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PREPAID TARIFF FOR SMA T Jj ADVERTISEMENTS. SOUTH WALES DAlLY NEWs..Fr:r. ;Daily Notts TTona». One Three | Six A O.ice in Insertion. Insertions. !Insertwn3 Cardiff j I Timcj. | s. CI. | s. d. I d. 18 Words I 0 ö I f- f}-¡fffT2-Ö- 27 Words, j 0 J) j 1 fi 2 3 3 0 36 Words I 1 0 j 2 0 3 0)40 64 Words 1 6 3 0 4 \3 I. G 0 Each ext.r. I line of I 03 06*0910 9 Words) I __J; Tkwe charges apr>!y only to tl:e classes of advertise- nent spseitleil below," and are strictly eoaibied to th«s« Tkwe charges only to the classes of advertise- nent spseitleil below," and are strictly eoaibied to which are-ordered for CO.VSHCCTIVE insertion, aod PAID FQIt JRBVIOCS '1'0 I);.fItTION jf either of those (,0n:lit.¡o,1 is ¡' not complied with, the advertisement will be charged 1; the Business scale r— Apa^tmi'N'ts WASTED. TTot'SES TO BS LET. AP*. *rj:r.NT3 TO 1,KI'. MOSST WANTEP. Articles LOST. UtoxKY TO I-isxd. Articles LOST. UtoxKY TO I-isxd. I ARTTCLKS FùrD, 5iisuiujuffzota WANTS. FOB DISPOSAL. MMCKTAAXKOCS SAUM. r-siNRsssw WASi'iJD. PARTSEIWUIM WAN-ran. oustis TO LOT. SITUATIONS ^V-N'r? n. .tiuju. W-j-itsa SiTiiiTKix-: WAVTEI* ersor.3 answering Advertisements in the South Wales Sews are refjuc?.ted to attend to the following ex- ^^dilresi'to an initial (or number) at tiio Office means tl-at anphci'llon must be by leUev <mly, directed to trie Initial*or number at the Daily Ss'-S OBicro (as A. E. C., M- Ko 1-23, Daily Olliee). Apply at the Datlf AcK»0SSe«w means that personal 9,?plicX-Uoi\ I1:U5t 1;0 maùe at the Daily A eES Oliiec, wfecr.* the addrc » oi the Advertiser will b given. lrsHi1:; answfcring- Advertisements arc strongly ad vised 1.l\t to s*nd criminal testimonials, Lut l0,23 O:->IY. reruns scndhisr Advertisements in Manuscript may estimate the snaee tiiey wiil nrY by calculating Words to a liDo, anil twelve lines to an While we use our utmost en d ear ours to bisert Adver- tisements on t'3 date3 ordered, we cannot guarantee that this will be done. Great care is also taV.cn to secure 11\& correct rrillt.ill: (If A, i veitiemcnts, but we cannot te responsible for illace\!raic, or for any consequences Wising therefrom. Cheques and rost-o2iee Orders te be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SONS, 15 & To, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. to ".tom all Business CoBHiumieatiotra should bo all. dressed. Letter.) containing News cr LITK'.iart CONTKI- •CTS055 Miuuld b« addressed: TUB LIHIOS, South Wales Daily > £ )!>?, CARDIFF." Advertisers are informed UUSt are pfiSTdl <Tuzp.ott- ties hare. recently instructed postmasters not to dcliur any letters addressed to initials, figures, or fictitious names at the Post-ojjiee, but to setid the same at oncc to the Dead Letter Office. Advertisers are. therefore recommended to give their prop: r name, or to select some ether ad- dress for their letters. Letters will be received fer advertisers at our chiej and district ojjUes as "-C"' heretofore, .ro.z: PERSONAL. WANTED, the Gentleman that wrote from Loudon I" about Wagonette. Please write a/ain.—David Jones, West Cross. ■S-.va-.iseo-. "frill MUSICAL. Â SJ::coro-II.AxD COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, full compass, in walnut to be aoid for £. 11 10s. -1, Bevem-road, Canton. _3_i' M lt F. ATKINS, MT». Bae., Oxon, Teacher of tl.e Pianoforte and tiingiiig. 21 years' exi>erience m th art cC teaching, l'eims, 30s per quarter, i'ost-eards addresac- l B'err.ley Home, Cardiff, attcu-to^^lu;:A EDUCATIONAL. "%T#TANTED PUPILS to join a Spanish Class; Fees, W 138 CJ D«r quarter.—Apply, Mumva C0.¡¡r;.ç"-jwJ Bcbool, But-i'oaii. D0:\IIiS110 SSRTANTS. WANTED, CUTLSR also Yotraj Man under him, Good T.-ir s.—Apply, with euelowJ enveloj: Ucs Godirej, rark-straet, Ljatloc, W. [¡¡¡io. "ST ANTED, PAULOU RilAID, £:0, thorou^b yfyf IIOUSEilAID, PLAIN COOK. £:0. Encluæ (rtTe!pc.Mr3 (1o(:irey, Grc.svenor. -><1 mre. W. Gw- tPKT AlKTl'D, immediately, an experienced UPPER \'V HOUSEMAID.—Apply, Statin- particulars, to tira s. IX. Ci-a-wshay, Forest House, t'ontypridu. o350 «^7 ANTED immediately, a good GENERAL SER- i Y VANT, abie to- v.aaa atul bake. Good reference. —Applv Mrs J. VV. Jone3, Golden Key, Eercdale, near f ntyp'rldd. 5023 AN'i'KD, 1,000 SERVANTS m various parta cf 1^1 En-^laad. Cooks, .£13 to Housemaids, £ iV to Parlourmaids, to Nurses, £14 to £4: iuu-iieuiuai-is, £lJ to £18 Central Servants, £1! Everything; found. Afeo Laoy's Maids, Attcnd- suits, several Men Servant?, rvnd otiieri. Spaciii Register u ? Govemewes and Lad v Helps. Apartraente provided, 'i'lw-we wwhing- to better tHcmscires aiiouid cciEmuRicaic, p^e'osiii^r stamped Oi/octed euveiojie, to lJrs H. T. Cwirey. lS, L -n;lon, \V. 4S.vi CLERKS, ASSISTANTS, &o., • WAITED. n- WANTED, an Office CLERK.—Apply to tlie Eecr's- 'T Cvunty Court Office, St Mary-street, Cardiff. 56jil_ WANTED, an ASSISTANT to the Grocery and Provision Trade. Welsh indispensable.—Apply to a6I3 bITUATIQNS VACANT. %iTANTEDfa steady, active You-.« MAN as Lij-lst ft P.,rtor. Good "reference1: i:;dispe-i::ib!e.— Apply, W. Price and Sons, The Cardiff. "o:tsc. Ci'tdiif. 5c: ft P.,rtor. G()Q(1 re¡CrCili:eõ i:;dispe-i::ib!e.— Apply, W. Price and Sons, The Cardiff. "o:tsc. Ci'tdiif. 5C;I:: jUlCUAKDS, Cbeiniit, Ab.-i-i.-re, i.s ia niuii.-<J'a;-e want of a J L2<IOR or DIPItOVEJi. Aiust i] eai \i' c 'fJ¡, I': late references, &c, "p:) GROCERS' ASSISTANTS. — Want'd a good JL JLNIOR HAND.—Aopiy personally to J. A. Wiiton and Co., Shinrini,' Grocers, 58, James-street, Docks, Ca.rdlf7. 38733 WANTED, an experienced LAWYER, to worlc a rack V and self-act'.iij bench. one that can work a deal frame, and accustomed to English timber preferable.— A;;ply, stating age and w-ges, ar.d with referei.cj. to J'iui Evans and Co., Steam Saw Mills, Carmartheu. 