Cyhoeddir, ar y 1 af 0 hob m'Í8, PRoIS CEINIOG, "Y D Y N GAR W R" AM 1881, OYtOHGRAWN MISOL AT WASANARTH blpNESTWYR, TEMLWYR DA, Y Go 13EITH. LU, A'R YSGOL SABBOTHOL Dltnawdd Uwch DemlGymreigcymru, U.A.T.D.) DAN OLYGIAP t PARCH, W. JONES, M.A., FOUR CROSSES, FWLLHELI. A I EIN CYD-WLADWYR,- 3ymunvn yn ostyngedig alw sylw arL. g eir cyd-genedl at y cyhoeddiad ,ol lwn. Ai yr achos dirwestol erbyn hyn wedi l.ÚU ylw a safle uwclilaw amheuaeth na ^iytujrwch, ac ar lawer cyfrif dyma bwnc 1 dydd. Y n mysg ein brodyr y Saeson, Illae cyfryngau gwybodaeth ddirwestol, yn llenyddol ac mewn cyfeiriadau ereill, yn dra 4uosog, a gellir priodoli llwyddiant yr aclios "e aeddfedrwydd y Public Opinion heddyw Lloegr, yn benaf i hyn yma. Ond am ru, y mae ei manteision hi lawer yn 11a am mai ychydig o sylw a delir gan y 't&8g a chyfryngau ereill i'r achos. Echrys- lOUder meddwdod yw athraw y Cymro at Iobrwydd, yn fwy nag unrhyw ymdrech a 1tneir i oleuo a chodi y wlad i deimlo nerth ddorion, a safle uchel dyn fel aelod o deithas. Tra mae gan y Saeson ugeiniau o gy- 1toeddiadau dirwestol, ni fedd y Cymry ond 111& yn unig- Y Dyngarwr-a dyma yr unig tylloeddiad dirwestol Cvmreig yn y byd! e ei gylchrediad presenol, mae'n wir, yn g, eto teimlwn yn sicr fod ei deilyngdod galw am gylchrediad llawer eangach. ei ddarllen gwelir fod ei gynwysiad ohwaethus, dyddorol, a sylweddol, fel y "if yn ogyfuwch a'r penaf o'n cyhoeddiad- *• Mae yn bwysig fod plant yn cael eu ^^abyddu â'r fFeithiau a'r gwirioneddau ynddo, ac ni ddylai ein pobl ieuainc v un amser heb y cylchgrawn hwn at eu 14 Nid ydym heb ofni fod lluaws ar hyd ^6d ein gwlad heb wybod nemawr os dim dano, pa rai, ond ei weled unwaith, a yn dderbynwyr cyson ohono, ac yn ^°gwyr gwresog iddo. 1 %Oddefer i ni apelio at arolygwyr ein j^s8°lion Sabbothol, a dynion da ereill, ar ^yut wneyd eu goreu yn mhob cylch ^teisiol i gymhell y cyhoeddiad hwn ar e tellu yn arbenig Gwnai dosbarthwyr chgronau a chyhoeddiadau ereill wasan- Q dirfawr i'w gwlad a'u cenedl trwy eryd a dosbarthu hwn hefyd yn eu "i allaaol ardaloedd. Anfoner am dano un ht ec y cyhoeddwyr yn uniongyrchol neu II ee"iier ef trwy lyfrwerthwr. feQ. eblaw fod y Dyngarwr dan olygiaeth 8 y Parch. William Jones, y mae addewitf'on am ysgrifau iddo at y h 4YU nesaf oddiwrth y Parchn. Abel J. Abertawe John Owen, M.A., Cric- W I)avid Young> Llanidloes; J. J. "1. Rhyl; R. Killin, Maentwrog; Cwmafon Morris MorgaB, 0t^> J■ Morris> Ebbw Yale; E. ]Srefyn' 0wen Jtmes> Llandudno; oddiwrth Tudwal, Tegfelyn, Bryth- E- (golygydd y farddoniaeth), y^ddon, &c., &c. yn hyderu yn fawr y bydd ei $wedi mwy na dy blu cyn y bydd J^dyn i881 wedi terfvnu. 11 Mi 61 <?yflwyno yn wresog i sylw cy- gorphwyswn, Yr eiddoch, &c., 11. J. WILLIAMS > (Plenydd), b. G. EVANS, t- *B. WILLIAMS, J'. C. TIOWIELL, Q. B. TftOMAS, O.. JONEs, JtS EVANS, WIS LEWIS j I Pwyllgor > Gweithiol yr I Uwch Deml. I I ( orders) i'w Cyfeirio fel y EdL GTMEEIG OFjjiCE, CARNARVON. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE POOL-STREET MARKET GENERAL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORES, CARNARVON. HUGH PRITCHARD & CO. invite Visitors -Ll and Strangers to Carnarvon to visit their popular Market in Pool-street, where it will be found that the LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN WALES is kept of Groceries and Provis- ions, and sold at current Market Prices, or, in other words, at the same price as the best London and Liverpool Houses. TEAS. Our quotations for the fine and finest Teas of this Season are 2s. 6d., 2s. 8d., and 3s. per lb. For strength and richness of flavour these are the best. The UNIVERSAL TEA at 2s. Please try. COFFEES. A Special Packing of French Coffee in one pound tins at Hid. per lb. WONDERFUL VALVE. PROVISIONS. Hams, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tinned Salmon, Lobster, Sardines, Tongues, Oysters, &c., &c., at remarkably low prices. OUR CUMBERLAND HAMS AND BACON Are acknowledged to be unequalled for mild- ness and choice quality. SHIPPING. Ship Captains supplied on the most reasonable terms with General Ship Stores. P.S.