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ROYAL DEVONSHIRE SERGEI AS SOLD BY SPEARMAN AND wmm PLYMOUTH Is the best, the cheapest, the most fashionable, and the most durable of any article woven. Thti fj'1"n says it haanorival either in appear- ance or utility. These Serges are now produced in New colours and mixtures for the Autumn of j875, as also in ligrht weifrhtod Tarns for Rammer wear and warm climates, and are woven of PVHB WOOL ONLY. Patterns t-it.ii w for la-lie?'wear commencing atl/3}.and kenUwufcn's ocuts, and boys' hard wear, from ]3<6 tlse yard, in 54 inches, as also of line wool jiiirfhrink»M« a»*nels, are sent upon applica- tion. stating either for ladies' or gentlemen^ wear, to fhw factors, who cut any length, & pay [carriage on aU parcels to London,whence they are che iplv distributed throughout the world. f\i wVPATTERNSof N EW SILKS l. V'w or Press Goods post free. JU 9ULKS from 1 to SO Gr. Fancy Ureases 7/6 to 5 Q*. Vrmtrt Write to I) KKiHOLSON & Uo.. 50 to o3, St. Pauls JChn^ch Yartl, London. E.C. Established 1813. TALTER-TRUEFITT's: 1, New Bond Street, London. Hair in all the newest styles as worn in 'London and Paris. Black, Brown and Golden Dyes. KzWotrikos the best <1ressii'- for the Hair, Athenian ater ■fertri^thens it. Semperrivens fs the best Restorer. Gentle- DAWS Hats for India, &a. Beat Articlea at moderate-prices. BERJIS W 0 o L and GERMAN NEEDLEWORK IMPORTED DIRECT BY M LEADER, 9, New Inn Yard, Shored itch, t LONDON. E.G. PERFORATED CARBOARD, CANVAS, FILOSELLE, &e. Price LilltII post free. ALKER's CRYSTAL CASE WATCH KS y are superseding all others. Prize Hedals. Tendon, 18-52, Silv-from £ ?• 3s. CoUitrnm £ 6 6s. 77,Cornhil!,E C. ]■( iu-ghot-Bt., W. <Si 70, Strand, W.G'. Bescriptive Pamphlet free. EH HE ALLIANCE SOCIETY, JL 51 MOORG-ATE STREET, LONDON. E.O. IVTJSTORS IS PBR CJUfT. « TOBTISB BONUSKS. I LOANS FOB 20 YEARS. BY < DRAWINGS AND TENDERS. Prospectus, IIle., on application to the secretary. AGENTS WANTED. "WriLNER's SAFES, Best and Cheapest J.TJL .SAFEGUARD against FIRE and THIEVES. Phcenii Sal# Works, Liverpool; D'ARCY^s DUBLIN STOUTT Guaranteed ta be brewed from MAI/T AND HOPS ONLY. ANCHOR BEtewray, DCBLOT. (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one). jpgBESTOS -ft]NGINE J3ACKING, A and IILLBOARD gTEAM JOINTING, are practically INDESTRUCTIBLE. & pric» List and all Particulars from XHEmTtENT ASBESTOS MANUFACTURE CO.,LmrtBD. 31, ST. VINCENT PLACE GLASGOW. lO, MARSDEN STREET, MANCRESTEIEL. SIR W. A. ROSE & CO.'a T.IfiHTHOUSE COLZA OIL. JLi HARP BRAND. Xwcfajuta ft Refiners of all kinds of Burning & Lubricating Oils PmiCB LIST Fttttt ON APPLICATION. Qffloea. 6fi, Upper Thameii Street, London. E.C. BOWA^ITS PATENT Without Smoke, spiln WICK Without Smell. ANUUAJPNTC LAMPS. Without Chimney. BOW ATT & SONS. Edinburgh & London. "SAFE, BRILLIANT, AND ECONOMICAL L IGHT. TM CONTRAST to the numeroni and fatal accidents wliich Mtse from the use of Petroleum, ^OUNG'9 PAitAFFIN OIL inNB been exwjsively burned IN ALL CLIMATKS for TWSNTT-JBJGHT YXARS without a SINGLE ACCI- pyvT its PLASH POINT is invariably 30 DS3BBBS Ahrenheit ABOVE the British Government's standard of SKety, whereby all COST, TROUBLE, and DANGER in CMard to a license for its storage or sale are entirely avoided. ERiur richer in Ca.rbon than any other description of burn- fas Oil. it is unequalled as an ILL gM IN ANT, giving both • VIGOROUS and a BEAUTIFUL FLAME. tJonsidenng Its PRICK, that it BURN3 LONGER by THIRTEEN PER CENT, than Aaierioan Petroleum, it is unquestion- «tv„v V,o most ec >noB.ical light knOWtI. YOUNWO PARAFFIN OIL is thus distinguished for fltflTTTTTT BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. SUMMARY Of A series of experiments mafle by Dr. STEVEN80N MACADAM, F.R.ii.E.. F.O 8., in reference to the Photo- genic power of various illuminating agents: TABLE I. flhfiWlno- the auantiiie* of diffrent iliiuninating materials necessAry to produce the same amount of light. Tseng's Paradiii Oil, burned with X J