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SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS SOUTH ¥ALES*DAILT NEWS G-EJTERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, SALES BY AUCTION, BUSINESS ADDRESSES, &a, Ordered for two or three Vnsertioue are charged at the following rate per insertion to Four Lmea Is. Od. Eleven and Twalre Linee 3a.0d. Fire and Six Linea Is. 3d. ThrteeuiFouneeuLnesSs. Od. 8ev«o ud tight Lit tea 2a. Od. ifteenand 8ixteea Lines 4& Od. Hi*e and Ten t ines 8s. 6d- SeventeenftEighteenLinesfck 6d- ÀJiJl THEE> PENCE FOR SYMY ADBBIONAI. una. A I8DU.L Discoum ALLOWXD FOR A SIKHS OF CONSECUTIVE ENSISTIOlfa. J PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are charged >t double th* 6ere rate. TRADESMEN'S ADVERTISEMENTS and BUSINESS AW- NOUNCEMLNTS of all kinds, when ordered f a month and opwarue, are subject to special terms, according to the number of nsertlons aad the space occupied. PUBLIC NOTICEJ8, lAaAL NoTions, Noncas by COR. IPORATIONS, LOCAL BOARDS, POOR-LAW GUARDIASS, and SCWXHI Bo A Rita, and EMOTION ADDRBSSM (Town Councils aad Loeal Boards,) are charged at the rate of Snores cs per line tor eaot in- sertion PROSPE "HJ BS of PuBLIC COIWAICM are charged at the rate oUfssOTMr f ine (or t*rb insertion. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION NOTKJBS, ParliamsMAKT NOT CIS and Govnummrr IDMRRSWIMS an charged at the nte of 00 SaiLiiisa per line tor eaeh insertion. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS I are inserted in this Journa at the following torw bi o. of One Three Six Words. Ineavtion. Insertions. Insertions. Two Lines 18 0& 6d. la. Od. Is. 6d. Three Linea 27 Os. 9d. lL 6d. 2s. 3d. Four Liues 36 la. Od. 2s. Od. Sa. Od. Five Line 45 Is. 3d. 2a. 6d. 3s. 9d. Six Lines 54 la. 6d. 3&. Od. 4a. 6d. ESRH ADD itional lae 9 Os. 3rt Oø. M. Os. 9d. — 1L1-, n.ise char ;en aw>iy only to the classes of advertisements epeci- gied tei, ,v, II D are strictly confine-1 to those which are PAID iroil wtaviovs TO wscsnos if not PREPAID, they will be charged by thegomesal "ti:- APADZUSIWM WAOTHD. I MOHUT WANTMD. ArARVMMTS TO Bit LST. MfeCZLLANBOUS WANTS. AWOAS Lon. PASSKBRSHIFS WAKW- AMICUS FOUBB. SsruAnoss WAITMK. BUSISSBSRS TO Ba SOLD. SrrnATioifs VACANT. BOUSES w Ba Sow. SAIIW IT Pit ComntAcr. P-LIVO »UBw«iiu« Advflsrtlsenieutu lu the South Wxie$Daily 1I. art requested to attend to the following explanations :— Adaress to an initiator number) as the Office wea nathaSappK- eaUon must be by letter only, directed to he initial or number a the Daily Aevu sjttce taa A. B. C., or-No. 14.04ijy ffam Office). AI)piy at th, Daiiy Jimos Office" means tba*jwsonal appli nation must be made at the Daily Now Office, where the ad- dreea of the Advertiser will be given. Persons-answering Advertisements are stongly advised not to Bend original testimonials, but oopiaa ON IT. The columns of the Daiiy Jtewt being of full newspaper width, persons sending Advertisements in manuscript may estimate the •geee -they will occupy by calculating Bins words to a line, aad twelve lines t&au inch. Whfle we use ollJ utmost endeavours to insert Advertiaamsnl* on the datee ordered, we cannot guarantee that this wift be done. Great care is also used to secure the correct printing of Advertise- ments, but we cannot be responsible ICE inaeouracies, or for any consequences arising therefrom. Cheques and Post-office Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SONS. 75 & 76, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, to whom all Business Communications should be addressed. Letters conbjni Nsws or LITSRARY CONTRXBCTIOHS should be sddirssed TB* FDCTOR, South Walm Daily Hmm*. CAltDITY." EDUCATIONAL. OTERNFS3 at a Farm House (younsr lady about 20), to \3jT take chir/e of two little srirls (twins) 4 rears also to assist i8 Snties of the houses. A servant kept. Welsh prtkrad&- Apply, giving reference, to John Lewis, Brigam farm, Cowbrid e, Gl morifanshira 7878 .,5- DOMESTIC SERVANTS. WANTED, in a small family, an experienced GKNKRAL TV NERVA-NT.-Alply to Un Johs Jofes, fiichmoad VUiss, 8w«naM. 7496 N(7R&E —Wiutrd, SB experienced NUZSJ6 to take charge of three children, an under nu se ke >t. sife from 35 to SO.— AudressW. J., Mou t Pleasant, Hiil-atreet, Newport, Mon. 7391 (lAi'.WFF INF\auAHV7— Wanted, a PROBATIONER J NI RKSE. Aga njt under 24. Wuges to commonce at £ 12 per atinnm, including uuUonn. —Apply pexsomlly to th" Matron. '7&7 WANTEn, a Og^ERAL SERVANT. Good chfrftcter i^dis- ptnsablf.—Apply ut Kent Villa (opposite ths Wyn4)¥"n H tel), COW" ridge Roan, Cardiff. SITUATIONS VACANT. TO GROOERS* ASSISTANT! &c.—Wanted, In a fortnight or so, ati ASSI TAN i' to the Grocery and Prevision Trade. Jnvtft be sA)-Y, and con give reitience from last espploysr (with a knowledge of We »h preferred).—Apply to £ dwud Phillips, Bri- rj-hill, Kbfew Yale. 74Ot TO TAILORS.— O^od GtNKRAL HAND Wanted. Witzes, t. !3. a %ook, at the rate of õd an hour. Must be a good Btsady Workman. Thomas, Tailor, to., Post Office, Cu. pltilly. 7010 WANTED, an EXPERIENCED BREWER, who would de- vote part time in soliciting.— Apply, XXX, Post-offiee, Aberdare. 7409 WAN i ED, at once, a few GOOD BRICKLAYERS, able to doaume tu-kinsr bricklay ng. Wages, 9d per hour.— Apply, at once, to O.K. 4, Heaw.iieid-^trsst, bwassoa. None hwt competent men need apply, 7012 EE VANS, London House, Llanelly, has a Vacancy for a r Youiijf Person of abil ty, u SALESWOMAN in the kin mery and Fn('J departments. Welth; with sati#iaotory reference from li-t employer n ee,:ssarv.- Apply, peraonally or by post, with par icalary as abQTe. ALSO a weil-edocatrd Youth, ns an APPRENTICE. 719G- CARPENTERS, BRICKLAYERS, MASONS, NAVTIE3, and C OuLdaor LABoiR^Rs WANTEU for AusWalia. Good ■waL'SS cl.eap living. Passage, rrovisiuBS, aad ship's outfit free. —Address, Alis raiian Agtnc,, Cordova-road, Grovs-road, Bow, landon, E., or iir G. Biru, Bute street, Cardiff. 7401 WANTED, ast»ady YOUNG HAN, as Seeond-hand BAICER. Apply to >Ls Asher, 8, St John's-square, Cardiff. 7404 WANTED, an active LAD aceoatamed to Office work.— Appiy Suip broker, Po«t-olfi je, Cardiff. 7o71 WANTED, a JUNIOR HANO to the GROCERY at)4 PROVISION TkAUE Welsh indispen»a.i> e.—Apply to Y, Oriffiths, No. 10 an* 11, Tbomas-ctrest, LUnolly. 73BS 0~CdB*4l iTS* ASSISTANTS.—Wan ted,an ASSiOTANT.ta a fomdght must unrie-rtand btationery, «nd Lie »ble to Ipwak Welsh, and of »ober habits—Addreea, stating age, height, salary, »ud reference, to Abel Jasaes, Chemist anll buioner, Mountain Ah. 7366 DRAPERY —Wanted immtduttly, a Young Lady "as an APyRE^TiC§. Apply to A. B., Post-office, Britonfw^r. T lAttMAlDS,—Wanted Upmediafely, a smart, active Young 11 Ladv, as s.bove. Mu«t be well up to htr dutiee. Appli- eanis to f)rww-d carte a aid fuli pastioulars. Addiess, M.T8 Davies, Bird in Hand, Merthjr. 7364 TO DRAPtfR#" A8SISTANfS^W7wi4 R. D»viee, Llanelly, have a v c mcy iu the Hosiery Department. 7330 f B ,ACK>MITH."> and WHEBLER^.—WANTED lmmedi- X at».ly, a good BLACK-MITH also, a (teod WHEELER. Constant w rk and good walis. pply to C. llughas, Coach- httjfajnr. -nordan-stifcet, rortIAPdtc, N, Wajss, 7349 DRJS-MA-K R3.—Wanted, a Good HAKD. Accustomed to JLF work YMc; ne. State ago, salary, and IV4 situation, b. Jones, Draper, Ac.ert llery. 7313 D. an experienced ASSISTANT* also an APPitXN- TICK, to the Groc ry and Provision Trade. Applv to WHO. Harris, 1^4, Bigh-gtyeet, Merthyr. 