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PENNINGTON & f'O.. i'EANE, BOLTON, Slanufbctnu-rs n."d Ercctovs cf the Impiovtd Lib i«** Iv 0 '.i^ t'lJ )T- FOK. THE 1'KOTECTION OF OHURCH SPIRES, MILL CHIMNEYS, &c. Chimney6 Pointed, Belterl. & Straightened. Terms moderate. •Sow repairing Chiraufiys at the Iron Wojks, Mostyn. Letters addressed toW. Pern;in5;tor, cere of Morris, Mostyn, will be promptly ar swerect^^ jjjj AKKK T-S T R E E T V A U L T h (LATE ROWLANDS MKOTHEUS), OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET, 0 MARKET-STREET, CARNARVON. EDWARD HUMPHREYS AND CO, BEG TO INFORM THE KOB1LI1 GENTRY, FARMERS, AND THE TRaDE OF NORTH WALES, That they have purchased the business hitherto tarried on by the late Rowlands Brothers, and sub- sequently by Miss M, 3. Rowlands, and that the> Attend cariyiug on the business of WHOLESALE AND retail WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, They trust, by strict attention to the Business, to merit a share of the patronage bestowed for years upon their predecessor. Edward Humphreys and Co. guarantee oiat an a*ticies supplied by titieia shall be o £ the very ues^ quality. Private families supplied from stock always in store, the East India Pale and Burton Ales Dublin Stout (in bottles and in casks). <8° Anglesey Farmers, Tradespeople, and others Wili find these premises convenient, central, ana ^ear the Markets, being also in close proximity the landing of the Anglesey Steamer.-H4.—■Xt BEEWESs' GRAINS. Price .£5 per ton, delivered on rail at Dublin. Dried Grains are prepared from the best quality cf Brewers' Grains, dried by a peculiar process whilst in their fresh state. They form an extremely palatable, Wholesome, i utritious, and economical food for horses, °°WS, sheep, and piga. v •. The following are a few o £ the advantages tto be de- rived from their use Being cooked, they are easy of digestion. They are the cheapest food for cattle,being about ha..f 'he price of beet oats or linseed cake. They contain the same quantity of real food as each *>f the above. They will keep good any lengtu oi time. They require no preparation. They cannot be adulterated. They do not coBtain any dust or water. They are much relished by every description of „ v.- They assist the digestion of any food with whioc "■hey may be mixed. And being rich in Nitrogen and Phosphates, they Produce a valuable manure. Experience shows that,, lbs of Desiccated Grains will \produce\Three Pints tof Milk extra at each milking,] And enrich the quality of the whole*msupply. THE DUBLIN GRAINS COMPANY (LIMITED), 12, THOMAS-COURT, RAINSFOBD STREET DUBLIN. E 241 THE NEW AMERICAN COPYING INK PENCIL. ONE SHILLING EACH, Or free per post on receipt of 13 stamps. Sold by D. W. DAVIES, Stationer, Bridge- 8treet, Carnaivou. A G U O D P L A JN OPTION dealing in Stock Exchange Securities ?ften returr p five to ten times the amount invested 111 as many days. 210 to £1,000 realises Bame l*tio of profit. Explanatory Book sent free. Address, GEORGE EVANS AND Co, Stock- Jokers. Oresham House. <»d Broad-street, London, k246 T^HY THE NEW WRITING INK, T DIAMINE. IT WRITES A RICH DEEP RL UE AND TURNS A JET BLACK. Sold in Id., Sd., tJd., Is., and 2s. Bottles, BY D. W. DAVIES, BRIDGE-STREET AND 30, HIGH-STREET, CARNARVON, AND MBS M DAVIES. log HIGH STREET, BANGOR. -a UONEY.- WRERE AND HOW TO GET IT. The Everlasting Perplexing Question. 'How to Solve:tbe Mystery." Borrow it? Yes. But Where? Nftt „4. „ t nfflpji where business is conduct "UVww"StTriotaW <01 the L*™ « Equity. Where then ? A-t the IMPERIAL Why there1 necause busineM has beei-k carried on at that Establish- 5>ttit, never in a single instance taking an undu ad £ 53& duce himrtreiB of letters from borrowers (whose permission they have to do so) ^pressing gr^tutefor the liberal treatment they received from tws_D«KIK, applicants may rest assured that business will be parried on in future as it has been in the patrc. stability of this bank will be at onee recogruzed JJhen applicants are informed that it was bu^lt and w property of the principal, and is valued at £ A),uw. ». The Imperial Advance Bank has at its command pUnerous sums, varying from £ 10 to £ 1000, ready to oe *§Qt to Farmers, Piivate Householders, (Ladies or gentlemen), Shopkeepers, Car Proprietors, Licensed Victuallers, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, School Propri- ?t°ra, Clergymen, Builders, Warehousemen, Lodgmg- ^pUse