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1 r* PRESENTS FROM 51- JL .5 PAXiKXN? »OTTO'S,27&28,Oxford gt.W^ s-. Stock in Enrope. WritingCases, Dressing^ Cases, Bags, A): oS. Pursf3. Desks, Lawn Tennis, Cro- quet, & thV.<hWls of Fancv Articles for Presents, Liata free. CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY IT.iir.itcrli, No. 7, Bank Buildings, IiOEirt^n, E.C. OEHKRAli ACOIDKKTS. I PEttSONA.Ii INJURIES. UINWAF ACCIDESTS. I DEATH BY ACCIDENTS. C. HARDING, Manager. PURE WATER.—The Last Improvement. LIPS'OM UK and OCX'S PATENT SELF-0uE ANINQ- CHABOOAL >Tl.TEJtS are three times more efficient & seven titnes more durable than any other. More than 300.000 are in nse, 44. Queen Victoria-st., & 69. Oxford-st. Kemoving from Tempi" Rar.-Agents in every town keep them in stock. c EfRADFOiU)\s "VOWEL" & "SHUTTLE" » WASHING MA''HIXUS.—WiifNGlN(} and MV.nu'linf; )1¡wlÚnps PREMTKil BOX MANOLK3, UHtJFt.NS, &o &0. Catalogues fre»» by post on application. X. BRADi 'OIIO <& Ce., 140, 141, 142 and 143, High Holborn. London; .;0, Bold Street. Liverpool; Cathedral Steps and Crescent 1 run. Works, Manchester. IK*)y HURDLES, IRON HURDLES. All kiads of Iron Hurdles, Continuom Fencing, Field and Entrance Gates, Manufactured by BAYLISS. JONES and BA\ LISS, Viotoria Works, Wolverhampton, and S. Crooked i.ane, King William Street, London. Catalogues free on application. Nye & Co.; ]%tincingT»uxd sausage „ MACHINES, Masticators to assist (Ii^<vsion, Knife Olenners, Mills for 373, OXFORD ST. ( r.iiee. Pepper, Cocoa, &c. The New T Wheat Mills, Coffee Roasters, Garden i-io on, j Pumps, & other labour saving inventions. W. Illustrated Catalogues port free. CHAMPAGNE CYDER, Lime Juice Cor- dial&VINEGAR. HENLFY fc SON, invite AGENTS for Bale of the above, ail prize articles, of increasing demand. Pam- phlet on application. Office, Joiner St.,Tooley St.. London. ff.E. OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. Gienleveu Malt. Established 100 Years. TWO GALLONS of thi- 1INJE OLD WHISKY (Case and liottlen included) sent free to any station on receipt of 30/- JOHN HAlG. SONS & CO., MARKING a. N.H. TVOTICE to CIGARET j'E SMOKERS.— .1..11 The finest TURKISH (i)UBEO BABAGEI) CIGAR- ETTES and TOBACCO. —J.GRUNK'iiAUM, Cigarette Manu- fsct urer, 15, Old Bond St., London, W. (Ifetab'shed 21 years) auppiies the finest quality cigarettes only. The Dub<»c Babajjei surpasses all others from the delicacy of its aroma. Notice.—lhe following brands are specially recommended: Per 10 0. Per lOO. Tipper Ten 6s. ad.; Telegrams 8s. Od. "Cramps (cigar shape) 8s. 6d. i A B .1 7s. 6d. Millionaires 8s. 6d. Freemasons 9s. Od. Xiords of England lOs. Od. 1 Tonng Ladies' 4s. Gd. Sovereigns, 4s. oct. per 100. Sent fœe on receipt of re.;ar,tanee by J. GltUNEBAUM. Special terms fo,- the trade. 1) A V I D J A Co B S, LICENSED VICTUALLER'S GLASS MANUFACTURER, SS, HAYi\1ARKE1" LONDON. The Largest Stock of Glass a-id China in the World, made expressly tor the use of Hotels (I Licen .d Victuallers 15 per Cent, cheaper than any other house. \WholesiUo l'ncos. Dis- count for Cash. Caution in the Address Indispensable DAVID JACOBS. 33, HATIXARKF.T, LONDON. Iiiustiated lorwai-.led on application. VISITORS to London sb >nld stop at the w ill Hotel, 5 8, New B«win?haii Ht., llIiinute from Moorgatf; St. Station. He I a Breakill.-t Attendance IMPORTANT. To all wlu. have a Garden, Send for of Garden Manures, Seeds. ix&idening B.x»ta, and all kind# "f Garden requisites, Post free. SA MCKI. HAWLEV & Street, London. INDIA RUBBER "STAMPS are the best iorr c.eipting, stamping envelope*, otc.. & as linen markers. Agent* Wanted everywhere. Assured Income. Send stamp for terms.—Where no Agent snoTVa order ciin"c. from the Rubber Stahlp Co.. 15, Hathurn Viaduct, London. WEDGK Safely LIFTS and HOISTS. This Patent LIFT is far sup-rrior to all others, and accidents to life and property enir-ly prevented wherever it is nsed. Testimonials. Drawings, &0,. post free. H.A. DAVIS Hnn lU-y St., N'c-ar Crc.