-c ticra to use hop Bit.te¡-5. iitmcinber, iiop iuiU'rs is no vile. drtigrred nostrum, but the Purest and Best Mediciao ater the Insml-d's Flieud aDd iiope," and no person -r fr.rcily should b-j without tbtis. *i £ 37 the liters Y. fOii SAI.K BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. SAVE YOUR EYES. c SQUIRE KNIGHT'S EYEf OINTMENT For tne Cure of all Diseases of the Eves, APPROACHING EVEIJ" TO BLINDNESS, It cures- It cures- Impaired Red and Sore and Watery FartiaTBlindnejw Cataracts, Sore the Eyes, Eyes left by of Measles. Vision. The Preservation of good Eyesight is amatterwhich concerns both rich and poor, and the delicate structure of the E ye makes it daily liable to accident and injury. This renowned Eye Oi nt- montmakes Spectadesand Surgical Operations unnecessary. v SEE THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS, a Mr. H. Tomlin, 91, Shepherdess Walk, City Road, London, v.-0nd?rfully cured of inflammation in the eyes, of 12 years standing.—July 5th, 1877. Bombardier, E. Parker, Calcutta Battery, Bangalore, East India, cured of very bad sore eyes, after trying all kinds of doctors.—1876. llr. Chas. Weston, Park Street, Wellington, cured of fearfully diseased eyes left by email pox.-1877, J. A. Walkington, 13a, Eastboroagh, Scarboro', was cured of dreadful bad inflamed eyes, after trying all tho best oculists in the country. 9 9 Prepared only by C. h. G. Clark & Son, Chemists, Market Place, Dudley, and sold by all respectable medicine vendors in the Kingdom, in pots Is. lid., 2s. 0d., and 4s. Od. each. Wholesale by all Patent Medicino Houses, or from the PronrifTOTa direct for 16 or 36 stamps. 0 T 0 D'Y, N GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts ot the World OB receipt of two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CUBE FOE DEBILITIES and derangements of the generative and Nervous system, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, the result of over-taxed energies, is given iu the book of POSITIVE REMEDIES." This look gives a positive remedy for all diseases. The names of all Medicines are given in English. Cas»s and testimo- nials, with means used in each case. It is a pnide to thø self-treatment of diseases, and yhould be con- sulted by all who require medical tr. atment. N( .TICE. —The Positive Medicines given in the book of POS ITIVE REMEDIES" are the medicines ustd by Dr Smith for over thirty years. By the aid of this book Invalids may form a correct i-nowiedge of their malady, and find a positive remedy for the cure. The names are published in English, to enalle invalids to select the remedy and erne themselves without consulting a Medical man, making a written statement of case, or paying consultation fees. Send two Stamps for the book of "POSITIVE REMEDIES." which contains 244 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on rereipt of two stamps, direct from H. Smith & Co., Positive' Remedy Labor.- ory, 26, Southampton- ow, London, W.C. "I )KOTODYNE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE X CURE for Debilities and Derangements of the Generative and Nervous system. Prostration, Pimples, Loss of Energy, Physical Depression, Pre- mature Decline, Wasting Diseases, Exhaustion of Nerve power, Local Weakness, and all Diseases re- sulting from loss of Vital Force. After using these Pills, the body and nerve. fire restored to health and vigour. Sold in Boxps (containin? sufficient for the cure), price 2s. 9d. May be had direct from the ro prietors on receipt of thirty-four Stamp*. Sent b Post to any address.