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SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADTERTMZMENTS IS THE SOUTH-WALES DAILY NEWS. GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, SALES BY AUCTION, BUSINESS ADDRESSES, &c., Ordered for two or three insertions are charged at the following rate per insertion to Four Lines la. Od. E even and Twelve Lines 3s. Od. five and Six Lines Is. 6d. Thrrteenft Fourteen Lines 3s. 6d. Seven aal E ght Lines 2s. Od. Fifteen and Sixteen Lines 4s. Od. Nine and Tea Lines '2s. 6d. Seventeen^ b-ighteeD Liueslg. 6J, AND THREEPENCE FOR BVBRY ABDITIOSAL LINE. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED FOR A SERIES OF CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS. PARAGRAPH ADVEhTlSEMENTS are charged at double the above rate. TRADESMAN'S ADVERTISEMENTS, and BUSINESS AN- NOUNCEMENTS of all kinda, when ordered for a month and Upwards, are subject to special terms., According to the riumbti of insertions and space occupied. PLBLIC NunCES, LTGAL NOTICES. NOTICES by COlt- FOAATIEVS, LOCAL BOARDS, POOR-LAW GUARDIANS, and SCHOOL BOARDS, and ELECTION ADDFLICSES, (Town Councils and Local Boards), are charged at the rate of SEEPmrea per 1 ne fOr each in- lerttoi). PKOSPECTUSES of PUBLIC COMPANIES are charged at the rate nf NINEPENCK per Line for each insertion. PA KLIAMSIVTARY ELECTION NOTICES, PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES, and GDVERNMBNT ADVERTISEMENTS are charged at the rate of IJNII SHILLING PER line for each insertion. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted in this Journal at the following tariff :— No. of Oue Three Six Word!. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions Two Lines lH Os. 6d. Is. Od. Is. 6d. Three Lines.. 27 Os. 9d. Is. 6d. 2s. 3d. Four Lines 36 Is. M. 2s. Od. 8s. Od. Five Lines 45 Is. 3d. 2s. 6d. 3s. 9d. ?ix Lines 54 Is. 6d. 3s. Od. 4s. 6d. Each additional Line 9 Ofl. 3d. Os. 6d. Os. Od. These charges apoly only to the classes oi advertisement specified below, and are strkrtJy confined to those wh ch are PAID yon PREVIOUS TO INSERTION* if not prepaid, they will be charged by the general scale: — APARTMENTS WASTED. MONEY WANTED. APARTMENTS TO B* In. IIIWDLLANEOUS WANTS. ARTICLES LOST. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. ARTICTLFS FOUXD. SITUATIONS WANTED. BUSINESSES TO BR SOLD. SITUATIONS VACANT. BOUSES TO BE SOLD. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. ParLibS answering Advertisements-in the South Wales Daily New, are requested to attend to the following explanations Address to an initial (o<- number) at the Office means that appli- cation must be by ir-tter afrity directed te tlio. itiitial or numl)er at the Daily News Office (as A. B. C., (Ir No.123, Daily A'euw Office). App y at the Daily Mews Office" means that personal appli- eation must be mide an the Daily kVews Office, where the ad- dn« af the Advertiser will be given. Persons answering Advertisements are sfcrongly advised not to tend original testimonials, but, copixs ONLY The columns of the Dailu Nwlt being of full newspapers width, persons seqdiag Adverfjl tship manual ipt may estimate the spaces th y witf occupy by calculating- uiner words to a line, and tw- Ive lines to an inch. White we uae our utmost.endeavours to insert Advertisements OB the da, eg ordered; we csirrot guarantee that this-will fIo" done. Great care i also u-ed to secaM-orrect printing- of Advertise- mentH, but we cannot bo iespon3iblefor inapturacies, or for any con-equences a'isir.g theref. om. Cheques and Post-office Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SON*. 75 4 76, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, to- whom all Business Common ica i'nj should be addressed. Letters conta'ning NEWS or LiTzRARY C'INTIUBUTIOXS SHOULD be ADDRESSED: THE EDITOR,, South Wales Daily News, CARDIFF.' EDUCATIONAL. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS—Wanted, in a Ladies" Scftool of good standing, an ARTICLED PUPIL, aboujt 15, for two or tliiec years. The house is situated in a. most delightful locality, commanding extensive land and sea, views. To a young lady requiring solid and' accomplished tuition under first-class masters, or to a girl of neglected education, whose improremont needs more than usual attention, th s off, rs peculiar ad vantages. Terms strictly moderate. Address 1876, tost office. Sidford, Sidmouth, Devon. 13 ±80 WANTED, a NURSERY GOVERNESS* to teaeh, three little *'v children. Apply to Mrs S. Da vies, Bryntowy, Ltetnsa- dwro, Llangaoock, Carmarthenshire. 13478 AN-TED, T vo or Three Little GIRLS, from 7 to 12, to TT be Educated with Sisters.—Apply at 41, High afreet,, lvrmd a r 0. 1U471 BODRINGALLT COLLIERY SCHOOLS, near Pontypridd.— Wanted immediately an A&S1STAN f, EX. P.T. Terms 640, paid monthly. Apply Urien R. Edwards, Master. 18443 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. ENERAL SERVANT.—Wanted, a thorough Genera!, TSer- IjT vant. Small family. Apply 20, Woidsworth Afreet, JtoalH. -19.494 WANTKD, a GENERAL SERVANT^ Must be a good Cook.—Apply to Mrs Weiehert, 40, Bute sureet, Cardiff. i3473 ANT .D a good, plain COOK.Apply to Aim Langley, r Y No. 1, St Andrew Place, Cardiff. 13474 W- ANTED a NURSE for one child, tg9 5 years. Must be a good needlewoman. A member of a Christian church preferred. -.Address, Mrs C., Vaindre Hall, Rear Cardiff. 18475 W"" ANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT murt be clean and active, English preferred.—Apply, between 11 and 2 "0106. at 1. Gold street, Hoath, Cardiff- 13466 WANTiiD immediately, a i^ood COOK; also a KITCHEN- AID.—Address, Mrs M. care of Mr Danes, stamp office. Pembroke Dock. 13461 WEST-END REGISTER OFFICE FOR SERVANTS,27, Dill-vya street, Swansea.—Every attention given to *di<< requirements. Inquiry fee, la. 8476 REGISTER.OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, Ladies requiring respectable Servants, Monthly Nurses, Sc., will receive respectable Servants, Monthly Nurses, Sc., will receive rawed lata attefttiba at Mrs Talbot's, 54, Oxford at., Swansea. 11317 CLERKS, ASSISTANTS. Sic., WAITED. ZDRAPERST-Wanted, a JUNIOR AaSIaTANT; also a Respectab e YOUTH, as Apprentice.—Apply to John J, lo7 and 108, High afreet, Dowlais. 18500 ROCERS.—Wanted, a good, strong, and experienced ASSIS- VX TANT, Welsh; good references indispensable.—Apply wm. R cbards. bigh street, Swansea. 13495 SITUATIONS YAOAUX. DRAPERY.—B. ETlans and Co., Tewple street, Swansea, require experienced YOTJNU MEN for the Manchester ■fpartmont. Prefer ence given to peisonal applications. 1S510 WANTifiO at APPRENTICE to the Grocery'Trade.—For terms apply to W. Riehards, Castle-street, Neath. 1849 ■jVjTLLlNisiKY,—Wanted immediately, a Good J4illiner7 one 1TX »qcw>' om^d to serving. Personal application preferred. A. I nomas, Splottlnud house, Cardiff. 13497 e.& -Wanted, a good strong BREAD BAKER, well up Jrm in Qie trade.—Apply William Richards, High street, REifo*. ltm mo WHEEL WRIGHTS.- Wanted, a MARRIED MAN. One JL that can also do Carpenter Work, Constant employ if stjiidy.—Apply to William Davies, Conbe, near Prestei^n. 13.31 rf\0 "MILLINERt1.—Wa^frjd, lfr^t-class MILLINER, with a X tnowleage of Dressmaking. Able to Serve. NYeloh.- Avplj, stayit age, salary, aqd reference to D. Richards, Pen^^raig, Pontypridd. 