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REDUCED FOR SmaH Prepaid Advertisements. -o:- 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. '.VORDS. ONCE. T!?HS. TIMES. s. d. & d. s d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Worn 1 o 1 6 2 3 50 Word? 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 The e :)ply only to the classes of advertise- ment '!J low, and [trod strictly contined to those whicb 'J( d or CO'<SECUT)VE insertion, und PAtD FORPH!UbTOiNSERTJON;if either of these con- ditions i, not complied with, the aÜvertisement will be cha.rl(ed oy the Business sca.l.e APARTMENTS WANTED I HOUSES TO BE SOLD. APARTMENTS TO LET. MONEY WANTED. ARTICLE LOST. I TO LEND. ARnCLES FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUM?.' S FOR DISPOSAL MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSJNf -??ANTED. t PARTNERSHIPS W/.NiEO. ROL??.S ?.LET. SlTUA)tO\S?'ANTED. HO'i.S.NTED. jStTUATIONSVACANT. A,lvtOrti ,e::nent!l of the a.bove cl!s ini!erted in the SOUiH WALES D.tILY NEWS," the "CARDIFFTlMES," and 'SuuTH WALES ECHO" at the following rate :— <Mv mnaa Daily News. Six times ??3 oncein Six times in oncein ?O.DS. ?,??, D???ew? ?Times. Daily South Wa.les Echo. s. d. a. d.. d. 20 Words 1 0 1 6 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 5 5"0 40 Words 2 3 5 4 4 6 50 Words 5 9 5 8 76 60 Words 46 69 90 GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. RATE PER L!NE FOR _ASER!ES. CLASS bt 1 to <\ or 6 to l2to.26 AD?RTlSEMEK'tS. 5 t) 11 25 Upd insr inar insr insr'insr Business.?.?.) Educational.?.?. -/4 -/4 -/5 ./2 -/H Publishers ?. ?. ?. ?. Religious Services ) .? <a ? <o <? Entertainments.?.) ?-y-?'/Z? Auction Announcementa.6 ./4 ./3 -/5 "/5 )Legal Md Public Notices MnnicipalandScliootBoard..( ? ? M ,? Tenders a.ndContmcts.? '? -? '/° -? Public AppMutmeuta.?.? Prospectuaes. -/9 ./9 ./9 ./9 -/9 Pa.rlia.menta.ry elections.) Parliamentary Notices 1/- 1/- 1/- Government Announcements..? )_ Notices of Births, Marr!agea. and Deaths are cha.rgetl It) each, if not exceeding 20 word;), and 6d for e&ct) ttdditional )0 words. Theso Notices must he authen ticated hy the Signature aTIII Aridœss of the sender, PARAGRAPH ADVERTtSEMENTS Me charged ] to b insertions. 6d per tine 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per lin* 12 insertions a.nd upwards, 3d per line ADVfRTtSERS when sending advertiaments in mn.nu script, may calculate eight words to a line, and 12 line; to an inch In charging advertisement the lines are Dot ccnnted, but the advertisement, induding lar¡;¡;e Jines, dashes, a.nd white i'!pa.ces. is measured, and the apace occupied is charged at the rate cf Twelve lines to a.ninch artntrsbip. T?tAN (steady, respectable, youn?) wanted, with E50 J?A rapital, to join Advertiser as Partner in lucra- tive ready-money business. Pronts shared equally, or dennite sum weekly.—Address J. 0., Daily News," Cardiff.447 JRatrímaníaL DnHE MATRIMONIAL HERALD AND FASHION j_ ABf.K MARRIAGE GAZETTE is the only re- eoised medium for hih.c1a,gs introductions. Most desirable can<lidates for matrimo',lY residing in all parts of the kingdom. Price M in envelope, 4d.- Address Editor, 40, Lamb's Conduit-street, London, W.C. _12198 75345 ,rOUNG WOMAN wanted.—Healthy, wealthy, and ..I. wise, for a professiona.1 man, of good repute.- 227. Daily News" Omce. CardiS.306 JlusítaI. ?< LAMSLEY. Violinist (MnsicaJ Djr?ctor. Theatre ?'. Royal, Ca.rtUS), receives Pupils for Violin.—For terms and reference, address above. 275 ITI MPLOYMENT wanted (on any nrm having brass band) hy good performer on 11.ny brasi'! instru. ment. WiUing to work.—Address J. Wood, 27, (jlebe- street, Penarth, near Cardio'. inr ARM ON I CM. 5-Stops for Sale.—12, ConsteIIa.- Jt. tion-street, Cardift. 276 ITF YOUR t nium wants repairing or tuning, send to Cool's :outh Wales Or;.(an Works. Cardiff. 596 'mmiSS'?IMPSbN (eertincated?en?or) R.A.M'?pre- ?Lvj)L pares pupils for the R.A.M. examination. 'ierms Mtty be had on application—25, South Luton- place. 582 T?IS?CAMPION. Teacher of Music. Cert., R.A.M. J?J. (pianoforte and theory), violin, ah)ginK.—Gwen- dr.Mth House, Neville-place, Riverside, UardiS. 40& FRENCH Spanish, Italian, German. Private Tuition J[' Classes. Special CladSefll for Commercial Corres- pondence and Conversation. Candidates crepared for the Medical, Law, and Civil Service Examinations (through the post); Arithmetic. Book-keeping, English, French, and Spanish, Shorthand.—Mr W. Ha.ines Public Translator, 25, Park-street. Cardin'. _976 ?OVERNKSS.—Pupils required preparing fot <Tf College (?f Preceptors and Oxford Local Exacuna.- t.iun.—Mias Garleck, A.C.P.,St. Helen's LdIge. Bryn\mor-road, Swansea. i43 Cd LIFTONA married Private Tutor, a?sisted by a clergyman. an Oxford radute, receives ¡L ieW Pupils to educate who may be delicate and backward with theu- studiea.—Principal, 81, Whiteladies rca.d, Cotton. 411 I. jREPA:RATI61-forMatrictí.la;ion. Scholarship, JL Certidcate, and other examiaatioM.—W. Wilkes. B,A Spring Villa, Cowbridge-road, Cardin. 402 SHORTHAND rapidly taughtr For terms apply to Mr D. Harris. 20, Argyte-street, Swansea. Also iess<"M personally, or by eorrespon- dence, given in Arithmetic, Chemistry, Stea.m, EJec- thcity, Navigtti 'n. and Mensuration, 253 PRIVATt: TUITION.—Two vacancies for little girls, not under seven years of age, where a limited number is taken.-Terms on application to Miss Kernick, 4, Park-grove, Cardin'452 el'bn1tt5. ? ENKRAL SERVANT (good) Wanted at once, not ?JT u"der 20 three in family.—Apply Mr Linnell, Ty vafydd, ant.yglo, Mon. 590 GENERAL SERVANT wanted immediatly. accus- ?jf tomed to children.—AppiyT. Davies, 16, Victoria.- street.Merthyr. 564 ?"1 ENEBAL SERVANT wanted good reference — \jf Apply 4, Plantaganet-street, River-ide. 560 GEN ERAL SERVANT (good) wanted immediately ?JT good "ags to suitable person.