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E. P. JONES, DRAPER, 30, CLWYD-STRELT, RUTHIN, BEGS to inform the Public generally that he has commenced business at the above address, wLiie he hopes to receive their patronage. GENERAL DRAPERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PKIOES. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. II 8910-M PNVELOPES A J AND a OCOTINT BOOKS. AT VERY LOW PRICES. In order to effect a speedy clearances will be SOLD UNDER COST PRICE, at the "North Wilts Expregs and Oenedl Gymreig" offices. No. 1. Men. NEW WORK BY DR. HENRY SMITH. Just Published, now ready, price Threepence, 164 pages; by Post in Envelope, Three Stamps, free to any part of the World. DISEASES PECULIAR TO MEN CON- STITUTIONAL OR ACQUIRED: THEIR CAUSE, CONSEQUENCES AND CURE. It is THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES for the Cure of every form of DISEASE PECULIAR TO MEN. ALL DISEASES for which Mercury, Sarsapa- rilla, and Cobaiba are employed by English physicians, to the ruin of the Invalid's health, are now Cured by DR SMITH'S POSITIVE MEDICINES. Thousands of Cases have been Cured by his Positive Remedies when the doctors had given the case up as incurable. COUNTRY INVALIDS, bv the aid of this book, may under- stand the TREATMENT. NO CONSULTATION FEES. NO PERSONA ?< VISITS. DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. 3771b THE* CARNARVON PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, ORGAN MUSIC, AND MUSICAL INSTRU- MENT WAREHOUSE, BRIDGE-STREET, CARNARVON. THE LARGEST MUSIC WAREHOUSE IN NORTH WALES. WJARRETT ROBERTS has also the • honour of informing the nobility and gentry of Carnarvon and suburbs, that he has added to his staff of tuners, a first-class Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer, from the well known firm of Messrs John Brinsmead & Sons, Gold Medalists, by whom he is highly recommended and specially selected from their factory. W. Jarrett Roberts begs further to intimate that he has found it to be really necessary to have a resident Tuner, whose services can be engaged at any moment; and this having been done in the belief that the town and suburbs of Carnarvon, having such an advantage, will kindly support him in his increased efforts to meet the requires ments of the public. He relies, as heretofore, on kind patronage, feeling convinced there is no other firm in North Wales who can offer the same advantages, and 8 6 give such general satisfaction. Repairsdone in all its branches. Pianos re- silked and polished equal to new. Old instru- ments taken in exchange for new ones. SECONDHAND PIANOFORTES: Trichord, check action, beautiful tone £ 15 Trichord, check action, elegant gilt front £ 21 Handsome Walnut case, excellent tone. Y,15 By Brinsmead, gilt panel front X24 By Allison, 7 octaves, splendid tone £24 &c., &c., The largest assortment of Grands and Semi. Grands in stock, and let them out for concerts, ordinary hire, or three-year purchase system. MUSIC BOXES, from 3s to 25 guineas. 100 VIOLINS now in stock, from 2s 6d to 35 guineas. SHEET MUSIC in stock, or to order by post half price. LONDON PARCELSTWICE DAILY. x2913rl THE BANGOR AND ARFON PERMANENT BUILDING SOCEITY. DIRECTORS: Mr T. T. ROBERTS, Bangor (Chairman). W. C. DAVIES, District Bank. „ EVAN JONES, 47, Glan'rafon. „ HENRY JONES, Castle Bank. J. E. ROBERTS, Victoria House. O. B. DAVIES, 2, Frondeg.terrace. „ DAVID LEWIS, 26, James-street. WILLIAM ROBERTS, Frondeg-street. DIRECTING SECRETARY: Mr D. WHITE, 5, Pen'rallt-terrace, Upper Ban- gor. BANKERS Messrs PUGH, JONES & CO., District Bank. