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EPITOME OF NEWS. MAlOR. PORT En., presiding at the (Thnrcu ast-oral Aid Socieiy meeting in Exeter. alluded to the probability of an Atheist being engaged in forcing his aj into the Ho'.si- of Commons at that very moment, and exPlP-cl surpii.«e that such a thing should be Possible- ;n Christian England. IV poster twelve yards of a wall at Mr. caver's nursery fell -without warning on Charles Birch, aged seven year.-1, and John Dodson, aged five. Birch when recovered was dead, and Dobsou has sustained severe lDJuries to the legs. THE Crewe magistrates have sent a woman Dained Elizabeth Smith for trial, for obtaining varions sums of money by selling coloured water as hair-oil J beautifully scented" The Tvantwich magistrates had already committed her husband for a precisely similar Coence. THE contumacious crofters have arrived in Edjiiourgh to surrender themselves to meet the charges brought against them. Their sympathisers made their departure an occasion for an enthusiastic demonstration. AT the Petty Sessions, Hinckley, a sailor named Scott, from Plymouth, was committed for trial on a charge of stealing a watch, and obtaining £ 1 by false Pretences. Prisoner obtained board and lodging from a man tinned Bedford, to whom he represented that he was detective. A T'RKSENT OF SWEETS, contained in beautiful •Japanese bo -;e% was sent by a Jadv to Madame Katti ■banner's children at Drurv Lane Theatre, London, on the evening of St. Valentine's Day. They were distributed *n the stage immediately after the dolls' dance, to the great delight of both the children and the audience. THE report circulated of the recent accident to Mrs. Akrecnon E!wes, while out with the Cotswold Bounds, was exaggerated and incorrect. Beyond a cut some bruises no harm has been done. PRINCE WITTGENSTEIN, who is at present Bokhara, has been instructed to invite the Ameer of okliara to attend the Emperor of Russia's Coronation. AT LIVE RPOOL the return of the expenses of ? raldidates at the recent Parliamentary election has een lodged at the town dork's office. The expenses of "M successful candidate, Mr. Samuel Smith, M.P., were 6019, and those of the Conservative candidate, Mr. A. ■*>. Forwood, £ 6010. IT has been agreed to jtbandon the municipal ection petition at Longton, with the consent of the Vueen's Bench Division, and on condition that Messrs. mney and Colc.'ough, aga nst whom the petition was issued, resign and pay the expenses. AT the County Court, Oldham, Andrew Gill- pride, has sued Mr. W. Walnisley, contractor, for personal ^juries. Walmsley was the contractor for tha erection of a large wall for the railway company at Werneth in October last. Large stones, weighing a ton, were hoisted position by a crane, secu red by dogs,' the plaintiff being engaged "in putting the stones in their places when they were lowered. As one utone was being lowered the doga slipped, and it fell on his foot, causing injuries from which he was confined to his bed three weeks. The SUm of .£25 was agreed upon as a compromise. AN inquest has been hald at Wells, Yorkshire, fcy Dr. Walton, the county coroner, on the body of Richard Scurrah, blacksmith, aged 63. The deceased, Who lived in a hovel near the village, not having been Been for several days, the ho ise was broken into by the police, who found him dead in bed. On the premises being examined upwards of L3000 was found upon a beam in the kitchen, and mortgage deeds for several hundreds pounds were also found in an old chest. As the man had no relatives the whole of the money will go to the Crown. A BOARD OF TRADE inquiry into the wreck of the screw steamer Largo Bay has been held at North Shields. The vessel drove ashore during a severe gale Off Marbella Bay, Spain, and was wrecked. The Ceurt considered that the fteamer had lot sufficient steam power to make headway at the- time, and finding Captain Brown and Thomas Marshall, ih(: chief engineer, in default, suspended their certificata for three months, but recommended that in the case of the captain he should have a chief officer's certificate in the meantime. A DESPERATE AFFRAY betw3en salmon poachers and water bailiffs in the emplcyment of the Fishery Company has taken place on the Shannon, opposite Coo- Sagh, near Limerick. Two bailiffs were on duty in a boat, when they suddenl y camc uvion a large party of men in three boats, poaching fcr salmon. Finding themselves Surprised, the poachers attacked the bailiffs with oars. but they managed to escape to the shore, where they left the boat in the hands of the poachers. John Considine, one of the party, has been committed to prison. AN alarming f:re broke out early in the horning at a clothiers shop in the King's-road, Reading, belonging to Mr. A. J. Simuionds. The outbreak nearly had a fatal termination, six chillren and the wife of the proprietor beiul; hastily reseued in their night-clothes from an upper dtory window. A SERIOUS ACCIDENT has occurred at Bridg- Water. A lad named Lambert, in the employ of the