—H. StuithA Co., Positive Re medy Laboratory, 2G, Southampton-row, London W.C. 846 As a safe, permanent, and warranted cure for Pimples Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad LE>¡, okiu and Blood Diseases and Sores of all kinds, we can with confidence recom- mend CLARK'S WORLD-EAMKD Piofti) MIX-TUFF Sold by Chemists everywhere. 'POMLINSON & Co's BUTTER POWDER. JL Brings the Butter quickly, removing all un- pleasant flavours of Turnips, Cake, Mangolds, WIld itrsriic, Sour Grass, Leeks, Dead Leaves, &c. In- :reases the quantity and improves the quality of Butter. By its use farmersand dairymen may insuiv good, firm, and sweet Butter all the year round. Butter made with this Powder invariably takes the FIR3T PRIZES at the Agricultural Shows throughout the ugdom Sold everywhere, by Chemists and Grocers, m Boxes 3d, 6d, Is. 2s 6d. and 7a (Jd each. Set); manufacturers, TOMLINSON & HAYWARD LINCOLN A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK, SHOWING sufferers how they may be cured, and re- cover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks, wit 1 recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on Happy Marriages Warn and Whom to Marry; The Temperamentsw Stammering; Vital Force; How Wasted and Hos- Prcserved; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonder; of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post free tor two stamps. Address, Secietary institute ci Anatomy, Vir- ruiugliam. E 473 VALUABLE DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIR CARMAN'S HAIR RESTORER. Acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to Mrf Allen's, Rosetter's, and many others. It is not n dye. It contains no oil. Will restore gray hair to its original colour and beauty. Removes dan- driff and all impurities from the head. Pro- motes the growth and strength of the hair, g;vin £ it the lustre and health of youth. And is thf cheapest and best Restorer ever used. Supplied only in large bottles, Is tirl. A parcel of three bottles, secuiely packed, seni to any part on rr;^ipt of 5-t penny stamps or P.O.O. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. Thig Saline compound is recommended foi Biliocii Constitutions, Heartburn, Headache Sea Sickness, &c. In bottles, Is 9d each QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent strengthening medicine, in Dottles Is and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' C RMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficac) in preventing or removing the disorders to which Infancy is liable, such as Convulsions, Wind, Gripes, Difficult Teething, &c., &c. In bottles 7 £ u ts 1 td, and 2s 9d each. PREPARED BY JOHN C A 1: M A X I DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIS (Qualified by Examir.ztion), APOTHECARIES' HALL HOLYWELL. A CARD.—To ALL WHO ALTFC SlIKFKIiiNG VEOM the errors and indiscretion of youth, /u-rvoos weakens early decay, loss ol manhood, Ac., I wili smd it recipe that will cure you, FREE UF CHARGE. This gren.1 remedy was discovered by as niii-siyaary in Soutc America. Sen** ^i'.f-Hddrep^ed e-lop- to thn tikv. JOSEPH T. INMAX Station D., Xav York City. KAY'S COMPOUND.