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SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS DJ not OtTTH WALES DAILY NEWS GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, SALES BY AUCTION BUSINESS ADDRESSES, &a., Ordered for two or three insertions tor" charged at tLe fwlovfft rate per insertion to Ponr T.mes Is. Od. Eleven and Twelve Lines 88. Od. Five and Six Tires Is. 3d. Thrteco A Fourteen Lines 3s. 6d. Sj>v«m and f.ight Lines 2s. Od. Fifteen and Sixteen Line* 4s. Od. ■fine aiiii Ten Lines. 2B. 6d. SeventeenJfcEjghteenLmes4o. Od. AD TRREKPENCE J'QR EVBKY ADDITIONAL LCtl. A TTagRAT. DISCOUNT ALLOWED ToB A fiRRIZ9 01 CONBXCUTTVE INBtBTIONB. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are charged at double the Dcre rate. TRADESMEN'S ADVERTISEMENTS and BUSINESS AN. NOUNCEMENTS of all kinds, when ordered f a month and Upwards, are subject to special terms xceording to the number of Insertions and tha space occupied PUBLIC NOTICES, LsoKh NoTicna, NOTIca by CoIL FORIRIUNH, LOCAL Bo ARE a, POOR-LAW GUARD LAX S, and SCHOOI. GoAICOA, an i ELgenon ADDRSSSBS (Town Councils and Local Boards,) are charged at the rate of Sirrsxce per line for eaeh in- lertion PRotfPE'TU-E5 of PUBLIC COMKAXTSB are charged at the rate Of NmiRntNCS per f ijie for earh insertion. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION NOTICES, PARUAMSNTAiiT Not cps and OovmuniBXT Alven'nSKJfV.NTS are charged at tke Tate of Can SHILLISU pet line i or each INSERTION. CEEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS are usiertedin this Journa at the following tariff!— i No. of One Three Six Words. Insertion.! Insertions.! Insertions. Tiro Lines 18 OB. 6d. I Is. Od. 1B. 6d. Three Liaea 27 OB. 9d. la. 6<1. 2m. 3d. FOUR Liaeg 36 la. Od. 2s. Od. 3B. Od. ur Liaeg 36 Is. Od. 2s. Od. 3B. Od. FIVE Liiaa 45 la. 3d. 2a. 6d. 3B. 9d. Six Lines 54 la. 6d, 3S. Od. 4a. 6d. Eachaud itional ine 9 OS. 3J. 09.6*1 (OB. >D. aage "&res apply only to the classes oi advertisements apeci-" fled ^cii. w, ai>il are strictly confined to those which Are r AID FOR I"RKU..I,» TO i-N a mitrion a" propaid, they will be charged bj thejperernl seaie:— APARTVBNTS WASTSD. MOIBT WATTB. APAHTSIRNTS TO BB LBC. MHOKLUUTBOCS W AIMS. ABTICLM LosT. PARTXBRSHIPS SVAUTID. ARTICUS FOUSD. SITUATIONS WAKWD. Bcansiasas 10 BA SOLB. SITUATIONS V AO. EOUSKP TO sa SOLD. SALM BT P arv AiaCowj^CT. Parties answering Advertisements m the South WnltH Daily Beta are requested to attend to the following explanations :— Address 50 an initiator number) az zhe Office vicAaatJat appu- lanon must be by letw oniy, directed to he initial or aembft. the Daily tug utiice (sa A. B. c., or No. UIS, Daily -Now omce). Arpij at the Daily News Office" means thatpersonal appli tation must be made at the Daily Neue Office, where the ad- dress ot the Advertiser will be given. Persons answering Advertisements are stongly advised not to send original testimonials, but corns OIlLY. The coiumna of the Daily News being of full newspaper width, persona sending Advertisements in manuscript may setrimste the s.ace they will occupy by calculating nine words to a line, and twelve linas to an inch. While we use o-ir utmost endeavours to insert Advertisements oi the dates crdered, we cannot guarantee that this wulkb o done. Great care is also used to secure the correct printing ol Advertise- mems, but we cannot be respoibe for inaccuracies, or for any sooacquences arising therefrom. etecuef and Post-office Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SONS. 75 & 76, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, to fhom all Business Communications should be addressed. Letters containing Nsws or LITSRARY CONTarscTTOws Should be addressed TrTie EDrmp- Sot"A Walet Daily New, CARDIFF." EDUCATIONAL. %TTT'ANTED, in the country, a LADY to Teach several little f f Girls for Five Hours Daily. Enjf'ish, French, Music, ind Drawing. Harmonium, and Church Choir. Apply to the Vicar, Llasgan, VV hitlanri, R.S.O. 7741 -I HOUTHAND.-PITIdAN'S MTEM TAUGHT-i. class, 10s. 6d.; private, 158. per quarter.=-Addrela, Zxoolsior," Post-office, Cardiff. 7632 MATRIMONIAL. MATRIMONIAL.—A respectable, pious Lady, highly in- te.liir^nt and educated, with good looks, wishes to share the mental labours, as the loving helpmate, in speedy marriage, of a Clergyman, with smali private raaan* preferred, about 40. Th;s being in strict bona-fide confidence, aav feigning the cl:ru treated accordingly. Referesoes and carte required.- Mai ah, General Post Office, Bath. 7624 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. W' ANiED, a GROOM and GAKDENEK,where a boy is kept, to attend to kitchen garden, Sower garden, and lawn, and to take charge of a hone. Within three miles of Cardiff. Wages £ 1 per week. Apply to J. Jones, Glanynant, Fairwater, near C'ardirf. 7701 HOU-s c.KEEPER (Working) WantedJ Apply, stating refer- JLJL oncei as to character and ability, to E., 9 Wetttm Mail Olfice, Cardiff. 7760 C<AHD!FF ~INFIRMARY. — WANTED, Immrdiateiy, a Respectabla Y0U:>G VVOMAN about 25, as Probationary Nurse. Wi;es u>wnencing at £ 12 per year with unifonu, board, and '.vwhing.—A(>ply personally to the Matron. 7736 WA"- lEDimnediasely, an experienced COOK, asGENESAL TV SERVANT. Respectaulv connected. Good references. —Address, 48, High-street, Newport, Mon. 7699 C1 EN;:RAL >SEKVANT, where another is kept. Good char- acter indispensable.—Apply to Mrs. Kernick, St. Andrew's- place, 7621 WANTED, a GENERAL SiRVAM'. Good character indis- prnsable.—Apply, between the hours of 2 and 0 p.m., at N". a, Elv-road, Canton. Cardiff. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, a MANAGER for the Mumbles Skating Rink, to be opened early in Ju ,e. He will be requirad to devote his whole time, and a t as collector, and assist generally. He must be a man of obli^iugma.inerg,and one who" character will bear the strictest investigation. If married, and without incum- brance, Wife m .;ht act as Housekeeper, and have charge of Refro,shincnt-)m &c. Modera.e rxiary only. Apply in first instance bv letter ooly, in own handwriting, with testimonials and experience, and statijag salary required,to the Mutubles tilak Company, 3, Rut arid-street, Swansea, 7768 EDTCAL.-Wanted. ASSISTANT, in a colliery and iron- 1, works district, with qualification preferred.-A,Idress Dril. Reea, Cwmaruman, arniaithei-ghire. 7757 TOTAlLORES'iES.—Wanted to work a Howe Machine; jL Tiv.istjo^t pref.rred.—Address, stating walee, Dyfor, Borough Arms, St Mary-ste6t, Cardiff. 7787 WANTfCD immediately, APPRENTICES to the Dress and Mautie Making —Aptly 7, Mark-street, Cardiff. 7707 TO MILLINERS.-Want-d, an experienced HAND with A good t<s:e.—Appiy, stating particulars, to li. Edwards, iraper, ilerthyr. 7736 -as BOY E6 warehouse, a sharp L-Ad, WANTED, as OFFICE BOY lor a warehouse, a sharp Lad, T V about 15. Must write agaodand rapid hand.—Apply, Stating particulars and wages expected, to Box 17, Post-otfice, Care iff. 7688 A GOOD MILLINER Wanted immediately. Must be able to A M ve well at Counter.