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PENNINGTON & CO., DEANE, BOLTON, Manufacturers and Erectors of the Improved LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, FOR THE protection OF CHURCH SPIRES, MILL CHIMNEYS, &c. » Chimneys Pointed, Belted & Straightened. Terms moderate. Now repairing Chimneys at the Iron Works, Mostyn. Letters addressed toW. Pennington, care of Mrs Morris, Mostyn, will be promptly answered. B 206 t MAR K E T-S T R E E T VAULTS (LATE ROWLANDS BROTHERS), OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET, MARKET-STREET, CARNARVON. EDWARD HUMPHREYS AND CO. BEG TO INFORM THE NOBILITY GENTRY, FARMERS, AND THE TRADE OF NORTH WALES, That they have purchased the business hitherto carried on by the late Rowlands Brothers, and sub- sequently by Miss M. J. Rowlands, and that they Intend carrying on the business of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, They trust, by strict attention to the Business, to merit a share of the patronage bestowed for years upon their predecessor. Edward Humphreys and Co. guarantee that all articles supplied by them shall be of the very best quality. Private families supplied from stock always in store, the East India Pale and Burton Ales Dublin Stout (in bottles and in casks). 4WAnglesey Farmers, Tradespeople, and others will find these premises convenient, central, and near the Markets, being also in close proximity the landing of the Anglesey St earner.^ 6[RITNS. DRIED BREWE-R, ..ZXJL Price £ 5 per ton, delivered on rail at Dublin. Dried Grains are prepared from the best quality of Brewers' Graiiis, dried by a peculiar process whilst in their fresh state. They form an extremely palatable, wholesome, nutritious, and economical food for horses, cows, sheep, and pigs. The following are a few of the advantages jto be de- rived from their use Being cooked, they are easy of digestion. They are the cheapest food for cattle,being about half tie price of best oats or linseed cake. They contain the same quantity of real food.as"each of the above. They will keep good any length of time. They require no preparation. They cannot be adulterated. They do not contain any dust or water. They are much relished by every description of They assist the digestion of any food with which they may be mixed. And being rich in Nitrogen and Phosphates, they produce a valuable manure. Experience shows that I ZlbTof "Desiccated Grains will lproduce, Three.Pints of Milk extra at each milking, jind enrich the quality of the ivhole^supply. THE DUBLIN GRAINS COMPANY (LIMITED), 12, THOMAS-COURT, RAINSFORD STREET DUBLIN. B 241 THE NEW AMERICAN COPYING INK PENCIL. ONE SHILLING EACH, t Or free per post on receipt of 13 stamps. Sold by D. W. DAVIES, Stationer, Bridge- street, Carnarvon. A GOOD PLAN. OPTION dealing in Stock Exchange Securities often returns five to ten times the amount invested in as many days. £ 10 to £ 1,000 realises same ratio of profit. Explanatory Book sent free. Address, GEORGE EVANS AND Co., Stock- brokers, Gresham HousA. Old Broad-street, London. B 246 TRY THE NEW WRITING INK, DIAMINE. IT WRITES A RICH DEEP BLUE AND TURNS A JET BLACK. Sold in Id., 3d., 6d., Is., and 2s. Bottles, BY D. W. DAVIES. BRIDGE-STREET AND 30, HIGH-STREET, CARNARVON, AND MRS M DAVIES, 102, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. ONEY,—WHERE AND HOWTO GET IT. The Everlasting Perplexing Question. How to Solve the Mystery. Borrow it 1 Yes. But Where ? Not at a Loan Office where business is conduct such a way that it violates all the Laws of Equity. Where then t spirit, never treating its numerous customers 3hTniency T^e Serial Advance Bank can pro- witn leniency, a ififctJara from borrowers (whose duce hundreds expressing gratitute for permission they nave toausu; v fr0m this ba-k; the liberal ^eatme algured that business -will be and applicants may_rest been the past. rSwStyoithis wm je at onceb^co|^ TOe Krial Advance Bank h.s.at. numerous sums, varying from £ 10 to £ l000, £ «Jiea or lent to Fanners, Pnvate Householders, ( t j encetj Gentlemen), Shopkeepers, Car Propnetora.L- Victuallers, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, School ttopri etors. Clergymen, Builders, Warehousemen, Loaging house Keepers, Professional Gentlemen, Clerks hold g permanent situations, Persons about entering into Business, and all other responsible Persons. Thelmperial Advance BankrequnesNO fcURETIEio, but lends to borrowers without requiring their frienas endorsements. .A Bent, Executions, and Loans paid off, and every Kind of temporary accommodation granted withoutdelay, in any part of England and Wales. For further information c:?U at Bank, or apply by letter, stating amount required, to L. SIMMONS (Principal), B54_d 70 & 72, Victoria-st., Liverpool. IT seems marvellous in this age that people should pass a good portion of their lives in misery for the want of Medical knowledge. For in- stance, Nervous Debility, Loss of Vitality, also Nerv- ous and Muscular power, may be easily cured by adopt- bg a proper system of Treatment and Diet.