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vv MACMi-NK, entirely new. duit<jble tor tailors »ud othtn-, to bo So3(1 St. H gre,;t r«fl>V«m cost crifin.— Ap,vy ^tnr •fcxprttt < iP:\op,, Carnarvon b. BlRAllIv. II .M GO1 DS Jewellery, Wat- ches, Clicks, HrttmoruurDci, 15 c cles, Trie te- les. AGEN rs WANTED. Wholml Illustrated Catalogue, P st-free. Address, Henry May Birmiug- nam. B 17 3-6 1 everal expeiieliced hands waited. Must be atue to tfxe» ute own olders. ö-k. several Apprentice^- Apply, O. D. Jo).Ies, Rod Mar«'he. Own■■irvoi' B r, DKA.uit^.—Yvuuted a trustwOl thy, üHug ID Man for aDove trade, also pevt-ra Junoos and Apprentices. Applt n. D. Junes Bon •Marche, Carnarvon. B 4 TO BK LET.—Vurnisbod Huusc.. r Apart- ments, in a healthy »ud quiet J.oo»lity oi the Town of Cai'Lr rvcDj fifteen irni.ofr' w^lk the J Railway n A^ rcs-j No 1681, {jCVtCftl find Express Offices, Carnarvon. B To SHOPK- E1'!?R^ & TEA DEALERS. — AGFNTS WaK rfcD, tor Lor.se or Pa ket Teas. Special terms to pood wsen.—Write to G. (101 aod Son. 8, Chiswe 11-sorcet. LOB on, E C. B!193 ^1/ -!?*> WEEKLY ar.d TTPWAKT)^ way be EASILY ull HO ES.LY REALIZED y persons of fdTHER cEX wir.honfe bi;.drauee to present occupa- tion.—Fur paiticulas». &c.. endow a dre«wd euwiope to EVANS, WATTS, & COMPANY (P 29-), Mervh"».to, B;rm-nL,l;f' -— /'At* is genuine. ts4i6 T"Wi^L,VK a- i-Kf- le V juMT-b, 2s cd; si j<- ( ,,5-re >• *rpcd to 10 inches, 5ss Cabinet. fcg. £ 0I.? C> rte with stamps. Perfect cople •W original returned free.. T London Photourai.-hic Co., 304, Regent-street, Lon- don. XV.—p f. D. Phillips. Manager. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY —A gentleman, having tried in "am everv ^▼ertised remedy, has discovered a simple mehw ol self-cul, Ti';1' will be happy to forward t;,¡ particulars to an? sufferer on receipt of a stamped •od directec envelope.—Address, Mr "• T. hewei Brook Villa Hammersmith Don do: HlIU2 IPHE FXPR A-XT'- GKNEDL IN AMERICA —The proprietors ot the North Walts Exvress and the oenedl Gymreig have appointed Mr H. P. Hnbbar'i, proprietor of the International Newspaper Airencv, New HaveD, State of Connecticut, M their sole agent in America to receive advertise- ments for uis<-»ticn in their papers.. B LIVKRPOC )L COMM K EH! AL INV K-ST- MENT ''OMPA^Y, Ltmitkd. — LO&NS of "from jCIO to .StOOO promptly granted, and the interest VbWed unusoaily moderate. Personal or other Mcarity Share" Certificates, DOCK Bonds, Late Police &c.—A np'y to h. Roberts; City-r ad, Chester; •<* to James Smith, Secretary, 11, S-ynioar-s^et, Liverpool. K11.A~4.0Q MR. CAPON, DENTAL SURGEON, (The Oldest Establuhed in Carnarvon). May be consulted daily at his Residen e, Marino, 20, North read, Ccivunrv >n. B 622 CARNARVON PERVTANFNT BENEFIT c BUILDING SOUiETY. JE2,COO row re"ày to be advanced on Freehold or Leasehold Property in Carnarvon or the neighbour hood. Principal ard ictf n'st at 5 per cent to be re paid by montVlv irptalmenta.—Apply to the Secretary Mr John Rppp. 24. W^ilingtoii-tfrrwc Carnarvon. THE CHEAP FST HOUsK t-OB uRANGES, LEMONS. APPLES, GRAPF-S, NUTS, DATES, AND ALL KINDS OF FRUITS AND VEGET- TABLKS. Wholesale tniy. De^aikd p'i' 1i't. post free, on application.—W. ROBEKTSON AND Co, 1, Broad- street B..iiding-». Liverpool 're t. London. B 11;.(7 BEACH MuU.sT SOHuuu LKlCCiKIH CONDUCTED bT MISSES WILLIAM^ AND TEMPLE Prospectuses 'ree on appli ation to al,ovo address Unties le.