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PREPAID TARIFF FOB BMA.LH ADVKRTISELfBNTS' )XWTH WAMa BAU.TNEWa.? ?? <-—— t!<M)<t Daily New< V<M? <?ce Thr« Sht tOoeeit !??.fti«?. lB?rtJ<nM. httMttOM C?rtM _?_TiNMt. f t. d. A. tt. d.) <Td. r¡-w-,da t 0 6 1 1 Of 1 6 t 2 0 ?. Yordw Q 9 I 1 t a 3 I 8 0 MW?? i o? 9 Q ) s o? 4'0 If'Wordet i 3j a $t 3 9 { 6 0 MWori.) I 8 I 3 Ot4 < t 6 0 Un??O 3) 0 6J 0 fj I C tWortb)_ \V urda Thme cbwwe* *rp!y on!y t< the e!<MeM *< <drwrt!ee' ttent !)pecit<3 be)ow, &ad are ttrietty manned to those which ilre-ordert:d :0f cois-mcuinva tnvertaon, and FAtD Pe& fjMVtous M UMUMXX; if tather o< th<9* eondittoaa u tMtt tOTIlpligd with, the <Ktv9ftt<MB«tt will be chargv-i by the B'Mia*<* leal. A??tTttK?raWAXTM? HouMaTCttLNt. ?r? )n M f.<t9 TO LM. Mo??t WAirfSt. AMiCLM f?M. MOMf M L?B. A*?!CMfF<Xn)B. Miso*LMi[BoutWAtrr? Bmn?xMM t?)t DMMM? Mtac'!HAMeca aAUN. BOMtfttsaM WAinf? PA<TNBMHM WA?N). B«<M TO LM. SttetTieM WAwnt? AMiCLM f.ofJl. MOMf M LiLNo. AJWX:Laa Fd"lx MISCALLASWUS WAYM BM).QPMIW roa DOPQ"L Mtac'!HAMeca aAUN. BOMtfttsaM WAXRXM. PA<TNBMHM W.&r. B«<M TO LM. SttetTieM WAMAD. B<tMMWAMM). StrMTMMWAWtNt. GENEKA1. ADVERTI3INO TARIFF. ?AtHAMM)TART N'artc?a, Govemoeat Annonncdmenta, tnd Pv6rliament%ry Klect'.om itre oh&nred OM Shilling p.)r ttue for eich trutertjon. Proe};ectmse< 01 ftjbtic are Ni-iopence oor line for hoerUon. PaM!t, f.ej{al, Municl I'arochLl, and Bchoot Bonrd Nutioe4 Ten'teM and l.;onh'a(.'tII, &c., are eb..r Sixpence per ):ne for e.tch insertion. Auction tfot ee.f Me ohard Sixponce per Hae, M)d all othet c'M.<<M of AJverUse!nent< Fourpenee per Uae per ju#,)r. tlon. SnDM of theile charites (tre, boweYer, subject to reduc(.ton in accordance with the ntlnber of insertions way be obt*iae<i <t our Chtef Md Branch OiKeea. AlJVBRTllJBU when sending tdvermementt in manu- tcript, may calewate ebht worda to t !;ne. Mtd 12 Uaej to xn in;h. In aliargirg the !mea are Rot co.m'ed, bat the tdvertls.3m"nt, inclu,tirg hri{e ISM't, CIAII,ES, <md white apace*, b meMured. aad the <p)M;e Mcupted h char-.ed &t the rate of Twelve Uuea to Ht ta<;b. TnE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. Advertisers &nd othera having occasion to remit small snma to thia OfHce are requested to send rOSTAL NO'fE, INSTEAD OF S'J'AMPS. The nnte3 may be obtamed M.t every Post-office in the kingdom for the following sums and charr;{' AUI(.'u¡¡t r>Í Poat-tJ Soto. Cost of Note. On ;111ling' Ha:fpeuny. Eighteenpence H..1fpenny. u One penny. Fn. ShiUil1gi Onepenny. .3even and sixpcnCQ One penny. Ten shjlljn;rs.. Twopence. Twetvc!}hi!U))g'=)a.nJaixpsnce Twopence. Fifte.'nshiHintira .Twopence. Sevej)teen and sixpence Twopence. TI\enty shdin;;s Twopence. The" Notea" may be trsmsmitted just aa received frorn the Poat OHice; but if greater security is desired tho na-ne ;)nd Post Office at which it is in. tended to make them payable (D. Duncan and Son", CftrdiH) may be inserted. Aa postal notea are only iaaued for the nxed Buma above iveD, it wiU not ahvays be possible, by sen Undone or more of them, t ) make up the Mact remittance debited. In auc)t ca:;e,; the balance (which will a,w.Ays be lesa thaa a ahilUng) may be a 1dt!J in postage stamps. tf\t"at. T%,?RS PALMER. Send &ddreM to your.triend. Im- n¡drhuonin1. ?ENTLEMAN. 23. wihe? to CORRESPOND \v!t.h '?T?nu?h'eYoun? L?dy. with me?ns; photo required.—Address Reyn,d3, Pentre Pojt OtKce. 686 ??'ENTLEMAN. 84, ii! busines- wishes to Cot-respond ??- with an inteHis'er.t, ami?bfa Farmer'? Daughter WtthmcMM.of prepossesaiii, appearance, and domesti pace of Dai!y News," CardiC. '6Go (ht(,tthntl.I. T?/jTK F. ATKtN?. Mus. D?c., Uxon, h? one or t?o ??. VACANCIES for PiMoforte Pupib. Term9, 30? aDd upon a at Feruley House. Severii-road, CantQI1. 41888- tnranf. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT'wanted at o)ie?? jnL App)y To-d?y (Saturday), Mrj Ree-), 9, S!nc?v-ro?d. Cardia. 7i!) '??7'A?TED, a respce?b'e person to tasist. in HOUSE W ?nd PARLOUR wut'k.—Appty, by tetter, to Mrs Cory, Vt?indre H? St. Mettona, near C?rdtC. 746 ?.?TA?TED.' [TGEXE?AL'S?ERVA??T. ab!e to wLh, T V iron, <tnd d.) p!a:n cooking.—App!y at, 124. Cute- ttreet, Treherbcrt. 725 '?HT'AMTED immedmtt-)y, an experienced GENERAL ?'T SKUVANT?muat ba de.tn, Muve.a.udableto Iron.-Apply H,m Kong. Neath. ns '?t7'A.Tt'.D immeJia.t-ly.a.n txperieneedUENER.Al. W S)?.VANT.—Apply ?o)-thCo).t?",U&nda(Y-r<Mtd. 714 ?? ENHt?AL SERVANT H?ite-t. ?ust bo c!c.n. ae- ?jr ti.p, tudwei) recornmcn.ied. Af'pty20,StL('ey- ro&d. C72 ?r?rA? T i?D?t'once, & Genera SEHVANT, mu.t be Apply D,3 .\Irs fl. J. Ge- rge, 6ô2 Gihmtion, n(l¡nt. azi experience,,l ASSISTAN.Tto Grocery au! ProvisIon 'fra.-le, Welsh neee3'ry.-Apply WNO.tianis.l44,liigit-street.Mt;rthyr. 750 a,l CO., are in i;);ma<Uate tt. Md j<;ÁPEHlESCk.;J.> ME-N- '?? ILLIXERYT? ?Y?'.t3'?rar3t?I:).M'?ILri?R, JjtL mns?speak Wei'.f?—AppJy, by tetter or person?Uy, tirTANTED M expei-M.']c3i ?''?K?G MECfJA?!C, t T accu?tuined to CuUiery w ?fk ?t?o PLATE- LAYER, ""Ctlstoni.,d to Railway.work.-Apply by letter, enclosiug tebtiraullialso to Box 4?, Lost OiJice, Aberdare. \12,)1-50408 Y. NVaiita,], at once, an APPRHXTICE. ?JT Rea.<)y nioney tr&o.le.-l'articv.trs to D. R. Lewis, ;WanSe11, 73;) rilo l'tlrL I:i¡.:R:: =-t1teù:x¡;eiea-¡e(l MIL- JL to H. Denmui;, 44, High-street, Newpvrt 734 TT\I?At'EKY.—J. E. Bj.vie?, Temple of FMhIon, Her JL? :hyr,roquireaapu.i.i)?Y'JU?G)tAN. ?iustbe ¡OW "¡ud,)w Jreser.pl'l.), stating- fun part¡chr8; prd¡¡c". '?t? ANTEP, a. KITCHEN CA?DEXER?hJwiIl rn?ke mebt.—Ap?yC.J?nki[.f):tdSo!),rort);. 727 rir?M?Y & COUXTY CLCH.-Wanted, a Seccn.i J? L1LL1AK.D MARKED w:i! :?o bo required to tnake]fi'JMe!i?t;neiai)yu.,t:fu).—App!y to the Uou.Sec., at the lluh, siting a:e aud wage, required. 733 n V)- L> H,¡.S),IA KERS.- Wcmted, an eyperit:xice;l Hand; .I.. must L.c a good &t—Apply W. Ev.t, Oxioru- }treet, 732 nt?U C< .NF?LT.U? EUS.