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f uNicaltons. I Price rg^H^ J-iURNKT. — High class, Literary, I Dramatic and Port o .M 'unii!. Ev?ry Wednesday. Under "r«^ment. 'Ihe smartest and brighter oc all *he "ce'-lio "—Vide rress Noticed. May be oiderod through ai wsa-^vuts. ri p E C I A L N OTIC E, On the 5st May Wlt3 issued GRATIS with "TIIE LITT TE GIRLS' TREASURE," A SPLENDID OLEOGRAPH, ENTITLED •-•THE RIVAL CLAIMANTS," T I, "OR. Wi.OM? Puppy is wV This splendid Oieogiaph, or b •: uiifully-colourod picture, is so .uicitely deft '.ed its to Vi. scarcely reco-jn'.tted fr-m a picture by • { the first masters paio'ed on canvas in oh The delineation of't: e do? and her little one rewinds ono of Landse;r's b<:er e2ortSparts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 now re*dy, pricc Sixpence. •, FTTETE "LITTLE GTITLS'"TRE ASUBB: JL FILLKi> WITH BF.AUTIFUL COLOTRED PICTURES. A most charming present for Little Giris. ffiHK LITTLE GIRLS TREASURE] J. FAIHY talks, .WSIC LESSONS, NSEDLEW'ORK LiSSONS, POETRY, KURr KilY RHYMES. TITE LI'rTL-P, CIRLS' T-aEASUR-P' I This Magazine is one of tho very best for Little Girls (hat liar betii published.—Containing instructive as weB all amusing Literature. Its tone is cha.«te, and suitable for children of all classes. Illustrated in colours. London: SIMPKIK, MARSHALL, and Co. A Specimen Copy can be hid at "The Casket," Office, 25, retter-Jane, E.C., for seven stamps. Now ready, the SEPTEMBER PART of THE CASKET.—All Illuminated Magazine for Ladies. Price ONE SHILLING. nnHE CASKET.—Tales, Poetry, Fine Arts, .1 Music, Painting, Illuminating, Wax Modelling-, Fashions, Needlework. &c., t'«.—Edited b Madame FLI'S FILLED WITH COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. THE CASKET.—No Lady's Boudoir can be considered complete without it.—Splendidly Illustrated In Colours, w;th IHuminatfd Wrlõpper. London; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, and CO. A Specimen Number iisnt for 18 Stamps." Yearly subscription, 1;)8; Half- vearly, 6s 6d.- direct from THE CASKET Office. 25. Fetter-lane. ISO NLARGEMENT OF THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS TO SIXTY-FOUR COLUMNS, M5DH&IH3 IT THB LARGEST NEWS-SHE 1ST IN THE KINGDOM. The PrOPRIETOTt., of the CARDIFF TIMES and SO UTS "ÁLBS WBEKLY XlSWS h" the pleasure of announcing that the Cardif fTimet I* now ENLARGED TO 64 LONG COLUMNS „ „ of mil newspaper width. The Enlargement is equal to an ADDITION of 13 OOLUMN8 !.be .ttu arise, and the Cardiff TIMES and bout a NEWS in it* enlarged iotia is ibe LARGEST NEWS-SHEET IN THE UNITED KTOGPOM. The Enlarged Paper it printed upon the Victory Wefca Machinery, which bRs recently beeu erected iu the Cardiff fimtt Omcep, and which has been constructed to proauce 10 000 papers per hour, completely printed on both lideø, and folded ready for despatch. In the Literary De partment no efforts will be spared to maIn. tthe portion which the Cardiff Titiys has occupied for at macy yews as the LEADING WEEKLY PAPER in Wfes and tee Western Distrtct LEADING ARTICLES upon the principal Political and focial Questons of tbe Day will continue to form a prominent foatore, and LOCAL TOPICS of every descrip- tion will be fully arid exhaustively discussed. The enlargement permits increased space to be devoted to LOCAL and DIS TRICT NEW«, and aomits of ev-ry town and vie in South Wales and Monniouthshire, and the Forest of JO«an being duly represented in the columns of the Cardiff Times and South Walen Weekly Xewn. It also allows of fuller reports being given of the chief Local Events of the u'eak. in the GENERAL apd FOREIGN NDepartments, the re porta are more ample and complets than has hithe. to bean i possible, and every et 'rLioti will be made to secure a comricto synopsis of all events of importance oecurring at Home and Abroad. The LONDON CORRESPONDENCE of the Cardiff Timet is generaliy admi tted to be one of the mcst important and valujvhle eontribntions published in the Provincial PrelM. and every effort will be niado by the Co-r«>roniJ.ent to reader the Letter equally reliable and attractive in future. The succese which has attended the publication of FIRST- CLASS SERIAL STORIE3 bv Miss Braddon, Mr. John Saunders, ITr. Blanchard Jerrold, M-. Fnr>/eonf and other eminent Novelig'a, has induced the Proprietor to make further *nen'm at «o<vciderabie expense, with -oopnlar Anthorf of the day, so as to ensure a succession of Worfts 01 JFSotion of the highest merit, written in the most popular and lntwsstingr style. In brief the objeet. wiilb" to render the CARDIFF TIMBS <t SOUTH WALES WEEKLY XEWS not only one of the lar^e.'t. bui also of the most able and complete weekly journal* extant, and to make it the BEST COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER In the United iCinydom. The advantages of the Cardiff Times and South Wain WeeHf Newt as the GKEAT ADVERTISING MEDIUM tor South Wsl.ia and Monmouthshire, will be still farther appa- rent,. The largely increased circulation, and the new and more tor South W.1118 and Monmouthshire, will be still farther appa- rent. The largely increased circulation, and the new and more Widely gprift') aceawks whi<?h have followed the enlirgpement, rpnder tne CardifTitne* and South ales Weelrly Ifmea sttU more valuable as a Orient! Advertistnff Journal for every d tec rip- tion of further increase its pre-eminence among weekly j^jraaldsaiMhe^ medi{j^ for South Wales, Koamouthshii# and the Western-District. THE CARDIFF TIMES AXD SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS ENLARGED TO 64 COLUMNS. FIRST EDITIOS FBIDAT MOItInNO. SJECOHD EDITION. SJLTURD AT MORMING THE IARGEST WEEKLY PAPER. THE LEADING POLITICAL JOURNAL. THK CHIEF COMMERCIAL ORGAN. THE''BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER. THE GREAT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Cotmum: LEADING ARTICLES OK Till fffTCT POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND LOCAL TOPICS OF THE DAY. ALL THE LOCAL NKW8 OF THE WEEK. ALL THB DISTRICT NEWS OF THK WEEK. ALL THE GENERAL NEWS OF THK WEEK. ALL THE FORETON NEWS OF THE WEEK. LONDON CORRESPONDENCE. SERIAL STORIES, BT thb MOST EMINENT AUTHORS OF THE DAT. PRICE TWOPENCE. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS "Tbroo^bout South Wales, Monmouthshire and the West et England. • Sent post free to any address in the United Kinsdom for 2s. 0a. Ber quarter, prepaid, and to the 'Colonies, the United States, and t all parts of Europe, for 3«. Pd. per quarter, Prepaid. CHIEF OFFICIOS- f!ARPiyF /"CARDIFF SHIPFINa AND MERCANTILE Published tnrery Monday Morning:, ftiw 16». per annum, or by The "CARDIFF SHIPPIN^MERCANTT^G^Em^ Contains a complete raeowt of the Shipping cireuiates Swansea and Newport1, and tba&istol Channel amone all the Me.ckants and Brokers of the »«B Ullited Ports, and generally throughout the variousportt Kingdom. It is filed at Lloyds, the LombaW, ^JVoreig- Cbamberti of Commerce, and is also sent to tne *e»" a P°Cinw Otricia—75 and 76. St. Mary-Str«et. CardJff. 2454 BEST ADVEilTISING PAPER IN NOTTmGBjYlC NOTTINGHAM DAILY GUAKXJIA^- A First-Class Daily Has the largest circulation of any Daily Paper in (T lb ire and adjo nina counties. Saturday*# issue of* » most valuable mediumforadverileeri..ntvlina- Kitt-s of charges and copies of the paper tree pp« Hon to tbi Proprietcrs. __T THE NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN. Published every FRIDAY. „ Price (with Supplement), TWOPENCE. Has a larsra find iiigli-class circulation, and ifl »rea: advertising medium for Wottin^hainsh'.re, D« y Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, and ne^hb niring counties. OFFICES SHEKWOOD-STttEET. QTTLNuHAM. Revi sea Annually. GAUGNANLS PARIS GUIDE, With Coloured MAP. Price 5s. or with Sixty Steel Eneravings, 7a. London Simpson, Marshall, and Co., and all booksellers. UNMER'S "ENGLISH ~AND AMERICAlf AGENCY. 06, Rue Neuve St. AUGUSTIN, PARIS. Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments, Hotel, Boarding- Houses, bcbools, Business-Establishments, Couriers, Interpt-w tors, Professors, Governesses, etc., recommended. ALL INFORMATION URATIS. VISITORS TO PARIS Will Meet with Comfort and Moderate Charges at the HOTEL DE LONDRES ET DE MILAN, BSRITTA, PROPRIBTOR. Rue Saint Hyac;nthe-Saint Honore, near the Tuileries. ttooma frem 2s, per day with board and wine included, from 7t. Arrangements made with families. Mr. Cook's Hotel Coupon# Are received in this HoteL Post Free, Price 111. 