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Shipping jftoticcs* BETWEEN CARDIFF.* BELFAST, GREENOCK AND GLASGOW. FAILINGS WEEKLY.—The Screw IO Steam-ships PRINCESS ALEXANDRA, 0jj?™"S8HSSfc- Captain Lancey ANTON A, Captain Mills; tenji Captain Huckman AILSA, Captain Fry are 111- '° Sail with Goods and Passengers from East Bute Dock th- (unless prevented by circumstances), as follows during B of OCTOBER 7 v CARDIFF TO GLASGOW, ASD BELFAST. 14 50nd*y • • 8 p.m. 21 Monday • • • • p.m. •onday .3 p.m. | 28 Monday •• ..3 p.m. 7 „ FROM BELFAST TO CARDIFF. 14 S0llday • • 12 noou 21 Monday • • 1 p.m. «ondav .11 a.m. 28 Monday •• •• 11 a-m- s 0 GLASGOW TO CARDIFF, VIA BELFAST. 1« 5*turday 2 p.m. 19 Saturday 2 p.m. Saturday 2 p.m. 26 Saturday 2 p.m. 11' With liberty to Tow aud Assist Vessels. GllEs,-Belfast. Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 106.; Greenock or Cabin, 20s.: Steeruge, 12s. 6d. « °ods to be alongside in time for shipment Two Hours before advertised time of Railing. tejVJJPly in Glasgow to William Sloan & Co.; Greenock, to h»]ilarn Lindsay & Co. Swansea, to M. Jones & Brother; w.j ast, to Robert Henderson and Son Bristol, to Mark Whit- & Son and in Cardiff, to „ „ G. F. WEBB & CO., —^00 Bute Dock Bonded Warehouse CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. TVRECT STEAM COMMUNICA- ,I TION BETWEEN THE 4ii&,J,LDTION BETWEEN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL AND THB ^ITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA. ^SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, n. first-class, full-powered, Clyde-built Steamships SjAMORGAN 2,500 Tons 500 h.p. ^MBROKE 2,500 Tons 500 h.p. CARMARTHEN 3,000 Tons 600 h.p. Or other First-class Streamers, will sail regularly between CARDIFF AND NEW YORK, Steamships are built expressly for the Trade, and Of Jv*jl the latest improvements for the comfort and conven gTj~*n and Steerage Passengers. *^rage Passengers provided with mattresses. j, stewardess carried for the female emigrants. 11 Kjno-. Str^,T further particulars apply to Budgett and Jame«, p. 2ft. Bristol; Richardson Lid Co., Swansea G. W. ^vkit. aVui C9?'. Newport; W. C. Lucy and Co., Gloucester T. "aite aim Alexander Brothers, Pontypridd J t." sft- ?»?■ "t,S2; lh, i. TNMAN LINE of i!'A'^LMA!I, SSAMM) X STEAMERS, aPPS'il4sTOWwT xn""1 ggflMte- LIVERPOOL, vid yUEEN WN to NEW every TUESDAY and THURSDAY 9TY OF WASHINGTON THUMDAY n' 15' OF MONTREAL TUMdavn X'- p'TV OF ANTWERP 22. °ITV OF BRUSSELS ./THl RbDAT, OCT. 24. ^1" Passage-Tuesday Sailinjf-lf.^™ 18 Guineas Tlmrs- 13 Guineas an<l no equal Saloon ■mfefSe Passage to New York, guineas 68.), with a full Cooked Provisions. Pa^engers forwarded to Boston, Pj?0re> or Quebec without extra c arge. t'gers for all parts of CANADA and the UNITED STATES I-1 throuirli 011 very advantageous terms. <'n*~ particulars, apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water- Liverpool, ROBERT BURTON and SON, tfc> Church-street, Caw* i °r to any of the Company's Agents -?^Shout Wales. 2249 NATIONAL LINE. THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE ARE THE LARGEST a PASSENGER STEAMSHIPS AFLOAT. AI FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. "XTATIONAL STEAM SHIP COMPANY (LIMITED). The new tull-powered British Iron-screw Steamships fcJVp3 Tons Ships Tons JfcO Grogan 5064 England, Andrews 3307 Grace The Queen, Thomas 4411 Thompson 4302 Holland, Bragg 3847 Thomson 3571 Erin, Lawson 3956 Thompson. 4302 Holland, Bragg 3847 ee, Thomson 3571 Erin, Lawson 3956 Q, Webster 3500 Helvetia, Griggs 3974 Kemp 3500 Denmark, Sumner 3723 ill be despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows :— ITALY Wednesday, 16th Oct. SPAIN Wednesday, 23rd Oct. CANADA Wednesday, 30th Oct. k. Leaving Queenstown the following days. Saloon accommodation on board these C**sed, the State-rooms being- unusually large -and <g*n off Croons, which are situated in the poop on deck-the poop jyHT 130 feet long.. of Passage, 12, 15, and 17 Guineas, according to accomilio- oil in State-room- all having same privilege in Saloon. Return ts, TWHNTY-FIVM GUINEAS. e STEERAGE accommodation is unequalled for Space, light, ^Ventilation. Abundance of Fresh Provisions served up cooked Company's Stewards. of Passage on Reduced Terms. Steerage Passengers ed to Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore without extra l^rffitengers booked through. Aspinwall, San Francisco, the rn- s of Canada find of the United States on favourable t £ a^° Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan, at Pa! 01'1 ra^eg< lri(l New York and San Francisco. Wingers are advised to secure their passayw from the local to before leaving home. Or Freight or Passage apply to THE NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITED,) i,. 21 and 23, Water-street, Liverpool; SS? J- CUMMINS and BROS., Queenstown,—to Messrs. J. R. sffOLAS and CO., 130, Britarmia-buildings, Bute Docks JOHN JW^Joan (Cyuiro), 19, Glebeland-street, Merthjr Tydfil; HARSK Newport, Moil.; F. W. CAI'NT, Aberdare CIIAS. P. ^eath; JAS. A. MORGAN", Postmaster, Pontypool; HENRY '0 IJR. High-street, Abersychan Taos MORGAN, Miner-street, J. W. DOWN, Terminus Hotel, Bristol. 2396 "ALLAN" ROYLL MAIL LINE. T SiH°RTEST SEA PASSAGE to J Canada and the United States. Shortest ~1 I'linti to the West. T,?