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PENNANT'S CANDIDATURE FOE The CARNARVONSHIRE. letter appeared in a Liverpool ^SWTLBSJ ry 0n Wednesday last ;above county -Being one of the electors for the the pres +' ^ave just received a circular from Copy eu' member, of which I append a its intent-^r'—Government having announced beg tQ .• i°n °f dissolving Parliament at Easter, I mv i Jm you *kat *s mF intention (sic) to Carnarv6 a^a^n as a candidate for the county of Tir> I fear, will not allow of my 8ence on all the electors, as my pre- aom* i'l ^ouse of Commons will be required Huv v days ionger. I trust, however, that I the f„>ffVour,ed with your influential support in J)°v<j coming contest. Yours faithfully, G. y°Uj v ,8 Pennant. P.S.: If you can give me sign and return the enclosed." place 7our kind permission, gentlemen, I shall teplv e^ore your readers a copy of the leply forwarded by me to the honourable gentle- Son' ^Hino Sir,—I cannot give you my vote in the Carnarvonshire election, and that for the uV°wing reasons — ptQf I am a Liberal by conviction and you tfn> whereas I find that on a few ocasions Vaa Par^ in parliamentary divisions your vote tiojj1 Without a single exception, given in opposi- keral measures, and in furtherance of ^°Ur ny1? and oppressive ones. Judging from Cate P°btical conduct during your parliamentary Woulrt'iT am forced to the conclusion that you tci^tv Ve similarly opposed, had vou the oppor- Passed vf 80 d°'ng> all those beneficent measures fc* so • liberal party, which have conduced a degree to the moral, social, and Um ^a^ Welfare of this our country. Out of <ji. y scores of such measures I may instance (a) fiin eform Bill, 1832; (b) Abolition of Slavery Cot^ 1833 (c) Municipal Act, 1835 (d) Repeal of liali ^aws, 1849 and (e) Irish Church Disestab- Toi^eilt Bill. The most obtuse member of the if 5? Party must needs admit that the greater part culahi4^ °f these reforms have proved of incal- of ilbenefit to t^ie nation, though each and th?TW encountered the bitterest hostility from Uaj ^eanse I am a loyal subject of her gracious ^PttOT-f Queen, whereas you are an ardent Policy a minister whose unconstitutional imperialism tend to alienate lects T one the hearts of all enlightened sub- f9t 8ay further, you support a minister who, ^rom hu T,n se^sh and sinister ends shriaks not party r> Vr^ r°yal diadem into the arena of ki8 sov •1C8' or 'rom endeavouring to transform *and offs 8cePTtre into a political conjuror's J^isonaii iC0Ur8e' e a aware that you are "Qt th • to thy very marrow of your bones, t^t vn 18 kes*de the question. My contention is towatrf ^PP01^ a Premier who has done more than a • .8 th^ foundations of the throne PoaiHn^ m^n^8ter tlace the time of Strafford. My ttitiea +t an^ avocation Jafford me better opportu- thia ia ^.an y°urs jndgin^ upon this matter, and offlr exPer\ence- Whilst Mr Gladstone was Proccp<i' whilst the government of the country tbe on the lines of our ancient constitution, loyal c^asses in the main were profoundly ~lnevei' mentioned thoir Queen's name ^og„ the utmost respect. But such is not the to ovfir>FreSen^' °^en makes one's ears tingle the th 681 disrespectful remarks applied to Cile an°^e' simply because in workshop and domi- wi impression prevails that an ambitious and her an has seduced England's sovereign from Yon to the principles of our constitution, ine faot^ 5^e me exaSgerating or falsify- a few Pennies expended on the culnti the workman's newspapers, now cir- of E- m^i°ns, will convince you of the truth my statement. lonir te^USeIam a N°nconformist, whilst you be- xnonstrmi«i5a • wh°se record bristles with such Act of rrnifL^^U8t and wicked enactments as the mtlcttt^t Act. the Five- that the removal i £ ?u are w<11 aware these ?infamous acL disabilities imposed by effected by statesmen who? WaS time, enrol themselvli -ZA £ hTg m our Liberalism—a banner in whnl f i banlner, ?f secure and sheltered t^°f folds alone has lam trodden di»senter,be he FrouS't pdown- Catholic. IA. Nonconformist v!S be he Roman politically descended from the rfn^i111^ f acts would be guilty of an ingraKS «!• T What he of the withered band WouM\ akLn to had he lifted it up against his re!tor'er 8h°Wn 4. Because, while deprecating clas« i.- sympathies lie with the working sectiS! f t?' comiurSty, and I am driven by slcW^v 6 to support the political party which has in thfm^ recognised most fully the claims of labour • but T find that the party you identify your8eif with have always been found legislating for tbe benpfit 01 the wealthy and socially influential, and doing tb:Zit utmost to impede the advance in knowledge, iraqcty^ and happiness ef the toiling millions 'This is a grave charge, I admit, but nevertheless [it is one that may be proved to the hut. In order to do so I need only mention the opposition offered, by-the Tories to the abolition of the taxes on knowledge, to the introduction of a really national system of education, to the extension of the franchise, to the Ballot Act, to the abolition the property qualification for members of ■Parliament, and numerous other measures of a •ioular nature. In reviewing the past history of Toryism, never shall one see its hand raised to Btoooth wrinkles off the brow or to remove burdens off the shoulders of labour. 