—Mrs Yorath, C<tnton. Cardin'. 298 -G-ENIÙUL'si':Ii.VANT-wanted at onca.- ABpty ?jr Mrs Ada.ms, 54, Capel-cresoen Newport, Mon. 283 JL reference required.—App!y 07, CuwbridgH-rt ?d, Canton. 419 thorough Needlewoman j!_ wanted immediately for C ifton also 'foune a:'d Parlour-maid for hotel; Genel a1 ervan". Mrs Roderick, HeaùRefltry Office, Vphir"tre.t, Hoatit. Cardiff. l'.nc!ostJ stamped t:nv"¡ope.) QERV\N1'(L Age about 16 to ¿o.-Only ? tw. in fam; —Apply atones 25, Detipenser street. Riverside, (,,uICff, .s81 ihnt!íanz Vacant. A N -EALEB wanted.—Apply t. Hhiwdern Tin. ?iL plate Con'pa.ny, Newport, Mon. 76087 AD. who wih to make money easily a.nd quick ty at home, write A B..Murray, 105, Croftol.,road, London. S.E. 816 Hiveters'and Fu.isher GGod workmen. Accustomed to factory work. Poynton'a Cardin'. 309 BAKIW; AND IOP; "y. l'iteady young man. :ihte wag. I.i\ indoors — \ppiy, with references, to vV., Tredegt)-. %o f?R? ''?pn tical, experienced) vented.—Apply. JL) t?' lottfr. to B., addressed to 'Daily News'' Office C;l1'dift, st.jtingparticulars, &c- .7. ?1.' 11, s KKViCE?PPOINTM ENTS.?SaIa.nesB80 \_?!"?40L Tuition by correspondence. R'p'd postal for Clerkships. Excise, Custcmf, Ac. payment 'mlea.-i successful.—ecreta.ry, 46. LmtOl:. it-reet, IsJingwn. Lonllon, Stamp. 410 -C-ÃBiN 1<;1' ?/ to keep away from Bristol during the strike ag¡.in e .rdc!i()f_II'.e". <\27- CO'JPo.lTons,-welsb-EngIish ForemM wani:ed ( (, ke char¡:(e of compo:\íng-room in lea. lin,ll; WeJ, 'n. Well up in both languages; Slll,ut m:¡,Îi:<U}): goo.l dici;1inarian. ::>tate waAes req\1ired, a),d}f t&perienced. N:ime references. One a' .ie to ovcri '« m:tchine-room preferred. — Address ;¡. R., en o <<t Mr Paine, 16, Perth-street; Uightown. M.tn- .hes?? _?_ f\!AWER HANDS, on hard andaoft wood, wanted i ? at Wholesale Cabinet Work., Fairf,m- td, .l\stol. 554 e, MIGRATION. — Women and Farm Labourers Jfj wanted, for free passages to Queensland, Aus- tralia others assisted, S6 10s. To New South Wales —Women. B2;men,S4. America, S4; Canada, jE& Se:<d stamps for replies to Milton Locke, Emigration OSices. 55, Newport, Mon. 436 15s'weekly 1 <-dn be earned by the Patent Automatic Knitting )Olachin3,-Send address".1 envelope for particuhc." to S.W.. Company, 417. Oxford-street. ondon. W. 412 ? OYERNMENT ? EMPLOYMENTr-1'Numerous ?jr 'acancies. open to all, males and females. Tuition by c(Jl're"pollll"nce; paymel\t by results. Particulars and gll1\le free. Unexampled success.—Mr Russell, D4Nl. if A(.ade!ay. New Ctoss. LondoN. 425 ? ROOM and COACHMAN wanted, who wilt mrLke ?y himseit generally u.sefu).—Apply to Mr Dd Usk. 76J19 ?fAL !.tHt{. (-steady man) wanted. Mus* be a.cus- JJH (,?mfd to horse'.—Apply at once, Morris and !Iarr)s M'-thyr. 437 t: R (grocer's) wanted; also Warehouseman j[ i. and Porter.-Ap!)ty, WiHiam Harris, 144, Hia:h- :Lr- :,Nl,.rthyr. 438 'B' AD ( tronp, a.ctivp) wanted to look a?ter Pony, <&c. -B.J ?f''Jy person<)!y at West House, Penarth, street, Cardiff. 440 If AD (strong) w nted. used to ma.rket gardening and _j_J I'ki"g!?fterahorse.—Appiy S. Ba.yiis, Market (hrd"lwr, Whitchurch, near CardiS. 397 _NEW EMPI.OYMENT 1."X)Ii- LADIES. Ladils having iufluence with Chapel may hear of employment remunerative, light, and respectable, and in no way derogatory to their ChristiaR character.—Apply by letter to V., "South Wales Daily News" Office, Swa-uaea.. 288 AND GUARHIANS. —Wanted, reo t ,,pectable Youth as apprentice to hairdresing and pufumery business.—Apply J. Hussey, Uia:h- streei:,Cnr'iff. 392 Q A DOLMRY.—Wanted at once, two good Hands o m'l-ic he well up in colliery work constant em competent bands none but steady men Jones, Lantlore. 450_- ? 'W/?H ?circular') for round timber. Mu?tbe & ?? ?..< d htuid.— Apply, stating experieuee a.nd wa.?e3 rt.quncft, with reference, T. Ascon, Pontypridd. 504 nflINPf.ATE WORKEH'?va.nted?oneused to J plumbing preferred.—\ppiy, stating age. sa)a.ry, and reference, to James Rees, Ironmonger, Pentre Rhondda. '386 J Anpiv at once to P. David, 20. CommerciaJ-row, Pembroke Dock. 328 U PH OISTl:<:REICAND -s¡':Al\iSTRJSS-gõ-és out It_) daily.—Apply Mrs J. Thomas, Crown Court, Duke-street, Carditi'. 226 ?T ACANCIKS IN CIVIL SERVICE.—A?e 16—25 V CommencJng salarips range to .S100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—InteUigeht younf; men write to Secretary, Civi; ervice Examination AgeTicy, Nunhea(l, Lontion. 284 ??.TAITRESS (Commercial-room)"wanted under VV kept.—Apply, statir.g ane, wages.ajida.tl par- ticulars, to Box, Post-ocSce, Tredegar, Mon. ?8 W. -ATCHM:XKER:Want"d, a thorough good tf Workman who understanda cyhnders and pivoting. Good references required.—Appiy to M. :piridion, 77, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. 334 ,V HEELWRIGHT wanted, must be good hand YV constant employment.—Apply W Griffiths, Taff Wheel Works. Pontypridd. 317 HE FLWRIGHTS. -Wanted Two experienced W Men. Must be steady. State wages.—Aoply Wheel. Daily -News -C-ardit f. 289 ?? WKt?KJL-Y easily earned by clerks, foremen. *C?<) timekeepers, tradespeople, and others in spare time.—W?, l33,jCambridge-roa.d, London, E. 219 A?t) WEEKLY and upwards may be easily and ?? honestly realised by persons of either sex, without hindrance to present occupation.—For par- ticulars and samples, enclose addressed envelope to Evana, Watts, and Company (P. 157), Merchants, Bir- mingham. This is genuine. 594 bøp ;kssistants, &r. A PPRENTICE wanted for chemist's business, fr. m _/?L 14 to 16 years of age comfortable homo mode- rate premium.—Apply Mrs Hancock. Roath Pharmacy, Cardiff. 431 CLOTHIERS' ASSISTANTS.—Wanted, a Young ?? Man (Welsh).—Apply, s'atin full particulars of previous engagements, Masters and Company, Ciothiers. Cardiff..445 ir\ RESS "and MANTLE-MAKERS.—D. Davies, the j_? Forth Draper, Forth, Rhondda, has a vacancy for an experienced hand to manage Ap. plicanta must give full particulars of previous situa- tion, experience, salary, &c. 337 -"RESSNIAKING.