in. Radiant Burner 1 gal. American Petroleum, do. ll.in. do 1*32 do. ILp&ned Colza Oil, do. I in. Argand do. 188 do. Gas of IS Candle Power, 603 cubic feet. T ABLE II. Assaming that prang's Paraffin Oil and American Petroleum ate wu-h valued at Is. per gallon. Colza Oil at 3s. 6d. per jUDion, and 1/ja^oa Gas at i3s. 6d. per lOOO feet, then to a lit;hi of 22 Standard Candles— tA worth of Vomit" Paraffin Oil will burn 6 hours. Id. d", American Petroleum do. 5 hours. Id. do- <'olza Oil <lo. 1 hour. Jd. o. London Gas do. 36 hours. YOUNG's PARAFFIN LIGHT AND MINERAL OIL COMPANY (Limited). WHOLESALE BRANCHES:— ABKKDBKN, DUNDEE, LONDON, BBLFABT. EDINBURGH. MANCHESTER, BBXSTOL, GLASGOW, NEWCASTLE, DUBLIN, HULL, PARIS, ypbere the Company's High Test Burning Oila and other products can be obtained. OoDmiudcstione may be addressed to the Company at Mob of their Branches, a» above; or to^ U. ÐtnmA8 awtssT, GLABGOW. General Afanxger. UTILITY i! LUXURY! ECONOMY!! CAPTAIN WARREN'S Patent COOKING POTS and BROILERJ5. tJTlLITY So compact that meat and two lands of vegetables cn he cooked stmnltafiponsly in one ressel. juUXuRY: The nourishing juices and nutritious properties •we conserved in uil their punty and richness. 3KCONOMY: ElTects a caring of 3 oi. in the lb,.or 124 p« omt. Almorenders bmmins, aeorching and smoking impossible. Sole Manufacturers (Wholesale only). Henry LoTeridge & Co., Wolverhampton. ')mu«tr<nioM Midpnoes free on tpplication UtUNSoNGER in -fOWN or COUNTRY. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—As Samples only. In order to iotr x'-uce our Goods to the Public on receipt of l> << o, for 5/ we will forward to any address, as SAMPLES, f#TAJBLE itfilVES, 10 TABLE FORKS. 1 Pair Carvers to llatchi Waiii»ot"U<<■ .uineSheffieldCutlery, AamUtWanUd. #ABD, ft Elliott Road, Steelhank, SHEFFIELD CIGARS at Trade prices for Cash, Cheapness &aufttitT>lNoTr*T«lien). 8, STAMPFBR, Cigtt SEnrnhsnt, M 0*wnoinil^St., Fx>ndon. Pnoe list pogt free. PONY PHJETONS, VILLAGE DOG-CARTS, JL, STANHOPES. WAGGONETTES, PARISIENNE8, Ao. IlariQc made the Above oar SptcuUiU for SICS Jean, we are fcoM J to supply them of unequalled quality at most moderate ZrieeLall fuih-warranted. Our sheet of 60 DrawtaB" 8 S* W BIDDLECOMBE, II#, Euston Road, London. N.W. ^THlE RELIANCE FUND ASSOCIATION JL J Limited), Imperial Chambers, D<Ue Street, LIVERPOOL. CERTIFICATE FUNDS.—Subscriptions, 5/» per month, amgtles the Holder to £ 100 by Tender, or free of Intereet by */x, on Ajplioation to thQtanaging Director. J. W. BURDITT. WATCH MANUFACTURER, GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND APARTMENT AGENT 59, Mostyn Street, 1, LAXDUD N (). a.„ 8 ilh ~4 CERTAIN CUKE FOR NERVOUS AJ>E14LLIT V.- GRATIS, a MEDICAL WOEK they may he cured and re- cover Health and Yitflity, without the aid of Quack-, wit!) Kccipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Aiicctious. Ifree on receipt of stui-up to prepay postage. Address, Secretary, ixidtatc of Axi atomy, Birmingham. h 8RYNARVOR HALL SCHOOL TOWYN. PRINCIPAL Mp.. EDWIN JONES, M.R.C.P., Assisted by qualiftrd RESIDENT Masters, for aiii,j3ics, English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Jfueic, &c, I> H YN A R VORB ALL. acommodious and well- ) fitted house has been specially erected for the accotnmod&tion and tuition of boarders. It is "),-antifully situated in an eimnentiy healthy local- with extensive playgrouiids, ciicket- field and iaidonr- attached, elfcog^t-her making the finest and Tiost desirable school pr<-i«i-es in the Principality. Pupils are prepared for the various examinations; •;v;»icctioTi -mth t-h? Universities and Colleges, •o- rl learitefl Pi-ofessiona, Banking, and Com. •norciffl pursuits. Classes are held in connection with the Science and ii Beportmmti, t\v examinations being held ita May <.•5 inch Tiit school year ror.«i?t» of THREE TERMS. V. T-rii .uuacuvc? oritlic 3rd cf September lO Oftft PBESEN^. 