-Full particulars" sent Gratis to any address, by Secretary, nstitute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 140 There i. uocQing nouriahiug lati wai-ima* i cold weather than a cap of really good Cocoa, but the difficulty has been to obtom it pure. This may be secsred ata cost of one halfpenny for a large breakfast cup by usinp Cadbury s Cocoa Essence, which «?oca three times as far as the adulterated and starchy com pounds ordinarily sold, the smallest packet making torn-teen breakfast enpa ot stro L»coa. A COLD Will, with different individuals, show itself in a variety of forms, the most common being Coryza or Cold in the Head, well-known by the lassitude, weariness, fullness about the head, dry, stuffed-up nostrils, frequent sneezing, with a "bit of a cough," and tightness across the cbeet, &c. At once let the patient take GRIFFITH OWEN'S U ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, mixed with a wine-glassful of warm water, at bed. time-follow the directions given vØ.th each bottle, and much evil will be avoided. More than one-third of the deaths in the Metropolis and the large towns in England arise from Con- s' mption alone. It justifies, therefore, the observation made by Dr Robert Hunter, that the question of prevention and cure is one in which fully Six MILLIONS of the present people of England have the interest of life itself," owing, no doubt, to neglected Coughs and Colds. GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, Can always be depended upon in the early stages, see that you get GRIFFITH OWEN s Serious are the effects of neglected coughs or colds. GRIFFITH OWEN'S (jT ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, Cures nine cases out of ten, and renders the constitution less liable to take fresh cold. See that you get Griffith OWEN'S and no ether imitation. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. Griffith owen's ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT Is an elegant Cough Mixture, and agrees with the modern medical treatment of colds, as testified by several medical men. To be had in bottles, Is ld and 2s 9d, of all chemists. The great value of GRIFFITH OWEN'S remedy creates a large demand. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. /GRIFFITH OWEN'S 'JT ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. This judicious combination is the most effec- tive remedy for, and preventive against, the consequences arising from exposure to cold in any degree-complaints which may be the prelude to various inflammatory diseases. See that you get GRIFFITH OWEN'S. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. The surprising cures effected by GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT Have astonished many It gently frees the lungs from clotted phlegm, heals up the pus tular wounds from the core; relieves the chest by expectoration, without straining; removes all difficult breathing by its healthy stimulus to the proper circulation of the fluids. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. s 225 IN IF you suffer from head-aches, bilious or liver complaints, indigestion, costiveness, rheumatism, or tic-doloreux, try KERNICK'S VEGET- ABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small require no confinement indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pro- nounce them to be the best medicine in the world. TESTIMONIAL from J. BALBIRNIE, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Physiology," Author of A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &c :— "1 have examined Ute Pills known as Kernicks Vegetable Pills: I certify their composition to be purely vegetable I have also t'ried their effect, and consider them to be one of the best aperient Pills for constipated habits that I know of. en (Signed), & JOHN BALBIRNIE, M.A., 31.D." Mr CRANWELL, Apothecary, Monte