-Wanted, immediately, indoor J" and outdoor apprentic s for dress and mantle pridd. 305 HAPERY.-Wanted, a young Man, a good Junior Assistant, to the Drapery.—Apply to Thomas I'hilllps, Victoria House, Neath. Tr?RAPHRY.—Wanted. at once, a junior young man. B F Knowledge of Welsh.—Apply, a.nd state full purtieuiars, to W. R. Edwards, Emporium. Carmar- then. "T?RAPKRY.—Wanted at once, a young man. as JL? Improver.—Apply, with full particulars, Bristol House, Lydney, Gloucestershire. 387 TT? PAPERS requiring Situations should read "The Jt?y Drapers' Assistant," post free one shilling, from the Author. Richard Beynon, Drapers' Valuer, Chel- tenham. 384 iriANcYDRAPERY?SALESWOMAN, of pod ex. JJD perience and ability, required at Bon Marc-he, Swansea (hve out). 399 ? 1 ROCERY.—Strong single Man Wanted who under- ?JJT stands horses, to deliver goods and nil up time in warehouse. Heference required. -Apply Manaj1;er, Co-operative Stores, Blaina, Mon. 389 -G-ROCERS.- W a.nted'iIDmediatelyan experieJc-ed iju young man.-Apply to T. Davies, AlûioJl House, Carmarthen. 338 ROCERY AND PROVISION TRADE.—Wanted vw t a strong junior.—.Apply Wm. Hams, 144, High- street, IHerthyr. 3é3 ?? Rb CERY.—Wanted a Manager for a new branch. ?Tf Pu -hing and well up in provisions,—Apply Y, South Wales Daily News OBice, CardiS. 311 TMTESSRS BUNNEY <& PARKER, Bon Marehe. youth and young lady as apprentices ) live out). 401 Tt MILLINERY.—Wanted, re-engagement as good m second hand, or first in smaller estab- lishment. Highest references can serve through Swansea or neighbourhood preferred.—Apply S., 49, Great Frederick-street. Cardiif. 323 ,Situatijotts MitnUb. ir?AKERS.—Wanted, Situation as Second or Single JL? JUand, by a respectable young ma' Good refet- ence.-M. Pettifcr. Childrey Wantage, Berks. 454 AKERS.-Situatioii wanted as second hand by J[) steady youn man. Good references.—W. Moora, 13, Orchard-street, Weston-super-Mare. 383 ?"1 ROGERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS.— ?jf Wanted by experienced hand situation in whole- sale or retail grocery and provision warehouse. Seven years' Glamorgan reference.—D. Jones, Mickleneld, Rawdon, near Leeds. 426 GARDENER wants situation.—Understands his busmess in all branches married no excellent character.—Scot, 27, Lower Cathedral-road, canton, CardiS. 329 tf ADY (young) requires situation as mother's help JLj or nursety Koverness. Willing to be usefni. JLj or nursety Koverness. Willing to be usefni. References. —L. M., Rose Cottage, Penclawdd. 424 AN (single) wishes as 1. carter or working baili tf a'tjstai ner character good; in or out. -Address James George, road, Cinderford, Gloucestershire. 423 'M,WAN (young), 23 yeara of age, wants a situation as ?JL Clerk or Porter.—Apply G. Player, Mrs Dancy, Aberbeeg, near Newport, Mun. 385 -'TERS. DRIFTERS.—Situation as Improver, by young Man. JL Five years' good experience. Total ab,tainer. Country preferred. -Altboro, 17, Aber- gavenny. 413 DORTER. Warehouseman, or any employment A. wanted. Acquainted with the Grocery Trade. Good references.—Addrss 2, Smith-street, Radford, Nottingham. 352 SITUATION wanted in a Solicitor's Omce in Cardiff, S by a. respectably connected lad, aged 14, Can be heartily recommended by a former emptoyer.—Address .A.H.South Walep, Daily News" OtBce, CantiS. 76032 ?iTUAfION wanted ?.t'Cn.rditf, ?n warehouse, or ? a"y other c?p?city, by a. young: ma.u a?e 21. Good reftrences. Fair education.—Apply A.. B. C., Po t- omce, Hirwain. 2S7 TION Wanted, by a r,,spect,.ible Young Lady, n as Second Hand Milliner; able to assist at dressmaking; Welsh; with satis actory references; aged 20.—Address A. L., Daily News" Olfice, New- port. Men. 293 t'XTANTED to pla''e a. respectable, well-educated W youth, aged 16. 'n a. ship broker'i< or co)iiery shipping <.mce in Carditf.—Address, L.M., "South Wales Daily News Omce, Cardin. 16033 mltrks, Jl:anagtt5, &c. A DVERTISER seeka n. situation ;IS Book-keeper, Accountant, or General Clerk 20 years experi- ence.— J. Cole, 5, High-street, Cardiff. 76025 C' -OIÙ"'RYIÀ:fAG ER-'(rtificateJ) wanted for ?/ C?furthfa CoHiedes.—Apply by letter stanug Crawshay'Bros., C?fart'hfa Irou and Steel Works, Merthyr TydH!. 7e06& ??OAL TRADE.—Wanted, energetic man, of good and solicit orders. Salary and Good opportunity for one having a little connection,— Address "Coal." "South Wales Daily News." 326 SHORTHAND CLERK.—Vacancy for a Shorthand J Corresponding Clerk.—State age, salary required, and experience to Clerk, "Daily News" omce. Car- diff. _7S645 gtntitz, mrabelltrs &r. A t'sr tNER.—The Scottish Temperance Life and ?? Accident Assur.ncf Company requires several ag' ..t- in Wales and Wes' "f England on special terms. —duress A. K.Rodge'-E.'q., "Daily News" Omce, Sw,\J-ea. _433 A GENT:- waited to?ush Brst-cla?a Machinery j?L Oils. Liberal commission.—Box 22, Pos -omce, Liverpool. 353 A GMNTS wanted to?oHcit Orders for Printing; jE3 ?? or S4 per week can be earned.—Address Baxter au4 Co., 109, MUkwoud-road, London, S.E. Established 22 years. 281 t GENTS wanted to Sell the Cheapest itubber A in the and Co., Newing- ton London. 30 ? QNV A "i-i ER wanted.—Apply, from 7 to 9 p.m.. to (j J. Btakeman, 28, Emerald-street, Roath. 443 'ft < ''N ( u?Iung:) wanted to sell our Horse and Cattle ? j? C'?idiment, Calf Ateal. and Medicines.—Addresa (. t'.i t" f, Wilm?low. Cheshire. 357 I' lO:"TAL LlFB ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Es- t,i.<.Uahed 1830. Influential agents required on '.x.?pti?n: lly advantageous terms.—Apply, Branch ur'a:?. 3, S?uaH-htreet, Bristol. 414 !jtKH.\tA?iENT COLLECTOR "a.nd'Yssessor of of Pem'ttey also for St. Isitmael, Carmarthenshire. Only :ol1;,h()ljlers prepared to pive required security need apply, with references, to Surveyor of Taxes, Car- marthen. 