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TKH "NOETII WALES EXPRESS," II A FIRST* CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER CONTAINING EIGHT PA8ES—4S COLUMNS. PUBLISHED OX THURSDAY. I PRICE ONE PENNY. By post for six months, if in advance, three shiilitgs; credit, three thullr^s aud sixpence. IT CONTAINS REPORTS OF ALL PROCEEDINGS THROUGHOUT THE NORTH WALES COUNTIES. A FULL DIGEST OF THE GENERAL NEWS OF TilE WEEK. PARLIAMENTARY AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS. SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS TOPICS. LATEST HOME AND FOREIGN TELEGRAMS. SPORTI> a INTELLIGENCE. EDUCATIONAL, LITERARY, AND ANTI, QUASIAN ITEMS. SPECIAL REPORTS OF MARKETS, TRADE AND AGRICULTURAL MATTERS. GlYEN WEEKLY, A feature especially interesting to FARMERS AND TRADESMEN. "THE NORTH WALES EXPRESS" IS THE LARGEST PENNY PAPER j IN Till: LIATKICT. ADV^HTiSl^G MEDIUM. SCALE or CHAR92S lOR ADVERTISEMENTS Per Line. scale. ) ParliaLi'eutarv Notices. Elect-on Ad- ) drefcues, Public 0.mpaiiUe, Legal ( is and Public Notice- &c.. &c. ) Auctions and Private Sales, Eistt-dd. 6d fodau, &c., &-c TradeAddressi s, Charities, Books, Lists l 3d of Subscript; ons,Ente-t dnments, &c ) (Special arrangements made for asei-ies of insertions.) PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OP THE FOLLOWING- CLASSES Houses to be L :t, .Apartments to be Let Situations War ted, Mo. ey Wanted, Situations Vact nt. Miscellaneous Wants.. Situations War ted, Mo. ey Wanted, Situations Vact nt. Miscellaneous Wants.. Apartments W: rted, | Lost or found, Are inserted it the undermentioned, charges:- One Insertion (! 0 words) Is. Three IllseItion I" 2s 6d. And 3d for ea h additional line of nine words. No Credit Alvertisemetits charged less than 2s 6d. All Ac vertisements not ordered for a definite pe:iod will be inserted until counter- manded. THE >OLi.owxrr. is A list OF TIIZ APPOINTED PUBLISHING OPFICKS AND AGENCIES, Where Advertiseinent.1 will be P-eceived:- AiiEBGELE Mr Robert Jones, Stationer. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. AMLWCH Mr D. Toiies. Stamp Office. Mr H. Hughes, Bookseller. BANGOB Messrs Humphreys and Parry, Booksellers. Meps-s W H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Mis Davies, Bookseller. Miss Roberts, Bookseller. Messrs Nixvii and Jarvis, Book- sellers. Mr J. Mendus Jones, Bookseller. Beai MAT is Mrs C. Roberts. BETHESDA, Mr John Jones, Bookseller. Mr R. Owen, Bookseller. Mr Wra. GritTitb, Bookseller. BALA Nlr Hugh Lloyd, High-street. Mr H. EJPES, Publisher. BAGILL" Mr Ed. Wil'iams, Bookseller. BAKMOX-th Mr John Evans. Messrs W. H. Smith atd Son, kailw^y Bookstall. JBETTAVS-Y-COED Mies Jones Carnarvon Of all Booksellers & News Agents CHESTER Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, Rrilway Bookstall. CONWAY • • Mr Owen Evans, Bookseller. Mr R. E. Jones, Bookseller. COLWY BAY Mr K. W. Leathley. OORWEN • Mis Edwards, Bookseller DENBIGH Mr W. A. Nott. Messrs W. H. Lmith and Son, Bailway Bookstall. Mr T. Ll. Williams, 1, Bridge.st. DOLOELLBY Mr i1. Morris, Bookseller. Mr E. Y- Williams. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Polyddele* Mr E-lis Pierce, Bookseller. PYFFRYJT Mr R. J. Williams, Post Office. FLINT Me-srs M. Jones & Son, Medical Hall. FESTXNIOO Mr Ellis Roberts, Bookseller. t Mr Robert Thomas. Mr John Jones, Tan-y-grisiau. Mrs L'oyd, Saron. HOLYHEAD Mr H. G. Hughes, Bookseller. Mrs Williams, Boston House. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. HOLYWELL Mr J. Kerfcot Evans. Publisher. Mr Daniel Roberts. Well-street. LLANDUDNO Mr Wm. Hughes, 5, Madoc-st. Mrs Andrews, Bookseller. Ilanv^no JCN. Messrs W. II Smith and Son, i-inilway Bookstall. Llanbekxs Mr 11. H. Williams, Bookseller. LLAXLT.YFXI Mrs Wi liaros, bookseller. Llanko Mr G. G Williams. LlasRWsT Mr Evan Evans, Watling-street. LIANFAIRFECHAN Mr E\"an. Williams, Bookseller. "LLASOOLLEX Mr W. Holding. Machvnlli:TH iNT r T o I,. c s. MANCHESTER Mr E. Minsliall, 12, Devonsbire- sf eet, All Saints. MOLD Mpo", Beiesioid aud Co. lHESAI BlllDGE Mf-i-rs W. H. Smith and Son RvJwav Bookstall. Mr G. Williams, Post Office. NEVIN • • Mr John Griffith, Well-street. roiiToisORWic Mr John Roberts, Bookseller. PoRTtfADOc Mr R. G. Humphreys, Bookseller. Messrs W. H. Smith. and Son, Railway Bookstall. PWLLHELI Mr Robert Owen, Bookseller. Mr R. Roberts, High-street. PBNMAENMAWU Mr Moses Jones. Prn-Y-GROES Itr G. Lewis, BckseUer. RCTHIS Ntr it. Lloyd, Chemiot. t> Mr C. Aldrich, Stationer. RHYL • Mr D. TreLearn, Wellington Chambers. „ Mr S. B^msgton, News Agent. Messrs W. U. Smith ana SOD, Railway Bookstall St. ASAPH Mr Wm. Evans. Taw-barn Mr David Thoma«. More thau one-tbixd of the deaths in the Metro- polis and the large towns in England arise from Cos;sumption alone. It justifies, therefore, the observation made by Dr Robert Hunter, that the question, of prevention and cure is one in whiclk fully Six MILLIONS of the prelent people of England have the interest of life itself," owing, no doubt, to neglected Coughs and Colds. Griffith Owen'a Easeifce of Coltsfoot can always be depended upon in the early stages. See that you get Griffith Owen's. E 533 THE SKi:T.—TT.P Glory of VSorr.m. the PrMe of .r;¡- It contains c lines of b«:cty. nnd emmitntea all that term "Lovet:nfs<i." yet tow many thousands linve their «Hi« b'misKedby th" nse of the irritant snaps, Carbolic. Co.il Tar, Glycerirje, ar.1 the coaire co'oarwl soapa,: caustic with altali. acd made of putrid fata. The more clelicate the •U3 the ^uiekt-r its ruin. THE ALBION MILK AND SULPirOR SOAP Í thr., purest, the whitest, and cx-s: purify- ing of all waps. by its purifying action laldnsr &wa7 and pr ventill a-11 piniples, blotches. and roughness. It i; recom- meart'd by the ecf.ire medical profession aa the most elegant ireraration for the skin that is known. A boon U> ■kin«.i By all Chemist*, in tablets. 