13479 WANTED, inmatdiateiy, Two thoroughly experienced i"USHfN(J YOUNGf MES one for the General Dra- t pery, and tne other for the -Haberdashery Counters. WitU reference fronj i»st employefy aad knowledge ox Welsh indi/S- pensat)le.—A(;*pIy personally, or by post, to Mr E?an Eva^ig. London House, Llanelly. 13478 w ANTia OotlieiT in the Rhoadda Valley,a tho"jUgb- w v ly active sait io look alter the screening of COIAl and surface labour. Wages 24a per week.-Apply to C. A Post Office, Pontypridd, 13462 TO WOuUCUTTERS.—Warjted immediately, Ten or Twelve experienced Men on the Gnolf Estate, Neath, where they will be employed tor four or five months;—Apply to Mr Nisbet, Gnoll Est at a Offices, tteatb. 141432 HOWELL ana CO have vacancies for Two reepectoble ^OJUlftiiai^.rmiuceg, 9 tp 14, yt iury »SieBt, Ca,r- iiu.. 13*49 ANTED a steady active "YOUNG MAN to~the Grocery and Provision Trades. Most produce goud references. —Apply, Stati*^wr«u4 tQ John xmolel, Abtrsychan. 13447 AGEJSgiES, TRAVELLERS, &c., AF £ W AGENTS, with influence airongst engineers, mills, and ail owners of steam power, REQUJRfcju to represent t'irui manufacturing a speciality in jtteat demand. Share of profi s, amounting lo £ l a week *nd upwards.—Address, Mr Snffius, §trat^>({i, Loudon. "tf EWILfc LERYj WATCHES, Sc.— Wholesale Catalogues free, fid. Asmit wanted.-Charles Paw mcf Co., KirmiDgnam. ii859 WATCHES, JEWELLERY, HARDWARE, TRADE CATA TW LOGUE, FREE; with 1,600 Engravings, 2s. Agents wanted.—Jaaj»a SUwnoaSi ?8, E4bostQu street, Birmingham. 10145 PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT either permanently or for spare urne. Large inepme tp energe tic agents. —Full Pav- wcuiarspostIree.by applying to Blake and Co., the Grange, Bermonusey, Loudon. 9621- "R GOODS, JEWELLERY, WATCtiBS, BAR- XJI ifjNIUMS, &e.—Agents Wanted. Hew Specialities. New illustrated Book free.—Apply Henry May, Birmingham. 11746 jTU> and upwards may be easily and honestly 4rW realissd by persor.s of either sex, without hindrance to pitseut occupation. Particulars free; sample, 8 stamps (re- turned it desired^—Apply Evans, Watts, & Co.Merchants Albion-etreet, Bii naingham.—Thit U genuine. 3141—7846 AGENTS wanted. Good employment-, no risk, terms liberal.—Address J. Walls and Co., 30, Kenshaw scieet. Liverpool. 1^250 SITUATIONS WASTED. _u npHE Advertiser," who has been MAKAGING^CLerk ami JL otherwise at large Collieries, Tinplate WCks, and Metal- liferous Mineti for nearly 20 years, is now open to re-engas:e- ment. Age 34.—Address, A- Z., Office of this paner. 13467 AMAN of cons derable experience in Rail-making i« opento an engagement as Inspector of Contracts or per«,anen^ way. First class references.—C. R., 96, Blenheim crescei* ó ting hify London, W. 134f3 WANTED, by a respectable Young Man, EMPLOYMENT in the BAKEHOUSE, where a first hand is kept.. Will mahe himself useful.—Apply to Mr W. Jones, 39, Crlch/on otreet. 1;)4 by. a Younj Man, aged~23, JL BfrEN&AGEMENT 7J years experience general reference—Yvf 8|, f^r«e* West, :f.a- I A PARISIAN (aged 20) is desirous to obtain 9 SITUATION as CLEKK or otherwise. Salary not so-much an object as an opportunity to learn Engliih.Address U. Lehnerts, 6, Rue de Paris, or apply at the "Sou th Wales Daily News," Card.ff, 113Z6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BOOKS.—OLD BOOKS BOUGHT b.v Robert Foster, 64. St Mary street, near Western Mail" office, Cardiff. WASTED, sn Eight or Ten-roomed HOUSE, with Garden and Fitld preferred, a mile or two out oi Cardiff.— Apply, Lelta, South Wales Daily News Office." 18428 PREMISES WANTED.—Wanted a FARM, from 106 to acres, within 12 miles of Cardiff.—Apply to D.P., "Daily iN^ws Office, Cardiff. 13403 MARRIED COUPLE wishes to have a CHILD to Nurse or Adept.; aiopteu preferred.—AddressP.T.S., No, 7, Ber- tram-street, R lath, Cardiff. WANTED, at Christmas, a Front SHOP and Premises in St Mary street, or some central thoroughfare in Cardiff. Must have spacious back premises or yard riom with rear entrance.- Apply AB.. Locke's Advertising Office, Tredegar piat-e, Kewpc»-, Mon. 12002 XI) BE LET-HOUSES, LAND, &e, TO LET, 2, Montgomery terriice, Roath, near the tramway terminus.—Appiy on the premises. 13515_ TO BK LET, with immediate possession, a semi-detached ViLLA, containing seven rooms and a waahhouse; capital condition; fide-itituation on rising ground fronting cea; excellent view; within two minutes' walk of Uansamei Station (Great Western Railway). Rent tlg.-Apply to K. Lle/wellyn, Kuilder, Eirchgrove, Neath. 13502 "Jf LANDAFF. Well-built, elegant HOUSE; 12 rooms. a J Early possession. Rent £35. John Jenkins aiid Co., Jtli^'Ja street, Cardiff. 13473 TO LH T, THANET VILLA, Romilly crescent, near Llandafl. Reni £ 23 per annum.—Apply to J. Walker, Dulfryn Villa, Roath. 13458 TO BE LEI with immediate possession. No. 73, S»ndon terrace, Adaui street, Cardiff, containing nine rooms; capital condition suitable for a tradesman's private residence; with immenia'e possession.—Apply at the Salutation Hotel, Isute street, Cardiff. 13464 IriERNlA HOUSE, NEWPORT ROAD, to be LET or jLJt. SOLD. Re-eiitly eiii-,tr,eci, containin Dilling, Drawing, and Breakfast koolos with folding doors, Kitchen, Scullery, and Washhouse on prounli floor, eigh1; Bed r IOOJS, W. C., Bath room fitted uj with hot and co d water, Garden (back and front), good eilar, and usual out-door conveniences.—Apply, 76, Crockherbtown, or Forest house, Newport road. 13489 FURNISHED HOUSE. To LET in Roaffi road. Tram ears FURNISHED HOUSE. To LET in Roaffi road. Tram ears pass the door. Apply to J. D. Owen, 1, Splott'and terrace, Cardiff. 13442 TO LET. BELLE VUE HOUSE, Tredegarville. Large rooms. Rent low. Apply to W. F. Frost, Morlais Villa, Fitzaian place.. 13440 CARDIFF.—Wordsworth street. Semi-detached VILLA, C moderate rent. -Apply to John Jenkins and Co., High street. 13421 TO BE LET.—BUSINESS PREMISES, &C. mo LET, HOPSE and SHOP, adapted for Offices or othef- J wise, situated in West Bute street, Cardiff.—Apply W. R. Smith, 11C, Bnte Docks. 13470 HOUSE and SHOP to LET, best part of High-street, Dow- iais; fixtures and gas fittings complete.—Apyly Mr Bsirnstein, Dowlais. 13461 WO BRITISH WORKMEN To LET in Cardiff. Furnished^ Apply to ilr J. D.Owen, 1, Splottland terrace, Cardiff, 18441 SWANSEA.—To LET, together or separatelv, BOUfcE n-d s SHOP in Orchard street, containing 14 roouas.-Apply to Beynon and Hughes, Oxford street, Swansea. 13437 CARDIFF.—Bute street, commodious OFFICES, moderate rent, good lirht.-Apt)IY to John Jenkins and Co., IR gh street. 13422 OFFICES TO LET, ut 72, Bute road, Pier Head.—Apply to C. O. Young and Christies. 10989 TREORKY RHONDDA VALLEY.—To TRADERS IN UNREDEEMED CLOTHING, sc.—To be LET, with Im- mediate possession, a Genuine Ready-money BUSINESS, ip a rapidly increasing locality. Proprietor retiring. Stock low. incoming about laO, spacious premises, and rent moderate.— Apply to Mr George M. Rees. Auctioneer and Boiness Azent, Treherbert. 9400 TO LET,—A HOUSE and SHOP, containing 12 rooms, with oven and bakehouse. Coachhouse and stable ean be aaded at. a small outlay. Kent, only £ 10 per annnm.-Apply to Mr White, builder. Swaus^a. 7157 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. NEWPORT, MON.