5/- X vv'j pakkinsT-sS&o's, 2: 3, St..W. largestiStockinTiuropc-. Writir..?C%SP«,Dt- -1 Bags, Albums, Purses. Iilcgtands, DeaKsj Ljiwi ro- ftnet, & thou«anda of Fancy Articles for Jpe^e't -ta ir if. Å CCIDENT INSURANCE G< >,• A \'Y (limited). No. 7, Bank Buildings, London. K GBHKKAJC. Acorocirrs. Ki^LWAT ACOIDBlfTS. tPKRSOHAJ. lHJURIi DKA.SU BY ACCIU (J. HARDING, y. ■■»r- PURE 35|"ATER.—The Last Improve; >t. and CO.'S PATENT SELF-CLEAM.S U CHARCOAL FILTERS are three times more efficient & seven times more durable than any other. More than 300,000 are in use. 44. Queen Victoria-st., & 69, Oxford-st. Removing from Temple Bar.—Agents in every town keep them in stock. B- RADF0B,DTs "VOWEL" & "SHUTTLE" WASHING! MACHINES.—WRINCJINQ' and u h Ilachin". PREMIER BOX CTILTRITS, &c.. ego. Catalogues free by post on application. T. BRADFORD & Co., 140, 141, 142 and 143. High Holborn. London; 130, Bold Street, Liverpool: Cathedral Steps and Crescent Iron Works. Manchester. TRON HURDLES; IRON HURDLES. A- All kinds of Iron Hurdles, Continuous Fencing, Field and Entrance Oates, Manufactured by B A.YLI3S, JONE9 and BATLISS, Victoria Works, Wolverhampton, and S, looked Lane, Kin*: William Street, London. Catalognes free on application. NYE & Co. Patentees, 31S. OXFORD ST. London, W. ^VflNCING and SAUSAGE 1TJL MACHINES. Masticators to assist digestion, Knife Cleaners, Mills for Coffee, Pepper. Cocoa, &c. The New Wheat Mills, Coffee Roasters, Oarden Coffee, Pepper. Cocoa, &c. The New Wheat Mills, Coffee Roasters, Oarden Pumps, & other labour saving inventions. Illustrated Catalogues post free. X ^HAMPAGHSTE CYDER, Lime Juice Cor- ^riialA VINEOAR. HENLEY & SON, invite AGENTS for sale of the above, all prize articles, of increasing demand. Pam- phlet on application. Office, Joiner St.,Tooley St., London. S.E. OL D SCOTCH WHISKY. Olenleven Malt. Established lOO Tears. TWO UALLONa of thi, 1INE OLD WHIdKY (Case and Bottles included) sent free to any station on receipt of 30'- JOHN HAIO,. SONS Se CO., MABKINCH. N.B. Notice to CIGARETTE SMOKERS.— The finest TURKISH (DTJBBC BABA(TEI) CIGAR- ETTES and TOBACCO.—J. GRUNEBAUM, Cigarette Manu- !i:cturer, 45, Old Bond St.. London, W. (Established 25 years) supplies the finest quality cigarettes only. The DubeoBabagei srrpassss all others from the delicacy of its aroma. Notice.—'JLTie following brands are specially recommended: Per 100. Per 10O. Upper Ten 6S. 6d.! Telegrams 8s. Od. T.i Ui<ips (cigar shape) 8». 6d. A H C's 7s. 6d. !iilii'inaires 8s. 6d- Freemasons 9s. Od. :\Lllii"Hftires 8s. ed. Freemasons. 9s. Od. Lords of England 10s. Od. I Young Ladies' 4s. 6d. Sovereigns, 4s. Od. per lOO Sent free on receipt of remittance by J. GRUNEBAUM. Special terms for the trade. D A V I D J A COB S, L'ICENSED VICTUALLER'S GLASS MANUFACTURER. 38. HAYMARKET, LONIJON. The Largest Stock of Glass and China in the World, made expressly for the use of Hotels and Licensed Victuallers 15 per ei.t. cheaper than any other house. Wholesale Prices. vis- sount for Cash. Caution in the Address Indispensable. DAVID JACOBS, 33, HAYMARKET, LONDON. Illustrated Sheet forwarded on application. ($_ VISITORS to London should stop at the Bainugho.ll Hotel, 5 & 6, New Basinghall St., I minute from M ooigate sic. Station. Bed .^Breakfast ¡6.Attendance l/-daily. TMPORTANT. TO all who have a Garden, Send for HAWLEVS PRICE LIST of Garden Manures, Seeds. Gardening Books, and all kinds of Garden requisites, Post free. SAMUEL, HAWXKY & Co., 14. Eldon Street, London. TiSDIA RUBBER STAMPS are the best J-for receipting, stamping envelopes, etc.. & as linen markers. Agents Wanted everywhere. Assured Income. Send stamp for terms.