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1876 CERIST^IAS PRESENTS. 1870. THE largest STOCK OF SCARFS AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES, AT J^ORNER & £ JO'S., 27, 29, and 31, ROYAL ARCADE, AND 182, BUTE ROAD. 1876. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 18W6. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SCARFS AND TIES IS SOUTH WALES, AT W. KORNER & CO'S., 27, 29, and 31, ROYAL ARCADE, A 182, BUTE ROAD. 1 J. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 1876. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SCARFS AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES, AT W. KORNER & CO'S., 27, 29, and 31, ROYAL ARCADE, AND 182, BUTEROAD. ^O^IERCHANTS AND TRADESMEN IN CARDIFF, NEWPORT, &c. CHARLES PALMER, ACCOUNTANT. 7, SOUTHEY ST., WORDSWORTH ST., ROATH, CARDIFF, ES TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS COMMENCED BUSINESS AS ABOVE. Books made up and Balanced ON Easy Terms. 11759 POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. C°UGHS, BRONOHITIS, -A. STIll\iA.. T EXTRA ORDINARY — U R E Of a COUGH] "Her Majesty's Gunboat Ne'ley, "Dear «• Wick, NORTH-EAST Coast of Scotland, ^HICH *—HAVING had a most distressing and severe cough "AS °AU*D M<* many sleepless niihts and restless days. I FOUR M°M™ENR'E^ HIS lordship ,1)U EARL OF Caithness to try vjTH invaluable Balsam of Aniseed, and I can assure you AJ,4;CE FIR&T dose I found immediate relief, even without hav- X)ID l!uBpend my vari. ,us duties; and the first small bottle e, ur on f .etely Cured me, therefore i have the greatest confidence Ully recommending it to tf,0 millioD. Signed. "W. L^ZELL, H.M.G.B. Netley." »ARR S OID"EStablished invaluable meoicinn has the extraordi- tteaa OF immediately relieving Coujbs, Coids,Hoarse- UL"iculty of Breathing", aud HuskinesB in the Throat. It KN^'ES b-v ^SOHINRR 1 LIE concealed phlegm, and thereby a free exnectorafop. SOLD by all Chemists-, Is LID and 2s 3d, in bottles only. TTR Tr I 1 ■ I;ARK—Lion, Net, and Mouse. 12276 "OMAS POWELL, Albion place, Blackfriar» road, S.E. r W, 11, & t2. WORKING-STREET, CAJiDUT. Ga A. STONE, UNDERTAKER, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR. OSTBICH PLUME AND GENERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, MMtevery requisite for Funeral. Fumudiing. 4 A GIFT WORTHY OF^ A HOTIISCHILD IT^T, ■'SBHOWIN'S SHAKLSPEARIAN ALMANAC for 1877. ".B"h I, glows With quotations and illustrations from the shall OF.VON," and from top to TOE is man's life illustrated. ^nnt Two Million Copies or more, and being desirous of rfcn 0A,1*8 dial ribution of them as rapid as possible, I wil send my 'fteen Copies Free of charge, and prepaiii by post, to \d,j 0 ▼ill judiciously dispose of them in their locality, ov •;D> O. P. BROWN, 2, KING STREET, COTENT GARDEN, LOX- 11226 RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. BEECHAM'3 PILLS. fot ^Ul'tted by thousands to bo worth above a guinea a bo* *ton» J?11* *nd Neivoiu Disorders, such as wind and pain in the siek headache, giddiness, fullnejB, and swelling after lCto-1 dsxAnesa and drowsiness, cold chiffis, flushing of heat, •PPfc'lta, shortness of breath, oostivenens, scurvy and fcerrn*6* 01 skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and ail (rijj )" *04 trembling wniitions, ete^ sts. The first dou THIJ** **U«F IN twenty minutes. )v l** no fiction, tor tbey have done it In thousands of eases. I p..rr°Prietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) fcedi«|D,i ,or themt he cliSrflenKea the whole world to produce a •fcitJ! *° equal them fur viva above-named complaints, and Id a.,1"" lhe patient to aound aud Iwitinjr health. Eveiysuffered w c«*tly inrited to toy ono box t* Uiese Piil» and thoy wm 1X0 "ged to I* WORTH A GUINEA A BOX «| tkl *1<!8 of all ages these Fills axe invaluable, as a few dose* i «»rry oS aU groas humours, »nd open all obstructions, tkeuTT* all that is rsq Ured. No female should be without Pi r >_o Ahere is no mediooe to be found equal to BKECHAM'8 ior removing any obstruction er Irregularities of the sye- th(v <»ken aoeording to tn« directions (fiven with each box, •ooawatore twnales ol ail axes to aound and cobiut TU^R. WEAK Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of to 8CT like MAGiO," and a few doses wilt be found TO&EHF5 ON «noet important orirans in the humaa LTI«I7UOM. THEI" steuthen THE whole mureuiar system, teetort 'ON« lost COBH>IEUON, bring baek the keen edge of appetite, arouse hit > act or., with the KOSK-BUD of health, tte whole TRIMTI. •NERJJY of TOO human frame. These are •• FACTS" ,KLT°d by thousands, ev?< braoinsr ail elaeiee of society and one st tna ant tee to the Nervous and debilitated is. 2^CHAM'SL>XLLSHA»E the LARGEST bale of any PATE^ MEDJ •"•E in the worid. BKECHAM'8 MAGIC COUGH FILLS. remedy lor Coughs iu general, Authma, DHBcultv hi shortneee of Breath, Tightress and Oppression of « v-heat, Wheezing, etc, thefce Piila stands unrivalled • and On*1?* ,at)oailnS under the above complaints nead only try ftihv to Prove that they are the Best ever offered to the ODiir '°r A*'bmt.tic and Consnmptire Coughs, Hoarseness, ud |JJP|f»i>«ion of the Chest. Tbey speedily remove that sense of Mu eMiol> au<i Difficulty of Breathing wh ch nightly deprive «oinf^e.nt ot reat- They will give almost instant rel.ef and llj-i?**0 those afflicted with the above distressing and, w*en to5 r>« i?' "Serous ccmplaintg. Let any person troubled with toial • aboVe complaints give BEKCHAM'S COUGH PILtS a h iu1"! like Juagtc. The moat violent Cough will CA(ITIR.T NIE BE removed. "• -RR'THE Public are requested to notice that tho words IttxaH 8 J ir Helens," aie on the Gorernmont Stamp Pr«n.