7318 "TTTTAKTED, a YOUNG LADY ss Junior Assistant to the w i>i>ii^ry Tr&O. Apply, Wm. flarrif, 173, lJirh-etreet. 7$19 \JSTPimme<i|*tely, a SHARP LAP, age 1 Must be W able to read an l write, one used to hersea preferred Aftpjy, H.C 14, (Jbrjrch-road, Newp .rt. Mon. 7483 rir*.) WM-ILE-N-DRAPER'r ASSISTANT8-—WANTED, for the A Men's Mercery and Flogifry Department more especially, JJSE-flP^TAHL! aii^i EXPERIENCED HAND,—Apyi)ic*tion, il ■by letter, state age and as ary.-I). P. Dav.es, Cloth-hall, New- port, Hop. 7283 JT) ARTER ft CO., Outfi ter?, are in WANT of a Respect J| » abie ad as ».n I ICE. A good opening tor a Sx"art ybuth.—Apply at 38, High-street, Newport 7263 "VE7 ^lWTED, energetic BOYS) or nn ernpl^y<td MEN. Must ▼ ▼ be ear'y risers. Ap, ly for full partieularS to Manager, DaUy Aew* office, Swans.a. A*ATSBR Authors may Consrlbute to two London V*g*r x.ncs. ParUcuJers, stumped directed envelope. Editor, Lou, on, E.Q. n H77 4 MATPUR AUTHORS Wanted as CONTRIBUTORS. Specif _1 men magazine aud 1 artieularf f rwarded for seven 42. Liverpool. 4d8 A€FFLK€5E8, TRAYELLEB^, SEC,, A -^VELLER," w th SmairCapiuTrWantedTto u ^C. ^al&ry and commbpion.— AIV»I»BB 8366, Mtj-aU Office. Gla^ng 4 73^2 WATL1?ES; Wholesale Illustrated Cata- wood, Advertising Agent, Uve^-p^i. tare of H- W*nUd.-For increa^, ^oowTor permansut Kfcpjoyaent, -'I'term^ are mos? .Iberal»K*h*S risk. Audryss, J. F. Wei s and 0., <i§, Resshaw-street, Lfvar- *7086 A GENTS WANTED ev-rywhere, t« rea »-WIT A VATEVT8 AliT.CLE3 of aeneraljtiiu^u h,«e Carpec ,-wc-eyer, tan-ani Saleiy^Vp, Universal Trait aad Vegaia^e P.eJer am! Eclipee Curry Comb and Sa'auer •omh^ed. Ab ;i t- w II command ?.l«ree and ready uJe. Good com'nis ion to pushing mea,—Apply to Smltti I fAft^nrers and i, Colcfai^f^ 'Htsf* ami- tew X>ROFTI ABLE OCCUPATION.- AGENTS Wanted, greatest JT Oj>pta-.amcy lax ary one wtth spare time ever known Stall pwrticaiaxs free. Tie Biake Maaqfactaring Company, 20^ M-d, Beummebwy, liondon S874 A 7 ATffl E8CCHA1KS, 4&, CATALOCFOS WTTH ENGRAV- WF INGSFTEE. AGEISTIJ WANISEP^JAXXA SFLUKMS, 28, PllPllHai SlmrW k-gi3Cssfai)ft*Bfr» 2&i3 II COACHBUILDERS and Others-A COAC HP AINTER, Good. Experienced, is open for Jobs, within 40 miles.—Par- tieulars, address J. Best, care at Post-office, BiAsalsg, near Newport, Mon. 73S1 mo GROCERS.—A Young Man requires a Situation in the 1. Grocery Trade; age 19; good references. -Address, A. J. D., Post Office, Newport, Mon. 73$0 GENTS WANTJ6D to Sail JEWELLERY, WATC.UES, and BIRMINGHAM GOODS. New Specialities! Wholesale Bock Pcst-lree.—Apply Htnry May, Birmingham. 5466 A GENTS WASTED everywhere. Salary and Comm'ssjon. Jt\. £ 4 weekly easily realised.—Address, D.N. Langataffe and Ob., York. 6107 WSKKIJY and UPWARDS may be EASILY and HONESTLY REALISI3) by penons of BJTHER SEX, wflhout hindraaoe to present occupation.—Evelose, for particu- lars and sample, 12 stamps (returned if doeim)) addressed, EVANS, WATTS, aad COMPANY, Merchants, tarehogige Buiid- ntra. Birmirufbam.—This is genuine. 4-00d SITUATIONS WANTED. C" LEHKSHIP Wanted, by a Younjf Man, age 24. Quick at C accounts, and of good refereuce.-Addrow George, Bith Villa, Lydne.f. 7255 CASUIER OR CIIiKB' Cr.EKJC.—A Young MAN, who has had a Thoroughly Practical experience of the complete C had a Thoroughly Practical experience of the complete routine of Oolhery aceountsat one of the largest Collieries in Monmouthnbire, closire-s a rs-engagement as CASHIER, or CHIEF CLERK. Unexceptional references, good securty, and Satisfactory reasons f".r dosiring re-engagement, on applicaiion to South Wale* Daily iVne* Oifioa, C -r iig. 6646 ANTEI), a R^engs^ement as BARMAID^ in Spirit Vaults. Accn-i'omed to quick counter trade. Good!estimomais. Address Bar, P".t-offieil, T o w br die. LODGINGS, APAHTMENT6, &e. COMFORTABLE FURNISHi-D APARTMENTS, lor one or C two Gentlemen, in Duimfrie-pl"e. -Apply to B., of Mr Wm. Jones, bt*tioner, Jjuke-gtreet, Cardiff. 7887 AFARTMENTS WANTED, in or about Cardiff, by a Y#ur«g Man-—Address, with terms (which must be moderate), Feet Officii, Cardiff. TARNISHED APARTMENTS.—One S tting-room and Two .1..1 Bedrooms, with atttpdance. Suitable for one cr two gnntlemen.—29, Wli dsor-pljwe. 7271 MLSCELlLANBOUS WANTS. WANTED, to PURCHASE, a Strong Cob PONY, li hands. — Write, with full particulars, stating lowest cash price, and where to be seen, to B. D., care Mussrs. Edwards A Coin- pany, Coach KuiHer., Card ff. 7379 f a >0 INVESTORS. — by an outlay of £ 2 500, 4i per cent can 8 be secured fpr 1* yevs- At tf'« expiration of 14 years ."re than the whole of the purcnase money cau be redeemed, sbd a rent of over £ J 50 per year secured for (,ver 60 years. This is an oppe*tu)ti|y Vol4onit met with. Inveetorp should apply at once at the Bertram Hotel, Koath, Cardiff. Villas, shop*, a d cottages to be Let or So d. Apply as above, 73U8 PAINTERS! PAINTBKS PAIN i ERS 1 arc requeited to Jt" keep from NE VVPORT, as a STRIKE is pending. 7323 WANTED to HIRE or PURCHASE, a POWDER M^GA- 5UN situated near Cardiff, Pontypridd, Neath, or Swansf* preferred.— Appiy, with full particulars, to box 17, Foat-office, Oarditf. 6713 R SIMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUJTTAKT and AUDITOR, S, Stuart- m strett, Docks, Caruiil, is prepared to mi^iinake the OPENING, JEiOEPING, ir AUDITING of BOOKS, and the preparation of p nodical balarc Hheets for merchants cr trades- MENIJ^OWIIANLEOAITRY^^M^^RATECLWGE^ '1'0 w I^il-r-UOC BlfiS, LAND, &o. TO be LfT or SOLD, GRANVILLE VILLA, Partridsre-road, Roath. Coach-bouse, three-horse stable and loft, 40 feet by IS.-Apply Mr Robins, Granville Villa. 7339 TO be LfcT or SOoB, « VIJ.LA, 31, P*rtrldge-road.—Apply to Mr Robins, Granville Villa, Partridge-road, Roaih Car- din. 7390 TO LET.—A HOU ::E in Charles-street, and One St Andrews- place.—Apply J. Elliott, 25, W indsor-piace. 73«6 TO LET, NE A'TOX ViLLA, 0*kflald-street, RoitbT" Rent moderate.—Apply to Hill, Hopkins, and Co., Auctioneers aDd Acsountiuts. 5, Queen-street, Cardiff. 7365 CARDIFF. — A semi-detached VILLA, near Trsdegarviile, TO ftE LET; go d gar.ieq early poss a i' n rei.t £ tS.— Apply to Messrs. John Jenkins 4 Co., 20, lligu-strjet, Cai did. TO LET, a Large ROOM, (53 eet by 10 fest. Very light and well supplied with gas. Cemrally vitnated in Cardiff. Apply to T. Wwbter, Houhs Agent, Royf Arcaoe. 72W fT^O lET.-A VILLA in Koath p'easantly situated. Tent very I nod«rat0,-r-Appiy to aaaddox aad Emery, House and Estate Agents, 18, Uigli-»treet, Caidif. 7000 fB^O be LRT, with imme<liate poastssion, a 7-ri>omed D WELL- 1 LlNG-fctOU^E, situate at Penmaen-terrace Swansea.— Apily to Messrs X. J, Price &ad Co., Collago-chaiubers, College- street, Swansea. 6706 TO BE LET.—BUSINESS PREMISES, 4c. fXV> LET, two SHOPS, in Trinity-street. Apply at Skating X Kiuk, Ttinitj-streeti Cardiff. 736 £ TO be LKT, with immediate poiaession, t\ie "SHEPHERD'S IRIDE, single licensed House, Mamdee, Newport. Ap- ply persvnally to iJ. ssis W. J. anI J. Gagkell, Merchants. Weat Bute Dock Warehouses, Cardiff, or Lianarth-street Storey Nowiott. 7a48 TO LET,—A HOUSE and SHOP, containing 12 rooms, wi h oven and bakehouse. Coachhouse a -a stable can be acid«d at a small outlay. Kent only X 0 per anunmL-AFply to Mr White, builder, Swansea. 7157 TO BE LET, all that well-known Hotel, the OCEA^ HOUSE, the Leys, Aberthaw, near Cow bridge, now doi:,g a good trade. Satiiiactory reasons ean be given for present rwner leaviag.