—WanteJ.?good H:md at the t.) G. JenkiD, 5, Lnke-strcet, CarditT. 708 ° '?tr A'<t'GD in an !rona!tdMeta.Mercha.nt'a(JfHce, tV ? competent CORKMPO?DE?T and UOuK- KEKrE'.one having a. knowted/e of the business p.e- ferre'). St-tte age and eniary reiu;red to K.W., "South Wales D:)t)y ew" CtHce, S.va.naea. _719 ?'' A?TE'\ you''? ? !y?TASSI?TANT?n?ener:? TT l?Lpcry.-Appiy t? T. H. Trotter, Coieford, 700 ?X/' AXTKD, 'Coc.Jrs?a?-?MAN?iM' ?!e!'very wot k TT andu3«d to sack c'trrying'.—App:y to Jenkin RoMer. ¡,rchant, N-eath. 692 gtncitt r¡nrdtt, &t. A CEHT.?. &c., wa.ntcd to SELL our ce?br?ted TEAS, ?L ?t 19 6d pt}r !b. &ad prices upwards, in packen )r Good proSt.s.—Wfite for price list, &c., to &.ssa.n* Tea. Company, t32, Upper Tha.mes.t.treet, London. 50285 £5 WEE K L Y AND LP WARDS. AUE\'tS wanted tbrougbcut England and Wales to iatro'hico a lalge Photogtaphic Group of the Portraits of the :i9 LIJiEitAL M.P.'a FOR WALES, 1880. Size of ;roup, 2.3j by 17? !SampIf, 59 post tree.—Appty for tcru?, &c.. to W. tJvan", Art Studio of Photography, 15, Arnioury terra.ce, Ebbw V"le. JJon.712 ?<r A '7TED, M AGENCY for Sel!!u? M:murea in Corn. ?Y wa.H. Stores a-Ion?a'?e rail a.t tws Stations. Ca.n onty se? best manures.—Apply, Manure," (.<Bce of thij paper. 50409 .IT ArE CODIIS5IO)iS, to represent a ?ood house ill the American Provlslol III South IV&Ies.-A,idreoo Alfred .Iarsb, Proviston Merchant, Newport. Mon. 6M ANTEF), AGE.NN for tl,,e Sa.e (-f 11 W- AfËr,AGE'I'S ior t:le Sae (.f "ToN'iClNE;" a splendid light rlinner ale; also Stout and Cooper, !tU non.llltox:c"ting', No license required. Manufaetured by Thomas Hoit, Couaty terrace-street, 2<ewKe.:t road, London, 1,4. E. 632 ?.?7 ATCHH?, Go:d Rin?, SHver Juwetlery. Etectro- t V P'.tt?. and Cutjery. Wholesale Huatra.ted Cata.. ?e free. Amenta wanted.- James Simmona, 29, ? ? A WEEK Easny brn by working Sm¡t j? Cuarantee A?neSM.-Appiy Thos. Smith, 15. Wine ?!: ?c-court. t ?et-street, London, E.G. 5c?43 A QH TS WMted toseU ?EA.inn?ete. {rom H 6d A ].or ;b r r?ch Coeee. ? 1 !b, ? ib. and t ib tina; C'n3 a;, t )tii Is Cocoit. tn ?b pMket? Most proStabio IIg"m"y in the trade.—Write to Oaver, Oliver and Co., London._ 50137 D?'?O?S of either sex having spa.re tune ?t theu- Jt.?i?pt)sa). or tt-fahin? to incre?-ie their ?ariM, wouid do weU to app!v at 79, ?t. ?ary-at?-eet, Ca.rdin, from 3 ta6 o'ctock dai y. _5C083 ?_ ????Jt??)?. \t 7'ANTED. FLOUR, FRUtT. SOOA, and other t V t;ALtHELS —Uobson, Soda tsd Dry Soap Works, 9133 4û874 rrSo PfU?T?RS.-?j)ted to Purchase. aT?ub'e J). ?oy.U of Doub!e Dony Columbiau Press.—S.Uth Wales Work!). Car,iiii. "r A '< TED to PUrcha, Seeond.hand BRAKE that V T wttt hoid from It to m Deraorts, U?ht, and in good condition.—App)y A., 17, ?Huercial-street. Aberdare. _?_ 73S ?/'ANfE ). a HOUSE..u'taMo for the purposes of & T th-p??ary of Med?c-i.? tor the Sick Poor of tha CardIff ''nioa and r..esida,ce of Dispnser. Must be in the ne;hhuur)¡ooJ of Cr,,Lh,rbtawn, and rent not to exceed .t:3'J to be sent W. P. Stephetijton, Queen'a ChallQe!s,Cardl1f. 51.111 AILL)lk'F MARINE INSU[TANCE CUMPAN Y. —Fifty ?A R?It'f MARI?E??U R A ?E CUMPAN Y. —Fifty ?L.' Shares waited. State )oweat price.—App!y Tho?. John D?vies, 40, WeHip){ton-atr?ct, Merthyr. 663 lituatiou 1V nntttt. ? ¡-IOUSEKIŒPER.-Ke-:enJ(l\g'emcnt Required by a ?H_ thocougMy CMupeteht and experienced Person. tn a ?d.,WM o famNy where a. aervant ia kept. C?n m- ttru<;tyut..?chi:dren. v?y sir?H salary required.— ?''a?i?re'? ?" ?' ?'??< Po'?ypridd. G?- ?? .???'-??'?i t<t Aupreutieo. a Youtt?uat t On?hed schootu)?' R?e n-?A.tdrM.t J w ? ?wn?'Mcr?ce.CM-tNwh.nr ""?"?? J. W.?. 'Y'?7' A \T!?J)? t Situate ?3ALE-,MA? iath?Whote. ?'.?? ?<'?MVt!.tO)t fr.t.te. by the AdtrLfti«er. who ha< htd 15 y<tf<' expertonca ? b?-)..g a? gt)}??' ?j <:? attferntke any dunea eoan«:t9<t with tha Tf?tt?.— MMM Nk. ? L.?'< Ad?efUtin?O? NWMrt. 1Ra S?!M? ?miM? ?? A PARTMR'n?T to?LKT?Farniahed or Unfurmahed). j? Front Sitting-room, Bedrfom, tnd Bathroom.at JC, Wiudaor Eaptun ule, Uock.<, G?rditf. _720 H?tTAKTED, by a young gentleman. eomfort?Ma ?T FUKNI?HED APARTMENTS m Cardiff. — Addresa X X. D.u!y Newj" OtH.;e, C-n-?.711 jr'?OMFORTABLE TtrrfU3he<l APARTMENTS to Let. ?? with use ot bath-room.—Appty The Vine, Upper Cardiff. 619 10 bt tt.-out, mut, &t. fH?OLET.at M-tindce. Newport. 12!tcre9s:ood?ccom- JL mo.t&tton PAStUHE LA?D, auit?Ne for milkman, &c. A:'p!y to Geo. D. Batchelor, Newport. Mt9—5025S ?. semi detached VILLA 1:E?H)EXC' Bentlcy Vi)):t, Mr W. Sunders, 28; St Mary-street, C..r'Ji?. K):3 rB?O LET. No. 5, ERMHTON-TE!?KAC?7?yroo:n' _t_ close to R&iiw!ty St&ti.ma. ft.imn'&bty adapted for busines?. Re.it jS45pcr annum. Appty R. Emery, 2', Quean-street, Cardiff. 07? ?0 be LET, HARCOURT VILLA, P?rk Grove C?-disr. eeiLr?e.&c. Lon? garden. we)t'p!Mited.—Apo!y Lewu Hopkina, Austtoneer. Quesa street. Crliff; or at 1, Hichtnond-terra.ce. 4M70 t01. 'ate.==-Oiim;-&( Fj? be SOLt? by rr;v&te Contract, ei?t-roomed ?.iM J? with about ei?ht smrea o{ sro'jd L.md, a.bout U'.a mIles fwm Cardiff. la.r¡:-e g:U'dell' and ÏJa(:k entr;¡,uco; ]oe g;O y,.s. E¡ti1t yreobotd JIoU3":S, illc!:¡diug a Corner Shop, price .C2.5CO. Eight FreehoM HoaMB, pncj ?;40'3. r'ive Freehold Hou?a, pnc3 ?1,5W. Two Ffd?hotd Hou ex, price jeoM. Fight L,,P-ieli,)I,i Houa<M, renta £130 !t year. ;'r)c3 41,4cO. Tw? nou;;e?, iuciudinx a. Sh?p a.nd U.'i:hou?e, rents ?32 a yetT, price ?jOO. F'jur V?!? iH Kin?'t-ru?'J, j.?se 99) v?M could ba sotd in iota, price .&5W tor two or ;M,W) f?r the f.?ur. Titree nim-roomed ViU:a iu Heveru-r?ad, price £1,20)U. T.vo Houae:), ii;cludi.ig a eoraer Bhop with stal,le ind ccttch-house o'i the Lower Gr.uge, price £700 MAT:—Severe Vi.:M in -road. Three Shopa wii.)] the Ilouieg, ei,,Ilt i-oom3 in ea.h wit1. uxture' Xoa. 7. ,¡, and 11, Ca.,itle-ro36d could be aoul si')c!y. Three Uou ,es, i-eutie-i2 18s. price it5,1. Ten seven rof-med Hou.e' pri':e 42CO eCh. Ei;!lt Huujo. II prIce: &2'JC each. Six bc'en-roolnefl UuuaeH, pr:M £2.0') oach. l'utir seveu-rv(.moJ f!.JUSe3, price £::1)<) each. '1\h1 seven-roomed Hou?e?, price ?