Keepers, Professional Gentlemen, Clerks holding ^riaanent situations, Persons about entering into business, and all other responsible persons. tTheImpenal Advance Bank requires NO SURETIES, P^t lends to borrowers without requiring their friends' ^dorsements. Rent, Executions, and Loans paid off, and every kind temporary accommodation granted withoutdelay, in *ny part of England and Wales. i «or further information call at Bank, or apply by letter, stating amount required, to L. SIMMONS (Principal), VA-d 70 & 72, Victona-st., Liverpool. IT seems marvellous in this age that people should pass a good portion of their lives in ^'sery for the want of Medical knowledge. For in- 8t»ace, Nervous Debility, Loss of Vitality, also Nerv- °«« and Muscular power, may be easily cured by adopt- a proper system of Treatment and Diet.—Full t^rticulars sent Gratis to any address, by Secretary, nstitute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 140 B Avoid the many dangerous aud doubtful compound I as Toilet Powde always ask for Matthews' prepared Fullers Earth, used in the Royal Nurseries, highly recommended by the Faculty; it protects skin from cold winds, chaps, &c., and preserves » e complexion from redness, roughnesB, &e. Can S? °htainea bf Chemists, PerfumerB, Druggists, and 2j°rea throughout the world at 6d. and Is. By pos e*tra, from the sole proprietors, Rouse & Co., street, London. Refuse imitations. 58B I iB F BATiZiS, CKAliK.8, CUES, 'v V; |AudTjTinc '|,llor JfequisitoR at F W°rk», 11, Hiph Stretu ,1' 't> '••"■lis nu;asufd or uiclia'cd f"d, ,1S ar.d He-covered. 1'rict Lifts, Clo.h r.ud Ciisinon llubiier Samples X'ost Free. |03E"s B0SWs n0BE's l{OSE's j$om>s JJOSE's IIOSEIS a, jgpWs bxMj'J JUICIr ilie favonte>ximi-nerl)everaff6 coon^nr S; rafvepliin^ j LilB JXTJCE > is entu ely free of Alcohol.. Prepared from the Lime Fruit, LLùIE JUICE lA, fie lieious druik; n water, eff. erve^cmKi« all uprated wa ters. l LliUE J UICE An excellent Stimulant blemied with spirits. L J.M l: JLMCE Is highly inedicinal, cooling and purifyini? the blood, assisting digestion. assisting digestion. LIME JOICm Is reocmmcniledhy Khz Lancet and medical prote-sion as eminujitiy ■wholesorno. "LIME JUICE Sold every wli ere by WineM.er- chanta, Grocers, Chemists, occ. LIME JUICE Wholesale Stores, 11, Curtain Road, London, and 41. Mitchell St., Leith. |jOE,DIAL. f K)ilDIAL. ''0 CORDIAL. IJOliDIAL. CORDIAL. (JOIWIAL. CORDIAL. CORDIAL. "THE QRANYiLLE," JZ^AMSGrATE. NE W PEOPRIETOESHIP: NEW MANAGEMENT. 31 Guineas a-wcek to include everyttunp. The most complete Baths in Europe. LEWIS JEI'E'EIIIS (late of "The Grand," Brighton), Manager. ESTABLISHED 185L JIBKBECK BAN K.- Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lace, London. OuiTent Accounts opened according to the usual practioe of other Bankers, and Interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £25. No Corimission charged for keeping Accounts. The Bank also receives money on Deposit at Three per oent. Interest, repayable on demand, and undertakes the purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares. A Pamphlet, with full particulars, on application. FRANCIS BAYENSCKOFT, Manager. EMIGRATION TO ONTAKIO, THE PRINCIPAL PROVINCE OF CANADA. ONTARIO presents a favorable field of settlement for Agriculturists, Labourers, Female Domestics, and Tradesmen. Situations found for young men desirous of learning farming. Pamphlet sent post free on application to ONTARIO RN E GOVERNMENT AGENCY, 6, South Castle Street, Liverpool. T.EUCHS's"DIRECTORIES OF MER- CHANTS, Manufacturers, Tradesmen, etc., of all Countries, in newest and best edition, are to be had from C. LEUOHS & CO., NUREMBERG, BAVARIA. (Founded 1794.) Price Lists on application. Gratis. THE DIAMOND, OIL BLACKING. Is specially preparedfor the People, recommending itself. It has been acknowledged for years the best kind for preserving and imparting to leather a brilliant Jet-black polish. It has numerous imitators but continues to outshine them all. Askf or the original Br and see yougetit. TRADE MARK.W.BERRTT.Manohester E.td. i. 1870 by E. OUMISS Ertdfii 1BTO byE?r CON SUMPTION Chapman ft Co., 10, Duke Street, Portland Plnoo, London, W. MERICA,CAPE OTATTSTRALIA. SteamFares from £ 316s. Apply Roberts, Agent, 29,Union St., Liverpool. STOCKS AND SHARES BOUGHT O and SOLD on the most advantageous terms and every attention given to Clients' interests. EDWIN CARLTON, STOCK and SHAKE BROKER, 4, Copthall Buildings, London, E.C. /JARDENLNG GUIDE. BY HOOPER There is no work in the English language which resembles this in its completeness, ease of comprehension and instruction to the uninitiated. Its 300 pages are loaded with information upon every branoh of horticulture, and it is so profusely Illustrated that the reader becomes acquainted with all the denizens of the garden without an effort.