¡, London, S.E. THE CITY of LOJNI> >N TIC A COMPANY, 36. BASIXG11 ALL STREET, EC. Supply their Tell.O direct t > private consumers. The City or London Tea Co., invite attention to their t'P,operat:; ■ çl!l. which enabled small ooit-.us:u rs to obtaiu Ihexr Tea ecr- from tl", Wholesale House. Price .sts withjcu particulars p >st free on apT'lication. HEAVE'S FOOD FOR INFANTS. ..L' YOCNG CHILDREN" AND INVALIDS. ".>!el by CHEMISTS and GRO:;iiRs at home and abroad. TASMANIA—Persons intending- to settle in Tasmania should ap)lyf"r FJtEE GP.A NTS of LAND and full infoi-Tiifit o,t almnt the Colony, either pet>oually or \sy letter to the Gov-rn(;!<>itt EtnigrauX .gents. — THE JfcMlCRAXT :t"dJ(JT/ ).rS'1'5' AID OORPORATION limited. C. Dugnld Buekier, Secretary, 2:>. Queen Anne's Gate. Westminster, London. flUiM most"WONDEUFUL INVENTION JL of the Age is the PIT.E MIOrlOL'HONE. Post tree B/- Farticulars post freej j>■■■. Lancaster and Son, Birmingham- ICYCLKS, PALM Kit, EX-CHAMPION. Bestmake—any pattern. Liston application. Four photo- graphs, Is. Vietoria Works, Aston Park, Birmingham. SUSQUEHANNA" "PILLS.—Protessor "WEBSTER'S celebrated Su qi'j'hanna Pills have, during the last 2S Yf-ar.. cured hundreds of thousands cf indigestion, biliousness, liver complaints, and diseases of the blood. BOOKS OF TESTIMONIALS from ali parts sent free and post paid on application. Said by ail Chemists and Patent "Medicine Vendors, lhe pills will be sent by return, post paid, to any address, for 'i-H :13, 54, and 132 postage stamp* fer box.—Address SAMUEL RUSH.WORTH, Secretary, lotanic Institute, NOl'JINGHAM. /^TAiLDi-N • II1 QTJISITkS, GARDEN ROLLERS, WATER BARROWS, HOSE REELS, IRON WHEI'U,BARROWS, GARDEN SEATS, TABLES, ftc., &(1. LAWN MdWiiEJ by any known maker at 10 per cent. DISCO prices.. Illustrated price list post free. HENRY VDRIEN & 110.. Manufacturers and Merchants, Lane. London, B.0, FARMILOK & SONS. BEER ENGXNE V«» MANVPACT¡;nER,;¡, BRASS FOUNDERS, &c. All kinds of Beer Engines, Mnllers, Warmers, Glass and China Barrels, Pewter Puts, Filters, Taps Sic kept in stock. The New ILLUSTRATK1) CATALo<jUE is now ready, post free on application. G. Farmiloe & Sons. 34, St. John St., West 8mithtie!d, London, E.< Or thy goods can be obtained of Hry Ironmonger, or FlumVr in Town Qr Country ti~T can honestly dsolare that MACNIVEN w » SrCAMERON'Si'ENSarethebest Bury Times. "They come as a boon and a blessing to men." "The Pickwiok. Owl and the Wavorley Pen." Standard says, "They are a treasure." 6d. and 1/- per Box. Sold throuehout the World. JUST OUT-THE Ci PEN for Fine Writing. Specimen Boxes, containing all the kinds, by post 1/1. Patentees, Maoticen t Cameron, %tto 3S, Blair St., Edinburgh. XpOR Y EN TIT7ATINGTUBES, AERATING J- Fi ters, Self-cleansing House Cif terns and other improved Sanitary Appliances the SANITARY ENGINEERING and VENTILATION COMPANY, 115, Victoria Street, West- minster, S. W. Prospectuses free by post, also a Sanitary treatise entitled HaUh and Heallhy Hows." for 7 stamps. Yorkshire ST ON E. Every description. SAWN, (random or dimension), MACHINE Polished, Tooled, or Unworked Landings, flags. Steps, HEADSTONKS. Slabs, &c., &c xkwif AS WOOD & Co .Spinkwoll & Clitfwoad Quarries, Bradford. wJ(ASWOOJJ & Co .Spinkwoll &: Olitfwood Quarries,Bradford. Quotations and tiven. BRYNAKVOH HALL SCHOOL TOWYN. FH.IN.CEVAT.. MR. EDWIN JONES, l11.RC. i' Assisted by qtialifird RnnT;Ex-r. MASTERS, for Classics, English, Mathematics, Moden: Languages, Music, &c. BEi YN AR VOR H A XiL, acommod i ous and well- B titted house has been specially erected for the accommodation and tuition of boarders. It is beautifully situated in an eminently healthy local- ity, with extensive playgrounds, cricket field and gardens attached, altogether making the finest and most desirable school premises in the Principality. Pupils are prepared for the various examinations m ".r)m1Pf.tion. with tlit- Universities and