-Ot.) e?eh. Qrou;t rent?, ?12 ?ya:<.r. price J?SOu; le?e unexptred about 93 ye.?. ret, £20 :J. year, about 95 .year> pr !a rents. lease about 97 yea.rs, p.ica £:;75. All tt'eac ground ;euta v<iil pa;o about per cent the h(ju-e3 will come to th'i OTvner of t:.e ground. TO LEr. —Three large Sliz)pi with the Houses a.nd CHl!3, e:n')t rooms in each, with nxturelS an:1 gas suitalJlc for dmpers, ironiiaongers, iurniture shop, green- grocer, p&wushop. Nice-roomed in jfWI gaS fitting3 :m¡1 and largoe garùen You'Jtbn b1ind3. :md b!\kehou3e ill centre of Caiiton. Corner Shop and a 1"Ig-e Bakc, ,)use to -2} sacks of Hour, a:;d staMe, itnd rc&m to put Hour, cu the Upper to Mr Thomas Davie8, t)rid,e-ro)t.J. C?:)tr..i. Caj'tfit?. 4?277 iro et,-tt.1)inel t'tmiSt,, lit. BltlDGED.-ExtensiYe PRDII:3ES to LhT. Hous?, JD Shop, an t Store? cr)mp!ete, with fixtures, can be had together or separate rent Apply to F. W. Lock, 4, St. :àbry-trcet, CMdiS. 'i'48 rt?O be LET. ?tj?inin? Old Dock, Newport. & I?rge jt. YARD, with riv.'r front.?e. four ?jod cMn?, Md w;ty. For p&rticu?r? a.pp?y to Geo. B. Bachelor, New. port. Mon. A HOTEl7to?LEr at Newport, close to the Doc?a, j? where a ?ood trade ia done, which c?n be greatty increa.setl by a. ptishiiiz man.—Addre33 Nessra reih Windaor Brewery, Penarth. rt'?0 LET, a. Refrest.mjnt HouM, No. 19, Trinity-street, JjL C?rdiS.— Further partieul?ra, ?pply M a.bove. 6J3 ?OOD CORNER HOUSE, SHOP. and BAKEHOUSE ?)r to LET, in Ho?th. Good position. Will ]et Shop without Bakehouse if necessary.— Appiy 44, CMtIe-roa.d, Roath. 715 ?1 TABLE, YARD, HAY AX.D CORN STORES to LET ? in ConsteD?tion-stree?, near Ronth Market.— App!y 27, Metal-strept, Koa.th. gaj '?TEW &nd Second-hitnd Furniture Shop to LET, m:da ? thorougt.ftre. Rent ?30. Sa.tiafa.ctory reMon for leaving'.—Appty X. Y. Z,, "Daily New; Cardiff, 631 T?RAPERYtoLET, ?t Dow?ia; returns ?2,50C. a.nd JL? M?y be (toubted; rent ?642; best portion stock, nxtures, and iinprovementa at v:tlui'.tion.-App!y Mr John Lewis, Fairile:d House, Swansea. 669 n?O DRAPERS.-To LET, CAMBHIAN UOU.5R. Car- yea.r. One of the best concerns in Wales. Shop over 6) feet. LM'a;o showrooms. Ha.ndsome double fron\ H(;J.t only .&1CO. Splendid opening' for a man of energy and taate.—Apply )!r John Lewi' Orar,er' Valuer, F.i:r- field fiouie, Swanset. 670 rj!? be LET, with immediate poasesaio'i, ?' 30, JL ChM-tPs-street. — App)y Lc'.via Hopkin9, Eat?t? A;{ent, 5. queen-street, Cardltl. 673 fV?O LET, w't'i uan-.edia.ta poMesaion, No, 19, Dute- —Appiy t') LeVlii Hopkina, Aueucneer a:id Estate Agent. 5, Queen-street, 6H f!t10 LET, with imaieditte possM?iun, No. 5, Croek- Jt. herutown, suita.bie for a Grocery, l)r?pery, er Ironmongery Bu,iness. App!y to Lewis Hopkins, Acc<JUutallta.nd Agcnt, 5, Cardá5 675 ?'t'?0 LET, with immediate possession, No. 27, Duke- in the àIe58rs 8tephensoll 5, Queen-street, Cardiff. 676 t?O?TYPKIDP,—CLARENCE HOTEL.—This double. For to Willia.ms. Poiity- pridd. 502ctl ? OFFICES. M"Ut,tStua.rt-?qu:tTf', Butci Uoc?. Gt-oUtid ?f noor and nt-st aoor.- Apply to Jo-fCph .Eiiic'tt t-nd Sons, p e,"S.plice, Bute Dock. 479ï5 U$h\t:Jt, f<'r -4 T LANELLY.—To be LET or 1)ISPOS,-D OF. tho Jt_J Corner Premises, knowu M FALCON I:Ot"SE. ??ILLINEHYt.nd FA?CY DRAPERY for DISPOSAL Apply, 13, Oxford.street, Swan5e. 1103 D IArEH Y.IjJlincrr, :'IantJ:o. a;;d JLJ' business for immedl,\te dipr'8 IJ, Established OVCf 30 nst in the town oi A first. r.tte< pportut)i:y for one or two energetic youtigideit with for iwl particulars, to Wa:tcr O!le3, llazaar, Neath. 6ï:J $flr ¡dt.n,tthtt\'llt 4it:), &t. A BAHGAIN.—P.tteot Nozzle BOILER, 6 h.r. cost ?j? ?M, to be seen at work st Cambri?u Vinex.'r Cardiff. b remo ni -.k.- II room for a Jar;;9r 718 PORTAELE ENGlES. NTortar :Mil1:. Benches, Pumps or Hire; FiELDING & PLATT, Gloucester. '603C!. f?LAXI?G MACHiNE. SIottia.ar Machines, Shaping J? Machines, Vertical a.n't R&dia.t DnJiing Machine' Punching &nd Shmnni,' Machines, Pht.te )!achines, ISclÏ-acti¡¡1j SIi,;ín:¡ Screw Cutting and .Bur- fAciny, Lathad ot ail biz-3, either in of pro,rcss. I Lifit of sa:ue :'nd mustn'.teJ catalo;;U0.0! machine tools on app.e.tt;on.—W. A8:1ultc;, Hl;;hroad \i cd Wo;'ka, H.MX. _M271_ to 9att.-=i $t¡n!il1_GtJ. fTERY !food COW and'CALF' for SALE.—Ar'pJy to V David Mor?a.n, Energtyn Mu!, C.?erphi?y. ?OR SALK, twj voua? St Bern.rd Bitches, by Mr Jf Greshani's(?te)"?jhk."—Apply X. W. t'hi.p?, 701 l\nn$ ¡nut (tnUit\'y equiittti. t)UTE WAGON WORKS, CARDIFF .-Joseph IIe?d <S?f?" -?'' ?PP?' ? ?"da c-f New and SeeonJ-hMd ?A?u?? tor cash. Redemption or ainnho hire.W?onj repaircd by eontrMt or otherwise. O?Ncee, 3. Pe?on- place. Docks. CardiS.-N.B.-J. H. and Co., undertake to let or Ben surplus stock for any owners or users. P tr. Hcui&rs iuvited. '4.j701 ??FFERS wanted for ?2 pairs WACGO\ WHEELS ?? and AXLES, C feet ]oDg', 4-inch diameter ?2 AXLES Otitv, G feet ton.?, 4-inch diameter; 10 toM TRAM AXLES, 1 feet iong, 2-inch dia.mcter, 25 tons Double-headed RstHa 5 toca iar?e CoJUery Bridge Rails, 60 tcca ?cod. clean, he?vy Wrought Scrap Iron.—Appty to H. F. Hallesy and Co., Brokera, Merthyr Tydvil.Ml 24 £{tf llle. -i.ceUant,O'u.. .) _dU_n TDICYCLE, 48-inth, Haynes ?d JeEfries, Coventry, in _t) gro?? working order. Price, ;ei 10?, cash.—Hood, i, Dynevor-pltee, Swansea. /40 OR SALE, a capital BATII CHAIR, in good coo !i- 1 tion, nearly new.—Appty at tc:\m Dre-ery, 1'ontnewynydd, PontypooL 709 GLAMORGANSHIRE BANK SHARES, a few for 'UT SALE. Apply Leyaou & Jones, Solicitors, SwMi- sea. 51)1160 O nm £ound. ir <?T, youN? B:ack Retriever iJOG.—The ?uder (v; L< be rewMded by returning him to Gcrard Sucok. Et. CitStie-road. Anyone deta.yinK him after thia not;cc will be prosecuted. 7;31 J i.tJt t IllUUtltt.!