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK. AUDITOR: Mr DAVID WILLIAMS, 39, Victoria-street, Upper Bangor. THIS Society was established in 1867, and it was lately brought under the operation of the Act of 1874, in order that each member might derive every benefit from recent improvements and reforms. The annual reports show that success has fol. lowed its proceedings since its commencement, and so great is the demand for money at the pre- sent time that the directors believe the success in the future will be greater than ever. The num- ber of members is annually increasing, and the absence of losses, and the continuance of the confidence of the public as a proof that its affairs are conducted with cautiousness, ability, and care. Observe especially the following excellencies in connection with the society:- 1.—The expenses of making the deeds are less than those of any other Society. 2.—Perfect safety to all who invest money on interest. 3.-Since the commencement of this Society, 11 years ago, it has paid interest of X5 per cent, together with bonus. P PRICE OF SHARES-XLO EACH. They may be paid in one sum, or in small monthly BILims. Payments are received on the first Tuesday evening in each month, at half-past six o'clock, in the Royal Oak Temperance Hotel, High-street, Bangor. The Directors have also made arrangements with Messrs Pugh, Jones, & Co., together with the National Provincial Bank, to receive money on behalf of the Society at Bangor, Bethesda, Llanberis, Carnarvon, Festin- iog, Menai Bridge, and at all branches of the Bank. LOANS given on very easy terms, at 5 per cent. on the balance at the commencement. of every year. No purchase money is held. For every im- formation as to terms and rules of the Society, apply personally, or by letter, to Mr David Williams, architect and surveyor, 39, Victoria- terrace, Upper Bangor. D WHITE, Director and Secretary, OOOO-M 5, I'en'rallt terrace, Bangor. THE CARNARVON PRINTING WORKS, OFFICES OF "Y GENEDL GYMREIG" AND "THE NORTH WALES EXPRESS," NEW HARBOUR, CARNARVON. • THE Proprietors respectfully call the attention of Quarry Proprietors, Merchants Tradesmen, and the Public generally, to the Works, which have been fitted up with Type and Machinery of the best and newest descriptions. They are thus enabled to execute, on the shortest notice, GENERAL PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ESTIMATES SENT FOR ALL MANNER OF WORli PER RETURN OF } POSI. PLACARDS AND POSTING BILLS, &c., OF ANY SIZE OR COLOUR, SHOW CARDS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' RULES, BALANCE SHEETS, ACCOUNTS, MEMORANDUMS, INVOICES, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c., &c., &c., CHEQUES AND RECEIPT BOOKS, TIME SHEETS, BANKRUPTCY FORMS, &c., &c., &c.. LITHOGRAPHY, PAPER RULING, BOOKBINDING, &c., &c., &c., On the most reasonable terms, and with the utmost despatch. ENVELOPES, ENVELOPES, ENVELOPES .:hr,(:CHj¡f A Large Stock of well-assorted Envelopes, of the best workmanship, TO BE SOLD AT AN EXTREMELY LOW PRI MOURNING CARDS PRINTED IN THE NEATEST MANNER AND AT THE SHORTEST • NOTICE. PLEASE SEND FOR OUR LIST OF PRICES. THE PRIZE POETICAL COMPOSITIONS AT THE CARNARVON EISTEDDFOD, 1877, TOGBTHER WITH A FULL REPORT OF THE EISTEDDFOD^ THE SPEECHES, Ac. Price in paper cover, Is. in beautiful cloth cover, Is. 6d.; by Post, Is. 2d. or 18. 8d. AU orders to be sent to MR. R. WILLIAMS, Publisher, Carnarvon. • THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, UXBRIDGE-SQUARE, CARNARVON. HEAD MASTER,—MR. SIDDONS, ASSISTED BY QUALIFIED TEACHERS. THIS School is now arranged in three departments—Classical, Commercial, and Preparatory. -L Each department is under the supervision of a seperatc Teacher, who takes special care to simplify the instruction imparted so as to meet the age and capacity of the pupils. Boarders are received by the Head Master, who enjoy Home Comforts, and whose Mental and Phy- sical Training are objects of special attention. For prospectus of terms, &c., apply to MR. SIDDON? B. 2151-M THE NEW FIRE ANN IHILATOR OR THE PATENT CHEMICAL COMPRESSED AIR, AND MANUAL FIRE ENGINE. ROBERT WILLIAMS. BRUN SWICK