^lTaC1 ot tlla if not on, they arr« a forgery. WET«^»*c385? ^'0'd wboles»l9 and P^Ba.l, by the Pro- "Ud BKECHAM, St Helens, Lat*ott-hire, in Boxes, Hold h? Free for 15 «r Sti Stamps. Doltsd Kingdomf" Medicine Dealer/in the ^-TFCLL DlUCCTlOHa ARB GIVEN \»ITH KACH^UX. ^«STHRE?,RB^ LII°1YAL4 UBTTKBS PATENT ct"d •*»<! fiauubited In the Great lixhibitioua of 1851 VT-rrr-r- and 1862, WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS Is »8ective iBvI!d b? uPw*rda 600 ModJeal Men to be the most Una of aVtfl on 1D 1,10 treatment of HERNIA. The •oft bandit 8>p' £ r- 80 hurtful m iw eftucts, is here avoided; a resisting 8 wor,:i round th« t*> iy. while the requisite PATE»^ EE^RB1* s"ppllpd by the MOC-MAIN PAD and eannot be ^etoci_'i with Bu »u«cii «aae and closeness that it circular m»Tb« ,.lnii mi4y be worn dmring sleep. A descriptive *1 by Tand the Truss (which cannot fail to fit; for- below the hi the L-ir,umfLrenoo of tlie body, two inches Mr JOHN WFJENT TO AianufiCturer. Mceof a Sinai9 iv,^ J E> 2%, PICCy^DILLr, LONDON. Double Truss Ri'10s> 21si» 26« ft^jand 81s 6d. Postage free. An Umbilical'"jui* 6d» and Bite 6d. Poetess free. Postroffice Orders iJih?' *2a- **d 52s 6«L Postage free. ♦ffice, Piccadilly, payable to JOHiS WHITE, Pos* LA JrEw •*SE8 of Weakncsi arid • PERMANENT support nail §pr*in,, «fce nf8 r iu^,inf7y Leff, Varies Vein,, WAWN on like an SdariSInexpensive, ,J 16a •ach; por age Ce BtOCkjn«- «• »'«. 7. 1<H jrrjo WR,, ^LUIIFFACTUREEL AITK- PICOADJAI,^ XIOATTDOIT. ESN IFE. IT IS A REMARKABLE FACT THAT just when the approach of winter renders warmer and more abundant clothing absolutaly neces- sary, the markets have fallen so low as to enable Messrs. W. PRICE and SONS to offer the best makes in all classes of Woollen Goods at a much lower price than for many years past. Their stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING tor Gentle- men and Juveniles is repiete wi'h t\H) Newest btylea in Over- coats, Ulsters, Reeiiug Jackets, Moraine Coats, Tronfers and Ve«ts to match, T-uits of a piece, Welsh and Fancy Flannel Shirts, Cardigan Jackets. Knitted Jerseys, Lambsweol Shirts, Drawers and Pints, Hat a, Caps, Gloves, Scarfs, Mufflers, Mitts, Cuffs, &c. WOOLLEN HOSIERY in great variety. WATERPROOF CLOTHING & TRAVELLING REQUISITES. ADDRESS .—THE CARDIFF HOUSE, CORNER OF CAROLINE STREET, ST MARY ST, CARDIFF. 23 TERMS ONE PRICE. No ABATBMRNT. RUDY MONEY. L E W 0 0 D S EFFERVESCING EFFERVESCING SALINE APERIENT For Sickness, Headache, Heartburn. Irritation of the Stomach Inaction of the Liver and Boweis, Inflammation of the Blood, Blotches. Pimples on the Skin, and as a Cooling, Antibihoua Saline Purgative. This preparation is recognised by the faculty as one of the most useful medicines, and should be kept in every household. Prepared only by EDWIN ALEWOOD, CASTLE SQUARE, SWANSEA. To be obtained through all Medicine Vendors. 11406—3203 W ARE AND COLLE, LATE SAMUEL WARE & SONS, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF; ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. TAILORS, DRAPERS, Ul) WOOLLEN MERCHANTS, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. 10314 THE SPLOTLAND PHARMACY, 17, METEOR STREET, (CORNER OF COMET ST.), SPLOTLANDS, CARDIFF. R. pRUST Has for sale a variety of articles suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YE\R'S PRESENTS, Japan and China Wares, Vases, CaDinets, Trays, Dresden Services, Screens, Fans, &c, ALSO AT 18, METEOR STREET, A general assortment of Sweets, Bon Bons, Cossaques, Prize Packets, Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits and Cakes, Fry and Son's Cocoa, Chocolate Cremes, &e-, &c, PA-TENT ft_ ANTI-FOULING COMPOSITION, For coating iron bottems. Now used by all the leading shipowuing firms in Great Britain. Tenders, including docking, cleaning, painting, and coating, can be had on application to can be na >F JOHJ< B0VEY & CO^ Lloyd's Agency, BUTE DOCKS. CARDIFF. Agents for Newport and Cardiff. 10S91 OTEEJ-l PENS, Warranted Quality, Maniifao- tured by GliOROE W. HUGHES, ST. PAUL'SSQUARB. BIRMINGHAM. The Galvanised Pen. No. 41S. Extra L-trong Metal Skedaddle, No. 386; Old English Pen, No 40; Bank of England Pen, No. 4S; Commercial Pen, No. 865 Bank PPH, Ho. 360 Sphynx Pen, No. 9 School Pen, KO. S47 and Busi- ness Pen, No. 453, give universal satisfaction. Maker of Joseph Budhsll and Co.'s Patent Fountain Pen. Engrossing Jfen, No. 86, and Silver Steel Pen, No. 320. Sample Box, a kinds forfleven Stamps. 11234 NIXEY'S BLACK LEAD. "CLEANLINESS.W. G. NIXEY S Refined BLACK LEAD in Block, for Polishing Stoves and all kindsof Iron-woik equal to burnished steel, without waste or dust. Sold everywhere by all shopkeepers, Id, 2d, and 4d blocks, and Is boxes. Ask for Ask for W. G. NIXEY'S BLACK LEAD, and see that you have it. 12, Soho square, London. CAuTiom. -There are several imitation& 10577 H R IS T M A S CHRISTMAS!! CHRISTMAS! E. G. MITCHELL, GROCER AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, 4, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF, Begs respectfully to call special attention to his carefully selected STOCK of CHRISTMAS FRUITS and other LUXURIES suitable to the season. HUNTLEY and PALMER'S ICED-ALMOND and other CAKES. FANCY BISCUITS in great variety. PRIME RIPF, STILTON, CHEDDAR, and other CHEESE. CHOICE MATURED CIGARS. ANCHOR'S, FRASKLYN'S, WILL'S, end other FANCY TOBACCO, &c., &c. 11927 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. JJ GWEETING, PERFUMER, 13, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF, Begs to announce the ANNUAL SHOW OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH GOODS Will commence ON SATURDAY, THE 9TH DECEMBER. IMMENSE VARIETY FROM IS. TO £10. ALiO KID GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, SILK POCKET-HANDKER- 3916 CHIEFS, SCARVES, &S. 11866 ONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and dehvered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auetioneers. lesseef4 of the Pnm-inal Pool iiilv Places- RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTE8. XTAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND, ■ ■ the uiost -certain and speedy remedy for Asthma, Con. sumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, DITT1"—I Breathing Spitting of Blood. Hooping Cough. Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, &0 It gives instantaneous relief, and rapidiy effectwarcure. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. Testimonials are unnecessary, as there is scarcely family South Wales which has not proved its efficacy IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable, as children are fond of it, and take it eagerl, Immediately it is taken coughinsr ceases, restlessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once triedit woul., ever afterwards be without it. Prepared only by A. Hayman, chemist, Neath; and gi ld bY » hemists. Price. 1 Ad and Sis. 9d. per bottle. 16 HOWELL'S AROMATIC STEEL AND PENNYROYAL PILLS. A speedy cure for all FEMALE IRREGULARITIES, DEBILITY, &c. They pive a healthy bloom to the complexion, purify and cause a free circulation of the bl( ;jd, open obstructions, and fortify the constitution, thereby restoring the sufferers to cheerful and robuet he iith. Sold in boxes at Is J d and 2S 9d, duly included. Sent. BY post free for 14 or 84 stamps. Prepared only by THOMAS HOWELL, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 255, Lute street, and 1, Adam street, Cardiff.- "11808 KFAD DR. PARNE^NE^TWORK, entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH or, tli- CONFIDEN- TIAL FRIEND On the LAWS GOVERNING LIFIO, and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, aud TREATMKN Tof all diseases depen- ding on Exhaustion <;f Nervous Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, No;ses in the Head aid Ear*, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Anpe:ite, Pains in the B.ck and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Diznness Love of Solitude, Groundless Ffars, aid many other ailments, which, if neg- lected, bring the sufferers to »U early death. Together with Hints on Chronic IiViueniatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hyf teria, and all DiseaseJ of the Nervous and Alimentary fry steal. Illustrated by nurnereus 4eqtlllinllials from grateful patients who have been restored to health through the author's instru- mentality. Sent post free for 2 stamps or by letter post, S stamps. Advice by Letter Gratis. Special advice in all disorders pecu- liar to Females. The FEMALE'S FRIFNT) and ADVISER will be sent GRATIS to any address on RECEIPT ot STAMPED ENVELOPE. Address. Dr. J. A. BARNES, 48, LonS..ale Square, Barnsbury, London, N. D Important to Country Patientf. R. BARNES may be consulted personally or by letter, in all private and confidential cases; a* d f r 1. benefit of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit him, he v, ill "1) n- c i, D21B. description of their case, enclosing s,an,pe,l I I.-• R P h. 111 dytogivi h's opinion upon the 1m! 11 t c, ■■ ■ ■ ■ I t'i I riutiples of treatment necessary to e:tVL:' t, It AOD ESS, Dr. J. A. BARXFS, 48, Lonsdale Squari, L'arnsLurv. London, N. WATERPROOF CLOTHING. '^yATERPROOF CLOTHING. JMPORTANT NOTICE. JPOR WATERPROOF CLOTHING of every Description go to the I SOUTH WALES INDIA-RUBBER COMPANY 32, WEST BUTE STREET, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Who have just received a LARGE and ASSORTED CONSIGN MENT of same, suitable for the Present Season. Ihey would take this opportunity of drawing special attention to their DOUBLE TEXTURE PARAMATTA TWEED AND SERGE. WALKING AND RIDING COATS at Manufacturers' Prices. J LACK DOUBLE TEXTURE PARAMATTA jEJt COATS, of various sizes, from 80s. ANCY TWEED AND SERGE COATS, Jf Assorted Patterps, 35s. to 40s. SINGLE TEXTURE COATS ks Large Variety to Select from, 8s. 6d. and upwards. OILSKIN CLOTHING of every kind, suitabl for MINERS and SINKERS. LEATHER LEGGINGS and OVERALLS suitable for BOSS, YOUTHS, and MEN, in all Sizes and Shapes. INDIA RUBBER LEGGINGS and OVER- JL ALLS, suitable for BOYS, YOUTHS, and MEN, in all Sizes and Shapes. INDIA RUBBER TRAVELLING and CAR _tL RIAGE RUGS; various Patterns. IUE- HORSE LOIN CLOTHS all J- sizes. INDIA RUBBER CART AND WAGON JL COVERS, all sizes. NDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING. NDIA RUBBER SHEETS. INDIA RUBBER VA-LVES for Marine and Stationary Engines. INDIA RUBBER WASHERS for Steam and JL Water Joints. INDIA RUBBER HOSE (Suction and JL Delivery). NDIA RUBBER GAS TUBING. NDIA RUBBER DRAUGHT TUBING. INDIA RUBBER SPEAKING TUBES, JL MOUTH PIECES, and WHISTLES. NDIA RUBBER BOOTS and SHOES. jgOLE AGENTS IN SOUTH WALES FOR TELK PATENT SELF-LUBRICATING EAGLE STEAM and WATER PACKING, Which is far Superior to any previously introduced. PRICE, Is 6d per 11>. NOTE THE ADDRESS- SOUTH WALES INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, 32, WEST BUTE STREET, 10671-3689 BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. QARDIFF HEMP & WIRE ROPE WORKS. ELLIOTT AND BRUKEWICH, SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS, AND STORE MERCHANTS, Having just Erected EXTENSIVE ROPE WORNB. are now PREPARED TO SUPPLY SUBSIAN AND MANILLA HEMP ROPE. Also GALVANIZED WIRE ROPE. Horms and Prices on Application to POWELL PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. NAS* STIFF'S gTARCH." STIFF'S STARCH." One Trial of this Eeautiful Starch WiU Prove its SuPerierItY- T RADE MARK. QUEEN gBSS' ON EACH PACKAGE. "(gTIFF'S STARCH." « STIFF'S NTAROILL" s Soid by Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen • and Wholesale »t 29, REDCLIFF-STBEET, BRISTOL. 10558 F7SE OVLY O T H 3 R (, ILL'S CIGARS. SOLI' EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE.—4. STUART-HALL. CARDIFF. USE ONLY JpOTHERGlLL'S TOBACCO. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE.—4, bTUART-HALL, CARDIFF. 7018 JOHN GOSITULL AND CO.'S CMiRRY 'I.'O,¡TH PAsTk Is greatly superior to any To .th Powder gives the Teeth a. pe&il-iike whiteness, protects the enamei from decay, and impaits a pleasing fragrance to the b'-eath". P. ice Is t d per put. JOHN GOSNELL AND CO.'S TOILET AND NUKSKKY POWDER. Beautifully poifumed, and Guaranteed Pure. To be had of all respestabio- Chemists and Perfumers, Wholesale: ii ANGEL PASSAGE, 93. U t>Plift THAMES-STREET, l.ONI-ON. o That is Gold ^*ich is worth Gold. WHITES PI I*L OF HEALTH Patented and rendered l"8teleSB by a new process. Copy of Analrs s from Dr. Hopkins. I have made a ca< etui analysis of '• White's Pill of Health," and found them to be compounded of genuine and pure ingre- dients. I think them the beat Aperient ani Antibilious HUS known-a warm stomachic, and admirably adapted for wind anj constipation generally. (Signed), general!} JOHN MORGAN HOPKINS, M.D. 11, Quay-street, Carmarthen. WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH Is, Without exception, the satc-si..Domestic Medicine known. Once used, they are universally approved of, and never I to render satisfaction. Compounded with the best Drugs, they will be found ta present tin bost form of Family Medic ne Lv* their mild nnd gentle action on the liver, they reators tone %a vigour, producing a hea thy btate of the stomach. They remove obstructions, a.nd by their timely use the formation of various complainis, which prove a source of anxiety and unhappine^, are prevented. WHITE'S PILL OF HEALTH. Is INVALUAISLM; FOR TllS SKIN AND BLOÜD Copy of Tostinconiai from ilessri. Soutnall Brothers and Barclav NV iloiebals Pharmaceutical COemitts, Birmingham. ,c DKAR 81RS,-We have examined ) our Pills, and have pleasure in stating that they cnn'aiii nothing injurious, and that they are prepared from the very best Diugs. We are, dear Sirs, joursf -itlifully KOUTHALL BROTHER^ & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Windor Flatulence, Costive nes», Uiduiuess, Heartburn, Pain in the Head, Chest, Back, or Loins, Gravel and Stone, Liver* Complainuf Pale or fallow Complexion, Palpitation of tne Heart, Colic, Pimples, Piles(boih outward and inwaid), (.ruptKiis, Loss ol Appetite, Sickness, &c. ,&c., ra> idiv cui "d l>y taking WHITES PILL OF HEALTH Sold in Boxes 7Jd. and Is. ljd. eack, cr tree by post for 9 or 15 penny postage stAiups, from the proprietors WHITE BROTHERS, M.P.S.. elitinidts, Carmarthen. Copy of recent Testimonial. March 21st 1870. GENTLEMEN,—I hitV much pleasure in testifying as to the efficacy of.) our" Pili of Health." They tan ila taken at all times without any iiico veuience, and readily afford relief in any obstructions, one or two doses suffice tor Biliousness, Heartburn, or indigestion. I can 11.)60 specially rjcommen>i them as a iraveller- -Yours very faithfully, THOMAS DARGAN, Inspector, R. S.P.C.A. Sold by Chemists everywhere—equalled nowhere, in ooxes 'id. and Is. lid. each Prepared only by WHITE BROTHERS, M.P.S., Ghemtsts, Carmarthen. TO CHEMISTS. -The Proprietors will be happy to supply the "Pill of Health-" direct,or they can lie oUamtd from any VVholesale Patent Medicine -Firm in tit- n; ed Kingdorn. Counter..Bills.. witft name and addre. »■ f\.C, may be had in i qnantity"hy giving*name of any vt holesal^ I rm in Loiidoll,, where they mav be sentfor enclosure- 7 44s—30&S NOT ICE. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC BUSINESS CARRIED ON BY H E R R G 0 L D M A N, J'9 AT THE STUDIO ROYAL, 45, WIND STREET, SWANSEA, WILL BE CONTINUED AS HITHERTO. Copies of all Negatives taken bv Ilerr Goldman and his Predecessors can still be obtained at the above address. OPEK "ROM EIGHT A.M TILL TEN P.M. 1U93 A CARDJ. TMTR CARLTON RICHES, AMERICAN DENTIST, CAN BE CONSULTED AT COLUMBIA HOUSE, No. 23, DUMFRIES PLACE, CARDIFF (The nearest house to the Drill Hall). C. R. has just left the Surgery of Dr J. H. Douglass, D.D.S., Corry. Penn. (late of Caraifl), after a residence there of 2 years, durine which period be acquired a most intimate and extensive knowledge of American Dentistry. 11543 C H R I STMAS PRESENTS. S B U R N A N, 9, WINE STREET, BRISTOL. WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, SILVERSMITH. WATCHES, From 25s to £ 25. CHAINS, 9, 15, and 18 CARAT. JEWELLERY, GOLD, SILVER, and JET. SILVER AND ELE, CTRO-PLATED GOODS. WEDDING AND KEEPER RINGS. 31 31 Usim EMINGIVAY'S NEW DRY SOAP, and EXTRACT OF SOAP. One trial wil establish their superiority over all others. iHREE PRIZE MEDALS & DIPLOMA OF MERIT AWARDED. SUITABLE FOR ALL DOMESTIC PURPOSES. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Warehouse: Trafalzar street, Bradford, Yorkshire. 63S5 T 0 COLLIERY PRORIETORS AND COAL MERCHANTS. SECOND-HAND COAL TRUCKS, NEARLY NEW FOR SALE for CASH, on DEFERRED PAVMENIS, or to t-e LET ON HIRE. 20 10-ton G.W.R. COAL TRUCKS, with side and end doors. 20 8-ton G.W.R. COAL TRUCKS, ditto ditto. 20 8-ton G.W.R. COAL TRUCKS, with end doors only. 2o 7-ton T.V.R. COAL TRUCKS, with end doors only. TRUCKS can be seen at the REPAIRING SHEDS, on the EAST MoORS, CARDIFF, and all particulars may be tud by applying te V. A. WILLIAMS, Secretary, WESTERN WAGON CO. (Lim;ted>, NICHOLAS STREET, 10961 BRISTOL. TOOTH ACHE, TIC DOLOREUX, NEU. KAL.UIA, PAU\fc IN iHE llaAu, i'ACE, aud GUMS. Tuese distressing complaints are almost immediately relieved byREADE'S TOOTil-ACHii and 1IC LuLOREUX PiliLS. The safes, quickest, and most certain remedy. Tney cure by at 01 ce soothing the nei ves and giviug tone to the system, so as to preveiit a recurrence of the complaint. Tlltese Pills prdcuro a refreshing night's rest where sleep bus departed from the sufferer for days, and preveno the necessity of extraction. Whether the c implaint is brought on by taking cold, by a we ik state of the nerves, or iy a disordeied siomacli, these Pills prove effectual. Sold by Messrs. Anthony Coieman & Co., Chemists, High-street; Joy; and Williams, Chemist, lime' street, Cardiff, in boxes »t 13,jd. and 2s. 9d. each, and sent per post on receipt of 16 or ;t5 stamps, by the makers, Read* Brothers, Chemipts. Wolverhampton. London M'ent: Sanirer. 