—A&rn>a ur.d B mxv.itis yre immediately relieved by it Sold by all Chemise, u I New Serial Publications Just Commenced. I Monthly, 7(1. I Cassell's Greater London. An Historical and Descriptive Narrative of the Environs of London. Illustrated throughout. Part 1, •with which is issued, Free of Charge, a Jjarge VOUHJltEi) MAI' OF IJ)S'DO,V and sur- rou>><1 in(I Districts, has been several times reprinted, rou>><1 in(I Districts, has been several times reprinted, and can be had at all Booksellers' and the Bookstalls. Monthly, 6d. Familiar Wild Birds. With Exquisite Illustrations in Colour. Monthly, 7d. The Sea: its Stirring Story of Adven- ture, Peril, and Heroism. With 400 Illustra- tions. Fifth Edition of Part 1 now ready. Monthly, Gd. ENTIRELY NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. The World of Wonders. Illustrated throughout. (To be completed in 24 Parts.) Monthly, Gd. The World of Wit and Humour. With 400 Illustrations. (Complete in 10 Parts.) Prospectuses of the above can be obtained of all BotJ" sellers, or sent post free on application to Catsell, Petter, Galpin & Co., Ludgate Hill, London. UNIFORM WITH CAHS ELL'S ^DICTIONARY OF COOKERY. CHEAP EDITION, 1,280 pages, royal 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. Cassell's Domestic Dictionary. An Encyclopaedia for the Household, furnishing Information on several thousand subjects relating to the Wants of Everyday Life. With numerous Illustrations. "As a manual of ready reference for all household purposes, this work has no rival." —Queen. Cassell, Petter, Galpin á; Co., Ludgate Hill, London. The "ETHIOPIAN" BLACK oupt. a JoLl I. 2 .1 v -11 I-I HOSIERY IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S, GUARANTEED CLEAN & FAST. WHOLESALE: HINE, PARKER & Co., LONDON. I Retail of all Respectable Hosiers and Drapers Everywhere. rjAN NON STREET HOTEL, V/ LONDON, E.O. Railway Communication with all parts of the Metropolis. a Minutes' walk from the Bank, Royal Exchange, &c., &c. Unequalled for its Home Comforts and Moderate Charges. *•' Tariff sent on application to E. H. RAND, Manager. SHARES in STEAMERS.—Dividends from 20 to V-Y 30 per cent. per annum. For most desirable Investments in this- when well managed-safe & remunerative property,Address Thomas Beer, Consulting Marine Engineer & Stoam-ahip Surveyor, Bute Docks,Cardiff. AGENTS WANTED,in all partsof England and Wales, not yet represented, by an Assurance Society. Weekly payments. Salary and Commission.—For particulars, Address Manager, Ely Villa, Dunstable, Beds. AlTAl/m TJiOLINGBROKE PAY HOSPITAL, near ilUHlIi -L* London, receives patients requiring hospital IN treatment and nursing, upon payment, in accord- Cjni7'MI?QC ance with their means. Prospectus of the Hon. OlUlYilDOO Sec. ,Mr.J.S. Wood, Woodville,UpperTooting,S.W. OSE'S LIME JUICE CORDIAL is the pcrfec- tion of family beverages. Entirely free of spirit. Delicious in water, etfervescins in all Mineral aters. Suitable for Bail- Room or Supper Party. For the cold season in hot water, or as a flavouring in hot drinks, Arc., it far surpasses the Lemon. It is highly Medicinal. No beverage has received higher recommenda- tion. See The Lancet, &c. Sold everywhere. Wholesale Stores: ROSE & CO..ll, Curtain Road.Finsburv, London, and Leith,N.B. "I^LEANLINESS."—NIXEY'S BLACK T/TCAD ivaxEY's Celebrated Refined JJLACK LEAD. Has over THIRTY YEARS' World-wide Reputation. Polishes Instantly equal to BURNISHED STEEL. Used without Waste or Dust. "CAUTION!"