— TO BE LET, a General 8mlth, Bell Hanging, and Gas Fitter's business, having a capit- als situated shop ii the principal street, with workshops and capital premises in the i ear. Held on JLefi;c. A Benuine con- cern, and a rare opportunity to an enterprising business man. —Apply to JIlr James Graham, Auctioneer and Valuer, 67, High-street, Newport. 13433 TO BE OLD. —A wen-established Leasehold WINE AND SPIRIT BUSINESS PREMISES A2tO BUSINESS, to gether with the Fixtures, siiuate ia the town of Llandilo ^one but bona fide capitalists need apply to Thomas Davies, Auctioneer, Carmarthen. 11S76 "RAPERY BUSiNESS.POR SALE, an excellent Drapery concern, situate in one of tho best streets ip Llanelly. Stock very moderate, as it has been much reduced to facilitate sale. Immediate possession may be had.—Bad health reason for giving up.-For further particulars, apply to Mr Gough, Auctioneer, &c., Llanelly. 10330 COAL WAGONS & COLLIERY REQUIISITIES OPEN for simple HIRE, 50 ten-ton COAL WAGONS, end and sicie doors, laminated spring buffers both ends, excellent condition; pearly new, passed forlati Vale and Great Western systems. -AI)plg to Ifc agone, office of this paper. RAILWAY WAGONS—For SALE, HIKK, OR on RE6EMF TIUN PURCHASE, new and tecona hand 7, 8, andlO-ton WAGONS for all purposes.-Apply to J. R. Nicholas and Co.; Railway Wagoir Contractors, Cardiff. 13425 FOR SAIJC-HOUSES, L&ND, ftc* TO PERSONS desirous of Securing a Safe and Profitable Security for the Investment of Capital.—Several Lots of valuable Leasenold Property, in Cardiff suburbs, wjlj be dis- posed of at prices whieii will prove highly remuner- ative to purchasers.—c ull particulars sent post free per return upon receipt of letter, addressed Robbins and Sons, House and Estate Agnts. 1. Castle-read, Cardiff. 11579 TO CAPITALISTS, FRIENDL Y SOCIETIES, and OTHEI18,— Persons with surplus capital, and who desire to invest the same on Mortgages of Leasehdld Houses and Businew Pre- misas, at £5 to 46per cent per sinum interest, will, on appli- cation to Mr John T, Howells, solicitor, Treherbert, procure them suitable properties to inveat their money, whether lanre or small amounts. 9979 TO BE SOLD by Private Contract. -^Canton One ninT roomed House, with large garden and back entrance, in the main street; lease 999 years from 1871, price £ 500 Five Houses, including a Corner Saop in the main street, price £ 1 500 Eight Houses, rent AU24 16s Od, price £ 1,200. Hoath: Four Houses, including a Corner Shop, rent AM a year, price £ & 0. Shop and seven-roomed House, in Castle road, p, ice 4600. Two Houses, rent 431 4s Od, price £321), ground rent only £2 16s Od for both. TO BE LET, several five-roomed Houses, with large garden 4s Od per week each. Eleven-roomed House, in the main street! Canton, £35. Also nine-roomed House, rent £ 36. A Shop and seven-roomed House in Castle road. suitable for a butcher or draper, or greengrocer, or stationery, or a pawnbroker. Eiifttt- roomed Villa in Partridge road, Roath, rent P.40 44 year. Apply to Mr Thomas Davies, House Agent, 34, Cowbridge road, Canton. For reply please enclose a stampea envelope. 9713 FOR SALE-LIVE STOCK. CARRIAGES, &o FOR SALE, a very useful Irongray MARE, in foal. Height 14 hand?. Apply, Freeguard and Morrish, Bakers,Olytha Park road. Newport, lion. 13493 FOR SALE, a four-wheel basket CARRIAGE,light and elegant (vis-a-vis); first-class maker. A goad size CHAFF CUT I EI. Also a strong working CART and HAR- NESS. -Lnquire at Messrs Hooper and Alien's, jewellers, Duke Street. 13489 FOR SALB-MAOHINEBY. TOOLS, Aa. GOOD INCLINE CHAIN; also 2-in. CHAIN—new. Lot of OIL DRUMS with tops. 40 feet PUMP in 10 pieces, s itzbie for weii or coal pit sinkilg-new. AppLy Evaa James, ^en3rai dealer, kisbor street. Swansea, 13608 A LARGE STOCK, of the following always reajdy for deiiverv, NEW and SECO.ND HAND :— POtiTAKLE and other EGINES, MORTAR MILLS and SAW BENCHES, STEAM PUMPS and all other MACHINERY, ON SALE OR HIRE. Full particulars and terms on application to CHARLES D, PHILLIPS. NEWPORT, MON. N.B. — Sole Proprietor of Phillipbl Monthly Machinery Register. 10$74 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, High-el ass and Economical. Steam jacketted cylinders, self-acting, variable expan- sion, T'orter gov rnors, balanced disc cranks, &a., &c.- DEAKIN, PARKER, AND CO., SAKDON STREET ENGINE WOKKS. SALFOKD. FOR SALE, BOILERS, 8h.-p. and 4 h.«p.Cornish,and 3h.-p. vertical. Also several 'small STEAM ENGINES, 2 to 8 h.-p.- ,Oekings and Eilery, Gloucester. • 13416 FOR S ALE, a Vertical ENGINEand BOILER, 1 inch cylinder, 10 inch stroke, 4 horse powor. Can be seen work at the Lord Raglan, Ellen street, Newtown, Cardiff. 6105 SAWBENCH, rising and falling spindle, golf-acting feed motion.—JOHN SPENCER, Tool Maker. Keighiey, York- THREE Excellent two-flued Lancashire STEAM BOILERS JL aud Fittings, SOft. by 7ft. here, eut, and will test them to lOOlbs.—J, bU. KLEY, Storf street, Manchester. 9721 mACHINERY ON STOCK FOR SALE. u. AM HAMMERS. 3 and I) cwt. 12 inch centre, self act slide, surfacinz and screw cutting. GAP LATHE. 16ft. bed. 10 inch centre ditto, 16 t. bed 8; men centre ditto, 12ft. bed, 7 inch centre ditto. 8ft. bed 8 inch stroke SHAPING MACHINE 11 inch stroke ditto PILLAR DRILL Second-hand HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 12 inch eld., 24 ins c htr. ke «o.fT"ili'nd VERTICAL ENGTNE, 12 inch eld., 24 ina. stroke B^Y'.l6ft. by 3a. 6in., with fittings ON-TYNt. JliINGLS. 7, COLLIKGWOOD STREET, NEWCASTI^E- VIVpxrr>^s Soomolel!'Ilors* Horizontal High-pressure aUaceww* A 10-TON Poi^We Purchase Wrought-iron POST CRANE, csrved jih, "l5f^. 6in. radiu?. massive wro4gl»t pillar, Ikirbairn's patent.—J. BUCKLEY, Store street, Asnebester. 9721 VKR-TICAiTENGINES and BOlLERS Combined. Always ready. DKAKIN, PARKER, & Co., Engine Works, Sal- ford, Manchester. llOto STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, nll Types, made by DEA. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, nll Types, made by DEA- KIN, PARKER, & Co., Engine Works, Saiford, Man- chester. 1105:) QNB)BALR one strong, well-built Condensing Beam Engine. by a first-class mater, equal to new; cylinder, 36 irch bore 6 feet stroke. Can be seen otaauing, and will be sotd cheap. One eioee-built, self-eontained Condensing Beam Engine; stands on independent bed on six columns: cylinder, 28 inch bore, 4 <eet Stroke. AS good as new. Can be seen standing, and will be sold cbeap.-Ap.ply to Henrv Parkinson. Foundry-otreet. Bolton, 70 -| A HORSE Power Portable ENGINE and BOILER, m good JL" F wcrking orde' Can be seen hare, and Steam got "p.— JTbUCKLEY, Store street, Manche-ter. 9721 A Galloway'3 STEAM BOILER and Fittings,. 24ft. by 7ft., 2 flues, and 22 conical tubes; here, out, will test tbis to lUoibs.—J. BUCKLEY, Store street, Manchester. 9721 FIRST-CLASS Two-flued tfornish STEAM BOILER and Jf Fittings, 30ft. by 7ft. here. out, will test this to 1001 os. -J. BUCKLEY. Store street, Manchester. 9721 Good Two-flued Cornish STEAM BOILER, lfift. bv 6ft.: A. here, out, will teat this to 1201bs.—J. BUCKLEY, Store street, Manchester. 9721 TWO Good STEAM BOILERS and Fittings, 30ft. by 7ft., 2 flues, domes, and Hill's patent tubes; here, out, and will teat to 100 lb?.—J. BU LKLEY, Store street. Manchester. 9721 BOILEBS ON SALJS.—Foua GALLOWAY'S PATBNU BOll^EKS, 30 ft by 7 ft, sate t* work at 70 lbs OB ttto ■SMare inch. oi VILER8, 18 1.