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REDUCED RATE ?repa?d ? Words SIXPENCE. i'hree Times NINEPENCE. 3ix Times ONE SHILUNG. WORDS. TIMES. s. d.!s. d. s. d. .0 Words ?0_?j0 9 1 0 .j0 WoydT 0 ? 1 0 ?T"6 .0 Words 1 0 j' 1 6 *23 :0 Wcrd3 1 3 ?? ;u Wcrds .-16 ?y1?46 .hicL are ordered for co.\S);CL"i')VE insertion, a,nd PAtD ORf'HKVJUCS TO either of these con- ''tiona :3 not ?Mi?ertisenMnt wih be !< tbe <caie :— ?PAf<TME.\iSWA?TEP. TO I.ET: ?K'?EY ?m:CLEA MOXEY TO ??CLES M)SC)-'t.LA'<POUS K'H ?ALES. 'JSI'<ESSES WAITED. PARTt<ERSH!PS WAMED 'OUSESTftLET. -OUAES WAKTKD. SiTLAHOKS VACANT. GENERAL ADVKRTISiNG TARIFF. ?\OT)Cr?. Goveromen: Anno'tnce- ShUhne per tine for etch insertion. Prospecruses of ea.ch Pni.!ic. lesa!, ?hinicipa.? Parcchia.! ?nd School Doard ?oticeit. 'lenders and Ac., tion ?otites are fha.rsed Sixpence per tine, a. .'script.n'tY word.s Co a. )ine. ?nd 12 hnes spa<e occMpied is charged a.t the of Tweiv hues .c ??rs?al. ILL Didymus Wyn. of SwMsea.. kindly reply to ? T aa she is very to he&r frCttt ?;?. _757 ?artn?rsbip. a; Partner ?a.?rMa?nd to FuUBdry, "D&Uyyews" U&ce, ?airimcrn?L FinHE MATB IMOyiAL ? f.D ?yb'FAsHIO?- 1. ABLK MARRIAGM GAZMTTB is the re- ?'ogTf'sed for .\<tdreas Editor. ?, London, ?V.C.773 ??b?. A PPREXTK'E Wanted.—Parsed preUm*B&ry pre- ferred. J. Westey Che iat. L'&neUy. 821 ??HEMI.STS.—Wanted. ltDprovfr or Junior. w!i.h Post <. a.pton, Cardiif'. 704 ?"?HtXJSTS.—?fessra Edwa.rd-<. Hovenden, ?7 and ?re L nd"n Agents for Celebrated Orientft! Sn!Y<' mKi Raat lNdi& PiUs. 660 A MERMAN ?RGUI?ET'r?. a. hu-tM pridd. ? ? Ladies and gentlemen to bpcome u]em- -0 by e.t.r'y a.pp)ica.tion to Mrs GrKBtha, Batter- s..p-r ad. 784 ]ry you HA.\UK)Ri );. PIPE ORG.AX. or HAR- ? wa.nt-! Re'-a.iri'-s: or Tuning, send t<i M. FLICKER. Harpist, Vo<-A!ist uf t29. 499 ?WR. C. Dirpctor.'Thea.tTe 1TN Cardiff. Pu"i!< for Violin and 2, Brook-'erra.ce, Ca.rdiS. 656 tW USICAL inl&id. teTer winders, inner .tV) )id,p!a.y-<ix<<elecrion<. Pric" 50". or oner-— JL e orf!. ?'ss< tusker: t'ated 70 ?ine:ts; 45 ?uinea? —Webh, 1?4, Huce-rostd, 7.8 H..nnonnujs r-inedand JL Ren.'v.-tted. 25 yt-ara' Sa.f'tsfacf.ion suM-Mteed —J. H. ?). Morion ''treat, Spjoct. ot tt X. GaUifcrd. stationer, Bute-street, Ca.rditf. pr B.p;y attended to. _&o9 ??ufaiionaL t? \r?G?nd CALI?TrHENICS.—?r?a?v holds JL? h? ei?Meea M )K'a!t!. at the Rooth H<ti!. ?t?cey- retML PnTftte]ps""ns <:iven.—yar further pa-tcntaf! &pp!y 371 Span's' Ita.h&n. Cerma.n Jf C!ajMes ?recial Closes for Corres- Cs'idida.tea prena,r-d fcr the M«i'<-a!, !md service AntttttMtM, Bo.k-keepiB!r, French. a.nd SpMtish Bbm W. Htuuea Public 25, 72& ?JL p"eterred.—Appiy.with teferencee &nd expected, to Manager, ToRdu ? to Mr Ha..r]s, 30. ?47 ?ClE?TtFIC DRKS.CUTTING ASSOCIATION. CMt!e-strt-et,. opposite Carditt CMUe. for Pupils )tnd <ehoo) tea' her'<. m&ids, when in arst bouse* ° 608 ?ontpsftf ?frhants. ?ARMFf Sttper'or 71362 ir? MIGRATION. — Wanted imtt.pdi&teJy? Yo?n? j'j Wotneo for Free Piasx? t to Quee?'d?Bf). Yonng Sydney. S2: toAmer'c?.. GoV)rrn:iidntRm!g'rT.)a Ottic. /3. ?7t ?EKERAL (good) WMt-d ?o..ce.— ?J? Apply Ottery House. Ca.uton. ?1 KXKRAJL SERVANT w&ntott. Must ho good pty Mrx Mrd, RMe)rs)ie, Newpoft-TOtLd, Cfu-ditt. 795 ? 1 f:\KHAL wMted in & ?Jf w jjjcs 4<t p:r wack indis- App!v bv letter to T. Not-s 814 ?ENKRA. F.. 13, Cachaya. 814 ?? \L ?ERVA?f?anted? \jr Apply Mrs Alexandra Dock fKr-RAL SRRVANT M ?jr 67. Canliff. 743 ? RNRRAL SERVANT pTi- —Appty, with pnrtica)ar<, A. MhvBHMy 711 ?ENRRAL'?KRVAXT one u.-<ed toch; ?)' dren reference required.—Apply P. J.. Post- omee.AbercM'. Mon. 668 ??NERAL'?ERVA?'f'??nted7 MtHe. fon.t"of ?ftnirL'd.—Apply ?Irs Ha.rr;ea. Huase, ?hbw ??<' 652 ?1 F.Xt!RAL ti ? CM do .ood ?TT ?&mte<t ?90 Honaemaid.—Apply ?or- VJOP8EH"L!) -ERVANf WMted: JTM. re9pe<:t)t'e. a.nd ? undoubted charMtM — App)y betwae!) 7 tnd 8 ? ?e eveatng :&nd &t no other H!ue\ Mrs Rt es, 27, t iah ? '!upei-!nrmidd)e-Med JTL person M Workinfr Housekeeper uo mistress <in:y t)u-se 'm ;.a.r''ctersaeedM'p'v' (tixperienced) wanted. fer-y ma.id kept.—Winder Hotf). Docks. 684 ?nd"r).—\Vj.jtM' ?respdc.&b: Wnman HJL & Hn'tts for Y ?ut)g'h- s mu-<be '<'e'! r.obe r—r'p'y o Mr. B.-kbeck Terry. ? ''nu-Mion ?y respectable ?" 677 (etEcieutt. disengaged yo eg indies' oruse- tor LMido')').-Mrs) 731 IDARLOUR-AtAn) ?'??)7'whoTa's*nY:dd??)nn?r JL ?tu&tionoefo.-eimd herduttes. ?h unexceptiouabte cha- pter not under 25..Mprefwed.—Mr A!'en Ty- St. t:on<. fa.r<titf. -t ?, yefn-s —StttR T<eterence, s&tttry, Mra Philips, Hotei. Newport t ??AYTRESS (experienced hea.d) wa.nted not nnder ?y 24.—Appiy between 4 fmd &.Wtn<taor Hotel, ? ? ? ?? th« fotiowing ?erv&nts W ? Good Ct*ok. ? Kitchen Ma.id. a.nd Good Jtenerat servant.—App)y to Mr Burden, Liberal Cmb, Cuatom _727 ?itnaiions ??fsni. A RMY ?TL HER MAJESTY'S ARMY. wiH. Kingdom, bw snpplied. without charge, with a letter to the Reg,menta.1 Dis- trict ?t or M the Youmteer Sergettnt the service they ma.y select. 11742 M825 ?0'<FECT?O?ERS?W?)ted7? JLF can mould Md detiTer.— Apply ?o E. GnSn. Confectioner. Rhymney. T[)OY 13 to 15, good rea.d JO Md weU.—AppJy 19, Arcade. Car- dier. ?6 M-ond- JL) emptcyment.—Appty Wm. Ha.fri8 144. ?.f<rhyr_810 ? ?AAT?R?trR ?\\(.rk:ngt'rc'aia.n)'?a.n?d.* One ?