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limitations. r. Profusely lUust-raifj, -4 pp. Price 2d. 'pHE HORNET.—High olaaa, Literary, Dramatic, and Political Journal. Everv Wednesday. Under few mau^eaiejit. The smartest and brightest of *11 tbe ^dvUtg,"—Vid# Press Notices. Mity by rd .j-s.J tiireuga Ncwaageuu. SPECIAL fiOIIOB. Ott the lJ USY Was issued anuria with "IHS U I XHJiiASO'KK, A SPLENDID OLEOGRAPH StimLBD •'lilA Ki t. \)1! « uc»aJL'u^t it 11 f issplendid Ole, grapli, or ocautifully-coloured picture, < so m quioitely deSntjJ »s to tie scarcely recognised fiom a picture by De of the first masters punted on canvax in r>U. The dehn-ation *f ttt? dog and her little oue reminds one at Lundoeer'a but Parti 1, 3, 6, 6, and 7 nnw ready, price Sixpence. flHE LITTLE GiRLS' TREASURE. JL FILLED w, 111 LLAUTIEUL COLOURED i'icxuaaa. A ill..):;1- I. p'.r!11! put-v.11. tor LH'-le trirl. THE LITTLE cjiiils1 TREASURE. JL iAtii* X.,1.^=, JJ L.HJ LLoa^AS, NAlfiDLE WORK LcbSONo, i-.ln'AiJ!^> THE LITTLE GIRLS' TREASURE. This Magazine i» one of the very best lor kittle Girls thai bas beuu published.—Containing instructive as well 118 iluut,ug Liuratuie. Its tdile ia chas.e, and suitable for ciJ. dim of all clauses. Illustrated IN colour*. London Si-Mr-Kiii, MARSHALL, and Co. A Specimen Copy cau be biw.i ia The Casket Office, 25, Fetter-lane, E.C., tor utviiii »tamt> Now ready, the SEPrEMBBfi. PART of un_ THE CASKET.—An Illuminated Magudne for Ladies. I'nc- ONfc. sHlLLlNU. THE CASKET.—Tales, Poetry, Fine Arts, Music, i'aiiit.ng, illuminating, Wa Modelling, fashions. Noediew,&c.—Edited by Mad.-jn, KLbE. t'i 1) i l! itEL) lLLUSTHAl'IOJ-iS. THE CASKET.—No Lady's Boudoir can beoon- lidertu complete without it.—Splendidly Illustrated in Colours, with Illuminated Wrapper. London: SIMPKIN MAtv-iiA'.L, and CO. A Specimen Number sent for l' Stamps. ¥ early eui acription. l; Half-yearly, tie 01 dire-* from THE CAiKliT Omee, 25. Fetter-lane. 130 N L-A R G B X N lq T OF TUB CARDIFF TIMES AHO SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS TO MXTY-FOOR COLUMNS, umesun rp "M LARGEST JTCWS-SHJIKT IN THE KINGDOM- PROPRIETOR of the CARDIFF TIMES mni SOUTM "ALMS WESKLT A' £ WS ha* the pleasme of anneu»ctaf •■M UM Ca/rdiM AMM la MMT K^JLAKGKD TO 64 LOlfO OOUJMN8 <4 f«> newspaper wiMh. .xVe tnleimmt Is equal to aa ADDITION of 18 OOLUMNS late alas, aad ffcs CARDIFF TIM KB mnd 80WTM i?BJ(KLY XiSWS In U* enlarired ie<Bt U the }*MAK9T NSW^-SHKKT IN THE ctSTTED KINGDOM. Paper is printed upen the Vioisry wkieh lIa. (teeotly been erected in the Card4. Z* Oflisks, aa4 which has Veen eeastruete* Us pr*4aee papers per bear, cwupleteiy printed a> both siaee, asd ready for Serpaic^L W« the Literary JVepartment BO efforts will he spared te *ahi- 41 the position which t be Curd if Tivu* has oocspied fer S9 J^fnoi as the L1AW5IQ WKKKJLY PAPWl ia Wales tm* Jpj Wwtem JHstriei. LEADING ARTICI.KS upon the prineipal "Vtieal and Social Qaeeteafl of the Day will Continue to forsa f«4«re, and LOOAIt TOPIQ9 *f erary iteserlp- he f«Hv and exhausfeiTely discussedL » euiaaxeetent peruiita lnireased spe«e te he devoted to and DIS ''RIOT NKW8, and admit* «l every tow> and >?*>» in Sof>tli M^aies and Ueanonthshire, aad the Femt of 29** beia^ «ulv reprssented in the ee.«ian« of the Cord</ l *4* and 8*tUh Walt* Wukly Suet. It also allows of foliar riren «f the ehief LoeeJ Breots ef the Weak. ihjfce UKNXKAL and FORKIOK NKWg Departmsnls, the rJJWi are store ample and ceoeplete (ban has hitherto been 2**u>le, a«d etrery e*<r(loa will be mede to seeure a eoraptete of all erenls ef importwsee occurring at Boose aad Who LONDON OORRKSPONDENCB oC the rflr Timu 18 9"-QIY, adasicted te be out of the meat important and TalwaMe :r*'11'1\M¡&iHa published in the Prorincial Press, end erary eswo Z.u m*d* by the O01 lean on dent to reader the Letter equally "•aable aad attraeiire in futare. saeeass whieh has attsaded the pwhiisation of FIKI^ I^^SS SKRUL STORUS hy Hiss Bnddon, Mr. Jehn taaaders. f* ttanehard Jemild, Mr. Pa^<*oe^ and ether eminant ffO^elje'S, has induced the Proprietor te make furthar wraage- l?" at eonsiderabte expense, wHh the pepal* A«t»hor» of $>1 99 sasure a suoeessinsi ef Weriu ef W*ys «frt«at merit, written in the most popukr and lntereattaf •via. brisf the cbjeet, will he to render the CJJtDIFF TIMMS | SOtTTB WALES WMEKLT XSWS not only one ef the [ ygett. bat also ape pf the most able and oomplete weekly *°1>ilia]e extant, and te make ft the 1E8T OOMMSRC1AL AND PAM1LT NEWSPAPER 10 the United K inborn. Vantages of the Cmrdif Tinut and South WaUt Wteklg *a the ORB AT ADVERTISING MEDIUM W»l*e aad Monmouthshire, will he still further appa- LZ?y- The largely Inoreased eirculatioo, and the new and mesa ""af ac"eitl whieh have followed the ealtfveiaent, the Cardiff Tim** mnd South »it» WttUy Nets* still j^ore Tad aable as a General Adrartietag Journal for every dtserlp* of Adrertieeweat*. and farther more ass its pre-eminenas **Wlf weekly Jnqrnal*, as the BBuWADTEMISnrO MMDIOM for UstA Wslop, MoMMHthohiM, tad the Western Dlstriot, 1. THE CARDIFF TIMES 41 JLXS SOUTH W ALBS WEEKLY NBWS b KNLiKMCD TO H OOLUMNR, £ i»«t EDITION. FBIBAT Mosiaira. BaOMDEDITIOB SaTXTBDIT MOKVIVB THE LAHOWfT WEIKLT PAPER. Ta. LBADINO VOUTIOAX. JOURNAL. THE OHIEF COMMERCIAL ORGAN. THZ BEST FAMILY NRWBPAPKR. TU. øaJrAT ÄDVPTlSUQ MBOIUM. OMiam: LSAIDING ARTIOLRD air TH> 4mar POLITIOAL, 800JAL, AND LOCAL TOPIOI OF THR DAY. ALL THR LOCAL IfHWI Of 1*1 WOK. ALL THB D18TBJCT IKXW$ OF TAIX WBEK. ALL THE QBNKRAL NBWS Or TBIC WKEK. ALL THB FOREIGN NEWS OF TJiI: WKWL LONDON OOREESPONOBNCE. SERIAL STOKIBt, im TBS MOST EMINENT AUTHORS OF WEB DAY. PRICE "TWOPENCE. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS ftmgfcmi soath Walea^Monmoathshire and tka Weil VentaaM free te any addrtss in the United Kiardom for 9s. 04. ftr qwarw.Zpr"Wd. and to the Colonies, the United States aad *ll pam ef Earepe, fer »d. ver quarter, prepaid. CHIEF OFFICES- CARDIFF1 Cardiff SHIPPING AKD MBROAMTILB yj 4AZ8RI, or ^ahJiehed vrery Monday MornUt. Prioi ISs. per aaasm, «* »7 The "CARDIFF BHIPPI^STAHW MERCANTILE QAZB^l" {pataint a complete re -ord of the Shinpinf busio«es of Careiw. tec4 rairigrsz ambers at UtwunerM, aad is also sent te the leadiag Feieig» ^Sttpr Ontom-M and TO. St. Mary^Sireet. Qardlfl- RSST ADVKHTISINO PAPER IN NOrri^GBAM8HLRX XrOTTI INGHAM DAILY GUARDIAN. ■Al A Pirst-Clasi Dally Newspaper, ariae H*s the 1 aires* siixmiatioti e< wy ^Oly Paper in •hi: ( nuu counties. Saturday^ issue over tO^ee- ^eet valuaole maasi twMwrtlww. j.ijf.. **t«« of cjUarg* and 00pus 01 the paper sent tree on appucw Roji to the fioprletois. „T xr THE NOTflW GHAM8HIRE GUARDIAN. Pabliahed eyery FRJDAT. Priee (with Supplement;, TWOPENOR. Kerlsed Antiaally. ITALIC 2f ANI'8 PARIS QUIPR VK" With Coloured MAF Price Be.: or with ^ixty Steel EngTavi'iss, T*. Loudon: htmpkui. Marshall, »i.d Co., and uu uuok^eU'S- TUNM15B S aurOUSH AND AMERICAN AUiACT. flA Rue Neure btrAUGU.STIN, PARIS. Furnished and UafaruUWl Apar;ments^ Botels, Boardinf- Souaee, School*, Husinew-Jbitablishaients, Coarierf, InVirpre. Wa 1'i nftiT r« ftov< rnes.esi, ctc., recciuiajended. ALL JNKiUlllATIOX ORAtlB, VISITORS TO PAKIS W'iU Maet with Comfort and Moderate Cljaj-ges, at the HOT £ L DB LONDBK8 Ei' DJfi ifclLAN, BBBB*«A, PBOPBLLFOB, Rna Baint Myacinthc—ciaiut Honors, near tiie 'ituleries, Rooms from ts. per day 5 hoard aod wine ineluded, from 7A drraairaiMite made With famines., iir CooiCg Hots Coupons Affaagsiisn r-csivedin thia Hotel. Post Free, Priee Is. ftd. LA YRAIE PRONONOIATIO^ FRANCAISE Profess >r A. CAIJVBT, Hn: vrhor K* K i* IvION1", PAH1S. -VCALBSHBEBB'S WINE SHADES. iJt If79. » LARGiyu GO., Wploiae d'«oviear. j* Boulevard Malesherbes, PARI a. Mouse* in bORPD'vUX, *3, fave 4<* Chartronn, LONDON, an<i WA' ^GA. |i\lK|!IH»rBB *FAn*'V*«n,».