-For particulars aj ply to Phi ip Williams, Albion Steam Brewery, Cardiff. 7036 J | M) BJS LfcT, with immediate posseskon, au Old-established 1 DRAt EtiY and t;RO0< £ RY BUsl^E8S, situaS in tne tSTiving town of Von;ypridd. Drapery Stock amounts to £ 1,000, and Grocery to ^800, both of wnieh are in capital condi- tion, and will hare to be taken to at inToice prices. Kent of Premises it? per annum.—For further particulars appl to AlsxHider Br>s., 1 nati tute-chambers, Pontypridd, 8339 ONVENiEST OFTICEii TO LEi', near Post-offiee F1nt floor, hnmadiate posaesaion.—Apply to K-, South Walts floor, hnmadiate posaesaion.—Apply to K-, South Walts Daiiv NtJDII aftci, wtansea. 400g COAL WAGONS & COLLIERY REQUISITIES C^OAL WAGONS. SIMPLE HItiE. TO BE LET. J 200 8-Ton G W.R. Side, Bottom and End Doors. SU 10-To.i (t. W.H. bids And End Doors. 10 s-Ton G.W.IL l'o. All 1 he above are about 11 Months o!d, 30 8-Ton New LV.M., with ope jJ;ud Door. Apply, G. W. Axuistrong, Cardiff. 7111 FOR SALE, New TURN-TABLE for Colliery purposes. Apply to G. Corp, Auctioneer, Hayes. Cardiff. G5U FOR SAL-, aad HIRE), 8 ama 10 ton second-hand Coal sod other MINE>AL W'AGO -S; al.o Traeuon Bo«ine WAOO >8; new lien Ore, b one, Lime, and Con»r»o(o s' W/ GO>S; new and Xnd-haad Locomotive, Portable, Pumping, Winding, and IracSoJi ENGINE, mxchinert,, Raits, Ir 11 Or a Eoanish and Foreign, Severe COLLIERIES anl ifton ORB 4tisms; wek. outputs 1000 to ø,Ooo t ns. Anthracite Welsh Sirockt loes Steam and otter V.OALS aiai COKE at wia ory priesc-kl and P. LA VW#, Dpcks, Ca^d g. Mj_ _n_ yOR SALE-~HO USEB, LAND, &a. CANTON.—TO B.. OL'jj 'j. w'-i* fltACT, Tw» VQisus,$rootus eacn, wtth i^'S* &1,<1 backway; !t>a»o years; r^iit, £ 35 » ye%r priee, £ .00 each. One 5>-roomed ""t )rarti«» %ud irtwkway; price, £ jQ rent, TKt Una. One Freehold Villa,'With 60 perches of ara-rdjii. ia Oiive-road; price, £ 000. Four Freouoid Hous«» in < live-Kxui; price, £ 1,000. One Freehold 14-roumwd Vii;a in Severn-r< ad.with largo garden; pnoe, iil.luO. Pi«ce of land in Severn-road, and f*ve™ '■op** •? i*na u, dififereiitstretts i.. Canton. Five Houses, utciudinc a Corner-Shop, with s.*bie, ooach-hous*, a^d backway, rent. ^111 l((s. \>rice, fii,SW. A si*-rooru 4 Villa, with larga En den and green-house, in Wyndham-crMcent. price A'Aftf). 'I w A*6 i ground rent, ICs 6d each. About • Aorea of Land with a niue-roollled House, let at £4;) a yew. about i trprn C»ntoj»; price £ 1,200. Eight tioubm lei for A114 81 per D.11"m; pr1 41^00. Two Houses, with Shop ta atain street. Three Houses lot for aboUt. U9; price, AIiOO. ROATH.—Four House*, ii^c uding A CORNER thop; rent, £ 66 a P"0?'00- ^7' "otnej; rent, £ 39 a year: pr ee» <400. Ligiat sopee*, let at iw per week: price, £ i06 each* E,rhV-rootp«<i Hou.e, includm* a shop, with gisflttings and eeunter, in Oastle-n»d, lot at ±40 a,e»t;ground rent, *fas Gd J with back way and stable, suitable for a drap,r;4 bouses with Iron nils, let at 8s per woe priee £ l#0 each, is House,, let at 8a P*r we#fc; prjg« StW eaeh. Two Houses, let at lis i^rweek; ground rent £ 1 8s eaca pnoe *40J. Two 1 -roomed Vilias, leS st £ 36; ground rent £ S &» each tenant Pays ihB taxes" p iefc £ 1,100, Several Houses on the Lower Grange and Upper Gr art lor sale. 'JO iJgL T, a Corner hop in oith, tmub f7« butcher e* greengrocer; an siglitr omed House, including a Plop, wit. stable and badeway ia aatle-road, Routa, su.tablefor a drapex Met, £40 a yaw, eouli be had at once. A Bakehouse, with two evens, at the Uoper Grange rent, 48 per week, in good taf, mid aU-rocmed house, including a corner shop, at a* inoreaMd rint, if leq ired. >ine-'oomed Villa, with largegar. den and bsckway In iilv-road. Canton rent, P.35 a year. Several piecefo/land fur build.ng to le*. Several Houses (a rooms) at piecefo/land fur build.ng to le*. Several Houses (a rooms) at Bly to let, rent 4a 6d per week.—Apply to Mr ihomas Davies, house and lso aojent, 84, Coworidge-road, Canton OLrdifL-For reply please enclose s; am p. MM 886 CARDIFF.—To be SOLD, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Nos. c U. ii, 86, Comt-stro;t, ho?. 41. 42, 43, 44, System street, Noe. 18,19, SO, il, V2, 23, Eclipse strest, Splotlands. Further perticulars can be had on applying to Mr. H. Thomas, 43, Elm- Street, Roath. Cardiff. 7145 TTOI SE PROP6 RTY offered for SALE by Mr Thomas Beable, Jfj House and Mortgage Agem, 82, Bedford-street, Cardiff:— Two Dweilinz-houses. h >uae, shop, and bakehouse, Ru aall- street. Hire" small Vi las in Sapphire-street, houses in Gar et- strret, Cecil-street, C^axles-atreet, Roath. As > at the 1) cts and other parts of the town. So ue of the above lots will pay It par cevt. Price on application. C696 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. TO GROCER^A RARE OPPORTUNITY.-TO BE SOLD JL hjr pnrivate contract, and may be ente ed intoimme<liat<ily, S first-class G, O(I!Y BCSINEhS in the bit ni uation in Dowla's, ,in( an e<reellent ready money Tra e —For fu ti'er partica'ars, appiy to Mr David Widiams, Tall Vaie Brewery, Merthyr T> d^i. 737* rvRAPERY BysiNISS for IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL. Osi'tre \y eif ti*s« Boat new* S reet, and very fa^t increasing town. Wwt, of Eng an i Larg.» Double-fronted Shop. fcupfrior dwelling-houoe. Stock, £ 60J. Fmia,?». &c., £ 100. Rare chance —Aenlr. first ingt,n(: W., Post Office, Cardiff. 727_l rro CHEMISTS aed DRUGGKTS.—TO be DISPOSED OF A ^>y FeJVATE CONTRACT, ap OID-E»TABLISHED BUSINESS in the a1 oye line, situate in *ne of the lest parts of the town of Sw Bsea, together with the unexpired term of the waaoof the premises.—For particulars, apply to Messrs Brown °Jto KD^ARD RoV>«rw and SOB. auctioa- ABERDARE AERATED WATER MANUFACTORY.-TO BE Disposed of by Private Contract, an AERATED WATE I MANUFACTORY at Alierdare, in ful working order, and wi'h every convenience for carrying on a lfcige 1 rade. Thepl-Liitcon- sists of 85 gross ot tieg, 70 tcrosa patent bo.tles, 700 boxtS. 20 large caqes, 1 new wascon, 1 cart, 1 horse. The owner has the pole right to us Hornets Patent for the dii t io of Aberdare, Jklerthyr, Pontypridd, Rbondda Valley, Neath, aaii places inter- vening. Pare of the purchase money will remain at intorest.- For further particulars apply to Mr. David Evans, accountant, Merthyr Tydfil. 7321 TO BE LET, and may be entered on immediatel, an excellent jt CHEMICAL WORKS, now in fu I work and in tirsr-rate condition. The Wo ks coniam tbiee Ovens, with all requisite Plant for manufacturing Chtrcoal, Br< wn Ace'ate of Lime, an:l Miscible N.pth.; and are surroniided by suitable wood for manufacturing purposes. The Plant to be taken at a valuation. I l-heait,h the cause of the Proprietor leivi'ig.—Applin tion to be made to Mr John Bowen, Lythrid Park Mill, Gower, near Swansea. 7103 FOR SALE-LIVE STOCK. CARRIAGES, &c. MILeH GOATS.—FOR SALE, several excellent She-Goats with Hi s, in full milk.—Apply to Mr Phineas Jam; s, Estate Agent, Llanover, sibergavenily, 8. W. 74' < FOR -ALE, a good bred IiOf.S 16 bands quiet in har- ness, and well suitable for light cirri;ga work. Apply at l<s, Albe t-6.treet, Mar-hyr. 7011 TROLLEYS, CART^, A>D TRAPS FOR SALK.