5G21 'IILLINER^.—Wantd, an experienced HAND indispvnsaole.—Atply, stating particulars, t,.}.Ev:¡ CuJe, TreiH¡-bert.: J18 LIJmRY MANAGER.—Certified C >ll;ery Manager. speakir.i!1 Welsh and English,'WANTED.—Applica- t««ss to contain particulars of former employment, salary retjtiired, and reference. and to be to M.P., "South Wales daily News Omce, Cardiff. 5033 •VSTANTriD an experienced YOUNG IAS, also an tt APPRENTICE.—Apply, E. and J. Lloyd, Drawers, :)tre, PontJlw1¡!ù.. &CS7 T EWIS AND LEWIS, Outfitters and Drapers, Swansea, have a VACANCY for a JUNIOR HAND for Hats, Caps, and Cents' Mercery. Welsh. 50C9 I "STRTAHTED, a MILLINER, who i* willing to attend Y tf to the counter and can speak Welsh.—Apply to 5SH A PPIIENTICE.—Wanted a respectable Boy as J. APPREMICE at tlie Soatk Wales Daily News •ilice. TO DRESSMAKERS.— Experienced DRESSMAKERS war.tei v.hire appreniice^ arc Uapt.—Apply im- iMetiiateiy to J^mcs Cbarlc.?, Draper, Trc..erbcr^. 5318 XJFTANTED. Improvers ana Apprentices for theMtL- T? LlHmY and DKEiSSMAKi.VG.-Apply,_C. L. M jnfries, 15, Crockherhtown, Cardiff; AN ENGINEER in the principal se port cf South Wales could take another sharp LAD, a%'e about lj, aspnpii. He would receive sound mcchanieal tra<:t- iust j« marine, colliery, unù general éDuûcrirg; draw- lug, mathematics, and Liechanics; a'so the commercial exjwttMiee of a lanre en\Cirj¡g, Ealaryand comnds- 6KW, agency and contracting busi;ie:s. Arrangement* vroaM lie for the papil to go throngb the sb ps of laegeSrm or Emdneers and Shipbuilders (whom he re- prcMMs), and afterwards to sea.—Address, Engineer, Soath Wales Daily NCWd" OiSce, Cardiff. Ss)572 AGENCIES, TRATELLERS, &G. W ANTED, for an old-ostifc!b>hed Friendly Society doing Sickness, Life Assu.nlIlcc, EIJU0wmcnt., [end Aanutty budness, an AGENT.—For terms (commission only" apply te C. E. Greea, 2, Albion-uiace, Biackfriars, London, S.E. 39017 EMPLOlME.-fT at HOME, Male or Female. No prenonol full ilirections, 7 stamp".— Secretary, 17, N.'rt'a-ro-ui. Hyde Park, W. 5641 ROMAN CATilOi.ICS, (fee.—Wanted immediately 1 AQ8-NT in all the principal towns and centres cZ jasil Roman Catbolfc Diocese in Great Britain, for the Sale of "The Livaa of the Cardinals," a new high-class illustrate monthly serial. Also energetic CANVAS SSRS. Liboral torms. Re.-p.otablc persons with ^od connections among tie congregation?, wo a.u hnutbis i-ighly advimtageoas.—Apply at i.-n inland, Luwiltf, and Co., opposite Nous Unt persons who cstu give tirst-clas^ reier^nce. aLP y.. "I'TINERGl'TTic AGENTS wanted everywhere. No j to £4 weekly with ease success rare chanco. l^end addressed envelope, 3. and Wilson, 183, Tooley jreet, London. 5 ;73 GENT WANTED to Sell Fine LUiiiUCAITNG OILS. Co-inmission Liberal. J.B., 1, York Villas, Manor-road, Richmond, S.W. 5402 SITUATIONS WANTED! WANTED, Situation tr.ider Cook as improver. Wares low. A^e 19. — Address A_B., the Library, NarSertb. 5^55 rro GROCER5-—As MANAGER or COUNTERMAN; j 14 years' experience; faniiiy and- ready-money trale. Firxt-elays refereneej.—N. G., "South Vvalsis Daiiy News." Cardiff. [,GO SPANISH and FRENCH CORRESPONDENT, and General CLERK.—Advertiser (English), who has thorough knowledge of Coal, Mineral, and Shipbroking Businesses, and Bookkeeping, desires Situation. Com- mence with New Year; good reiernc3. — Address 5002 WANTED a Situattoa as Book-keeper, Cashier, Ckrk, or Traveller, loy an active young man, married. Knows Seuth Wales well, aad can speak Welsh. TLe, lngnest referonce as to character, energy, and experience.— Addreas, B.Z., Semb Wales Daily News Gardig. S0277 MISCEL'LAKEO US WANTS. LAIWE of 2 or 3 floor J, Wanted, iu or near Cartiilf one with rail- way eoaveiiieuee preferred.—Applv, giving- {particulars, to E a s and Owep, BaAh. 56c^ WANTED, a CHILD to {;R.3E by a respeciable married person. Terms on application.—Ad iress E Hill streat, ldlaenavon. 5606 "575 7 ANTED to I'URCHASE for Cash, ot" to-EX- wf CHANGl, o.d UPrIht. PIANOFORTES, less than five foot m .:ei.?nt. APP-y by letter to Dulc. Forty anl Co., Che!tennajn. WANTED, pair of Yanng u-cr 15 hiiiicis, 'rea irom vie?.— P.rtfcn ;irj to Mr Mi'n.ird, ><or. r, -tl;e, Hwtu^a. 5CnT 14T ANfilD, d y f resnoveable head.—P-rtieu ars to David Jones, West Cro" \J AN TEnTs LCOND-HAN I) WEIGHING «AOHI>, E, YV to wei-b cart loaded m-l .oxi Send price anci particulars U> J. J. {- 5G36°" ANTED to PURCHASE, KOuK:- -u any qU:1.:t¡ty. V V —J. I'. Mechau,second band LOTXilNCiS, APA111^1ENTS, &C. APARTMENTS to LET, Sfurnisbeo ^ittin^-room and I t'd -<.o:a. Ten»s modetate.—Apply to 103, Castle- »a«.l, Cardiff, PENARTfl.■-APARTMENTS for a Single CenUemuI. Particn ars ut ii. llorjpa's, Stationer, Pute Dock?. ji Particn ars ut ii. llorjpa's, Stationer, Pute Dock?. Ü I TO BE LET, in the best part of RUton Feogfc a Sit- ting-room ..id one or twoEedraMBBt "Ewina nicderate. Apply at Lose Cottage 142; NooSit-road, Briton Ferry. 3M4 TO BE LET.-HOUSES, LAND, &c1 TO LET, a newly-built HOUSE mWeHington-terrae^ w'.th sitting and dining-room, si* bedrooms, bath- room and offices. Kitchen and scullery in Lavement, with every convenience. Rent £ 4j.—Apply, AV. Price and Sons, The Cardiff House, Cardiff. 5664 ( i LAMORGANSHHIE.—To be LET, LLWYNHELIG JT FARM, 3 0 Acres, ab lit 200 being superior pas- ture, nearly all dry, and suitable for well-bred Stock, C,tf excel en' Dwelling House with Labourers' Cottages, exten- sive Modern Farm Baildir.gs, well supplied with water and cvary convenience, situate dose to the import.mt ?I,k Town oJCovbiidi#, where there is Railway <om- munication, good Grammar and other Schools. The Glamorganshire F»x Hounds meet within easy distance. Possession '2nd February next—Apply to Mr E. Tl»ot>Kts, Llwynhelig, Co>vbridge. 