Rev. W. Aldridge, of Wooiavington, was driviiig a spring- cart through Fore-street. The horse bolted, and came in violent collision with a carriage being driven in an Opposite direction, belonging to Mr. Evered, of Hill House, Otterhampton. The shafts of Mr. Evered's car- riage were broken, and '.he force of the collision threw Lambert against a shop window, smashing the plate- 4jlaw>, breaking his arm, and cutting his fa ■«. SIS BARTLK FRFIM has delivered a lecture at th" Pavilion, Brighton, on "The Pretoria Mission, the Transvaal, and South Africa." There was a large audience. UNDER the direction of Colonel Edgell, the 4Chief Constable for Shropshire, the police have prose- cutecl their inquiries ÍlLO the Wellington murder, and have discovered in some ashes in the kitchen grate at the hoes" of the prisoners Mayes, and in an a^h-pit, a number of human bones partial'y burned. A portion of the skirt (If a dress corresponds in material to that in which the head was wrapped has been found in the house. The water in Apleypool is,itill being drawn off, and the canal and ponds in the neighbourhood are being but flO far without result. A man named Kuscoe has given information to the police that, a short time ago, he saw the female prisoner Mayes on the footpath near the pool, with a parcel under her arm. He saw her again, but she had not then got tie parcel with her. The police have discovered that the 6econd missing child of the prisoners is living with the parents of the female prisoner at ockleton village, near, Shrewsbury. This boy is a son Of the female prisoner, but the girl who is missing, and whose head is ideatified, was her stepdaughter. AT a recent meet" of the Hunt at "Wicker 9- levg near Sheffield, Farl Fitzwilliam said that lie intended taking a portion of his pack into Nsrthampton- fhire, out of consideration for the farmers. In conse- quence of the hunting country around Wentworth being so limited, thf. hounds had to go over the same fields time after time, to the detriment of the land, especially in a wet sense a like the present. The noble earl leave, at once for Milton, his estate in Northamptonshire, where he will hunt a couple of days a week. AT a recent weekly meeting of the London School Board a sum of £831 was ordered to be invested <)n accomt of an insaraace fund of .fl<),(MO, which, when obtained, will enable the Board to become its own insurers The half-yearly report of the School Management Com- mittee stated that the average attendance at the 165 per- manent schools had been 133,115, and of the 28 tempo- rary schools 7485, giving a total for the 193 schools of 140,000. Taking 175 schools of the first category, it Was shown that the per-centages of passe9 in reading, Writing, and arithmetic were higher than those stated in any previous report. In the schools reported upon for a year the gro_s average cost per child in average attend- ance was L2 6s. 5^d., and the nett cost £1 lis. 'il d. 4 t! The per-centaje of attendances during the half-year had been 81*0, wlereas it was 70-2 in the same period ending 1881, and HI 5 in the six months ending March last. The manager) of the Jessop-road school were exonerated from certain charges of "denominational bias" contained in a letter to a newspaper, headed, Can this be True ?" -and published in January last. AR,EUT:5R'S TELEGRAM from Vienna states that at the Kle;berg Menagerie, in Hernals, a suburb of Vienna, a lioness gave birth to four healthy cubs, a number unprecedented in the annals of the Zoological Gardeas. FOOTKAI.T. teams representing St. Thomas's hospital and Guy's Hospital, recently met, undei Associa- tion rules, on the ground of the former, at Lambeth, London, in showery weather. E.1rle was the first to score for the visitors, and this was the only item credited to •either side prior to half-time. After change of ends, however, ShirtlitT equalised matters, but the visitors were Dot to be denied. A pass from Earle to Jones gave the fecond, and another from the former to Koberts resulted ln a third for Guy's, who thus proved victorious by three goals to one. Taylor, Frail, Earle, Bice, and 13athurst P ayed well for their respective#i<ie3. (JRORGK PLUM i1 has been committed for trial y the Borough Bencii at Bury St. Edmunds on six Charges of burglary and theft committed within the last two years. At the same sitting Mr. R. l'otter, corn mer- chant, of Dereham, Norfolk, was bound over to keep the Pwce, hairing user! threatening language in the Com sohsoge here to Mr. Body, another merchant. t AT the County Police-court, Sur.d«r;an& William Morrison, tne manager of tli,% Si'iuerian.i iram- wpys 'ompany, was fined iUs. and costs for permitting cruelty to a tranuar horse at Southwie^. A LAD, aged lo, named John Evans, while dig- ging for,copper at Llanelityd, >ortu Wales, found wiial are state i to be several pi.