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"-)\ú .-At CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT. RPHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Low" Mr TBOXAS. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THX GORGJTOCS CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME. GREAT ATTRACTION- DRAMA AND PANTOMIME. SPECIAL ZNGAGZMUT OF MISS CONSTANCE YOUNG, 7.45-ANDY BLAKE. "-DiV,K WHITTINGTON. of admission :—Boxes. 5S «d; pit, la; gallery, td. fiatt-jrice at 0 o'clock—Boxee la «d, pit 94. Box. ofica ia now open at Mr Lewis's, Duke street, where Phwn may be secured. NEW GRAND CIRCUS, CARDIFF. OVKBWHILMJNG 8UCCESS. ALL FORM EBTKTOlCPHS MJZSSD. Crowds flock from all parts to witness the Gor- KMoa Spectacular Pantomime of ST GEORGE AND THE OBAtfON, which will be Repeated EVERY EVENINQ during we Weak,, with all its Thousand Magnificent .Atractions. New Features In every Department in the Cirele. Brilliant Bques- triaa 8canes. MarTaQoua Gymnastic Feats. The Wonderful- Trained HOBSES, DOGS. GOATS,.Ac. SPECIAL NOTICE!—By Special desire, a GRAND ILLUMINATED MOBNlNG PERTOKMANCE On BATUBDAY NEXT, January Oth (under the patronage and presence o( Lord Tredegar and Party, and other Families of distinction in tha neighbourhood), on which occasion a Special Programme, concluding with the Gorgeous Spectacular Vanto- mime. ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON, with all its original Brilliant EflacU. Open at 2. Commence at half-past. Carriages may he ordered at 4. JO. x-de. open daily, from IS till Bawboro Bmts and Tickets pay be secured. < V NTRIC NOUS. V lldi B O Z> THE SEDATION AL CONJUROR. B9Z! STUABT HALL, TO-MORROW, S and S. STUABT HALL, TO-MORROW, 3 and 8. J £ OZ! STUABT HALL, TO-MORROW. 3 and a LAST NIGHT OF PRESENT PROGRAMME. SPECIAL Grand Illuminated FASHIONABLE MORNING PERFORMANCE TO-MOHROW (SATURDAY), at 3. Dan Of Tteserved.Seats new open at the Box-office, at the Stuart^hall, from 10 to 8. Doors open at 2.30 carriages at 5. Children half-price to all parts. BOZ THE SENSATIONAL CONJURER THE NEW SENSATION 1! STUART HALL MONDAY NEXT!! 1 gPfiCLAL NOTICE. The saccess of Boz at the Stuart Hall is not dependent upon tut ajweial patronage, but the Proprietor has much pleasure « assuring the public that during; his stay, which must now thonlv te: mutate, every exertion and attention will he "bestowed to' make the Entertainment desarriag; of the support of the inhabitant* of Cardiff. All business communications to be addreesed to the Sole Proprietor, Mr WM ALEXANDER, Bayai Hotel. WARB AND 09LLE, FLAXB SAMUEL WARE It SOUS, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF; ESTABLISHED OVER BIAL-R A CENTURT, TAILORS, DRAPERS, ØJt WOOLLEN MERCHANTS, PUKE STREET, CARDIFF. 'v ■ 1taU; FU-r. R N I T- U RE! A s. d. ttAHOGANT DINING-ROOM SUITES,latest patterns. with Ktuffed back; small chairs upholstered with best materials.. isio 0 OAK DITTO, light or brown 17 10 0 MAHOGANY e ft. SIDEBOARDS, with plate-glass back and carved, with solid top. 15 0 0 OAK DITTO, light or brown 16 10 9 DITTO INLAID, light or brown 11 0 0 MAHOGANY 4 ft. round-corner BOOKCASES 8 10 0 OAi DITTO, 4 ft. round-cornec BOOKCASES 10 0 0 WALNUT DRAWING. ROOM SUITES, in best V material* 10 10 0 MESSRS PAYNE AND CO. Have always endeavoured to SELL the BEST ARTICLES at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES,' aad can with confidence warsant any of their goods. They believe that selling Good Furniture at-a reasonable price is the only sound policy for maintaining »lirgetrade, AU Articles Exchanged at any1- time if not approved. PAYNE AND CO., 11515 CABINET AND rUBKlSKDJO WAREHOUSE, 14, CROCKEMRB-JREWK, CARDIFF. WHAT CAN BE MORE SUITABLE FOR tor the present RAOTY SEASON than A GOOD .UMBRELLA? 