—Family Orders punctually attended to, and delivered in Town and Suburbs free of charge BY OUR OWN VAN. Orders by post receive careful attention, and are forwarded, securely packed, without delay. HUGH PB1TCHAED & CO., POOL-STREET MARKET, CARNARVON. EX 4314-d P V B L I C_N OTICE, ROBERTS, WILLIAMS & CO.. TIMBER MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL, WISH to inform their friends and customers that they have recently completed the-re- building of their S\W MILLS and JOINERY WORKS, at BOUNDARY.STREET, Corner of Stanley-road (which were destroyed by fire about Christmas last). These works re i of the most extensive, of their kind, in the United Kingdom, and are now fitted up with all the newest and most improved Machinery for the manufacture of DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, SKIRT- INGS, &c., of every description. R. W. & CO. guarantee the best seasoned tim- ber in their manufactured goods. [B4445-d J. J. EVANS. LONDON HOUSE, HOLYWELL, GENERAL DRAPERY AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Suits to order from Two Guineas. Trowsers Ten and Sixpence. Overcoats Twenty-five Shillings. A lnrge Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING always on hand. Trowsers from 2s. lid. Suits from 12s. 6d. K 4660. THE STORES AT BAGILLT AND HOLYWELL, BY MYNYDDWR ROBERTS, IS the Cheapest House for Grocery, Pro- visions, Drapery, Boots, Millinery, &c. EXPERIENCED MILLINERS, DRESS • MAKERS, AND SHOEMAKERS, ON THE PREMISES. Once Try—Always Buy! b4657C BOOTS ANP SHOES FOE THE MILLION. WILLIAM HALL, BOOT AND SHOJI: MANUFAOTURER, 284, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, HAS always in stock a large and well assorted stock of Ladies, Gentlemen, and Childrens' Boots and Shoes, in all styles and quali- ties,—all our own make. Men's Nailed Boots, from 5s lId upwards. „ „ Shooting Boots, from 6s lid. Women's Elastic Boots, from 28 9d. Leather Boots, from 3s 6d. Repairs neatly and quickly executed. P. 8.—Shops supplied at wholesale prices. An early call will oblige. B. 4281-m PARRY AND MORRIS, MANUFACTURING AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, HOLYWELL. HAVE a Large and Well-assorted Stock of every Article in the Trade Kitchen Ranges, -Ll Register Stoves, Shams, Launders, Pipes, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machines, Joiners' Tools and Builders' Ironmongery, at Special Prices. Gas and Water Tubes and Fittings, in Brass and Iron Bar Iron and Steel; Plates, Sheets, and Galvanized ditto Asphalte Roofing. and Corrugated Iron ditto. Colliery and Lead Mine Requisites, Oils, Tar, Varnish, Grease, Ropes, Chains, Kibbles Spades, Shovels, Picks, Hammers, Red and White Lead, India Rubber Sheets, Washers, Packing, &c. Castings of every description. Estimates given for all kinds of Wrought Iron Fencing, Continuous Bar ditto, Hurdles, and Tomb Railings Agents for Agricultural Implements by all the Principal Makers. Special Advantages given for Cash. SOLE AGENTS FOR NORTH WALES FOR THE AMERICAN PATENT STEEL FIBRE BRUSHES, Floor and Stable Brushes, Boiler ditto, Tube ditto, Ca-ting ditto (several patterns), &c., &c. FOSTER'S PATENT SELF-ACTING BARREL ELEVATORS, The Best Kind extant for Hotel-keepers and Beer Retailers, also for Private Families. PRICE, 12s. 6d. EACH. EX. 4656-d WHAT I CAN DO CAN DO NO HURT TO TRY." — All's well that ends well. MOTHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN. IT is surprising to notice the many