5. Because I am a Welshman, and, while admit- ting that you and your deservedly-honoured father have frequently assisted educational insti- tutions in the Principality, I cannot vote for an upholder of a ministry that has persistently re- fUsed to graIl tone single penny towards endowing Our national university at Aberystwyth. More- as a Welshman, I would be loth to falsify the expectations of Mr Gladstone utteied by him at Maiylebone on Friday evening, the 11th iilst. The Tories know that poor little Wales—which seldom gets a word of comfort from anyfeody, but where the human heart beats as truly and warmly as in any land upon earth-they know that poor little Wales is agairst them." Would I have a trumpet through which I might from the topmast point of Snowdon shout these kindly and trustful words so that every elector from Holyhead to Cardiff might hear them. To me, as to many other thousands of Welshmen, this utterance of the greatest statesman and truest patriot of the age sounds like the trump of battle. You may rest assured that large numbers of the electors of poor little Wales will enter the polling booths with these words ringing in their ears, A Gladstone expects every Welshman to do his + »» -y 6. Because I accept as absolutely and eternally true the inspired words—" Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people; whilst you are a partisan of a Government whose unrighteous acts are the execration of the Sclavs and Greeks of Europe, the Zulus of Africa, as well as the Afghans of Asia. It is true your leader speaks in his manifesto of the "ascendency of England in the councils of Europe; but true is it also that his t>overnment has, through its in- iquitious and tortuous policy, entailed upon Eng- land degradation in the eyes of the world. In tha portentous words addressed to the Roman Varrus, our disgraced country may well ask the Premier- "Lord Beaconsfield, what have you done with our reputation for righteousness and honesty and truth?" 7. Because my conscience revolts at the inhuman and bloody policy pursued by the present Govern- ment in different parts of the world-a policy that causes thoughtful men to regard the future of their country with fear and trembling for in de- spite of blustering bullies and the manoeuvres of mendacious ministers, the words shall ever remain in force-IC He that killeth lwith the sword must be killed with the sword." 8. Because in the opinion of most commercial men another six years of Tory rule would so dis- organise the finances and so paralyse the trade of the country as to overwhelm us in national bank- ruptcy. I take the liberty of transcribing the words of a high authority on this matter:—"The financial administration of the country during the' last six years has been neither economical nor effective." An altogether inadequate impression on the national debt is the outcome of the new sinking fund (now abandoned), which was to have ensured even greater reductions than were effected under the former Government, while additional taxes have been permanently imposed since 1875 to the extent of nearly j67,000,000 a year. Verily, an unprofitable business that of "gunpowder and glory"— £ 7,000,000 a year additional taxes needful to set it going 9. Because I intend to register my vote in the forthcoming Carnarvonshire election for a candi- date-Mr Watkin Williams-who has proved him- self in the past to be a consistent Liberal, a loyal politician, an advocate of the rights of Noncon- formists, a patriotic Welshman, an opponent of unrighteous and unnecessary wars, and a steadfast supporter of peace, retrenchment, and reform, as I well as of all measures calculated to promote the I happiness of the people, to consolidate the basis of the throne, and to perpetuate the true glory of the country. Allow me to say, in conclusion, that, in view of the momentous issues presented to the nation for decision in the impending electoral conflict, I should deem myself a traitor to my country, my Queen, and my God, were I led by the feeling of respect I cherish for the Penrhyn family to vote for a candidate-be he ever so eligible in other respects-who comes forward as an adherent of the Ministry that has cast to the winds the restraints of honour, justice, truth, and humanity, and is busy dragging the country into the vortex of ruin. H. B. JONBS (Garmonydd). Llanarmon-yn-Y ale. »