13AIN8 In the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAOa A- RHEUMATISM, üOUT, DISEASES of the tUDNEXi BLADDER, 8TK1CTUKE, Ae. DR DE ROODS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS Are celebrated all ever the world as the most safe and speedj r«n»cdy for theaoove dtngerous compiaiets, Disehurges of auj Are celebrated all ever the world as the most safe and speedj ulmedy for theaoove dtngerous compiaiets, Disehurges of auj rind. Stone in the Biadoer, and Dueases of the Kidneys an J Urinary Orgai- teneraily, Posaessii.g tonio properties, thaj, fcgreu with the most delicate stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, increase the appetite, improve the gtneral health, and i» three da\s will effect a cure, when copaiba, cubebs, and aB dangerous medicines of that class have utterly failed. Is l(d, Gs 9d, 4s 6d, lis,and 83s per box. These celebrated Pills are an infallible remedy Ut the most obstinate cues. By their use alonll many thousands have beee annually restored to health whtD every other medicine has failed. Their vast superiority over a,, oir) thing el" ia the CUll of the above complaints is universally acknowledged, and the extraordinary demand tor them ever sinoe thtitr ncst ifttroduo. tion is without precedent. In no instance have they ever been known to fail or produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting from copaiba, cubebs, turpentin-, and other medicines usually resorted to. 1 h"V require neither confinement nor change of diet, and may justly be considered the only safe, efficscious remedy for all stages of those disorders for which tbey are recommended. I THE MOST WONDERFUL PILL8 IN THE WORLD. DR DE ROOS' PlLULÆ VITÆ, OR VEGE. TABLE LLFjj; PILLS. All sufferers from generaj narvousness aud morbid feelings, sleep, harassing dreamt, unnecessary fears, ciental irritability, failure of the mental and hodiiy powers, weakness of the herves, headache, noise^ in the head, giddine #, Indigesiioti, and oiher s>r.ipton.s of chronic disease, will haii with joy thdiscovery of llr De Kooa* Life Pills, whicJi speedily ano aiiuost magically remove i*iiu and disease, whatevei nature, restore cheerfulness to the »piriis vigour to the bodjy, ana Strengthen ail the organs on tibiea lf<e and health ueperd. They do not contain a particle of ni-ieuty, but are puifcly Vege- table, and tor affections of the liver, flatulency, bile, sick heud- ache, dizziness, to-s of appitite, joviiitsri of spirits, sensations of fulness at the pit of tin; stomach, pain lietwecn the shuulders, and t.ie distress arising from mdi^esti'n and general debility, they will be found of unexampled effleao}, and it is no small advantage that they can I t;,ke.'i at Any time without danger either from wet or co d, or necessity for restraint from business, or pleasure. They act mildly 0.1 the bowels, without paiu or triping, impart strength to the stomach, provide a healthy action » the liver, tbua preventing or, when present, cuiing the Jaundice or dropsy, clearing 1 e skin, removing the SallownebS and pimples, purifying the blood, bracing tho, nerves, and marvellously invigorating the whole bystelil. Females of all ages will find them invaluab e, aud Should never he without them. Pricels. lid., SsSd„4s. Od., lis., and 33a. per box. THE MOST ASTOUNDING CURES are JL daily being effected in casea ..t Nervous Debility, Im- purity of the Blood, Defective Circulation, Langour. Lassitude, Depres-«io» of Spirits. Indigestion, Pain and Palpitation in the Side Harassing Dreams, fcc.. Ac., by means of DR DE ROOS' WORLD-FAMED GUTTiE VIT^E. OR VEGETABLE LIFE DROPS, vhose efiei ts a.ereally nugtcuJ in rtstoi ing lost tone iu the «-»tem (arising from whatever cauat), re-invi^orating and cu- livening the whole co poreal frame, and gradually, but effeo- tivelv, building up the most shattered constitution. Although tliis truly wondnrful r. cuperaMTO tonic is not put forward as Imparting imm utality, it U not too much to say that by its means New Life Is, as it were, imparted to the nervous OLD 3 r lio were evict-ntly si'king into an early grave; wiltist to those of ma ureryiars it will gently and serenely pro- %ract the close of life. Tl.ousat ds of apparently hopeless e&MtK, given up by the facuity, aro now in the enjoyment of h\ø.lch (JUe'lIglc¡.wet bl,Oiu i I i r, g testimony to the un- epcakaiile value ofthie remai liable 1Il"dlCin<>. Hundreds of testi- monials, too numerous to pubtisn. may be seen by any one. The P/eparatiou is extremely ploa-tant to take, and 1101m need suffer whilst such a miraculous medicament is in kleinvii. of studious habits, debilitated females, and those on whem the Wear and tear of life is beginning to tell, should persevere steadily with this Liie-revivlng Tonic for one month, nnd they will bu astonished at its rtsult J. All those who have tried other mean galvanic and electric appliances, Ac., without any tiene- flcial result, are earnestly recommended to make fair trial of thi. medicine, which, beinr i-onc^cted on the highest scientific principles, invariably succeeds. The greatest success attendant on this wonderful discovery has Itd to a bost of liumnlo and worthless imitations. Price 118. and 8. pr Bottl. The large lille contain* sufficient for four weeks. IMPORTANT NOTlCK TO THE PUBLIC.