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epitome OF news. I Mn. G SA^U ,GEOI^B LATHAM, of Broad WALL Hall, Liberi^A' Wl^ proposed by the Mid-Cheshire t,SSOC'l!1 contest that division in their in- e'ec;ion, caused by the elevation of tha Hon. tion vii1111 ^srtQn, M.P., to the peerage. The associa- •E Bio f rnec'- and submit this proposal immediately after tte faneral of Lord Egerton. Wn^' P°^tical campaign at Newcastle has just Conp -i.rouS'lt to a clo.-e, as far as public speaking was fcirci* T ^r* J°'ln Morley addressed a meeting in the Jjy Q.8' *e largest hall in the city. He was supported if '"r'd Law s on, M. P., Mr. George Howard, M.P., • U1t, M.P., Mr. stuart Kendel, M.P., and others. ttwnT a meetinS ratepayers held at Galway t}je re"°lved to request Mr. John Orrell Lever, one of jgQ ?™'JCrs for the borough, to resign liis seat. A »paJSUl0n to t1lat effect was drawn up and signed by v six hundred electors. I "Wi.i STA'r:RJn-:xT having appeared in a Liverpool ,-7 Parer that Lord Beacon-field had on his death Lord pi'1* recc''VCl-l into the Roman Catholic Church, I inqui • John Hamilton, in c«,sequence of -many } Lordp63 *r0R1 ^'s constituents in Liverpool, wrote to tlntil ,v?w^on' W:,s in close attendance on his lordship State is deatli, asking if there was any truth in the I is ah"1*!11*' ^or< How ton has replied that the statement | So'uteIy devoid of any foundation. 1 inco ?KLK(inA-Ji from New York states that the E Sery01' ateam<,rs report furious -weather at sea. The j dam't WaS tllree <laJ'3 hitc, and sustained considerable I Ctt*1^6' ^eshles having six of her seamen disabled. The i her ?j Paris also had a perilous voyage, and three of • sailors were badly injured. ? Sirp Westminster Police-court, London Win- er°^ Shelley, Hamilton Aide, and Mr. Horace inst n aPPeared to answer summonses issued at the WithUCe- l'ie Con. Slingsby Bethell charging them Shell ^lV'n £ unlicensed performances at Sir Percy (jays e.-v 8 Theatre on the Chelsea Embankment on three dentsIQ ^ecem^er l.tst, t» the annoyance of the resi- Mr. d'Eyn court, at the conclusion of the Be cn\9< dismissed the summons against Mr. Wigan. ShellC°n ^ered the charges proved against Sir Percy P€nah^ and ^r* *f:ln,iIton Aide, and imposed nominal I Costs +eS °f one shining in respect of each offence, tha jji 0 afterwards determined. ;■ j>tjn is given that his Iioyal Highness the lev^Ce ales will, by command of the Queen, hold a Mon]^ J;lnies's Palace, on behalf of her Majesty, on tjje a-v' the 12th of March next, at two o'clock. It ia een 3 pleisure that presentations to his -Royal High- Bent ^le l(;Vt^G shall be considered as equivalent to pre- > t to her Majesty. tat' T °ne 0'c^0ck in the morning some conster- Cov °n WaS created 111 the House of Commons by the dis- Out6^ a stran £ Ter in the gallery with his hat on. The ten^'1"6 rerna'ined unchecked for some time, the at- ants being under the impression that he was a new that* v Wheu 011110(110 order the stranS';r explained hat Saw gentlemen down there wearing their i, rp'antl 110 thought the custom might be general, j,. 1112 directors of the Scottish Metropolitan 're Assurance Company have issued a circular to the areholders, advising the winding-up of the company, the approval of an agreement to transfer the business Caledonian Company. The company have lost alt-K 0n their operations during the past year, and bough that is probably no reason for giving up busi- ess, the directors recommend the action now proposed, view of the excessive competition which has arisen *^ring the past two years, and the way in which pre- rates are being forced down to an unremunerativ« Point. By the agreement the Scottish Metropolitan Bhareholders will on June 1 receive Caledonian shares in •^change for their present stock at a price calculated to J^eld five per cent. The Metropolitan Life Association 13 Dot affected by this arrangement. AT the Police-court, Newbury, thirteen or fourteen persons, chiefly roughs, were recently prosecuted by the police for riotously assembling in the public greets. Mr. Lucas appeared to prosecute, and in his open- lrig address said the justices had before them the members the Skeleton Army, and he asked whether they were kind of persons who should le permitted to disturb the public peace as it had been disturbed on several recenl J^casions. Latterly the Salvation Army had held meet- ^S8 in the streets, and while walking to their barracks 2^ere followed by the members of the Skeleton Army, ho yelled and shouted along the entire route, attracting 0f pCOp]e