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qpo Commission Travellers through North I aT Wales, iVc. Mnv havr^ ("OMMI SION for ALMANACKS, &c., 1884. First-class reference ^quired.—JAMES DiLKsard Co., Nottingham. I AV^HITK'kS riKWi-NG MAdHxNifi, entirely new, suitable for tailors and othtrr. to be at a great TMtm-tioxi from cost price.—Arpiy to Cymro," Ezpret, Office, Carnarvon b. TO 8HOPK EFEE-i & TEA DEALERS. —AGENT* WAN rRD, for Loose or 'a^ke' Teas. Special tern s to good men.—Write to G. (101) MidSon, 8, Chistc^li-'frrre*' Lmi -on. E C. B!19'2—411 NJSBVi, l_.fr. h.^V i^HYtflCAL Jj&±UL,iT"> —A gentleman. having tried in vsin over; advertised remedy. ha* discovered a simple mfanf of self-cuit Pe will be, happy to forwar" the particulars to HT>-> anfiurcr on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address, Mr -J. T. Sew !] Brook vms H»- •v- rw ptv in: *b T .n r) o" nl "i 0y THE EXPRESS and oenedl fN -tL AMERICA.—The proprietors of the North Wales Express and the Genedl gyr/ireig fcave appointed Mr H. P. HoWbaH, proprietor of the International Newspaper Agency. Now Haven. Stat.», of Connecticut •B their sole agent in America to receive advertise- ments for insertion ir their papers. Is TWELVE .tep ie vistte, 2S 8d- *-• Cf?e™ to 10 inched 5e;' SI&S P"F«' rr,^?^^IAL intkst- ° raw™ u" "fly md theater™' wSv qI 3" Personal or otter "C', Certificates, DOCK Bonds, Life j App.y to B.Egberts, City-road, Chester; Stt '•=. 3«rcta,j. 11, S,ymo'„.st-eet; werpooi. B1151 _403 £ 0 WEEKLY ard UPWARDS may be EASILY £ nlrF0VESTLY REALIZED by persons of SEX, without Ht dranee to present cccupa- particnla-s. &c., enclosa addressed envelope g EVAiiS, WATTS, & COMPANY (P 293), <*WaantB. Bi"nrnghMm.— This is genuine. e 44G TO BE SOLI/, a large Leasehold House and Shop. close to the Railway Station, in Car- narvsn. Lease. 80 yevr.a. Excellent stufktioll for business or lodgiig-house. Part of the purchase money may be left to be paid by instalments over a long period.—Apply to Mr Griffith Jones, Bnamel Slate Works, P n'rallt, Carnarvon. R PRIN i-G A:,o STATIONERY. FOB SALE, a business in the foregoing branches Splendid opportunity tor an energetic Welshman. Address, G. M., Office ot this paper. G ] 4.75J) £ 10 £20 250 £100 jESOO /"OPTIONS on Stock Exchange Securities Ore nniform ^rice..Acknowledged the best and safest plan ever devised for making large profits from small investrn Bts with sreat rapidity. ■Ezplanatoybto'i %<l edition) SENT FR E E. Address George Evans and Co., Sworn Brak, "R Gresham House, 0 1 Broad-street, Lon^or. E553 AU)NAltVk)i\ PER V5 AN> JST BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. .£2,000 now re dy to be advun^ed on Freehold or I ■Leasehold Property in Carnarvon or the neighbour- hood. Principal and interest at 5 per cent, to be re- paId by monthly instalments.—Apply to the Secretary, ■tr John Rees, 24, Wellington-terras, Carnarvon. E .457 aIt Bell's Patent Life Pills and Ointment. iT is calculated that if every reader of this JL Paper kept a Bcx and Pot of the above ready at hand they would save en an average E4 each in Doc tor's Bills every yea' Of all Chemists, Is l £ d and 2s 91, or Post Free for 15 and 36 Stamps Erom W. BhLL & CO Reading, Berks. B MIJNEY, -Q1 K AAA Having tliis amount PWXU^vUvt placed at disposal by gentlemen for invp^mmt, immediate ADVANCES will be made to rf spoufeible parties without dei ty, upon Security of Stock it,-trade, Household Furniture, &c., without removal, at a ?ery low rate of interest The itrietest cot fidenoi secrecy to all proposals may be relied upon -Apply Messrs J. D. Edwards and