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10 LAMBS, 9d to lid per lb, H) SHEEP, 5ù to Scl per lb. FOUR SIDES FRESH BEEF, J! 5J-.1 to 9 1 per lb, fvo THOUSAND GOOD HAMS, 6d per lb. TWO HUNDRED MILD BRANDED HAMS. 7d per lb. MALT DUST CURED BACON, 6d per lb. GEORGE HOPKINS, AMERICAN MEAT MARKET HAYES, CARDIFF, L —— 34372 MTYJIIITG gaticf.I jM$. 8tea^Sterdam Rotterdam and takill-K Goods at till-ough atea, to ewport, Merth)'r, Aberü¡¡,re, and other neigh- lOUring ? laces. For ei!{\¡t and other informa.tion, appJ, to tho Äa'enta, LE1<SKN! and Cardiff. H'j.J \XT ■ Y. EDWARDS &LttL £ l5srX\ CARDIFF and NEW YORK STEAMSHIP LINE. Toe arat-efa-M Steamttrll of this Line will sail as fol. IowlI:- FROM CARDIFF. "RniWINDDA," 3,000 tons SATURDAY, Aug. 9 RHEOLA," 2,300 tons SATURDAY, Aug-, 23 TO CARDIFF, Z uul^}^PA" 3,000 tous • • • • SATUHDAY, July 19 "•RHEOLA, 2,300 tons .SATURDAY, Aug. 2 THROUGH BILL, LADINO (or all classes of GOODS and PARCELS to and from the inland towns JJI England, and places in the WESTERN STATES of AMERICA an;] CANADA, including- CHICAGO, St tit PAUL'S, TOLEDO, BUF. Ai-O. JxEiivOIl, TORONTO, &c, &c, in conjunction with the Er.e, Great Western of Canada, Lake Shore, and liicii(t Southern Railway Companies. W. Y EDWARDS, Canliffand Newport; TURNER, EDWARDS, AND CO., Bristol O. F, BULLEY, 51, South-street New York. 8460.^ 5824 ARDIFF &, BRISTOL WYE OR LADY MARY. JULY, 1879. From Bute Docks, From Bathurst Basin, Cardiff. Bristol. IlaFriday 7.45 morn I 11 Friday -11.45 morn 2aSaturday. 8.15 morn 12 Saturday ..12.30 after 14a Monday .11. 0 morn 12 blondiy 2.45 after 15«Tuesday .12. 0 noon 15 Tuesclay —— 4. 0 after 18a Wednesday 1. 0 after 15 Wednesday 5. 0 after l7aThursday 1.45 after 17 Thursday 6. 0 after ISaFriday 2.45 after IS Friday 6.30 after 19 Saturday 4. 0 morn 19,tS:,turday 7. Omorn 19 Saturday 4. 0 after 21aMoiulay 8.15 morn 21 Monday 6. 0 after 22 Tuesday 9. Omorn 22 Tuesday 6, 0 after 22 Tuesday 8.45 even 23 Wednesday 6.30 morn 23 Wednesday 9.30 morn 24aThursday 6,30morn 24 Thursday ..10.15nioni 25ai"riday 7. Omorn 25 Friday 10.45 morn 26aS t irday 7.40morn 20 Saturday .11.30 worn 26aS t irday 7.40morn 26 Saturday .11.30 worn 28all( nlty 9.15 morn 28 Monday 1.30 after 2S)«Tuesday .11. Omorn 29 Tuesday 3. 0 after SOaWednesday 12. 0 noon 30 Wednesday 4.30 after SlaThursday 1.15 after 31 Thursday 5.30 after a To-:md-Fro. FAP rs-After Cabin, 2s 6d. Fore Cabin, Is 6d. To-anl- Iro tickets issued for return trip on same day as marked Atter Cabin, 3s 6d Fore Cabin, 2s. To-and-fro Tickets will be issued on Saturday, available for the return trip on Monday. 42460 STEAM PICKET COMMUNICATION BETWPTi-w RJORK, NEWPORT, and ^ylKViBC'iaL* CARDIFF. FIRST-CLA^q P,ApSEAGfER REAMERS. The City of Cork Steam Packet Co., Steamers will leave C' >31K for NEWPORT and CARDIFF EVEPY MONDAY, returning to CORK from NEWPORT EVERY WElJNE DAY and for CARDIFF EVERY THURSDAY Through rates for Goods and Cattle can be arranged on application to the Company at Cork, or their Ao-enta. See handbills. ° Farcs-Cabin, Pl Is; Cabin Return Ticf et, available for one month (including Steward's fees), 41 lis fid- i?eck« 7s- F°r farther particulars see small bills CARDIFF.—Mr E. C. DOWNING. Shipbroker. NEWPORT.-Mr JAMES MADDOCK. CORK.—City of Cork Steam Packet Co. Limited, Pen- rose Quay. 8499 9884 WATERFORD & CORK iroMijnKR ▼» and the whole of 1 h Souta MI L cu,nd, per FAST TRAINS 011 the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY and powerful Steamships, via Milford Haven. THE WATER- FORD STEAMERS RUN EARLY, and DO NOT CONVEY CATTLE AND LIVE STOCK, but Passengers and Cargo on'y. The CO UK Steamers leave New Milford on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, returning- on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Special Boats for the convey- anc,) of ('att'c leave Waterford for New Milfovd on Mon- days, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, and on such other days as may be necessary. See Great Western Time Books, or app:y to any of the Company's Stations. 40117 ALLAN LINE. SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO halh aa, CANADIAN, AND UNITED STATES AIAIL, T °* Twenty First-class Steamei-s. WVEIU'OOL every THURSDAY, and LONDON- v?7ery FRIDAY, for HALIFAX, QUEBEC, JORILAND, and BALTIMORE. Through Tickets to BOSTON, NEW YOHK, PHILADELPHIA, and to all points in Canada and the States. Lnw Fares and excellent Accommodation. Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving- home ar e met at the Railway Station by an appointed A^ent of the Company, who takes charge of them until they go on board the steamer. The Canadian Government grants Assisted Passages by the Allan Line. Write forthe P-titiphiet Lord Dufferin in Manitoba." Apply to Allan Brothers and Co., Liverpool or London- ierry I or to G. Bird, 40, Bute-street, Cardiff; T. J. H,ltoll Locke, 10, Great I)ock-treet; and John Young, Screw Wharf, Newlort, MOIl, 49.9 S- AMERIOAN LINE. L^VF^POnt ^?,SBMA1L STEAMERS EVERY WED\^SDA^>HIA' First-class, full-powered Iron Steauishi„8 Ko,'n,„mn. Nation for passenger., equal to any European Line senger. and goods landed at PhiWklphu on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This is the short* t 't i best route to the West. « snorter a„d Apply to RICHARDSON, SPBNCB, and Co,, 17 ail(1 1Q Water-street, Liverpool JONES BKOS, and Co n Docks, Cardiff; JAMES AYRK, 162, Bute-road Carrii^. JOXKS Bros and Co., Dock-street, Newport; ROOER lovJ,' High-street, Pontypridd; TILNKY and Co., Abertille*- 80668 DENTAL SURGEON. GRAHAM YOUNG, D.D.S., No 7. Park-street, Bristol. Attendance professionally. CAHDI1 THIRD WEDNESDAY, in every month, at W. HERBTOWN, from 12 to 7 next visits \\LD A EbUAX. 4u;u t cth and 2ntli..s'EWPOUT SLCOhD and POURTH THURSDAY in every month at Mr Edmunds, shomist. 5, HIGH STREET, from 10 to 6: next visits THURSDAY, Juiv 23nl and AuT. lith. BRIDGEND- IRST and THIRD THURSDAY in every month, at W. Powell, chemist, 22. CAROLINE STREET, from 10 to 1.30 next visits TH URSDA Y, Julv 17th and Auir. 7th. 3HEPSTOW 1. BEAUFORT SQUARE next visits WEDNESDAY, JUIN, 23r i and Aug. 13th. 67 5315 RA LEACH, BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER, 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, Rents all the Principal and most Prominent POSTING 13TATIONS in Cardiff. Canton, and Roath. A large Advertising Van to parade the streets, with horse and driver, to be Let by the Day or Week. Apply tI above for terms, &c. "D OROUGH OF NEWPORT ITi ;„WIL,uIAW ,}^(LLlA^a' Corporation bill-postei Mid crier. Hentsall the principal hoarding.- and station* In Newport and neighbourhood. Two good billposters kept. Work attended to with quick dispatch. Towp iLuTcountry. Old established-More than quarter of a tenturv stm THE AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS. (Trade Mark "Mandrake Pills," Registered,) rp, ,'r5e Greatest LIOK,; 1 uriticr ol Uie Ago. lne highway to disease is through the blood. The American Mandrake Pills distroy all impurities in the blood, thereby striking at the root cf all disease if taken directions they will very readily cure all BILIOUS and LIVER complaints, GIDDINESS, PAINS In the HEAD, PAINS in the BACK and BETWEEN the 8HOULDERS, GRIPING PAINS in the BOWELS WIND and SWELLING of the ABDOMEN, INDIGES- TION, Ulcerations of all kinds, Bad Legs, Lumbago, Sciatica, Tic-Doloreux, Scrofula, Scurvy, Stomach Coughs, Asthma, Yellow Jaundice, Neuralgia, Gout, and ftheinatism. If you suffer frem PILES, lJ?re American Mandrake Pills 1 If you Buffer from ORA.VEL, Take the Americall Mandrake Pills! If you Buffer from DROPSY, or any Disease of the KIDNEYS, Take the American Mandrake Pills 1 You will not be disappointed, for their effect is certain. Sold in Boxes, IsUM, 2s 9d. 4s 6d, and lis each, by all Chemists, or Free by Post by the Proprietor, 70.19 19056 F. P. KEALL, Chemist, 19R, KEENICITS VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES. Are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced for Worms. They may be taken by children of all ages with perfect safety, and are also useful for children of delicate stomachs and pa.1e complexions. SIR -A woman gave two of the iozeitges for five mornings, and by so doing the cliild got rid of no less than eighty worms.—DANIKL MOROAS, Ne.aon." W. Harris, of C.efneoed, miner's child, had got rid of 140 worms in a week whilst taking a box of your worm lozenges, and she has improved wonderfully In health s'nee."—J NO. PRICK, Cefii, Merthyr, A customer of mine, a short time ago, bought a boa ef your worm lozenges to try the effect on his child, who was very ill. The little boy ot rid of forty large worms, and so many small ones that they could not reckon them."— J.VMKS MKTRICK. From Mr MORGAN, Pendarran.—Send me 12 dozen of vour valuable worm lozenges they are curing aj) the children in this neighbourhood." Prepared only by S. P. KERNICK, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, £ ){/ke 8ti EBr> CARDIFF. ) So.d in Boxes at Is lid., and 7^1., by the appointed Affsuto, and bv most respectable Chemists and Druggists* CARDIFF. CARDIFF. 