—one new improved spring Troll y, 0:-e new builder's Tip cart, one new Haul «r » i ip-cati, one new Norf >ik Shooting or !u;:ra.8 Cart, one new Oxford u'ab-cart, one new Pony Trap, one seooiid- hmd crank-sixle spring art, a'-o, an ass) 'tme<it of ready- made Wheels also a quantity of Heart Spokes, and heavy Curt, an i Trap oSha.'t& AU UO\)l:' Warranted at 1'. Mar ley's Wheel Works, West Canal Wharf, Cardiff 20 FOR SALE, cadi only, goo'i strong BATH CHAIR, suiting inva id, ifentlemen or ladies.- Apply to Thomas M. rj;a i, Panteg, .Naroerth. 7.121 TJ^GGrf for SITTlNo from Choit-e Daik Rriiiiuas, fresh and fertile, T^ree ^hillings P«r dozen. 14, Wood vilU-terraca, C mays, Cartlifi. f204 FOR 8.ALB-MAOHINERY. TOOLS, SaA, FOR SALE, a Perpendicular STfc-AM KNG1M It, norsd-power, in good work tig order. Apply at Ko&th Fost Office. 7i&l 1"j^GlSe~AND BOiLEkT— FOTIsALK (s&;oiid liatid, a bariiii) ij V. rtual t-NG.NE, on A staadard pnuciple, oj-i^ch cyl.nder,' 8 inch stroke; Ve tiud .85' (ler, 5 feet 0 by 2 feet II itches complete, with liitiugs.—r.pp y at Oitice of this i api-r- ,u,- I FOR SALI a VERTICAL ENGUNE and BOILER; 7 inch cylinder 11.1 inc,, stroke, 4 lu.se power. Can be seen at work at the Lord Raglan, Ellen-street, Newtown, Cirdi i blO;, SlE M BOll.KKS ON BA,,f.A firstelass Two-flue-A o BOI En, 3 fu x 7 ft., uew, t-in. sbi li, six tiadnw..y IU es in eaeh flue, work at 80 bs hi. Two kuod ueeond-haivl Laacasbire H, ILEHS, iWift. by 6 it. #0 in., five Ualloway tubes in tach flue, to woik at GO lbs. One tew Veitica liOlL. <, 6ft. higi by 3 it. ia. beve. ul few, 7 ft. «in. High by 4 ft. dia., wit > two arose tab«s in tire'iox. One Old B'>1LER sli, U, 33 it, by 7ft. Gin., suitable to tank. Two OIj F..UEs, 30ft. lonj, 21 in. dia. one Secon i-han-i, Hign prosiui-e, Vo, t c:, I -y.NGl -E, iOin. Cylinder, Sf». stroke, capital fly wheel, govern-r au-i pump co.u- pleta. Also, one Litt, Horizontal, 6 i^. cylinder, IÚ;J st.oke, with store bed oom fete. RlChiARD Pol-LII", Bjiler Maker, Bolton, Lancashire. 6!:5 T ATV1E, 11 mob ceatres, %> feet gap bed; Cin:ul,u Saw ,nch, 5 A Failing Spindle; r ere .ving a id Drilling Machi es, aud o-uer l'vo1, new; uiso good second-hand ENGINE, S horae .,0.6r; ci^aap.—J. bpfciiter, io./l in .k<_r, keigh.ey. 67>1 ON &ALbi- ONE of GAr,L< WAY'S fcOiLEHS, 20 feet by 7 feet. 8 TWO-FLUED BOlL4iftS, 30 feet by 7 ft-e 2 Vo, do. 26 feet by 7 feet. 1 Do. ("0. li2i feet by 0% feat. 2 I wo. do. 17J fe»t by 6 feet. 2 ONE-FLUED BOI ERS, 14 feet by 5 feet. 1 Do. do. 12 feet by 5 f et. 2 NEW HORIZOINTAL ENGINES, 7 in. cy mder. 1 Dj. do. 6 in. eybnotr. 1 DONKb-Y PUMP, 4 in. ram. 1 Do. do, 2 in. rllI. N. PEARSON, Piercy-etreet, M.ll-str-iet, Manchester. 4161 TO BE SOLD Cheap, several Second-haud Portao'e Wnsnnes, 'thrashing Machines, and Traction Engines in firot-class condition. Full par iou »r», and pnoea on application, to R bey & Co., Engineers, Lincoln. 2315 PORTABiiE ENGINES, as under, in excellent working order;— IS h-p., by Clayton and »huttleworth. 12 h-p., by Clayton and stmttteworth. 10au „ with reversing geaz. 10 II Cambridge ditto. 8cisytoa and Shottleworth. 7.. tJ >» J M » „ 6 „ „ Robey. WINDING DRUM and GEAR, auitable for the above. Magniiicent pair of 16 h.p., HottlZONTAL WINDING ENGINES (new), w th double conical drum, 8! ft, mean dia. 8 h-p. HORISONTAL ENGINE, equalto new. FAN (new), 3 ft. dia., for blowing or exhausting. SAW BENCHES, for Collieiy and general purpoeea. CORNISH BOILBK(uew), 2S ft by 6 ft. VEKTICAL BOILAM (new), 2 to 8 hp. 1 Lloyd's f AN IS hi. dia. (new). 1. 17 ia. ii Lo MORTAR or LOAM MILL, with pair ot edge runners, 1 ft. XOin dia., and pan, 2ft dim. (new). THRASHING MACHINE. 1 IRON SAFE, g4in. by 18 in. 1TELDING AND PLATr, M Engineers ssnt! /SoUer Makers. « W.^uuester. SECOND-HAND AND NliW M CIILnERY.—The 'Standard; K3 Litt and St eciaiitieo Advertiser is intend, d to be in hd bunds of ev»-y Mac..uje.y, 6t am U e and Slipper. &c, ion the world. ^ut»cru>tion, Umwd K ngdom, 2s 6U Abroad, 5j per tu.num (prepaiu). Sample cop, 6eut free for 5 Sum, s. The oheapest a a most practice AdverUs n- vadium in ewtenoe ft>r maoh norj-, a.nd .00;3, &c. -rn,rietors, JAMKS WADHAM, t-ENR., AND CO., DARLINGTON. 928 ON SALE, one Strong, we.built Condensing Beam Engine, by a drot-ebwa manor, equal to new cylinder, AG inch bore B tee s roke. Can be seon standing, and will btllOld cheap. One close-built, self-oontamed Condensing Beam Engine; stands on independent bed on six ooluuins: cylinder, 'i!S inch bore, 4 feet ) atrone. As good as new. Can be seen standiug, and will be sold cheap.-Apply to Henry Parkinson, P'ouudr.) -gLre". Bolton. 70 ^ICREWINS and DiiU. «. also LATHES P always ready cr hs p.-carrt'John Spencer, Tooi-m«.k« Weighley. 679 MORTAR or LOAM MILL, S-6 pan, suitable for Buiidcr or j F -uudry.—Fieldiug and liatt, Gloucester. GJi'J STEAM POWER AND MACHINERY USERS, ENGINEEKS, Ac., before adding to their appliances B ould consult the "Chambers of Commerce Chronicle." The TEAM POWER AND MACHINERY 0 USERS, ENGINEEKS, Ac., before adding to their appliances B ould consult the "Chambers of Commerce Chronicle." The advertiseinepta being confined to Steam Power and Machinery, it is uow quite an Illustrated Cftta.o^ne of E oilers, Enguies, Tools, and Machines of ail kinds, A oopy j»nt gratss to any part of the world on receipt of Business Oard. Publisher: W. T. EMMOTT, 138. Kleotr-ntreet. London. 3S60 TO BHILDBRS and COXTKA 'TOHS.—P »rtab's 5 TEAM ENGINES, Mo-tar Mils. Steam Pumps. Ver-t cal and llori- luntsl Eatrinos, for tmmed a. e dyiivery. Applv to Huston, Proo- tur, A Co., Ekigiiiftra, Lincoln. 2773 MISCELLANEOUS. TT^OR SALE, New 4-rared in-rigced WAGER EOAT, 3S feet Jt? ioBg also » goo i second hand N VY LAUN ,H, 2i feel. k>u? sui ab e foraY»,cht; cheap. -Apply, Rogers's boa -bui d- ingEitaiil shment, < brdiff. 7:81 fTio CuAL ERCHA.V 8 and OTH HS.-To BE DiSt' SEi- I OF, m Truck, a, the Ri c* Lantwit C..lli ry si ing-, about 70 TO\s Ph,R DAV NO. 2 VEIN, beiiiL'I re-encaatpiit.— lend-r, Stating price for Larg., Small m de of pa in- nts, &c., to 1 e t. rwarded, not later tiian the 8 b nat., to Mr Charles James, Bute Vitwit Fa-cr near Po^typriid. 7376 I PIREPROOF WROUG T fRO,\¡ SAFI, 30 inches high] pltr- feet condition; recently Lew; prioe, a.5 it, uelivaied. Ri hard M. Lord, Woiveihamo.on, 7277 A GOOD PIL' T BO V r fO SAJJK.—For particulars, aiijily to "Theta," South Wales Daily News office, Cudiff. 7246 ANEW YAt HI1 F R SA.LS. For particulars, apply tr> fcta," South Walet Daiiy News' ft ice, Cardiff. 7246 TO SMOKERS AND TOBACCONIST?. — 7he New Indla- Rubber Tobacco Pou. h.—On reoeipt of vs 8d in stamps, Anderson, Abbott, and Anderson wil eead a large siso extra strong louacao Pouch, with your name, orany motto, emoossed on the tront in raised letters. A. lib. i-a.1 diseouat to the trade.— Apply at 16 and 17, Omftle-street. -wanaiee. tS3 A B RDEEN GKAMTit MONL'MEN'lS from £ 5, oarna e free. Inscriptions accu »ie and beautiiul. Plans and prices irom Lagge, -cuiptor, Abi rdeen. CBUS WHAT LB YO{JI MONOGRAM ?—Send 13 stwnpn to GLASij and CO., Cardiil, who win forward you iS soeets oi note paper and 12 envelopes, stamped in colour with any one, two, or three letters, or any lady's name. Also ULAss, 00..0 PACKED, containing 12 different design.% sent post free for 13 stamps. 6 Quires of paper, and 100 Envelopes, stamped in and colour for 6a. 6d. YOUR CARD, SIR? Send 4a. Cd. to GLA&3 & CO., Cardiff, wno vrill engrave your name, and orbit vou 100 Ivory Cards, and forward them, post free, to any address- TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, and Others.