\ by 7 ft, with two lines toveigjp. TWO BOILERS, 26 fS by 7 ft, two flues through. ONE BOILER, 20 ft by 7 ft, two flues through. ONE BOILER, 18 ft by 6 It, one flue through. Alto several smaller biases. Ap?ly to RENktif PARIMISON, FOUNDRY 8 ROL ON. SALE, ONE 16 horse power double «Uuier TOBTA2UE \J ENGINE, for winding. ONE 12 horse power PORTABLE ENGINE. OJFK 10 horse power PORTABLE ENGINE. ONI 8 hone power PORTABLE ENGINIL ONE G horae power PORTABLE ENGINE. Equal to new. and will be sold cheap. Apply to HENRY P ARKINlolf. FOUVDRY STBKZ& BOLTON. ■ ON SALE, OWE PAIR of 25in. horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of 18in. horuontal W1NDXNO- ENGINES ONE PAIR of ]Oil;. horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of lfiin. horizontal WINDLNG ENGINES. ONE PAIR of llill. horisontal WINDING LMGlNES. ONE PAIit of lOin. horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of 7in, horizontal WINDING ENGINES. The above engines are now ready for delivery, and fitted wltk Winding-drum and bi ake cear to each pair of engines. BOwS>N UENRY ^A^^SON, FOUNDRY STRBEl^ ON SALE, ONE Pair of 16-lnch HorizontaTlVTMDINa ENuINES, fitted with winding drnm and brake complete. —H. PARKINSON, FOUNDRY STREET. BoLTON. ON SALE, ONE Pair oFlO-ii.ch HoTiaontal WINDING ENGINES, with winainc drum am brake complete^— Apply, H. i ARiCINSuN. I-OLNDRY STREET. BOut uN. ON SALE, TWO Cornish BOI -ERS, 80tt by 7ft diameters two flues through each safe at 601b pressure working. —Apply,h. PARKINSON, FOUNDRY STREET, BOLTON. ON SALB, ONE Pair 18-inch High-pressure Horisontal ENGINES, for Winding, fitted with slot-link motion P»ir of engines.—Apply, H. PARKINSON, FOUNDRY UTRE&T) BOL1 ON( ON SALE, ONR Pair of t5-inch Horizontal WINDIN(S ENGINES; stroke 4ft., with winding drum and brake complete; are now quite readv for delivery.—Appiy, 11. Kin SON, FOUNDRY street, BOLION. ON SALE. ONE 25-borse power Double-cylinder Portable ENuINB, Atted with slot-iink motion, for winding: One SO-horse power Doubie-eyiinder Portable Engine; will he sold •heap and are ta flrst-olnes order.—Appiy, H. PARKINSON. rOUNDKY STREET. BOLTON. 824d__ LATHES, vanom Sizes, self-acting and screw-rutting, com- plete.—JOHN SPENCER, Toil Maker, Keigliley, York- snire. APOWERFUL Hydraulie BENDING^MACHINE, for bend- ing and ehaning flat and angle iron, will traverse 5ft., rallJ. 5.iiD. dia, by Peel Williams.—J. BUCKLEY, Store street, Manchester. 9<21 T\RILLING and SCREWING MACHINES, in stock and XJ progress—J OHN SPENJER, Tool Maker, Keighiey, Yorkshire. 11117 A Splendid Two-flued Lancashire STEAM BOILER "and Fittings, 26/t. by 7ft.; here, out, and will test this to lAiibe.—J. BUCKLEY, Store street, Manchester, 9721 ONE Eight-borse Horizontal High-pressure ENGINE, complete with Pump, Governor, Stop-throttle Valves, and Lubricators.— J. BUCKLEY, Store street, Manchester. 9721 A GOOD Low-pressure Lancashire STEAM BOILER, 2 flues, 30 feet by 7 feet; here, out', will test this to 75 lb&- J ttUCKLEY. Store street, Manchester. 9721 ONE of Ireland's Patent Wrought-iron CUPOLAS, 33ft. high 4ft. 8in. d.amet-jr, with peep ho es, l>tse plate,stand, pipe, and outlets.—J. BUCKLEY, Store street,, Manchester. 9121 ROLLING MILL for Tin Plates or 8teel, 2 sets of rolls 29in lopg, 14^in dia; 15in. long 15in. du^reSpectively.—JAMES BUCKLEY, Store street, Manchester. 8721 MISCELLANEOUS. ABOUT 4 tons Bone-dust MANURE.Apply, Evan James, general dealer, Fisner street, Swansea. 13509 FOR SALE, large BEATING STOVE, suitable {or a chapel; also lame central CANDELABRA and lot of BRACKEX'S, suitable for lares boilding "here there is no gaIL-Apply te Evan James, Fisher street. Swansea. 135U7 HURDLES fqr Sale.—Apply to LI. Price, Bonvilstone, near Cardiff. 13499 ABERDEEN MONUMENTS from £ 5, carriage free, inscriptions accurate and beautiful. Plans and prices from Legge, sculptor, Aberdeen. HEAP MUsIO,—NEW MUSIC, 3d pach, for ChrstmasTof superior kind, from Engraved P^a^es full size. Most- Popular Songs, Dances, Piano'orte Pieces, &c. Send Halfpenny Stamp for Catalogue.—Jones & Co, Nicholas street, t r stol, 11907 FIRE ■ PROOF SAFES. — CYRUS PRICE and CO.'S Patent Wrought Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Hold- last Safes and Powder Magasines, with all modern imple- ments, and fitted witn Cyrus Price's patent Prize Medal and Gunpowder Proof Locks, from £4 and upwards. A stock at Cro»(i Brotheis. Ironmongers, Cardiff, 3178 9723 TTTHAT IS YOUR CREST and MOTTO?—Bend Name m0 If County to CULLETON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, Ss Bd. Plain; sketched in Heral ic Colours, 7s; Creet enrnved ea Seals, Book elates, and Steei Dies, 7a 6d; Manual Heraldry, ts 9d, post free, by T. Culleton, 25, Craabourn-Btreet (corncr «| IlL l(arHn's.lano), W.C., Londoo. ^~1ULLET0N'« PLATES for MARKING LINEN require ^s« JL' preparation, and are easily used. Initial Plate, Is.; MaiM PJaoe, ts 6d; set of Movable numbers, 2s #i; Crest or Monograai natos, is; with directions post free tor cash or stain us, by t, Wetea, 24, Cranbouru-strect (corner of St. Kanin W.C., London. EAL ENGRAVING by Ct^ETOB^Orert Engraved «■ Seals, Rings, Book Plates, and Steal Dies for stamping paper,786d. Lirery Button Pits, £2 2s. Crest engraved on silver spoons and family plate 58 per dosen articles. A neat Desk Sonl, with engraved Crest, 12L No Registered Letter, (kI. extra. T. Cmlleton, Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family, Craa- MKirn-etreet (coiner of St. Martin's-lane), London. VISITING CARPS by CULLBTON.—Fifty best quality, 3s 84, post free, including the engraving of Copperplate. Wed* ding Cards, 60 each, 50 Embossed Envelopes, with Maidea Mane, 13s Od.-T. Ouilelon, Seal Engraver,$6, Qran bo urn-street, eorner of St. Martin's-lane), W.O., London. Trf OAOGRAMS by CULLETON, the most elegaat In Lendoau JLVJL Quarter-ream Paper, and 125 Envelopes stamped in JLVJL Quarter-ream Paper, and 125 Envelopes stamped in Colours, with any Monogram, OL No charge for Die. Sent te my pert on receipt of Wamps.-T. Culleton, Engraver to the Qaeen, and Die Sinker to the Board of Trade, 25, Cranboum. treat (comer of St. Martin's-lane), London. CULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STATIONERY oontaine a C ream of the very best Paper, and 600 Envelopes, all Mamped In the meet elegant way with Crest and Motto, Mono. gram, or Address, and the engraving of Steel Die, included. Sent to any part for P.O. order. -T. OoUetoa, ii, Cranbourn-street [eorner st. 1lart1n"lane London. 4888 FIRST-CLASS Solid Mahogany Din ng Room SUITE, well stuffed, comprising splendid carved mahogany couch, gentleman's bold easy, lady's ditto and six chairs, stuffed backs, ill in good condition, very little worn, 18 Guineas, cost nearly louble. -Furniture Exchange, 20. Bridge street, Bristol. CORKS.—In consequence ot numerous applications, Kerniok ami Sou, Vvholesale Druggists, Cardiff, have commenced importing Spanish CORKS in every variety. Manufacturers, Surgeons, Chemists, and Bottlers generally, may ttave 20 per eent. Samples and prices on application. 10890 TliONG FIREPROOF SAFES, wrought-iron, Qix lever K? Powder-proof lock on door, with inside cash drawer, fitted with patent lever lock. £ 3 10s; carriage paid. Furniture Exchange, 80, Bridge street, Bristol. ALNUT COTTAGE PIANO FORTE, a splendid instrument, V ▼ T octaves, trichord, excellent tone.cost 45 guineas,to be sold for 80 guineas cash; also, several others, by Kirkman and other makers, to De sold cheap.