-nnje^ (D.V.), January 21, 18^3. £ 10 220 £50 £100 JS500 OPTIONS on btock Exchange Securities One Uniform rice. Ack .o-Ie^d the best antl safest, plan ever devsed for mtiking lrtrge Profits from sm.Ui i^estm nts with >r^at rapid^v. &*planato>/b >o'e [fiii-i eiition) SENT FHdJS. Address Oeorge F.v««s and Co Sworn Brokers. Gresham House, Old Broad-sfraet, London. »556 ONE BOX OF CLABKfc'S B41 PILLS Ï6 Warranted to cnrtl ail di-charg s from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired o' corstitnfcional),Grarel ■•dPaiuniniheBa-k Guaranteed reefromMercury. ^d in boxes, 4s 6d each, h.. all Coexists and Patent Medicb Vend. rs t hvough^uU (^orld rrjr g|xty p- by the t MIDLAND cotrarriEs Dbuo \0MPA:s7' (j '"C"J'(i Wholesale Agents, BARCLAY tf bom London and *j> the Who ei"ih H ^-s^ MILKING MACHlNr, %k.- I 'A 1. .1. THIS celebrated fwlf-acting Oow utkmsr M ioh'ne supers d^s arorinus «t.d tpmoas pro^s or lkin(f, can be ap plied by anyone; milk each Cow in th ee or five minutes. N„ Cowkeepe»- shouldha without valuable aud u-ffid D ar^ imp • fe!' o! Director. „ OOAii t? 594 ^TuhftB for Sorx or Corded T^a a. 111 61 PAt:'h B 594 MAHlTOBa AND TH« OANADXAJN NOHTH W E8T, through which runs THE CANADIAN PACIFIC) RAILWAY Farming and G .z ng Lands for Sale on Easy Terms to Actual ettlere. If you debua to >feceive, ree of q( ^ay Company's New Regulation? J'ands in the -W.>dian North Wf! ^n the late8t V^teet Maps, Pa phlets, &c coi-tamingtne formation about th« < ouiitr-, addr fia j- Alexa n>k Bkoo, Cannon- Oaoadian Paeifi R^iiwav 1U ;fio_ig6 .t e. t. Ti^' doi^ B Trice 2d. by post -2id. PRIVATE PEft-iON can procure or dispose EXCHANGE,^»^J8 ease an^ p^f- ct secu-icy fr-m duhone t perflons, the mediiioi of "THE BAZ AR. THE EXCHANGE a d ^ART and'JOURNAL of the HOUSEKOLO.' AT The dUU Ly 'ke T^ctT^10™ oFr°rwH ,K rr*arka"le t0i iiaV a B lokstalls. Oi al Aew,ageut« 1 affio no Strand, Wpecimea Oouy, two 4'ampn. < » London. PH ILl-IPS & ^l,vsi I)AVM':Lf< >N ) F FEE. F)í. r.TVF.n \ND INDIGESTION. Containki Three Times tii<" Btff.lngt.Ø of Ordinary Ooff*" 680Cgi68 AMD h VF.TtYVTHER^ I I CUMBERLAND CLUED HAMS, CUMBERLAND CURED BACONi PRIME AMERICAN CHEESE. REDUCTION IN PRICES THIS WEEK AT THE POOL-STREET MARKET, CARNARVON, EE-OP: NING OF THE VICTORIA HOUSE, BANGOR-STREET, CARNARVON. OD. JONES, of the Bon Marche, desires • to announce that he intends to opeu the above premises next Saturday, March 10th, with a New and Extensive stock of DRAPERY GOODS. He invites the attention of all householders to pay a visit to the VICTORIA HOUSE, DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR-STREET, CARNARVON. POTATOES FOR SALE. CHANGE your Seed, and plant early to se- C cure a heavy crop free tr"w ai.,e,se. Sample Bag of 1121bs of either of the following varieties will be sent carriage paid IbRe, gratis,, to any Station or Address within tail delivery in England or Wales, on receipt of P.O O.. or Cheque for 10s and address. Sutton's Majuum Scho. 1- master, and Myatt's Early Ashle-f. E-ev> lot is in prime dr" bnsj-ht conditnnacd handp rk^d to seed Bize. Cheaper by the ton or trunk load. J. T. SMITH, Potato Merchant, B 1714-612 WISBEOH, Cambridgeshire XL MAIL sp <§> rr— < LIVEBPOOL -TO NEv.r YORK & 330S11035T EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. This Company has been established fOl Forty Years, and is noted for its Safety and Comfort for all classes of Passengers. Apply to the CUNARD STEAM SHIP COMPANY, Limited, Liverpool, Or to their AGENT,-WM. J. WILLIAMS, Market-street, Carnarvon. Intebmkdiatb PASSAGE, Y,8 Sa ST ERA.OE, X4 4s A M B B I O A N L I N « UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA. "lABY WflDNBSDAT AND ALMRNAM SATURDAY Firet-clase, full-powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers equal to an. ^PaSgS^and Goods landed at Philadelphia )0 the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad THE gHOJRTBST AND BEST ROUTB TO THB WBOT. Apply to RICHARDSQN, SPENOE & 00., 17 4 19, Water-street. Liverpool. LOCAL A CENTS.