different ailmenjts a child is liable to until it has arrived at a certain age, and painful to see the great anxiety that the tender mother often undergoes for the sake of the little dear ones she so deeply loves. Many of these illnesses are unavoidable, and arise from direct causes, whilst some again can be avoided—especially those which arise indirectly from the presence of others. One of the most commonly occurring obstructions to the health of a child arc worms. If detected and removed in time they cause but little inconvenience, but ONCE neglected they are most insidious in their effects, and give rise to numerous and often dangerous diseases. When a child is troubled with worms they may be easily detected by the following symptoms :— The appetite fails, is unequal or excessive; the patient is restless at night, starting in his sleep, grinding his teeth, or crying out suddenly; the breath is offensive, and the tongue coated. There is an uneesy sensation in the abdomen, often described as biting or gnawing. In extreme cases the child is very feverish with eocstant diarrhoea. Any one or more of the above symptoms should induce parents to give, without delay, a few doses of the New Lozenges recently prepared specially for those cases, entitled: IORWERTH'S WORMWOOD WORM LOZENGES. These Lozenges are small, agreeable to the taste, of a nice pink color, easily taken by children of all ages. They have one particular advantage over all known Worm Lozenges-that each dose contains a sufficient amount of aperient, so as to avoid the use of Senna Leaves, &c. They contain no Calomel, or any other mineral. Each box has full instructions on the label. May be taken with great results br adults in large dozes. SOLD ONLY IN Is. l £ d. and 2s. 9d. BOXES. SEE THE NAME- ——————— IORWERTH'S WORMWOOD WORM LOZENGES ON EACH BOX. Prepared only by ————— GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., PHARMACEUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, LLANELLY, S.W. B.«47«.a GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1836. The next Quarter commences on the 11<A of October, 1880. IWOTAI.: J, S. KIRK, M.A., PH.D., Member of the General Council of the UiAersity of Glasgow, and of the Royal College of Precertore, L'jiiidOii. Author of Essays on Edtkcation," School Honour," Human Civilization," &C. PARENTS and Guardians are requested to note the following facts connected with this Establishment:— That for the lsst eighteen years, while under Dr Kirk's management, as great a percentage of pupils from this School have passed the various Preliminary Test Examination as from any other Scholastic Institution of the same average attendance in Wales. That the education given is genuine, as witnessed by the varied and important positions now held by former pupils. That each pupil is led to think for himself, and is carefully superintended by the Principal. For term.,i, testimonials, aad reterence-i apply to Dr KUK, Orchard House, nearoarnarvon. b 4076& THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, UXBRIDGE-SQUARE, CARNARVON. AT this School a sound liberal English education is given. Pupils receive careful attention and personal supervision, and are thoroughly prepared for Commercial pursuits, and, if desired, for the various Preliminary Examinations. Several pupils have successfully passed the Public Examina- tions during the present year. A limited number of Boarders is received, who enjoy the comforts of a good home and careful training. References to parents of present and past pupils. For prospectus, &c., apply to MR. G SIDDOKS, Principal. Ø" Evening Classes are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. B. 4262-d The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the County Court of Carnarvonshire, holden