1.9705^ ENAUTH. — A we'l furnished HOUSE TO LET, on Beaeb-road, rejii moderate.—Address, Mri Williams, Greenhill, Penarth. 0 be LET, with immediate possession, SURREY 8 VILLA, GO, Elm street, Ro&th, Cardiff.—Apply at 51, Elm street. 5 SJ. T ) LET, 59, LOUDOUN-SOUAUE; re-decorated few niontiis ago,-—Apply to '1 ho >. Williams, Pembroke Hi us", Conway-road. Canton. 39703 si per wec¡"TlllŒE ROOMED HOUSE, 3 (A)D healthy, situation, 15 nrmutea walk from Siyh-strect railway station, Swansea.—Apply Vr. C. Ai;i«.ry. 2, HOCE TO LET, semi-detached, 11 rooms aud bad.- Jt'g. r-jom. Tradel-ai-ville. -Apply, D. L. Thomas, 10, Windsor-plaee, Cardiff. 0623 rSlO LET.—WKSTBc'ItY COTTAGE, S'app:?ire-sireet, g Roith.-Apply at 11, James-street, C'ustle-road, Roath. S630_ To he LET, No 11, ST ANDREW'S CRESCENT, Card iff. Gooil family Î<!e.c, with all modern conveniences.—Apply at No 14, St Andrew's Crescent. 14 TO DE LET—BUSINESS PREMISES. &o c ctxlile-, .(,f Nitta! and PREMISES to LET, 0, 49, comer of Metal-street, Splotta:1d. Rent £ 45.— Apply at Mr Cory's office, Ch .ireh-street. u £ 05 fflO BE L'iT, with imn:e liate possession, THE g LAMB INN, Neath, a free Double-licensed Home in the centre of too town, with, yard, stabling, and coach- house.—Apply to Mr K. T. Lc;-son, solicitor, Neath. 5C5," BE LET.—A portion of tho YARD situate at J_ Owen's Place, Back-street, Swansea, within a very short distance of the Hiyh-street St.ttion.-Arpiy to Mr Z. Evans Porita;-da-.ve. 39726 ^■f^O _KM LET, fcr'oiTxees, with immediate possession, 1 at the Docks, the whole of the upper part, of 53, James-street.—Applv to the owner, J. Wilton, Ship anu Pilot Hotel, James-street, Doefcs, Cardiff, 30°^- TfflO LET, Fine 8-storey WAREHOUSE and Roomy B CKLLAB, situated in Mount S'tnart-square, Cardiif, cieso to the 1>OCT-:3, and admirably adapted for Wholesale Provision or Ship Store Merchants.—Apply Palmer, Morgan & Co., Docks, Carl;7. 34024 AUDIFF.—To be LET, extensive PREMISES, No. 30, Duke-street, litte'y oeeunied by Mr Morgan .organ, cabinetmaker. Shop 60 feet long, with SHOW- t IiOOj.1 of corresponding size on first floor. Good cellar- age and store-room. Apply to Mr J,.bn W. Yaeheli, Cardid. 3QC07 OFFICES TO LET,—G, Powell Place, Bute Docks.— Apply to J. Elliott and Sons. 5o23 BRY^OIAWR.—To LET a Dauale-liccnsed PUBLIC- HOUSE, in the best position in tho Town. Rent f.nd iitoomiug low.-Apply to A. Biroham, and Co., Rbymney. -VT-ALUAIILE BUSINESS PREMISES.—TO be LET, with possession by the 21st Jaouuy next, the valuable PREMISES in St Mary-street, Cardiff, formerly occupied by the laic Dr Waliace. These promises occupy one of the b¡¡.;t situations for business purposes in Car- diff, being on the corner of Wood-street, Westgate-street, and St Mary street, and having a frontage to all three streets of about 170 feet. The premises comprise a '.veil appointed D-we'ihig-hou-se and Surgery, with Stable and appointed DweJiiag-bouie and Surgery, with Stable and Coach-qonsc, but can be readily converted to suit almost any class of business. Will be let on a yearly tenancy, or fcr a term of years if desii-ed-Apply to Messrs J. Gunn, Mount Stuart Graving Dock, CardifY. 113 F BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. CARDIFF.—Old-established Full-Iieeused. BotrSB. ill principal thoroughfare. Satisfactory reasons fcr leaving.—John Jenkins and Co., Cardiff. 5C01 HOTEL to I..ET.- fxceptjomù opportunity, on long lease, a first-class ComillerCÍ:1.1 Hotel, situate in a very rising part of the tuw 'i of Cardiff, and iu close proximity to a railway station. Incoming £ ?,100.—Applj' t lessrs John Jenldns and Co., Phiihaanaomc Cham- bers, Cardiff. 6 i 1-1 u DINING-ROOMS. Cent-rady sita.ite-3. WcU fit-red up. and with immediate possession. Joiui Jenlrins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, CarUifT. 5602 FIIT^-CLASS^^UELE^ME^EDIPI^LIC-HOVSE in ail important suburb of Cardiit; spacious and convenient; ingoing £ 2,0CK?, wit long lease and very large inventory; satiaJaetosy rciiso. s for leaviug,—Apply John Jfc.ikins and Co., Phlibarmonic Chambers, Cardiff. I 5-JGO free z HOUSE, in a popular neighbom'hood; recently I improved. In^-oiv.g, £ ,'00; good lease.—Tohn JenUius and Co., Auctioneers, &c., I'hilharm^uic Chajabers, Cardiff. 5-314 C I RAMO F.TOV.'N, CARDIFF.-Full-lice«sed PU11LIC- JT HOUSE good trade; population large and increasing rapidly rent and termi reasc.nab'e.—Apply to Messrs John Jenkins and Co., PhiiharmoaicChambers, Cardiff. 5C25 I ^"g^O be LET, Mill Lane- "3Utllry, CardiSF, with imme- £ (iiate pOSSD.3::> 011., together with quantity of Machiucrv for enrr, i; g on the business.—Apply to jfc-isrs StepheiLiCa, Alexander, and Co. 30703 raio"~PAWNBROXERS~~AND OUTFITTERS.—TWO 1 BUSINESSES for DISPOSAL, situate in two of the principal towns in South Wales; ineoraitg made easy.—Apply F. J. Wall, Auctioneer, Pontypocl. 5G35 f '§^0 LE! a Doubl1!.lkensediI(ïfsi:i-cent:-e of the B t.c.rn, near Market and Post-offiee. Incoming £ 110; rent £ 40,—Full particulars upon application to Messrs Glover and Son, Auctioneers, Swarsea. 20714- ^a-TO ^EA^ cXpTAiN^VNl) OTHERS.—To be LET, in I the loading thoroughfare in the c:ty o» Gloueester, and c'ose to the docks and public buildings, an HOTEL, complete with every convenience for carrying on lmsi- ness. by valuation, and rent low.—For further partie'd ;rs, apply by letter to Hotel/' Box 21, IV-st- cffice, Cheltenham. 20074 DRAPERY.—To be Disposed of, a genuine BUSI- Nr SS, doing a good medium trade, situated in the best street. Fixtures included in the rent; no steck. Satisfactory reason for disposing.—Ap; iy J. M. Thomas, Cambrian House, Llar.elly. 51 DRAPERS. T\0 DRAPERS DISPOSING OF OR TAKING A BUSINESS. ArfLv ro CHAS. SID:;EY BEECUOFT UW SOS, VALUEUS OF Drapery, Reauy-mades, and Fixtures, LcrOS anil LONDON. 