D A R L U N o MRRATHBONE,A.S. GYDA'R RllIFYN NESAF O'B "GENEDL GYMREIG" CEIR DARLUN HARD]) A CHYWIR o MR. WILLIAM RATHBONE, YR AELOD NEWYDD DROS SIR GAEKFA8F0N. AEGEEI'HIR Y DABLTJN HWN AR UAPYR DA, AC YN Y DULL MWYAF DESTLVS. Dymunir ar i orders am extra copies o'r rhifyn netaf o'r GENEDL gael eu hanfon Pr twyddfa mor fuan ag y byddo modd. TO BUILDERS. PROPOSED NEW ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL AT (UPPER) BANGrOft. PERSONS desirous of Tendering for the -t- execution of the first contract, viz., the Masonry, Roof, Floor, and Plastering, may inspect ,the Plans aDd Specification ut the office of the Architect.- Sealed tenders, marked outside" Ten. der for Presbyterian Chapel," are to be delivered to Wm. Ashley Jon s, Esq.. Victoria-place, High- oItleet, Bangor, not later than four o'clock on Friday, the seventeenth instant. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. RICHARD DA VIES, Bangor, Dec. 1, 1880. Arohitect. 4759. It, JONES, TANNER AND CURRIER PENDRE LEATHER WAREHOUSE, HOLYWELL. LEATHERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION to meet the requirements of SHOEMAKERS, CLOGGERS, MINERS, FARMERS, &c. best PURE OAK BARK TANNED LEATHER. LEGGINGS AND BEST OPPERS ALWAYS IN GREAT VARIETY. Liberal terms for large buyers. Country orders carefully attended to. E4659c J. J. EYANS. LONDON HOUSE, HOLYWELL, General DRAPERY AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Suits to order from T>vo Guineas. p'rowaers Ten and Sixpence. ^vercoats Twenty-five Shillings. 4k large Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING ^^ays on hand. Trousers from 2s. lid. Suits rOIn 12b. 6d. B 4660. THE f-TOhES AT BAGILLT AND HOLYWELL, BY MYNYDDWR ROBERTS, 18 the Cheap ef-t House for Grocery, Pro- visions, Diaper), Boots, Millinery, &c. EXPERIENCED MILLINERS, DRESS- MAKERS. AND SHOEMAKERS, ON THE PREMISES. Once Try—Always Buy! E4657c I* II B L I 0_N O T I C E. ROBERTS, WILLIAMS & CO., Timber MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL, WISH to inform their friends and customers k. that they have recently completed the re- of their S iff MILLS and JOINERY at BOUNDARY-STREET, Corner of (x^^y-road (which were destroyed by fire about latnaaa last). These works re v of the most ^lisive, of their kin< in the United Kingdom, '•boftf ^re now fitted up with all the newest and Y\r\riimproved Machinery for the manufacture of fiS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, SKIRT- ft *» eYery description. y, W. & CO. guarantee the best seasoned tim. their manufactured goods. [B4445-d JV-VIES' CANTHARIDINE HAIR LOTION! Darganfjddiad gwerthfawr at Gwallt! A gydnabyddir fel y ddarpariaeth Hi effeithiol at hyrwyddo tyflant a chryfhad y I Symuda ymaitb bob math o ddandriff ac 'ho 111 edd oddiar y pen, gan adfer y Gwallt i'w Uaturioi. Ni raid ei ddefnyddio ond am I •J OtoR amser cyn canfod ei ddylanwad iachus ar b-Vj a'r Pen. Mewn Poteli Is 6c a 2s 6c gan i o. gglst, neu anfouir potelaid, wedi ei phacio tieu 3o°ge1' unrhyw gyfeiriad ar dderbyniad 18 I 0 stamps.