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GWILYM EVANS, F C-S,, MA>UFACTURING CHEMIST, LI,ANEI.T.Y. S0TT;H WALES. GWILYX EVANS'S QUialNE BITTERS. THIS preparation is now extensive1 y taken throughout the country by patients suffering from debility, nervousness and general exhaustion, and i?amr value be attached to hutnau testimony the effiacy of this medicine has been successfully established. Its claims have been tested and proved by the medical profession and others, and corroborated by tue wrlit'ii testimonials of eminent m -n. The Qiiame Bitters contain not only a suitable quantity of Quinine in each dose, but the active principles of the following well known herbs -sa rsa rarilla, saffron, gentian, lavender, au i dande.ion root. The use of Qcinine is well known, but it haq never been satisfactorily combinad with these prepai atiens, until, after overcoming consider able diiffculties, the proprietor was able to secure a perfectly aniform preparation, combining all the essential properties of the above plants in their greatest purity and concentration. It now established as a fami y medicine, and is m«n»a«ing in popular favour the mors ii. is known and tested. Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters is a tonic "Pick-me-up," scientifically mixed in b.tp-py proportions. ADVANTAGES CLAIMED. 1. Entirely vegetable, therefore containing neither i?o.„ ,Ie ;n jrcurj 2. A happy combination of medicines liitherto not successfully dUpeusjd. 3. Enjoys the confidence of the leading medical men in *11 districts in ■Which it has had a fair and continued trial. 4. Qamuis Bitteis are superior to any other kind of bitters pre- pared. 5. Patients who have suffered long and suffered sav«re!v, have received lasting and permanent benefit from their use. Lastly. The numerous important testimonials received clearly demonstrate their ulue. MEDICAL USES. THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY. GWILYM EVANS'S QUININE BITTERS contain? QUININE, and also the active principles of DANDE- XION and GENTIAN, LAVENDER aud SAFFRON. Without EXCEPTION the best Remedy for Depression of SPIRITS Rod Melancholy. GWILYM EVAMS'S QUININE BITTERS being a vegetable Pick-ren-un," is strongly recommenced for nervous d'seases, such as undue anxiety despondency, fainting fits, neuralgia, and nervf pains genera ly. Has been taken with great permanent resu'ts for INDIGESTION in its DIFFERENT FORMS, such as sick h 'a'-ache, heartburn, cramp, nttulency, Hensp of fulness and oppression after eatins, drowsiness, and plins in the region of the heart. Has successfully treated (after all known preparations had failed), aevera cases of affections of the chest, such as common colds bronchitis asthmatic colds, shortness of breath, spitting of blood, &c. TESIIMONIALS. From the REV J. H. WILLIAMS (Bryniardd), Head-master of Dowlais Grammar School. The wonderful effi acy of your Quinine Bitters to restore health and vigour, after lingering illness and debility, has been recently and sufficiently proved by my family, and elicits this voluntary and conscientious testimony from me for the benefit of others. From J. ELLIS EDWARDS, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., &c., St. Clears, Carmarthenshire. Having been so frequently asked by my patients as to the desirability of taking your Quinine Bitters," I have for the last two years given it a fair trial, and find it, without exception, the most pleasant and effectual means of administering that remedy. THET R E ATMENT IS S IMP L E. GWILYM EVANS'S QUININE BITTERS removes disease by strengthening the system geaeraUy. They correct the stomach and purify the blood, and thereby removtbe first cause. N.B.—Mr Gwilym Evaas can supply, by nost, the names of patients in almost every district in Wales and West of England, whmhave tried his Quinine Bitters, and who are glad at any time to give full particulars of the benefits they havo themselves received. Be not persuaded to try any other preparation, as there are umerous imitaters of all genuine and successful medicines. The names given here are well known, and can be consulted as to the merits of this preparation at any time. OLDIN BOTTLES, 2s 9D AND 4s 6D; AND CASES CONTAINING THREE 4s 6D BOTTLES AT 12s 6D EACH; ALL CHEMISTS, OR DIRECT FROM THE PROPRIETOR. NOTE.-The name Gwilym Evans, F.C.S., M.P.S., onStamp and Label E TD RIDGE ROUSE SCHOOL, CHESTER PRINCIPAL J. MATHER, B.A., Trinity College, Dublin. (Classical Honors. The advantages offered at tira school are liberal diet, moderate terms. successful preparation for examination, narticalar attention to backward boys. Duties resumed Wednesday, July 26th. erms on application. 47 JJDWARD R OBERTS, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, 58, HEI<LLAN-STREET, DENBIGH, Posts Bills in all parts of the Vale of Olwyd. All work entrusted to him will be properly at- tended to. *»- ? TOWYN TILE WORKS & PIPE WORKS FORYD, near ABERGELE. LAND DRAINING PIPES from 1J inches to 6 iDcbes always in stock, wh'ch are made of the best selected Clay, free from Limestone: larger gizes made on the shortest notice. The Works hare a siding a^ioining the Chester and Holyhead Railway are near Foryd Pier, Rhvl, whera sailing Vessels can be loaded. The above Works are aearer to Anglesey and Carnarvonshire by many miles than any other works in the district. For prices and particulars apply to the Owner. J. WILLIAMS, B 1371-494 Tewyn Tilery, Abergele. Tidings of Comfort and Joy. The Marvellous Cure for Corns and Waits, VERRUCACINE (REGISTERED). Is guaranteed to remove the most painful CORN OR WART In a few days, without pain or inconvenience BECOMMENTVBR BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. liThe fouovi-nz i-in s.-)Iieited Testimoniqls,'ha-ve been J elected Walton Liverpool, August 21, 1882. Mr Hughes, Sir,—The VSRRUCACINE reached here on Sat- urday enclosed are stamps for postage. Kindly send half-a-dozen more b-ttles to the above ad- dress. I must add that the VERRTTCACINE is a most marvellous cure for corns, and I am sure my friends will fully apprecate it. Enclosed is P. O.O.—Yours truly, —— Ellesmere, Salop, Nov. 22, 1882. gir,—I enclose postage stamps value Is. 3d Will you please send me per return of post another bottle of VERRUCACINE. I am verv much pleased with it, and can highly recommend it; as I believe by using it a few more times will entirely remove my corns.—Yours respectfully, ————— Mr R. D. Hughes. A Solicitor writes12th December, 1882, Dear Sir,—Will vmi please send me three 'bottles of your VERRI CACINE. It is the greatest bless- ing I ever came across. I want these bottles for mends.- Yoms truly. ————— Mr R. D. Hughes. Medical Hall. Denbigh. Sold by all Chemists at 13id., with ful directions and Testimonials, or by Pos for 15 Stamps from the Tnventor, R. D. HUSHES, OPERATIVE CHEMIST Medical Hall, DENBIGH. Wholesale of all the London and Liverpoo Patent Medicine Torses E 575

Family Notices




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