14000 FOII SAUE.—HOUSES, &c. INSTATE, SOUTH WALES.—On SALE, m st desir- Zj able' ESTAT?. with Residence, &c.—J. Mar;den, Dcansgate, M inchest jr. Oilk-)AI) 4L-\Y, BRISTOL.—A newlj-ereated BUSI- jL> NE33 PREMISES for SALE, su-table for Ship- ci.anp'ers, Brokers, and others.—For particulars, apply F. J. Wail, Auctioneer, Market-staeet. Pontypool. 5b"34 SWANSEA.—For SALE, two valuable woll built semi- n detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as Nos 1 and 2, Mackworth Villas, Maekworth-street. St Thomas. Recently put into thorough repair through- out. A bargchr-—Apply to John F. Harvey and Co., Auctioneers, It, uisher-street, Swansea. 5512 I7WR SALE, PANTGLAS HOUSE, Gorss-ano 8 rooms, water, &c. drainage complete.—Apply South Wales Daily News," Swansea. 5820 | TVJil SALE, Nos. 40 and 41, Woodvil'e-tcrrace, Cat- JJ hays, with back entiances.— Apply 23, Bridge- street, Cardiff. rg- FOR SALE. —MISCELLANEO US, TyBLTCIIERS and SAUSAGE MAKERS.—Always on hnn-J, a quantity of Cambridge sausage skias, pr ce Is per lb.; saveloy skins, price iC-d per lb. poloney skins, price 2d per Jb. German sau^ag'e stins. 2s per dozen.—Thomas Harrison, Ea t Lane, Bam;, Leeds. FOR MOULDERS CHARCOAL BLACKING apply to Midland Moulders Blacking Company, V» ciues- lle'd-road, Wolverhampton. The best and cheapest made. Quc.tations on application. 80630 y,VO fine Araucaria Imbricata: also, a few large I flo-.vering SHRUBS for Sale. Address J. Cham- berlain, Sketfy, Swansea. 5621 BICYCLISTS desirous of procuring Machines at Wholesale prices are advised to apply to John C. Morris, Poutypridd, agent for all the best makers. Li.3t of new and second-nand machines one stamD. All ma- chines scut carriage paidfr 5517 BERDEEN POLISHED GTLVNITE MONUMENT3 Cheap. Drawings and prices free, from J. Robert- son and èOD, Ilolburn-street, Aberdeen. 5556 PRIME Cooking and Deszert Keeping Ari-LES, IGs 6d per ewt. carfis included.—Orders payable, L. Buckland, Market Tavern, Hereford. 5507 WANTUK, PLTtCHASEIiS for good second-band Foreign and English SCHOOLBOOKS.—J. F. Meehau, Postern, Swansea. 30200 Meehau, Postern, Swansea. 30200 T JONES, Penarth-road Eirtranee, for gaol Ground • Mv>i;iAR- S-40S5 FIRE AND BURG LAR-PROOf SAFES. Chcapestrand best. Apply to Cyrus Price & Co., SoJe and LoSk Work?, We-in^field Koad, Vvoiverl*aaptoiv. SlieB u FOR SALE.—LIVE STOCK, cAp, ''A FO'-vJ 3 for sa'e in one Lot. Two fall-trrown "cocka 15s each; one hen w.th four chickens, los each. Hampers extra—Dana Jones, Waudare, Aberdare. — FOR S ALE"or HiroTsb good sound Working HOUSES —Apply Stud Grcc.il, Circus, Swansea. COAL WAGONS AND COLLIERY JRK^CJISIT £ 3. f LANTRIa'SANT WAGON WORKS.- jBAXENDALE JLJ and HKALD, Pi-oprietors and Makers of RAIL- WAV WAGONS for all purposes, and to any Railway Companies' regulations; also Contractor's Tip Wagons and Trams for Collieries, Ironworks, &c. WAGONS RE-BUILT and REPAIRS done by contract or otherwise at the above Works, or at the Repairing Works, East Moors, Cardiff, and the Doeks, Newport; c.at Swansea, or any other station in South Wales, Monmouthshire, Forest of Dean, and between London, Liverpool, and Birkenhead. WHEELS TUnSED UP, new Tires and Axle3 ap- pbvd. All kinds of Wrought and CMt Ironwork. Also, B-ass Bearings, Spring Buffers, Bearing and Draw £ p ings, Wheels and Axles- for Wagons and Trams. Prices on application at Llantrissant or at ths Cardiff OSice, 146, Bute-street; and the Chief Works, Chorley, La acashire. N.Q.— A number of nearly new Great Western and Tail" Vale C'oai, Coke, and Lime Wagons on hand and ready for delivery, either for simple hire or purchaae lease. Mr W. SNEEZUM, of Csirdiff, RepreitnUtivo and TUpairaManojyer f)r Soulb Waloa lilnS3 GEORGE W. ARMSTRONG, 1, MOUNT 3TUART-SOUAKE, AND EAST-MOORS, CARDIFF, RAILWAY WAGON AGENT, BROKER AND CONTRACTOR. CASH ADVANCES arranged on all kinds of Rolling Stogie. NEW and SECOND-HAND WAGONS let on simple hire, or redemption payments. 80273 FOR SALF-MACIIWEITY, TOOLS, ON SALE, one strong, well built Cendensmg Beam by a flrst-cia/iij rraker, equal to new cylin- *i»i' wiii10^ ^°rei 5-feet stroke. Can be seen standing, Condoniwi^ !?)'d cheap. One ciosc-buiit, Eaii-eeniained on sU (ShmT^01 ^liS!lne 1 st-"ids enindependent bed Ts ^^er, 23-inch bora, ^feetstvoke. i Apply to1?! Been standing, and will be sold 1 io^dxy-street, ro aihi l ijANI-> G MAGHINK.^ ot vari->us sizes in block and progress, a,so, LA iHr.b T inches to 14 indie* cencrem with latest i;uprovemoata.-JOHil SPEHCKK, Mam BOStERSONSALEt—POUR OALLOWAVS PATENT BO lLliiit, au ft Tii, safe to.work at 70 lbs on th«SBTLaro inch. I TWO BC1LBBS, 23 ft by ? ft, with two flues through. TWO BOfLEBS, 23 ft by 7 ft, two fines through. I ONE BOILBB, 20 ft by 7 ft, two flues through. ( ONE BOILKB, lS-ft by 0 ft. one flua through. Ala» several waailer lUes. Ajiply to HENRY PARKISSOX, Fsundry-street, J BOLTON. ON SALE, ONE 10 horse power double cylinder POR TABLE ENGINE, for winding. ONE IZ-horso power PORTABLE ENGINE. ONE 10-horse power PORTABLE ENGINE, ONE 8-horse newer PORTABLE ENGINE. ONE «-horse power PORTABLE ENGINE. Equal to HCW, and will be sold cheap. A paly to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-stree EüLTON. If SALE, ONE PAIR of 25-iu horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE I'AUt of lS-iu horixoatai WJNDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of 16-in horizontal WINDING- ENGINES. ONE PAIlt of 15-in horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE PAIP. of 12-ia horizuiital WINDING ENGINES. ONn P Alll of 10-iu horizontal WINDING ENGINES. I ONE PAIR of 7-in horizontal WINDING EN JINES. The above engiaes are now ready for delivery, and fitted with winding dram and break gear te each pair of engines. Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street. BOLTON". ON SALE, ONE Pair of loin, horizontal WINDING ENGINES^ fitted with winding drum aud brake coipplete. Apply, H I'ARKINsON, Foundry street, BOLTtiN. O-XN :ALF, ONE Pair of 10-ineh Horizontal WINDING ENGINES, with winding drum aiid brake com- 4 II. PARKINSON. Foundry-street, EOLTON. ON SALE, two Cornish BOILEli^, C3tt by 7ft diame- ter two flues through each sa^e at GOlb* Pressure- working.—Apply II. PARKINSON. Foundry-street, TOLTON. ON SALE, ONE Pair 18-inch Klarh-nressure, Horizon- tal ENGINES, for winding,"titled wHh slot-link n otion Brsfc class pair of engines.—Apply, H. PARKIN- SON, Fouii-iry-st! eet, BOLTON. NliALE, ONE PS«r of 23-iach Ilorlsonfcal WINDINQ .J' ENGINES; stroke 4ft, with winding-dritm and crsie c»s;plete: now quite ready for delivery.—Ap- ary TJ1.v', H. PAKKINoON, Fcuriury-street, BOLTON. ;(\N SAL?1, ONE 25-horse power Double-cylinder t Portable ENGINE, fitted with slot-link motion, for winding; Oiie 20-hor3C power Double-eylindcr Portable ilngine will be oJd d:e:>, and are in first-class order. —Apply, II. PARKINSON". Fouudry-street, BOLTON. 11 MISCEIaLANEOUSw VT ViPPLE & CO. S Furnishing CHINA and GLASS jOv DEPOT, 3, Clare-et.ee' Bristol, Newest Designs. U'-west Prices. 0 jy' EPPLE & CO.'S COFTAGE DINNER bETS, One Guinea. Cheapest and Best.—3, Clare-street, e-ist-i. If KPPI7E &~C0.'S EAR/THEN WARE^for KitclTen piupose3.~3, Clare-street, Bri-;tol. KEPPLE & CO.'SORNAMKKTAL GOODS for WEDDING and OTHER PRESENTS. Immense ariety.—3, Care-street, BristoL K' EPPuE &.CO.'S Crystal Cut TABLE GLASS. Best Stourbridge and Dudley make.—3, Clare-Street, lirUtoI 39001 Certain Cure for Nervous Debility. GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing sufferers how they may bo cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid A Quacks, with Keeipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections, Free-on receipt of stamp to prepay postage.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 4S35 Irwrs FTPS FITS!!—The one Certain Cwe—Try Pike's FitPowder. Obtain of any Chemist. Whoie- »aie from Alien, Pearee and Co., 10 and IX, Bath-fit rest, Bristol. COFFEE DANDELION ROFFEE !-Set)weitFer's 8d, Is and Is ûd Tins. Obtain of any Chemist, or whole- sale of Aiki;, Pearee and Co., 10 and 11. Bath-street, Bristol. IMMENSE SLAUGHTER OF BUGS AND FLEAS. j_ Use only Schweitzer's Bisect EWer Obtain of any Chemist, cr wboie-sale of Aileu, Pearce aud Co., 10 anti 11, Bath-street, Bristol. L" UNiniY LUXURY !—Schweitzer's Sea Salt in ..J.4 great demand for Slimmer bathing. Obtain of any Chemist, or wholesale of Allen, Pearce and Co., 10 and 11, Bath-street, Bristol.. V HAT IS YUUlt MONOGRAM.—Send 13 stamps iO 'f V GLASS and Co., Cardiff, who will forward you 12 sheets of uottipaper and 12 envelopes stamped, in colour w ith anj- one, two. or three letters, and any lady's name. Also GLASS'S COMIC PACKETS, containing L2 different designs, acnt post free tor 13 stamps ra quires ai paper and 160 envelopes stamped in any colour for fti Ud- YOUU CAriD, SIR ?—Send 4s Cd to GLASS knd Co., Cardiff, who will ergi-ave your name and piint vo u 100 Ivory Cards, aid forward them post free to any address. TO MERCHANT^, TP.ADEfiMEN, and Others. GLASS'S Patent Eiu!ors»3 Machines, engraved with your name, business, and address, from ISs 6d. xO'JR NAIE.;o;lP. ?—Year name engraved on a Brass or Zmc plate for your door from as. GLASS'S Stencil Plates for Mr.:king Linen, &e. Initials and name, 2s 6d; initials only, Is gd, Sent post free to any address on I.c&, to Co., ENGEAYKSS Dn?8i2(&* us. "and Gskeral Ptusizas, CARDIFF. 14i 31CKNESS OLD AGrJ, AND DEATH. Ci -« at DEATH, for ONE SHILLING per Week, ot* £ <55, at Death, for FIFTEEN SH1LLING3 per week in Sickness, for SIXPENCE £ 10 at Death, )r 2s ed per week in Sickness, for ONE PENNY per week, paid Monthly, by any one about the ages of £ 0 to ?. £ to the WESTERN PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. Es- tablished 1848. President Eari Fortescue; Vice-Presi- àcnts: Lord Aberdare, Rev D. Howell (Wrexham), John Cory, Esq., J.P. (Cardiff;, &e. Other sums at different ages for proportionate rates. Upon examination, the Society wiil be found to be the best in existence. SAFE and Ciherp. It ha3 entered more than TIIOU- SAND MEMBERS, and has ilaid to them more than SISTY-Fi VE THOUSAND POUNDS in Bonerits. It has saved and now invested over FORTY-ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. Mewbers incur no expenses, and are liable to no duties, fii:c- or loss of time. Females may join. Kales Is each. For further information, ;.cnd stamp to Mr W. C. AIERY. 25, V.Zkt-m-terrace, Swansea 2148 HONEY. "]%.5"ONEY invested on every class of security, .at half itJL usual charges. Bills discounted.—S, Elden-plae-e, Ciifton, Bristol. 5G TO FEES—Cash Advanced from R,20 to P.1,000 Oil .l borrowers' own secuiity.—J. M'Cartby, 44, Com- uureial-strect, Newport, Mon. Prospectuses forwarded gr.itis o.i application. -C: J BUSE supplies LOANS on shipping launched, Jt e or building debentures and shares in companies, ];io ;issurancc policies, houses, shops or offices, wharves or warehouses, collieries, railway trucks. Also small sums lent on personal security, furniture, or moveable proptirty.—Buse, 7, Temple-street, Swansea. i)3593 fESSRS. W. raid S. HBtiN, Estate Agents, 15, Work- i'f JL king-street, CardilT, are prepared to ADVANCE from £ 50 to £5,000 on Mortgage of Freenold or Lease- hold Property; aud from £ 50 to 9500 on personal security. 38Sõ3 t* ~$Ktoney to LEND, In conneetios «J — with Life Assurance, for tbres J:(;!1.r.: "1 upwards, at moderate rates. No odice routine. Address, or apply. Manager, Assurance OJTIçe, H, Crocis htrbtown, Cardi!f. 30u24 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS— SUITS from £ i0 to £ 1,000 advaocsd, iu strict coniidesice, without dey, or personal sureties. No fees.