BUILDINGS, CARNARVON, RESPECTFULLY announces that he has been appointed Agent for this district, for the Hale of FOSTER and GREENHILL'S New Patent Chemical Compressed Air, and Manual Fire Engine, which is the most marvellous machine for extinguishing Fires ever yet invented. NO PLACE OF BUSINESS, GENTLEMAN'S HOUSE, OR HOTEL, SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE. The Engine is exceedingly simple and can be moved and worked almost by a child. The spuce it occupies is about three feet by 1 foot, and 2l feet high. It is mounted on wheels and is easily moved. The machine is made capable of holding from 33 to 150 gallons of water. The water is forced through a chamber in which a chemical compound is placed, and it is this compound that has a luost remarkable effect on fire. One gallon of water charged with this chemical has been proved to have much more effect than 20 gallons of pure water. pnother singular fact is that Petroleum or Com- bustible Oils, which are rendered more destructive by the effect of water, is extinguished in an instant on the application of this chemical, whilst it is quite harmless to whatever substance or fabric upon which it is thrown. The water is ejected by means oi Compressed Air, which may be pumped into a chamber to a pressure of 200 lbs per inch. Tnis chamber may be alwa/s kept full, rendering the machine always ready for use at a moment's notice, aDd water can be forced a distance of sixty or seventy feet. Any length of hose can be applied. The water thrown out in a small jet insures its being thoroughly impregnated with carbonic acid gas. The cas is ;><'iterated and carried direct fr om the Engine to the fire in small globules, the heat of the fire expands the gas contained in the globules, and evaporates the small quantity of water, consequently the released gas displaces the fire-sustaining properties of the atmosphere, and at once extinguishes the flame. May be seen and examined on application to ROBERT WILLIAMS Brunswick Buildings, Carnarvon. DEBILITY AND NERVOUSNESS.—Re- issue of THE WARNING VOICE," Dr Smith's eelebrated work, of which 500,000 copies were sold. Revised edition. Now ready, 152 pages, by post to all parts of the were sold. Revised edition. Now ready, 152 pages, by post to all parts of the world, in envelope, two stamps.—THE WARN- ING VOICE. This is a.special Medical Book, ad- dressed to Youth and Manhood on the Cause, Symptoms, Consequences, and Treatment of Debilitating Diseases. By HENRY SMITH, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Jena, by Diploma, 1860. THIS IS A NEW MEDICAL WORK on the Nature, Treatment, and cure of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirit, Indi- gestion, Dimness of Sight, Want of Energy, Deaf- ness, Epilepsy, Piles, Premature Decay, Headache, &c., resulting from Loss of Nerve Power, the re- sults of Intemperance, Late Hours, Worry, Brain, Toil, &c., which, if neglected, will end in Con- firmed Debility and Premature Decline. Gives the advise and instructions, the result of thirty years' practice, by which thousands have been re- stored to health. Illustrated by caset5 and testi monials from grateful patience, with means of cure used in each case. DR HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London W C x.3503e A COLD Will, with different individuals, show itself in a variety of forms, the most common being Coryza or Cold in the Head, well-known by the lasbitude, weariness, fullness about the head, dry, stuffed-up nostrils, frequent sneezing, with a ''bit of a cough," and tightness across the chest, &c. At once let the patient take GRIFFITH OWEN'S itSSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, mixed with a wine-glassful of warm water, at bed. time-follow the directions given with each bottle, and much evil will be avoided. More than one-third of the deaths in the Metro- polis and the large towns in