—Every package of Dr Da Boos'preparations bears th Government Stamp with the words M^ALTBR I)B iioos, London," in White Letters on a Red Ground, Dy order of Her Alajesy's Ilonoura'dt; Com- enissioncis, without which none can possibly bo genuine Dr. D» &oos' world-famed medicines are sold by Mr Anthony, Ml Joy, and Mr Coleman, chemists. Cardiff; Mr PiurdLe, chernist, 59, High-street, Bristol; and they may be obtained of every Patent Medicine Vendor in the world, of most Chemists, 01 shou'dt.he least difficulty occur, will be forwarded to any part of the United Kingdom (Carriace Free) per retnrn, OK receipt OL tbeamount, by DrDs Roos, 43, Hclford Square, London, W.C. Debilitated and nervous sufferer* sitould read the "Medical Ad via: r." by Dr DB HODS. "II the secret causes of nervous de- b:Iit\, unhappy and unfruitful marriages, impotency, deprcs- sitiii of spirits, aad confirmed melancholy, too frequently traceable to certain pernicious habits acquired ir early life. Sent post free on receipt of twelve s amps by Mr Uvn, Medi- cal Publisher, 14, Hand-court, HOI'DO H, London, W.C. A smaUsr edition nuur be had post free for two staawe. (UUt—20&a THE OLD CAMBRIAN MINERAL WATER- j L WOTTKS, SWANSEA, P«c. 5th, 1S76. We, the undersiirned, Trusters of tho late Mr JOHN BETTS, in thanking the Puidic ;or the kind patronage bestowed on him, beg respectfully to inform tiiem that the Lusires.-I will be con- ducted in the usual way under the Management of Mr HERXK, who LI.II- supe,it)tui,deti it for the last 20 jears, and trust that we shall ue favoured with a continuance at their esteemed oraers, which shall receive our best attention. WILLIAM BUTT, WILLIAM JONES, 11913 6, Page-street, Swansta. Trustee-. J, w ILL J. A M S, HAY, STRAW, CHAFF, AND CORN MERCHANT, 33, CUSTOM HOUSE STREET. CARDIFF. 10871 F. J. S M I T H Begs to inform the Public that she intends OPENING A GENERAL STATIONERY AND BOOKSELLER'S BUSINESS, at No. 3, CASTLE ROAD, ROATFF. Monthly Periodicals punctually supplied. Daily Parcels from London. All London and Local Newspapers to Order. A Nice Variety of CHRISTMAS BOXES AND PRESENTS. She trusts by strict attention to orders received to merit a share of patronage. CIGARS, &c., for Sale. Best Quality. 11860 ~T A. IT. JAMBS & Co., FOR POLISBED GRANITE MONUMENTS, FROM £ 5. 116, Dock street, Newport, Mon. Apply for Plans and Prices. 11426"| AND THE PRAISE THEREOF SHALL BE IN EVERY MOUTa IOPP, SON, & CO.'S Peerless Vegetable AIITUEPNC Oeutal SCALL.(ji POWDN.IT, tubtl&tind. power iui, LUXURIOUS, AND aromatic, iias esiablislitd itself AMPLER RAPIDITY <±»ine qua n<m of the toilet-tat>le. Gotng?direct to THE TOOT^OF diseabe, and eradicating tiie-very germ of decayt obviates, and has euU'elpeuperseded the im pairing and iron ble- some PROCESS of mechanical 6CALINI!. It acts bene5cially on the enamel, irresitibly removes tartar, preseryesistrengthens, and gives to teeth A dazzling pearly whiteness. Continued applica- tion absolutely insures to .them a lasting, healthful, AND health- ARTIficiallv scented It imparts a delightful fraCRAnce to the4>reaFh. „ Examined aud recommended b7 Vr' fc"8on "DKINEOA) 96 Mosley-street, Manchester; and DR* HENIY RamsbothaM> IG' AGFT^TFER CEARDIFF. Anthony,.chemist, &c., 39, St. Mary- gtreet,.Royal ARC^T, AID Crockherbtown. Price, IS 6d 2s 6,1(1 LTER BOX- BOLD by Chemists aad Pprfumer* NR W"T, Post Free, hy tho Inventor and Sole Pro- prietors, COPP, SON, & CO., S675 P DELISTS, 6, WATERLOO-ROAD, MANCHESTER. 6341 KORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS are now recognised by all as being the best Medicine T et discovered FOR PILE AND GRAVEL, as well as for the following pains, which, in 99 cases out of every 160, are caused by these painful maladits:- Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense of Weigh in the Back and Loins, Darting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver and Kidneys; Constipation, Pains in the Thighs, sometimes sbontiuc down to the ealfoftheLeg and Foot; Suppression and Retention of Urine; Pains in the btomach and alt Liver Complaints, Thousands have been cured b thetc Pills, and many who have been pronounced hopeless have been thoroughly restored to health by their use. One box will convince the most sceptical of their efficacy. In order to suit all who may be suffering from ONE or BOTH of these Maladies, the Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy in the following form NO. 1-GitON.(Æ'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2 -GKORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3-GEGitt:lE'8 PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, ana Invalids from all parts of the country, will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. Sold in Boxes. It 1 and ^s9d,by all respectable Chemitts. By post, 1* 4d, and Ssin Postage Stamps. Every box is protected iy the (jrooemmcni Stamp. NOTICS —The Tit e"II(,K AND GRAVEL PILLS" is Copy, right, and enterea at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor—J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., Hit wain, Glamorgan. May be had WHOLKSALN/ROI/I most Patent Medicine Ware- 4vW s in Lonaon, Bris:ol, Liverpool, d: Manckem.er. 3267 DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANOET. All invalids should read the Chapter 011 the functions of Digetst.on, showing by what process food is con- verted into Blood—How blood sustains the whole system-iiow Nervous Power influences all the bodily orgaus to perform their allotted-fmictions— Principles of Life and Death unfolded-Dying seldom accompanied with pain-Mental vision amplified pClano the death of the body-Immortality of tht- !itelliirent principle. DR. ROOKS'S AN Tl- L ANOET Aek your Chemist or a copy (GRATIS) of the last edition, containing 1 pages. k" ROOKE'S ANTI-LANOET The Nervous, tiie Dyspeptic, or the Hypochondriac