6d. La VRAIE PRONONCIAHON FRANCAISB Ev Professor A. CAUVET. A<Mr»ss the Author 8, RUE CASTIGLIONE, PARIS. JJA L E S HER EE'S WYNE SHADES. Medal, 1875. H. LARGIER & CO., Diploma d'HonnetUt 22, Bonlevard, Malebherbes, PARIS. Jlouses la BORDEAUX, 49, Pave des Chartonfl, LONDON, and MALAGA. FUKKISHBD APARTMENT& -LIBTB AND INFORMATION GRATIS. ttTd U C A T i o N I N P a rI^ BOARDING SCHOOL FORYOUNG GENTLEMEN FOUHURD IN 1834. OUBENS Principal, 48, RUE DU ROCHER, TKRM8 ON AJPI.ICATIOK. 1588 OTICE,-Per.sons suffering from 1 dige n, n J^l Bilious, or Liver Complair-ts. Mill, «-n nci!M Free, an unfailing BOTANIC RKCIPE by • n. osing address v. Mr M1LFOPD, Secretary, rtot>.oic Institute isto K EATING'S INSECT POWDEE iiiLia BUGS, FL!<U, HKET' ES, MO t'HS. K EATING'S INSECT POWDER KILLS BUGS. FLEAS, BKKTuES. MOTH?-. This Powder is uniiva.V,esl in de troy ins all h ects, altboutrh perieetly harmU-ss t<» domestic ansauild. it preserves from moth. Ko household should be without, it. So'd in tins,, ls.a»d 2s »d. each, Hy all urog^ts, or by post, 14 and 33 stamps, from TilolL KBATJ>:«. 8.. Paul's Cniircr.yaru, London. 8986 HOWELL'S AROMATIC STEEL AND PliNNYKO V AL FILLS. A speedy ouie for *<1 FE:>iALE IRREGULAiUTUtS, DLblLlXY, &c. Thoy give a healthy bloom to the complexion, pui-ify and cause a fr^-e circulation of the blood, opon obstructions and fortify :.he n irostuaon, thereby reatorint-the enifferers to cheerful and robust health. Sold in boxes at Is lid to iis 9i, duty ineiudod. Stsut by Post free for 14 or 84 stamps. Prepared only by THOMAS HO'VFLL, Ebai- macQtical Chcmwt. 255, Bute-Street, and I, Adam-pirect Cardiff. im TOlF G <* S N E L L A N ? OO.'S CHi'KHl T^'Tii PAa^E 4 Is greatly superior aa7 Tooth P-swder; gives the Is greatly superior aa7 Tooth P-swder; gives the Teeih a peaii-'ike whi tenets, protects the enawiei from decay, anù impaits a pll-ing Iragrance tc the breath. Pace la fid perjJot JOHN GOSNELL AND CO.'S TOILET AND NURSEKY POWDER. Beautifully perfumed, and Guaraiiteed Pure. To be had of all respectable Chennuta and Perfumers, Wholesa'e: ANGEL PASSAGE, 98, UI'PWR THAMES-STREET, # LONDON, 62la_ 0ORN 3! OORNS CO RNSIS DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT (PATENTED) 11 the only remedy yet discovered ctaM will entirely eradioate TTR. PA'VEYS' SOLVENT is tha most won- 8 P derful proauunoa of the are rt reiieves the pain instantly. DR. PA'VEY'o SOLVENT will cure hard Corns in three d-iv* IJP. I>AVFYS'SOL-%TENT is a never failing and permanent cure. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT has been tried by and ail recommend >t. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT can be had of all respectable Chemists, or from the wholesale agei_t8, Meeara Barclay, Edwards, Tidman, and Co. Prica, Is lid. By Post, ^STo be obtained of the following Chemists:—Williams, Bute- street, Cardiff; Dsviea, High-etrert, gwsa"&; Hibbert aadliay- laan, NestbL; White Bros., Carnaartheas PbiUipa, Newport; Teeks. Pembroke. 28 Ù,at is twijld worta Gold. WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH, Patented and rendered Tasteless by a new process. Copy of Analysis from Dr. Hopkins. n I have made a careiul analysis of White's Pill of Health, ønd found them to bo compounded of genuine and pure ingre- dient.. 1 think them ths best Aper.ent and Antibilious Pills known-B. warm stomachic, snd admirably adapted for wind and constipation generally. Joi-IN MORGAN IIOPKINS, M.D. Ii, Quay-street, Carmarthen. WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH Is without exoepiion, the safes'. Domestic Medicine known. Oi'ice ueed, they are univ«raal!y appioved of, and never fad to render satisfaction. Compounded with the best Drugs, they will be found to present the bast, form of Family Medicine. By their mild and gentle action on the liver, they restore tone and vigour, producing a healthy state of the stomach. They remove obstructions, and by their timely use the firaistion of various complaints, which prove a source of anxiety and unhappiness, are prevented. WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH. Is INVALUABLE roa THB SKIN AND BLOOD. Copy of Testimonial from Messrs. Soutliall Brothers and Barclay, Wholesale Pharmaceutical Chemists, £ irmingh;.m. DEAR bias,—We have examined > our Pills, and have pleasure in stating that, thev contain nothing injurious, aud that they are prepared from the very best Dtuars. We are, deir Sirs, i ours faithfully, SOUTHALL BiiOTHER & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Wind or FratUIence, Costive Gidaii.eis, ijeartburn, Paiu in the Htad, UhtJsl, BkCL, or Loins, Grave; ai d Stone, L'rer Complained, Paie or Nallo.v Complexion, Palpitation of the Heart, Colic, Pimples, Piles(both outwari and inward), Eruptions, Loss of Appetite, Sickness, &c., &s., rai idly ciued by talcng1 WHITES PILL OF HEALTH Sold in Boxes nel. and is. Lid. eaek, or free y post for 9 or J5 penny poita^e s'!mp, fi-. m the proprietors WHITb: BROTHERS, M.P.S., Chemists, (Jaimartheu. C-py Of recent Teetimordal. March 21st 1S76. GESTiiSMMf,—1 have much ultl1\slIre in testifying as to the efficacy of tour "Pill of Ht-aith." They can be taken at ail times without any inconvenience, and readily afford relief in any obstructions, vnu or two doses suffice' for Biliousness, Heartburn, or I ran a'so peciaily r^comm^nd them as a traveller.—Your* Teiy fai».hfu"y, THOMAS DARGAN, Inspector, R.S.P.C.A. Sold by Chemists everyavher a- equalled nowhere, in boxea 7jd. and Is. lod. each. Prepared only by WHITE BROTHERS, M.P.S., Chemists, Carmarthen. — TO CHKHI5TS.—The Proprietors will be happy to supply the "Pill of Hjftlth direc-j or they can be obtained from any Wholesale Patent Mrdicine Firm in the United Kingdom. Counter Bills, with nsms a nct address at feet, may be had in quantity by giving name of any Wholesale Firm in London, where they may be Kent i'or c-cciosure. 7143—3063 J3AINS in the BACK, GRAVEL^ LUMBAGO J_ RHKUMi'l'lSM, t-Ol/'i', DISEASES of the KIDNEXS u..l BLADDER, gl'KlOTU itJt. &c. 'JR DE ROO' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS Me celebrated allover the wcrid a^ the ruo-jt s^ie arid speed* remedy for theaoove dtin^eroua c <mpiaints, Discharge oi arl, und, Stone in the B:adter, and Diseasss of the Kiuneys and t rina.ry Organs generally. Possessing touic properties, the* fcgre# with the most delicate stomach, strengthen the digostiy* organs, increase the tpj>etite, improve the u'i nei-ul he ilti, and three days will sheet a cure, when copaiba, cubebs, atid ah dangerous medicines of that cla.sa have utterly faiied. Is lid, Se fld, 4s ed, lis, and a3 per box. These celebrated Pilli "re an infailible rerr edy in the most abotidwe cases. By their use alouj mahy thousands h»ve been annually restored to health whtn every other medicine hai failed. Their vast superiority over everything else in the cure of the above complaints is universally acknowledged, p°d th» extraordinary demand ior them over since their fits' introduc- tion is without precedent. In no imtance have tht-y eVer been known to fail or produce those dangerous symptoms I;) often resulting from copaiba, cubebs, turpentine, and other ni diciri>,s nsually resorted to. They require neither confinement nor chance of diet, and may Justly be considered the only safe, efficaoious remedy for all stages of those disorders for whIch I %or they are recommended. THE MOST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WORLD- DR DE ROOS' PILUL/E VITÆ, OR VEGE. TABLE LIFE PILLS. Ali sufferers from general narvousness aud morbid feelings, £Ow spirits, loss of sleep, harassing dreams, unnecessary fears, omental irritabttity, iailure of the mental and bodily powers, weakness of the nerves, headache, noises iu the head, giddina-vs, Indigestion, and other symptoms of chronic diseaee> wU1 bail with joy the discovery of Dr De Roos' Life Pills, which speediiy and almost magically remove pain and disease, whatever natoro, restore cheerfulness to the tpirits, vigour to the body, and strengthen all the organs on which life and health depend. 