Co., Pablic Accountants, 87, Moslyn-siireet, Llandudno. B 1500-536 V R, J. D. EDWARDS. ACCOUNTANT, Financial Agent, iJ6. MOSTYN-STRSET, LLANDUDNO. B 520-1440 ANITOBA AND THS CANADIAN m NOKTII WEST, through which runs THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Farming and G azing Lands for Sale on Easy Terms to Actual Settlers. If you desire to receive, free of charge, the Rail- way Company's New Regulations for the Sale of Lands in the Cansdian North.West and also the latest Maps, Pamphlets, &c., containing the latest information about the country, address- ALEXANDER BEGG, Canadian Pacific Railway Offices, 101, Cannon- street, London. B 562-156 SAMUEL EVANS, A&V0N1A BUILDINGS, BANGOR. Corn, Flour. Seed, Hay, Straw, and Oil- cake Storor. A nr.vT foh— Spratt's Patent Meat Fibrino-Dog Cake. The Prize Cat'le Food Companyp. The Glouc e,:er specific i.r Fcot Rot in bke^ The Liverpool. Cbediire, and Isorth Wale latent Mar-ure Gompatiy. Messrs Riehardsoc Brothers and Crashers ana Manure Manufacturers, _t* > Dublin, Curk. Galway. and Sligo S. E. will be pleased to send QU0 JPplicatioi. PHILLIPS & SON'S DANDELION COFFEE. FoR LIVER AND INDIGESTION, Co»taina Three Times the Btrengtn of Ordinary Coffee. QB0CE £ s AKii Oii'i.jMTf1'1"5 EVERYWHERE ¡ 1 DR. 0. W. JONES, ^Tat D'D" ':UM L D S- F P S"G' 1)E ^ARKET-PLACE.BANGOR a educated Youth as an UaIn He will have a good oppcrtu* O. n "Igh-claiss Dentistry. ro. ar is at Llangefni OR Thursday in Lied Q" \ole way to the Conn ty Court. CUMBKR; AND 1 Kr K Efl) HAMS, CUMBERLAND 0 IT REP BACON, PRIME óI. AM E RIO A N CHEESE- REDUCTION IN PRICES THIS WPEK AT THE POOL-STUER.T MARKET, CARNARVON, BEACH MoURT SOHOOL, CRICCIETH CON UCTER VY MISSES WILLIAM^ AND TEMPLE. Prospectu>3 fr,e on a-ppli ation ta above address Dnhfl rr nn prl (D.V ), Jaruary 2\ 1883. OM'. B"X (Of Ui.MiKK'S B41 PILLS is w to cure all discharges from the Urinary or°a in either sex (acquired or cou stitational), Gravel and P'tiu" in the Ba. k Guaranteed tree from Mercury S"W in br>xi r-, 4. 6d escb, by all Chemists and Patent M-ciu Vead-.»rs throughout be world; or sent to any A^DRESH '"r sixty at", p" hy the Maberf, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND :OUNTIES* DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln: \Vh"lesiti« Agents, BARCLAY & SONS. London and nil Who <— R." iVjACNIVEN & CAMERON'S PENS — are the best.Public Opinion. Tliey come as a boon and a BLESSING to men." The the Owl and the V/nverley Pen." STANDARD says, They are a treasure." (' i. (irui ]-. I«.>r liox. So 1<1 throughout the World. Also TIn: HINDOO PENS, Xos. 1, 2 & 3. SPEI-I"IE^ l>O:CE«, .OJ!RA-T>INIR all THE kinds, by post. Is. Id. Jfnt- sV if P i'p.'1yrtrrvimi and Cameron, ll to o.- T OF, Kfiinb.. (Kr.Ul. 1770.i MAIL $Jpt LIVEB POOL. TO UE"W YORK & BOSrrOIT EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. This Company has been established for Forty Years, and is noted for its Safety and Comfort for all classes of Passengers. Apply to the CLIN ARD STEAM SHIP COMPANY, Limited, Liverpool, L. thoi AGENT,—WM. J. WILLIAMS, 7 Market K <'Apnarvon. 1: I AMERICAN linh TTNITED STATES MAIL BTFAMESS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA. r;V^K"y WKHVK871AT AND ALTBHNATB 8ATURP4T. First-class, full-powered Iron Steamships noeoranjodation for passengers equal to an' «Varor>eaT' Litie ;>H?sejgert' and Goods landed at Philadelphia n> t-np Whart of the Pennsylvania Railroad. THH «Hf R'fKfT AND BEST ROUTE TO THB WEST. Apply to RfCH A.MDKON, SPENCE & CO., 17 < lb. Water-street, Liverpool. LOCAL AOBNTS.