—Mr HUTCHINS, Furniture Exchange, 20, Bridge street, Bristol. 18410 WHAT IS YOUR MONOGRAM —Send 18 stamps to GLASS T and Co., Cardiff, who will forward you 12 sheets of note* paper and 12 envelopes, stamped in colour with any one. hnfrnffnor any laciy'a name. Also GLAJS? COMIO PACKETS, containing 12 different deslsns, Sent poet free for 13 stamps, 6 Quires of p<iprr, and 100 Envelopes, stamned ta J?y-,f).122r °T J?* 6d* CARD SIR?—Send 4sT 6<L to 3LASS and CO., Cardiff, who wiB engrave year name, aad print you 10# Ivorv Cards, and V>rward them post free, tesnyaddremu TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, and Others! OLASS|8 Patent Endorsing Machince, eneraved with your omme, boinew, and address, from 184. fd.-YOUR NAMS SIBf Jw N»me rnigra,T#4 on k Br^as or Zinc ptate for your door 1Mb OLAS& S Stencil Plates for Harking Liaen, &€• MtWs and name, 2s. 6d.: initials only, is «d. Sent poet free to any address 011 receipt of stamps to GLASS & Co., KMOKAVSU. Pnsmmna. aad OUMTAI, PRorrna. CAEDIFP. id TT^XCBLLENT Second-hand Walnut Drawing Room SUITE, JDi covered in be.t green velvet, consisting of Ger.nan head- R^ge, two carved easy and six eflairs, £ 15, a bargain.- Furniture Exchange, 20, Bridge treet, Brlstul. SICKNESS, OLJ) AGE^Ava DKATHT 4-' 1 OA11 U^Al'H, for ONE SHILLING per Week. £ 65 a JL&"Death, or HFTEEN SHILLINGS, per week in k/|cbi,e8t> tor hlXPk-NCE £10 at Death, or s 6d per week 111 Sickness, for ONE PENNY per Week, paid Monthly, by any one aoout the ages of 20 to 26,to the WEST.KRI* PROVIDE NT a S SO CIATION. Established 1848. President Earl Fortesoue Vice. Prtsidents: Lord Aberdare, Rhv D. Howell. (Wrexham), JI hn Cory, Esq., J.P. (CaroiiJ), &c. Other sunjg at<lifiereni. for proportionate rates. Upon examination, the Society will be found to be the beet in existence. SAFE and Cheap. It has entered more than KLiiVtN THOUSAND MEMBERS and has paid to them more than SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND FOUNL)., III Benefits. It has Saved and has now Inveeted over FORTY-ONE I HOUSAND POUNDS. Members incur no expenses, 1.114 are liable to no duties, fines, oj loss of time. Females may join. Rules Is each. For further ipforxpation send stMtP to Mr W. C. Amery, 25 9149 -.I" "0.-> SECOND-HAND Iron Fireproof SAFE, 30 inchrs hiarb. Price, £ 5 5s delivered.—Richard M. L-»rd, 49, Worcester street, Wolverhampton. TVUDGEQK'S CLILBLAIN REMEDY for the prevention and I cure of broken or unbroken Chilblains. If applied when the irritation commences will at once remove them. It contains nothing injurious. Buxes, L Ad by post, 2d extra.-Fro,n C. DL'DGEOiN, TaoRNBURY, near BRISTOL. 10793_ WHY LOSE YOUR UMBRELLAS, when PEDLAR sup- plies a Silver Plate, with name engraved, at 6d. Post free, 7d. Where's Pedlar? 31, St Mary street, Cardiff. 9980 SOLID Mahogany DINING TABLE, with two extra leaves, opening Sefeet by 4 feet, with patent screw expander, 5 10s.—burnHure Exchange, 20, Bridge street, Biistoi. LOST AND FOUND. Ii>OUND, on Christmas Day. larsre WHITE SOW. Own..r Jj' may have her by paying alt expenses. Unif-sa claimed within 14 days will be sold to defray expenses.-Apply at Duke Inn, Beaufort. 1P520 FOUND.—LEFT, a LADIES' MUFF, at William Wallace's bo >t warehouse, 230, High street. Swansea. 13454 LOST on 24th December, between Pencoed and Ystrad, Brown Shaggy TERRIER DOG. Answers name Rover, Anyone returning same to John Davies, Lamb Inn, will be suitably rewarded. 13444 MONEY. MR. SOLOMON BLAlBEiiG, Pawnbroker ana jsaoney Lender, 2, Bute-terraoe, Cardiff, ADVANCES CAS a iu BUniaufBStoj6500 upon deposit of Jewellery, Diamonds, Plate, Leases, and unseasonable btock-in-Tratie. Strong room for safe euotcdj^ áû94 CASH immediately advanced without sureties trom 45 to 41,000 to Householders, Tradesmen, Publicans, b anners, Mechanics-, and others in town or country, oa their furniture, iStock-in-Tiade, Cattle, &c., without removal. The strictest secresy ensured. Repayments by instalments to suit bor- rowers. Ail inquiries immediately attended to. For full par- ticulars apply personally, or by letter, to Mr William Usher, 28, Argyle-sireet, Swansea. 3299—S62i CASH immediately ADVANCED from £ 5 upwards to House- liol ie/s, Farmers, Tradesmen, and Others, upon their furniture, stock-in-trade, plant, &c, vi-ithout removal or pub- licity. Distance no object. Applv personally, orby letter to MR ALFRED BLOOH, 13, Mansel street, CASH ADVANCED on SURPLUS GOODS of any description at a special rate of interest. 3246 8114 mONFY MONEY! x 6 X-E F-TI-I HOUSEHOLDERS, FARMERS, COLLIERS, and OTHERS, OlD now obiain LOANS from ie2 up to El,000 on reasonable terms, ana repayable in instalments to suit the borrower. No suretios required.—App'y by letter to the Rhondda Valley Money Lending Company, opposite the Queen's Hotel, Pentre Ystr<»d; or, personally, evety Thursday, from 10a,m. to4 p.m. 7911 ]hrn O N E ¥!_ MONEY! M CTITE" Y IT 8 A Private Gentleman makes CASH ADVANCES (In Strict confidence) to HOUSEHOLDERS, TRADESMEN. JTARMKKS, and OThERS. from R5 to any amount, on their Furniture and effects, without removal, they retaining free use of the same. NO sureties required. CASH ADVANCED on Surplus or Unseagonahl eStocks of any description, Apply personally, or by letter, Mr NATHAN (private house), 92.t> 8, Chariet.s street, Cardiff. T~HE MERTHYR AND DOWLA 13^BUILDING~BOCIETY are PREPARED to LEND, on MORTGAGE, at the Shortest notice, sums of £ 100 to £ 10,000, RE-pAJATRLE in MONTHLY or QUARTERLY INSTALMENTS. BOBROWERS m thi. Society have SPECIAL ADVANTAGES not obtained in other Societies, or from Private Individuals. The legul costs are paid by the Society, and the independence of the Borrower, so long as his stipulated rer-ayments are made, is secured by the Hegis-trar under the Friendly Society's Acts.- The utmost secrecy is maintained. For particulars apply to Mr E. ROBERTS,at the Office of the Society, 34, Victoria street, Merthyr. 61 « oiSKY J^ent t>y tne ftaiionxl Deposit us uiu 17, IVX Russell ( street, Covent Garden, London, from £ 10 to A:.J,o 0 at a day's no, jQe, for short or long periods, in town or country, without publicity, to male or female, on their note of hand alone, or upon deeds, life policief, fktraiture without removal, trade stock, plant, crops, or farming imvlements, No sureties required. Interest Z5 per cent. Distance no object. The Bank having a large amount of caDital at command, no a-ood application is refused. Apply personally, or if by letter state imnant requ red. R..Paroell, Manager. 7206 STRICTLY PITIVATE. NO PRELIWRNARY FEES. CASH ADVANCED at the shortest notice to FARMERS, CLEROYMEN, CLERKS, and Respectahle Classes generally, on their Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, Life Policies, and all other genuine security, without removal, publicity, or inconvenience in any way. Repayable by ins alments. Apply to (49. BUTE STREET. CAR! IFF. LOUIS BARNETT ■{ 1, TRINITY PLACE, SWANSEA. (BRIERLY HILL, EtiBW VALE, MON, & 17, WORCESTER PARADE. WORCESrER STREET. GLOUCESTER. 