^6 Bniiorb steamships of this Line now run direct everv a1 >a Thursday from LIVERPOOL t, QUEBEC and f^XllAVT fanvardin-r passengers to NEW YORK and BOSrON ALL'?ITIES and"TOWNS in CANADA an! the UNITED Jfrom LIVERPOOL TO f;iB^0A^an°RT^ND- *5 Tneri- 0et" 3 Si N. American 7 S«. Nova«Slan Tnul" 8 *S8 Polvnesian Thur H V S^n,nCOtlan £ l,eS- 10 ss Nova Scotian TUe8. » J* .88. cSavian Plur" -ss S.wndmavian Thur. rt rint,hian Tues. n wnnnv Tuea 8^ Russian ..Thur. „ 17 ss. Ge ..Thur'. |2 *88. v Andrew.. Tues. „ 22 ss. P1r Tues. Dec q Nestoria* ..Thur. „ 24 SS. Manitoban uee. s *8, ^nitoban Tues. „ 29 *ss. l'eru Tues. io Sajruiatian Thur. „ 31 ss. Co"n VORFOLK, and The Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, BALTIMORE, sail as follows Weg. Warding Passengers by Rail to alJ pt rts of h teni, South Western, and Southern s Nov. 5 w Hibernian Tues., Oct. 8 ss. Austrian. ])ec. 3 Peruvian Tues. 22 ss. N. American U' vorr'olk k,u.bin Passage to Halifax, Quebec, Boston, New t„ J?jt'inore, or Philadelphia, £ 18 ISs., or £ 15 15s., accor(x> b ^"nniodation, including Provisions, but not Wines or L 1 j can be obtained on board. Returned Tickets at reu A limited number of intermediate, passengers are taK Steamer at £ 99s., including Beds, Bedding, and all utensils, dining apart from steerage. Applications for bertns J*6 made in advance. V^teerage Passage to St. John's, Halifax, Quebec, Boston, New f¡fork, Norfolk, or Baltimore, £ 6 6s., including a plentiful supply Cooked provisions. Steerage Stewardesses are carried by line, to attend to the wants of female passengers and chil- ^^ggage taken from the Ocean Steamships to the Railway Cars of expense. information required concerning Canada can be obtained iblJln Mr. Dixon, 11, Adam-street, Adelphi, London, agent for J Canadian Government. wnphlets on Canada supplied gratis by our agents. ». Shortest ROUTE to SAN FRANCISCO, via the UNION PACIFIC tl^ROAD. THROUGH TICKETS issued on the most favourable ^"ns. For Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS, and CO., Alexandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool, and 85, Foyle-street, Londonderry, or to Mr. GEORGE BIRD, 246, Bute-street, Cardiff. COMl'AXV'.S SPECIAL NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS. vj*e. advise Passengers to obtain their Tickets from Agents leaving home. [2031 justness Hddrcs$cj5. J>EIIIIYMAN^~ C-ARRIAGE, RAILWAY, STREET, AND SHIPS' SIGNAL LAMPS, 4ND BENT GLASS MANUFACTORY 10 and 11, OLD-KING STREET, BRISTOL. 2385 liE NEW YORK PROVISION STORES, 43, MARYLEPORT-STREET, BRISTOL. RICHARD BAYLES, PILOPRIETOR. PRIME AMERICAN BEEF. PRIME AMERICAN MESS PORK. CHOICE AMERICAN CHEDDAR CHEESE. NEW IMPORTATIONS, ex S.S. WESTERN. 2398 tiHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 15, ROYAL PROMENADE, QUEEN'S-ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. MADAME BRUNNER respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, rjjd the Public that she has OPENED a STUDIO at the above redress, and having at great expense secured not only the assist- of artistes unique in their several departments, but also Sjj'i'chased the exclusive right for Bristol and Clifton to finish ^otographa BY THE NEW PROCESS r*tented by Mr. Van der Weyde, of New York, she is enabled to reduce, Photographs which for truth and beauty cannot be ^.r*Passed while the Prices will compare favourably with those "stablishmcnti of a very inferior order. Cc OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Madame Brunnor's Pictures ase very superior Photographs, possess great artistic excellence."—Her Majesty's Reporter, jg The best miniature in the room is by Madame Brunner."— l&ract from the Report on Photographic Exhibition, given by Sir FREDERICK POLLOCK (Lord Chief Baron). of W^a(*arue Brunner's extraordinary ]>erseveranee, independent .her talent, must seetire her success."—MARK LEUOX. J^ad&ine Brunner having visited all the most celebrated jj "dios in the kingdom, has acquired a consummate knowledge of HJrt-"—A'ctec-antle Express. tjj -Madame Brunner's establishment is a Palace of Art. From w? outer vestibule to the iuner arcana everything is in keeping trP. most luxurious reijuirements of refined taste, and the be London photographer himself would have no reason to j>0 j^humed of such an establishment."—Stockton and Hartle- Mercury. did *'a"le Brunner's establishmeiit is certainly the most splen- e o/tlie ki .d in the North Englani'—Newcastle Daily 0nicle ushttss ddrt$$t$+ Eo T. LEWIS, BREWERS' AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS' _Tm„ AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, CITY COOPERAGE, BRIDEWELL STREET, BRISTOL. HOME-BREWING TAVERNS. IVTR. E. T. LEWIS is instructed to LLF 1V1 several Home-brewing TAVERNS Incoming froni £ i50 to £ 1,000. For particulars apply Mr. LEWIS b Office, Bnde- well-street, Bristol. c H ARLES WAY, DEALER IN PICTURES AND WORKS OF ART, 17 ROYAL PROMENADE, BRISTOL. 2(22 PHATTERTON DLX, CHURCH AND GENERAL BOOK, STATIONARY, AND ART DEPOT, 32, TRIANGLE, BRISTOL. Brass Work, Photographs, Religions Pictures, Prayer Desks, and other articles of Ecclesiastical Furniture. 2270 JOHN DENNIS, IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT 145, REPCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL, (NEAR BRISTOL BRIDGE.) wmrm!! attelltioli of buyers to his large Stock of SPRINCS and CUT NAILS' PATENT AXLES, CARRIAGE, RFV'T U1 Stockand MADE to order, LANCE WOOD SHAFTS, PFTT r t IBER> DRY HEART and COACH SPOKES, CEILING LATHS, Bristol Home-made HORSE NAILS, PATENT HUUSE SHOES, PATENT HORSE SHOE IRON, FILES, RASPS, STEEL BOLTS and NUTS, CHAINS of all kinds in Stock, or to order, Screws, Locks, and a large assortment of General Ironmongery always in stock. Orders per Post, with remittance or satisfactory reference, will have our special attention. NOTE THB ADDRESS. 