—W. J. Williams, secretary -be North Wales Quarry men's TJn'.on, 7, Market street, Carnarvon John Foulkes, 24, High-stroel OarnaTvon R. G. Roberts, Rock Cottage, Creigia \fcwr, Talvsarn- R 227.77 -d PFOR THE BLOOP re THE EIFE? |W^RI5TJBI WORLD^FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER' AND RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impnrities. it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Disease and Sores of all kinds.it is a never-fai.mg ana p manent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Soran on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the t ace. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is Pleasant t0/hS ta^e'f delicate con- free from anything injurious to the t*\ stitutkm of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to Give it a trial to test its value. AI I PARTS BY 0 ALL CHEMISTS and PATEN^ VENDORS throughout tho Jl. T'TIFCOLK AND MIDLAND stamps by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLK COUNTIES DRUG COMPAHT, Lmcoln. • „x Mark— Blood Mixture. ) VATJUAHT.TS DISCOVERT FOR TN7I^URI.-« your hair is t uk-ii ii"* <-rev or white, or falling off. use The Jlesican Hair°Rcnewn- for it wiU in every case Grey or White hair to its or without leaving the disagreeable smell of gwt llestovers." It makes the haircharming .> beautitu^ as weii as promoting the growth oi' the, hair g Wd Bpofs. where the glands are not decayc Chemist for "UlE MEX.OAN HAI»DSP™ by C^rnMs and IVrl'umers everywheie at S^. b^p Bottle. Wholesale deyot removed to 33. Jwnn.uou Road. London. NOH1H V\|> SOUTH WALES I'.LNK, LIMITED- < -———— I BALANCE SHEET, I AT 30TH DECEMBER, 1882. I I LIABILITIES. Deposit, Current A" <•<>nt Bal- ancss, JE5,132,057 10 8 Notes in C rci hit:? n 80,145 0 0 Drafts. 1 ot x.(d<i,y '1 drtys'date ] 30.939 15 5 Aoce|.ti>) tti.d Crtd »>• nuderissne 49,9('5 10 10 Bills for Collection, ond her items 72,787 9 3 Total iahilitiw to Public £ 5 335,835 6 2 CAPITAL T(,ta! Subscribed, £ 1 000,000 0 0 Of wh:t-U in re- strve l,fi(j0,00D 0 0 pa" p oou.00 0 0 RESERVE FUND ^5O,000 0 0 UNDIVIDED t ROFITS <^JLTI4 1J 6 —— —.—— 765,164 12 6 .E3,100,9D9 18 8 ASSETS. Cash in hand, at Bank of England, and at London Agents JG401,928 9 1 Cash at call, and not exceeding 14 ciays' notice, with Bill Brokers and -Agents 9*3,636 14 1 •iT>28, LS2 8» lOd Cousols, cost 500,000 0 0 Preference S ocks of first-class Rail- Wfiys, at cost 175,775 P 8 Bills of E&chai-pe 2,101,179 9 6 Advances to Customers, temporary Loans on Railway and other Share*, 1,743,502 2 7 Acceptances, aud Credits unaccepted per contra 49,905 10 10 Bank buddings at Liverpool, and sixteen Branches 112,090 14 11 Sums in transitu with Branches and Agents, and other items 72,981 14 0 £ 6,100 999 18 8 We certify tha' the "I,ove Balance Sheet, in our opinion, is a full and fair Balance Sheet, properly drawn up so as to exhibit a trlOe a. d correct view of the state of the Company's affair*, aa showa by the Books of the Compa y, ai.d that tb,. Profits, as statedin the Profit and Loss Account, have, been fu ly anlil fairly earned. HARMOOD BANNER & SOX, Chartered Accountants. LIVEHPOOL. 