6d. and l.The Albion N&Uit4q 2-9 C«.-132, Oxford Street, London. ) TOWLE'S PEKKYROTAl & STEEl PILLS I FOR FEMALES qciokiy corrnct. all irrpgnlarities and relieve the distress!!]4» svuiptoms nrenUent with tLe sex. Boxes la. l|d. and 8s. 9d.. of all CbPTOists. Sent anywhere for 15 or 34 Stamps, by the Maker, E. T. TOWLE, CheniUt, KottinBtiain. GRAVIES, STEWS^ HASHES, SOUPS, &c, GRAVIES, STEWS, HASHES, SOUPS, &o. The "GRANULAR BROWNING" I (Registered Trade Name.) SHOULD BE USED IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. It imparts a rich colour and suTien^r flavour to tha Gravies of Roast Moats, Chops, Steaks, CUllets, Chicken and Game Gravies, Hashes, Stews, fcoups, Broths, Beef Tea, Ac. Sold in Bottles, Is. awl 2s. fid., by Chemists, Grocers, and Italian W .ehoUEeml:n. 8010 Manufacturers, TOMLINSON & HAY WARD, LINCOLN. I^APE of GOOD^HC)PE,"NATAL, & EAS1 AFRICAN STHAMEH^Th« UNION S. 3. Co.'s MAIL PACK-hT^ <n[i from rn.snpTny every alternatey, & Steamers in the Irs U'nnedi.tire Service "very alu rn&to Friday %U 1-avinir Pivfriourh the ii-xr, d«,y. Apj»ly at the ces.Oriental ^oi.T ^RfiU'"«>n,or 1. 1 it.,Lo:iiiun, ü-t,r.I.(, IMOURNING FOKFAMILIEB.Ji i I' ■■ 'i JAY'S | experienced 8 DRESSMAKERS | anrl MILLINERS | Travel to ar.y part of the 5 Kingdom, R Free of expense to pi purchasers. fcS They take with them || dresses M and millinery, beside f* I'atterns of materials, jg At Is. per yard and B upwards, g 11 marked in plain tifnin fe and at same price as if P purchased at the B ,.Varehouse, in Kegent-st. g ¡ Reasonable estimates a; i S also (jivtn for g Ilonsehold Jlourriir.cr, | ■i t a great saving to large fi Tcm:ill families. H T: unerals at stated charKe> | conducted in London S or Country. I B JAY'S, The I/indon General Mourning 'Warehouse, H 1! E(4J-JXT STREET, W. ■ HoTABLXS] EKIJ 1851T JJIRKBECK B.A. N K.- 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. Current Accounts opened according to, the usual practice of other Bankers, and interest, allowed' on. the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £25. No Commission ch r" for in" Accounts. The Bank also r n Deposit at Three per cent. Interest, rej :■ ••••'mand, and undertakes the purchase and sale or ••< .litres. purchase and sale or ••< ,<!iarcs. .1 hamphld 1l'rh.1 rs, en application. I) U a.VSCROFT, Manager. (ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, C BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS BpoME-s CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite d\:ectual.-Cantion.-The extraordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words "Dr..J. Collis Browne's «"!>;<? "CT. ,u of Vice- (ha.ncellor Sir \V. l'age \V. Many testimonials from eiii.. Ii bottle. From W. C. WlLM.N-'i 1ruling. I consider it invaluable m I'iithisis and bpasmudie Cough the benefit is very marked. From Dr. M'Miilman, of New Galloway, Scotland. I consider it invaluable in and ¡;Pù.5lHlJdiC Cough the benefit is very marked. M From Dr. M'Miilman, of New Galloway, Scotland. « s a :i2.!l", Anodyne, and Antispasmodic, í ennsidér Dr. J. Coiiis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in Bottles, i IJ, 2 9^4: 4/0, by »U Clumiists. I I —— "1 CONSUMPTION MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S NEW WORK. THIS MARVELLOUS WORK touches the sympathies of human hearts everywhere." Her? is hope for the despairing." So writes the Editor <>x the CHRISTIAN AGE." MR. CONGREVE'S work on Consump- tion, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, &o., contains ONE HUNDEED and THIKTY- TTTREK SlS^ECTED CASES. BOST FKEE for dd., or 1. 3d., from ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, or from the AUT ROII, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.E. M F^_S_ATTJON D ON PRIC E S. AGE NTS J. Jl Jj*. WANTED EVEHYWIIDllE. Bibs. Carriage paid. GOOD STRONG CONGO U. thick and lasting Is. 8d. per lb. VERY STRONG INDIAN MIXTURE 2s. Od. per lb. FINE FLAVORED P?iKOE SOUCHONG 2s. Od. per lb. NUNN tc SONS, 14, Lamb's Conduit St.,W.C.(Established 1801). "\TTALKER's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES » are sm.ersedina all others, rrize Medals,London, 1862, Paris, lsCT- >itfrlrntn £ 3 3s. O'A-itrom £ 6 6s. 77, Cirniiiil, E.C. 23f, Regent .Street, W., London. Descriptive Pamphlet free. J &. X' TJ? OFK!NSON, 95, NEWBOND ST., • m jL Manufacturers of Grand and Cottage Pianos, CAUTION the Public against pUYl'h:¡s!,1 :r l'hn0frwtps bearing the name of Ilop L Of their manufacture. Only in-' ■ ith their Trade Hark, & J. Ho: I" J II IN, are genuine. Photogr9»il'- "n application. Mav be had a isic Warehouses, SEASONABLE PRESENTS. THE MIDLAND COUNTIES vr ATCH COMPANY. OF VY-n STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Supply ^r'ces all Goods ¥ j Direct at to th. Wholesale Public. 25 Z' 2 fey 25s. 25s. Let every rcadei of this send for our beautifully new ilIustrateJ cata- logue, containing list of testimonials and over MO line copper-plate engra- vings of Watc/ics, Jewellery, and Electro Plate, sent gratis and rest- free <.n application, to any part of the world. GENTLLMEX' S FINE I L V E R, flat crystal glass, 25s. LADIES' FINE SILVER, liat crystal glass, 25s. YOUTHS' FINE S I L V E R, fiat crystal ¡:;1" 25s. LADIES' GOLD LEVERS ex- quisitely chased ea-es, 70s. These WATCHES are frequently sold for treble the money. Cheques or P.O. payable to Mr. A. PERCY. /foX BIJLLTAKD BALLS, CLOTHS, CUESl J !>md all r»ther Billiard Keoui^itos at BB.03.' ivory W.«rks, 11, ifttfh Street, W.O. CM Balis adjusted or cxchancrcd, and Tables n"-C1bhinn..d and Re-covered. Price Lists, Cloth & Cushion Rubber Sampb s Post Free. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES. LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It forms a most erage by the simple addit ion of water, and if taken according t.) directions is the best preventive ami curative of Small-pox, Scarlet Fever, and other diseases. It dc,p.; not contain Magnesia or any earthy matter calculated to frodnco Gallstones or Gouty denosits. Prepared solely by T. LAMPT..OUGH, IIS, Hrlborn". London. HAVE IT IN YOUR IIOUSE-% & TAXE IT IN YOUR TRAVELS. TRILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES: J A LARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Price TAstn. G. EDWARDS, of St.), KINGSLAND ROAD, LONDON. "II<:l'i'h-¡:J.((:lt- LOCKVEH'» MA- PIIUR HAIR KKPTOBEB Will darke n prey hair, in a few days brinwiK hack the colour. The effect is superior to that produced by a direct dye and does not, injure I the skin. Lockyer's is equal to the most expensive. It is the best for restoring srey hair to its former colour. Produces a pertecrly natural shade. Valuable for de- stroying scurf and encouraging growth of new hair. Suipbur bein* highly i)rizecl for its stimulant, cleansirifrj tieaitliful action 0:1 T.he hair glands. Lockyer's Restorer is stroualy recolr.mPJ,<1eà. Large Bottles. Is «<1. Hold by all CieLai.It", and Perfumers 'every- where. (>I'KAT P-(»'ILV STRENGTH.—PEPPER'S QUININE AKT) IRON TONIO r,n!tt,ns the nerves and muscular system, improv s digestion, animates the spirits, reei'i i> s t-tie health, rouses and develops tlie nervous enerfries, enriches the bjood, promotes appetite, dispell lans,our and depre-sion. fortifies the digestive organs. Is a specific* muedy for neuralgia, indigestion, feverf. cnest, atfecHons, a"'d in wa-tinR diseases, scrofulous tendencies, f.^e. The whole frame i« greatly invigor- ated t y Pepper V Tonic, t.ho mental faculties bright- ened. the coo-titntion greatly strengthened, and a return to robust heal'h certain. Bottles. 32 doses, 4* (5Sold by Chein'-ts everywhere. The nam- of .1. ened. the coo-titntion greatly strengthened, and a return to robust hen" 11 certain. Bottles. 32 doses, 4* (5Sold by Chein'-ts everywhere. Thonim-of.t. PEI PK li is on the label. Insist on having Pepper's Toxic" CU RED IN* A Ff w PAYS. CORNS, TIVVIONS, AND ENT.YROED Toy. JOINTS.—DKLr-AH'a CORN AND BCKIOK PL AS ERS are the only real remedy. TL,-y differ Irem all Piasters. Shields or Compositions ever invented. l:y instantly softemnsr the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the corn soon fo'lo win<?. Bunions and enlarged tr 0 ji ints require more time fo* per-eet cure, but the lion is certain and relief instantaneous Any boots may be worn with comfort t.bree hours after applying DelKi's Plasters on .-o account,be persuaded to buy any other. Boxes, is I d each, are sold by rn Chemists Post free 14 S'amps. Bedford Laboratory Bayley-st.reet, London, W.C. LIVERMEOICIN E FAHATACT/M AXO PonoTHYI.IIN.— Tris fliti(leom-rinall(,Y). extracted from mp(i;(,inal roots, is becoming very popular, atd iuiow used instead of blue pill and calomel I (,,r tite cure of dys|.epsia, bilious- ness, and ail symptoms I congestion of the liver, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, head- ache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred touttue disatjido- able taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach and fc*lii;g of genera! depression. It tets the sluggish liver in motion, Very slisrhtly act* on the bowels, giving a sense of health an*t ooi-tfoit witain24 hours. It is the safest medicine. Turaxacroe atd pod'.iphylhn is a fluid made only by J. i"iiPi'JSR, F-e^fori Poboratory, London, wtoi-enanif i <i ovc.y label. Trade Mark-Plwsphodyne. mt Sanctioned by Her Majesty's I Government. I HEALTH, STRENGTH, If HO^PP^TOSTOOTEX' I AND ENERGY. A. Pure Soltltion of Phosphorus, pleasant in flavour and appearance, being a perfectly Bright Liquor, com. V)ined with Vegetable Aikaloidj, possessinff marvellous Curative Properties, the Wonder of Modern Chemistry 'reefrom all Dangerously Active Drugs. Innocent in its Action, and pronounced fey the Highest Medical Authority to be unequalled for its power in replenishing and elaborating the Vitality of the Body by its gup- plying all the essential ivitalizingr constituents of the Blood, Brain, and Nerve Substance and for developing all the Powers aud Functions of the system to the highest degree; thereby checking all wasting oi the Vital Fiuid, and the more Exhausting Wear and Tear resulting from Over-Taxed Energies of Body or Mind, maintain- ing that Buoyant Energy of the Brain, Nervous and jMnscular Systems,I-which renders the Mud Oheerlul, Huoyy, Brilliant, and Energetic. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHOD1NE Surpasses all the known theraputic agents of the present age, as a Prompt and Never-Failing Phosphoric Remedy for all Derangements of the Nervous and Blood Systems. Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Incapacity for otndy or Business, Noises in the Head and Ears, LOPS of Energy and Appetite, Nervous Debility m all its Stages, £ >■ -ec.