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'I: CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EASL 1 AFRICAN STEAMERS.-The UNlON S. S. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thursday. a Steamers in the Intermediate Service everygiteriiate Fr;^«.y all leaving Plymouth the next day.Apply at the Company' ? Uti- oes.Orientaa Place. Southampton, or 11, Leadenhail St.,London, or to J. Jackson, Lloyd's Ac,ant, Carnarvon. A YLnL t Co". STOOiv. (J, A .•) BROKR;;S Toirer Oh uiiV-.rs, Mo-»-iter I>r PCKI • a,I > ;s vi'i.-o cd on th s m-crj adv.- term1 ;•> ■■••av- l' ;'P<'1. ({1,¡¡It. [\lh"1 an 1 ;í. .i: ev> .■ '.isfc.i r »!• Is\rz*;aikxt 'ir '>KcT:r..vi; > N. ;r s .jv-; -]v r:■ "J (t i i AGO l!>N r CO _;i Li L 'V.J' "J': ( HY .f < -£ ,{:¡. 1it.riid ¡;l\iP.r\ å. L,'l J'iM;- .r 1): ;e';t. ) 1 LO" ■ L" ,v •• .L V '-r 'TA^J^lt: v' G Kv'^TiA I,I brij A.86" J.T*. r.O I.i • v.. « A-'Vii'i:J -• :;t. l' A -lv ;•/ *'7' ] I\ T'J F Co.Y^c ■" I; I "R"1 4 V li J F'jr .i M. \r,. V .■ 'l! f~" •: ■' ■" CoiiS!1 ■- M ,;ix f.xn. •. 11 Ab r-. > V i. ilG i »■ A.. > i. i. i* u'tt :c -1; o Hi •: ('■■"■ 1 I'l'jri .uno-d by i. i it i r'.t- i'0-i.^ t >') t. ■i •• r i"is comfu Uij f i i l ii, i ■■ ;v. VV. yi. :J v. j.-J, .ji.^ i., PURE OLD; a j.TVI"LlN'rj.-«S.— G 0 -ic HishSand i-5- (t:1- HiO.) Sl'- p; U-vi:«»i. ia Ca<k. Tare; Ulol-if." I. Waib >lts :m,l MA-T t;<l to anv <t ma. Ail orders WHISX7.'t5 bJV,. hy a :c-n. or r'f.r i WOOL-aiiOwsijs can HAVE thsj:; V* U ;L maiiuiar;t;ired into Gon^s f;«- own n.s» i.y s«n-.ing it t-> ROBERT HOUSTON & SONS, iistd. 17,10. > (.TpfFvortC 28, WEST liLAticiiALi. ST.. & KocitiiiSK AliiLS, licch Lnl ii lunt Sepai HOMSSPUX TWEEDS manufactured at from 1 (3 to 2- per yard, also Winceys, ÜIa.nkeês, &c. Wide!"1' pattern.?, <f'<% Carriage of Wool per G-ood<? Conveyance navable by H. &8. BEST ENGLISH SPRING DIIESS FABUIG3. 100 pieces REAL ALL WOOL BEIGES and VICUNA CLOTHS, 6;1 a,11,1 8H. per yard. Usual price, 10|C and 1' ;}d. Patterns free. lOO New Printed and Woven \VASHI>T«'J- FABIIICS from 8d. per yard. BAKER & CR.rSP, IV?, Tiefreut Street, London, \Y. KIM Mel's A tio ,\i ATIC ozoNrziat.thp 'only efliGient and agreeable A ¡ r Pnrifier for Bed-room, Sick. room. &J. tins, V-. by post. 15 stamps. 90, Strand, Lonlon. DO UGLAS'S LL\!E CREAf. FOR PP-ESESVINO THE HAIR, THE OXI.Y KNOWN CUitE FOR SCURF, promoting at all times a lienlthy action to the skin. It is strongly recom- mended by the most eminent physicians. and has been awarded a prize me:1al at the International Exhibition. Sold in Bottles from 2/3 each, with directions for use. 21 & 23, New Bond Street, and 99 & 101, Leadenhall Street, City, London. XTSTATCliES, SILVER FROM 12/ Ladios' ▼ ▼ or G-ents' i1 nr D'Jnc, WI1tChC8, 25s., usually sold at 50'1 Sterling Silvc" English Lever Watches from .*x)s. Silver Alberts, 53. 6d., Gol l G.i.tri*, 4.')^. Illustr:\tf C;itA1o?ue with Testi:no:)i:ila free. O DAVIS, 12. Ali'r.^1 :■< Binnipfcbam. AUKSTS WANTED, "OÖP 1\.<JI(" CONGO of Extraordinary Strength awl Flavor (ot tr,iisml, 1/8 per lb. A03ST8 APPOINTED. W, A., KI'3-f*S te Islington, 8 A V K Y (.) LJ K, GXS B ILLS. GlT lyjORE LIGHT by u<irs PE o"lT,T<;S' PATENT AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR GAII BURNSRS. S3i.v; ATAyato VC" LKKUS.—D. BliUOii PEEBLES & CO., TAY WrUiKS. BOXVINdTON, EDIXBURSH. TO Bfi HAD OF ALL KESPEOTABLE GAS FITTERS, It ASS," R K EI >7S Tit IN G. & D R U M & FIF E BANDS,PIANO.S.OSCrANS &HARMONIUMSat Whole- tale. Prices at J. MOORK'S, Buxton Rd., lludderstield. Priced With drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, & Rifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange RPE s TTXRPEL-i TVVETJVKT R !<5ES' Villa Washer. Great further improvements. Rc iuRedprio.es. The most rapid, strong-, and highly finished. Agents Wanted in every town. Very liberal term*. 