í. A CERTAIN CURE for the NERVOUS A CERTAIN CURE for the NERVOUS j?, and DEBILITATED. — GRATIS, ? MEDICAL WURK. showiu? sutlcrer? how they ma.y ba cured and recover health and vitality without the aid of QUack, with recipea for purifying the blood and removing akin also chapters on Marriages; When and Whom to Marry; The Teoipenunents;" Stammering; Vital Force How WMted and How Preserved Galvtiiie Appiiancea, and the Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Vnrioua Complaints, rust free for Two Stamps. 4319 Addre.-a Secretary of Anatomy, BirminThai). Ai?RTNMHT'S'FAMILY?WASH, in Four? Hours, ,f?. without rubbing or boi!ing?, by Uiiin? "THE BbMEsTIC' Washer, Wringer, and 'm?;er (three' machines in one\ carriage paid, and a free trial allowed. —nitrated prospectus post free from .Morris Bros., Pontypridd, and 16, Ange,-strect, Cardin. -H21g "?AMBRIAN" BICYCLES FOI: 1S31. ?n?' n? "? ?? ?Y ?? ?'s ?s'- ?eal riders on road MJ path. Alt machines warranted. MORitTM B It 0 T 11 E R 5 Tbe on1y recogntseU ma.nufacturers in Wales ??? ??' to??d? ?? '? m?hinMby ?her makers. ?????? irLU[ repa<rii M oonct /?? n?kera ontv. 49?33 STIFFS STANCH. '?_, ?. -??.?" ?TIFF'S STARCH. ?F?STA??????? ?TIFF?S STARCH, j????? '?_Ajtjcle?, ami !Mkiuc tha STIFF'S STARCH. ???? ?' ? TICLE is sold by Groc?m, C?TTT<'ti"Q QT'AT3r'tT LTu?gist?, tad Oilmen, ia SJi-LM b S1ARLH. i:b boxes and oIbptpers.Meh "?' box cr packet bearing the QTIFF'S STARCH. Trademark-" Queen Bess. STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF &; CO., ————————————— 29,REDCHFF.?THEET, STIFF'S STARCH. BRISTOL. t8731 TDILL.POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE REES, STRAM PACKET HOTEL, NEWPORT, B!LL POSTER and DELIVERER for TOW:-T noJ COU.N'. THY. Re"ta all tho T)rlitcir)%t Ilmr,litx,-i In Newport ) tm? Nt?tUj?urhuo'). Work cx9<:utc<i w?Mt di.tpittc?. ? TOHN TENKINS and C°.'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. JOHN JENKTNS and CO., AUCTIONEERS & VAI.UERS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. STOCK, INSURANCE, MORTGAGE. AND BUSINESS: BROKEHS, ARBITRATORS. HOUSE. LAND. ESTATE. FINA:CIAL & GENERAL AGENTS. PHILHARMONIC CHAMBERS, Sr. MARY.STRKKT, CARB!fF. Aeuts to tÏ1a Sun Fire, Life and. GU:lr:\at, ,\IIÙ rh Nurwjh ::111 Londotl A<dtleut GiW5 Il¡,urane amI tiu Protectur Endowtnent, Loa.n, &nd Annuity Company. y.B.—J. J. and Co. prefer p-rioual intcrvicw;j, but where i3 UfJt be m'I.1e by Post, in whi:h e.no two stunpj muat be clld,>seù for BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. Y??E? FuU-iicetned HOUSE, in a Seaport of South ?' Wit'e?.doiu?nearty j6.0 ..jek)y. Praac'tt !eMe t.:t'eo ?e?r-?. h.?oi?'-r, with ?ood inveutory, ?nCO.—John Jm'<tM.UtJ tilo., Philha.rmonie Chambers, Cardiff. 1—103 D VKE OF CORNWALL ]-,N, The Ihyea. CÚd¡f( § L25). -Johtt Jenkhn and (' Phi)hdr- Oha.mjjr., CJ.rLiiíf. 1—107 CAIW'FF.-BEERIIOI:3E in a large neighbourhood, C 1.jw rent. Inomg' £5 or .tIer. Suitabl'J ior a 1lI,)c1:n¡c.John awl Co., Cumbers, Uardit! 1-62 -n?TO -0 HOi'SLS Md INNS, in or Oti the border jLt) of t'i.e County o!GiMuor.;a.u, to be U?SPOSEO ilJ onJ or t\J lots. A larfy-e tr-do is !lOll' a 1;"°,1 income is ùeriv,ble. MOót vi the: L011.>e3 are long- le<5'). An opportunity for a Brewer or Suirit rch:1nt tl) their busities!i. John Jenkinj* a.nd Co., Lkensù Victuallers' Brokeo, Phiba.,U1on¡c Ciiaiiibers, Cardiff. H- -AY,-TENDY,-&Lf.AÑ'rlÙ8S,\NT.-Sm:lÚ PU BLM S"a_ BI:SIS E;:t)E L'r DBi'ùSAL. Iugoiz¡gg ¡ow.- Jol:a J\.ukiu5 :ld (;0" Philhar:ll .uic; Gh:uubers, CartlUy ?_ 1—98—1C:! "ro, 15. nvn::STIiF.ËT-CAIDIF-F.-These-P-mi;s I' to [Je LHT, with c;trly P').¡,;roil, W¡til or withou!. U.t; stue" (JrlprYJ. \Ve!) &.tua.d for the draper' grooer' or n .y other traJe. Preiiaat occupier ku ot,l<J¡' Je:ikiua ..aJ Co., Philhr- m,ic Ch"llib:r, C.lrJ;;? 1-)5 ??.AROtFF.—Free Po;ib!3-Ueer?ed PUBLIC-UOUS3, —jMn Jc i'n !n Co.. C:trditf. l—9t r!? ba LEr or SOLU. a. Frea Ujubte-iteer.se t PUBLIC- with :.1.n unexcp:ionahi.) proSI)3ct ot a John Jjnki.n .ml C '„ P.uihEn'mjtu.: Chamber, CM-di.t'. 1-57 HOUSE, i't a bu:sll1e;>.3 poaition in C:\di:Y, to be LET. Loug teMe. Very c!M3 tr-i.ie.-J(jbn JenkinsM)dCo., Piii!hir- Cardiff 1-80 CROWN IS, ALMON-ROAD, CANTON.—Thij iu;;le-Lic')u,1 Pdolic-liioiiie h) be LEY on a seven 1,\3e. Pr'¡1!C!l wlIl be :1.11,1 :1.t -Ap,)Iv ti Je;ikins ati-i Co.. PhiihM- momo-c'-ia.tnbera, St. Mu-y-street; or to U. WntMn, Eiq, Cambrian PreNvery, Cardiff. 1-70 C WASEA -De,jir::t.ble compact HOTEL, with good Y:.uit, on n long lease trude £1,200.-John JsnIuM KULt Co., Pililhg6riaoi.,ic Chanbers C?rd??. l—cj ? ?RAPEKY and G?UCERY CCSfNESS.?tTa'?pit? JL? ma.nuf<tCturu)? a.ud eoH?ry district in South Wa.)e9. Lea3e of prenlie" which have intely been re- stored ttt gre"t expense, ielOIJ; Rent, ?50 LeMe, 17 years Eeturm, about £.5,00\.1, which can be iucren.sed Stock (tow) at yaluat:on.-Jolm Jeukins Md Co., Phi.- 1-61 C- AT<?:s.-Cood boub!e-iieensed HOUSE, in exec lien t position. La.rxe tMde; price moderate.—John Jenkim aiil Co., Philua.rmoMc Cha.mbera.CardiiT. 1—G BUSINESSES WANTEn ? OOD DOUBLE or SINGLE LICENSED HOUSE ? \T)T orao?r Uute.gtreet or H?ve9. C?h a.bout?50'J. —John Jenkin? Md Co., Pllilharnionic Chambers, Cardiff. ? rREE DOUBLE LICENSED Centt?Hy-sItua.ted j'-? HOUSE, do;n? a. respccta.Me trade. A ?ood price gIV¡¡ i'_r a geiiuln,) eoneern.—John Jenkins and Co., Phi!ha.rmouic Ch&mbeM, Carlifi. ?IWO BUSINESS PKEMISES in or neirSamt?ry- JL street. Re[it.tbJutj&3)Md&tOO. P?rticu'Msto be e,lt to) Jolm J nkini au 1 Co., Philhar:n',mic Ciiaiii- bcr?, C-rdiS'. ?IRT-CLASS COMMERCIAL HOTEL m a. smati town. JL' Itt?oiti? froiM ?l.WO to .62,COO.—John JenkiM and PhilharIH0nic Chainbera, t') EER.HUUSEINCARMFF.or ltoad-sile Iftnnear7 Jl> In.-oiii4 about .SlOO.—John Jenkins &nd Co., PI1¡lharmonic Charu1:>crs, Tf OHN JENK1N$ and CO. h.tvo severe Clients re- ? q'?i.iu? sm?l PUBLIC-HOUSES in C?rdiit or neihbourhood, 11011,1 win be pleased to parUcilia,5 of all)" etiaina con-era !ordos<lo_- lALL, respe(tY.