—Parotoedig yn unig gan Hugh A.P.S., Chemist (by examination), Mach- Medalist of the South London School of -—and Pharmacy. o. 3849-H W -UiTED. AGENTS for an Industrial In- Oan earh^lCe in all parts. A good man <. Per wee^- Also one Special Agent in ~PD]w/-Jor Ktar Life Assurance Company. *rict MaJ*1 stamP) t0 Mr Edward Davies, Dis- J"w*agerl Bridge-street, Oorwen. a. 4143.m SPECIAL NOTICE. THE POOL-STREET MARKET GENERAL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORES, CARNARVON. HUGH PRITCHARD & CO. invite Visitors and Strangers to Carnarvon to visit their popular Market in Pool-street, where it will be found that the LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN WALES is kept of Groceries and Provis- ions, and sold at current Market Prices, or, in other words, at the same price as the best London and Liverpool Houses. TEAS. Our quotations for the fine and finest Teas of this Season are 2s. 6d., 2s. 8d., and 3s. per lb. For strength and richness of flavour these are the best. The UNIVERSAL TEA at 2s. Please try. COFFEES. A Special Packing of French Coffee in one pound tins at lljd. per lb. WONDERFUL VALUE. PROVISIONS. Hams, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tinned Salmon, Lobster, Sardines, Tongues, Oysters, &c., &c., at remarkably low prices. OUR CUMBERLAND HAMS AND BACON Are acknowledged to be unequalled for mild- ness and choice quality. SHIPPING. Ship Captains supplied on the most reasonable terms with General Ship Stores. P.S.—Family Orders punctually attended to, and delivered in Town and Suburbs free of charge BY OUR OWN VAN. Orders by post receive careful attention, and are forwarded, securely packed, without delay. HUGH PRITCHARD & CO., POOL-STREET MARKET. CARNARVON. EX 4314-d IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. WAGES AND WORK FOR THE MILLION. Seme of the mort extensive enterprises which t ave taken place during the present century being now carried on, and there being a favourable prospect with regard to Trade generally, wages will soon increase, and there will once more be plenty of employment. As a natural consequence, STUFFS FOR LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING MUST RAI8E IN PRICE. Therefore save your money by buying early. But before buying, select THE CHEAPEST SHOP, AND GO TO GL SCiroW HOUSE. STUFFS OF EVERY KIND FOR MEN'S SUITS. READY-MADE SUITS FOR BOYS. HATS, SHIRTS, TIES, &c. FLANNELS OF ALL KINDS; BLANKETS AND QUILTS. WELSH TWEEDS, COSTUME CLOTHS, &c. JACKETS FOR LADIES IN SEAL, SEAL CLOTH, CLOTH, &c. CLOAKS-FUR. LINED, WATERPROOFS. ULSTERS, VERY CHEAP. FUR SETS AND COLLARS. DRESS MATERIALS OF EVERY KIND. BONNETS AND HATS of the Latest Fashions. Scarfs, Gloves, Hose, &c., &c. ADDRESS— ——— M. B. FOULKES, GLASGOW HOUSE, (Fourth Shop on the Left in going from Turf Square towards the Town Clock,) EASTGATE-STBEET, CARNARVON. Ex. 4686-d The surprising cures effected by GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT have astonished many. It gently frees the lungs from clotted phlegm, heals up the pustular wounds from the core; relieves the chest by expectoration, without straining removes all difficult breathing by its healthy stimulus to the proper circulation of the fluids. 25 and 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. 3341—5 "Ni weles ni ^yr, Ni wyr ni ddysg, Ni ddysg ni wrendy, Ni wrendy ond ystyriawl."—Catwg Ddoeth a'i cânt. THE GOLDEN EAGLE, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. THE Public on the banks of the Menai and in the glens of Eryri are respectfully announced JL that E. H. 0 WEN, Propeietor of the above popular Establishment, has paid a visit to the English markets last week, and has purchased for ready cash, as is his custom, a large assortment of Drapery Goods for the coming Winter Season. MR. OWEN feels it unnecessary (as is the practice of some) to make any great boast of his ability and readiness to sell his Goods for prices which would betr comparison as to cheapness with any other house in the Kingdom, as the public, by now, have bad sufficient proof, and they are all aware in what establishment in Carnarvon the real bargains are to be had. Among the numerous varieties exhibited THIS WEEK, we may mention the few following:- Ladies Sealskin Jackets, from 10s. 6d. Hundreds of Ulsters for Ladies, from 4s. 6d. upwards. Hundreds of Ulsters for Children, from 10|d. Upwards. 