-Cloth 2/6, post free 8/11, of Hooper & Co., Oovent Garden; and all Booksellers. u; IF you suffer5 from head-aches, bilious or JL < liver complaints, indigestion, coHtivcness, rheumatism,or tic-dolorenx, try Ki'.xvNlOK ABLK PILLS. They are easy to swallow, o^iig very small require no conhnement indoors, streiigiheii the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pro- nounce them to be the best medicineui the vovki- TJ^STI-MONIAL from J. BALBIRMK, L: q., M.D., Lecturer on Physiology," Autaor of A Treatise on the Turkish Bath, Ac haw cseamined the. Pills knwon an ^s.erntcks rentable Pill* 1 certify their WJt1}Jm' /I t" h' p-urnv vegetable; I have also tried. t!mr f>.a <<;««»'•; them to be one of the best apertent i jvr coiwup-J- M habit* that 1 know ol (Sinied).. <« Jciix liALBiRxni ;-r.A, Mr CRANAVEIX, Apothecary, Monte » "ato, to a Master of a Vessel, says "Bring mo a supply of 'Kerniek's '• .vietohie i:a, I cave found tlieiu very eftioaoions they uurea me after many other Medicines had failed, and 1 navo Miiee civen them to my patients with. equal sue<'<>-s. Thousands of other yrtu-ijyvM, miqht be publitlozd. "Xeruic:c* PUU .><'<r'jy 0 the svstern, need no r.vc.eial rtih'S inth re'ia.rd to a.et, ar.d are universally deet'ared to w the hest MCt'.i<-Tie of the Jdnd ever dtiCQvei CiL Sold in boxes at 2s respectable Chemists ami ,.>rr*•>« hrelw. the Colonies, with direetJi-ns for reeling i.u pteberving health. Th "ie Lozenges are the most efficacious reiuedj p-.cr introduced for Worms. Q Being innocent iii tb. ir character, tliey may be tateeu oy children of all degrees; conditio^ with perfect safety. They are most useful for children of delicate stciaao.-is and pale com- pkxion, as they strengthen the system by gmng au appetite. r ,v. n lfMothch only knew the valve <v family would ba without ub(*3. ^on n< C', in lid and Is ooxes. TTALUABLE DISCOVERY FOR THE V HAIR! CARMAN'S HAIR RESTORER. Acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to MM Allen's, Rosetter's, and many others. It is not a dye. It contains no oil. Will restore gray hair to its original colour and beauty. Removes dan- driff and all impurities from the head. Pro- motes the growth and strength of the hair, giving it the lustre and health of youth. And is the cheapest and best Restorer ever used. Supplied only in large bottles, Is 6d. A parcel of three bottles, securely packed, sent to any part on receipt of 54 penny stamps OT P.O.O. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. This Saline compound is recommended foi Bilk -.o Constitutions, Heartburn Headache, Sea Sickness, &c. In bottles, Is 9d each. QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent strengthening medicine, in bottles, Is and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' CARMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficacy t" r 1 s e cac'V in preventing or removmg the disorders to which Infancy isL £ Convulsions, Wind, Gripea; &c- 4c. In bottle. 7^ Is lid, and 2s 9d eacn. PREPARED BY JOHN CARMAN, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST (Qualified by Examination), APOTHECARIES' HALL., HOLYWELL. 3599a A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK, SHOWING sufferers how they may be> cured, and re- cover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks, with recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on Happy Marriages When and Whom to Marry; The Temperaments Stammering; Vital Force; How Wasted and How Preserved; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post free for two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. is 303 ? Sanctioned by Her Majesty & Trade Mark—Puosphodyne. Government. mm rraiifinvyrl ™ STRENGTH,|| | |J IB YPHOSPHODYNEX | ENERGY- A Puro Solution of Phosphorus,' pleasant in flavour and appearance, being a perfectly Bright Liquor, com- 131n bined with Vegetable Alkaloids possessing marvellous Curative Properties, the Wonder of Modern Chemistry, free from all Dangerously Active Drugs. Innocent in