1 hey do not contain a particle of mercury, but aro purely vege- table, aud for affections of the liver, flatulency bile, head- ache, dieziness, 1G*K of appetite, lowness of »piriw,' sensations of fulness at the pit of lh» stomaoh, pain bet wo an the shoulders, and the distress arisi.iy from indigestion and ceneral dtbiii'.y, they will bo found of unexampled efficacv, and it is no small a vantage that they can be taken at any tlnle without danger either from wet orcold, or necessity for raotmilitfron, business, or pleasure. They act irildly on the bowels without pain or griping, impart strength to the stomach, provide a healthy action to the liver, thus preventing, or, when piesent, curing the jaundice or dropsy, clearing ize skin, removing the sallowne-s and pimples, purifying the blood, bracing tha nerves, an i marvellou-ly invigorstiner the whole system Females of all ages will find them invaluab e, aud should never be without them. Price Is. lid., 2s 9d.,4s. 9d., Us., and 83s. per box. mHE MOST ASTOUNDING CURES are J_ daily being ehected in easeH of Nervous lability, Im- purity of the Blood, Defective Circulation, Langour, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Indigestion, Pain and palpitation in the Side, Harassing Dreams, &c.. &c., by means of DR DE ROOS' WORLD-FAMED GUTTlE VITÆ, OR VEGETABLE LIFE DROPS, whose efiects are really magical in restoring lost tone I. the trBtem (arising from whatever cause), re-iiinizorating and en- liveniug the whole corporeal frame, and gradually, but effec- tively, bwll'ing up the most shattered constitution- Although ttlis truly wonderful recuperative tonic IS not put forward as imparting immortality it is not too much to say that by its mpans New Life is, as it were, imparted to the nervous and debilitate d, v. ho were evidmtly sinking Into a° eskr'y K'ave whilst to those of maturer years it willgeutlv and serenely pro- tract the close of life. Thousands of apparently hopeless casen, given up by tho facuitv, are now iu^^the enjoyment of health (die's greatest blueing), a living tesHmony to the un- speakable value of this remarkable med:cin<\ Hundreds of testi- monials. too numorous to publish, may be seen by any one. The preparation is extremely pleasant to take and none need suffer whilst such a miraculous medicament is 'in existence. Persons of studious habits, debilitated females, and those on whom the wear and tear of life is beginning to f ll should persevere Steadily with this Life-reviving Tonic for one mfnth> 'iIld they will be a-toui-had at its results. All those who hare tried other mean?, galvanic and electric appliances, &c. without any bene- ficial result, are earnestly recommended to wake fair trial of thb medicine, which, being concocted on the highest ecttuttne principles, invariably succeeds. The grette,rt, ou,Ols 'ttlendant l on this wonderful disoovery has led to a host of humble and worthless imitations. Price lis. and ss8 píJr Bottle. Tiielarge use contain* suiiieiont for fonr weeks IMPORTANT NOTICE TO TU« PUBLI^Kvery package of Dr Db Boos'preparations bears thq (Jovernrnent Stamp vith the words WALTER Dk hoos, London," in Wid e Letters on a Bed Ground, by order of Her Majesty's Hononrablo Com- missioners, without which no; e can poSSib!v be genuine Dr. DkROOS'world-famed medicines are g ild by Mr Anthony, Ml Joy and Mr Coleman, chemitt?, Cardiff Jjr Burdtre, chemist, 8?, High-street, BrUtol; and they maybe obtained of every Patent Medicine Vendor in the world of iuost Chemists, ot ghouidthe lemt difficulty occur, will be forvr,%rded to any part of the United Kingdom (Carriage Free) per retnrn, on receipt 01 tbeamount, by Dr DII Roos, 43, Holford Square, London, W.C. Debilitated and nervous sulfereri should read the Medical Adviser," by Br DE ROOS, oh the sec.'«t causes of nervous de- bility, unhappy and unfruitful marriages, iinpotcncy, depres- sion of spirits, and confirmed melancholy, too frequently traceable to certain pernicious hahitg acquired in early life. Sent post free on receipt of twelve stamps by iir LAWEB, Medi- cal Publisher, 14, Hand-court, Holborn, London, "W C. A smaUer edition maybe had powfree for two OUS-2983 _-=- r THE LATE FIRE IN WINE-STREET. S. BUR MAN Has mueb pleasure in infoimin^ his Customers and the Public fmerally that iio ha- ES-O Pi NED H I 3 SHOP With a newly selected Si ock of GOLD srji SILVER WATCHiS and CHAINS, GOLD JEWELLERY of tbe Be-t Quality and Design. SJLVER and ELECTRO-PLATED GOUDS. Regretting the unavoidable delay, and trusting that it has caused no inconvemence, lIe begs to solicit a continuance of their favours. 9. WINE-STREET, BRISTOL. 32 BILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE REES, 26, BOLTON-TERRACE, NEWPORT, BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY Rents all the principal Hoardings in Newport and Neighbourhood. Work executed with dispatch. 6311 AND THE PRAISE THEREOF SHALL BE INEVERY MOUTvI COPP, SON, & CO.'S Peerless Vegetable W AniuepticDeutal SCALING POWDiSU, subtle aud power- ful, luxurious, and aromatic, hiw esiR-bliabed itsolf with unex- ampled rap.dity a tine qua non of the toiier.-tabh;. Going direct to the root of disease, and eradicating the very germ of deoav, it obviates, and has etit;Jy superseded the impairing and trou''le- tsome process of mechanical scalinir. It ads bene3ciallv on the enamel, irresistibly removes tartar, preserv, strengthens, and Iftvc.4 to teeth a dazzling pearly whiteness. Continued applica- tion absolutely insures to them xlasting, healthful, and health- giving vigour. Altuough not artificially scenied, it imoarts a dalighMut fragrance to the breach. Examined and recommended by Dr. Enson Wilkinson, gg Koeley-street, Manchester; and I»r. Henry Ram3botha^l, IQ Park-lane, Leeds- Agent for Cardiff, Mr D. Anthony, chemist, &c., S9, St. Mary- street, Roval Arcade, liud crockherbtown. Price, Is 3d, 2 6d, and fes per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, or lien t, Post Free, by the Inventor and Sold pro- prietors, COPP, SON, & CO., 2875 DENTISTS, ú, WATERLOO-ROAD, MANCHESTER. DAVIES'S (Cwmavon) TONIC, APERIENT, AND i-IVk,R LILLS, are a most eiiiui '.Ilt reiueuy or persons suffering from indigestion, liver complaints, eoative- cess, sickness, wind in the ptoinach, lowness of spirits, singing noises in the ears, nervousness, palpitation of the heart., giddi- ness, heaaache, pilea,grarel, tic do'oreux, &e. They may be taken with safety at any season of the ear, and require no con- finement to the house; on th) contrary, moden.te ex¿¡,ciS3 pro- motes their gooct affects. One trial will ensure heir being regis- tered as The Family Pills," so .-entie is their action, so certain their cure. Sold in boxes at Is. ljd. and 2a. 91. each, orepared and sold by the sole proprietor, Thomas Howell, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Bute-street, Oardisf and may be bad of all respectable ghouxiail Sent direct for 16 or M stamps, 138 rpHE "BLOOD PURIFIER "—OLD DR X JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. No one should ever be without the Blood r uriiler. Old Dr Jacob Townseud's Sarsaparilla as the great Durjfier of 'he blood. It eflectethemost salutary changes in disease cures scrofula, scorbutic disorders, chronic sore eyes, rhbwilatisni, liver com- plaints, erysipelas, alLlilotches and erujiMons of the ekin it re- movoo-every impurity of the blood, and all humours and morbid collections of,the body; in abort, it acts like a charm. In bottles, 2s 6d, 4s, 4s<5d, 7" 6a, and lis. Sold by all druggists. Chief Depot, 131, Meet-street, London. Getthe-red and biuo wrapper, with the old Doctor's head in the centre. THE OLD DR-'S SARSAPARILLA PILLS Are the most popular madicine known ior all bilious affections, hvor and stomach complaints, and indigestion, as proved by thousands. Also, SARSAPARILLA OINTMENT. The bivtt soother of all sores, burns, and scalds, each in Ooxcs, Is. 14d., 28, Pd., and 4s. 6d. By post, l§. 3<», aud 60 stanms. 