4*4 weald anything be more sutabis for ACBUUSTMAS PRESENT? JpEDLER SAYS NO ,Ma is a practical maa, and ought to kaow. W. PEDLEB. Is the LARGEST UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER IN SOUTH WALES. Established Eight Yean. A GQOD STOCK to select from, and a full choice of Hanoles, ta that My lady or gentleman may have any Pattern made up to order, suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS or BinTHDAY nu. 398s—11922 PIOWN & jpOLSON'S CORN FLOU IS EQUAL TO THE FINEST ARROWBOOT. HAS TWJENTY YEARS' WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. flAMMANDS THE HIGH 1ST PRICE all AND THE LARGEST SALE. 41 BXB RI OHS AND SONS IMPORTERS ANb FACTORS Of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. £L WBARF EAST. CAHDIFF, AND TUb: DOCKS, GLO.U C ESTER. MANUFACTORIES:— STKAK SUTK WORKS, JoJÍN ATREWR, CAROIFF 9TKAM SLATE WOILXR. GLOHCBSTXR. ipjsx. AND Tiia WoMt. SANOHCR&T, KEAR GZOVCZSTZIL 4TARAM STSAM Joorntr WORKS, GUJCOSTER. HOOT TIMBPRS, FLOOR BOARDS, LATHS. DOORS, WIN- WS, MPOLDINGS. (jUMNBY PIECES, BATHS AND MONUMENTAL WORK ia Xaantelled Jaw, Marble and Stone. BOOf lNG SLATES AND TILES. FLOORING QUARRIES AND FOREST OF DEAN PAVING. SEWERAGE PIPES, CHIMNEY POTS. AGRICULTURAL DRAINAGE PIPES. BED, BIVIC, AND WHITE BUILDING BRICKS, FIRE Wwa^AND SHAM ORATES, COOKING RANGES jjypOUUNG, AND .FALL PIPES. STONE ftEPS. MjiS, WIOOW BEADS, TROUGHS, Ac. ÐIJBT SMELTING, MILE AND WKKY COOLERS. BUUFITTINOS alrasjpinks. 9MMA fbe tn4* iibstmUy a laiit na ur* C ROSS BROS., I FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Beg to call the attention ef their friends and the Public to the following SPECIALITIES. lover 3,000 yards of | matting an<l nearly 8,000 I mau in Stock. Through the unusual depression of Trade, our Wholesale Firm* have not disposed of as great a I disposed of as great COCOA =%.RV.S=- WWXl. determined to OFFER tbe _• WHOLE OF THE STOCK ■nrT\-pjTjl S to our Friends and the h I K K.Hi O Public generally at lean u than Wholesale Prices. ■3 This is an opporiuaity If 1 rnmTXT n S that should net be missed (jr ° by those who are Furnish- ■3 This is an opporiuaity If 1 rnmTXT n S that should net be missed (jr ° by those who are Furnish- „ !lihe quality of our Mats- AND 1 and Matting is so well jg known that comment is not needed. 1%/T A f"FC! Matting—Is l«dper yard, lVLjtiLXO. reducea to Is 64. I Mat tin?—2s 3d per yard, reduced to Is ad. ) Single Mat&-No 1 (2* by I 14), reduced to Is Id. J Single Mats—No 2 (26 by 16). reduced to It 3d. t I Single Mat*-No 8 (SO by 18), reduced to Is Sd* I We have just received a large censignmeat of GENTLEMEN and 01 YOUTH'S TOOL OUBSTS. fitted up with all the latest improvements, at prices from 6s fld to £ i 10s each. These Goods are very suitable for CHRIST- very suitable for 0 HRMT. Ci rT~m o T'CJ MAS PRESENTS, a& 1, i ft Pin I n. Oak Chestaand ToolsaU Warranted. Patent Heating Stoves for Burning Mineral Oils, no chimney required. and without I'1Mll tW IMOke, suitable for Drawincroom, Dining room, or Bedroom. CI rp/T7~Ln O Greenhouse, Saddle room, OAW V iliO. 1 Dairy, etc. Prices from » to48| can be seen in operation. Also a large and assorted Stock of Gas Steves for Heating and Cooking purpoees. ■ I DUPLEl LAMPS, for the Table, from The to £ el0s. DUPLEX LAMPS for the I Hall, BilJbrd room, and T A HfnO a Se octStock at Maker's JjAMJrbi H £ SK^° HURRICANE LAMPS, suitable