11 ME471 ,(¡ ———" £ > 9, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. t-3 „7 BUTTER. We shall offer for sale TO-DAY one of the fanegt selections of BUTTER ever offered to the public. Finest New York Creamery, Is per lb. Finest Dairies, superior to either Welsh or Irish, lOd per lb. CHEESE. Finest White, Gd per lb. Oar selections of BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, BACON, and HAMS-Rolled, Plain, and Spiced- JOWLS, and OX TONGUES, will be found superior to any other offered. SWANSEA. SWANSEA. ME4 32/ HIGH-STREET, < SWANSEA, BUTTER. We shall offer for sale TO-DAY one of the finest selections of BUTTER ever offered to the public. Finest New York Creamery, Is per lb. Finest Dairies, superior to either Welsh or Irish, 10d per lb. CHEESE. Finest White, 6d per lb. Our selection of £ 'A^V™N- P0RK> BACON, and TrmM <T~ led' Plain' and Spiced— JOWLS, and OX TONGUES, will be found superior to any other offered. LLANELLY. LLANELLY. ME t j, COWELL-STREET, L L A N_E L L Y, BUTTER. We shall offer for sale TO-DAY one of tlie finest selections of BUTTER ever ottered to die public Finest Neiv York Creamery, Is per lb. i t. :rJes' s»Perior to either Welsh or Irish, lOd per lb. CHEESE. Finest White, 6d per lb. „ Our selection of W'A^??TS0N' P0RK- BACON, and Tf^wr <r led' Plam' and Spiced— JOWLS, and OX TONGUES, will be found superior to any other offered. R. STEWART & CO, PROPRIETORS. TIIE BOIITTT1 TKSTTB.A won A \TT~> -1- POWER COMPANY ptjlnlied). Established 1S59, Head Office: 67, King-street, Manchester. Branch Offices; 139, Cannon-street, London, E.C., and 2, West Regent-street, Glasgow. NIEL McDOUGALL, M.I.N.A.. A.I.C.E.. late Inspecting Officer to the Board of Admiralty, Chief Engineer PERCIVAL HARTLEY, Secretary. Upwards of SS,000 DJilers have been insured by this Company since its formation. The Company insuie aguinst all damage resulting from explosion of boilers or collapse of flues, and have experienced officers resi- dent in the principal manufacturing towns, who inspect the boilers periodically. Reports of the conditions of the boilers and mountings are sent to the insured after each inspection. Engines indicated and advice given on all matters relating to the economical use of steam power. 119a w,, WILLIAMS, JEWELLER, &c., 29, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. For a Large Assortment of GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY. For CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND ELECTRO- PLATE, For all kinds ot WHITBY JET ORNAMENTS. For- W. WILLIAMS' NOTED CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. For the best WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPEttb. All kinds of REPAIRS are executed promptly on the Premises, and at moderate charges. Clocks sent for to all parts of the Town and Country. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR WINDING UP CLOCKS BY THE YEAR. W, WILLIAMS respectfully solicits your kind patronage and support. 42543— J-OHN W. HALL ENGINEER," MILLWRIGHT, AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, CARDIFF FOUNDRY, CARDIFF. SPECIALTIES :— STEEL COLLIERY TRAMS & CAGES, AND COAL SCREENS. AGENT FOR THE PULSOMETER ENGINEERING CO., MESSRS JAMES HUNT & CO., Brass-fitting Manufacturers. 41918 ECKITT'S PARIS BLLLTZ Used in the PRINCE OP WALES'S LAUNDRT. -DECKlTrS PARIS BLUE. Used in the DUCHKSS OF- EDINBURGH'B LATJNDRY. "D ECKITT'S PARIS BLUE. XV Is used by the poorest on account of its cheapness. Anli by the richest on account of its Beautv 41909 O T I 0 E THE BEST PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD is WM. SCHWEITZER'S DANDELION COFFEE, AIDS DIGESTION AND SLUGGISH LIVERS, OBTAIN OF ANY CHEMIST OR GROCER. ALLEN, PEARCE, & Co., 88993 SOLE f BOPBIBTOBS, BRISTOL, AGE WOOi>GOUii a VV ix\ i> x-ijului J.. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL iUOM OLDHAM. Check-street, Glodwick-road, Oldham. Page D. Woodcock, Esq. 21st April, ]&76 Oalvert-street, Norwich v Slrirrr, Leel ltJnI d"t;v to inform you of the great w"fp„ Ve, derived from tainng your invaluable Wind Pills. I was suffering seve ely from wind on the stomach, indigestion, ard spasms I read voui advertisement, and thought it was just the medi- clne to meet 11 y ease; I was at the time under one of the best medical me i in Oldham, but found v, 0r Jw re unt 1 took J'°wr pills, which I purchased of your agents, Messrs Braddock and Bagshaw, of Yorkshire street. I thank God I ever ??d so, for they have proved a great bMOW to me. Before I took vour pills I was ill nine weeks, and 'was never at the end of the street where I live I almost despaired of ever being better, but I an happy to in- form you I am better now than I have been for years and I attribute It only to the use of your pills. I am never without them. and the best of all is I have never needed a doctor since, but before that, for four years, I was scarcely ever free from their attendance. You may make anv use of this testimonial for the benefit of the public, and the Irood of those who are suffering as I was.-I remain, yours truly, M:R8 RATCLIPPB. Witness-.TOHN HARROP, 71, High-street, Olostop. QUFFERERS from Wind on the Stomach, K-3 Indigestion, Costiveness, Giddiness, Siok Headache, Heartburn, Disturbed Sleep. Palpitation of the Heart, Cholic, Ague, Biliousness, Liver Complaints, Skin Erup- tlon8, &c, &c, should lose no time in availing themselves of this most excellent medicine. Page Woodcock's Wi ,d Pills are sold by all medicine vendors, in boxes at Is ljd, 2s 9d, and 4s Cd each or sent for 14, S, or 64 stamps, according to size, by PAGE D. WOODCOCK, CALVERT-STREBT, NORWICH (for- wrly of JUneoluJ mut I' 'I AUCTION APPOINTMENTS: Messrs BEYNON & HUGHES. Horses, Carriages, Harness, itc., at Swansea Aug. 6 x> Mr. C. R. U LOVER. Property, at Swansea An<nist 7 Freehold PTS* J" & THOMPSON. freehold Lstutes, at Carmarthen and Oardi^n Aua- ti t Mr J0HN M. LEEDER. Houseiiold furniture, at Swansea Julv 17 Messrs LEWIS BROS. Growing Crops, at Ynisarwed Farm j»iv 17 nm W v Mr EDWW T" LUCOCK: 7 Office Furniture &c., at Cardiff lll1v 9, 77 MESSRS ROBERT MERRALL'&"C6! Unredeemed Property, at Swansea juiv 17 Messrs OWEN & liKYANT. Household Furniture, &c, at Cardiff ju]v 17 Messrs PARRY and BEAR. Gas Shares, at Newport July 22 ,Ilr FI,ED. J. RAYNER. Y First-class Furniture, at Swansea July 23 & 24 Household 1- urniture, at Swanse a.. jU)v Mr WM. HAliRY REES. Ironmonger's Stock, &,c July Messrs STEPHENSON. ALEXANDER & CU. Leasehold Premises, at Penygraig ju],, 17 Horse; Carriages, etc., at Cardifr 'julJ, 19 Fanning Sto^k,Crops, Implements, &c, at Bridgend julv Horses, at Cardiff Messrs TRIBE, CLARKE, & CO.' Colliery, at Rhondda Vallev jni„ <>, Leasehold Property, at Card in Julv 9Q Mr THOMAS WEBEER, y Furniture, &c, at Cardiff JuIv 1R Messrs WILLIAMS & YOUNG*. Steam Tug, at Newport July 18 SALE THIS DAY. LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE OF FARMING STOCK, &c. «-fo™DoU^R>1' NEAU BRIDGEND. MESlS STiCPHENSON, ALEX AN-' tx 1 and ar« instructed by Mr Peter Holmes, who is leaving the Farm, to SELL by AUCTION without reserve, on THURSDAY, and FIUDAY Julv FARMTKP\™?Vt!le Whole of the Val«»l»le _r° CRWPs- 24 Milking Cows, in and with Calf. 20 Young Cattle. 200 Radnor Ewes, 200 Lambs, Cross Cotswold and Radnor. 10 Cart and other Horses. 150 Tons of Meadow and Clover Hay. 3 Ricks Oat Straw and 1 Ditto Wheat Straw. 90 Acres of Growing Oats, in excellent condition. About 500 Acres of Grass keep up to the 29th of Septem- ber next, and the whole of the Agricultural Imple- ments. Luncheon at 11.30 a.m. Sale to commence at 12.30 punctually. Order of Sale :—Horses, Stock, and Implements, Thursday, the 17th Growing and other Crops, Friday, the lSth. Three months' credit to purchasers of P,10 and upwards upon approved security. Catalogues can be obtained of the Auctioneers. Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 77x6—42172 SALE THIS DAY. CLYDACH VALE, RIIONDDA VALLEY. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DEii anil CO. are instructed to SELL by AUC- TION (under the Mortgagee's Power of Sile), *at the Butchers' Arms Hotel, Penygraig, 011 THURSDAY, July 17, 1879, at Four for Five o'clock in the Afternoon, The Six substantial, commodious, and recently erected DWELLING HOUSES, built by Mr Robert Dickson builder, on a piece of land abutting on the old Parish Road leading from Tonypandy to Blaenclvdach, Rhondda Valley, and now in the occupation of Messrs Thomas and Riches or their under-tenants, and producin., an aggre- gate rental of about 478 per annum. ° The premises are held under a lease from H. W. De Winton, Esq., and others, for a term of 99 years, irom the nd November, 1875, at the yearly ground rent of £7 7s 6-.1, and being situated in the midst of the most thriving and prosperous locality in the Rhondda Valley, and in the immediate neighbourhood of several ex- tensive collieries, the sale thereof offers unusual advan- tages to capitalists and others seeking a safe and profitable investment. For further Pal'.i -ulars and conditions of sale apply to Mr W. II, Jenkins, Surveyor and Estate Agent. Ponty- pridd the Auctioneers, at their Pontypridd and Cardiff offices; or to Messrs Spickett and Price, Solicitors. The Court House, Pontypridd. 