Colleges, for the learned Professions, Banking, and Com- mercial pursuits. Clause* are hild in connect-'nr with the Science and Jirt, Deportment, the examin-Uions being held in May in each year. The school year consists of THREI: TEUMS. WTNTKH TEHM commences on the 3rd of Sentember T\/fONEY immediately advanced to any J31 amount, from £50 and upwards, ilpen every description of security, comprising real and per- sonal estate, fanning stock, reversions, annuities, furniture (without removal), life policies, and other tangible personal security- No charges made, or commission taken, and the strictest secrecy will in all cases be observe1.-Interest as follows, viz. On fret-hauls or leaseholds from 3 per cent. per annum; personal security from 4 per cent. per annum. Other securities at equally reasonable wate8.-Applkants am requested to apply in the first instance by lettcontaining full particulars, in order to save un^B :ssary trouble, to FREDERICK HAWKINS, Esq., 9, ^p.eat Russell Street, Blooms- bury, London. W PL eQ(\—i J. W^XJRDITT, WATCH fMNUFACTURER, GOLDSM^P fND JEWELLER, AUfffQNEER, HOUSE AND J^AETMENT AGENT 59, Kostyn Street, LLANDUDNO. 8 ilh Serges woven fto mtbe finest Wools as supplied repeatedly totue R"YA,-L Serges woven from the finest Wools as supplied repeatedly to the ROYAL FAMILYby EGERTON BURNETT. Orders are daily arriving from all patrs. Being of a dye which neither rain or salt water can affect. these SERGES surpass all-others in appearance and durability. Prices from 12i to 4/0 per yard. New mixtures for Summer. Extra milled ditto for hard wear, from 3/6 per yard. Pattern bookivost free. Carriage paid on parcels over £ 2. EGERTON BURNETT, WELLINGTON, SOMERSET. BILLIARD-TAB LE CLOTH. B The Cheapest House in London for BILLIARD and BAGATELLE-TABLE CLOTH. MITCHELL, INMAN & Co.'s, 40. CLOTH FAIR, WEST SMITHFIELD, LONDON. Patterns sent post free. JTOLEAT EST MAUVE L OF THE AGE. VT GENTLEME-N'S MASSIVE GRADUATED CURB ALBERTS, best Finish, every link Stamped 18-c., cannot be told from Real at JEIO. Free by post for 18 stamps. Honestly cheap at 10/'1. Address. STEWART & Co., Wholesale Jewellers, 121. Park Ro.-trt, Liverpool SSTEAM ENGINES and BOILERS. HIRING SYSTEM. Particulars post free. N. G. WILCOCKS, Back Street, BATH. LOYSEL's PATENT HYDROiSTATIC TEA and COFFEE PERCOLATORS. (Block Tin and Copper Bronzed). These Urns, of which more than 200,000 are nowinuse, are without exception, the simplest, and the most efficient ones yet introduced; they produce quickly, and with very little trouble, beautifully clear and fine flavoured Tea or Coffee, and effect a considerable saving bv extracting all the strength. YTOSE's PATENT HYDROPULT. » The best Portable Garden and Fire Engine made, weighs but 8-lbs.. and will throw water 50 feet. THE ABOV"; ARK BY ALL RESPECTABLE IRONMOHQKES. ManufaottireM-GRIFFITlid & BROWETT, Birmingham, 21, Moorgate Street, London & 64, Rue des Tourneiles. Paris. WEIGH 1.NG M AC HI NES & WEIGH- BRIDGES. Every variety of CRANES of manual or steam power. RICHARD KI FCHINVWarrington, Lancashire. SODA WATER and LEMONADE MACHINES. III 11 ING SYSTEM. With recipes and information to make all aerated drinks. Par.iculais post free. N. G. WILCOCKS, Back St., BATH. rilO BUILDERS. PLUMBERS, Decorators, 1 J- &c. New Illustrated price list, very much reduced for cash, free on application t6 ALFRED SYER, 6 & 8 Penton- ville Roan, London, N. GLASS. LEAD, ZINC, OILS, COLOURS, VARNISHES, and PAPER HANGINGS. LITTLE WONDER PONY CARRIAGE -'LJ £ 91, Gadabout Cart LIS. Designs free. J. ROBERTS & SONS, West of England Carriage Works, Bridgwater. CAUTION rilHORLEY^s FOOD FOR CATTLE T Beware of Spurious imitations. Inventor's name Joseph Thorlcy on each packet.alsoSOLE ADDRESS, Thcrnhill Bridge Caledonian Road, King's Cross, London. Sold Everywhere. WS RUMSEY sR0YAL(1XL)JEWEL- •LERY TABLETS, in Fancy Boxes with Brash and Chamois complete. IMPROVED NON-MERCURIAL and ROUGE PLATE Powders. ROYAL fIXL) BRILLIANT < FURNITURE POLISH. Manufactory: 281, CLAPHAM ROAD. LONDON, S.W. Second Edition—Just Published, Post-free 4 Stamps. PILES, HEMORRHOIDS, &c. Their Treatment and Cure bv an entirely New Process. Address-GEORGE CHEVERTON, TUNBBIDGE WELLS CHEAP POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. All who appreciate the luxury of a real Irish Cambrio Handkerchief should write for Samples (post free), of our LaW.8 bordered at 3/11 and 8/11 per dozen, hemmed for use. Ladies Hemstitched at 711 and 10/S exquisitely fine: of our Gent's bordered, at 6/6 and 8/11 and Hemstitched at 12/9 per dozen, by so doing a genuine article (all pure flax) will be secured' snd a saving effected of at least BO per Cent. ROBINSON & CLEAVER, Cambric Handkerchief Manu- FACtil! ers to Her Majesty the Queen, BELFAST. TAMES0N7PIM. & Co.'s DUBLIN STOUT. tt NORTH ANNE STREET, DUBLIN. Branch Offices-IS, Chapel Street, Liverpool. „ „ 8, Blue Boar Court, Manchester. „ 2, Broad Quay, Bristol. 44. Meriden Street. Birmingham. JJIBERA S KERRY (Registered) 21/- per dozen. SUPPLIED on the TRUE O CO-OPERATIVE principle by BEECHENO & CO.. 46, London Street, Norwich. and 6. Vine Street. Minories, London, E.C. SAMPLE DOZEN NOT CHARGED. Full particulars free by post on application. PONY" PHiETONS, VILLAGE DOG-CARTS, JL STANHOPES, WAGGONETTES, PARISIENNES, &o. Having made the above our Snecialite for 25 years, we are enabled to supply them of unequalled quality at most moderate prices, all fully warranted. Our sheet 01 (30 Drawings 6 stamps. J & W. BIDDLECOMBK, *18, Euston Road, London, N.W. CLI-VELA,ND's WALNUT POMADE. The oldest established and boat Pomade for restoring Grey liair to its natural Color, and darkening red or light hair. Of all Chemists and Perfumers, 1/6 and 2 6 per pot. VEN ETI AN BLINDS Made, VENETIAN BLINDS Painted, VENETIAN BLINDS and Varnished by machinery. Send for illustrated li t to GREEN & CO., Kilburn Blind Works. Canterbury Koad. Londo:N.»V. IGHTNING CONDUCTORS complete & ready J for fixing, which can be uoneby anyworkman SOfeetlong. ■rts 2s 60 ft.. £ 2 lOs.; 80 ft.. £ a 14».: lOO ft. ^3 6s. Longer ROBERTS, WILLIAMS, & CO., TIM B E, R MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. WHOLESALE YARD 185, REGENT ROAD, CANADA DOCK. SAW MILLS AND JOINERY WORKS :— BOUNDARY STREET, C.)aNER DP STANLEY ROAD. RW. & Co., have recently made extensive ADDITIONS to their JOINERY DEPART- MENT, where they are now prepared to execute orders (on the Shortest Notice), for all kinds of Machine-made Joinery, namely— DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, SKIRT- INGS, CHURCH AND CHAPEL PEWING, &c. All guaranteed of'the best Material and Work- manship. N.B.—Copy of Designs of Moulds, &c., to be had free on application. 1049? THE MtNYDDOG MUSICAL SCHOLARSHIP AND MEMORIAL. HON. PRESIDENT Sir Watkin W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. HON. YICE-PEESIDENTS ■ The Most Honourable the Marquess of Londonderry. David Davies, Esq., M.P. Richard Davies, Esq., M.P. Sir Thomas Gibbons Frost, Knt. Lord Richard Grosvenor, M.P. W. Bulkeley Hughes, Esq., M.P. G. W. Bulkeley Hughes, Esq. T. E. Lloyd. Esq., M.P. Samuel Holland. Esq., M.P. Morgan Lloyd, Esq., Q.C., M.P. W. F. Maitland, Esq., M.P. G. Osborne Horgan, Esq., Q.C., M.P. J. H. Puleston, Esq., M.P. Love Jones-Parry, Esq., (Elphin ap Gwydduo), Madryn. Henry Richard. Esq., M.P. Honourable F. Hanbury Tracy, M.P. Captain Edmund H Verney, R.N. C. W. W. Wynn, Esq., M.P. The Honourable C. H. Wynn, of Rhug, &c., &c. HON. TREASURER: 9 Captain O. M. Crewe-Read, R.N., Plas Dinam, Llan- dinam. SECBETAPVY Mr J. C. Hughes, Manager of Van Railway, Caersws, Mont. At a meeting held at Llanbrynma>r. immediately after the interment. July 19th, Captain Ö. M. Crewe-Read, R.N.,of Plas Dinam, Llandinam, in the chair, it was resolved to set on foot a movement for raising subscrip- tions to provide some suitable National Memorial, in recognition of Mynyddog's talents and services to Wales; and in testimony of the high position which he occupied in the hearts of his countrymen. With this view, Mr J. Ceiriog Hughes, was appointed secretary, and the chairman, Captain O. M. Crewe-Read, R,N., hon. treasurer. The further consideration of the exact form of the Memorial was deferred until August 2nd, when a meeting was held at Cemmaes Road, Sir Watkin W. Wynn in the chair. It was then unanimously resolved 1. That the appointment of the honorary treasurer and secretary at the previous meeting be confirmed. 