—There are several Spurious & Worthless Imitations. W. G. NIXEY, Black Lead Works, Soho Square, London. EN AVANT YEAST BUTTERINE WILKIN & CO., Appold St., Finsbury, LONDON. RA NGHAM'S EUPHORBIA PILU LIFE R A The Australian or Great Queensland Cure for Consump- etion, Astlima,Bronchitis, Influenza, Coughs, Cold8f Difficulty of Breathing, and all Chest Affections. 9 Brighton, Melbourne, September 24,1881. Dear Sir,—Having suffered from Asthma for the last s\x years, I have the pleasure to acknowledge the great benefit Dear Sir,—Having suffered from Asthma for the last s'x years, I have the pleasure to acknowledge the great benefit I have derived from your Essence—Kunliorbia Pilulifera— together with your Euphorbia Anti-Asthmatique Tobacco. I have taken 2 or 3 bottles of vour essencc according to directions, and have also smoked your Euphorbia Tobacco at night when the attack comes on; and am happy to state that for the last 0 months I have been perfectly free of these Xsthmatical attacks, for which I am truly grateful. I am. yours very truly, Charles Rogers. The above Testimonial is one of hundreds already received. Price, 2/9 per bottle. Thomas INGHAM, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Rockhampton, Queensland. Wholesale Agents-Burgoyne & Co., 16, Coleman St., London. J £ EARSLEY's\ EARSLEY's EARSLEY's J^EARSLEY's- ■^TIDOW^TELCH'a FEMALE PILLS. 11 A REPUTATION of over 90 years constitutes these Pills the leading remedy for all complaints t9 which Females are liable, and the attention of ladies is particularly directed to the fact that they contain NO drug that can pos- sibly act deleteriously, and consequently they have the approval of many of the leading medical men of the day. rTIHE ONLY GENUINE WIDOW J- WELCH'S PILLS are wrapped in WHITE paper and bear the signature of Kearsley" (all others are spurious), to be had of all respectable Chemists at 2,9 per box, or by post for 34 stamps, of Sanger & SonM_89, Oxford-st £ eeJ;LLon_dOT,_W. mT., _~Z~7 Agents,W.Hepwovtii,Harwich, Kssex.E. ^/IENNA^^EASTl Tvakranen,79, ChorltonRd.,Manchester. J- 1 Mawson.Swan&Co.. 'Ile ( N OSE S LIME JUICE SAUCE—The perfection ■ fci of Sauces. Delicious and Wholesome. No Table should be without it. It assists and stimulates digestion. Recommended by the medical profession. Sold everywhere in 6d. and I*- bottles. Wholesale Stores, ROSE & CO., 11, Curtain Road, Finsbury, London; and Leith, N.B. TRUSSES AT MAKER'S PRICES. These Trusses are guaranteed of the best manufacture Single 2/9, Double 3 9, Postage 4d. extra. Sent securely packed to any jiart of the United Kingdom on receipt of P. O. Order. R. B.Huggins, A.P.S., Chemist,Wainfleet, Lincolnshire. Direc- tions for self measurement on receipt of stamped envelope. ftfi-of MEDICAL WONDERS should be read by all Ul 111 If young men. Important to debilitated nervous sufferers and rjlfU IV those about to marry. Frep in Knvelope for 4 stamps. Pub- lisher's Mcdical Hull, Fitzallan Square, Sheffield. Estabd. 18^10. BIRDCAGES. WIRE WORK SIEVES. Lists free. JD WalterFox, 323, Mile End Road, London, E. BLANKETS. All-wool; direct from factory; 17/6 per pair (9 lbs.). Carriage free. THOS. HEY, SkircoatGlreen, Halifax. A r^TTllVr'TQ WANTED for the SALE -caL_\X_LiX^I _L of CHAS. STANLEY & SON'S CHEMICAL MANURES. LIBERAL terms to gentlemen connected with the farming interest. For full particulars apply to I OTI[Eltll-A., CHAS. STANLEY & SON, WATH-ON-DEARNE, N R. ROTH LRU AM. ,-THE SKIN.