_? ?ith of station wjrk geneTa.I'y mast to Apuleby Mid LttWton, Contractors, DMte)tth. R.s t). 712 ? COACHMAN wa.nted. Mn);te-hM<ied. where pair of ?/ ponv &re kept. Atuat be & Appjy in Srst, by ?ddreased C., Box 70, Cardiff. 792 ?0?!PO?rTORS*-?'.n:t3? ? ? Uand for t-vo ?' most he of s..ber ha.bit,.—Forpartieu- I&M t.p)y Joseph Wi!!ia.m. McrrhyT ??'?- ??0'??b?T?Rs(tw or three; ?_? '"?"ymemt wegei 27? toxt h. ve ce')!; )nia.l freo t'?r?? Mttpfoy?r M to quickoesa ?nd correctness. —"Htr&iti UOht-.B?th. 73? ?-?bMrOS?OR??obbi?wMi.? at ?/ OTera.XT.outh Newa' Uai'-e, (three ?.'o't) ? '.y tetter "b' 0.) Wit:e.-< ?.?w<< ONice. '7o6 ??A?MK?.-Wanted a.t a. ?W M n. w))f. 'h(.ro'?:'th' u'«it'r-t?tr'd< the mth.n? "'J? M? m<tn.?).? ? w.!k<. '.Vr!{< con?HS S"!??'" ?"?y- ''t.ttint; r?fert-n<-)< a.nd te?imo in.)s, to ?"'??''?. Otac.:a. Macdil.j. EMPLOY MEN Nacrous c.?«)S!?"'?" C??to'?. s.tersht..s, ?'?"'r?"?- ??'- (.a.?..?). P'iK«.n.. Cr? <?*?'?'?"< ?y"'e t o" ???Y.???:;S?? ?"?. P?? ? StTUATIONS.—Numerous vacan 14.20 salaries ranging to B150.—Write Tnde'iey, and Abemetby, H.M.C.S., Edin- burgh. ? 629_ ?c.-Wanted immediate y.M t t_ Impr vor total ?),str.iner.—Apply, t MPROVER want-d. to Smith's Trade.Age about 18: D. Evans, Smith, Defynock, Breconshire. ':56 IT AD Wanted.—Apo!y to J. E. Tatlboy and Lj Son. Bedding Manufacturers, 171, Bute-road, CardiS. 694 jLj and make himself useful.—John Miller, 3 Patrick-street, Carditf. 665 AN that Potii-h and Upholster wanted im- jLji mediace.iy.—Ap'')y Evaa Ditvisa. Stepney-street, L!aael!y. 'tW AN eampsrly desires work; nnbiemished charac ?TJ. ca.n rry res and COLJ, or &ay other position. S9. Daily ?ew3,"CardiS. 758 ?TESSRS. C. JE\KINS a.nd SON. Forth, are en nuijiber of good men..Early'application M necessary. 779 ? single young Man at a. _iVH. country mill—Appt? njstt&T., &t E. David's, 1[)ARENTS and respect- JL a.b'e Y&uth as Apprentice to the ironmongery deait wi h.—Appiy Yorath and Co., Canton, CardiS. 705 'DOLISHFRSand Cabinft Makers wanted a.tA!sop'f. JL Steam Cab net Works. 58. Broadmead. BristoL 774 1T)OLL TURNER wanted, to take charge of four black-plate mil!s a.nd co'.dro!I=!.—Apply, stating experience a.nd wages required, to Box 15, LIaneUy. _759 C'HOFING und GENERAL SMITH (good) waited. ? App.y F. 768 a.Q experienced, steady rpa:u!ar with ?ood wage?, is to ? suita.h!e Stanley Eva.ns. PontIIanfra.ith, npAILORS <'f=r.t-c!asa)' wa.nto' 'at pnd _t Co., The Tailors, in Histom House street, Cardiff good paid (coat makers). 742 a. good C.jat Hand. at once. Thomas Envies. 3, High4treet,_FerndaJe. 709 ? THATCH (cnmpetent:) t t wanted to W. & E. ?t?) WEHKLY and upward ma.y bf) and Watta, and t ompa.uy (P. 157), Merchants, Birmingham ?Ijcp ?.saistattis, ?c. A (indoor) WMted to DreM Md ?L Mantia Making.—Green Md 16, Oid Market-street, Unatol. 577 ??RAPERY. —Wanted, good Junior aJso Youth a.t I*. & Co., Pontycwmmer. ? JToBp? Lady for Fancy S Cou .ter; Welsh.—Apply 1i0 il. ?K"? tiouse, ?eath. 6tT :M experienced young fa.dy ?? ft'r counter.—Apply, with full particn'ars, to Joh)tJ<Mi<?s. Golden Key, JLF expe ience age 18; dia- —VV. R.. 18, Baglan-pl&ce, PeDtre. RhondJa. _679 and OUTfUTHR.—Wanted by an ex- Manager, or Working Partner .good references. —App!y D. M., 15, Ua.ndilo. Ca.r- 680 )r\UAPf;RY A.XD GROCERY Business for Disposal. ? ?732 ?'?'t?J'CKRY.—Wanted a.t cnca, an Improver quick ??f a)ui personBUy if possibfe, to ?1 ROGERS' H&nd .tt career, ppty ..o ?P?? ??OCRRY PROVISIONS.—Waited, a;! Im. ?jr prover: We!sh neceasa.ry.—Apply G. M. Gunson, ??UCERY?and PRO VISION TRADE.—Wanted, an ?jf pxperiece-i Junior. Must know W:dia.m fi.tt'ris, 144, H;nh t. ?erthyr. J50 ? ? ROC t-.RY.—Wanted at once, an Apprentice to WtHiam Jones. London Houae. Ynysmudw, Swansea. V'Uey. _7b2_ ?ROCRHY ant a Junior \jr or Imptoeer, qutck a.nd oMiging.—A: p!y, ? ROCKRS' A.Si'lSTANT.—WM ed,M experienceQ ?fiRO ?HY PRO imme ?jr di-ttely, a. good Junio!; Assiataut.—Ap!'Iy D. W. ?ttymney. 693 ? ROC ERY Wanted, at ?J)T once, g'od strong Junior; must be well up m Provisions.—Apply wi:h fuU S. Grimi-hs, ?? a.ge, married, re- withnrm:<wi:I)ngto ?ROCKRYT?i). Vt. Kvuns, ?l')irt-)ton (.'auo!) proffrre- 7o"i t ?OXCTMRY.— t. i(.uat!on wanted ? years,'experience good reference.—Address at W. H. ok's, 740 ir H. KVAN.-4, Dntper, Maesteg. requires a pushing ? If outtg Man alHo & Milliner. aMe to serTe; Welsh indispensab.e. 737 TLNt')R wanted, to the Grocery; able to apeak ? Wf;sh. Good referencea. State 3.ge Mid saJ&ry. —Apply Ditvid Bee Hive, N&ntymoeL near Brxigend. 636 wanted by an experienced lyj_ Hand. Able to serve good reference.—Address W. H.. 49. GIan-ro&d 802 ? ?UTFITrKit!:).—Wanted. Situation aa Improvar ?J? We!sh indispensable. Goodrefer-Bces. AbaravoH, 785 sharp, ac- ? t tive Ycaug Man. to take sf retail ? 713 ?a???ra, ? ??LF.'RK (f:eod ?hortnMM?.with knowledge of French, ?whs Chambers, Car.iiB. ?99 ?LKRK Wanted. Mnst be qn'ck, and good wr ter. 7. ?-t. ?ILr'RKS.—Wanted a Junior state age, experience, ?. ?' sa''i.ry.—i{. PIiiilipa and Mathry, Pam. 770 ? CJ.RRK (a rea.y good) Wanted a.n with references, to A., News." Cardiff. 71984 '??A? (experienced) spek? emptoyment M Branch ivA Mana?er?Grceery), Weigher. Invoice Clerk, or rttad, Pettygraig. Rhondd&. 7SO" ?e.