-1 >M) IitrOH<HT|.1l> OHTl)|. p P PC A T IQir I Iff PARI B. "•jBaBDINO SCHOOL FOR TOUN« CUNTLEMTOC Ui'6. L Mltmn, pg "OML STIFFIR gTARCH." STIFF'S STA-ROH." One Trial of this Beautiful Starch Will Prove its Superiority. TRADg MARK. u E R N B E S S" O EACll N, KAGE. H STIFF'S STARCH." STIFFIS-STARCii: Sold by Grocers, DruKffists, and Oilmen aod Wholesale at 2y, REDCLIFF-BTSEET, BRISTOL. 6957 STEEL PBN8, warranted oualitv, manufactured by r^lORGE W. HUGHES, 56, St Paul's Square, Bii-mniijham. The Oalviniacd Pen, No. 413; Strung M«tal Sksd*d(|jf;> No. 38a: OM English Peu, So. W, Benk of BuaUnd P, n, Ho. 49; Comm«rcial P n, No. 956 Bank l en. Mo 35ft; Sphynxpen> No. 92; School P«n), Ho. 3*«<} LutineesPen, No. 458, jrjTe u«iiverinil naria/action. Maker Joseph HudhaU aad u a patent Fountain Pen, Engrossing Pen, a o 5.Stee P«rc> No. 380. Sample Box, assorted kinds, for Seren SUmips. 4U FARMERS AND OTHERS Will do wen beture pWchuiDg to call at R. CHRISTIE'S SHEFFIELD TOOL fc CUTLERY WAREHOUSE, 112, VICTORIA-STREET, BRISTOL, To ascertain his Prices for the following best, warranted Goods:- CROWN AND PATENT 8CTTHES, LA WIf SCTTHES, HAY KNIVES, St.EEP SUEAltS, HAY FORKS AND liKES. WIDAT AND OTHER HOES, GARDKN AND AGRICULTURAL TOOIA AD TOOLS OF ALL AUlDS. A thorough Praotical Catler kept on the PrenlisON6 for the fanvenknee ef R. Christie's customers, for GENERAL REPAIRS, GRINDING, Ac., Ac., which can be done at all times with Neatness, Economy, and Diepatoh. SHEFFIELD TOOL k CUTLERY WAREHOUSE, U2. VICTORIA-STREET, BRIST014 3097 RC. LEECH, BILL POSTER, • AND ADVERTISING COhTR. ACTOR, 17, WOOD-STRKKT, CARDIFF, AND 3, CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE, Bents all the Principal and most Prominent POSTING STA- TIONS in Cardiff, Canteu. and Roath. Town Crier for Aberdare \ir^H. HIS ADDON, Baker and Confectioner V V « 21, Union-street, Swans". W. 11. 1L begs repeat fully ntorm the nohility, clergy, wentrj, *u< fen 113. of Swansea and Be n#iMhbourhood, that he has op> «.,1 a Jii.rior Confectionery and Biking Busaiess at the abo>« Poeeesstog considerable practical experience (atuiu -"I in Lendonoand the provinces), he bores, by unsparing pains and peisonal attention to all favours, to seciwe their patronage and noommtadation. Genuine White and Brown M-ead: Rtoh IWda. Bevey, Mould, Pound, Madeira, Sultana, and Laaett 0*ss. and all kinds of Bieouiti, fresh, Frenoh and Bnglfah Rolb hot erary Morning. Schools and Tea Parties sup- plied. Every artiele of the beat quality 36(15 U 1J. WOBSJQVQ WBRMBtt, CA a Eff. Q A. STONE, UNDERTAKER, bbarsb AND MM=ENG OOAOS KROPRTBTOB. MBUOB. PLUME AND GEMBR L FURMHJJKB BCTABIiTIWMB P. Ike Trade supplied with Heanea, Ooanhsa, aad erery requfike tor Funeral *F urniahirijf. 4 JOHN GOSNELL AND OO.'S! CHERRY TOOTH PASTE: Is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder; fciree the Teeth a pe&il-.ike whiteness, prottcta the enawei from do-Y, eiud impaita a jtlnilrif fragrance tc the breath. Ft loe Is td p-r pot. JOHN GOSNELL AND CO.'S TOILET AND NURSERY POWDER. Beautifully perfumed, and Guaranteed Pure. To be had ot all rsepeetehie Chemtste aad Perfumer*. Wholesale: AltOm. PASSAGE, II, UPPER THAMES-STREET, LONDON. 6218 AIHS in the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, JL RHUUMA'i'iSM, GOl/r, DlgEAShS of the KIDNli,Y« and BLADDER, STKIOTUKK. &e. DR DE ROOiS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS Ate celebrated all ever the wortd as the most safe and speedy remedy for theatiove dangerous ompiainte, Discharges of any kind, Stone in tho Biad ar, and Diseases of the Kionej s and Urinary Organs neueraily. P. seensiui: tonic properties, they agree witu the most delicate stomach, strengthen the digestive erxans, inoreue the appetite, improve thez, nervj health, and in three days will effsct a cure, when copaiba, eubebs, and all dsaarow medicine* of that class have utterly failed. Is lid, 5s 9d, 4s ed. lis, and 8311 per box. These celebrated Pills are P), infallible remedy in the moat obstinaie eases. By heir us* alone many thousands have been annually restored to health when every other medicine has failed. Their rast superiority orer e\ erything else in the cure of the above complaints is universally acknowledged, and the extraordinary demand tor them ever since th«irfi;st Introduc- tion is without precedent. In no liutiuite have they ever been kaown to fail or produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting from copaiba, cuuebs, turpentine, and other mtdieines usually resorted to. They require neitlu confinement cor change of diet, and may justly be considered the omy nafe, sflisaeiooe remedy for all stages of those disorders for which they are recommended. THE MOlyr WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WORLD. DR DE RODS. PILULUSJ YITIE, OR VEGE. TABLE LIFE PILLS. All euflerers from general nervousness and moibid feelings, low $Plgiti% l(ma ul sleep, harassing drawn*, unneuessary ftars, mental irritability, failure of ibc mental and bodily powers, ass> uses of the nerves, headache, noisea in the head, giddinats, jjadigestion, and other symptoms 01 chronic a is ease, will hail with joy the discovery of Or Do Boos' life Pills, whish speedily anii almost magically removu pain and disease, whatever nature, restore cheerfulness to the spirits, vigour to the body, and strengthen all the organs on which life and health (legend, •they do not contain a particle of mercury, but are purely vejee- able, end for afleetieneof the Liver, flatulency, bile, a-ek head- »cbe, di«irese, low of appetite, lovtness of spirits, sensations of fulness at tbs pit of the stomach, pain between the shoulders, and the distress arising from indigestion and general debility, they wih be founty 91 unexampled efficacy, and it is no small advantage that they can be taken at any fine without danger either from wet oroo d, or necessity for restraint from business, or pleasure. They act mildly on the bowele, without pain or griping, intpart strength to the stomach, provide a healthy action to the bver, thus preventing, or, when present, caring the jaundice or dmpoy. clearing too skin, removing the sallownees and pimples, purifying the blood, biacing the nerves, and marveltovHy invigorating the whole tyatem. Females of all ages will And them invaluable, and should never be wit hoot them. Pricels. ltd., Ie W.90a. Ag 111,. and S3*, per box. THE MOST ASTOUNDING CURES are daily being effected in cases of Nervous Debility, im- purity ef the Blood, Defective Circulation, Langour, uassitude, Depression ot 8p|rite, Indigestion, Pain and Palpitation in the Side, Harassing Dreams, Ac., ic-x. br means of DR PE ROOS' WORLD-FAMED GUTTJS VITX, OR VEGETABLE LIFE DROPS, whose effects are really magical in rtstoring lost tons iu the spstsan (anamg froaa whatever cause), re-invigorating and en- Bwninfw} whole corporeal