—Apply to Thomas Griffiths, Ystaly- feia. 7M C. ARPSTEil.S, BRICICLAYT-BS, MASONS, NAVVIES, and C Ou-doar LABOURITES WANT AD for Australia. Good wa.ifea cheap living. Pissa^e, pro visions, and ship's outfit fre«J —Addres- Austral.Agency, Cordovs-road, Greve-road, Bow, London, E* or Mr O. B rd, But^-gtreet, Cardiff. 7607 YT* tVA^S, London tii.use, LianeK/, has vacancy for a 1 19 young1 person o? ability rs first SALESWOMAN in the Millinery ard Fancv Department She rcust speak Welsh Reiereuco req'aired from Imt employer. -Apply, personally or by post, as above, ;iN-ing particulars.—Also a youth as an AP- PRENTICE. 7684 TO GP.OCERS.—'iVanted, immediately, Second COUNTER- MAS in Grocery and Provision Trade.—Apply T. B. !'rotter, Col. (or.). Giouceetershire. 7658 WA2v rZD, a WAUEH jUSEMAN must be a quick and VV oaieful packer. Also a steady YOUTH 31 Light Porter, —Apply, Kercick and Son, Cardiff^ 7038 IRONMONGER'S ASSISTANT and APPBENUCS Winte(L- JL Apply, E. Herne, Cardiff. 7669 WANTED imm'diately, a JtJNIOR~ASSI3tAN'T"to the o-oeery and Provision trades. Good reference re- quired.— Apply to J. Daniel, Abersychan. 7052 HARNESS )LŒ.P:RS.-Wanted, a good light HARNESS -M-JL M-vKER; constant employment for a steady man.- Ada SS3j bv letter, to Samuel Rudge, 44, Higla-atreet, Dudley. 7647 WANTED. II. Good JOB PRINTER, who thoroughly under. stands his business.—Apply to Thomas Jonet and Co., S, wtian-s.reet, Cardiff. 7047 D 'RAPtRY.-W.t,,d a steady Young Man, as ASSISTANT. —Apply, slating salary, itc., to E. E. Wat keys, Brecon. 7624 ^o PLUMBERS.-Wanted a gooJ^ steady PLUMBER. employment, and good wages.—Apply to & r. uweu, Snowdon-street, Portmad .o. 7(J35 A^D lfANTLE-MAKING.—Wanted good Hail n ,O'HANPS, as above, out-oe ars.— Apply to Samuel ■^ail, Oa.Tljo, H^ti-Htr^t, Cardiif. 7686 ^ROCEIiY.—War.ttd immediately, a YODNG MAN of good tr^e. must be well up in the Ready Money trade.-A. ply to John j0Ilts, 86, Commercial-road, Newnotl — • 76S) X)Rfn>^mntdia.'«tiTA^S"—C" A'cerystwith, is tei^man l' ,r erienced YOUNG MAN. Gocd SX? eiasr mdwp«nsaWe. Welsh, b ate par- 7435 m*7Jto twoTond^nltf^ ^Itsp^tSlSn.8^^ AUTHORS Wanted as CONTRIBUTORS. SpecT- men magazine and particiilara forwarded lor a^v*n 4*78 AGENCIES, TRAVELLERS, (fee., J 4 COLLIERY PROPRIETORS.—A firm orCcMd~Azenta^w«n V-/ known ou the Lijndon Market, can represent a VV«i«h Co.liery.— Atidre-s "Carbon," care of Me«srs. Howard. Jon and Pa.kg, Cullum-street, London, E.C. 7747 a GKN'TS WANTED for the RdYTL LONDON FRIENDLY i*. SOCIETY; liberal terms.—Address, Superintendent 51 Upt-arThomM-a r'.et, Murtbyr Tydfil. 7726 WANTKi), AGENTS of position, having influence amon* T Owners and Quarry Masters, to solicit orders for Too s and Siore generally, likewise. Explosives for Blasting purpose*. Good Coinmissions.-Aplply, "Be: a," Buih Is.,tef ti< 7703 WANTED a steady, persaverins; TfeA^iLLES for Fwana^ L1-11 WANTED a steady, persaverins; TfeA^iLLES for Fwana^ uistncu; must be well acquainted with the trade of the ^cigfcDourheod, ana able to trivo security.—Apply to Kernlck uia jjon. Caidiff.. jua A GENTS WANTED to Sen JEWELLERY, WATCHES, and f\. MIKMINGHAM GOODS. New Sp tialities! Wholesale Bock Pe6t-free,—Apply Henry May, Birmingham. 6155 A" GENTS~ WANTsF ev^rvwliere, to sell lonr NEWLY" PATENTED ARTICLES" of general uMlity, as under: The i!r.iijwe Caipet Sweeper, Standard Safety Tap, Universal Fruit and Vegetable Peeler and Eclipse Curry Comb and Scraper combined. Above will command alurge and ready sale. Good salary ami commission given to pushing mon.-Apply to Smith and Richer, manufacturers and patentee, Colchester, Eng- and. n8 T3R0FITABLE OCCUPATION.—AGENTS Wanted, jreitest. XT op ortunitv for any one with »pare time ever known Full partienlars free. The Blake Manufacturing Company, 208 Grange Road, Bermondtey, London. 5374 JEWELLERY, WATCH«S, &c. Wholesale Illu trated Cata- logue free. AGE1TS WANTED. Charles Pare and Co., 87, Lozells-rovd, Biimingham. 7004 AGEIITS Wanted.—For increase of income or permanent employment, our terms are most liberal and without risk. Address, J. F. Wei's and Ca, 88, Senshaw-itreet, Liver- pooL 7056 YXTATCHES, CHAINS, Ac., CATALOGUE WITH EN GRAY- ▼ T ING3 Free. AGENTS WANTED.—JAMW SUOIOHS, 2S, F.igrbaaton-strset, Birmiughasa. 25^3 A' GENTS WASTED to Sell JEWELLERY, WATCHFS, and VARIOUS GOODS. Wholesale Book sent Post Free. Apply Berridge & Co., Merchants, Birmingham. 7428 nn WEWLY and UPWARDS may be EASILY and HONESTLY REALISED by persons of EITHER SEX, without hindrance to present occupation.—Enclose, for particu- lars and sample, IS stamps (returned if deaiEpti), addressed, EVAN8, WATTS, and COMPAKY, Merchants, Elfchange Build- ngs, Birmingham.—This is irenuine. 4003 A6ENTS WANTED everywhere. Salary and Commission. £ 4 weekly easily realised.—Address, D.N. Langstaffe and Co., York. 5107 LODGINGS, APARTMENTS, &a. SUPERIOR APARTMENTS, in a quIet family, for ooe or two Gentlemen. Apply, X, Pcst-offlco, Carduf. 7751 TO LET, Furnished APARTMENTS for one or two Gantle- men. One or two BEDROOMS.—Apply 7, Mark-street, Cardiff. 7700 Cardiff. 7700 A PARTMENT8 FURNISHED, for a Lady~Geutlemaa, or /x Lady aad Gentlsinaa.—14, Wood vills-terrace, Cattiays, Cardiff. 7693 T>ARK VILLA. -To be Let, FURNISHED APARMENTfS, JT containing eight bedrooisa and three sitting-looms, near CTswell Bay. with a splendid sea view.—Apply to Mrs. Tucker, Park Villa, Caswell Bay, near the Mumbles. 7646 APARTMEMT8 TO LET, with the attsntion and comforts of a Home. -Apply,Ormonde-house, Dumfries-plaoe, Cardiff. 7626 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTLD, about Three Tonsof CONTRACTORSRAILS, t51ba or lOibs par yard. Apply Crswn Brick Company, Shirehampton, 7748 _T)q AAA required by Bethlehem Baptist Church, Tyne- db/W; WW wydd, Ogmore Vale. Interest, A per cent per annum. Apply to J. Williams, Grocer, Tyne wydd. 7744 SWANSEA.—Wanted, to PURCHASE TWO "HOUSES mall, or one large. —Address W. 0. A., South Walts Daily A etc* Omee, Swansea. 7700 RBNTS and DEBTS COLLECTED on new and easy terms.— Apply, Rent Collector, South Walet D»ly Hew* Office, Swansea. 7654 — mo TRADESMEN,—A BOOKKEEPER, who has spare time,, JL is open to AUDIT or IKEP TRADESMEN'S ACCOUNTS. Terms moderate. Auditor," Post-office, Cardiff. 7633 T) SIMPSON, PUBLIC AOCOUXTA*T and AUDITOR, 2, Stuart- XV« street, Docks, Cardiff, is prepared to undertake the OPENING, EiSEPING, or AUDITING of BOOKS, and the preparation of periodical balanoo sheets tor merohaats cr trades- men in town and oounity. Moderate eiuurge*. TO BE LET—HOUSES, LAND, &c. CARDIFF.—A semi-detached VILLA, near Tredegarvills, To BE LET. Good garden; early possession; reut £ i £ .— Apply to Messrs John Jenkins and Co., Ifigh-gt, Cardiff. 7664 rbe LET, with early possession, a vary commodious FAMILY RESIDENCE, on the sea coast, within easy ce of Cardiff. It stands on an eminence overlooking the Channel (of which It commands picturesque views), in its own grounds, which are three acres in extent, tastefully planted and laid out, and includes lawn, shrubberies, well-stored fruit and flower gardens, and orchard. The house contains 3 reception rooms, 11 bedrooms and dressing rooms, extensive and well- arranged offices, and excellent detached two-stalled stable, large loose box, cosch house, harness room, and loft.