—Wanted, a'teady. c&tnpe- ti"fr. 776 AND CONTRACTORS.— in and oatdoor work.—ApnJy Timber," "South Wa.Iea D&ny News OfRce. C&Tdi< 71876 and Co.. 29 a.i 30.'St. Car<H{f. 8t.7 ?ituaiicna ?ani?. ?rA.?TEB BAKERS. — Wanted, by respecta.b!e y')u"gma.n. S tuition as Nrstr secondhand.— ?, D.y News" Sran h OSce. K"wpor6, Men. 819 ASTER BOTCMEPS.—Wanted, by ?respecta,b!e* t.' ma,ke us ful.—Apply 51, L'ntOM- i'treet. Ca.fd.tf. 1DENSIONER aeeta Watch- A man, Ac., or any plice of trust. Good Addreaa C. H., 56. CardiS. 6C2 TT)ORTRR, <&c.. situation w&Hte<l by a respectable ? pensioner good references.—Address Hutch- ing< 200. SeTerit-rofKi. Cantoa. 645 ?ITUATIO?< wmted by Boy (15). MCtistomed to ??rAT?H tnd' C: — SitMation TT Wanted by goodganerat 25, Ma.rk street, Cardi&633 ?gs??s. ?r??Hrrs. ?c. A wanted in the Towns and ViHages ?''jL throuahout the United Kingdom. Aetna Men, W. J. <& Room ?o. 5, Fitisbury-aquare Bui 7&2 ? wanted (wholf or titne) for the ?\. ProYide'ttAsiiociati'tnofL'ndou.Lmmed. This ciassea tor the investment of ia,ne or ?tna?i auma. Honds from 3 to 30 from ? :5 o ST.OCO. Monthly terms to good m-n.—\pnly to H. J. District Superintendent, .Lothia.u House, Richmond-road, 610 A GENTS Wanted throughout South Wales. New goods, greatly demanded samples tight good Talbot.. 754* t Wanted to Soil cheap machinery oHs a.nd ?? tai'ow on :erms commanding sales.—Ma- A I.L ?ho wish to ma.&e money easHy and quickty a,t ?'?. home. write A. B. Murray, 105, London. ?. K. 990 ?A?V?SER wanted for an old-established trade Address Daily Newa Omce, CarttM. 606 ?OAL AGENCY waated. by GentlemM of long ?-? and hoiding unsurpassed connection ? ??' ??sst referencea.-Address V. M.. ?"????*_P???? Omce. CardiB. ir EATHRR ?d Pr?n??????? ??lish. c..n?c?. irrupt'e?ry M.n.?ea.—sta.te ground covered who re- ??"n"'E:C ?" ? ? ??? ?Y. -m/fAN (respectable) wanted iuunedia.tely ?wa? B2, beMdua good coTmnisatom experie'n<Mnot required.—AddressjBurface Uompany, Farmmouth. 772 ? f AN (respect&ble) wishea situation aa .iVt !)Hdc.d)ector. Can prodnceh!<:b<st references. secur ty if required.—Addreaa Moni:or. 6, Elizabeth- street, Aberdare. ?M T? OYAL LONDON FRIENDLY SOCIETY -Agents R w nted for Cardiff, M?steg. P??P???" b<;oks on hMd to sMrc with.-Apply R. ?. ??. 50. °' upon Goods. JL and China Dealers, Hardwaremen. Chemists, ?c.. are oSo-ed a for .t speciaiiM in constant demand.—Address Mr Avo<-& PiMe, Dartmouth. enclosing stamped ? WHOLESALE PROVMIOX TRADS.—A L'ver- to'epre.ent t'.<'m over the South district on care Lae &nd Nithtingalo, Advertiaing Ageuts, Hver- pouL 736 HOLESALE GROCERS.—Wanted situation as ground, and with the English and Wfttah tanguages. — Addreaa E. J. Morgan, Post Omc'* ?9 ??? PER CSXT. Protit.—Stit.tioaers, FMcyRepo- ?wt? sitors, Ca.nvaasers, Hawkers. Timekeepers, stamped a.ddreM to G. G., "J)a.'ty ?ewit" O&ce, CArdiS. 385 ?o?am?s, ?purimfnis, ?n A with good attendance ?-? for fwo Young Gentleman, at No. 3, LIa.ndou?h- 4 PARTMENTS'(FumMbed) to ?? street. Newport. Mon. t PA wnh yo.jd ?ten?incel ?-iL Mo'. and coid b&t.h.—o, N..trth Ca.r<!ig. 746 A ??'?JSNTS a Young i" Crnton tramc&r paases door.—Address J. ?t. D Da.iiy ?ew. C<trdin. and RESIDENCE ir Sea. JD tfrma moderate.—Address 3.C. M., 34, Wei.ttox-super-Mn.re. 414 f AUY or G KNTLK -'AN c:.n obtain a Tory comfort- & !ehome:n* private near Newport.— Y.Z.. Wtttes Daity News" Branoh mBcw, Newport ?g? J? t'oom suitable for oNce or a business. Fitst-ntte mn.i< thoroughfare. Close to tram and rail.—Apply 2, Newport-road 7% FITTING-ROOM and BEDROOMS (comforably '? furnished), for one or two gentlemen.—4, Wood. lan.p!ace, Wordsworth-street. Roath. _607 S-I'ÍTISG-ROO)I and BEDROOM Unfurnished To Let. Moderate terms.—Apply Wm. Corbet. 20, Castle-road. ':oath, Cardie.695 One Bed-Boom. One Sitting-Room, ( T well-furnished, and use of kitchen, bedroom for servant.—Address K, County Club. 760 <KD ht Jrd.1fjDUS£S, ;tanb, &.c. ? ?OTTA(3E (.'uperior 7-roomed). to let near the sta ? ? ticn.—Apply at the Post-oBce. Manishen. 719 1T7'ESWICK HOUSE,-Ricbmond-road. CardiS.—To be Let, this very desirable Residence, suitable for a large family. The housa is exceedingly well finished. It contains S sitting-rooms, 9 bedrooms. 3 dressing-rooms, 2 bath-rooms with hot and cold water supply 2 kitchens (one Sited as a library). large garden witht conservatory, Ac.—Apply to Mr W. Llewellin Ev na. Guildhall Chambers, CardiS. 71610 R- ESILECE (neat, comfortable) to*Let 7 good rooms, beautiful bath.room. 2 w.c.'s; side enM-ance for stable, &c.. if required 2 gardens. Rent E!0. including taxe- to a. good tenant.—Euquire at P.O.. Castlc-ruad. Roath. &7S BE LbT or SOLD, No. 79. Richmond-road, j)L w:thback entrance in Gordon-road good garden, 2 best r )oms, kitchen, scullery, ch na ps.mry, and larder on (ground Suor bath, dressing, and four other rooms ou nrst, and 5 rooms on second Boor.—Inquire onthepremi<es. 747 nr*ROy'HOUSE, to let.Very JL commodious and central residence. — Apnty Messrs B&yle A Co., CardiS. 646 VII_LX tô Let.- situated in C:ive-road, Canton, with 7room;¡. YtJar!ytenantDreferred.-ApplyJ. J., 241, Cowbridge-roa-d.6C4 IDr alt.-u ¡-trUStz, 'J:nnà, &.c. J Xr..DIFF.5ingle houses t0r workm men; pnn. cipa.1 portion of purcha..se money can be P:¡j, ¡ by in,;taJment.Apply to MeS3'.s John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, CardiS. 