80, Finsbur.v Pavement, London. JgLAKEY'S BOOT PROTECTORS, TO KNOW THEIR VALUE IS TO NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM, Boots never want soling or heeling if these protectors are used. SIX PENNYWORTH will save at least TICX SHILLINGS. They are no trouble to fix. Price 3d., 6d., 1/- per box. Do riot <V deceived by vile imitations. AGENTS WANTED where not already represented. JOHN BLAKEY, Leeds- CORNS CURrD IN THREE DAYS WITHOUT PAIN. The above remedysent on receipt of 38 9tamp3.—Direct L. O., 45. Kemerton Road, London, S.K. -nJRE-SWÊETS-3!d. lb. SMITH, NEPHEW & CO.. 12, Little St,, ^tcr Square, sells ( hamper thnu any house in th ■ tru:.le. Write fo its. All goods eqnaily chea], Coantry oi' lers of XI carriage paid. o<ls well flavored. Every inforruntioa gire.i to tiiose about to enter the BUS. JOBS. Our only aJ iress is SMITH, NEPHEW and CO., 12, Ncv,-jK)rt Slr.^ot. r.- ii>tcr Square, London, W.C, NDIG ITST ION.—K AIJKXSIANKIIVIE L Is the Russian Remedy. Give it a trial and you will never regret it. As compared with Patent Medicines it is infinitely mors effective, far less costly, and undeniably the most deli- 3ious and bodily exhilarating Compound in the wide, wide World. A sample bottle, holding an Imperial English Pint, sent free for six shilling-«. Address, Proprietor of Russian L-iqu-ciirs Depot. lOt. Queen Victoria Street, London, E.G. fllHE-î) iTV¡rl:WN])'VlnsKY ,42/ per J- case. Chief Offices, 72, Mark Lane, & 2, London Street, E.C. P.O. and Cheques payable to A R, Drummond. «i? N AVANT" YEAST n. Wilkin & Co., til x x • Appold St.. London. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ffUIOMPSON's BURDOCK PILtS purify thfoulest blood, & remove every disease of the sto- mach.liver.it kidneys.Pure blood trives health. Tliousands have been cured by these wonderful Piils whose diserts80 could not be reached bvanyother medicine. Sold bvall Chemists in boxes, 1/11 &2,9;or the establishment. H. Öxfor,1-st..Mwansea., for 16 or 35 stamps. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. rf LlE (.iXyririNG DlsTRLO i'T \VOOLLEN JL CLOTTIirCLOTIITNa MANUFACTURING Co., GREET- LAND, YOilKS.. combininfrthe trades of Woollen Manufactu- rers, Merchants. Diapers it Tailors in one, enabling customers to save at least 30 per cent, Patterns, &0, free. Any article not approved of is immediate y exchanged or money returned. tN-E t' DA WATEii MACHINERY for manu o hetolring all Aerated Waters. Syphon Bottles, Codd's patent BotiWs, and ail connected with this business. 1882 Catalog: now r«a ty, r't rsvarded post free for I/-in st-.imns. lv FO^TKR. 1p, Fo!'swn Str"et. London. N. d UJUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, V J B ItONC HITIS, and NEURALGIA.. Tt. BR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOIIODYNB, A few dose' quite effectual.—Caution—The extra- ordinary medical reports on the elficac-y of Chlorodyne render it oi vital impoftancc that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Govern- me«t stimp, bearing the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlovodvne." S"e decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July ICth. 1864. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians aeoompanv each bottle. From W. Ü. WIL.KINSOK, Esq., F.R.C.S., Rpalding. T consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough « benefit is vel-r marked.. Fr-y>:i Dr- M'Miliman, of New Galloway, Scotland. AS:1 Sedati" Anod} • l", and Anti-Spasmodic, I conider Dr. J. C<dHVB")W!i vilorodvno the1nost vR.1!l1.1)ielJ18ùieine known. Sfi! iJl [)til.}. 1 :1_: g f>. & 1 r by all Chemists. I. B r N t N G AN D C 0~ J» ESI m a3p Wj"i' 1 lavtU'noo' l\ R 13 T) Y 6' P A L» E R. Ackncr.e.ig-'d by f.e lads of Great Bntsm to be the j A .Ptci .1.11 Ct-,> »•! -<f !