\ble, PUBLIC-HOUSE in or ne",r CJ.r- ?? uiS. Ingoing not to exoead j6!.25.—John Jeukiaa Philharru')!lic I-IOUBLE or SjyGLE-LICEXSED HOUSE ma busy in Carclilt. Etite-street .&0'J to £11;0.-J ohn Jeukim ail Co., Phii- harmonic Ch,uub"r,¡, Caxilff. BUSINESS PREMISES TO JjE LET. REFRESHMENT EARS at the New Theatre Rop,l to JE-Z be LET.—A.);)Iy to Joh:Y Jcukins ind Co., Phil- h;u:o):i. Claulbe, Cardie. 'l'BL8 (ttvo-st.U!ed)and COACH-HOUSE. neat' CJ.3tk.rv:1:J, and Woru5worth.street, to Cj.rdff.' J c:nkins and 3-6(i CJ.ifI. 3-6ü H?TE.ST SIUE OF '\VE:ST DOCH, suited Prem'ses sub;;tantia.1ir built of to MessI'8 John Je¡:kills ¡:IJJ Co., Cardilf. 3-61 o. lj, tJUTE STHE!r, CA¡WIFF.-T¡¡es Pn,mi,;es l to be Ll,' C, with posse.siim, with or withvut th3 st(,'k (tlrapery). Well for the groc-rl or any other tlade, occupier has taken other Jenkins and Co., Phi11w.r. mCJl\í (')ml1loers, 1-05 ??NH or T!.VO FLOOM3 ot a. Good Dry :md Convcu:t:at ?? WAURHOU?EToLET; 1st itjor 4je.2ndtbor t3s 6,1 or 10i pJr week iùr gU()tl ap- pru\ici¡.-Jo¡m J"ll;:l1\ and Co., Ciiatilloers, C"nliIf. ? 'APiTAirpREMISES.Ui?Srst-cIaMpo?ttion ui Car- \_? dtit', with Khowy pl?ts-g?g window, TO be LET. and no stock to bU3iJjes in a sitlIa.tiOl1. Apply Jolm JCUi¡¡1h and Co., :J+ no USES, -i-e-, FOR SALE. ?OUNl'HY RESIDENCE FOR SALE.-A very desira. in owr. with skirubberleg, :;J.ltlell, for EeVJn horses, '8, About 11 riiile3 f row. Cai d i'tY, amI near to Oil the Great Western /tnd T.t<i V. a Three packs cf li, u!(!s n¡;h:"ourI100d. Selling prIce only £l.,Ql\. -John an,1 Co., Lan 1 and P!uih:)r!Bou;c Chamfers, Carlitf. 2—M ?.? ARK-STREET,CANToy.—Cottvetiiont HOUSE, ?f? whh two. cntr..nce9, to be SOLD. Price &MO. £:;00 cn 0:1 m(}rt;o if requiietl.- John Jc'ukb,¡ amICo., l>iJ_hn':ol ?b_crs. anlI. 2-H 'I'RJ:pEGAV1f:E, Yll;: Re- slc1enc<J tor Sale. Pnee jenliin3 and Co., Cl¡;¡.rubers, Cardiff. 2-88 UEN.UalI.-T\O capital COTTAGES ,1 and 2, Salop- JL piMc or Petiarth. Well let for 12 per grounci rent, £.3158 per anliuiii. l'rice Jo!:n Jcnkin. a<id Co., I'hUuarmonio Chamben, CtrdtS. 3—55 NVEL Vi: HOuSES in UrLilrctoIvn, at modern 1 prices.—Joi.'i J "nKdlj aid berd,C.t!'di.f. ?B?.?'O IiC?'SE8?:Mr"T«ntca:iut, .ei59 e<ch.—J?") ? Jen.?maad Cc*, Philharmonic Ch?mbet'd, C?rdiX 2-74 j-I:ÈE-fi0Ú)- L,XD, at Llaitiliiant, ab,mt; five &cre9, 1 very Suit:.èb'e to iet frtr building, or to be Su!d in vlut.3.-Jvhn Jcuki¡¡;:¡ ami Co" l'til!laru¡oui Cham1.Jer3, Ca.rùlÍY, 2-80 L-ÙGl HQUSK, suitable for a Public-ho-a:i, vsry aMP?VED"GH.OUyD RE?TS, in ?oodietttng PLUharmonL,' ChtunbeM, Cardij. 2—77 ?HOP'PROrEi:TY'7JFs?!e, in improvia.r neighbour. ? hood —John Jenkins and Co., Phiih?rm&mc Cham- bers, Ca.rdi3. 2—78 A.PpifIR¡"¡TilE£'r. lWA.TH; very desirable and COillpact end). Pricc .£Û5.-Johl1 Jenkin3 Vv.,l'¡ulha.nuonic Cham- berg.CsLrtUa'. 2-73 (?EVEHAL First-da? COTTAGER m ? good iettin? ?.? neighbourhood, to pay about 3 per cent. c!e?r, to bt: SOLD.—John Jeukins a.nd Co., Home and Ketato Acents, PbUhiM-mMuc Chambers, Ua.rditf. 2—65 t-?BXAHTH.—Four CO'iTAUES, m good tettin.; pt&ce, JL 17feetfrottt..t?e,goodrepfnr. Ground rent ?810a. Pnce je700.—John Jenkiua &ud Co., PhiihMmonie Chambers, CaruiBf. t!.63 ??HKEUOLU RE.??DE?CE Md OFFICER, uear CM'- ?.' diS, TO be SOLD, with or without a Reld Min'.— Johu Jenkioa s.ud Co. PhUhMmume Cbambera. Caj- Jill. 2-tiQ ?90RTHfHR &OAD, CANTON, CARDIFF.-Good J?JL !ettm? Houses to be Sold.—Apply to John Jen- ktuj and Co, Philarmonie ChMcbera, CMditf. 46170 2—50 r][)WO ,,ood HOLSES, in Lower C-athecirai-road, to be JJL SOLP, for ?6?. For pajrticu?ra ap?iy to John Jetikm & Cj., House !md Estate Agents, PhiihMTaonie Ch.tmbors, Car-jilf. 2-15 ?EVEttAL HOU?Ea ui Crook street, C?rdia. Moderate ?') price.?. &)fe?ettiD,neighbourhood.—JeuMusand Co., PtiUh&rmouic ChMubera, Cardiff. 2-35 tjlOURTerydeiiira.Me HOUSES, let for ?2perye&r, ?' for ?1,050,—John Jeukina a.ud Co., Philharmoniu Chambers, CardiIf. 2.27 HOUSES TO BE LET. EIGllT.ROOIJ;;VHOT;SE, in Wood i-ille-road, Cathays, ji-U with Stable, to be LET.—Apply to John Jeukina imd Co., PMiharmonic Chamtbers, CarJiS. ir?UWARD-TERRACE, CARDIFF.—HOUSE to be LET, .t? w:U be rep'j.ue t a,ttd pa.pered, &< d put m thorough utder to suit iu,;oin? tenant.—Aopty to John Jea?ins &nd Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Carditf, WANTED TO PURCHASE. 'g_? OUSE in Green-atreet, or nrst pirt o: Lower Cathe- J?j? drai-r??d.—Pm tieuiara to John Jenhins ttnd Co l'ulw;¡.rmonic Chambers, Car'-utf. ?"FREEHOLD or Long LeMehoId PUBLIC.HOUSE?— ?? John Jetjkins Mtd Co., Auctioneer Phiihaj-mome uiiambers, PREMISES WANTED. ?ORXER PREMISES initlM?e t.ei?hbourhood, suit- ?/ &b:e for a Grocer. Rent not over J610.—John JeukiM &nd Co., Philharmonic Chambers, C<udut. ? 31ONETARY. ?K??? —A g?od security forthM sum wanted f?rth. ?<?\U' witti.—John JeukiM and Co., Phitlmrtnonic \.1J¡"¡Jlvtl: C.).)'dtN. ?-j '?t? ?? ?1,300 Wanted on Mort?e o! ?JL? <?/tf SOQd Leaseh&M 1'Mpert.ies. — John jMukind ad CII., Plulharmonic Chambers, Caj-diff. r??/? ?250, ?100, ?nd ?(?0 to be INVESTED on o???\7t MOKTUAGE.—John Jenkina and Co. PhilbarLu,jaic Chambers, Cardlff. ?_) ? ? ? ?nd .E?OO to be ADVAXCED on good free. e?,t)\?< hojd secuiities.—PM-tieubrs, to John C?dMf. ? °'' ?''?'*° ° ? ??o?c am era tT ARGE SUMS to be advanced on Leaseholds, Free- JLj hoMa, F-eversious, Annuities or Ground Renta.— John Jenkins and Co Mortgage Brokers and Finanei Agents lliiilliarmonic, Chambers, Ctudift. 4M46 rpHE ANNUAL WINTER SALE AT JL CAVENDISH HOUSE. CHELTE?HA?f, IS NOW IN PROGRESS, A iarye seieetion of Silka, velvets, I)ress Materials, Ball Drezoes, Coatumea, Mant.ea, MiUmery, Juvenile Dresa, Lace, HoMery. Moves, and Fanoy Go<xta at Reduced Prices for clearance before the end of the seMon. Pttternt and all partjcul by poat pn applicativn. Surp:U9 Stock in the tioude-turalwhitig Sectiou ¡¡')SI) reaueed, inuludin,, Carpets, ?r?jtM. C?buMt FurMtute. and Do?or&Hvo Objecta. "? DI'-BENHAJM: AND HEWETT. n'OWLE'S PENNYItOYALAID STEEI. Jt PILLb 1 -JR FEMALES quiek!y correot a.U irre,?u lAri:Ues E.nd r6usy9 the ùJ¡¡res¡¡lIg' Sj'lllpton:' so rrei-iil,-tit Wtth the MX. Bcxea 11 ltt1 anQ 2a9J,'ofat'che'n!st3. 