2711 Ohief Mn K-ElfNrO k' S -V E GE T AB L E PI LL8 for HEADACHES, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, INDICES TION, COSTIVENESS, RHEUMATISM, or TIC-DOLOREUX They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no confiti,, ment indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thou sands, who pronounce them to be the best medicine in the world Testimonials from J. Balbirnie, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer or "Physiology," author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Balk," &o. —"I have examined the pills known as Vegetable Pills. I certify their jomposition t.o be purely vegetable; I have tried their effect, and consider them one of the best aperient pili- for constipated habits that I know of."—"6, Upper Church-street Bath. Dear Sir,—I have sugared greatly 'rom indigestion an;! have derived great beneiit from KKRNICK's Vegetable Pills, You t miy, A. SYiiVBirtUR." Prepared only by S. Pi KEJCNICK, Manufa urmé" C1JCTHlPt. Cardiff. ()1(¡)1) bnxc., at.I*. 1.d, and 7W. 1 N I C K'S V E G E TAB L S Jl WORM LOZENGES Are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced f or Worms. Thej may be taken by children of all agea with perfect safety,and aie also useful for children of delicate stomachs and pale complexions "SIR,—A woman gave two of the lozenges for five morning and by so doing the child got rid 0 no less than eighty worms.— DAXISL MOROAN, Nelson." "W. Harris, of Cefncoed, miner's child, had got rid of 140 worms in a week whilst taking a box of your worm lozenges, and ehe has improved wonderfully in health since."—JHO. PRIOB, Ccfn, Merthyr. "A customer of mine, a abort time ago, bought a box or your worm lo^ertgos to try their eScct oit his child, who was very ill The littltv boy got nd of for«j large worms and so many smal enee-that they could not reckon them."—Jambs MKYRICE. From Mr. MORGAN, Pendarran.—Send me 12 dozen of youi valuable worm lozenges; they are curing all the children lie h., neighbourhood. Prepared ouly by 8. P. KERNIOK, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, DUKK-STRICBT, Oahiuw. Sold In Boxes at Is. 1^4. and 7kf. by the appointed Agents, ost reenectable Cliemists aud DruinriHtg. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, B RONOHITIS, and NEURALGIA. R \R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. B Vica-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr J. Oollis Browne was undoubtedly the iuventor < t Cblorodvne, that the whole story of the defendant Freema n was jeliberately untrue, and he regretted to eay it had been sworn to.—See the 2"itn«s, July 13,1864. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE. The Right Hon. Earl Russell commuuicated to the College of Physicians, and J. 1. Da-ojuporttlie, he had received information to the effect that the on:y remedy of any gervica in cholera was Chlorodyne. -iee L.tmcet,"Dec.Sl, U6>. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLOR.ODYNE. Extract from the "Medical 'iimei," Jau. 12, lSOJ :ls prescribed by scores of orthodox prajtitionars. Of course it would not be thua singularly popular did it not suppiy a want and fill a plaoa.' DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE is the best and mos1 certain remedy in coughs, colda, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, &c. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE is a certain cure in cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, &u. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE CAUTION. -None genuine without the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlo- odyce on the Government stamp Overwhelming medical tes- timony accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer, J. P. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell-street, Bioomsburv, London. old in bottles. Is U. 2a 9d, 4s 6d. and 11a. 3726 2343 OR THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE."—See JL Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verw 23. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade MArk. -I Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Old Sores, Glandular Swellings, Cancerous Ulcers, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms. Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolors^ tions ot the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin o whatever name and nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed medicine. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS, IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Clense the vitiated blood whenever you find ita impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion of either sex, the proprietor solicits sufferers to give a a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE Is sold in Bottles, 2s. 6d. each, and in Case*, containing six times the quantity, lie. eilch-outficient to efleet a permanont cure in the great majority of long-standing caeos-ny all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address, on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by the proprietor. F. J. CLARKE, Cliemigt, Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln Wholsale: All Patent Medicine Houses LONDON DEPOT: 140, OXFORD-STREET. SOLD IN CARDIFF by Coleman and Co., High-street. New- port: E. M. Thomas, 121, Commercial-street G. Price, 127, Commercial-street. Pontypool: E. Stephens, Clarence-street. Ebbw Vale: L. P. Jones. Bridgend A. J. Priee Swansea: James Hughes. S. Caatle-street; Brynmawr: A. E. Evans Chemist. EL KCTR1CITY IS LIFE. PULVERMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC JL CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, BATTERIES, RECENTLY IMPROV141"). Approved by the Academy of Medicine of Paris, and other Medical Authorities in England and abroad. The remarkable efficacy of these self-applicable Voltaic arrangements is so widely known that in contradistinction to these unprincipled advertisers who can oniy publish statements on their own authority, Mr. PULVKKMACHBR prefers to submit the testimony of others, aruont' -t whom are inzluded many great scient ific and medical author, ues. These unimpeachable testimonies in ray our of al- lous curative oowera of this Medico-GKlvanic system being too numerous for insertion, here, are compiled in the pamphlet, •'GALVANISM, NATURE'S CHIEF R«STORBR OK IMPAIRED VITAL ENBRQY," sent post free for 3 stamps. The mass of evidense therein is supplemented by the following paritgritph recently found in the vtandavd work (p. 76,1867) of John King, M.D., Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, at Cincinnati "These Chains are very useful in many Nervous disorders: Muscular Dcbiuty Aphonia Rheumatism Hemiplegia Epilepsy Dyspepsia Paralyses Torpid Liver Paralysis (Bladder) Central Paralysis Asthma Chorea Spinal Paralysis Amenorrhcea Impotency Neuralgia Dysmenorrhcea Writer's Cramp Sciatica Spinal Irritation Hysterical Cramps Stitf Joints Nervous Debil.ty akill Contractions Hysteria Constipation Lo-s of md! Hysteric Paralysis Deafness (Nerv's) Loss of Taste, &c. For further inhrmstion and price list, apply to J. L. PULVERMACESRV GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, 1031 llU, REGKNTSJT. LONDON. W. auH :==- Q E ORG E S AND CO. CELEBRATED OLD AND STRONG BEERS, MILD ALES, PORTER, AND STOUT. BRISTOL OLD PORTER BREWERY STORES, WEST CANAL WHARF, CARDIFF. (431 2892 HENRY BUTLER. Agent. Q W A N S EA OFFICE J OF TaE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS,' No. 3, TEMPLE BUILDINGS (FIRST FLOCK). I All ordotis from NKtt :AG¡ NlS will receive prompt attention, andl>eexi;cur«d upon the same terms as from the Chief Orti-: The DAILY Ni'.WS delivered to Subscribers early every morn- ing inuny part of the town. ADVEKT1SSMKNTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure scrtion ;1. :he next mormng issue of the DAILY li& VVS. 25Si AMERICA.