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THE 'SIs "NORTTI WALES EXPKESS, A FIRST. CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER CONTAINING EIGHT PAGES—48 COLUMNS PUBLISHED OX THURSDAY. PRICE OJSE PENNY. I By post for six months, if iwi'l in advance, three ehiilings; credit, three shillings and sixpence. IT CONTAINS REPORTS OF ALL PROCEEDINGS THROUGHOUT THE NORTH WALES COUNTIES. FULL DIGEST OF THE GENERAL NEWS OF THE WEEK. PARLIAMENTARY AND POLrriCAI. MOVEMENTS. SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS TOPICS. LATEST HOME AND FORMGN TELEGRAMS. SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. EDUCATIONAL, LITERARY, AND ANTI- QUARIAN ITMMS. SPECIAL iiB."UK'L\S OF MARKETS, TRADE AND AGRICULTURAL MATTERS. GtVEN WZFKJ.l, _sl feature especia.ly interesting it) FARMERS AND TRADESMEN. "THE NORTH WALES EXPRESS" IS the LARGEST penny PAPER IS THE IIETIUCT. riBST-CLASS ADVERTISING MEDIUM. scALE OF CHARGES I OK. ADVERTISEMENT* Per Line. (Type, scale ) Paiiianientarv No1'ce». E'ect'.on Ad- j dretscs, Publ'c CompH-tiifS, Lvgal | ta and Public Notice, &e.. &c. ) Auctions an-1 Private Mules, Eisttdd- ) 6d todau, &c.,&c f Lists) 3d ci tiuoscript!oiis,Eutettjjjmncnts.&c j (Special arrangement* made for a mries of insertions, j PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE FOLLOWING CI.ASSLS .t Houses to be Let, I -Apartment? to ha Let, Situations VVuoted, xd" c.y Wanted, Situations Vaci»ut, H'3 cllanc-jus Wn'ats, Apartments Watted, Lest or Kouiul, Are imerted- at the undermentioned charges — One Insertion (20 worc-oj la. Tl.rceiDM<ton!. 2s 6d. And 3d for each additional line of nine words. No Credit Advertisement, charged less than 2s Cd. All Adverts- inent-j not orderei for a definite pe;iod will be inserted until counter- manded. THE TOLI.OWIX1 IS < LIST OF THE APPOINTED PUBLLSfllN* OH AND AirENCIES, Where Advertutmerd* wlJ be received :— Abbuokle Amlwch Bangor >> 1} >> )> EEAT.MAKIS Bethf.sda J» 1> BJ. LA Bagillt BaHMOVXH ) ) BETTW8-Y-C02D Cahnai'.yo.V Cuestsu CoNWAV Colwvn rAY CoRWEN Denbigh >> f* DOLGBI.LEY > j PoLYDDELEX DYPFUYN Flint Festinioo *» > » Holyhead > » ) » HCLYWELL Llandudno LLAKUDNO JrN. Llanbeeis LLANLLIPST LL&NRU& Llankwst Llanfaibfechan Llanoollen Machynlleth Manchester Mold MESAl BIHDGE Kevin PORTDINORWH; POKTMADOC M Pwllheli Pbnmaenmawr Pen-y-grof.s Ruthin »> RHYL t* I 9 FT. ASAPH Tat. v.sahn Mr Robert Jones, Stationer. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mr D. Jo'us, Stamp Offi:e. Mr H. Hugfaen, Bookseller. Messrs H itnphrejs and Parry, Booksellers. Messrs W H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mrs Jhvies. Bookseller. Mt?s Roberts, Bookseller. Messrs Nix n and Jarvis, Book- sellers. Mr J. Mendus Jones, Bookseller. Mrs C. Roberts. Mr Join Jor.es, Bookseller. Mr R Oweu, £ ooksei>er. Mr Griffith, Bookseller. Mr H»gb Llojd, High-street. Mr H. Publisher. Mr Ed. W)1 iams, Bookseller. Mr John Ev ins. I Messrs W. M. Smith aid Son, Lrtiiwiy Bookstall. Miss Jones Of all Booksellers & News Agents Mtssrs W. H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mr CL\ ell Evans, Bookseller. Mr It. E Jones, Bookseller. Mr R. W. Leathley. M.3 Edwards, Btiokeeller Mt W. A Nott. I Messra W. H. L'^ith and Son, Railway Bookstal'. Mr J. LI. Williams, 4, Bridge-st. Mr tj. Moiris, Bookseller. Mr E. Y. Williams. Me.-si-s W. H. Smith and Son, Rail-way Bookstall Mr Edis PIerce. Bookseller. Mr R. J. Wii'i*ms, Vost Office. Messrs M. Jones & Son, Medical 11-ill. Mr Ellis Roberts. Bookseller. Mr Robert. Thomas. I Mr JoLn Jones, Mis L'oyd, SftTon. I Mr H. G. Hughes, Bookseller. Mis Williams, Boston House. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, Railway T'ookstall. Mr J. Kf;rfoot R Publisher. Mr Daniel P.oberts. Well-street. Mr Wm. Hughes, 5, Madoc-st. Mrs Andrews, Bookseller. Messrs W. H Stuith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mr D. H. Wiliiaais, Bookseller. Mrs Wi'lir»its3, aookscller. Mr G. G Williams. Mr Eva.n Evans, Wat'iug-street. Mr Bvan Williams, Bookseller. Mr W. Holding. Mr E. Jones. Mr E. Minshall, 12, Devonshire- stieet, All Saints. Met-ais Brrcstord and Co. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son Railway Bookstall. Mr G. Williams, Po.-t Office. Mr John Giiffith, Weil street. Mr John Roberts, Bookseller. Mr It. G. Humphreys, Bookie ler. Messrs W. n. Scnith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mr Robert OQen. Bookseller. Mr R. Roberts, High-street. Mr Moses Jones. MrG. Lewis, Bookseller. Mr R. Lloyd, Chemist. Mr O. Aidrich, Statiuner. Mr D. Tfehearn, Wellington Chambers. Mr S. BerTington, News Agent. Met-srs 'L H. Sm.th and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mr Wm. Evans. M:r David 'J homRa. More thanonotuird of the deathsm the Metro- polis and t: e large towns ill EIJglanù arise from Cos mpticn alone. It justifies, ther-fore, the observation made by br Robeit Hunter, that the quest;on of prevention a-d ettre if oi- ii, which fully Six MILLIONS of the preuntpeople o/ England hove the initrtit of life itselfowing, no doubt, to neglected Cougll S 6lJd Colds. Griffith Owen 8 Efi=e:iee of Coltsfoot can always bo depended up.jn III the fiarly etages. See that you get Griffith Owen's. E 533 TUB SKIM,—Tfce Glory of 'Wc'r.an, the TYMe of rfss.