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ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING OF MR JONES- PARRY'S SUPPORTERS. On Tuesday night last, a crowded and enthue iastic meeting of the supporters of Mr Jones. Parry was held at the Guild Hall, Carnarvon,— Mr George Farren presiding. On the platform were Messrs R. Pughe-Jones, T. Bigbird, W. J. Williams, John Davies, Dr Kirk, Mr John Jones, Revs Evan Jones, J. Alun Roberts, Mr D. W". Davies, &c. The Chairman, after a reference to the late Mr Bulkeley Hughes, said it was but seemly and fit that a vote of condolence should be passed with the family of their late member, whose zeal and energy were beyond all praise, and who was industrious in furthering any deserving individual interest com- ing under his notice. Mr John Jones, chemist, in a few appropriate words, seconded the vote of condolence. Mr Jones-Parry, who was enthusiastically re- ceived, said it was with mingled joy and sorrow that he stood before them -sorrow, because it was only that afternoon that he paid the last tribute of respect to his very good friend Mr Bulkeley Hughes, who had served them so faithfully (hear, hear). It was not for him to say anything in the praise of their late member, because he was well known in the constituency., and whoever knew him respected and admired him. The death of Mr Bulkeley Hughes was a great loss, not only to the constituency, but to the county at large, for he interested himself in everything that was for the good of the public (hear, hear). Peace be to his ashes. As for his (Mr Jones-Parry's) humble self, they knew a good deal about him. Some years ago he was before the public, when he ventured to come forward, against tremendous odds, to fight the battle of the Liberal cause against the Tories, who had held the monopoly of the county for very nearly half a century unopposed. Many thought that it was a quixotic and absurd thing for any man to come torward against such powerful in- fluences but he then said, I will try, and if I fail somebody else coming after me will have a better chance." When he consented to contest the representation of the county in 1868 he did not for a moment think he should succeed, but he and his friends said, "Let us break the ice" (laughter). They were all very agreeably sur- prised to find that the cause gained the day. He said "the cause" emphatically, because he personally was nobody (laughter). It was the Liberal cause and not him personally that he wished them to support on the present occasion. Several very able gentlemen had put themselves forward to ask for their suffrages, and their claims were submitted to a meeting of representatives that afternoon. Those representatives, however, did him the honour of selecting him in preference to any other name placed before them, and for this honour he thanked them from the bottom of his heart. He considered it a very great honour, and he also thought a very great responsibility had been placed on his shoulders, but they were broad enough. He would not say one single word about his only opponent, Mr Sorton-Parry, which would be the least uncomplimentary or uncouiteoas to him or to his candidature (hear). He simply left Mr Sorton-Parry to the judgment of the electors. That gentleman, he might add, was well known by them, because he had been among them for several months canvassing and making himself public (shame). And it was only to be hoped that even if he persisted in opposing their humble servant, and thereby causing a split in the ps as to enable their honourable friends tht my- (laughter)—to have a chance of running a Tory between the divided ranks, they would still treat him courteously, and that nothing personal or offensive would be said against him (hear). In a few days hence it was his intention to address a large meeting in that borough, therefore he would not at present enter fully into the questions of the day. It appeared to him that one of the principal questions affecting the Welsh people was that of higher education in Wales. He need not remind the intelligent gentlemen and the lovely ladies he saw before him how very important education was for every man, and he would be glad, if returned, to support in the present Parlia- ment a bill founded upon the report of the com- mission of which Mr Lewis Morris was one of the principal members (cheers). One of the recom- mendations of this commission was that there should be two colleges founded, one for North Wales and the other for South Wales. He per- fectly agreed with many of his Carnarvonshire friends in hoping and wishing that the college for North Wales should be located in the county of Carnarvon, and in the old historic town of Car- narvon—(hear, hear)—but, on the other hand, they must not look selfishly or with a narrow mind upon a great national question of this sort (cheers). Therefore it would depend very much upon the claims of other parts of North Wales as to what locality would be considered the most central and beneficial for the six North Wales counties (hear). Bangor, Denbigh, and other places had been spoken of. However, whilst wishing that Carnarvon should be honoured as the locale of the proposed university college, he could not promise them anything on the subject, but asked them to leave him free on that point. Another important measure which the present