-For particulars, apply te W. P. fctephenson, 21, Queen-street, Cardiff. 7675. EWPORT, Mon.—To LET, ELLESMERE HOUSE, a ccm- modious and desirable Villa Residence, witlx Oardeu. mautifuuy situated. Vine view of the ChanneL Gas and water.- Apply E. J. Cox Davies. EIq., Ellssmere House, Newport. 7668 SAUNDERSFOOT.—A neat VILLA RESIDENCE, coounand- in(B(avi*W (& KOCOH), at grantM oot, -KM* fmby, Furnished, to be LET for the summer months, from 1st of July until 2§th of September.—For farther information, apylv to A. B. C., Sauudersfoot, near Tenby, Pembrokeshire, R.h.0. 7178 TO LET, NEWTON VILLA, Oaklleld-street, Roath. Rent moderate.—Apply to Hill, Hopkins, and Co., Auctioneers and Accountants, 5, Qaeen-street, Cardiff. 7365 m0 be LET, with immediate possession, a 7-roomed DIVELL- I LING-UOUsE, situate at Penmaen-terrace, Swansea.— Apply to Messrs 1. J. irice aud Co., CoU^e-cluuMbei's, Co.icge- streat, Swanaca. 670tt TO BE LET.—BUSINESS PREMISES, to. HOUSE AND SHOP (p ate glass front) to be Let, in one of .d the beat situations iu the Rnondda Valley, suitable for an Outfitter, Boot Warehouse, etc.-Apply to W. J. East, Mon- mouth. "\TSTRAD RHONDDA.—TO be LET, a Cerner SHOP, with X immediate possession. Gas and water laid on. Apply to ILA. Jordan, Ton, Pentre Rhondda. 7743 '|>0 be LET, Plate-glass SHOP, in Oaatle-road. Good opening X for stationer, chemist, or faucy basinets. Long lease granted.- For particulars applj to Messrs Bobbins, 1, Cagle- road, Cardill. 7714 ABEEDARE.—GROCKR'S SHOP and PREMISES to LET, in one of the best positions in the town, now in occupa- tion of owner. Immediate PosseniOn.-APPIY to Mr David Evans, Accountant, Merthyr. 7704 f|^o GROCERS.—'10 be LET, a HOUSE and SHOP at Tirphil, 1 a rising mineral district on the Rhymnoy Railway. The premises contain seven dwelling rooms, shop, store room, and cellar plate-glaes shop front, and separate entrances to house and shop. A good and paying business has been carried on over 17 laws. A good opening to a man of business habits. Weekly draws and fortnightly pays at all the works in the district.- Further particulars from John Price. 64, Churoh-street, Trede- trar. Mon. 708 EN LINE Full licensed "HOUSE" to LET; incoming about JT £ 300.—E. Panther Taj lor. Hotel Valuer, Monaaouth.76;4 ENBT,~8cuth WalesT—To LET, a CapiUl HOTiL, weU- situated, H.iing good trade.—E. Panther Taylor, Monni .uth. TO LET, with immediate peasession, ROUaK and SHOP in Neath-road, Hatod.-Apply,J. Clapp, Neath-road, Swan- Ilea. 7680 HOUSE and SHOP to LET, situate In the best part of High- street, Swansea.—Apply, Caul. V. Crabb, Central Cham- bers, Goat-street, Swansea. 7678 TONYPANF!Y. —To LET, a HOUSE and SHOP, with imme- diate possession, suitable for a Grocor, Chemist, or Tobe.cconl it. For particulars apply to K, Stephens, Tonypandy, Rhondda Valiey. 7671 TO L*T.—BASEMENT, »0 by ?0, of No. I, PEAR30N PL ACE, Bute Pocks.—Apply to Thomas Jones and Co., 3, Wnarf- street, Cardiff. 7343 TO be LET, on 7 or 14 years' lease, an old-established, double- licensed HOUSE, with small brewery attached, in aeentral position, near Aberdare; rent, £ 180; good-will required.—Apply to Thomas Phillips. Solicitor, Aberdare. 7644 rflO LET.—A Splendid HOUSE and SHOP. Greengrocery x Business. Ciifton-street, Rent, inoluding all Taxes. 12s 6d per week. Fixtures, ke about £ 18. A Bargain—Apply to James Lodge, Houie and Eitate Agent, 49, Clifton-street, Roath. 7621 TO LET, two SHOPS, la Trinity-street. Apply at Skating Rink' Trinity-Street^ Cardiff. PPyatattwmg TO LET,-A HOUSE and SHOP, containing U rooms, with oven and bakehouse. Coachhouse aad stable can be added at a small outlay. Rent only £ ~0 per annnm.—Apply to Mr White, builders -iswanso&- 7161 TO BE LET, all that well-known Hotel, the OCSAN HOUSE, the Leys, Aberthavr, near Cowbridge, now doing a good trade. Satisfactory reasons ean t^B giveii for present cwuer Tor p»rticul»xi appl/ to Phiup WHUMM, Albion Sbwn Brewery, Oanliff, CONVENIENT OFFICES TO LET, Post-oJDee First floor. Immediate possession.—Apply to K., South Walet Dadlv Hies orlce, Swansea. W4 COAL WAGONS A COLLIERY REQUISITIES. ~a g\ Xearly New Flrst-elais NINE-TON COAL WAGONS TO 4V be LET on Hire for li Months.—Apply, T. Thomas, Si, West Bnte-street, Carditt. 7603 FOR SALE, a New TURN-TABLE for Colliery purposes. Apply to G. Oorp, Auctioneer, llajee, Cardiff. 6608 A SALE and HIRE, 8 and lv ton second-hand C'-1Iol and other I; kuneral WAQOLIS; also Traction Engine WAGO^S; new Ore, S-.one, Lime, and Contractors' WAGONS; new and 2nd-hand Locomotive, Portable, Pumping, Winding, and Traction ENOL'i.i!Ä!, Machinery*, Rails, Ac. Iron Ores, Engiisu and Foreign. SevonJ COLLIERIES and IRON ORE MINKS; weekly outputs 1000 to 29,000 tons. Antkracito Welsh Smokeless 8te»m and other COALS and COKE at colliery priees.—R. and F. TAYLOR, Jaine3-strcct; Bute Docks, Cardiff. i+47 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. FOR SALE, the BUSINESS of a CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, STATIONER and NEWSAGENT? m a flourishing seaport town in Glamorganshire, together -with a 14 year*'LEASE of the premises, which ero large and well adapted. Stock, Sc. at valuation. Apply to Lewis iirothers, Auctioneers, Nfath. 7755 rpo CHEMISTS and STATIONERS. A geuuine BUSINESS JL tor SALE. Ready-money. Returns good, and capabie of Increase. Improving neighbourhood.—Apply, E. Mu.len, Llantrisant, Glamorganshire. 774- F^y^'l^EN'SF.D HOUSE, Cheltenham incoming £ 10i>.— E. Panther Taylor, Mon mouth. 7694 FULL-LICENSED HOUSE for SALE, with possession doing very large trade.—E. Panther Taylor, Monmout-h. 7 'J1 flrst-clasa BTU3INES3 fer DISPOSAL, £ 200^; splendid ep^ertamty—E. Pastber Tavlor, Va luer, I BASKET AND FANCY BUSINESS, suit a Lady Stock about £ 70—&_Panther TavIjr, Auction.- or, Monmouth. 1C84 JTOR SALE—HOUSES, LAND, &c. TO be SOLD a I'argain, a 4-roompd HOUSE. Apply to Jno, Clapp, House Agent, Neath Road, Hafod, Swansea. 7697 FOR SALE, Three VILLAS situation, Cathaya purchase money, ±'300. VilU, Nort^cote-Btreet. eleven rooms, possession immediately, JE200 two houses, Clive-itroet, !810: — Ai ply tj Messrs Robbins and Sons, 1, CasCe-road, Roath, Cardiff, for ron«iitions of sale and particulars of property. 7711 FOR SALE, Two small VILLAS, in a pleasant situation, recently e ected. Terms £ 150 on depo>it, and the balince bv periodical pavments.- Apply to Mtssis Robbins ana Sons. 1, Casilc-road, Cardiff. 7708 FOR SALE, a SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE in Clifton- atreet. ierms £ S0 on deposit, and the balance by pfr:- odicti! paymen s over 30,12,14, or 1« years.— App'y to M-JS^S Robbins and Sons, Agents, I, Castle-road, Roath, Cardifi. 7700 E, TWO semi detacned VILLAS in OaUfield Ii»P. SALE, TWO semi detacned VILLAS in OaUfield street, 11 and 9 rooms respectively.—Apply to J. Brown, As.i Viiiii, Castle-road. Carciff. 7671 OARL)IFF.