76077 ?iTAtlONHRS?Picturo Dealers, Canvassing,, and ?? Insurance Agents wanted throughout Wales to introduce a New Article in great demand. Samples, Ac., two stamps.—W. Evans, 15, Armoury-terrace. b,l)bw Vale, Moil. 134 (-, p,rt) w- a-iit-ed-,t-o-fi-l-lu -p-hi-s time T by carrying tny samples of flocks and milt puff.— State term &c, Ralph Hyde, Flock and Mill Puff Manufacturer, 1, Guildford-atreet, Leeds (and Oldham). 415 fTpHE BRITISH WORKMAN'S ASSURANCE J? Corn} any, Limited, require Agents for Carditf and all and village>! in the Apply, by ietter, to Superintendent, 29, Rawdon-place Canton, CardiR. 234 -n_ 3tnbgingz, J\.parlnttnfs, wt. A PARTMENTS (comfortable unfurnished) to Let place, Crockherbtowii. 401 A PARTMKNTS (unfurnished). a.t 51, Brook.street. ?? Canton.—Apply as above. 417 A PARTMENTS (comfortable) for two or more _?L gentlemen, wirhin ei?ht minutes' wulk of TaS and Rhymnoy Stations. piano, and all home comforts. No c:uldrea.—Apply 2, Rathin-gar- dena,CMdi& ?< 340 TT?OARD AND RESIDENCE for lady or gentle. jB_) man in the house of widow lady, living at the seaside. Terms, S5s.-W. "Daily News" OSice, Cardiff. 2b7 DOARD 'and'RESIDENCE wanted in Ro&th or Moderate terms—0. H. "Daily News" OSce, Cardie _405 IT ODGINGS (Canton) for one or two gentlemen; hot _)L? and cold bath, piano, moderate terms.—Addresa 0. L., Daily News" Omce, Cardiff. 267 TTJOME oSered togenHeman or two friends. Every. JJLl thing provided. Koath district. Terms finclu. Ca?di&. ? ? ?m?. ? ? ?. fMENBY, SOUTH WALES. — Charming seas)de7 JL Apartments, furnished housea.—Appty J. Bon- viUe, House and Estate Agent, Tenby. Enquiries free (copy address). 960 1J.jaU5t5 Wia:nttb. TJT OUSE'(do?bIeIlicensed), in'sooLnocsLlity, wanted; JL]L none but principals dealt with.—R.M-, "Daily News" Office, '?TEWPORT.—Wanted on the 1st October, for thoroughfare in Newport—Address Premises, "Daily News" OSce, 11, Tredegar-pta.ce, Newport. lor a:lt. '}jousts, lanh. &r. COTTAGES (several well arranged) for Sale, just ?' papered; price, ±.160.—Apply A. Trotman, Donald-street, top of Richmond-road. 199 ?ATHAYS.—For sate cheap.'three welFbmIt six? ?/ roomed Hou es, and one suitable for shop.— TrHherbert-street, Ransom, Mackintosh-place, Roath. 524 ? '?ANJ ON. — !'or .al?106,Wyndham-crescent ?? Canfnn.—For price and particula.rs apply to J. Rowiedge, 48, Castle-road, Roath, CardjS'. 36 CADOXTOX-JUXTA-BARRY. Houses, in best C position, to pay over 15 per cent. on fu)I cost p: !('e weH-bui)t, 999 wears' lease good opp 'rtunity for nvestors or occupiers. — John Jenkins and Co-, Auctioneers, CardiN. ,n- -61885. J'IARDIFF.-Hou.ses to pay over 3 per cent. on full 1-,l C06t principal porti0n of purchase c.tn be paid by instalment-—App:y to Messrs John Jenkias & Cu., Philharmonic Chambers Cardiff. 6l88b TirOUSES (several), with outhouses suitable for milkmen or contractors, in Newtown, Roath, Hnuoes Bedford, Oakfield, Elm-atreets, Moors. Shops Clif- ton-street, Cathays. Most of the above will pay about 9 per cent clear,-Apply 81, Castle-road, Cardiff. 143 S-"1TACEY=RÓA.45-to be sold in good repair. 175 —Agents. John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, CardiS. 61885 tT'ERY DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY Huuse and Shop, sihate and No. 17, street, Llan,.Ily, in tile cotitity of Carmarthen. i.ease granted by Colonel Stepney for 99 years, from Lady Day, 1865, at aground rental of B5 8s per annum One substantial Dwelling House.situate behind Commercial theoccupa.tionofMeredithMayberrv. Leasegr;tnted by Messrs CaIIand an!) others for 63 years and three lives, from Lady Day, 1867, at a ground rental of 2 a per annum. Six Dwelling Houses situate in Major- street, Mansel Town, Pentre, near Swansea.. Lease granted by Sir Richard Mansel Manse! for 99 years from Lady Day. 1875, at a ground rental of JB7 4s per annum. Four Dwelling- Houses, situate at Cae Bncks, Cwmbwrla, near Swan- sea (next to the Quarry, and on the right side teaming to Cwmbwria). About 50 yfars of the lease unexpired, subject to a ground rental of 12s per annum. Two DHeHing-Hnuses, with large plot of ground attached, ufficjentto build five or six more dwelling-houses, and situate at Gorse, Cockett, near now in the occupation of one Samuel Williams and another. Lease by Volonel stepney for 99 years from December 25th, 11'86, :tt a ground rental of S4 5s per annum.-For fitrthei- information repectin the above eiigib'e properties, please apply to Messrs David 8wa.nsea; to D. R. Knoyle, M, Mansel-street, Swansea. 76012 ?<-<? CASH DOWN. the balance by easy instH, street, Tyier-atreet, Theodora-street, Wells-street, Arthur-street, Russell-street, &c.-I;ee Messrs Hem's Feb. Register'—OSces, 72, St. Mary-street. Cardie. Œø bt 'Itt-'mØUZt5. J!anbt &t. A BERTILLERY.—To !et a very convenient private ?L. Residence.—Apply S. A. Hiley, Usk. 76062 BUILDING SITE to let for a detached house, con- taining 650 square yards, on risin¡r ground, at Maindee, one mile from Newport Station. Freehold may be purchased.-For particulars apply to H. A Goodman, Architect and Surveyor, 3, street, 76/}18 CADOXTON-JUXTA-.BARRy.-J.and to be let ad- X_ joining the village, on building leases for 999 years, at moderate ground rents, and upon equitable conditions Good water supply provided, roads made. Site healthy, and convenient to proposed railway station, and both ends of the Barry Dock. Present rents return over 15 per cent. oncost.—Apply to Messrs James, Seward, and Thomas, architects, CardlS. 61835 T?I NG'S?ROADT?ANTON.—Toilet, good?comi JL?. modious, nine-roomed houses. Newly painted and papered throughout. Large garden in rear. Rent only B50 per annum.—Apply Geo. B. Dyer, Albert Chambers, High-street. Cardiff. ? PORTHCA WL.-Furnisbed, four room cottage, neat JL and clean, 30s per week.—Gomer, care of Rev. I. H. Walker. 