^g_ ot t_.e Brsic, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Paralysis, Pains in the Back, Affections of the Ki< neys, urinary Deposits, &c- Chest Affections, Skin Diseases, Wasting or Withering of the Muscle?, Impure and Impoverihed Blood, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and all morbid conditions of the system dependent upoQiithe deficiency of the Vital Forces arising from whatever cause. THE ACTION OF DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNL ii Two fohTard Specific; on the ore band increasing the principle which Constitutes I on t^e other, the Most Powerful Blood and Flesh-geueratmg Agsi-t known; therefore a M<uvellou.. Medicine for Renovating Impaired and Broken-dowa or Exhausted Constitutions, making the recipient as Actives Srrichtl7, and vigorous as if nature had never been retarded or debilitated. -n.iiL.ji- When the Fire of Life seems to be dying out in the system, and the mind sympathising with the body, the sufferer is reduced to a Mental aud Physical Wreck, this mighty Phosphoric Restorative, by a few doses, seems as it were to lift the sufferer out of the 'oleugh of despond, and recruit and reinvigorate both theframe and the Ifltehec" TWENTY YEARS' PUBLIC TEST Prove these sets unimpeachable, being fullylbcme tout by thousands of Testimonials from every Nation and ) Country in the World, freely offered by distinguished Families, private Persons Military, Naval, Scientific, and Profeisional Meu who are well known, and who havo experienced from its ine all the nenf-fi-9 here indicated.. Sold in Bottles at 4s Gd and llsjby all Ex 0 W holesale, and Retai. Medicine Ven ors throughout the World. lil PORTANT NOTICE.—Every bottle bears the British Government Sta^p, .with the words DR LALOR'S ^PHOSPHODYNE, London, England, engraved thereon by Order of Her Majesty's Honourable Commit sionera, if not, it is a forgery, and you have been imposed on bv a worthier ftr..<1 injurious imitation. MANUFACTTJKED ONLY AT THE PnOSPHODTNE LABORATORY, BY DR R. D. LALOR, Bay House, 32, Gaisford-street, London, N.W., England. THE SOELETT PP.OPROR AND ORIGINATOR OF PHOSPHODYNT:. E 28t DR, J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE OHLGRODYNE ,-c CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE is admitted by tho Profession to bathe mcst wonderful and valuable remedy averdiscoverei!. is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Agn9. acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only speciflc in Cholera and Dysentery. effectually cuts short n:1 attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. i3 the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Tootaache, Meningitis, &c. From Da. C. J. COCLTO" £ Co., Horncastlo. w h" II 1'M.åo or Chlorodyne In onr practice lately, and look it as an <l¡n n aaa ifc sscm3 -s;e33ir:13 E73; TnvSSrcSoRO^NElT tha't S^'untruc,. which. h« rcgrettc 1 to say hadbecnewc^t ^o/u.^irahj^ ^thont the words Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ^TS0P0n?NG-on tha Government Stomp? 0«rwhe^niiug Medical Testimony accompanies each bolide T!DAVEBrPOaa?,_33 Oroat RusseU Street. Bloomsbury. London. Are the Purest. Chenpeot, and Best EStters ever made. They are COMPONNDED from Hops, Buchu, Blaxidrake, Podophyllin, and DandeUon-tbe oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world, and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other Bitters, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters ara used, so varied and perfect are their operations. Thay give new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whoso employments causa irreonlarity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who requiro an Appetizer, Tonic and Mild Stimulant, these Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Hitters. Don't wait nntil you arc sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable use the Bitters at once. It mny gave your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. sw- £ 500 & will be paid for a case they will not euro or help. They are ft pleasant refreshing flavouring for sick-room drinks, impure water, and other beverajres. Do not eiiffbr yourself or let your friends suffer, but use and urgo thorn to use Hop Bittcra. iiemember, Hop Bitters Is IX) vile, drugged nostrum, but the Purest and Pest Mediciua over male; the "Invalid's Friend and H.cps," aud no person or family uUouid be without I Try tba Kilters to-d.y. I-OU ÀLE BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. SAVE YOUR EYES.. SQUIRE KNIGHT'S EYE OINTMENT t\.r 'he Cure of ad Diseases of the byes, APPROACHING EVEN TO BLINDNESS. It. cures- Impaired Vision, Blurrmtr, Vv1 oak, and Watory Eyes, Cataracts, Sore Eyes left by Measles. Iteures- Red and Sore Eyelids, Partial Blindness Inflammation in the Eyes, Obscurity of Vision. The Preservation of good Eyesight igamatterwnicn concerns both rich and poor, rzid the delicate structure of the E ve makes it daily liable to accident, and injury. Tbis renowned Eye Oint- ment makes Spectaclesand Surgical Operationsunnecessary. I SHE THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. » Ail. H. Toml;n, 9-1, Shepherdess Walk, City Road, London, wonderfully cured of inflammation in the eyes, of 12 years btH.nd\ng.-July ith, 1877. Dombardier, E. Parker, Calcutta Battery, Bang. lore. East India, cured of very bad sore eyes, after trying all kinds of dcctor.s.—1S76. Mr. Chas. Weston, Park Street, Wellington, cured of fearfullv diseased eyes left by small pox.—1M77. J. A. Walkintrton, 13a, Eastborough, Scarboro', was cured of dreadful bad inflamed eyes, after trying all the best ocui-sts in the country. 0 9 Prepared only by C. 1. G. Clark & Son, ChemiHth, ifarket Place, Dudlev, and sold by all respectable medicine vendors in the Kingdom, in pots Is. ljd., 2s. 9d„ and 4s. 8d. each. Wholesale bv all Patent Medicine Houses, or from the p.t)1"IAt.ors oiroct for 16 or 36 stamps. {[iA fa:T GRATIS.