Video, writing toll Master of a Vessel, says Bring me a supply of Kernick's Vegetable Pills.' I have found them very efficacious they cured me after many other Medicines had failed, and I have since given them to my patients with equal success." Thousands of other Testimonials, equally gratifying, might be published. "Kcrniæ/Ú Pills" give energy to the system, need no special rules with regard to diet, and areuniversully declared to be the best Medicine of the kind ever discovered. Sold in boxes at 2s 9d, Is 121 d, and 7d each, by most respectable Chemists and Druggists in England and the Colonies, with directions for restoring and preserving health. I' These Lozenges are the most efficaciout; remedy ever introduced for Worms. Being innocent in their character, they may be taTren by children of all degrees and conditions with perfect safety. They axe most useful for children of delicate stomachs and pale com- plexion, as they strengthen the system by giving an If Mothers only knew the value o,) these 10 family would be without a box. Sold by most resjif-taUe Chemists, in 7d and Is lid boxes. Valuable DISCOVERY FOB THE V HAIR! CARMAN'S HAIR RESTORER. Acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to Mrs Allen's, Rosetter's, and many others, it is not a dye. It contains no oil. Will restore gray hair to its original colour and beauty. Removes dan- driff and all impurities from the head. Pro- motes the growth and strength of the hair, giving it the lustre and health of youth. And is the cheapest and best Restorer ever used. Supplied only in large bottles, Is 6d. A parcel of three bottles, securely packed, sent to any part on receipt of 54 penny stamps or P.O.O. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. This Saline compound is recommended for Bilious Constitutions, Heartburn, Headache, Sea Sickness, &c. In bottles, Is 9d each. QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent strengthening medicine, in bottles, Is and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' CARMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficacy in preventing or removing the disorders to which Infancy is liable, such as Convulsions, Wind, Gripes, Difficult Teething, &c., &c. In bottles 71d, Is lid, and 2s 9d each. J PREPARED BT JOHN CARMAN, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST (Qualified by Examination), APOTHECARIES' HALL., HOLYWELL. 599a A Certain Cure o the Nervous and Debilitated. Gratis, a medical work, showing tjT sufferers how they may be cured, and re- cover health and vitality «lt,ho^f t^ aid of Quacks, with recipes for pur) fying and removing skin affections; also chapters **app9 Mamages When and Whom to Marry U^e^^Peraments Stammer«c • Vital Force, How Wasted and How Preserved; Galvanic App^0'Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post free for two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. B 303 Sanctioned by Her Majesty's Trade Marie—Phosphodyne. Government. HEALTH, L^«0DYN[ AN° STRENGTH jig jj jj Q F1 ^^PHOSPHQDYMEX' ENERGY- A Pure Solation of Phosphorus,! pleasant in flavour and appearance, being. a perfectly Bright Liquor, com- bined with Vegetable Alkaloids, possessing marvellous Curative Properties, the Wonder of Modern Chemistry, free from all Dangerously Active Drusrs. Innocent in its Action, and pronounced by the Highest Medical Authority to be unequalled for its power in replenishing and elaborating the Vitality of the Body; by its sup- plying all the essential vitalizing constituents of the Blood, Brain, and Nerve Substance; and for developing all the Powers and Functions of the system to the highest degree; thereby checking all wasting of the Vital Fluid, and the more Exhausting Wear and Tear resulting from Over-Taxed Energies of Body or Mind, maintain- ing that Buoyant Energy of the Brain, Nervous and.'Mnscular Systems, which renders the Mind Cheerful, Happy, Brilliant, and Energetic.. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODINE Surpasses all the known theraputic agents of the present age, as a Prompt and Never-Failing Phosphoric Remedy for all Derangements of the Nervous and Blood Systems. Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Incapacity for Study or Business, Noises in the Head and Ears, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Nervous Debility in all its Stages, Softening of the Brain. Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Paralysis, Pains in the Back, Affections of the Kidneys, Urinary Deposits, &c Chest Affections, Skin Diseases, Wasting or Withering of the Muscles, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and alllmorbid conditions of the system dependent upon the, deficiency of the Vital Forces arising from whatever cause. THE ACTION OF DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE Is Two-fold acd Specific; on the one hand increasing the principle which Constitutes Nervous Energy and on the other, the Most Powerful Blood and Flesh-generating Agent known; therefore a Marvellous Medicine for Renovating Impaired and Broken-down or Exhausted Constitutions, making the recipient as Actives Sprightly, and vigorous as if nature had never been retarded or debilitated. When the Fire of Life seems to be dying out ia the system, and the mind sympathising with the body, the sufferer is reduced to a Mental and Physical Wreck, this mighty Phosphoric Restorative, by a few doses, seems as it were to lift the sufferer out of the slough of despond, and recruit aad reinvigorate both the Frame and the Iutfilloct TWENTY YEARS' PUBLIC TEST Prove thes6 facts unimpeachable, being fully borne out by thousands of Testimonials from every Nation and Country in the World, freely offered by distinguished Families, private Persons, Military, Naval, Scientific, and Professional Men who are well known, and who have experienced from its use all the benefits here indicated. Sold in Bottles at 4s 6d and lis by all Export, Wholesale, and Retail Medicine Vendors throughout the World. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Every bottle bears-the British Government Stamp, with the words DR LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE, London, England, engraved thereon by Order of Her Majesty's Honourable Commis- sioners, if not, it is a forgery, and you have been imposed on by a worthless and injurious imitation. MANUFACTURED ONLY AT THE PROSPHODYNE LABORATORY, BY DR R. D. LALOR, Bay House, 32, Gaisford-street, London, N.W., England. THB SOLE PROPRIETOR AND ORIGINATOR OF PHOSPHODYNE. B 248 .1.11 1. B I I j*4 i ^>4*1 S I 1 INTERNAL and ■ ff 1 I li 1^1 tea wn Isza I 1. EXTERNAL use A mire and ppeedv Cure for SORE THROAT. COUGHS. COLDS. DIITHERIA, CHILLS, DIARKH<EA. CHAMPS. CHOLERA. SJOlv HEADACIJi:. XEUR i. i' IUIEUMAT18M, MUTiSRS. CUTS. SPRATNS. &o. f 'rterth; mfe to use internally or externally, and c<-rt-n.<- to atfor.l W I- f. Every family s5.<v.tii bii;>w t.hrrt this Kif- is soi.d bv Aiii. CHEMISTS, and supplied IN BOTTLfcS lrIs. i;d. fO i j.\ '■ ;> >.■: ea.'X, iVovidcnco, R.I., U.S., Solo Proprietors. LONDON DEPOT, GT. EUSSEIX ST Vi.C. 1'. );Ii «1i" • OL\/l U5 CT RICHMOND GEM OlVIOf\t BIRD'S EYE. Cut from Choicest Virginia Gold Leaf. CBLETS only, 5d pe* oz. HENRY K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. k,IP, T!4E SOZODONT a I JU EETtill-ill & Blemishes that disfigure the Teeth are speedily removed by SOZODONT, the fragrant purify- frjJpC j" 9 ^"1 ing and beautifying liquid. The gums are made rosy and healthy by its uae, and the morti- ■ ■ ■ fyrng defect, an unpleasant breath, is completely remedied by it. SOZODONT has become the staple dentifrice of the worid, simply because it is impossible to use it, even for a week, without perceiving its hygienic effect upon the teeth, the gums and the breath. Sold by all the principal Chemists and Perfumers at 2a, 6d. Oxe BOTTLE wili. LAST SIX MOXTHS. ■ '< I H Jl A B I Itts t}ie best Liver, Stomach, Spleen, I 1% MM I J and Fever Doctor in the world! Hun- pBl III I I MJL I dreds of thousands bear testimony I I ■ ym I I Try one$be convinced! Stop Dosing! AH ages and bot^sexes discover in the Holman Pad the most marvellou? remedy for the absolutely certain removal of disease, and that 'without drenching the delicate stomach with (U m I dangerous drugs. It is Nature's greatest, best, and safest remedy, and is valued beyond ■ ■ all price by thousands who have suffered in all parts of the world. Prioe of Regular Pad, I M IOs. Special, 15s. We earnestly invite the reader to send for Book of Testimonials; ■ M M free to any address. HieHo1"ia" Pad Co., Gt. Russell-st. Buildings, London, W,C. ™ SMOKE d°EIAU'TIESE THE GENUINE PRESSED Saliva Proof. Will Not Stick to the Lips I AMBER TIPPED CIGARETTES. H. K. TERRY d Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, J ALLEN & GINTER, Manufacturers, Richmond, Va., U.S.A. London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. H O T I /N IVI AN OPEN DOOR TO HEALTH. 