300 Fur Sets, of all description of Fur and Fur Capes, of all sorts, bought for ready cash, from Is 5 £ d upwards. A large assortment of Umbrellas for men and women, from Is O!Ci upwards. Splendid Black Velveteen, from Is 3!d. Hundreds of Ladies Corsets, from Wid. upwards. Ready Made Stuff Skirts, from Is 61d. DBESSE •>. Sateen for Dresses (wool), from 7kd. A large stock of Winceys, Serges, Homespuns, Cashmeres, and French Merinoee, for prices which deserve general attention. CLOTHS. Double-width cloths for Ulsters, from Is. 21d. upwards. Pilot Coth, from 3s. lid. Tweeds for Trousers, from Is 2ji. Suites made to order on 24 hours' notice, from 38s. and upwards. A large quantity of Blankets, slightly soiled, offered at very cheap prices. A large stock of red and white Flannels, from 5^. upwards. Quilts, Is. l1id.; Sheets, 2s. 3d.; Holland#, 3^d.; good White Calico, 21d. and upwards. 2 11 READY MADES. Suites for gentlemen, from 14s. 6d. Splendid Overcoats for gentlemen, from 12s. 6d. Cloth Trousers for gentlemen, from 3s. 6:1. Cloth Trousers for Children, from Is. 6d. Overcoats for children, well-lined for the winter season, from 3s. lid. A large assortment of Felt Hats for gentlemen, from Is. Otd. A large stock of Drawers, from Is. lljd. Woolen Vests, 2s. 6d.; Ties, 5|d. Collars, 3d. Linen Cuffs, 7|d.; Children's Scarfs (all wool), Id. Good Ladies' Stockings, 3d. A large supply of Fur Hats, of all description for ladies. Tam o' Shanters" Hats, made of Velvet, for 4s. lid.; Straw Hats, from td upwards. N.B.—It would be desirable if townspeople were to come to make their purchases on some day other than Saturday, in order to give country people an opportunity to be served. It would also be well for all to observe the Golden Eagle situate above the door, that they may not be mistaken as to the shop, and be dissapointed thereby. B 4k64 PARRY AND MORRiS, MANUFACTURING AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, HOLT WELL. HAVE a Large and Well-assorted Stock of every Article in the Trade Kitchen Ranges, JLJL Register Stoves, Shams, Launders, Pipes, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machines, Joiners' Tools and Builders' Ironmongery, at Special Prices. Gas and Water Tubes and Fittings, in Brass and Iron; Bir Iron and Steel; Plates, -Sheets, and Galvanized ditto Asphalte Roofing. and Corrugated Iron ditto. Colliery and Lead Mine Requisites, Oils, Tar, Varnish, Grease, Ropes, Chains, Kibbles, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Hammers, Red and White Lead, India Rubber Sheets, Washers, Packing, &c. Castings of every description. Estimates given for all kinds of Wrought Iron Fencing, Continuous Bar ditto, Hurdles, and Tomb Railings. Agents for Agricultural Implements by all the Principal Makers. Special Advantages given for Cash. SOLE AGENTS FOR NORTH WALES FOR THE AMERICAN PATENT STEEL FIBRE BRUSHES, Floor and Stable Brushes, Boiler ditto, Tube ditto, Casting ditto (several patterns), &c., &c. 4 FOSTER'S PATENT SELF-ACTING BARREL ELEVATORS, The Best