England arise from Consumption alone. It justifies, therefore, the observation made by Dr Robert Hunter, that the question of prevention and cure is one in which fully Six MILLIONS of the present people of Eng- land have the interest of life itself," owing no doubt to neglected Coughs and Colds. GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, Can always be depended upon in the early stages, see that you get GRIFFITH OWEN'S. Serious are the effects of neglected coughs or colds. GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT, Cures nine cases out of ten, and renders the constitution less liable to take fresh cold. See that you get GRIFFITH OWEN'S, and no other imitation. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. RIFFITH" OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT Is an elegant Couph Mixture, and agrees with the modern medical treatment of colds, as testified by several medical men. To be had in bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d, of all chemists. The great value of GRIEFITII OWE'S remedy creates a large demand. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. RIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. This judicious oombinatien is the most effective remedy for, and preventive against, the consequences arising from exposure to cold in any degree—complaints which may be the prelude to various inflammatory diseases. See that you get GRIFFITH OWEN'S. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemists. The surprising cures effected by GRIFFITH OWEN'S ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT Have astonished many. It gently frees the lungs from clotted phlegm, heals up the pus- tular wounds from the core; relieves the chest by expectoration, without straining removes all difficult breathing by its healthy stimulus to the proper circulation of the fluids. 25 & 27, High-street, Carnarvon, and all chemisfs B. 3341-M. IMPORTANT T:) ADVERTISERS. GUARANTEED THE LARGEST CIRCULA. TION IN VALES. "7 GENEDL GYMREIG" CTHE WELSH NATION"). THE LARGEST WELSH PAPER PUBLISHED, Circulat- ing most extensively amongst the Commercial, Agricultural, and General Welsh Reading Popu- lation in every part of the Kingdom. It is sup- ported by and contains Articles from several eminent literary gentlemen in the Principality, and as it gives Special, Agricultural, Trade, and Market Reports, it is largely read by Farmers and Tradesmen. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, PRICE ONE PENNY 500 AGENCIES. NERVOUS DEBILITY. — GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK, showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of Quacks. Free of postage stamp. Address, Secretary, Insitute of Anatomy, Birmingham. x 3747- o I THE VAPORIFER, by DR. SHEPARD, is a Bronchitis Kettle, Inhaler and Vanour Bath combined; recommended by she Lancet, British Medical Journal, dkc., aa the cn»apest and most efficient apparatus invented. 8/- & 7/0. all Chemists, or direr: from the Patentees, OLD & SONS, 35 & 36, West Smithfield, London. CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST AFRICAN STEAMERS. The UNION S. S. Co.'s 5IAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thursday, and direct Algoa Bay and Natal Steamers every fourth Friday leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Company's Offices, Oriental Place, Southampton, or 11, Leadenhall Street, London. HO! for America.—Join our Colony inVirgin- ia. Don't go to Western States. Send immediately for free illustrated price Rata logue.J.F.MANCHA,Claremont, Virtrinia. BAKER & CRISP's NEW and CHEAP DRESS FABRICS. WASHING FABRICS extraordinary- from 6d. per yard. All the New Textiles from 6d. per yard. Patterns Free.-198, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. 