11983 D- AILY ADVANCES FROM £ 10 TO £ 5" made to made to FARMERS, CLERKS, TRADESMEN, MECHANICS, and Householders generally, Upon their Crops, Cattle, Stock-in-Trade, and tiousehold Furni- ture (without removal) alao upon Life Policies, and deposits of any kind of valuable articles (iu strict confidence). No inquiry fees or preliminary charkes. Apply personally or by letter to THE MANAGER, AVON LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, ST. HELEN'S ROAD, SWANSEA. 9657 O SURETIES REQUIRED CASH ADVANCED DAILY, in sums of £1..0 and upwards, to Householders, Farmers, Victuallers, Hauliers, and others, on their jr otueho d Furniture and Stock-in-Trade, without removal. Pittance no object. Apply to S. BLAIBBRO. S, BUTE TERRACE, CARDIFF, PMVATK. RKSIDBKCK AVON HOUSE, CHARLES STREET. BttANCHfcS.—44, CommarcAal street, Newport, Mon. Dinas, Rhondda Valley: Mr Lawta FRIEDMAN, Agent. BttANCHfcS.—44, Commercial street, Newport, Mon. Dinas, Rhondda Valley: Mr Lswis FRIEDMAN, Agent. N.B.—In the Strictest Confidence, and repayable by easy in- IMPERIAL AUSTRIAN STATE LOAN41 i. MONTHLY DRAWINGS. Prizee Aimooo, £ 25,000, £ 22.000, £ 20,000, £ 16,800, £ 10.000 „ 'UUO, Lowest Premium, Pr.xe,AIS. i- "11 the Imperial Austrian Government. DRAWING to public under the superintendence of Government officials. Shares, which entitle the holder to a chance 01 winning any of the above prizes, can be had at bleach. Six shares, entitling to six chances, cost £ 8.—Apply to Mr Fan* SPill. agent for the sale and purcnaee of Government stock, Vienna Remittances are to be sent duvet to Vienna, either in bank notes, crossed chequ es or Post-ottice orders, payable at the General Post-sffice, to Mr Fritz Sevin, L Goldschmidgasse, Vienna, who will supply Pro- spectuses grays, ahd answer my fnrthsr enquiries which mav be deemed aeeofuL i i9u A F 0 RT U N E. In the event of a stroke of good The,winnings fortune you can win *re ff"»r*<,teed Dy 376,000 marks ti)e State. in the new coinage of the German Ei pire. fortune you can win ore gua.ranteed oy 376,000 marks the State. in the new coinage of the German Ei pire. ?MT\ti?it^4„^TPartioiPa'• 'n chances of winnincr in the GHAND DRAWINGS of PRIZES,guaranteed by the State of Hamburg, in which 7 MILL. 420,000 MARKS have to be drawn. In the course of these advan ageous DRAWINGS which con- tain according to theprospectus only 79,000 tickets, the follow- ™iZe^.Tui ilorthcoming:> V1Z- ;-1 Possible prize of ^76,000 marks, also marks 260,000, 125,000. 80,000.60.000 60,000, 40,060, t6,0' 0, 4 of 30,000 and 6,COO. 4 of 20,000, 25 of *ndJ1000<). 26of 6,000,56 of4,000 and 3 000, 208 °f2»500, 2,400 and 2,000, 415 of 1,600.1,200 and 1,000, 1 358 of 600, S00 and 250, 24,8*3 of 200, 160, 188.124 and 120, 14.S39 of 94, e7, 55, 50, 40 and SO marks, which will be drawn in 7 draw- ings within the space of a few months £ «?r0^E °ri8i?iV11 KET is only shill. 6.—or 6 Marks. A HALF original TICKET is on'y „ 3.orS A QUARTER original TICKET is only „ l.SdorlJ And I will forward these ORIGINAL TICKETS, guaranteed by the State (not prohibited promissory notes) even to the most dia- tant countries, la return for the amount forwarded prepaid. Every ticket holder will receive from me, gratis, along with the Tii! j orU!ir)a' prospectus uYovided with ths arms ot the litate. and immediately after the drawing, the OF^OIAL LJST, without any cbarpe. The payment and forwarding of sums won to those con. cerned will haTe my special and prompt attention, and Igith the moat absolute secrecy. All ordeis can he sent by the medium of a Post Offiee Order. Please address the orders in all confidence to SAMUEL HECKSCHEK, Senr.. BANKER AND EXCHANGE AGENT AT HAMBURG, GERMANY. 11684 THE MIDLAND WAGON COMPANY. MIDLAND WORKS. BIRMINGHAM. MANUFACTURERS 0F RAILWAY CARRIAGES AND WAGONS Ol every description, for Cash, deteirtd paymeut Over a v teries ol yew, or on hire. Repairs by contract, or Otherwise, executed at the following t Stations:— Aberdare Ruahv. Brent Junction. RAaintr. Cheet.r. liound Oak. Snrewsbury. Chesterton. Saveloy. Gloucester. gt. Helen's. Hereford- Btoke^a-Trent Leicestar. I Toton bidlngft. London District. Twrw*n NEWFORTftfon. NEWPORT (Mon.) Wedneshury. Wereester. f$ £ £ s*. Pontypool Raad. „ An,d_t^e. CARDIFF, and PENARTH. Second-handI Coal, Coke, and Ironstone Wagons for Sale or Hire. X P^r8, D. N. ARNOLD, Manager. J], jiACK^OiSa Segretwy* J. W^L A K S, HAY, STRAW, CHAFt, AND CORN MERCHANT, A 33, CUSTOM HOUSE STREET. CARDIFF. 10871 A MAN OF A THOUSAND having dia- oovered in a maont r that w>iy;iit te considered almost providential a positive cure for Consumption* Bronchitis, all forms of throat complaints, I feel it my duty to make it Known i. practical manner by furnilhlDC & FRXB OAXPZ4 to all sufferers on application, sent by post on receipt of "I in stamps, simply to cover postage. The ingredients are ot the choicest herbal products, prepared in fluid form, and perfectly safe.-Apply at once; Prof. O. P, Brown, 8, King street, Covent Gar" 118 ö N 0 T I C E THE PHOTOGRAPHIC BUSINESS CARRIED ON BY ERR Q/OLDMAN, 4 AT THE STUDIO ROYAL. 45, WIND STREET, SWANSEA, WILI, BE CONTINUED AS HITHERTO. Copies of all Negatives taken bv Herr Goldman and his Predecessors can still be obtained at the above address. OPEN FROM EIGHT A.M TILL TEN P.M. 1U93 NfXEY*S BLACK LEAIX "/CLEANLINESS."—W. G. NIXEY S Refined V^/ BLACK LAl) in Block, for Polishing Stoves and alL kinds of Iron-woik equa! to burnished steel, without, waste or dus Sold everywhere by all shopkeepers, Id, 2d, and 4d blocks, and Is bases.. „ Ask for W. G. NIXEY'S BLACK LEAD, and see that, you have it. 12, Soho square, London. CAUTIOS.—There are several imitations. 10577 I I I A. H. JAlVfES & Co., I I FOB POLISHED GRANITE MONUMENTS, FROM £ 5. 116, Dock street, Newport, M01:. Apply for Flans and Prices. ~j il844~ |~ STIFF'S STARCH." "STIFF'S STARCH." One Trial of this Peautiful Starch Will Prove its Superiority. 1 TRADE MARK. •s Q V E E N gESS" ON EACH PACKAGE. TIFF'S gTARCH. "gTIFF'S ^TARCH." 1'S Sold by Qrocers, Druggists, and Oilmen; and Whoiesaloaft 29. REDCLIFF-STBEET, BlilSlOL. 10556 TEEL PENS, Warranted Quality, Manuxao tnred hy Gfc-OROE W. HUGnES, 56. ST. PAULISSQUAKLE, BIRMINGHAM. The Galvanised Pen. No. 418. Extra • tfong Metal b tied addle, No. 386 Old English Pen, No »50; Bank of Inland Pen, No. 43; O.rnmerdal Pen, No. S55; Bank Pen, lio. 3A. Sphynx Pen, No. 9 School Pen, No. 347 and Busi- ness Pen, No. 453, give universal satisfaction. Maker of J( seoh Jtudhnll and fo.'i; Patent Founta.in Pen. Engrossing Pen, No. So, and Silver Steel Ptn,No. 820. Sample B<ix, asiortea Upda torfieven Stamps. '1234 W B. VAUGHAH & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. LLANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFF. BRANCH ESTABUiHMBKTa 77, CROCKHERBTOWK, 1 JDnT,_ S43, BLTE-STJUEET, J CARDIFF, 62, COilMERCIAL-STiiEET, NEWPORT. 88, JblGH-STlEtT, MERTHYR LOWKR GOAT-STKEET, TWANSEA. Orders rwei red, and Parcels forwarded to Works carriage 68% by the foUowiag AGENTSt Aberavon G. IT. Cotton, Ty-mawr street. Aberdare Mr Eikehl,s, Commercial plnce. Blaenavon Mr J. Harris, I or don House. Bridgend .Mrs Thomas, grocer, Nolton-street. Brecon- Mr Bodmin, Wellington House, Bul- wark. Brynmawr .Mrs Hicks, Boaufort street. Blaina Mrg Coll ns, High street. Briton Ferry. lirD. L.Jones, Bookseller, 2, Villiers street. Cowbridge .Mr Rogers, Fancy Repository. Chepstow Mr D, vies. 26. Welsh sireet. Crickhowell Mr Pugh, High street. Haver,ordwest..Mr Sojith. btationcr, High street. Llanelly Mits Stone, 6 Market street. Llandilo U r Lockyer, County Prese. Neath Mr Matthews, at Queen's. Hotel. Powt)rokeDock.. Air i.Varberth, Stationer, Dimond street. Tenby Mr Brio*, 4, Julian street. Treherbert Mr Danco near Post-office. Usk ..Mes-rs Jones and Powell, Drapers, &c. Watchet Captain Nicholas. 