—GLASS'S Patent Eudoreiug Machines, engraved with your name, business, and address, from Od. YOUR NAMfi, 8i R? Your Name engraved ou a Brass or Zinc plate for your door, from &L-GLASS-8 Stencil Plates lor Marking Linen, &0 Initials and name, Be. Od. i-tials only, It. M. Sent pott (ree to any address on receipt of stamps to GLASS « CO., IRYSMAVA", D'S^nsBS* and Gfmsbai. ■ 1 ahw 1^ WHAT ia YOUR CREST and MOTTO 7—Send Name and County to CULLtTON 'fe HEIiALDH OFFICE, 8s 6d. Plain; sketched in Heraldic Colours, 7s; Crest engraved on SeaJs, Book Plates, and Steel Dies, 7s 6d; Manua- Heraldry, 3s 9d post free, by T. Cuileton, 26, Cwnbourn-atr^ot (corner of St. Martin'8-lane). W.C., London. CULLfiON,g PLATES for MARKING LlNEN require noi r8 N- paraSaon, and are easily used. initia, PIAM, > Name pf 28 bd; M of Moveable numbers, 2ø od; Crest or Monogrva Plates, 6a; with Directions post free for eaah or stamps by T. Cuileton, Cranbourn-etreet (corner of ISt. Martin's-laoe), W C.. London. SEAL ENGRAVING by ()ULLETON. -Crest Engraved on K;y Seals, Rings, Book Plates, and teel Iea for stomping paper, 7b 6d. Livery Button Dies, «- yest engraved ou Silver tt>oona and family piate, 6»per dozen articles. A neat Desk beat, with engraved Crest, 12s 6d. Registered Letter, 6d extra. T. Oulleton, law raver to the Queen and KoyaJ Family, 25, Craa bourn-stroet(eorner ot St. MartenViane), London. XRISITING CARDS by CULLETON.—Fifty best quality, ts. M., V post free, iuciuuing tne engraving 01 Coppen>iato. Wed- j ding Cards, 60 each, 60 kinbo9««d iwivekipee with MaidMi Name, 18s. OIl-t. CuUetou, Seal Engraver, 86 CTwbourn-etreet c<)rner ot et. Marwu's- «uie), 'V .C.. London. MONoGltAM.S by OULLfcTON, the mi.st elegant tn Londoa. Quairter-rnam Paper, and 125 Envelopes stamped m lrg, w)th any Monogram, 6s. No charge for Die. Sent to any part ea receipt 01 stamps.—T. Cuileton, Engraver, to the Que<m, aad Die cSniiar to the Board of J'rade. 95, Oranixjum- .)Ou s1 reet (eorner of 81. Martin's-lane), London. 46ÐS (^ULLBtOJPS OUiNEA BOX of STATIONERY contains a J ream ot the very beet Paper, and 600 Envelopes, all Stamped In the most elegant way wtfh Crest and Motto, Mono- gram, or Address, and tb a engraving of Steel Pie, included. Sent to any part for P. O. order.—T. Cuileton, 2u» Ormboam-straet .A.4I'- TO BUILDE fl S. -For SALE, at a reduced price, 200 PLAS- JL TEK CE ,'l'Rh, FLO WE KS, of various patterns and newest designs. Prices from iisOd to 40s.—Appiy to CharlesMerrett, 18, Oiford-street, Roath^Cardiff. 7204 DESTINY.—Is evury tiua.au b«.n< destiaed to a certain po< itlon in life? Can that positon be foretold f To Settle this question eonsuli Madame »TOjnntR. Four questions anstered for 13 stamps and stamped directed envelope. Give Ste, sex, married o single, and place of bi tk. Oorrespoadence to be piaoed undar cove. and addrcøed to Misa P. Knigbt, Dean- Street, Dorking, Surrey. 40v6 SICKNEiii, O LO AUK, AND tllATH. O-J fxsy. »t DEATH, for ONE !:H LLUG par Week. £ 66 at owJL/wif Dettta, or FIFTEEN SHILLINGS per week in 8ioiui ss, for SIXPr^UE; Jtlû at DhtD., or 2L 6d. per week ia bickness, for ON E PEN N Y per Week, pud bioutbly, bv any one about the ages of 20 U. 26, to the WESTERN PROVIDENT ASSO- CIATION. BsUblished biS. frbxqdeiat: Sari Fortewi-o; Vice- Presidents: Lord Ab rdare, Rev. D. Ho well (Wrexham), John Coiy, tsq., J.P. (Oard ff), <sc. Other rums at different ages for Proportionate ratea Upcn examination, this Society will be found to be the belt in existence. SAfEaztd Cht-ap, It has entered more than ELEVEN THOUSAftD MEMBERand has PiVid to them more thaii SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS ia Bene- fits. It has ftaved and has now invested over FORTY THOU- 8 \.ND POUNDS. Members incur no expenses, and are liable to to duties, sines, or loss of time. Females may join. For further information apply to Mr W. C. Amery, District Secretary, 3, tiuiiuford-creiw nt, C-tr! ff. 8146 ERVOUS DKBILTTY.—Gratis, a MEDICAL WORK lowing Sulfw rs h' -w they mav be cured without the aid of Quajks; free on ,eceipt .,f postage gtamp.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Ana'omy, Hinnin"ha1ll, 6!í76 LOST AND FOUND. mWO POUNDS REWARD. STRAYED from the Canton J Mtrket, TWO, ot,wold Fat SHEEP, Privately Marked, Whososver will detain them after ihit. Notice, ivi hout giving iniormation to S. Grey, Docks, will be Prosecuted. 7884 10.5T, on f^ui-dav night, liexr No. iS, Lou ion-square, one j SABLE COLLARETTE. Any "ne returning the same to Chvs. regarthen, Ship Chandler, Sail Maker, Ac Cardiff, mijau receive Five bil} '1";1 rewaid. 73 3 MONEY. Messrs7 WT~AND s^ HtRS, Estate AKwitT Accountants, 4c., 8, Working-street, Caidiff, are prepared to Advance from.50 te £ 6,000 on luorifpge of freehold or lease- hold property 204 jl « il.Ot,Oiio.\ ■» wroser and Money jl^Jl lender, 2, ttute-ie r» Oaraiii, ADYAKCES CASH ia m..ui of Hi to £60-J tipitt df jM>-iit of Jewtliery, Diamocide, Plata, Leaser, and uuseaaonabla tetuck-in-Traie. Strong room for safa custody. HIM L.AJ^S not less thjin grained at Five per Cent, per annum, repayable b> instalments upon approved Parsond Security, in oonjunction with Lfe Policies.—Apply, W. aad 3. HLRN, House aad Land Agents, Working-street, Cardiff. 205 ONEY TO LEND .-Tradesmen, Farmer's, and JLTJL others who require Mouey, can have aay amount, front £ to £ 6,000, upon good personal security, from one to five years, repayable quarterly Or half-yearly. Money also advanced on Mortgage uvou Freeoold, Leasehold, or Umded Property.— Arnly to Mr. C. Johns, AucMoneer and Valuer, 10«, 8tow-hiB, Newport, Mon. All UPPUcatdOUN bY Post to *main four Osmt L 19 ^^TRICTLY PHIVA t.^TIAL—Immediate k3 OA m ADVANY K^ o Hou e olrterj, Iradeemen, Farmers, Lowkeepeis and otbe.s. Tfla aoove can obtain advances on their fur; ltine, stocks, and (Sects from .£10 to £300, wilhout removal or inconvenience in any way. Cash also advanced on deposit of g ods. App.y to Mr Pni.nps (private hou«s), Carlton House, Charles-street, Cardiff. Town or count y ;distanoe no object. 130 MOSUEfcXLtS RiiQ litiua.—iiuN.-cr ADVANCED from P to k; 0 0, to II-useh«lders, and others, on ,M-ua-1 rade, Household Fumitu/e, &o.. witboat remvva, or <aoonveniei.ee. Full pa Ucun>r- on application to Glamorgan Loan Odices, Church-ytree ( ic ng the Market), Pontypridd. Also BRANCH tFFI,E at P..K IRS, Rhendda Valley, apen every ibursday, trols 10 a.m. to 3 p. m. 6172 J. BO WEN. MANAasa. MO>EY. MO ^FY. MONEY.—A Private Gentlemanm ikes CASH ADV -.NCES (in »t rict confidence) to H< us hoi ters, irad^t-men, Farm. rs, and others, from ES to any amount, on thf-ir F" ri: i Lure ai.d tff ct" withont removal, they reta,ming free u e <-f the sa i.e. > o tureties required, and no charges made u,lesthemi)nvyloadvance(i lash Advanced on Surplus or Ur.se ibona ile Sto ks of any desc ipfon. Apply, personally, or by le ter, Mr Nathan, 8, Ctiaries-s reet, Cardiff. 8 PI QTKICTLY PRIVATE. PRELIMINARY FEES. TO THE NEEDY, including Clrrgymen, Gentry, Hounbolden, Trad sicen, Contruciors, Farmer. Breeders, Lodging-house Kr. pers, Working-men, Ac., CAN ohta.rl α- vanees froaa £ a to 1.500 upon their Furniture, Stock-n-Traue, Plant, Ac., w thout romovai or publicity; dis- tance no object, and easy repa ments, b applying to LOUl-> SARNETf, ll, Belle Vere-street, Swansea. N.B.