1 ( HIO D ZEN KII) GLOVES Extraor- dinary. Best Alpine 2 Button Kid, 3 pairs 3/2 free for Stamps. Ladies' Chamois Washing Leather G-loves, a luxury for Country wear, free for 20 Stamps. BAKER & CRISP, 198, Regent Street, London, W. 1 OOO DOZEN REAL SHETLAND V/V/v/ SHAWLS, all colours, 2 yards square. Post free for Stamps, 2/3. lOOO dozen ICE WOOL SQUARES, 20 inch 1/4; 28 inch 2/3; 34 inch 3/11; all colours, free for stamps. BAKER & CRISP, 198, Regent Street, London, W SPRING DRESS MATERIALS. Colored Cashmeres. French Beiges, Vecunas, Pompadours, & all PAT- the latest productions of the French & English Markets TERNS C^(1. to 311 yd. BLACK CASHMERES, surpassing {everything introduced for perfection of color&durabilitv, POST (46 & 48 i-.K-hes 1/3 to 5/6 ya. Silks, Satins,Velvets AcVel- jraEE. veteens. :'h nrea Newell & Co., 217, Oxford St., London,'W. 1) I C K 1 N S AND J( E S' SPANISH KID GLOVES are unequalled for wear, Every pair guaranteed. In all colours with 3 Buttons at 2/7 per pair, with 6 and 12 Buttons for Evening wear, and Black, 3/10, & 5/7 per pair, free bv post. HANOVER HOUSE, REGENT ST., LONDON, W. MONSTER SALE ofP APERHANG IN GS at 8, Victoria Street, Bristol. One of the largest stocks in England. A million pieces to clear. Retiring from business. The business to be disposed of. 100.000 pieces at £ 3 17s. 6d. per ream of 480 pieces. 200,000 pieces of white pulps at £ 5 17s. 6d. All others equally low. Patterns sent free of any quality. Any number of pieces supplied. T. STOCK, Proprietor. "Architects, Waterworks & Sanitary Engineers, Plumbers, Builders and others. j TYLOR & SONS' ILLUSTRATED • CATALOGUE FOR 1880 is now ready, containing upwards of 500 Pages and 1,000 illustrations of SANITARY AND WATER SUPPLY APPLIANCES. Water Closets, Lavatories, Baths, Cocks, and Valves, Waste preventing and Waterworks fittings, Water Meters, Plumbers' Brasswork. Apply to ,T. TV I, OR & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 2, NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, E.G. WAYGOOD & CO., JLAJ. ENGINEERS, Falmouth Road, Great Dover Street, London, S.E. L I F T S. GULLIVER'S VALE OF AYLESBURY PWINERAL WATERS. PUREST &!lf„■ Best in the UNITED KINGDOM, see Analysis. Q:I: (One doz. assorted sample case free to any Rail Station "3 ..fon'.o.o.or Htpi', 5!2 ',allowed returned case&bottles.I"" I^VERY GROCi'jR should keep the GRO-i CERS' PACKET TEAS. Always command a large sale wherever introduce 1. Valuable Books. Wholesalo only of Hill, Maynard & Co., Vine St., America Sq., London, E C. REA, NJ5ALE (Birmingham) X3ATENT '• NO-CORK" Oil Bottle, Clean! Useful! Economical! Never requires a Cork! Saves time, temper & oil! Sold by all respectable Ironmongers & Oilmen ltASS,RE ED.STRING7& DRUM&ElFE BANDS, PIANOFORTES, & HARMONIUMS at Whole- sale Prices at iT. MOORE 9# Brixton Rd., Huddersfield Prices with drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandmen's Caps. Patronized by Anny, Navy, & Ritie Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange. BILLIAKD BALLS, Chalks, Cues. & Tips at HENNIG BROS., Ivory Works, 11, HighSt.,London W.C. Cheapest house in the tradetor Billiard table requisites and ivory goods in general. Old Balls adjusted or exchanged and tables re-covered. Price Lists on application. Established 1W>2. "T. A B R I L L A N T I N"E7 n METALLIC POWDER, for cleaning & polishing metals (especially brass), is used by the Life, Horse, & Dragoon Guards, the Fire Brigades, ,Vc. S^d^erywhere in 6d.& 1/- boxes. Propri- etors, J.F. BA U MCI ARTNER & Co, 22 Newman St., London, W. ( H W) ^OWiTrcr £ 20 DRAWN oW EVERY MONTH in Bonuses guaran- teed by Government and paid in Cash. Every Share a chance to obtain a Bonus. One share Zl, Six shares E5. Particulars free. Apply to the Agency for Public Funds (G-eneva), 33, Abchurch Lane, Lombard Street, London, E.C. I^ORAGE at X\T HOLES ALE PRICES -1- TO CONSUMERS. HHAY, STRAW, &c., Sold on Commission. T T n Bankers: Ransom, Bouverie & Co. ALL in CO., PARK LANE, LONDON, W. rno MOTHERS S UCKLlNG.withdeficiency -L of BREAST MILK. The PALMA CHRISTI is invaluable and NEVER FAILS to promote a supply. Bottles 3/9 and 4/6* T. GREEN IS1T. 20, New Street, Dorset Square, London. Order of your Drueerist. THE GRFXT B-LOofi-"ICI-FIER THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, & remove every disease of the sto- mach, liver. & kidneys. Pure blood gives health. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could not be 7gr;)t]kbÏ:¡,liJ:¡¿;Eis;i"d & 2/9; or from t e establishment, 44, Oxford-st., a sea, for 18 or 35 stamps. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. A GOOD COMPLEXION is Ensured b t () daily use of C'ottman's White Prepared Fuller's Earth. Does not Choke the pores of the Skin, Invaluable to protect the Skin of Infants, Contains no Bismuth, Zinc, Magnesia, or Chalk. Post Free for 14 Stamps. H. Cottman, Chemist, Sydenham. WORN OUT SILVER PLATED ARTICLES also Copper, Brass, &c., replated equal to new by STANTON'S PLATING PASTE. One Simple application leaving a coating of pure silver. Post free, 20 stamps.-Henry Stanton, 4, High St., New Thornton-heath, Surrey. ANNUALTPROFIT from ONE ACRE of LAND, and £ 175 per Annum from THREE GLASS HOUSES! —See MULTUM-IN-PARVO GARDENING, By SAMUEL WOOD, Author of "Good Gar. dening." Third Edition, revised. Crown 8vo cloth, with illustra- tions, 2 (post free, 26 stamps).—" Should be read by all who contemplate growing for Market and profit."—Farmer. Crosby Lockwood & Co., 7, Stationers'-hall-court London, E.C. WHO's YOUR LAWYER? I haven't re. » » quired one since I bought of Crosby Lockwood & Co., 7, Stationers'-hall-court, E.C., a copy of EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER, by a Barrister, price ij 3 (post free, 86 Stamps) which has been repaid to me 20 times over in the saving ox lawyers' fees. "A complete and thoroughly intelligible epitome of the laws of this country."—Hell'* Lye. "lyrR. SPU RGEON, in Sword and Trowel," says: "The straight, turned-up, turned-down and. oblique pointed PENS of MACNIVEN & CAMERON arc* marvellously good. It is a pleasure to write with, them." 6d. and 1/- per box, at all Stationers'. They come as a boon and a blessing to men. The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Wayerley Pen." Sample box of all the kinds assorted, by post 1/1.- MACNIVEN & CAMERON, 24 to 33, Blair St., Edinburgh, Penmakers to her Majesty's -Government Offices, Est. 1770. 7 TO CLOTHIERS, HATTERS & DRAPERS. A large firm of Wholesale Clothiers who make Garments to measure are open to appoint a few more AGENTS. Apply infirst instanoe to S.B.H., care of Bean,Webley & Co., 34 & 35, St. Mary-at-Hill, London, E.C. AGENTS WANTED for a novelty .-Sample 14 stamps.-Lebfeldt Bros. & Co., 15, HolbornViadact.E.C, VALUABLE DISCOVERY FOR TllJl v HAIR! CARMAN'S HAIR RESTORER. Acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to Allen's Rosetter's, and many others. It is not dye. It contains no oil. Will restore gray halt to its original colour and beauty. Removes dan- driff and all impurities from the head. PrO" motes the growth and strength of the hair, giving it the lustre and health of youth. And is the cheapest and best Restorer ever used. Supplied only in large bottles, Is 6d. A parcel of three bottles, secuiely packed, sent to any part on receipt of 54 penny stamps or P.O.O. CARMAN'S INVIGORATING SALINE. This Saline compound is recommended for Bilious Constitutions, Heartburn, Headache, Se* Sickness, &e. In bottles, Is 9d each. QUININE WINE TONIC. An excellent, strengthening medicine, in bottle Is and 2s each. CARMAN'S INFANTS' CARMINATIVE. An agreeable medicine renowned for its efficacy in preventing or removing the disorders to which Infancy is liable, such as Convulsions, Wind, Gripes, Difficult Teething, &c., &c. Inbottles7idv Is lid, and 2s 9d -each. PREPAITED BY J 1\ n V n A