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••■k S*"A ,U7 Are the Purest, Cheapest, and Ðêst Bitters ev^T zsr.de. They arc cornpontuM from Mops, BuchU, Biantiraks, Foaopliyllin, and £ )ands!ioa—tlie oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world, and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other Bitters, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver HegUlatOV, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give new life arid Vigor to the aged and infirm. To all Whose employments causa irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and Mild Stimulant these Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, Without intoxicating. No-matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. ri.Wf-. wait until you nt-o eioU, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your lire. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. <S" dSSOO ¿dJ will bo paid for a case they will not cure or help. They are a pleasant refreshing flavouring for sick-room drinks, inmure water, and other beverages. x Do not suffer yourself or let your friends suffer,, but use ard urge thmn to use Hop Bitters. u .lJcmcinbor, flop Bitters is no vile, drngsred nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made; file Friend and Eloper and no person or family should be without then;,$no Jtillt&VB to«dsy. .1ï)U BALD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. "CANYS Y GWAED YW Y BYWYD." GWAED GYMYSGEDD BYD ENWOG CLAEKB. Y Gwaed Burydd ac Adferydd Mawrlesol. I'R hwn ni ellir rhoddi eymeradwyaeth rhy uchel am- 1 LANHAU a GLOEWI y GWAED o bob ANHHUREDD, laclia Hen Glwyfau laclia lien Glwyfnn Crawnllyd yn y Gwddf laelia Gluniau Cornwydlyd Dolurus lacha Bendduon neu liisgwm ar y Wyneb Iacha Glwyfau Cra'olilyd; lacha Gornwyd Cancraidd laclia Atiechyd y Gwaed a'r Croen lacha Chwyddiadau Cliwarenol laclia y Gwaed oddiwrth Sylwedd anmhur, yn codi oddiar ba achos bynag. Gan fod y Cymysgedd liwn yn ddymnnol i'r arehwaetl), ae yn cap! ei warantu yn rhydd oddiwrth unrliyw beth niweidiol i'r cyfansoddiad inwyaf gwanaidd perthynol i unrliyw mi ddau ryw, y mae y I'crehenog yn erfyn ar i ddyoddefwyr roddi prawf arno er cael allan ei fawr werth. Miloedd o Dystiolaetliau o bob parth. v" "North-street, Audenshaw (ger Manchester). Rhydd i mi blesermawr i roddi fy nliystiolaeth i cffcithiau rhyfeddol eieh Gwaed Gymysgedd, yr lnvii sydd wedi fy ngwella o droed a migwrn cornwydlyd drwgr iawn. Yr oedd i mi bedwar o arehollion, yr hyn a'm lianalluogodd i ddilyn fy ngalwedigacth a. bedair blynedd, yn ystod yr hwn amser bum mewn pump o walianol glafdai ac o dan bymtheg o wahanol feddygon. O'r diwedd eymliellwyd ti i roddi prawf ar eieh Gwaed Gymysgedd, ae ar ol cymeryd tail- o phiolau bycliain yr oeddwn ynalluo" i fyned at fy ngwaith, ae erbyn i mi gymcryd naw neu ddeg o phiolau yr oeddwn wedi fy llwyr wcllliau. Gallwch wneyd y def- nydd a tynoch o liyn er budd dyoddefwyr ereill.- Yr eiddoeli yn el parehus, JOHN AViiLIANTS." Ar worth mewn phiolau 2s 6c yr un. no mown Cistiau, yn cyn- wys ehwe' gwaith cymaint, lis }7r 1111-cligon i effeithio gwellImd liollol yn y mwyafrif mawr o achosion hir-sefydlog—gan yr holl Fferyllwyr a Gwerthwyr Meddyginiaeth Breintlythyrol trwy yr holl Deyrnas Gyfunol a thrwy y byd, neu a anfonir i unrliyw gyf- oiriad ar ddcrbyniad 30 neu 132 o Iytliyrau ceiniog, gan y LINCOLN & MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY. LINCOLN. Trade Mark-" Gwaed Cymysgedd." NERTH MAWB I'n CORFF.