-ccs of pure gold, and it is be. lieved that a gold mine exists in the neighbourhood. An exploring expedition has been formed and operations have been already commenced. AN Exchange Company's telegram from Berlin states that the result of the judicial inquiry into the cir- cumstances attending the loss of the C-imbria has been libri,'t 1),1-3 been such as to convince the German press that the Sultan or I her captain is not re.ponsiblc for the collision and the ter- rible disaster which bejel the German steamer. JVln. COPLAND, the labour candidate for the representation oi Newcastle has announced to a meeting ci his supporters tnat he had withdrawn fr.ni the contest. The sheriff required each candidate to deposit £ 250 that The sheriff required each candidate to deposit £ 250 that dav, and as they had been disappointed by gentlemen at a distance, their treasurer could not raise the money. It was announced that an organisation would be started to promote the return of a lauour candidate at the next I election. THE magistrates of Botherham have msdii I orders against a number of miners for absenting them- selves from work without leave. The men were employed at the Manvers Main Colliery, and had absented them- selves in order to restrict the output, the consequence being that the company sustained a loss of £ 395. A CORRESPONDENT of a London daily paper j signing himself Northamptonian," writes to state that instead of 2u¡) delegates attending the Bradlaugh demon- stration in Trafalgar-square from Northampton, as stated, only eighty passengers were booked from that town to go by trains airiving in London in time for the demonstra- tion. A local organ gives the names of thirty-nine only towards the 200. THE Dean of Canterbury, speaking at a public meeting in that place, alluded to the great amount of work the preparations for the approaching enthronisation involved. As an instance he mentioned the application for admission tickets. He promised the public that they would do the best they could, but it would be impossible to satisfy one-fourth of the applications. In addition to those already mentioned, the Bishops of Chichester and Ely, and Bishop Tufnell, have signified their intention of attending the ceremony. LORD FEVERSKAM has replied to the public protest issued by Sir Joseph W. Pease, M.P., and forty other members of the Society of Friends in Cleveland, against an alleged act of religious intolerance, in depriv- ing them of the custody of their district meeting-house. He repudiates the charge of having usurped their rights, i and states that an agreement exists giving the Vicar of Helmsley equal rights with the society to the use of the chapel. His lordship appeals to their Christian character, and adds that, he yields to none in his love for religious liberty and toleration. NOTICES have been posted in the Forest of Dean at the collieries of the leading proprietors, that an immediate redaction of 10 per cent. in the rate of wages will takc place. THE Upper Mill on St. "Winifred's Stream, Holywell, ilia property of the Welsh Flannel Company, has been totally destroyed by fire. The whole of the valuabJe machinery was lost, and tils, :mmense building are a complete ruin. The d.imge is e^ti.'iited at from £10,000 to £ i5.000, and is partly covered oy nice. THE Queen has sent, through General X sonbv, £ 3 to the Hev. Gallon Stocke, Gulmorc, co. Tyrone, for Mrs. Eliza Smith, of that place, who recently gave birth to three children. A. SAD case of death from an overdose of laudanum has been investigated by the coroner for Eqst Kent, Mr. T. T. Delasaux, the deceased being Miss Helen Tyrrell, a spinster la 'y of independent means residing at Ileine Bay. She had suffered from nervousness for years, and tiken composing draughts at night in conse- quence. When found dead in bed two Lotties containing laudanum were by her sidi, some of the contents of which she had evidently tiken. A verdict of Acci- dentally poi Oiled" was returned. LLOYD'S AGENT at Salcombe states that there has been found ill a cove east of Salcombe Bar a life- buoy marked "S.s.Copia,Loudon,i!so a top deck- house painted drab, white under (dimensions, ten fee< by nine feet), some ceiling, no doubt from an iron-built vessel, cabin fittings, part of top-mast, awning, boom, deals that had beeji in use on board the vessel. The Copia, s., sailed from Shields for Messina on thaf;Gth Janusrv last, and was off the Isle of Wight on the 31st Jannary. THE finding of the court-martial which has been investigating the eircumstance3 under wliijh her Majesty's despatch vessel Iris got aground at Fort Augusta, Sicily, reprimands Captain. Hice [.nd the Navigating Lieutenant Williams, and orders the latter to be discharged from his ship. IT is said that the Attorney-General, without altering the limit of prescribed expenditure by Parlia- mentary candidates, has agreed to withdraw the special reference to advertising oittay in the Corrupt Practices Bill. Alariv newspaper proprietors took exception to the clause, which seemed to associate advertising with corrupt expenditure: and it is in deference to their re- presentations that Sir Henry James has agrees, to have out the specific reference to advertising. This concession