2382 ORRIS AND SONS, TOWN CRIER AND BILL POSTERS, 34, ORCHARD-STREET. SWANSEA, The only Bill Posters employed by the Corporation, Great Western Railway, and all the principal Solicitors and Auctioneers Swansea and its district. Country Sales posted to any distance. I SAY, G E 0 R G E Have you tried that new shop in College-street ? I had a splendid Suit there for Two Pounds, and a capital Fit. Mind, I HAD TO PAY CASH FOR IT; but'tis Cheap. No, who is he?—Why, E. M. ROE, COLLEGE HOUSE, 10, COLLEGE-STREET. SWANSEA. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE WELL PLEASED. 2520 RY DAVIES'S NEW LONDON HOUSE, SWANSEA, FOR BEST VALUE IN DRAPERY GOODS. 1419 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH PHOTOGRAP^HI^AND^STEREOSCOPIC^COMPANY, Beg most respectfully to inform the Public in general that all Pictures, Portraits, Cartes, &c., formerly taken by Mr. James Andrews, are in the possession of their Manager, Herr Jean Goldman who will REPRODUCE all Copies at HALF PRICE, and guarantee a Superior Reproof. The above Company respectfully announce that no other Establishment in Swansea, Neath, or Llanellv have any right to reproduce or infringe upon their NEW PATFKT vim DER WEYDE'S PROCESS. NA^ An inspection at the Wind-street Establishment is respectfully invited. Price List sent free of charge. All letters to be addressed Herr Jean Goldman, late Andrews, Wind-street. Swansea. 2099 GWANSEA OFFICE iOF XiilS "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." The PROPRIETORS of the South Wales Daily News beg to announce that they have OPENED AN OFFICE AT 42A, CASTLE STREET, (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE.) For the transaction of the Swansea business of their Journal. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every morn- ing in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion in the next morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS. 77, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA WM. EVA Is now offering a LARGE LOT of SHEETS, SHEETINGS, COUNTERPANES, CALICOES, &c., at Unusually Low PRICES BLANKETS, FLANNELS, WINCEYS, aud ALL WOOLLEN GOODS, at Last Year's Prices. WM. EVA, 77, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 2527 LEWIS BROTHERS beg to invite attention to their extensive SHOW-ROOMS, which contain a large and su- CABINET and UPHOLSTER J^RED WORK, representing the most BEDROOM FURNITURE "XMI.™ en suite, in fancy woods, inclua ing Birch, Sycamore, Ash, Oak, and Walnut. BEDSTEADS, in the several Woods, also in r,ras3 and Iron, at all prices. BEDDIN f every description, and at vaned cost. duraKiSprinEMattress is a most approved,artic'0' and is much CURTAINS an(j ^y(^West materials in Silk ment of Cret^lf° a !?r^e assort- RCLOTHS by the lead' CARPETS and FLOO Last year's patg makers only. at old prices. 19, High-street, Swansea. 2531 MHE H IG H s TREET STJQD^T^ X OLD BANK, 235, HIGH-STREET' SWANSEA. MR. HENRY A. CHAPMAN aT hi8Patro"s thaAhte0hbe £ ko £ t^mprovemen^of premises afford. The prices leave nothing 'to > SPut as low as censistent with skilled labour and best • yes, from carte to life size. ,.r.rr.c pAMFA VIGNETTES, MADALLIONS, REMBRANDT b CAilLO VIGNETTES. THE VICTORIA, CABEN&A, And various others. The Ordinary Carte First copy, Is. six, 3s. t^|e, jf'cesl The others equally moderate. Appointments absolutely Mr. C. superintends personally. No Portraits allowed to be taken away unless approved of. Hours, Nine till Dusk. 235, HIGH STREET SWANSEA., 2521 _T HORNER'S • WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, l 123 AND 124, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. 1915 MILLER'S SAFETY BOILER, As manufactured by the ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY, NEWPORT, MON., Is now being extensively used to take up the waste heat from puddling and balling furnaces. Its great safety, economy, and the small space it occupies for the power given out, causes it to be adopted wherever room is valuable. PRICES ON APPLICATION. 1944 JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the town. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 214<1 JI usintss ddttsSts. L. R. LUMLEY, SURVEYOR AND APPRAISER, 29, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. ESTIMATES PREPARED. Work in all Branches of the Building Trade measured and valued. Delapidations and Cost of Repairs made up at reasonable charges. 2005 — 111, ,I HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. WILLIAMS FOR SUITS. WILLIAMS FOR OVER COATS. WILLIAMS FOR CHEAP TROUSERS, WILLIAMS FOR SHIRTS OF THE LATEST FASHION. WILLIAMS FOR THE BEST COLLARS, FASHIONABLE CUFFS AND TIES, OF ALL SHAPES AND COLOURS, FRONTS WITH COLLAR. 1982 CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. E. C. JONES, NEWSAGENT, ETC., 109, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, Begs to inform the public that she has just received a large stock of Paper Hangings of the newest designs, and which she is selling at the lowest prices. An extensive stock of Wools of every kind. The London and Provincial Newspapers, Magazines. and Periodicals supplied regularly. 