—Y mae Pepper s Qu;?i,,i,iie and Iron Tonic yn cryfhau y gewynau a chyfundrefn y eyhyran, yn g-wclla yr archwaeth, yn bywiogi yr ysbrydoedd, yn adnowyddu yr iecliyd, yn dihuno a dadblygu y galluoedd gewyn- ,1WI. yn cytoethogi y gwaed, yn awchlymu yr archwaeth, yn tarfu ]ies<,edd ae iselder, ac yn cadarnhau organau y treuliad. Y mae yn eddyginiacth neillduol i boon yn y gewynau (neuralgia), diffyg trcjiiad, clefydon, anhwylderau y fynwes, ac mewn anhwyIderan ayciiawl, a gogwyddiadau manwynawl, &e. Y mae yr holl gorff yn cacl ei iywiogi yn ddirfawr clnvy Tonic Pepper, y galluoedd mciidyiiol yn cael cu gloewi, y cyfansoddiad yn cael ei nertliu yn lawr, iecliyd yn sicr o ddychwelyd. Poteli, 82 dogn, 4s. Co. Ar wertf gan g-yffyrwyr yn mhobman. Y mae J. PEPPER ar y iabet. Mynweh Tonic Pepper. BYDDARDOD, SWN YN Y CLUSTIAU, &C.— Deller's Essence for Deafness gael eidreio bob amser, am ei fod. mewn achosion a ymddangosent yn anwelladwy, wedigwneyd rhyteddodau. Ar ol ei gymhwyso am ddwy neu dair noson, syioudir Byddardod Ysgalh, Atalfeuon yn y Clustiau, a'r sibrydau dido:- sydd mor (ynyeh yn dilYII clvw drwjsj. Gellir dyweyd am DeJei' f Essence ei fod yn sicr o roddigwaredigaeth mewn unrliyw aetcs o fyddardod heb aehosi y niwecllleiaf i beirianwaith tyner y glust. a pha mor ryfedd bynag, y mae personau wedi bod yn ycUar srnflynyddau; wedi elywed seiniau ar ol rhoddi prawf tog gr Essence. Poteli Is. lie., a 2s. 9c. Ar werth gan yr holl y.;yi wyr. Cymdeithas Adeiladu Merthyr a Dowlais Sefydlwyd 1872.-Corfforwyd dan Gyfraith Seneddol Cymdeithasau Adeiladu, 1874. Prif Swyddfa 34, Victoria Street, Merthyr Tydfil. Cadeirydd—THOMAS WILLIAMS, YSW., Y H. YMAE y Gymdeithas uchod yn barod i roddi bentliyg ar Mortgage, ar y rliybudd byraf, Symiau o £ 100 i £ 10,000, i'w talu ynol yn Gyf- ranau Misol neu Chwarterol. Mae tabl yr Ad-daliadau, y Treuliau Cyfreithiol, a thai y Surveyor, wedi en gostwng lawer iawn. MAE'R GYMDEITHAS YN AWR YN CYNYG MANTELS tON ARBENIG I FENTHYCWYR, drwy fod yr Ad-daiiadau a'r Costan Deelireuol wedi eu lleihau gyniaint. Cedwir y Dirgolwcli LIyyraf. Am Fanylion, ymofyner a Mr E. RoBERTH, Ysgrif- enydd, yn Swyddfa y Gymdeithas, 34, Victoria-street, Merthyr Tydfil. SWANSEA ROCK PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. LOG. DERBYNIR unrhyw symiau o arian o ^10 i ^11000 gan y Gymdeithas uchod. Rhoddir llo^ o Bum' Punt y Cant, a'r ymrwyn.iadau dyogeiafam danynt. Ymofyner a'r Ysgrifenydd, Mr T. H. Davies, 18, Union-street, Swavsea. Gan ein bod yn dal cysylltiad pwysig a'r Gym- deithas hon, gallwn sicrhau ei bod wedi ei sefydlu ar egwyddorion bollol deg; a rhydd gyfleusdra perffatih ddyogel i osod arian ar 16g. B. WILLIAMS, Canaan, Cadeirydd. J. Lr.. JONES, Peneiawdd, Direc. J rJRIFFITWs. Argraffydd, Abertawy. ton. "VTEEVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. -L > A Gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address, J. T. SEWELL, Esq., Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. CAUDEN.—I BAWB SYDD YN DYODDEF ODDIWRTIT GAMGYMERIADAU a ffolinebau ienenctyd, gwendid gewynol, darfodedigaeth cynar, eolliant dyndeb, &c., danfonaf gyogbor meddygol a'ch gwellha chwi yn RHYDD O DAL. Darganfyddwyd v feddyginiaeth enwog hon gan genadwr yn Nehendir' America. Anfonwch rlythyrglawr gyda'cfc. cyfeiriad eich hunan arno i'r Parch. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New 'York Oity, U.S.A. p i SKTAHT & Iin I 1. I ICAurcIm s | Impurity of the Blood. Unless the blood be kept in a pure state the constitution must be weakened and disease supervene. These wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all con- aminations of the blood and system generally. They quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill health, and institute regular action in organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. Complaints of Women & Children. The very mild and painless action of these invaluable Pills recommends them to ev cry household as a remedy for the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of llolloway's Tills, has at once available means for checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, th-3 female's tried friem1. Disorders of the Liver with Flatu- lency and Indigestion. Loss of :1ppctitc and flatulency are usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power in all affections of the liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowels they restore a healthy function to every internal organ, overcome all obstructions, and cast out all impurities. Weak Stomachs.—Impaired Digestion. The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion, all of which may be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they ronse.tba stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which. fully enables them to convort all food and driak to the nourishment of the body-henco, these Pills are the surest strcngtbeners, and the safest restorative in nervousness, wasting, and chronic debility. Coughs, Colds, Influenza, and Sore Throats. For cttring dise:1ses of the throat, chest, and lungs, these Pills have established for themselves a pre-eminently world-wide fame, as they purify the hlsod and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stages, arc successfully treated with this medicine, particular!v if llolloway's Ointment be well rubbed upon the chest and buds'. night and morning. liolloma-ji's Pills are the best remedy linomn in the world-fur the following diseases Headache l Stone and Gravel Asthma Iu'l'&astion Secondary Symp- Bilious Complaints Lifer Complaints toms Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Tie-Dolorcux Bowel Complaints Piles Ulcers Debility Kheumatism Venereal Affections Dropsy Itotontion oj' Urinc 'Worms of :ill Un.cls Female Irregularities Scrofula, or King's Weakness from Fevers of all kinds Evil whatever cause, Gout Sore Throats &c., &c. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLOWA y'g Establishment, 5;)3, Oxford Street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. l.kl., 'is. 9d., -Is. Stl., lis., '.ris., and 88s. each. The smallest Box oirl'i!is contains four di.ysu and the slllallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. Pull printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had iu any language, even in Turkish., Arabic, Armouao, Tersian, or Chinese. No. 16-2. SWYDDFA Y TYST A'R DYDD amLyfran obob kJ math, Cerddoriaeth, Papyr ysgrifenu, a Chyboedd adau Seisonig. HøfVd pob math o waith argraffr. WAKEN Til! y bydd i UN BLYCHAID o VJX CLARKE'S B 41 Pills i wella pob dyferlif o'r Peirianau Troethol, yn un o'r ddau rhyw, wedi ei enill neu yn srdyraherol, Graianwst a Phoenau yn y Cefn. Ar werth mewn blychau 4s 6c yr un gan yr holl Fferylltvyr a Gv. erthwyr Meddyginiaeth Breint- lythyrol neu a anlonir i unrhyw gyfeiriad am (JO o lythyrnodau, gelJ y LINCOLN & MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. Goruchwylwyr Cyran- werthol :—Barclay a'i Feibion, Liundain, a'r hoil Dai Cyfanwert.hol.