K A iN, DISPElS Si^v, AS, i FAMILY CHEMIST (Qualified by Examination), APOTHECARIES' HALL, HOLYWELL. • 2599a The most Beautiful Starch the World ever used. rj-LENFIE LD gTARCH. SOLD EVERYWHERE. R. WOTHEE8POON 6c CO., GLASGOW & LONDOIC. JJOSE's .2-W JJOSE's JJOSE's JjOSE^ Jjoslri JJOSE^s ROSE's ROSE" LIME JUICE Prepared from the LimeFruit. Is entirely free of Alcohol. LIME JUICE i A Wholesome faigily beverage! all the yeaxi-ound. LIME JUICE A delicious drink in water, eff- ervescing in all aerated waters. LIME JUICE An excellent Stimulant blended with spirits. LIME JUICE Is highly medicinal, cooling and purifying the blood, ° assisting digestion. LIME JUICE Is recommended by the Lancet and medical profession as eminently wholesome. LIME JUICE Sold everywhere by Wine Mer- chants, Grocers, Chemists, fee. LIME JUICE Wholesale Stores, 11, Curtain Road, London, and 41, Mitchell St., Leith. CORDIAL. CORDIAL. QORDIALl (QORDIAK (JORDIAL. CORDIAL. CORDIAL. CORDIAL. Is. 6d. TUDSON's SOLD BY aTll1 CHEMISTS F2-0LD T^INT. AND OS. DU. VJ* j- STATIONERS. FOR RE-OILDTNG FRAMES -FOR WRITING TEXTS—FOB ARTIS- TIC CABINET AND BASKET WORK-FOR GILDING EGGS. APPLBS AND FEATHERS, A JllOST BEAUTIFUL AND ATTRACTIVE ARTICLB. BE SURE AND ORDER JUDSON'S GOLD PAINT. Judson's Specialities of CHEMISTS & STATIONERS. Anyone can use TITT^Q AM' Q Every lady should do them in a pail of J Ul/uUIl )J ^er Dyeing: at Home. Hot Water, rv Tin r< The process is most Time |l V RV interesting,and the re- Ten Minutes. 6d. IDOj 0d. suit almost magical! Bkc-T-'cE T F R-UIT SYRUPS. Raspberry, Black Currant, lime Fruit, Lemon, Orange, Ginger, &c., &c. M gK MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGES; CAN BE USED WITH HOT OR COLD WATER. "I have prescribed Beckett's Syrnpof Orange & Quinine, as an, elegant substitute for Bitter Beer for the last ten years."—Norman Kerr. Esq., M.D., F,L.S., London. Your Fruit Syrups are exqui- site. I have met with nothing of the kind equal to them."— Rev. Charles Garrett, LiverpooL "I like them exceedingly. They deserve to be entitled 'Nature's 10 wn Beverages;' I could not speak jmore highly of them." — Key. (Charles Bullock, B.D., Editor of |"HomeWords," "Hand&Heart," TN 1/. arvrt 1/Q w i k.y Chemists, Grocers & Confectioners. Manufacturer— l; Hey wood, Manehester. London Depots: J. Sanger at gone, 252, Oxford Street; Barclay & Sons. 95, Farringdon St. (ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite effectiial.-Caution.-The extra- ordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected bv a Govern- ment stamp, bearing the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, 1864. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians aooompany each bottle. From W. C. WILKINSON. Esq., F.RC.S., Spalding. I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough: the benefit is very marked. Frovi Dr. M'Millman, of New Galloway, Scotland. Asa Sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in bottles. 1,1" 2 9, & 4 6 by all Chemists. NOTICE.-THE TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL GENTLEMEN AND THE PROFESSIONAL PRESS HAS BEEN UNQUALIFIED IN PRAISE OF LAMPLOUGH's PYRETIC SALINE, as possessing most important elements, calculated to restore and maintain health, with perfect vigour of body and mind:- Have it in your houses and forget it not in your travels." DR. PROUT.—"Unfolding germs of immense benefit to mankind." DR. MORGAN.—It furnishes the blood with its lost saline constituents." DR. TURLEY.