—100,000 ACRES of the FINEST FAisMING LAND in AMERICA for SALh;, hi tjots to suit Purchasers, AT FROM £ 3 TO £ 4 PER ACRK. The Land is situated In S.,ut,ll- Western Minnesota, and is open, rolling Prairie of unsurpassed fertility, and all ready for the plough. The climate is as healthy as any known, so much so aj to have made the State a resort ior invalids. Very unnsual opportunities are now presented for profital,le Farming and Investment In this portion ot the State. Droughts, which are such a frequent cause of logo to farmers in the West, have never beenknown in this region. The country in interspersed with beautiful Lakes, which abound in Fish, and Wild Fowl are plentifu1. The Land can be made to pay from Zg to £12 per aore, with certain crops recently introduced, or say a profit of from ONE HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED Pi £ Ii CENT. ON THE TOTAL OUTLAY, SO TIIAT WITH 41,000 CAPITAL, PKOPERLY MANAGED, FROM £1,000 TO £ 2,000 PER YEAR CAN BE REALISED, And proportionately for larger amounts of capital; as to which full particulars, giving details ofthefarming, etc will be furnished 10 applicants but no one is adyised to attempt the business with less Mian £ 500 capital. Concerning the Land, &c applicants will be referred to His Excel ency the Governor of the State, and to prominent Bankers, Merchants, and others, In London, Liverpool, New York, Saint Paul, aud elsewhere, and as to the profitableness of farming there, to parties who have purchased Land, and are now work- ing their Farms. For fun particulars call upon, or address, THE AMERICAN LANU COMPANY, 138, FLEET-STREET, LONDON. 2059 THE r,FjLe BLOOD PURIFIER, THOMPSON'S BITRDOOK PILLS overcome the worst forias of diseases and the foulest state of tht blood, stomach, liver, and kidney tbey go to the core of every disease where no other medicines have power to reach. Tue GKEAT BLOOD PURIFIER cures the following com- plaintsIndigestion, or wind in the stomach or bowels, giddi- Deag in the head. dimness of sight, weak or P, re eyes loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, liver, and bilious obstruo tions, asthma, or tiizhtness in the chest, rheu-ikties, luitibo&o, piles gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, bad Ie, bad breasi, sore throat, ore heads, and sores of all de*criptio?i*, bums, wounds, or white swellings, scrofula, ro king's ,vll, gathorinea, tumours or cancers, pimple* and blotches on tbe face and body swelled feet, or legs, scabs and iteh, Erysipelas, jaundice and dropsy, and fevers of all kind1. In boxes at 1.. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, told by west Ohrmists, or from the Burdock Pill Manufactory, 44, Oxford-sir<> Swansea. MESSRS. W. H, SMITH & SON tieiiTw the SOUTH WALJiS DAILY SMWS at an Early Hour each Morning ia all parts of the following Towiuc;— CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MERTHYR POKTSKEWIHT CANTON ABRRDARE BRISTOL BUTE DOCKS PONTYt\>OL ROAD HEREFORD BR1DGKND M W MILFORD GLOUCESTER NEATH PEMBROKE DOCK LAMPKTBR LLANBLLY TEKBY ABERYSTWITH HAVERFORDWEST CARMARTHEN The CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any IIidresø in the above-named Towna. ORDJtIRS to be sent to the Mauagers o the vtrloua Bookstalls JOHES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT. ir (Trade Mark—RegistciW!,) OR EVLitY MA.NLB FRlU-NDV THE BEST APPLICATION KjSOWN for Scrofula^ Scurry, 81d8 DiiOanes, and Sores of all kinds. It cures Old Sorts, Ulcerated Sore Legs. It cures Ulcerated Sores on the Bead and Neck. It cured Biaekh.a is, or Pimpiej on the Fac*. It cures scurvy Sores, Cancerous Ulcers. It omta Burns and Scalds, Ringworm, Itch, Piles, It cures Weak and Watery Eyes. It eurr.8 Ked and sore E) elids. It cures Inflammation in tbe Eve. It cures Moving Specs or Floating Bodies before the Eytt It cures Cataracts ana Partial Blindness. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures Children's Sore Eye. left after ileaslee. It allays Inflammation in a few hours, and soothes pain very quickly. Sold in pOós Is. lid., vs. lid., ano 4s. ed. THE VVONLERFUL BLOOD PUKIflER JONES & CO.'b UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Mark-" l'uril)jag liiztu e," For purifying, cleansing, and clearing the blood from all in-purities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to I e he best preptuation in the world for all eruptions of the skin, blotches, sj*>ts, pimples, blackheads, pustules, boils, carbuncles, 1 ing worms, scald heads, sore eyes, erysipelas, itch. soarf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular swellings, cancerous uljen, bad legll, piles, syphilid, secondary eymptoiaa, and for all blood and bkin diseases. For rheumat.sot also It Is unequalled for relieving pains and subduing inflammation, aud speedily effecting a i- erfect cure. It is agreeable, pa,atable, and ate, suil may be taken at all seiso.is and under any circuniitauccs. bold in bottles at 2s. 3d. and 4s. tid. cb, and in cases (containing six times the quantity), iis. each by ail Cneoiisis and PaUmt Mediciue Vendurs thi .-ughout the United Kingdom, or cent to auy addrass 011 receipt of 27, 66, or 132 stamps. COUGHS! CUUGI-ibt JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUNU.TULU, AND LINSEED (1, giJ;t.red). THE MOST AGREEABLE and EFFECTUAL -& remeuj for athuiaue and consumptive coughs, bronchitis, winter coughs, diilicuit oieatbin^, whooping cough, hoarso- iir fii, loft* ci voice, auu »li utlecc.ousoi the chcgtaiid iuii^a, One buttte in Htcst cases tfiectd a cuie. Price Is. ltd., 2a. 9d., and 4a. 6d. per bottle. J O N jii s s A PATEN 1 VBGErABLB PILLS FOR WIND (Registered). RE 'IHE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD toi bad digestion, wind end pain in the stomach, livez coinplainis, jaundice, sick heada rhe. pains in the clicst, lost oi appetite, pain in the back, flutulcncv, griping. ooliCi a sense 01 weight in the buck and loins, daiting paiiis in the returns of the heart, liver, and kidneys, confftipationg pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down to the ca;i and feet, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the siomach, and all liver complaints. Thousands have been cuied by these 1 ills, and many who have been pronounced hojjeltss, have been thoroughly restoreu to health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at la. 1;<L, 'Ms. 9d., and 4s. 6J. each. Sen! post free for lo or Se stamps. Sole manufacturer*. W. Jonel and Co., Chemists, 167, Great Howards-street, Liverpool, REMARKABLS CURES. ,2» liirkettrstreet, Liverpool, 20th March. 187%. D«r Sirs,- It i» with feelings of uleaiiure 1 write to inform vou of the good effects your PURIFYING MIXTURE and HEAL- ALL Olii TME11T has done for me. Abou'- six years ago I wai bil.,en en the leg by a venomous reptile, which nearly cost me my life anu I now declare to you and the world, after spending over 4150 ill doiurie bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely healed, aft or using only two 411 6d. pots of your WoRLD-FAMED OINIWENT, and two lis. cases of your universal PURIFYING MIXTURE. Tlie truth of the *bove statement any dnton who wishes may roier to me. Your very obedient servant. Meeiiy. Jones t Co. ——— JAMES SMITH. 1Jj: Milford-etreet, Lerpwl, Ionawr lOfed, ls71. Mr. Jones a 1 Gyf., 1 leimlaf lawer o hyfrydwch wrth ddwyn tystio- laeth 1 ddirfawr effelihiolrwy<id eieh Baim Peswch. Y nine vn nodedig, c-mys dariu i un gestrelaid fechan lwyr wd'a fy nizwi-toig o anwyd blin, erygni, a llwyr golliad ei lais. Aigymhellwn cf j bawb a boenydir gan yr anwyd. Yr eiddoch yn ufudd, „ „ J. MONCK. Cross FoxesCottaged, Llanfair Careinion, w jr ■ „ Welstipool, IonawT 13, 1873. Foneddigion,—Gyda phleser a yfiydwch yr vdwyf yn yugrifenu attpcli ich by sbynu fod eich-Peleui gwyn-gworthfawi- weoi fy ngwella yn hollo I—yr oedd amat ehwant bwyd yn fy ngwely v noson nyntaf ar ol eu eymeryd,-slc yr oeddwn yn meddwl lawer tro wrth fyned i'm gwely na buaswn bytli yu oodi o bono ond yn awryrwyf yn meddu ar ysprjd a chalon newydd, fe hoffwn ir byd wybod am danynt.—Yr eiddoch yn ddiolchgar, Meistri Jones and Co. JOBlI MOKOAH. Sold by all Chemista Asicyn FOX CARDIFF AND DISTRICT. Newport, Mr. E. Tnomaa, Llanelly, Mr. Hughes chemist, Commercial-street, Caraigan, Mr. Jones and Mr. S. Young. Merthyr, Mr. Griffiths. Cardiff, Mr. Williams, Bute- Carmarthen, Smith & Co. street, Joy, and Coleman. Dow I ids, Air. Evans. Pontypool, Stephens. Aberdare, Mr. Thomas Bridgend, Mr. Price. Llanelly, Mr. Brown. eatb, Alr. dayman. te/itypridd, J. Davies. Swansea, Mr. Wiiiiama, 4, Ox- Monmouth, Dawe & Son. ford-street. Bristol, Dudgeon. NSWPORI.