—Not being oouneew, with any company all bona fidi appl .eat.ous promptly attea .ed to. 179 LIE MEtt"O,YK AND DOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETF JL are PREPAKKD to LEND, at the abertest netiee ilium. of £100 TO £10.000, RE-PAYABLE in MO sTHLT or QUARTE LT INSTALMENTS. BOIIROWERS in this ^o itty i av. SPFCIAL ADVANTAGES not o toned in othe: So ie'i s, or from Private Individual*. The I. gal est* are paid b the noeietv and thts lodependence of the Borr wer, no long as tis stipulated repayments are madr, is se- emed by the Registiar ui.ur tbe Friendly Society's Acts.—The utmigt, bececy i roaii.tiined. F'UT par I ulars &Plv to r ROCERTS, at the Officc of the o-iety, 34, Victur.a-itreet Merthyr. 61 o S U R E T I E S REQUIRED. CASH ADVANCED DAILY, in sums of £ 10 aad upwards, to Householders Farmers, Victuallers, HsaMers, and othsrs on their Household huvu ture and Stock-In-Trade, without removal. DUtaucc no object. Apdyto „ „ S. B L A. I n II: R A, 5, BT'TE-TERRACF, CARDIFF. FILIVAIN KKSIDSSCB: AVON H USE, C 4&RLES-STREKT. BUANCHiiS. -44, Conmercial-etr et, Newiiort, Mon. Dinos, Rhuiidda Valley: Mr IJIWIS FitRODUAf. Agent. N.B.—in the .Strictest Confidence, and repayable by easy In, taln-i,litg. &005 TTMPERIAI. AUSTRIAN STATE LOANS t MON I HLY DRAWINGS. Prizes, £ 80,000, 425,000 J.!22 000, Z;30,000, AIS.000, £10.000 £ 5,0o0; Li west Premium, Pr ae, £ 18. Guaranteed bj the! perial tustrian Government. DRAWING in public under the supe. inteudi nc<- of Government officials. Shareo, which entitle 'he holder to a chance of winning any of the above prizes, can be had at tl(&ch. S x shamot, entitling to six c aueeg, ciisi M6.—Apj'ly to Mr Ftna Savor, agen; for the sale :t!ld purchave of Govemment stock, Vienna. Remittances are to be SrM.i d reot to Vienna, either in bank notes, crossed oheques "r Piist-ottioe orders, payahle at the General Powt-ftioe, to Mr Fritz S Tin, 1, Goldschmidgasse, Vienna, who will supply Pro- spectuses gratis, ahd answer any tnrther enquiries which mav ba deem. ,01 neeiifuL 1190 MONEY Lent by the National Deposit Bank, 16 and 17, Rus<el]-street, Covent, Garden, tiondon, from £ 10 to £ 1,000 at a day's notice, for short or long periods, in own or country, without publicity, to male or female, on their note of hand alone, or upon deeds, life policies, furniture without removal, t; ade stock, plant, crops, or farming implements. No sureties required. Interest 16 per cent. Distance no object. The Hank haTin a large amount of capital at oommand, no good application is refused. Apply personally, or U by letter state amount reauired, R. Parnell. Mauager. 720j CROSSE & B L A C K W E L L, c Purveyors to the Queen, SOHO-SQUARE, DON, d r't a teiitiyi) to the foil. wnif ariielas of their rcanufa ture, which ALWAra BZAJL THKIR MAMS AND ADPKEES ON THe LABELS. pURE PICKLES in MALT VINEGAR. APT. WHITE'S ORIENTAL PICKLES, V7 an ixqui .ite compound of sweets and sours. PURE MALT VINEGAR of uniform strength and flavour, in imperial pint and quart b tt;8Ø. A U C E S for Fl b H, GAME, &c. Pr.TTED MEATS and FISH in fancy tins and j .rs. OCIK TURTLE, OX-TAJL, FARE GRAVY, JULIENNE, and MULLIGATAWNY SO PS. JAMS, JELLIED, and ORANGE MARMA- LAl>E, made fi om freeh Fruit and with refined Suuar only. ALVT" S'-FE F T JELLY in bottles, Orange, V-/ Lemon Madeira, and Vanilla flavours. FL1 VOORING ES^ NCES. di»til ed from -1- the Fresh F,-uitti and Bpice-, Orange, Lemon, Vanilla, Aliriona, Ginuer, tiace, &c., Ac. CROSSE & B LACK WE LL'S c GeniiinefM inuf%,cturesALWATS BRIP. THSIR NAMB AND ADERESS ON TUB LABILS, and may be obta'aed of ti oce s, iJhem s's, and Italian Warehousemen throughout the World. 6817 FCFCTTIOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."—SEE Jj Deuteronomy, chap, xil, verse 2L CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark. —" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. SKIN DISEASED, Eftiptiolis, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Old sores, Glandular Swellings, Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimplet>, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolora- tions of the Skill, Humours and Diseases of the Skin o whatever name and nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed medicine. THOUSANDS OY TBSTMOSIALS FROM AX-r. FARM, IMPORT AN T ADVICE TO A-LL.-Clerse ili, vitiated bipod whenever yuu ttucl its impuritiea bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion of either sex, the proprietor solicits sufferers to give a a trial t.o test its value. ° CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTUR1 Is sold iu Bottles, :.11;. ûd. each, .;ml Caseo, containing six times the quantity, 11. each—surtlcient to effect a permanont cure ii1 the great majority ° ng-staiiding CIWIea-O)- all Chemists and Patent Mediciue »t-ndors throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address, on receipt of 80 or 182 stamps, by the proprietor. F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln Wholsale: All Patent Medicine Housea LONDON DEPOT: 140, OXFORD-STREET SOLD IN CARDIFF by Coleman and Co., High-street. New- port E. M. Thomas, 121, Commercial-street; G. Price, 127, Commercial-street. Pontypool; E. Stephens, Clarence-street. EbbwVale: L. p. Toneii. Bridgend'* J, Prie* Swansea; Jaoaes Suscbea. t. Caøtl- ] NEW SERIAL STORY. HER FATHER'S NAME," by the well-known Authoreu MISS FLORENCE MARRY AT, Is now appearing weekly in the QARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON MISS FLORENCE MAKRYAT'S NOVELS. FIOUTI-IO TUB AIP- Miss Maxryat knows how to construct a very telling plot, and she has the art of inveuting most striking situations." Daily Telegraph. I/OVBS CONFLICT. "ANunlof considerable merit, i lorence Marryat p^iata the successive phases tnrou,h WhdL her chief charactaM put with subtlety foice. '—Saturday Review. "An exceed ugly good No% wi. We give it no alight praise when we sa> that it p j. sesaes the rare combination of unflagging interest from uag.nn ug to ena, great, descriptive power, and an influence altoRether good."— A.thenmu H. WOMAN AG tNb'f WOMAN. "lue Story is exeeedingly sjuuan ,Koming Pott. II ueverly written. The last s-ceue is worked up with great dramatic power."—London Review. OSRALX) S. TCOURT. A Novsl which creates interest In m the beginning, and con- I tinues it to the close, it may he truly said it is not unwerthy the IJU of an illustr ous novelist. Au original and saeeessfal urodueiion."—Murmng Post. TOO CiuOD FOR lUX. «< Too Good for HillJ. has an excellent and interesting plat, and the writing is tnroughout pqiant and lively. The inteaiUoa of the story is th,), ughly b°Otl and ture. Florence Manyat has real power. "—Spectator. FFSLLY BROOKS. '-A deolIY interes'inlc story. The style ia aometimea power fully original.Alunli'fAg P(pst' NO INTENTIONS. "Florence Marryat's I N,, In en ona" more thansusUins itt former iuteTest.Bra((ford Observer. "TIUI attraeiive Novei Intentions' takes the place of honour." H 11 Daily Mercury. txindon 0.01, ty, is still c-i ed by the gifted daughter of England's best writer of Moral Fiction. Her Story ot I No is Intentions' is the ^reat attract! on."