6-nt Miy where upoa re?pt «< et?am bf th< Mitker? & ?TbWMLe!.<??Nat<Ja!dM)? ? ??',?'' j UOU,ty. UTR. J. BLAIRERO, PRIVATE MONEY LENDER, .iM. and BILL DISCOUNTER. 15, Du:)if)iea-iMe. 4S8S3 ??LERGYMEN, F?nnera, Cferks, Shopkeepers, and ?/ Mech?nic? cm receive ADVANCED upon FURNI. TURE, etc. (without remo -a)), &t onca by writing to Mr J. J. JonM, 13, Cc'Ue?e-?tt'eet, Sw?uae?; Distance no object. 41213 A VON LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY.—St ?T? Heten'g-roftd, Swa.nse.t.—Ba to J&1.00 advanced npon &ppHcittion to Householders a.nd others. Ne sureties required. CiUj or write My d?y.—OSice hours, 9 a..m. to 9 p.m. 44232 1T?O YOU WANT MONEY ?—H so, save time. trouble, Bamett. 49, Bute-street, Cardiff. ?10 to j6500 iext enuins. 451-29-S27t A PHIVATE GENTLEMAN, h?vin? MONt.Y to daily. No sureties or few. This advertisement is enuins. 451-29-S27t A PHIVATE GENTLEMAN, h?vin? MONt.Y to burrower.> from iC5 to £';(}O,rm slicirte3t -Appl '( '1'. G. Jeiikins, a 1,1 ltoyal Arcade Chambers. St. M:try-str.. t, Cii-clitT. 50134 f?ONTMORLAIS LOAN 01 FICE, MERTHYK.—Money JL uumed..ttel/ advanced from .t:5 a.nd upw?rtta, by Mr W. R. Cohen. to Tradesmen, Householders, Far- 1Iler, 3.lId others, on thir Stocl.iii- trade, Furiiitui e, &c., without or in any way. aùle by instalinent3. Vistaoce 110 object. All ap- plicatiQll3 attenJed to. Strictly pri v't. None refused. -Apply or by letter, to O aud 21, Pont.uormi- M.;rthyr TydM. 19082 ?PECtAL NOTME. — MONEY AD- ?3 VANCED to ?tl el?ssea without de!ny AT A Of jnstl. I to \)<>Trowen.-Apply, TERMS TO pet'sonnUy or by letter, to S. Blaiberg, 2, resideiiee, FARMERS. ¡ Dt;df.)rd lloue. Newport.-ro&d Established 30 ycin' N.B.—No fses unless the money i3 advaziced, 11)2(>6 A DVANCES ?ie ?t tho fo!!?win? r.ite9. which :n- £J repayable by Tw h-e Iasta.;o menH of £2 3j 4d. JE50 Advanced, re,.).tyable by Twelve Month]y Inst&I- mer,ts of 45 4s 2d. 4100 Advanced, re:);tya,ble by T<ve!vo Muuthiy lusta!- mentsof .610 3d 4d. Other terms lU utn;,¡IJy to suit Send for statin:{ to M"lIa.g-el', 120, Dud(-tret, Newport, Mon. Estabhshed ii-,arl y 5¡;¡ yer. 501 i3 ?REAT UEUUCTION OF INTEREST. ?jr —— ;a.l0NE¡ ADVANCKD ON THE MOST REASONAHL.H TERMS, FROM &5 ToJE!,W. To II:J.u!icr3, Trn¡}C.;mn. &c.. Otl Steck, Crops, Furniture, &;c. Apply p.-roonall- or by Setter, to SIllU1'i IIAHHIS, WAVEHLEYHOUSR, 4161:3 CIfAHLES.STKKET. CARDIFF. —?.-r,-?,? 'B?ARH'SMFEPJLLS tuaybc used live; :\nd fI,v¡nac1 comp}¡¡,int", habitual TT?TT.T C< So!d by aU Medicine Vendors, in N?———? Eoxe?,l<)l.;d,2s9'.),andtnF.tmiiy been bkeIl, N?———? Eoxe?,l<)l.;d,2s9'.),andtnF.tmiiy F?ckets.Useu.ch. 5C320 DYNE STEEL & CO., ENGINKERS, N E \V ? 0 R T. M 0 N., D DYNE STEEL & SON, ENGINEERS, SWANSEA. ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR WINDING, HAULING, AND GENERAL PURPOSES. CONDENSERS AND STEAH TRAPS. STEAM AND HAND CRANES, BLOWING FANS, PICKE:RŒG' AND TANGYE'S GOVERNORS, '-CAMERON," "SPECIAL," AND OTHER STEAM PUMPS. PUI.SOMETERS. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, CilFFARD'S PATENT INJECTORS, HYDRAULIC AND OTHER LIFTING JACKS, HAND POWER PATENT ROCK: DUILLS, CRABa, PULLEY BLOCKS, SACK HOISTS. WESTON'S PATENT BLOCKS, GAS, STEAM, AND WATER TUBES, STOCKS AND DIES, TUCE EXPANDERS, AND ENGINEERS' TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. RAM PUJIP.3, w:T!i StNaLE OR DOL'BM: RAMS, and Single or Double Steacn Cylinders, for FEEDING rOILErS, UXDBROROL; D WOKK, Md for Genera Pumi'tLg Pm'- PMM. THE EXHAUST INJECTOR, fcr feeding Boilers; \orks 'th w, exhau,3t stectin obvious. Simple to Certaiu ia action, BOUDON'S WN MAKE) STEAM PRESSURE GAUGES. ATKINSON'S PATENT FEED-WATER HEATER. HIYET FORGES AND SMITHS' HEARTHS. WHITE MhTAL FOR BEARINGS. PATENT SPLIT PULLH:;S FOR BELTING. AMERICAN MACHINE BELTtNG. PATENT STHAM TRAPS AND UNJONS. DUDGEON'S PATENT Tun EXFANDEUS. CONTRACTORS FOR MANUFACTUHING IRON ROOFS, GA'3-W01tKS, IRON PIT FRAMING, BRIDGES, &c. Prices and Particulars on a.ppHe&tion. TREDEGAR-PLACE. NEWPORT, AND EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. !XSPECT:0't H !XV!-EO O? E;;G!XK3 AND OHXERAL HACBiXEKy AT NM'rORT AXD SWAN5EA. 49:W5 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. GREAT BARGAINS. LOCCMOTIYES, three with IGill. cyJiuder9, copper box and tubes. RAILWAY CARRIAGES.—Xme composite nnd 33 seeoRd- clas3 ca.rriagc3. MULTiTUBULAR STEEL BOILERS.—Two new onca. l.jit7inby3tt9i:i. CRANES.-FoU1" doul>le-purchas three form ji?ser cnne3, each to lUt twu tvm.j All the above are in the of:1. railway and well the Ol bu¡e!13. PULSOMETER, No 5, wi.h pipea and footval%,es. PORTABLE ENGINES, 10 h.p., by CUyton; S h.p. Rus- tvD, Proctor. SO;'eL'al' Smaller S;.eS. STEA3I CKANES.—T;:rse narrow gug-c complete. STEAM GANTRY, by T,tylo;"Birknhad. t.j Jilt 15 toua. EXGINES 12iu by 22m; Vertical, 12tQ by 2-tic. Nine other s:aa!ier sizes. PU.\IPS;-Donkey and Boiler combinej, 12 x 8, direct acting, 8-mch Gwynud's Centrifugal Vertical Eoiler, with two direct al:tin;: pumps and ensf:nes &[t combined. ROCK DRILL.—InserMtt'a, with Hexible tubing and tunnel gear. WEIGHBRIUGES.-20 tona, by lIodgson and H9ad. and the smaller ones. And a large quantity of other plant and sundries. For further particulars, .iprly to ?HARLES T? DHILLIPS, ? -L?< JL 47671 NEWPORT. MON. 'D 0. LEAOhL BILL, POSTER JL?. ?AND DEHYERER. ;r woo.D.sm-ET,t cAuDiFF, Rents alt the Prinelpal and mU4t Promlneot rOSTING STATIONS in Cardlil, and r.oe.th.