—" I found it act as a specific in mry experience and family m the worst form of scarlet fever, no other medicine being required." DR..S. GIBBON (formerly physician of the London Hospital). —"It is the best preparation of the kind I have ever met with. Its usefulness in the treatment of disease has long been con- firmed by medical experience. I speak from adequate knowledge of the preparation, having been in the habit of using it in private practice for many years, and having taken a larger quantity with me when I went as physician to the Smyrna Hospital. In hot climates it is of especial value." DR. SPARKS (Government Medical Inspector of Emigrants from the Port of London) writesFrom my personal and professional use and knowledge of the value of Mr. IAm Iough's Pyretic Saline for many years past, I have great pleasure in bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy in the treatment of many of the ordinary and chronio focma of Gastric Complaints and other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia.— 5th August, 1857."—It is of immense value in Prickly Heat. DR. J. W. DOWSING.—" I used it in the treatment of forty- two cases of Yellow Fever, and I am happy to state that X never lost a single case." DR. W. STEVENS, inhis works on Cholera and Fever, states: "Since its introduction the Fatal West India Fevers are deprived of their terrors." Price 2/6,4/6,11/- & 21/- each bottle. H. LAMPLOUGH, 113, Holborn. London. Post free for Five Stamps from MB. G. T. CONGREVE, PECKHAM, LONDON. "CO N SUM P T ION, ITS ONLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. (New Edition) with many interesting cases of Ourll." Q7 RATSfound Dead after using two 6d. Jars ■ of STEINER's VERMIN PASTE, Sold by all Chemists. Works: Henry St., Limehouse, London. Try it, it never fails." GOOD XJOi'iil/ ( .iijA.lv /-X> i -j'.hmu etf.by the daily useof Coitmaii'x White, I're.paf <1 b'alic 's F.arth. Does not Choke the porcsof the Skin, Invn.lu.vbie to protect the .Skill d infants, Contains no 1, siiutli. Zir.<\ Magnesia, or Chalk. 1:'Ui,: Fr<>o for 14 -tamps. H. Coltman. Chemise, Sydenham. VY' ORN OUT SILVER PI.ATKD ARTICLES » also Copper, Brass, Are., replated equal to new by .STANTON'S l'LATING- PA> 1'E. One simple application leaving acon.ting of pure silver. Po ft fn-e, 20 stamps. -1-i enry ;t"mtun, 5, High St., New Thornton-heath, Surrey. ¥' O UNGMKN A otLers, weak, laiiiruid, nervous Indigestion, no Appetite or Spirits. One doeeof "Pitha" relieves, !i, 2/9 bottles cure. T. Jabez,:tb.Hnd Lioll oq., London. SEEDS. Gold MeclaCBegoniM. 1-per pkt. SEEDS. ft LAIN G& CO. Supply BEST quality Vegetable &Flower Seeds. Cottagers' Coilecuous, 14 sorts Vegetables lost free 3/ larger, tj" ,I, up .11'\b, ii4 sorts 1 lardy Flowert!eeds 2 ti. Cash with order. Catalogues free. ForotHili, i-ondon, S.E. UNITED "STATES OF AMERICA. For information about the Statf-s of KANSAS, NEBRASKA, and COLORADO, lands, mineral retoaices, &a., and the route to A usn" lia, New Zealand. Asia, In, ,Ja. iirc., via the U. S., send to P. B. Groat. General European Ag -ut> for Union Pacific, Kansas Pacilie'and Central Pacific Railways. The U. P:By., in Nebraska and K.P. liy.. in Kansas have several million acres of tine agricultural and ,tnek lMisniji anils in the bi-st portion of America lor sale in freehold farms, at from about 81" to £8 rwr acre on liberal terms payment. Sit attention given to settling colonies. Lnclose stamps i 1. for return postage. Address. Queen Anne Chambers. I LV: 2, Poultry. LiT,don, E.C. (),tN, i It MR. SPURGEON, HI Snordaiui Trowel, says: "The straight, turned-up, turned-down and. oblique pointed PENS of AlAO.ViVEN & CA MERON are marvellously tfoort. It is a pi- asure to writ*- with, them.'9 fid. and 1/- per box, at all Stuv.uouers\ They come a. a boon and a blessing to ineh. The Pickvi«;k. t.'ie Owl, and tlio Wa^T-rl^y jPen.n box of all the kinds ass<»rtn by j>^st 1/1.— i v EN Sz 21 to •••'{. Blair St., iLduibiirrii- Venn-takers to li-r Qfiio. s, Est. 1770. To b.. had of all Music Sellers, Price 4 THE TIME <> f R O SES," MRS. i^Oiri/D'S NEW SON a. Sinij* by Mrs. OBgoo4« and dedioated by special permission to H.K.H. the Princess l^uise (Marchioness of Lome), is now b^in# published by vuacan, Davison & Co. 244, Ke^ont Street* London.