— tt contiin* tho, dnljcate lines of Icauty, coi^titntes all that we term "Loveliness," yec how lllflUY ^ousacds hard tUeir«ldna lilemfahed br the use of tteIrrltiink soaps.Carbolic, Coal Tar. Glyonino. and the coarse coloured snp.ps,?cuustio with alkali, animatle of putrir) t'ats. The. more delicate the skia tbto quicker its ruin. THE ALBION MILt: AND SULPHUR SOAP is the pr.re?i r.he -whitest, and moit purify- WIT nt »tl »oajw. by its purifying actica takLasr away an J pre- venting ail pimples, blotches, und roughnefs. It is recom- mended by the entire meaicf.' profession as the most ele.Tant preparation !orthe skin i* known. A boon Jq ser«itiri ■Una, By aU Chemise, in tablet;, eü. and It—The Albion ^0 Kit Oxford Street, Londoa. v; TOWLE'S PENNYPOYAL & S-, r-Zt FILLS FOP. FEJJALTlS quickly correct all irregiilrtji ties mid relic-ve the iiLitrc.fir.tr symrioms so prevalent, vith the sex. Boies la. 1 Jd. anil of all ChrmisfR. Sent- o.nywhers for JO or 34 Stamps, by the Maker, H. T. Towm, Chemist, Nottingham. G R AVIESTSTEW 3, HA S H ESS 0 UPsTS Tho "GRANULAR BROWNING" (Registered Trade Name.) 8HOULD BE UtiKD IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. It impartB a rich colour and superior Savour to the Grf.vio# of Knast Meats, Chops, Steaks, Cutlsts, Chicken an<l Game Gravies, Hashes, Stews, Soups, Broths, Bocf Tea, Sold in Bottles, Is. and lis. Rd., by Chemists, Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen. Sole Mannlucturcre, TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, LINCOLN. ^TPE^fG0~0D~H0PE7NATAL, & EASTJ Vy AFRrCAN* STEAMERS.-The UNION S. S. Co.'s MALL PACKKTS sail from :Soutka.mpton' every alternate Thursday, & Steamers in the Intermediate ServiCI3 every alternate Friuaj all I"nvni5 I'lvmosith the next day. Apply at the c^oinpaiiy'sOfli ec* Oriental l'lao*. Sonthan\ptor„or 11, Le:iflenhalibt.,Londjn, .V. v r i. Ijicivii's A ^it. (\ii-!iu.rvun. MOURNING FOR F ArdILIES. experiencpd DRESSMAKERS g and j JAY'S j MILLINERS Travel to any part of th" Kin:;<10m. Free of to TI) ey take witb tbem and At ls. per yard and upward8, All marked in plain and at Silme pri,"e as if at the p ur,, in I:¡.a<;onab!e are also given for Household at sanng to large úr small fanii lies. Funerals at conducted in Londron or Country. I .TAX'S, The London General Mourning Warehouse, B RKGENT STREET, W. ■ ESTABLISHED 1851" glfiKBECK B A N K.- 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers, and interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £25. No Commission charged for keeping Accounts. The Bank also receives money on Deposit at, Three pet cent. Interest, repayable on demand, and undertakes the purchase and sale of btocks and Shares. .1 ./Mmpht't, with full particulars, on application. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT. Manager. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—The extraordinary medical reports on the erhcacy of Ch'orodyne render it of -vital uupoi'tance tbat the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected bv a Government stump, bearing the ivords "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chiorodyne." See decision of Vice- Chanceilor Sir VV. 1'age Wood, the Ttmis, July 16th, 1864. Many testimonials from eminent Physicians with each bottle. I' rom C. Wilkinson, Esq., F.lt.C.S., Spalding. I considei it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough the bcneJit i" very marked. L>r. M'Miliman, of New Galloway, Scotland. A- A- Anodyne, and Antispasmodic, I consider Dr. J. COiliM Chlorodvne the most valuable medicine hnown. fold i Mottles. i.1. 2 6, i: 4/3, by all < 'h< mists. I ~| CONSUMPTION MR. G. T. C'ONGREVE'S NEW WOltK, iNfARVELLOUS WORK touclies THIS MARVELLOUS WORK touches the svmpathips of human hearts everywhere." •'Her> is hi'j'e for the despairing." So writes the Editor of the CHRISTIAN AGE." MR. C'ONGRE VE S work on Consump- tion, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, &c., &c., contains ONE HUNDRED and THIRT V- THREE SELECTED CASES. POST FREE for Od or 19. 3d.. fmm ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, or from the AUTHOR, COOALBE LODGE, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.E. friTj' a at lontkTK" Prices, agents JL J-J-CSL WANTED EVERYWHERE. 61bs. Carriage paid GOOD STRONQ CONGOU, thick and lasting Is. 8d. per lb. VERY STP-ONQ INDIAN MIXTURE 8s. Od. per lb. FINE FLAVORED PEKOE SOUCHONG 2s. Qd. per lb. NUNN K SONS, 44, Lamb's Conduit St.,W.C.!Established 18011. TTTALKER's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are snpei-s. dins; all others. Prize Medals, London, 1882, lS<i7. Silver from £ 3 3?. Gold from £ 0 6s. 77, Cornhill, E.C. 2&i, Ivf^eut Struet, \V., London. Descriptive Pamphlet_frce. J&Jf' Tl"OPKINSON, 05," NE W BOND ST., • • A-i_ Manufacturers of Grand nnd Cottage Pianos, Caution the Public against purchasing Pianofortes bearing tire name of which are r.ot of their manufacture. -^Onlv instruments stamped with their Trade. Mark, /J. & J. HoJdvINSON, LONDON, are genuine. Photograpiis and Lists freo on apr'l.'eation. May be had at all the principal Music Warehouses. ——' SEASONABLE PRESENTS. THE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY. OF VY?E STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Supply /^XCasli Prices all Goods f 1 Direct Kl jM iogue, containing at to the Wholesale Public. .Tewellerv. and Electro ll'htte, sent 25 /V X~\ V?l^"t^v25 £ gratis and post- iree on application, /iy'. • to any pait oi the £ s » world. < £ f f GENTLEMEN'S I FINE SILVER, f I c-ul V» SILVTfu.KI^ V N 1 Ats, ia crystal glass. 25s. 3 YOUTHS' FINE WX SILVER, tiat LT* crystal glass, 25s. vAgi/ GOLD —■< Qr LEVERS px. 25s. 25s. qllL;iteJy chased 'e,i, 70s. eIL' These WATCHES are frequently sold for treble the money Cheques or P.O. parable to Mr. A. PERCY. 0 BILLIARD BALLS, CLOTHS. CUES, 'Ill's, and nil other iiiihard Kequisites at 1ISNNIG BROS.' Ivory WmvUk, H, lligh Street, ij'iJr/.i, Old Rain ai!ju.