-To be SOLD, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Nos. 24,25, 26, Com:t-stre.'t, NOJ. 41. 42, 43, 44, system-street, Nos. IS, 19, jO, 21, 22, 23, Eclipse-street, Splotlanda. Further particulars can be had on applying to Mr. H. Thoi-.ag, 43, Elin- street, Roath, Caidiff. 7145 CANTON.—TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Two Villas, 9 rooms each, with large garden and backway; lease 9W years; rent, "5 a year price, AiOO each. Ono 9-roomed Villa, with lar^o garden at. d backpay: pnee, £ 50il, rent, £ 35 per annum. One Freehold Villa, with 60 perches cf srarden, in Olive-road prise, tOOO. Four Freehold Houses in Clive-road price, fi 1,000. One Freehold 14-roomed Villa in Severn-road,wi;h larf gw dea i price, £ 1,1(K). l' .ce of land in Severn-road, and several Pieces of Land in different streets in Cantor. Fives Houses, including a Comer-Shop, with stable, coach-housf, and backway, rent, 2111 18iL price, Asix-room*d Villa, with large E.. den aad green-house, in Wyadha u-urescent. price £ ^-80. Tw uuses, let at £ 36 8s ground rent, £ l I6s 6d ea -h. Aoout 3 Aeres of Land, with a ine-roonoed House, let at £ 40 a vear, about 4 miles from Canton price £ 1,200. Eight Houses, le- for JElli8^ per a-ni'm{ prica £1,200. Two Houses, with (shen in main ktreet. Thim llousee. It for about JöO: price, £ 500. ROATtl.—Four House3, inc.uding a correr Shop; rent, 46,5 a year; price, 9600. Three Houses; rent, XI(I a year. pr eel £<100. Eight Honses, let -<.t Sd per week: pricx, £:0" each- Eight-roooiet^ Mou-ie, including a Shop, with g isfittings ani counter, in Castle-road, let at..¿",O ayea- ;eround rent, ZL 2s 6d with backway and stable, suitable for a drapr; houos with iron rails, let at gs per weei priee eluv each. 13 House*, let at 8. per week; price 42'J5 eaeh. Two Uoufea, Ittat lis Tlorweek ground rent jgl Ss eacii; price S301). Two li-roomed Villas, lot at CSra ground rent LS 5s each tenant pays the price, L1,100, Several Houses on the Lower Grange and Upper Grunge lor sale. TO BE LiT, a Carnor Shop in noath, suitable f. r a butcher or greengrocer; an eipht-r omed tioue, inciudii a Iltop, with stable and backway in Castle-road, Roath, »u, table fir a draper rent, 440 a year, could be had at once. A Bakehouse, with two ovens, at the Upper Grange rent, 4s per week, in good order, and six-roomed house, including a corner shop, at an increased rent, if required. Nine-roomed Villa, whh larke gar. den and backway in Klr-road, Canton rent, £ S5 a year. Several pieces of land for build ng to is* Severa. Houses (5 rooms) at r, to let, rent 4s 6d per week.-Apily to Mr Thomas Davies, house and land aient, 31, Coworidge-road, 4junou Cardiff.—For reply pleam enclose stamp. 2 £ 11 825 MOUSE PROPERTY offered for SALE by Mr Thomas Beable, House and Mortgage Agent, 82, Bedford-street, Cardiff ;— iss In Coustellaiion-street, System-street, and Copper- street. Three small Villas ia Sipphire-street, houses in Garnet- street, Cecil-street, Cliarles-street, Roath. Also at the Docks and other parts of the town. Sonne of the above lots will pay 12 per coat. Price ou application. 6826 FOR BALE-LIVE STOCK. CARRIAGES, Aa FOR SALE, a good BRED HORSE, 16 hands, quiet in har- ness. Apply at 18, Alftert-itreet, Mertbyr. 7764 TROLLEYS, CARTS, AND TRAPS FOR SALE.-One new improved spring Trolluy, one new Builder's Tip-cart, one new Haulier a Tip-cart, one new Norfolk Shooting or Luggage Cart, one new Oxford Cab-cart, one new Pony Trap, one second- hand crank-axle spring Cart,; aiiio, an assortment of ready- made Wheels; also a quantity of xlaart Spokes, and heavy Cart, and Trap Shafts. All Goods Warranted at T. Marley's Wheel Works, West Oanal Wharf, Cardiff 68 FOR SALE, an excellent spring CART, patent axles and springs; 2-inch axle; will carry 2 tons; to be sold a bargain. Apply, W. ILP";Ig,,tn, 4, Crighton-street, Cardiff. mo BR SOLD by Private Cont act, real bargain, a capital I four-wheeled DOGCART, with patent brake; also a ii*ht Skeleton GIG, suitable for a cob or pony IS or 14 hands high; also an excel!ent AMERICAN ORGAN, with 12 stops, suitable fora small church or chapel, or gentiemea's family residence.— For particulars, apply to N. Lawrence, Victoria Auction Booms, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 7448 EGGS for SITTING from Choiee Dark Brahmas, fresh and fertile, Three Shillings per dozen. 14, Woodvi'.le-terrace, Ctthays, CanliF. • t>204 FOR BAI ;-MAORMERY, TOOLS, &o. OR SALE, 3w VERTICAL KNGiNE and BOILER; 7 irch Jf cylinder, 10 inch stroke, 4-horte power. Can be seen at work at the Lord Raglan, Ellen-street, N;wtown, Card ff. 6106 FO* SALa, to* MtVUf. HwiunUl Uifik Pressure ENGINES, cylinders ljin diameter, ou side bearings, 2ft stroke, winding druai, iiuk motion, fly-wbeai and feed pui/ipB, coicplctc. Apply, Millwarcl ana Baiubridgo, Engineers, Swansea. 76-9 EIGHING MXCHINE~for SALE, by Parnell and"Sons, V V Bristol. Suitable for Grocers equal to new.—Apply, Merchant, Daily Nowa. i- Lrd: ff. 7tuj ENGINE AND BOILER.—For SALS (second-hand, a bargain) Vtrtieal ENGiNE, on A standard principle, 5j-kich cylinder, S-uch stroke; Vertical Boilur, 6 feet (3 inches, by 2 feet 8 Inches complete, with fittinp.-Apply at Office of this Paper. STEAM BOILERS ON SALE. — A first-class Two-flue^) BOILER, S'J ft. x 7 ft., new, J-in. shell, six Galloway mveg in each flue, work at 80 lbs. Also, Two iiood Second-band Lancashire BOILERS, ittft. by 6 ft. 6in., five Galloway tubes in eaoh tue, to work at GOBle. One new Vertical BOlLliH, 6ft. higti by 8ft. dia. bevsral New, 7ft. 6in. high by 4ft. dia., wit i two oross tubes in firebox. One Old BOILER shell, 33 ft, by 7 ft. 6in., suitable for tank. Two Old FLUES, SO ft. long, 21 in. dia. One Secoiid-hanl, Hign-pressure, Vert;cal fciNGIrvE, lOin. cylinder, lit, stroke, capital flywheel, governor and pump com- plete. Aiso, oiio Litt) Horizontal, 6in. cylinder, lain stroke, with stone bed complete. RICHARD POLLIT, Boiler Maker, Bolton. Lancashire. 6135 LATHE, ll inch centres, 20 feet gap bed; Circular Saw Bench, Falling Spindle; Screwing aud Drilling Machines, and other Tools, new; aiso jjood second-hand ENGINE, S horse power; cheap.—J. Spiiucer, tool muker, Keighloy. 67 TO BE SOLD Cheap, several Second-hand Portaole Engines "thrashing Machines, and Traction Engines in first-class condition. Full particulars, and prices on application, to Robey It Co., En&eem, Lincoln. 2615 SCREWIN3 and DRILLING IIIACIEDM, sugo LATHES K;Y always ready or in progress.—John Sosncer, Tool-mlkar Keighley. AN j pOKJAB^ ENGINES, SB under, In sxoeUent working 12 h.p,, by CHO'ton and bhuttleworth. 10 m „ „ » with reversing gem. 10 „ „ Cambridge ditto. 8 M tllaytru and S'huttlewortb. 7., » ? t* 6 „ „ Robey. WINDING DRUM utd GEAR, mil table tor the above. Magnificent pair i< 16 h.p., HORIZONTAL WINDING ENGINES (new), with double conical drum, 34 ft, mean dia. 8 h.p. HORIZONTAL ENGINE, equal new. FAN (new), 3 ft. dia., for blowing or exhausting. SAW BENCHES, for Colliery and general purpoatfl. CORNISH BOILER (new), 25 ft by 5 J ft. VERTICAL BOILE?.S (new), 2 to 8 h.p. 1 Lloyd's 1 AN 18 in. dia. (new). MOI&AR or LOAM filLL, with pair ol edge rmmsn. 