Kind extant for Hotel-keepers and Beer Retailers, also for Private Families. PRICE, 12s. 6d. EACH. EX. 4656-d THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, UXBRIDGE-SQUARE, CARNARVON. AT this School a sound liberal English education is given. Pupils receive careful attention and personal supervision, and are thoroughly prepared for Commercial pursuits, and, if desired, for the various Preliminary Examinations Several pupils have successfully passed the Public Examina- tions during the present year. A limited number of Boarders is received, who enjoy the comforts of a good home and careful training. References to parents of present and past pupils. For prospectus, &c., apply to MR. G SIDDONS, Principal. ijgjjT Evening Classes are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. B. 4262-d GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1836. The next Quarter oemmencet on the Wth of October, 1880. PRINCIPAL: J. S. KIRK, M.A., PH.D., Member of the General Council of the University of Glasgow, mid of the Royal College of Preceptors, Lendon. Author of Essays on Education," School Honour," Human Civilization," &c. PARENTS and Guardians are requested to note the following facts connected with this P Establishment:— That for the last eighteen years, while under pr Kirk's management, as great a percentage of pupils from this School have passed the various Preliminary Test Examination as from any other Scholastic Institution of the same average attendance in Wales. That the education gi ven is genuine, as witnessed by the varied and important positions now held by former pupils. That each pupil is led to think for himself, and is carefully superintended by the Principal. For terms, testimonials, aad references aoply to Dr KlfiK, Orchard House, nearOarnarvon. b 4076a "WHAT I CAN DO CAN DO NO HURT TO TRY." — All's well that ends well. MOTHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN. IT is surprising to notice the many different ailments a child is liable to until it has arrived at a -L certain age, and painful to see the great anxiety that the tender mother often undergoes for the sake of the little dear ones she so deeply loves. Many of these illnesses are unavoidable, and arise from direct causes, whilst some again can be avoided-especially those which arise indirectly from the preseuce of others. One of the most commonly occurring obstructions to the health of a child are worms. If detected and removed in time they cause but little inconvenience, but ONCE neglected they are most insidious in their effects, and give rise to numerous and often dangerous diseases. When a child is troubled with worms they may be easily detected by the following symptoms :— The appetite fails, is unequal or excessive; the patient is restless at night, starting in his sleep, grinding his teeth, or crying out suddenly; the breath is offensive, and the tongue coated. There is an uneasy sensation in the abdomen, often described as biting or gnawing. In extreme cases the child is very feverish with eonstant diarrhoea. Any one or more of the above symptoms should induce parents to give, without delay, a few doses of the New Lozenges recently prepared speeially for those cases, entitled: IORWERTH'S WORMWOOD WORM LOZENGES. These Lozenges are small, agreeable to the taste, of a nice pink color, easily taken by children of all ages. They have one particular advantage over all known Worm Lozenges—that each dose contains a sufficient amount of