—W. J. Williams, aocretarr North Wales Quarrymen's Union, 7, jlarket- frAot Carnarvon; John Foulkes, U, High-street Oarnarvon; R. G. Robertis, Rock Cottar Oreigiatc 0> 9..?'7 '77 if HEALTH. TONE, AND VIGOUR TTTTS preparation Is pronounced by _tte most eminent members of the Medical Prnfeasion to be unequalled for its power in re- Dleniskintf the vitality of the body, by its supply- Fne all the essential constituents of the bloo». a»d nerve substance, and for developing all the powersand functions of the system to the highest degree. It re- moves pimples blotches, puriies the blood, gives now life ^<>und and refresning sleep '• > restores the con- Hie, bouu d vigour in a short time. Sold "a. M. M. u'.»d by most c address carriage paid, on 4 Cc- 1H High" "oAU'nON-Aat for"sii A.tl«y Coowr. Vital take any other. »It ia qt7aLIty taeafflicted ess prioe is put fo Afren —Barclay andSons, ^rt€~nC5Ttreet Loudou.t0and aU the Wh lesulo 96, FVr u-street, uou«* » 44— Honaes. ———— ]\/rACNIVEN &> CAMERON S PmtS a^e^^ct^^fand ite Waverley Pen.- ^"ffaXk'^or^a^ouUheWorlJ Also THE HINDOO PENS, ^"•b1^tfs *u Rnwimcn bosea, containing1 a-ll the nun, j.1} 6PS. O/P^O AND PenkoUbr*, 17MT^ ato 33. Blair Street. >' 17TO"' — OLE UliAMMAB SCHOOL, UXBlilDliE-SUUAKE OAUINAHVON. ESTABLISHED FORTY YEAR3. I I CONDUCTED BY JOHN G. DAVIES I (Under-gr ;duate of the University of London, late Scholar of the University College of Wales, I I and Prize Essayist of the New Shakspeare Society). PUPILS are afforded a thoroughly sound and liberal education at a moderate cost. By j graduated cwur.se of instruction, f equently tested by examinations, they are carefully antr su j prepared for professional or commercial life. English, in its several branches of Grammar, Com i q I ,H ifcu-ry, aLd Literature, is m«de a special subject of study. The senior ciassfs are presented at I Papils* E xau.ina/ions of the Rovn'ColJpge o? Preceptors every Midsummer and Christmas. The Quarter-dajs for this Half-year ttre January 23rd and Auril 30 h. A N G L I' S E Y I! R A 0 H. STATE ENT of Receipts and Expenditure of the Anglesey Francli of the Eoyal National Life B'.at Instituti on, irorn 1st Januaiy to 31st D-cesaber, 18^2. DATE. £ s- D. 1882. RECEIPTS. To AnDnal Subscriptions 80 1 6 Doliatio-s — 4 19 6 Chfq^p- rec- from Parent 111- stitution, as fillows Feb. 8 25 0 0 16 1-5 0 Nov. 5., ..100 0 0 COLLECTIONS. Rev 1. Warren Trt \or, M.A, Pen- men inci Llarsfaea Cunrches 25 0 0 Rev R H. Williams, Llansidwrn Church 1 5 4 Rev I.eter Jones, Llanddora 0 10 0 Hex per Mrs Piatt, Williars-Bulk- e'ey Arms H )tel. Beamt aris.0 8 9 Box. S S Y icht Pandora, per W. M. Prtsi^jii, E-q 1 18 2 Box per Mr T. Morgan, Garth Ferrv 0 1 8 Box per Mrs Humphreys, Victoria Hotd Meni i IJridge 0 12 0 i lox otr Mr Huah Jones, Brooms- grove. 0 12 6 Box per tVosel Marshall, Towvn Lodfp, H Lhead 0 12 7 Box per C.sti-Hotel, Au.!w<-h.05 0 T p,trt of Cheque from Owners of Hope 6 15 0 To Stales of Life Boat Set mons.08 0 Bahwce due to Treasurer 49 19 9 £ 315 4 Q 9 -DATIC. S. D 1882. EXPENDITURE. By Paid Balance due to Treasurer as per last year's Account 16 14 9 Pe- men. per W. M. Preston, Esq., Hon. Sec 35 8 7 M ,elfre, per R..v J W. Eva-s, do. 24 3 9 Bull Bay, per T. F. Evans, Epq., do. 21 6 0 Cemmaes, per KevT, Lloyd Kvifin,no 21 8 0 Camlyn, per Mr W. WLlmms, do. 28 9 10 Rhoscolyn, per J. H. Piatt, Esq do. 29 4 7 Rhosneigr, per Vlr J. W. Huws, do. 33 2 2 LJanod.yn, perJ. JackBoR, E-q., do. 35 6 2 Tile Bo,,t Jotirr,al iind Sermons 13 12 6 Advertising and Printing 13 1 0 Incidental Expends 11 12 5 w .lECK REWARDS. Penmon Crew (Pilots included) ser- vicas to slo p Hove G 15 0 Contractor Balance due en old Life Boat H,.use and