42546 TO FARMERS, BREEDERS, AND OTHERS. SPECIAL SALE OF CART HORSES. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- -i.VJ. DER and CO. beg to give notice that they will hold a SALE of COLLIERY, CART, AND DRAUGHT HORSES, At their Repository, at Caidiff, on SATURDAY, August 2nd, 1879, at 12.30 punctually.f„ The number will be limited to 40. Total expense on each horse offered, and not sold, 5s. Horses will appear in the Catalogue in the order they are entered, and entries should be made immediately. 425(30 HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, CROCK- HERBTOWN, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER and Co.'s next FORTNIGHTLY SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES, and HARNESS iV ill be held at their Repository, on SATURDAY, July li)th, at T* 0 0 clock precisely. Total expense on each Horse offered and not sold, 5s. Entries for this Sale must be made on or before Tues- day the 15th of July, or they cannot appear in the Sale TCml.uvn of the Oat&lnpTip A' 7 ) CARDIFF. DESIRABLE HOUSEHOLD PROPERTY, AT GRANGE- TOWN, FOR SALE BY AUCTION. MESSRS TRIBE, CLARKE, AND co. have received instructions to SELL by AUC- TION, in one or more lots (subject to conditions to be produce 1 at the time ml place of lialel, 011 TUESDAY July 29. at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, a Three for Four o clock, p.m. All those four substantial MESSUAGES of DWELL- ING-HOUSES, being Nos. 6, 8, 10, and 12, Broomfield- street, Lower Grange, Caidiff, held under lease from the Honourable Robert Charles Herbert and the Earl of Bradford, dated 7th Jure and 10th October, 1877 respectively, for a term of y!> years, from 1st May, IS76' at an annual ground rent, of iCi 8s on each block of two bouses. These houses are occupied by respectable tenants, at the weekly rental of 7s each. Application for further particulars may be made to Messrs Stanley, Wa,broughs, and Doggett, 12, Riyal Insurance-buildings, Corn-street, Bristol or to the Auctioneers. 4, Crockherbtown. Cardiff, 16th July, 1879. 42574 SALE THIS DAI. 3, WINDSOR ESPLANADE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. MESSRS OWEN and BRYANT are in- o structed to SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY, the 17th July, 1879, on the above premises, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS, consisting of the superior appointments of drawing, din- ing, breakfast, and 4 bedrooms, kitchen, hall, &c, in- cluding square piano, by Broadwood; superior cottage piano, suites in amour, hair, and leather; centre table tables, sewing machine, pier glasses, carpets, wardrobe in walnut, and numerous other articles, for which see posters. Goods on view morning of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Auctioneers' Offices, 8, Moira-terraee, Cardiff, 12th July, 1S79. 42526 SALE TO-MORROW UNRESERVED SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT THE CARDIFF ARMS ASSEMBLY ROOM CARDIFF. MR THOMAS WEBBER is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Cardiff Arms Assembly Room, on FRIDAY, July 18th, 1879, the well-preserved FURNITURE AND EFFECTS Of a gentleman, reniovea for convenience of sale, en- sistin? of walnut loo table, walnut e ,sy and other chairs in scarlet rep, mahogany hair-covered couch aud six chairs to match, gilt pier glassas mahogany square whatnot, dinii g table, Brussels and other carpets, skin and other hearthrugs, oil and other pictures, good oleograpli; handsome dessert, tea, and coffee services port, sherry, claret, and champagne glasses custard glasses, decanters, tpera glass in case, iron bedsteads feather, inilhmff, and flock beds and pillows wool mattresses, palliasses, down pillows, blankets sheets quilts, large painted waidrobe 6ft by 6ft, mahogany and painted chests of drawers, towel rails, marble top and painted washstands, dressing tables, cane chairs, kitchen requisites, Sic., &c. The goods may be viewed on Friday morning, from 9 o'clock. The sale will commence punctually at 11 o'clock, and the who e will be sold without reserve. Auctioneer's Offices, 32, Royal Arcade, ~r'' July 15, 1879. 42561 THE CARDIFF CHAffiK1^ 30, ST. MARY oi|T> STREET, CARDIFF. SALE OF USEFUL OFFICE FURNITURE LAW «, T. BOOKS, &0. MR EDWIN T. LUCOCK is instructed <)«; AUCTION, without reserve at the Compnsmg 11.11 excellent oftice tabJe, 6ft by Mt, with six cpiui iro.i 2ii„ by 2,,„. :ar'e tables, pitchpme book case f t <i,n by 8ft, nest of boxes slope desk, letter press and stand, umbrella stand, 12 Sy and other clians, eight-day doc' fender and fire iron! large quantity of stationery &c &c »ons, THE BOOKS INCLUDE -20 vols. Law Renortei do Law Journal, 5 do Justice of the Paace sS ™ ElIcyloedla., ercauI.' ShiPPlllg, County Court Acts, Lumey h Healtb do Laws, Glenn's Public Health. SpIke 8 Ma.ster anù Servant to"ether with various others The whole may be viewed the day previous toth* which will commence at 12 o'clock punctually Auctioneer's Offices, 18, High-street. Cardiff. 42^ SALE THIS DAY YNISARWED FARM, VALE OF NEATH One Mile from Resolven Station G W R SALE OF GROWING CROPS MESSRS LEWIS BROTHERS ARE in- structed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION at th* above Farm, Oil THURSDAY, July 17, 1879, the whole of the standing 0 CROP OF HAY, Growing on 120 acres, or thereabouts, in such lots as may be determined on at the time of Sale. The "-reater portion of this crop is rich in herbage and of superior quality, and is conveniently situated for re- moval. Sale to commence at Two o clock p.m. T.Lruis-cabb. The Mart, Neath, July 1st, 1879. 42457 PRELIMINARY AN NO UN CEMENT. NEATH. TG COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, ENGINEERS, BtyICK MANUFACTURERS, IRONMONGERS, AND OTHERS. MR WM. HARRY REES is instructed by the Executors of the late Mr T. Andrews to SELL by AUCTiON in the month of JULY next, the whole of the extensive stock of oils, grease, varnishes, pitch, Mr iron, steel. nails, chains, couplings, cables, anvils, shovels of sorts, pumps, pipes and piping, troughmg, patent felting, stores, giates, ranges, ovens, fire slabs, chimney tops, flooring and other tiles, glazed sewage pipes, bends and Junctions, pans and syphons, horizontal engine and boiier, Clayton's brick machine, vo'i w K" toSethe,r with the Lease of the spacious th* town"? Neath'. Bltuate in Lu<street in loS'no^ncou^o? fprlparaUonrti8emCnt8 Cata" T *UCtl°" and 8team Minting Offices, Neath, June, 1 42331 READY TO BE ADVANCED. On good Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold House Properly, £200, P.100, £ 500. £ 733, £900, 41,000, P-2,400, £ 2,800, £ 3,000,and £ 4,509, at 4 to 5 per cent per an- num. J80 sums of 440,000, P,70,000, and 4100,000 on Freehold Land; and several sums on Collieries, Tin and Iron Works, Shipping, A". P.S. Smaller amounts on personal security.—Apply to T. J. Price and Co., Auc- tioneers, Mortgage Brokers, and General Commission Agents, College Chambers, Swansea.—IA order to secure »!»)«■ enolose stamp 4216* I att by gUtction. SALE THIS DAY. OXFORD CHAMBERS, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA- |Y/fR. JOHN M. LEEDER has been in- structed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Chambers, on THURSDAY, July 17th, 1879, a lar.,e anu varied assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other effects, eomnrising- walnut drawing-room suite, walnut 100 and other tlbles, mahogany walnut c le.iOnn.ere with plate-glass back and doors, mahogany e oaids, hat and umbrella stand. pier glasses, sofas, chairs in hair and American leather, <pe^ry and other carpets, work tables, window poles, fell ei-.i, tir,-iro-,)$, &c., &c. iron bedsteads, feather and P. beds, palliasses, mahogany washstands with marble tops, do. dressing tables, mahogany chests of agers, towel-horses, commodes, cane-seat chairs, &c., j •' yo^'ether with the usual kitchen and culinary utensils, &c. Goods on view morning of sa'e. 42514 Sale to commense at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. M IMPORTANT SALE OF GAS SHARES. ESSRS PARRY and BE^R are favoured with instructions from the Executors TIAW a^,JohT?. D»V'ES, Esq, to SELL by PUBLIC AUC- TV.V Rings Head Hotel, Newport, on TUES- DAY, July 22nd, 1879, at Three o'clock in the afternoon £ 1,015 in the CONSOLIDATED ORDINARY B STOCK, and 32 C SUA RES of E20 each rnl paid up), fiJJ in the Newport Gas Company. l'he B Stock will be sold in lots of 4100, and the C Shares in lots of five shares each. Dated, Auction and Estate Otlices, — Newport, July 14th, 1879. 