«r.ed or excliaiigi>d, and T;itle< lic-cusliioned and l:e-covprcd. l'rice Lists, Cloth & Cushion Rubber ?am-p'> s Vo^tTrpe. HAVE it IN YO*JR HOUSES". LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It forms a most invigorating- beverage by the simple addition of water, and if taken according to directions is the best preventive and curative of Small-pox, Scarlet Fever, and other diseases. It does not contain Magnesia or any earthy matter calculated to produce Gallstones or Gouty deposits. Prepared solelv bv H. LAMPLOT'GH, 113, Hofhorn, London. HAVE it IN YOUR HOUSES & TAKE IT IN YOUR TRAVELS. TILLLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Prir.r Ust" (T, EDWARDS, ICorncrof Harwar St.), KIXGSLAN1) ROAD, LONDON. IN K fJA-ti |> rat- n>.U..M L- PIIUR HAIR I{j>toi:ki £ will darken trrey hair, in a few days bringing hack the colour. Tho t ff^ct is superior to t.h"t produced by a direct dyo hii i does not, injure th,) skin, l.ockyer's is equal to the most expensive. It is the best f"r restoriii^ y hair to its former colour. Produces a perfectly natural shade. Valuable for de- stroying Hcurj an,l oncmira^intr growth of new hair. Sulphur beiiiK hiphly prized for its stimulant,, clean-msj, healthful action on the iifiir frlands, I.ockyer's Re-storer i3 strongly recommended. Largo Hold by all Chemists, .Hairdressers and Perfuwers "every- where. bkEAT Boi'iLT Stkenoth.—Pepi'eh s Qcinine AND JBON TONIC strengthens tho nerves and muscular system, improvs di:.wstiul1, atdmatos the spirits, rl crvisstfce health, rouses and develops the nervou.- energies, enriches the blood, promotes apnetite, dispels l^naour and depie^sion. fortifies the di^es'ive orMan". Is a specihe remedy for nenja'^a, indiy stion, levers, Obfcst afieotion' a-d ir. wactiim diseases scrofulous tendencies, etc. The whole frame is greatly invigor- ated il y Peppsi'f" Tonic, the mental faeulu«s bright- ened. the constitution greatly atrrfn^tUfned, and a return to robust, health certain. Bottles. dose", 4«6d. Bold by Cbemi-ts everywhere. Thinamaof Pepi k r is on the label. Insist on having "l't:pper's Tonic" Ouhet) ix A Yow Pats. Cohns, Rwinxs, axd Enliboed Top, Joints.—Dkllah'a Corn avd llrNLON .1"1.A9. ERS are the only real retucdy. Th. y dif1'. r na m all Shields or Compositions ever invented. By iustfn^y eoftenmar the callous surrounding the p"in gopsatonce, tho corn soon fo'!o»»hig. Bunions and enlarged t^e joints require more time fo? perfect cere, but the Jon is eeiiain and jelief in^tautaneous Any l oots rmy be w"ln with cnrul *11. thr> e hours after lll'p1yi.r;g Dc n.lt"" l"n»r,»>rs on .o Hc::q..nt,}," persuniled to buy any c'hcr. Boxes, Is l d each. «re sold hy ra st Chemists P-ist fr*»e 14 Stumps. Bedford Laboratory Bayley-street, London. W.C. LI\'ER'\1 nil"¡:>iE. l'ARA:fACTlM ASH Pono' HYl;r,IN' This ililtd comU lalion, extrwted from fti roots, is becoming very popular, and now used instead of blue pill and calf ii'el Jor the cure oi oyr-pensia., l>ih"us- ness. and all symptoms of congestion of tUto llver, which are genera'ly pain beneath thi f.hon I'O.liefiu aohe, dtowsir.. st, no aipetiic furrpd t.onove di-nur' c- able taste in 'he morning. g:d<liiuv; ,li-turh(inoe of the stomach and feeling of t;otteftti depression. It. r ets t'e slaggit-h liver in motion, \tsr? blight net- on the bowel' giving a sense of hea th and cowfort wituin-'t fcoxira. It Is the safest me 'ioine. Taraxacitir a; d i.odr,r>hyliin js a fluid made only t.y .1. Pkpi-KR, Leiifoid P 'boratory, Lvnaon, waoeenainp i» on eveiy label. t I Trade MaTk- Phosphodyne. Sanctioned by Her Majesty's I Government. A HEALTH, ™ STRENGTH,||| ■ ^^PHOSPHODYHEtv [jENERGY. STRENGTH,||| ■ ^^PHOSPHODYHEtv [jENERGY. A Pt.ie Solution of Phosphorus, pleasant in flavonr and appearance, being a perfectly Bright Liquor, coin bined with Vegetable Alkaloids, possessing imtrvcllons Curative Propertias, the Wonder of Modern Chemiatry, cree from all Dangerously Active Drugs. Innocent in its Action, and pronounced by the Highest Medical Authority to be unt quailed for its power in replenishing and elaborating the Vitality of the Body by it-> sup- plying- all the eS3pnl1a.1 :'it!lizin¡: constituents of the Blood, Brain, and Nerve Snhstance autl for developing a!! the Power3 and Functions of the system to the highest decree; thereby cheekmsr all wasting of tho Vital Fluid, and the more Exhausting Wear anH Tear resulting from Over-Taxed Err-rsics of Body or Mind, maintain- ing that Buoyant Energy of the Brain, Nervous aud ;Muscular Systems,*|which renders the Mind Cheerful, Hapnr, Brilliant, and tlnergetic. I)R. LALOB'S PHOSPHODl^E Surpasses all the known theraputic agents of the present ago, as a Prompt and Never-Failing Phosphoric Remedy for all Derangements of the Nervous and Biood Systems. Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Incapacity for study or Business, Noises in the Head and Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Nervous Debility iu all its Stages, Softening of tbo Brain, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Paralysis, Pains in the Back, Affections of the Kidneys, Urinary Deposits, &c. Chest Affections, Skin Diseases, Wasting or Withering of tho Muscles, Impure and Impovea-htd Blood, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and all Hiorbid conditions of the system dependent uponllthe deficiency of the Vital Forces arising from whatever cause. THE ACTION OF DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNL 1" i wo-told ard Specific; on the one hand increasing the principle which Constitutes Xei vous Euerey and ou the o'her, the Most Puwerful Blood and Flesh-generating Agent known; therefore a Marvellous Mediem- for Renovating Impaired and Broken-down or Exhausted Constitutions, making the recipient as Actives Sprightly, and vigorous as if nature had never been retarded or debilitated. wh en the Fire of Life seems to be dying out in the system, and the mind sympathising with the body, lhe sufferer is reduced to a Mental and Physical Wreck, this mighty Phosphoric Restorative, by a few doses, seems Ii" it were to lift the sufferer out of the tlough of despond, and recruit and reinvigorate both thejFrame and the Inteliecj TWENTY YEARS' PUBLIC TEST Prove ttlCSG act- unimpeachable, bdtig fullyRhorM lout by thousands of Testimonials from every Nation and Country in the World, freely offered by distinguished Families, private Persons, Military, Naval, Scientific, and Profea-itoual Mcu who ave well known, and who have experience 1 from its use all tue benefits here indicated. Sold in Bottles at 48 Cd and llsjby all Ex o W holesale, and Beta:. Medicine Vm ors throughout the World. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Everv bottle bears the Br;tish Gorernmrnt Sta-rp, JViih the words DR LALOP'S PHOSPHODYNE, London, England, engraved thereon by Order of Her Mtijesty's Honourable CommiS sioners, if not, itis a forgery, and you have been imposed on by a worthless and iujurious imitation. MANUFACTURED ONLY AT THE PHOSVHODYNR LABORATORY, BY DR R. D. LALOR, Bay House, 32, Gaisford-street, London, N.W., England. TUB &OTXT!IT rROVROB. AND ORIGINATOR. OF J'ROSPHODYNE. It 2R4 OR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNb. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GSIIUINS. CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession tote the most won'Jsrfal and valuah'.oromcdy ever discorsreJji I LQllO D LflSii E is the best remedy kr.own for Coughs, Consumption, Eroz.ch:t.i: Asthma. CB. LORODYNE cUectuar.y checks and ar.-ests those too often fatal diseases-Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, A3 ca. f'- G elLO flOQYNS acts liho a charm in Diarrhcea, and is the enly spccillc in Cholera and Dysentery. CHLOEODYNE cCectnany cuts short all attach of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. ni^T.OT? OTlVWPi i3 tho only paUiativain Neuralgia, Itheumatism, Gov.?, Caneer, Toothachs, McnicSit:s, ie. \Jiii_»V/XVV x/ iWJJ S"rom D3. B. J. Boulto.V & Co., Horncastln. w.-afl. ext^nslTO nse of Chiorodyne :n map practice lately, and look upon it as an c^ccllen; dirsA ™?1 A^ti-sDMmodic- It seems to allay pain and irritation ta whatever organ, and from weaker can It itiducoB a fooling of comfort and quietude not obtainable by any other roaisdy, ana it ^eoujs to possets ta^, tS <5^Sr wmedy of ai^eeVvice waVcHLoVoDYN "o Dcceiancr ibii.' Inventor of CHLORODYNS; that Uie story of the Defendant, F*BEMi:r, was duhheraJ: untrac, vj.j, no ^ords"Dr. J, COLLIS BIKE'S CELOSOd|>B» on Jho Government Stamp. Over^helmiac Medical Testimony accomp^es coch bcitlo goaltatnnmis—J. T. DAVENPOST, 33 Great Russell Street. Bloomsbnrr. London. Are the Purest, Cheapest, and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded from Bops, Buchu. Mandrake, Fodophyllin, and Dandelion—the oldeot, best, and most valuable mcdicinea in the world, and contain all the best and most curative properties of aU other Bittera, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are ntCd, so varied and perfect are their operations. They glve new lifts and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whoso employments cnUq irregularity of the bowels or crinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and Mild Stimulant, thete Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without Intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use IIop Bitter*. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may 83ve your life. Hundreds have been caved by so doing. tv- jBSOO -M will be paid for a case they wiU not cure or help. They are a pleasant refreshing flavouring for sick-room drinks, impure water, and other beverages. Do not Euffer yourself or lot your friends sulTcr, but use and urge them to uso Hop Bitters. llemeinbor, Hop Litters is io vile, dmgfrod nostrum, bat thn Purest and Bent Medicine c,v.-r uiade; the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family tthould be wiiliout til cm. Try the Sifters Co-d»y. WU .SAL K BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUG GISTS. AVE Y O U J E i' j SQUiRE KNIGHT'S EYE OiflTSaEflT bur t;w i- 0r.) 01 ii.1 0isea.<cH 0f tiu- !v. is, approaching- even TO BJ_JD::r.33. Ilcr.ro.-1— It euros— Inijwiired Vision, R,yl iln'1 Sore Blurring, Weak, Byelidn. and Watery > T*~S~ I'artiiil 1!! :ud nosa Eyots, xvfc; Intlifnmation in Cataract. CO- -■* the lives, Kyes iet't by -Obscurity of 'Measles. Vision. Tho Prt'servation of good Eyesight in n mn.tterwh'c1J con corns both rich and poor, and thodelieute struct ur"«iftbe I' vo mahei* it daily liable to accident, ai:d injury. This renowned KieOint- tnent ino kt-s Spectarlesand SurtricalOperatioUK';mioeo«*ary. v SK:i TliOl'SANDS OF TKST1MON IA1.S. » Mr. H. Voml'u.JM., Shephetdess Walk, Cay Uosid, Iioudon, wonderfully cured of inflammation in the eyeu, of 12 yours etan ding.—July;>th, 1S77. liom'v.rrioer, g. Parker, Calcutta Battery, Bangalore. Kant India, cured of very bad soro eyc», after trying ail kinda o! doctors.—187(5. Mr. Chns. Weston, Park Street, V>Tciliiv.;ton, cured of fearfully disoattod eyes left by entail pox.—H77. J. A. \ralki;¡:¡tou, 1:{1\, Kastboroiigii, Scarboro", was cured of dreadful hurl iuflamfri eyes, after trying all the beat oculists ill the country. 0 g rrypaivd only I,:>" U. i Clnrk A Son, ChemiM< Market Place, by all respectable me<liciue vondors in tli'j Kintrdoru. in pots is. lVd., 'J. Od., and 4s. Gd. each. Wholesale by all Putent Medicmo Houses, or from tho FVorm^rs direct for 16 or 30 stamps. L5I=LFRFCDM«>VDKHGI G A-f S-e I I by Post, to all parts of the vVotid OB receipt of two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES and derangements ot the gener»tive atd Nervous system, Nervous Debility and Esbiiustioti, the result of over-taxed energies, is given in the book of "POSITIVE REMKDIES This tok gives a positive lemedy for all diseases. The names of all Medicines are given in English. Cii.