330 t? t'.SlDENCE (Good Family) to let in Charles- J[? street. Hot and cold water bath, and every con- Wales Daily News." Card?"' ? ? ? ? R ASIDE?-fo Let.?during September, longer or ?3 permanently. Furnished Eleven-roomed Resi- dence. charmingly situated, own grounds, sands close, la, lies eriterin, sea from house, shooting, tish. inx, boating. B2 5s weekly September, afterwards less.—Apply Mr thomas, Dolwen, Aberporth, Cardi- gan. 368 T ANDREWS-PLACE (5) to Let, containing 3 reception-rooms, 7 bedrooms, kitchen on ground oor, ehina pantry, hot and cold bath.-Apply F. S. Contritetor, Cardiff. 453 ?WANSEr?.—To Jet, capital Four Stail Stable, two Apply to John F. Harvey and Company, 14, Fisher street, Swansea. 434 JL ?ilner, James-street, Bute Docks.341 —Apply Mr Hiessley, LIa.nishen. 377 <ED 'rtt.-11htziu£zs rtmísts, &t. A BERTILLERY.—To let a commodious Premises, ..t- for giocei-y and drapery business.- Apply li. A. mley, Usk. 76061 L-'LAN:t:.LY, Carmarthenshire.—To let House and L Shop, 60 feet long. Good opening for easing house or fujaishina: businesa.—Apply J. BanvHIe, .ienby. 209 d-IADOXIrON-JUX'I'A-BARliV -Old premises suit- U able for converting into shops also stabli and grazing land.-John JeakÏns and Co., Cardiff. 61885 -ARDIFF.-To be Let, a Shop in St. Mary-street. C —W. and S. Hern, or John Jenkins and Co., Cardiff, 61885 T)")rOUSE and SHOP to Let (in September), 7, Stuajt- JjL street?Docka.—Apply on the premises. 277 i( IFFI(JES (Srst floor one suite, second floor one ?F suite) in St. Mary-street BuHdiags. corner of St. Marv-street and Wood-street. good entrance from Wood-street for offices only early possession.— Messrs John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic-chambers, Cardiff. 61885 FFICF,S.-Two Large Rooms, three doors from ?.? General Po.st-o6ice and Town-halt: terms moderate. -Clarke, 24, Oakneld-street, Cardiff. 953 a-(j};¡':N' CHAMBEn..s, Crackherbtown.-The fine suite of onices recently in possession of Messrs Stenheuson and Alexander, to Let.—Apply 8 Work- ng-street, CardiS. 75b6t ADDLERS.-House and Shop to let central posi- k-5 tiün splendid opportunity no opposition largo agricuitui-a.t and growing colliery district. "David UPPLY STORES, CARDIGAN, to Let; rent, EM; ?? incoiui)ig, tixtures, B60 stock (optional), S2 X). A rare opportunity.—Apply 2, High-street. _339 C?HOP (double front) andT?PREMiSES—No. bo. abte for any business. -Apply 47, Stuart-street, Docks. 429 i HOP, Wooaville-road, Cathays, in b!e) ck of eight S excellent opening .bootmaker, i ronmongery, an d lamp oils; no opp-'sition—Apply Clarke, 24, Oaktiel< street..954 HOP (ready), Salisl)ui-y-road, in block of nve ex- Apply Clarke, ?4. Uakneld-s-reet, Cardin'. ° 952 ?HOP and HOUSE to Let, situated inthehuaiestpu't ?? ofBute-street.suitabIe forconfect:oneryoreatir,g- honse. Good trade being address S. S.. "Daily News." 333 ?? suitable for any busfuess. Situation splendid— centra, and in ma'n thoroughfare—App.y to W. H. ione.i, 2, Dark Gate, Carmarthen. 303 ST.UH,E and LOFT to Let, for four horses. 5s per S' week or part, 2s 6d, with use of yard.—Apply 98 Harriet-street, Uatbays, Cardiff. 407 ?TABLING (extensive), with large yard, coach- ?? house, and other buildings, near top of East and West Butd Docks, to let.—Apply to Messrs John Jenkins :ind Co., Philharmonic Chambers, CardiS, bl88b imrAHEH?USE, with large ceiIar.&t?Mary-?treet, Vt rent B70.—Apply at 34, St. Mary.street, Car. diS.430 36iisintssts for idis-licrsal. ITISTOL. -Free Beerhouse near Bedminster Police jD Station, proof trade, present hands for many years taking ccnntty inn cause of disposal incoming. i:0.— Apply Alfred Crayford and Co., Old Crown, Broa/lweir, BriatoL 358 'jjD CARDING HOUSE fur Sale or to Let, in a good JLF situ.?ion at Weston.Super-Ma.re, containing 17 rooms, besides kitchens and oSiees successfully carried on by pros nt proprietor for the last 15 years. Furniture can be taken at a valuation, with immt;dia.te possession. Rent,B100?er annum. Freehold price, Sl,500.—Ap))!y to Rowland Perry, 3, Magdafa-buiiding, Weston-Sn;'cr-Mare. 76005 TTtUMNESS for DISPOSAL in commanding position JD for shipping trade, consisting of Tobacconists, Hairdressing, Stationery. Cutlery, Ironmongery, Haber- dashery, Hardware, (&e.. &c. Stock at valuation s)naU premium for nxture-! and remaining lease.—F. T. liunt, ( .mbritn House, Globe-street, Penarth. 062 Tf?UTE-STREET. CARDIFF.—shop Premises suit- J)L) able for any business. Lease, fixtures, &c., B210 stock opr.ioual. Good position—Appiy to John Junkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers. Cardig. Tj"?RAPMRY andt)utntting Business (good) eldest -L? established in Cardiff. G?'od position. Proprietor retiring.—Apply M., 2, Bute-street. 442 -YXA]IRDIZESSERS.-To be disposed of, good HMn jLl cutting and Shaving Saloon. In-going, low. splendid opportunity ior a good hand.—Apply Hair- dresser, 50A. Broadway. Roath. 365 OOP, HURDLE,and GENERALLIGHT JUL WOOD BUSINESS (an old-established) for disposal in Bristol. Capital warehouse, yard, and Splendid chance a pushing W. Stock. Hedminster. Bristol. 243 'p-UIÜ::iC.Hõi.J- E-(fre'e single-licenced) verycnm- IL pact good working neij1;hbourbood. Rent, 230; in-going .EJ30.—Enquire at the Windsor Arms, David- street, Cardiff. 449 HIP BPFAVBRY, Cardiff, for Sale. wtth several s good doubIe-licHnsed houses, and other property. 99û years 40 standing. Pro. prietor retiring.—Wm. Phiiiipa. Ship Brewery. 452 rIlIN-PLATE NN'ORKS (Avon Dale, Pontnewy(ld, jt. near Newport, Mon.,) to beLetorSoId.—Appty to the Company, on the premisea. 430 jnrsts, Jrihe tøtk, OLtU'tingtz, ir?OX TERRIER BriCH (young) Found at TreamM payment of expenses by applying to John Kempthom, 19, GlamoTgM-strMt Aberaman, Abord%re. 454 TTJTARVEST CARTS and WAGONS for Sale.