88 JONES BROTHERST PRrXCTPAT. P.TT^ POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH STREET, NEATH, asd BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Postinz Piaoes. "XTURSE PHI LLIPS S F A MIL Y -Ll AFERIFNT PILLS. These excellent APERIENT PILLS are well known, having been in general use for as years. They are especially recom- mended for Females and persons of a clelicate constitution; they correct all DISORDERS of the STOMACH and BOWEuS* and pr, mote a healthy action of the Liver; they relieve NAUSEA, SICKNESS, HEARTBURN, snd ACIDIT). and other discomforts incident, to Mothers. Theyare free fr"m overythicg noxious, and absoIuMy safe—rendering all other Aperients unnecessary, espLclgJly Castor OiL PREPARED ONLY BT EDWIN ALEWOOD, DISPENSING CHEMIST, CASTLE SQUARE, SWANSEA. Sold In Boxes, at 7M., Is lid., and 2s 9d. 11407 MERTHYR AGEUCY OF THE "SOUTH WALKS DAILY NEWS" I AND "CARDIFF TIMES." JAMES PEGLEH. News Agent, &c., 46, GLEBELAND SIRtiET. MERTHYR, Vi holes^e and Retail Agent, for the h bouth Wales Daily News" and Cardiff I ims s." The papeis prompt'y and regularly supplied to any address. 4DVERTISEMENTS received uo to aix o'clock each evening for insertion in the next morning's issue. JQVERY MAN HIS OWN PAINTER. JLI.I bUY LUNDY'S Celebrated HOUSEHOLD PAINTS. mixed ready fpr use. Packed in 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, and 71b Patent Tini, which can be opened with the thULb and closed uain Dry har(I and glossy within eislit hours. The popularity of these Paints having induced many attempttd imitations, none of which being of any value in comparison, it is necessary that eviry purchaser, to protect himself, should ask for, and see it is labelled Lundv's House- hold," and maker's name stamped on the tin, as some re- tallerer otherwise give the common imitations, which they are induced to keep merely that they get them cheaper, and reap more profit. Sold in Cai dtf fby Williams and Son, E: Heme, J. and C. Sankey, T. Tria*, J. Hibbert, Angel street; Comley and Co., Castle road, Roath. Bridgend—W. Williams, ironmonger. C'p Dunraven place. Neath-J. B. Davies, ironmonger. Swansea -D. T. Williams, ironmonger, Castle street J. S. Evans, iron- monger, High street. 9691 ELLANSOORNFLMTEF-Boxes,lz 1M ID kslij sub The Corn Plasters Met certain cure for hard or soft corns, they completely dry up and eradioato painful corns the Buuion Plasters a proved remedy for bunions and enla, ged too Joints. Sold by all Chemist* Be careful Dellar's Piasters are supplied. f^RACROFT'S AREOA NUT TOOTH PASTE. V-1 By using this delicious Aromatic Dentrifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It isexetodingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing i. eruetations of tartar oa negleeted ,eeLb, Sold by all Chemistik -,P(,ka is and 2* 6d each. (Ctet Cracrbti's.) DEAFNESS, Noises in th$Ears, <tc.—Dellar's ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS has proved an extraordi- nary remedy. It always relieves, generally cures, and is strongly recommended by thoaaands who have derived benefit. It is quite bar miasm—Sold in Bottles, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, fey all Chomi-to. J^OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER^ LOOKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER will darken Grey Hair, and in a few da} s restore com- pletolT the natural colour. The effect is superior to that pro- duced by an instantaneous dye, and the Sulphur Restorer does not injure the skin —Sold in lar4a Bottles, Ie 6d each, by Chemists and Hairdressors. LOOKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER JLJ while keeping the Hair its proper colour, is useful for removing scurf, no other application being necessary to encourage the growth of new hair. Lockver's Restorer has powerful cleansing properties, rendering it a desirable Hair Fluid.—Large Bott.es, Is 6d. OCKYER'S SULPHRJR HAIR RESTORER JLJ will darken to the former shade hair that is absolutely white in about i0 days but where greynes-s Is commencing at the front and temples the Sulphur Wlhh promptly colours, ren. dering it undistinpulsfcable from that which has not ob"go&- Larsre BottUn. 18 6cl mah- JOHN GOBNELL AND CO.'S CHERRY TOOTH PA^TE I Is greatly superior to any To-»th Powder gives the Teeth a peaii-iike whiteness, protects the enamei from decay, and imparts a pleasing lrsgrance to the breath. P. ice la t d per [x,t. JOHN GOSNEL L AND CO.'S TOILET AND NUttsEKY POWDER. J TOILET AND NUttsEKY POWDER. Beautifully perfumed, and Guaranteed Pure. To be had of all respe-tibie Chemists and Perfumers, 1 Wholesale: ANGEL PASSAGE, 93, UPPKll THAMES-STREET, una 11 "■ I $hippm ;JteUct.s; >6- C TEAM BETWEEN CARDIB'F, BELFAST. OREaiioUK, & GLASGOW, SAILING WtEnLY, v 8tean»-8hip», Captain Fry: PRtN0~Si ^1 Captaui Mills ANToNA, CaptainT. L. Evans: OLLlllA, Captain t-vaus; aud AILSA, Captain Huckmaa are lniended to aa.i witii Gooas and Pas»ene rs fr^m Last <-uie Uo:k Basin (utiles.^ prevented bv circumstances) ai fo.iowa, in t'na month 01 JANU.-i Rv — I CACIDINVJ)' TO GLASGOW Ana BELFAST. 1 Monday .6 p.m. *z> Monday „ 6 p.m. 8 Monday — 12 n^iit | 22 Moudav 10 p.m. 23 ilordai 6p.m. FROM BELFAST TO CARDIFF 1 Monday j. p.oi. ID Monday » 1 8m 8 Monday 0 p.m. j Monday I 29 Mondiiv.1p.m. GLASGOW'TO CARDIFF, VIA BELFAST. 6 Saturday 2 p.m. u taturday — 2 c-a* 13 Saturday 2 p.m. J7 Salurdav 2 p.u; With liiertv to t iw and ,1' vessels. FARES.—Eelfast: Cavin, i s. 6d stee-age, '0s. Greenock ot Glasiow Cabin, 20s. Return, 30s. Steerage, 12s. td. co d.o^i or bailors. 10s- Guods to be alongside in time for shipment before the adver tiaed ttnie of sailing. Apply in Gas^ow to VVIIIiim Sloan & Co.; Greenock, M Wiiham Lin'ls iv & C' Swa isaa, ti M. Jones & Brother! Belf i^r., to R bert Henderson & son Brist*1, u> Mi; k WSjUyvU} and "Son; and In Caxouf- to G. F. VVEBS & CO., „ Bute Dock Lonued a.-cliout- Cardiff, January. 1877. :2A, STEAM PACKET COMMUNICATION BETWEEN IORK NE WPOKT, & CARDIFF, V/ Final'-CLAS^ PASistAGER SlVAjiii ..S ujj) —-<*S»Ti,e City ot Cork Bieain Packet to's tta ue"! MOIJUAV -■,JLIK for NE VpOtiT aad CAKDIFF, KVEKI WEi)N«K»rf-tUrnin' ,0 C0 'lK f om NE.VP-jRC EVER^ Tbroufff r t ? and for CARDIFF EVERY THChSDAY. ti n tcf r'- a,^s iur G >ods and Cattle cm ba arranged on appiica- ^,j;g u0 company at Cork, or to their agent3. See hand< Fares-Caibin, Al Is Cabin Return Ticket, available for one mooth (tnclucing Ste^ara's fee,), £ 1 us Cd Deck, 7s, i'oi lurther particulars see sm^ll tid.s. AGENT,-J. CARDIFF.—Mr E. C. DOWN^ Shipbroksr. NEWPORT.—Mr JAMES MADDO K. CORK.—C;ty of Cork Steam Pasket Co., Limited, Perrow Quay« 9m I^UNARD ROYAL MA II STE.-v^iiixvs. DLSECT TO NEW YUEKAN^BOAW. PARTH A. CALAbitlA. ABYSSINIA. CUBA. BATAVJA. JAVA. SAMARIA. SIBERIA. HEULA. ATLAS. ALGERU. OLYMPUS. MARATHON. CHINA. BOTHNIA. EN CUNARD RoYAL MAIL STBAMX&S Bail every TuaiDAY, TmrMo DAY, and SATUKDAT, and have superior accommodation fol Steerage Passengers.