1^1 I I I I ■■ J* I 119 1^^ Every persbn suffering from Indigestion, Rys- 9 ^1 | Ih 1 I B "■ pepsia, or any symptom of a Stomach out of Order," should send for a Pamphlet respecting the positive cure by the use of LACTOPEPTINE, and read the cases and letters from Medical Men in every part of the world, showing results in practice. More than 1,000 Doctors, 10,000 Chemists, the entire Medical Press, have certified as to the remarkable efficacy of LACTOPEPTINE. It is rational in the theory of its action, and cures all disorders of the Digestive Organs. Price 4s. 6d. in OiineeBottles, with a Dose Measure attached; and can be sent by post. Each bottle contains 48-10 grain doses. It is agreeable to the taste, and may be taken in either wine or water after meals. LACTOPEl'T IME is SOLD BY CHEMISTS Ev FRYwHRrx, and is prepared solely by JOHN M. RICHARDS, (Successor to Carnrick, o.,) Laboratory, Great Russell Street, London. — ■■ ■■■■ '■ ■ —— • • s I THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD — Trade Mark Bull's Head. Colmarfsir a Mustard F MANUFACTURERS BY r I TO SPECIAL WARRANT A°EQU EEN "ASK FOR GENUINEOR DOUBLE SUPERFINE" A PHYSICIAN'S GIFT. # A MEDICAL TREATISE showing how sutterer^.trom Nervousness and Debility may speedily recover health, strength, tone and vigour, and ENSURE A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE, with prescriptions for the cure of Stomach, Liver, and Heart Disease, and for Purifying the Blood, &c. P0A(Mreesf-jmiMnes, Secretary, 7, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square, London. E 290 T The geeat blood p"Cripieh THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst forn-a of diseases, and the foulest State of the blood, stoma*, liver, and lddnevs: they go to the core of every disease u0 other medicines have power to reach. The GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER cures the following complaints:—Indigestion, or wind in! the stomach or bowels, giddiness m the head, dimness of sight, weak or sore eyes, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, liver and Wlimis obstructions, asthma or tightness in the iciest''rheumatics, lumbago, piles^gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, bad legs, bad breasts, sore ^ro-ts soreheads, and sores of every description, i83, or white swellings •crof.Sa gatherings, tnmourtj or cancers, pimples or blotches on the face and body, swelled SS&i* -s 2& SS • savSic effected by taking the larger size. Sold by alT Chemists or from the proprietor, J. THOMP- SON, 4-i, Oxford street, Swansea, for^ir^ or 34 I-S'IHE I trade mark MANUFACTORY, ( 6(1,Is, 2s 6d "KMTING'S POWDER" This Powder, so celebrated and perfectly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, BEETLES, FLEAS, MOTHS and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life)# should be kept ready in every household. It is cleanly in use. All Woollefas and Furs should be well sprinkled with the Powder before placing away. It is invaluable to take to the Seaside. To avoid"disappointment insist upon having K E AT I NG'-$ POWDER." No other Powder is effectual. Sold only in tins, 6d., Is. & 2s. 6d. To GET Rip OF WORMS IN CHILDREN. Procure a tin of "KEATING'S WORM TABLETS." This unique medicine is certain to cure, and may be taken with absolute safety by the youngest child. Price Is. lid. of all Chemists (by post 15 Stamps). KEATING, St. Paul's, London. A CARD.-To ALL WHO ARE SUFFERING from the errors and indiscretion ef yonth, nervous weakness, early decay, losa of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OP CHARGE. This great w remedy was discovered by a missioHnry in South- America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rjcv Joseph T TN. AN, Station D, Sew York City, U.6.A AYt.MiJ.u Co., ox'OCiv A: SrfAKB HROKKKS, ToTPer Ch-imbers, Moor-ate, Tsanaon. E.O. c POHCTI.VSKS aad t-AI,K" etlHced on the most advantageous terms m ltailways, Foreign iio'itls, Mines, and Securities of every description either for IxvESTJifKNr or SPECirixATiojf. N.H. -17riinarkotable Sharps wLl receive attention. IKvi'Tin f ACCIDENT COMBINED. £jOO A. D,ath from any cause, with Profits. £JJJ Ou Permanent Total Disablement. £ 166 On Femianent Partial Disablement. £ 5 Wf.-ekly (Liring Temporary Disablement. Annual l^rcmiam-Agv 30- £ 12 6s. 9d. London, eu i s n u it >1 v as1 i o w ^s u ran ge Co.Lkj. Lonilon uHi¡"¡: 110. O-iunon Hrt, \V[!.FRHD A. BOWSER, Manager. :\1 A9NIC & GhNF)¡tAL LLFiM ASSU- RANCE COMPANY—(Limited Office, 9, New Bridge- street,Loudon, K.c.