aperient, so as to avoid the use of Senna Leaves, &c. They contain no Calomel, or any other mineral. Each box has full instructions on the label. May be taken with great results by adults in large dozes. SOLD ONLY IN Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. BOXES. SEE THE NAME— ——————— IORWERTH'S WORMWOOD WORM LOZENGES ON EACH BOX. Prepared only by ————— GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., PHARMACEUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, LLANELLY, S.W. Ex.4474.d i?9 WEEKLY and UPWARDS maybe EASILY and HONESTLY REALISED by persons ef EITHER SEX, without hindrance to present occupation.—For particulars, &c., enclose a plainly addressed envelope to EVANS, WATTS, and COMPANY (P. 293), Merchants, Birmingham. b 4731-d MB. W. S. WOODS, ORGANIST and Choir-Master of the Parish Church, Holywell, Conductor of the Holy- well Philharmonic Society, aud Hon. Loc. Sec. for Trinity College, London, is prepared to give lessons in Music.—For terma apply—4, Bank Place, Holywell. (BX. 4402-d GREAT SALE! GREAT SALE!! GOING ON EVERY WEEK, OF DICK'S FAR-FAMED WATERPROOF BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS. AN IMMENSE VARIETY NOW IN STOCK OF WINTER GOODS IN THE NEWEST STYLES, NOT TO BE EQUALLED FOR CHEAPNESS, COMFORT, AND DURABILITY. 25,000 PAIRS SOLD WEEKLY AT OUR VARIOUS BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS ALL GOODS WARRANTED. DICK'S. 217, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. DICK'S, 3, PALACE STREET, CARNARVON. DICK'S, 7, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. DICK'S, 30, MARKET ST., HOLYHEAD. DICK'S. HIGH STREET, PWLLHELI. DICK'S. FOURCROSSES, x4691 FESTINIQG. THE OLD MEDICAL HALL, HIGH-STREET, HOLYWELL. SAMUEL JONES, (l/TB P. B. turnSR,) DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, (QUALIFIED BY EXAMINATION,) BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, JD Gentry, and the Inhabitants of Holywell and the districts surrounding thit he has entered upon the business so successfnll" carried on at the above address by the late Mr F. E. TURNER, and trusts, by personal and prompt attention, to merit a con- tinuanceof the favors bestowed upon his predecessor. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECIPES Dispensed with the greatest care and promptitude. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Of the purest quality. ALL GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES KEPT IN STOCK. ORANGE QUININE WINE Prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia, particu- larly adapted for delicate persons. PURE COD LIVER OIL, NEARLY TASTELESS. Antibilious, Aperient, Compound rhubarb, Quin- ine, Tonic, and other Pills. GENUINE SEIDLITZ POWDERS Possessing all the properties of the celebrated Ger- man Spas, and strongly recommended as forming a cooling and mildly aperient effervescing draught. In Boxes, Is each. PYRETIC SALINE AND FRUIT SALTS. Agent hr Hardy, Neaves', Ridges' and other Foods for Infants and Invalids. Apollinaris, Friedrichshall, Vichy and other Natural Mineral Waters. MINERAL AND DERATED WATERS IN STOCK. EXQUISITE PERFUMERY AND TOILET REQUISITES. TURKEY AND HONEYCOMB SPONGES. OILS, PAINTS, COLOURS, AND VARNISHES. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. Agent for Long, Coopers, &c., SHEEP DIPPING POWDERS, &c., &c. THE OLD MEDICAL HALL, HIGH-STREET, HOLYWELL. Ex4376-d GRYNAJBVOR HALL SCHOOL, TOWY. FiiiMcrpAV.: MB. tfDWIN JONES, Assisted by qualified RESIDENT fü, Claasics, Euciiah, Mathematics, M(\(t.1"O I nnguiigoft Music, ice. Brynarvox Hall, a commodious and \11' ilttod hon:»» tsu: been specially erected for -ji: ac eommodafcioB and tuition of boardera. It i: beautifully situated in an eminently Loalthylocal ity, with flxtonsive playgrounds, cricket Held ;aic gardens attached, altogether making the finest most desirakie school premises in the Pj-mcij.aity. Pupils are prepared for the ?azious osasjint^irs' tn connection with the TTnivmuties and College tor the learned Proffisious, Hacking, and Çon, Glerci:31 pursuits. (flat&ts ar* hfl4 its conntitvm v>%th tM Art Dtparbnmt, th* 3 £ ami*-atu*u 6_i,p ku4 Ó., .l,f' \n each ytar. The nchool vear CMIHIRFTIS <;1' XRFTS R. ■■ Al08 MAENGWYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MACHYNLLETH, Conducted by Mr. J. OWEN, late Inspector of Schools for the British and Foreign School Society, and Tutor at the Society's Training Col- lege, Swansea. French and German taught by a qualified foreign lady. Special advantages for Candidates preparing for the Theological and the Training Colleges. Prospectuses and Terms may be had on appli. cation. School RE-OPENED on TUESDAY, AUG. 17th. 4389-d TO KNO •—Every Subscriber rf to The Ora* e (id. weekly, through n.nv News- agent), is able to or tain, tree of charge "acyu- formation desired, in leply to an- reasonable question he may supgest-legal, med cal, literary, social, &C.—H. J. INFIELD, 160, Fleet-street, Lon- don, E.C. GREAT BARGAINS IN WELSH AN)) OTH f- R BOOKS. JOHN PRYSE, Printer and Publisher. LIan- having determined to CLEAJJ w,! i fiskic 01 I;"okh. mostly in Welsh e a part up iu ASS°KTRr> PAR- CELS (iibout. i;00 in number). Each )'<ucel wjH be ottered KM ALL PART OF ITS OKI«INAL VALUB >nd further particulars <vili be sent free to any audrebs for three ftjdfpa;Uy stamps, sent as above. 9 4304d HYSBYSIAD GWIRIONEDDOL, IN DAL PERTH!N AS A'R CYH0EDD IN GYFFREDmOL. CYFLOGAU A GWAITH rR MILIWNAU. GAN fod rhai o'r Anturiaethau mwyaf eetog a sant leyn y byd er's eai.rit'oedd ya myned ill m!a u, a golwg hyn d obeithicl ar Fasnach <. n gyfirech.o), byddy C, flogau yn dda eto, a d'gon o waith i'w gdeL Y caulyuiad fydd i DDJEFXI'DMAU DILLAILATT MEIBION A MEKCHED GODI, gan hyny Arbedwch eich Arian dtwy bvynn 1& fuan. Ond cyn prynu gofalwch am y SIOP RATAP mewn gwirionedd, agalwch yn y GLASGOW HOUSE. DEFNYDHIAU SIWTIAU i ddynion o bob math. SIWTIAU PAROD i Fechgyn. HETIAU, CRYSAU, TIES, &c., &c. GWLANENI o bub math; PLANCEDI a OWILTTAU. WELSH TWEEDS, COSTUME CLOTHS, &c.- JACKKTS I FERCHED uiewnSeol, Seal Cloth, Bretliyn, &c. CLOAKS, Fur-lined, Waterproofs. ULSTERS yu hynod rad FUR SETS a COLLARS. DEFNYDDIAU PRESSES o bob math. BONNET! a HETIAU, y Ffasiyuau Diweddaraf. SCARFS, MENYG, HOSANAU, &c., &c. Y Cvfeiriad— M. B, FOULKES, GLASGOW HOUSE, (Y BED^VAREDT) SIOP AR Y LLAW ASWT WliTIl FYNKD O'R F'EXDLST AT Y CLOC MAW IT), STRYD Y PORTH MA WR, G 4686-x C A K R N A R F 0 N QWYP YN COFIO'R LLOE'i" (ateb- x\ iad i Wyt ti'u cofio'r Iloei- y i codi.") I SOpra11) 11 m Denor. Un o or if songs eistedd- fodau y flwvddyn diiw"ddaf. Adolygiadan cymeraiwyo! gan Pr Parry, A ,.v Odu, Mf Lucas Williams, DawiAUw. wos H iioi, Alaw Cyacn, &c. I'w chael (pris 6o) =»ddiwrth yr awdvvr, S P. Jones, Board School. Throe Gross-s, llea" Swan- sea. G 4591 ft DFAIR DESTROYER.—ALEX. ROSS'* *JLDEPILATORT removes superfluous hair from the faoe ft fcnnswithont effect to the skin, 3/6; sent by post secretly jmik- edfor 54 «tp8. Had of Chemists. 