—Uerts Ovardtan. I London Society' is all bright as ever. Florence Marryat's 'No intentions' i continued with verve and effect.Amonwinor. Flo, erice Marryat brings 'No intentions' to a crisis which causes the reader to look eagarl, for the next chapter. folk chronicle. "Flo.erne Marryat continues her clever Storyof C No Ipton tions. "— Wiltshire Coui icr. OPBX SESAKB. "A New Story by Florence Marr\at begins in tkia Number. It is lively and sparkling, and t e three ohapters will mMm novel rtaderslung for more." -11 erts Guardian. Well wr tten, ana prom ses to be of more tfewa ordinary interest."—Doncaster Quzntte. I THE CARDIFF TIMES IS The L rg et News Sheet in the Ki gdom, AKD TUB Best Weekly Newspaper. PRICE TWOPENCE. 80! D BY ALL NEWSAGENTS, or sent from tbe OtJief OSCE, Cardiff, to sluy address, post free, for k 9d. per quarter, prepaid. pi ENERAL MACHINFRY PURCHASH HIRE COMPANY. 23, ROOD-LANE, O H URCH-STRBET, LONDON. Manufacturers, Farmers, &c., supplied WI^A Machinery and Implements for their business under an improved PURCHASE EIRE SYSTEM of easy payments extending over 1, or < years-Particuia™ lud opinions of tee PRERFS port free. 906 J. R. NICllOLAS. & CO., RAILWAY WAGON CONTRACTORS, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. RAILWAY WTg ONS ntJILT FOR CASH, lUBE, OR REDEMPTION PURCHASE. REPAIRS UNDERTAKEN BY YE VR OR TERM OF YEARS. If. B .CASH ADVANCED ON RAIIiWAT STOCK, Repayable over T ra ol Years. SECOND-HALND WAGONS ALWAYS Of IIAV: TOR HIR*. 2"6 I S. ANDREWS & J# ]yj[AHSH, FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS, 80, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, AND TENAKTH MEWS, PENARTH. I THE BEST AND CHEAPKST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE TOWN. £ a. d. Funeral, with Hearse and Coach, with Pair of Horses and Hanging Velvets to each, Coffin covered wi h btsen Cloth, richly nailed, best Metal Plate, lined with Flannel, Flannel Drees, Pall, Hatbands, and attendance 15 5 0 Second Clau, also Bla. k Cloth 4 4 0 Third Clasa, with French Polished Coffin, tr Biack Cloth, and APPENDAGES as above 3 3 0 Children's Carriage Funerals f om 0 IS 0 Hearses for the Conveyance of Corpses in Town for 6S for eve, y extra mile. It. Hearses, Shollibeers, and Mourning Coaches to all parts of the country. CARRIAGE OFFICES :— ROATH MEWS, CARDIFF; DUDLEY-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS CARDIFF; WEST MEWS, SEVERN-ROAD, CANTON 3002 CARDIFF. 7033 PRESENTS, PRESENTS. ——— 'itSTif'Mma* I have J*^de '»rge preparations for the coniiur Festiva peanon. pepartnv nt is well assorted with all toe Lateat Novelties, Useful andOroa.nent«l. CHFAP, Painted and Gilt, rom IsOdPair. frwn 4s 6d"Pair. CUEAP' Gtlt- Cut Drops, E°I«1mSH SETS» CHEAP' <»t and Painted, FOL1S^!A^ IV0W,!R POTS. CHEAP, richly Gilt and Painted. L° PadiletL °WkR ckKAP, richly Gilt and B°H|^au.Ud F0NTS Md EpK CHEAP, ridily Gnt BOHBMIAA and DRESDEN" CARD TRAYS, CHEAP, richl* Gilt and Painted, fn m 4s 6d eaeh. y ORNAMENTS Ot EVE vY D bC ttInION, CHEAP. d Every A, ide d. rect from the Manufacturer. CILEA.P DI NN Igh S&rs, New Designs and Pasbwns, from 19s 6d. Set of 54pt eel. CHEar CHliiA TEA SHIS Gilt, New DedgusandPattsrnik CH^^LCl^iN^ FA^JT SETS' NewDa-l*M Fatterns, OHEAf CiilNA DESSERT SETS, Paint d and Gilt. Vt. CH Ae DEJEl NEK. SEFS. CUK*P CHAMBER SETS. CHEAP DECANTfcRS, BtbT CRYSTAL, richly > ut. 4a 6d Pnir ^AK,.T JUGS, BE,T CRYSTAL, ri^hlyCu? 6 S Each. CHEAPWINES, BEST CRYSTAL, Cut and fiagrared, all CHEAP TUMBLERS, BEST CRYSTAL, Oat and Engraved, all Puces. Bvt ry A, ttele direct from the Manufacturer; and when I Say I Cheap, I mean the very Best Value 101 Money. AN ENTIRELY AEW STOCK OF I MINTON, DR>SDT N, LIMBGHG, SEVNES, WORCESTER. AND OTHER BEVT MAKES IN CHINA. Beautifully Gilt and Painted. Useful and Ornamental. .1 A GRHIAT BAKU A IN. DRESDEN FIGURES, I FOREIGN BIRDS. BISQUE FIGU-TKS, WAX FLOWERS, PAhlAiV FLGURC.8, SILtv FLOWERS, PAR.AN'BUB IS, J WAX FRUIT, UNDKR SHAUKS, AT HALF THUR USUAL PRICES. _T LR, LIOE-SED VIOTI ALLERST GLASSKa. CUPS, CHINA BAURTCIS, &c., HE-, I. cnat variety. CHINA. GLASS, AKD Pi-ATEi) GOODS LilT OUT O W H L jjL ü08 W H. HE AD DON, Baker and Confectioner • 21, Uuiun ITREET, SWANSEA. W. H. H BEGS respect *UUY TA inform the no'iiuty. O.eigy, gentry, aud inhabitants generally of Swansea and THE n I hbourhood. that he haa A STIPERIOR Confei:tione/y and Bitking Business at the above address. POSSESSING considerable practical experience ) (acquired in ^ENDON and the provinces), he hopes, by tmspormg paans and poiserial attention to all favours, to secure their patronage and recomm. nda'ion. Genuine White and Brown Bread; Rich Bride, S*voy, Mould, Pound, Madeira, Sultana, and Lunch Cakes, and all kinds of Biscuits, fre»h, French and English Re LLA hot every Morning. Schools AND Tea PARTIS* »un. pW&f Uwry allied of the beat quaUt» J>wppiti0 3Utt$e<s YFR, QTEAM BETWEEN OARDU-r ^OLCT O BELFAST, GREENOCK, A GLASQOTF. „ « SAILING WEBaLY. 1i;YiH,8team'shiPi. i-EViiR.N. Captain Fry; PRINCESS ri™; J? .^ptain M.IIk ANTu £ >A, Captain EvaH»i OLLiHA Captain Lmkia er. and AiLSA, Captain BuckmanJ Sf6 i' tL i t0ii!ia'1 Goo^s and Fawen^ rs from *ast moi^hcf May • 086 PrtTOlitc<* circumBtanvei; an foilowB in OARDIffF TO GLASGOW Axa BELFAST. 1 Monday « fl p.m. 16 Monday 9 p.m« 3 Monday — ■. 6 p«m. Monday 4 paBW Alonday. 29 9P.M. „ J f ROM BELFAST TO CARDIFF. J Monday p. m. I 1.5 Monday M 4 a.nu 8 Monday •• — 1 p.m. j 2s Monday 6 p.nW Monday 29 4pm. GLASGOW TO CARDIFF, VIA BBJuFAST. « Saturday 2 p.m.. 2 tatu day « *•«« IS Saturday .2 p.m. 27 Sa urdav „ 2 p.mJ Vt itn liberty to tow and assist Vease 1st AH«S.—Belfast: Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 10a.; Greenock ot °!'t* ?w: Cabin, 20a.; Return, 80a.; Stserage, 12a. #4; Soldiart or Bdors, 10s. G joda to be alongside la time for shipment before the adrer* Iulsed time of sailing. Apply in Glasgow to William Sloan A Oo. Greenock, tfl William Lindsay & Co.; Swansea, to M. Jouds 4 Brother i Belfast, to Robert Henderson tt Jon Bristol, to Mark Whitwill Son mrd in Cardiff, to G. F. WEBB CO., Bate Dock Bonded Warehoui Cardiff, May, 1876. WI3 BR1ST°L AND CARDIFF- J. A. WHEELER'S STEAM TRADERS Loan Every.Diy, at the Welsh Back, BrutoL All gooda deÜYeretl with the utmost daspatch. J. A. WElEELER, WEST WHARF, CARulFF. "ee THE REST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE FOR PASSEN^EM FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND TO THE UNITED STATES IS BY THE "^REAT WESTERN STEAM- .dmMMJ, \JT SHIP LINE," BRISTOL AND NEW YORK. The FINE NEW FIRST-CLASS SURE* SXEA-M-ilill'd of this Line are intended to aail as follows SOMERSE 1(2,10) ton ) «. Baturday, May 5# ARRAGON" (1,50" tons) „ „ „ June! CORNWALL (2.000 fc-ns) Wednesday, Jnue 81, SALOON FARE to NEW YORK 13 Guineas, Return TIOA available for Twelve Months) 20 Guineas. FARRSto NEW YORK, BOSTON, or PHILADELPHIA, From any Railway Station in the West of EnarlantL SEOOND CABIN, 8 Guineas. STEERAGE, I Guins" Steerage passengers provided with Mattresses. The Vessels of this Line do not call at any Irish pert, bat PYCO ceed direct from Bristol to New York. Passengers way be beoked through to all parts of the Unite" States and Canada on very moderate terms. To secure berths, Ac., apply te MARK WHITWILL and soN Grove, Queen-square, Bristol; or to G. F. WEBB and 00. Bondod Store Merchants, Cardiff; Harse and Brown, Dock- street, Newport, Mon.; Joseph Morgan, Postmaster, Pontypoe1; er;to M. Jones and Bro.. Ship Brokers. Swansea: Jebn L r*yl*r« Post-office, Poatymister; John J. Chalmder. Llanellv House, UMietty Capt. S. Williams, Ship an i Insurance Broker, Railway-terrace, Neath; David Thomas, Glenview CetWoIe, Pentre, Pontypridd. Passengers are recommended te obtain their Tickets tfem ew* Agents oefore leaving home. H tPr WHITE STAR LIBJi D STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—LIVER- POOL TO NEW YORK every TflUHSDAY, and QUEENSTOWN on FRIDAY; forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. NOTICE.