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LESBIGH NOTES. [BY A RESIDENT.] I think that the remarks that fell from the lips of Dr Tumour and others at the annual meeting of the reading-room are deserving of the attention of all tradesmen. I mean those remarks that related to the non-subscribing of tradesmen and employers of labour towards the reading-room. These men are the masters of a large number of young fellows, and although such an institution as this is expressly suited for those youug men, yet very few of them will even acknowledge the exis- tence of the reading-room, by contributing towards its support, or even by being present at its annual meeting. There are people in this town who are perpetually horrified at the young who join iu some athietie sports, Ofir. quent the public- houses, and yet, here is an institution with an express purpose of providing the young v.ith suitable and innocent recreation, together with supplying them with intellectual food, free of cost, and thereby leading triem from pubiic- houses and doubtful sports—and yet these very Pharisees p„it their hands in their pocketi, aud keep them there together with their money, and won't give a single copper towards a place that does such go d. I hope that, by next year, tbiugs will appear better in this respect. At the same time, I am glad that the institution is in such a flourishing condition, and much thanks is due to all those who have done so much towards this beneficial establishment. ♦ • Among the many startling incidents of the recent gale, I can't help giving publicity to a rather humorous one which occurred in this neigh- I bourhood. A small paity, consisting of two ladies and two gentlemen, were during the small hours on Friday morning last driving from an evening party to a city not many miles off. Their carriage wac a covered one, drawn by one horse, and, of course, had also a driver. After proceeding for some time without any mishap, the gentlemen of the party noticed that the carriage was moving very slow, and with a oecided inclination to ap- proach either of the hedges alternately. Gentle- man No. 1 and Gentleman No. 2 put their heads out of different sides of the cam; ge to see what was the matter. The wind, being monarch of the night, thought this was not paying him sufficient respect, and at ouce, without ceremony, to. k their hats off, to teach them better manners in iutuie. Both gentlemen, not relishing this treatment, took their heads in, fearing they also would be blown away. The carriage not mending its pace, however, they trieJ the experiment of hailing the driver. No response being made by that indi- vidual, they went on another tack, and hailed the horse. This at once took effect, for that tired animal very willingly stopped. Then a descent was effected from the coach, and the startling discovery made that they were minus a driver! Here was a dilemma No use facing the pro- prietor of the conveyance without the rudder cf the machine. A council of war was held, at which it was decided that one of the gentlemen should monopolize the ladies, while the other one paid his respect to the horse. Accordingly they all drove back in search of the missing article, and after traversing a distance of a mile and a half or two miles, they found him ;n a ditth by the side of the road. He had, however, lost some very important articles of clothing, which ultimately were found scattered over a neighbouring field. On examina- tion it was found that he was incapacitated from further driving for that morning, owing to the high wind outside and the hi,(tvy u-el inside. He was placed on his dickey, however, with both geuttemen one on each side of him, and the ladies grumbling disconsolately inside the coach. Happily the gentlemen had with them a pair cf smoking caps, and in this queer head-gear the three drivers (only the middle one was without a covering at all) entered the place of their destination just as the move sedate portion of its inhabitants were getting out of bed.