—Tn« Glory of Woman, the Pride of atfas.- It contains the dclicafe lines of beauty, and constitutes all that we term" LovclilFsq," yet how nifiny thousands hate their slrins blemished by the use of the irribuit soaps, Carbolic, Coal Tar. Glycerine, and the coarse coloured soaps,?caustic with alkali, and made o £ putrid fats. The more delicate tha skin the quicker its ruin. TUB ALBION MILK AND SULPHUR SOAP is the purest the whitest, and most purify- ing of all soaps, by its purifying action taking away and pre- venting all firnples, blotches, and roughness. It is recom. mended by the entire medical profession as the most elegant preparation for the skin that is known. A. boon to sensitive ■kins. By all Chemist*, in tablets, Gå. anrt Is.—The Albion BaniUrr: ?"? Co.. 632, Ortofd Street, London. 1 More than onc-tl.ird of the deatr:o: m 'the Vot r- polis and tf e large towns in England arise if r; = Cos svmption alot e. It justifies, therefore, t: I observation tnide by I)r Robert Hunter, f.:«' the question (of prevention and cure is one in to'm-h fully Six MILI.K XS of the present people of Eng If.re the interest, of life itself," owingr. no dOllh! to neglected Coughs and Colds. Griffith Owen's Essence of Coltsfoot can always be depended upon in the Rarly stages. See that you get Or IIi t 11 Owen's. e 533 LIVEH AND STOVACH PILLS. DR Kiiro's DANPK- LIOAND QUININE LIVER PILLS.—These famous ) ills o not contain < veil a trace of Mercury, or any of the many dangerous ingredients frequently fou <1 in advertised Pills. This fact continues "0 keep Dr King" renowned discovery in front of all Pills whatsoever, a- t.lio safest, best, speediest, most tcrt.u i and effeetivil remedy for d: sorders of tae Live' and Sto ach, whether in the fotui of Biliousness, Constipation. In p'ge-tion, Flatulen e. Aciuit ifi-adaehe, ShovJ or Pains, Fever- ish KoFtlessii'-ss of the whole system. Disinclination tor Food, or Dyspeptic symptoms generally. OKAI'NE-S, N (JISES IN THE EARS, &C.—DKLLVR'S ESSENCE you DKAFNESS should always be tried, HH in number of east' seemingly incurable, i has done wond-y. Slight Deafnefs, Obst-uctions in tho K«rs and ihe Inc< s?ai f Humn iug- Sounds so frequeat wtii affected heniin,/ ai e removed after two or three ir flits' applicationH. DKIIAR'S ESSENCE can b,. spoken 01 suie t.o give some relief in any case of deafness without, causing the sdgliu t-t injury to the delicate or a lism-* of the ear, and, uowever t-urprislng. persons for yi-irs Deaf have heard M unds after a fair trial of f); I U- > Essence. Bottles, isl^dand2s9d. SoldbyallOh-mists A LII-.LIGHTFUL FLAVOUR. CRACKOFT'T AKECAM r TOOTH P.a.sTE.-Hy using this delicious Aromatic Dent- rifiee.the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound.and polished like ivor3'. It is exceedingly fragrant, ano especi-illv useful for removing incrustations of turri: neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists. Pots, is i^I, 7" each. Mee that j ou getdyaeioft's. "P>LATT;S ESSAYS—BL-SINESS, MOSJJ lu. ECONOMY" Revised, re-arranged, and added to. "gj/M Photograph and Autobiography of the Author. Royafjj! T"A jwst-free on receipt of Six shilling8 JAMl-.> J uAL L. St. ilartin^s Lane, London, W.O-jdl 0Q 4 AMERICA twice weekly Ironi LA)^Tl)0^i^g JjQ 111 -Newcastle or Leith. Fast, Mail Steamers. Ma,»s & P»J»?5 or ->HiL,nca_posted frco. Hetlierino-fm. Strand, CONSTANT ORK AT H()7vlE with macbi^f. Oil easy terms supplied to women who can earn 15 ■^efeL Patent Automatic Knitting Machine Co. iLim 417 Oxfor^SS London. Sample worked pair of ribbed socks.p. )st'-free,20stggy Ihrow Physic to the dogs, I'll none of it."