42545 SALE TO-MORROW. PORT OF NEWPORT. STEAM TUG PROPRIETORS asSggSSa^ AND °THERS. MES^S- WILLIAMS and YOUNG Railway Hotel JoLuZt Pl!BbIC AUCT10^ Hobbs' viously disposed of 1,5 ^ewI)('rt> Mon;, (unless pre- the 18th dav of Tn) [i-n C0"tracU- 011 FRIDAY, afternoon, by order of^ the uA lree i>'clock ,n the sale, and subject to il v!ee' Under a Power of duced, the powerful conditions as shall be then pro- STEA31 TUG HECLA, Buift by Hepple and Lallùells, North Shields; with 30 engllles aud good Dimensions- 82 feet 5 ins. length; 16 feet 9 iu! bnadth' 8 fc-et 5 ins, depth 33 feet 1 in. length of Dock Newport0 Mon8lto.n°th UeS at the hcnd «ie Old and fitUngs on t^rd'attbe ^tme'of allowance for weight, oualitv With?u,t a"->' error whatever. ^3, quantity, or any defect or For inventories, further particulars, and to insnect apply to the Auctioneers, at their offices, 5, Commercial- street Newport, Mon., or to Messrs Graham, Shins and Blake, Solicitors, Commercial-street, Newport' D" 42534 CASTLE BUILDINGS SALE ROOMS WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. [V| -K" FRED. J. RAYNER has been in- structed bv an old-established London firm to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above audress on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, July 23rd and 24th 1879, a large and varied assortment of superior well- ]yia*:e FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, comprising a very handsome gentleman's walnut escritoire, dininc-room suite. oak in green leather, mahogany in leather, cloth, and seating, 'walnut draw- ing-room suites in tapestry and rep, oak and mahogany dining tab!es, walnut loo, work, window, and gipsy tables, oak and mahogany sideboards, with plate glass backs walnut and mahogany cheffonnieres, with plate glass backs mahogany dressing-tables and wash- stands, with marble tops mahogany wardrobe, with plate glass fiont oak and mahogany hat and umbrella stands, and chair to match, with encaustic tiles ebon- ized and walnut inlaid cabinets, oak and maho- gany medicine cupboards, couches and arm chairs, in cretonne and leather; davonport, canterbury, square and corner whatnots, Sutherland and occasional tables, cane and other chairs, commodes, chests of drawers, towel horses, rustic garden chairs, tables, and pot stands, tapestry and 13zussels carpets, white wool and other rugs, gilt and gilt and black pier and chimney glasses, girandoles, gilt pier glass with marble slab, gilt cornices, dinner and toiiet ware, a massive bronzeu chandelier, &c. Goods on view Monday, 21st. Sale at Eleven o'clock in the forenoou. 42573 IMPORTANT SALE OF A DOUBLE-LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE AND SIX COTTAGES, AT RAVEN HILL, SWANSEA. MR C. R. GLOVER has received instruc- tions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Ciistle Hotel, Cattle-square, Swansea, on THURSDAY the 7th day of August, 1879, the following valuable PROPERTIES (Subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then produced) All that Double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE aud PRE- MISES, called the Marquis Anus, Raven-hill, Swansea now in the occupation of Mrs Llewellyn ,Si\ MESSUAGES or COTTAGES and PREMISES situate at Raven-hill, Swansea, and adjoin- mg the swd Public-house, and now in the respective occupations of David Davies, David Mainwarinz, William Jones, John Williams, John Evans, and John Morgan, and producing the yearly rental of £4.1 12s. ° The above Premises are held under a Lease for one life and the term of g9 vears from the 25th dav of .March, will be sold in one or more lot or lots, as may b. mined at the time of sale. The above Houses are well built, and are situated in a populous district, and on the main road leading to Swansea and the Auctioneer bc's to call the attention of Brewers and Capitalists to this valuable Property. Sale to commence at Three o'clock -p m. punctually. For further particulars app;y to J. Aeron Thomas, Solicitor, 18, York-piace, Swansea; or to the Auctioneer, 56, Oxford-street, Swansea. 42519 T-il D W I N u c 0 () K) EDWIN T, LUOOOK, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ACCOUNTANT, AND TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, 18, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. SALES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CONDUCTED. 42244 groitfrttf, &C., go d. ENCOED.-TO BE LET, and may be JL entered upon immediately, a substantial Gentle- man's Residence, called PEN YLAN HOUSE. The House contains dining, drawing, and breakfast rooms, six bed- rooms, kit hen, dairy, &c., with stables, saddle-room coach-houses, cowsheds, piggeries, and other convenient useful outbuildings, lawn garden together with about 50 acres of excellent Land, about nine acre3 of which is arable, the whole well supplied with water. The above residence is delightfullv and healthily situate, with southern aspcct, a magnificent view of the Surrounding country, within five miles of the town of Bridgend, and half-mile of the Pencoed Railway Station. There is excellent fishing in the Ogmore and Ewennv Rivers. The Glamorganshire, Braechycymmer, and other Hounds meet in t;:e immediate neighbourhood and it is within easy driving distance of the" fashionable bathing place of Southerndown. There is an excellent supply cf water on the premises, and a right of common of over about 3,000 acres. For further particulars apply to R. Jones and Son, Auctioneers, Pencoed and Bridgend or to T. T. LEWIS, Esq., 42009 Solicitor, Bridgend. tt1(ttr AND (Tmttt'arti p EN AR T H SCHOO L ~B O A RD. TO PAINTERS AND OTHERS. TENDERS are invited for PAINTING, DISTEMPER- ING, and WHITEWASHING, at the Penarth Board Schools. The Specification may be seen, and further information obtained, on application to the undersigned, to whom Tenders, endor.-ed Tender for Painting, &c. are to be sent, by Noun on SATURDAY next, the 19th ilist. But the lowest, or any Tender, will not necessarily be accepted. HENRY C. HARRIS. Architect. <t>, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 42569 -=- ublit &PIROITRTLFFETTFS. jgTEYNTON SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED, 1st of Oetober, a MASTER (married man satlrv*f -i aMlxed Country School, viz., Boltonhill. 5 ,[)er, au'ium Wltb half Government Grant. House and Garden free. Grant earned 'ast year £ 62 (;s. Application with testimonials (stating age and certi- ficate) to be sent 0,1, or^before the 6th day of August, to to s"yni1'" Brtels. A NDEAN.'S SWAN" COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, 6 2. B R O A D STREET, B 1t 1 S T 0 L. ORDINARY DAILY, 18 6d. 41761 WM. PARSLEV. Proprietor. WANSEA OFFICE o OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE STREET. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attenticin, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every morning in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion m the next morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS. OI lne THE GREAT BLOOD PUttlFIEK. THOMPSONS' BURDOCK PILLS over- '-fL' come the worst forms of diseases, and the foulest state of the blood, stomach, Liver, and kidneys; they go to the core of every disease, where no other medicines have power to reach. The GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER cures the fallowing complaints Indigestion or wind in the stomach or bowels, giddinees in the head, dimness of sight, weak or sore eyes, loss of memory, palpitation of the lic-art, liver, and bilious obstructions, asthma, or tightness in the chest, rheumatics, lumbago, piles, gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, bad legs, boa breast, sore throat, sore heads, and sores of all descriptions, burns, wounds, or white swellings, scrofula, or king's evil, gatherings, tumours or cancers, pimples and blotches oil the face and body, swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, erysipelas, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is ] Jd and 2s 91 each, sold by most Chemists, or from the Burdock Pill lilaiiufattur3,, 44, Oxforu-^treet, Swansea. 10 TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregu- larities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is 1 jd and 2c 9a, of all chemist. Seat anywhere upon receipt of stamps, by the Maker. L Towu. nhamlat. VlaQi _2"- tnj u1t,tt.1J ESTABLISHED, 1872, MESSRS BEYNON and H;J<JES' next MONTHLY SALE of HOKSES. CARRIAGES, HAfliE, &C., Will be held on TUESDAY, August 3rd 1. Entries to be made one week previom toale. Auctioneers' Olfices, Victoria Chambfrs.^nsea. ™ CO UN TIES OF "CARMARTHEN A No RDlGAN. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OI S>E. MESSRS J. HOWELL TH(<IAS and THOMPSON are favoured wlth^truetions to oiler for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTICNsai'lv in the month of AUGUST next, the follow W lUable FREEHOLD ESTATES, IN CAl'MARTHENSHIU The CLYNMARCII ESTATE. In of Llan- sawel, comprising the Clynmarch dlne, Pengeliy, Cilwenne-issaf, Drefach, Cilwenne-ttili Bank and Llyvvel", Llwynbl) flii, and Ltainau. The FARMS of Pei-laii and PenpitlJi the parish of Llangeler. and the allotment thereto; jider the Llan. geleI Inclosure, The CUEDMOR ESTATE, in the pap) of Pencarreg, comprising Coedmor-uchaf; Coedmorirr, Llethercoch, Aic., with the well-known Coedmor tte quarries, also the allotments under the Pencarreg Ilosure. TV, UPVTMIn^1^ CARDIGANSH[I. The HENDRE ESTATE, in the pish of Llandewi- JI' ^oni')r'sinU Tir Hendre, Ffoes.viiin, and Tj'new- ydd, also the allotment under the Bhipenal Inclosure, The FARMS of Cwmbedw, Blaoedw, Brynderau, Blaenbedwfach, &c., in the several pishes of Llanarth and Llamna. N.B. Tne above mentio ed farms-e let to respect- able tenants under yearly tenancies. Plans, &c., are in course of prepttion. and further particulars may be had of J. ProtlieriLewis, Esq., soli- citor, Llandilo; John M. Davies, E4 Froodvale, Llan- dilo; or of Messrs J. Howell Thots and Thompson, auctioneers, Carmarthen. 42550 ——————————— -1 CARDIFF. ^2 WINDSOR-PIAOE^OCKHERB- TOWN, CARDIFF.—School for Jimited number ol young Ladies—Mrs MARTIN will s pleased to re- ceive her Pupils on THURSDAY. Julvist. 1879. 1371 Q T. MA R YTS I A L L.— IY» V DUTIES will RECOM'ENCE on TUES- Frt,. • Vacancies for YoungLady Boarders.— For lerms, &c., apply to Mr J. D. Sipson. 42523 MRS MORGAN, 3,: W:LLINGTON- wiii R C1 be?8 to announc^hat her SCHOOL »' £ RE:OP^EXOBMOM1)AY, THE 14TTFNY 1507 JVTIDDLE CLASS SCHOOL FOR BOYS AN a GIRLS. WOLVERLEY-PTMf™ surF,nw.RflATi CANTON. w_ Principe-REV A. WILlAMS a thn,. (iwe,;tv Year/ Experidce). A f Jy srood P:ail1 En-h'S Education. First 0,i-.rfr!'t"Cia-8 Preparatory Deartment. ter commences TUESDA", JULY 15th. Tenui on application, 42499 ALBION HOUSE ACADEMY, CHARLES STREET, C.RDIFF. SCHOOL DimpoIPAL~Mr W- W- ^ICK 1>UIIES will be RESUMP WEDNESDAY, Juiy 23. 42480 DAVIES'S~;CHOOL will (late -^9^ OI) WE )NEiD,Y, July 23.-47 h unes stieat (opposite Wesly Chapel), Cardiff. 42475 (JARDIFF GRAMMAI SCHOOL. HKAD-MASTER R. G. JEVI. PURSlfne'^leTn are"prepared or COMMERCIAL MEDICAL T AW VIL SERVICE, PbARMACEUTICAL, well as for ,i,' UNIVERSIl" Examinatins, as land, Colleges various Dissenting nd Church of Eng- BOARlJERs6 admitted « DAY SCHOLARS, or as For term'^ reslltned on MONDlY, July 28th. Roatli, Cardiff C'' apply 10 K> G- 13' S°uth-|rove. MUSIC-AND SIiiGING. Of Exeter u ii p Mrss PERRY, above at S p 'reefie^' HarT;l0"!c &ciety'teaches the ^ierceneld-place, Roatli. Terms on application. 1454 -=-= 7- SWAN SEA. FYNONE SCHOOL, CON.'STITU'I'ION- f HILL, SWANSEA. PRINCIPAL Mr EMERY Assisted by Mr GEoHGE EMERY, B.A!, Lond., late one of the Senior Assistant Masters at Mill Hill. Preparation for the Pfiblic Schools and Universities, and ,PUI, „AT i°miv,e,r rofessio:laI Examinations. 41565 THE HALF TERM COMMENCED MONDAY, JUNE 16. A HNOLD preparatory COLLEGE, PrUmiwl •—K&GAJt W I B.D. Assisted by Hp.i,I, hut Visiting Masters. Pupils are admitted as Quarterly. Weekly, or Daily Boarders, or as Dav scholars, and prepared fi>r Commer- cial life, Mechanical j-ur-nit.. or I'refesiional and College examinations. In addition to the usual subjects, Corres- pondence, Book-keeping, short hand, French, Drawing (mechanical and free ha: d), Land Surveying, and Mu-ie receive careful attention. The NEW BUILDINGS have been expresslj' erected for school purposes, on the shel- ved side of Constitution Ili.l. uich overlooks the bav of Swansea. The health and comfort of the pupils have ifn ^borougblv consulted in the construction of the ichoolioom, tlhrmit\.ri" bath rfio»ti. i\ Atorie" &c. 6419 Quarter commenced Wednesday, January 22. 7193 lJiíANO, VIOLIN, HARP, ETC., Em _u- SWANSEA, LLANELLY, PONTARDULAIS, YSTALYFERA, and Neighbouring Districts. LESSOMS given at own or pupil's residence. l'ermf- One Guinea per Quarter. String, Brass, and Fife Baudli trained. Choirs con- ducted, and concerts attended. A,Idrers-Air HARRY Lu. EDMUND, Garnet House. Cwmamman, R.S.O., Llanelly. 40264 BRIDGEND. COLLEGE SCHOOL, BRIDGEND.— School duties will be resumed Juh' 29th VACANCIES FOR A FEW BOARDERS, For Pros- pectuses, appiy to the Principal. 1504 COWBUlDGtt. HE BRIDGE, COWBRIDGE. JL BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. The Misses LLEWELLYN will resume their School Duties on THURSDAY, the 31st inst. 1501 GREAT HOUSE, COWBRIDGE, \3r LADIES' SCHOOL. Principals: Mrs and the Misses CULVERWELL, Associates in Arts. The next term will commence August 5th, 1879. Pupils prepared for Oxford and Cambride Local Examinations. Refereeii-Paretits of pupils. 33870 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. T COMBE COURT, WOODCHESTER, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. The MISSEb PEARCE (Msistett by Governesses and Professors) Receive cunl:" Ladies as Evident Pupils. The establishment is a mansion delightfully situated, with extensive grounds and gardens, and is in a most healthv and beautiful locality on the hills, near Stroud, so that health and education are combined. Terms—From 20 to 35 guineas per annum. Pupils assemble after the Midsummer Vacation on the 25th of July. Prospectus, with view of residence, on application. 1357 BRISTOL. ONG ASHTON SCHOOL, JU NEAR BRISTOL. The NEXT HALF-YEAR will commence SATURDAY, JULY 19th. For prospectuses, apply to the Head- master, W. J. KEMI'E, M.A. 42312 AILAND LODGE SCHOOL, NEAR LOSG ASHTON, BRISTOL. ESTABLISHED 1339. FOR BOARDERS ONLY. Terms 22 and 2t guineas per annum. Prospectus forwarded on application to the Head- master. The School will RE-OT'EN JULY 17th, I87f). 42S13 p ENARTH.-NOTICE OF REMOVAL. JOHN MORGAN, Late Occupier of the American House, wishes to re- turn thanks to the PUBLIC of PENARTH generally for their bberal patronage for over twenty years, and to announce that he has now REMOVED to his Commodious Premise3 BROOKLYN HOUSE, WINDSOR ROAD, where he has Opened with an entirely New Stock in the GENERAL G tOCERY and PROVISION TRADE, together with his usual Genuine Stock of BOOTS and SHOES. Also the BAKING and CONFECTION FRY, by which lie can guarantee to Supply all Customers at their Residence daily with HOME MADE and BROWN WHEATEN BREAD. All orders promptly attended to. 7696—12263 THERE IS BUT ONE GRIFFITHS. SAFES.—SECONDHAND FIRE and BURGLAR PHOOF,-At no House in the World can there be tf'uud a larger Assortment to sclect from, by every emiue it maker. Also Wrought iron Doors for stron" rooms Party walls, or those to divide w rehouses, at one-third the price of new. Perfect in every respect. Price List free-GRirFITHS&SONS, 43, Cannon^tr.et, LouuouT *538 88 TOOTH ACHE, TIC DOLOREUX" NEURALGIA, I'A INS IN THE HEAD FACE' and GUMS. These distressing complaints are almost immediately relieved by READE'S TOOTH-ACHE and TIC DOLO- REc X PILLS. The safest, quickest, and most certain remedy. They cure by at once soothing the nerves and giving tone to the system so as to prevent a recurrence of the complaint. These Pills procure a refreshing night's rest where sleep has departed from the sufferer for uays, and prevent the necessity of extraction. Whether the complaint is brought on by taking cold by a weak state of the nerves, or by a disordered stomach, these Pills prove effectual. Srld bv Messrs Anthony; Coleman & Co., Chemists, High-street; Joy & Williams, Chemists, Bute-street, Cardiff, in boxes at 13id. and 28 )d each, and sent per post on receipt of 15 or 85 sta.mos, by the makers, Reade Brothers. Chemittj, Wol- verhampton. LondonAgents Sanger & Co. 33—2S4 GEORGE'S ( A Marvellous Remedy for the cure of COUGHS COLDS, ASTH- MA, BRONCHITIS, &e., \kc. In /~10UGH Jchemfrti8 and Cy aU Note.- One dose relieves, a few BALSAM. SRI'AO,,„IRO,.B,I.OEOIWF. (MCA Peuwe, £ Vntvi»ul<L fctittl TO-DAY" "VTODDFA BAPTIST CHAPEL, -LI TREORKY. A GRAND BAZAAR, Under Distinguished Patronage, will be held in the Schoolrooms of the above Chapel, TO-DAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 24th and 26th, in aid of the Building Fund. Contnbutions in Articles or Money will be thankfully received by the Pastor, the Rev. W.MOHRIS, Treorky, Pontypridd. 42505 G REA T SUCCESS. NEARLY 800 ENTRIES. ABERDARE DOG, POULTRY, PIGEON, AND CAGE BIRD SHOW WILL TAK3 PLACE (To-day) THURSDAY, JULY 17. A GRAND LOT OF BLOODHOUNDS, MASTIFFS, ST. BERNARDS, SPORTING AND OTHER DOGS, INCLUDING MANY OF THE CHAMPION DOGS OF THE KINGDOM MAGNIFICENT SHOW OF POULTRY, PIGEONS, AND BIRDS. A RARE TREAT DON'T FORGET THE DATE!! A Cold Colation will be provided by Mr Watkins, Cow bridge Arms, at 1.30 on Wednesday, in the Market Hail. 42544 THE BRIDGEND HORTICULTURAL SHOW WILL HOLD THEIR THIRD ANNUAL EXH: BITTON OF FLOWERS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PLANTS, AT BRIDGEND, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 19TH NEXT, ON THE BREWERY FIELD. A BRASS BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE. Doors to be opened for the admission of subscribers and those holding 2s tickets at 1 p.m.; and to those holding tickets of Is at 2.15 p.m. and to those holding 6d tickets at 3.30 p.m. Schedules may be had of the Secretary, T. J. E. HARTSHORN. Bridgend, July Srd, 1S73. 42564 THE LLANELLY CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL ATHLETIC SPORTS will be held on the 4TH AUGUST, 1879, (BANK HOLIDAY). PRIZES VALUE OVER L30. For programme of events apply to the Honorary Secretary of the Club, enclosing stamped nddressed envdope. 