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gubllc SuUminments. BWLCH, iT^E UN S H Fk Ui T AN EISTEDDFOD Will be held it the above place oil WEDNESDAY, JULY 28lli, 1875, when liberil Prizes will be given in Music, Poetry, and Pres. FLill iwticjlars in pio^rawne to ba had bv enclosing two stamps to the Secretary, T. Powell, j un., Bwlch, R.S.O. 9^56 PEMBROKESHIRE AND HAVERFORD- WET 1FFIRMABY. AN EISTEDDFOD In AID of t!:e FL'.VOS of the above institution will take place at the Havenoruwe^t Agricultural Society's Show YarJ, on WED- Xt.SDAY, the Stli day of SRPTEMHEK Next. Hie fo-,IoA itl,, Gentienvn comprise the Committee for the pur- p !ge of conducting the arrangements :• Mr J, D. Brown. Mr K H. Ila-v; y. Mr Wm. Davies. Mr Joseph Thomas. Air Thoa. Rule Owen. Air K. Eaton Evans. Mr Stephen Green. Mr G. J. bland. Mr John James. Mr Samuel Thomas. Mr W. L. 3ir Willium William- Mr John Brown. Mr J. T. Evuis. A Syllabus of Subjects may be had of the lion. Secretary at Id. each, or by poet lid. W. MILL'.GAN PHILLIPS, Hon. Sec. 22nd May, 1875. VANS'S CONCERT HALLUF VARIETIES, PAIiKOT HOTEL, NEWPORT. Tlie Original and only acknowledged Hall in Newport. Special engagement, at encimoud exj.onse, of the Great FRANK EGKRTON. Re-:tppearance, altera icng absence, of Miss LEONORA GREY. First appearance in Newport cf the Great Duettista, MR. and MRS. JOE STONEIi, Eccentric Comedians, Burlesque Artistes, Dancers, &c. First appearance in Newport of Mis3 JENNY STANLEY, the picquant Serio-Comic, and female Vance. First appearance in Newport of MADAM LEONI, the charming CharacteTislic and Skipping-Rope. Dancer. 9351 Jtofels. THE ROYAL HOTE4 CARDIFF. PROPRIETOR MR. R. WAIN. Mr. R. WAIN (for ten years Proprietor of the Griffii and Castle Hotels, Eryninawr), beg- to annouuci 1 hit lie has completed arrangements with the Cardiff Hotel C mpanv (Limited), and b:\9 lakeri possession of the ROYAL HoTKL, CAKDIFF, which he will in future conduct. He trusts th it the reputntion which he acquired as Proprietor, first of the Urillin Hotel, and subsequently of the Caetle Hotel, will be an indication of the manner in which he will carry on the Royal Hotel, the Largest and Best Hotel in South Wales. 9150 C RYSTAL T'ALAC hfHOTEL, 70, UXJfORD- c STREET, SWANSEA. E. KEMPTHOIiNE (late of Cardiff), PROPRIETOR. The above old and well-csUblished Inn, having been recently refitted arivi furnished, is now replete with every comfort FILm lies, Visitot s, and Commercial Men will find in the above establishment every accommodation, combined w th VP™ Modera'e Chargrs. y ALRS, WINES, SPIRITS, TOBACCO, aud CIGARS of tv. BEST QCALITY. WELL-AIRED BEDS, SWANSEA BAY H 0 T E L (Late Long's Hotels 1 MUMBLES ROAD, SWANSEA Opposite the Bathinsr.pla.ce a,-d St. Helen's Winn E. SIKDLe;, PKOPKIRTOii Tlie above old-established Hotel is iin.ler .-r tw, ment. Commercial Gentlemen an 1 Visitors will tind v ,mana?e" lort and accommodation, combined with moderate charl47 C0U1" and Coffee always ready. T.baecD aii,l Cigan (if the besc(lu&lity so!d. 9300 F I R S T C L A S S BRITISH WORKMAN, VVHAET ON STREET, CARDIFF. Beds, Is. &d and Breakfast, la. 6d. CLF.A.N'LrXESB, COMPORT AXD ECONOMY. -THE ULD AND FAMou:flioTÍ<,L,- THE "TALBOT," VICTORIA STREET, BRISTOL, HAS BEEN REBUILT, AND WILL BE OPENED ON THE 5th 08* MAY, A3 A FIRST CLASS FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. MISS LINFIELD, Manager. OXFuRD HOTEL (LATE CARPENTER'S ARMS), THE HAYHS, CARDIFF. JOHN SMITH GRIFFITHS, PROPRIETOR, (Late Managlr of the Royal Vaults,) Begs to inform his numerous friends and the public that he ha. taken the above Large and SPACIOUS HOTEL,, which has been entirely lie-built, and is replete with every accommodation. WI^ES, SPIRITS, &c. CIGAUS, &c., cf the finest brands. OXFORD HOTEL, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. JOHN SMITH GRIFFITHS, PROPRIETOR. 