—Sha!;esnearc n< TXEALTII. STRENGTH & ENER& Take no more Mediemo, but wear DU BARRYS PATENT ELECTRIC 13NII ((Trade Mark: "HEALTH RDSTOREH") ,r/& By which NERVOrsNKSS. XEi;you< DEHILITY, Of POWEi, .WEAKNESS OF BODY AND MIND be cured m a few days. A MEDICAL WORK TO BE Gl tV,Y- ^hoWinS sutterers how they may be cured and recjS| ^K7^4,ndc,-AIanlJ" Vigour, WITHOUT ^2, All) OF MEDICINE. Sent post-free on receipt of StaOTO directed envelope. Address, E, Odell, Secretan*, Electro-Jl^ cal Company, 08, St. George's ltd., Southwark. London. S.E>^ ^20,000 and numerous other for ONE SHILLING A TICKET, Vnder Govern^fS Guaiantee. IniiEK-rExcii for Postage to be joined to Order. Apply to the Agency for Public Funds (Case 72 J1TePeJia-I- Htzerlanu:, or letters addressed to JAMUS CorfjJ, 2<J & 31, New Oxford St., London, W.C., -null be duly attended v PROSPECTUS GRATIS. DUBLIN STOUT.-JOHN NOT RAISEDtheirPRICES.-Anchor Brewerv, D2^S BEST PRICE for WOOLLEN RAGS. I'articul^ or Consignments. John S..in.,r. liradford Road. lev.-sbun^ Tliey I'oniij as ;t aiai to iiicn, A,ie I'rcRwicK, ti i,, and till \VAVI ULFY Pen." m- TRY THE HIXDOO' pelf Nos. 1, Sample hi- ,,|| the k r 2, and So i MACNIVEN & CAMERON, MAC & CAl\fERON 23, rBLAIREST°f .KmNBURGIl'(EsTj^hTO), Jenmnkers to Tier Government Offices. (J.APE of GOOD^IOPE^S.TAL & EA$ £ AFR!CAN STEAMERS.—This UNION S. S. Co.'s sall.i1'°In SOUTH A.MPT0X every- alternate ThursdW the Intermediate Service evcrv alternate FriVL < ce ( ff! KlUs thr, next da5- Apply at the Company's^ CCS. unentai PlnnR. Snnthainriton or 11 »sf fiEHRY GLME'S^ "GRANDE SUCCES." A HANDSOME SEASONABLE or BIRTHDAY GIFT' A Box containing Five Handsome Caps, 15 9. 1 Fancy Silk Cap; 1 Satin Cap, trimmed Lace and FlotveT» 1 Cap of Venice Lace, trimmed Fancy Ribbon; 1 Cap, CreaJ* Lace, bound Satin; 1 Cap. all Lace. SMALLER BOX, IO 6, containing Three Stylish CapS-j 1 Satin Cap, trimmed Lace and Flowers; 1 Cap, Venice L«rJ and Fancy Ribbon; 1 Cap, all Lace. Any of these Caps altered to suit the lady's taste.or theycan be had for Mourn*11* t 00 to 88, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON- | A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS; from £ 5, carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and tiful. Plans and prices from J. W. Legge, Sculptor, Aberdejj? lie) L 4 l I BES CARRIACE FREE TOANYRATLWAY tMENCLAMD. r UMPHREYS' IRON CIIU I CliajH'Is, Schools, Houses, Iron Farm Buildinf^s, Kix'rtng'.s, (\ifa]oe,uf,«: froo. 50nn Shownt Works: Alhort (iate, Ifvdo I'ark,_S^> MHE EMIGRANT'S GUIDE FOR 1883- J— Readv Feb. 20, post-free for 7 stamps. By Pitt & Scott* 44, St- Paul Churchvarcl. liondori. Full of treu«'rnl not*s and Dractical advice. JJO WARDS' JpARQUET jglLOORlN" (HOWARDS' PATENT) a FOR COVERING 0LD T^LOOB^ Or laying on Joists, Or laying on Joists, CANNOT BE WORN OUT. DESIGNS AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. HOWARD AND SONS, 25, 26, & 27, BERXERS STREET. LONDON, W. INSTANTANEOUS MEMORY. MHE LOISETTIAN ART OF J- LYTEVER FORGETTING! DISCONTINUITY CURED! A System founded in Nature and totally unlike Mnemonic* or Artificial Memory. A Great Time Saving Method. Art" Speaking without notes. Disheartening repetitions and mings" abolished. Mathematical. Military, Medical, MusiC'r" Literarv. Historical, Scientific, and other Books, mastered "J one reading. InstantaneousWhist Memory. Taught thorough" Post, Classes or Private Lessons. Prospectus free. m ddress, Prof. A. LOISETTE. 