its Action, and pronounced by the Highest Medical Authority to be unequalled for its power in replenishing and elaborating the Vitality of the Body by its sup- plying all the essential vitalizing constituents of the Blood, Brain, and Nerve Substance; and {or.d.eiyel?E1.D? all t;>.o Powers aud Functions of the svsteoi to the highest degree; thereby checking all wasting of the Vital Fluid, ar.d the move Exhausting Wear and Tear resulting from Over-Taxed Energies of Body or Mind, maintain- ing tkat Buoyant Energy of the Brain, Nervous and ^Muscular Systems, which renders the Mind Cheerlui, Happy, Brilliant, and Energetic. T DR. LALOR'S PilOSPHODlNE Surpasses all the known theraputic aeents of the present age, as a Prompt and Never-Failing Phosphoric Remedy for all Derangements of the Nervous and Blood Systems.. Nervous Prostration Generrl Debility, Mental a.nd Physical Depression, Incapacity for n-tudy or business, Nr.ises in the Head and Ears Loss of Energy and Appetite, Nervous Debility in all its Stages, Sottenmcot the Braiu, Sleeplessness Harassing Dreams, Paralysis, Pains in the Back, Affections of the Kidneys, urinary Deposits, &« Chest Affections, Skin Diseases, Wasting or Withering of the Muscles, Impure Bloori Prom;,tnv" Decay of Vital Power, and alliaaorbid conditions of the system dependent upon.fthe oenciency of the Vital Forces arising from whatever cause.. THE ACTION OF DR. LALOE'S PHOSPHODYNE I; Two fold ard Specific; on the one hand increasing the principle which Constitutes Nervous .Ener1f^ j. oy the other, the Most Powerful Blood and Flesh-generating Agent known; therefore a Marvellous Medicine for Renovating Impaired and Broken-down or exhausted Constitutions, making the recipient as Actives Sprightly, and vigorous as if nature had never been retarded or debilitated.. j n When the Fire of Life seems to be dying oat m the system, and the mind sympathising with the body, the sufferer is reduced to a. Mental and Physical Wrack, this mighty Phosphoric Restorative, by a few doses, seems as it were to lilt the sufferer out of the slougn of despond, and recruit and reinvigora.te both the Frame and the IntelIeCt' TWENTY YEARS' PUBLIC TEST Prove thÜF.6 fact-' unimpeaohable, being fully borne out by thousands of Testimonials from every Nation and dountrv in thf World, freely offered by distinguished Families, private PerBons, Military, Naval, Scientific, and Professorial Men who are well known, and who have experienced from its use all the benefits here indicated. Sold in Bottles at 4s 6d and lis by all Export, Wholesale, and Retail Medicine Vendors throughout the World. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Every bottle bears the British Government Stamp, with the words DR LALOR'S PHOSPHOifYNE, London, England, engraved thereon by Order of Her Majesty's Honourable Commis- sioners if not, it. is a forgery, anu you have been imposed on by a worthless and injurious imitation. MANUFACTURED ONLY AT THE PHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY, BY DR R. D. LALOR, Bay House, 32, Gaisford-street, London, N.W., England. THR tOLE PROPRIETOR AND ORIGINATOR OF PHOSPHODYNE. B 248 PA1SV Kiillt. A sure and bpeedy Cure for SGilli TILdOAT, COliC-itb, I>•.A, Cx^I. •. CHOLERA, SJCX HEADACHE, KEURALCilA, TtHBUM. c'riS'Sf. BRUISES, <UT?. 7; Use internally or exii'matty. enJ rn-toia {/> nlfcrd relief. Every f..naily sb.cv.id Vxiow b ALL CHEMISTS, anu supplied EO"Ti, £ S FROM Is. <M. VO -Or. Cd. 3->*HV 1>.S I'loviutn-x, K.I., U.S., Sole rroprictMs. X.OI030K DEPOT, CiT. RU^OiXL UT. ZSZIIZ: :r> ■ '■■ ■■■ ■ ■ • Q KiifSh€ ERRICC;'■ C: GEII OLVLWRVC, P¥F !&»&■' yL v m#' W a wasaa a Cut from Choicest Virginia Gold Leaf.$T. HENRY K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holbein ViaducV LoScni E.C.^IiolesaJe A&zi*. !Fr'i.