Slipway atPeumoB, as perReceipt transmitted to Parent Institution 2;) 0 A JE31549 VH £ y FOR INDIGESTION. A TRADE MARK. 0.4 JUU[ í LE P r LLS are confi'lcuiltf recommended as a simple Remedy for Judhjcat-on, which is the cans" of nearly all the diseases to which tee are subjectt lei u if a medirine so iniifirm'y j('a;efnl (Juli beneficial, that it in with justice called the "VIr/lira I Strew;thener of the Unman stomach. "J.VOUTO,v'S PILLS" act as a jJlviEnjiÛ Ionic and gentle aperient; are mild in their operation, mfe under any circumstance*, and thou*a»dx <f persons can now hear test imollY to the benefits to be (ieri >•'■ from their use, as hry have been a nevtr-jauing Family Friend for vj) {cards of 50 years. Sold in Bottles at Is. 11d., 2v. Uti., and lis. each, by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. CAUTION. A>h for WORTON'$PILLS. tend do ?i,d be persuaded to mirchase an imitation. Fili e 9 two Bell's Patent Life Pills 'and Ointment IT is calculated that if every reader of this Paper kept a B* x and Pot of the above teady fit hand they would save en an average 14 each in Doc tor's Bills every year. Of all Chemist* Is l £ d and 2s 9d, or Poet Free for 15 and 36 Stamps from W. BKLL & CO Reading, Beiks. B "gRTD^E HOUSE SCHOOL, CHESTKR PRINCIPAL J. MATHER, B.A., Trinity College, Dublin. (Classical Honors. The advantages offered at this school arA liberal diet, moderate terms, successful preparation for examination, oarticular attention to backward boys. Dsties resumed Wednesday, July 26th. erms on ap"l'Cfltion 47 For Cure of Dewn Draughts in Chimneys. Tke only Chimney Top you cannot blow down 1 HE VROWN." Especial cara has been t" ken in the manufacture o he above to leav., a perfectly free passage for th« Sweeper's Machine and to prevent blow down, without the least interference with the easy ejection of the volume of smoke. The Crown" Chimney Top is constructed of strong Galvanized Iron and being fire proof it is sure to last. Manufactured by JAMES GREEN. HIGH KTREET, DENBIGH TOWYN TILE WWiKS '& PIPE WORKS FORYD, near A BERGELE. LAND DRAINING PIPES from Ii inches to 1 JLj 6 inches always in stock, wh:ch are made of the best selected Clay, free from Limestone: larger sizes made on the shortest notice. The Works hare a siding adjoining the Chester and Hoi j head Railway are near Feryd Pier, Rhyl, where sailing Vessels caa be loaded. The abeve Works are nearer to Anglesey and Carnarvonshire by many miles than any other works in the district. For prices and particulars apply to the Owner. J. WILLIAMS, B 1371-494 T»wyn Tilerv, Abergele. CHEESE! CHEESE!! CHEESE! or, I I Vu w 41.. VX7"HII>E many of the Cheshire farmers have Xf given up making Cheese, owing to American competition, and, consequently, the demand for super- or Cheeee is much in excess of the supply, the Farmers of the Yale of Clwjd have been busy, and the famous Dairies of Kilford, Twysog, and Lleweni have turnfo out large quantities of exceptionally good qualitv which we can offer at very moderate prices. Weiphta, from 451bs to 701bs. Orders by post immediately attended t JOHN HUBERTS AND CO. THE STAR," WHOLESALE AlIllJ RETAIL PROVISION STORE HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH. DR. O. W. JONES D.D (AM.), L.D.S., F.P.S.G, DENTAL SUR3EON, MAHKBT-PLA E.BANGOR REQUIRES a Well-educated Youth as an API RENTIOE He will have a good opportu- nity to learn High-class Dentistry. O. W. Jones is at Llangefni on Thursday in Lied wgan-road on the way to the County Conrt. ^aM(JEL ft van 8, ARVONIA BUILDINGS, BANGOR. Corn, Flour, Seed, Hay, Straw, and Oil cake Storer. AOBNT FOR— Spratt's Patent Meat "Fibrine" Dog OaTres. The Manchester Prize Cattle Food Company The