>s n->»> too. penny MHE W's- ;j). •ta:nr>, or it ca t t "f .T ^ioi''i-; P'" "5' every Wedn.sMlav^ a" ANrTjF'A< L'U II'ivS Hid M LROwAinTS 3 i- may, at a Mai-ii Laws. In llAItOIfcailA. **u Publi-hed by A IY-r B r. r-. c- s P A T SYSTEMS OF LBTTlOli. Se "F-1• \D—'i'he b'-st in the « TJLE' SIMPLE: durable: J.c CAMERO-V, AM :u:i: T & Co.. 27. Little Brit u;>. "V: To be '•btuiritd of all ita: ion-rs ,v T-'wr-tin E.C. IHus^ra*d i'rice Li'ts on :i^i:>Ii-at:on to^'A. f A and JL Mott >.w1d.v-)E,ble 1,.1.1\1, ElrB1OIDJ'.p.r COLLAR i i- t'.i -.••u. !■( rfest Fitting. To N; ;.u.;toi f.l.e ininc:il Drap'.T. ?T*H'E llKAUT. Tii £ DIAMON Tllt^ TI-.il C;,I;B—Newc.-t a d most iaJii.' :I;-l>J rfiape^ in ».-v tJlo T.INKN OL'-AUS. iH-.if-s- to be had of i. drn-.crs B. & I.ondon. PLOY"Forr'EvsuY' AN. J2i CanyasoiiiK. £ -3 W«-ii!y. i?c,jsk.noexr,oi.'r>ncerequired, Send at "pce Addressed F;mïlope. Box ']\'<'1" ton, A" MER lCA.OAPIC oi-AUS^ALIA. Steam I>res from -31 Qa. ApplyRoberts, Ajr! -*1 fc. ^}.jrnion St., Li v ergov M-. ONEY IMMEDIATELY ADVANCED ON BORROWERS, OWN RESPONSI- BILITY. from ;l;2i) to £1000. To Householders, Farmers, Shopkeepers, and Parties vt every occupation in England or Wales, by the CALEDONIAN LOAN AND DISCOUNT COM- PANY. 8, Stafford-street (four doors from London- road), Liverpool No sureties are required; borrowers obtain the money upon their Own responsibility, at reasonable rates of interest and easy repayments, applications personally or by letter, are treated in strict cot Aden oe,land receive prorant attention. O808 G PEMBERTON, Manage? CX^ESJLJSmXJsTJSlSSJ9. Vf, G* NIXBY'S REFINED MVttf BwatoMItaitationa. BLACK LEAl). It TO BUILDERS. Proposed ntw Business Premises and Residence for Messrs E. Williams and Son, Drapers, Amlwoh. PERSONS desirous of tendering for the var- JL ious works, either in one contract or for any trade portion thereof, may see the Plans and I Specification, on applying to the above at Amlwch, or at the office of the architect, at Bangor. Tc-ueers to be delivered to Messrs E. Wil- liams and Son, not liiter than twelve o'clock at noon on Monday, the 27th inst. -No pledge is give that the lowest or any Tender will be accepted. RICHARD DAVIES, Architect. Bangor, March tJtb, 1882. HOLYWELL SCHOOL BOARD. ERECTION OF TEACHER'S RESIDENCE AT BAGILLT. BUILDERS wishing to TENDER for the -L) Works required in the above may inspect the Plans and Specifications, &c., at the Offices of the Board, at No. 18, Panton-place, Holywell, or at the Office Gf the Architect—Mr R. W. Hughes, Upper Downing, near Holywell, from whom all needful information, &c., may be obtained, after TUESDAY NEXT, the 21st inst. Tenders, sealed and endorsed "Tender for Teacher's Residence at Bagillt," addressed to the Chairman of the Holywell School Board, to be delivered at the Offices of the Board, not later than 10 o'clock a m. ot Tuesday, the 11th day of April proximo. No pledge is given that taelowe&t or any Tender will be accepted, and no allqwance will be made for estimates. The Tender, if any, that may be accepted, will be subject to the coiifiimation of the Lords of the Education Dep .rtment. By Order, E. M. EVANS, Clerk to the Board. School Board Offices, Holywell, 14th 1arch, 1882. E 342 HOLYWELL SOSOOL BOARD. ERECTION OF TEACHERS' RESIDENCE AT HOLYWELL. BUILDERS wishing to TENDER for the Works required in the above may inspect the Plans and Specifications, &c., at the Offices of the Board at No. 18, Panton-place, Holywell, or at the Office of the Architect-Mr R. W. Hughes, Upper Downin- near Holywell, from whom all needful information. See., may be obtained, after TUESDAY NEXT, the 21st inst. Tenders, sealed and endorsed "Tender for Teacher's Residence at Holywell," addressed to the Chairman of the Holywell School Board, to be delivered at the Offices of the Board, not later than 10 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, the 11th day of April proximo. No pledge is given that the lowest or any Tender will be accepted, and no allowance will be made for estimates. The Tender, if any, that may be accepted, will