21.Lamb's Conduit St.,London. TIILES and GRAVEL. GEORGE'S Pile& Gravel r Pills. The Marvellous Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the disorders of the BOWELS, LIVER and KIDNEYS. NO. 1, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. NO. 8, GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. NO. S. GEORGE'S PILLS for the PILES. Sold by all Chemists in Boxes, 11J&S 9. By Port for IB & 36 stamps from J. E.George, M.R.P.8., Hirwain, Glam. BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, Kueton Road, London. IVTORISON's VEGETABLE -1"- UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. To be had c, :¡, Chemists throughout Great Britain. MRS. V." S FEMALE PILLS Cure Bear- ins i' on all that is desired. Sold by Ohemists, ( i- 5 4^tps. 70,Blaclrwell St.KidderminBtert HIMHOv." C LIRE for ASTHMA, Catarrh. Colds, Croup, &c. The Discoverer of Himrod's oure„ for IS years a great sufferer from Asthma, has at last succeed- ed in combining this most successful Remedy. Per Canister., 4/ or by Post, 4/3. of all Chemists. Sole Agents for the United^ Kingdom, F. Newbery & Sons, 1, King Edward St., London. Abridged Edition, five stamps, ON CANCER, and the Certainty of its RELIEF without Operation. Swiss, Publisher, Fore Street, Devon- port, or of the Author, 10, Kent Terrace, Sydenham, London. T OWF's ACoraforting remedy for Indiges- | j <rt a tion & Rheumatism & a Ready Household remedy for the Prevention of all DlllealleB. 7¡d. T IAcomfOrting remedy for Indiges- PILLS. 1111.219 &11/- per Box, of all Chemists. Post free for value in stps. byR. H. Lowe, Wolverhampton. A NTI-ELECTRIC LIG HT.-(P ATENT.) Used in Petroleum & Oil Lamps. Double light. No Smoke or 8melL 1/ of Chemists and Ironmongers. SHTEATON'S NEW PATENT MACHINE-MADE CAST LEAD ECLIPSE TRAP. E It has a 4-inoh Dip-Pipe, and 1-inch perfect Seal, out in one piece, with both inlet and outlet, and acknowledged by Architects, Sanitary Engineers, Plumbers, and Builders to he the most perfect, simple, and ingenious Trap ever invented. It cannot choke, it cannot syphon, it is absolutely impervious to Sewer Gas, and will supplant all Traps of the present day, or that have hitherto been brought before the public. The price is 9/- retail, and can be bad Wholesale & Retail of G. R. GLENIE, Wholesale Agent for all kinds of Sanitary and Building Applianoes. WAiiBBOOK HOUSE, 37, Walbrook, London, E.C. A l4rfle Discount to the Trade dk Shippers. KytiTnates given for all kinds of Plumbers' WoA. ZOEDONE.—The Invigorating Power of Zoedone an a beverage is unequalled, not producing th. reaction usual with Alcoholic Stimulants. Pamphlet frm, PATENTEE, DAVID JOHNSON, F.O.S., MANUFACTURERS, RFLHE ZOEDONE Co., Limited, Wrexham. London Office25, Abchurch Lane, E.O. qj Aivi-ES TIDMARSH's TABLE CUTLERY. ,T ELECTRO SILVER GOODS. MEXICAN SILVER, FORKS and SPOONS. London t Of all Cutlers and Ironmongers. Warehouse, f*. OASTLE STREET, HOLBOBIf, B.C7. MHE PATENT GAS-OIL STREET LAMP. JL CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN COAL OAS FOR TOWNS, ROADSIDE STATIONS. COLLIERIES. ETC.! SOLE KAKERS. WHITTLE ft SON, WHTTEHAVTO. [|[MM OQgTKAOrOBB FOB PUBUC LiaHTOfO. Yn awr yn barod, pris 6ch., trwy y post 6ic., YR ENETH AMDDIFAD," gnf Ohwedl X G.vmrcig, yn danftos x<<ial Rhagluniaetti Duw am yr Amddifad, gan Mr. John Tov>eP, Taber- nacle, FfeftmioR Yr nrch<;bion. <>vda blrtendSl, i'whanfoui'r Oyh"edd\Vl'Mr. R H. Hi Llyfrwerth di, Betbania, Ffes'iipog. N.W — \c elw arfer ) i lyfrwerthwyr. c, 4736-4