Gloucester specific for Foot Rot in Sheep. The Liverpool, Chef hire, and North "W dies Patent Manure Company. Messrs Richardson Brothers and Co., Linseed Crushers and Manure Manufacturers, Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Galway, and Sligo S- E will be pleased to send quotations upon pplicaticr. Tidings of Comfort and Joy. The Marvellous Cure for Corns and Waits, FEiiSUCAOlNE (REGISTERED). Is guaranteed to remove the most painful OORN OR WART In a few daya, without pain or inconvenience RBCOMMENDBP BY PHYSICIANS AND S -RGiiONS. The following unsolicited Testimonials have been sleeted Walton Liverpool, August 21, 1882. Mr Hughes, Sir,-The V-'rrvcacine reached here on Sat- urday; ei closed are stamps for postage. Kindly send half-a-dozen more battles to the above ad- dress I must add that the Verrxjcacinb is a most marvellous cure for cerni, and I am sure my friends will fully apprecate it. Enclosed is P. 0.0 Your" truly, Ellesmere, Salop Nov. 22, 1882. Sir,-I enclose postage stamps value Is 3d Will you please send me per return of poet another bottle of VERRucAciNR. I am very much pleased with it, and can highly recommend it; as I believe by ufing it a few more times will entirely remove my corns.- Y oure respectfully, Mr R. D. Hughes. A Solititor writes 12th December, IRR2 Dear Sir,-Will you please send ma three bottles of your Vbrrucacine. It is the greatest bless- ing I ever came across. I want these bottles for fuerds.—Yours truly, ¥i D- f.u8hea' Medioal Hall. Denbigh Sold by all Chemists at 134d with ful directions and Testimonials, or by r os for 15 Stamps from the Inventor, R. D. HUGHES, OPERATIVE CHEMIST Medical Hall, DENBIGH. the London and Liver poo a tent Medicine FIo-i BrffDchm^— cure Coueli*. cine is bo effectual y that nacthcr mwdi- Qne Lozenge alone th**e d>n*c'*»K* maladies, rest. Tor\Ju^Jir^Juf' 0Be.« two at bed time enaurea valuable,Thev ?f breathiug they are ia- tko<n/ to "a. ^31°' '■ 1 I PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. l NANT HEILYN, NEAR BEAUMARIS I MR. JOHN PRITUHARD is favoured with instructions from the Rev. J. Willia m- Meyritk to let by Public Auction, about by middle of March (unless tue same be let the private treaty for which early offers axe requested) on the premises, N*nt Heilyn, Llangoed, Beau, maris, about 56 Acres of the richest grazing ami on the premises, N "nt Heilyn, Llangoed, Beau, maris, about 56 Acres of the richest grazing ami arable land in the county from the day of sale up I to Nov. ]2th atter which will be sold the wholo of the valuable Live and Dead Stock. Bod-hyfryd, Bangor. a 619-1732 VAYNOL HALL FARM BANGOR. IMPORTANT TO BUTCHERS. MR JOHN PR1TCHARD has been honoured with the instructions of G. W. D. Assheton-Smith Etq., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ou the premises, at the Home Farm, Vaynol, near Bangor, on Thursday. March 15th! 1883, 10 G) and Prime Fat 4 years old Welsh Ballo ka of heavy weight and superior quality, 60 wed-t'ed Mountain and Anglesey Wedders, and 10 splendid Porkers. One week's keep wi I be allowed. Kale to commence at 1 p.m. punctually. Bodhyfryd, Banger. B 1715—fil3 BETHESDA. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD INVESTMENT. A,T R JOHN PRITCHARD will Sell by 1*1 Public Auction, at the Victoria Hotel, Bethesda, on Saturday, March 10th, 1883, at 4 p.m., prompt, subject to conditions of sale to be there and then read, All that well built Freehold Dwelling-house and Premises, situate and|known as N). 10 Gerlan road, Bethesda, late in the occupation of Mr John Owen Jones, decedsed. It comprises the following accommodation, viz.: 2 good kitchens, 3 bedrooms, and a large garden, which is very valuable as a building site. For further particulars apply to)be Auctioneer. Bod-hyfryd, Bangor, or to Messrs Hughes and Pritchard, solicitors, Bangor. Bod-hyfryd, Bangor a 1730-b CITY OF BANGOtt. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD BUSINESS PREMISES. MR JOHN PRITCHARD will Sell by Pub- lic Auction, at the V»juol Arms, Bm por, on Friday, Ap I 6th, 1883. at 1 pm, for 130 p.m. preoisel all that Valuable Freehold Com- er Dwelling Bouse, Shop and Prtmi es, situate in High-street and James-street, Banpor, lor up- wards of 30 years in the o cupation ot M Meshech Roberts, Chemist, at a rental of £ 60 per annum. The propertv has a frontage of 21 feet, 9 inches, to High-street and 62 feet To James street, !1nd comprises a spaci us Shop with underneath Cellar, 2 Kitchens, ,2 Entertiiug-raoms, 5, Good Bed- rooms, 2 Dressing-rooms, 3, Attics, and a L rge range of Warehouses and Out-Offices. The above offers a good opportunity to paities desirovs of obtaining good business premises in the Town.. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Bodbyfryd, Bangor, or Messrs Hug es ind Pritchard Sol'c'tors, Ban go-. B 629-1714 MENAI BRID +E, ANGLESEY. THE CADNANT WRITING SLATE WORKS. MR JOHN PRITCHARD will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION (by Order ,.f the Mortgagees), without reserve, on the premise*, on Wednesday, March 14th, P 83, at one o'clock p.m precisely, the unexpired term of the lease 0; the business premises situate at Cadnaut Meuai Bridge, and known as THE OADNANT WRITING SLATE WOHKS carried on for some years by Mr Walkce. The situation of the propsrty is very advantageous ior the conduct of »n extensive slate business, ax the raw material can be brought into the yard by w trr, thus saving a considerable amount in (-art- ag0"J TTnp*P«ed term, 14 years, which can if de- sired be extended to 50 years. Ground rent £ 14 per annum. The property will fl at rf all be offered in one lot as a toing concern, and if not disposed of the lease will be tiold separately, and the excellent machinery in lots in the usual way. The machinery briefly com- prises A SPLENDID TEN-HORSS POWER nOR 1ZONTAL ENGINE, with vertical boiler by Leather Matthews & Co with dnvinr pear. Pullies, Line, Shafts &o Planing Tables, Pegging Machines, Kdjring Machines, with appliances for round coders, patent hoist Framing Tables, Flat Cutting, Mor- ticing. Grooving. Drilling, Mitring and Rubbing Machines, Circular Saws. Six Horse Power Port- able Steam Engine by Clayton and Shuttleworth Lorries, Snwing Table with log carriage, Tron Winch, Chain and Rlocks, Iron Tram Rails, Water Wheel, a large Wood builuing, Iron Water Pip. hlg &C. ■d ^f"rther particulars apply to the auctioneer Bod-hyfryd. Bangor, or to Messrs Hughes and rritchard, solicitors. Bangor. 1) 1728 c NORTH WALES. ON THE BANKS OF THE MENAI STRAITS. SALE OF A DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED FREEHOLD MARINE RESIDENCE. MRJOHN PRITCHARD has been instructed Ap'UM1883 iLfy1' B:4De°r-*n Friday, the sixth day of snbi"rt known aa^ Charmin* Freeh°H Marine'Residence BRYN-Y.MENAI, atandint? in its own grounds on a geotle elevation en the Anglesey side, overl.okiDg and dose to the M-nai Straits (the, Phine of North Wa,fa). The Mansion, which is substantially bui.,t, in good repairs, a d all the in er»ia arrangements replete with every comfort eqai-distant from B.