— JLJL Apply to J. S. Stone, Dock-street Works. New. port, Mon. 75925 ¡ouUru, figeaus, &t. KING PARROT in new brass cage, B5; several t\. Canaries in song, 7s each; with cage 12a.—X. X.. Daily News" Omce, CardiS, 366 atbintry, abaals, &'C. A. V 0 N S I .iJ E E N G I N E CO,' AVONSIDE ENGINE WORKS. BPISTOL LOCOMOTIVES AND REPAIRS. NEW 14" AWHEEL COUPLED TANK ENGINES IN STOCK. ? SETS OF LOCOMOTIVE PATTERNS. EDWIN WALKER' _70S55 PECKETT AND SONS, JL (Late Fox, Walker, and Company)) LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE BUILDERS, ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, BRISTOL. New TANK LOCOMOTIVES ready for immediate delivery, with cylinders 14" diam., 20" stroke. 6 wheels coupled, and with cylinders 10" diam., 14" stroke, 4 wheels coupled. 40 horse-power semi-portable ENGINE and BOILER combined (new) in stock, with 2 cylinders 14" diam., to work at 1201bs. per square inch. Second-hand LOCOMOTIVES, with cylinders 12" diam. and 16" diam., thoroughly overhauled, for SALE or HIRE. _72765 TpOWIS AND CO., ENGINEERS & BOILER MAKERS, GREAT WESTERN APPROACH. ——CARDIFF.—— LONDON OFFICES: 59, GRACECHURCH-ST., E.C. MAKERS OF WOOD & STONE WORKING MACHINKRY, ENGINEERS' TOOLS. MORTAR MILLS, BRICK MACHINERY, & CONTRACTORS' PLANT. 12239 A quantity of Second-hand Engines, Boilers, Mortar Mills, and other Machinery for Sale. ——— 75957 Sole Agents in Wales for Charles BurreII & Song Limited,Thetford, Makers of Marine, Portable Plough' ing, <&Tra.ction Engines, & Agricultural Machinery. Easy Payments if required. ENGINE (one ten h.p. Portable) and eight-foot Mortar Mill, one 8 h.p. Portable Engtno and seven.foot Mortar Mill for hire.-J. Williams an" Son, Queen-street. Cardiff. 75391 MACHINERY (Second-hand).—Engines. Boilers, jLr-tL Pumps, Saw-benches, etc, for Sale.'Cheap. State requirements. Lists free.—Machinery Agency, 65, Wind-street, Swansea. 421 PRINTING MACHINE (seif-inking Simplissunus), jL Cases, Type. &c.; cost over Bl6; will sell for jElO.—After 7 p.m., 52. Pen-y-peel-road, Canton. 345 Wagons untt OtaUittJ1 fuquísifes. TtUTE WAGGON WORKSCARDIFF -oIosepb JO Heald and Co. supply all kinds of new and Second* hand WAGGONS, for Cash. Redemption or simple hire. Waggons repaired by contract or otherwise. N.B.—50 good 8-touT.V.R. Wagons for Sale or Hire. 100 8-ton and 100 10-ton extra, strong Coat Wagons, almost equal to new, on sale for cash, or on redemption. _52995 ? W.R. Eight and Ten Ton Coal Wagons, side and ?jr< end doors, for Sale or Redemption Hire.— Andrews and Baby, Railway Wagon Builders, Pearson. place, CardiS. _64714 -LANCASHIRE and YORKSHIRE WAGON CO., Hj LIMITED, HEVWOOD near MANCHESTER. BUILDERS of all kinds of RAILWAY WAGONS FOR CASH or on deferred purchase system.—For further particulars apply to John Macdonald, 120, Bute Docks, CardiS. Agent for South Wales. 75920 IDAILWAY WAGONS for hire or sale. Cash or JH/ deferred payments.—The Midland Railway Car riage and Wagon Company, Limited. Midland Works* Birmingham. 75249 fmRAM tons oF second-hand, JL 12 to 18 Ibs per yard.—Send price, delivered on raits, to Lewis Evans, Haufyruach, B.S.O., Pern. 575 IHcydes, <tri.cpdtst &.c. TRICYCLE (52-inchCoventry).jB4 10s; 64-inch JL) Cambrian, B5 10s 56-inch Safety, BlO 10s; Front. steering Tricycle, jE8; another (now), B15.—Norton, Crockherbtown, CardiS. 378 TRICYCLE (50-inch Roadster), for sale, a bargain in excellent w, rking order. Can be seen.-13, Copper-street, Roath, CardS. 52) fTTIRICYCLE (46in.) to sell; double driver, rear jL ateerer, ba)l bearings in good condition cost 14 guineas; to be sold cheap, through ill-health.— E. G. M.10, Clarence-street, Aberavon, Port Talbot. 502 'VHTANTKD to purchase Coventry, Rotary, or any W good two track or front steering Tricycle. State price.—Wheeler, Daily News," CardiS, 307 BROTHERS are prepared to supply JLvJL promptly their Standard Patterns of CAMBRIAN TRICYCLES AND BICYCLES, Direct from the Works, Pontypridd. or Depot, 16, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. The New List for 1885, corn. prising ,,11 the latest Novelties, copiously illustrated, including two track, back and front steerers, Tandem and Sociable Tricycles, ordinary and Safety Bicycles, Children's Bicycles and Tricycles, &c., &c., is now ready, and will be forwarded, together with particulars of a, LH-ge Stock of Second-hand Bicycles and Tricycles which have been taken in ex.;ha.nge. frtJe on receIpt of <tne stamp. Repairs and Machines Exchanged at Car- diff or Pontypridd. Discount for Cash or on Hire i-ystem. 72958 V-jRNKINSAND SON, Tricycle and Bicycle V V t Makers and Agents. Large stock of new and second-hand machines at low prices. Repairs, nickel plating. paintijm:, and cycle requisites at the Works, Westgate-street. CardiS. 76440 4- ¡¡¡ants. Tr AMPS and IRONS (pair of second-hand, complete) JLj wanted, suitable for Grocer's Cart. Mu"t be in pood condition.—Send price, &c., to Thomas Protheroe, BIaina, Mon. 4¿2 ROy AL- DAyÙæI:T-(i>etroleum). Quote price for one ton delivered free in casks as required. —J. Roberta, 'the Gr&ig Post-oSce, Pontypridd. 416 '-¡:-V' ANTED FLOUR, FRUIT, SODA, and other Y BARRELS also Sugar Hogsheads.—Dobson, Soda and Dry Soap Works, CardiS. 9155—49874 jfor .$nlt.Æisrellaneous. A ERATED WATER MACHINE, complete, quite ?L new, by Bar net and Foster, capable of making 600 dozen per day. To immediate purchaser for j650.— John Jenkins and Co. CudiS.61885 ITtAMBOO CANE FENCING (about 500 feet of JL) thick), with Sin. posts every 8 feet, nearly new. For Sale. a bargain.—Apply to A. Wilson, The Retreat. LIanisheu. _404 BIJtMINGHAM GOODS.—(All kinds) Hardware, JL) Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Furniture, Spe- cialities. Agents Wanted. Wholesale Book free.— Henry May, Birmingham. __588 CLERGYMAN is compelled to sacrinco a magnin- ?/ cent Service of Electro-Silver Plate, beautiful Old English beaded pattern, new, comprising spoons, forks, so"p an:! gravy ladles, Ac., aitosether 85 pieces, (brand A), Rnished equal to sterling silver. Price only &7 5s, valued at B17 ICs. On approbation.