SHOULD read tde diaper 011 the Origin of all Diseases from Depression ot Nervous or Yiial Power—How explained—PI odueing or exciting causes of Nervous uepresaion-Etlects of the Mind on the Body- Effects of Excessive J oy-Anwer -Grief and Suspense —Sudden Surprise and Fright—Hard Study-Hot Relaxing Fluids—Intemperance in Eating and Drink- lIlg-Spirituoul Liquors-Low of Blood-Impure Air' DR ROOKE'S ANTI-LANOET. Head the Chapter on the Destructive Practioe of Biecding, illustrated by the cases of Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott, Madame Malibran, Count Cavour, General "Stonewall" Jackson, and other public characters. R n OOKE'S ANTI-LA.NOET. A Clornman writing to Dr. aookes under date July 15th, 1874, speaking of the" ANTI-LAJNCET,"says: OF its style and matter I can uige, for I have been an author on other themes for hirty years. None but a master-mind among meu could have conceived or written your introduction. It is the most perfoct do- lineation I ever read of the human frame, and the links between the material fabric and the spiritual unison of body and soui." T\ R. ROOKE'S ANTI. LANOE T HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE. i,,an be liad tkitAfiN Of &ii Chemists, or POST FREE from Dr, Kooku, TV R. ROOKE'S ANTI-LAN 0 E TT A What is it'< A Handy Guide to Domestic Medicine Every Household should possess a co V. CROSBYS BALSAMIC JOUGH ELIXIR. "U CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH Kr.rTrfp. Opiates, Narcotics, and Squiltg ARe too often invoked to give relief in coughs. Colds, and all Pulmonarv Diseases. Instead of such fallacious remedies, which yielu momentary relief at tho expense of enfeebling the digestive organs, and thus increasing that de bility which Ilea at THE root of the maiady, modem science pOiuts to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy. R. R O OKE' S A N T I-LAIIOEI D All who wish to preserve healtu, and thus PROLONG hlo, snould read DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET or HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE, which can be had GRATIS from any Chemist, or Poet Free from Dr. ROOKE, Scarborough. Concerning this book, the late eminent author, Sheridan Knowles, ooserved :—" It will be an incalculable boon to evorv lieiison who can read aud tliiilk." CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. Dr. ROOM'S 'IKSTCMOSIAI,. —-J-H. Ur. ROOKE, Scarborough, Autuor of the "And Lancet," says:—"I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Ooujrh Pain and Irritation of the Chest, in cases of PuJmonar» Consumption; aud I can, with the greatest confldmwf/ r-jcommena it as a -lost valuable adjunct to an of hi?* wise strungtiteniiilztreatmerit for this disease ——— riROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXTR KJ CLERGYMEN, StNGERS, and PUBLIC BPEAKKR^ wil. iind it the most effectual safeguard at Hoarseness, Chronic Bronchitis, safeguard agai,,t the vocal organs. and illi auectioua of /SROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. VY TKAVELLJTHS, SPORTSMEN, EMLGRANTS^TI otheis, exposed to suuden chantres of easterly winds fog, wet c.otnu.^c.fn^K^ ttmeiy d.-ses of this medicine, ward off all unpkaswiT consequeiiceu "H«>»SANT CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR PURAIOSART COMSUMPTIOM. Tothoso who suffering uuder this malady the uieuicinc w.'U he > ud of inestimable service as it ftimost instantly RE lie ves the most distressing- Couth Paiu in the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, &<•. F0R the Night S'voats, so fearfully weakening in this disease, it acts as a specific, invariably Checkimr them in the course ol a xc days. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. \J This medicine, wich is IRee from opium and squills not only allays the L'jcal irritation, but mproves digestion and STRENGTHENS the constitution. Hence it is used with the most sigaal success in ASTHMA, CONSUMPTIVE NIGHT BKONCHITI3, SWEATS, CONSUMPTION, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING COUGHS AND COLDS PAIN IN THE CHEST, INFLUENZA, WINTER COUGH INF L And all Affections of the Ihroat and tJijest. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIRS C Is sold in bottles a-, J8. 9d., 4s. 6,1., 41111 LIL each, by all respectable Ch musts, and wholesale by JAS. M if CbeiniHi. SE&rbordn'h. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC OOUGH ELIXIR. c Ask your Chemist f)r the New Edition (GRATIS) of Crosby's Prize Treatise ou DISEASES OF THS LUNGS AND AIK-VESSELs, containing full and plain instructions for the relief and cure of these diseases, or 03t Free FV m JAMES M. CROSBV Ch" "ipr. S-Ari 'ti-or.o-1 C'BOSBY S B.AMAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Can be *bt#.iaed of ski Oii*nif%& tIJG 11595 E. SINGER & CO., FAMILY GROCERS & ITALIAN WAR& HOUSEMEN. 10 AND 11, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, Invite attention to their Stock of GOODS for the PRESENT SEASON. FRUITS IN EVERY VARIETY. HUNTLEY & PALMER S ICED & ORNAMENTED > CAKES. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BISCUITS, &c., &c. A Choice Assortment of COSAQUES AND BON-BONS. FINE RIPE STILTONS. HAMS, TONGUES, BATH CHOPS. GERMAN AND OTHER SAUSAGES. The greatest care is exercised in the selection of all TEAS sold at this Establishment. Qualities and prices will most avourably compare with any other house. 11867 2913 NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION WAREHOUSE, ADAMSDOWN HOUSE (Corner of Meteor street and bottom of Constellation reet) SPLOTLANDS. MESSRS H. L. BISHOP and CO. Beg to inform their numerous customers and friends that the) have OPENED THE ABOVE NEW PREMIEE5 with a well-selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CORN, FLOUR, BREAD, &c. All articles of the best quality, and at the lowest remunenw tive prices. Messrs B. & Co. hope by strict personal attention to business to meet a continuance of their favour and support. 