for every purpose. No house j should be without one: LAMPS, suitable for < every purpose. No house j should be without on We have a heavy Stock ef these Goods, and will I give our friends during Christmas week the ad- vantage of a Great Reduc- vantage of a Great Reduc- TJ1T7' "VT T\"I7 T> CJ tion from our usual prices, ji Pi 1\ I I Pi li |0 • to enable us to clear out a great portion of the same before Stock-taking-upou all Fenders of jEl and upwards we will take 011 a discount of 1& per cent. f~^r\ T We have lately reduced ( j | ) A j j our prices very consider- ably, and have now a 'arge T) /"v^y Tjl O i and well assorted Stock, |)l f A I'j O. j from 6s upwaids. I. We have reduced our KNIFE million. To c ean three knives, MACHINES. ilean five knives, reduced to 86s. For Private Families, Hotel keepers, Pastry- D A TTC1 A flTjl cooks. Pork Butchers, Kc. oA U oAijrJnj Ou Having secured a large parcel of small Sausage and Mincing Machines at considerably below market value, we will offer our MINCING SSSr •4"w 10e 8d Machines reduced to 7s I Id. to 7s I Id. 12s 6d Machines reduced to 8s lid. MACHINES, These prices only for this parcel. These prieea only for this parcel. Duringtchiietvila week we vriU offer our Stock of Brass and Ireri Stock of Brass and Ireri Bedsteads at 20 per cent. BEDSTEADS. a; SOT ted, at prices vary- a; SOT ted, at prices vary- I ing from 0,16 ) 59 to 7. 6d. Our 30s Victoria Iron Bedstead is the cheapest in the trade. Harris' Harness Com- sitition, Horse Clippers, Chamois Leathers, Sil- 0 l-J I'M 17 1 ViXJLLi O' v*r Soap, Knife Powder, Blacking, Ac., all at Co- operative Store prices. rvTT nT r\rr\ l I O Ai we are discontinuing \/l X XXkJ Sale of Oilcloths and Lino- AND leum, w ll oiler the whole TJNO1"IF.TTMS.I ¿, J COlt price. For Dining-room,Draw- ing-room, or Kitchsn, tbe « r>TT T-k a iTr< Gadroon and Leaf,Convex A l—l K A N Radiating, Polished Vene- tiao, and other Designs, made by exper.ence<i workmen, made, by exper;enced workmen, "|j»T" PDA*- t*' £ e tW|S oppor- I -1 rj\ J I i»i\ tunity of informing our Friends that all Bert Plato T) T~ A rp El 'PV Sold by us is of First-class- XT JJXJL X N I Quality, and Guaranteed, GOODS fABLE CUTLERY. Table iDessert Carver KDiver., Knives. & York. 3 K „ £ s, d. I £ a. d. £ s. d. 12 Black handle Knives and Forks.. 0 9 0 0 8 0 030 12 d., t do. 0 13 01 0 1100 3 6 12 White Bone handle Knives o 12 0 0 10 0 0 4 6 12 4-inch Ivory handle, pinned and balanced 1 6 6 1 1 6 q 9 q 12 4 inch do, do, extra thick ivory.. Ill 0126 0»« 13 4-inch extra thick fine ivoiy 2 2 0 1 13 0 0 10 6 18 4-inch do, do, 2 10 0 2 0 0 0 14 0 E. P. SPOONS & FORKS! I Fiddle or Plain; But Pattern. Quality 12 Table spoons, plated on nickle silver £ 13 0 il 19 0 12 Table forks, plated on ditto. 18 0 1 10 0 12 1 essert spoons, plated on ditto—. 110 1 # 0 12 Peeiert forKS, plattd 011 ditto.. 110 1 » 0 12 'iea spoons, p'ated on di to. 0 10 0 0 17 # 1 Pair ^ar tonga.nUted on ditto. 0 2 8 0 3 9 1 Soup ladle, platid on ditto., ..j 0 7 0 0 1< 0 2 Same ladles, plated on <1itto.j 0 | 0 0 6 6 IGravy wpooill, plaftj o:i ditto.| 0 6 6 I 0 7 0 4 Elig spooiis. ditto with Kilt bowlsi 0 5 0 Salt spoons, dit to ditto 0 3 4 0 0 8 Ilpfustaird spcon,dtto ditto CROSS BROS.. ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, t JpREDEBlOK WATERMAN, CARELAGI BUILDER, CARDIFF. SHOW ROOMS— J4, ST. JOHN-SQUARB. MANUFACTORY WORKING-STREET. • Stock of CABit&GE8, 4tc., fiaisfcad aad to eeune of construction. Aw Wok-ti" r"pwuuuy soUoitsd. mi Tiaz «QTAE" FUJtNIifjRB Y A N 8. O S» J. ftATXES Vv ia 1 THE BATES. CAto^f THE PIANOFORTE & JJARMONIBM SHOW ROOMS, 4, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 14, HiGli STREET, SWANSEA. JJUIOMPSON & s HACKELL, ASINTS FOR JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS' GOLD MEDAL P I A N O F ONR TES Win AWAJtSSD THE GOLD MEDAL, Paris, 1870. TBK HIGHES1' AWARD, THE GRAND DIPLOMA OF HONOUR, Pari-I 1874. LA MEDAILLE D HONNEUR, Paris, 1867. THE PRIZE MKOAL, London, 1872. LE DIPLOME DE LA MENTION EXTRAORDINAIRE, Nether- lands International Exhibition, 1S69, etc. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS PATENT PERFECT CHECK REPEATER AC I ION PIANOS, Patented 1862,1868, 1871, and 1875, in GRKAT BRITAIN, ) AUSTRIA, PKU8S1A, ITALY, ) RANCE, ) BELGIUM, and AMERICA. AOSMTS: THOMPSON A SHACKELL, 4, Queen-street, Cardiff; 14, High street, Swansea. /ILBERT L. BAUER'S Or>fan voiced Envlish HARMONIUMS- o. the Three' Twie System JOlIN BRINSMEAD AND' SONS' GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, with the Patent Perfect Check Repeater Action on tbe THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. « This most ingenious and valuable 811. JuLlU. BJUUDICT invention cannot fail to meet with ( success." STDVST 8HITH "The touch is absolute perfection." "A very clever and useful inven- Buxur BICHASDS J tioa, and likely to be extensively I adopted." AGSHTS: THOMPSON & SHACKELL, 4, Queen street, Cardiff; 14, High street, Swansea. We hereby appoint Messn THOMPSON AND SHACKELL our agents, and have pleasure in reoonnending them as thoroughly eiffcient l'aners, and most excellent judges in the selection of Pianofortes. v "J ffll BRINSMEAD & SONS." JOELN BR.INSXZA.D AND SONS, V SHORT IRON GRAND PIANOS, Six feet lixinchea in length. with the Patent Perfeet Check Repeater Action. Price Ninety-five to One Hundred and Fifteen Guineas. "The tone of the Grand now referred to possessed all the that a good piano ought to have, and in touch and action was perfect. The sweet and silvery quality of the upper octaves was worthy of special admiration."—Tk* Era. Julius Benedict played his well-known composition, j ere tk* B** Sucks,' on one of Messrs John Brinamead and Sons' grand planes,' with the recently patented improve- meat, which enabled him to produce the sustained tones with great variety of effect in the light and shade of tenes, especially DID when extreme delieacy of touch is requind.Cowt JovtmL AflKNCs THOMPSON A SHACKELL, 4, Quten street, Cardiff; U, High street, Swansea. TssnaewAL From T. H. Terrell, Esq., County Court Judge. Carmarthen. r Penbryn, Rhydlewis. Dear Sirs,—The piano I purchased at your establishment has given perfect satisfaction, and is eulogized by every competent person who plays on it. I beg to rO-Ain. yours very truly, THOMAS B., TURBLL. To Messrs Thompson and Shacked, Cardiff. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS' SHORT IRON GRAND PIANOS, With the Patent Periect Check Repeater Aetion. ell. Magniticent, grand, tne air telling cut with almost vocal clearness and sweetness to the hell-like treble arpegv,o accom- paniment, which eentrasted excellently with the extraordinary power produced in the forte passages "—IUuttmUd Sporting and Drama ti* Hews. An immense improvement in arpeggios. The rapid pu. seges in the upper register, the beautiful flute-like tons, aid quiek and perfect repetition, were very effective."—Figmr0. Aezpvs: THOMPSON & SHACKELL. 4, Queen street, Cardiff; 14, High street, Swansea. JOHN BRlNSMEAD AND SONS' Snouir IRON GRAND PIANOS, With the Patent Perfect Check Repeater Action. The tone is rich and pure, a I singing effect being the re- sult of the ingenious action and elaborate workmanship. Court Circular. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS' CONCERT IRON GRAND PIANOS. W ith the Patent Perfect Check Repealer Action. Sir Julius Benedict, now seldom heard as a soloist, de- lighted the public once more by his arrangement of 'Where the Bee SUCKL* He played upon a new Patent Grand by Brinamead, possessing a remarkably loud-aud cleartone. Echo. Aenrrg THOMPSON A SHACKELL, 4, Queen street, Cardiff; 14, High street, Swansea. TSSTUKMUL. From C. Videon Harding, E q. v Professor of Music, and Onraniat of Peter's, Carmarthen. 1 2, Parade, Carmarthen. Gentlemen,—I have great pleasure in testifying that the instumeuts 1 have purchaasi of you from time to time have been remarkably good in tone; and I can fully rely upon you for supplying a good musical instrument when I require one. C. VIDEON HARDING. To Thompson and Shackell, 101, Oxford Sft., Swansea. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SCANS' SHORT IROM GRAM) hi AM OS, With iho.Pateui Perfect Check Repeater Act'on. Every means are a lopte<l to ensure the production of per- fect instruments.—The Orchestra. AOINTS THOMPSON & SHACKELL. 4, Queen's street, Cardiff; 14, Hteh street, Swansea. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS' GOLD MJWAL PIANOS, With the Patent Perfect Check Repeater Action. A metal bridge of a peculiar form is used to produce the treble, and a much finer toue is produced than if a wooden bridge were used. "-Aforning Post A perfect check, great power, and quick repetition."— Times of India. AoitNis:-THOMPSON A SHACKELL. 4, Queen street, Cardiff; 14, High street, Swansea. 1k»TIMOKIAL, From Dr W. F. Frosi, Protestor of Music, Cardiff. Bellevue House, Tredevarville, Cardiff. Gentlemell,-I am very pleased to tell you that the pianos you have supplied lae with have given me the greatest nossible satisfaction, it>asu>uch as they fully comprise all t e esenual qualities indispensably requ site tor the production of thoroughly good instruments. I remain, yov.n faithfully W. F. FROST To Thompson and Shackell, 4, Queen street, > Cardiff. 0 JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS' i GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, With the Patent Periect Chesk Repeater Action. "The advantages fully justify the term 'Perfect Ch'aek Re- peater Action.' "—John Bull. The touch is very sure, light, and elastic." — Mimcal Times. This invention is simplicity itself."—The Qtt*en. "The jai-est and greatest improvements of tha Pianoforte." —City Pre* AOBSTS: THOMPSON St SHACKELL, 4, Queen street, Cardiff; 14, High street, Swansea. TaSTUKlKIAti. From the Rev J. Meiliss, Chaplain to Saamen, Cardiff. Mission Sh p "Thisho," Bat* Docks, Cardiff. I have much pleasure in certifying that the small harmonium purchased from Messrs Thompson and Shackell for use on board this ship has given perfect aatiwfactioa in every respect. J. SELLISS, Chaplain to Seamen, Cardiff. PIANOFORTE AND HARMONIUM SHOW ROOMS, 4, QUEO STBEET, CARDIFF 1 It. HIGH STREET, SWANSEA: (AND AGENCY AT 9, MORGAN STREET, NEWPORT). THOMPSON & SHACKELL Let 011 Hire Piunoioites lor Thiee Year. altr which and tettA- out any further payment whatever, the mstrumeat becomes the property of the hirer:— Per Or. 28 Guinea Pianoforte -Rosewood or Walnut Si li 9 34 Guinea ditto „ 3 H ft Uuiii.a ditt Diawing-ioom Model j 18 V 66 Guinea ditto Kxbibu on-Cottage 6 6 0 Oiber instruments, such as Grands, Semi-Grands,"Ac., by all the emirlout uakets, and in every variety of case and mounting, may also De hireu eu the same system. .