—Address Hlectro, Daily News" Omce, CardiS. _591 E""LASTIC AND WAX THREAD MACHINE for Sale in good working or.ter; also several Home Boot Manufactory. CardiS. 308 WEIGHING MACHINES.—A larKe stock ready ?V for immediate delivery—J. Bartlett and Son. 2 and 5, YVekh Back, Bristol.75860 .iT isctllaneaus. COURTSHIP MADE EASY.—How to commandthe ?' respect, love, admiration, and aSectionof anyone you wish. Thia marvellous secret, for which B6 WM originally paid. w !1 be sent for seven stamps.—T. Beck, 14, Choumert-road. Pet,kham" London. 715 Clothiers, Outfitters, and all desirous of doing a, bespoke trade without the necessity of keeping a. woollen stock. Write for Pattern Book of Goods to measure Hart, Harris, and Co., Wholesale Clothiers, 11. Redcross-street, London. Prices very moderate, and goods well Snished and trimmed. Autumn book now ready. 76058 HT ADDERS.—Ladders for buildera, painters, ptas JLj tereM, farmers, private use. &c., all sizes, at Coctre)I's old-esta.blished Manufactory, Barr's-street, Bristol. 705 Unclaimed—A Regis- ter (1884 edition), containing the names of 50.000 persons who have been advertised for to claim property and money since 1700. Post free. 2s od.—Douga and Co., 67, Straud, London. Wills searched for- 689 ,"TERVOUSl:ŒSS, LOSS of ENERGY and VITA 1." POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of seif-cure. He will be happy to forward the particu. lars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Addressed J. T. SeweII, Esq., Chiswick, Middlesex. _72588 ON SOC£ALPURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES ?. j' OF MAN.—Addressed specially to young men, with advice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of Manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire sa.fe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks Send one stamp to repay postage.—Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 139 )[jtARK-PL ACE'FRAMLNG CO., 52. Crockherbtown, J[. CardiS. English Gi) ding by experienced Work- men. Moulding of all kinds kept in stock, wholesale and retail. 598 SïlOOTING (some mixedfwanted, witMn"50 mi'es of CardiS. Must be close to a railway station.— head particulars to L., "Daily News" Omce, Car. TENTS, MARQUEES, FLAGS. COUNTERS, &c., ? for hire estimates given for any distance.— Apply Thomas Pugaley Mid Co., Newport, Mon. Tents a.u<l marquees made to order. Second-hand tents for sale. _M?__ T'RADFSMEN, push your business. Handsome JL window tickets, white on blue, blue on white.—2, Liberal Ctub, CardiS. 420 Y{)UR FUTURE, seven years, 9d Planetary JL Future, 2s 6d Love Talisman, Is 4d. Send age. Numerous testimonials.—John Major, Esq., M.M.S., Daventry. Re)hster letters. 556 ? ? ????? Useful HANDBILLS, 10s 6d Bill- JLU.?UU heads. Memorandums, Cards, 4s 1,000 Window Tickets and Show Cards. Cheapest and best. —Fisher and Co.. Broadmead, Bribtol.446 ?t???—A Gentleman with energy would be glad dC?/?Vv- to join a goin<( concern.—Junior, Daily Press "Onice, Bristol.287 Stant! ,HE WEST OF ENGLAND ADVANCE CO.. 2, Jt Bute-terrace, CardiS, beg to inform the public that they advance from £ó to Bl.OOO to Farmers, Cow- keepers, Householders (Male or Female), Mechanics, and others on their own security, at a few hours'notice. 'Trade bills discounted. Adva.nces also made on deeds without any legal charges at a very low rate of interest. to be repaid by instalments. Borrowers would do well to inquire our charges before applying elsewhere. For communications to be ttddressed to S. Blaiberg, Man ager Sloe 75917 Tt/W ONEY TO tND at a FEW HOURS' NOTICE 1 at MUCH LOER RATES OF INTEREST than arg:ed by other Omces. Privately from A to El.OOO to male and female upon Note of Hand ate; also upon Furniture, Trade, Farm Stocks, Cropor any available security, without removal, publicity ,r sureties. Responsible ver$.s can have the money without Bill of Sale. Also ion Deeds, Life Policies, Bonds, Shares. Jewels, Do Warrants, &c., at 5 per cent. Repayments to snit)rrowers' own convenience. Strictest secrecy oerved in all transactions. Call or write. TE MANAGER, BRISTOL ADVANC AND DEPOSIT COMPANY, .3. ST. STEPHEN'S HAMBERS, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL. 76241 ?? K ???t ?y to be Advanced on good 3?±<)??? Feholdor Leasehold Property, in sums of B100 to ElO.Ot: also on good personal security, reversions, annuities, e.. &c.—Messrs Hem, Financial Agents, 72, St. Mary-aeet. Cardiff. 61327 ]lDSt a& JDunlr. A PIG from Handiltound at Brynaman the 25th j_? ult. with pnvat<BMk. Owner can have it on givin particulars as to Mk. If not claimed within six days will be solder William Morgan, Cattle Dealer, Ystradgynlais. IT OST from the Drynnlountain a'she"Colt?;?ono JLJ year old strawbef colour; ata.r on forehead brown mane last been een 27th Juty, 1885. 10s reward who will bring th said to Thomas Thomas, Cwmgied, Ystradgynlais. T OST, Black and Tan Sttch Collie, on August 51st. JLJ Finder will be reward on returning it. to HO, Richmond-road, Cardiff, jiyone detaining it ?fter tMa date, will be prosecute 448 IT OST, Aug. 26th, Mastet Certificate. -Any person JLJ finding same please turn to Board of Trade OSces, Cardiff. 335 tf OST, Pocket Book, on !th Inst., in 12.55 train J)LJ from Tenby to Whit!ai.—Reward for returning it to Hentou'a Telephone 0m', Tenby. 572 ir?OUNb, & white, pink-eye rabbit. H not claimed J' within three days will beold to defray expenses. —Apply 16, Uandatf road, Gabon. 536 QFFIOE F TRNITURE- T1RAPNELL A'D GANE, HOUSE FURN3HERS, 6 & 74, CROCKHERBTWN, CARDIFF. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT: OFFICE FITTINGS OFFICE FITTING?? ???- OFFICE FURNITURE? ? DELIVERY. READYFOR DELIVERY. OFFICE FURNITURE READYFOB DELIVERY. LARGEST STOCK IN CARDIFF. rpRAPNELL ANE GANF,, 6 & 74, CROCKHEIBTOWN, CARDIFt FOR OFFICE FURNTURE. 