an(j rausing serious disturbances. Mr. e'eher, ivho appeared for two of the defendants, con- _lded that the Salvationists themselves were the cause the excitement and noise. All the defendants were °Und over to keep the peace. -Patrick E-OUEKE, fireman, aged 40, was lately °cked up at North Shields for being drunk and dis- rderly. Subsequently Thomas Leithead, a young man J y^ra of age, was placed in the same cell on a similar <*rge. They were visited at certain times by an officer, at two o'clock in the morning his suspicions were ^"sed by liourke lying so quiet. He thereupon *^mined him, when he found his throat covered with Ood. The police surgeon was immediately sent for, and c exaruining liourke found the jugular vein completely h j trough and several wounds on the face. Rourke been dead some time. It is believed Leithead 35 suffering from delirium tremens when he committed murder. IHE division on Mr. Gorst'S amendment was fo/ pure]3r P''»rty character, the Conservatives voting p amendment, and the Liberals voting with the 0vernment. A large number of Conservatives, how- 8* er' le^t the House without taking part in the divi- f a- The majority of the Parnellities also abstained Xt0 £ > voting. I Duke of Albany has consented to lay the Qndation stone of the new building of the Birkbeck terary and Scientific Institution, London, on Monday, APnl 23rd. JI'HE operation of the new Vagrancy Act has n So eff ectual that at the Hawarden Board of Guardians *i 6 Jester reported that the number of vagrants entering a»!- se llui'ing the past fortnight had only been eleven, &ainst seventy-seven for the corresponding period last trn^" shocking ACCIDENT has occurred on the amv;ly) Huddersfield. A lad, aged about 15 years, ■crossing the road at the same time as the tiam dir"111? ancl omnibus were approaching in opposi Before he had time to get out of the way j„ eng'ne ran half over him before it could be stopped. er. and planlis had to be procured in order to raise the t,me before the body could be got out, and on its It rery it presented an awfully mutilated appearance. that the lad, watching the omnibus, did notiee the approach of the tram. some time past a series of very extensive in Ar has been committed at the different railway stations j'. RIanchester. Both the Manchester, Sheffield and "^lnshirc and the North Western Railway Companies u *° Pfty large claims for goods which ha\e no cheu their destinations. The other day, however, a in.n "anie(l William Taylor was arrested as he was leav- y tho London-road Station with a parcel, and on hi atlf!'Sfe i;(;ir>g searched a large number of stolen articles art; ,0rt-F"one pawn-tickets referring to different ot | trial Were found- The Prisoner was committ ko^T,ra meeting of the directors of Messrs. Bolc- auShan and Co., Middlesbrough, it was decide ann d a dividend at the rate of lh per cent, per f0r the year ending Dec. 31 last, writing off > 00, and carrying forward £ 36,000. lVi^T the Police-court, Accrington, Arthur ■Wa! iainS' watchmaker, was charged with stealing a gold I!!Ch a«d guard. Prisoner carried on bus.ness at h\T^Um> a,"] in October a lady entrusted awatchto *nd ,r('I,air- The month following he left thc tcn eQ the shop was broken open subsequently the tch could not be found. Prisoner was remanded, constable intimating that other charges would be ^red against him. a s. LLOYD, of Skipton, to whom a ,an Waa addressed by Lady F Cavendish deprecating 2 expression which might savour of a desire for t^fance in reference t0 the recent murders, states that ter was not ilUerl(3e(i by her ladyship for publica- and that its insertion in the newspapers was un- ^thonsed by him, and was the result of >^dvertence FIRE recently broke out in the a h" l°n (ias Works. It originated from a spark dun g *etr!^ i.Wlncl flving upwards on to the dry ra tort house, while Mr. Caulk, the manager, f Retort. The volunteer fire brigade were quickly on the tim a?d owing to their exertions the fire, whic »SuSreatened to destroy the manager's house, was flubd,aea SiR H. WiMOT, BABT.,V.C.,C.B.,M.P., in one ^resence of a numerous and fashionable attendance, Pened a bazaar in aid of the building fund of the Derby- *n eaf and Dumh Institution at Deroy. It tran- Pired that there were 210 deaf mutes in the county, and ino? °n the borders. There were fifteen in the temporary j ltution, which was not capable of holding ten, an ti°thers would be there if there were accommotia- tioll for tliem-hence the necessity for a new permanent ( AT a point where it flows under the Midland Railway