fuame, uM gradually, but eSee- tively, bWfliiut up the most shattered constitution. Althowfch this truly wonderful recuperative tonie is not pot forward aa impirkirg Immortality, it ia not too much to say that by 1\8 biow W* is, 1.8 it were, Imparted to the nervous and dibUitatea, who ware evidently sinking into an early gTave; whllet to theaa of ms^urer years it will gently and serenely pro- tract the close of life. Tbousards of ajifiarently hopeless oa»«. alffen up by the facuity, are now in the enjoyment of health OMe s greateet blessing), a living testimony to the uu- ppeakaule YSAUO of this remarkable medicina. Hundreds of teeti- HjioiviaU. too numerotjs to publUh, may be seen by any one. The Fi-eparation is extremely pleasant to take, and non* need suffer whmtsueh a miraculous medicemsnt is in exis>eone. Persons of studious habile, debiCtRted females, and those on -%hcm the wear and of me U betiinidng to tell, should persevere •UadMy wrtn thia Life-roviring Tonie for one month. ind they will h« astonished at its result*. All those who have tried other meanp, galvanic and electric appliances, Ac., without any bene- ficial result, are earnestly recommended to make fair trial of this medisine, whicti, being eoneocted on tne highest scientific principle*- ^Tf_r. ?■ccs' Tt'e great«*t swxsesa atuandant Su this wonderful disooverv has h d to a host of humble and worthies*i idtattons. Pnca lis. and S8s. per IiotUe. The large Ma* oontaiw* 'Qr £ °or wee«-». IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THK PUBLIC.—Every package of Dr D* Rooe preparations bears the Government Stamp with the word* °?*tin White Letters on a Rod Gronnd, by "er ^»je«iy's Honourable Com- mission erj, without which none car. possib'y be genuine Dr. Ds Boos' world-famed medicines are sold by Mr Anthony, Mr Joy, and Mr OaruJT Mr Burdire, chemwt, »?. Bigb-street, grUtol, andi they maylv# obtained of every Fatsat Medielne V«<ior In the world, ef uioat Chemists, or should the lee#t ditfettlty occur, wid be for-varded to any part of tus iuuot*o xi Debilitated and nervomi sufferer* should reaid the Metiioal Advipr ,by Pr DX h". OD the semet eausea of nervoueda- billtv, unhappy n1' unfruitful mf-rnagea, impoiei,cy, dtprcs- Sioa of spirits, and confimed melaBcholy too fre«u*ntly tnoeable » eert«^ ^rnleieus hateU in early iff* S5»tpoetfiref on receipted tiveive stamp* by Mr Um», jfedi- •al PHb'isher, Mt Hand-oourt, Holboni, Lende», W C- A mv be ba am kt fsw I" NOML I w. E. VAUGHAN & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. I LLANDAFF RUAD, CARDIFF. BRAUCH KSTABLISIIMKSTS t 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, 2ti, V>U'i'i>yThEET, | CARDIFF. 62, COMMERC1AL-STJHEKr, NEWPORT fc3; iilGH-riTl.EtlT, MKRfHY!{. LOWJfiR GoAT-STKhLT, tWANSKA. Orders received, and Parcels forwarded to Works carriage free, by the following AGENTS: Aberavon G. B. Cotton, Tv-mawr-street. Aben are u ldr. FAchlots, vommercisl-placf. I keravoa Mr. J. Harris, London Mouse. Bridgend. Mrs. Thomas, grocer, Nulton-street. lirecon. Mr. Bodmins, Weiiii.t.ton House, huiwark. Hiynmawr M — Mrs. Hicks, Beaulcrt-strett. i^laiua Mrs. Coiiins, High-strtet Biitou Ferry Mr. J). L, Jor.es, Bool:-eli«r, ?, ViUiers- streei. Cowbriiiffe Mr. Kotcera, Fancy P.epoeitory. Chepstow iliss Rowe, We sh-street. Cowbriiiffe Ifr. Kotcera, Fancy Repository. Cliepsww iliss Rowe, We el-i-stre et, Orickiiowell Mr. B'iavis, High street. liaverfordwest. Mi. Harries, 8, lii^h-s eet. Llanelly Messrs. Ac*, ileyrick street Llaridiio Mr. ivjekyer, County Preen. Neath Mr. Matthews, at Qunn's Hotel. Pembroke Dock Mr. J>'aiberth, stutijntr, Dimocd-etrt et. Tenby M". Brice, 4, Julian-ttreet. Treherbert Mr. Kcstint;, Monmouth House Csk Messrs. Jones A 1 owo1., drapers, 4c. Watchet Capt. Nicholas. ö6 Is _a_ndrsws & j ,M ARSH, r FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND 1 UNDERTAKERS. ¡ 80, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, AND PENAETH MEWS, PENARTH. I THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT IN j THX TOWN. & s. d. Funeral, with Hearse and Coach, with Pair of Herses and Hanxing Velvets te each, Coffin covered with ttlaek Cloth, richly nailed, best Metal Plate, lined with Flannel, Flannel Drees, Pall, Hatbands, and attendance 5 5 0 Second Claat, also Blask Cloth Third Class, with French Polished Coffin, or Black Cloth, and appendages u above S S 0 Children's Carriage Funemls from 0 15 0 Hearses for the Conveyance of Corpses in Town for 6s; for every extra mile, 11. Hearses, gwliboors, and Mourning Coaches to all parte of the country. CABRIASX OFUCXB ROATH MEWS, CARDIFF; DUDLEY-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF; WEST MEWS, SEVERN-ROAD, CANTON, 3002 CARDIFF. 7033 UWANSBA OFFICE K or THB CIISOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS No. 3, TEMPLE BUILDINGS (FIRST FLOOR). All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receiw prompt attention- fead be exiwuted upon the Mina tenna u from the ChWf Office. The DAILY NKWS dtUvtivd to SubMrlbers earLy every morn. taff innfiiY part ot tb»town. AUVEnTIS-EMENTS rvo#(T#d up to S^tih o'clock will wtcur# naertion in the next morning's issue of the DAILY NlfiWS. 2552 GRORGE'S PME AND GRAV PILLS are now recognised by all as being the best Medicine vet discovered tor PILE AND GRAVEL, as well as for the following pains, which, in M eases out of every 100, are caused by thesa painful maladies Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense of Weigh in the Back and Loina, Dartin< Pains in the region of ths fc eart. Liver and Ktdneyt; Constipation, Pains in the Thighs, sometimes shootioir down to the calf of the Leg and Foot; Suppression and Retention of Urine; Pains in the Stomach; and all Liver Complaints. ihousands have been curedby the" Pills, and many who have J*"1 pronounced hopelesj have been thoroughly restored to health by their use One box will convince the meet sceptical of their Klnoicy. r In ordtr to suit all who may be suflsring from ONE or BOTH of time Malauias-. ths Proprietor prepares this Ye2etable Remedv in the following form' NO. 1—UKOttOEU P1LB AND GRA. Vti. PILLS. No. 2 GRaV&L PILLS. No. i,GEGt\.t)j¡;' PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials fnm Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids from all parts uf the country, will be forwarded to auy address on receipt of a stamped euvelope. Sold in Boxti. 18 idi and L-e Od. by all rtsptctable Chemist*. By pott, Is td. and 8s in Pottag* Stamp*. Jtvery box iiyroutud by tke (iovtrnmtni Stamp. No-ricz -'Ihs Title dlE AND GRAVEL PILLS" is Copy- right, a-id entereet at Stationery' Hall. Proprietor—J. E. GKOkGE, M.It.P.P., Hirwa'n, Glamorgan. May be had WnOLUALK/rtnn mott Patmt Mtdieim Wart- Amu in Lonuoa, Brislol, Liverpool, d: Hanchan-ftr. 3207 LEASANT EFFERVESCING ME DICING. JL RKADE'S CITHOU., SALIWE. This Preparation mskej an agreeable nd lefrething draiight, ioim=diat ly relieving Head-ache, Acidity. Bllliou nesa, Sickiiess, Feverishness, Gout, Rheumatio Gout, Iufluensa, Skin Eruptions, and all oiseases caused by an unduo cxress of add in the system. Its UEe (ire- vents and cures Fevers, Small Pox, Stone a.d Gravel, Apoplexy, AD I Pa-al' sis, all of which arise fr m to^> lar^e an a nount of acid elements in the bedy. Whenever the mou h is foul, furred, or coated, this S dine is the best of all reno",ea. Sold by a 1 Ch< mists, ill Stoppered Bottles, at la lid, 2s ed, 4a, and 118. each. Sent by rai: di'ecfc from the Malc-r», on receii t of fO, 54 or 132 stamps. Sole makers, Reade Brothers, Chemists, W olver- hampton. London Agen's Sanger and Sons, 160, Oxford-street. Agentsfor Cardiff, Mr Aiitbony, Messrs Coleman snd Co., Chem- ists, Wlt»;j-Stre *f and Mr Joy. ists, Wlt»;j-Stre *f and Mr Joy. CORNSI OORNBII CORNS!! DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT (PATENTED) is the only remedy yst discovered that will entirely eradio«te TYR. PAVEYS' SOLVENT is the most, won- 3.J derful p. motion of the aife M, the pai.i instpn 1 v DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT will cure hard Corns in three days DR* PAVEYb SOLVENT is a never failing and permanent cure. ° DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT haa been tried by thousand*, and all recommend it. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT can be had of %U respectahio Chemists, or from the agents, Mesarj Barclay Bdwards, Tidman, and Co. Price, Is lid. By Post, Is 3d. To be obtained of the following Chemists .Williams, Bute. Street, Cardiff; Dufiee, High-street, Swau^sa; Hibi^rt aud Hay. man, Neath; White Bros., Carmarthen: Phillips, Newport; Tiaweeks. Pembroke. 2818 HOWELL'S AROMATIC STEEL AND J) i- PENNYROYAL PILL3. A speedy cure for all FBMALK DEiHLiTY, &c. They qjive a heaithj bloom te thf complexion, purify end cruise a free eirculationot fce blood, cpen uWtructlons add fortify "lie eonstituuon, thereby reatorkisf the sufferers to cheerful and robust health. Sold in lioxes at Is lbd to me Dd. duty inoiuded. Sent by Post free for 16 er 84 stamps. Prepared only by THOMAS HOWELL, Thar- nmcntical Chemist, 255, Bote-iitreet, awl I, Adam-atmet Cardiff. 136 That is Gold wi4icil is worth Gold. WHITE'S PILL~ OF HEALTH, Patented and rendered T^eteleSH by a new process. Copy of Analysis from Dr. Hopkins. I have made a eareful ana<ysis of White's Piil of Health," and found them t,) be compounded of genuine and pure ingre- dient., I think thesa the Met Aperient am AntibiUous Pills kuua-u-s warm stomachic, and admirably adapted for wind and constipation generally. (Sll'fIetl), JOHN MORGAN HOPtiSS, M.D. 11, Quay-street, Carmarthen. WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH Is, without exception, the safest Domestic Medicine known. Once need, they ere universally appioved of, aud never fail to render satisfaction. Oompouuded wlh the best Drugs, they will be found to present the best form of Family Medic, Do. By their mild end g^ntia autlon on the liver, they restore tone and vigour, producing a healtby state of the stom ioh. They remove obstructions, and by their timely use the formation of various empilliu,n, whieh prove a eouroe of anxiety and unhappiness, are prevented. —. WHITE'S riLL OF HEALTH- Ts INVALUABLK TO* ihs SKIN ASD BLOOD. Copy of Testimonial from Mears. mouthall brothers and Barclay, Wholesale Pharmaceutical Chemists, Birmingham. DSAR Slits, VVe have examined your Pills, and have pleasure in statim; tliatthe) contain nothing Injurious, ana that they are prepared from the very best DruI. We are, dear Blre, yours faithfully, SOUTILALL BROTHEP., & BARCLAT Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Wind or Flatulence, Costive ness, Giddiness, Heartburn, Pain iu the Head, Chest, Back, OT LOJnø. Gravel and Stoue, Lirer Complainvs, Pale or Sallow Complexion, Palpitation of the Heart, Colic, Pimples, Piles (both guiward and inward), Eruptions, Loss of A pittite, Sickneis, &c., raMdly 'lured by taking WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH Sold in Boxes 7id. ami la. lid. ftck, or free by post for 9 o- 15 penny PoHaje sumps, from the proprietors WHITE BROTBÜlS, M.P.S., Chemists, Carmal"then. Copy of recent Testimonial. March 21st 1878. GtXTfHK(,—thtve much pleasure in testifying as to the efficacy of jour Pill of Health They can be taken At all tim without any inconvenience, and readily afford relief in any obstructions. One or two doaes suffics for Blliousneg* Heartburn, or indigention. I can a'so specially ricommt-na them as a traveller.—Yours very faitbfully, THOMAS DARGAN, Inspector, R.S.P.C.A. Sold by Chemists QVllrywhere- equalled nowhere. ia boxes 74 d. and Is. lid- each. Prepared only by WHITE BROTHERS, M.P.S., Cbemista, Carmarthen. TO The Proprietors will tie happy to supply the "Pill of Hsalth" dirsef, or tl>sy san tie obtained from any Wholesale Patent Medicina Firm ia the Tuiisd Kingdom. Coanter Bills, with nante and address at fmei, may be bad in qnantlty by g'tng name of any Wholes*)# f nn in London, A MERICA.-100,000 ACRES of the FINEST FAAMLNG LAND in AMERICA for SALE. in Lots to euit Purchasers, AT FROii £ 3 TO fii PER ACRE. The Land is situated in South- Western ilinneaota, and is open, rolling Prairie of unsurpassed fcrt.U y. and ah ready for the ploutrh. The climate is us htalthy iii anv known, so much so as to have made the State a resort lor invalids. Very unusual opportunities are now presented for profitable Farminc and Invtstni^ot n tlii.- portion oi the State. Droughts, wL'- ii arc such a freiuent ca-ist of ioea to farmers in the West, have never been known in this resfiou. The country ia intera;:er £ ed with Ixautiful Laltes, whichabound in Fish, and Wild Fowl are plent uu1. The Land 'an be made to piy from 1:.S to £ 12 r^er acre, with certain cro>-ecentlv ir>:r■••dneed. or sav a profit of from ONE HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER CET. ON THE TOTAL OUTLAY, 80 THAT WITH £ 1,000 CAPITAL, PROPERLY JJANAGKD, FROM £ 1,000 TO Z2,000 PER YEAR CAN BE RtALISED, And proportionately br Jarer am unf of capita. as to which full particulars, giving details of the farming, ctc will be furnished to applicants but no one is ad' ised to attempt the business with less titan £ 500 capital. Concerning the Land, Ac applicants will be referred to His Excellency the Governor of the State, and to prominent Bankers, .Merchants, aud others, in London, Liverpool, New York, Saint Paul, aud elsewhere, and as to the profitableness of farming there, to parties who have purchased Land, and are now work- ing their Farms. For full particulars call upon, or address Tllli AMERICAN LAND COMPANY, 138, FLEET-STREET, LONDON. 059 MESSRS. W. H. SMITH & SON deliver the SOUTE If ALUS DA1H' XJIWS at an Kariy Hour e&ch Korntng in all parts ol Uie toUowing Town*;— CARDIFF SiVAKiiiiA NEWPORT BOATH MKBTHYR POKTOKEWBTT each Korntng in all parts ol Uie toUowing I'o CARDIFF SiVAKiiiiA NEWPORT ROATH MKBTHYR POKTOKEWBTT CANTON ABERDARE BRISTOL DOCKS PONTY POOL ROAD HEREFORD BRIDGBND N t: W MILPORD aLoucfltATKR NE 4TH PEMBROKE DOCK LAMPCTKR LLANBLLT TBSfBY ABEIR YST WITH I HAVlHIFORDWEST CARMARTHEN The CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any Address in the above-named Towns. ORDERS to be aent to the Managers o the various Bookstalls rTUlE MIDLAND WAGONS COMPANY, X MIDLAND WORKS, BIRMINGHAM. MANUFACTURERS OF RAILWAY CARRIAGES AND WAGONS Of every description, for Cash, do.