75170 CAVENDISH HOCSE 'LIMITED), c CHELTENHAM. A Ittrgo variety now showh; of TRAVRLLING AND SEA-SIDE OSTUMES. In Serge, Canvas, Tweed, and other )ew and useful fabrics. Tailor-made Dresses in new dtigna. Washing and other Cotton C4Lumes Macintosh Cloak.-i. New Tweed TravUing Cloaks. Patterns and full particulars b;post. 74071 g M 0 x- u rp A D D Y t 1\1 Y R T LEG J.t ) YE.' OF ALf. TOBAOGQNIST!, tUW WffO]jjAM'1 OF j V L I V 8 g M IT H, SWANSEA. 7571b 'fM1IJUP 60 yEAR9 DESIGNR! MAffPF 40TVIUUS, ND fSnrrPE-RS! JTAVERTON &- Qo., f8S LARGER AND HOUSE 8t WEST OP ENGLAND JtlUft GOOD CJERVICBARLE FuuNITUIW, = LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FORWARDED GRATIS. AONHtaa— TAVERTON ? 00. 8TEAM CABINET WORKS, MARYPORT-8TREET & SRIDGE.STREET, BRISTOL, FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE TO ANY RAILWAY ciTAflON IN SOUTH WALES. 66735 PEHFRCTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY. mEETH.—DENTAL NOTICE.—OWEN & CO. -L will ATTEND CARDIFF from 10 a..m. to 8 p.m. every Thursday, at MrPady's.Tailor, 72,0rockherbtown. F,ETH.-OWEN and CO.. M.R.D.E., JL SURGEON DENTISTS, From London (Established 30 years), 4. OXFORD.STREET, SWANSEA. Artificial Teeth Guaranteed. Perfectly comfortable in wearing, durable, and useful. FpEETH OF SURPASSING DEAUTY, MADE FROM ALLIGATOR INDIAN IVORY, The hardest and purest known. This celebrated Ivory has obtained 23 Prize Medals. They are guaranteed never to break nor change colour. Fitted without pain whilat waiting. TEETH.-OWE.N, PRACTICAL, THE JL OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTISTS. Artificial Teeth fixed by Owen's Patent Suction, re- quiring no fastenings, &c. No pain whatever, no ex. traction. For Eating. Articulation, they are equal to the Nataral Teeth. Warranted to last a life.time. A Tooth From jBO 2 o Upper or Lower Set From 150 343e Consultation from Ten till Seven Daily. 73204 TEETH (Phze Medal Porcelain) TEETH JMF J. TJJOLLAND, SURGEON DENTIST, (Over 20 Years' Practical Experience), 1, HERBERT PLACE, St HELEN'S-ROAD, SWANSEA. Those Teeth are stronger, more natural in appear- ance, do not chaIlj{e colour, or turn soft in the mouth like Sea Horae Ivory are not so cumbe some, and a more perfect fit guaranteed in all cases. 73198 r ?HE SKIN. THE GLORY OF WOMAN. THE PRIDE OF MAN. mHE SKIN. It contains the delicate lines of .J.. beanty, and constitutes all that we f' ?HESKIN. term "Loveliness,'yet how many have their '}kins blemished by irritant soaps, THE SKIN. carbolic, coal tar, glycerine, made of putrid tats. F "1HE SKIN. The ALBION MILK and SUL- PHUR SOAP is the purest, the r ?HE SKIN. mildest, and the most emollient of all the many Toilet Soaps, and will give to f" ?HE SKIN. the Skin tha.t softness and clearness so desired by all. It will allay a,nd re- IHE SKIN. move all Skin Irritation. It is beanti .I. fully white and delicately perfumed. HE SKIN UNEQUALLED for the COM- PLEXION. 71773 r ?HE SKIN. Sold in Tablets by aU Chemists and Dealers in Perfumery. mENTS, MARQUEES, & PAVILIONS ON HIRE. JOHN SMART AND COMPANY. 2, WELLINGTON-TERRACE, CARDIFF Beg to announce to the Nobility. Gentry, Clerery. and the Public at laree that they have the LARGEST and MOaT MAGNIFICENT SUITES OF MARQUKEs IN THE PROVINCES (Not Surpassed in the Metropolis). Every Style and Variety, smtuble for Horticultural Exhibitions, Ga]a.s, Bazaars, Tea Gatherihga, Coming of Age Festivities, Wedding Breakfasts, Evening Parties, Temporary Ban-rooms. Etateddfoda, <&c., &c. FLAGS and BANNERS. SHIELDS. <md DECORA- TIONS in Great Variety, at charges that will defy competition. Distance no object. Mstunntes on appli- cation?_12107 74138 ERVOUS DEBILITY. N A CURE GUARANTEED. T?R WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN JL? TREATMENT, a Gua,rajtteed Cure for all Diseases of the Nervous System, such a.sHysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Neuralgia, Headache, WakefulDess, Mental Depression, Premature Old Age, caused by excesses, over-exertion of the brain, over- indulgence in abuse (resulting in insanity, and leading to decay. and deatti). This remedy is from the prescription of an eminent Physician, and has been tested and ued with great success for years. therefore the Proprietors have lIù hesitation whatever in issuinl{ a written guarantee of cure, or money refunded to month's treatment, 4s 6d per box, or six boxes (with guarantee) for 25s. Sent pott free on receipt of amount by J. Muuda,y. Chemist., 1. High-street, CardiS. 75123 DURE YEAST.—Crown, Circle, Danish, quantities. at pric,}. Guoli for dealers.—Mark Fentem, Y ea¡¡tl\lt'cl1al1t, Stalybrtdge. Write for prices. 046 TD'ORWICK'8 TDAKING 'POWDER, JLP Five JD Go:d _.? Medals 'B?ORW-tCK'S ? KING ?OWDER, JD for JD Wholesome JL Brea.d ?ORWICK'S T?AKING TDOWDER, -SJt For -N-? Puddings JL a.nd Pies. T?ORWYCK'S 'MAKING T?O?DER, jL? For JL? Plum_A- Cake. ORWICK'S BA.&ING POWDER, B For -iD Tea Cake -R- a.nd Scones. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, 13 For JD Norfolk Dumplinp, 74917_12160 I CRUSSLEY'S PATENT TWIS EN. THE GINES—Impulse every revolution THE GINES—Impulse every revolution The stea.diesc running Gas Engine ??TTO yet ma.de. ?? CROSSLEY'S NEW VERTICAL EN GINES.—Requiring little ground GINES.—Requiring little ground I space, GAS I ChOSSLEY'SP_TENTSELFSTAR. I TER,-TheSaiest, Simplest e., Best. ENGINE. Consumption hi Gas ;uaranreed to !)e 25 to 70 percent. less than any other Over 17,000 in I etigliie per brake hoMe power. use. CROSSLEY BROS. (LD.). MANCHESTER. 73412 .A NEW S1'ORY, By MISS BRADDON, Will Cow-wettce m the "CABDI.FF TI}'IES" and" SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS" On FRIDAY and SA1'UBDA Y NEXII2 September 4th aiid 5th.

Family Notices






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