1 ft. lOin dia., and pan, 3ft dia. (new). THRASBIlfo MACHINE. 1 IRON SAFE, 2-1 in. by IS in. FIELDING AND PLATT, Engineers and Boilor Make* 91 Gloucester. i^N SALE, one strong, well-built Condensing Beam Engine. If by a fir&i-cl«*8 maker, equal to new; cylinder, 36 inch bore Sleet avoke. Can be seen litaiiuing, and will be sold cheap. One eiooe-built, sfif-contained Condensing Beam Engine; stands on independent bed on six columns: cylinder, 28 inch bore, 4 feet Stroke. AS good as new. Can be seen standing, and w',n be sold che.p.-Apply to Henry Parkinson, Foanury-etreet, Bolton. 70 MORTAR or LOAM MILL, S-6 pan, suitable for Builder or Foundry,—Fielding and Piatt, Gloucester.' euSD TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS.—Portab e SrEAM ENGINES, Mortar Mills. Steam Pumps. Vertical and Hori- acnUl Engines, .'erimmediaie delivery. Applv to Rustoa, Proo. tcr, & Co., Engineers, Lincoln. 2778 MISCELLANEOUS. TOB LOTS.—COATS, TROUSERS, VESTS, HATS and CAPS, M DRAWERS, SHIRTS, SINGLttTS, Sc., PIEGE GOODS. Must be Sold This Week.—Address 82, Dock-street, Newport Mon. 7/68 PRáoF-IRON SAFE, 24 inches high, with Cash Drawer JU and Partition. Price £ 4.—Apply to Richard H. Lord, Wolverhampton. PHYSIOGNOMY. — Send Likeness and 30 Stamps for a Delineation of Character te Professor Short, 20, Lower Arcade, Bribtol. 7721 rpo SHIPBUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, and oTifERS.- JL Messrs H. and R. CURTIS, Paviland Farm, Reynoldgtone Uower, bejjs to inform the public that they have 200 Baulks of «*wn Pitch Pine, from Pension I a, for Sale by Private Contract. Timber now lays on the Be»,n at high water's ed„r«, under Paviland Cliffs, and can easily be taken o^ by sea. 76si MANGLES fer SALE, put in trucks at Pyle Station, Great Western Railway, at 30s per too.—Apply to Morgan Reei, yost-offiee, Pyle. 7GG2 FOR SALE QUARTER of an ACRE of VETCHES.-Apply _to E.J)aniei, Hafod-co:tage, Whitchurch. 7e66 7 A .SEW YACHT FOR SALE.—For particulars, apply Eta," South Walet Da'ty hews Office. Cardiff. 7^45 METZLER'SGrani Square PIANO, good condition, £ # HARMONl'. M, 3 Stops, *6 6s., cost £ 8.—J. Robinson' Kouth Wales Harmonium Manufactory, S8, Uxiord-s'rte Swai.eea. 7^5' mo LUiLDERS. For qa'e, a quantItv cf PLASTER CENTRE X FLOWEKS Mid TitUfcSES.—Appiy to C. Merrett, plastcror 18, Oxford-sireet, Roath, Cardiff. 7512 SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC.—SIXTY Original PIECES for Sundav School", by Geo. SagB, 145, Aberdeen-etreet, Bir- nh_a¡¡J'=-61 ri^O BUILDERS.—For SALE, at a 1 educed price. ?00 PLAS 1 TER CENTRh. FLOWERS, of various p.itf.-rna and newest designs. Pr-.ce* fr-' it. C.l to ils A t<p.y ti Charles lloj iett IS O. ford-str-.e:, Roatb, c r ~A~BiRDiEN GRANITE MONUME^fg f-om £ ?, carria-'e jt\_ free. Inpcnptions accn,-ate si.el beautuui. Plans and i^uwa inta Laiw.e.iscaioMr. Aberdeaifa. 1 N' ERVOUS DEBILITY—Gratis, a MEDICAL WORK ihowln? Sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of Quacks; free on receipt of postage stamp.—Address, Secretary. Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 6b7i> To SMOKERS AND toBACCONISTS. The New India- L JL Rubber Tobacco Pouch.—On receipt of 28 8d in stamps, Anderson, Abbott, and Anderson wil send a largv size extra strong Tobacco Pouch with your name, Qsany motto, embossed on the front in raised letters. A liberal discount to the trade.- Apply at 16 and 17, Casrtle-strcet, Swansea. 533 WHAT is YOUR CREST and MOTTO !-Send Name and County to CULLii'TON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, 8a 6d. FJain j sketched in Heraldic Colour*, 7s; Great engraved oil Seals, Book plates, and Steel Dies, 73 6d; Kanua. Heraldry, aø 9d in Sost free, by T. Culleton, 26, Cran bourn-street (corner of St. lartiii's-lane), W.C., London. CULLETOSTS PLATES for MARKING LINEN require noire par^tion, and are easily used. Initial Plate, Is; Name «i Ss 6d; get of Moveable numbers, 2s 6d; Crest or Monogram Plates, 6s; with Directions post free for oasb or stamps by T. Culleton, 25, Cran bo urn-street (oorner of St. Martin's-lano), W.C.,London. sItAL &NG!TAVING by CULLETON.-Crest Zntmved on Seals, Rings, Book Plates, and Steel Diaofor stamping paper, 7s Sd. Livery Button Dies, A2 2s. Crest engraved on silver spoons and family plate, be per dozen articles. A neat Desk Seal, with engraved Crest, 12a 6d. Registered Letter, 6d extra. T. Culleton, Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family, 26, Cran bourn-street (corner of St. london. VISITING CARDS by CULLETON.-Fifty best quality, 2a. 3d., post free, including the engraving of Copperplate. Wed. ding Cards, 50 each, 50 Embossed Envelopes, with Maiden Namo, 13s. 6d.—T. Culleton, Seal Engraver, 86 Granbourn-street corner of St. liartin's-lana), W.C., London. MONOGRAMS by CULLETON, the most elegant in London. Quarter-ream raper, and 126 Envelopes stamped in rs, with any Mor jgraip, No charge for Die. Sent to anyrart on receipt of stamps.—T. Culleton, Engraver, to the Queen, and Die Sinker to the Board of Trade, 95, Oran bo urn- street (corner of St. Martin's-lane), London. 4693 AR-IUI,LLTOWS GUINEA BOX of STATIONERY contains a j ream oi the very best Paper, and 500 Envelopes, all stamped in the most elegaav way with Crest and Motto, Mono- gram, or Address, and ttie engraving of Steel Tie, included. Sent to any part for P. O. order.—T. Culleton, lIS, Craaboura-Street (corner of St. Martin's-lane), London. 4003 A GOOD PJLOT BOAT FO'< SALE.—For particulars, apply to Theta," South Wales Daily News Office, Cardiff. 7246 SICKNESS, OLD AGE, Ann DEATH. O j at DEATH, for ONE SHILLING per Week. £ 65at Death, or FIFTEEN SHILLINGS per week in Sii-an 88, for SlXpt, Ni,E; zio at De%th, oi Ss. 6d. per week in bickness, for ONZ PENNY par Week, paid Monthly, by any one about the ages of 20 tc 26, to the WES1ERN PROViDENT ASSO- ClArION. Established 848. Prosid.iir: Earl Fortescne Vivc- Presidents: Lord Abrrdare, RIT. D. Howell Wrexham), John Coiy, Esq., J.P. (Card ff}, &c. Other sums at diilerent ages for proportionate rates Upon examination, this Society will be round to be the beat in existence. SAFE.and Chwip. It has entered more than ELEVEN THOUSAND MEMBER4, and has paid to them more than SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS in Bene- fits. It has £ aved and has now invested over FORTY THOU- SAND POUNDS. Members incur no expenses, and are liable to no dutiss, fines, or low of tune. Females may join. For further information apply to Mr W. C. Amery, District Secretary, S, Guiluford-creseont, Cardiff. 3146 DESTINY—Is every human being destined to a certain position in life? Can that posit1 on be foretold 7 To s«Ula this question consult Madame ETOFFNIL Four questions answered for 13 stamps and stamped directed envelope. Give age, at, married or single, and pkee of bi,-th. Correspondence to be placed under oover, and addressed to Miss P. Knight, Dean, street, Dorking, Surrey. 40&6 IELAT 13 Youl MONOGRAM ?-Send 13 stamps to GL&M WHAT IS YOUT MONOGRAM!