-Scut by Post to all parts of the V orld OB receipt of two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURF. "FOR DEBILITIES and derangements of the generative aDd Nervous system, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, the result of over-taxed energies, is given in the book of POSITIVE REMKDIES." This book givt: a positive remedy for all diseases. The names of all Medicines are iven in English. Cases aul testimo- j niala, with means osed in each case. It ia a guide to thø self-treatment of diseases, and should be ccn- sultid by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE, —The Positive Medicines given in the book of POS ITIYE REMEDIES" are the medicines used by Dr Smith for over thirty years. By the aid of this book Invalids may forma correct knowledge of tbeirmalady, and find a positive remedy for the cure. The names are published in English, to enable invalids to select the remrdy and cure themselves without consulting a Medical man, making a written statement of case, or raying consultation fees. Send two Stamps for the book of" POSITIVE REMEDIES," which contains; 244- pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on receipt of two stamps, direct from H. Smith & Co., Positive Remedy Labor- ory, 26, Southampton- ow, London, W.C. I SSlW» ftHfal Fi 1)ROTODYNE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE .L CURE for Debilities and Derangements of the Generative and Nervous system, Prostration, Pimples, Loss of Energy, Physical Deoression, Pre- mature Decline, Wasting Diseases, Exhaustion of Nerve pov.er, Local Weak^e-ip, and all Diseases re- sulting from loss of Vital Force. After using these Pills, the body and nerves are restored to health and vigour. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient for the cure), price 2s. 9d. May be had direct from the ro prietora on receipt of thirty-ioa- Stamps. Sent b Post to any address.—H. Smith <fc Co., Positive Re medy Laboratory, 26, Southampton-row, London W.C. 816 As a safe, permanent, and war ranted cure for Pimples Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Le-3, and Blood Diseases aD' Sores of all kinds, we can with confidence recom- .1 .1) Ci-AP-F's WORLD-FA MEi) P:OD IIIXTUB* Sold by Chemists everywbt*«. TOMLINSON & Co's BUTTER POWDER. JL Brings the Butter quickly, removing all Ull. pleasant fiavonrs of Tnrnips, Cake, Mangolds, "Wild &ariic, Sonr Grass, Leeks, Dead Le&ves, &C._ In- ;reaseg the quantity and improves the quality of Butter. By Us use farmcrpand dairymen may insure arood, firm, and sweet Butter all the year round. Butter made with this Powder invariably takes the FIRST PRIZES at the Agricultural Shows throughout the ngdom Sold everywhere, by Chemists and Grocers, in Bo*es 3d, 6d, Is. 2s 6d, and 7a 61 each. Sole manufacturers, TOMLINSON & REWARD LINCOLN A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK, SHOWING sulferers how they may be cured, and re- cover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks, wit ,1 recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on Happy Marriages WL2n and Whom to Marry; The Temperamentsw Stammering; Vital Force; How Wasted and lIos. Preserved; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonder; of the Microscope in Oetecting Various Complaints. Post free lor two stamps. Address, Secretary Institute CA Anatomy, T'Ir- minghanj. E 47 VALUABLE DISCOVERY FOB THE V HAIR CARMAVS HAIR RESTORER. Acknowledged to be eqnal, if not superior, to Mr: Allen's, Rosetter's, and many others. It is not a dye. It contains no oil. Will restore gray hair to its original colour and beauty. Removes dan- drifif and all impurities from the head. Pro- mctea the growth and strength of the hair, g.villg it the lustre and health of youth. And is the cheapest and best Restorer ever used. Supplied only in large bottles, Is 6d. A parcel of three bottles, securely packed, sent to^any part on re iipt of 54 penny stamps or CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. This Saline compound, is recommended for Biliowa Constitutions, Heartburn, Headache, St-a Sickness, &c. In bottles, Is 9d each QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent strengthening medicine, in bottles Is and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' C .RMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficacy in preventing or removing the disorders to which Infancy is liable, such as Convulsions, Wind, Gripes, Difficult Teething, &c., &c. In bottles 7 id. Is lid, and 2s Od each. PLLEPAKED BY JOHN C A. It MAN, orSPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMH (Qualified by Examination), APOTHECARIES' HALL, HOLYNVE-LL. A CARD.—To ALL WHO ARE SUFKKKIN3 YIWM the errors and indiscretion of youtb, aervona »eakneasi early decay, loss ot manhood, ltc., I will si-,nr! precipe that will cure yea, FEEJ3 of CHARGJ?. This great remedy was discovered by a miseioHary in South America. Sen^ • ^!f.addret"<?d to ike ftxv. JOSEPH T. INMAN Station D., Xnv York City. j WITH CASSKT-E'S DICTIONARY OF COOKERY. CHHAP EDITION', 1,200 pages, royal 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d, CasaelVs Domestic. Dictionary. An Encyclopaedia for the Household, furnishing Information on several thousand subjects relating to the Wants of Everyday Life. With numerous Illustrations. "As a m-inual of ready reference for all household purposes, this work has no rival."—Queen. Cassell, Petter, Gal pin J: Co., Ludgate Hill, London. CHEAP EDITION. Pi'ice As. <><< post tree, AS. 7 nr. A Year's Cookery. By PHILLIS BROWNE. An invaluable present for young housekeepersA thence um. CasceU. Petter. (;"]1. < o.. f.ud-'a.te Hill. Lotidon. The "ETHIOPIAN" BLACK !0 I'd HOSIERY IN LADIET -I? AND CHILDREN'S, GUARANTEED CLEAN & FAST. WHOLESALE: HINE, PARKER & Co., LONDON. Retail of all Respectable Hosiers and Drapers Everywhere^ CA MON STR EET HOTEL, LONDON, E.C. Hail way Communication with aU parts of the Metropolis. {S Jtinutes' walk from the Banti ivoyai Exchange, <fee., &c. Uneaualled for its g. Home Comforts and Moderate CliaTges. Tariff sent on applieaton MaTlager. SHAItE SinSTEAME RS.—Dividends from 20 to 30 per cent, per aTinum. For most desirable Investments m this- )<.? 