-autnaris a d Menai Bridge' and situ>it^ in H w 11-sheltered position with Southern aspect. It. commands free and miiBterrupted vipws of some of *hf, most magnificent and pieturepque acnerv in Wales, including th Snowdonim Rang^ of Monn- tains from the Rivals to the Or ne's Head. The ac»mmodation comprises lofty Dining, Drawing A Bill ard-rooms, each 24 ft. by 18 f SmolfM Library, Ante-room. 9 B d and Dressing■ m Servants' Bedrooms, 3 Store Closets 2 p„„ f.' Kitchens. Pantries, Scnll ries, Coach-house an.i -^t 1?i ine, Vinery, Gr.en-house ^d K-tchen G„rden TV. erounds are well arranged and tasteful 1„ 1 Menai Bridge and Beaumaris have daily COmmn ?U with Liverpool *y Steame- an residence twice dail* from Bangor a, <1 » P^ fthe corneetion wth the LoBHon at/ln Railway, and Nnng within thrtu* th- G ,rth Ferry, makei it with n/a'k °I the city of Bai g »r. 3y distance of Ob.™* ™ ,hi" peti ion, t*e present is an J 1 P com- secorio^ one of tH* •?pp0rtnf'1^: o{ on t Menai S aits delightfully bituate mareiouB Platis %sci pmrri(!nIELrm are in of apd be ohtainM (wit., cards to view) of the Atic- Bhngor; M' 8srs and Prichqri. :Solici'ors and of M-8!lr8 I k,"b M*a?,; £ riu PRELIMINARY A N Not N CEMENT. TOWN OF i^ARVON. important TO Parties furnishinq AND OTHERS. JOHN PKITC3ARD has bren ii strue- 1 t'-e Kcpre;-ei,Tat v s ot tie kte Owen Jones, Esq.,deceased, to Se 1 b PublL; Auct on.cn preenises.t^e C.>stle-quHre, Cam »von, on T«.c^y iiid Wedne-Jay, April 3rd and 4th, 18*°, t: 6 u 1 Valuabe Ant qne -.nd Modern H use- held FurLiture, C.-rri-tge. aud other effec ts. I'Q h fryd, Bangor. R 628 1750 TO BE SOLD. AD3G CART, equal to LCW, and Waggon- u tte, with Sha.-t, l"Jo o, a d Bar. suivfable lÚl ort will cttiry 10 a. th dtiv r. The t;Fr-,er liu1. 18 use for tat-i: — .• pply to the Porth YT- Aui a uage iVorks," amuivon. E 6í7 FOR TidE BENEFIT OF WHOM IT MAY CuN iEKST. A CAR30 of Potatoes, ex Elizabeth, will tiold by Puhl o Amt-ou, ot No. 5, Corn Hill» Portmadoc, on Tuesday,the 13(, insr., at 2 o'cl. tk in the afternoou.—Joseph CAPPOCK, Master ct El.zabtth. K 625 CAiiiS AB,VOJ» A D PORT DIN Oi& V'/IO- Nos. 32, 3-j, 36, 38 40, 42, and 44, VICTORIA- STREET, {WTHILL. Nos. 8, and 10, NmRTH EM'RlLLT. TAN'B^LLT COTTAGE, PORTDINORWICV With Garden nnd Ou;-buildings. MR JOHN THOM -.S has received instruct- ions to c-eil t* e abov.j attractive ^nd valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Caruarvon, on b*tur<iay, March loth, 1883, at Three o'clock in the aft •. 110 n, prompt. Tl;e7 newiy-erected Dwelling houses in Victoria- street, Carnarvon, are held uuder a lease of the Coed Helen Estate for a t.:rm u1 75 years from last MicheLubs Vay,m, the snitt ground rent of £ 1 per hL use, and were iiurne'liwteh taken by tenants. The two Houses, Nos. 8 ttnd 1U, Nort". Pen. 'ralir, are held uuder a lease frofu the Vaynel Estate,of whicii about 63 yeiri are u-iexp r» d, nntl produce an annual gr ss ,r;-ntdl of £32, although let ccusicerab y be ow thdl vnlue. Tan'rallt Cottage is a do iglltfnlly situated res- idence clote to tLe old T'u!j;ik-Gae at Port- diuorwic, w;th Gfirdens^a d Out-bu;ldings, and in held ior tie 1 ves oi tw.. p rbous. -g-d respectively ti9 and 45. frum the Coed Hel u Estaro, at aa annual ground rent of JBi 'Os. The pr..disss are worth £25 a year. All the pr. mises are tenanted with good tenunts, which the proptrtiea wjll always command. Paiticulara and conditions of s le may be ob- tained at the Offices of tne Auctioneer, Castle Ditch, or of MESSRS TURNER, AL A\SO AND EVANS, Solicitors, 5, BAKGOR-.S i'HE CT, CAftN AHVOH WORTHY THE NOTIOE OF ALL. 7 JE20 PER ct,,N,r. INTEUEST NEW STEAMSHIP. 1. The Shares for our steamship Anne Tlwmas were taken up so rapidly that wh have contracted for anothei, to be ready for seit in D comber, 1883. The coat of the steamship being < £ 27,C'1U. 2. This st'iauriship wiHhe of th best construction.ly the celebrate" ship builders Aleasra Palmer and (jo.t Jarrow-on-Tyne. It is of great ita ortance to the shareholders who are tho Id >rs of a ship, bacanso the true value of a ship, like that of a house, depends upon its ctiuKt.uc.tion. Tae uaoie of tbis steamship ycll be Eat, Thomas. 