—Apply, by letter, I, personally, to Wiliiam Poweil, Implement and Manure Agent, 1, Paradise-place, Cardiif. ^1773 MR J. FREEMAN, 67, Commercial-street, anil I Crnw-stveet, Newport, the oldcst-cstablishe«f Jl-mey Lender, still continues to Advance ca3h from ZI to £ j 0, repayable weekly or monthly, to all classcs, oi ali kind's of security (without removal) at three houri notice. Distance no object. fæJ S1650 MIDLAND LO -.U and Discount Company arc now ad- 1. vancing'sums from £ 3 to 300, at a few hours' notice, for short or long periods to suit borrowers, on furniture, stock, without removal, a-.id, if required, without publicity.—Apply to Mr L. Barnett, 40, Cute- strect, Cardilx. 31050 rg^HE CAEDIFF and COUNTY LOAN and FURNISH- 1 I^G COMPANY Advance at a Day's potice, from £ j. to £2.0J, to Private Householders, Farmers, Trades- men, and others, on their owa security and in strict confidence. No Loan Odice routine; terms moderate; easy re-payments; distance no objection.—Apply to I Samuel, Manager, 1C9, Bute-road, 34361 f-œlORLAIS LOAN OFFICE, MERTHYR—Money I immadiatelj- advanced from L5 and upwards, by Mr W. It. Cohen, to Tradesmen, Householders, Far- mers, and others on their Stock-in-trade, Furniture. &c., without removal or inconvenience in any way. Prepay- able by easy instalments. Distance r.o object. Ail ap- plications punctually attended to. Strictly private. None genuine or by letter, to 20 aril 21, Poll trnorlais, Beithyr 19C82 I-jc oi England Loan and Discount Company 8 advance Loans, fi-onialoto £,500, without lielayj toliouseholders, genLieuien, farmers, builders and others, upon notes of hand, leases, shares, hottsebold funiitur^. and other securities; strict couliacnca. Itepayabl« bj etsy iuataltaeutS. Xrado bilb discounted. Appo ^3 letter, or personally, to S. Blaiborg, Manager, 2, i.ut» te-.Tace, Cardiff; or 44, Conunercial-street, ^gv-'por^ Moti. No fees or law costs. 10200 SOUTH-WAL^ LOAN COMPANY.—Advances from £ 3 to £ 1,000 to all classes, at a few hours' notice, on Furniture, Stock, Jewellery, &c., without removal; dis- t-»nce no objeat; repayable by monthly, forbughtiy, or weekly instalments, personally or by letter, 1. Seline, 36, High-sSreet, Swiomea. Attend- ance at the Branch office, Upper Market-street, Haver- fordwest, every Wednesday, from 11 a.m., to 4 p.m.33176 ONEY.—Gentlemen, Farmers, Tradesmen, and A. Others, who require money at one day's notice, from '210 to £ 1,000, in town or country, on personal ce-u-P shou'd apply. Statin' amount required, to Was* minuter Deposit Bank, 210, Westminster Bridge- roadV, London. K. Parnoil, Manager. N.B.—The Public are particularly cautioned against long and alluring advertisements iu London and country papers. 34637 A a._TEE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL oboO?00DEPOSIT B-VNK make ADVANCES from £ 10 to £ 1,500 at a day's notice in any part of Eng- land or Wales to Gentlemen, Farmers, Tradesmen, and others upon note of band alone, furniture, farm stock, lease deeds, cr jewellery, from one month to tea years, withoat sureties, publicity, law costs, or delay.—Apply, stating amount required, to Mr E. Villars, 117, G,-eat Russell-street, Moomabury, London, W.C. i,B,-No. coutieetion with insurance companies or agents. Privacy guaranteed. Write for information and prospectus, and L,ii-(ily say where you saw thi-tadvei tlsement. S9256 /S" ONEY LENT at afaw hours' notice bv Mr H. M. A-1^|Iaiiriwanls18w>>W^t,r8et' in smnft ot Lo and may be repaid *>y instal- liiciita to suit the convenience of tho borrower To hou -diolders, tradesmen, farmers, nnd wcak.mcn upon Tiuto of hand cr bousenold furniture, stock-in-tz.We horses, cows, without removal and in the strictest con- fidence. Also, upon deposit of Pate, stock-in-trade, or any available security. Not being connected with loan offices, all unnecessary loan office fees dispensed with. Distarce no object. Branch offices, 50, Cardiff-street, Aberdare; 20. Albeit-strcet, Blaenavon, and 1,3, King, street, Brynmavvr. Open daily. 20025 n f CASH Advanced to £ 100, without Sureties or <3*0 Delay. fifr CASH Advanced to £ 1C0, upm Fuimture or Stock (without removal.) T j CASH Advanced to £ 100, to Farmers, G'kn;s, ot-O Schoolmasters, Clergj-meu, &'c. o CASH A lvanccd to £100. to Psy out Writs, õlttu Rents, Claims, &c. Apply to, personally or by letter, Mr H. Freedman, Avon House, St. Helen's-rcaU, Swansea. Branches 10, Callege-street, Sivansea High-street, Aberavon. N.B.—Mr Freedman offers no impossible advantages to borrowers, but will endeavour to advance cash at a reasonable price, and on strict confidence. Oilice houi-s, 8 in the morning to 10 at night. 39601 To Persons Requiring Money MONET LENT by tha NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, LIMITED. S Great Charles-street, Bir- mtiijfham, from £10 to zel,WO, at a day's notice, for shtnt or long periods, in Town or Country, without pub- I licity, upou note of hand alone, or upon mortgage of fur- niture, stock, plant, crops, a«d farming implements, without removal. Also upon deeds and fifu policies at jEs per cent interest. No sureties required. Distance no object the Bank having a large amount of capital at command, no good application is refused. Apply IJer- soeally, or state amount required. DAVID TURNER, Manage*, N.B.—The above Bank lend3 more money annually thau any two or three (put together) of the largest Advance Offices throughout Eng:Jn.nrl. 5:¡ /f~i EOB.GE*S ( A- M?rveiIous Remedy for the 8-jr cure of COUGHS, COLDS, ASTH- MA, BRONCHITIS, &?., &a In y-^i-vTTrxTT bottles, Is IJd and 2s 9X By all | \UCCfH J Chemhtj. Note.—One dose relieves, a few* t^itcsatit -deaes eure. | < AI.O'V;1. 