30 per cent. per aTinum. For most desirable Investments in this- when well managed-safe & remunerative property,Address Thomas Reer. Consulting Marine F.v,cinrer & St. •un-s1iip_Snrvcv^r, l^i^DocksXar<Al?: A GENrrS VY ANTED, in alTpartsof England and Wales, not yet represented, Lv an Assurance Society. Weetly paynients. i,.i and -For particulars. Address Manager. Elv Villa, Dunstable, Beits. Aunvm I>°LXSGBR°KE PAY HOSPITAL, near IlUlUL JL J London, receives patients requiring hospital IN treatment and nursing, ujjon payment, in accord- OTrVWrQClanee with their means. Prospectus of tho Hon. UlvIviiLiOU geo.,Mr.J.S.Wood,'WoodvilleJJ'pperTooting'.S.W. OSE S LIME JUICE CORDIAL is the perfec- tion of family beverages. Entirely free of spirit. DeUeio^s in water, effervescing in all Mineral Waters, Suitable for Ball- Room or Supper Party. For the cold season in hot water, or as a flavouring in hot drinks, &rc., it far surpasses the Lemon. It is highly Medicinal. No beverage has received higher recommenda- tion. Sco The Lancet, &e. Sold everywhere. Wholesale Stores: ROSE & CO.,11, Curtain Koad.yinsbnryJ^ondon.and Leith,N»-B- CLEANLINESS."—NIXEY'S BLACK LEAD TVTTX-RY'S Hii3 over THIRTY TEAKS' J31 nil J *i World-vide Reputation. Celebrated Polishes Instantly equal to Refined BURNISHED STEEL. Bt i t' T' tji A T-\ TT^ed without W aste 01 Dust. LA.L/JX- "c\uTION!" —There are several -k Spurious & Worthless Imitations. W. _G. NIXEY. Black LeRU{{?¿k ï{J1!AaittR. i irNGHAM'S ELPHORJBIA riLULIFERA 1 The Australian or GX'eat Queensland Cure for Constimp- t ion, Asthma.Bronchitis,Influenza, Coughs, ColdaI SECY Difficulty of Breathiiiff. and all Chest Affections. BII;;Uton, JLELT ,«rne, September 24,1SS1. # IIANDI1 J ^JC!LT. SIR,—HAVING suffered frnin A«'hma for the last sit V(,,IRS J HAVE the pleasure to ACKNOWLEDGE the great benefit J JJAVG derived from your Ksaenee— Euptiovbia Pnuliiera— together with vour Euphorbia Anti-Asthmatique Tobacco. I have taken '» or 'i bottles of vour essence according to directions, and have also smoked vour Euphorbia Tobacco at night wlien tlie attack comes on; and A^N Iranv to state that for the last tl months I have been Perfectly free ONHETE^ASTHMALICAL attacks, for which I am truly I am. yours very truly, tnaries Holers. J^EAESLEY'si J^EAESLEY's I ^riDow"Y^TELCH,s 1^ EABSLEY's | FEMALE PILLS. jg^EARSLEY's/ 4 REPUTATION of over 90 years constitutes ^□L these Pills the leading remedy for all complaints to which Females are liable, and the attention of ladies is particularly directed to the fact that thoy contain NO drug that can pos- sibly act deleteriously, and co; isequently they have the approval of many of the loading medical men ot the, day. mrrr mHE ONLY GENUINE WIDOW JL- WELCH'S PILLS are wrapped in WHITE paper and bear the signature of C. Kcarsiey (all others are spurious), to be had of all (hemistc; at 2/9 per-box or by poss for 34 stamps, of Sanger <V Sons. 489. Oxford-stuxt, London, W. 1~i"vnts \V. lopwcivfh..1 liir^vioh, VIENNAVEAST T^k,neH 7t>!fh«r!t.m l:l..Mancl,ester. T j- *■ Mawvn.Swan&Co., .N"w a-tle-on lyne. Y>OSE'SLI ME ;rc re E SAT IC E-T11C pert'ertion 1 of Sauces. Delicious and Wholesome. No Table should be without it. It assists and stimulates digestion. Recommended by the medical profession. Sold everywhere in 6d. and 11-bottlei. Wholesale Stores, ROSE & CO., 11, Curtain Road, Fiusbury, London; and Leith, N.33. TRUSSES AT MAKER'S PRICES. These Trusses are guaranteed of the best manufacture Single 2/9, Double 3/9, Postn^e 4d. extra. Sent securely racked to any part of tlie TJnited Kingdom on receipt of P. O. Order. R.B. Muggins, A.P.S., Chemist,Wainfieet, Lincolnshire. Dxrec- tions for self measurement on receipt of stamped envelope. TW\ nTT of MEDICAL WONDERS should be read by all UII111/ voungmen. Iioportani ti> debilitated nervous sufferersana IjiJll |\ those about to m:ivry. Free in Knvelope for 4 stamps. Pub- uuuulisher'sMe-li'-al H.nll,FitzulIan S'lunre,Sheffield, hstahd. 18J0. lilED CAGES. WIRE WORK SIEVES. Lists free, I) Walter Fox, 823. Mile End Road, London, E. T_>ilANKETS. All-wool; "direct from factory; 17,6 per pair (9lbs.). Carriage free. THOS. HEY.Skircoat Green,Halifax. U WANTBD for the SALE XVVX-Llil-^1 XO of CHAS. STANLEY & SON'S CHEMICAL MANURES. LIBERAL terms to gentlemen connected with the farming interest. For full particulars apply to CHAS STANLEY & SON, WATH ON-DEARNE, NB. RorHtllHAM. AVil IT IN YOUR HOUSEB" and follow the advice of the eminent Doctors Prant., Stevens, Morgan, Tli-ley, Dowsinr, Gibbon, Sparks, Ac., who have bomo unqualiiled testimony to the valuo of LAIvTPLOUGH'S PYEHTIC EALIRTE. It civcs instant relief in headache, sea or bilious pick- ness, coi'Stipation, heartburn, scarlet and other fevers, emallpos, mt'aglos, eruptive and skin complaints. Use no substitute. H. Holborn. London. MdNTBELlAJuD. Institute for young* Ladies. Terms £50 per annum fincl. holidays). Frighlyrecommende4 by English & French Clergymen, For references &prospectus apply to Rev. E. J. Beck, Rectory, Rotherliithe, London.S.E., ot to the Direetrice, Mme F. Roux, Montbeliard, Doubs, France AltJ^lVE ClVOCK, 20 inches Iong\ 1- 13 inches high, fourteen days' movement, at 401- (hOI price, £ 5 10s.), free any station in London, warranted keeper, money returned if found not correct. P.O.O. to O. FISHER, M, Basinghall Street. London, E.C. Bit ASS, li KKI>;ST I UN G. & DRUM&FIFS B ANDS, PI ANO.S. O ItO ANTS & HARMONIUMS at Whole, tale Fncrs at J. MOOR Buxton ItJ., Hudderstield. with drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, & Rifts Corps, Second-hand Instruments bough tor taken III Exchange PEEBLES' NEEDLE BURNER. THE GitEAT GAS SAVE R STEADY. SILENT LIGHT. PEEBLES & CO., TAY WORKS, EDINBURGH. AND YOUR GABFITTKR. HAilPER, T VV E1 /V ETRE ES' ViiiaWasher. Great further improvenients. Reduced prices. The most rapid, strong, and liiichlv finished. Agents Wanted in every town. Very Hberal terms. S.City Rd.,Finsbury Set., London, lvO: IN VrE srI i MENTS,WITHO UT BIS K realising from 2 to 10 per cent., payable quarterly. Any rnm from 110 upwards received. Highest references.