at Bangor. IN THE MATTER of Proceedings for Liquida- tion by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors instituted by John Hughes, of the Edinburgh Castle Inn, Blackbridge, in the parish of Holyhead, in the county of Anglesey, Publican. NOTICE is hereby given that a First General Meeting of the Creditors of the above- named person has been summoned to be held at the Liverpool Arms Hotel, Holyhead, on Thursday, the 30tb day of December, 1880, at Two o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 30th day of December, 1880. HENRY T. BARBER, 17, Stanley-street, Holyhead, EX 4800-d Solicitor for the said Debtor. By a Medical Man of thirty years' practice, free to all for 2 stamps, A TREATISE ON NERVOUS DEBILITY. THIS little work is a valuable Medical Friend. It gives a graphic description of the Cause and Cure of NERVuUS DEBILITY, Indigestion, Palpitation, Loss of Brain Power, Memory, &c. All persons who, from various causes, are depressed in spirits, shaken in nerves, or weakened in frame, should send for and read this work. Address-J. BAINES, Sec., 7, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square, London, W, ONE BOX OF MATICO PEARLS, IN all URINARY AILMENTS, whether simple or complicated, will prove to be trans- cendently superior to all recognised and known remedies. Cannot fail to give immediate relief, and never disappoint, but effects a marvellous and spet:dy cure. For pains in the back they are in- valuable. 4s 6d per box. Sent to any address for 60 stamps. From BAINES & CO. only. 7. Tavistock-street, Tottenham Court-road, London. B4802 -d POOL-BTRKKT MABKET.—Owing to several com- plaints from our customers as to the inconvenience of obtaining really fine fruit at economical prices, a department has been set aside for the constant supply of Fine English and Foreign Grapes, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Tomatoes, Figs, &c. Families eupplied with the choicest fruit at the jowesfc market prices. Ex. 4586-d CARNARVON UNION. WORKHOUSE LOAN. THE Guardians jf the above-named Union JL are desirous of borrowing from two to three thousand pounds on the security of the rates re- payable by annual instalments in 30 years, for the erection of a new Infirmary and certain other alterations proposed to be doae in connection with the Workhouse. All persons wishing to lend the amount teferred to are requested to communicate their terms to me before Friday, the 17th instant. By order, J. HENRY THOMAS, Clerk to the Union. Carnarvon, 4 Dec., 1880. o4766—d TOWYN TILERY AND PIPE WORKS, FORYD, NEAR ABERGELE. Land Draining Pipes from 1 inches to 6 inches always in Stock, which are made of the best selected Clay, free from Limestone; larger sizes made on the dhortest notice. The Works have a Siding adjoining the Chester and Holyhead Railway, are near Foryd Pier, Rbyl, where sailing Vessels can be loaded. The above Works are nearer to Anglesey and Carnarvonshire by many miles than any other Works in the dis- trict. For prices and particulars apply to the Owner, J. WILLIAMS, E 4768 -d Towyn Tilery, Abergele. R. JONES, TANNER AND CURRIER PENDRE LEATHER WAREHOUSE, HOLY WELL. LEATHERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JLj to meet the requirements of SHOEMAKERS, CLOGGERS, MINERS, FARMERS, &c. BEST PURE OAK BARK TANNED LEATHER. LEGGINGS AND BEST UPPERS ALWAYS IN GREAT VARIETY. Liberal terms for large buyers. Country orders carefully attended to. E4659C GREAT SALE! GREAT SALE!! GOING ON EVERY WEEK. OF DICK'S FAR-FAMED WATERPROOF BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS. AN IMMENSE VARIETY NOW IN STOCK OF WINTER GOODS IN THE NEWEST STYLES, NOT TO BE EQUALLED POR CHEAPNESS, COMFORT, AND DURABILITY. 