6991 RAILWAY BAR and REFRESHMENT ROOMS, ABERDARE. This beautifully finished and commodious Establishment is at the Corner of Duke-street and Commercial-street, Aberdare, within a minute of either Station. The best of Winee, Spirits, and Ales. Billiards on a^colebratod and costly challenge tahta r.WO — ..A uzuK tioTEL,BUTE DOCKS.-Replete ▼ ▼ with every convenience and comfort. An ordinary daily at 1.30. J. WATERS, la e of the Fi eemasons' Tavern, London. 1096 late fot Classification. M 2, College-street, Swansea ESSRS. PRICE, JENKINS and CO. have who is dS„»eTraTy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Ju<e-'ndan,l^,u J? able and choice stock of 'GOLD and SILVER w frCHn ^:™ «l.amond and other jewellery, choice and ^Mi A1CHES, chains FURNITURE, OU tainting* by old maatlri ri", '?? °'d Pony Doii-Cart, and Silver-plated Harness °° cifrtU' in Pubiic Companies and in the following'sw™ r a' ^eS strel King, Swansea Castle, Windsor fHatii Pa -~Barque Min- Peri, and others. r Ca8Uc> Amorette, Mabel, Full Catalogues will appear prior to Sale. Sale to Commence each day at Eleven in t'ho Goods on view Monday and Tuenlay prior to b^Ip promPt- College Chambers, Swansea, May 21st 1875 \)653 Cowbrid-,e.-Sale of S MK; J°HN THOMAS i. i^Toted by Mr John Williams, 01 Llansannor Court to TIOV, on TUESDAY, JC.NK 8th, 1875, at the ColhrLy AAUC_ Cowbrid?e, the following Lots of STANDING CHopJi u Arms, such conditions as shall then be produced): Subject to l.or 1.—A Field of S ANFOIN, about 3 acres, near PwlUH«~> Welsh St. Doiaits. rw"jaarran, Lor 2,—A Ffcdof SANFOIN, about 8 acres,, called Cae Panty Sue, near Welsh bt. Donatts. i ant y LOT 3.—About 15 acres of SANFOIN, at Heol y March in th* parish of Welsu St. Do;at!s. LOT 4.— Field of CLOVER and RYE GRASS, about 15 acres Dear the Germonds Barn, Welsh St. Donatts.. Male to commence at Half-past Four o'clock in the Afternoon. Three months' credit Will be srivea Oil the usual conditions. Hobert Diamond, of Germonds, Welsh St. Donatts, will show eV-h Lot. IN the Matter of the Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867, and of an Association called the South Wales Atlantic Steamship C.impunv: NOL'IOK IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Petition for the winding- up of the above named Coinpa.iy by the Court of Chancery j*?' I'1 the 24th day of May 187o, presented to the v?n?nnf tH?C1Uor b-v William Charles Luard and Lewis itSSey', b,jth of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan, the RIHI 9°'!ci;°rs, Creditors of the said Compiny; and that Sir Kicharii \uv 14 ^ireoted to be heard before the Vice-Chancellor or eont^fu^; ,f°:the 4th da>' °l June> 1875. and any creditor making of an 0-,iPr Company desirous to oppose the the above Acts shnnM *mdin?