be subject to the confirmation of the Lords of the Education Department. By Order, E. M. EVANS, Clerk to the Board. School Bo&rd Offices, Holywell, 14th March, 1882. E 342 PERIODICAL SALE OF HORSES, CAR- RIAGES, HARNESS, &c. "THE MART," ADJOINING THE PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL, CARNARVON. MR EVAN ROBERTS, Carneddi, begs to announce that his first periodical Sale of Horses, Carriages, &c., will be held at the Mart, adjoining the Piince of Wales Hotel, Carnarvon, on Saturday, April 8th next. Entries will be received up to the date of the Sale. This being the first Sale by Mr Roberts, no charges will be made for entering. Further particulars will be announced in this paper. E 338 OITY OF BANGOR. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUSI- NESS PREMISES. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY MESSRS WM. DEW AND SON, at the British Hotel, Bangor, on Friday, the 24th day of March, 1882, at four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions then and there to be produced, the following FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES AND SHOPS, VIZ. LOT 1—All that DWELLING-HOUSE and SHOP, being No. 241, High-street, Bangor, now in the occupa- tion of MrThomas Webster, Chemist, comprising Front Shop, with Store-room at back; 2 Entertaining-rooms, 5 Bedrooms, Bath-room, Attics, Kitchen, Scullery, Cellar, also a detached Wash-house and Cellar in Yard. It is held on a Lease for a term of 21 years, from 12th May, 1871, at an annual rent of .£60. LOT 2. All that DWELLING-HOUSE and VAULTS, known as THE LIVERPOOL VAULTS, situate in Holybead-road, Upper Bangor, now in the occupation of Mr Harry Harwood, comprising a large Vaults, with Plate Glass Windows Bar Parlour, Tap- room, two Sitting-rooms, six Bedrooms, two Attics, Kitchen, Cellars, Yard, &c., with a right of passage to the back from Glan-yr afon-road. It is held on a Lease for a term of 14 years, from 8th July, 1878, at an annual rent of .£50. LOT 3.—All that DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP known as ANNANDALE HOUSE, adjoining Lot 2, now in the occupation of Mrs Bicknell, as a yearly tenant, at an annual rent of JE40, and comprising^Front Shop, Dining-room, Drawing-room, five Bedrooms, Attics, two Kitchens. Yard, &s., with a right of passage from Glan-yr-afon-road. LOT .-All that PLOT OF LAND, comprising about 250 square yards, situate at the rear of Lots 2 and 3, late in the eccupation of Mr Wm. Owen, joiner, deceased, as an yearly tenant, at a rental of £ 8. This has a wide frontage to two principal thoroughfares, commanding an exoellent position for a fine Corner bhop, having a right of passage to the back from Glan-yr-afon-road. A Tracing, showing Lots 2, 3, and 4, may be seen at w^irnQG1 Botels in Bangor also at Messrs R. D. vvuiiatns and Hughes, Solicitors, Carnarvon; and at thLtn±T^ 0 £ Wellfield House, Bangor, from whom also any further particulars may be had. o492 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. DAVID EVANS AND Co., BEE HIVE, BAILOR STREET, CARNARVON, BAILOR STREET, CARNARVON, BEG to announce that they have commenced business at the abo\a. address. Their stock includes Oxen, splendid Wethers (3 years old), and Welsh Mountain Wcl,' lers -fed at Sir George Meyrick's, Bodorgan, Pigs. Home- cured Hams and Bacon, Geese, Turkeys, &c., &c. DAVID EVANS AND Co. invite the public to view their stock as early as possible, promising to give every satisfaction to purchasers. Best terms offe-od to Country Butchers, Pro- prietors of Hotels, Shop-keepers, and Private Families. E 272 rp0 THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGHS OF CARNARVONSHIRE. GENTLEMEN, The grave has at length closed over what was mortal of your veteran representative who was chosen by you in 1837, and who has during Her Gracious Majesty's reign, with a break of only six years, been your