—Where no Agent known order direct from the Rubber Stamp Co., 15, Holborn Viaduct, London. WEDGK Safety LIFTS and HOISTS. t T This Patent LIFT is far superior to all others, and accidents to life and property entirely prevented wherever it is used. Testimonials, Drawings, &c„ post free. H. A- DAVIS. Engineer. Brindlev St.. New Cross, London, 8.E. Serges woven from the fi nest Wools as supplied repeatedly to Che ROYAL FAMILY EGERTON BURNETT. Orders are daily arriving from all parts. Being of a dye whicil neither rain or salt water can affect, these SERGES surpass all others in appearance and durability. Prices from 112, to 4/8 per yard. New mixtures for Summer. Extra milled ditto for uemlemen & Boys' hard wear, from 3/6 per yard. Pattern books post free. Carriage paid on parcels over £ 8. EGERTON BURNETT. WELLINGTON. SOMERSET. BILLIARD-TABLE CLOTH. The Cheapest House in London for BILLIARD and BAGATELMXTABLE CLOTH. MITCHELL, INMAN & Co.'s, <0. CLOTH FAIR, WEST SMITHFIELD, LONDON. Patterns tent post free. rpTEATEST MARVEL OF THE AGE. VJ SENTLEMEN'S MASSIVE GRADUATED CURB ALBERTS, best Finish, every link 8tamped 18-o., cannot be told from Real at £ 10. F*ee by post for 18 stamps. Honestly cheap at 10/6. Address. STEWART ft Co., Wholesale Jewellers. 121. Park Itoart, Liverpool STBAM ENGINES and BOILERS. O HIRING SYSTEM. Particular* post free. N. G. WILCOCKS, Back Street, BATH. LOYSEL'S PATENT HYDROSTATIC -—* TEA and COFFEE PERCOLATORS. (Block Tin and Copper Bronzed). These Urnll, of which more than 300,000 are now in use, are without exception, the simplest, and the most efficient onea yet introduced; they produce quickly, and with very little trouble, beautifully clear and fine lfavoured Tea or Conee, and effect a considerable saving by extracting aU the strength. XTOSE's PATENT HYDKOPULT. ▼ The best Portable Garden and Fire Engine made, weighs bixtS-Ibg., and will throw water 60 feet. THE ABOVE ARE f10JÆ BY ALL RBSPBCTABLB IKONMOHGBRS. Manufacturers—GRIFFITHS & BROWETT, Birmingham, 21, Moorgate Street, London & 64, Rue des Toqmelles, Paris. WEIGHING MACHINES & WEIGH- » BRIDGES. Every variety of CRANES of manual or steam power. RICHARD KITCHIN.Warrington, Lancashire. SODA WATER and LEMONADE MACHINES. HIRING- SYSTEM.. With recipes and information to make all aerated drinks. Particulars post free. N". G. WILOOU-KS, Back St., BATH. mO BUILDERS, PLUMBERS, Decorators, ftc. New Illustrated price list, verr much reduced for cash, free on application to ALFRED 8YER, 6 ft 8 Penton- ville Road. London, N. GLASS, LEAD, ZING, OILS, COLOURS, VARNISHES, and PAPER HANGINGS. LITTLE WONSER PONY CARRIAGE £21., Gadabout Cart ICIS. Designs free. J. ROBERTS & SONS, West of England Carriage Works, Bridgwater. CAUTION mHORLEY's FOOD FOR CATTLE Beware tof Spurious imitations. InTentor'a name Joseph Thorleyon each packet,also SOLE ADDRESS ThornbiUBridge Caledonian Road, if-ingle Cross, London. gold Everywhere. S. RUMSEY's ROYAL(IXL) JEWEL- •LERY TABLETS, in Fancy Boxes with Brush and Chamois complete. IMPROVED NON-MERCURIAL and ROUGE PLATE Powders. ROYAL (IXLI BRILLIANT FURNITURE POLISH. Manufactory: 881. CLAFHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W. Second Edition—Just Published, PoBt-free 4 Stamps. PILES, HEMORRHOIDS, &c. Their Treatment and Core by an entirely New Process. AdAreu-GBORGE CHEVERTON, TUNBRIDGE WELLS n_ ROBERTS, WILLIAMS, & CO., TIMBER MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. WHOLESALE YARD 185, REGENT ROAD, CANADA DOCK. SAW MILLS AND JOINERY WORKS:- BOUNDARY STREET. CbaifBH )P Stanley ROAII. RW. & Co., have recently made extensive ADDITIONS to their JOINERY DEPART- MENT, where they are now prepared to execute orders (on the Shortest Notice), for all kinds of Machine-made Joinery, namely- DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, SKIRT. INGS, CHURCH AND CHAPEL PEWING, &e. All guaranteed of the best Material and Work- manship. N.B.—Copy of Designs of Moulds. &c., to be had free on application. 