■•very Instrument is warranted of the very best quality. Quarrerly pa> ments in advance. Thia my-em extends to a 1 parts of North and South Wales and the West of England. n I — —.—_ TFATLMONIKL. From Brinley Richards, Esq., 6, St Mary Abbott's Kensington, W. I consider Mr Thompson a very correct and careful Pianoforte Tuner; ana 1 have therefore much pleasure in bearing testimony I to his efficiency., BRINLEY RICjHARDS. -+ TUNING DEPARTMENT. I N.JL-Tbompson and Sbackell will send any distance, at the hurt eft notice, havimr a large aad efficient sut of tuners froji L hsukst oseiaent loodos Finns. lOQll EXTRAORDINARY ELECTION. I ROATH WARD. 10 THE BURGESSES OF THE ROArH WARD. I LADIES AJTO Gmwrumzx,- Two vacancies having occurred in the repreaenUtion of the Roath Ward, by the decision of Her Majesty's Commissioner at the Election Inquiry on Thursday lastjl beg once again to otter myself as a candidate. My principles are well known to you; also my conduct during the time I had the honour of representing you in 1876, and I promise, if elected, to give the same elose attention to my duties. The large number of votes I received on the 1st November last, notwithstanding the immense opposition brought araisit me, encourages me to believe I shall not appeal in vain for your Suffrages. I am. Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, W. T. RAPER. Temperance Hotel, Cardiff, Jan. 5, 1877. TANGYE BROTHERS & STEJSt-, ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS, NEWPORT (Mon.) and SWANSEA, I MANUFACTURER OF THE FOLLOWING "SPECIAL" STEAM PUMP.-12,000 in use for all purposes-nearly 40 in use at Weardale<Irov Company's Works. 500 in use in South Wales. TANGYE HORIZONTAL ENGINE.—1,500 in use, "r month turned out at Works. WILLAWS patent 3-CYLLNDER ENGINJE. CONDENSERS for Special Steam Pumps and High Speed Engines. BOILERS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL, of our but make and plated. HYDRAULIC JACKS, BEARS, RAIL BEN- DERS, AND WHEEL PRESSES. SCREW JACKS, HALEY WINDLASS. BOTTLE & T RIPOD.-All kinds in Stock. HOISTING CRABS.—All kinda. Largo Reduc- tion in Prices. January, 1876. WESTON'S PATENT PULLEY BLOCKS.AND HOISTS. GIFFARD'S INJECTORS. ORIGINAL PATTERN.—By SHARP, STEWART. A CO. THE ONLY &OUTH WALES DEPOT: Newport a ad Swansea. PEET'S VALVES. STEAM TRAPS. GAUGES. STEAM VALVES AND BOILER MOUNT. INGS. 61 BOURDONS" own make PRESSURE GAUGES. TUBES FOR STEAM, GAS, AND WATER. All sizes to t-In. bore in Stock. SHORT PISCES SCREWED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. CORRUGAXRD and other IR N ROOfS ERECTED by CONTRACT. Inspection invited. Price Lists on application. 740V WORKS. SOHO, BIRMINGHAM. Eruuhbo 1889. QOQP jgiUKNITDRE, MODZRA23 IN PSIOX. 'I^BWZS <lat« BENKBTT), OABINET MANUFACTORY, II. R 1 0 H-8 T 8 Z Z T, SWANSEA. OARPBTS, BEDDING, CURTAINS. IRON d1: BRASS BEDSTEADS. THOMAS HEARD, %lhr<SM CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM, THE ANNUAL WINTER SALE, At REDUCED PRICES. Commenced on JANUARY 1ST, And will be continued for 21 Days from that date. Detailed Catalogues on application, DEBENHAM AND HEWETT, CAVENDISH HOUSE, PROMENADE, CHELTENHAM. 450 The XpNCORE WHISKY. -a—J Lancet—" Wholesome and pleasant." The "I^NCORE WHISKY. S British J&e&ictil J(/urntU—"A safe stimulant.' The XpNCORE WalsKY. ■* i'ij/ie#—" Vory wholesome. May be safely' used. The T^NCORE WHISKY. iledical Prets—Invaluable as an aleoholis stimulant." The T^NCORE WHISKY. J-J Medical Record—The purest of alcoholic sti 1 inuunts." The ENCORE WHISKY. be had lroni Wiue Merchant, Cardiff. oirdiff '"e *nc' ^Pint Merchant. 