61885' ?OTTAGR for Side 74 room?an.I Garden, near street. Castle-road. 624 COWBRIDGE-RO.U)' Canton" (near to tram).—A ?? Viila. for Sale. It contains two reception rooms, kttcheu, scullet'y. fear bedrooms. bathroom, large garden, with ba. k entrance.—Apply T. Stevens, 24, Stuart-street.Docks.Carditf. 794 Pontypndd. — Several gooti jtjL houses tor sal* a.bo & workshop (always !et) in gr-od condition.—Apply B. Emery, 20, Queen-street, Cardiff. 612 ITirOUSE PROPERTY (valuables—For Sale, several j*jL Saperior-buiit Houses, situate at Mai?dee ?nd Ha.n-ack;¡ lIiH, Ne!}>ort; 90 years' lea;;e unexpired. Ground rent low. "ell tenanted. In Iota LO sU¥ pm:- Needham, 10, Dock-street, Newport. Men. 675 T OWER GRANGE?—Two Cottages.Nos.9and 11, JL? Knole-s?ree;; rent respectively 5s 6d and 6?. Good repair let to tenants. Price E250 for both —Apply Q5. Bromsgrove-street, Grá.ngstûwIl,. 816 rjpO be LET or' SOLb-Croft- Housed opposite tra.mwa.y terminu, conta.ining se.n beorooms, dressing-room. uath-room, drawing-ruom, dining-room. 1¡;.¡:ge kitchen. scullery, cellars, u,ual ofEced, with gooa garden.—Apply 212, .Newport-road. _729 ?-< ? CA?H BOWN the balance by easy instat- .?JH? menta, will Purchase Houses in Upper Tyier-street, Theodora-street, Wells- s'treet, Arthnr-stieet, Russe!l-streef, c. See Messrs Hem's Oct. Register.—OaSces. 72, St. Mary- CardiS v [0 J:tt.-1GusitUS!í :Qrzmízts, & n RISTor"Oltl-established. well-known Grocery and Butcher's Business, taking about B12 weekly. —Apply to Alfred Crayford, 0!d t:rown. Broad Weir, Bristol. 621 CARDIFF.—High-street (Centre and best position ?_? in the tuwu). To Let, the spacious Cellars in baaement of the CardiS Auction and. Storage Company's Premises. wi.h cvvered ,'art.ay entra.nce; all also the extensive Ga.lleries aùove the Sàleroom. with lift thereto. lJIlita.ble lor a. dry goods wa.rehou!!e, storage,OI' othe- 1>urposes.-Fùr temM apply to the Secretary, on the premMea, 416 CAR¡FF (centre of town), extensive Premiso ?' with ca.rtwa.y entrance, suitable for mineral- water manufa.ctory, brewery, brewery stores wheel- wright, maws, builder's yard, or anv business requir- an? S.?Hen), Estate Agents, Cardiff. 61327 tjrONG KOXG TEA'WAREHOUSE, PENARTH. j*JL to let; prom'nent corner established 2J year splendid opening.—Apply E. Davies, 8. Humphrey- street. 411StJa. 67c2 TTJOCSE :u;;rsH6WäterTôOIJouse;- High.street. Jj. Merthy)', to Let immediate possession.—Par- tieutats of H. Lewis. Auctioneer, Merthyr.565 ? OFFICES (goou)To Let at 56. Wind-strest. ? ? Swansea—Apply to Mr F. E. Williams on the premLs. 659 ??FFICKS to Let. Adelaide Chambers, Sw?usea. ?? kitchen attached.—Apply ..o W. Dowlo Jonea. ?, Gloucester-place, Swan-sea. 491 OFFICES to Let in Saint Mary street Buildinga at ?? very moderate rentaJs.—Apply John Jenkins 61885 ? HOP, No. 100, Glebe-street, Panarth.—Apply at ? No. 4. Glebe-i-treet. 603 ?nOP?nd?PRJEMiSES to Let. ?rJames-streot, ?? Docks, with large warehouse.- Apply 47, next door. 744 ?TABL? (comfortable two stall) to Let, with im- !? msdi&te possession, in the Go!ate.—Apnty at Ua'ly News OtSce. Cardift. 706C3 LET, LLAXELLY (Carmarthenshire), central posit-on. c'ml!llotli'IlTs Premise: hüp 60 feet lun dwe)ling.hollS" attacùed 8uita.ble for any Lecture-ha.l, officeil, &c. Bent low.—Particulars 24, Victoria-street, Tenby. I1nzint'sslS fcr BisposaL CHEMIST'S SHOP for disposal at Carmarthen. ?_/ Very handsoiaefv Stted, aa<i complete Chemist's Shop and Stock for sa!e. May be carried on in present premises, or removed elsewhere. The titt'ngs &re iUI mahogany, and as j<ood -M new. Rare opportunity for pMchasing a complete and shcp cheap-—Apply F. W., Post-ofBee, Carma then. M3 I COFFEE TAVERN (genu'ne) for disposal. £50. old ?/ established, good thoroughfare, in Bristol.— Apply Rawlings, Marsh street, Bri'tot. 343 BUSINESS at Cardiff o!d- TV established, premises, in the very cèiïtr the town, at moderate stock optional splendid opportunity for.an euergt!ti<. man.-Apply to Messrs W. and S. Hern. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, &c., 72. St. Mary-street, CardiS. 6!327 'l'ørnt5, 'ibt tork, (Samag<s. T)ROUGHAM'(Ltght) for OM horse ;co.,dit:an JL) almos! equal to n&w.—Fuller and Company, Car- riage Builders, St. Geo-ge's-road, Bristol. 615 B. R6GHAM WAGONETTE, with moveablehead, Jt) shafts, lamps, and braKe.—Fuller and Company, Bristol. 616 BATTLE.—Any iiumber cau be staHed, and fr om ?? eight to nine scoreof sheep taken on tack duTlog the winte..—Apply Colonel E. Bond, Woodb.nds. ;:aint Arvans. Chepstow. 734 COB (Da.rk Bay) for Sale, ri-ing 3, about 13.2; a,Iso a !Lculier<s 1îp-cart.-Apply J. L.gau, 22, South Cnurch-gtreet, n 675 I)-OG.PUP-(handsome &etr:ever) for Sate, aged 5 months.- Address Dog Pup, Daily News," Cardie.667 (splendid) for sale. about 12 eld.—Apply J. Palmer, Coach Builder. Gower- :;treet. S"'a1lse a. 627 ?COTCH TIP CART for sale, equ '1 to new, and t? aevera! Hfrses.—Aoply Eobei't Rixon, Bhymnay New Coal Yard, CardiS. 811 rmo FARMERS AND CTHERS—Wanted to hue, with option of purchase, a powerful ca.rt-horse for heavy hauling.—Address ttorae," Daily News OtBce.Ca.rdia. 753 fTpXAP (smaTi two-wheel pony). WANTED, basket or w,)()(!. cond-hand.