Station, Sheffield, the bed of th¡: '.iver Sheaf has falien in for a short distance, and water at the rate of 2000 to 3000 gallons a minute has been making its way into the workings of the Nunnery Colliery. THE thirteenth annual meeting of the District Institution of Gas Engineers has been held at the Koyal Institution, Manchester. The President-elect (Mr. East- wood, Batley), in the course of his inaugural address, re- ferred to the electric lighting mania, and said that, de- spite this gas still held its own, not only as the poor man's friend, but as the most economical and adaptable light for manufacturing purposes. Mr. C. E. Jones (Chesterfield) read a paper on The explosive properties j of coal dust, coal gas, and atmospheric air, with special reference to coal mines." j AT the County Petty Sessions, Bedford, four t boys, named Richard Shadbolt, William Joycock, Frederick Cox, and Henry Mitchell, inmates or the Bed- fordshire Reformatory at Turvey, were charged with stealing the keys of the front door. The keys were missed from the schoolmaster's desk, and were hid by either one or other of the prisoners. Shadbolt tirst stated that they were hid amongst the cabbages in the garden, then that they were thrown in the pond, and then that they were hid in a haystack. But they could be found in neither place, and they were eventually discovered by a lad in a trench in the field attached to the institution. At the request of the superintendent, the lads, having been in custody a fortnight, were handed over to his care. SIR RICHAKD CROSS, M.P., ex-Home Secre- tary, has, in response to a letter from the hon. sec. of the political committee of the Junior Conservative Club, definitely consented to visit Wolverhampton at an early dlT Grimsby, shortly after midnight, the Victoria Music Hall was discovered to be on tire. The brigade and police only succeeded in saving the surround- ing premises, which for some time were in immeaiate peril. The hall was totally destroyed, and the floors, gallery, roof, stage, and fittings reduced to a-dies. The damage is estimated at from JE4000 to JB5000. At a meeting of the Cocliermuth, Keswick, and Penrith Railway Company, held at Keswick, the bill for the proposed Buttermere Railway was considered. The chairman (Colonel Spedding) said they had nothing to do with private views as to the invasion of the lake district; what they had to consider was whether the new line would bring grist to their mill. Mr. Waugh, M.P., remarked that he li;d been amused at the objections to the railway which had appeared in the newspapers, and he ridiculed the idea that the country would be disfigured. Mr. Parkin, of Ullswater, contended that the line would destroy the beautiful scenery, and asked what passengers going to Buttermere would travel by way of Braith- waite, to be landed on the top of Honister Cragg. The motion in favour of the railway was carried by a large majority. AT Stoke-on-Trent in a semi-final tie match for the Staffo Challenge Cup, played by Stoke and Leek towns, a serious accident occurred. From the commence- ment of the game Stoke had decidedly the best of it, and Leek becoming deperate played most roughly. In one of their rough charges they made a violent attack upon the Stoke half-backs, and one of them, named Cox, being thrown, had his collar-bone broken. Two others of the Stoke players also got injured, but fortunately not seriously. Cox was takrn from the field by some of his comrades, and attended to by Dr. M'Aldowie, who pro- nounced his injuries of a serious nature. AT CHESTER, Henry Wickham, who gave no address, was lately charged with being a wandering lunatic. When in the ceils the prisoner was induced, only after much persuasion, to dress himself, as he de- clared that clothes interfered with his breathing. In the dock the prisoner delivered an oration about George Washington and Columbus, and also confidentially in- formed the magistrates that he hid married the hand- eomest woman in Philadelphia. He was then sent to the county lunatic asylum. Up to this point Wickham acted his part very cleverly, but at the asylum they recognised him as having been in that institution four times before. Mr. Fenwick, chief constable of Chester, then instituted inquiries, and discovered that prisoner had sojourned for short periods in ever forty county lunatic asylums. Wickham is now believed to be a thorough impostor, simulating madness in order to obtain better fare and treatment at the lunatic asylums than is to be obtained either in county prisons or casual wards. Two