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^"fobeign intelligence. _.._...__._--_-

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HOUSE OF COMMONS.—TUESDAY. The Speaker took the chair shortly after two o'clock THE NEW MEMBER FOR ABERDEEN. Mr. Leith, introduced by Mr. D. Robertson and Mr. I; 0,.ilvy, took the oaths and his aeat for Aberdeen in the ,room of Colonel Sykos, deceased. PUBLIC PROSECUTORS' BILL. j Mr. STRAIGHT gave notice that on 8th inst he .should ask whether the Government would give a morn- ins; sitting for the Public Prosecutors' Bill, or if not whether they would take it up as the Government measure next session. THE CONDUCT OF JUSTICE KEOGH. MR. MITCHELL HENRY gave notice that he should ask the hon member for Trafee (the O'Donoghue) to-morrow whether, as the House had arrived at a general understanding that the conduct of Judge Keoh should not be considered until the evidence had been laid before it, he would not postpone his moticn for to-morrow night until the opinion of the House had been taken on the motion of the hon and learned member for Limerick (Mr. Butt), who raised the question in the only constitutional way by moving an address to the "Crown for the removal of the judge. THE AUTUMN MANOEUVRES. Coionel LIX DA Y asked if one volunteer might be relieved by a comrade during the autumn manoeuvres at the end of the first period. Mr. CARD WELL said that it would now be inex- pedient to interfere with the regulations which the Commander-in-Chief had laid down after the representa- tions which he had received from commanding officers THE MINES' REGULATION BILL. The House then weut into committee on the Mines' (Coal) Regulation Bill. Clauses 40 and 41, which relate to the appointment ind qualification of inspectors were agreed to On Clause .12, which defines the powers and duties of inspectors,. a conversation arose, in which the necessity of k more efficient aj\d siriugent system of inspecting was jtrougiy urged .u'ppn the Home Secretary, who, in reply, insured the House that every possible precaution should be ;aken, but warned the House that it was not desirable that ihe responsibility, by a too stun gent system, should be prac- ically transferred to the inspectors from those who were lirectly engaged ia the management of the mines. Clause 4J, which relates to notice of damages in mines, :nd Clause -11, which relates to the keeping of plans of he workings of .mines were agreed to. On Clause 4-5, provider for annual and special eports from the inspectors in case of accidents, Mr. S. HIL^ iu ,j.; ;v.should not ba irinccd pending, an action tstill gofcig on ttgamst the owner f that mine. I Mr. BOUYERIE said in that case a report might oftt n aiot be foi- several years J Mr. BRUCE said this, was an instance of tneeffectof the J conferences between tbe miners, and their employers, in which both parties made 'concessions, whilst the interacts of the third parties and the public especially, hi the matter of the protection of children were not sufficiently consulted. He therefore deprecated too much importance eiag attrched to the resolution as arrived at by the con- ftrciice. After some discussion, the amendment was withdrawn, and one in a modified form moved by Mr. Samuelson. The clause was agreed to, as also was Clause 46, which lays down the conditions under which arbitrations are to be held. t On Clause 47, which relates to the inquests 'on fatal accidents, Mr. S. HILL moved an amendment giving the power ef cross-examining witnesses to the owner, agent, manager, and representative of the sufferers, Mr. BRUCE objected, alleging that it would alter the whole law with respect to coroners' inquests. Mr. HARDY concurred, and observed that it would be better to leave'the law as it now stood. After some discussion the amendment was negatived by a majority of 140 to 12(5. The clause was agreed to. On Clause 46, which lays down the regulations for ven- tilation, inspection and withdrawal in case of danger. Mr. ELLIOT moved to insert in the provision that tbe workings shall be in a fit state, the words "under ordi- nary circumstances." Mr. FOTHERGILL supported the amendment, pro- testing against the principle of regarding the owners of coal mines as common enemies, and rendering them cri- minally responsible for accidents which, in spite of their most careful precautions, would be beyond control, or caused by the neglect or carelessness of others Mr. BROWN hoped the Home Secretary would resist the amen,lttient. Mr BRUCE said that in consequence of the numerous accidents, a select committee was some years ago appointed to consider the system of inspection, etc. It was a com- mittee of great authority, and whilst admitting that some accidents could not be guarded against, unanimously re- commended the omission of the very words which it was now proposed to insert If