—Life Assurance of all descriptions eiiected. Loans «»n or on real or Dersonal security. Annuities granted. A;>t>!v to A. TO H, ivl .V Q-TON", Managing Director. YlAKtL'S Fine old Cognac Brandies. -P'ue l>abel 4 years old. 1,1 I-tb-l 7 „ „ WbueLabel 10 For lis- ot A^erir-s and Wholesale terms apply to the Sole Coiisi-nees II CflAfLtN Ac CO., 10, Villiers St. (& 39& 40, Mark -Witte iZ spirit Bottlers to the trade. fLASGr()W. —fflK GRAND HOTEL.- First-class; moderate charges. Contains 200 Apartments. Pronounced by all its Patrons to be the most elegant and most comfortable rtot^i in (.Ttasgow. W. G. Davidson, Manager. pure old f"NVH]RNESS.—Ferguson & Co., Highland (Established 1726.) 21/-per Gallon, in Cask, MALT r or included. 5 Gallons and wirrQirv <arn;i{re i>aid t° any Station. All orders t b-' acpo.'iipanioi by a remittance or reference. W OOL-GROWERS CAN HAVE THEIR WOOL » manufactured into Goods for own use by sending it to ROBERT HOUSTON & SONS, Estd. 1780.1 28, West Blackball St., & Rockbank Mills, f GREENOCK. Each Lot in kept Separate. HOMESPUN TWEEDS manufactured at from 1/6 to 2/- per yard, also Winceys, Blankets, &c. Write for patterns, &e. Carriage of Wool per Goods Conveyance payable byR. H&S "REST ENGLISH SPRING DRESS FABRICS, lOO pieces REAL ALL WOOL BEIGES and VICUNA CLOTHS, 6}d. and 8Jd. per yard UW1 price, lOJd. and l/Ojd. Patterns free. lOO New Prinfcn^ and Woven WASHING FABRICS from Qd. per yaJd. BAKER & CRISP, 198, Regent Street, Ixtndfon W RIMMEL's AROMATIC OZWlZERTth^ only efficient and agreeable Air Purifier tor Bed-room 'sick room, &c., in tims, 1/ by post, 15 stamps. 96, Strand, London" I)OUGLA s's LIME CREAM. FOR PRESRRVINO THE HAIR, THE ONLY KNOWN CURE FOR SCURF, promoting at all times a healthy action to the skin. It is strongly recom- mended by the most eminent physicians, and has been awarded a prize medal at the International Exhibition. Sold in Bottles from 2/6 each, with directions for use. 21 & 23, New Bond Street, and 99 & 101, Leadenhall Street, City, London. WATC SILVIRP. FROM 12/ Ladies' T T or Gents' Silver llefiance Watches, 2" usually sold at 508,. Sterling Silver Knslisli Lever Witches from 61s. Silver^Alberts, 3B. 6d., Gold Guards, 45s. IHastmto.l Cutaloarue w ilh 1 estimcmml* fn». W. & G DjlYIS 12 A.iilirmir.-ham. AGENTS WAITED. "OOPACK" CON GOof Extraordinary Strength and Flavor (a truism), 1/8 per lb. AGENTS APPOINTED. W. A. HIGGS & COMPANY,39, High St., Islington, London. N. CAVE YOUR GAS BILLS. ° Gb"T 1\10RE JjIGHT by using PEVRLr.81 PATENT AUTOMATIC GJV'JSRSOi GAS BURNRRS. SoLlI: MA BUUCE PEERLES & CO., TAY WOIIKS, 1JOX N" INGTONT, K DIN BURGH. TO BE HAD OF ALL, ltESPBCXABLd GAS FITTERS. Brass, reed, st Iain g,& dr um&pife BANDS.PIANOS, ORGANS & HARMONIUMS at Whole- sale Prices at J. MOORE'S. Buxton Rd., Huddersfield. Prices with drawings of every Instrument post free. Muslcfor any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, & Rifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange lETARPER T WE LVETREES'Viil&Washer. Great further improvements. Reduced prices. The most rapid, strong, and highly finished. Agents Wanted in every town. Very liberal terms. 80, Finsbury Pavement, London. JJLAKEY'S BOOT PROTECTORS. TO KNOW THEIR VALUE IS TO NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM. Boots never want sobng or heeling if these protectors are used. SIX PENNYWORTH will save at least TEN SHILLINGS. They are no trouble to flx. Price 3d., 6d., 1/- per box. Do not be deceived by vile imitations. AGENTS WANTED where not already represented. JOHN BLAKEY, Leeds. CORNS CURED IN THREE DAYS V_^ WITHOUT PAIN. The above remedy sent on receipt of 33 stamps.—Direct L. C., 45, Kemerton Road, London, S.E. PURE SWEETS—3Jd. lb. CmTH, NEPHEW 4c CO., 12, Little Newport Street, Leicester O Suuar«, sells cheaper tliaai any house in tho trade. Write for price lists. AH goods equally cheap Country orders of £ 1 carriage paid. All goods well flavored. Every information given to those about to enter the business. Our only address is SMITH, NEPHEW and CO., 12, Little Newport Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C, IND IGESTION.-KAUKASIAN KIMEL Is the Russian Remedy. Give it a trial and you will never regret it. As compared with Patent Medicines it is infinitely- more effective, far less costly, and undeniably the most deli- xm and bodily exhilarating Compound in the wide, wide World. A sample bottle, holding an Imperial English Pint, senrfree for six shillings. Address, Proprietor of Russian Liqueurs Depot. 104, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. fftHE DRUMMOND WHISKY, 42/- per JL case. Chief Offices, 72, Mark Lano, & 2, London Street, E.C. P.O.O's. and Cheques payable to A R Drummond. ':K* AVA.YT" YEAST. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFXBR, rilHOMPSON's BURDOCK PILT.S .L. purify the foulest blood & remove every disease of the sto- mach, liver, & kidneys,Pure biood gives health. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could not be reached byanyother medicine. Sold byall Chemists in boxes, I /it & 2 0; or from the establishment, 44, Oxford-St.,Swansea, for 16 or 35 stamps. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. mHE"CLOTHING DISTRICT. Woollen J- OLOTH&CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co., GREET- LAND, YOKKS.. combining the trades of Woollen Manufactu- rers, Merchants. Diapers & Tailors in one, enabling customers to save at least 30 per cent, Patterns, ke., free. Any article not approved of is immediately exchanged or money returned. WO DA WATER MACHINERY for manu- o faoturing all Aerated Waters. Syphon Bottles, Codd's patent Bottles, and all connected with this business. 1882 Catalogue now ready, forwarded post free for 1/- in stamps. B I; >' hrl' T <fe FOSTKR. 23p, Forston Street, London. N. jfTOUGliS, COLDS, ASTHMA, V BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS Browne's CIILORODYNE, A few doses quite effectual. —Caution.—The extra- ordinary medical reports on the efficacy of ChlorodyTW render it of vital importance that the pubhc »hou l obtain the genuine, which is protected by a, Orov^n ment stamp, bearing the words Dr. J. 5j2r gii Chlorodvne." See decisiort of Vjoe-ChanceUor bir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, 1864.. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physioians accompany each bottie. „ q onaMintr From \V. C. Wilkinson, Esq., I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasm the benefit is very marked. a. l in war Scotland From Dr. M'Miliman, of NewJGalloway, scowanu As a Sedative, Anodyne. Ant,"?p^J?^f]lfmedicine known." Collis Browne's Chlorodyne1 mst i V1 ^,f chemists sold in Bottles. 1/1*. a^gj_lbjlj^^yisls- EB I N N I N G A-N D CO., • EGG -M-nyg.r; HANTS, West Hartlepool. i^-TTT, B 0 Y S r A r N R. U AcknTwle^-ed by the lads of Great Britain to br) the Ac now AliI; Vw^apNEwrsroaiE3 HAVE JUST COMMENCED. i w 1, ^?, i 'uiiv uill t>e sent free on receipt, .>f a, pminv staTiin o- U. caii b« obtained of any Newsagent. One p-rmy stamp.. Oi xr> civ i oftior i*2, Fottt-r Lane, Ijondon, L.O evf»rv ♦* i i^'ANlTFACTURERS and MERCHANTS —— ambeegs PATENT SYSTEMS OF LETTER piling. seif-Inilexing-The best in the World. SIMPLE! DURABLE! INDISPBNSABLE! CAMERON, A3IBERG & Co.. 27. Little Britain, London, E.C To be obtained of all stationers As Booksellers Illustrated Price Lists on application to 27a, Little Britain E C fTVHirwALOECK COLLAl:t-Newest and J- Most Fashionable LADIES' EMBROIDERED COLLAR for the Season. Perfect Fitting To be had of all the principal Drapers. rilHE HEART, THE DIAMONL), THE SPADE, THE CLUB—Newest and most fashionable shapes n» LAD1EV LINEN COLLARS, perfect fitting; to be had of all drapers—"B. & T. London. XNMPLOYMENT FOHR~IRVERY^ AFAN\ Canvassine. £ 3 W eekly. No risk, no experience requireil. benet_at once Addressed Envelope, Box 4, Wolvorham^:on. A M ERIC A,Cape or Australia. SteamFares T-from £ 318s. ApplyRoberts.Agent, 29,Union St., Iiveq>pgit OWE BOX OF -CLARKE'$ 141 MILS "^barKw from th« Urinary Org*M, £ ooMtitutional), Grarel, £ o& Pain" » BoM,> 8d. Moh, by Chemist* and throofboolUmWarld •ddreti hat N (tamp* by tin Makan, Tn hotooiM jiD hiduiid Oocinn bios oovun OlORU), Linooln.—Wbolettle AfWt^ lABCLAT 8°n' WboII8I8 H-. FOR DTEZIVO AT 3902M All CRAWSHAW'S Colours. In Packets 1d.,2d.,8d. &6d. each Bent by port for one stamp extra. II V ANYONE OAN USE ANYONE OAN USE Eibbon*, Feathers, Neck Tiaa, look eqnal to new. One Sixpenny Paoket wm a lAdy*s Dreaa. t, Crawshaw A Co., 80, Fann St, Aldersqate 8t- LONDON. 