18tA January, 1883. B 586-1645 THE (.KIML^ALI SCHOOL, UXBRIDGK-SQUAKi, (JAK\il{V0N ESTABLISHED FORTY YEAR" CONDUCTED BY JOHN G. DAVIES (Under-gr duat- of the University of London, late Scholar of the University College of Wales, and Prize Kssayist of the New 8hakspeare Society). T)UPILS are afforded a thoroughly sound and liberal education at a moderate cost. By a gfaduateo c -Jir-e ot iuatruction, frequont'y tested bv examiuations, they are carefully and suc- cessfully prepared io. p^feaaion.. t or commercial life. Eaglish, iu its several branches of Grammar, Compo- sitton^rl'Story, nrid .iterature, is ;asde a special subject of study. The senior classes are presented at the Papils Examinations ot the Royal College oF Preceptors every Midsummer and Christmas. ¡ hi Quarter-da;s for this Half-year are January 23rd and April 30 h 1.73d- THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. TRADE NO T il -,i MARK. CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple Remedy for Indigestion, which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which ice. are subject, being a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial, that it is with justice called the "Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach." "NORTON'S PILLS" act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient; are mild in their operation, s<fe under any circumstances, and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use, as tfiey have been a never-failing Family Friendfor upwards of 50 years. Sold in Bottles at Is. 1*1 d., 2s. Od., and lls. each, by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. CAUTION. Ash for NORTON'S PILLS," and do not be persuaded to purchase an imitation. I DR YilT 4 MAT'S I _M tEaL DUTCHES IT T & PUREST ANTISEPTIC IN THE WORLD IFOR -■•i FOOD. PURIFYING WATER, COOKING VEGETABLES, BLEACHING LINEN and |CV ri ;» •• l.LOTHING. It is a Household Treasure, Toilet Delicacy, Greenhouse requisite, and fcr 'rr:n:f other uses. Sold in Id., 3d. and 6d. Packets everywhere. A IBM& PA Err CALIFORNIAN ii' if occurs, send 2 stamps to the Works, PATiQ't- t X COMPANY, BIRMINGHAM, and you I. ilt ,eceiue 1d. packet, with directions, uses, recipes, list of preparations, and papers detailing its BORAX discover.7 ana importance. 113- 1 OF FII-1AYP. I Each GENUINE PACKET carries the PATENT TRADE MAKE, BORAX CRYSTAL, thus- B RA ED THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS INTHE WORLD < a *> Trade Mark. C 1 9 Bull's Head- I Colmanss Mustard MANUFACTURERS BY 'Z TH E SPEGIALWARRANTT^EQU EEN "ASKFOR GENUINEOR DOUBLE SU PERFI N E" B JVD OUBLE 00 NOTBUY TO Fl,y VILEIMITATlOiV$ t Sixpence spent in them saves 10s. ———————————————————— "The CLEAN Black LeacL"—Vide Preu. JAMES' C°L° Successive awards for Bx-1 1| Cellsnce of QuaUtyandCleanli- L«r | Y1 SiBLACK LEAD 8SWJUIE of Worthless Imitations SYMINGTON'S WORLD WIDE AD ADQ REPUTATION MLLM DO DANDELION, FRENCH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTON &> Co., 1 Established Bowden Steam Mills, c over MARKET HARBOROTTGH. ffty year*> \mm MBHWI LI^3*™™™~PU^LY,VKGETAIU!B^ERFECHY^MMLE»«. LLur -z kc 4& z 11 PI JMI VKGF.TABLB, Perfectly ilarmless, Will reduce from two to five pounds per w eek: acts on the food in tne stomach, prevent- ing its conversion into Fat. Sold by Chemists. Send stamp for pamphlet. Botanic Medicine Co., 3 New Oxford-street, London, W.C. Alft ft IVEW BREAKFAST d AFTER DINNER BEVERAGE. I CON ROYS YYS MALT COFFEE fan Coffee combined with Malt by Patent Process. "A«a DreaKiast beverage it lltnurarpassed."— Dr. BAKDKBSOH, M.H.C.S. "A nourishing and health producing article of diet."