— Indies and gentlemen with surplus capital should apply at once to P. Taylor, Esq., M, Wellington-street, Strand, London. "( CONCISE" Property & Mortgage Register. For all requirements 1" comiailon with ESTATES, HOUSES, MORTGAGES MOI;KY ADVANCES SURVEYS, VALUATIONS, &c. AJdrtiss KUUIIKR S Oc^. 8, Fenclmrch Bq'MtngB, London, E^C OXTTBEE/T^S BLOOM of NINON^imparts V^- r0 the Comple-.aon a splendid HEALTHY, Y^UNO- and PLEASING appearance. Send 14, or for treble size 33 stamps. To Gaubert. Coiffeur, 85, Kensington High Street, London. "THE~CTKrEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, Sr remove every disease of the sto- mach, liver, A- kidneys. P ire blood pi ves health. Thousands have been eured oy thee wonderful Pills whose diseases could not bo reached byanyother medicine. Sold byall Chemists in boxes, 1/14 & 2/0; or from the establishment, 44, Orford-st.,Swansea, for 16 or 35 stamps. A11 sutl'erers are highly recommended to try them. of MEDICAL WONDERS should bereiêfbyall BflflK Jo>lnK «'• Important 10 debilkntwl nervoos sufferers and HI IIIIV those about to ui: rry. iVe« in Knveloi«> for 4 «tamvs. Pub- na.lLFil.wiUu> Sonam. Shnflinld. 'f*. LIVER AN). STOMACH PILLS Lh DANHP- LIOW AND Quinine LIVER rnxs.—These famous rillft 0 not cor'tain t yen a ti"l"(, Of M< rcury, or any of the many dani/erous ingredients frennontly fdui'd in iidvertised Pills. This fuct continue-, "u keep Dr Kin^V renowned discovery in front of all Pillg whatsoever, as the safest, best, speedient, most •vr.u • and eft'ectnn! remedy for d sorders- of rue Liver and St,o nell. whether in the form of Biliousness, Constipation, Iii Flatulen c, Aei-iii II, ad«che, Shoui er Phius, Fever- ish Reetles»n>*>s of the whole y"t.I' Disinclii.atiin tor Food, or Dyspeptic symptoms ^•.•iu;r.-uiy, DKAFSESS. NOISKS IN THE EAUS, &C.—Dkllah'S ESSENCE FOR DKAI nk.-m should always be tried, as in number of c98»s, mi euiii>J;ly Í!.cnrable, I baa done wonders. Slight De-ifue.ss, Obst-nctions in tho Kars, and the Incessant Hiimr'^np Sounds so frequent with affected healing aI'" ler iov. d lÜtm two or three ir'^hr.s' applications. DEIXAR' ESSKNOB < au be suoken or hi- sure to give BOtne relief ¡i. any ease of deafne'1H withont causing the siKb^est injury to the delieacfo or. anisnis of the ear, and, however -«irpris:.<i«. persons for years Deaf have heard t-ounds atter a fidr trial of l.)<idu 'a 1 sac-nee. Bottles, In l4d and 2s <)d. Sold by all Ohauiists A DELIGHTFUL Flavork. OKACKOIT'T AUKCAM T Tootii I'ASTK.—Ry uninj? this delicious Aromatic Denr.- riflce, the enann I of the teeth becomes white, sound,and bo'ished like ivory. It is fxceednitrly fragrant, and especially useful for* removing incrustations of tartar neglected teeth. Sold by xli clieniists. Rots, ts i id, 7,1 Kce thai yiui get Oa^uiit's. GRATIS AND POST FREEl FOCYJET i c DARI M COOD SEEDS, s\ CARRIACEFREE. ffcC. r,, ^j| | ^SlIfTCif&SONSri (TV r r ^EEDTmen TO | h( rttUS n HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, |lp3M* 1 AND BYSFECIALWARRANT TO H.R.H.THE PRINCE OF WALES. I "PLATT'S ESSAYS—Buoin?.;s,S. MONEY, ECOX^IMY Revised, re-arranged, and added to, with Photograph and A-itobio^r:ijihy ot the Author. Royal 8vo., 528 pasi's, doth pi It, post-free on receipt of Six shillings by J AMLS PLATT, 77, St. Martin's Lane, London. W.C. ni) IftS. TO AMERICA twico weekly t'l'uJii TTO-SOij^, Hull, ■y li j sj Newcastle ov I,oith. Fast Mail Steamers. I1,laps & Pamphlets ot Am-i ica i*x tivl free. Hptlierins;ton, 3,1. Strand, London^ _L; STANT WORK AT UCBIE with machines J mi easy terms supplied to w»in< n v.-j-.o een earn 15, weekly. Patent Automatic Knitting Ma< ••• l.uri. 417, Oxford St., Loudon. Sample worked pair of in.' •«, -r-iree^O stamps Throw Physio ri I'll none of it.— ,s <L ^perre. IIE ALTII. STBENG-TH & ENERGY. Take it>> mot" Med; m. but wear DU BAEEii I-AIESI ELECTRIC BELTS. t. "HEALTH RCSTOUEK") Bv which Ml' KSS, NER\ i\ 1 KBTLITY, LOSS OF I'OWEIi. L.¡;L. OF BODY !HI. 0. can be enrrd in a. lew days. A MEDI( AJ i-. l;E GIVEN A Showing suffer- rt how the v I i:. r *.>*d recover Hi rtltli, Stre.iirtn. and Manh vipo ■■■ v. "f THE AID OF MEDICINE. Sent post-rree ou r«i-i Sf/.n-ned, directed envelope. Address, E, Odell, Secret;, i? :,fedi pal (\llnpn.n,Jj. St..(xeor^e's Rd., Southwark. LI. O « O O O ill numerous other Prizes f.,r ONE HILLING A TICKET, Under Government Guarantee. -TintKu-i'ENCi: for Postage to be joined to each < u-der. Apply to the. Agency for Public Funds (Case 72) in Geneva (Switzerland.1, or lcttpl's addressed to JAMES COLMEB, a> A- :n. Sew Oxford St., Lon<l0n. W.C., will be duly attended to. CKATIS. DTBLIN STOUT.-JO.H N D ARC Y<t SON have NOT RAISED theirPHICE3.-Anchor Brewery. Dublin, •QEST PRICE for WOOLIJEN RAGS. Particulars Jl) or ('• ii-»i!ni.>ii!Juhii j:r;uu^r<l Ko.-i'i. Dewsbury. 'l'!u*vndiif asVLooi, ;I)MI a Id,11!7t¡,- Till' :TL-I IK? VV AV KRI.KT Pen. THY THE HTNB00" PENS. JL Nos. 1, n 2, and S. MACNIVEN & CAMFRON, PATKSTnES (W PENS AND PF.N 110LLERS, 23. BLAIR ST., EDINBURGH lESTD. 7'jO), to ]!•■•• 'iovi:rnmenl_Uffices. fr' UNION LINE -————— pAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL & EAST V.' AFRICAN STEAMERS.—The UNION" S. S. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON even- 1!tp-T1;¡t' Thursday, Ñ Steamers in the Intermediate Service v ¡. i-te Friday all leaving-Plymouth the next day. Ap1'" • • •. i panv's Oth- ces. Oriental Place, South,uupton, or tl. St.,London. \Y il OLESO M E |: £ (J U S ES for particulars See pane 46 of OWAI".I)S NEW CATALOGUE OF INTERIOR, DECORATION. Sent on application. HOWARD AND SOSS, 'p. 2o &• 27, I'd i'\<. i\DO\, W. "rv_ r.!lr. Every f •- Yearly, Friday, I :;auv; -c I'rie r* r.. !i0s. lOd. -L;1.D-x,A.