Government would doubtless introduce was that dealing with the constitution of county financial boards for the control of the rates. The only time he voted from 1868 to 1874 against Mr Gladstone and the Liberal party-and he fearlessly made the confession—was on a motion respecting the consti- tution of such boards, which he then supported with the Conservatives, and would continue to support. Having referred to the proposed amend- ments in the Bankruptcy Act, he said that as to Sir Wilfrid Lawson's local option bill, he had not changed his opinions since he first came before them politically in 1868, when he refused to sup- port the bill. He then came to a compromise with his temperance friends, that he would not oppose the second reading of the bill, but would reserve to himself the power to modify and make it more practicable in committee of the whole house (hear, hear). He was strongly in favour of the assimilation of the county franchise to the borough franchise, and also of a redistribution of seats. Legislation in the latter direction, however, would mean a dissolution of Parliament. The land laws, he believed, ought to be amended in the interests of the tenant farmers. In dealing with this question he claimed to speak honestly, possessing, as he did, some thousands of acres of land and buildings, mocmt&ins and bogs, in Laeyn—-(laugh* ter)-and he was pleased to tell them that he was on the very bestof terms with his tenants. There should be legal enactments to enable tenant farmers to demand compensation for improvements. He did not in any way hint that in this county landlords refused them that; but it should be laid down by law that landlords should not t;ke any undue advantage of their tenants. With reference to the Ground Game Act, he was glad that it had been passed, as he did not care for rabbits—(laughter) —perhaps that was attributable to his bad taste- gaughter)-but he thought it was the most un- sportsmanlike and childish amusement in the world to shoot rabbits. They might as well shoot barn door hens, for there was no fan in it. Of course rabbits were good for the pot-(laugliter)- but as the damage they did to the crops was in- sufferable, they were not worth preserving. He did not wish to blow his own trumpet to them, but years before the act was passed he had permitted his tenants to kill rabbits, saying, "Leave me a hare or two and I will be satisfied" (laughter). Having referred to the Agricultural Holdings Act, the full benefit of which tenants did not get be- cause of the present system of contracting out of it, he dwelt upon the deplorable state of Ireland. Commenting on the Irish Land Act, he rejoiced to think that on this side of the water a commission to investigate and decide upon the terms as to rent between landlord and tenant was not neces- sary. He hoped that the difference between the Lords and Commons respecting the committee to inquire into the working of the Land Act would eventually be quietly smoothed over. At the same time, the Commons should stick up for their rights (cheers). There had been a great deal too much talkiug ia the House of Commons lately by a clique of Irish "gintlemen," who obstructed the business, and who could really talk a brass mon- key's tail off (laughter). This was very amusing in private society, but in the House of Commons it was a fearful nuisance. Such conduct placed usi a very p,, or condition in the sight of foreign nations. Regarding a remedy against this, some thought the French cloture was a good thing to act upon; but he objected to that extreme measure, as it will interfere with tLe freedom of speech of which they prided themselves (cheers). Someone had mentioned the name of Mr Biadlaugh. He did not intend to speak of that person, not being acquainted with him. Mr Bradlaugh was a man whose religious and moral opinions he loathed and abhorred (hear, hear). Some of his political opin- ions were shared in by many, including himself, but others were too extreme. All he said was, that if returned, he should consider it his duty to obstruct and prevent an avowed atheist like Mr Bradlaugh from taking the oath; but if a bill should be introduced to enable any member to make an affirmation he would vote for it, although he was bound to say frankly that he should be sorry to sit in the same room as Mr Bradlaugh (cheers). Dr Kirk said that Mr Jones-Parry having been selected by the Liberals, all minor differences must be sunk in supporting his candidature. There was, unfortunately, another candidate in the field -Mr Sorton-Parry (groans, and a voice: "He will remain there, and never go to Parliament"). But his existence must not be poo-poohed, as the Liberals had not such a large margin of a majority to work upon. He proposed a resolution supporting the candidature of Mr Jones-Parry, and pledging the meeting to secure his trumphunt return (cheers). The Rev J. Alun Roberts seconded the resolution, and ridiculed the claims set up by Mr Sorton- Parry to represent the borough. Mr Pughe. Jones and the Rev E. Jones, Moriah, addressed the meeting in support of the resolution, which was carried unanimously and enthusias- tically. Ater a vote of thanks to the chairman, proposed by Mr Jones-Parry, and seconded by Mr J. Davies (Iwyacddon), the meeting came to a termination.










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