25,000 PAIRS SOLD WEEKLY AT OUR VARIOUS BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS ALL GOODS WARRANTED. DICK'S, 217, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. DICK'S, 3, PALACE STREET, CARNARVON. DICK'S, 7, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. DICK'S. 30, MARKET ST., HOLYHEAD. DICK'S. HIGH STREET, PWLLHELI. D I C K'S FOURCROSSES, x4691 FESTINIOG. THE OLD MEDICAL HALL, HIGH-STREET, HOLYWELL. SAMUEL JONES, (LATE F. E. TURNER,) DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, (QUALIFIED BY EXAMINATION,) BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, D Gentry, and the Inhabitants of Holywell and the districts surrounding that he has entered upon the business so successfully carried on at the above address by the late Mr F. E. TURNER, and trusts, by personal and prompt attention, to merit a con- tinuance of the favors bestowed upon his predecessor. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY REUIPES Dispensed with tht greatest care and promptitude. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Of the purest quality. ALL GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES KEPT IN STOCK. ORANGE QUININE WINE Prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia, particu- larly adapted for delicate persons. PURE COD LIVER OIL, NEARLY TASTELESS. Antibilious, Aperient, Compound Rhubarb, Quin- ine, Tonic, and other Pills. GENUINE SEIDLITZ POWDERS Possessing all the properties of the celebrated Ger- man Spas, and strongly recommended as forming a cooling and mildly aperient effervescing draught. In Boxes, Is each. PYRETIC SALINE AND FRUIT SALTS. Agent for Hardy, Neaves', Ridges' and other Foods for Infants and Invalids. Apollinaris, Friedrichshall, Vichy and other Natural Mineral Waters. MINERAL AND JERATE D WATERS IN STOCK. EXQUISITE PERFUMERY AND TOILET REQUISITES. TURKEY AND HONEYCOMB SPONGES. OILS, PAINTS, COLOURS, AND VARNISHES. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. Agent for Long, Coopers, &c., SHEEP DIPPING POWDERS, &c., &c. THE OLD M EDICAL HALL, HIGH-STREET, HOLYWELL. Ex4376-d GRYNARVOR HALL SCHOOL, TOWYN FHINCIPAli }1a, tlJDWIN JONE8, M.R C.P., Assisted by -^uaiifled RBHTOHNT MAaiTM. fc Olaflsice, atiCF3, Modem'¡.L: Music, kc. Brynarvor Hall, a eoiamodious and veil, fitted hoTI." Las hoen specially erected foi the aaccirunodaiitKi 1U¡,J. tuition 01 boarders. It < beautifully sitlAt-A- in an emin-intly health j lot ity, with oxtonsir- playgrounds, cricket, Add i:foC¿ gardens attached, altogether making the finest arid most- desiratie nchuol prexaises in the Principality*. Pupils are prepared for the various extunii,st "I", n cUilllection with the UniYeraitUtt and Collegeo, ior tbe learned Professions, Banking, iud Com. 'uercial pursuits. Olasscf are held sr. with tlu !JtIUtto Art Department, "Jw.i1i('tw,u htmf hsli » 7;{,'o in wch yat. Tie soh.x>l as tts oi THRINTmituig. A 108 A cold will, with different individuals, show itself in a variety of forms, the most common being Coryza, or cold in the head, well-known by the lassitude, weariness, fullness about the head, dry, stuffed-up nostrils, frequent sneezing, with a "bit of a cough," and tightness across the chest, &c. At once let the patient take GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, mixed with a wine-glassful of warm water, at bed-time—follow the directions given with each bottle, and much evil will be avoided. 3341—1 WAITED, in Anglesea, a good plain Cook, and Dairy Maid (two cows kept), also an experienced Housemaid.—Address, A.B.C., N. W. Express Office, Carnarvon. in4796e GWYLTAU Y NADOLIG YN NGHAER- NARFON. BYDDED HYSBYS y bydd holl brif Siopaa Caernarfon yn gauedig o nos Wener, y 24aia cyfisol, hyd boreu ddydd Mawrth, yr 28ain. G4789-d PO WEEKLY and UPWARDS maybe EASILY and HONESTLY REALISED by persons ef LITHER SFa, without hindrance to present occupation.