-1 ft"\I SOZODOMT. Blemishes that disfigure the Teeth are speedily removed by SOZODONT, t;ie i x.: u; y »■"«., W"" S\ 1 iag and beautifying liquid. The gums are made rosy ana healthy by its use. and the n;o: ti- «"»•• • 6 fying defect, an unpleasant breath, is completely remedied by it. SOZODONT has-beeoxne the stapie deutitr.ea of the 'vona. sunply because it is impossible to use it, even for a week. without perceiving its hygienic effect upon the tweth, the gums ami the breath. Sold by all the principal Chemists and Perfumers at 2s. 6d. ONE BOXTLK WILL LAST SIX MOUTHS. ■j n 40* I A 1 I It ;s the htrf Jiver, Stomach, Spleen, B H m I H KjJ* and Fever Doctor in the world! Hun- BBH « I I HI g dreds of thousands bear testimony I I ■ TO Try one £ be convinced.' Stop Dosing! AH ages and both sexes discover in the Holman Pad the most marvellous remedy for the th absolutely certain removal of disease, and that without drenching'the defeats stomach with §§ Tg| aft dangerous drugs. It is Nature's greatest, best, and safest remedy, and is valued beyond l&irgttff Ef 'fe ra E all price by thousands who have suffered in all parts of the world. Price of Regular Pad, 10s. Special, 15s. We earnestly invite the reader to send for Book of T^timoiuals; g Bt HL»^r free to any address. The Holman Pad Co., Gt. Bussell-st. Buildings, London, W.O. SMOKE ^^AUTMESEJ THE GENUINE PRESSED Saliva Proof. Will S ot Stick to tlie Lips AMBER TIPPED CIGARETTES. H. K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, ALLEN & GINTER, Manufacturers, Richmond, Va., U.S.A. London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. IFVLTI C OTT" I rs S^L AW CPEN HEALTH, I^S Bill J"1 I 8 S I Every person suffering from Indigestion. Dys- B ^5 Es«r I 1MB S ■ pepsia. or any symptom of a Stomach out of Order," should send for a Pamphlet respecting the positive cure by the use of LACTOPEPTINE, and read the capes and letters from Medical Men in every part of the world, showing results in practice. More than i.000 Doctor?., 10.000 Chemists, the entire Medical Press, have certified as to the remarkable efficacy of LAOTOPEPTTNE. It is rational in the theory of its action, and cures all disorders of the Digestive Organs. Price 4, (H. bt Ovno.i HOLUb, with a Dose Meiisaie attachedand can be sent by post. Each bottle contains-1^-10 grain doses. I. to the t:-u<te, and may be tal en in either wine or water after meals. LACTOPEPTINE is SOLD IIVCUKM:» J Kvi;nv-vi:]: T., :nJ. is prop sired solely by JOHN M. RICHARDS, (Successor to Cam rick, KidderaCo.,) Laboratory, Great Russell Street, London. THE LARGEST MAN UFACTURERS Ili. TH E WORLD — -■ Trade Mark C Trade Mark Colmans If" M U Su aru MANUFACTURERS BY to SPECIAL WARRANTS QUEEN "ASKFOR GENUINE OR DOUBLE SUPERFINE" — i. -4~m* A PHYSICIAN'S GIFT. AMliDlCAL TREATISE showing how mifteier.i from Nervousness and Debility may speedily recover health, strength, tone and vigour, and ENSURE A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE, ruvnciiytions for the cure of Stomach, Liver, and Heart Diaease. and for Purifying the Blood, &c. Po«^f.e' ^lj!liaiues, Secretary, 7, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square, London. e 290 TVfV GBEAT BLOOD PIJEIPIER THOMFSON'S BUEDOCK PILLS worst forms of diseases, and the ti-y s° t0 ""N.00™ of kidneys t y fa inea have power to reach. BLOOD PUKIF1EB cur« the (o1tomg^mpl^rIn^rU,m'- 0',wh!d the stmnach or bowels, giddiness in the head, dimnSr0f eiKht, weak or sore eyes loss of memory palpitation of the heart, liver and buSobsta&ions °'U«g^a™i 'a chest, rheumatics, i^biJgo, pilies, gravel pama in the back,, scurvy, had sore Croats sore heads, and sores of every description, taS? wounds, oi white swelUngs jcwrfola or king's evil, gatherings, tumo^ yr cancers, pimples or blotehes on the face and body, swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, erysipelas, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In boxes at b. lid..and 2s. 9d. per box; a great saving efEected by taking the larger size. Sold by all Chemists, or from the proprietor, J. THOMP- SON, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea, for 15 or 34 tamps. 3979—H. El I TRADE MARK 6d! L, 286d "KEATING'S POWDER" This Powder; so celebrated and destroying BUGS, BEETLES, PLEAS, MOTHS and aU Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life), should be kept ready in everyhouschold. It is cleanly in use. All Woollens and Furs should be well sprinkled with the Powder before placing away. It is invaluable to take to the Seaside. To avoid disappointment insist upon having "KEATING'S SPOWDER." No other Powder is effectual. SoldwiJy in tins, 6d., Is.&2s.6d. To GET RID OF WORMS IN CHILDREN. Procure a tin of "EEATINGPS WORM TABLETS." This unique medicine is certain to cure, and may be taken with absolute safety by the youngest child. Price 1b. lid., of all Chemists (by post 15 Stamps). Keatujo, St. Paul's, Loudon. As a safe, permanent, and warranted cure for Pimples Scrofula. Scurvy, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases and Sores of all kinds, we can with confidence reoom, I mend CiaABK's WORIAJ-FAKKT) BLOOD MIXTVBE oid by Chemist. everywhere. t >, '1 nj T i.ve" K.O i'L ifni [.