1984 ERTHYR OFFICE OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," 1, ALBERT STREET, For the transaction of the Merthyr business of this Journal. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to 6.30 p.m. will secure insertion in the following morning's issue of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." we MEREDIfH, WATCHMAKER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, 124, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR, Invites an Inspection of his Choice and Extensive St ock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS, TIMEPIECES, JEWELLERY, ELECTRO-PLATE, SPECTACLES, And all kinds of Optical Goods, which will be found equal to any Establishment in the Principality, at Prices in most instances fully TWENTY PIIIL CENT. LESS. THE RAILWAY OFFICIAL'S WATCH, at £5 10s., Jewelled in Ten Holes, Compensating Balance, and Extra Strong Cases, is really a Marvel of Cheapness. Warranted, Free of Charge, for Five Years, and sent Post Free. 2296 SUN FIRE OFFICE, s ESTABLISHED 1710. INSURANCES effected frem le. 6d. per 4100 per annum. No charge made for Policy or Stamp. The Managers confidently recommend the SUN FIRE OFFICE to the notice of the Public, and appeal to the well-known char- acter which the office has obtained for a just and prompt settle- ment of Claims made upon it during the 161 years it has been established. The, PREMIUMS due Michaelmas Quarter should be paid within 15 days from the 29th September. Forms of Proposal, Renewal Receipts, and all information respecting Fire Insurances, may be obtained of the Agent, Mr. JOHN JENKINS, Accountant, Insurance, Stock, and Mortgage Broker, 2532 20, High-street, Cardiff. THE PONTYPRIDD NEW TEA, JL GROCERY AND PROVISION ESTABLISHMENT, HIGH-STREET, (Adjoining the Entrance to the Railway Station), IS NOW OPEN. All Goods will be sold at the Lowest Remunerative Profit for Ready Money only. 1V71 R. JONES, Proprietor. ORKSHIRE RELISH. ORKSHIRE RELISH. The most DELICIOUS SAUCB in the WORLD to CHOPS, STEAKS, FISH, &c. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmen in Bottles 6d., Is., and 2s. each. Trade mark—Willow, pattern plate. PROPRIETORS—GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & CO., LEEDS. C16 GREAT PROBLBM SOLVED rn HEPOPU L A R DEMAND MET. E- rfHE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE sEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD CAN NOW BE ACQUIRED IN EVERY HOME. rpTTE E R" Anyone gUPERIOR piVi NG gEWING MACHINES ARE THE EASIEST TO LEARN. °°D THE SIMPLEST TO W0EK. — — MOST APPROVED AND 13 EFERKNCES ef Sewin°gMiABdE 6Vely VaJ"iety — ■— POPULAR BECAUSE they are the LOCKSTITCH make /^1AN have Embroidery, and sew the greatest variety of Fabrics. THE "SINGER" NEW F A M I L Y gEWlNG MACHINE. (Hand or Treadle.) oN HIRE AT "| S. 8D. to gS. per WEEK. CASH PRICE from 1 OS. ■Q REAT ADVANTAGES ARE OFFERED BY THIS NOVEL SYSTEM. THE HIRER HAS THE OPTION OF A T any time, ptrnCIIASING lOR of -JL THE MACHINE j j^FFECTlNG AT lX"PÙRCHASE THE Cash Price 0STof ^JONTINUING j^ETURNlNGltj rjiHE HIRE. CAUTION. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S E WING MACHINES having acquired an unprecedented popu- larity, several Parties are attempting to Trade upon the Name of "SINGE R," advertising Machines of other Makers as THE SINGER," or ON THE SIN- GER PRINCI- PLE," the Public are warned against these Coun- nrrf ?'8' all(i as an additional TiSe Mart' ComPa«y Ax their Purchasers .ate every Machine. Machine ^2^°ul,d ?ee that the Plate on the simihe.representatio*w?f details witl» the fac- of it m the Company's Price List. Illustrated Catalogues arri application at any of the .uinfonnatwn gratis, en vy repots, or authorised Agents. THE SINOER OFFICEAINTEUIROGP^?mpany's chief 147; CHEaPSIDE, LONDON. DISTRICT OFFICES IN LONDON: 8 NEWINGTON-CAUSEWAY, S.E. 144 BROMPTON ROAD, S.W. gRANCH OFFIC^fGD01^ THE UNITED CARDIFF .20, DUKE-STREET. SWANSEA .103, OXFORD-STREET. JJRISTOL 18 & 19, HIGH-STREET. Liverpool—11 Bold-street. Aberdeen-46, George-street. Manchester—105, Market-street. Inverness—3, Drummond-street. Newcastle—Grainger-street, W. Greenock—W. Blackhall-street. Lecds- Boar-lane. Hamllton-32, Cadzow-street. Plymouth—2, Union-street. Paisley—G, Gilmour-street. Norwich—12, London-street. Dumbarton—-14, Bridge-street. Southampton—105, High-street. Sterling-44, Port-street. Glasgow—65, Buchanan-street. Dumfries—43, English-street. Edinburgh — 10S, Princes-street. Dublin—69, Grafton-street. Diuidee—49, Reform-street. Belfast-4 DOllegaJ-square, N Perth-C4, John-street. 1495 business Addresses* LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, GARDEN SEATS, TABLES, Galvanised Wire Netting, Croquet Netting, Indiarubber Hose and Brass Fittings, Watering Pots, and every other requisite for the Lawn or Garden in great variety. The Largest Stock in South Wales to select from of BATHS, TRAVELLING BOXES, AND JAPAN GOODS CROSS BROTHERS, SAINT MARY STREET. CARDIFF. 968 JOSEPH WALKER, HAY, STRAW, CORN, MEAL, AND OIL-CAKE MERCHANT, Is prepared to supply any of the above articles at the lowest possible prices, at his Warehouse, 23 AND 26, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENT FOR SIMPSON'S CATTLE SPICE AND PRANGLEY'S SPECIAL MANURES. 