the master showed that he had taken reasonable precautions, lie could not be liable and there could be no difficulty in showing that. The country expected the House to give some substantial se- curity against accidents, and lie strongly appealed to it not to disappoint that just expectation. Mr. LIDDELL and Mr. H. VIVIAN supported the amendment. Mr. SAMUELSON said that the amendment went too far, but without some safeguard owners would be ex- posed to an unfair risk. He suggested the insertion of the words, Except in case." Mr NEWDEGATE supported the amendment. The ATTORNEY-GENERAL complained that the whole of the Clause had not been considered. Taken as a whole it provided ample protection for the owners. Mr. S. HILL supported the amendment, which was opposed by Dr. Playfair. Lord ELCIIO challenged the Heme Secretary to prove that public interests were betrayed by an unholy alliance of masters and miners. At a previous conference the words agreed to were, Except under circumstances that could not be reasonably anticipated." J^?A-S?v iWa3 /?ady w. a,ccept the clause, but thought it might be safely modified. Mr. CRAUFURD opposed the amendment, which was supported by Mr. ROD EN. Mr. BROGDEN suggested a modification of the amendment. Mr. ELLIOT proposed to substitute the words" Ex- cept as far as practically provided for, considering the special circumstances of the mine." ° Mr. BRUCE would consider, before the renort whether these or what other words could be safelv substituted. J11.1- E.LLI0T1 declined to accede to this. He had officially inspected accidents which happened years a°"o and the causes of which were not yet satisfactorily cleared up. Wha was to be the position of the owners during such a period. An owner having done all in his oower aught not to be made criminally responsible Everv practical authority, inspectors and others, agreed with him that the clause was unfair. 0 Mr. BRUCE set the authority of the select committee against any compromise beiween the masters and the men. The Committee divided on the original amendment which was rejected by a majority of 298 to 200. v, Progress was reported. The sitting was suspended at seven o'clock. THE EVENING SITTING. THE REVENUES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. At the evening sitting, Mr. MI ALL rose to move that an hum ule address be presented to her Majesty, that by means of a royal commissioners full and accurate parti- culars may be procured of the origin, nature, amounte tn thp a"i.propert>7 f,nd revenues apprepriated to the use of „ne Church of England. He had hardly commenced his speech when a motion was made that the House be counted, and during the three minutes that elapsed before the couniing could take place, although the Uppasuiou benches were -almost completely empty, a sunicient number of hon. members entered the rleiuse to defeat tbe object of the motion afld the bpea.cer having announced that there were forty members m the House, Mr. Mi all proceeded with his motion. He began by stating that could he give he command for the disestablIshment of the English Church he should hesitate to do so unless he were by the knowledge that such disestablishment w as the ^^led and determined will of the nation. In order that t.ie mui'l of the nation might he fairly arrived •at upon the subject, the hon. gentleman stated that it would first be necessary that the people should obtain and make themselves acquainted with all the information upon tins subject for which he asked by his present motion. He had restricted his motion to the limits it had assumed, because he felt that a knowledge ot the nature and extent of the property and revenues belonging to the Church was necessary to complete the case on which those who were favourable to the principle of disestablishment desired to act. There was, he said, a notice on the paper for inquiry into the property and revenues of an establishment not within the Church, and it had all the appearance of being a practi- cable joke, inasmuch as it was a parody on his own but talcing it as seriously intended, he regarded it as a mere begging of the question, inasmuch as an inquiry into the income and expenditure of the Wesleyan, Baptist, and Independent bodies, was as pertinent to the case which he had in contemplation, as would be an inquiry into the private resources of individuals. He contended with regard to his own motion that the country was not only interested in, but that it had a right to know how a nationol institution was maintained and managed, and that in the long run nothing could be gained by concealment on these points. He warned the House that a refusal on their part to accept this motion would encourage a notion among the people that the great National Religious Institution to which it referred was mainly held together by its vast endowments, and that these