—Send 18 stamps to GLASS V T and CO., Cardiff, who will forward you 12 sheets of note- paper and 12 envelopes, stamped in colour with any one. two, or three letters, or any lady's name. Also GLASS COMIC PACKETS, containing 12 different designs, sent post free for 13 stamps. 5 Quires of paper, and 100 Envelopes, stamped in and colour tor 6s. &L YOUR CARD, SIR 1—Send 4& 64. to GLAS3 & CO., Cardiff, wco will engrave your same, and print you 100 Ivory Cards, and forward them, post free, to any address. TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, and Others.—GLASS'S Patent Endorsing Machines, engraved with your name, business, and address, from 18s. 6d.—TOUR NAME, SIR? Your Name engraved on a Brass or Zinc plato for your door, from 5L -GLASS 13 Stencil Plates for Marking Ltyen, etc Initials and name, 2a. 8d. initials only 1st CId. Sens-post free to any address on receipt of stamps to flLABS A OO., fhrazUVHRs, PnMii>-fw». and QKSIRAI, Puiawtaa. CAROiyr. 14 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND, May 18th, at Mschen. a (.mail Black and Tan TER- RIER BITCH. If not claimed in three tiajs, will be sold to pay ekpansys. 7749 MONEY. ESSRS ROBBINS 6; SO MS, 1, Castle-road, Cardiff, have on band for Mortzaying purposes several sums of money. M!Lv he had in amou,,ts of ZIOO to £ 1,0.0, on good security, at 5 per ctnt per annum. 7710 MESSRS. W. AND S. HERN, Estate Agents. Accountants, Sc., 8, Working-street, Cardiff, are prepared to Advanoe from £ 50 to £ 5,000 on mortgage of freehold or iesse. hold property 204 MR. SOLOMON BLAIBEKG, Pawnbroker and Money Lender, 2, Buto-terrace, Cardiff, ADVANCES CASH m tumj < f £ 2 to £ 500 upon deposit of Jaw.dicry, Diamonds, Plate, Leases, &nd unseasonable &tock-in-Trade. Strong room for safe custody. 5iQ4 T CANS not less than -P100 granted at Five per Cent, per I J ttnnum, repayable by instsimente upon approved Perwnai Security, in conjunction with L fa Policies.—Apply, W. and S. HERN, House and Land Agents, Working-street, Cardiff. 205 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL -hnmediate )k3 CASii ADVANCES to Householders, 'i'radesmen, Farmers, Cowkeepers and others. The above can obtain advances on their furniture, stoclcs, and effects from £ 10 to £ 300, wii.lioui removal or inconvenience in any way. Cash aiso advanced on deposit of gcods. Apply to Mr Phillips (private house), Carlton House, Charles-street, Cardiff. Town or country ;distance no object. 130 NO SURETIES REQUIRED. -MONEY ADVANCED from £ 6 to £ i')0, to Tradesmen, Householders, and others, on Stock-in-Trade, Household Furniture, &c., without removal or inconvenience. Full particulars on app ication to Glamorgan Loan Odices, Church-street (facing the Market), Ponivp id.t. _713 J. BowtcN"M&nager. ^lOOD INVESTMENT FOR SMALL SAVINGS. Weekly subscriptions, 2s. Bute Dncks Loan Society. Estab- lished 1871. Enrolled pursuant to 8 and 4 Vic., Cap. 110. Offlci-, 2, Eleanor-ktreet, The Docks. The Sooietv are open to receive investments from el to FNOO, Present interest 7! per cerii. Free of all charges. No ION from commencemeat. Amouri* advanced last year, 1-60). 0 NY T 0 LEND .—Tradesmen, Fanner's, and othore who require Money, can have any ivmount. from #eo to £ 5,W0. upon good personal (security, from oae to flvs years, rep-.yable quarterly or half-yearly. Money also advanced on Mortg*,ge upon Freeooid, leasehold, or Landed Property.— Ap My to Mr. 0. Johns, Auctioneer and Vainer, lOfl. Stow-iill, Newport, Mon. All applications by post to or-njain lour stamrs. 1 I GTEICTLY PRIVATE. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. fO THE NEEDY, including Clergymen, Geatry, Householders, Tradesmen, Contractors, Farmers, Bresders, Lodging-house Keepers, Working-men, Ac., CAN obtain a^vanoes from £ O to £ 500 upon their Furniture, 6tock-n-Tsade, Plant, Ac., without removal or publicity; dis- tance ne object, and easy re pa* mmts, b< applying to LOUIS BAftNETX, 11, Belle Vere-street, Swansea. N.B.—Not being connected with any company all bona fidt applications promptly attended to. 179 MONEY. IiONEY. MONEY. -A Private Gentleman me-kes it CASH ADVANCES (in strict confldence) to Householders, T radesmen, Fanners, and others, from AS to any amount, on their Fi. cnitu-e ai, (I effect?, without removal, they retaining free u-e of the same. No sureties required, and Cash Advanced on Surplus or Unseasonable Stecks of any description. Apply, personally, or by lt ter, Mr Nathan (private house), 8, Obarles- sireet, Cardiff. 8291 MONEY Lent by the National Deposit Bank, 16 and 17, Russell-street, Coven t Garden, London, from £ 10 to 0 at a day's notice, for short or long periods, In own or country, without publicity, to male or female, on their note of hand alone, or upon deeds, life policies, furniture without removal, trade stock, plant, croptf, or farming implements. No sureties required. Interest £ 6 per cent. Distance no objeot. The Bank having a large amount of capital at command, no good application is refused. Apply personally, or if by letter state amount >«anwed, R. Parnell. Manager. 7203 N0 B V R E T I E 8 R E Q U I R ED. CASH ADVANCED DAILY, in sum of 110 and upwards, to Householders, Farmers. Victuallers, Hauliers, and othsrs on their Household Furniture and Stock-in-Trade, without removal Distance no object. Apply to i S. B L A I B B R G, 2, BUTE-TERRACE, CARDIFF. PltlVATS RSSIDCSCS AVON HOUSE, C'1 ARLEi-STREET. BRANCHES. -44, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. Dina", Riloudds, Valley: Mr l/Kwis FMSDMAJT, Agent. li-B.-In the Strictest Confidence, and repayable by easy Instalments. 500s I, X PE RI A L "ADSTEIAH S T AT ■ LOA N S! MONTHLY DRAWINGS. Prizes, £ 8C',00Q, <625,000, £ 22.000, A20,000, £ 16,000, itio,ooo « .„. «.W: Lowest Premium, Prix*, &I& Gosianteed by the tuiperial Austrian Government. DRAWING in public under the superintendence of Government officials. i>iiarea, which entitle the holder to alchtnee of winning any of the above nseb, can 1) had t £ jeatj,, Six shares, entitling to six ci ances, coswtif.—Apply j|r SxviN, agent, for the sale :«id purchase of Government stock, Vienna. Remittances are to be sent direct to Vienna, either in bank notes, orossed ohequ es Post-ottioe orders, payable at the General Posteffiee, to Mr Fm» sevia, Gvl«echraidgasse, Vienna, who will supply Pro« SSCUL INAWER FAI LH«R EN<LUIRLE» M»*^A THE DOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETY are PUMA R&D to LEND, at the shortest lietiee Sums of £100 TO £ jo 000 Ro,r QUAHTEI'LY INSTALMENTS. BmWOWERS m thiS {).Icty hve SPECIAL ADVANTAGES not obtained in oohor SocJe';tlt, or from Private Individual?. The l^gral costs are r^Kj bi the ocnety a,)d ind#peuUeuc, of the Borrower, so lonu iii5 btipulat#d r«P*yi»fentia ata wiadu ii »e- cured by the Iiegistiar untia- the Friendly Society's Acts!—The utmoft secrecy i-■> roamtairica. For partif.ulars appjy to Vr ^-RO^FRTS, at the Officc of the ,?OJiety, <34, Victor a-^tr€3tj A^tfithyr. /GENERAL MACHINERY PURCHASE VT HIRE COMPANY. 