—For further particulars applv ti 0. & C. MAC IVER, 1, Rmaford-street, LiverpooL 20 A L L A N L r~lTE", ULM- SHORTEST OCB If PASSAGE TO AMERICA. Composed of Twenty Fir0t-elass Royal Mail Searn-rs. SAILING OAYS.—From Liverpool, every Tu sday aud Tharsda> to uunada, ande^ery alternate Tuesday to Laliiax and lalti. more, f(-rardi 9 pas.-engers on easy' terms to all parts of, Canada and the United SLates. Surgeon and Stewardesses provided free for all classes of Passengers. Pass n«e;s who secure their Tickets before leaving home are met t, thd Railway fetation in Liverpool r>y an apooxnte-i Agent of the Company, who iakt,s charge of them until tltey go on- board the steamer. The Canadian Government grants ASSISTED PASSAGES bj the ALLAN L NE. For Ha es of Freight or Passaara, apply to Allan Broth'rs and Co., Alexandra build ngs, James street, Liverpool, or to G. Bird, 43, Bute street, Cardiff T. J. Buse, 7, Temple street. Swan&ea; F. Fo>ey, Foley's Hotel, Neath D. S, Ih jtnas, British Sch M>IS< Lla. doveri; W. Milton Locke, Tradegar place, Bridge LLre, < Newport, Mon. 4024 J d&M- Am BRICAN LIMA UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS wvca LIVERPOOL axe f HILADBLPHIA, Taking Pasoongese, ntuoci axrsL* obaaos, to— NEW YORK, OR BOSTON. flHMan fnlJ-oowered Iron Steamships, are appol^esd to SeS Frwa LIV ERPOOL EVr.RV WiuLlNESOAX. N,im SaiUnsr* UfO PENNSYLVANIA WBDNESDAT. Jan. 10 n *Cil\ O.' LliiERICK WjtDvE.il,AT, Ja.n. 17 Calling at (^ucenstowu tiiu .oiiowiu/' cta^ to eaiojuk passju^era. HUB id tii>. oiuy Trans Atlantic unc sailing under tiia UmteC Stages r lag, and tt e ajcommoaa.ion lor Passengers is eouai any in the r.ui op^au bteam-jhip Eiuea. e",engers and Goods aru 1 tuded at Phiiade'ph'a oa the yiiiri of tlie fBMNuTLVAxiA RAILROAD COMPANY, wmch is the saortost al,J?^irect rou e t) a I pli,-ei ia th < We itera Slices. CABIM PASSAGE 10 to 18 guiueu. Return tiskeisat reausad rates. BIEERASE PASSAGE, as low as any other fast line, inclu iinsr Comp^'y'bs^e'vv^araa, oua, cooked and served up by ta* I.NTLR,MkJjl.-L.rz; PASSAGE, including Beds, Bidding, Cord the necessary uten,ils. ana a separate ta Jie, jtS 8s. For iurther itiorn.ai.ou, apply to RlCtlARO -Oi*, iSPKNCE, & CO, T 17 and 19, Water-strees Liverpool, Or to JAMBS AntE, 162. Bute-rotd. C-rdiff; Jans C JPSCiax?, 24, High-Street, Merthyr Tydfil; DAVID DAVIES, 2, Oa uioa- Street, Aberuare. i.71 <3714 ^^■wii I,im OSTAL DELIVERY JL OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of tre SctriH W>LES DAILY NEWS beg to announce that by a special co. cession of the Postal authorities they areaiiable(i to ott.pa ch their First Edition each jiernm? by the Mail < leaving Cardiff at-2.38 a. in. and 3.46 a.m. Country Subscribers residing within the iimitsof GLAMORGANSH IKE, CAR MART H KNS HIRE, PE IVIFCROKESH IRE, CARDIUAISSHIRK, As well as those portions of BiifiCO:\rSHIRE and MuUlHSHIRE comprised witfin the Tie lear arri Rhymney Valley Postal Districts, may now have tee SOUTH WALES 1>AII,1 Ntws delivered at i b- ir retidences daily by tij.0 Eame post as tbat. which ctn evs their Londun Letters. The SECOND EDIT.OJT of the Socth WALU; DAILY NEWS is for-.var" eo, prebaid, to Residents ..f the following end ail ovhei places within the Cardiff Postal District, in time for the first m'-rmng delivery St. Fattans Sully Miohaelstoae-le-VedW Pencoed Courtyralla Castlttovvu St. Brides-super-Ely Dinas Powis Jlarshfield St. NichoU-s Cadoxton Pen^rtn Honvilstone Bjrry Landoiifch Peters one Caei fhilly Lisvane Llxndaif Pedwas Laebben ^sdyr Ystiad Mynach Whitcbureh Morganstown Pwl yp iiit Taff s Well Mellingrifiith St. Mellons Tong-wj nlais Pentv rc'h Cefn Mably Walnut Tree Bridge St. Ardrews LONDúN and West of Ensland subscribers receive their papery )n the afternogn of publication. I TERilS OF SUBSCRIPTION. d, Pf.R QUARTER, POST-FREB .„ o w PER HALF-iSAR „ 0 19 6 PER YFAE. I Ii o Residents in CARDIFF and its Suburbs receiving theil nape s by hand delivery, and expe>iencin<r any difficulty in obtaining their papers promptly ana regularly, are requested to co-i munioate with the Ci ief Offics, Cardiff. SOUTH WATES DAILY EWS Offices, 75 and 76, St Mary street, Cardiff, IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. Established 183o. QTUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, O TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED;. 12, GRESHAM NiREET. LONDON, E.C.. With Offic,satl)ublin, Glasgow, Birmiagham, Lristol. Erlgh. ton, Belfast, Cork, Edinourgii, Liverp -ol, Lieiids, Majichester, Newcas le, Norwich, Southampton, Shefiiekl. STUBBS' WtEKLY GAZEiTE ^indispensable to all traders > giving credit) contains a List of ali Banai uptcies, Liquidations, f Arrangements, rrtiste-ejhiiis. Bills of oa^e, and ail Preferential Seen- ities, County Court Judgments, &c. n LEBT RECOVERY,—Debts recovered upon a simple and M comprehensive system. Full particulars in Prospectus. TERMS— £ 1 Is, 42 23, A:3 3s, £5 5j, according to require- F menis. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the Secretary. Stubbs' Meicantile Offices, 12, Gresham street, London, E.U. CAUTION. 1 NO OFFICE USING THE NAME OF STUBPS," IN THH CITY OF LONDON, IS IN ANY WAY CO NECTeD WIT3 THE FSTAhLlSHMENT AT No. 12, CRESHAM STREET, CORNER OF lilNG STREET, CLOSE TO GUILDHALL. r 10772 i %*TpOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."—Sea JL Deuteronomy, ct.ap. xii, verse 23. f CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE, IritCe Auock. i>iuod Atixtore." i THE GREAT fcLOUD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. | SKIN DISEASED, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore f Legs, Old sores, Glandular Swellings, Cancerous Ulcers, æ- Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, t Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scur/s, Discolors £ tions of the Skin, Humours and Diseases oi the Skin o | whatever name and nature, are literally carried out o: the f system in a short time by the use of this World-famed £ medicine. I THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. r IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Clense the vitiated blood whenever ,)'ou nna its impuritias buioi-iug dIrûu.< the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sortss; cleanse it when you lind it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from aaything injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion of either sex, the proprietor solicits SHNerers o crive a a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE Is sold in Bottles, 2s. 6U. each, and m Casea, containing 0, 1l1J the quantity, lIs. each_I1i¡':teut to cfieco a permanent car" in the great majority of loog-stanaiutj; casts—oy all C'iieiaiits and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kiuirdom and the world, or sent to any address, on receipt of 30 or lii2 stamps, by the proprietor. F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries'Hall, Lincoln Wiiolsaie: All Patent Meuicine Houses LOHTDON DEPOT—140, uXFVKU Si'R^ET. SOLD IN CARDIFF by Col-man and Co., High-street, aiul I Kernick and SOP. wholesale agent HewjK-rt: E. M. Thomas, 121, Comxaercial-screet, and G. Price, 127, 4 Pontypool: E. Stephens, Clarence-street. Ehbw Tr. L. P. Jones. Bx*qgend A. J. Pnee Swansea James ]$ughea, G f %vnmtwr: A. IC 4,ba.iw. t- o k ï