—T. Edmonds, 6, High-street. PAIN it 8, Commercial-street. And dealers in patent medicines. WHOLKSALX AsiLTn-Mtssrs. Sanger and Sons, Messrs. Btitltf and Sons, and Sutton and Co., London; Or direct from the Proprietors (for value in stamps) WILLIAM JONKS & CO., Operative Chemists, 1.7, Gre3' io ward-street, nun LIVERPOOU People's Edition. Important Medical Works. By Dr. Henry Smitn Twenty-first Thousand. By post, two stamps in envelope. GUIDE to HEALTH { or ADVICE and INSTRUCTIONS, for the Cure of Debilitating Diseases. By HENRY SMITH, M.D., of the University of Jena, Author of the Volunteer's Manual," &c. Gives instructions by which thou- sands have been restored to health. Also, advice to young men onsubjecte of vital importance. The pamphlet will be sent ee by post, to any address, on receipt of two penny stamps. Third Thousand. Bypost, seven stamps in envelope. WOMAN. Subjects treated: Girlhood, Maidenhood, Court- ship, Marriage, Motherhood, Female Education, Female Health, Female Hygiene, Domestic Med cine, &c., Ac. N.B.—A Special Edition, beautifully Illustrated by Engravings on Wood. Cloth gilt, One Shilling. Consult a London Physician by Letter, without Fee. DR. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the cure oi all • tating and contagieftia Diseases, will, for the benefit ef Conntrv Patients who eannot oonsult him personally, on receiv ing description of theii Case send his opinion, with advice aud directions for the most successful restoration to health and rigour. Address. Dr. E, SMITH 8 Burton- jrescent, London. W,C 8288 C< TUBE'S M EKUAJN T1LJE OFFICE IC* TB.E A<,XiLl\.i\ -JOMPANY (LIMITED) 12, Glils^ilAM-STitKET, LONDON, E.C.. With OOiots at Dublin, Biimm^ham, Liverpool, Et,edm, Bristol, Bright-^>n, Manchester, Southampton, Sheffield, :Nor"ch. Newcas'Jc, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh. STUBr-ti' il .KLY GAZETIE (-'nusj>n- a1 -■ to ail traden, giving credit) contains a iiist oi ai. iianUrupicies, Liqu'dations, Arrangements, Trusteeships, Bills ot' Sale, and all Preferential Securities, County Court Judgments, kc. DEtiT RECCI VERY.-Debw recovered upon a aimole and 00m. |««hei'8ive system. Full particulars in Prospectus. TERMS, 4110, E-2 Ss, £ S 3s, A:5 5s, according to PROS PECTUS forwarded on application to the »ci-jtary, py .31 Stubbs* Mereontile Offices, 12, Gresham-street, Loudon E-C, CVUTloN. No Office iiatng tlie name ui Stub))8 in the City cf Lor.:lcn, x- in any way connected with the establishment at -No. li, Gresham- .tract. con.c-r (it Kinu-str. et. c "Se 1.' Guiidba'l. iltiQ rS^ARAXACUM, OR DANDELION COFFEE B Prepared from the puie fresh Dandelion Knot. Contains three times the s rentth o: ord n'ry Coffee, recorn- u.etidcd to all suf'erinL- i-oiu INDIGESTION OK LiVER COMPLAINTS. Directions for u-f on each Tn. Preparrd ai d P^ckei i-v PHILLIPS & SON, COFFEE MEKCHANiS, AUTH L! li-STREET, WESl, LON DO A liRliKW, LO; -■ DON, A:-» CASTLE SQUARE SWANSEA, Established in tbe C.ty of London, A.D. 1760. AGENTS FOR SWAKSBA.— Phillips and Son, Castle Fqn-re; Edward Gregory, High-street; D. Evans, High-street; Wiliain Richaids, High-street. AGENTS FOR NIIATH.—William Bo-t i), New-jtr^et; Gregory and Philips, New-street; iiaunan Lewis, O. iiaiket; Wiliian Ric'iards, Castie-mzrfe. AOKKTS FOR CAKHIFF.—E. Singer and Co., Qur>fTi-stroet Str»naghan and Stevens, Angei-street: S. Fletcher, Sr.. Mary- street; Holder Bros., St. Mary-streit; Jauies G ittiths, 22, Bute-s!r«et: f. Andrews, Bute-street. Aewrcs FOR CAERPHILLY.—U. Wookey, D. Morgan, H. Cog- gioeB. J, H. Jenkins. AGENTS FOR LLA-II>AF('.—W. Lleweliyn, Thomas Hees, X. Marry. ASRKTS »OR Nc.wpoitT.- Eooclt Giirfith&, 41, Higb-titrest; M r- gan Bioi.,182, Coxmercial-road W. Morriss, ^6, Cooimercial- road; E. r'rost, 2*5, C jmmercial-road; Gregory and R .berrs. Commercial-st: eet; Thomas J hr1, iii jh-rti em lidward l-Iall, Hi«:li-streei W. J. Hoilingdale, Con-mercial-iftre-.t. AGLXTS FOR ABERDARS.-I). Davies. Ilif,h-street; L. Hil v, High-street; W. Kdw»rds, Widcombt-street O. Harriee, Hur- r,tt-s-,re,t, W. Charle*. Hsrriett-atieet; Lewis Jones, Beli- street J. John and Co., M li-street John Evans. Vill-street. ,\GIL"In; FOR MOUNTAIN ASH.—Beojsmiu Evans; W. L. Herbert: W. White, chemist; Edwarr.sand ).o. AQBNT FOR CAILMARTU&-i.- Arthur, Pri >ry-street. I AQBKT fOR MURTHYR -Mr. Wm. Darns. AG».\TS FOil LLASKLLY.- Henry Williams, Water-Rt-, ect; G. R. Moig»n, Market-street; W. Phillips, Thomas-ttreet; David liomag, Park-fitr.et. THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. BEECHA.M'S PILLS. Are ad mitted by tbousanris to be worch arove a guinea a box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, UCli as w.nd aiici pain in Die st.m.Leh, sick hei.dache, jid funuebi, and e'eiiiii.r aiter meal. d suinetis and urovr-?uena, oi. chilis, fiuehiMu ci h^at, ]OS50: 9.l->pc'it:" shortness of breath, costivenes-s, scxir\y and blotches of the skin, disturbed slaop, fri-,hltul dr- a n. and a] nervous and trembling set nations, etc., etc. lut: fiist dose will give rebef in twenty minute- This is no fiction, for thev h"y:; rlone it in thousands of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (.t great exp ute) a Patent for them, he cballenges tue whola v. ori,1 to produce H medicine to tqimi them Lr the above-naaied com plaints, and W.rtsrmg the j atien:. to sound aud ia8ting health. Every suftcied is earnestly invit d to try one box f these Puis and thej wiil acknowledged to bo WOUTH A GUINEA A BOX For females oi all ages these rills are invaluable, as a few iosea of them carry olf all gross humours, and open ,dl ob^uueti u K, and bring about all that is required. No female ah >u,d be with uL them, here is no medicme to V^e found eq;ii.l n) PILLS for removing "ny cbstructii.o *>r irreiuiarities of the s>s- teaa. If taken accuduig to tne directions give-i with ea.h box, tbey will soon restore femalts cf ad ages to 8,uud and ioi,u-t health. For a weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and ali Disorder- (f the Liver, they act like MAG.C," ami a low dotes wi.1 be found to work w et-t, oil the inout i-c.rtant oigaos in tbe huninn machine. They st-euthen the wlio!- mu-cular t>j Hem, irstire the Ion.- lost complexion, bring baok tbe keen edge of appoiite, and ar u-e into act on, with tbe ROSE-BUD 01 bt-aHh, H e wh<_le physical energy of the tiumiu fraii.e. These are FiiCi'h »niai;tod by ihousinds, eii.brac-.ne ali clas ea of s ieu ty, and one oi the blIt guaianttes to ihe Ne>vous ana duhiiitated is, BEECilAM'i PILLS have the Laigr-st Sale of any Intent Aiedi- ciue in the world. Bl- ECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH FILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in geneinl, Asthma, Difficulty in breathing, shortness of Breath, T ght- ess a.,a Oppres ;:on of tbe Ches:, Wheezing, etc., the>e fill, sian. g tuiriva leJ ana any op labouting under the above complaints otiiy try ON h: liOX to piove that 1 htiy ar«o the Belli" ever ottered to i, e public for Astnmatic and < onsumptive Cou^r s, H-n ;b.-m.8s, and opprecsion oi the Che.st. They fcpeed.dy remove that IIHII. of Oppretosi{.n au,d Diftictllty of Breathing wh ch nigutiy deprive tbe j aiient of rest. 'l'h,-y will give almo t ii-sianf rel.ef and fiomioit to those affiicttd wIth the al'ove u-strfjamj and, w en nt gleeted, dangerous cnraplaiiits. Let auy !!croù. tiouble.; With any of xheabove complaints give BEICflk M'S COUGH PILi t a trial, and they will net like fcagic. '1 he wost violent Cough wilt in a short time be removed. CAUTION. -The Public tire requested to not ce that the wo-ds Beechaiu's Pi Is, St Helers," aic oil the. Government Stamp affixed to each Box of the if not 011, tacy are a r orxery. Pioparo only, and Soid Whoksale and Retail, by.i.ba Pro- prie or, THOMAS Bi'.ECHAM, Sr iieien.s, Ltncarhive, in Boxes, la ljd and '2a 9d each, bent font Free for 15 01 8« Skimps. told bv all Druggists aud Pattnt Medicine Dealcrr in the United Kingdom. S45J DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN WITH KACH h X. PEPPIIL^ FE CSC I.V. B, ^NJL> IRON"TONIC PURIMKS AND £ NR(CHE5 THE BLOOD. It directly influences the elrculatiou of the b'.ood in a remark- able manner by eOmiu ting ali impurities and accumula- tions tiii,, obstruct its free transmission through tiie cia" t" the heart. L gives the priv.vr chsmical and physical characteristics, especially the red corpuscles, deficiencv ot which is easily ijK'iontttl by unnalu al paleness of checks and li; s, ane other anpcarances. A Short perseverance itti the Ton e will effectually change this impoverished and thin condition of the blood, and remove one great obstacle to complete health, The smallest bottle, price 4s (id, c ir, tains thirty-two doses, which will be quite enouth to effect a change, and induce further perseverance. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Dealerri. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIeJ JL STRENGTHENS THE NERVES AND MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Theretlrc so many derangements tnceable to disoreanisa- tiun of the nerv. us system, that it would be far too numerous to mention in a notice of thiii character, but some one or two are prominent and demand attention- Neuralgia, a name for a hundred phases of suffering, and from which thousands ar-c hourly complaining, is literally nervous pain, and although externa", remedies may for a time allay, they cannot cure. in cases of this kind Viunine and Iron is absolutely necessary it xets like a charm, and a'oundauily proves its influence in Controlling and regu- lating nervous action. If one is suffering from anv ma- lady in the least decree traceable to r«laxation of the nerves, no time should be lost in taking Quinine and Iron. The efiect will he at once evident, and restoration to health certain. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC is sold by all chemists, m bottles, 4s. 60 next size, lis. Stone jars containing six small bottles, 2,1. cfi ch. EPPERS QUININE AND IRON TONIC PROMOTES APPETITE AND IMPROVES DIGESTION. Taken a few minutes before meal times the tonic effect on the coats of the stomach is such that an immediate desire for eating is created. At the same time the digestive faculty is aroused, and performs its functions in elaborating the food, thus preventing the usual distressing symptoms of flatu. lence, pain at the chest, and heartburn generally known as indigeacioii. HEALTH I STRENGTH ENERGY TH PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. J. There is scarcely a disorder of the body, functional or organic, in whicn Quinine and Iron could not be admini- stered with good resu't. For intermittent fevers, as ague, low fever, and febrile symptoms in general nothing can compare with it. The prostration of strength consequent on long illness or other causes, ciose confinement, seden- tary occupations, and anything tending to impoverish the vita' fluids and undermine the constitution Quinine and Iron is admitted the only remedy. EPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC JaL Combines these powerful agents in their highest state of efficiency, is chcmically pure, unalterable by keep ng or elim Ate, not disagreeable to Wi e, easily portable, a: way a of a definite strength—qualities which have gained for it the confidence of many leading physicians and surgtons, by whom it ia ireely prescribed as a valuable general Tonic Strengthening Medicine. The greatest care must be taken when asking for Pepper's Quinine and Iron Tonic in the various chemists' shops, that it and no other is supplied, otherwise disappointment will result. Bottles, 4s. 6d, lis., and stone jars %2s. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIO JL ANIMATES THE SPIRITS AND MENTAL FACULTIES. Depression of spirits from any caust long continued injures the health greatly; and many suffer in this way for want of a proper remedy. For the low nervous haadache, commonly attendant on depres- si on, especially if from mental causes, the Quinine and Iron Tonic will be found tnoit useful; it re-iuvigorates the entire system and speedily dissipates unpleasant sensations of a melancholy character. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIO IN SCROFULA. If persevered with Quinine ani Iron will entirely buiish the scrofulous taint from the body Tne ulcerations anu abscesses, frequently of a painful character, sometimrs lip- pearing in the glands cf the neck, in other forms as scurvy and obstinate skin eruptions, 41c., will ultimately yield to its purifying influence. Fer delicate scrofulous children it is of the utmost Importance that Pepper's Quinine ana Iron Tonic should be adminm- tered, as it freqaently entirely alters the weakly character of their constitutions. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIO THOROUGHLY RECRUITS AND RE-ESTABISHES THE GENERAL BuDILY HEALTH. fhe old system of treating diseases by pu-ging, depletion of the system, and general lowering treatment, has now explo ied. There is no doubt that the bulk of the tna adie- from which we suffer are due toweakness simply, and th,t a though it may show itself as local pain-idcomant couching and con- sumptive perspirations, loss of weig11, constant headaches -all the symptoms of confirmed dyspepsia, sore, ulceratcd, or relaxed throat, fever, &c., the primary cause is sheer weakness, which. If removed, would take with it all conse- quences and inflictions. P" EPPER'S QUININE AND IROSTTONICL JL Is told by chemists everywhere in bottles 4s Cd, in hottl<sz lis, and in stone jars 22s each. For protection be suie 1 ll. name, address, and trade mark of ihe proprietor, John Pepper. 237, Tottenham Court Road, Lond,)n, is on tho label. Any chcmist will procure t to order, b1.)t do DO, C8 prevailed on to try any other compound. Sent for Stamos or Post Office Order. SlIt THE STUDIO ROYAIi. HERR GOLDMAN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, 45, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. T Tiie only PATENl'B ior the PATENT VjkNDER-TVEYIMjf j • PiiO-JE-S. CARj ES taken froin 79. per doz n. OIL PAINTINGS and WAT FR-COLOUR ED PICTCRES all don. on the PriCiisef a" ViillY M 'DKRA E PRICES. 102 A visit respectfully invited. Open from Eiiht a.m., to Ten p.m USE O^CT pOTHERG ILL'S C I G A R SL SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE.—4, HTUA,: i-H-.LL, CARDIFF. rs d ONLY OTHERGiL L'S TOBACCO. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WUOLES.ALE.-4, T,JARr-HALL. CARDIFF 7011 M STIFF'S gTARCH." Is ''f IFF'S sTARCtl.t' One Trial oi this Peaut ful SUrch Will Prove its iuperierity. TRADE MAttK. « Q U E E N B E S S" &J' ON EACS PACKAGE. -'4 C'STIFF'S s TAIP.CIEI." A « STIFF'S ^TARCH." Soid by Or icers, Druggists, and Oilmen AND WHOLESALE AT 29, REDCLIVF-STEEET, BRISTOL. 6957 E "R T H" Y~R A G S IT0~T FOP. 'rim "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" A.\D "CARDIFF TIMES." Mra JOKES, Ncwuage ;t, &c., 107 nd 109, HIGH-STPEET, JffE• ;THYR, whoiesaie and Retail Agent for the ,>ou h W.ale8 Daily Ni Wo and Cardiff Tunes." The papers promptly anif reg .iariv s-t-plt' d to any aadre-s. leceived up to Six o'clock each evening, or insertion in the next morning's issue. -• I' ,UPTUILES.-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT~ i erlccted ¡dIU Exbibiied ill the o-reat Lxmbitiona ut 1S61 and lbii2. \1[TI1ITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS la yj aJlowtd by upwaids oi 5u0 iie i cal Man to L>e tlie ni -s( eSaJtive inv«»vion in the cui aUva 4rcntJi»jut of IUcU^J{1A. Tttt use of a sieei sprine, so hurtful in its effects, s here avo-ded; a soft bandage being w rr i rour>d tbe bo while the leouisits resisting power is tiipplied by the MOC-i*AlN PAD and PATENT LEVER, fitting witli II., i and closeness that it cannot be detected, in i my be worn during sleet). A descriptive circular may lie had, and the Trust, (wh'ch cannot fail to fit) for- ward by frost, 08 the oircumfr-.roii ie of the ii.dy, two inches below tne hips, bet-igsent t>- the Ai-»-uf icturor. Mr JOHN W±ll;'E, its, PICO/, DILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 16s, 21-, Üli ;;111)J,. l'ostsze frm Double Tru»s, file Cd, 42a, ai d 5 :h 6d. Pos a.g-6 free. A;i Umbilical Tru.-s, 42s, and 6211 6d. Postage free. Post-office Oruers to be ntade puvabie to JOiL, WHITE, Posfr offi.e. Piccadilly. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &o. wPJ The material of whicti those are made- u rc"ümm¡,de1 by the j acultv i. sbeing peculiarly elastic a>>d c-Jrup''C8''¡ ,.le, and the 1,(;3 invention *or niviiig t'd'cient snd permanent 6i,¡r,p(,f n all of Weakness, and Sieel ing of the L?n, Varicose Veins, Pptains, dc. Jt. is por -ua, 1iLt n i^xtiire, and inex; e:live,a.nd i. dmwn on like an 'rdlo'I'Y stockint. Prices, 46 8d, 71 01, 10s, and lti^ cach postage free. MANUFACTURER: JoHN WHITK. 288. PlCCADT- LONDON. 5929 ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 FILLS is war- ranted to cure all discharges fr#m the uiinarv organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, gravei, and pains i.) the back. Sold In boxes, 4s. 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors; or sent to auv adu es; for tSO stamps, l;y the maker, F. J. Ciarke, Oonsuiting he mist., High St eet, Lincolu. Wholesale Agnits, Bsrciay ana Son London, mid all the whole- sale Houses. Sod in Cardiff-bv Joy -a.d Co etna Chemists; Nc-wport, E. M. Thomas, 121, Commerciai-sir, e Pontypool, E. Stephens, Clarence-street; L. P Jones. Ebbw Vale; A J. Price, Bridgend; Cardiff, D. Anthony, Royal Arcade, and 8, Mary- street. S. P Kernick, Wh -UStle, 23, Duke-s'feet. SwamN, James Hughes, 20, Castle-sti-eet; U. Price, 12., Commercial- otrest, Newport. Mon. rpOOTH ACHE, TIC DOLORET X, NED. y BA ..cilA, 1'AI.NS IN "lHE i 1 r.Ai^. FACE, and GI MS. These distressing complaints are al oost immediite!y i viieved by READr.S TOOTU-ACH' and PIC !LOREIIX PiLLS. The skfas quickest, and u ost curiam remedy. Xiiey cure by at o ce soothing tbe ne vc-g am! givin,; tune to the system, so is t« prevent a recurrence c-f ti e complaint. These Pills pn-cure s retred:int2 night's rest where sleep has depiirted from thf tuft'errr for day s, and pi event., tbe necentdiy of extraction Whether the c is bfOu.ht on by taking cold, by a weal state of the nerves, or y a disordered s oma h, these Pilli, prove effeotu d. Sold by Mess's. Av.tboiiy Coleman & Co., Ci-emist-i, lliwh-stre t Joy: and Williams, Chemist, Bute street, Cardiff, ir. boxes "t ] 3d. and 2* 9d. e?cch, tlnd sent, pel pos: on receipt of IC or Ho stamj s, i-ytbe makers, i eade Brothers Chemists, Wolverhampton. London Agent: h-an„rtr. BANNER'S PA TENT FEMALE PILLS i This invaluable Medicine has relieved thousands, and i;,s Patentee, atthe request of many of ihose benefited; tckes this opportunity of making public :o the world this admirably delicate and never failii g remedy, which has flatteringly been dssciibed by a grateful recipient of its virtue,. the maiden's companion, the wifes frie d, and the stuv and support of; ale health ill old •ife; not worth a Gui'ies a Box but n Gu nea a Pill." This truly yent'e friend causes no sui.'dei revo urions in the system, but works slowly, silently, und surely in expeJling- he gross humours of the body, and leav ni.' t.he pure principle of life unfettered by disease, wecuving the clear complexion and placid In nd ins pirable fr .mbealth in short, at once alleviating tbe suflerh g> (If 4ie af(l>c-ed, and ultimately etfecting a cure in 4iverf. iino,arice of however long stauning. The WANT throughout the let d long felt by the Faculty and their patie -ts is now recognised in tiiis Patent Medicine"; tbe false de icacy surrounding the crit cal situat,iiiis f the ma den, the wife, and matron is now at "lIce removed, "Dol not to limit the use of this invaluable disovtrv to any class the price is purposely fixod so a-i to e acce.- sible to ail. 1 be object of tbe Patentee is tosuve this wholesome, natural, and life-invigomting noeuicine from l.ein„r coniound'd with the extortionais empiricism of the ciy. as he does not ridiculoiSly vaunt it a panaceator "aa the ills that fl- s i is heir to," but simply foi what it is intended, apuely ther.peu seal agent iu predentin,; and curln, complaints in w -m^n suwecutive to: heir position In lifi. The Patentee is g atified in receiving daily thankful acknowledgments from vmteful rtcipients from all farts. Copy of Medical Cetrificate* and Testimoriinls. Liverpool, November 1-2t,h, 1874. *• navine carefully examined Mr. Banner's Female r ills with reference to their ingredients and properties, and having bad satisfactory exp<rictt.-e of ti-eir efficacy, I am of ooinion that. while perfectly s'lfc and exempt from injurious substances, they are well calculiteo to be v- ry beneficial as a household medicine in the numerous class of disaid: is and ailments te which the female constitution is more peculiarly liab e. A. MCLSLLAS. L H.C.S Edinbugh. a d L.S A., LONDON eight years house surgeon Southern Dls(>eBsary, Public Vaoo elnator, and Parish Doctor for L verp xil." Copy of a Certificate from a Physician and Surgeon. "I have examined the composition and properties of Mr IB,,nneeg Female Pi:ls, mrd I am satisfied and able to certify that they are of desirable ingredients, and likelt to be bencftcial In many cases. There I" nothing deleterious In the properties ot the composition, and they may te safely used by delieabs females. JOHX T>S CoCECT YOTOS, 6, Lie. HOI. C-11. PHYL, Fdin., "144, PhvnthIan-street, Liverpool. 17th Seoteniber, 1874." Marvellous Cure of a hopeless case, sriven up by four experienced Physicians and Surgeons. Copy of the grat- ful Mother's Testimonial. •'My daughter, ELLiN WOOD-, Mab-lane, West Dsrbya gu fie red five montlis. and was attesid^d by four differentsurgeottS and phvsicians without asy bei-eU, when we tried Banner's Patent Female Pills. Tbe first box relieved, and the sixth box completely restored her to health, to the great happiness ol he* family." To prevent imposture, and to save the public from having worthless sourious imi'ations foisted upon them, the Pills ar* sold only in Government stamped boxes, at Is lid and ts 9.t each, and on ree, ipt of either sum, with 3d for postage, a box can be forwarded to any adiress direct iiotn the Patent Pill Manufac ory, 56, Boa ior-street, Liverpool. Should your Chemist not have them in stock, he will procure them if requhsted. Messrs. WXL]GY'S AND Co., Coventry. Wholesale Agents for the Midland District. "1\41 To the Young Men of England who suffer flOID Nervous Debilltv Just Published. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE JL OF AN INVALID; designed ss a War'.ini and a Caution to others supplying at the safne time, the m ans of Self-cure by one ho has cured himself, after uudergoing the usual amount of Medic:1 Imposition aud Quackery. Single copies msy be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelops to the Author. ARTHITX Duos. Eso.. Hounslow. uear London. eso READ DR. BARNES' NEV,* WORK, entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH; or, th, CuNFIbKJt! TIAL FRIEND." On the Laws GiiVERNlNG LTFt., and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMFNTof all diSfcases depen- ding on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, such aa Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression. Palpitatioti of tha Heart, No sesin the Head and Ears, Indodsicn, Unpaired Siizht and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss.of Energy and Appetite, Pahis in the B*ek anA Limbs, Tiuuditv, Self-Distrust, Dizciness Love of SolitudV Groundless Fi ars, at d many other ailments which if n"Jr" lected, bring the sufferers to an early death. Together with Hints on Chrenic Rhuematism, Gout' NeuraJci? Fpi'ensv Hysteria^ and all Diseases of the Nervous and AJimeutari System J Illustrated by numeretts te?t;monlals from rratcful patients who have been restored to health through the author's* iaatni. mentality. *• Sent po_t free for 2 stamps or by letter post; S stamps. Adricr by L«tter Gratis. Specini advit5e in all disorders peew liar to Females. The FEMALE'? FRIENn and ADVISER will be sent GRATIS to a-iy address on Rt-.ETPT ot STAMPED ENVELOPE. Loudon, N. BAR1, ES' Square, Barnsbur* D Imnortsnt to Country Patient?. R. BARNES may be consulted personally 01 by letter, in all private and confidential cases; aod forth* beueat of Nervous Sufferers who cilnnot visit him, he will on re- ceiving a description of their case, enclosing a stamped envelop* for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of ih< cast, and tht principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect eure. Address, Dr, j. A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Squars. Bwnsbury, London- N.