— E. DUIEs. F.C.S., &c. ASSISTS DIGESTION. fwojjU Qtooers, Druggists, Ac. Prepared only at the MALT QOFFEK WOUs. M. FLEET ST., LIVERPOOL, i^a cure Conehs. Asthma Bronclutis. M d cal^ te-tiiao-y states that no -other uir'di-' OneLozcn-ealoiip1^1110 CUre °f theSe danger^" maladies. f fnr'rol eivrs case, one or two at bed time eusurcg ref ..F0°-r 1°, „V1Dg dimculty of breathing they are in- valuable, They contain no opium nor any violent druu. Bold by all Chemists in Tins, is. ljd. and 2a 8d. each. I v. I .0, zl- 0. I "'A am B I WAR DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, TRIENNIAL CONTRACTS, NORTHERN DIS- TRICT, MANCHESTER SUB-DISTRICT. j HHENDEES are required for the performance i °* such Works aud Repairs, and for the soppy ofsuch Building Materia's as may be requirrd, to ar Department Build:n?s and Property at Ashton Beaumaris, Burnley, Bury, Carnarvon, Chester, Fleet- wood, Isle of M ui, Lanca ter (including Morec.mbe Battery), Liverpool (including Ev(.rton, Militia Build. ings, North Fo; r., L.sa.rd, Perc^. Reek, Seaforth and, Altcar Batteries), MancLester, Macclesfield Sonthport, Warrington, Wrexham (including Mold) from 1st April, 1883, to 31st March, 1886. Persons wishing to Tender can obtain information, with Forms of Tender and Schedules of Prices, OR ap. plication to J. Downer, the War Department Surveyor jM^che^ter Su -District, at the Royal Engineer Office, Clones Hot1"e, Strsiford-rcad, Manchester, up to lat of March, 1883. A sum of 181i 6:1 will be charged for the Schedules cf rrices, or they can be seeu, without payment, at the Roy..l Engineer Offices, Manchester, Liverpool (9, Sandown-road, Seaforth), Chester, Preston, Warring- toci or at the Barrack Sergesnt's Office, Wrexham, Ashton Bury^ Burnley, aud Oas; leto^n, I le of M m. J^ost Omce Oi ders to be ma e Payable at Chester- road Post Office, Manchester, to J. DOWNER, Surveyor, Royal Engineer Office, Manchester. The Contract will embrace Bricklayers*, Pavi -rs' Carp enters Plasterers', Plumbers', Slaters' Smiths'! railiters and Gas Fitters' work r to be oei'Tcred at the WAR OFFICE rru 0D or before 95h March, 18S3. The Secretary ot Slate for War reserves the right of re] cting any or all of the Tenders. Royal Engineer Office, Clowes Honse, Stratford- road, Mauchfster. 11th Jnuuars 1883. E 580 lidb.gs of Cow fort and Joy. The Maryelloas Cure tor Corns and Waits, V E h. K U C A C I N E (PESTERED). Is guaranteed to remove the most painful CORN OR WART In a few dsys, without pain or inconvenieLice HECOMMEKDEr BY PHYSICIANS AND S. kGi ONS. The following ulJs,licited 'J estimoni^ly have been selected Wa'ton Liverpool, August 21 J882 Mr Hughes, S'r,—The VfimrcAciNs ret-ched here cu Sat- urday; enclosed are stamps for postage. Kindlv send huli-a-dczen more oottles to the above a l" dress. I must add that the VERKUCACINB is a nnst marvellous cure for corn*, end 1 am sure my ine .ds will fully apprecate it. Enclosed is P.O.O Yourt truly, Ellesmere, Salop, Nov. 22. 1882 Sir.—I enclose postage stamps value 1^. 3d Will you please seiod me per return ocpo^ another bottle of VEKRUCACINE. I anI very much pleased with it, and ca;i highly reccmmeJJd it; as I belli vt by usiDg it a few more tim^s will entirely remove my corns.—Yours respectfully, Mr R. D. Hughes. A Solicitor writes :— 12'h December, 1382, Dear Sir,—Will you please send Difi three bottles of your VEKKUGACINE. It, is the greatest bless- ing I ever came across. I want these b, ttles for friends.- Yours truly, o D- HuShes. Medical Hall, Denbigh. Sold by all Chemists at 13id., wi h ful 2 direci-ions and r.stimoaials, or by JPos for 15 Stamps from the Inventor, R. D. HU jfHES, OPERATIYa CHEMIST Medical Hall, DENBIGH. Wholesale of fill the Loudon and Liv pI Dat 'Dt IVfedieuie ^Toi's^s (5 .375 TOWLE'S PEfBTBOTflL & STEEL PIUS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d.. of all Chemists. Sent am where for 15 or 84 Stamps, by the Maker, E. T. TOWLE, Chen:'i.-t. Noningnani! ipiij IS THE! w • c-. 