faithful member, most diligent in the performance of every publi duty, aDd at all times anxious and ready to further the personal interests of all who claimed his services. I am conscious of my own short-comings but in presuming to offer myself as a candidate for the seat vacated by the death of the late Mr Bulkeley Hughes, I do say that if I am returned as Member for these Boroughs I will strive to merit and retain your confidence; and my votes in Parliament fiom 1868 to 1874 will, I trust, strengthen my appeal for your suffrages. Personally you know me well, I reside amongst you, and speak your language, and we have many interests in common. My opinions in relation to the leading questions of the day are what they always have been, and time has but deepened my confidence in the stability of the fundamental principles of Liberal- ism; and I call upon you to record your accept- ance of our old watchwords, Civil and Religious Liberty, Peace, Economy, and Reform." I have refrained from in any way soliciting or even suggesting myself as a candidate for your suffrages until the duty has been cast upen you of selecting a representative for the vacant seat, and after we had discharged the last tribute of respect at the grave of your late member. I will, at Public Meetings, and, so far as time will permit, by personal communication, discuss with you the most pressing subjects of the day, and will answer any questions you may desire to address to me. I am Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, LOVE JONES-PARRY. Madryn, Madryn 14, 1882. SPECIALITY. SNOWDON FLAKE, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. Highly recommended for Pastry and Fine-flavoured Bread. MANUFACTURED AT THE CITY STEAM MILLS, BANGOR. THOMAS LEWIS AND Co., PROPRIETORS. Trade Mark-Summit of Snowdon. THE following remarks of Professor Graham, in his admirable series of Cantor Lectures delivered before the Society of Arts on the Chemistry of Bread-making," will show the great necessity of having the FINEST WHITE flour for making fine and wholesome Bread The next point which occurs to me as a chemist, as most essential in any good system of milling, is the thorough removal of the bran; not even the smallest quantity of bran should be allowed to remain in the flour when prepared, ani far the reason that I have pointed out to you, that there is a soluble albumenous ferment called cerealine. This is a very active diastasic body. An infusion of cerealine, or an infusion of ordinary bran, will give a quantity of soluble ferment, which will rapidly attack the starch-cells, and, in the presence of water, hydrate the starch into maltose and dextrine, giving a lare quantity of dextrine. This is another reason why I consider that no system of milling is per- fect, whether it be done by rollers or disintegrators, if it does not fulfil these two conditions, the removal of the germ, and the removal of the bran." Onr New Process Snowdon Flake Flour is perfectly free from germ and bran. THOMAS LEWIS AND Co., BANGOR, CARNARVON, PWLLHELI, HOLY- HEAD, AMLWCH, Ac., &c. s261 OAAII STRONG WOODEN HURDLES for &a]e> at Is 8d each. Five feet long, with five bars. Any quantity of twenty and up will be delivered free at any railway station within thirty miles of Conway.—Apply to P. and H. Lewis, Timber Merchants, Conway. B 939-343 JgDWARD ROBERTS, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, 58, HENLLAN-STREET, DENBIGH, Posts Bills in all parts of the Vale of Clwyd. All work entrusted to him will be properly at- tended to. a. r. E P. ROBERTS, GLASS, PAINT, AND VABNISH MERCHANT, CLIFFORD-STREET, OXFORD-ROAD, MANCHESTER. MR. ROBERTS begs to inform his friends in Wales that he supplies all kinds of Var- nishes, Paints, &c., at the most reasonable prices. Also, he keeps Varnishes expressly prepared for Chapels and School-rooms. Testimonials can be had upon application. e