3. We Cali promise with the greatest confidence that this steamship will pay about £ ^0 per cent, perhaps more. Whilst Bailing vessel, to a gr at decree ftre oat of d-ite, and pay little or scarcely any in erest, steam. ships pay belter tbau ever. EVtLJ when trade was very dull, the s eam^hips of Cardiff were paying, as a rule, about X20 per cent. per anuuoi. We paid our share- holders the last-half year, eniiog Dj. ember, 1882, at the rate of £:H 10s per cent. 4. The bonks are open at the office at all times !Cc the inspection of shareholders, and the Policy of Insu- rance may always be seen, to prove that there ettn be no loss through a shipwteck. 5. The shares will be .£100 each, and to be all follows:— .8 a. Õ. 1 0 0 on application for sba-re. 49 t) 0 December 1st, 1883. 12 10 0 in another bix months, 12 10 0 ditto do. 12 10 0 ditto do. 12 10 0 ditto do Thus the Bhare will be paid up in two years. Bat the interest will be paid on the whole from the com- mencement, viz., December, 1883. Thus making it eonverreat for all wko h<n< littie mtney to invest. 6. It is understo >d thht we do not charge any com- mission for the builiing of the vessel,which is the usual custom. The vessel will cost the shareholders the same ilmount as we are oblige-A to pay the haiiders, via., *27,(500 This will be au immense advantage to the sharehollers to commence. Toe payment to us after this will be X2 It s per cent, upon all the profits of the brokerage, &e. going to the shareholders We espec- ially wish to ilruiV the attention of the sharelkolders to these conditions, and compare them with theoonditicaa of other firms. 7 The interest will be divid- d after every voyage, so that the shareholders will know from month to month what the profits of the vessel are. 8. The vessel will be on the principle of the Limited Liability Company, aud we shall be the principal shareholders in it. FURTHER ADVANTAGES. 1. Every information will be found in the prospectas. or by writing to us, stub as -bo names of the baiklers. cost of the vessfl, the construction of the vopael, &e., &c., wtue^ usaallv is not fo, "d in ur^spectuses. We are e^irou8 for all to know "ae whole partieulars. 2 Aaothrr great, advantage it tbat the payment for "•naga-nent is so low, whilst we charge no commission on the buudiag of the vessel. All who are conversant with thei-e things know that this is an immeaae ad- vantage, 3. No one need fear los ng their money, becacse the ship will be insured to its full value, in case of ship- wreck, all accid nts, and al-oany negleet on the part of the captain. Sometimes these are neglected, but for the Bake of stroug security to the shareholders, the policy willialways be sbow. in the office, 4 Weai e fnllj conversant with shipping affairs,an< know all the principal port. and mauy of the principal trudel's in Etlgand and on the Continent have taken sh .res in our vessels, and send daily for shares in tko Kate Thomas. 5. All are Welcome to mttkc icquiries as to on* charackr ln Cardiff or at tne National Provincial Bank of Euglind, Card ff, Bi i^end, ..u..d Dolj^elley. 6. Aayoue desiring for one or more shares, bliould write tdo us as below. Write soon for shares. EVAN THOMAS, RADC^IFFE & CO., BCTB CHAMBBRS, Cahdift. A LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION. I know Oapt Evan Thomas and Mr Radcliffe wel), and I have eve y confident u tueir ability audhontsty. They are not p ople to p-ornise what tbey cannot per- form. Manyof u»; fri.nds are shareholders with them, already. (SigB'd), J. ClJiDDyu.AN JoNBB, Ricuinond crescent* QMtU&