1555 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE M'F'G COMPANY, Supplied by I CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. j THE WILLCOX AND GIBBS SILENT SEWING MACHINE, Supplied through their Agents, C R 0 S S BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE WEIRS, SHAKESPERE, AND AGENORIA HAND SEWING MACHINES. Either of the above may be had on the Easy Payment System CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY STREET. CARDIFF. 886 we E. VAUGHAN & Co. STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAFF-ROAD CARDIFF. BRANCH IZSTABLIBHXENTS: 77, CROCKHERBTOIVN, 248 BUTE-STREET, I CARDIFF. 52! COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT 83, HIGH- STREET, MERTHYR. 98, OXFORB-STREET, SWANSEA 4, ST. JULIAN-STREET, TENBY. Orders received, and Parcels forwarded to Works carriage free, by the following AGENTS: Aberdare Mr. Dance, Commercial-street. Abergavenny Miss Watkins, 12, Cross-street. Blaenavon Mr. J. Harris, London House. Bridgend Mr. Thomas, grocer, Nolton-street. Brecon Mr. Matthews, at Camden Arms, Watton. Cowbridge. Mi. Stibbs, Ivor House. Chepstow Miss Rowe, Welsh-street. Crickhowell Mr. Davies, Manchester House. Glastonbury Mr. John, High-street. Haverfordwest.. Mr. Harries, 3, High-street. Llanelly. Messrs. Ace & Sons, Vaughan-street. Llandilo Miss Punton, Fancy Warehouse. Neath Mr. Matthews, at Queen's Hotel. Pembroke Dock, Mr Brice, Meyrick-street. Pontypool Mr. G. Fowler, draper, Lion House. Usk Messrs. Jones & Powell, drapers, &c. Watchet. Capt. Nicholas, 223 W ILL I A M SANDERS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, 8, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 266 CARDIFF WARDROBE, 257 & 258, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, FOR CHEAP and GOOD CLOTHING stands second to none in the Principality. ALL GOODS REDUCED, August 1st, from 7 £ to 10 per cent. There are some very Cheap Bargains in TROYS' CLOTHING, GENT'S TROUSERS and VESTS, to Match, GENT'S NEGLIGE COATS, sEA-SIDE OVERCOATS, &c., jyjTECHANICS' CLOTHING, AND FOR EXPORTATION. P. Y E 0, PRACTICAL TAILOR^ AND GENERAL ESTABLISHED 1859. 342 jîottls. BRISTOL. GUILDHALL COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broad-stieet, Bristol. Dining, Coffee Bitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners from 12.30 to 6. Night Ported 1430 W^T. CROUCH, Proprietor. /CLIFTON DOWNhFIRST-CLASS FAMILY FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. SUITE OF APARTMENTS^from 3 £ Guineas per week. Break- fast from 2s.; Dinners, from 3s. (id. Service, 2s A Suite nf Apartments having.been e Ahuiairpt(?the H°tel, especially for WEDDING BREAKFASTS the Manager is prepared to provide the same or the most by weekly arrange- ments only. Suite of Aiurtments, ^with board and attendance, 5 Guineas each, fires only ext edroom, board, and attendance, in public rooms, 3J T "^l3 served to the visitor's order. Private drawing-room for Ladies. Table D'Hote daily at Sundays at 5. All communications to be addressed, 1428 D. GJTTENS. Manatrer m HE "V AULTS^gWlND STRE ET~ JOSEPH MANN, Proprietor. Agent for the Licensed Victuallers' Wine and Tea Companies. Ales, Wines, and Spirits of t finest quality always in Stock One trial respectfully Solicited. Good beds- N.B.—A First-class Bowling Saloon 011 the Premises. 1422 GLOBE DINING ROOMS, AND OYSTER SALOON, 17, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. LUNCHEONS; GOOD DINNERS, 9D., AND UPWARDS (From 12 o'clock till 4.) TEA AND COFFEE TO BE HAD AT ALL HOURS. N.B.—Private Sitting-rooms and good Bedrooms. Im- portant to Foreigners.—Ici parle Fransais. Si parla Italiano. Hier wird Deutsch Gesprochen. 2098 ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, MAESTEG. 0 Two Minutes' Walk from Station. Good accommodation. BILLIARDS. POSTING. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. 2380 PROPRIETOR-Mr. ILLTID MORGAN. Education, MR. ATKINS intends shortly to commence an EVENING CLASS For the Study of HARMONY and MUSICAL COMPOSITION. Messrs. Lewis and Williams have kindly consented to receive I the names of ladies and gentlemen desirous of joining. Terms on application. 2506 GOOD HANDWRITING. SMART'S SYSTEM TAUGHT by Mr. H. S FURRIAN, who will guarantee a Beautiful Handwriting in Eight Lessons. Froficiency in Bookkeeping, &c. Academy Open Daily. 12, St. John-street, Cardiff. am CANTON ACADEMY, LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Masters: Rev. W. JAMES, M.A. Rev. EDGAR WILLIAMS, M.A., B.D. For Prospectus, &c. apply to Rev. W. Barnes, Llandaff-road, Canton, Cardiff. 2191. JgJDUCATION.— MILFORD HAVEN. THE REV. JOHN EVANS, B.A., London University, Receives YOUNG GENTLEMEN to BOARD and Educate. The pupils of this scheol have passed with credit the preliminary examinations of the Incorporated Law Society, the Pharmaceuti- cal Society of Great Britain, &c., &c., and one has won the BernitWi Scholarship, value £20, at the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen. Terms very moderate. 1280 CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL VV TRAINING SCHOOL, JIOLFORD HOUSE, STOW HILL, NEWPORT, MON. Principal MR. J. WARE, ASSISTED BY CO.MI'ETE.NT MASTERS. A thorough preparation guaranteed for Business and Professional Life, the Civil Service and Middle-Class Examinations. Spacious Schoolrooms, Dormitories, and Playground. Un imited Diet. Testimonials and references of the highest order. Full particulars on application. 