23, ROOD-LANE, FENCHURCH-STREET LONDON. Manufacturers, Farmers, &c., supplied win Machinery ard Implements for their business under an improved PURCHASE iilftE SYSTEM of easy payments extending over 1, 2, or 3 V»aya-Pa.^T/.ilar^ td P-OSB BOSt frno- NEW SERIAL STORY. « HER FATHERS NAME," by the well-known Authoreu MISS FLORENCE MARRYAT, Is now appearing weekly iti ths CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NE IVS. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS OS MISS FLORENCE MARRYAT'S NOVELS. riaHTaro TIIX AIR: "Miss Marryat knows how to construct a very telling plot, and she has the art of inventing most striking situations."— Daily Telegraphs LOVE'S cosmcrr. A Novel of considerable merit. Florence Marigrat paints the successive phases through which her chief characters pass wiUi subtlety anu force."—Saturday lie vie tc. "An exceedingly good Novel. We give it no slight praise whsn we say that it possesses the rare combination of unflagging interest from u^;luumg to end, great descriptive power, afid am influence altogether %oo<i."—Atherumim. WOMAN AAUXST WOMAS. "The Story is exceedingly unuung."—Morning Post. Cleverly written. Tht> last sce&e is worked up vdth great dramatic powtir.Landon Reviete. OBJUIID IUTCOTMT. A Novsl which creates interest from the beginning, and eon- tiiiues it to the close. It may be truly said it is not unworthy the scion of an illuatr ous novelist. Aa original and successful production."—Morning Post. TOO soon FOR HIM. 'Too Good for Him I has an excellent and Interesting plot, and the writing is throughout piquant and lively. The intention of the stoiy is thoroughly good aud pure, ilorenee Marryat has real power."—Special-jr. MHUIT BROOKS. A deeply interesting Story. The style is sometimes power fully original"—Mcrtnng Pott. NO INTBMTION S. "Florence Marryat's 'No Incenrons" more than sustains ita former interest."—Bradford Observer. "The attractive Novel 'No Intentiona' takes the place of honour."— Wutarn Daily Mercury. I London Society' is still edited by the gifted daughter of England's best writer of Moral Fiction. Her Story of Ne intentions I is the great a.ttraction." -HertI Guardian. London Society' is as bright as ever. Florence Marryat's 'No Intentions' is continued with verve and ogwt.Xoamilwr. "Florence Marryat brings I No lntonfdons' to a crisis which causes the rtader to look eagerly for the next .pter.8-1Ittr- folk Chronicle. "Florence Marryat continues her clever Story of 4 So Inten. tions.' "— Wiltshire Courier, OPtX SESAUB. "A New.Story by Florence Marryat begins in thit Namber. It is lively and sparkling, and ttle three chapters wiU make novel readers long for morc"-H" Guardian. Well written, and promises to bs of mors than ordinary Interest."—Doneatter Gazette. THE CARDIFF TIMES u The 1. r,i at News Shoot in the Ki gdom, AKD THS Best Weekly Newspaper. PRICE TWOPENCE. BOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS, or sent from the Chief Office, Cardiff, to any addrai, post free, for 2s. 9d. per quarter, prepaid. Q E ORG E S AN D CO~ CELEBRATED OLD AND STRONG SEERS, MILD ALES, PORTBR, AND STOUT. BRISTOL OLD PORTER BREWERY STORES, WEST CANAL WHARF, CARDIFF. 8431 2893 HENRY BUTLKR, Agent. BABY "LIJNEN, LADIES UNDER CLOTHING, & BERLIN WOOL WAREHOUSE, 2, ST MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Mrs MATTOCK begs respectfully to announce that she has succeeded in obtaining the abo ve Commodiam Pronilow, and has COMMENCED BUSINESS with au entirely New and Choice Selection of BABY LINEN, L -,IDIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDER- CLOTHING, BE I (LIN WOOL GOODS and WOOLS, HOSIERY and HABERDASHERY, together with a Complete Assortment of LADIES' COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, Ac., all of the Meuwit a»<f beat daitm, direct frora the London Markets. N.B.-The BUSINESS at No. 26, ROYAL ARCADE, will be e rried on as formerly. 2963-4774 gTODDARTS SE A ks A L T S, In 7 lb. and It lb. Boxes. Wholesale Agents: XERNICK k SON, CMRMISTS, Poke-street, Cardiff. 8101 7614 CYRUS PRICE AND CO.'S PATENT FIRE-PROOF SAFES, fthich obtained the ONLY PRIZE MSDal awarded for NEW and SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. AGENTS: CROSS BROS., OKNEBAL IRONMONGERS, BT. MARY STREET, CAKBLFF. who have a STOCK; ON HAND 910s B R 1- C K S. The Typicca Colliery Companj, Limited, are now prepared te supply FIRE aad BUILDING BRICKS; also BRICKS made to Order for sinking purposes,-For prices, Ac., apply at the Oolljery, Pontypridd; or at tlia Offices, Primavesi BuQdmgs, Bute Dockg. 74.tSl jglRDS AND A N I M A L S PRESERVED SCIENTIFICALLY Animal Skins and Furs Orass&d, ilugs Lined and maie tip. Hand and Fire Screens, he., by J. CORDING, NATURALIST, r 10, ROYAL AfiOADE, CAHDIFF. Glass Shades all Sises, for Clocks, Statuettes, & 6268 jlAHTJEN'S PATENT COUT'OSITION. rer preventing fouling, honeyeomb and eorreston en the bottoms of IRON SAILING SHIPS AND STEAMERS. Testimonials on application to Meswj. HAXTAIAbiN and HOLZAPFEL, 60, Meunt Stuart-tquarr, Cardiff. 762t 4is R. NICHOLAS & CO., RAILWAY WAGON CONTRACTORS, 1 BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. RAILWAY WTG ONS BUlLl FOR CASH. HIRE, OR REDEMPTION PURCHASE. REPAIRS UNDERTAKEN BY YEAR OR TERM OF YEARS. li-E.-CA,P,H ADVANOEI) ON RAILWAY STOCK, Repayable over Term cf Years. E C 0 N I) H JJD WAGONS At-WATit OX ilAXIl FUR HittS, 2?6 WILLI 4M DA VIS, the Cardiff Coal Merchant » reereafulli- begs to inform his friends and customers that he is now prepared to supply good Rhondda large ooal. AT THX LOWEST MARK R.T PRIC0S. WiHiaaa Davia farmer begs to state that he hopes, by hie eenstant endeavours to meet, the wishes of his rustomers, to ensure and retain thtt patronage and support, which be new respeo'fully solicits. Please send \or.r ord«r, and note the addness—WILLIA.M DAVIS, office 91. BtTi'E-SXREEl'; reaideaoe. W, Bedford-etrect, I leatiw tOU- i 1 Jihimitt} swim. QTIAM BBTWIEN OABDlfr ^yOTT P BELFAST, GREENOCK, t GLASW* a SAILING WEEKLY. .SEVERN; Captain Fry; PBl £ ALEXANDRA, Captain Mills ANTON A, Captain Evans, CLUTHA, Captain iinklater. and AILSA, Captain Huckn^n, are intended to Sali with Goods and Pssseagers from East DutAI IHwk Basin (unlass prevented by circumstances) as follows in the month (,f may:- CARDIFF TO GLASGOW AKO BELFAST. 1 Monday » p.m. j 16 Monday 9 P-10* 8 Monday «, s p.m. | 22 Monday .„ P,m* Monday 29 •p.m- fBOX BELFAST TO CARDIFF. I Monday 4 pm. I ib Monday 4 p. 8 Monday 1 p.m. | Zt Monday 6 p.1B Monday 29 4 p.m. GLASGOW TO CARDIFF, VIA BxLrAst fI Saturday I p.m. 121) Saturday I P-"™. 13 Saturday 2 ixml 27 Saturdav 2 P.Lal With liberty to tow and assist Vessels. r Favb.—Belfast: Oabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 10s.Grsenock G.'Mh,5w: Cabin,90a.; Return, 80s.; Steerage, 12*. 