-t-i-fd payment over a teries 01 yogr. or oil hire. Repairs by contract, or otherwise, executed at tbe following Etatioub Aberdare Ru, by. Brent Junction. Rtaoing. Chetit r. Rouiid Oak. Crewe. I Shrewsbury. Chesterton. stavelsy. Gloucester. St. Helen's. Hereford. Stoke-on-Trent. ¡ Leicester. I Tot<m hidrn^a London District. '.Pwy,, ell. Weldnsboro'. NEWPORT (Mou.) Wednesbury. Worcester. Nottingham. Wigston Junction. Peterborough. Pontypool Riad. And the DOCKS, CARDIFF, and PENARTH. Seconrl-haad Ooal, Coke, aad ironstone Wagons for Saie or Hire, including Repairs. D. N. ARNOLD, Manager. 269-2042 E. JACKSON. Secretary. RUPTURES.—BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT l'erft;<.t..J. Kiia Exitibitad in the Ureat Fihibitious 01 1851 and 1662. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is v v ailoivad by upwards of 600 Meilieal Man to be the most effective invention in the amative traataaant of HEitNIA. The use of a steel spring, so hurtful In its sfiecta, s here avoided; a Soft bandage being worn round the booy, while the requisite resitting power is snppUad by ths MOC-MAIN PAD and I'ATJfiNX LEVER, fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, snd may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be hail, and the Truss (which cannot fail to ft) for- ward by post, on the cireumforence of the bedy, two inehee below the hips, being sent to the Manufacturer. Mr JOaN Witfl'E, 2tit, PICCADILLY. LONDON. Prios of a Single Truss, 16s, Sis, 20a S<J,and Sis 6d. Postage tree. Double Trufs, Sis 6d, 42s, a.;d but 6<1. Poetege free. Ar Umbiliwl Trate, 42s, and ble Od. Postage free. Post-offlee Oriiera to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Posfc office, Piccadilly. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, Ac. The material of whieh these are made is reeomaeeuded by the Paeultr as being peculiarly elastic and compressible, and the beer Invention for (living skelent and permanent support n all cases of Weakness, and Strel iny of ifn Lug, Variett* Vtint, Spraint, Ac. it is porous, Iii.bt in t-exture, and inexpensive,and III drawn on like an ordinsiy stocking. Prices, 4s 8d, 7s 6<1, 10s, and 1. each postage free. MANUFACTURER: JOHN WH1TI5. 228- PICCADT: LY. LONDON. 60. R. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. Ask your Chemist or a copy (GRATIS) of the last owtion, containing P", R. ROOK E'S ANTI-LANCET. All Invalids should read the Chapter oil the functions of Digestion, showing by what process food is con- verted into Blood-ilow biood sustains the whole system-how Nervous Power influences all the bodily organs to perform their allotted fnuct.ion- Principles of Life and Death unfolded-Dying seldom accompanied with pail1-Mell1 vision amplified prior to tne death of the body-Immortality of the nteiligent principle. Oooo-S ANTI-LAN GET. The Nervous, the Dyspeptic, or the Hypochondriac, should rsaa tho Chapur on the Origin of all Diseases from Depression of Nervous or Vilal ilowur-Bow explained—Producing or exciting causes of Nervous Depression—Eltects of the Mind on the Body- iifiecta of Excessive Joy—Anger-Grieiand Suspense —Sudden Surprise and Fright—Hard Study—Hot Relaxing Fluids—Intemperance in Eating and Drink- uiy—spirituous Liquorø-Losø of Blood-Impure Air Dr IIOOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. Kead the Chapter on Uie Destructive Practice of l.iet'duij,, illustrated by the caves of Lurd Byron, Sir Walter JSCOtt, Madame Matibran, Count Cavour, General "Stonewall" Jackson, aud other public characters. kt 0 0 K E 8 A N TI-L A N C E T JL/ A Clergyman writing to Dr. Rooko, under date July 15th. 1874, speaking of the" ANTI-LANCET, "says: Of itli atylc audmatVir I c&n for I have beon an author on other themes for ''urty yeaj-s. None but a maater-mind among men could have conceived or written your intro«iuction. It ie most jierfeot (te- ioiwion i. ever rt.i ef the human fnme, and the I Jinks between the mRteral fabric and the spiritual unison of body and iijal" DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. OR, HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Can be hadGRATli of ail Chemists, or POST FR&2 trolli Dr. ooKe, 1:slJrI"" Dkt. ITUOILA'S ANTI-LANCET. What is it f A Handy Guide to Domestic Medicine Every Household should uossesa a co .r. QROSBY 'S BALSAMK; JOUGH ELIXIR. C- ROSBY;S BALSlllIC COUGH ELIXIR. Opiates, Narcotics, and SqniUe are too often iuvoktd to give relief in doughs, Colds, and all Pulmonary Disease* Instead of such la:ikciuus remedies, which peLu. momenwry relief at expense of enfeebiim; the djgeEL,e organs, all,, ;«aj iucreasmsr that ue bility which lies st ijiu root of the 8Wooilidy, modern Bcitiice powts to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR II. the true romedy. I) R. ROO K E' SAN T I-L Å..N C T.- All who wish to preserve health, and thus prolog life, IioUid read DH. KuOK&S ANTI-LAKCET or HANDY NULDETO DOMESTIC MEDICINE, which can be had UKATio from jwy Chemist, or Poet Free from Dr. KOOKJB, bcarboi jugh. Concerning this b'>ok, tne late eminent author, Sheridan Knowleo observed •" It will bean incalculable boon to every Demon who can read and tuink." ^^ROSBY'S~BALSAl^nO COUGH" ELIXIR. Dr. Room's TMiuoyiafa. Dr. ROOKE, Soarborougb, Author of the "Anti- LAneet," .T have repeatedly on how very rapidiy and intrariabiy it subdued Ceugh, Pain and Irritation of the Cheat, in cases of PuJuiocary Consumption and 1 can, with the greatest oonliocnoi recommend it as a tost valuable adjunct*«o an other. w"4e strcngthenine treatment for this tLee-tee." rfRCSBY'S BALSAMIC OOUGil ICLEEUX- \j CLERGYMEN, SlNGEltS, and PUBLIC 8PEAKESS will And it the mtvst effectual safeguard against HoarMeneas, Chronic Bronchi tin, and all aflectiom of tb. vocal organs. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR, <L/ TRAVELLER: SPORTSMEN, JCMiORANTS, and others, exposed to suuden ohangss of tempeniturt easterly winds, fog, wet clothing, Ac., may, by a timely d »ee of Hujt medicine, ward 011 all nnpleasant consequences. riROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELLXCEL PtiI'MOSART UONStmrilO*. To those who ra aufiering under this maiadr the medicine will be ouud of mesumable service, as it nimost instant ly re 1 eves the most distressing ùouiA, Pain in tho Chest, D> ificulty of Breaming, &c, tne Night Sweats, so fearfully weakening jrj thi disease, it acts as & specific, invariably ai e^jn! the- ill. ths course of a few davs. = riROSBY'S BALSAMIO COUGH ELIXIR. This medicine, wicn is free from opluw and squilla. not only allays the I- ,eaI irritation, but mprc cs digestion and strengtht us. tne constitution. Jtls used with the most nigual success in ASTWü, CONSUMPTIVE NIGHT BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, DIFt 1LLLTY OP BR&ATHTjjq COUGHSAN D boLDS, PAW IN THE; CHEST, *0* tNPLUKNZA, W INTER COUGH And All Affections of tbe TbLroht ai,i Cheat ^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is gold in bottles at is. 3d., 4s. 9d., and 11«. aach, bv all reepeotabls Chsmisw, and wUolesal# by jA4. « c.ROSbY, Chemist, Scarborotveh. /^IiOSBY'S BALSAMIO COUGH ELIXIR, c.ROSbY, Chemist, Scarborotveh. /^IiOSBY'S BALSAMIO COUGH ELIXIR, Ask your Chemist for the New Edition (MR^IS) oi 1 Crosby's Prize Treatise on DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS," containing full and pisin instructions for the re'.la? and cure o! these diseases, or Potit Free trota JAMES M. CROBY, Chemist, Scarborough. _u_. ep.oRBre BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR V CMIfcseMahwd attU fltsalm MM MSI THE LATE FIRE IN WINE-STREET. S. BURMAN Has muefc pleasure in informing bis Oostomers and tke PBMis generally tliat he'has RE-OFBKED HIS SHOP With a newly selected Stock of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES and CHAINS, GOLD JEWELLERY of the Beat Quality and Design. SILVER and ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. Regretting the unavoidable delay, and trusting that :t has caused ns inconvenience, he begs to solicit a oontiauanca of their iavours. 9, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL. a2 URNITURE VANS! FURNITURE' X1 valigi ROBERT BOND, GENERAL CARRIER AND RAILWAY AGENT Kemoves Furniture, Pianos. Pictures, Glass. Ac., in Vans specially built for that purpose, from House to House, by Read, Rail, or Sea, to or from ail paite of thi Kingdom or the Con- tinent. ESTIMATES FREE. FURNITURE WAREHOUSED. ——— 4792 For Terms apply at Brad Office, Newtown Station, Cardiff. 2571 MERTHYR A (J E N 0 Y YON THS "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" airp "CARDIFF TIMES." kro JONES, Newsagent, to., 107 and 109, HIGH-STRBKT, hTHYR, Wholesale acd Retail Agent for the "Sou h Wales Daily News and Cardiff Times." The paperipromptly ILDO reg larlr supplied to any addi-. IL ADVERTISEMENTS received np to Six o'clock each evening or insertion in the next morning's issue. TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH! — MR HOLLAND, Dentist, 11,. Nelson-street, Swansea, m,i- pl f8 exquisitely ename led Artificial Teeth, made only of the liest ILI, d finest materiud-, of good andsound workmanship, atpriceathat will defy competition. I. T. h. will guarantee perfect fit, com- fort, aatllf&ction, and articulation in ail cases, however difficult. Teeth, from ÓL: Sets, from st4. N.B.—Attendance the second and Jourth Thursday in every month at Mr. A. Allan's, Medical Herbalist Market-street, Aberdare. 2118 rpHE RIGHT THING IN THERIGHT PLACE. BEECHAMS PILLS. Art admitted by thousands to be worth above a guinea a box for Bilious and Nervous Disortlen, luch aa wind and pain in tbe stemxeh, sick beadache, gidiiasas, fullness, and swelling after rneal^, d.zzinese and drowsiness, col ? chill,, flushing of heat, loss or app«<iu, shortness of breath, costiveneas, scurvy and blotches ef the skia, disturbed sleep, friKhiful dreams, and a l nervous and trembling senaations, etc., etc. Tne first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is DO fiction, for tfeev have dons it in tt-eusasuJs of cases. The Proprietor of theM Pills having obtained (at great expanse) a Patent for them, be challenges the whele world to produce a medicine te equal them for the above-named complaints, and lettering the patient to aeund and lasting health. Every tutered Is earnestly invit- d to try one box (t these Pills and they will ba acknowledged to be WORTH A QUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry oft ail gross humours, and open all obrtructieos, and bring about ali that is required. N. female should be withaut them. ihere is bo medicine to be found equal to BFXCB A, 8 PiLLS for removing any obstruction or irregularities ai the sys- tetn. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they wiL soon restore females cf ail ages to sound and robust health. For & weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they ret liks ',MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important ergans in the human iniskixts. Tfcey strenthen the whale mwcuiar system, restore the lung lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, aad arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, Ue whole physiual energy of tbe human frame. These are I-FACI,S- admitted by thousands, embracing all cl.e. of society, And one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and debilitated is, BEECHAM'5 PILLS have the largest Saie of any Patent Medi- cine in the world. atizaaws MAGIC COUGH PrLLi. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Aovbma, Difficulty in breathing, shortness of Breath, Tightness aDd Oppression of the Chest, Wheeaing, etc., there Pule staads unnva lea and any on" labouring under the above complaints need only try ON K BOX to prove that they ara the It ever offered to the public for As.lunatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and oppreision of he Chest. They speedily remove that sense of Oppresslen and Difficulty of Breathing wh c'n night y deprive tba patient of It St. They wiU give almoit instant reLef and comfort to those sfHieted with I he above distrets:nk' and, ween fttrlect4(i dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the abeve complaints give BEKCBAto'U COUGH PILUt trial, and they will act like Magic. The most violent Cough will in a shmt time be removed. CAUTION.—The Publie are requeeted to notice that the words Beecham's Pi It, St Helens," aie ou lhtl Govornmant Stamp affixed to each Box ol the Fii is, If not on, they are a onrery. Prepared on'ty, ard told Wholesale and Retail, by the Pro- pria or, THOMAS BEECHAM, St Helens, Lancaihiie, in Boxes, Is l^d and ia fid each. Sent Post Free for 15 or 36 Stamps. bold bv all Druggists and Pauat Medicine Dealer/- >n the United Kingdom. N.B -FLLL DIRECTIONS ARK GrVE WIT. EACH btix lONES'S HEAL-ALL OJNTMENT. U (Titt'o Mark—RegisKTEC,) OR EVaRY MAN'S FBI AND? THB BEST APPLICATION KNuWN for Scvxifula- Diiaaeas, and Sores of all kinds. It cures Old Sorts, Ulcerated Sore Lep. It cures Ulceiatou Sores on ty-O Bead Pad Nock. It cures B'a.ckh"a11, or Pijmp « on the Pace. It cures ovurvy bores, Gansarena Ulcers. It cures Burns aud Scaldj, Ringwerm, itch, Klea. It cures Weak and -"lery Kyeft It cures bed and Mere E veiids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Moving tipeca or Floating Bodies before the IveS. It cures Catai acts and Partial Blindness. It cures Obscuiity ot Vision and Dimness. It cures Children1* Sore Evoa Wt after Heeales- It allay, UflammatioB m a few toum, and soothes pain veiT quickly. tH.la in pois Is. l^d.. *8. SW., and 4a. tid. WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIHER JONES & CO.'S UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Mark—" PuriA Kixtg.e." tor punning, cleansing, aud clearmg the blood from sll putitie», arisinjr from whatever cause, and guaranteed to wi P' eparat«on in the wor!d for all eruptions of the *ot9' WM-kheads, puatul. boils, tea da. sore eyes, erysipelas, i sgrcfula, a-vvj, glandular swellings, cancerous ,*yPki)i5> »econd«7 s\mptoms, and for al, blood and ekin dietaets. For rceumaVsa. alfc' it is unequalled^for-relieving jainS and subduuig inflammation, and speedily effecting a perfect cure. unequalled^for-relieving jainS and subduuig inflammation, and speedily effecting a perfect cure. it is agreeable, paiatabki, and safe, and may be taken at all season -nd under auj circumstaucas. Sold m hoUies *?i .7 and ia coses (east aiding six i^es the quaiiti-.y), lis. tach by ad Caen,is;s ana Patent Medicine Vendors thi eughout the United Kingdom, or sent to any address on reoeipt of 27, 56, or 132 stamps. „ C O U G H c I, Q I:is I JOKES" BAT/SAM OF llORKBOONO, TOLlT, AND LIHSEED rpHE MOST. AGReSaSlE and EFFECTUAL J remedy for asthmatic and consumptive ceugiis, bronchitis, winter coughs, difficult ormthlw. whoop nti coegh, hoarse- ness, lolt8 el voice, aid all affections of the chest and iungs. One bottle in K.ost cases tdects a cuie. Price Is. ltd.. 2s. W., and 4e Cd. per bottle. 