2. That a subscription be entered into for the founda- tion of an Exhibition in the University College of Wales, open to the Principality, to encourage and deve- lope musical talents. 3. That a Memorial be placed in the College to com- memorate Mynyddog's generous bequest to the Uni- versity for this and kindred purposes. 4 That the best thanks of the meeting be given to Sir W, W. Wynn for his presence and the warm interest he takes in the matter. Subscriptions payable to the credit of the Hon. Trea- surer at the North and South Wales Bank, Newtown, or direct to the Secretary (by cheque, or to the Money Order Office, Caersws), are respectfully solicited. J. C. HUGHES, Manager of Van Railway, Otocber 14th. Caersws, Mont. M M. YOUNG'S NEW ST-U-f)IOS UPPER MOSTYN-STREET, PRIZE MEDAL PHOTOGRAPHS ARE NOW ON VIEW. FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHS IN EVERY STYLE. Patronised by the Leading Nobility and Gentry. The new Miniature of the Princess Beatrice, painted by desire of the Queen, is now on view. 1559h- A V O'N D E E F U L REMEDY. GRIFFITH OWEN'S PECTORAL ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. -c, ESSENCTL 0 •r' i 'if: »> v*- tegif *6; ■ a* clqRN yct TRADE MARK THE best, safest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Catarrh .1 and all disorders of the Chest, Throat, and'Lungs, which destroy annually 500,000 of her Majesty's subjects, prepared only by Mary Ann Owen, widow of the late Griffith Owen. Sold by all respectable Chemists in bottles, is. lid., 2s. 9d., and -Is. 6d. each. This judicious combination is the most effective remedy for and preventive against the consequences arising from exposure to COLD in any degree-Catarrh in any form. When we consider the serious and fatal complaints which have their origin in a slight cold—complaints which may be the prelude to various inflamma- tory diseases, and of which Consumption may be one of its terminations—the advantage of a reliable remedy will be acknowledged by all. SOLD WHOLESALE BY MRS. GRIFFITH OWEN, HIGH STREET, CARNARVON. B A N K EN D MILLS, PAIS L E Y. O CAR L I LEA N D CO., EKG Tn CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR 6-CORD SOFT AND EXTRA QUALITY GLACE THREAD, WHICH are manufactured expressly to stand the tension of the SEWING MACHINE, and ry which will be found on trial superior to any other make. C. AND Co. beg also to direct attention to their celebrated CROCHET or TATTING COTTON. -0 HOLDERS OF LONDON, PARIS, AND VIENNA PRIZE MEDALS. AWARED FOR "VERY EXCELLENT QUALITY o ASK FOR CARLILE AND CO'S 6-CORD MACHINE AND PRIZE CROCHET COTTON. THE CARNARVON PRINTING W0RK$ (OFFICES OF "Y GENEDL GYMREIG" AND "NORTH WALES EXPRESS NEW HARBOUR. CARNARVON. THE Proprietors respectfully call the attention of Quarry Proprietors, Merchants, Trades- men, and the Public generally, to the opening of the above Works, which have been fitted up with Type and Machinery of the best and newest description They are thus enabled to execute • GENERAL PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLACARDS, AND POSTING BILLS, &c., OF ANY SIZE OR COLOUR, SHOW CARDS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' RULES, BALANCE SHEETS, ACCOUNTS, MEMORANDUMS, INVOICES, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c., CHEQUE AND RECEIPT BOOKS, TIME SHEETS, BANKUPTCY FORMS, &c., &c, &c. • t LITHOGRAPHY, PAPER RULING, BOOKBINDING, &c.. &c., On the moat reasonable terms, and with the utmost despatch. The Proprietors having purchased a choice and extensive selection of Type, &c., will be able to execute Printing with neatness and clearness, and they hope that by the exercise of tact in thepur- chase of Materials, a prompt and careful attention to all orders, and their reasonable Charges, to merit a share of public patronage. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY DEPOT. I ROBERT WILLIAMS, BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, CARNARVON, AND MARKET PLACE, PWLLHELI HAS recently erected some extensive Warehouses in close proximity to the Brunswick Build- ings, wherein to keep Iron, Steel, and Bulky Goods, so that the Show Rooms of the Agricultura Department are now filled with THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Has'been greatly improved, and is now complete with GRATES, KITCHEN RANGES, op HEATING & COOKING STOVES, and an excellent stock of Building Ironmongery. THE FJRNISHING DEPARTMENT (to this Department has been added the large room formerly known as the Workmen's Institute, which covers an area of 1,560 superficial feet-the largest Show Room m North Wales) still retains its reputation, which contains a well-selected Stock of Brass and Iron Bedsteads in French and Half- Testers Spring Mattrasses, Beds, Straw Palliasses, &c., made on the Premises; Feathers and Flocks at all prices. Modem Designs in Electro-plated Goods. Best Sheffield Cutlery, &c. ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS SUITABLE FOR THE VARIOUS SEASONS, Consisting of CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP PULP OILCAKE MILLS, CORN CRUSHERS, GRINDING MILLS, WINNOWERS. WEIGHING MACHINES, &c., STIFF AND SPRING CARTS, WAGGONS AND LORRIES by the Best Makers, CHAMPION WELSH AND ENGLISH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, SCUFFLERS, PATENT TOOTHED AND CHAIN HARROWS, SHEEP RACKS, CATTLE CIvtBS, PIG TROUGHS, &c. STEAM ENGINES AND THRASHING MACHINERY. Estimates given for IRON HURDLES and all kinds of Fencing, which will compare most favourably with any English firm. Quarry Proprietors and Smiths supplied with the best Iron and Steel, at advantageous prices. SPADES, SHOVELS, PICKS, HAMMERS MOULDS, and all Quarry requisites. SEWING MACHINES. By the best English and American Makers, including the "HOWE," "SINGERS," "THOMAS," "IMPERIAL," "REMINGTON," "LITTLE WANZER," "PRINCESS OF WALES," "WILLCOX AND GIBBS," "CHALLENGE," "WEIR," &c. SPORTING AND MILITARY AMMUNITION, RABBIT AND BIRD TRAPS, &c. GOODS AMOUNTING TO S2 AND UPWARDS IN VALUE SENT CARRIAGE FREE ANY RAILWAY STATION IN WALES, K426h I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, OR VEGETABLE TONIC. Approved and Registered according to Law. I ilo 904Y,4 OVE-1liAkS CONSISTING of Quinine and the active principles ) of Sarsaparilla, Satiron. Lavender, Burdock. Liverwort, Gentian, &c.. prepared, scientifically in the proportions, most desirable to ensure its perfect success. The great object of the Quinine Bitters" is to set in order the main springs (as it were) of the mechanism of the body, and to remove the various causes which produce such painful effects in the human system^ ? They assist digestion, promote and facilitate circula-^ tion, strengthen the nerves and muscles, purify the blood, brace up the system; in short, bring the whole body into a sound and healthy condition. Being gifted with highly tonic and digestive properties, they are specially recommended as an effective cure for depression of spirits, sensation of sinking in the stomach, bilious head-aches, nervous relaxation. muscular weaknes, wasting of the tissues, disturbed sleep, heartburn, cramp, pain in the stomach. &c. For all affections of the chest, such as hoarseness, cough, spitting of blood, asthma, &c., their effect is acknowledged and appreciated by those who have tried them. This remedy does not injure the teeth, as it is composed exclusively of ingredients of a vegetable character, the action of which on the