-Apply Rübrt Shore. Flour and \Ü!'ll Co., Wha.:ton-'Jtreet. Cardiff. 721 'l'ROLI,IE.craHk Axle Carts Hauliers' CMts, Dog ? Carta. Whitechapel Carta, and Puny Carta at Jobn Norznan'9 Show Rooma, Market-roatt. Canton, CardiS. Observe address—Near Tramway Terminas. iRnrbint111, (f,noISt ,t;c. A VONSIDE E N GIN E Co., AVONSIDE ENGINE WORKS BRISTOL. LOCOMOTIVES AND T"TAIRS. SCO DIFFERENT TYPES 0 PATTERNS. EDWIN WALKK!t 7C563 ?n H CM A 8 PK C KEI?T JL LOCOMOTIVE EN(jHNE B!JtH)ER <Late Fox. Waiker and Co ) ENGINE WORKS BRISTOL. Locomotives of va.riou:; sizes alw¡¡.ys in stock or in proes. Three Second-hand Lc'x'mo. ives (which have been takea in exchange for new f-cea) for Sate or Hire cy!inders, 12in. diameter, with 4 and 6 wh<*els (coupled); photograpu:J on applk-ation. 40 horc;-power semi-portable Engine and Boi!er combined (Hew) h) stock, with 2 cylinders 14" diameter to work at. 12Clbs. p r square inch. 70784 FOR SALE, Jf 1 3-horse powèr Vertical Boiler, second.ha.ttd, 1 4-horse p0wer ditto ditto new. 1 ó-llOrse power ditto ditto ditto. 1 8'!lOrse power ditto ditto ditto. 2 No. 10 Pulsometers and Pipes, secùnd-hand. 1 4.1-ft. Mortar Mi t, second-hand. 17-ft. ditto new. 18-ft. ditto ditto. 1 6-horse power T ngye's Engine. 1 Large Drilling: Machine. 1 Ri.m Pump,8-in. St.ea.rn Cylinder 6-in. Watet Cyiinder, 8-in. Stroke. 1 6-in. Centre Lathe, Screw Cutting. 1 7-in. ditto ditto. FOR HIRE, 1 10-horse Portable Engine. 1 8ia. Centrifugal Pump, complete with Pipes. Apply John Williams and Sons, CardiS. 71977 JH 20 feet to 32'feet long, 6ft 6m to 7ft 6in diameter. with and without Gallowa.y tnw, for preur6 frow 501bs to IQQtbs.—E. RatcliSe. Hawarden.716-32 -f!? on sa.Ie, with 24? inch cylinders, and 4ft 6in stroke Mnr of 21 inch ditto pair of 18 inch ditto pair nf 16 inch ditto.—N. Ratdi9e. Haw&rden. ne.w Cheater. 71602 L??QINE (now 14-inch horizo'.tal, 30 inch strok ) i?'t,'?? bargain also several he&vy Purchase '_ioM'). Crab Winches. Anchnrs. and Chains.—G. and ?JL'J.v.es.?nkerm&nF)andry, Strand, Swansea. 183 I?O E i-&r¡ta.in), S-borse power Portable (by Ranso? ? ?"-MMshins Thrashing Machine narticu ar?l ? ?? JeSeries).-For price and por?Mon? ? ?' ??"?' Dock.street Works. New- ?????C?RY?? s?.. the?L ?.-?? vea.? h?? -'i'?' g"? ???S order. M'i'lf.. E?i?hy''I?-??? ? Propri?ors.?w agD!ts nub ŒDUittll Rtquisitts. BliTE WAGGCN WOK, CARDIFF -oolieDb j)') Heald and Co. supply aJ kmds of new and Second- hand WAGGONS, for Cash. Redemption er simple hire. Wagons repaired by contr&ct or otherwisa. N B -30 good G-ton T.V.R. Wagons fM Sale or Hire. 100 8-ton and 100 10-ton extra strong Coal Wagona. almost equal to new, on sale for cash, or on redemption. G-w.:n.iightallll T;oal Wagons, aide a.nd end doors, for Sate or Redemption Andrews snd Baby. Railway Wagon Hu.lders, Pparson- pl.a.ce, Ca.ruiff. _64714 ? lií£!lt.s, aírí£1!£lts, &r. TRICYCLES and Jt. Son, Maunfaeturers and Asents, Westgate-treet, Ca.rdiff. repa.ir. promptly and efDcientJy. Bicyc]'èS from Sl ICs f'.t)l sixe tricyCle, i;4 101'1. New K'!)' Lamp. 7s 6d. N.B.—Sundries and Sttiugs and all require., instock. 70755 iRiscdlanraus Iiants. "r?ARRELS (empty Petroleumand?BeazoIine) J_? Wanted, tn t:).r,{.- or small quanHties.—Carriage patdto PMce and Company. Exporters. Wellingcon- street,, et. 102 HtKST P?ICE given for choice Turkeya, Geet?, and JL? R?bbtts, &o.—J<?n MoK?le. St. jMnes's Market, or 4, Bath street, Bntdford, Yorks. 604 'T\TEW BUTTER and COUNTRY EGGS.—Wanted a J?) weekly supply.—G. H. Hooper, the Centra! M3k Supply. Treherbert, GIaniorgan. 'pOPLAR (12in. and tons Wanted. JL State price delivered to CardiS to Wood, Daily News" Omee, Cardie, _638 _THREE SHILLINGS oSered for clean second hand —Address "Pwllheli," 77. St. Mary-street, CardS.'7&l 'T ATED FLOUR. FRUIT, SODA and r BARRELS.—Dobson 801'1 and Dry Soap Work.. 9135—49874 "T ÄSHING wanted (few families'-), good dryíng Tv ground. Clothes sent home on Friday.—Apply to 57. Railway-street, Sp!otlahds, Roath. CardiS. 629 WOMAN-EVAl"GELIST (young) wanted, to lead TV Gospel Missions. Good singerrequired.—Apply President, 14, Glyn Gwyn-street. Mountain Aili 6 )fur 8'lt.mísuIlantD1ts. H)ELL AXD TURRET comp!ete' (second hand ) nea.r!y new) for sate chaap. Beil 1ft dia., bronze; turret made to Sx on end of bui!Jina;; very suitable for school. small church, &:c Can be inspected at J. Gi son's, BuHrier, Ac.. 11, Quay-street, Cardiff. 785 GARDE POTS (Rhubarb and Seak&Ie), Rocking- Ium Teapots, anll Tobac20 Pipes at lowest prices.—Pardue Bros, Nantgarw Potteries, ne&rPonty- priJd. !1S11 70676 GAS FITTIXGS- for double ?JT set of solid beaten Brass Gas Fittings for win- dows, especia'Iy suited for ontStter's or draper's laree windows, eigi.t li::¡hts to each, four in upper and four in lower tiers They may be seen in use at anytime, and atl parcicniars had at Wa.Ua.ce's, 2:;0, Hjh.st,.eet, Swansea.. 473 QR E ES'-H 0 t-Ë( -Ïupac :ith-a1l1a£est- im prove- ?jr ments for beating, to he Sold cheap.—Can be seen at Heathcock Ho:el, Hpndaff. 676 ? UNS (breech-foadin;:), spcond-?an.1. Reduced '??' pri?-e- 60s. 70s, 80s and upwards—T. PAGE WOOD, CunJMakor, opposite Theatre Roya!, CardiS.765 inrOTELS, Ac.