has been made to the Provincial Newspaper Society through Mr. P. Stewart Macliver, M.P. THE schooner which was reported ashore at Break Sea was the Fairy Queen, of New Yor-, not the Fairy Belle. She has been towed into Pcnarth Roads. The captain and crew are on board, all well, the reason they were reported missing being that thjy took shelter in the hold from the storm. HER MAJESTY the Queen having conferred the Albert Medal of the First Class upon Mr. R. Smallman, mining engineer Mr. Stokes, inspector of mines Chas. Day, and Chas. Chutwynd; and the A'bert Medal of the Second Class upon Mr. Samuel Spence, mining engineer Mr. Marsh, colliery manager; Mr. Mottrin, colliery manager; Wm. Morris, Wm. PicKering, and Joseph Chetwvnd, for bravery displayed by them on the occasion of the "tire and explosion of the 1st and 2nd of May last. Lord Leigh, Lord Lieutenant of the county, has presented the medals at the Corn Exchange, Atberstono, in the presence of a large and influential company. THE City Press states that the land in South London has increased enormously m value. At Norwood a plot which was valued at £ 5u0 ten years ago is now worth £ ">000. And this is not e iceptional. MAJOR TUCKER and eighteen other members of the Salvation Army have bee-i arrested for persisting in marching in procession, with bands of music and banners, through the streets of liombay. LIEUT.-COL. Dl1 PLAT TAYLOR, commanding the 24 th Middlesex (Post Of ice) Hide Volunteers, has received instructions from the Secretaty of State for War to form an Army Telegraph Corps, which might take the field in time of war. The nucleus of this sister service "to the "Armyrogtid Corps" is a company raised principally from the Postal Telegraph Branch, which will be recruited to a strength of 200 rank and file, and supplied with the necessary field equipment. AN extraordinary demonstration took place recently at the funeral of the five victims of the Radford fire. The Nottingham cemetery was crowded by thou- sands of persons, the coffins of the two women being car- ried from the hearse by relatives, and those of the children by young girls wearing white sashes. Palls were not used, the coffins being covered with wreaths and flowers. The officiating chaplain addressed the crowd on the awful nature of the catastrophe, and a painful inci- dent then occurred, the only sister of Mrs. Knowles faint- ing at the grave side. THE strong feeling which has been aroused "3 by the projected Br iiihwaite and Buttermere Mineral liaihvay has taken the practical shape of an influential organisation for active resistance. A committee has been formed of sympathisers resident in the Lake country and other parta of England, to co-operate with the Commons Preservation Society, and to r ise a substantial guarantee fund towards the expanses of a determined opposition to the bill." The list comprises the names of Mr. Tennyson, Mr. Euskin, the Duke of Westminster, the Bishop of Liverpool, Profe-sor Knight, Miss Oetavia Hill, and twenty-eight other gentlemen and ladies. IT has been resolved to establish a Grand Master's Lodge of Oddfellows in the Bridgwater district. THE annual prize distribution and concert in connection with the 1st Derbyshire Rifles has been held in the presence of a numerous and fashionable audience. The prices were presented by Major-General Sir D. C. Drury-Lowe, K.C.B., who in the course of a few well- chosen remarks pointed out tha it should be the ambition of everv volunteer to become a lirst-class shot, and not to be satisfied with being merely etlicient. He further emphasised the importance of such an advantage in the field, concluding by complimenting the corps upon the high position it had attained. AT the Police-court, Great Yarmouth, a young woman named Elizabeth Skeyles lvas brought up for I grossly neglecting her four children, whcreby their health became seriously affected. The evidence in sup- J port of the charge disclosed shocking facts, and the magistrates committed the prisoner for trial at the next ? quartrsessious. -— > THE FUNERAL OF RICHARD WAGNER. The morial remains of Richard Wagner reached nay- reuth in the carriage in which they had been placed at Venice, and were received by the Municipality ard those personal friends and admirers of the deceased w;90 had already arrived to attend his funeral. At the station of Munich, whither the corpse had been conveyed from Innsbruck by two representatives of the King of Bavaria, the musical and artistic societies of the capita! had assembled with draped banners and torches in honour of the dead, and as the train which Lore his body glided up to the platform it was greeted with the solemn strains of the Dead March in Saul." The vocal and in- strumental societies intended to have chanted a requiem, but tiiis part of the programme was omitted at the urgent request of Frau Wagner, who was bowed dovvn by iuer .1- solable grief, and mad" the journey from Venice in great mental ai,rony. She had to be assisted oui. of the Italian saloon carriage in which she had made