1049g MONEY! MONEY MONEY! MONEY" LENT BY LLOYD AND CO., COMMERCIAL ADVANCE OFFICES, Theatre Buildings, Preston, Lane., in any sum from L5 to £1000, to respectatble persons, male or temale (householders), tradesmen, farmers, Mothers upon their furniture, stocks, &c., at less rates of interest than those usually charged by many, also without sureties, exposure, removal, delay or in- curring any unnecessary expense. NO" DEDUCTIONS WHATEVER are made from the amount applied for, and the money when advanced can be repaid at such periods, and by such instalments, as are in reason with the security. Special Rates for Farmers who wish to increase their Stocks, &c. Four per cent. allowed an deposits. Apply personally, or by letter to THOMAS ROWE, Manager. BANK E N I) MILLS, PA ISLEY/ o CAR LI LE AND CO., DEU TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TllLlii 6-GORD SOFT AND EXTRA QUALITY GLACE THREAD, WHICH are manufactured expressly to stand the tension of the SEWING MACHINE, and Y T which will be found on trial superior to any other make. C. AND Co. beg also to direct attention to their celebrated CROCHET or TATTING COTTON. o HOLDERS OF LONDON, PARIS, AND VIENNA PRIZE M E D A L S, AWARED FOR "VEBY EXCELLENT QUALITY -0- ASK FOR CARLILE AND CO'S 6-CORD MACHINE AND PRIZE CROCHET COTTON. THE CARNARVON PRINTING WORKS (OFFICES OF "Y GENEDL GYMREIG" AND "NORTH WALES EXPRESS NEW HARBOUR, CARNARVON. THE Proprietors respectfully call the attention of Quarry Proprietors, Merchants, Trades- men, and the Public generally, to the opening of the above Works, which have been fitted up with Type and Machinery of the best and newest description. They are thus enabled to execute GENERAL PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLACARDS, AND POSTING BILLS, &c., OF ANY SIZE OR COLOUR, SHOW CARDS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES," FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' RULES, BALANCE SHEETS, ACCOUNTS, MEMORANDUMS, INVOICES, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c., CHEQUE AND RECEIPT BOOKS, TIME SHEETS, BANKUPTCY FORMS, &c., &c, &c. LITHOGRAPHY, PAPER RULING, BOOKBINDING, &c., &c., On the most reasonable terms, and with the utmost despatch. The Proprietors having purchased a choice and extensive selection of Type, &c., will be able to execute Printing with neatness and clearness, and they hope that by the exercise of tact in thepur- chase of Materials, a prompt and careful attention to all orders, and their reasonable Charges, to merit a share of public patronage. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND i GENERAL IRONMONGERY DEPOT. ROBERT WILLIAMS, BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, CARNARVON, AND MARKET PLACE, PWLLHELI t HAS recently erected some extensive Warehouses in close proximity to the Brunswick Build- ings, wherein to keep Iron, Steel, and Bulky Goods, so that the Show Rooms of the Agricultura Department are now tilled with THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Has been greatly improved, and is now complete with GRATES, KITCHEN RANGES, HEATING & COOKING STOVES, and an excellent stock of Building Ironmongery. THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT (to this Department has been added the large room formerly known as the Workmen's Institute, which covers an area of 1,560 superficial feet-the largest Show Room in North Wales) still retains its reputation, which contains a well-selected Stock of Brass and Iron Bedsteads in French and Half- Testers, Spring Mattrasses, Beds, Straw Palliasses, &c., made on the Premises; Feathers and Flocks at all prices. Modern Designs in Electro-plated Goods. Best Sheffield Cutlery, &c. ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS SUITABLE FOR THE VARIOUS SEASONS, Consisting of CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP PULP OILCAKE MILLS, CORN CRUSHERS, GRINDING MILLS, WINNOWERS. WEIGHING MACHINES, &c., STIFF AND SPRING CARTS, WAGGONS AND LORRIES by the Best Makers, CHAMPION WELSH AND ENGLISH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, SCUFFLERS, PATENT TOOTHED AND CHAIN HARROWS, SHEEP RACKS, CATTLE CIvxBS, PIG TROUGHS, &c. STEAM ENGINES AND THRASHING MACHINERY. Estimates given for IRON HURDLES and all kinds of Fencing, which will compare most favourably with any English firm. Quarry Proprietors and Smiths supplied with the best Iron and Steel, at advantageous prices. SPADES, SHOVELS, PICKS, HAMMERS MOULDS, and all Quarry requisites. STWING MACHINES. By the best English and American Makers, including the "HOWE," "SINGERS," "THOMAS," "IMPERIAL," "REMINGTON," "LITTLE WANZER," "PRINCESS OF WALES," "WILLCOX AND GIBBS," "CHALLENGE," "WEIR," &c. SPORTING AND MILITARY AMMUNITION, RABBIT AND BIRD TRAPS, &c. GOODS AMOUNTING TO Y,2 AND UPWARDS IN VALUE SENT CARRIAGE FREE ANY RAILWAY STATION IN WALES. B426h CAERNARFON. ENERAL PRINTING.