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OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT -40 1 an LONDON, SATURDAY EVBITING. { fac« ,aDUounc«ment « positively stares one SRs>" haT„ morning'. "VotesandProceed- jr.aot appeared for more than eleven years. tepo Use," so runs the entry" in the official t?e,fSftt a+ Iae+' and forty members not being T^se +iii wVir o'clock, Mr. Speaker adjourned the gned ill Monday next." The last time a Speaker aJln9uncemen^ this kind was in Lord j°Men i?n,s ^me> tlie day after the death of Richard t An^'i keen mourned in the House, on Taes- i yis resjj 1805. On Sunday, Mr. Cobden died at i i ^er*+enCe *n Suffolk-street. On Monday, Lord I bus-011 re8.retted that the state of Parliame/i- a lne?3 did not permit of an adjournment, I of respect. On Tuesday, there iv1 forty members present to do ^onU8Ule83 a^" This was no un- j0 Occurrence in Lord Palmerston's time. It for at least once in the Session, 1 Gladstone filled politicians with the con- work. Yesterday, however, was an «e»S f ° v Members wanted to go home to j Pr'nce of Wales's ball. They there- >0Uld v in the lobby, hoping that no House'' ^ed6(j called. Their delight when they sue- i* like unto the 3°7 °f schoolboys when ti»o a from their tasks when the master V, lJ«t m holiday. ^doif ^6n *a Education Bill issued. Lord ?^euexi, Probably going through it again to ft8 xrifh 2" clauses- The section deal- 2*ely wastrel children" is especially •6 dflla be strengthened and improved. 50tY Plaguing but as the second reading i&JL* ^en until after Whitsuntide, it is of -1'6 orit. The weekly papers, like the dailies, ^?sitite]v a3'c f°r more compulsion. It is Until for girls,who cannot go to ser- f0tt>e out 56y -are will be kept at 0thers to look after their younger ^fation will altogether escape from the Wh on f the scheme described by Lord Sandon. SbipPhtn Parliament rid itself of the Merchant eiiiTT*' It i" now down again for Monday, onjfcJTT of amendments will be discussed ^th it v1 suppose we shall now have done S* Mil i Whitsuntide. The third read- holid»« n before the House adjourns for eech aYe. On Tuesday we ought to have a big 5* the Qi| Gladstone. His favourite subject feg+i y, .c°mpanies is to be raised, just after the tk rend* 68, Wednesday Mr. Macdomald's serva employers liable for injury done to ijtfdaj tli ? be discussed—and rejected. On » chance of another count." Fri- 2w ^ay t.^ are becoming the fashion. By tad IS • are no notices down between Friday Iti, ^r^^ay 9 th of June. > clear why the Liberal leaders were j r ,&b°ut the Budget. The advanced un'i and 6 m favour of the income-tax exemp- K Gl^.fnnounced their total disagreement from i theories. k°rd Hartington could Vt(lividin Fe^. e this a party que&tian with- in followers and reducing his minority, th« ^,y1*n<is is in favour of a policy which taxes er tbe working classes and puts 0 *1521,. J* the shoulders of the rich. There is ^atep i 01411 in our House of Commons who is a *°Uld d,r of. economy than Mr. Rylands. He ?Vr JftodA ^^bing to save a few pounds. He is Politi Joseph Hume. Yet he cannot see that 0lle > °t- a*"0 utterly unattainable so long of the community pays while the IV Be. ^ill looking to Mr. Cross with much hope. us a Chief Coroner ? It is too muoh ^u««t la be will reform the whole crowner's ^^t ofW", be might arrange for the appoint- it won^1 of tlie wto^e "coronial" tribe,whose very iivJ. ,be to rebuke negligence, to preside oadtim^ • ant occasions, and to investigate a WLTIL 8Pecialjury cases which were not t iustan ^°ne lnto on tbe first occasion—such, I te^jpt a* the present Bravo mystery. An I" ^ovabl move Mr- Cross is to be made, and he yet 6* ^ut we have not our public prosecu- A- J° »tritfi u the Church of England going Sopi ^^b the Sunday League and Sun- !Ufate t It looks like it. A few weeks apjo a •^der West-end church aired his oratory COlllPan 6 ^ormer8' Tree on a Sunday afternoon in ^ent 0i^ ^th the League and in the announce- auST,* Public meeting shortly to be held, under S« °* the society, it is stated that the thft i)lmus Hansar(i. rector of Bethnal-green, ^^rch o?V' Bradley Abbot t, incumbent of Christ ^«ht. y,laPbam, will speak in favour of the move- ;L Alr* Hansard's sympathies are tolerably uali«fWn' ^Ufc "^r" Bradley Abbott, an extreme A. ^y » must be a