\CTI; .Ztl Edited by RICHARD A. PROCTOR. KNOWLEDGE, vol. n. (Juno 2 to Dee. 29, 1882) Now ready. Price 8s. 6d. Vol. III. (1883) will contain The Naturalist's Year," by G u ant ALLEN; OUl"Bo- dies," by ANPKKW Wij.SOX; "Nature Myths," by EDWARA CLOUD Honrs with the Microscope," by J. II. SLACK; The Chemistry ot Cookery," byW. "\rATTlEL II.LIAMS "SunView!J of the Earth," and Star Maps," by lileltAiin A. PllOCTOB; and other serial articles. Chess, Whist, Are., &c. KNOWLEDGE LIBRARY SERIES. Cr. 8.VO., Cloth, price fis. each, post free Os. 6d. Cheap Re-issue of ME. PROCTOR'S WOKKS 1. THE Jil 111 DFi; l.AND OF SCIENCE. 2. SCIENCE BYWAYS. 8. THE POKTIlY oF ASTRONOMY. Just I'ublished ''reprinted trom KSOWLEDOE). *VTATURE STUDIES. By GRANT ALLEN, Jl^I Andrew WILSOX, TUOJIAS FOSTF.U, EDWARD CLODD, and RICIIARP A. I'ROCTOB. LEISURE READINGS. By edwa KT> CLODD, A.C. RANVA Rp.Tno mas FOSTER A- R ICIIARD A.PBOCTOB. Imperial Hvo., cloth, price -Is., pest-free 5s. (3d. G-milE STARS IN Til LIR SEASONS. An Easy ■ Ouide to a Knowledge of the Stars, in l'J Maps, showing the Stars at all hour., all the year round. Bv HICHAM) A. PROCTOB. LONDON Wyman &: SONs,74-7G, Great Queen-st.W.C. r X R y s T O L E U M CO MP ANY, 500, Oxford Street. London, & 1, Kinp's Road, Brighton. NOTICE. X50 REWARD. Tlie above 0ompany wi ll pri^eeute any per^rei or persons scllinfT or .iffer- ing for sale :ui,y luatt'rials or r.iedimn^ not..stamped with the registered name & trad# mark, A that they will (on obtaining a convietionl pay the above Reward to any person jtivinif .sni'h intormatien as will lead to the conviction of aHY person or persons makiinr an illegal use of the name or trade mark, or UTU" virt 'Imm-oi I MateriaU Wholesale and IWail. 4*0.% ono W'OIiTIIcf UAIJY LliSi en; £ *•* v/v/vJ' LADIES' OUTFITS. &e, MONSTER YEAIILY SALE. Lists free. 11. Allin, T'i, I ppor St.,London. N". -TNIQT"E VILLA RESIDENCES. conveniently 'J situated for City and W.-t-^rd. lb E150 to zeleb IJiioqua.Ued for external api1 nisb. and decora- tion. Good gardens (stablie;. ir articulars apply toG-eorsre Jennings, Sanitary IJi :l,ce, London, S.& AGENCY.—The Scottish life Assurance Co. want pushing, men to ri'pro.scnt thorn in thoir nrrident th'pariinent; verv liberal tprm. Adiire^ the Al^mu-v Snperitthn.Met-n>. Kill > Wdlinm t. K.C. T.IFE and ACCIDENT COMBINED. ] £500 At Death from any cause, with profits. iC500 O a:Perm anent Total Disablement. Ð fa y6 On Permanent Partial Disablement. A i, 5 Weekly dtirinc- Ternporarv Disablemonfc Annual Premium-Age SO— £ 12 ús." 0<1. -f -40WAIS -NCE CO.IA. I LONDON, ED TN BURG H A- GLASG OWAS SU R AN CE Co.LcL London Otliee, Tio, Cannon Sti-eet, WILFRED A. BOWSER, Manager. c. WEEDIN'ti SKINNER, Secretary. TZENSBERGER'S ESSENCEOFCOFFEE '•WARRANTED PXTTIE—WITIIOTTT SUGAR IS IXOW HOLD BY ALL GROCERS, CHEMISTS. ±3TC.— n 13, St. A?t«lrov/'s Street, tShoo Lane, 1C.C. I^T/KNSBF.RGER & Co., Inventors & Sole ^lannfacturers. BERNH ARDIN E ALPINE HERB BITTERS "A MOST POWERFUL TONIC "-perfectly free from mineral medicaments and from drastic, purtratives of anvkind. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND SPIRIT DEALB'SS. Wholesale, 13, St. Andrew's Street, London, E.C. A mineral medicaments and from drastic, purtratives of anvkind. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND SPIRIT DEALB'SS. Wholesale, 13, St. Andrew's Street, London, E.C. A II. ETZENSCER' IER & Co., Sole Agents. w BANDS. PIANOS, ORGANS & HARJlONIUMSat Whole, tale, Prices at J, MOORE'S, Buxton Rd., Hudderstield. Prices with cira wines of every Instrument post free. Musie for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, N avy, te Kifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange. "THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS -■ purify the foulest blood. & remove every disease of the sto- I mah.liver, & kidneys. Pure blond gives hf>:1ii h ii" s have betn cured by these wonderful Pills whn". id not be reaehetl by any other medicine. Sold In* a a e !• coxes,1, 1* Ar2 9; riromtheestabhshtuent,It, Oxf for 16 or 35 stamps. All sufferers are hichly rec t trv them. PEEBLEJSf-' NEEDLE BURNER. THE GREAT el-AS SAVER. STEADY, SILENT LIGHT. PEEBLES & CO., TAY WOftiCs, EDINBURGH, AND Y O UA GAS FITTER. Property & Mortgag-e Register. '-J For all requirements in eonneximi with KSTATllS, HOUSK8, MOHTGAOES. MOSEY ADVANCES, Address 1'1 IJH. E En & Co., 6, PeTU-lmrch l!uiluin^*s, London, K.C. T INENS and LINEN CAMBRIC pOCKET HANDKERCHIEFS- Direct from the Manufacturer, RO:BEH'l' GLASS, 22, Bedford St., BELFAST. JY WHITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICE LIST. SHOPKEEPERS and HAWKERS should sen 1 for Wholesale Catalogue of Purses, Pipes a,id Fancy Goods of every description. J. Scotting, 2S».. Blackfr ars Road, London, S.B^ Aatina ur.d Kronchitis are in inoo ntcly relieved by it. Sold by all Chemists, o "SuLPHonixB LOTION."—An external means of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There i* scarpely any eruptim but will yield to Sulpholine" in a fdw days, and commence to fada away. even it it Heems past cure. Ordinal y pimples*, re5ne.«?, blotches, scurf, roughness, it b whilst old, enduring skin dis- orders, that have plagued the sufferers for years, how- ever dc(,I)IY rooted they may be, "Sulpholfne" will successfully attnek them. It destroys the animalr-ulae which cause ihese unsightly, irritable, painful affec- tiCD". aid alwayn produces a clear, healthy, natural. e on<iit1oll üf the "km, "StUphohne" Lotion is ftoldi,by nicst Chemists. Botues, 28 9d.