-up of the Slid company under or his counsel for that r.app8l4r at the time of hearing by himself -Dr his counsel for furnished to any cretiitnT086' an 1 a copy of the petition will be requiring the same bvih« ?,r ^°ntributory of the fcaid company lattd charge for the same. ersi8ned, on payaient ef the re>{ii- ^».LC«4iSSVn«? MARTINEAUX, -^So^o^Vo^t^cross, Middlesex, ^oticOS^erebT^^IS"6- Xl a Decretal O der 0f th« r, V^N, pursuant to shir holden at Mer'hyr Tvdln un}y Court rf Glam rgan- Powell Dav es, of P mtlottyi,. inthe suit of Samuel county of Glamorgan, Plaintiff, and j,1^!? „ of Gedygaer, in the Intig, and lottyn a'oresaid. Baptist Minister, and Winnry Will^ms, of Pont- on aforesaid, draper and grocer (execut«~ Cro,t. of Pontlot- testament of William Williams, late of the will and way shop situate at Pontlottyn aforesaw way Inn and rail- shopkeeper, deceased) and Charles Rw' l?enafd victual er and at'orney-at-law, Defendants, that all creditor' of Tredeuar ing any claims or demands on or against theA«"7 W^ns fiayl William Williams deceased, .are hereby reauirwi ♦ °' the said tlculars of their debts, claims, or demands to th 8end in par- the solicitors of the said executors, on or before th u!}der3igned, June next, after whi h date the said Court will day of minister the estate of the said William Williams dT°ee<1 10 ad* order the distribution of the asseM of the said deceal^T*' at"i the parties entitled thereto, havin? regard only to the i "rnonST which the said executors shall then have bad notice a 01 th-y shall not be liable for the assets of the said dc-ease' ttlat p»rt thereof so distributed to any p.ersoa of whege debt lV°r8njr liiey shall not Uien hive bad notice. e.aiin Ditad this 19th day of May 1S75. & G. JAMP,,Q, 134, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil. dolic.tors. 96õ6 HE DAMAGE TO P0NT5ARNBKIDGE~ MERTHVR. It having appeired from reports In the newspapers that four of the persons implicated in the injury to Pontsarn Bridge had left thu country on account of that affair, to avoid unpleasant conse- quences, this is to state that it is not true. The parties inqueg- tIO:) had arrangod ta leave before the injury was done, and Daid their share of the damage. 985Z ONE WHO KNOWS. T Wanted ioimedi«tely, two good WEAVERS • » — AppV Mr Daniel Thomas,' ;JT "u sen Manufacturer, New Oxford-street, Swansea. 9953 TO IRONFOUNDERS, CONTRACTOliS, AND -t- OTHERS. The Penihiwceilwr Navigation Cial Company are prepared to receive TliNDKttH for the supplying of cast-iron CURBS and cisc-irou WAI L UOXES, for tlieir pits at Mountain Afcli. Particulars upon ;ipplicatiou at the Colliery Olkc, not later than 1st June, 1875. WANTED, a SITUATION, by a respeetable youn2 ^n7 as Grocer s Ass stant.— ddress, 30, Victoria-.treet, Dowlais. 9666 Al A RK E R.—Willi ted a St9ad^~LAD as Billiard MyprtCd. "Piy> rtl3re:iC6S, at U a neighbourhood eig^t"roonw. Rant ±20. Possesiiou 1st June. Address W., Post- omco, DJCKS, Cardiff, 9(i5g | ARGE~and^minodious OFFlUti^Gruund und First Floors XJ. also Large WAREHOUSE to L-tT, with immediate pos- session, situate on the main thoroughfare, Bute Docks. Apply b. Brukewich, 121. Bute Docks. 0 !)()20 ANTED, a COACH WHEELER. One that can turn his Coachbuilder| Penlbroke!" requireJ-App,y t<5 K Bu chell» GLAlHORGAN WAGON COMPANY. WORKS—EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. RAILWAY WAGONS BUILT For CASH or on REDEMPTION 111R3. RAILWAY WAGONS REPAIRED And MAINTAINED by CONTRACT for a Term of Years or other. wise. WHEELS AND AXLES, SPRINGS, SPRING BUFFERS, &c., Supplied on the Shortest Notice. SMITH WORK OF KVERY DESCRIPTION. (JEOEGE w. ARMSTRONG, ITT 11 BJJtK-CRESCENT, CARDIFF. RAHiWAY UAGON ANi) FINANCIAL AGENT. Al»V ANC £ S made upon all kinds of Rolling Stock. 915-1 Al»V ANC £ S made upon all kinds of Rolling Stock. 9154

Family Notices








[No title]














------------, . STRIKE OF…

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------------=:_-SOUTH STAFFORDSBIltE…



------------MR MACDONALD,…