'j.. »u*l. ^ervwhsrei {TRADE MARK j,?. -b iv56-Uyi^5^i3i|i PAGE:WOODCO, K.'S" GOOD for the cure of WIND ON THE STOMACS. GOOD for the cure. of INDIGESTIOlf. GOOD for the cure of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the cure of HEABTBUBH. GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT. GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from a disordered state of the I STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVEB. Sold by *11 Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Is ltd 2a M. •nd 4s #d each: or free for 14,83, or 54 SUmps, from PAGE Ð. WOODCOCK, BlGB STBEST, LINCOLN, J S 4d. SINCLAIR'S per. lb. ES;:i COLD »«NAR a Steamy House. WATER Cleanser/ /j0lk Eeware of f A O j5Pf| TlUfoutaUon,! 4sk SINCLAIR'S." 'a<^y vrrites to Thr Queen, ™ recommend it to every yfi housewife it saves time and L'r'JgSiivV/flSK material; economises fuel,as the clothes require less rub^ I ^Sa "IT M/PIAI1 YB bin? and no boiling." tAMES SINCLAIR,, SOllthwark. London.S.E. YORKSHIRE RELISH t The most delicious Snuce in the World. Enriches Hot Joints, Stews, Chops, Fish, &<\ With Soup it is charming. Blends admirably with all Gravies. Makes Cold Meat a Luxury. Makes the plainest Viands palatable. The daintiest dishes more delicious. A great addition to Cheese. Every disb is improved by its addition. Epicures pronounce it the Best Sauce. Beware of Colourable Imitations. Sold Everywhere in 6d., Is. & 2s Bottles. GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS. FOR 100 PALATABLE^0 I HOUSEHOLD RECSPES Write to GOOD ALL, liA CKJfO USE$Co., LEEDS Enclosing a penny stamp for postage, when you will be r,re- sented with a valuable book of 100 iv.^c ;J 5 p a fully illustrated, called « GOOn%IVGS » V V»F '\in AND DONE FOR EVERY HOMEAND Mease mention this paper, Please mention this paper. A CARD.—To ALL WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM THE errors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of mauhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Neio York. City, U.S.A. i I THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. T'^ECV>DNTY COURT OJ CARNARVON- SHIRE, HOLDEN AT BANGOR. TN THE MATTER of a Special Resolution OR J%E Liqiiication by Arrangement of th# AFF^rs of Joha Barton, of No. 2, H'gh-stree1, ia the lown of Carnarvon, iu the County ef Carnar- von, Coach Builder. William John Williams, Number 7, Market-street, iu the Town of Carnar» von, Coach Builder. William John Williams, cf Number 7, Market-street, in the Town of Oarnar- vou aforesaid Accountant, has been appointed Irustee of the Property of the Debtor. Ail persons having in their possession any of the effects of the Debtor must deliver them to the Irustee, and all debts due to the Debtor must be paid to the Trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their p -oc F, of debt to the Trustee. Dated this E ghteenth day of January, 1883. J. GLYNNE JONES, Registrar. R. D. WILLIAMS & HUGHES, Solicitors for the Debtor. I 584 "OPEN-AIS PHEACfllNG ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS, ON THE QUAY, CARNARVON. It is intended 'D.V.), TO preach the Gospel on San- DrUl SHE'D00113 T0 ST MARY'8 CHURCH AAD AT FIVE O'CLOCK. Christian friends are invited TO assist in the good Work- i 585 PRIZf; SHOOTING MATCH. TO TAKE PLACE AT HOLYHEAD, ON FRIO A Y, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1883. THE GUN Club Rules to be observed, with < TVO EX^PT^11 of the oore, which must not be uuder 12, a&d tae charge which is at option of shooter. Five birus each. 25 yards rse. Three AP 'C +1 TIAPP.:D at nco I sharp. Entrance, ENTRIES C,O,.E <TT noou, on the 29th instant. Open to Gentlemen resident in Anglesey seven days before day of