('t;>pd oil Iill/St. V.'in terms L, luiiways, j.'or<«»r« i< Mmfo, «nd s^oaiiciei! of rvcvy.i^ in-, -'i .T-3i or SpriCtjii-Vrio^. N.h n .v; v 'ivc att'! -ti"i. I [ .7 AUOii>iN IMJoSlBlN^L). j-* i'o.fl V c.'Uif.i'. -.Vifh -j., 'i-,= T-tLit.I -• V 11 ■ -nO'lt. S.-1-: ■v.' -•.«? 01 lo.vkon'.EiHin' Si v a ■ ;.f cI vsr a s<i:' it an .JE C3.Ld. Lui' :■■ »«»•» ;V.r- '.v: n:i_A._SOVV; r- i_ K A'-il > N !(.; -V-S It A .N CB < .'u'd v. V-, OiSoe, 0, New Junta- sw.'t, wi'iiriuu,a 'o A.. >i-tfcrii>t-i n-»" i 1 i.i: in- 1 i.u.l securny. A'm> ttr iti.t-1. A Managing Bi: -tor. V1? h I.^E oiu Coct;tac B:tA"DC :j-j. w S 7yew uli- lO P>-r "f -'J:r>• Vvterm* apn-vto t Sa'irt C ■ ;V CO 19. Visitor. *S6. {fc -"5J »?, MI*! ■.v \s spirit Bor-tlcrs to thn tr \.ie. aS't. i YV.—TiiiO (S-.HAND~T £ 0T «•: \j.—' ['i.r oia =.-<: v-rjier-vtc e.Uai^e? Contains 800 Apartments. Pr bvo.il its t ov t:, u\o j.*o comfortable in Oia^'v._ vv._b._D;Vv.rT)S0N, ^ITIIKOLB) TNV —FiiUG'O'RON' ofc Co., Highland (iis^bUsr.e'l I7^vj St.- per in Cask, HALT (Jar or Botsu?. P.vciiag«3 included. 5 Gallons au<i r.pward? Civna^o paid to anyStatioru All orders J. ■» ii;:c,>iatiariv31 .oy a remittance or r«;:erenc- \i/ <>OL -GKOW13RS CANHAYS TITrip. Wt)i)L manDfactiii-ed into Goods i'or own use by sending it to KC:VY;IT HOUSTOST A BOKS, Estd ITSN. I WESTBnACKEAiiST., &ROCKBANXMXI,M, f Each Lot is kept Separate. ROMTSPUN TWEEDS manufactured at from 1 6 to 2/- Per yard, also Winceys, Blankets, &c. Write for pJ/terns, tc. Carriage cf Wool per Goods Conveyance payable by R. H. & S I>EST ENGLISH SPRING DRR^S I ?■ fAr.RICr, 100 pieces r.rlAL ALL WOOL BEIGES and VICUNA CLOTHS, 6Jd. and 8Jd. per yard. Usual m-ic* lO.ld. and l/OJd. Patterns free. lOO New Printed and Woven WASHING FABRICS from 6d. per yard. BAKER & CRISP, 1S». Reg<mt btreet, London, W. IjTl M \tKiTs"All0MAT 1G OZONIZKR, the JJ OU GLAD'S" JjIME REAM. FOR PRESERVING THE HAIR. THE ONLY KNOWN CURE FOR SCURF, promoting at all times a healthy action to the skin. It is strongly recom- mended by the most eminent physicians, and has been awarded a. prize medal at the International Exhibition. Sold in Bottles from 2/6 each, with directions for use. 21 &23, New Bond Street, and 99 &1.H. I>eadenhall Street, City. London, \TATC H KS, SILVER PROM 12/ Ladies' » » or aeiits' Silver Defjance Watches, 25* usually sold fit Ms., Sterling Silver EllvHsh Lever "VVatclios from fete. Silver Alberts, 5s. txl., GoUl Gu -nls, 45s. 1 Cnfalnsrue v.ith Testimonial* fixe. W. & G. DAVIS, 12, Alfred Road, Birmingham. AGENTS WA^TKD. "OOFAClt" congo of Extraordinary Strength and Flavor (a truism), 1/8 per lb. AGENTS APPOINTED. W. A HIGG" ? OOMPANY.39, High St.. Xslint»ton,Londou.N. OAV E YOUJi GAS B I J. L S. GET filORE XJIGHT by u-insr PEEBLES- PATENT AUTOMATIC GOVKR:JOii GAS BURNliaS. Sot/! yVwrF crn:Rnp.s.—T>. BRUCE PEEHTjES & CO., TAY WORKS, BONNVNGTON, KUIXBURGH. TO BE HAD ALX, GAS FITTERS, RASS, It BED, ST iLIU Gr,&DRLJM&FiFE BANDS.PIAN OS,ORGANS &KARMGNIUMS at Whole- sale Prices at J. MOORK'S, Buxton Rd., Hudderslield. Prices vith drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, & Rifle Corps Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange HARPERT\VEI;VETREES'Villa Waslier. Great further improvements. Reduced prices. The most rapid, strong, and highly liuished. Agents Wanted in every town. Very liberal terms. 80, Finsbury Pavement, London. gLAKEI'S BOOT pROTECTUPwS. TO KNOW THEIR VALUE IS TO NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM. Boots never want soling or heeling if these protectors are used. SIXPENNY WORTH will sa.ve at least TEN SHILLINGS. They are no trouble to fix. Price 3d., 0d., 1/- per box. Do not be, deceived by vile imitations. AGENTS WANTED where not already represented. JOHN HLAKEY. Leeds. I jPtORNS CURED IN THREE DAYS v_^ WITHOUT PAIN. The above remedy sent on receipt of 33 stamps.—Direct L. C., 45, Kemerton Road, London, S.E. I PURE SWEETS—3id. lb. OMITH, NEPHEW & CO., 12 Little Newport Street, Leicester O Square, sells cheaper tlum any house in thi1 trade. "Write for price lists. A.J1 goods eiiuallj* cheap. Country orders of £1 oiirriivge pid. All qoo<ÙI well flavored. Every information givea to those nbont to enter the business. Our orvly address is S-MITli, NEPHEW nnd CO., 12, Little Xewport Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C. INDIG ESTION.