2457 JSUSIITESS ADDRESSES. c HINESE TEMPLE TEA WAREHOUSES. FRESH ARRIVALS OF THE FIRST GATHERINGS OF NEW SEASON TEAS, Via Suez Canal. We recommend all who Study Economy to make a Trial of the NEW CROP } CONGOU, j AT ^S- To those who desire a Tea full of Freshness, Strength, Fine Flavour, and every quality which constitutes a really Good and Cheap Tea, we offer our NEW CROP •) „ q SOUCHONG, ) AT /wS- "D" Rich Pekoe Flavour. During our experience we do not remember so fine a Sample of Souchong. C. HOWELL AND CO., 86, 87, & 88, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. A reduction of 2d. per lb. on 6 lb. packages and upwards. Sugars at cost to buyers of Tea. 2570 J. H. CORIN, 18, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite the Queen's Hotel), 7, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA, AND 25, CHURCH STREET, DOWLAIS, WHOLESALE PERIODICAL AND NEWS AGENT. REDUCED PRICES AND CARRIAGE PAID. TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS AND TRAVELLING BAGS Manufactured at each place, and REPAIRS NEATLY DONE. THE ABOVE SHOPS ARE WELL KNOWN AS THE CHEAPEST FOR STATIONERY IN THE PRINCIPALITY NOTE THE ADDRESSES. 1515 AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR GENTLEMEN. MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS have made the fashionable forms of OVERCOATS AND REEFERS for the season their particular study, in anticipation of inquiries from their customers, who will be looking for the Latest Novelties. Their OVERCOATS, made from a fine dress" Beaver, are ex- quisite goods, of a good substance, firm, yet soft as velvet, and what is, perhaps, of equal importance, they comprise a variety of beautiful colours. In Brown there are some very rich shades, and there is also a nice assortment of Olive. In Blue, too, they have a good show, and variety of shade. Terms—For Ready Money only. ADDRESS—CARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF. 136 SAMUEL HALL, DRAPER AND SILK MERCER, 9, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF, Begs to announce that he has LEASED THE PREMISES AD- JOINING, recently in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Pritchard, 10, High-street, which he intends OPENING in September, in con- nection with his present premises. Previous to making the necessary alteration-in order to connect the two shops, so that they may convenienty be worked as one- he will SELL OFF THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK, FOR READY MONEY at a VERY GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. THE SALE COMMENCED TUESDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 187 2. 1945 11 & 12, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. G. A. STONE, UNDERTAKER, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR. OSTRICH PLUME AND GENERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite for Funeral Furnishing. 197 ITRATE OF SODA, DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTERS, IN QUANTITES TO SUIT BUYERS' REQUIREMENTS. Apply to GIULIO STRINA, CONSULATE CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. 2562 SOUTH WALES STEAM DYING COM- PANY. SILK, CLOTH, AND FURNITURE DYERS, CLEANERS, &c., 99, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWTORT. SILK DRESSES PRINTED TO IMITATE BROCADING. G. MAYBERY, MANAGER. 1913 THE SOUTH WALES INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, 2, PEARSON PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF INDIA-RUBBER GOODS, Suitable for Mechanical, Agricultural, and Surgical purposes, viz. SHEET RUBBER, from one-sixteenth of an inch and upwards. INSERTION SHEETS, (Canvas and Rubber), for Steam Joints. VALVES, for Marine and Stationary Engines, Pumps, &c. WASHERS, all Sines. HOSE, Suction and Delivery, all Sizes. A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF STRETCHED LEATHER DRIVING STRAPS, Of Superior Make and Pure Bark Tannage. DOUBLE STRAPS, ALL SIZES, MADE TO ORDER. (For Prices send for Printed List.) PUMP BUTTS, English Bark Tanned. STRAP BUTTS, English Bark Tanned RIGGING HIDES. COPPER-RIVETTED LEATHER DELIVERY HOSE. WATERPROOF CLOTHING, in great Variety. HORSE LOIN COVERS. CART AND WAGGON COVERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PATENT AMERICAN SELF-LUBRICATING SOAPSTONE PACKING, For Piston Rods, Stuffing Boxes, &c., as universally used in the United States Navy, (The only Packing that will Stand Superheated Steam), Roofing and Boiler Felts, &c. NOTE THE ADDRESS SOUTH WALES INDIA-RUBBER COMPANY, 2, PEARSON-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. 2604 "B RITISH WORKMAN" PUBLIC HOUSES. No. 1.—Millicent-street, corner of Mary Ann-street. 2.—85, Bute-street, near the Pier-head. 3.—1, Mauglian-terrace, corner of John-street, Penarth. 4.—13, 14, and 15, Custom House-street, opposite the Custom- house Shipping-office. „ 5.—1, Llandaff Road, opposite the Market House, Canton. 6.—31, Clifton-street, Splott. 7.—Llandaff Station. S.—Opposite the National School, Llandaff. A public-house without strong drink, Where vou may sit, talk, read, and think, Then'safely home return." Rooms to let for Benefit Societies, Committees, or other Meetings Refreshments at Moderate Charges. Beds, (kl. per night, or 3s per week Regular Lodgers at Canton Is (kl. per week, and a Penarth, 2s. One or two pleasantly-situated rooms to let at Canton to a single man, furnished or unfurnished, on very mode rate terms; also a stable. Visitors to Feuartli will find every accommodation in No. 3 Apartments, larye Slwp, Celier.