42435 H I T C H U R C H. T V — ODDFELLOWS' FETE AND GALA WILL BE HELD ON JULY 19th When several VALUABLE PRIZES will be 'offered for competition. 42519 For further particulars and programmes apply to tie Secretary, S. H. JONES, Wnitchuroh. TO the Overseers of the Poor of the JL Parish of ROATH, in the Borough of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan, and to the Superintendent of Police of the said Borough. I, WILLIAM BIRD, of No. 78, Broadway, in the said Parish, Provision Dealer, do hereby arive notice that it is my intention to apply at the Special Sessions for the Transfer of Alehouse Licences to be held in and for the said Borough, on the 4th day of August next, for a Liconce to hold any excise Licence or Licences to ssll by retail Beer and Cider, to be consumed off the house or premises thereunto belonging, situate and being No. 73, Broadway, in the said Parish. Dated this 80th day of June, 1873. WILLIAM BIRD. NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS AND THE PUBLIC. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. By the terms of the Deed of Settlement, this Company comprises only persons HOLDING SHARES and by the 60th Section it is expressly provided that the receipt of snail nov of the Company by the assured Shareholder or Partner in the Company. JOHN H. McLAREN, Manager. Eiverpool, July, 187ioo9 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. On Thursday, July 24th, an excursion train for NEW MILFORD. Pembroke-Dock, Tenby and also for WATERFORD, Kilkenny, Maryborough, Clonmel, Tip- perary, CAHIR, and Limerick, mij] leave Gloucester at 12.55, NEWPORT 3.10, and CARDIFF 3.40 p.m. Pas- sengers to South Wales return July 31ft, alla those to Ireland any day up to August 7th, inclusive. See special Bills. 42566 J. GRIERSON, General Manager. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. On FRIDAY, July 25th, a Cheap EXCURSION TRAIN for READING and LONDON will leave NEW MILFORD at 6.10 a.m., HAVEKFORUWEST 6.30, Clynderwen (1.55, WHITLAND 7.10, Pembroke Dock 7.45, Pembroke 7.53 TEN 13Y 8.25, Narberth 8.55, St. Clear's 7.25, CARMAR- THEN TOWN 7.35, Junction 7.45, Ferryside 8,0, KID- WELLY 8.12, Pambrey 8.2,. Llanelly 8.38, Llandilo 8.15, Brynamman 8.20, Pontardulsis 9.10, SWANSEA 8.55, Landore 9.10, Neath 9.23. Briton Ferry 9.49, Port Talbot 9.50, Bridgend 10.20, Llantrisant 1.40, CARDIFF 11.5, NEWPORT .1.30. Chepstow 12.5, Lydnev 12.25, and Newnham 12.45 p.m.. returning Atigusi, 1st, Passengers will be booked from NEW MILFORD, Haverfordwest, Whitland, Carmarthen Town and Junction, Llaneily, SWANSEA, and Neath by this train t,) Gloucester, Cheltenham, Stroud, and Cirencester, to return August 1st; and to PARIS, to return within 16 days, irom Swansea, Carmarthen Junction, Cardiff, and Newport. See special bills. 42565 J. GRIERSON, General Manager. GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS. Royal Route via Crinan and Caledonian Canals by Royal Mail new Steamer COLUMBA or the IONA from Bridge Wharf, Glasgow, daily at 7 a.m., and from Greenock at 9 a.m., conveying Passengers for (Oban, North and West Highlands. Official Guide Book, 2d, bill with map and tourist fares free at Messrs Jones and Son, Booksellers aud Statio;;ers; St. Mary-street, Cardiff, or by post from the owner, David Mic Brayne, 119. Hope- street, Glasgow, 41876 ANTED to EXCHANGE a Limited Number of fully paid up SHARES in a First Class Welsh Slate Company (Limited) for surplus goods. Particulars of "Mr P. care of Searby and Co, 1, Queen-street Place, London, E.C. 42567 X*"| DL to £ 1,000 invested in UNITED STATES STOCKS make fortunes every month. Books sent free explaining everything.—Baxter and Co., Bankers and Stockbrokers, 7, Wall-street, New- York, U.S.A. 42042 mAEINCLOCHOG RAILWAY. TOURISTS are now enabled, by menus of a line of posts, to VISIT the SYVYNYY FALLS (three-quarters of a mile from Rosebush), without the aid of guides. The view from Preselly top comprises 12 Counties in England, Ireland, and Wales, aud the mountain air is most invifforating. The Summer-houses, Grottos, Fountains, and general surroundings of Rosebush form an attraction not to be surpassed in the three counties. B,ok for Clynderwen, G.W.R., thence to Rosebush. RETURN FARE, Is. W, T. MILLS, Traffic Supt.. 42328 Skittles, Quoits, Billiards, FARMERS GRAND DR\WING~~OF PRIZES (under distinguished patronage) The Drawing v, ill take place at the IRON DUKE HOTEL," Clynderwen Static n, on MONDAY. September 22nd, 1879. The following valuable PRIZES will be given, and in addition several others. To be drawn in the presence of the Gentlemen and Farmers of the Neigh- bourhood. PRIZES I-Mowing Machine, value;CIS 10s 2-Hay. maker, iCl3 10s 3-One-horse Cart, el2 10s 4-Cast- iron Roller, itto ,5-Chatfcuttel" £8 10s 6—winnow- ing Machine, X7 10s 7 —Harmonium. 47 10s 8— Sewing Machine, £7 10s 9-Wheel Plough, £5 10s 10-Churn, 44 10s 11—Sheep Rack, £ 4 12— Pulper, 93 15s 13-Cheese Press, Zi 10s 14-Zig-zag Harrow, 43 10s 15-Saddle and Bridle, £ o 10s 16—Set of Shaft Harness, X3 17- Ciiisel -tooth Harrow, k3 18-Horse Hoe, £ 215s 19 -Weighing Machine, A:2 10s 20—Silver Watch, £ 2 10s. Tickets anil full particulars to be obtained of the Secretary, Evan Davis, Vicar's Mill, Clynderwn R.S.O. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal terms and a bonus g-iven. 42471 IMPORTANT TO ALL VESSELS I VISITING SOUTH WALES. Givirig the Shipowner the choice of Ports and greater command of the Freight Market. SWANSEA HARBOUR TRUST. The ONLY TELEGRAPHIC snIP SIGNAL STATION in the BRISTOL CHANNEL is the MUM- BLES HEAD at the LIGHTHOUSE belonging to the Swansea Harbour Trustees directly connected with the General Post Office system of Telegraphs and officiary styled SWANSEA BAY." Shipowners, Brokers and others desirous of having there Ves-els re/crtod direct to them will be good enough I to signify the same to the General Superintendent of Swansea II rbour, charges as customary, Messages filed for Vesse's calling for orders," open for this purpose day and night. Swansea is the first Port in tlie Bristol Channel, S5 miies from Luudy, Vessels can enter the Bay and lirid good and sheltered anchor ago under the Mumbles Head at any state of the tide. free of all charges whatever. General ,Si:p mitendent's Office. Harbour Offices, Swansea. 1: th March. 1879. 40358 RUPTURES. White's Moc Main Patent Lever Truss Co.. Limited. \V' HITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS r V is allowed by upwards of 500 medical men to be tiiciuoat effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effect,, j; avoided, a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOJ-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER, fitting with se much ease and closeness that it cannot be detec- ted, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive cir- cular may be had of the manufacturers, 228, Piccadilly, London. Single Truss, 16s, 21s, 2Ce 6d, and Sis 6d. Double Truss, 31s Od, 4'is, and 52s 6d Umbiiical Truss, 42s and 62ef 6d. Post free. P.O. Orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadillv. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &c, 4s 6d, 7s 6d, 10. and 16s each, post free. CHEST EXPANDING BRACES (for both sexes). For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ordinary braces to: Children they are invaluable. 5s 6d, 18 6d, 10.. OJ, lbi Od, and 21s each, post free. JOHN WHITE & CO., Manufacturers. 228, riccadillv, London 7168 *00*0' 1tbtit S T U ART HALL, CARDIFF. FOURTH NIGHT, AND STILL UNBOUNDED EAGER- NESS TO SEE H E R P. JJOBLER, The WIZARD of the WORLD, nd the Greatest Living Exponent of the MARVELS of SLEIGHT of HAND. Never before THE GREAT EVENT OF THE SEASON. FRIDAY EVENING, July lSth. were such gen- were such gen- —— I HERR DOELE,S'. Grand CONUN- uilie marks of DRUM COMPETITION. 1st Piize, a splendid Golli Patent Lever Watch, 2nd ^approbation i prize, a Handsome Silver Watch. The above (exquisite souvenirs of Fen tendered to Dobler's lint visit these 12 years) will be given tv the composers of the any artiste as two best Local and Original Conun- drums. Conditions—Conundrums to be are now to sent in un ler cover addressed, Mana- ger, Stuart Hall, on or before 3 o'clock DOBLER, the of the day of competition, The win- ning Conundrums to be selected by a King of Enter- Committee chosen by the audience. Winners to be present. Prizes on view tamists.- at Mr Lewis's Library, Duke-street. For further particulars see day bills. DARK SEANCE SPIRITUALISTIC EXPOSE A REMARKABLE PERFORMANCE. Herr Dobler is the on 'y Artiste who Challenged and Discovered the Davenport doings. Nearly every so-called Conjuror advertises a Dark Seance, but remember they are only spurious imitations. The Veritable DARK SEANCE CAN ONLY BE SEEN AT HERR DOBLER'S ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open every evening at 7,30, Commencing at 8. Dark Saance at 9.45. Prices from '2s to 6d. Dark Seance, Is Extra. Tickets &t Mr Lewis's, Duke street; and Cooper, Coutts, and Co., Crockherbtown. The Flying Birdcage at 9 o'clock 42506 The Flying Birdcage at 9 o'clock IjtttUtlittfl 'otietit. CARDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY; .J SUMS from to £ 3,000 ready to be LENT on Mortgage. (SHARES MAY BE TAKEN AND DEPOSITS HADE DAILY.