—South Wale<i parties wishing to buy JLJL or scH can beat aLtain their object through James & James, Auctioneers, Dynevor-p!ace, Swansea. _481 ? 3'AXGLE (p tt nt) fur Said. Cost, JS8 will take Sb ?i_ nett.—May be seen at Mrs Warmau's, 4. Sun- street, ¡';pl.,r1ands. 769 T?ARRGT (handsome green talking) for S.Ue; wiU JL makeanexceheuctatker. Price 35s. orogers.— Felix, Penne Colliery, near Pontypridd. 806 1DbSES?!?O?ES! Hosis'—10,030 ??mdard and JL?' Dwarf Roses, a.U choice sorts to select from. Dwarf Roses, a.U choice sorts to select from. Fruit Tree. trne to name. Shrubg of :1.11 kimlH. well well rooted. Forest trees of at! sizes.—Prices on appli- cation to Stephen Treseder, Ely Road Nursery. Car- diS. 71840 ? MACK.—For Sale, the remarkably strong and fast- )? saihna Smack, Lord Exmouth. Built at Bangor in 1870 35 tons burth.'n well found ready fot sea. —For further particulars apply to Da.vid Jmes, Wal- lace-street, Fishguard. 775 OTEBBINGS and CO. beg to inform the inhabitant of åberga,venny and Npijl;hbourhood that they will for :1ext tew weeks offer in the Market best quality Fish a.t lowest prices. 741 SWEDES (6acres\ in lots, for Sale, about hatf-a- mile from Llantrissaut 8tation.-Apply to Mr. Harber, Lanelay Farm. 609 ? WEDES and MANGOLDS (100 tons) for Sate; 16s !k? per ton (cash); on rail at Hereford. Quantity of .Parsnips an't Carrota equally low.—Address John Brooks, Yew Tree Cottage, Hereford. 778 T? f)t?? READY-MADK O?k Spikes. a.ny?2c,. JL??.?y???? bestquatitv.—Appiv Edwyn Cooke and Co., Timber ?Jrch&nts, WestBu e'Docks. Ca.rdin'. 631 Co., Timh8r! rcha.nts, WestBu e'Docks. Ca.rdin'. 631 A?CKRTA? CURE for the NERYOU8 and DEBILI .mísrtUantaUfí. 1 ?\. TAT En.—gratis, a. Medical Work, showing stif- ferers how they may ? cured and recover health and vitality without the aid of a. wtck recipes to. purifYl"t)! the hlood and relDCJvmg skin affections; Also' chaptels on HapDY l\1arria.ges: When and Whom to :\larry; The Tempera.ments; Stammering; Vital flow Wasted and How Preserved Galvanic Appliances and the Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post Free for 2 at&mps. —Address Secretary of Anatomy Birmingham. 125 A M ERIC AN HERB PASTE (Mat. MiIton'a).—Cet- /? tain an! speedy cure for a?l di?char?ea. 2s 3d post free.—Mr Hewscn, Maindee, Newport, Mon. S98 TL)ILLtARt) BALM, CLOTH. CUES, TIPS and aU )D other Billiard Reqnisitea, at Hennia: Bros., 11, Hish-street, St. London. W.C. OH Bills ad- j sted or exchange'! and TaNe'; Re-covered, Re- cushioned, Bought and Sold, etc. Price Lists, Cloth and Cushion Rubber samptes post free. Estbd. 1862. [71285 'DIRMiNG HAM" GOODS. — JeweHery.watche?. c"oc1!:s, harri.ware, harmonium' furuiture agents wanted. Wholesale catatogues, 500 illustrations, —Henry May, Factor, Binuingham. 615 tTRASS PLATES, Rubber and other stamps, viitin and addreag to (riass & Co.,Cardin'. 70748 CARVING, Gilding, and PictureFrame-making ?' -done at whole-<a!e pricea. for photographers and dea'era. by R. Davies, 52, Crockherbtown, Ca.rdift. Shopa snpp!ied._ 459 C,UAFF CUTtERS, Turnip Pulpers. Cake Breakers, ? Corn Coshers, Horse Gears, Ploughs, Chain and Zig-za¡.; Harrows, ScufHer- Washins. Wnnging, and Machines by a.U the leading makers. Price list tr<e.-J, Hubert. 16 and 17, Angel-street Cardin'. 11535 68689 COURTHIP MADE EASY.—How to command the ?_? respect, toYe. admiration, affection of anyone you wish. This marveHoua secret, for which S) was oriRinaUy paid, wi!I bo sent. with another equaUy va)u b]e, for 7 staMps.—T. Beck, 23, Somerville-road, Peckham, London. 210 ? "1 L \SS & Co. respectfuUy request orders torettirr&vinK ??T ?nd printit'Ebe senttoT?i?i' Buit'iinp's.St.Mary-st. ]-IENRY mVAN, Practical JtJ. Frederick-street. Crock "rbtown, Ca.rt)i<r. All orders personaUy at'ended to. Estimates given. ISO t ADDERS—Ladders for bnitders, painters, p a?- JLj terers. farrer private u?e, <&c., a.H siz?s, &t CottreU's oid-estaMiahed Manufactory, BtH-r'a-street, Briato!. 385 !) ICENSED Victualtera* Handsome Gi!t Labels, as- tL? a rted. or 18-) 6d.—Li ensed Victua)!ers' Sapp!y, 6, Cuatum H(>u-;¡treet, Cardiff. 701 tT 1VER TONIC (Hewson's) cures Biie,indit:e8Mon i_a Ac. Try it. 1- 1, 2s 94. Munday, Cardin'; Phitlipa.yewport: KeaH, Swansea. HewsQu, Maindee, Newport. 997 T?T?XED?CORN for Pou!try7 3s M'per?n?hQl, iT_M- special Talue. Dari, B'tcK?'heat, Indian Corn?" Barley. Wheat. Tick Beans. Grt y Peas, Hemp Seed, Canary Seed, Oatmeal, noos &c.. <tc.—J. Hibbert.' The Agricultural Honde," Angel-street, CajdiS. 686S9 Ucla¡me(I-A. Regis- ?.? ter (1884 edition), containing the namM of 50,000 person¡; wlto lune ùeen aùv"'rtisd f,)r to claim prop3rty Rnd money since 17UO. Post-free. 2s 6d. -Oouga] an't Co.. 67. Strand, London. Wii!a searched for. 689 ?rEKVOUSNESS, LOSS of EXERGY. &ud VITAL ?.? POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertiell remedy, has ,¡jscovrad a simple med.n'l of self-cUI'e. He will be happy to fc.rward th6 pa.rticn- Uurx to My euSerer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address J. T. Se.\eU, Ksq., Brook VilIs. Hammersmith. London. llbó9 67935 NEURALGIA TOKIC (Kea)I's) cures Neur&igia-— 2s 9d free. Kea)I's Amadon Toothache Cttre cutea Toothache im:nediate!y 1.5ù free.—Mr Kea!! Surgeon Doitist, Swansea. 