11807 B ILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE REES, 26, BOLTON-TERRACE, NEWPORT, BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER FOR TOWN AND COUKTRf Beats all the principal Hoardings in Newport and Neighborhood. Work executed with dispatch. MU rpHE "DOUBLE DIAMOND" TOOL STEEL Meets a LONG-FELT WANT in a HIGH-CLASS STEEL OF GREAT DURABILITY AND MODERATE PRICE. THE DOUBLE DIAMOND 18 THI: BEST STEEL IN THE MARKET FOR ENGINEERING. MINING, QUARRYING, SINKING &c., PURPOSES. Sample Gratis, with Circular and Prices. M. POWIS BALE AND CO., ENGINEERS and STEEL MANUFACTURERS. Office—20, BUDGE ROW, LONDON, E.C. 11973 p ARAFFIN LAMPS WITHOUT CHIMNEYS BRILLIANT LIGHT, NO SMOKE OR SMELL. ROWATT'S PATENT ANUCAPNIC LAMPS are the only Perfect Lamps without Chimney yet invented, and have no Kqualt in point of SIMPLICITY, ECONOMY, CLEAR WHITK LIGHT. Saenttfic tests by an accurate Photometer give the following i in. Wick, 7 Candle-light I in., 13 Candle-light. I 11 ». 1 1-ltf „ 17 It It in. Wick gives 20 CANDLB-LIGHT. One Trial will prove that ROWART'S LIMPS give MOR LIGHT FOR OIL CONSUMED than any other Burner in the Market. EAC LAMP FITTED WITH DOUBLE DOME. ROWATT & SONS, EDINBURGH AND LONDON. 10869 8686 W. STEPHENS & CO., a Wholesale "VENETIAN WIRE <fe SUN-BLIND ▼ MANUFACTURERS, 84, WINCHCOMBE STREET. CHELTENHAM. Illustrated Price List Free. 10923 s. Ahdmws J. MARSH, .4m FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS. SO, ST. MARY-STREBT, CARDIFF, AND 1 PENABTH MBWS, PENARTH. f. THE IIIIST AND CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE TOWN. £ 8. d. Funeral, with Hearse and Coach, with Pslr of Horses and Hanging Velvets to each, Coffin covered with Black Cloth, richly nailed, best ) Metal Plate, lined with Flannel, Flannel Dress, Pall, Hatbands, and attendance 5 6 0 Second Claw, also Black Cloth a A 0 Third Class, with French Polished Coffin, or Black Cloth, and appendages as above & 8 0 Children's Carriage Funerals from 0 16 0 Hearses for the Conveyance of Corpses In Town for 61; for every extra mile. b. Heansc, Sham beers, and Mourning Coaohcs to all parts of the country. CAKRIAGB OFFICES J— BOATH MEWS, CARDIFF; DUDLEY-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF; WEST MEWS, SEVERN-ROAD, CANTON, 3002 CARDIFF. 7033 L TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR OF 8A.LE, Tl/TAISH'S LIVER PILLS are prepared Atom J-vJL a prescription written by Sir Benjamin Brodle Hate Queen's Phy sician), and are made expressly for INDIGESTION and LIVJCR COMPLAINTS, whioh may be reoogmlsed by the following tymptoms! Giddim" In the head, pains low in the right side, Increased by pressure; pain under the collar bones and between the shoulders, wind in the stomach, dry cough, habitual eostlveness, sickness on the stomach, acute and burning sensation In the region of the stomach, com- monly called heartburn extreme weakness, pain in the back, in- creased pain on taking anything into the stomach, palpitation of the heart, severe pains in the head, spots traversing before the sight.—Welsh Agsnts:—Cardiff, (X Yotatb, 282, Bate street, and Coleman and Co.; Newport, J. Edmunds, High street; Swansea, A. Powell; Carmarthen, White Bros.; l ontypool, Roderick; Blakeney, Phiilpotts; Chepstow, Langley; Cirder- ford, Cordwiu; Coleferd, Williams; Haverfordwest, Williams; Lydnev, Smith Merthyr. White; Newent, Cromwell; Ne wa- ll am, Hardeman: Pembroke Doek, Williams Tredegar, Crom- well Dowlais, J. Ridge Cardigan, J. E. Jones. Sold by the Proprietor, EDWARD MAISH, 8, Michael's crescent. Bristol (late of the Bristol General Hospital, six year*), and all Chemists, in boxes, 7 £ d., Is lid., 2a 0d. or by post, 14 or I tamps. 9560 I KP, c, IF A FTL,VRV>L> RULTIRIBLX THMP",ON'S BURDOOK PILLS overcome the worst forms of diseases and the foulest state of the blood, stomach, liver, and kidney. they go to the core of every di'eace where no ether medicine* have power to reach Tae GIAHLT BLOOD PURIFIER ceres the following com- plaints 'I"digestion, er wind in the stomach or bowels, giddi- ness in the head, dimness of sight, weak or sore eyes, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, liver, and bilious obstruc- tions, asthma, or tightness in the chest, rheum.tics, lumbago piles^ gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, bad letrs, bad breast! tore throat, sore heads, and sores of all descriptions, burns, wounds, or white swellings, scrofula, ro king's evil, eatherimrs tumours or oaneers, pimple* and blotches on the face and body.' swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, Erysipelas, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In b°3cel*ti8- 2s-M- each, sold by most Chemists, or from the Burdock Pill Manufactory, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea. ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is wan r&nte(i to cure all discharges from the urinary organs is euner sex. acquired or constitutional, giavel. and pains in th< back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all chemists and pateni medicine vendors; oreent te any address jor to stamps, by th< maker, K. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, High street, Lincoln Wh*lesale agents, Barclay and Sons, London, and all the whole. sale houses. Sold in Cardiff by Joy and Coieman. chemists Newport, E. M. Thomas, 121, Commercial street; Pont,,p,)ol. E: Stephens, Clarence street; L. P. Jones, Ebbw vafe; A. J Pr:ce, Bridgend; Cardiff, D. Anthony, Boval Arcade, and 8Sr Kt Mary street, and Kernick and Son, wholesale agents, 28' Duke street. Swansea, James HughtS, 23. Castle street QI Price. 127. Commercial street. Newport. Moat