->, Coach-house anc Stable to let there. A good opening for a Butcher or Ship Chandler. Subscriptions for furnishing are very much needed. Will no one help? Shall these houses that are calculated to do so much good be allowed to struggle cn in debt?-J. COKY, Treasiirer G. SMART, Hon Sec °" 1126 justness Addresses. jy JOT HAM & SON, 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Have now received the whole of,theirfextensive WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHING. The following are a! few of their specialities OVERCOATS, YACHTING JACKETS, PILOT COATS, TROUSERS, TROUSERS AND VESTS (TO MATCH), SEALSKIN VESTS, HATS AND CAPS, HOSIERY, &c., &c., AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CLOTHING. 1920 Do R I C H A P. D S, HATTER, HOSIER, GLOVER, &c., 13, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 1816. All who can appreciate STYLE AND QUALITY, And are desirous of GETTING BEST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, Are invited te make their PURCHASES AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT. 190 JOHN WILLIAMS, HAY, CORN, AND MEAL MERCHANT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CUSTOM HOUSE WAREHOUSES (Close to the Custom House,) CARDIFF. 24 CARDIFF, 24 & 25, DUKE STREET. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! DISPOSING OF BUSINESS AND LEAVING CARDIFF. ELLS AND NEAL Are OFFERING the whole of their STOCK at such prices as must effect a Speedy Clearance. FOR CASH ONLY. 931 D U K EST R E E T, CARDIFF, April 24th, 1872. MADAM, Having arranged for Disposing of our Business, we shall offer immediately for Cash the whole of our STOCK, at such prices that must be advantageous to purchasers. We are, Madam, Yoursirespectfully, ELLS & NEAL. The Dress Department is especially worthy of attention, comprising Glac6 Alpacas, Mohairs, Tasso Cloths, Fancy Japanese Silks, Piques, Prints, &c., of the latest style. 932 CLEARANCE SALE OF JOHN WILLIAMS' EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, PREVIOUS TO REMOVAL to the Premises (in course of ] completion) SMITH STREET, from 27 and 2 8, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSES, 2 and 3, NORTH-ROAD, and WHARF-ROAD, BUTE-STREET. Special quotations per post. 2572 No POWELL & CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 138!, BUTE ROAD, CARDIFF. CLARET AND OTHER FRENCH WINES of good qualities. FINE OLD SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES. LONDON GIN AND JAMAICA RUM. BASS'S AND ALLSOPP'S PALE ALES AND GUINNESS'S EXTRA STOUT, in Fine Condition, in Wood or Bottle. 2601 TO ADVERTISERS. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, TEA MEETINGS, CHORAL GATHERINGS, BAZAARS, EISTEDDFODAU, &c. WITH a view to meet a want very generallj 1 felt, advertisements announcing forthcoming ANNIVER- SARY SERVICES, TEA MEETINGS, CHORAL GATHERINGS EISTEDDFODAU, BAZAARS, kze., and not exceeding ONE INCH (TWELVE LINES) in depth will be published in this Journal at the following tariff:- ONE INSERTION HALF-A-CROWN. THREE INSERTIONS FIVE SHILLINGS. FREDERICK WARE, (Late WARS AND SONS), TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTURY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 107 D LEW IS, CABINET MAKER • AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING, LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture. N.B.-An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 BULBS! BULBS!! BULBS! WILLIAM TRESEDER has just received, direct from the best growers in Holland, a CHOICE, WELL-HARVESTED SELEC- TION of the above, which arc extremely tine and cheap, consisting of Hyacinths named Ditto, for Bedding; Tulips, named Ditto, mixed; Crocuses, named; ditto, mixed; Double Narcissus, Polyanthus, Narcissus, Ranunculus, named Anemonies, Double and Single Liliums, to name, &c., &c., &c. A choice Assortment of specimen Coniferae, Fruit Trees, Roses, • Shrubs, and Forest Trees. Catalogues on application, post paid. THE UNION-ROAD NURSERIES, CARDIFF. 2597 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PAKMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD i- FOR HORSES AND CATTLE.. ONCE rSKD ALWAYS USED. The cost is less than one halfpenny per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have failed for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save 20 per cent. in the cost oi feeding. Sule Manufacturers'and Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale or retail), also applications for Agencies to be sent to MR. T H O M A 8 WEBBER, 32, ROYAL I ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS O.N APPLICA TIO S00 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 321., to iy part of South Wales. A sample bar: of lllbs. for us. prepaid. 242i 1 business JUdresses. HOWELL & C:O., WILL SELL ONI SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEE] 21, 1372 AND FOLLOWING DAYS, EVERY LINE THEY HAVE LEFT OF S U pi M E R S T O » C K ALSO, SEVERAL VERY IMPORTANT PAHCEl. OF autumn GOODS, BOUGHT FOR CASH. AN EARLY C AL L WILL OBLIGE 13 & 14, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. THE NEW TEA SHOP, 12, BUTE STREET, The ABOVE HOUSE being SPECIALLY ARKAN0L3 AXD FITTED FOR THE TEA TRADE Offers EVERY ADVANTAGE to all who desire- PURE, STRONG, AND DELICIOUS TEAS. Your Patronage and Support respectfully suhieci; as P, and QUALITY will bear favourable comparison will; any houj.' in the Trade. NOTE THE ADDRESS! THE NEW TEA S H O P 12, BUTE STREET, CARDIFF. J. ISAAC, Pr.OPfl.rPTC'. K.B.