recent convert. !"Qt eøle.yan minister has discovered a new argu- ft°Ul>cede!"n^ "Dar winism. Mr. James has an- shoiilr)1'1 Eleter Hall> a convincing reason why. ♦oiid of not ?CC9Pf the evolution theory. He is J?9^ers J be does not wish to be deterred lc<>#pt^tln £ them. But if the cleigymen who Is idem;fi new scientific theories aay true, mac j Qevi not only with apes but with oysters, ^Uyc0 £ mes "confessed that he looked aghast at th+^uinity the nxonkey, dreading the at swallowing an oyster he was gulping a fellow-creature." I am Borry for Mr. ^°Pftien+ be shrinks from accepting thedeve- fro ent hypothesis because it would deter him iejjcAf nS bivalves, he must eat no more oysters fa]Se8t °^h, though Mr. Darwin should be Uiat th false prophets. For unless he believes fore e oysters were not created, and are there- y creatures, he must hold that man ana ^dth?ngthin? came from "the ?ame Author, hatjj yJ: be ia fellow-creature with everything that ^east f are creatures together, man, Vepp.' wl> and fish. Mr. James must become a ^«arian. 0j0jje nal"Archbishop Manning knows how to pet He has always, it seems to me, an infinite J>t0s er. collections on hand, and they are all list, ^g- He has just made an addition to his ^^d V 6 aPPea^e^ only last Sunday for money to- v 8 his new schoolmasters' training college, and already more than £ 7,000 promised to him. ho°l Board cases crop up in shoals at the ttlersmith Police-court. The objection to the m^Sogue seems to culminate in that West-end in* Tbe most recent and novel means of evad- c* has been by averring that youi;g rf1' ^ou^b not attending to his etudies during lUp aay, *as receiving private tuition of an even- The n:agistrate did not quite see the fores t>L 6 assertion, and inflicted a fine the defendant lotving that he would be fined as long as the boy ho That lad's education will be expensive, if .should survive. V At South Kensington yesterday Professor Tyn- ajjj ^ebvered an address on the reflection of sound, w subject was taken up by a gentleman who ^hi well qualified to speak about it. 8 Waa Dr. Stone, the inventor of, and performer bp* D' ^AT Portentous instrument called the d'.uble- l}j ^n- Those persons who have been present at Handel Fdstivals, oi on any occasion where a Qlonater band indeed has been used, will have 0ri* a gentleman struggle into the rear of the of £ estra with a huge instrument, reminding one i8 j^mson carrying off the gates of Gaza. That fidl F"i and though an amateur, he is gene- Y0^ laid hands upon when a more than usually rfllllo)iis reflection of sound is required. I often Olader when and where Dr. Stone practises, and In? ^.neighbours like it. His subjsct was "JuBt! th °na^t)n and the Limits ef Audible Sound." From fuu double-bassoon,! should say its sound rp be practically unlimited. rla /eeouP the treasury, which Mr. Tennyson's s upon largely, Mr. Irving is going through n e bis old plays at the Lyceum and later nzo-' ea to produce The Belle's Stratagem "—a play the T* unknown to the pr^aeril geperatioH pf! ^-atre-goers, and less famous than The Beau's bo^ a stro"g play nevertheless, and eworthy because it shews that Mr. Irving has darted traaredy forcomedu- 4 st .1 "Under thel'atroii,,i,ge. of her Majesty theyueer. the "Grand Military Athletic Meeting" of the year is announced to be held at Lillie-bridge, Bromp- ton, upon the second Friday in June. It will be an aristocratic affair. Prince Edward of Saxe- Weimar is at the head of it. The committee are all men high in society. The Duke of Cambridge himself is likely to be present, and the funds will be handed to the Cambridge Asylum. At least these sports will be manly, which the sports to which our Princes have hitherto lent their names are assuredly not. Polo, for instance, is more popular than ever this season. Last month there appeared in All the Year Round an article strongly condemning the Prince's statue at the Albert Memorial. Glancing at the Society of Arts Journal for April, 1870, I see a letter signed Epsilon (and written, as I happen to know, by one whose name stands high in the ranks of art), where I am surprised to find that nearly every E'nt of hostile comment was anticipated. The ter, written six years ago, in fact, read* more e history than prophecy.



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