young girls named Sarah TVilkinson and Mary Ann Wilkinson, sisters, are missing from their home at East Ham, London. The two girls were fpr- in' merly in service at Chelmsford, but left their places soma time since, and nothing more has been heard of them. The mother, who is a widow, has made every inquiry, but has failed to ascertain their whereabouts, and it is feared that, being girls of prepossessing appearance, they have been decoyed away. The people with whom the girls were living when at Chelmsford state that they told them that when they left their places they were going to London. Sarah is stated to be of a dark and Mary of a fair comolev.i,n. Owing to the recent mysterious disappearance of girls at the neighbouring pansh on e t Ham the mother is in great grief, fearing the fate that has befallen her two daughters. A STABBING- CASE at the workhouse has re- cently occupied the attention of the magistrates at Brighton. It transpired that both prosecutor and pri- soner were inmates of the institution, and that the former, going into the shed in which the latter was working, called him by a nickname which was offensive to the prisoner, who threw a piece of wood at the o Tender. The prosecutor ran after the prisoner giving him a push. The latter turned round and stabbed the prose- cutor in the ear. A struggle ensued for the possession of the weapon—a clasp-knife-during which the prosecutor was stabbed by the accused. Assistance arriving, the litter was secured and taken to the police-station, and he is now committed to take his trial at the next Quarter SeWiTH RKFKHKNCE to the recent destruction v. ro of St Phillip's Mission Church, Tenby-road, Si, °"rd tb? B». P. P* M.A vie r Of St. Johns, Stratford, and others connected •/i iZ ehurch having a suspicion of incendiarism, i i:«„. tr* thp conviction, ot person ur P«OTS who maylw implicated to netting Or. to tfc.. building. 'iN "response to an appeal by Bishop Maolagan special collections have been arranged for throughoutthe diocese of Lichfield for the provision of funds necessary t0 endow the new see of Southwell. The new diocese will consist of the counties of Eerby and [Nottingham, with the parish and collegiate church of Southwell as the „thedral. The acreage of the new diocese will i 1*4 870 the population, according to last census ««Vs77 the benefices 465. The respective portions of v snnt dioceses of Lincoln and Lichfield thus taken Swill be remarkably eiual as regards the number of parishes White, who has been pAT CAR licG) for the murder OF Thomas SStSKBA. a iow part the city, TVtective-Semeant Jiickson. £ committee chosen at the recent confereno. to Chester, «» <—f met a. th. proposed university for ^orth Wales_ of Powia Westminster Palace Hotel, Lond j attendance, presiding. Of the J9 members 2Sw,re m beUer It was felt that the final settlement of the sHe, hP referred to arbitrators, who are to been meeting to be held in Chester during Whit week. £ mmittpp was appointed, on the motion < f M. • Shone M P., S collect subscriptions, uncondit.onal f cite The Earl of Powis was chosen chairman, wit *Liteht Hon G. O. Morgan, M.P., as vice-ohairman. the Right■ U^ony w Hud.on (Chester) were ^tTt Jasurei, with Sir R. A. Cuncliffe, M.P., Mr. W. SboncMr. J. B. Davies, and Mr. T. Mar chant WmiamV as hon. secretaries. The meeting, which WlU A,.pr nearlv four hours, was very unanimous Slit Nearly the whole of the members of rU<ment' for North Wales were present, the Bishops Parliament to several well-known repre- Of Bangor and St. Asapn^ana^ to the pIacefl eentative NmK_ thc honour of the site, the Conway already contest^ d t a site near that town. TTP niSxI^paper recently issned gives A e amount required in the year ending an estimate of t ie a the'expenses connected March 31 next, fo gbow8 tjjat the total is •with the Transvaal. £ 400,000 in the previous £ 14,000, as compared wltn 009 The heads of the financial year, a decrease with the annexa- estimateare £ 4312,_e1harg^ of commissions, £ 940 tion in 1877, £ 172(5 t'1XP £ 7022 liabilities of the late compensation awards, and £ 70^ Colonial Government. HOLLAND COODB, LIEUTKH-ANT WILLIAM liO been shot gecond son of General Coode, of Devo p^ received by dTd Irrmmo.tV1 "S to»«a »aa «««<»' «' SScol^ ^toUioTallyCisPunknown. The deceased, who was 24 yts of as £ entered the army four years age IT is expected that the Opposition will talre advantage of the report stage of the Address to complain of the conduct of the Government in reference to the motion for a committee of inquiry into the Kilmainham treaty or transactions. THE village of Ilillestad, one mile from Lund, in the district of Schoonen, has been destroyed by fire. Only thirty-two chimneys are left standing. FIGHTING continues between the Pondos and the Xesibes on the orders of Griqualand East, and a pitched battle between them of a sanguinary character is expected. ABOGT 3000 of the house-coal colliers in Dean Forest lately decided to resume work at the 10 per cent. reduction in wages. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in acknowledging the receipt of a portrait of Miss Jessie Ace, the heroic rescuer of two of the shipwrecked crew of the barque Prinz Adalbert, intimates that she is very pleased with the photo, both as a work of art and also as a memento of a noble act. The photograph was supplied at the express request of her Majesty. IT appears from a Parliamentary paper re- cently issued that the total amount of the loans which have been advanced to Irish railways through the Board of Public Works is £ 936,632. THE Waldensian reports that whilst on her voyage from Glasgow to Boston she passed a quantity of ice in latitude 43, longitude 50. A seaman named Malcolm was lost during a hurricane. In latitude 45, longitude 47, a field of ice has been seen extending beyond the reach of the e_ye. The British ships overdue include the Assyrian Monarch, the Gloucester City, and the State of Florida. THE French ( iovernment have determined to light forty of the most important lighthouses along the French coast by means of electricity. THE memorial of the clergy of the Church of England to the Bishop of London against the institution of the Rev. A. H. Mackonochie, late of St. Alban's, Holborn, to the living of St. Peter's, London Docks, which has received over 2500 signatures, has just been forwarded to the bishop. A supplementary list of signatures will be subseluently forwarded to his lordship. AFTER the meeting of the Roman Catholio Bislaops in London during Low Week, which succeeds Easter week, Cardinal Manning will leave England for Rome, where, as at present arrallged, he will remain about ois weeks. AN INQUEST has been held at Sonning, near Reading, on the body of John Sinderbury, age 47, a carman. As far back as January 30th last deceased left his home, at Tadley, in Hants, for the purpose of proceeding to Hurst, in Berkshire. On the following day his horse and cart were found in the water at Sonning, the floods having carried them there from Reading. Sinderbury's body has now been found in the Thames, near Reading. The jury returned an open verdict, believing that deceased drove into a swollen part of the river by mistake and was drowned. of the river by mistake and was drowned. THE Astronomer Royal, Greenwich, has issued the following New comet discovered in America by Brooks and Swift at llh. 5Smin. Greenwich R.A., 23h. 7min., dec. north 30deg. 28min. Motion, towards the East." AT the Police-court, Sevenoaks, William Wells, of respectable appearance, has been charged with assaulting Police-constable Froade whilst in the execu- tion of his duty on the previous Sunday. T' e constable wished to examine some parcels prisoner had in his possession, when the assault was committed. The Bench inflicted a fine of lis., including costs. AT Accrington, Alfred Baron, 32, has been committed for trial for stealing IPs. from a stall on the warket-ground. While the stall-holder was, getting change, prisoner swept off all the silver, and rnn away, but wa captured after an exciting chase. He has been thrice convicted for similar offences. SEVERAL BANQUETS to celebrate the Revolu- tion of February 21 have been held in Paris. The most notable were at Montrouge, five francs, and at Lac Saint Fargeau, where a fair dinner, with a. bottle of wine, was given for 3f.50c. At the latter a dead man, Baudin, killed on the Barricades, was voted honorary chairman. Several Radical deputies attended each banquet and made speeches. A CORRESPONDENT at Cannes states that Mr. Gladstone has been making an extended excursion along the sea coast with a party of friends. THE minority of fifteen in favour of Mr. Parnell's amendment to the Address consisted entirely of members of his own party. JOHN NASH, the banksman at the Severn Tunnel Works, through whose negligence it was alleged the accident occurred by which five men were killed, has again been charged before the Chepstow magistrates with manslaughter. Evidence was given that the accused had been cautioned on two or three occasions, when he had not put up the chain at the shaft, and the justices considering