-KA UKASIAN KIMEL JL Is the Russian Remedy. Give it a trial and you will never regret it. As compared with Patent Medicines it is infinitely more effective, far less costly, and undeniably the most deli- sious and bodily exhilarating Compound in the wide, wide World. A sample bottle, holding an Imperial English Pint, sent free for six shillings. Address, Proprietor of Russian Liqueurs Depot. 101, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.G mtlE DRUMMOND WHISKY, 42j- per J- case. Chief Offices, 72, Mark Lano, ft 2, London Street, E.C. P.O.O's. and Cheques payable to A R. Druinmond. ""17 N ~inr4NT'' YEAST D. Wilkin & Co., rj v x Appoid st„ London. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. milOMPSON's BURDOCK PlhlJS Ise JL puiify the foulest blood, & remove every disease of the sto- mach, liver, & kidneys.Pure hlord gives health. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could not be reached byany other medicine. Sold by all Chemists in boxes, 1/1 i & 2,9; or from the establishment, H, Oxford-st., Swansea, for lo or 35 stamps. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. mHE"CLOTHING D!STRICT." WOOLLEN -L LOTH A: 0 LOTH IN (i VAX (JFACTU KING Co.,GREET- LANI), YORKS.. combining tlie trades of Woollen Manufactu- rers, Merchants, Diapers Tciil^ors in one, enabUng customers to save at least 30 per cent. Patterns, &c., free. Any article not approved of is immediately exchanged or money re turnea. UOljFwTfEK MACHINERY for manu- o facturing all Aerated Waters, Syphon Bottles. Codds patent Botties, and all connected with this business, IBaa Ca' ¡'}o'{up now readv, forwarded post free for 11-111 sra.m.1 JU 1! Yl-ri'T & FOSTER, 23P, Forston Stivet. London. N. ROUGHS, COLDS/ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYN E, extm- A few doses quite effectual.—Caution. rh,'orotjyne ordinary medical reports on the iJ ^.nWic should render it of vital importance that the public snojwi obtain the genuine, which is Browne's 83SS»1«'^RAS^KS8RSI' accoinpanv each b.-tt^ Esq j F.R.C.S., Spalding. I consider inn^lSame iu Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough the benefit is very m«>«ilraan of Xew «al\oway. Scotland « J and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr. J. r< ru?.y odv-'ne the most va'.u able medicine known. 00 inid'in Bottles in. 3 P. & 4 •°-n (jiemists. =5=^ « tuning AND CO., JPJ. EGG TnntC t'{ ANTS, West Hartl'-i>-wi. rr"0-S B'o Y S' PAPER. o Af:r.oVvledged by the lads of Great Britain to be the i:,rued. S-OR f- bxPNEw'aroarES HAVE TOST OMKHNCED. Copy will ba sent free 011 receipt ot a penny i.i„bb».in'd ot any News ig^iir.. On-s wnv Qgle«. IS. Fetter Lane, I/>ndon. K.(\ ¥|-ANU FACT U It KRS and MERC HANTS Xf'.a. may, at atriflinK cost gTOre protoctmnunderthe Trade Mark Laws. In Hi-RMNOHAM S "TRADE MARKS" aevcntv different cotmtnes are reterred to. Published by Stevens & Sons, 119, Chancery La.ne, London. Post free, 4/3. ABIBEF.G'S PATFNT SYSTEMS OF LETTER FILING. p Peif-Indcxing—The bftst in the World SIMPLE! DURABLE! INDISPENSABLE' CAMERON, AMBERG & Co., 27. Little Britain, London, E.C, To be obtained of all Stationers & Booksellers Illustrated Price lists on application to 27A Little Britain, E.C. rS'ifl E WAL DECK. COLLAR—Newest and J- Most Fashionable LADIES' EMBROIDERED COLLAR for the Season. Perfect Fitting. To be had of all the principal Drapers. rgVHE HEAUT, THE DIAMOND^HE SPADE, THE CLUB—Newest and most fashionable shades in LADIE-i' LINEN COLLARS, perfect fitting; to be had of all drapers-" B, & T. London. 1 ^If PLOYMENT FOR EVERY MAN, -•"Canvassing. £ 3 Weekly. No risk, no experience required. Send at once Addressed Envelope. Box 4. Wolverhampton. A MERiCA, CAPE or AUSTRALIA. SteamFares £ 3 ISs. ApplyRoberts, Agent, 23.Union St., Iivegggy* OIK BOX OF CURKE'S • 41 W* »* *wr*stitd to ouire *11 diaohuma tram the Urinan in either ux (•oquircd or oonsutattozud), Qrarel, J th# Back. Boll in Boxes, 4a. M. aaoh, by an Omiiu*^ Patent UadloiiM Taadoca throughout the "i? addroaa te 10 rtampa by Mm MUWi j. j. MIDLAND Ootnnus DBUS Oo»» iSLABM),- Tinooln —Wholu—le Ac**ta, j, L", and au un, VI]bolsmok H FOR DTBZV0 AT BOKB. CRAWSHAW'S Coloora. In Packets 1d.,2d.,8d. ddtl. eaob SaotbypoattatIT P" •nnaltoaew. Onatop«w» IW t. Craufahato d Co., SO, Fana St, Aktsigate 8t, LONDON. K.O. AN» OT ALL OMKMltT*. v' A.av T.! W„ O. V' £ C'A O S, n. j.