37, New Oxford Street, LondOgf J^IFE and ACCIDENT COMBINED. 1 £ 500 At Death from any cause, with profits. £ 500 On Permanent Total Disablement. P Q £ 1 6 6 On Permanent Partial Disablement. £ 5 Weekly during Temporary Annual Premium -Age 30— £ 12 os. 9d. r» LONDON, EDINBURGH & GLASGOW ASS TRANCE Co.J>v London Office, no, Cannon Street, WILFRED A. BOWsKR. Manager- C. WEEDING SKINNE1!, Secretary* ETZENSBERGER S ESSENC:F.OPI'OFFEI8 WARRANTED PURE-WITHOUT SUGAR n "WARRANTED PURE-WITHOUT SUGAR 13 NOW SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. CHEMISTS, aT0.— Wholesale, 13, St. Andrew's Street, Shoe Lane, E.C.. R. ETZENSBERGER & Co., Inventors it Sole Manufacture*^ BERNHARDINE ALPINE HERliBITTEB^ "A MOST POWERFUL TONIC perfectly free froj mineral medicaments and from drastic purgatives any kin0" SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND SPIX-tIT DEt> LEEc, Wholesale, 13, St. Andrew's Street. Loinlon EC. £ R. ETZENSBERGER & Co.. Sole Arei'i" BRASS, REED, STRING A-DRI ^&F IF B BANDS, PIANOS. ORGANS & HARMON I r MS at I Vhol«- tale Prices at J. MOORE'S, Buxton ltd.. Hudilerstield. Price?' with drawings of every Instrument post free. M w.sie for any kin" of Band. Bandsmen's Cans. Patronized bv Army, Naw, ic Ri»* Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in THE GREAT "BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILL^ purify the foulest blood. & remove even- disease of the st< £ mach, liver, & kidneys. Pure blood gives health. Thousands been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could no: reached by any other medicine. Sold hv all c'hernists in boxes.I1* &2 9; or from the establishment, M, 6xford-st., S-vnusea, All sufferers are highly recommended to try tlicg? PEEBLE'S' NEEDLE BURNER. THE GREAT GAS SA VER. STEADY. SILENT LIGHT. PEEBLES A CO., TAYWoP,I,:S, ED!BURGIT, AND YOUR GAS FITTER. I "r^OiNCrSE''Property & Mori,era-o Register- For all requirements in connexion n itli USTATIOS. iluL' MOKTGAOKS, MONEY ADVAXOI-S. SURVKYS, VALUATIONS. Address FUKBKH & Co., 0, B'cne'mircli Ijuild:iu;s. I.,ai,ioii. E.C. T .INENS and LINEN CAMBRIC pOCKET HANDKERCHIEFS- Direct from the Manufacturer, "OOBERT GLASS, '22. Bedford St., BELFAST- XV WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRK'K LIST. QIIOPKEEPERS and HAWIv.KRS should send for Wholesale Catalogue of Jewellery,Pouches, Pipes and Fancy Goods of every description. J. Soutting, 22, Blackfi'iars Road, London, S.E. "BULPHOLINE LOTION."—Au external means o CURING SKIN DISEASES. There i. ,-ca.cely any eruption but will yield to Sulphoiine" in a few døy'" and c mmence to fade away, even if it past cure- Uruir aiy punplet?, rednt*fn," bh-tche«, scurf, rontrhne?^, vanish as if by magic whils.t old, todurinx k'n dis- orders, that have jdatrmxl the swtferpr.- for yearc, ho^f" ever deeply rioted they nmy be, "Sulpholm«" I successfully fit;ack them. It destroys thei aoimalcul8^ whieh cause the^e un''i{,rht]y, irrit„i"l> paii ful affec- tion', and ahvay urod'n es a clour, lieaUiiy, natura^ C0''r"i on of the skin. Sulpholine" Lotioii is eoldu"' most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d.