1 1 JO N R ^'S PATENT VKGETABLK PILLS FOR WIND (Reristerod^ A RE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD XSL for bad digestion, wind and pain In the stomach livet complaints, jaundice, sick headache, pains in the'chest, IQM oi appetite, pain in the bank, flatulent, griping, oolia, a sense of weight in the hack aod loh<B, darting pams i- ths legions of the heart, liver, and Sidneys, const ration pains m the thighs, somtiimts shooting down to the cii and feet, racpiession and rfttent.un of urine, plins in the stomach, and all liver cowpiiunta, rnouaaiies have been cured by these Pille, ami mMy who hare been pronounced hopeless, have been thoroughly restored to heaJth by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR BFFICACV. Sold in boxes at, Is. lid., u. 9a., iikd 4s. 6d. each Sent fatirn 3 tor lb or St; I!tampa. Soie manufacturers, W. Joaei and Co., Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. RE MA LA AB LB CURES. IWTi 1Untrrtt' "-IV«Toel, 20th March, 1S7A wiiA feelirre ot pleAEnr< wyiUi to inform yaa T ?nf^T«iNTCt JOm l«G MLXITBE and HEAL. ALL T hM aoue l<?r uf. About nix jean §&o I vu 7, Tenomu« reptfe, whu.h nearly cost me my .*> to you aad the woiid,after epaadin* over ttZL* the leg, it is now entirely nTarTiikipr »wo 4a M. pots of v eur WoRLD-FAMBD mi wmRT S? <*•" o< J">«r universal PURIFYING MlXTUB^. The trath of the tbove atateiarut aay person who wiihe* may reier to Yov very obedkat servant, Messrs. Jobas k Co. Janas bf<n. tS, MUfoord^tnet, Lerpwi, Iocawr lofed, 1871. Mr. Jones a'iGif^ Fnneddigioii,—Teisslaf law o hyfrydwoh wrth ddwyatysWo. iaeth ddirfawr eflrithioirwydd oiah Balm Peawch. Y saae va noc^ug, Øl darfu i us geeoeiaid fechan lwyc wall& ty mrwraig o arwyd blia, crygni, a llwyr golliad si We. Argymheilwn ef j hawb a boenydir gan yr anwyd. Yr eiddech yn uludd, 4 J. Moscx. Cress Poxes Cottages, Llanfair Carelaion, Welekpeol, lonawr IS, 1873 Foneddiglon,—Gyda phleser ayfrydwch yr Jdw)f vn ysgiifenn attoeh ich hjsby«u fod eich—Pelani gwjn—gwarthfawr wedi fy ngwella ya hohol—yr oedd arnaf chwant bwyd yn fv ngwely y noeon tyntal ar ol cu eymaryd,—ac yr oeddwn a medUwl lawcr tro v.-rth fyuad I'm gwe'y na boaswn byth yn codi e none, ond yn awryr w^f jn meddu ar jspryd a ohalga uewjdd, ie hoffwn ii byd wj bod am dar.ynt.—Yr eiddoch yn ddiolchgar, Meiskfi Jones aud Co. jou MSMASL Sold by all Chemists. AGISTS roa Cannurr .u. Disraior. Newport, Mr. B. Taoaaas, Llauolly, Mr. Hughes chemist, Cttwsereial-gtreet, Caraisw. Ur. ;or*& and Mr. S. Young. Merthyr, Mr. Gr.ffitbs. Cardiff, Mr. Wiil ame, Bute- Carmarthen, Sta tb & Co. street, joy, bad Coleman. Doalaia, up. Evaas. Pontypool, Stephens- Ab- rcare, r. Thomas lIril'&,tnd, Mr. Price. Llansuy, Mr. Brown. NSAtb, UF- Mayniau. i-tvit vpridd, J. Davioa. Swarj^a Mr. WilLams, 4, Ox> Mosnes Dawe A Son. fcrd-etteet. Bristol, Dudgeon. NIWTORT.—T. Edmonds, Ii, H-gh-tueet. I' faun S, C#mmor«al -street. And dealers ia patent msdieines. WKSLKUXX AGXMTS—Messrs. danger and Sous, Messrs. Barslay an4i lieiis, and Suitun and Co., London; Or direst from the hoprce\.t)ra (for value in t';amfS), ¡ WILLIAM JOXtJt A CO, Qbeaais's, liT, Ores* Inward-street, Opera.¡tv. UVJlfOOfc I THE STUDlo ROYAL HERK GOLDMAN ARTIST AXD PHO'JoaaAPH^R, 15, WIN D-STREET, SWAN B FA. The only PATENTEE for the PATE T VANi:>EIi-WLYD& PROCESS. CARTES taken from 7& per dozen. OIL PAINTINGS and WATER-COLOURED PICTURES all doaa on the Premises at VERY MODERATE PiUCiSi. 10- A visit is respectfully invited. Ooen from Eight a. m. to Ten p.m. r USE ONLY FOTHERGILL'S OIOAKS. SOLD EVERYWHERE WHOLESALE, —i. feTUAF-.T-UAI L, CARDIFF m I*SE ovr,Y J^OTHERGILL'S TOBAOUO. ro,T r SOLD ETtRY\VHERK WHOLESALE —4 SlUARi-llAi-u CAHIKFF. jijlS DAVID'S PODO-YL-LIK PILLS. For Btliojsness, Constipation, and Inaction ol the Liver. In Boxes—7Jd; and Is lj;l. each. A purely vegetafcD- m^d cin?. and recommended by the MKD1CAL FACULTY. INDI3KST10X C) RED BY DAVID'S DIGESTIVE POWDFBS, In Boxes at Is. &1. nd 2" 8,1. ev, b. Pleasant to t..kt-. Sold by a:l Chtn.M s PREPARED OXLV BY JOHN DAVID, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. 76. OXFORD-STREET. S ANsEA. AND THE PHAtSE THEREOF SHALL US IS EVURYiidurj COPP, SON, & CO.'S Peerless Vegetable 1) L. L,. u b' V Antiseptic Den'.al SCALING POVVDt-u, subtle and ttower ful, luxurious, and aromatic, hat established itsc-lf with unex amplej rap diiy a sine qua non of t'u, toiler-table. Going direct to the root of disease, and e radical in .• Li. vtrv gem tf d'ecav. it obviates, aud has enii-«.ly superseded he impairinsr and trouble flOme proc:-¥a of lIJ6Chan:,C"l &i;n:. It liene3cia-.lv on tb, enamel, irresistibly- removes tartar, preserve' strengthens, and gives to teeth a dazzling pearly whit eness. Co ,umi -d applica- tion absoluUly insures to tiiem a la-tinir, healthfu ail health *51Tm £ .T' £ °ur* Although not artificially pe.nte Lit imoarts a delightful fraiTOBoe to the brra:h. Examined and recommended bY Dr. E:.so'.i Vi'iikiaecm, 9.3, Mosiev-street, Manchester and Dr- Henry Raiiiibothaiu, 10 Park-lane. Leedfe- Agent for Cardiff, Mr D. Anthony, chemist, ic., S9, St. Ma.ry St.ft, Roval Arcade, and CrockherLtuwn. Prioe, 1. Gd, 21 6d, and 5s per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, or sent-, Post Free, by the Invertor and Sole Pro- prietors, COPP, SON, & CO., 2676 DENTISTS, C, WATERLOO-ROAD, MANCHESTER. 5:41 GRIFFITHS.—There is but one GRIFFITHS G SECOND-HAND FIRE-PROOF SAFE LiiALSH tn the world. who has always the most extensive assortment of Bafes by Chatwood, Milner, and other eminent makers, at about half the price of new. A Gustantee wit* each. Illustrated Price U- Post Free. NUFTITHS. the SAFE MAN. if OANNON-bTRtET. L.C. 21 QTUBB'S MERCANTILE OFFICE O TRADE AUAIL1AJ1Y CUM PAN' lr (LIMITED) 12, GRHKHAM-STttEET, LuNDON, EC With OBices at Dublin, Glaagow, Bi-mm-hani, Liverpool Leeds Bristol, Brighton, Mamiester, Southampton, Sheffield, Norwich Newoaetlt, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh. a STUBBS* WEEKLY GAZETTE (indispensable to all trades ghring credit) eeut*i*»* list v»i al. Bankruptcies, Liqu dationa Arraitgements. Tr««steesMpe, Bflls of Sale, and ail Preferentia. Becuritiea, Oouwty Court Jud^menW, &c. DEBT RECOVtetV.—Debts recovered upon a simple and com prehet-sive system. Full pa ticuiars in Procerus. TERMS, £ 1 Is, £ 2 ^s, £ 3 its, £ 5 6n, according to reQuir?agents. PROSPECTUS forwarded on ap: u:c-.t'.on to tbe Secretary. ftubw Mereanttie Offices, 12, Greshoin-street. London E.C. CAUTION. No Office nsiag tbe name of Stubbs in the City of London, isil any-way oonaootod with the estab.ishmei.t at £\0. 12, Gresham Stroat. eocxmr of Aiasr-streot. ci ^ae to UuildbaU.. ildf To the Young Men of England who suCer from Nervous Debility Just Publisher!. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERJEXCR JL OF AN INVALID: designed ts a Warning and a Caution toe othera; supplying at the same time, tbe mrans of Self-cure. by one who has cured himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Madio4 Imposition and Quackery, t-injrle copies may be had (post free) by sefid;rr a stamped addressed envelope 14 tke Author. Awinnt DIXON. ESQ" Hounslow. near London. 6S0 THE O vFA BLoori-FeRIfnR. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS overcome the worst forms of diseases and the foulest suite of ths blood, st»*«eh. liver, and kidney they po to the core of every disease when no other medietas* have power to reach The ORBAT BLOOD PURIFIER cures the followin? COlD. platnts >•.Iadigeatioa, or wind in the rtomaeh or hawsls, triddj, ness in the head, cil.antllll of sight, weak or sore eves, loss 01 memory, palpitation of the heart, live-, and bilicu* obstruo. tons. asthina, or tilrbtn"o in the chest, rheu n,ties, iu.ha.-IO, pi1eJ, gravel, P&Iud ia the back, scurry, bad lore, bad breast) tore throat, sore heads, and sores of an deicrtption*. ',urns, wounds, or white swellings, scrofnis, ro king's evil, cat.,wiinva, tumours#r eaneers, pianptes and blo'ches on- the fare an l bodvj swelled feet, or legs scabs and itch, Erysijielas, JiuDdice, ana dmpsy, and fevers of all kind*. In boxes at la 1 i d. and 2s. 9d. each, told by most Ch- mists, ot from the Burdock Pill Manufactory, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea ANNER'S PATENT FEMALE PILLS.— This invaluable Me-iicme han relieved 'hou~ands, and <h* Pattatre, at the requesi. of many of hose besteBtoo tat-es this opportunity of making public 10 the wor,d ihis parnir,»oly ..»• icato and novirliwing remedy, which has flat ciuiriy been dascribed by a grateful recipient of its virtues the maiden's companion, the wife s frie d, and the Stay and support of i ale bea >h in oid age; not worth a Guinea a Box but a Guinea a Pi I." This truly ceutle trieed causes no sue den revo.u.ions in the sv-t, oi, but works slowly, and surely in expelling the g^oss humours ot the body, and leavne the puro princi; ie or life unfettered by disease, fctcuring the dear oonip'ex on and placid III nd inseparable fr- mbealtb in short, at once al>e\'iatirig the sufferii.gs of ho afflie-el, and uiiimately eiiecting a cure in every insiaace of however loog stanoing. The WANT throughout the land long felt bv the Facuity and their patients i* now recognised ill tidin Patent Meoicine; the false de.icacy surrounding the critical situations of tbe maiden, ths wife, and matron is now at once removed, mil not to iissit the use of this invaluable d:o. ov, ry to any class the price i8 •urpoeety fixed so as to be accessible to all. 1 be object of tbe Patentee is tosavetbis wholesome, natural, and !i?e-uv:jnrating ■tedicine from bein^ confjundc-d wiai the evtoitionate empiricism of the day, as he does not lidiculo.sly vaui.t it a pMtcetfof "all the ills that fco-i is heir to," Out (-in pi.v for what It is intended, an apurely thcrjpeu ica! aycr.t in pre eroins; and turinst complaints in wnmtn subsecutive to heir position in life. The Patentee is grulfied 111 receiving daily tkaukful acknowledgments from eratcful recipients from P,71 pans. Copy of Medical Certifl^»t«o and Tes.uuor.ials. •' Liverpool, Novrmbt-r 12th, 1874. Having carefully examined Mr. Parmer's Fcuiuic dlllt with rtftrenee to their ingredients and proprlit-, .n having had ara of ontni,n thaty while perfectly safe and exempt from injurious subsiances, tbov are well calculi tec. to be very bencficiai as a bousehoild aiedieino in the numerous class of disordors "nd ailments to which the female constitution is more peculiarly lis.b e. "A. MCLCLLAH, LAC.S Edinbugh. and L.S A., Lnnilon eight > oars bouse surgeon Southern Difpenssry, Pubiic Vao. einstor, and Parish Doctor for L verp i L" Copy of a Certificate from a Physician and Surereotu II I have examined the comoositisn and properties of Me Banner's Female Pi.Is, and I am satisfied and abie to ce-tify that thiy are oi ..eau-able ingredients, and likeh to be benc3c al in Many cases. There is nothing- doicietio-m in the properties 4 tha composition, and they may be safely u,3d by delicate females JOHN II. CointCT YorKG, Lit.. Roy. Coi. Phys., Edin., lit. 144, Phmthian-stroet, Liverpool, 17th September. lb7C" Marvellous Cure of a hopeless case, gives rt,- by four experienced Povsiciaiis and Surgeons. Cepy of the grat- ful Mother's Testimonial. "My daughter, ELL-N WOODS, Mab-lane. West Derby, snfiered five months, end was attended by focr different strgooni aad pkyetotans without, auy ber e 't, wben we tri'd Baarver't Pateat Female Pills. The first bor- relieved, ar-d the sixth box eoaspletely restored her to health, to the great happiness of has family." rtt prevent imposture, and to save the public from having Worthiest spurious imitations foisted upon thein, the Pills lIIIO sold only in Government stamped boxes, at Is lid aad 28 oach, and on rec-ipt of either s-um, with Id for postage, a box coa be forwarded to any address direct irom the Patent PM Manufac-ory, 66, Boclar street, Liverpool. Should your Chemist not have them in stock, he will procure the. if requested. Messrs. Wxwnr's Aire Co., Coventry, Wholesale Agents for tha Midland District. Q'I4! ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 FILLS is wai* ranted to cure all discharges frern the uriuarr organs In either sex, acquired or constitutional, citve., and pains in the baul 10.4 In boxes, 4s. Cd each, by all chemitts and patent medicina vendors; or seat to or,) address for otJ stamps, !,y the maker, F. J. Clarko, Consultiag Chemist, High strett, Lincoln. Wholeaale Agent*. Barolay and Soar, London. and all the whoto. sale bouses. Bold in Cardiff y Joy and Oo cma-, Chemists; Newport, E. M. TheosaS, l'l, Commerciai-str^et; Pontypool, B. Stspneua, Clarsnco-streot; L. P. Jones. Kbbw Vale A. J. Price, Bridgend; Cardiff, D. Anthony, Royal Arcade, and 39, Mary. Street, g p. Kernick, WholewUe, 28, Duke-strect. Swansea, James Hughes, 20, Castle-street; G. Price, 127, Commercial. Street. Newport, Mollo READ DR. BARNES' NEW WORK, entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH; or, th CONFIDEN- TIAL FRIEND." On tue LAWS GOVERNING LHIL. and th CAU SES, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of aU diseases depen- ding on Sxbausiina of Nervous Vitality, such ae Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpita'jon of the Hsftrt, Noises in the Head aad Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Mesiory, Indirection, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Lees of Energy and Anpe'ite, P: ins in the B ck and Limbs, Timidtty, Self-Distrust, Dlznn, Love of Solitude, Groundless Frars, and many other ailments, which, if neg- lected, bring the sufferers to an early death. Together with Hint. on Cbresie Rhusmatum, Gout, :I;curalaiL, Epi ensT 1I.ti, and all Diseases of the Nervous and Alimentary Illustrated by nunaereus te- iaonia]g {r0m gTatcfu! pVJenta Who have been rsetoied to health througU .in author's iastr» mentality. Sent post free for t stamps or by Jetter post, t stsmTiL Advice by Letter Gratis. Special advice in all disorders peen. liar to Fswales. The FK^ALF.J! FRJFN".i and ADVISER will lx> sent GKATT3 ♦o aar «4drs-_8 on RECEiFT ol STAMPED ENVELOPE.' Add-. Dr. J. A. BARNES, 48, Lons. ale Square, Barnsltury. London, N, ■" Imnortant to Country Patientc. DR. B.IENES may ba consulted personally or by letter, ta ail yrivate and cor.fit5 jutial cases; ar d tvr the bene t of Nervou« Suffe-ers who cannot vi«t» him, hf v-fll on re- eeiving a description of their case, enclosing a s'amjiod envelope for reph-, be ready t«giya his opinion upon the nature of the «ase, ana tht prinstples of tro: iment nceessary to effect a peiiect cure. Minaa^ Dr, 9. A. SAAPEN, 48, TouW&U Square Bernsburr, Lcmdon. N-