4 SotE PBorBiKTcr.. B. A. GEORGE J- ^Peatie, Pontypridd. 83187' it (10 late far Cfflgglfiatiflii. JNFIRMARY SATURDAY. -BL ——. THIS DAY. THR COMMITTKE WILL SIT in the GRAND JURY ROOM, TOWN HALL, From 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. 39737 AVID ANDREW, -9-J' TAILOR, HATTER, HOSIER, ETC., 52, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. QJ eOTea HOMESPUN SUITS, to measure- -n" sea, 55a. 00s, ooe. and 70s. SCOTCH, SAXONY, and WEST OF ENGLAND TROUSERS, to measure— 123 Gd, 14s 5d, 168 Cd, 1Sa ed, and 21s. TSnWF-NCH AND WEST OF ENGLAND COATS AND .J:1 VESTS to meosuro- 523 6d, 55s, 603, 65-S and 70s CHEVIOT, BEAVER, PILOT. &c. OVERCOATS to measure, at extremely moderate prices. FLANNEL SHIRTS, WARRANTED UNSHRINKABLE; WHITE AND OXFORD SHIRTS HATS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &o., ALL AT PRICES COMPARISON OF WHICH IS INVITED. Patterns Post Free TO ARTIES jgtURNISHING. JJICK'S FURNITURE BTPTT'S FOR THE MANSION. FOP. THE VILLA. FOR THE COTTAGE. 7 AND 8. ST. JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL. JJICK'S JjlURNITURE X>ICK'S DRAWING-ROOM, J3 DINING-ROOM, PARLOUR, KITCHEN. 7 & 8, ST JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL. JJICK'S FURNITURE BICK'S THE MOST EXTENSITO FURNITURE SHOWROOMS 39477 IN BRISTOL. 7 & 8, ST JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL. Jp REDE RICK ^TATERMAJT, Ji' V V CARRIAGE BUILDER, CARDIFF. SHOW ROOMS—14, ST. JOHN'S-SQTJARR MANUFACTORY—WORKING-STREET. A SELECT STOCK of CARRIAGES, &c. finished and ia course of construction. An inspection respectfully solicited. 7913 DEBENHAM & JTJEWETT HOUSE FURNISHERS, AND WAREHOUSEMEN, CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. flave I5~StdcE ddpHcatcs oT many of tlie "CAKPETS" now showing in Ife PARIS, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. fhev are excellent in Design, Colouring, and Make, and sbt-uid bc seen by persons about buying Carpets. PLAS AND ESTIMATES FREE. Patterns submitted on appplication. 14575 X> EMARKABLE TESTIMONIAL -E_4; IN FAVOUR Of PARR'S LIFE PILLS. WBLWYN, Herts, September, 18, 1870. GEXTMinEi,—I shall feel obliged il you will forward to me another supply or PARK'S LIPS P¡r.LIi for which leu- close amount j" payment. I have a good demand for yen- Medici.10, and fre- quently hear of its curative powers; ons case is really re- markable. About tin years ago a Tradesman in this Village, of regular and temperate habits, suddenly lost appetite and strength, was under medical trcr.tmeut for months with- out relief; and appeared to bo gradually breaking up. Ilavi.cg beeu induced to try Lim PILLS. he wa at Oée relieved, in a few weaks completely restored, and at the present time stronger and more vigorous than at any previous period of his life. Yours respect fu'Iy, EDMUND LAWRANCE. Mersrs T. ROBSHTS & Co. Chemist. Sold by appointment by all-respectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors, hi Boxes, Is lid, 25 DJ, and in Family Packets, lis fach. Tho boxes at 2s9d contain nearly three small. and thos. at l1¡¡contlkiunea.rlr five at 28 9d. L'i*ections in Spanish, Portuguese. French, and English, are folded round cach box when so orde^d. 38129 TO ALL WHO SUFFER from Indigestion. TO ALL WHO SUFFER from Headache. TO ALL WHO SUFFER from Bile. T>E, SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER •J Y PILLS wiil be found invaluable, giving speedy and durable reHef. These Pills, the recipe of the late Dr Scott, cf Bromley, liave now been before the Public for 70 years as a GENERAL Aperient Family Mcdicine without Mercury, and may be relied upon as a cure for BILIOUS and LIVKK COMPLAINTS, IXDIGESIION, WIND, SPASMS, BUSATH, NERVOUS DaroKSSiox, IIIRATI- EILRN-, LASSITrD3, WS307 Arrrrrra, DY8P,;rSIA, HEART- B'-R.N-, SOUR Ear MAT IONS, LOWNKSS OF SPIRITS with sensa- tion of fulness at the pit of the STOMACH, GIDDIXSSS, DIZZINESS of the Ens, and all those ether symptoms which none but a sufferer can dctcribe. They are invalu- able for HA7:rn AL C03T1VESF.ES, COXDKJIED SLVOKISHNKSS or LIVKR, or for persons suffeiing from PILES, and can be taken at any time without restraint from business or pleasure, hence they are a most valuable domestic medi- cinc, being mild in their opperation, and grateful to the stomach, gdv;n? a healthful tone ar.d vigour to the dif- ferent secretions, causing the necessary organs of the Stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restor- ing the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole system. Prepared only by W. LAMBERT, lA, Vcre-street, London, W., in boxes Is ld, and three time: the quantity in one 2s 9d, or post tree 15 or 35 stamps, a.nd sold by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the world. The genuine are in a square green package.—Take no other. 8*042 SILBER LIGHT. —The Times says A" nearer approaeh to sUlllight than hM ever before l1e2n obtained." The Britieh Iledical Journal says In tile whole of Mr Sil- ber's inycntions there is notice- able a complete attention to, and adoption of, natural laws." The World sap: Allows the most delicate shades of colour to be distinguished." QILBER LIGirr. —Th7Silber f< Miratua ^-5 Burner "nv far the best Flat- flame Burner for Petroleum yet introduced."—Dr. W. Wallace, Public AoaJyist and Gas Examiner for the City of Gla!lgo, QILBER LIGHT.—Fit all lamps and gas- IO fittings, and made in various pat- terns to suit all oils. The Silber Light Company, Lim;ted, Manu- factory and Show Rooms, 49, Whitecross-street, E.C. *IAst of Local Agents on applica- tion. 39241 LIEB1G COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. LEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF Meat. A slight addition of the Extract gives great strength aDd flavour to Soups, Made Dishes and Sauces, and effects great economy. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF Meat. Caution-Genuine ONLY with fae- simile of Baron Liebig's Signature, in Blue Inn, across Label. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF Meat. In use in most households through- out the Kingdom. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF JLJ MEAT. 39316 LEA IU consequence of Spurious & Imitations of Worcestershire Sauce PTTT>T>TNrc LEA and PERRINS o have adopted A NEW LABEL, SAUCE. bearing their Signature, which is placed on every bottle of Lf WORCESTERSHIRE & SAUCE, and without which none i" genuine. T>ERRINS' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester Crosse & Blackwell, London; S A Tini? and Export Oilmen generally. Retail by Dealers throughout the World. 33781 —5627 FOR WHOLESOME BREAD 1JSE BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER FOR PASTRY AND PUDDINGS USE BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER Å WARDED FOUR GOLD JIEDALS. 600,000 PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY. IT IS INVALUABLE ON"BOARD SHIP. 7049 31)621 SEE THE CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS" fOR THE OPENING CHAPTERS ov "C 0 W A R D ™ C 0 N S- I E N C E." By F. W. ROBINSON. A GOOD STORY. .litef- BY a GOOD WRITBR. FOR A GOOD PURPOSE. &.l..l4 I SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS AND CARDIFF TIMES. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS and CARDIFF TIMES have much pleasure in intimating that they have made arrvmgements for publishing a series of Special Contributions, independent of, and in addition to, iha usital number of Special Arti- cles on Miscellaneous Subjects I.—THE HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF THE PORTS OF CARDIFF, SWANSEA, NEWPORT, &c., in a series of not less than Twelve Articles. The Articles will be fur- nished by Genilemm resident in the several Ports reported upon, and will contain a mass of valuable information to those engaged its the Shipping and Coal Trades of the Bristol Channel. The series vstil commence on TU-FS. DA Y, NOV. Six, and, be continued each Tues- day until conzple" II.—LETTERS TO THE PRINCE OF WALES ON THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE. By LUKE Tiiii LAEOUEBB." These Articles will possess espial valtee at this juncture. They will deal with the past of the British People, the present Trade and Commercial Depression, and sug- gest a new Departure in English Social and Colonial Policy. The series will commence OH WEDNESDAY. NOV. 27, and be continued cxclt Wednesday until completed, UI.—THE DOINGS AND DODGES OF OUR SOCIAL WASTRBLS. BycmEx- MEMDICITV OFFICER. This series of articles will be on the following subjects :—1. Intro- ductory 2, High. Flyers, or Kite Flyers 3, Professional Importers; 4, Strike nun, or The Starving Dodge5, Educated Tramps; 6, Griddling; 7, Thieving Tramps; 8, "OIL the Downright;" 9, Workhouse Vag- rants, 10, A Peep into a Cardiff "Padding Ken 11, Miscellaneous Dodges 12, Anec- dotes of Tramp Life, from authentic sources. This series will commence on THURSDAY, NOV. 28, and be continued each Thursday xmtil completed. IV.—THE STORY OF THE COINS IN THE CARDIFF MUSEUM. By the Rev. W. E. Winks, of the Bethany Baptist Chwreh, Cardiff. Mr Winks, who his recently ar- ranged the coins tn the Cardiff Museum, will tell their story in four or five Articles. This series vjill commence on FBI DA Y, NOV. 29, and be continued each Friday until com- pleted, V.—THE GREAT RELIGIOUS BE- LIEFS AND IMPULSES OF THE WORLD. By a Protestant Enquirer. This series of Articles will be highly interesting to religious readers, and will traverse the lines of Judaism, Zwoastrianisra, Binduirm, Buddh- ism, Confuciustry, Christianity, Mai to m- Medaniswi, and some Modem Religious Movements. This series will extend to at least twelve Articlcc. It will commence on SATURDAY, NOV. 30, and be continued each Saturday until completed. VI.—A TRI1 TO OYSTERMOUTH. By One Y/Ito Knows the Way. in three Articles. VII.-ECHOES OF THE WEEK, by P;iEil PLATFAIK," will continue to appear cach MONDA Y. TEE NEW SERIAL TALE e:;titlkd COWARD CONBCIENCE" By the v:sTl-knov:n writer F. W. BOB INS ON, Is now appearing iceekly, in the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. A synopsis of the chapters already published appears cach week, enabling readers to com- nieace the story in the current issue. .m. THE CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTH. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The Proprietors of the CASDJTF TTMES ASB SOUTH WAMS WEEKLY NEWS" have the pleasuro of announcing that they have made arrangements for the publication of a series of POPULAR HISTORICAL ARTICLES Upon the principal CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTH, BY J. ROLAND PHILLIPS, Barrister-at-Law, of the South Wales Circuit, and Author of the "Memoirs of the Citril War of Wales and the Marchcs." The Articles will appear weekly in the CARDIFF TIMES WALES WEEKLY NEiVS, and will include CARDIFF CASTLE. 8 VANSEA CASTLB. CAERPHILLY CASTLE. TlNTEEN ABBET. CARMARTIIE;, CADXLS. HAVEltFOSX/WEST CASTLE. lIARGAU ABBiiT. CARDIGAN CASTLE. CHEPSTOW CASTLE. LAJITHONY AD:3n. HEATH ABBET. PE.\fBBOS £ CASTLE, And various other Local Castles and Abbeys. THE THREE FIRST ARTICLES WILL APPEAR AS poLi.otvs: CAERPHILLY CASTLE. FRIDAY, Nov. 29. CHEPSTOW CASTLE.FRIDAY, DEC. ü. THE •CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS." THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER FOR WALES. 72 Long Columns—Price 2d—72 Long Columns.

0 ■ 11■!TMMMM———1—■11 CARDIFF…




Family Notices


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-----------DEATH OF rillE…




==< -'-------------THE SPRING…