—THE CARNARVON PRINTING WORKS, NEW HARBOUR. CARNARVON. URNISHING IRONMONGERY^SOBERT WILLIAMS, Brunswick Buildings, Castle Sa. Grates, Stoves, Ranges, Bedsteads, Bedding, Cutlery, and Plated Goods. 45 Grates, Stoves, Ranges, Bedsteads, Bedding, Cutlery, and Plated Goods. 45 BOOKBINDING (WHOLESALE & RETAIL).—ENOCH WILLIAMS, ~IS7 mil-street (»ear the Church), Twthill, Estimates on application. 71 pOACH BUILDING.—R. WILLIAMS, BRUNSWICK CARRIAGE WORKST^ti^ V-/ Broughams, Landaus, Phaetons Alexandras, Gigs, Dog Carts, &c., &c. 44 AMILY GROCERY AND PROVISIONS.—OWEN EVANS, Tea Dealer and General Grocer, Eastgkte-street. Goods,of Superior Quality and Reasonable Terms Family orders promptly attended to and delivered. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE.—HUGH WILLIAMS, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, &c., i- Eastgate-street .and Skinner-street. All goods by Rail carriage paid. 69 URNISHING IRONMONGERY.—T. O. JONES, Tin Plate Worker, 12, Eastgate-street, Sole Agent for Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machines. 50 UBLIC ACCOUNTANT.—ROBERT HUGHES, General Carnarvon Agent, Land Valuer, Surveyor, &c., &c. 47 \*riNE8 AND SPIRITS.—JOHN^OWEN JONES WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. If Castle Ditch and Palace Street. 49 4 GRICULTURAL MACHINES.—ROBERT WILLIAMS, Brunswick Buildings. Steam A- Engines, Mowers, Reapers, Harrows, Ploughs, &c., &c. CLWT-Y-BONT. rAILORING ESTABLISHMENT.—R. B. ELLIS, General Draper and Outfitter. Cedwir JL Cutter medrua. Gwneir pob archeb yn brydlon. Prisiau rhesymol. 594 BANGOR. PROVISION MERCHANTS, Wholesale.—EDWARDS & Co., 339 k 210A, High-street. Jt. Prime Butters in Tubs and Firkins from 9d. Whole Hams, 6d. 298h TH@ BiU'N.SWH'K CARRIAGE WORKS, CARXARyONr" ROBERT WILLIAMS T>EGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and his numerous Customers that he has purchaspd iha ±J above extensive business, lately carried pn by Mr John Owen Jones, where, bv strict and c £ e £ l attention, he hopes to merit the continuance 'of the patronage accordcd to his predecessor. f ™ All kinds of Carriages, comprising LANDAUS, BROUGHAMS OMNIBUSF^ BRAKES, WAGGONETTES, PHiETONS, WHITECHAPELS, DOG-CARTS, ALEXANDRAS &c., &c., made of the best materials, style, and workmanship. His STOCK also comprises a first-class selection of CARRIAGE LAMPS APRONS, (both Leather and India Rubber), RUGS, MATS, &c., &c. SECOND-HAND TRAPS BOUGHT, EXCHANGED, AND REPAIRED. Particular attention is always paid to the selection of good, sound, and well-seasoned timber (a lavr»0 quantity of which is always kept on hand), which ensures quick despatch and without anv S of Sn timber being used. •> riSK 01 green ,R- WILLIAMS' experience in the Hardware Trade enables him to buy Springs and AvW 0,i kinds of Carnage Ironmongery from the best Manufacturers and at the lowest prices. Axles' and a11 PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS— R. WILLIAMS, BRUNSWICK CARRIAGE WORKS, E425-h CASTLE SQUARE, CARNARVON. GRIFFITH OWEN'S PECTORAL ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. TRADE MARK THE best, safest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs Colds Astt™„ nQ+ Griflith Owoll* Sold by all respectable Chemists in bottles, Is. I"zd., 2s. 9d., and 48. 6(1. each. This juilicious coinTjiiicvtioit is the most effective rpmpdv fn-p an a against the consequences arising from exuosuro t<i i preventive to any form. When we consider*degree-Catarrh • origin in a slight cold—complaints which may be the prelude to their tory diseases, and of which Consumption may be advantage of a reliable remedy will be acknowledged by all terminations—the SOLD WHOLES ALE BY MRS. GRIFFITH OWEN, HIGH STREET, CARNARVON. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, OR VEGETABLE TONIC. Approved and Registered according to Law. 10 AB /^ONSISTOSTG of Quinineand the active principles T V of Saraapanlla, Saffron, Lavender Th(! fe'reat object of the Quinine Bitters » U tr, S t,henii^\springs (as itwere) ofthemech^ilm produee su'e^r n^nfulUI/fV</ +?,rio1us cnuses which proauce sucn pamiul effects m the human svstem They assist digestiou, promote and facilitate circula- tion, strengthen the nerves and muscles mirMV +KA blood, brace up the system in short, bring the whole Sftid^rith Sv tU<l- heal^. eondSon. Beki| gmea witn nighlj tonic and digestive nronertie« they are specialty recommended as an effective ^depression of spirits, sensation of sSg inX stomach, bilious head-aches, nervous relaxation muscular weaknes, wasting of the ti^TTpo sleep, heartburn, cramp, For all affections of the chest, such as hoarseness, 'cough, spitting of blood, asthma frn x acknowledged and appreciated by those who have tried them. This remedy does not in'i 11 r« 't>1 n +effect is composed exclusively of ingredients of a vegetable character, the action of which on the hummi -aS i1,? but efficient, and adapted to all ages, from the intent to the adult, and to every vari^ constitution. They can in no way injure the stomach; and the benefits derived from their use ^aUiJ of a temporary and injurious stimulant of the digestiv<yorgana, bnt they effect a radical and result restoring the normal functions of the stomach, and acting m consort with nature to expel disease. cure, by Experiment will serve to establish it as a household remedy. As the "Quinine Bitters" act on the constitution generally, the patient is cautioned not tnbo immediate success, and the patentee does not profess that they act m a miraculous manner °1 dose cures," or in "ten minutes," &c., asmay be often seen advertised; but they will aft^r L e.. "^1 trial, show their beneficial effects, il taken in time. 'cUT,er a ialr and contmued The 4s 6d bottles contain as much as two 2s 9d bottles thereby the purchaser may save a shillin To be had of all first-class Chemists, or direct from g. MK. GWILYM EYANS, PHARMACEUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, L L A N E L L Y. Any Chemist can order these, free of expense with their other goods, from the wholesaln J Sons, London; Evans, Sons, and Co., Liverpool; Bowers Brothers, Chester pffih't; 7rtd (iraham Manchester« &c. iD. n_ lE 484 Y GENEDL GYMREffi" (The Welsh Natioit). IN consequence of the unprecedented uccess that has attended the publication of the "Y Genedl Gymreig," it has been deemed expedient to make a considerable enlargement in its size. THE LARGEST OF WELSH PAPERS. CIRCULATION—23,000 WEEKLY. 500 AGENCIES IN WALES. Having such an extensiv circulation in the Com- mercial and Agricultural circles the Genedl Gymreig affords to advertisers special facilities, and undoubtedly is the best medium for advertis- ing throughout Wales. Y GENEDL GYIQREIG (The Welsh Nation). LARGEST OF ALL WELSH NEWSPAPERS. EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. CIRCFT ATION 23,000 WEEKLY All Cheques and Post Office Orders to be made payable to ROBERT WILLIAMS, Carnarvon Printing Works, to whom also all Communications must be addressed. WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE AS A CERTAIN CURE For Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression, Irritability, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Sour Eructation, Lowness of Spirits with sensation of fuluess at the pit of the Stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Eyes, &c. DR SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS STAND UNRIVALLED As a General Family Aperient Medicine they have no equal, being mild in their operation, and fateful to the stomach, they give a healthy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the necessary