6d; Soldiert or Sailors, 10s, Oaods to be alongside In time for ihipment before tha adr» Used time of sailing. Apply in Olasgow to William Sloan 4t Co.; Greenock. (• William Lindsay k Ca; Bwsssss, to M. Joues k Brother Belfast, to Robert Henderson k Son j Bristol, to Mark WiiiHriU ft Son; and in CardiS, to G. F. WEBB k CO., Bate Dock Bonded Warenoas Cardiff, May, 1876- i(M RISTOL AND CARDIFF J. A. WHEELER'S STEAM Loaa Every Day, at the Welsh Back, Bristol. AU goods with the utmost despatch. J. A. W ELEELER. WBST WHARF, C ARB IFF. vjftrtSWv f~1UNARD KOIAL MAlIi \J STEAMERS. IMllif.ii,. PROM LIVERPOOL DIRECT TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. PARTHIA, CALABRIA. ABYSSINIA. OURA. BATAVLA. JAVA. SAMARIA. SIBERIA. HECLA. ATLAS. ALGBRIA. OLYMPUS, MARATHON. OHINA. BOTHNIA. Bm CmrAO BOYAH UaiIi STBAIUOM saU every TPSSBAT, -.LgVgA AAT, and SATUBBAT, and have superior accommodation W Steerage Passengers.— For further particulars apply to O. II 0. MAC LVILY, 1, Rumford-stroet, Liverpeol. it ( ^JTHIT-B STAR LINJ: BpHnHwLvUNITED STATES MATT. STEAMERS.—LIVER; t TO NEW YORK every THURSDAY, and QUEMdrOW31 on A Y; forwarding Passengers to all parts of the UniteA States and Canada, NOTICE.— The Steamers of this Line take the Laae ROUW reeommended by Lieut. Maury, oa both the Outward and Jlomt" ward passages. TIM well-known fast Mail Steamers of this line sail as under;- FBOH Ltvsaroofa. mM Adriatio. Thursday, Mav 25 1 Celtic — — ntunday, June »» Bntantiie „Thusaav, June 8 I Britannic ..Thursday, July1" Gemiamo ..Thnrsday, June J2 I Bach 6.000 tons burthen and 8.000 horse-powea, Average pesBHT" days in Summer, tyra Winter These splendid Vessels oomMne the highest speed and oo«f°rs» and are nnsuraassed In their attractiens to passengers.. Saiooas and Staterooms amidships, luxuriously Pianos, libraries, electric bells, bath rooms, oarbsrB the Steerages are unusually spacious, weU lighted, and warmed, and peiseugers of this clsss receive the qtasey aivility and attention. Medica. comforts free ot oharge. ItewardsEMS to attend the women and children. For freight or passage apply at ths Company's Office o'j Broadway, New York, and 12M Randolph-street, jueenstown to JAMES SCOTT k OO. or to IS MAY, IMRIE* 0, Water-street, Liverpool: and 84, Leadenhall-stxeei, Leade*. to BARNES. GUTHRIE .00.. Bute Docks. Oardif: REV AN, Swansea; EDWARD PHILLIPS, Briery SOU, Vale; John Oopeland, 124, High street, Merthyr; or to Messrs Qarse aad Brown, Newport., Mon. We reeomntead passengen to obtain their iicketB Iroos *Br Azents before leaving home A L L A N LINE, aao&Tisv OGBAM fASSAoa to AMERICA. Composed of Twenty First-class Ratal Mail steamers. SAiLlse DATS—From Liverpool, every Tuesday and ThuT*ew> to Canada, and every alternate Tuesday to Halifax, and more, forwarding passengers on easy terms to all pacta Canada and the United States.. Surgeon and Stewardesses provided frse for aU classes as Passengers. Passengers who secure their Tickets Wore leaving howe aro met at tne Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Ags*» of the Company, who takes charge of them until they ge on heard the steamer. >,«.« M The Canadian Government grants ASSISTED PASSAGES 0* the ALLAN LINE to Married Farm Labourers and Female **>" meetie Servants.J For R*W of Freight or Passage, apply to Allan Brothtra Co., Alexandra Buildings, James-atreet, L.vprpoc l, or to O. Biro# «», Bate-street, Cardiff; T. J. Buse, 29, Faire-street, and Oxfordstreet, Swansea; W. II. Moseley, Wind-street, Neath, D. 8. Thomas, Britlsrii Sehools, Llandovery; J. R. Daniel, Mary-street, Cardigan W. Milton Locke, Tredegar-place, Bridze* Street, Newport, Mon. CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TION.—Arras^ments made for PLEASUKE EXCL) SIONS from PHILADELPHIA to NIAGARA FALLS, and every other point of interest in the United States and Canada* The only DIRECT Line of Steamers to PHILADELPHIA 1$tn» AMERICAN LIlT. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS K1TWSBX LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA, Taking Passengen, WITHOUT EXTRA CHAROS, to— NEW YORK, OR BOSTON. Hrstrclass full-powered Iron Steamships, are appointed to SaB From LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY. Nut Sailings are LORD CLIVE WXDSKSDAT. M-y 3i- OHIO WicpsssAAT, June 7 Calling at Queenstown the following dav to embark passer jer* This is the eni) Trans Atlantic Line sailing ui.der the Uuiteo States Flag, and the aocemmo.iation for Passengers is e<\ual w anv .-M the £ utep«*n Kteamsh&p Lines. < Passengers and Gooda are landed at Philadelphia en the WnV* of the PINSSTLVASIA RAILROAD Compan'T, which is the shortes* and most dlrecr :oute t) all places in th 1 Western States. CABIN PASSAGE 15 to 21 gui-iic u. Return tickets at reducefi rates. STEERAGE PASSAGE, as low as any other fast line. includlnlC an ample supply of Provisions, cooked s.nd served up by tihe Com paiy's stewards. INTERMEDIATE PASSAGE, including Bedr, Bedding the necessary u!i>fs, and a separate taHe, £1) 3S. For further information, apply ta RICHARDSON, SPENCE, 4 CO., Ti and 10, Water-street, Lirerpoolf Or to JAMIS Ants, 162, Bute-road, Cardiff; Jeanr Co1f'Kt1.t.JfJJ, 24, High street, Mertbyr Tydfli; Daws DA VIM, 2, street, Aberdare. 6719 S. J. 'KEPPLE & ca'S 9 FURNISHING OUT GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE 3, CLARE-STREET, BRISTOL. This Stock comprises BVERY REQUISITE IN FURNISHING, Frem the simplest Culisary Article To Goods of the most elaborate finish and trttetie dceoration. BUT QUALITY. NEWEST DESIGNS. LOWEST PRICES. eMt SI .1 1 n j 1 1 CRA INS CHAINS OU.1IlfS 1 C H A P.LES-fA.R. D L B Y, CRADLEY HEATH, NEAR BRIERLEY SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE. ESTABLISHED, 1844. ItANUFACTURlR OF BEST, BEST BEST, TREBLE BEST TESTED COLLIERY, INCLINE, AND CRANE CHAINS OF WARRANTED QUALITY. PLATE NAILS, SPIXJ46 TRAMWAY DOSS, RIVETS, WXBTONIS PATENT D I Y'r X A F. N T I A PULL aY BLOCKS, K EATING'S INSECT POWDEB Jt.A- RILLS BUGS, FLKAS, B I T L FA, MOl'HS. E AT I N (- SI.N4.3 E C T POWDn jnL KILLS BUGS, FLEAS, PIIETlES, MOTHS. _h Ttis Powder is unrivalled in destroying all In ectP, "lth0'i, per'eclij harm!< ss fc> domestic anmialn. It preserres 'rin5,rl0Iu' No h'-uschoid should te vvitbou; it, So'd in tin*, rt,id sach, by all drjgauts, or by port. 14 and 33 stamps, f1 J*r &■«!»«, S% Paul's Uh;;njbyac,i. Londoik THE COAL TAR SOAP (Wright's Sapo Car bonis Dcteiveua). It purifies, cleanses, and sweet ns th< Skin, takiin; away all piu>p!«s, biotuhes, and ro 14s 1.nets. By its antiseptic qualities it wards off aJ infectious disease^ such %a Smalll)ox, Searlatina, Fever, Ac., and thoroughl, pun fles the body after au attack, so ixecumary for the prevention ol the^r.1 vtr stcoiidarj'o^mjilications. Us mild and hetfitiilnl acion makes it particularly useful for eh,,jireD, a the many forms of skiu diseases tp which they are subject. "It is the oirly true antiseptic soap."—British Meaiea* Journal. « In otir hn-dj it has been most effective in skin diseases. -TV Lancet. An unfailing remedy for foul breath (when use as a vent,1. frice), and an unpleasant odour from the persJn." -JfedÙ:a{ 2 ir.tsi. Sr. Tarsals, 6 •• and Is. W. V. W¡';V.l:IT & cO., Soutli A'rk-atreiit, Loudon. C'ACTiON»»7rIl.ls is the only Coai Tar S<sai> taat is recommended by UiJPmedical iirofession. We caution the puMji: against ths onaLADUS Coal Xar W" with wbi" the market is 6*