-Special Advantages offered to Publit Institutions .1 Small Shopkeepers. 2^4 „• BOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS! Cheapest, Best, and in greatest variety at OSBORNE-S, OSBORNE HOUSE. DUKE-STREET. CARDIFF. :l -+-. S T E A M SAW MILLS. J. HOWELLS, TIMBER MERCHAS T. PITWOOD, SLEEPERS, AND -,VREELNV TTZTVT, ALWAYS IN STOCK. YARD—WEST BUTE DOCK. CARDIFF. o. AUTUMN AND WINTER CLOTHING. THE STAR CLOTHING COMPANY POST OFFICE BUILDINGS, CHURCH-ST. Encouraged by the great success attained since we evened ~.r 1 above premises, and anticipating alarge dema:V. fwi our WIN'i F «' CLOTHING, we respectfully intimate we have ugbi very lkrs-.ly and most advantageously, and will be found j, strength ofmaV/. quality ol material, style, and price, unsurpassed. OVERCOATS, REEFERS, & MONK BY JACKET.-V Boy's, Youth's, and Gent's in g'-eat variety, at astonishing iow priei.-s. COA i. TROUSERS, and VESTS STOCK is fashionable and var- j, at pricesless than usually charged for sam. class of LITTLE BOYS' DEPARTME-NT-Spec;,i aU- ution. VULCANISED MACINTOSH COATS AND L\ VERNESS CAFF. OVERALLS AND LEGGINGS-A gre;it as.ortment. HATS, CAPS, HOSIERY, I MBREi-LAS, if. Just added, BESPOKE DEPARTMENT, with SLock oi WodL: Goods suitable for the present S.JI!. 2464 BOYLE & CO., PUOFBIETO^. BO OTS! BOO T S BOOTS! FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER. VISIT BOYLE & CO., CHURCH STREET AND 13, BCTE-STREET LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST F.\KHI0NABLE STOCK IN WALES. Gents' Shooting Boots LadyIPoi- Oiump „ Walking ditto Walking ditto Riding ditto Dress ditto Whir- arm Col'uirf Clump Sole ditto Fair shorn: S S.ippr: Boys' in great variety Girls' in every styJe. SEAMEN'S BOOT SLIPPERS OF EVERY DESCRiPTJ1 N. OVERSHOES! OVERSHOES! dVERSHOES! An immense Stock, Fell and all sorts of Warm Boots f,t- Wimer, L EG G I -N G S' LEGGINGS!! il In every style. Splendid variei v. European WINE C; < P A N Y. No. 122, PALL MALL, LONDO-V .vv\. Established 1 :(5. SOLE AGEST TOR CARDIFF SEPTIMUS FLETCHER. GROCER AND WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. 2o, ST. MARY STREET, CARliltT. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY (The Standard of Excellence). 27s. I" r Dozen. SPLENDID OLD POUT, 37s. per Dozen (Eleven Years in tl. \<<oc). SHERRY. Dinner Sherry ISs. to 24s. Very Fine S-i.-rry 42s. to Superior ditto 80s. to 36s. I ine Golden -4s. t<> i3: PORT. Old Port 24s. to 30s. Very Old Crasted 42. to Old ditto 3;s. to 42s. Very Dry Old ûb, l 7t CLARET. Vin Ordinaire 12s. to 15s. j St. Julien C4g. Medoc ISs. St. Estephe Otis. CHAMPAGNE. Epernay 31s. Ay Mousseu v CTs. Verzenay 33s. Chansarels (1st piality) 4ts. Beaujolais (the finest im- [Spanish Po !><?. ported) 20s. Prussian SLf. 1C»S SPIRITS. (Of the Finest (Quality only.: Per b-zt' Per Cognac Brandy 3 42 0 Ditto (5 years old) 4 v 48 G Ditto (16 years old) 4 54 C Colonial Brandy 2 26 0 Schiedam Hollands 2 2D 0 Lo.idon Gin 2 0 24 f) Finest ditto 2 .< 21' Old Jamaica Rum 2 o 4 • Old Scotch Whisky 2 1 2f ■ t» Old Irish Whisky 2 1 Books of Prices containing upwards of :1) descriptions o: Wines and Spirits, forwarded free, on apphcjtiou to Uie Com- pany's Agents, and by whom the Wines snd :i,:t" ar" t'.lPI from a single bottle and upwards. E" UROPE A N WINE C < > M P A N Y; No. 122, PALL MALL, LONDON. vV.. AGENT FOR MOUNTAIN ASH, ABEL JAMES, CHEMIST, &c., AND WINE &: SPIRIT MERCHANT, 69, OXFORD-STREET, MOUNTAIN ASH. EUROPEAN WINE COMPANY, No. 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W AGENT FOR ABERDARE, T. W EVANS, CHEMIST, &c., AND WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 14, COMMERCIAL-STREET, ABEi'.DARF.. EUROPEAN WINE company. No. 112, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. AGENT FOR BRIDGEND. HIBBERT AND DAVIES, GROCERS AND WINE AND SPIRIT MKRCHANTS, Where a large assortment of the various W.! 1 • snd >piv J be kept on Stock, and all orders punctually at t.i :S EVTGRIFFITHJOHN, thjTMI SSI ON APwYT Thousands of the friends of Mr. and M.-s. JOHN will be to secure some memento of them now thattt.. r ure about 1"a\ for China. The best PHOTOGRAPHS which Mr. and Mrs>. J ohn ll.e ever had, were taken by HOWELL BROS.. O-ann&rttjen aid Llanelly. Of his own Mr. John says "They are t the best I ever had of myself;" and of Mi-" John's lie t by far the best ever taken of her." One of either sent on receipt of 13 stamps, or the two lor stamps, to anv address, by HOWELL BROTHERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, CARMARTHEN. :!9& PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO. S INDIAN STARCH. Trade Mark—Ax ELEPHANT PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH for F¡,;r.. JL and Beauty of Colour. P- ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH foi La« Muslins, &c., &c. ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH wU: r. JL adhere to the iron. P" ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN ST ARCH v. tll rt its stiffness in the dampest weather. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO. S INDIAN STAKCIi ii bigiJj recommended to Laundresses. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. Tl\ increased demand i3 proof of its txeellei PARSON, FLETCHER in CO.'S INDIAN ST 'ARCH is pact-: .-v J, a»id lib. ffackets, also in boxes, and r. papers. WORKS—GRAVEL-LANE, SOUTHWARD. LONDON w MAY BK HAD EYKRYWHRR*