—The Steamers of thia Line take the Lane Beatea recommended by Lieut. Maury, on both the Outward and Home" ward passages. The well-known fast Mail Steamers of this line sail as under:- FaoM LIVSWPOOU. deltic — Thursday, M y 18 i ennanic Thursday, Jun« 23 Adriatic. Thuisuay, Mav 25 I Celtic— Thuraoay, June « BnUnnic .Thursaav, June 8 I Kacb6,000 tous burwien and 8.000 horse-power. Averagepaasaga days in Summer, OJm Winter These splendid Vessels comhine the highest speed and comlort, and are unsurpassed in iteirattrartioni to pamnzem Saloons and S sate rooms amidships, luxunouify furnished- Pianos, libraries, electric bells, bath rooms, Darner's shop, Ehe Steerages are unusually spacious, well lighted, ventilated, ind w.trmed, and passengers of this class receive the utmost avility end attention. Medica comforts free of charge, tewardE sea to attend the women and children. for fre goi, or passage apply at the Company's Office tT, aroadway, New York, ard i20i Randolph-street, Chicago; in Jueenstown to JAMES SCOTT St CO. or to ISMAY, IMRIE* Oo. 0, Water-street,. Liverpool: and 84, Leadcnhall-street, London, M.: to BARNES, GUTHRIE & CO., Buta Hocks. OardifF; Geo. BEVAN, 8wansea: EDWARD PHILLIPS, Briery Hill, fbbw Vale John Cipeland, 124, H!Ah street, Merthyr; or to Me«RT Harse and l rown, Newport, Mon. We recommend passengers to obtain their ticket* from our igeiits before leavinsr home A L L A N LINE, BHOHTaST OCBAN fASSAS1 10 A M E R IO A. Composed of Twenty First-class ROt al Mail Steamers. SAILIKQ DAYS—From Liverpool, everj Tuesday and I hurod*Y$ to Canada, and every alternate Tuesday to Halifax and "ttt more, forwarding PH«*NU[«IV ON e&JiY tarma to *11 pnrt# ELF' Can.ida and the United States. Sur^son and Stewardesses provided free for all classes el Passengers. Passengers who aecure their Tickets before leaving home are met. at the Railway Station in Liverpool t,y &D appointed Agent of the Company, who takes charge of them until they go on board the Bteanacr. Tbe 0 .nad an Government grants ASSISTED PASSAGES by tbe ALLAN usiE to Marned Farm Labourers and Female Do- mestic Servants. F .r Rat -s of Freight or Passage, apply to Alian Brothers and Co., Alexandra Buildings, James-street, L r> rpool, or to G. Birtj, 46, Bute street, Cardiff; T. J. Bute, 29, Pasf'-atreet, and. 9% Oxford-street, Swans ia W. H. Me eley, Wind-etreet, D. Thomas, British Schools, Llandovery; J R. DaaiS'ii* Mary-street, < ardigan W. Milton Locke, Trtdegar-place, Bnd-'e- atreet, Newpoit, Mon. 4924 CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TION,— Arrangements made for PLKAsUhE fcXCLB^ SIONS from PHILADELPHIA to NlAGAhA FALL- and every other point of interest m the United fetates anu Canada. a The only DIRECT Line of Steamers to PHILADBLf HIA IS tw» A ME RICA N LINN UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS BtTWEKM LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA, Taking P&ssenutrs, WITUOUT IXIRA CKAROB, to— t NEW YORK, OR BOSTON. rirst-elac* full-powered Iron S^amships, are appointed tAt Sa4 From LIVERPOOL EViRY WEDNESDAY. Nut. Sailinss are PENNSYLVANIA W*»»aai>AT. May 3 CITY OF LI MCRI'^K ED.VBSDAT, Mav. 10 Uainngat yueenstown tne toaowing aay to embarK passeng This is be only Trans-Atlantic Line sailing under the Un **r States Flag, and the acc> mmodation for Passeugers is equal w any in the European Steamship Lines. _| Passengers and Oouds ate <anded a Philadelphia on the W»*^ of the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL OAU COHPAAT, whicn is the sbortes" and most, direct route to all places iu th>: Western States. CABIN VASSaGE It to 21 guineas. Return tickets at reduca* rateil STEEIvAGE PASSAGE as low as any other fa^t line, ineludi"J an ample nupply of Provisions, cooked and served up by the Comp-ny's stewards. lis TER MED 1A IE PASSAGE, including Beds, Bedding, andw necessary uten-ili, aDd a separate table, A:7 7a For further information, apply to RICHARDSON, *PENCE, & CO., 17 and 19, LiverpO01!! Or te Jams?! ATRS, 102, Bute-road, Cardiff; JOHN CoraiwJ'J 24 High-street, Merthyr lydiil; DAVID Davids, 2, Cannoir atreet. Aberdare. 011 THE JMIFITUOPOJLIIAIS RAILWAY JL CARRIAGE AND WAOOON COMPANY, LAMIT*^ BALTLEY WOKKS, ISIRMINGHAM. Successors to Messrs. Joseph Wright and So Manufacturers ef RAILWAY CARRIAGES, TRAMWAY CARS WAGGONS, and RAILWAY IKON (YORK of area description. RAILWAY CARRIAGES and WAGGONS built or Caah Or upon De erred Payments ext nding over a period of years. A large number of COAL, IRONDTONE, BALLAST, and OTB* WAGGONS to be LET on HIRE. REPAIRING SHOPS A* all imvorant StatioDL Manufactory and Chief Om,\t'ø-&ltJey Worka, Birmindfham- London Offices -No. 86, Grao-wbur,,b-otreet, E.C., Londun, BRANCH WAGGON WORKS- EAST MOGRii. CARDLFY. ON THE COAL TAR PILL (Wright's Carbonis Detereens.) Kiiie.ry. January 1st, 1^7^, "Please sei.d me two boxes of your va!u ble T«r PIH?> JV, which I enclose's. 3d. IAM bound to CI NR. ss that I have rived m re benefit (rem them than from any other pills. Joø- RYAN, Staff SEN;ean They act upon the Stomach, the and the KI n-v», are ape ient, tonic, and purifjinsr. sweeten the breath, are the best ft ma e pill* known, and a AAR.? remedy for tbo-e ps,;nfu' affections. Hemerrhoides (Pilss) BY < hemiets, in Boxes, Is. ljd., and £ S. » —W. V. WRIGHT A Bouthwark-srrnet, London, N> ri«tors of the celebrated CO» Tar Soap (Wright's Sapo Carbonis Detergens). GEORGE'S Pi-L;ii ^xJ ^HAVEL PILLS are now recoguisad 'Y nil A< belnsR the bost Medicine E* dlaeoverfd F r PILE AND GRAVEL, as well as for the following pains, which, in 99 cases out of every 190, are caused by TPES" painful malariif G;— Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense of tn the Back and LoiDI, Daring Palris in the region 9f the eart, LiTer and Kidiuys; Constipation, Pains in the Thighs, sometimes S JO ti'iir down to tbe ealf of the L-^G and FOOT; Suppression and Retention of Urine; Pains in the stomach and all Liver Co,rpls,nt& have Thooaands have lfcee<I cured b these Pills, and many WHEH*^ been pronounced hopeless HA\E been thoroughly REIFR'W Health by their use. One BOX will convince the moat ACE'PWCAI their 6 fficacy. „/VRII In ord.r to BUit all who may be suffering from ONE or B* arthe,e Maiaulei.th Propriut.-r prepares thisvegolable ILOOody BI the following form :— No. 1—G^O.IUCS PILE ANL GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2 G j,ORUE'i OR VBL. PILLS. No. 8—GEUK^FC'8 PltJLS FOR THE PILES. ,G Important i'est mouials tr IP Ooctons, Chemist*, and IN* from all parts NT the country, will be forwarded to any ADUR«" on receipt of a stamped envelope. Sold in Boxes, i« ldi <?nd .« 9d, 6v ail respectable Chemv>. By pod. Is id, and ij« in Pottage Stamps. Eoery box ii proiec by the Government Stamp.. nnrtv- Nones —The Title "IK-E AND GRAVEL PILLS" « COPY, right, and entered at Stationers' Had. Proprietor—J. E. GRQRCU, M.R.P.S., Hirwain, GLAMORGAN May be ftad WUOIIESAJ»Bfrom most Patent I#ton. £ ri/noLJ^Ptfv«oi. 6 war-