it a case of gross carelessness, committed the accused for trial. THE Lord Provost of Edinburgh has opened an exhibition in connection with the Edinburgh Branch of the Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensing- ton. Amongst other contributors to the exhibition are the Princess Christian, the Duchess of Buccleuch, the Countess of Aberdeen, the Countess of Hopetoun, the Countess of Strathmore, &c., besides a collection from the school of London. AN Electric and Art Loan Exhibition has been opened at Cambridge by Professor Stuart, the late Liberal candidate for the representation of the university, the exhibition being held in aid of the Working Men's Liberal Club which has been recently established there. Messrs. W. Fowler, M.P., and H. Shield, Q.C., M.P., and the Mayor of the borough took part in the proceedings. Amongst those present were Miss Helen Gladstone, the daughter of the Premier, and several of the leading members of the university. The exhibition is a very valuable one, and is expected to remain open two or three weeks. THE Ossuna Library contains seven thousand rare manuscripts and thirty-one thousand tolumes, which are even more interesting than the paintings, the noble armoury, the collection of furniture, tapestries, objects of art. china, and plate in the many residences of the nobleman whose extravagance and splendour surprised even the Imperial Court of Russia when the duke was Spanish Ambassador to the Emperor Nicholas. Ossuna's wealth formerly amounted to eleven millions sterling, and when he borrowed money the Ossuna bonds were quoted at par on the market at Madrid even up to a few davs before his death. THE death is announced at his residence, Nether Stowey, near Bridgwater, of Mr. H. Robertson, a justice of the peace for that division of the county. The deceased gentleman was trustee under the will of the late Lord Taunton, and has since had the management of the Quantock estate. AT the Borough Police-court, Bridgwater, Mr. James Perry, assistant collector of market tolls, has been summoned for having unlawfully upon his premises in a slaughter-house the carcase of a heifer in a diseased state, prepared for sale, and unfit for the food of man. The defence was that the meat was only intended for the food of pigs, but the medical officer of health on being told this remarked that the pigs must have very sensitive stomachs to require their food to be so carefully pre- pared. It was sworn by the witness that the beef was prepared in the ordinary way for sale, and defendant was fined Y,5 and < osts. AT the instance of the E»giish Minister, the Shah of Persia, recently abolished the special tax which has been levied for centuries upon Zoroastrians through- out Persia, the privy purse bearing the consequent loss to the revenue. The Shah also redressed other minor grievances and disabilities, in spite of the opposition offered to the change. Parsees are now on a footing of equality with Mussulmans. His Majesty has now pre- sented a site for the erection of the English Protestant chapel at Teheran. These instances of the Shah's personal liberality and generosity, and of the beneficent influence exercised by the British Minister, are note- worthy. A TELEGRAM from Matamoras, Mexico, stated that two lovers, whose parents were opposed to their marriage, bound themselves together with a rope, sprang into the river, and were drowned, the corpses being recovered an hour afterwards. The girl's age was 16. Her mother, on viewing the corpses, became crazed, and also sprang into the river and was drowned. THE Criminal Code (Indictable Offences Pro- cedure) 1883, Bill has been issued. It contains 131 clauses, divided into ten parts, which are entitled General Provisions, Compelling Appearance of Accused before Justice, Procedure on Appearance of Accused, Place and Mode of Trial, Indictments, Preferring Indict- ment, Trial, Appeal, Costs, Restitution, &c., and Repeal. The names on the back of the Bill are those of the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General, and the Attorney- j General for Ireland. S ELIZA SPENCH, wife of a shoemaker named George Spence, of Kettering, with whom for fifteen years she has been in the habit of working a portion of the week and spreeing" the other, went to Barton Seagrave, and after writing her name and address with a few illegible words concluding with God help me! on a slip of paper, which was found in her pocket, threw herself into the Ise Brook, and was drowned.







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