-es aul testimo- nials, with means ug, d ih each case. it, is a guide to thø Sftlf-treatinent of disease?, and hhonld be ern- suited by all who require medical tr^atmeut. N«'TICE. -The Positive Medicines niven in tba book of PuS ITIVE REMEDIKS" are the medicines used ty Dr Smith for Over thirty ye«rs. Ey the aid of this book Invalids may forma correct > now.odge of theirmnlady, and find a positive remedy for the cure. The names are published in English, to enable invalids to pelect theremtdy and euie themselves without consulting a Medical man, making a writtea statement of c»se, or paying eonpnlt>ition fees. Send two Stann)3 for the book of POSITIVE REMEDIES." which contains 21-1 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on receipt of two stamps, direct from H. Smltil & Co., Positive Vtemody Labors ory, "20, Southampton- ow, London, W.C. DROTODYNE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE 1 CURE for Debilities and Ileraneoraents ot the Generative and Nervous system, Prostration, Pimples, Loss of Fnerpy, Physical Depression, Pre- mature Dec'ine, Way+ing Diseases, Exhnnstijn of Nrrve po"u, Local Weakness, and all Diseases re- sulting from loss of Vital Force. After usiug these Pills, the body and nerves are restored to health and vigour. Sold in Boxes (contaiuiiii* sufficient for the cure), price 2s. 9d. May be had direct from the ro prietora on receipt of thirty-four Stamp". S,nt b Post to any address.— H. Smith A Co, Positive Re medv Laboratory, 26, Southampton-row, London W.C. P46 AS a safe, permanent, and warranted cure for Pittipiep Scrofula, Scnrvy, Btid I rtkiu and Blood I>ii-fHum- and Sores of all k.i-de, we can with ooniidetce r»con>- ■>i(-riri Claud'S WokiiJ^-FAHED B:vlJ llix'ivtr Saldby Churiibts uyerj\.her«. IpOMLINSON & Go's BUTTER > OWDER. JL Brings the Butter quickly. removing all un- plenaant flavoura of Tnrnips, Cake, Mangolds, Wild gitrlic, Sonr Grass, Leeks, Dead Leaves, &c. la creases the quantity and improves the quality ot Butter. By its use fnrmersand dairymen may insure food, firm, and sweet Butter all the year round. Butter made with this Powder invariably takes the FItt>'l PRIZES at the Agricultural Shown throughout the ngdom Sold everywhere, by Chemists aud Grocers, in B^xes 3d, 6d, Is, 2s 6d, and 7a ôd each. bole nauuiacturors, TOMLINSON & HAYWAKD LINCOLN A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing 13 sufferers how they may be cured, and ie cover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks, wit i recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on Lf-ippy MHrriages When and Whom to Marry; The Temperauaentsw Stammoring; Vital Force; Ilow Wasted and ilos. Preserved; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonder; of the Microscope in iJetccting Various Complaints. Post free lor two stamps. Address, Secretary Institute ci Anatomy, Pir- ruiugham. e 473 VALUABLE DISCOVERY FOB THE HAIR CARMAN'S HAIR RESTORER. Acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to Mn Allen's, Rosetter's, and many others. It iK not 11 dye. It contains no oil. Will restoro gray hair to its original colour and beauty. Removes dau- driff and all impurities from the head. Pro- motes the growth and strength of the hair, gr.vin- it the lustre and health of youth. And is thr cheapest and best Restorer ever used. Supplied only in large bottles, Is fid. A parcel of three bottles, secmely packed, aeni tojiny part on rr iipt of 54 penny etampa ot CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. This Saline compound is recommended foi Biliti-u Constitutuns, Heartburn, Headache, Sta Sickness, &c. In bottles, Is Ðd each QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent strengthening medicine, in bottles la and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' C ARMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficacy in preventing or removing the disorders to which Infancy is liable, such as Convulsions, Wine., Gripes, DiiBcult, Teething, &c., &c. In bottles VAd, Is lid, and 2a 9d each. PREPARED BY .J 0 ITN C A I;, MAN. DISPENSING AN) I FAMILY OIIEMIo (Qualified by Exatninxtion), APOTHECARIES' HALL, HOLYWELL. A CARD.-To ALL WHO auk suifkk NG J"P.Old the errors and indiscretion of yonth, nervous weakr.e«< early decay, loss ot manhood. &<i., 1 will » reeipt that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great rmntdy was di^covM-ed by a missioeary in Soutr Americfy Ser.■' -&c.>f irirented e-,ve)oi'-> to th- <KV JosEi'rf T. Inman Station D., New York JosEi'rf T. Inman Station D., New York KAY'S COMKtU.MJ. — Astiua ar.d B (irmhiiiji »re immeoiiittly ivlieved by it, boid by all Chemise, u Unikokm with CA,VÍ-1:S DICTIONARY OF COOJtliRY. CHEAP EDITIOS, 1,:2:;0 pages, royal 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. Casselt's Domestic I>ictionar\j. An Encyclopaedia for the Household, furnishing Information on several thousand subjects relating to the Wants of Everyday Life. With numerous Illustrations. "As a minilaT of ready reference for all household purposes, this work has no rival."—Queen. Cassell, Fetter, Cdlpin <f; CJ., Ludgate Hill, London. Lheap Kdition. ,-e Ss. ix't. post tree, 8s. IT a. A Year's Cookery, By PHILLIS BROWNE. 44 An invaluable present foryouns housekeepers/*—Athenaum* _r'l! pr + tf". n A' r", T f/^oatc Ift??- Kowdon* The "ETHIOPIAN" BLACK 1 I oop,;r r. I HOSIERY IN LADIES' 9 AND CHILDREN'S, GUARANTEED CLEAN & FAST. WHOLESALE: HINE, PARKER & Co., LONDON. Retail of all Respectable Hosiers and Drapers Everywhere^ in A NN O N ST PEE T HOTEL, LONDON, E.O. Eailway Communication with ftll parts of the Metrojji'lis. H Minutes' walk from the Bank, Royal Exchange, &c., &e. Unequalled for its « Home Comforts and Moderate Charges. 'w Tariff sent oa application to E. H. TtAND. Manager.. SïIIARES in STEAMERS.—Dividends from 20 te 80 per cent, per annum. For most desirable Investments in this- when well managed-safe & remunerative property, Address Thomas Beer. Consulting Marine Eu^in#»er& St«!am-shi^Survevor, Bute Bocks,Cardiff. 