8.O. *WD °* &TITJGK* I alBI GJI B H SOOD for the cure of WisB )11 TO 8XOXM0B GOOD for the euro of INDIGEBTION. GOOD for the euro of SICK READAMM GOOD for the cure of HEARTBURN. GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAnfe GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAIHTS arising from a disordered state of the STOMACH, BOVELE, or IITEB. mmSAZ 3 Wm te boxea U 1M. ft flfcr • or free for 14,9$f or 54 trowk d wonnnncr. galtbrt afassT. HOUWUHBI W= AD DR WELt., TATB BRAGG'S VElEY ABLE CHARCOAL It absorb* all faapnritiae tn the Stomach and Bowela, mi a^heaITl to tta whole system. Sold to pottles 8s., to. and 6s. each. OP *T.Tf CHEMISTS, BRAGGIS CHARCOAL BISCUITn Children like them. They speedily eradicate Worzw In Tin* 1*». A 4». each. Sold bt all CRXMiara. Akt ^UCWS CHARCOAL LOZENCES. It is evident that Camomile is Nature's own simple and safe*remedy for Indigestion and all Stomach complaints, for during the last 60 years NORTON'S CAMOMILl PI L L S have afforded. relief to Thousands. Sold in Bottles at 11. Ill-. 2t. 9i. and lit. A PLEASING APPEARANCE IS THE FIIST LEtTER OF RBCOWJfKNDATIOK. GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS, Ccftciiixg' the Skiri and Imp.-Ovilg the Oovplexioft; ¡"BeW." 26. dtf. 4acht by r BIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. 1 "BIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. I EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. AJDVAJ8 TACfKS. Are entirely free from Sum Are not POISONOUS Are manufactured without PIIOBPUG wo Are perfectly harmless to the OPEBATIVS8 Are very Damp Proof (EMPIjOYHD Are not liable «o Ipontaneoua Combuation Light only on the Sox. THB BLOOD 18 THE LIFJL- 10 \C". WORLD FAMED \= { THE GREAT BLOOD PURiFiER i RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurition, It cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin end B'oa and Sores of all kinds, it i*n r.ever-faiiing aad rim.n;i:ii'ui «K-e. It Cam Old Sores. Curea Ulcerated Sorea on the Neck. Cure. TTlceratRd Sore Le^s. Onrea Blackheads, or Pimple. oil the Face. CureaSenrvy Sores. Curer. Cancerous lmeerm. Onres Blood and Skin Disease*. Cores Glandular Swellings. Clears Ll-, a Blood from all irnpuro matter, From whatever cnuee arisinff. As this mixture is pleasant to the tfi-stol and warranted fuse from anythinf injnrioua to the most d,ic:1.1.i) COI:st;tution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit RniTerors to give it r. u W to test its vtdut. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PART <5 OF THE WOSLD. Sold ts Bottles i*. «d. each, ana iu cases, containing aJ: times th* quantity, lis. each — r.ufTiriont to er^ct a Bianent sore ii» the great^najority of Ionr Btan<c 'M->■*>: BY ALL CHEMISTS andPATENTMKDKITKB V:: N"i >\ >n.* throughout the world, or sent for 30 or 132 Ktnm;>s hv the Proprietors, Th» Liwcctsr axb MiDJixu Cot.'jrxrisi' Dn/e \)Upj.XT, fLate r. J. Cvarkb), Lincoln. Mark— ^ood Mixtil-ra.)31) TTAVB IT IN YOUR HOUSB8. JLJL and follow tcfa adTioe of the mtumt Dootors Proaik Btevena, Korpu. Tnrtoy. Dowafaur, GMtxm, Sparks, JmZ who have boras unq I weUmoay to tfia Tains of T.AMPLOUQH'B PYB1TIO 8AI.IVS. It gtrss Wiwtant raliaf in hwadaohe, sea or bilious siefc* nssa, constipation, boartburu, soarlst aad other ieTers. 1 smanpojjmsMles,ernpttreud skin oomplaints. XJse no sobsM*n(«. H. Laxnovaa, ll» Bolbon^ Lsadon. TyTEBVOUiS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cuit. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope. -Address, Mr J. T. Sewell, Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. B140—d MA HEWSIS tlt Avoid the many danmnnu II | a&ddoobtfoloompooadiaold P"l II I k>UW as Toilet Powdars: always ask I ^■■'•ilsBflW for UatUiews's Prepared Man p" ■ 1I88Cl in tbe B.o,.I!funerf88, for UatUiews's Prepared Man p" ■ Barth, used in the Royal Kursariss, l\ |* I kfl and highly reoommeaded by the I | | Vaou&y; it proUota th« akin from oold winds, ehaw. 4& aaC (rMervss the complaxioa. BOLD BT ALL nrnfltirTaTA ROUM It, WIOMORK STREET, LONDON. I A MPC WOMI, MtVH, *QOt» IAIVI13 International Medals awarded ra#. ilrtlllwV eeenvely tat Szoetleaee «f Qnalitr II it I"* <neuUasss la us. DO Ivl E OLEANI BLACK LEAD AVOIDS BTTST on Orn^enta, Carpets aad rntnitan. H adhere* at ooee te the store or grata. SOLO IT CROCCItS CVERYWMCRI SOLO IT CROCCItS CVERYWMCRI BoøL In decorated Ket.1 Boz. it holclK." I.D. Pzn. aod jD lI&ltDeur Kat. I BOn. ftrawdL OF ALL SINCLAIR'Spipr. lb. The Family I P\ CROCERS A OILMtN Wash with- LLR^L.LJL SAVES TIHE, FUEL, astewy fo'J. WATER 'D Beware of SOAP Imitations! "SINCLAIR'S." I recommend it to housewife; it saves time material; economises fuel. fla Rothes mjuire less rot- JAMES SINCLAIR, Southwark, London,8 "R