—For particulars, &c., enclose a plainly addressed envelope to EVANS, WATTS, and COMPANY (P. 293), Merchants, Birmingham. B 4731-d AIR-CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING JLJL ROOMS, 17, CLWYD-STREET, RUTHIN. —E. G. MADDOCKS begs to inform the public that he has removed from Market-place to the above address, where he has fitted up rooms with every convenience and comfort. Private Sham- pooing and Hair-cutting Room. E4778-d MR. W. S. WOODS. ORGANIST and Choir-Master of the Parish 0 Church, Holywell, Conductor of the Holy- well Philharmonic Society, and Hon. Loc. Sec. for Trinity College, London, is prepared to give lessons in Music.—For terms apply-4, Bank Place, Holywell. [EX. 4402-d WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TWENTY MEN of Good Character ani Address to obtain Orders in North Wales for a New Work of great interest, entitled GLADSTONE AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES: FIFTY YEARS OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROGRESS. A large and remunerative sale may, with confi- dence, be relied upon. Apply, with references, to MORRIS WILLIAMS, 22, Great George-street, Liverpool. ii 4801 d "7 GENEDL GYMREIG" ("THE WELSH NATION"). THE LEADING WELSH PENNT PAPER, circulates most extensively amongst the Commercial, Agricultural, and General Welsh Reading Popu- lation in every part of the Kingdom. It is sup- ported by and contains Articles from several eminent literary gentlemen in the Principality; and as it gives Special, Agricultural, Trade, and Market Reports, it is largely read by Farmers and Tradesmen. THE ABEEYSTWYTH SCHOOL OF MUSIC. DR. JOSEPH PARRY begs to make know* that the JANUARY term of his SCHOOL OF MUSIC Will commence in JANUARY, and the EASTER term in APRIL. THE BRANCHES TAUGHT ARE- (a) Cultivation of the Voice and Singing. (b) Pianoforte. (c) Harmonium (to prepare Students to play on Sundays in our chapels, &c.). (d) Harmony. (e) Counterpoint and Fugue. (/) Orchestration. (g) Musical Form and Composition. (h) A Class will be formed to meet the educa- tional wants of the Students under a competeut Master. TERMS £ 6 6s. per term, JE18 18s. per annum. Four Lessons per week. Students' Concerts will be held at the close of each term, that they may gain experience and confidence before the public. (í) Students prepared for Musical Degrees. (j) Le,-sonsbycorresponOeiieeinlettz-rsinde,f, g. Terms on application to DR. JOSEPH PARRY, Montour Yilla, G 3817-d ABERYSTWYTH. DAVIES' CANTHARIDINE HAIJfc LOTION! Darganfyddiad gwerthfawr et Dvfu'r G-wallt! A gydnabyddir fel y ddarpariae+h rwysf effoithiol at hyrwyddo tyfiant a chrythad y Grwailt. Symudaymaith bob math o ddandrif ac inmhuredd oddiar y pen, gan adfer y Gwalli i'w 'iw naturiol. Ni raid ei ddefnyddio ond am fchydig amser cyn canfod ei ddylanwad iachus at ? GWJllt a'r Pen. Mewn Poteli Is 6c a 2s 6c gan bob druggist, neu anfonir potelaid, wedi ei phacio jlJ idioel, i unrhyw gyfeiriad ar dderbyniad 18 ■ieu 30 o stamps.—Parotoedig yn unig gan Hugh i-Uiviei, A.P.S., Chemirt (by examination), Mach- fulleth. Medalist of the South London School of ^hemi^try and Pharmacy. n. 3849-M T E NEWYDD. Y MAE. TE NEW FED (NEW SEASON) Newydd ddyfod adref, ac y mae yn dda gan R. PRITCHARD AKD CO., HYSBYSU Y CYHOEDD YN GYFFITZDINOL Eu bod wedi sicrhau PRYNIADAU MAWRION O'r masnachdai goreu, ac yn penderfynu rhoddi LLWYR FODDLONRWYDD I'w lluaws cwsmeriaid. Anfonir samples yn rhad gyda'r post, a thelir cludind chwe' phwys ac uchod i unrhyw Railway Station yn N ghi :nru. COFIER Y CYFEIRIAD- (Fel na'ch siomer) H. PRITCHARD AND CO., Y FARCHNAD NEWYDD, STRYD LLYN, CAERNARFON: Hefyd-MADOC HOUSE, High-street, Porth- madog, a SNOWDON-STREET, Punygroes. a 4310-H