11 AGENTS WANTED,in all partsof England and Wales, not yet represented, by an Assurance Society. Weekly payments. Salary and Commission.—For particulars, Addr es £ Manager, Ely Villa, Dunstable, Beds. A IT A HP TVOLINGBItOKE PAY HOSPITAL, near nUltlij J-' London, receives patients requiring hospital IN treatment and nursing, upon payment, in accord- CTf VMUQC anco with their means. Prospectus of the Hon. OivIVliiJIJU t,ec.,Mr.J.S.Wood,WoodviUe,UpperTooting,S.W. IlOSES LIME JUICE CORDIAL is the perfec- lll tion of family beverages. Entirely free of spirit. Delicious In water, effervescinft in all Mineral Waters. Suitable for Ball- Room or Supper Party. For the cold season in hot water, or as a flavouring in hot drinks, &c., it far surpasses tho Lemon. It is highly Modicinal. No beverage has received hitd ler recommenda- tion. See The. Lanc't.&c. Sold everywhere. Wholesale Stores ROSE & CO.,11, Curt ain Road.Finsbury.London,and Leith.N.B. "CLEANLINESS.'—NIXEY'S BLACK J LEAD IVTIXEY'S Has over TmuTY /ill j 1 World-wide Reputation. Celebrated Polishes Instantly equal to Refined BURNISHED STEEL. Bt a f i ir y Used without Waste or Dusti. LiitiAJJ. CAITTION -There are several Spurious it Worthless Imitations. W. G. JSTIXEY, Black Leg.d Works, Soho Square, J^ndon. grxvAOT-w^ IEN,HAM'S EUPHORPIA PILULIFERA I The Australian or Great Queensland Cure for Conrramp- ation, Asthma,Bronchitis,Influenza, Coughs, Coldst Difficulty of Breathing', and all Chest Affections. Brighton, Melbourne, September 24,1SS1. Dear Sir,—Having suffered from Asthma for the last <ftr eirs, I have the pleasure to acknowledge the preat heneUt 1 have derived from vour Essence—Kuphorbia rilulifeva— t.0L-etliL-r with your Kuphorbia Anti-AsthmatiqueTobacco. I have takfn 2 or 9 bottles of vour essence according to directions, and have also smoked vour Euplu.rbi i Tobacco at night when the attack comes on; and am happy to state that for tlie last (5 months I have been perfectly free ofthwe Asthmatical attacks, for which I am truly grateful I am, yours very truly, Charles TCotjers. The above Testimonial is one of hundreds alrvviy received. Price, 29 per bottle. Thomas Ingham, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Kockhampton, Queensland. Wholesale Agents- Burgoyne & Co., 16, Coleman St., London. j^EAESLEY's 1^ EABSLEY's 1^ EABSLEY's FEMALE PILLS. J^EARSLEYV t A REPUTATION of over 90 years constitutes these Pills the leading remedy for all complaints to which Females are liable, and the attention of ladies is particularly directed to the fact that they cuntain NO drug that can pos- sibly act deleteriously, and consequently thevhave the approval of manv of the leading medical men of the day. fTIHE ONLY GENUINE WIDOW J- WELCH'S PILL8 are wrapped in WHITE paper and hear the signature of C. Kearsley" (all others are spurious), to be had of all respectable Chemists at 2,9 per box, or by post for 34 stamps, of Sangrer <S:$0118^489, Oxford-street,I/^nuon, \Y _r„ Appnts,W.Hepwerth,11arwich, Kssex. K. IENN A AST Trakr:\nen, 7(), Chor1t"" VIENIS AVEAST -j TrakraTien,79, Chorlton lt.I.,JIaiicne«ter. ■ lawroll,, III& ROSE 'S LIME JUICE SAUCE-Tlic perfection of SauceR. Dclicious and Wholesome. No Table should be withont it. It assists and stimulates dicestion. Recommended by the medical profession. Sold everywhere in 6d. and 1. bottles. Wholesale Stores, ROSE & CO., 11. Curtain Road, Finsbury, London and Leith, N.B. TRUSSES AT MAKER'S PRICES. These Trusses are guaranteed of the best manufacture Single 2/9, Double 3/9, Postage 4d. extra. Sent securely packed to anypart of the United Kingdom on receipt of P. O. Order. R. B. Huggins, A.P.S., Chemist.Wainlleet, Lincolnshire. Direc- tions for self measurement on receipt of stamped envelope. T» rvwr of MEDICAL WONDERS should be read by all KillliC ?oun<? men. Important t.o debilitated nervous sufferers aud fill U II those about to marry. Free in Envelope for 4 stamps. Pub- *_Vl__Jisher's Medical liall, Fitzallaii Square,Sheffleld^Estabd. ISM. BIRD CAGES. WIRE WORK SIEVES. Lists free. Waltor Fox, 3ii, Mile End Road, London, E. LANKETS. All-wool; direct from factory; 17/6 per pair (911)3.). (Carriage free. THOS. HEY,Skircoat Green,Halifax. A riT^lVnPQWANTEDforthe SALE ±%~XX-LJ±yi JL O of CHAS. STANLEY & SON'S CHEMICAL MANURES. LIBERAL terms to gentlemen connected with the farming Interest. For full particulars apply to CHAS. STAN LEY & BOX, WATH-ON-DEAKS E, N». BOTHK ItHAM. TLi AV±j IT 1.N YOUR JbLOUS13Sr JLJL and follow the advice of the eminent Doctore Urni4 Stevens, Morgan, Turley, Dowsing, Gibljon, Spa;ks, ic., who have boruo tini^ualificd testimony to tho value of LAM:PLOUGH'S ptthetic sALiirii L It gives instant relief in hca<1flcLe ces or bilinu. ficU« neas, constipation, heartburn, ccarlct and ether fovi r^, Bmalipoi, mcasloB, eruptive aad skiu ccmplaiuts. Uso no snbititr.tB. T-T. V.A VPI.oxtO^. n3 Hn1hn"TI. Ti-ndof. MONTBELIARU. Institute for young- Ladies. Terms £:50 per annum (inch holidavs). Highly recommended by English & Freuch ''Jer^-yiPeti. For references Jt prospectus apply to Rev. E J. H»'ek. R-et.»ry.'Roth»Thith<», London.S.E., ot to the Directnce, Idii.e F. Roux, Monsluiliard, Doabs, France jVf AliBLE CLOCK, 20 inches lonj?, 13 inches high, fourteen days' movement, at 40/- (shoj price, £ 5 lOe.), free any station in London, warranted keeper, money returned if found not correct. P.O.0. to O. FISHER, M, Dasinghlill Street, London, E.O. BRASS, H~EE l^SITUNG,^ DRUAMIFS B AN DS.PI.VN'OS,O llO ANS4r HARMONIUMS at HrA,)I«- ia/« J*rtees at J. MOORE't>, Buxton ltd., Huddersheld. Pricet with drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, .V ItiUe Corps, Second-hand Instruments hough t or taken ill Exchange PEEBLES' THE GREAT MrmnTTi (rAS SAVER NEEDLE STEADY, SILENT LIGHT. DTID\TI?D PEEBLES <6 CO., hi] it linn, TAT WORKS, EDINBURGH, ^WAiiiJUAii AND YOUR Fittkh. AJIPE RI'XV EL VET H EES' Villa Washer. Great further improvements, lietluced prices. Ih6 moat rapid, Ktron*, aud liiglily finished. Ageu«g wanted in ev»irv town. Very liberal terms. g,Oity Rd.,Finsbury Sq.» Lond^)n,K.