the homeward journey, and was too ill to be present at the final cere- mony. Under the tiia'ge of a civic guard of honour, the I cotlin remained all night at the railway-station in its transport carriage, which was thickly festooned with the memorial wreat lis that had been heaped upon it on its way from the chores of the Adriatic. It was a lovely morning, almost redolent, of thf breath of spring, but by four o'clock in the afternoon, which was the time fixed for the funeral ceremony, the north-east wind had clot' edthe sky with leaden-coiour^d clouds and brought anifping air which chilled and gave an addi- tional look of misery to the vast crowd of mourners that had gathered round the carpeted steps of the railway- station'to hear the burgomaster speak the last farewell of the sorrowing citizens to the ashes of Richard Wagner. The vast crowd contained all that is best and foremost in ths musical world of Germany and, indeed, of the Continent. From all quarters the mourners ha I come. Every theatre of importance, every Wagner Society, every ait- loving German Prince (the Kingof Bavaria foremost among them) had sent their military and musical representatives, whi'e many, including not a few students of music and professors from Lcipaic, were here in the commission of no other master than their own enthusiastic admiration. Among the English mourners there was a Mr. Cyriax and a Mr. Hatton, from London, the latter, a son of the well- known composer of the same name. Several handsome wreaths were sent from London. The wreaths and gar- lands filled two capacious waggons. The railway-station was fronted by a semicircle of Venetian poles, topped by sable streamers, and connected by fesroons of crape, from which depended escutcheons bearing the names of Wagner's immortal works. Slowly, to the strains of the Mourning March in Siegfried," the open lit ai>e, drawn by four black steeds, came round and halted jefore the burgomaster. In point of richness and taste, the wreaths sent by the King of Bavaria and the City 01 Venice were certainly the best, but the palm of mere bulk must be accorded to the artistic and musical societies of Munich, who combined to contribute an enormous garland of immor- telles. All the crowd uncovered when, with much visible emotion, the venerable burgomaster stood forth and dilated on the civic and artistic merits of the deceased, saying how the greatest citizen might well envy Bayreuth her greatest citizen, who had himself been the ojjectof much malicious envy, and the cause of much contention in his life, but wai nov victorious in his deaih. The burgomaster was followed much in the same strain by the member for the German Parliament, who described his city as having witnessed the very highest triumphs of tier man art, and assured the mourners that it wnull do everything in its power to continue and per- petuate the performance which had given it a world-wide name (it being understood that" Parsifal" will be re- peated this suii.i'ier). The funeral oratory over, the proces-ion formed, and, amid the toiling of the bells, slo vly moved away through the quaint old streets of Ba\rettU),t,aicn wure all draped in black and crowded with silent spectators — those streets once trod by Jon Paul Richter, who lived and worked there, and whose monument ado ns a public place not far from the spot where Richard Wagner now lies entombed. First came a detachment of the fire brigade, followed by two death heralds and a military band; then two waggomoads of evergreen wreaths and immortelles; then the hearse, flanked by torch-bearers and followed by the clergy (for Wagner, though a Mystic, was not, like Gambetta, a Materialist) then the representatives of the King of Bavaria, with Siegfried, the youthful son of deceased, and the family relatives then the various musical and artistic mourners and deputations, officers of the garrison, the Municipality, and a band playing a Dead March. Half-an-hour brought the procession to Villa Wahnfried, an English-looking edifice, whose ownership could be doubted by no one who beheld a colossal bronze bust of the King of Bavaria in the garden before the door and aT fresco scenes from the'' Nibelung on the wall over it. In tbe garden behind this villa, and facing his own working room, Wagner, with a cynical expectation of death, had constructed a sort of family mausoleum, and in this corner of his own ground, which was on the funeral day consecrated by and in the name of the Holy Church, he is now laid. During the brief religious service before the coffin was lowered into its vaults it was touching to see the way in which the big Newfoundland dog, that used to follow its master about like his shadow, fawned upon the various members of his sorrowing family, as if it really under- stood their grief. Darkness was now beginning to fall, and as each mnurner left the tomb he plucked a laurel leaf or a snowdrop from the wreaths that lay piied around in affectionate memory of Richard Wagner.




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