1, Queen street,' B. JEli KINS & SON, Sirhowy Stores, Tredecrar. REE-4 rL)GAIAS. 1<3, H4:-n street, iltrthyr. G. WILLIAMS It SO If. Cow bridve Arm. Merthvr. EDWARD JONES. Wine Merchant. Aberavon. W. BICNSON & Co.. Walter's road, Swansea. HARVEY & CO.. Wine Merchants, Swansea. THOMAS JONE. Wine and Spirit Merchant, Aberdare,, Glamorganshire. ltfft —— (The Old House.) JOHNSTON'S CORN JjlLOUR IS THE BJCST. "QUITS FECI PROM A.ÐULTBB&.T(ON." -L.noet. 41 IR DJBOIDBDLT SUPERIOR."—Lamceb. 119" ■ — A CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS. L BOiH SAFE AND EFFICACIOUS, AMBER T S BALSAM,. a speedv and certain remedy for ordinary colds, sever* colds, chrome coughs, difficulty of breathing through mucous mat) er in tue air passages or bronchial tubes, in/humt»ttehteang, tore throw,^ kronciutis, all catarrhal affections, hoarseness, and loss of voice. By causing expectoration, it gives instant relief ia all cases of accumulation 6f phlegm. It is easy to admnugter, pleasant to take, and does not confine the bowels like mnv other cough medicines. It is exceedingly useful m that tickling sensation which'projuces so mudbeoagh- lng, many persons passing sleepless nights through being ujmble to gat jnd of it. A single dose is quite sufficient, or in the more severe fenn, when it is aim >st impoisible to lie down in bed for fear of beink suffotated, relief is equally certain. Prepwad and sold by W. LAMSBRT, It. Vera street, London, W., in BOWOR. at li I*d and 2s Od. Be particular to ask tot I Lombert's API ikmatic Balsam," and do not be persuaded to take say olhor -Wicine.-Sold by all respectahle Chemists and, Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom. Observe his name and address engraved in white-letters on a I red ground on the Government Stamp. If an, ditticulty shotild arise as to getting this-mewchme do not take any other, but send 16 stamps to the proprietor, when bottle will be sent free. 11392 F00 LATE fox CLASSIFICATION. SALE THIS DAT. ae. Margaret street. Docks. MR G. CORP will SELL by AUOTKMff the whfcle of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, .Ac., TO* DA 1 (is turday, Januarv 6, 1817). Ot KRNESS PUPJL.—Required immediately, a^TOUNG -\3r LADY, from 14. In return tor services with juators she will receive mstruction in English, trench. and Mustc. Lvarms, «S 10s per quartor.-Addrek, Miss Michael, Pembroke.' EVAN JAM E9, Fisber street, Swansea. Buyer of Old Book's, Ledgers, Newspaoers, Letters, and all kinds of Waste Paper. Sacks sent to any address. Best prices given. WANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs Hoult, 62, James street. Bute DOCKS. Cardiff. H*W> BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER JG^ASBEENAW ARDED E- G0L £ )_MEDALS "C^OR its SUPERIORITY oyer ALL OTHERS. A Makes Bread, Pastry, Puddings, Ac., lieht and wholesome. Bold in Id and 2d packets; also 6d, Is, 2s 6d, and 5s patent boxes. Families, schools, and hotels will secure considerable advanlage by purcbasrue the 2s 6d or 5s oateat boxes. 11378 L'EA AND" PERRINS' SAUOE. In eoasequaneoof Spurious Imitations ef VX70RCES TKRSHIRE SAUCE. V v which are calculated to deceive the public, LlU. AND PERRINS have adopted a NEW J-J LABEL BEARING THEIR SIGNATURE. LKA AND PERRINS. which is placed on every « bottle of WORCESTEBSHIRE SAUCE, and without which none is genuine. JVSold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester: Crosse SAd Blaekwell, London and Export' Oilmen generally. Retail by dealers in sauces throughout the World. 7998 [




Family Notices


[No title]