organs of the Stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole system. Prepared only by W. Lambert, la, Vere-street, London, W., in boxes Is lid., and "three times the quantity in one, 2s 9d., or post free 15 or 35 stamps, and sold by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the word. The genuine are in square green package with the name and address William Lambert, 8, King William-street, Charing Cross,' engraved OR the Government Stamp. Do not be pursuaded by anyone to buy any other medicine instead, but insist on having the right thing. Take down the particulars,—Dr Scott's Bilious and Liver PiUs, wrapped in a square green package. 915a MONEY immediately advanced to any -D-i. amount, from 150 and upwards, upon every description of security, comprising real and per- sonal estate, farming stock, reversions, annuities, furniture (without removal), life policies, and other tangible personal security. No charges made, or commissioti taken, and the strictest secrecy will in all cases be observed.—Interest as follows, viz.:— On freeholds or leaseholds from 3 per cent. per annum; personal security from 4 per cent. per annum. Other securities at equally reasonable rates.—Applicants are requested to apply in the first instance by letter, containing full particulars, in order to save unnecessary trouble, to FiiEnERicK HAWKINS, Esq., 9, Great Russell Street, Blooms- bury, London, W C. e6q—i THE MYNYDDOG MUSICAL SCHOLARSHIP AND MEMORIAL. HOW Sir Watkin M.P. HON. VicE-I?RESID T The Mosb Honourable the Mar-quess of Londonderry. David Dax-ies, Esq., M.P. Richard Davies, Esq., M P Sir Thomas Gibbons Frost, Knt. Lord Richard Grosvenor, M.P. Hughes, Esq., M.P. ^T^lllk,e1^ Hughes, Esq. T. E. Lloyd, Esq., M.P. Samuel Holland, Esq., M.P Morgan Lloyd, Esq., Q.C., M.P. W. i. Maitland, Esq., M.P G. Osborne Morgan, Esq., Q.C., M.P J. H. Puleston, Esq., M!p. Love Joiie-Pal-i-y, Esq., (ElPhin ap Gwyddno), Henry Richard. Esq., M.P. Honourable F. Hanbury Tracy, M.P Captain Edmund H. Verney, R N 0. W. W. Wynn, Esq., M.P. The Honourable C. H. Wynn, of Bhug, &c., &c. H02T. TEEASTTRWD • CaPSm°: M- Crewe-R^ S Plas Dinam, L!an- „ T „ „ T. SECBETABY Mont 9' Mana«er ot Van Railway, Caersws, Mont. th^intenMnt, resolved to1set^nfmtLIa^dinam' 111 ^he ehS^it was WjdeT aml Mynyddo^s talents and services to TOc&dfa? th Ja2on? (ifthe 111811 position which he vtew Mr j otuhlB comitrymen. With this and thf* Hugbos, was appointed secretary, and the chairman Captain O. M. Crewe-Read. R, N hon. treasurer. The further consideration of the exact r2v?^ Memorial was deterred until August 2nd xxr ii/'1 meeting was held at Cemmaes Road, Sir Watldn W. Wynn in the chair. It was then unanimously resolved:— 1. That the appointment of the honorary treasurer and secretary at the previous meeting be confirmed. 2. That a subscription be entered into for th» fnnn'.io tion of an Exhibition in the University CALIENT Wales, ojjen to the Principality, to encourj^e and deve- lope musical talents. 3. That a Memorial be placed in the College to com- memorate Mynyddog s generous beauest to the TTni versity for this and kindred purposes 4. That the best thanks of the meeting be mvmi he takes in. the matter. Caers:w^(by che(lue. or to the Money Order Office, Caeisws), are respectfully solicited. J. C. HUGHES, Otocber 14th. Manager of Van Railway Caersws, Mont. THE PRIZE ESSAY AT THE CARNARVON NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD ON "THE TRAINING SHIP FOE NORTH WALES." Its Physical, Social, and Moral Advantages. A Limited Numoer of Copies of the Essay have been printed in a neat Book, price 6d. Parties desiring copies should order at once. Express Office, Carnarvon. IONEY! MONE -Money immediately ill. advanced to Householders, Farmers, Cow Keepers, Car and Cab Owners, Tradesmen, and others, without any kind of sureties. Distance no object.—Apply to L. Rouse and Co., Financial Agents, 3, Kirkgate, Huddersfield. -N. B. -All communications strictly private and confidential. 1462h