é A Large Advertial i) I Van to paraq the atreetg, with horse Md driver, tn ba Jjet by the Day or WMk. Acp!y M *boT< for ttrm?, &4 THIS WEEK. NEW (SERIAL TORY- ENrm.ED STANLEY BRERETON By the gifted and popular writer, W. HARRISON AINSWORTH, Author of "THK TOWER. OF LOSDON," "OLD Sr. PA1:L'S." "THE ]HISER'" DAuauTER," and many other well-known and widely-read Worb.. We have much pleasure in announcing to our readers that ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25iH, 1881, there w.U be commenced in the CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, An Original and Thrilling Story, from the pen of W. HARRISON AINSWORTtL !ocsr acknowledged to be a most attractive writer. Although a very familiar figure in the Waiks of Literature, Mr AMSWORTH is new to our columns, and will, we are sure, prove a welcome feature in our FICTION CONTRIBUTIONS. Greater Novelists thanbe, itmmt.be admitted, there are but there are few indeed whose productiona have been so uniYersa.Uy read and admired by all c;asse9"ot readera a3 have Mr AtxswoRTB's. WILLIAM HARRISON AINSWORTH. is, in fact, a Noveliat whoso worka all sectiona read with avidity and enjoy with zest. The NEW STORY, STANLEY BpERETON, now announced for publication in the CARDIFF TIMES t SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, wit!, we venture to anticipate, riyal in interest the most poputar of the Author'a works, and will enhance hia fame as a NOVELIST FOR THE MILLION. The OPENING CHAPTERS of STANLEY BRERETON WtUtppear Oa.fMDAY AKD SATURDAY. FZUV"L S$th 04 U(J6 LUU I r' ubUt ttfitt.. DUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1875. REGISTER OF OWNERS FOR THE DISTRICT OF BRITOM FERRY. NOTICE OF TIME FOR MAKING CLAIMS AND OBJECTION. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that a]t persons who are entitled t.) vote as Owners or at the Election of llelllbet-9 of the BO:1.rd for the District of Briton Ferry, and who are not on the Jleglster of Owners and Proxies now in force, or who, 011 the Registel-, do 110t rewin the quaiifi,1.tion or the address tiiere;n, and who a,. o to hLi e their names in. in the Ra.-istei- %))out to be niacte for the said DLtriet, and all who aredesiroU9 of objecting to any name 011 the now in force, are hereby reo quired to s'ive or spnJ to me, on some one of the nrst six d:<.y3 of hrch next, a Claiu} or Objection (as the c-iae ? ? "? ?"G."? UAVEY. Chairman of t,he Local Board. OW1'EI{',3 CLAM. To the Ciiairm-in of the Local B,)ard for the District of Briton Ferry. This day of 1S8!. 1, the undersigned. chim to have my l1ame inserted m the Register of Owners a.nd Proxies fur the District of Briton Ferry, pursuant to the provisions uf the P)tb!ic Hesdth Act, 1:75. aa Uwt.erof the ProDertyhereinitfter described, which n situated in the Parish of is to fa) I itiso ata.<e tha.t the interest or estate which i have in aLù the amount of all the reiit-service which I receive or pay iu respect thereof, and th3 Name) of the Persons frotH whom I receive or to whom I pay such rent-service are set forth in the form hereunder written, I Depcriptioii o! Pro- perty (b) -I In respect of which I have. aii estate or in- o tcrest (c) -1 And in respect of wliich ™ I rewive ill rent- service the sum Of (d) £ • From (e) And In respect of which And In respect of which S° I pay iu rent-service the sum of (/) F- IWJ .Si?natnreofCht!:nant. .A.ddres3(A)ofC]ainiM?t. (<:) Here insert a. Cie&r statement of the property M "hoMe," "buildi?," "house a:.d MrM of (5) DMeri e t) o prcrerty by it? r.&me, s:tuation.or the Mn.e c.f th3 oeeUM.r or ?ny other designation by whKhitti?beidenuned. whict) it ia;- be identif'ed. (c) Describe the estate or interest, a? CH M<a? !M /M ?n?? o//?e? a ? < y??. ?? &?o wht-ther M is had by the c?im-nt sck'iy. or 3<n'? vith other. and in the cage <? p&rtner insert tht number and names of the oti.erp.t.taeratntheSrm. (d) If the pr.erty is !e, by the owiier, ipsert the alJ10UiJt d rel;! rece;'etl from each tenant f<t Insert the n;liH; of teta.nt ort&nauts (/) Jftheow))or is a lc;see p,.yillg rent, insert the 'lDJüun t C'f an the relt he PJ;J'8. (y) Insert the name of t-ie Jcaf.iM.. (/.) Ti'ij ?eed r.ot be <?OK)?.'s residence, ?ut shotUd A partner nU3t s.'t cut the..amoullt or rent-servicc wh?ch he wouM receive orp?- u the qu?iiv;ng .-rop'-rtv were equ?iy divided amoM h:j co-partners and himse!?. CLAIM )F PROXY. To the Cl):uriM:t of the I.ccxl Boarl for the District of Bit to" Ferry. .This d'.yof 1381. I, the urhlcrs¡;ned, hiv-t; bean appointed by of ownsr [or ovners? of the property herein. after described, which M stated in the pariah of Uriton Ferry, to vote as his [or ther] Froxy pur&uant to the pro- vision of the Public Heatt' Act, 18:5, cfa.im to h?ve my r.?me inserted in the reiser of owners and proxies for the district of Briton Ferry M such Proxy. I herewith transmit to yM (a) the writing under the hand [or hand1 or in the Me of a Curpomtion the 901]] of orPI mting me such Proxy. I a'so state that the :nteMt or estate which ha.3[orh!tvej in such prop"'ty, and the amount of the rfut-servica wtdcb he [or hey] receives [or receive] or p.s [or pay] in respect ?'?f, and thj names of the person? for whom h9 [or tn?'J receives [or receive], or to whom he [or they] pays lorpa,Y] such rent-service are sst forth in the forni hercande wntten. r I Description of Pro- perty(b) In respect of which the appointor has nn estate or interest of (c) I or interest of (c) -I fr. And in respect of which the appointor receives in rent service f- •• "im of Cd\ .From (e) to And in respect of which to the appointor pays iu rent-service the sum a °l<f) '] T o(g) "Sis-Mturecf Proxy. "Address (/!)ofPro?y. (a) H tha appMntn.ent tse)t Is not eent, insert the worlt3 an attested oPY of." (&) Describe the prcpe? by )tg ??? situation, or the M!):o of the ???.cr any other Ne'i?Mtion by which it IIiay lIe 1t'!1Ufid. ° (c) Decri1:Je the eitate [f mt6reat, M an estate in fee Bim?e, of ??'