{j. NV E ST ME NT S, WIT H O (IT H, I S £ realising from 2 to 10 per cent., payable quarterly. Any nunq from £ 10 upwards received. Highest referenoea.— Ladies and gentlemen with surplus capital should apply at I.I once to P. Taylor. Esq., 24, Wellington-street. Strand. London. "iOONCISE" Pronerty A Mortgage Register. For all reqiiroraenta In conatilon with ESTATES IlOUSrS MORTGAGES, MONEY ADVANCK.-i, SUIIVBYS, V J LCAtlONS, fcel Address FCltllKH k Co., 6, Fonclmrcii IJuildings, Irf.nd, n, K.C ^TajUBERT'S BLOOM of NINON^n)parts U to the Complexion a splendid HEALTHT, y.iC.VO and PLEASING appearance. Send 14. or for treble size 33 stamps. To Gaubert, Uoiffeur, 85, Kensington High .Street, London. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFTKa. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, &remore every disease of the 8to- macli,liver.<x Jndneys.Pure blood eriv#»8 health, rhousandd have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose dise.es could not be reachedbvanyother medicine. 8old byall CTiiemi.sts m boxes, L. 14 & 20; or from the establishment, 44, Oxford-s^Swansea. t r J6 or 35 stamps. All sutterers are highly recommended to try them. T\f\ir WONDERS should be read by all KllllK y.ounP *«e». linjK»rtant to .i.M)i!naUu nrvoaa sutrenr- And II If 1/ I\ abont to njarrr. Free m Knreloi^ for 4 stamen. I'ob- Hftll.Fitznl'mn Sonars flirtUK LIVKB. anu STOMACH Pii.ls. I'.h KIND'S DANUM- Liox AND QUININK LIVER PiLM.—These famous I ills o not. contain < vcn a tra< o of Alt iouiv, or aov of the many dant'erou.-i ingredients frequently r:1u-Hl in advertised Pills. This fact continues "« keep Dr Ivi'iK'« renowned discovery in front of all Pilly whatsoever, n.- the safest, host, speediest, most,u and rem fly for d-«ord«»r» ot tue Liver nnd St.o Itch, whet her in the foi in ot Biliousness. Onstipation. Irk I' liitiilen e, A<:i, ¡". ilemlaehe. fShoui er IJain», h'ever- i<h lier'tlessn ■r- of the wlioie systom I)isineii..ati;:i joi l''oo.l, or Dyspeptic syciptoins ^-•!n*ivji.y. Deai'xe-k, NOISES IN TUB KAHS, &.j. — Pell'.it's Epsench rou F) always be tried, II," iI- number of ease-, Mrendntrly ^incurable, 1 tH." done word'Ts. Slight Deafoe-s, Ob.st.tucf.ions in the Kars. and the Inces-ant. livirue tj>K Sounds mo t'l-qu.-ot wnh atl'eeted hearing ar« temoved after two or Ill. II:R:Jt"; applications. Dki.I.aii'h Esskkok <•»;. h, H.«.ken ot stiioto give some relief in hiiv* ense of (leaftmss w.tfK.nt causing the s-ife'h'ci-t injury t.o the <leiioat« or aiiiso, of the ear, and, however Mii pr yersons l >• v- i s Dear have heard cotuids after >\ i iir trial ..f I'»<I l M-'s ssence. Bottlea, la ljd tvud'2s'.)d. SoldbyaUCh 'oiists A IJELIfJHTFUL tl.ooru. '](AC!! C )• r'T A KJJCAM'T rqoTH 1'ASVK. —By u^iny t.liis delieious aromatie Dent- iht.'e. tite etianit 1 oi the; I t-,t L I I-ii white, S'»tiiid,]nl l oislie.i like ivory. It is txc■bo;II^'1v tru^ruiit. Ulí:, e:, p, useful for removing t t tartar iie«!ected teeth. Sold by till Chemists. I'ots, Xa lid, "■ eacii. See that 3 ou gel. GRATIS AND POST FREE. Mitel; -GARDEN COOD SEEDS, CIARULEII I t CARRIAGE FREE. 4e SUTTON&SONS,, C\ SEEDSMEN TO < >F ml'S HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, F AND BY SPECIAL WARRANT 10 H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. ""DLATT'S ESSAYS—BUSI^ESS, MONEY, ECONOMY" Revised, re-arranged, and added to, with rhotograi.il and Autobiography of the Author. Royal Svo., 5i-i pa^< o.lofli gilt, post-tree on receipt of Six shillings by JAM ICS PL ATT. 77, St. Martin's Lime. London, W. HQ i AS. TO AMERICA"iw'ioe weekly fr^in LONKOX. Hall, iu i () r S-^it! F:(^t M r, 1 JIapsi-Pamphlets i.r AiiiL-nca ported l'ree._ lletliei inRton, 33i. Strand. London. CH)NSTANT WORK AT HOME with machines on easy terms supplied to women who can earn 15- weekly. Patent Automatic Knitting Machine Co. (Llffi., A17. Oxford St., London. Sample worked pair of ribbed socks, post-tree,20 stamps Throw Physio to the dogs, I'll none of it."— .siuik'^neare. HEALTH, STRENGTH & ENERGY. JLJL Take no more Medicine, but wear DU BAEBT3 PATENT ELECTRIC BELTS. t'Tradc Mark: "Ukai.TIT REST'ikfr") Ev which NERVOVisN'ESS, NERVOUS 1 >EBILITY, LOSS OF POWER, WEAKNESS OF llODY AX!) MIND, 4cc. can he cared in a few days. A MEDICAL Wt )iCK TO BE GIVEN AWA Y. Showing sufferers how they may Lw c.u-cd and recover Health, Strength, and Manly Vigour, WITHOUT THE Ail) OF MEDICINE. Sent po^t-free on receipt of Stamped, directed envelope. Address, E, Odoll, Secretary, Electro-Modi cal Company. OS. St. George's Rd., Southwark, London, S.E. £ 20,000 and numerous other Prizes for ONE SHILLING A TICKET. Under Government Guarantee.—TiiRist-i'L'xcE for Postage to be joined to each Order. Apply to the Agency tor Public Funds (Case 72) in Geneva (Switzerland!, or 1I,tter3 addressed to Colxeb, 29 ie 31, New Oxlortl St., London, W.C., will be duly attended to. GRATIS. DUI5LIN STOL T.-JOHN1) ARC Y& SON have NOT RAISED their PRICES.-Anchor B-eivery, Dublin. BEST PRICE for WOOLLEN RAGS. Particulars i»i- .1 >hu Senior. Hr;t.ii'*r'l M l>ow-b:iry. I'li'-v eoiiii' ;i l'u«in aiiti a (iit'sviur t>j UICJI, "I'llT"* l'ifxwii;K, ino OWL. au l tlie WAVT-hi.kt Vm." TRY THE HINDOO PENS. Nos. 1, 2 and S. M ACN'IV' EN" '& '"C AME'RO N, MACNIVEN & CAl\IERON, PATJ.NT 1"KS OF PKXS Axn PESItOLDKUS, 23. BLAIR ST.. EDINBURGII (ESTI). nm>>krr<* to /r Majesty's (iovernment (>Jfices. UNION LINE. C* UNION LINE." APE of GOOD HOPE. NATAL & EAST AFRICAN STEAMERS.—The UNION S. S. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON ever)- alternate Thursday* & .Steamers in the Intermediate Seiice every alternate Friday all leaving:Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Coinj^anyV Offi- ces, Oriental Plae«% Soutiiamptori, or 11, Leadrnhall St..London. "Y" H 0 L E S 0 M E |[ O U S E s for particulars See parJr»! 43 of JJOWARDS' ]^L\V (HATALOGUB OF INTERIOR DECORATION. Sent on application. HOWARD A\ii s!iv« 25?. 2fi A 27, IU' RNERS STREET, r OVDON. W. 1 L!_ /w- 1 Friday, I^ost-free, ^JJ^aNE or I Mce M' 10'-104 Edited by RICHARD A. PEOCTOZi. KNOWLEDGE. Vol. n. (June 2 to "Dec. 29, 1882) Now ready. Price 8s. fid. Vol. III. '1S83) will contain The Naturalist's Year," bv GRANT Allen Our Bo- dies," by ANDKEW WILSON; "Nature Mj-ths," by EdwabK CLODD Hours with the Microscope," bv J. H. SLACK The Chemistry of Cookery," byW. Mattiku WILLIAMS Snr.VieWS of the Earth," and Star Maps," by UicnAuo A. 1'BOCTOK and other serial articles, Chess, WhLSt, A'e., Arc. KNOWL ED G E LI BRA UY 8 ERIE S. Cr. 8vo., Cloth, piice Cs. ear-h. post free Cs. fid. Cheap Re-issut. of MR. PROCTOR'S WORKS 1. THE BORDERLAND OF SCIENCE. 2. SCIENCE BYWAYS. ». THE rOETRY OF ASTRONOMY. Just Published ireprinted trom KNOWLEDGE). "IVTATURE STUDIES. Bv GRANT ALLEN, L^l Andrew WILSOX, THOMAS FOSTEU, EDWARD CLODD, and HICHARD A. Proctok. '•T EISTJRE READINGS. Bv EDWAED CiodDi JLi_A.CLRANYAll!),TItOMAS FORTKR it RLCHARD A.PP.OCTOB- Imperial Svo., eloth, ]iricc 5s., post-free 5s. Gd. 6-mHE STARS IN THEIR SEASONS. An Easy _1_ Guide to a Know ledge of the Stars, in 12 Maps, showing the Stars at all hours, all the year round. By Richakd A. PROCTOB. ItOypQNI Wyman & SONS, 74-70, Great Queen-st., W.C. ( Mi 1 8 T OL E LJ M C O M PA N ï, j 5^0, Oxford sf t rudon, ^ndf)1- Kin^v; Kd.t lirii?htoii' NOTICE. JESO REWARD. *Cie above Company will prosecute any person or person* sclUne nr jng ror sale any materials or mpdiums not stamped with the reeistcre<* name mde mark, tlj.it they will (on obtaining a <>onvict.ion) pay aoove Keward to any person gmnor such inform.-ition ,->s will lead to conviction of any person or persons making an illegal use or rli^ or trade mark,Lor_anyj»art_tlt<?reof._ Materials Whol^ulc -nnl ltpt»;l._ £ >>5 (tOO WORTH of BABY LINE^ LADIES' OUTFITS fre AIONSTI'R YEARLY SALE. Lists free. R. Aj.LIX, 7:), Upp'rSt.London,I* MEC^HANICAL RAZOR. Everyone ca" Yr?ff shave himself without pain or cuts, even in" the densrs* H^a'VtCMntvif-ivtTrJ-^>St^r^ ,At;OI;,ST, Inventor, Patentee. HumpiireyS' ir6N"%HURCHEU Schools, IT«>se<, Tron Karm raiildin^s, Roofinps, Pliers Catqlo<7ues_freo. 50 on Show at_VS%>rks Albert <|ate. Hvde Park, rjlHE EMIGRANT S GUIDE FOR JS83. Ready i- cb. '20, post-tree for 7 stamp?. By Pitt & Seott, 44, St. raul" ^hiiHMiyam, 1'1111 rot general not(\( and oractieal ad vice. J^IFE and ACCIDENT COMBINED, j £ 500 At Death from any cause, with profits. „ £ 500 On Pennanent Total Disablement. 6 q i £ 1 66 On Permanent Partial DisaWemei.t. to £ b Weekly during Temporary Disablement I Annual Premium -Age 30 £ 12 6s. 9d. f LONDON,EDINBURGH GLASGOW ASSCKANCECO.XA J London Oltiee. 110. Cannon Sir< et, ,'i WILFRED A. BOW.-ER, Manager. j C. WEEDING SKINN RR, Secretary. f TZENSBERGER'S ESSKNC'KOI' I WARRANTED PUKE -WITHOUT Sf'GAK a IS NOW SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. CI £ i:.VI>5TS i'C.— S Wiolesale, 13, St. Andrew's Street, Shr.e I.ane. 7C.C. f B. ETZEXSBERGF.R & Co., Inventors i: Sole Mai .iitu'.turei* s BERNHARDINE ALPINE HERB BITTER^ I "A MOST POWERFUL TONIC "-perfectly free frort» I mineral medicaments and from drastic purgatives of rnv l:iUN- SOLD BY ALL CHEJIISTS AUD SPIRIT DE Wholesale, 13, St. Andrew's Street, London E C. B. ETZENSBEROER & Co., Sole Agents BRASS.REED,STRINaADRlJM(t'FIF^ 1 BANDS,PLANOS. OKG.ANS&HARMONIUMSat Whole- tale Prices at J. MOORE'S. Buxton Rd.. lludderslielil. Price* with (lratnngs of every Instrument post free. M usic for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized bv Arm v, Navy, AT Rills i Conn, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange; THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. rfl HO MP SON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, & remove every disease of th^ ?to* mach, liver, & kidneys. Pure blood (rives health. Thousands hav* been cured by the >e wonderful Pills whose diseases could f reached by any other medicine. 8oldbv all Chemists in boxes,l H & 2 9; or rrom the establishment. 44, Oxford-st., Swansea, for 10 or 35 stamps. Allsuffeiers are highly recommended to try then}; »I PEBBLE'S' THK (UtKAT I NPPNIP GAS HAVBB- I IlliiJUlili STEADY, SILENT L.IGHT. BURNER. i_L AsDYot'HGAsFimB.. CaSE Property & 1fr ortgage Repri stef. For all requirements in connexion wifli KSTATKS, HOUSI:S» MOKTGAtiES. MONEY AI>VAN0ES, SPUVKVS. VALPATIC NS, &«* ,<> Address FURHKB&Cp.tO. Fenehur.'h ISuildings, 1."11d"I1, E.C. T INENS and LINEN CAMBRIC -pOCKET HANDKERCHIEFS* • Direct from the Manufacturer, :JM ROBERT GLASS. :ii. Bedford St.. BELFAST- M JIX WRITE/0.. >jAA £ PLES AND PRICE LIST. M ClHOPKEEPERS and HAWKERS aiou.a send f'-r Wholesale Catalogue of Jewellerj-.pouches, I'urse Pipes ana r anev Go wls of every description. J. Scottlng, 2i'» lf Blackfn<irs^iQjxt, .London, S.E. .1 •• rfuLPaoLiMi LOTION."—AH cxiti^al meihfl OUHINO SKIN DISEASES. There is ceareely say eruptiou hot will yiejfj t0 '• Stilpholiue''in a few dey5* au. (o mmenee to fad^ away, fven if it pcernw past cure. O.-diraiy pimples, redness, bloti heft, f-cuTf, ron^hneA va owh as if by magic whilst old, enduring -k'n di4" ord'ii^, that haye plagued the hittfer«»ri» tor year?, how" ever ilrpp.ly rooted they may ho, "Sulpholoi"" wil» sucepssfully atroekthein. It de.»trov« the aDlmrJciilfiB wh'cli cause the»e unsightly, irrita'de. palcful aiico* fcio .i- and always produces a clear, healchy, uaT.urHl* Co.- i". on of the skin. "Sulpholiae" Lotion is solder j most Chemist 3. Bottles, 2s au. most Chemist 3. Bottles, 2s au. I