^ p i r4 E sever,U S BLAQK LHAD. SOOD for the oure of WIND .-iN- "THE $MMAC9B }}OOD for the cur*, of INDIGBHTION. GOOD fat the cure of SICS HEADACD. a GOD for the care of HSASTBUEK GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GoeD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAIN :jÇJL fcr the cnre of ALL CQM2L&1WZ& vising frcm a digovdered etita of the STOMACH, BOWELSt or LIT22. 8«li4 bj aU Medicine Vcaiors, ia boz«a at is 1M. *■* sed Sd esflh '■ ft free tor 14, 88, or 84 Staosas, fte* <»46* T*. ^ormcK. ciLrmv steest. vavmw It is evident that Camomile is nature's own simple and safe remedy for Indigestion and all Stomach complaints, for during the last 60 years lionvo-N's CAMOMILE P ILLS have afforded. relief to Thousands. Sold in BoUle: at 11. lid" 2,.9à. anllb. A PLEASING APPEARANCE :r THI; fiusi- OF K-KOO-JIMEXDATIOH. COOFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS, yc7 ljcftesiuig tba aLd Impravint; the Complexion, i*ifieHUs.Z*. 9d. CQ,:)¡. by all31 ndicintVendtrt »n#I'trfunun,< "iJGHT PRIZE MEDALST ("EIGHT""PRIZE MEDALS. | -V V Tc EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ADVAJSTAOKR;^ > Aro entirely free from SUSXIXI Axe not POISONOUS Are manuf&ottired without PHOSPHOMi Are perfectly to the 0|E]|ATITO? Are very Damp Proof [EMPLOYKD| Are notUsbleto Bpontaaeona Combustion f Light only on the Box. j MATTHEWS'S Aroid the many danysrou* f | II | f and doubtful oompouaoi aold III I i™" aaToiletPowdara: ahwajniaak ■ %eal »V# lor Matthawa'a PraparwJ Fnllan |" A ■■f ■ B Sarth, uaad in th« Koyal Xuraeriea, 1\K I H and recomawaW bj the 1 I 1 ■ fMultf; H prouota tha rfrfa poaaeoMi winda, chapa, >i., and ■raaarvaa tha oomptada*. SOLD BT ALL CaBmOBm fioutc Oe., IS, WIOMORI STREET, LONDON. ■ A MONZI, «ILVE», *QOk» liilVIK,>r> IntBmaUofial Medala awarded s* JOlf lla>W eaasiTaly for ExceEanca of Quality Clsanllnaaa in aa* DOME OtEANl BLACK LEAD AVOIDS DVft on Oiaaaaata, Cupetoaad Jhmitam, Z> adharea at aooa ta the ctOfa mt (rate. SOLO ay CROCCBS EVERYWHERE, k SspeDBf Boxa*. In Rhlfflnf deeoratad XeUl Boxea ][A PMD "DOMOO," and in RAItpoW IL iz" a I*m pimm& 4d. or ALL SINCLAIR'Sper. lb. ThP Fa mi I u f^Ill il CROCERS & OILMEN wL'Zt W TstLT*WATER » Beware of A mm ^Lj^itati0iis!OV^Mr ^sk for 4< sinclair's-" A laay writes to The Queen, few'" I recommend it to eveiy housewife; it saves time aM material; economises fuel, 98 l/vi'li <^°^es require less rub- Pg^TTOi u/nLSi) bing and no boiling." JAMES SINCLAIR, Southwark, London,S.R TTAY1. 1T Iir YOUB HOU8BS, JiS Rarf the adTtee eJ ttse wrtngnt iKsaaora front, T,AMP LOUGH'S FTBMTIO 8AX.IV& It give# tomtant relief tnheedMbe.ee* or bflimis aide. Mae, oonsfapation, heartborn, aoarket and other feveMfe amaEpox, rwaalee, eruptive and akin tTn tr, a. liAMT&ove*, 11* Helton* Leaodoa. TO M WM1 ABB *K*P BRAGG'S VEGETABLE CHARCOAL It aboorta all ixnpuriOea fa the Stomal and Bovrrfa. aaft thus gfoee a baalthy tone to ttj* ,5* not&ata., 4a. and te. eeA OF ALL (ill KMlwia. RRAGC'S CHARCOALBISCUITS Children like th«m. Tbay apeedlly eradicate Worsaa. In Ttaa la, Sa. tt 4a. saah. Soup jr ani, ChiBHurra. Alao HMKM OHARCOAL LOZENGES. InTtaeJ*. ljd. "-FOR THE BLOOD IS THE HFK?! WORLD FAMED al all WEI I[:]LEWIKIA| THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & tiESTOHER Has tfi« largest Sale of any Medicine iu tins WnW ror oleanalnar and clearing the blood from all im-pntu« it canno* ba too highly recon^ meri «(i » » ^«n«.°ofiSiSSSTT;-aki^ «d Blood Dia, ^dSotesor *UKinds,it 13n -aever failii);;andpcm;««ecn It Oorea Old Sores, f$ Curea Uicerato-j ^orfas 0D the Neck. vurcg UicorRU*.<I k-OiO I.r-n* Bla.ckho:ids, or ou the Uures Scurry Sores. Cam Canccroas Ulcera Cures Blood and Skin TfiBSMSS. Cures Glandular F,, Clears the Blood from ttt) nup'ire rrsttex. J'rom whatever cauao aruinfi. As this mixture is pleasant t., thetast?, *ud »mrrm-> > from anything injurioua to fin most- .•!>>!iw»t* >. eithsr 3ex, the Proprietors solicit sulierern to giv. h A t to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS A-L '.V. OF THE So!d ia Bottle* Js. 6d. oach, 3!v! in rir?n, c<>nw.- s« Wrom the quantity, lie. each suSici^iit to »>>•.<. Kanent eure in the srreat maioritv t-f lor■- •• -f, BY ALLOHBM1ST8 an<lPATKNTMFT1 n>' v 'Tr r-i throughout the IVorlr!. nr aent for "1' ?..»» Propnetcrt.Tw Lnrroui IFD MIHUW ■>■■■<* 'V*r»»T, (1.& F. J. Ct.U: >. i. l.tuvi! g "VTrad* Mark-" d — COA« VUIJIM hCen>ent for :Arti'tles, lg 6d 2. pop-2d bold where. K»»> Bros.