human system'is mild but efficient, and adapted to all ages, from the infant to the adult, and to every variety of femperament and constitution. They can in no way injure the stomach; and the benefits derived from their use is not the result of a temporary and injurious stimulant of the digestive organs, but they effect a radical axd lasting cure, by restoring the normal functions of the stomach, and acting in consort with nature to expel disease. Experiment will serve to establish it as a household remedy. As the Quinine Bitters" act on the constitution generally, the patient is cautioned not to be too sanguine of immediate success, and the patentee does not profess that they act in a miraculous manner," or that the first dose cures," or in "ten minutes," &c., as may be often seen advertised; but they will, after a fair and continued trial, show their beneficial effects, if taken in time. The 4s 6d bottles contain as much as two 2s Sd bottles thereby the purchaser may save a shilling. To be had of all first-class Chemists, or direct from Mll. G W I L Y M EVANS, PHARMACEUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, L L A N E L L Y. Any Chemist can order these, free of expense with their other goods, from the wholesale agents:—Barclav and Sons, London; Evans, Sons, and Co., Liverpool; Bowers Brothers, Chester; Pilling and Graham Manchester, &0. LE 434 THE MUNSWICK CARRIAGE WORKS, CARNARVON. ROBERT W IL L I A M S BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and his numerous Customers that he has purchased the -D above extensive business, lately carried on by Mr John Owen Jones, where, by strict and careful attention, he hopes to merit the continuance of the patronage accorded to his predecessor. All kinds of Carriages, comprising LANDAUS, BROUGHAMS, OMNIBUSES BRAKES, WAGGONETTES, PHiETONS, WHITECHAPELS, DOG-CARTS, ALEXANDRIAS, &c., &c., made of the best materials, style, and workmanship. His STOCK also comprises a first-class selection of CARRIAGE LAMPS, APRONS (both Leather and India Rubber), RUGS, MATS, &c., &c. SECOND-HAND TRAPS BOUGHT, EXCHANGED, AND REPAIRED. Particular attention is always paid to the selection of good, sound, and well-seasoned timber (a large quantity of which is always kept on hand), which ensures quick despatch and without any risk of green timber being used. R. WILLIAMS' experience in the Hardware Trade enables him to buy Springs and Axles, and all ,P' kinds of Carriage Ironmongery from the best Manufacturers and at the lowest prices. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS— R. WILLIAMS, BRUNSWICK CARRIAGE WORKS, E425-h CASTLE SQUARE, CARNARVON. Y GENEDL GYMREIG" (The Welsh Nation J. IN consequence of the unprecedented uccess that has attended the publication of the Y Genedl Gymreig," it has been deemed expedient to make a considerable enlargement in its size. THE LARGEST OF WELSH PAPERS. CIRCULATION-23,000 WEEKLY. 500 AGENCIES IN WALES. Having such an extensrv circulation in the Com- mercial and Agricultural circles the Genedl Gymrcig" affords to advertisers special facilities, and undoubtedly is the best medium for advertis- ing throughout Wales. "Y GENEDL GYMREIG" (Tlte Welsh Nation). LARGEST OF ALL WELSH NEWSPAPERS. EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. CIRCUT ATION 23,000 WEEKLY All Cheques and Post Office Orders to be made payable to ROBERT WILLIAMS, Carnarvon Printing Works, to whom also all Communications must be addressed. ""WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE AS A CERTAIN CURE For Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion. Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression, Irritability, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Sour Eructation, Lowness of Spirits with sensation of fulness at the pit of the Stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Eyes, &c. DR SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS STAND UNRIVALLED As a General Family Aperient Medicine they have no equal, being mild in their operation, and grateful to the stomach, they give a healthy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the necessary organs of the Stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole system. Prepared only by W. Lambert, la, Vere-street, London, W., in boxes Is lid., and "three times the quantity in one, 2s 9d., or post free 15 or 35 stamps, and sold by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the word. The genuine are in square green package with the name and address William Lambert, 8, King William-street, Charing Cross,' engraved on the! Government Stamp. Do not be pursuaded by anyone to buy any other medicine instead, but insist on having the right thing. Take down the particulars,—Dr Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills, wrapped in a square green package. 915a A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK showing sufferers how they may be cured and re- cover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections. Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage. Address, Secretary, nstitute of Anatomy, Birmingham. h THE PRIZE ESSAY AT THE CARNARVON NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD ON "THE TRAINING SHIP FOR NORTH WALES." Its Ph'/sical, Social, mnd Iforal Advantages. A Limited Numoer of Copies of the Essay have been printed in a neat Book, price 6d. Parties desiring copies should order at once. Express Office, Carnarvon. t DEBILITY AND NERVOUSNESS. — Issue of "THE WARNING VOICE," l>r bmith's Celebrated Work, of which 500,060 Copies were Sold. Revised Edition. Now Ready, 152 pages, by post to all parts of the World, 111 Envelope, two stamps.—THE WARNIN G V OICE. This is a Special Medical Book addressed to Youth and Manhood on the Cause, Symptoms, Consequences and Treatment of Debilitating Diseases. By HENRY SMITH Doctor of Medicine of the University of Jena, by Diploma, 1860. THIS IS A NEW ME OK A I WuRK on the Nature, Treatment nnd Cure of Nn-vous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, In- digestion, Dimness of Sight, Want of Energy, Deafness, Epilepsy, Piles, Premature Decay, Headache, &c., resulting fr- m Loss of Nerve Power, the results of Intemperance, Late Hours, Worry, Brain Toil, &c., which, if neglected, will end in Confirmed Debility and Premature Decline. Gives the Advice and Instructions, the result of Thirty Years' practice, by which Thousands have been restored to health. Illustrated by Cases and Testimonials from grateful Patients, with means of Cure used in each case. DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. 1384h MONEY! MONEY MONEY MONEY LENT BY LLOYD AND CO., COMMERCIAL ADVANCE OFFICES, Theatre Buildings, Preston, Lane., in any sum from S5 to £1000, to respectatble persons, male or female (householders), tradesmen, farmers, &others upon their furniture, stocks, &c., at less rates of interest than those usually charged by many, also without sureties, exposure, removal, delay or in- curring any unnecessary expense. NO DEDUCTIONS WHATEVER are made from the amount applied for, and the money when advanced can be repaid at such periods, and by such instalments, as are in reason with the security. Special Rates for Farmers who wish to increase their Stocks, &c. j Four per cent, allowed on deposits. Apply personally, or by letter to THOMAS ROWE, Manager. N.B.—Welsh representatives employed. o653a I ROYAL WELSH SAUCE. IT HAS NO EQUAL. SOLD EVERYWHERE. RICHARD EVANS & CO., WREXHAM. 1157x "Vi"ONEY I MONEY.—Money immediately advanced to Householders, Farmers, Cow Keepers, Car and Cab Owners, Tradesmen, and others, without any kind of sureties. Distance no object.-Apply to L. Rouse and Co. Financial Agents, 3, Kirkgate, Huddersfield.-N.B.-All communications strictly private and confidential. 1462h ENVELOPES! ENVELOPES!! ENVELOPES! A LARGE STOCK OF BUSINESS ENVELOPES, FROM 3s. 9D. PER THOUSAND, AT THE CARNARVON PRINTING WORKS CARNARVON.