- The present rate of Interest on Deposits is—5 per cent six months' notice, 4 per cent three months' notice, and i per cent on demand. Prospectuses, Reports, and all information may be obtained on application to the undersigned. TERMS of BORROWING reduced, and REDEMP- TIONS may be effected without loss—full discount being allowed under the new Rulee. 30370 PETER PRICE. Secretary. Dated S. Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 4949 THE MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETY, (Incorporated under the Building Societies' Act, 1874.) Are prepared to LEND, on Mortgage, at the shortest notice, SUMS OF £ 100 to £ 10,000, Repayable in Monthly or Quarterly Instalments. Borrowers in this Society have special advantages not obtained in other societies, or from private individuals The legal costs are paid by the Society, and the inde- pendence of the borrower, so long as his stipulated repay- ments are made, is secured by the Registrar under the Friendly Societies' Acts. The utmost secresy is main- tained. For particulars apply to Mr E. Rooerts, at the Office of the Society, 34, Victoria-street, Merthyr. 19105 U bUtatiøugt THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, AND JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. 49, ESSEX-STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Some of our Correspondents continue to address 6, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street. The Publisher begs re- spectfully to call their attention to new address as above, and to remind advertisers that orders should be re- ceived not later than Thursday morning. N.B. No reduction from advertised scale. 41937 HE NEW SERIAL STORY, JL. ENTITLED "HARD TO WIN," By MR G. MANVILLE FENN. Author of "Ship Ahoy," "Dutch the Diver," &c., &c., Is now appearing in the "CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS." ANOTHER STORY by W ILK IE COLLINS in preparation, to follow. The CardifTimes and South Wales Weekly Xtics, 72 long columns, may be had from all Newsagents, "rice 2d, or sent, post free, to any addrass in the United King- dom for 2s 9d per quarter, and the Colonies and all part-i of Europe and the United States for 3s 3d per quarter, prepaid. OARDTFF. SWANSEA, AND NEW- Published every Monday Morning. Frit-e xis per an. num, or by post 25s. The "CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT SHIPPING GAZETTE" contains a complete record of the Shipping business of Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Brigtol, Neath, Briton Ferry, Burry Port, &c., and cir- culates among all the Merchants and Brokers of the Bristol Channel Ports, aud generally throughout the various parts of the United Kingdom, It is filed at Lloyd's, the Lombard, and most of the Chambers of Commerce, and is also sent to the leading Foreign Ports, Cnmr Orricns.75 and 76. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 12 CULL:ol);j THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS IS Oi OF THE LARGEST NEWS-SHEETS IN THE KINGDOM, and THE GREAT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR WALES AND THE WEST OF ENGLAND. It contains all the News of the Week, ana gives more Local,^loistrict, and Gene: J News than any other paper. Each Edition is a com pic! 51-nopsis of the Week's News for the whole of South Wales. The Serial Stories are by the most talented Novelists, and the London Corres- pondence and Leading Articles are of marked ability. Soid by all Newsagents, price 2d. Sent post free to any address for 2s 9d per quarter. 72 Columns -j TWOPENCE 72 Columnp- TO BUILDERS, ARCHITECTS, AND OTHERS. THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTER CENTRE FLOWER*, TRUSSES, ENRICHMENTS, &c., AT DAVIS'S CASTING SHOP, JAMES-STREET, CASTLE-ROAD, ROATH, CARDIFF. 42357 "ONLY THE BEST" HYACINTHS, T ULIPS, AND OTHER JFLLOWER ROOTS. J. GARAWAY & CO. will receive their First Importa- tion of the above in August. J. GARAWAY & CO. The CLIFTON "A" COLLEC- TION, 42s, consisting of 3S0 best selected bulbs for pot cul- tivation. The CLIFTON "B" COLLECTION 42s (Bulbs for open ground), consists of 1024 best-selected tor that purpose. Smaller Collection 21s, 15s, and 10s 6d. All Orders over 20s Carriage paid. J. /FARAWAY & R^O., VJ \_y 34764 DURDHAM DOWN NURSERIES, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. EWPORT AGENCY N FOR THE SOUTH WALE- DAILY NEWS AN CARDIFF TDTES. The PUBLISHING and ADVERTISING OFFICE is at No. 10 GREAT DOt K STREET, NEWPORT, (OPPOSITE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY.) where ADVERTISEMENTS ARE RECEIVED; THE NEWSPAPERS SOLD and BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSAGENTS SUPPLIED. The Terms for Advertisements and the Who esale Sup- ply of Papers are precisely those charged at the Chief Office, Cardiff. W. MILTON LOCKE, REPORTKR A!\D MAXAGER. RJLENTS AND MARQUEES ON HIRE. JNO. SMART & CO., THE OLD-ESTABLISHED TENT AND MARQUEE PROPRIETORS, 41. ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF, Hare just prepared for the forthcoming season a large »nd extensive assortment of TENTS and MARQUEES admirably adapted for kioriqu-itural and Horticu tural Shows, E-steddfodau, Fetes and Galas, Races, Pienies.&c., kc. Set of ,Marquees and Tents specially provided for Garden Parties. Marquees to accommodate from 20 to 6,000 persons. Distance no object. 7539 iie95 J. M. A I M E COAL MERCHANT. L \RGE HOUSE COAL, Mvnyddislwvn Red Ash LARGE HOUSE COAL. No. S Vein. LAllGE HOUSE COAL, Powell's Red Ash, Llantwit Till OUGH-AND-THROUGH HOUSE COAL. SMALL HOUSE COAL. SMALL SMITHS' COAL. LARGE STEAM COAL, Smokeless. NUT STEAM COAL, Smokeless. SMALL STEAM COAL. COKE, Special rates for large quantities or for a term. Offi e 4, PEARSON'S PLACE, DOCKS. Residence: TONE HOUSK, EAST GROVE, TREDEGARVILLE. t2541 MESSHS W. H. SMITH and SON deliver the SOLTll WALES DAILY NEWS at an early hour each Morning in all parts of the follow- ing towns:— CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MERTHYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABERPAllE PONTYPOOL ROAD BUTE DOCKS HEREFORD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDGEND NEW MILFORD HAVERFORDWEST NEATH BRISTOL GLOUCESTER LLANELLY TENRY ABERYSTWITH LAMPETKR CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENNY. The CÁ RDl FF THt g.¡ also delivered every Friday to any address in the above-named Towns. ORDERS to be sent to the Managers of the vwieuJ II ttiutSS d4rtjStø. BOOTS JJOOTS JJOOTS II IMPORTANT NOTICE. Great and Permanent Reduction in the Price of Boots and Shoes at G. QLIVER'S, THE LARGEST RETAILER OF BOOTS AND SHOES in the United Kingdom. G. OLIVER begs to inform the Public of the following Towns and districts that in consequence of his EXTENSIVE BUSINESS He is enabled to purcha e all articles connected with his trade at the BEST MARKETS, at the LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH, The benefit of wlftch he gives to the Public All goods can be purchased at my Brandies fully 20 per cent Cheaper than at any other House in the Trade, BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS: SWANSEA, 30, Castle-street. SWANSEA 93, Oxford-street. SWANSEA, 237, High-street. CARDIFF 20, St Mary-street. CARDIFF*, 291, Bnte-street. CARDIFF 3..Juke-street. NEWPORT 42, High-street. NEWPORT, 22, Commercial-street NEATH, Wind-street. BRIDGEND 16, Caroline-street. LLANELLY, Vaughan-street. PEMBROKE DOCK, 7, Bush-street. PONTYPRIDD 80, Taff-street TREORKY Bute-street. YSTRAD Near Railway Station. WREXHAM 54a, Hope-street. GLOUCESTER 15, North-gate-street, STROUD 2, Kendrick-street. CHELTENHAM 340, High-street, WORCESTER 74, High-street. 1. -&. WORCESTER I-i, HEREFORD 80, Eien-stroet. HEREFORD, High Town. BARROW LOUGHBOROUGH. Cimrcli-gate. WILLENHALL Market-; lace. OAKENGATES Market-street. WE LLINGTON M arket-square. CHESTER 2. Foregate-street. CHESTER Iiastgate -builain gs. CHESTER Northgate-street. Manufactory Halford-street, Leicester. 725G 40469 BICYCLISTS VISITING THE GLAMORGAN AGRICULTURAL SHOW, To be held at Cowbridge Ju'y 30th & 31st, Should not fail to inspect the extensive dibpby of ancient and modern BICYCLES AND TRICYLES, INCLUDING THE LARGEST BICYCLE IN THE WORLD, EXHIBITED BT JNO. C. MORRIS, PONTYPRIDD. List of New and Second-hand Machines, one Stamp. Present Stock larger than that of all other Agents in South Wales added together, 42590 STEVENS AND SON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, REMOVED J. To their NEW OFFICES, WESTGATE STREET, (Opposite the Royal Hotel Stables) CARDIFF. 