996 'V)RINTING of every description executed with taate ant despatch at Glass & Co.'s, b2. St. M&ry-street. SACKS I :ackR!! :Sac. s Waterproof Coyeri' for thra'lhing machines, engines, wagon: ane! c'tril;. —E. Parhail <& Co., AUinston-roa'?, Bristol. 619 SADDLES! Saddles': Sadd!es' with leathers, ?? irons, and girths, comn:ete, £1 17" 6dca.sh.-E. ParnaU & 61S S.è()ND'HAND BOOKS bought or sold hv Charter F. Edwardø 4. SwailS;!&. 1>st ca:}¡ price given for )a <:e or ,a.lL collections. 739 W. Buckle stared ?') a c'nb at Wood-street, Cardin': Suppl'e 1 at wholesale pric"8 sub-criptions. Is 3d. 6H npHE CAMBRIAN Rheumal;i.m, Xenralgifl., Toothache, G¡¡,tt, Sciatiq¡, Hroncllil;is, Infi.J.mmation.-Free 2s 2J, 2.. ÐU, 4s 6d.—Proprietor, G. 'iavard. Chemist, Whitlatfd. 512 'TGHING MACHINE -èEyen-bIloJance) fo< V T Farmera. Miiters, Tradesmen, Genera! Pur¡-¡;s,j. Iron frame and beam. wood pla!fl..rms, knife edg'8, and steel bearings. To weih up to 3 cwt. Price. 5<ffl, c 'rrlu,ge paid.-J. Hibbert, eihe A!rI';cuI. turat House. Cardiff. 68689 3 r- ROYAL and a, restoring 01d Pa.intin'I; o aud see for your. se!f. OIdestjL<usiness in Cftrdie.' No branch shop. 846 e. 000 HANDBILLS (W"¡",h or k!;ngh,h), ba 6< 0, Cards. Bülhæds, or Memorotndums, from 481,000 unequaJted.—Rngera's Noted Cheap Printer)}. Arca,lt>, Bristol. 122 -¡;¡: Memorandnms, cards, billheads. 43 1 '_00. \Yiu,I!)", t;ckt't. show c,uùs, rosters, mourniD rds, lic. Now really, grea.G novelties in grocers' .frult ticket;¡ for Chrhrmas. Ch¡>1.pes¡; and best at Fisher a''d Co., 20 and 6', Bi-oadmead, Bristol.803 monttl. riARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9. CAROHNK-STREJKT, CARDIFF. MO\KY LENT, WITSOUT DELAY. FROM B5 TO SI.CCO At a fow bours' notice llpon an entirely new a.nd easy j'stem adopted solely by this bank, for lonl!: or short periods, to Ho<!seho)dera (Mate or Female), Farmers, Cowkeepers, Cab Proprietors, Lodging-honse Ke2per;¡, Tradedmen, aud to the Workillg ClaS'le8 in upon their Household Furniture, ESects, Cropa, Stock-in-Trade, Ac., without remoTaL Winea, Spirits, Cigars. Tea. JeweUery, Pianos, or other goods ta!<en on deposit, and ca-.h prootply ad- v;¡nr-ed on ";Jm. D'tance HO object, ea.sy repayments. 71S26 A ppl y- p_eln.lly..c>rr, to the manager. H5e RUATH MUTUAL LOAN SOCIETY advances money to \'arJitl' b')uO;!holders in sums of Bl to S15.tt5per cent. Weekiy 6)1 for every pound advanced.—J. H. PhiIIi; a.'32. Castle-road. 730 -t"1 P?? ??' ???' 'S??' ???' ?? ??'' c? .O??t', suma '.Taitir.x to he invested on good Leasehcid Proper ies in Carditf or neighbourhood-— WiniaaM and Ditujpi, Mortgage BrokeM, St. John's- squs,re. CardirE.—N.B.—S500 also to be advanced on good personal scnrity. 59568 ft ? ? ?/?/? ncady to be Advanced on good d?i'?.? ? Freehold or Leaseho d Property, in su-ns vf B10C to .E13.003 a'so on good p rson.'I security, rever.¡ions, annuities, etc. <£c.Iei'srs Hern, Financial Agents, 72, St. MMy-'street. C?.rdiS. 6132 "XTELL WORTHY OF NOTICE TV AS A CERTAIN CUBE For Biliom and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind Spasms, Nerv. us Depression. Loss of Appetite, Giddi nes! and tU those other symptoms which none bot a sufferer can describe. For Habitual Coativeness or ??"S?OTT?S?L'IO'US AND LIVER -B-? PII.LS WiM be fonnd mnat eScacious. They give a heaJthy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the necs::¡¡¡,rv organs of tile :tom.ch and Liver to resume their a.c£¡vity, thus restorin the appetite, promotinl H.M.S' Atbatross?" China Station, March 27th. 1885. Sir, —In 1875,1 was repommended to use Dr. Scott'a ioua and Liver P)Hs, when about to proceed to the East. I hàvt! used them ever since, both in Cllina d the East Indies, and have found them the most satia- factory Medidne, gtJnt'e in their action, and most benencia.1 in their result. I have given them to my friends, some Medical Officer;¡ fficluded, and these have been greatly pleased, and decided to use them in their practice. The,oe Pills do not profess t.o cure everything, but they have given many a light heart, and a feeling of perfect hsa.Ith to people who were i!I and wretched- For this reason, I would recommend them, being snre that they on)y require to be better known in °)rder tbat their benefits may be universally felt. You are quite at liberty to use this Testimonial from an Officer in er MaJ3sty's Service, as I do not wish to advertise my name, vhich I give as a, guarantee of a genuill. Testimoniu.I. "Y our.; t.uly, To Mr W. LAMBERT." PreDa.red by W. Lambert. 173, Seymour-place, Lon- don. W., in boxes at Is Hd and 2s M post free for 14 er 34 stampa; or of aU Cuemiats ia a square green package. 69417 rT?HE SKIN. THE GLORY OF WOMAN. ?TTf <?? ?SE PRIDE OF M ?N. rtltiE bKIN. It contains the delicate lines of rE?Tm- e?-Tn. beauty, and constitutes ait that we ft?Uh. bKIN. term "Loveliness,' yet how many haTe ?Ttm.. c?iM- ''?eirskittsbtt-mished by irritant soaps, r?Uij: bK?.N. carbolic, coal tar, glycerine, made of JL putrid ta:a. 'J'HE SKIN. Th. ALBTON MILK and SUL- ??? ?rv ?? ???? ? ?s ?"'est, the rttnE SEI?. mdde?t.andthem..M emollient of aU '1' HE SKIN. the Skin that softness and clearues so JL de iredbya]!. It will allay and re- rl,HE SKIN. move an Skin Irritation. Itisheauti ? fu)!v white and delicately perfumed. SKIN. UNEQUALLED for the COM- i. PLEXION. SKIN'. So! in Tablets by a!t JL Chewj.;t3 a-ad Dealers in Perfumery. 