endowments constitute the real end of the National Church. With regard to the information he asked for, he admitted that numerous facts were already before t'le public, but he denied that there were a iy means beyond the Clerical Directory, and the so-called clergy lists and calenders, by which, taking for instance the parochial benefices, which were altogether untrustworthy for the purpose, any accurate detailed and satisfactory information was furnished. Revertirg to. the arguments, any such proposal as the alienation of tithes, which they designated as spoliation and confiscation, the hon. gentleman said of course if there was anything in this argument the true state M the case could be made apparent in the enquiry for which he moved, 1 tp, he denied that tithes ought really to be regarded as endowments, and on this point he referred to the immence area of waste land which had been enclosed, under upwards of 3,000 Enclosure Acts, and which was subject to the payment of tithes. He confessed that there might be mueh of truth in the allegetiou, by which he should be met, viz., that this motion might be regarded as a first step towards the disestab- lishment of the Church, but he did not think that this fact should be held to be a sufficient ground for the rejection of his motion, inasmuch as the very widest and fullest disclosure of accurate information could under no circumstances do the slightest injury to tliat which was true and right in itself and as the supporters of the Church of England maintained that this was the case with the Establishment, lie trusted they would not refuse the enouirv for which he asked. Mr. LEATHAM, in seconding the motion, asserted that the refusal to take it would argue a want of faith on the part of_ the friends of the Church Establishment in the efficiency aud good management of the State Church. The hon. gentleman directed the major portion of his remarks to the capitular system, with a view of showing that the management of the capitular estate was wasteful, that the exercise of cathedral patronage was more or less impure, and that the information received from cathedral bodies was more or less studiously inade- quate. He insisted that if the Church were to retain its present position of supremacy and ascendancy, she must be prepared fearlessly and readily to meet all such inquiries as that which was now being asked for, and that if before the law of the country one form of religions belief was to be exalted above the rest, and thus main- tained in perpetuity, the Church must prove that scandals such LS he had called attention to, were only the result of accident, and were capable of being remedied, instead of being, as" lie asserted, the inevitable offspring of the Church system. Mr. T. HUGHES moved as an amendment to Mr. Miall's motion that the words the use of the Church of England," be omitted, and that the following words be inserted in lieu thereof: Any ecclesiastical purposes, and that such Commission may be instructed to consider what re-arrangements in the system of parochial bene- fices may be needed—first, better adjustment of parishes and incomes in the Church of England, and what amend- ments may be made in the laws relating to the patronage of benefices." The hon. gentleman stated that the object with which he bad moved this instruction was, that if the Commission asked for by the motion should be appointed, the Commisioners should direct their enquiry towards the reform, and not towards the disestablishment of the Church, which he contended was the real issue involved in the question before the House. He entered at great length into a defence of the Chusch system, which he ar- gued was adequate to the purpose for which it was designed, and which furnished the only means by which every person in the kingdom could, if he thought fit, be instructed in the religion of the country # Mr. WELB\ seconded the amendment. He did not see why the information demanded by the motion before the House should not be given, nor, within the limits necessary for guarding the rights of property and the maintenance of the position at present held by tlie Church, did he see any reason for refusing to adopt such measures as would tend to just and needful reform in those mattprs wherein reform was urgently demanded. Mr. ILLINGWORTH spoke in support of the motion, denying that its object was to destroy the Church, which, lie said, the Dissenters did not desire, and arguing that it was only intended to deprive that establishment of its position of pre-eminence. Several other members' having spoken, the House c.ivided at ten minutes to 1 o'clock. 1' or Mr. Miall's motion 94 Against 295 Majority. 201 'The motion was therefore lost. The House adjourned fit 1 5S a.m.



rn ^ ^ ABERDARE.


; '.. SWANSEA.....













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