42488 JMPORTANT TO INVALIDS. WM. WILSON, MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN, Inventor of the" Wilsonia," and Lecturer on Electrical Therapeutics, Author of "The Trial of Medicine," "The Language of Disease," Medical Fallacies," &c., fcc., r HAS OPENED HIS MAGNETIC ESTABLISHMENT AT 45, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Where a QUALIFIED ASSISTANT will be in CON- STANT ATTENDANCE from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Patients waited upon at their own Residence, and the Wilsonia explained Free of Charge. IMPORTANT. During the past few years some seven or eight patents have been taken out for Magnetic Belts, but the want in all of them has been a means whereby the Magnetism once imparted to them can be maintained yet in neither (I the inventions has sueti result been obtain- able until William Wilson struck the happy idea of attaching a series of Voltaic Piles to the Magnets, which, by absorbing the natural exudations of the skin, give out a constant galvanic current, and so keep up a continuous supply of Magnetism without the unpleasant effect of shocks, or producing sores, as in galvanic chain bands, which have to be steeped in vinegar to g-et the desired results. The" Wilsonia" is as com- fortable to wear as any under garment, and when applied as directed never fails to give relief. The Wilsonia" is the only Magnetic appliance which generates electricity while wearing it, all others lose its power day by day. This has been the difficulty in the cure of disease by ordinary magnetic belts, for while all magnetic belts are good when new. if not con- stantly renewed they become valueless, whereas the "Wilsonia" will be as powerful after years of wear as when new. THE "WILSONIA" Will Relieve and Cure Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Asthma, Cough, Consumption, Neuralgia, Headache' Indigestion, from whatever cause," and any want of Nervous Power, or General Debility. ONE WORD AS TO PRICE. WM. WILSON will forward, on receipt of One Guinea and size of waist, a MAGNETIC BELT, equal in cura- tive power to anything sold by other Makers for Three Guineas, or the n oney will be returned. ¡ REFERENCES TO IN THE TWO HUNDRED PATIENTS II CITY OF BRISTOL ALONE. The WILSONIA can only be obtained at the fol- lowing addresses :— BRISTOL.—14, RODNEY-PLACE, BOYCE'S BUILD- INGS, CLI! TON. ALPHA HOUSE. STORE'S CROFT. SO, HOTWELL ROAD. KING and CO.. Practical Eleciricians, LAWRENCE- HILL. SPRACKETT, Chemist, Drawbridge and Clare-street. BATH.-7, PRINCE'S-BUILDINGS and BARTLETT- STREET. CARDIFF.—45, CROCKHERBTOWN. 42464—7730 DEW BROTHERS. COACH BUILDERS. WESTGATE STREET, CARDIFF. (Late with Mr Waterman), Beg to intimate that they have Opened Premises at the above address, where they intend to carry on all branches of the business of Coach Builders and General Repairers. The whole of the work will be under their personal superintendence, and guaranteed to be of the very Best Workmanship and Style. 42481 Q 'W F. BULL AND CO. '8 0: H w ABE THE BEST K M e ——— M 8 CASTLE BUILDINGS, rs 47 AND 48, WIND-STREET, u X pQ SWANSEA. 41703 JONES BROTHERS. PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVE1 E, HIGH-STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and th., Principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place*. It QHAMBEBLAIN, POLE, and CO.'S (SPECIALLY PREPARED) OATMEAL, pure Scotch, Packed. FLOUR, patent self-raising, Sold by all Grocers, and Wholesale of £ JHAMBERLAIN, POLE, and ^CO. CORN AND FLOUR MERCHANTS, BRISTOL. RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HORE- HOUND, the most certain and speedy remedy for Asthma, Consumption, Broctaytis, Coughs, Influenza. Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Hooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loes of Voice, &c. It gives instantaneous relief, and rapidly effects a cure IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. Testimonials are unnecessary, as there is scarcely a family in South Wales which has not proved its efficacy IN THE NURSERY cy' It is invaluable, as children are fond of it and take it eagerly. Imnedfetely it is taken coughing ceases, rest- ienness is ghne, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tried it would ever afterwards be with- out it. Prepared only by A. Hayman chemist, Neath; and told by all chemists. Price Is lid &ad 21 9d per bottle. »9U& — ffitsiucsg jguwresm D. JOTHAM & SONS, THE PRINCIPALITY OUTFITTERS, 26 & 27, ST. MARY. STRE iT. CARDIFF. lyjANUF ACTURE RS OF FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING. jyjANUFACTURERS OF ^UPEBIOR K 0LOTHINO- jyjANUFACTURERS OF jgJVERY DESCRIPTION OF QLOTHINGk THE -LARGEST STOCK OF JUVENILIS CLOTHING IN SOUTH WALES. OVER 10.000 SQUARE FEET OF HOW RJOMS. ESTABLISHED 1S38. 811>31 jytAPERY STOCKS FOR S AM 1-, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT, July 19th, 1379. ALTERATIONS AT 0, ST. MARY- RTPTT'RT. "-J.L" OWELL AND QOMPANY, Prior to making the necessary alterations for adapting the above premises to business, wil offer the following important Lots at Clearing Prices ;— £3,750 worth of GENERAL DRAPERY, removed from Neath. £1,230 worth of GENERAL DRAPERY, removed from Stuart-hall. A job line in fast-colour PRINTS, at 2fd. A line full-size PRINT COSTUMES, at Is HID each. A laroe parcel of Women's Black MATAL- LASE JACKETS, at 2s llid-worth 6s lid. Ladies Brown Holland COSTUME SKIRTS at 28 IUd-worth 55 lid suitable for Seaside wear. A small parcel GRENADINES, lid per yd. COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT, AND DURING THE FOLLOWING WEEK JJOWELL AND 0°MPANY^ THE CARDIFF DRAPERS. JJOULINIKON JPLOOR CLOTH Various PATTERNS in STOCK to select from 9. PER SQUARE YARD. Cnoss JJR OTHERS, CARDIFF. BRASS CORNICES Our STOCK is large and well selected. We tnvitt comparison. 42:;52 JJOULINIKON JGOULINIKON J FLOOR CLOTH. 1b. lld. PER SOUARE YARD, ONLY AT JJOWELL AND 0OMPANY, IRON BEDSTEADS, CORNICES. COCOA MATS. COCOA MATTING, FULLY 20 PER CEKT UNDER THE USUAL OLD-FASHIONED CREDIT PRICES. ONLY AT HOW ELL & COMPANY, THE CARDIFF DRAPERS. 42557 THE HOLIDAY SEASON MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SO;S' SUMMER STOCK I CLUIDFS- MORNING AND LOUNGE SUITS.-Suits alike in If* terial; Suits in Chevicts, Tweeds, and Serge Suit% Coat and Vest alike, Trousers diverse. UNDRESS JACKETS.—New Curragh and Yacht Styles; Morning and Wa king Coats, various styles. TROUSERS AND VESTS.—New Fancy Doeskins, Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots, Angolas, &c, BOYS' SUITS.—The Lome, Prinoe, Marquis, Norfolk, Royal Tar, Brighton, Sailor, Kilt, ltc, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, and Travelling Requisites Address-THE CARDIFF HOUSE, St. Mary-street and Caroline-street, Caruiff. II CIDER-SUITABLE FOR HARVEST- 7d per Gallon. DEVONSHIRE AND SOMERSET, Beit qualities for Bottling or Draught. Apply— W. J. & J. GASKELL, West Bute Dock Warehouses, 42139 Cardiff. OLD PAPERS AND PARCHMENTS. CHARLES T. JEF! EKILS A SONS (Whole. Stationers, Redcliffe-street. Bristol) are prepared to ;:1.. a very high price for any sort of old papert for re-manu- facture, etc., into paper. Upon receipt of instructions sent to "Waste Pa.per Department," bags will be forwarded. Their present prices will be found muck in excess of that tUll1.all" given by the dealers and ethers. OLD BOOK DEPARTMENT.—105,500 Volumes on Sale. Libraries and small Parcels of Books Boutin ot exchanged. 47756 C. AND E. C. HOWELL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, CARDIFF. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST BRANDI I BASS'S ALE and GUIN'NESS'S STOUT In Superior Condition, in Cask and Bottle. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. All Orders taken at I, QUEEN-STREET. WHOLESALE STORES-A PAM-STREET, BOTTLING STORES-GODFREY-STREET, 7615-41960 CARDIFF. J. HOWELLS AND SONS, I TIMBER MERCHANTS, WEST DOCK, CARDIFF. ——— 41 ML riinhers supplied for Collieries, Wheelwrights. tWo XT ERN ICR'S VEGETABLE PILLS, IH^ESTIO BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, IN TIC DLOk Kl' v ? RHEUMATISM, aoc r l nt- are eaay to swallow, be.mr very i no c°nhnemeiit indoors, strengthen the have beel' thousands, who pi* nounce them to be the best medicine in the world. Tes- timorua.lll.. From J. Balbiraie, Earl" M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Physiology," author of "Treatise on the Turkish Ac. :—" i have examined the Piils ki own as Ker- nick's Vegetable Pills.' I certify their composition to be purely vegetable; I have also tr;ed their off ect, and con- sider them one of the best aperiant pills for constipated habits that I know of."—" 6, Cppcr Cli urc)a -street, Bath. Dear Sir,—I have suffered grestly from indigestion, ac have derived great beneiit from KKRMICK'S VcgeUL « Pi Hi. Yours truly, A. SILVESTER." Prepared oi.l, S. r. KEKNICK, Manufactur.ng Chemist, Cardiff. it boxes at Is lid. and 7 l j BILL-POSTING ATNEWPORT, lfOS; J. DE REES, 38, LLANARTH STREET, NEWPORT, BILL POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN and COms: TRY, Rents ah the Principal Hoardings in Newport aad Neighbourhood, Work executed witt, A*N;pt.h tU,