71773 No MORE BR\NDY WANTED. J. THE BEST WINTER DRINE IS EDWARDS'S TEETOTAL TODDY HOT. Agent—GEOME SMifB, 4, Stuart-street. DodM, <a.rditr. Proprietor—R. S. EDWARDS, Redmtt. MOO THIS D A Y, AND UNTIL DECEMBER 31sT. B. EVANS AND COMPANY'S Q.RAND CHRISTMAS B A Z A A OF* TT S E F U L AND 0 R N A MEN TAL A RTICLES, SUITABLE FOR TpRESENTS. PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. B. EVANS & COMPANY, ?WANSEA< 117e ?J 67271 npo ir ADiES. MATCHLESS MANTLES. FAULTLESS IN PRODUCTION. !IIONARLE IN MOD IiAs 9. 1 GRAOEFUL IN FORM. gTYLISH IN TASTE. B EAUT]qrU7-r-X&NTLFS. M ATCRLESS IN APPEARANCE. DESIRABLE IN DRESS. WNCOMMON IN DESIGN. USEFUL IN WEAR. ELEGANT MANTLES. HANDSOME IN PATTERN. MATCHLESS IN TRIMMING. T3ECOMING IN SHAPE. imXCELLENT IN MATERIAL. GRACEFUL MANTLES. NOVEL IN COLOURS. DIVERSE IN SIZES. VAST IN VARIETIES. GREAT IN QUANTITIES. YOCB FAVOCBa WIU. BB ATTENnvm.Y VAMSD BY F. COX, 29, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, ALSO MMtBON UHCESTR& AND WOLV&RHAMPTON. 71831 rpHN CARDIFF HOUSEHOLD STORES. w INES AND SPIRITS. CHAMPAGNES. Per Per Dnzen. Bottla. Ayata'a Extra Dry ? 72/- &? <-hc?not'smch .?7?/- 6/- Hc'?ieck'aDryMonopole 70/- 6/10 MuetaudCitamdon'tt u 58/- 4JIQ Mamm's Extra Dry 74- 6/- SAUMUR. Aeterama Umrence'a Brwtt ?m. 1, Boy?MdDry Royals J ''? ?' CLARETS (Bottles free). B?x?- ? ? S: ? St.Jmjw. ? ? ..?- ? M?ax ? I ? ..BO/- ? LMOM ? ? ? ?.<8(- SHERRY (Bottlea free). ?.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Dinner ? ? ? 1/8 Gordon's Pate ? ?{- ? GoTdon's Very Pate ? ?" S/- So!era ..< 36/- 3)'- VintdepMto' <2/- 5/6 PORTS (Bottles free). T?n-?on? ?. 15/- 1/3 Mtto ? ? 1?- 1/6 Opcrt. ;J ? ? 2? 2/- TWm? ?. 30/' 2/6 Cockbu??ny;; ? 38/- 3/2 Lochbum'9. showing wiag ?,' ? SMde.nM.aO!d ? ?/- 39 Ccckbntu's lô54. °' 416 BRANDY. Heaaessya or MMteU's— OneSt?r ? -.62? ? Two Star ? ? S7/6 4/11 Thee Star ? ? ? WHISKEY (Botttea Free). tnMh&n'sL.?. 38/6 3/6 John Ja?& on's 1879 ? ?/ B/9 Beg?Loehnager ? ? B9/- 3? Lcme B!gb!<? 39/- ?& HOLLANDS. De Knyper'g Green Cases, t ny. n= Anchor Bt?nd ? f The above ere bJcen from the complete Uat, copies of which win forwarded on application. Artides )Mjtd at the StofM are Bl)ppd for çash only. 6ó, P. 0 C K R E R B T 0 W N, r< A R D I F F. 71M8 Q MOKE rp A D D Y S "TUTYRTLE ? ROVE, OF ALL TOBACCONISTS, AND WHOLESALE OF T. pIC K FOR D, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. 7M" _7029? rmoWLE'S PENNYROYAL and STEEL JL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly ecrre<!t aU uresm- With the aex. Boxes Is l?d and 2s 9d, of ali shemiata Sent anywhere on receipt ef stamp-}, by the Maker, B X Tewet. Cbemiat. Net&Betam SM<a J.ORB T REDEGAWFI CiHOW, 18St. FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STEAM ENGINES. AND MACHINERY, CARTS, WAGONS, CARRIAGES. LEATHER BELTING AND WATER- PROOF COVERS, PHILLIPS' PATENT ROOFING TILES, CORRUGATED IRON BUILDINGS, &c., &c., ViStT CHARLES T?. -DHILLIPS' ?' JLJ' JL EXHIBITS. ADDRESS- 7LI L-11 L Y N 'ENGINEERING 'VOnKS, NEWPORT, MON. 71963 CAVENDISH HO US E.CHELTENHAM. 7 (EstabHshednearh Three-quarters of a Century). Special purchase of MintJes and Jackets at a hrge sacriHcs..Long Ottomau Siik Mantles, !inod and quitted, trimmed fur, 84s and 9ts 6d worth 5 and 6 guineas. Braided Stockinette Jackets, good cut and tinish. 19s bd wortt) 53, 6d. Braided Stockinette J H.ckets, hn\ided and trim'lIed Astrf\.chan, 21s worth E5s. Pa. iCllhrs of above, and patterns of the new dress material.. &c., by post on Please add: esa "The Ma.n:gers," Ca.YendishHon.ae Cheltenham. 61809 ESTABLISHEO 50 YEARS DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS, ANI SHIPPERS. TTAVERTON & CO.. THE LARGEST AND BEST HOUSE IN WEST OF ENGLAND r FOR ?0(?9 SERVICEABLE F LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FORWARDED GRATIS. ADDMSS— TAVERTON & C 0. STEAM CABINET WORKS, MARYPORT-STREET & BRIDGE.STREET, BRISTOL. FURNITUnE DKMVBRED FREE TO ANY RAILWAY STAfION IN SOUTH WALE. 66733 H?ECKITT'S BLUE ??' Largest Sale in the WorM. I ECKTTT'S BLUE JLt; Largest Sale in the World. T?ECKITT'S BLUE -?' Largest Sale in the WorM. R ECKITT'S BLUE 11697-68365 L,,i6t-eqt Sa.!e in the World 1DORWICKS BALING POWDER FIVH GOLD MDALS. BOR\YICK S lLAKJG POWDER FOR WHOLESOME DRRAD. t?ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER jL?_ FOB PUDDINGS AND PIKS. -BORWICK'S BAKING POWDEi: FOU PHJM CAKE. ?ORwicK'S BAKiNG POWDER, -D_FOR TEA <'A? US AND SCONR?. B- ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER PO FOR XORtOLK DUMPMNCiS. 69530 Inva..n&b:e or. Shic. 1170b CROI"RLEY'S PATENT TWIN EN- THE GIl'lES.-Impn1se every retotntion. Tho steadiest rnnuing GM Engine ?"?TTO y? tnadt). a? CROSSL .Y'S ? KW VERTICAL BN GIN EöS.-Reqniring litttle grouD.1 rt A < !!p!MC. ? A o CK<)SSLR?'PATKNTSRLFSTAR ?T?T-. t'Ett.—The Sftfpist. Simplest. & BMt. ii<N <jriN E. C<'nt-um!itiou of <)M guar inMed to be Over 15,000 m engine per brnkeh'Me power. use. CROSS), MY HROS. (LD.), 25 t" 'If) per than ny other Over 15,000 m engine per brnkeh'Me power. use. CROSS), MY HROS. (LD.), MANCHESTER. 68059 MANCHESTER. 68059

Family Notices




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