shooting. REF3REE:-R. STEWART, ESQ.. For full informat;ori apply to M( C. J. KU A^RUI OR T0 THE Secretary, HE.S) GOjDVVI^, Railway Station, HOLY- ,J 583 CHEF A! CHEtSE II CHEESE!!I -*■ niany of the Cheshire farmers have GIVET. up tuaki g Cheese, owing to American competition, and, consequently, the demand for super- or Cheese ie much in excess of the supply, the Farmers ol the Va.A of CLvyd have been busy, and the famous Dairies of Kdford, Tsv>80I?, and Lleweui have turneo out large quantities of exceptionally good quality which we can offer at very moderate prices. Weiptte, trum 451ba to 7Cibs. Orders by post immediately attended to, J03N kOBEiiTS AND 00. THE STAR," WHOLESALE ASH RETAIL PROVISION STORES HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH- ^yiLLIAM JOHN pARRY, GENERAL MERCHANT, MAEiS-Y-ttKOtifc, BANJOS, 1A^» supply the best of the following ST V most REASONABLE figure. Contracts fci the óopply of larg. qaanunea entered into. (tders ijr .M: tly atteua^a to. An experienced man will I ttend a'4Y experiments required with Explosives. EXPLOSj VES. — Gunpowder, Blasting Gd tlue, ILDYRMMIU, OPOCTIUG Powder, Detooab rs of JWONRA ICMSATSRSLI** INDiA RL PBSR. Sheets, Washers, Hoses, Eaters, FUBINS?- BELTINGS, Ac. of all kinds. \I" LJ ~W BEEU for Slate Quar ies DPO andColueries. iuk Wire of any iength. (IlLS ÖUr1 GKLIASH of all kinds, for every description H .fi'L »*' ^E11 M FOR PainteiB i w u y5 I>Ubl.—Charcoal Blacking, Coal Dtiat. I tnvl ar> Plteti« Coal Tar, Coal Pitch. .V r K W-^E. -White *ud Coloured. TB, T-CLOUUS VARNISH, and GLUES, of all uescnption ANDLES of tjjktn I kin ANL Cluy. 'Wareh')¡J!!es and Aagaziries at Retheada, Bansot. U! Doljrelley \fu V"'LU«8 COUUT, JSBTMSnA. -»AH K»no*ii *973—346 HEALTI-I, TONE, AND VIGOUR THIlS preparation i8 pronounced by the pi^JoTlZZl^nT?8 ?f the Medical ng all the essential constituents of the blood and functions o^th' d"veloP^g a11 tte powers and move^l^^r'r ta rh". degree. It re- life unm d « j bio ches. purikes the blood, gives new stitution t v. ri-frest ing sle^p, and restores the con- bv mn t Z •* an v,f?ot;r in a short time. Sold botiT- ?bemistB at 28 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 22s per °J pFn' to am address carriage paid, on rectipt of price by HILTON « Cc., 184, High- 0 Hill, London CAUriON — At»K for "Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Restorative. Do i ot let the chemia* persuade yon to „ take any other. Th" »rg< rncnt of larger bottles and less price is put forward. It. is QUALITY the afflicted -«quiiv -uoi, qua..t. Agents—Barclay andbons, 1, n -Ti. ■ (ndon, and all the ViJ:. lOB/de Houses. B 44— 9M Made of LONG STAPLE SELECTED ELASTfC WOOLS SPEARMAN'S ROYAL DEVONSHIRE SERGE 1h all Fashionable Colours and fu Now Fancy Designs. Make* warm garment without bring hcavj. \^n- •CiiialkHl for Ladies' Dix^^s wi Jor Yuchtinfr and Sea-fiidc tfca1water Will not hurt it. "Washes lik^ flannPl and brufhes like cloth. SIM-CUI lor Childrt'ii's and Yc\;ng Lauies Dws« in N Avy Blue. Is. %i. the yard; for Ladies' wear at Js. (kl. and Is. Ild- tlie yard; for (ientIt-men's wear at 48. 11 d. and 5s. U. the yard; for Boy," wear at 2s. llci. and lid. the yard. Patterns free. Any length cut. Car- riage iwiid on all Dared. ot 20#. and TiDwavds to all stations in "Fnglaiui and Wales; iho to l/iit.^urgh, Dublin, lielfast, Cork. and Warlord. 4 SPEARMAN and SPEARMAN, Plymouth. No other address or agency whatsoever. KA. Y'S COMPOUND for Colds and Coughs, cures nine cases out of ten Sold by Chemists. KAY'S ( OMPOUNT) contains Linseed, Aniseed. Senega, Squill, Tolu, &c., wi'h Cblorodyne.