-?? ?rn] o? ye?rs. and whether it is heM T.he appointor EOletyorjumtly withothcra. r colel y or (d) Jf th, pi-op,-rt)' is Ie;, by the &ppomtor, insert tho amount o' rent receted frota eMh tenant. M Insert n 'me of ?ena;;t. (/) IttheappMnt????ep?,ne' rect. insotthe (y) !usart ths n?'no of '?'essor. (A) 'lh? cced not re t? proxy's re.Jence, but should be some addresiM.'fn the district. FOm! OF OnJECTLON. To the Chairm:õn (If the Dcai IJoa,ù Lr t'te Pistnct of ,Uritca Ferry. Thia ''yof issi. I heretjy give you noticothat I object to the t\ime of the person !neuHoned and 'scribed be'ow being retained on the liejioter of Ownef\ull Proxies for the District o! Christen a!)' Natnra of gummiest. Cu?cf??"?""?'" 's? ?? ?.?. s'??' ?.?.??ua.ture o! Objector. .A&Jiess of Ob?ct?r. TT N I T A. I?N I S ?L CARDIFF AR.\lS,ASSE:HDLY ROOMS. 'Md E;¡EG SUNDAY SEHVtCES, ?t')la..)n.nd6.30p.n'. SUNDAY KVEN!G. FEB. S7, ?t C.33, TUE REV. CIIARLUS \?KSTLED, H.A. of London, ?'i!I Preaeli .?.t the a)\-e r?oms. Su'ijcC? :— "WHY I AM l UNITA1.IAN." mT i. TUESDAY I. THE 1,EV. CHARLES 'CKSTE:W WILL LKCTUUE "InN j<lg;Ck'uNs, vi, lif I AMA. N.T JESUS CHRLST. C.):lceions Hcir¡\J' Expeuse', SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS \D THE CAKIFF TIMES. FIRST EDITION.Ca.m. FRIDAY. SECOND EDITION.6 a.ta. SATURDAY. SPECIAL REATUYS i,,i EACH ISSUE. THIDAY. "STAXLEY BRKRETO:i' A n.w Serial Story, byW. 1IA RIMSON A1NSYRTH. "MY LOVE." Grt,,I)ie!rial Story, by Mrs LYNX LINTON, author o" Patricia. KembaU," "The Atonement of Le3.tDun,¡a," L'nder Wijich Lord," &c., &c. "THE RIVALS' or "REDHEAD & CAV.AHER." By BEHIAH G',VYIE EVANS. This historical novel of South Wa; and the Civil War gained the teeon t prize at t National Eisteddfod of 1S80. Also Synopsis of Chicrs a! ready published. PRISON LIFR By a TieM-Leave Ma.n. Y GOLOFYN CYMRElQiy Pafydd Morg-anwg-. CHATS WITH CUILDRE Dy raul Doytborce. OUR LONDON CORRE9NDEKCE; By aa EmMent Par1ian:cntary Joudist. TOPICS OF THE WEElC<ocai, Genera!, and Foraigu. SPECIAL TRADE REPOS from our own Correspon. deuta and excluaitsourcej Cardiff, Swansea Newport, North of tlanù, xud blidtandid. FARMING NOTES Eaets fiom the Agricultural Ptesa. THI: WAR IN THE TKSVAAL The Peace Pro' posals. Despa.tche!o:n Gen. CoUev. A Dashinc. Cavalry Ride. Oueak of Fever among th'e Bosrs. IMPERIAL PARLIAMEU Lords Army Organisation. Ttie Boer Pioclameu. Commons: The Irish protection Biii. LEADERS The ProgresEf the Sunday.c)o¡¡ing Move- ment. Ir.accur.tC iea Contemporaiy History. TUB STATE OF IRELAND :traordina.ry Speech by Mr PafneU at C!ara. Art of Leauera for attempted Murdjr. EXTRAORDIXARY CARDIFF WCASE: Verdict: THE COLLIERS' STRtKE IN LASIIIRE. RnoXDDA COLMBRS AND T)IllpflE,3. THE WHL.H IX LONDON, MEZIIXQ3 O? TAFF VALE,?),??? ?? MM.W?LEa ?'?'????T "?'°" "? -?300 by the 'TatY Ya!e to the Car?C Itn?ry. REVIEW o? TUB IXM? TRO Speech by Sir George Colley. Strong Conv? the Camp. "?<- THE GRBEK QUEST:oy. THE AsuANrzE DIFFICULTY l Na.t.;va Army of 9:0:0 men. GRAXD FOOTBALL MACnEg: l1land t" Wa]es. South Wales C',iail,-n.,e Cup. -4vjea v. Llanelly. Tns TnRSK rnxBTS Vet?.up;tcr, and Saturn. TuE WAR IX BASUTOLAXD T. petiHon for Peace. :;I:WPORT TOWX COUNCIL. h1l'0RT;lT RliONDDA VAUR -FfIHAT:OS CASE Exf-T. ordinary AJle;{atlona, BABY SHOW AT SVAXSEA. DAKt. (t BURGLARY IX c.vl'P. CA.'tDIFf FRES L:BRAm- ;¡¡¡1!EE Proposed Industrial Ex,iibiti,j,n at Carditf WRECK Cr Ax AXBRIC'A.'i lIo: Arrival of the Crew at Car.,jff. F ASnION .lSZ- LOCÅL M AR;lt. WHOLE3ALB WATCH HOB))*" AT POXTTPRIDN. A CAKDItT BcTCnBR AXD AIAID SERVANT. I AN ARCHMACO- m THK DACIS COURT. LOCAL LI<:¿tilD.nlS. AFGHAxiSTAt: P eparati' for Evacuathig Can' Peraeeutiu of the 78- TnE Loss OF THE (':ulMOD': Boa.rd of Trade Inquiry at Cardie. LrFZ AT NEW ZEALA <B. MR HZNRT RICHARD, M.P* LNQlSM.noN fott NOXCOX. FORTUITY. ACCIDENT TO MR GLACSTOr THE GREAT EEKLY PAPERS. 72 LONG f D, <??. ? ? t.ur<c COLUMN? H? ? ) COLUMNS. To be oltaine2f aM 1t"'el'$a{Jent$ tJ191wut GLAMOR? ANSHT j CA?MAHTHEN. MONMOH HSHII ?SHIRN BRECON? IHE PEMBROKESHIRE HKREFOJ?SHIR??CARNGANSHIRE f.LOUC?RSHIRE, Eent po;Bt frcm t bef Office¡¡, Ca)-t))C, for g,d.; or for Si) Sd p uarter by adùffll Ht the VÐit@(\ Kini7- dom or for Sd. peril'ter to M)V pMt <)< LUQpa 1 JaeJlaiMd !¡. "01' Wl IT EA In consequence of Imitations & of the Worcestershire sauce, 'DERRINS' LEA and PERRINS Beg to Say th&t the orif,ina.l bear9 AUCE. their Signature on the bbel. for which the purcher should look to secure the genuine TT EA WORCESTERSHIRE -? & SAUCE. TDERRINS* ??? Wholesale by the Proprietora. Crosse and Blackwell, London; /?< t T?r't?' ?"? Export Oilmen genera.Uy. ?AuuJ&. i?etttit by Defers througrhout the ?J_<78M_?2'?_S732 C?ORWICK'S DAKfNG POWDER. JL?_FOUR GOLD MEDALS. TE?ORWICK'S BAKIN(TpOWbER; JLP ?_fCR WHOLESOME DREAD. BORNvl C,K'SFO-tt PUDDINGS AND PI" FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. BORWIOK'S BAKING-POWDER. B FUR PLUM CAKE. TT>bRWICE:'S BAKING POWDER. ?L?_Fort TEA CA.KHS AND SCO:fES. DORWICKS BAKING POWDER.' B z;. 69315 FOil NOHFOLK DUMPf.lNGS on Ship. NEW SERIAL STORY. H R OUNDHEAO AND CAVALIER (A Tztle of the Taff Vale), The Historical Nove) which gaiiied the SECOND PRIZE at the National Eisteddfod, BY BERIAH GWYNFE EVANS. HAS JUST COMMENCED IN THE CARDIFF TtMES <& SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, And wi)I be continuel we-<.)y u:tti! its completion. A Synopsis of the Chapters already published is given at fte hcad of each week's coMb't'M<Mt. CARDIFF AND PENARTH OMNIBUSES. CARDIFF, dep )MO 10 < 0 70 lO'O Week d? ? H 5 1 50 a 0 8 0 ???'j_ 12 0 30 60 PO PENARTH-.dep 90120'306C&0 Week d?ys. j' n 5 ? ? ? ? ? La.t8r 'Bussea on Saturdays. J SUNDAYS. CARDIFF, uep 10 0 215 9 o10 0 PENARTH.dep. 91.5 130 815 90 Specials between 2 and 10 p. m each way. rpHIS DAY'S TEXT. \utch und pray tha.t ye enter not into tompta.tlon the spii-it indecd is wibll, ùnt the is weak. For A-lieii I would do good, evil is prosent with me." Matt. SC.° _Apyr.—48173

Family Notices


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